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Tour de France (2.UWT)
Stage 18
Gap - Barcelonnette
179.5 km


GC after stage 17:

Live stats:

Eurosport / Discovery+ / France TV / RTBF / RTVE / Rai / NOS / iTV
12:45 CET

Previous thread:
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Current and upcoming races:
29.06 - 21.07 Tour de France 2.UWT
17.07 - 21.07 Baloise Ladies Tour 2.1 WE
21.07 La Picto - Charentaise 1.1 WE
22.07 - 26.07 Ethias-Tour de Wallonie 2.Pro
23.07 Vuelta a Castilla y Leon 1.1
24.07 - 04.08 Volta a Portugal em Bicicleta 2.1
25.07 Prueba Villafranca - Ordiziako Klasika 1.1
27.07 Olympic Games ME - ITT [Olympics]
27.07 Olympic Games WE - ITT [Olympics]
30.07 Kreiz Breizh Elites Féminin 1.1 WE
02.08 - 04.08 Tour de Berlin Féminin 2.1 WE
03.08 Olympic Games ME - Road Race [Olympics]
04.08 Olympic Games WE - Road Race [Olympics]
04.08 - 07.08 Arctic Race of Norway 2.Pro
05.08 - 09.08 Vuelta a Burgos 2.Pro
10.08 Donostia San Sebastian Klasikoa 1.UWT
12.08 - 18.08 Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift 2.WWT
12.08 - 18.08 Tour de Pologne 2.UWT
13.08 - 16.08 Tour du Limousin-Périgord - Nouvelle Aquitaine 2.1
14.08 - 18.08 PostNord Tour of Denmark 2.Pro
15.08 Grote Prijs Yvonne Reynders 1.1 WE
15.08 Tour of Leuven - Memorial Jef Scherens 1.1
17.08 - 08.09 La Vuelta Ciclista a España 2.UWT
18.08 - 24.08 Tour de l'Avenir 2.Ncup
20.08 - 23.08 Tour Poitou - Charentes en Nouvelle Aquitaine 2.1
21.08 - 25.08 Lidl Deutschland Tour 2.Pro

>Mecha-Rusbert's webm folders:

>Bert van Koers' ciclismo quizzes:

>Races info:

>Free streams:

>Velodrama league code:
first for roglič
second for another second place for wout
My king
remco will get 2nd place on podium
>Jonas vs Roglic Vuelta round 2 for the pity GT win
yea im thinking kino
But jonas is not goin, we're going to get ayuso vs roglic
my favorite wheelrunner is the elite grimper SEPP kuss
who will win the klasikloaka? memco must be cooked after the tour and I don't know what the priorities are of the riders that go to Paris.
jonas is going
its just more smoke and visma lies
Someone that didn't do the tour or crashed early and is not doing the olympics

If pogi is not going they don't need to lie, he's winning it with 5 minutes anyway
So when will WADA raid Pogachuds life following the Mou leaks which are now officially given credence?
>Zijn sprong leverde Evenepoel aan de streep enkele seconden winst op. "Misschien had ik iets agressiever moeten springen", bedacht hij na afloop. "Maar het is nog allemaal nieuw voor mij. Ik durf nog niet echt all-in te gaan op een aankomst van 4 kilometer bergop

What the fuck is Remco talking about? He's unfamiliar with mountain top finishes?
if ayuso kwaks this vuelta, is there still a chance for his redemption?
was he the guy laughing at that terrible basque crash btw? karma is a female dog
Grug is too smart, he'll try a bit of training today but won't go all out , he's peaking for Paris

The winner will be Mohoric
>was he the guy laughing at that terrible basque crash btw

He was just happy to be alive
None of these climbs are too hard that he couldn't follow mohoric
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you berts really think that autism king Jonas didnt plan around when he was going to have a kid?
Tomorrow stage is going to be a galactic disappointment with peloton giving breakaway (Juul-Jensen, Gibbons, Haig, Bissegger, Beullens, Rex, Turgis and Romo) 25 minutes.
Dopacar will do a meme attack but Dopengaard will have hjaelpers catch him.

I am going hiking instead.
I would give up all my watts for an cyclismo son
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Had a shitty headache all day but it went away after a good sweaty wank.
your dink start working again berndt ?
I think as long as you ride hard and do your best, all will be fine
will vaughters still shit on caRATpaz on netflix?
probably, they still massively overpaid for him
I wonder if they signed him hoping he could still go for GC.
No way you pay so much for just a stage hunter.
they will be issuing an international warrant for bald fraud inigo san millan
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Gott straffe meinkeys, from le fight hard to defend place ~8-12, now its about place 22. What a fucking joke
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why are you laughing. that's 90 instead of 80 UCI points.
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Rampas on a mtb
>Armstrong podcast calling a Pogis attack a mistake because it's going to attract squeaking
Buying need stuff for me bike, anybody wants anything?

Last year I bought sintered breaking pads, but I think I will buy regular ones this time, I didn't really notice that much of a difference, but are much louder (that's a positive)
This is the most finest, silkiest, pret-a-rouler asphalt for Brtek and Belgebers, on their best bikes, on their freshest gums, in their shiniest clothes.
one official tour de france femmes avec zwift bidon. only in used condition in the actual race please.
another half kilo of paraffin for me please dear Brtek
just have it sent to the summer house, I'll pick it up next visit
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Yes well, these are the sort of roads here and our resident Berts are wondering why am I not bombing them at 80 km/h.
Photo is few years old so obviously the conditions .. progressed
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I always knew Swisbert worked for the UCI
You have a gravel bike bert, just put 32mm on and you'll be fine
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Apparently we live with Belgian ladies (on Tiz) with sum sort of a prologue. Some of them might finish after sunset.
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>actually you can ride thru hellholes just fine on 32 mm
and I don't even have a gr*v*l bike
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I was riding down the Petit Ballon today as part of my holiday and they had multiple signs of "dangerous descent" and "bad road" up, and I just started laughing after 5 minutes because I'm used to the Ardennes where they don't even put up signs for lethal potholes and cracks in the road. It's really all relative
Tom Dumoulin on Tadej Pogacar's attack: “He does this purely to annoy Vingegaard”

“Is it arrogant? It does have a little bit to do with arrogance. That duel between Vingegaard and Pogacar has been going on for three years now and Pogacar can’t stand the fact that he’s been beaten for two years in a row. Now he’s finally the boss again and he finally has his legs to hurt Vingegaard again. He now thinks: now you’ll get it back.”
1. bilbao
2. lennert van eetvelt
3. Vlasov
based pogichud
gotta do this one someday
not an insignificant result
tomorrow is another pogi stage no? short steep climbs
The stages Pogi won are the ones with longer climbs
>clearance up to 35
It's a gravel bike bert
nah the hardest climb is at the start, the others are nothing burgers
it's a grug stage if he still cared about cycling, in his absence it's a cort stage
Everything Pogi stage. It's time to stop mentioning Fishguard. He's defeated badly.
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it's NOT a gravel bike
even the new ultimate has 32 clearance
we are living in the d*sc brakes era grandpa, get with the times
quick rundown?
it’s a wout get kwabbed at sprint a deux stage
exactly, except the world champ will be asleep in the bunch
Do you listen to music while cycling
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Lemmen pls
no but I do also play songs in my head when climbing
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>mfw i’m not done filleting the fish yet
>we rode a little more defensively
>try for an hour to get jorgenson in the break
>send 3 people in the break
>lose all your climbers on the one hard climb
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I am finding myself gradually replacing all my maintenance stuff with Park Tools stuff
based npc song
riders are unironically inhaling copium (carbon monoxide) during their altitude training camps to further improve the effects of the altitude training. apparently the teams and riders don't even make a big thing about hiding it, pogi said he never did it
you should listen to his advice too instead of doing the wrong things like destroying your valves
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i didn't make any mistake, none of that was my fault
nearly always, yes
depending on the type of ride - during z2 scenic gravel route there WILL be sigur ros, for super early morning rides I like to listen to chilly gonzales and for fast ones and during intervals I listen to some WW2 techno mix I found on youtube a few years ago. goes pretty hard
Lmao they are coping so hard. They sacrificed and burned the whole team today protecting Fishcunt from another minute crack.
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>Oh wow you bought us tickets to go to Barcelona? I've always dreamt of seeing Catalonia, Camp Nou and The Piccaso Musuem!

>wait why are we boarding an Air France plane?
I used to listen to dnb but that just fucks me up makes me confrontational in traffic now easy jazz always one ear
imagine the humiliation if Remco overtakes vingegaard on isola
evening prologues aren't a good idea
"If this is my bad day then I'm happy"

Jonas Vingegaard was thankful to his teammates and felt he's still improving after stage 17
>"I'm glad I could still be useful to him," said Benoot. "That was also our first intention: to be there to protect Jonas if something like that happened in the final."

>"It's a good thing we were there," Van Aert added, "because Jonas had a few difficult moments, I think. That way we were able to help him."

they knew he would crack, might be full on over
did he forget he lost 1 miunte 2 days ago?
Thankfully he always has his loyal gregarios available.
What's the best country to travel to and do rides?
Anywhere in the alps really.
yeah, not sure what vaughters wanted, but a top 5 is what el rato realistically can do? maybe a 3rd if he's lucky?
It's impossible to suffer* in the following countries as a cyclist:

*you might suffer cagie incident in some
I want to do Mauna Kea but getting a bike to Hawaii seems like a pain in the ass
I prefered spain to the alps to be honest
don't they have some good rampas in America mainland?
there's a burgerbert that posts some stunning views every now and then
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dont even say this in jest
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why? Denmark was my favorite country to ride in. Really nice cycling lanes. Granted, I was there during the summer.
Yes almost always. On a really long climb where you are pushing a steady pace I might switch it out for a podcast or audio book or something
Pikes Peak, Mt Evans, Mt Washington, etc... There's some insane burger rampas. Problem with the Colorado ones is riding a bike over like 9k ft elevation feels terrible.
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>it's a grug stage if he still cared about cycling
nope, only shit cyclismo here, don't come
plus we're full
New best ever 60s power despite only doing 50s reps today. 600w, repeatablity is attrocious. Subsequent efforts were around 550w which is just pathetic, 650w for first 50s effort.
I think I need to get back into squatting, it's okay at this point in training but if I can get that up to 700w for the minute within the next few months it'll be better. I find anaerobic efforts can be hard to regain but FTP based efforts are very easy to regain after no training.
Might do 25s for a few weeks instead to work on anaerobic system, 50's feels a bit too much in terms of having to repeat 6-10 in a session at the moment. I guess that's just fitness.
they’re easy to rent
Mt Evans is pretty easy, I don't think it goes above 4% the whole way up. Pikes Peak is brutal. The elevation above 4000m will make you genuinely sick if you are not used to it, but if you stay for a few weeks living in the front range at like 1600m you get used to it quick. I did them a couple years ago, I kind of want to go back now, truly stunning climbs. Rocky Mountain park is also great, as is Independence Pass near Aspen. The latter in October with all of the trees showing their colors and the first fresh snows of the season is one of my most memorable rides ever
>No watt meter
>No heart monitor
>No bike computer
>No Apple watch
>No Garmin autism watch
>No phone
>No Strava
>No route planning
just bike
her name is penis tihi
>take a wrong turn and get put in some hillbillies basement
I'll take the GPS atleast
>no bike
>In the descent Vingegaard joined Pogacar and Evenepoel again, but on the final climb to Superdévoluy the latter went again. At that moment, Pogacar continued to wait in Vingegaard's wheel. “I actually expected Tadej to close it, but fortunately I had teammates with me. I have to thank them very much today.”

lol what, is he losing IQ alongside his watts?
no wonder they need some dude's in a van to tell him what to do
fishboy aint surviving tomorrow
>using pedals
who is the favorittest?
now even memco has smelt the blood, he will lose his 2nd for sure
Spain is truely the goat when it comes to bikepacking and the infrastructure for it, it’s just very desolate
I've heard that Facom are not what they used to be anymore.
Absolutely based. I do that from time to time but it really is the best way to enjoy ciclismo
>No saddle
literally me
i do have the cheapest speed meter from lidl though

>No glasses
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>no water
>no food
>no saddlebag
>no clothes
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flower of belgium wins
she's dutch
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i got a PR today on a 5 min climb
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forgot your phone upstairs?
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shut up asshole

how sad it is to tell to /cyc/ about your "accomplishments", embarrassed for my countryman
>Tadej Pogacar: "I honestly don't know why I attacked today"
HOLY Based
poast WATTS or fuck OFF
pls don't be rude. it's just banter
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Will be doing the same, I have most of what I need and it is "fine" chinesium but would like to get the proper stuff, even if it is a bit overpriced.
Together with all the funky things
like Park Tool TM-1 Spoke Tension Meter.

based, translation:
>"fishboy is so bad that i just can't stop myself from attacking"
i dont understand why the peacock crew are so obsessed with this guy. they talk about him constantly
on his pod? im about to listen to it now
Watch this starting at 25 minutes. Is Lance squeaking?
Fuck yeah bertbro turn that 5 minuter into a 3 minuter
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Le Race
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Is Remco trustable?
sounds like an alcoholic
sounds more like he's jealous because people didn't like it when he did it but they do when pogacar does it
i never listen to anything, i hate the feeling of not having my ears open even if there's rarely anything i need to be aware of, its almost like im off balance or something.
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>Hefin PRICE
huge respect for squeakers that speak from the grave and gave us books like "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the WATTS of Nations"
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Tick Tock Pogi
KOM is 3:12 at 2045 VAM
I had 1402 VAM but some copium is it was on a 19 lbs grabel bike and 45mm tires
posted by a sane individual for sure
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I miss him bros
Vinjesus died for our sins
I'd say his team are missing him. What the hell are they paying him for? Get back on your fuckin bike
it has a analog feel to it. what was it shot with? or was it edited a little bit?
Would you guys find it impressive if Evenepoel is able to beat Vingegaard to 2nd or would we say that if that happens vingegaard kind of doesn't count in the final gc
would actually look kino on him
>@TamauPogi about @mou55981652 : "I have no idea who he is. It's something I've been hearing about for a couple of days and it's getting more and more attention. There are some things in his messages that are true, but the vast majority are wrong. I don't know who this person is or what his intentions are, but I think he just wants to be important on social networks and forums. People are asking me a lot, so maybe together we can find out who he is"
oh no no no they are coming for mou sama
>vast majority is wrong
yeah like pogi being clean lol
perfect was to throw jo*rnos off the urska scent
Jonas is still insanely fit. Only looks weak next to the great Pog doing insane stuff. Incredibly impressive performance from Remco.
fake and gay
pogi planted the guy himself
It's already impressive how he's been riding. Doesn't really change much if Jonas cracks on week 3
would be a good demoralization tactic
that guy who beat you all those times? he wasn't even training properly
remking is doing fine especially considering how much everybody (me) doubted him
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There you go, tinfoil chuds.

Very impressive, if fish had poked gills or not.
Still think Vingo will have enough of a gap before the TT.
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he's comfortably taken the place of 3rd best GT rider this year
and I'm proud of the little seethe master
kek that one's new I've never heard the groupset angle
rounder jockey wheels
ceramic bros finally getting the recognition they deserve
He is 3rd best GC rider since 2022 (when fit) but some people couldn't handle the truth
Vaughters posting Carapaz' numbers from today
/cyc/'s very best have already deduced his identity, however.
If pogi loses this tour some way or another I will kms my self
where is this from?
Ekstra Bladet
Why are his teeth so yellow?
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The rising tempatures due to climate change means that bodies containing heat are lighter. Climate change has done more for cycling than doping ever could.
is pogi the new grug?
>i was bored so i attacked
team colors
The big climb is too early to be a real Pogi stage. The rest of the stage is easy
It's a breakaway shitter stage (and that's a good thing)
I hope UAE drills the first climb to fuck witj visma they should be tired from today
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He's so cute lol
He often looks like a little boy. Than he pounds gigantic watts and destroys everyone on the flats kek
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>lola bunny on meth
le funny man :)
cheers m8
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You now remember Autismbert
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why's he doing that to him
whatever happened there
don't think they have internet in the gobi desert
squeakers are frens, not food
Sounds like that's quite a gradient if the kom is >2k VAM. The sky's the limit
glad he's gone desu
been comfy
He followed Muad'dib to the desert
He might also return as the Preacher
But probably not
Camels and INTERESTING stuff. On that desert.
Must be a blast, especially when you can't do anything about the heat, even if it is dry.
whos that? doesnt everyone have tism here?
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Stage 18 OFFICIAL /bet/

>Aert 6
>Poel 7.5
>Cort 11
>Healy 15
>Matthews 23
>Aranburu 23
>Lazkano 23
>Stuyven 23
>Mohoric 23
>Holland 26
>Kwiatkowski 29
>Williams 34
>Pogacar 41
>Gregoire 41
>Laporte 41
>Lapeira 41
>costa 51
>Carapaz 67
>Campenaerts 67
>Evenepoel 67
>Skujins 67
>Kung 67
>Sombrero 67
>Bardet 101
>Vingegaard 151

Half of these runners are not even in the race anymore
This is bottom-of-the-barrel rag btw. Like a British tabloid
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9" MTB Chad here, why is the TdF or road races popular?
>"banter" is not fun
>consist of watching guys just pedal
>dope yourself + low oxygen training = win
>cyclist throw sissy fits for
Is it just because it has better access for coverage by the qui media? Even doin it and the cyclist looks mediocre while doing it. No muuh scenics excuse as riders are just zoned out following the peloton like a flock of birds without any foresight. Are commentators just so good at talking shit about whatever? Is it just popular because most people live in flat places and the highest they've ever been is 1000ft above sea level so long distance cycling is a thing?
mohoric was never in the race even
neither was lapeira, he just made a cameo for the 14th
? lmao? he is overcooked
tldr but here's an idea: go fuck yourself, you french faggot
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>vingegod in shambles
>a DISTINCT lack of danish posters
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guarantee you wouldn’t last a minute in a peloton
Why does it matter herd?
Imo fishboy deserves huge probs for fighting like he does from a clear disadvantage and despite pogi being a based retard and attacking on every little hill he's still only 3 minutes back... The last stages should be good with remaking lurking and maybe being able to play them off against each other.
#remking lurking of course
yes and just to add, the fourth week will be truly spectacular
still waiting for that giro 2023 week 4 myself
Sure he sounds like a broken record but still if he didn't fight like he did this tour would have been one of the lanes ever
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>2 weeks ago
>"my time will come"
2 more extra weeks?
Anyone else noticing how atrocious remkings positioning in the important phases of climbs is?
He seems to always be stuck in when the attack happens
Today he would have easily stayed with pogi if he didn't have to go around so many guys. Happened a few more times in other stages...
If he just manages to improve on that it will be a huuuuge step forwards
mapei probably calculated that le petite seethe saves five watts or something by sitting further back
>ynr Bart Lemmen
my god his plan has been to peak for the Olympics all along
Today he was behind landa who was behind vinge do not really a bad place.
He was behind vinge most of the climb till landismo came up himself for his capo
probably his last shot gold should’ve sone the TT at least
>confusion noises due to a higher being(MTBer) speaking
Give me a year of doping + low oxygen training and I could. Mountain runners could easily mog any roadie, but they are bored by it.

But I genuinely don't get it and I'm looking for enlightment? It's like Nascar compared to WCR but Nascar atleast has the big thunderous engines roaring and drinking. Road racing, TdF etc, the only part I've seen this year is the dude jump over the stick boys during a stage. His mere presence objectively mogged them.
Even the "banter" in this thread is general. I'm sorry but I just don't see it and possibly doesn't even exist.
why do you care if your so superior ?
Which american is this on a VPN
Since he realised he drops Vinge at every attack he does it everytime he can like in PN '23. It must be a nice feeling after 2 years of failure against him
where the mtb thread buddy? I wanted to see this renowned elite banter
Maybe he just prefers to stay a bit further back, eat less wind?
I think it's cool that pogacar acknowledges the guy and says some of the stuff is true. I think that speaks well to the character of pogacar and it seems a pretty genuine response
Berts, remking can take 2nd can't he?
god I hate americans
Remco has never gained significant time on Vingegard on a long hard climb. So unless fishman crashes he will stay second quite comfortably.
Today was a puncheur effort. Next stages are different
the divisions in MTB are so much more extreme than road cycling its weird

XC is literally roadies
Enduro and Downhill are in a different universe...like zero cross pollination and completely different lifestyling
unless Jonas giga cracks from his own form no
So. I know this place loves to tiptoe around this particular issue and I understand why, but let's be real for a second here. What are the odds that at the very least the top three aren't on anything that will get them Lance Armstrong'd in a few years?

Brother half of these threads are nothing but squeaking about dopage.
This might be the dumbest post I've ever read here
Everyone knew Lance was doping. Everyone knew what he was taking. It was not rumours or squeakers it was well known. You hear nothing about the guys today other than schizo ramblings.
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word on the street is someone might get simpsoned before getting armstronged
>tfw you will never and i mean never get a big fat sniff out of there
I think odds are good they are clean, at the very least they are using things that aren't on the banned list (yet?)

There's been an arms race towards nutrition and recovery for sure, and to me it seems more based in facts than sky's marginal gains program

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