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all ireland hurling final
cork v clare
beings at 3:30 GMT
let's go! fuck clare! all my homies hate county clare!
fuck clare!!!! go CORK
fuck you bitch, i hate cork. i only like clare
mate clare fucking sucks. cork is gonna RAPE clar3
how about i literally fucking rape you and all of your family, dickhead?
lol fuckwit i would literally kill you
you’re chirping now cunt, bet you won’t have such a loud mouth in a few hours
fucking lol at both you spastic. cork and clare both suck arse
Not very nice mate. I’m a Kilkenny fan myself but it’s not very nice to be so rude to both these fellas
sorry lad. just a bit pissed off limerick choked desu. no doubt clare and cork are a bunch of fags though
Do we like Armagh or Galway in the football final lads?
gotta be galway i reckon, but it’s nice to see a few new faces in both finals this year
cool your jets fellas
how do i get into this sport?
It’s a bit like hockey except you can pick it up and it’s more physical. Gaelic football is really good too which obviously is pretty similar to AFL
yeah i remember staying up to watch the international rules when they used to play it. always really liked it
Cork have all the momentum after knocking out Limerick in the semi final.
What is your county mate?
Lived in Dublin for around a year on a working holiday so it’s gotta be them. Plus their football program is genuinely elite. Not really a big fan of hurling though i’ll tune in tonight if i can find a stream
ah righto fair enough. i’m a bane fan so i go for tyrone because of connor mckenna
i would have thought so. fuck these clare spastics itt
You’re kidding yourself peanut
Anyone got any tips for watching the final? I'm new to GAA and want to understand what's going on.
Just enjoy the speed and skill. Hurling is one of the fastest field sports in the world. Look out for the sliotar (the ball) and how players use their hurleys to control and strike it.
less than 3 hours to go lads
i will actually kill you
You're australian. Just sit in front of the telly and you will understand.
name a time and place poof
bell st maccas in 15 minutes champ
*be's smacking your testes with my hurley*
*be's giving you the ultimate falcon with the sliotar*
It's hockey, you hit the ball with the stick, if the ball goes over the bar it's a point and scores 1 if it goes into the goal it's 3 points.
You're not allowed to tackle or hold the ball.
The ball is called a sliotar (pronounced slitter), and a puck out is a free hit.
That's about it you'll figure it out
He was a soldier of /afl/. Honour him.
imagine if the e*glish dealt with ireland the way that pissrael handles palestine
Holy SOVL Clare in the finals
Does Tony Kelly still play?
Are you Bruces even going to be able to stay awake for this it's still a bong and 30 bings. I suppose it's doable
i could if i wasn't drinking
This is off topic but they did try it a couple times only they didn't have modern rockets and shit at the time.
During the war of independence they drove a tank onto Croke Park and killed a bunch of people, so it's sports related. Hill 16 is called that because of that
Clare: Eibhear Quilligan; Adam Hogan, Conor Cleary, Conor Leen; Diarmuid Ryan, John Conlon, David McInerney; David Fitzgerald, Cathal Malone; Tony Kelly, Mark Rodgers, Peter Duggan; Aidan McCarthy, Shane O'Donnell, David Reidy.

Subs: Cian Broderick, Rory Hayes, Paul Flanagan, Cian Galvin, Darragh Lohan, Ryan Taylor, Seadna Morey, Aron Shanagher, Ian Galvin, Shane Meehan, Robin Mounsey.

Cork: Patrick Collins; Niall O'Leary, Eoin Downey, Seán O'Donoghue; Ciarán Joyce, Robert Downey, Mark Coleman; Tim O'Mahony, Darragh Fitzgibbon; Declan Dalton, Shane Barrett, Séamus Harnedy; Patrick Horgan, Alan Connolly, Brian Hayes.

Subs: Brion Saunderson, Damien Cahalane, Ger Millerick, Tommy O'Connell, Luke Meade, Ethan Twomey, Conor Lehane, Jack O'Connor, Shane Kingston, Padraig Power, Robbie O'Flynn
What the fuck, what's wrong with the english honestly.
meth mostly
There's a ton of NEETs in /afl/ so they will
Mate they literally committed a holodomor in Ireland you ignorant wankstain
It's not all of them. London has a GAA club nowadays
i don’t want to talk about it
when you say football do you mean GAA or soccer?
He means gaa
i’ll watch if there’s a stream
good. fuck soccer.
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The closest ball to a sliotar would be a baseball except the sliotar feels more pliable and grippy and has pronounced leather strips rather than stitches like a baseball
any streams going?
meth mostly

how can I watch the final?
with your eyes lol
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I wont make it in time to the stadium
and they blocked the broadcast from some reason in this country
Is it on gaa go? It's also on BBC 2 NI.
no one cares about gaa
i do
oh yeah? name every player iykwim haha
I care about it because clare is in the final
connor mckenna, connor nash, callum brown, zach touhy, mark o’connor, oisin mullin, mark keane, darragh joyce
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enjoy the final everyone
I will just watch the highlights tomorrow on youtube i guess
2 NI blocked in this country aswell unfortunately
based eddie betts

Stream 3
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thanks have a cheeky smooch lad
nooooo go CLARE
Based thread
It's on UK wide BBC2 also
It's on RTÉ 2
GAA bros, who's considered favourite? I've only seen Cork Limerick semi, Cork look on form?
What time is it in Straya?
Clare would be favourites despite Cork knocking out Limerick
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it died on me
>Séamus Harnedy
Harnedy is the boy
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nvm its back
Got nothing against Clare, but my granny is a 93 year old Cork woman. I want her to see them lift the Liam MacCarthy one last time. There might not be another chance. hon the rebels!
who's our next president bros?
NTA but it's 00:25, we're generally 10 hours ahead of the UK, dunno about Ireland, but now we're 9 because the UK's in DST
based keano in the crowd
is there an alternative? I can't get this site to work for me
Cork house
Gemma O'Doherty
We're on the same time as UK, they call it BST we call it IST
give https://dlhd.so/stream/stream-365.php a go, it's RTE 2
yeah weird thing is the website I checked for Dublin time said it was called Irish Standard Time
Your granny's after ringing me she said she never liked Cork hurling and she goes up the banner just like 2013
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i thought it was GMT+0?
Not according to the bookies. Cork are 1 point favourites.
It's +1 because of summer time. GMT and UTC are the same
Ah sure they wouldn't know
Hope Clare win since Cork knocked us out the cunts
banner lads we got too cocky!
iron mans dad is playing for cork
how the fuck do you get the ball off the fella in possession?
Shoulder him to the ground
fuck missed the start by 5 seconds
>>142907674 and >>142906447 keep buffering for me, anyone have an SD one?
the craic will be mental at supermacs after the game haha
keepers need a deck chair or something
first free after 8 minutes
planning on getting one later
Bate him with your stick
Clare BTFO
Not looking good for Clare
As a Corkonian (the real capital) I have something to say:

havent had one in years whats the go to order?
Good goal
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whats he thinking right now?
Same, they closed the one in my town years ago feelsbadman
meth mostly
I feel bad for teams in the past who got fucked over because there wasn't cutting edge Hawkeye technology
>iykwim haha
rte player is bolloxed for me
havent watched hurling in ages, why is the sliotar yellow now?
it's more visible to the eye
meth mostly
meant for
what makes aussis so enamoured of meth
meth mostly
makes sense
Is this like soccer/field hockey mix?
went down for me too I had to switch browser
not sure this has any real world comparisons really
Draws are replayed right?

If another draw, how is a game settled?
Are you drinking anything lads? Got myself a few cans of guinness
vodka mostly
Are you saying that Ireland is not part of the real world?
Drinking tae hi
Got some Tyskiesbin the freezer and a big bag of hunky dorys salt and vinegar
shinty mostly
Draw + extra time today
If still a draw after extra time, then replay, extra time and penalties.
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is there anything to be said for having another match?
Okay, now this is epic.
good choices.
Clare is fucking us!
>rte pirate stream finally works
christ that's a big pitch
Two great goals today
this is ice hockey played on grass
>this is grass hockey
not field hockey, proper hockey
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>All Ireland final without Limerick
Nobody wants to see the same team winning all the time
Unless it's your own team
fuck limerick financial dopers
go mclaren btw iykwim haha
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>no limerick or dublin in the finals
go shamrock rovers btw
are they wearing special helmets?
looks like 80s hockey helmets, one guy is even wearing a cooper
please support our economy
go perth btw
fuck me.
amazing goal
What a final were having
Cam on Clare
those threads should be on /o/ desu. Not sport.
Cork will win by one point.
>this is being shown on BBC2 in England

is this the first time that's happened
quite surprised desu

football final not on next sunday presumably due to the Olympics clash
Typical munster hurling match. No defending, just vibes.
No, they've done it a few times
these guys are really skilled
top players must make quite a bit
they're all teachers, they get summers off
clare clare clare
or work in banks
imagine if we cared about ice skating and were all fat fucks
They're skilled and have good fitness levels. But the best team in the last few years aren't in the final which is Limerick. They're fitness level is at another level, put in the likes of Ronaldo or Tom Brady but 25 of them
I would contend that the best team would of qualified to the final
Lads predict next sunday Armagh or Galway? Anytime I see Kieran McGeeney he gives me bad chill
The old lads who run the gaa make money off the efforts of these young lads. The players themselves get nothing. It's bullshit.
i want armagh to win because i like their colours
So they all have civvy jobs??
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and imagine if a certain group of refugees played ice hockey like they do in the UK
Yes GAA is an amateur sport. Most of them are teachers, principals, 9-5 people pretty much. A lot of them move to Australia for AFL opportunity which is a semi professional iirc

did you see tomas o se throw a tantrum after kerry lost last week lol
>The old lads who run the gaa make money off the efforts of these young lads. The players themselves get nothing. It's bullshit.

no way grown adults would put in this amount of effort for zero financial reward, this must be an irish tall tale
AFL is fully professional if you are signed by one of top league teams
I didn't i heard it was funny. I remember the one Pat Spillane did when he was complaining that Tyrone players werent vaccinated during the pandemic
i think there's a few players here who earn around $1 million, pretty sure most players earn a few hundred thousand
>5 minutes

oy vey
Go talk about that somewhere else not here not now
t. tax haven
90 mins
80 mins
70 mins

very odd
In the old days it would've gone to a replay and we would have won that. The gaa just changed it to cram in as many matches as possible.
Won the last 4 in a row. Just an off day.
to be fair these hurling fellas hardly stop running
Top GAA players are often in professions like PE teacher or gym worker that's typically low effort and tied to their sport.

It's seen as "helping your community" for employers to give them handy jobs and is good for business.

They also get payment in kind from sponsorships (sometimes free cars) and things like speaking fees. It's definitely not all done for nothing.
Lads are we going ET or a replay?
honestly not sure how irish people understand other irish people
just like the danish
>would of
meth mostly
You try playing hurling for more than 10 minutes, lad.
tony kelly is elite
i hate people like him they're a diamond dozen
>iykwim haha
never doubted clare
ah no i want clare to win
Ah here lads... what a game this is..
Absolute carnage out there hi
ah fuck off
pissing away points
What a fucking game lads hope Clare do it
I'm always jealous of the hurling lads.. the games are always free scoring and entertaining and then you have the football which can be one sided and bland depending on the team. I remember a few years back Jim McGuiness and his blanket football it was like watching two snails running and all about results
it's a doggy dog worl

dubs confirm
Who has the better squad, Clare or Cork?
>iykwim haha
hurling is a better sport than football yet football is more popular
>Jaguar is postig again
obviously the lads that win
unless Limerick aren't playing of course
Football needs rule changes, its just endless back and forth passing in front of the defence these days.
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Idk lad, don't follow it normally I'm just here because it's the final
So what's the reason why the GAA refuse to 'professionalise' the two sports?

Tradition or some gay shite like that?
Taylor to shine in extra time
who won?
So lads what do ye like on your chicken fillet roll?
For me it's spicy chicken, coleslaw, lettuce, and cheese
extra time
it would be like soccer with almost every competitive team in dublin and nobody giving a shit about the smaller counties
apparently they're changing the rules next year to double points for scores outside 40m line and black cards for tactical fouls without having to haul the player down. Football kino will return
Theres no revenue to be made in football or hurling. Clubs barely make a profit and require volunteer work. Plus its a limited audience with little tv deals.

Sky sports tried to have GAA a few years ago I didn't think it was particularily good
Plain breaded chicken, tomato or peppers depending on my mood, red onion, lettuce, lots of cheese and mayonnaise
how long's extra time lads?
They have 4 sports, the two you know and also rounders and handball
3 weeks
watch the u20 football

still usually good
Very very disappointing that no MENA aren't represented in racist Gaelic games. Fuck this shit
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A joyous day indeed
They should do more to promote those sports. Too much emphasis on football and hurling
10 minutes a half
mayo lettuce and spicy chicken
sometimes with butter and cheese
It would absolutely ruin the current county based system. Keeping it amateur keeps it pure
Why would you pay people who'll work for free?
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Lads the way to get tickets to the all ireland is bullshit. Why do I have to go my local parish or the county that is playing to grab a ticket honestly. What if im a neutral and just want to see the hurling lads go at it.
meth mostly
meth mostly
can't you see the amount of nogs working as stewards?
Mayo for Sam!

Next year for sure
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please don't talk about scran, you're making me hungry and the local fried chicken joint is closed
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We eating good tonight
They had Ramadan prayers at croke park, surely that should be enough for you.
Go servo you got 5 minutes
>first ever hurling match I've seen
>apparently it's the best game of all time

you're welcome lads
Nice one brah
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Wiah me luck, /cug/bros.
best final since the last time Clare and Cork were in the final
based Ellen
so is your county decided by birth or where you were raised or choice?

If I were born in a Dublin hospital but spent my entire life in Mayo, do I still have to declare for Dublin?
what you gonna spend it on?
Pub Landlords are the winners today
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fucking nice one mate
no i want fried chicken
there's a presumably aussie owned place nearby and it's not too bad
What are you doing these days? You still in Limerick?
decided by where your club is which is usually the local club you grew up playing for
In this case if your parents are Dubs you can choose Dublin or Mayo, if your Ma was just visiting and happened to go into labour you're a Mayo man
Yes, yes you do.
Its based on where you were raised and the local club you play in. Theres been a few exceptions of moving counties such as Seanie Johnson going from Cavan to Kildare and back
Why would you claim Dublin when any tom, dick and Abdul are doing the same
If you grew up in mayo as a gaa player you'd be playing for your local club, and would end up on the inter county team. Even the dubs wouldn't want a turncoat.
Why can't Ulster take this sport seriously? Only antrim kind of does.
meth mostly
If his Dad had played for Dublin and he was shit hot they'd want him to come back
If you grew up in mayo as a gaa fan in any capacity, you lost the lottery of life
There's a hurling belt and there's a football belt and it has something to do with the local topography. Most counties play both, only a few are good at All Ireland level at both, pretty much every county had little pockets of whichever of either they're not as strong as there'll be a few villages where it's dominant
Mayo have won it before. Fermanagh, Carlow, or sligo have never even been in a final in 160 years. Mayo don't have it as bad as they pretend.
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Still in Limerick working from home for big tech

I drifted away from 4chan about 5 or 6 years ago when it became full of zoomers phoneposting so only check in now and again

What are you up to?
We'll win it someday and it'll be the greatest celebration of all
fuck i missed the start of extra time
find it a bit weird RTE doesn't always show the total score
Pat Spillane's son plays for sligo, wasn't good enough for Kerry
Hopefully you're not enforcing/backing the hate crime shite the government are pushing on social media.
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we gaan iykwim haha
Whyd they start getting rid of the Irish language on the backs of the jerseys?
I bet you're a Dub
west brits
Can you /pol/tards stfu and just enjoy the match for one fucking afternoon you annoying CUNTS
i don’t to talk about it
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>Having to watch Galway win it next week
no but steven may
I'd say Trump will be supporting Clare, has a hotel there and everything haha
Clare wins this
Armagh might though
looking forward to the replay
#RefugeesWelcome #Stunning #Brave
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>Lacrosse is going to be a new Olympic Sport in Los Angeles 2028

you think Hurling is similar enough that Ireland could compete?
i take it this isnt the average hurling match? because this has been a great watch as a first time watcher
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meth mostly
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Don't forget offaly man barrack O'Bama. He even has monuments to himself and michelle along with a filling station in his honour in his hometown of Moneygall. I think it's a more sacred ground than the Hill of Tara.
I'm living in the middle of Dublin in a HAP apartment so I pay fuck-all rent. Shit's cash.

I also barely post in here anymore, I pop into /sp/ for a couple of big matches and that's about it. Last time I went onto éire/ was a few years ago and it was (naturally) total shite. I haven't even been refered to as Ellen in years, feels a bit weird. I have no idea what happened to the other guys (Trinity, Roorah, Rooster, Rusty etc.)

And yes this website has gone to complete shit, I haven't seen a funny new meme in a good five fucking years now.
That was a hot Clare chick
>you think Hurling is similar enough that Ireland could compete?

No. Hurling is a man's game, played on a massive pitch at an incredible pace. Lacrosse is for children, played at a slow pace on a small pitch.
Anyone take pic of that Clare wan? Cutie
What a save
i seen her
Hurling pundits and commentators are so fucking annoying

crying about extra time for the last half an hour, when told McCaffrey preferred it, replied what does that matter
Games between the top sides are usually tight like this. You should have watched Limerick the last few years. Skill and fitness levels off the charts.
Tony Kelly on fire
they're all former players as well though
Even in the lower tier it can be good. I watched Monaghan vs I forget who in the Rackard cup (or Meagher) last year and it was the best back in forth hurling I'd seen in a long time.
I'd have loved too mate, this is great fun. They had the gaelic football final on the BBC last year and this has topped that
you only know american field lacrosse?
we made a sport of box lacrosse for people too violent for hockey
Do the protestants in the North care about GAA or do they insist on only watching Linfield games?
>Hawk eye

>people too violent for hockey
aye 30 years ago, to dismiss somebody who's done it recently is typical hurling arrogance
The overwhelming majority are too busy calling it GAA Sinn fein/IRA and moaning about non existent bodies buried in casement Park.
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oh nonnononononono cork bros
we got too corky
they leave bombs in GAA grounds and will block the euros being hosted in Belfast because it would be in a GAA ground
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There won't be a cow milked in Clare tonight
Incredible sport this, well in Irish lads
always good when cork lose :)
How did he put that wide lmaoi gg
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Tune in again in the future
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Rigged, Clare didn’t deserve it we did
>stream buffers just before the final shot on goal
fuck me
Was just saying to a mate of mine that if this were on telly here more I'd absolutely watch it
incredibly low iq post
The beer bottles will he rolling down McLean Avenue in Yonkers tonight, lads
this was the greatest hurling game i ever watched
Cork gonna be seething over some of those calls. Limerick officials Kek
what position do you play m8?
irish roses in shambles
it was on Sky for like 10 years and quite literally nobody watched, at one point there as less than 1,000 viewers for a game
He put it wide kek
I think it was on Sky Sports for 5 or so years but they just recently lost the contract a year or so ago.
It shoulda been a free desu
100% hi
cheers mate
i saw the score just before the goal shot and then it buffered but i thought it hit
Some eyebrows and that McCarthy fella
Up Monaghan
They're all like this.
Sign language doode is as gay af
I didn't have and don't have sky because I don't really into the soccer and there's no way I'm going to pay for sky sports to watch gaa either. I think it was a mistake by the gaa to try that, gaago is better value for the lunatics that want to watch stuff like Louth playing Cavan in the league or whatever
Fuck it, keep the chin up Cork lads. You'll be back again next year.
Looks like a hairdresser who drives a Saab convertible, baby blue
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Can you come back to help us drive the invaders out...
See you in a week for the football thread lads
it was much better coverage than rte, used to watch on the dodgy box
Damn Patrick Horgan looked depressed when Burns said that Cork will be back and winning All Irelands
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I'll be back one day
The Irish Army dress uniform is the best modern day army drip on earth. All its missing is the tunic to be a stand up collar like Mick Collins had.
No wonder. Even F1 on sky doesnt get big numbers
bastards. We should stop watching the premier league as revenge.
Wind it up Tony
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sign language man looks like tim farron
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got the cutie lads
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nice nice, hows post-riot Dublin these days?

Most of the people you mentioned got absorbed into a skype group and stopped posting so no idea. I miss the good times on /éire/ but those seem long gone.
And thanks to anons on 4chan for all of ye're support throughout the season
She's having the best day ever
CWAB (Cork What A Bitch).
>bastards mentioned
We'll be back.

Go well, lads...

Cork were raped in the summer of 24
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I haven't seen one in ages. You'd think summerfags would revive it. I don't want to post in fuckin /brit/ ffs
>hows post-riot Dublin these days?

Fucking dogshit, and I regularly think about emigrating. That Two-Year Lockdown is the single worst thing that happened to Dublin in my lifetime (never took the vaccine btw). Then again, it's actually been decent enough the past few months. The amount of events happenig has picked up a good bit.

>Most of the people you mentioned got absorbed into a skype group

I was in that skype group for about a year and dropped off for a few months. When I signed back in, it was empty. No idea what ended up happening with those guys.

>I miss the good times on /éire/ but those seem long gone.

It was fun, but honestly I wouldn't really want to go back. I've had actual jobs and relationships and shit since then. It couldn't continue like that anyway because the internet is just so much worse now than it used to be, to the point where it's just rediculous.
Wouldn't be able to generate enough revenue. Also keeps it ethnically pure
You have to go back
Dublin was a shithole long before covid, most Dubs couldn't even afford to buy a home in their own city/county
>Also keeps it ethnically pure

The Wexford captain has a Chinese dad.
Where do we go from here bros? I-I'm totally lost.
Honorary Aryan. Same with Sherlock and Ó hAilpín
>Dublin is... LE BAD

The problems that you find in Dublin are the same problems that you will find in any urban area, in Dublin many of them are less pronounced.

The only real alternative is living in the middle of nowhere. I've lived like that before, I fucking hated it. If that's what you prefer, then go ahead.
you have to go back to plebbit and the middle east faggot
Idk why he's holding that trophy he's never won it lol he's shite
I grew up in Dublin. I love Dublin. If I grew up on a farm, and was retarded, Bruges might impress me but I didn't, so it doesn't.
go back to the bush cunt go get raped by paralysis ticks
go back to Dublin cunt go get raped by SAS commandos
>doesn't mention Jason Sherlock

Holy cancelled, batman
Okay. Here's the thing.
If you play, anything, in the GAA and by that I mean also if you merely join a GAA club, you are ethnically Irish.
It's the same with playing trad if you play trad you're Irish
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>Fucking dogshit, and I regularly think about emigrating.
Where would you go?

Events really collapsed around here during those years, people got out of the habit of going to clubs or shows and then cost of living was biting too hard in 2022 to get back into it. The world now feels so different compared to 2019 in general.

>I was in that skype group for about a year and dropped off for a few months. When I signed back in, it was empty. No idea what ended up happening with those guys.

Probably a discord somewhere or just grew apart. I have Roorah on my steam friendlist but haven't talked to him in a long time.

I'm sure Trinity is a prominent member of the national party at this stage, surely.

>the internet is just so much worse now than it used to be

and it can get much worse! At least the AI bots haven't taken over 4chan yet
Btw, I was also the guy who did the >british isles viperposting durig the RWC and I'm the guy who posts his bettig receipts in the Man Utd matches.
if you think Dublin is anything but a shit hole you really need to get out and see more of the world
desu in 2024 where you can work remotely, order everything to your doorstep and virtually every form of entertainment is through the internet I don't see any reason why you wouldn't want to live in the middle of nowhere unless you're a social extrovert.
I wasn't following the RWC threads could imagine the shitposting after we failed in a quarter final again
Dublin is a shithole
not him but I've lived in a flat above a kebab/pizza shop across the road from a supermarket next to a Chinese which did very cheap green tea and 2 minutes walk from a train station, doctor, barber, vidya store, the public library, and a nice park with public use bbqs. I've also lived in a town of 450 ppl with the police and ambulance 30 minutes away, and everyone knows everyone's name so if you go for a walk it's like hello Paddy hello Séamus. One pub, one shop.
Both have their merits it really depends on what you like
>Where would you go?

I was thinking Berlin before the Two-Year Lockdown because of the cheaper Cost of Living but honestly my living stuation is a lot better now than it was at any time since I moved back up to Dublin that I'm hesitant to leave my current living situation (rent pressure zone).

I absolutely HATED the rediculous Lockdown Measures we had to put up with and those two years were so crazy it's hard to believe it ever happened. I re-watched 28 Weeks Later two days ago and I was like "this could easily have been Year Three of The Lockdown".

>The world now feels so different compared to 2019 in general.

Every aspect of life is now completely different, and the retards on places like /r/ireland who thought that everythig would look the same after re-opening were deluded. I'm definitely a different person now (and not for the better).

>I have Roorah on my steam friendlist but haven't talked to him in a long time.

You see, I didn't actually exchange any personal information with any of those guys. I didn't use steam, I didn't even have a fucking smartphone at the time. The only point of contact was that skype chat.

>I'm sure Trinity is a prominent member of the national party at this stage, surely.

I'm sure he's living in Germany living out his dream, whilst being distraught over the Nazi Gold split in the NatCon Party.

I myself actually joined PBP and canvassed for Bríd Smith in the February 2020 General Election (I have since left the Party).

The bots are already here.
who /coolock/ here
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>whilst being distraught over the Nazi Gold split in the NatCon Party

That story was so insane. Imagine the fun if it happened during the /éire/ years
>I re-watched 28 Weeks Later two days ago and I was like "this could easily have been Year Three of The Lockdown".
The movie with the flesheating zombies yeah?
>flesheating zombies
are there any other kind these days?
>order everything to your doorstep

I haven't eaten fast food since 2023. I live within walking distance of four (FOUR) large supermarkets. I have zero interest in paying for delivery fees.

>unless you're a social extrovert.

This is what the STEMlord incels of 4chan and /r/ireland truly believe. I am not an extrovert, but I still like being around people, I like having something to go out to do in the evening after work.

Go "cocoon" youself like it's the Summer Of George if you want to, it's not for me.
Don't you disrespect the Wexford Khaganate.
Well we did have that incident where that Nigerian taxi driver drove through the gates of Trinity in an attempted assasination of the future leader of the NatCon Party.
Cork lost so Biden got mad.
The one with the US military shooting down civilians on the street. You know, like how the Chinee Government had a Three-Year Lockdown where they were welding people inside of their apartments?

The Lockdown Measures kept gettig more authoritarian as time went on, thank god that the Canadian trucker protests put an end to the whole thing.
Dublin is about 20-30% worse since 2020. Still was bad back pre-COVID but there seems to be a "don't fucking care" attitude about it all. Was in the Tesco in Temple bar and this kid managed on multiple occasions to grab the speaker mic and say whatever Dublinese he was saying. Nobody bothered to do anything, especially the staff and security.
I'm actually nearby. Haven't been around this week but would be interesting to see for sure. The people who took vigil there for months are your typical North Dublin rats (mind you South Dublin is as bad for different reasons) and I guarantee those around this week were either kids on their break and/or your typical lads who go to all of these protests to be retards.
Isn't the lad who won a Council seat from the Barrett faction? I think Reynolds will quit and go to whatever IFP/IF/Indepebdent conglomeration, while Barrett will.. continue to be Barrett.
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I never did, I support the Wexford hurling team.
That's what I found living in the flat, I used to get home and decide what I felt like cooking and go to the supermarket or else grab something from one of several eateries. Where I was there wasn't any nightclubs or pubs where there'd be anyone outside making a ruckus late, very occasionally. I think there's an idea of what it's like living in amongst it formed by people on nights out or whatever they seen on tv idk. The best thing was never having to plan the supermarket trip to last for a week, like seriously that was a real eye opener, now I'm back suburban doing the shopping feels like doing provisioning for a sea journey and it's kinda stressful
At what point do the flesheating zombies enter your schizo fantasy?
>The best thing was never having to plan the supermarket trip to last for a week, like seriously that was a real eye opener, now I'm back suburban doing the shopping feels like doing provisioning for a sea journey and it's kinda stressful

Yeah, you see, I could never live like that. I did when I was a kid. Never again.
One of the arrested is from Tallaght and I think he's going to lose his job because he called in sick to go. Couple of lads from Limerick were arrested too.
It's like a fucking hobby for these people



AHAAHAHHAHAHAHA get the dentures
I forgot about the dentures comments lel
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corkfags rn
Out of curiosity I've listened to those lads doing open floor spaces on twitter a couple of times and they're absolute headers believing every conspiracy theory under the sun. A surprising amount of older women in those groups as well all saying the same thing.

They believe they're living in an authoritarian police state with globalist politicians attempting to force their will on the population.

They're going to try and change the government by voting for independents (???) but ultimately think it's going to result in a violent civil war.
this is true, played GAA with a few black lads on my team who are normal and well adjusted people now
Unless a Kilkenny man, Cork has more all Irelands than your shithole
>Clare have 2 All Irelands this century
>Zero Munster Championships

Who /galway/ here
Yeah, the RWC threads were funny as hell, you should have been there. That was the first RWC I've followed since 2015.
déiseach is ea mé
Fucking hate when people just turn up at your house. Fuck off we're busy
*turns up at your house*
hi how are things ked throw on the kettle there
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>tfw no milf conspiracy theorist gf
Driving me mad. These "flying visits"

Don't get me started on consistently coming around ten mins before the kids go to bed

ARGHHHH FUCK OFF don't apologise for intruding if you keep doing it you ain't sorry
I've pretended to be asleep more than once

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