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as promised here's the update for the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, a little sign of appreciation dedicated to whom invested their time and money believing on this project: thank you!

This is probably the biggest overhaul this library will ever get and in future I'm planning to release one main package and update it with smaller files. If you downloaded it before i strongly suggest to erase everything and just go with this one.
Old thread Bibliotheca Alexandrina December 2020
A legend can be found in the read me file

Spreadsheet with the updates


Why didn't you put this in the other thread?
You just killed the other thread you dumb fucking cunt. Go kys.
Not him but nothing of value was lost
Prove me wrong
Not for you of course you shit for brains cunt.
Don't kill threads for no reason fag
Well me what was lost that is so important faggot
or maybe, just maybe we can keep both threads alive for a while and get rid of some transsexual furry scat thread instead.
fuck off to reddit newfag
Who are you directing that at?
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Thanks OP
>coomer rage
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>downloaded this a year ago
>never read a single book

Neither i did
hey anon can u provide links to these books.I was not able to find them on libgen and zlibrary
>Analyzing Strategic Nuclear Policy by Charles L. Glaser
>Prevention, Pre-emption and the Nuclear Option: From Bush to Obama by Aiden Warren
>Choice and Consequence by Thomas Schelling
Dammit, i just today finish downloading previous version :D is there list of archives that are diffrent from those in december edition?
anyone got a Loeb Classical Library dump? i'm learning Latin
beautiful. thank you, friend.
>Thou hath
It's thou hast. Come on.
It would be better to have this library online with individual links. Libgen exists of course, but this is a proper catalogued library. Its a based torrent
>If you downloaded it before i strongly suggest to erase everything and just go with this one.
My data plan is begging me not to. Can I not recheck the previous download and add in the new files?
Does it have various ancient and medieval source texts? Translated or not
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This is the sort of torrent this board was made for. thank you very much king.
tranoid furry subhuman detected
Just wonder if a similar project for paintings and other kind of historic art pieces could be done
Scrub the wikimedia for art and put it up as your own gallery?
This is a great torrent. It's good to see actual Routledge books rather than a load of fringe weirdos and conspiratards.
All of the seeders vanished though ;_:
There are 15 seeders, the trackers you are using are shit
lol good point
please seed
bumping the question
why are you a nigger?
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keep it seeding.
Bumping. I have a seed box seeding it fast
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The Filmgoer's Companion and
Halliwell's Film Guide

grew up reading these for movie nfo, but no e-docs around
>everyone talking about intellectual pursuits
>tfw want to learn to build a timber house because nobody builds with wood in my third world country despite the abundance of hard and soft woods
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Rare, banned books.

banned by whom?
Don’t torrent this anons, it’s filled with .rar files it’s incredibly sketchy, I probably got out on a watchlist now
I dont know who did that or why are those books banned, all I know is that those books are nowhere to find on the internet, they have simply disappeared from every site.
learn to use total virus, i dont care what you think, i am still seeding no matter what.
Looks interesting. Will check out and seed.
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TFW 99.8% for a week... Will seeeeeed!
i am dl roight noiw, will i learn how to transcend this physical plane and fly with the angles?
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Any E-readers whom can deal with a 500GB SD card? Would be fun to carry the books around and be able to read them in a comfi way.
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bumping because its not porn.
Well this doesn't belong on page 10.
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any reader with USB OTG support, I personally use the boox max lumi, fantastic device.
Thoughts on using a kobo sage with koreader for pdfs?
I used the glo hd (6 inch) with koreader and it does the job, but once you use a 13 inch device you can never go back.
But what about for other documents formats like epub? Is it good enough to just enlarge the text for them?
epub will work great on any device really since its basically a collection of xml files represented through the reader (you can think of it like html pages and a web browser).
So yes, you can enlarge the text for them, but for images, code or scanned pages it won't be as smooth as just raw text on a small device.
but I mean don't you find it awkward to read on a screen which is so large?
if anyone is interested i use

magzdb.org for magazines


https://ca1lib.org/ for books and magazines

amazing sites
It's more awkward to scroll through a pdf using a small e-ink device.
i hate porn
this belongs on the front page
rescue bump
dont let it end up like the actual alexandria, bump
joe momma
Tranny fags go to reddit now fuck off to reddit
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what does it have
The actual Alexandria fell to malicious intent.
This is just neglect.
Much appreciated
back to the top
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Anyone have Encyclopedia Britannica? Also thanks OP, there was some good shit in there.
anyone have any magazine archives? I've already got the Playboy one but looking for different stuff for collaging
All about space 2012 - 2019


All About History Magazine 2013 - 2021 in pdf format

TTC Courses bump

Were do you anons trace down more obscure historical sources - especially diaries and maybe books/texts from middle ages and older? Translated or not.
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great thread but a little slow i guess im not the only one with nothing to contribute
What media/technology/medium do you guys use to actually read eBooks? Or do you just seed and torrent shits for the sake of having books? I find reading on pc is just inconvenient and my phone is pretty small
tumblr-tier retard
i'm a retard newfag, first time posting here.
this is fucking amazing.
i don't even have the necessary disk space to donwload this, but please don't let it die
>malicious intent
"If it accords with the Quran it is unnecessary and can be burned. If it doesn't accord with the Quran it is heresy and must be burned." - Caliph Omar
A kindle or tablet maybe.
I too find reading on my PC inconvenient but on my phone is okay since you can just zoom in.
Kindle for fiction
10 inch tablet for non-fiction and pdfs

I find that reading stuff that needs more focus tends to strain my eyes on smaller screens, so I switch to the tablet. Surprisingly comfortable if you use a blue light filter.
>10 inch tablet for non-fiction and pdfs
Isnt it heavy tho?
About as heavy as my average physical book. Never had an issue with the weight.

Loeb Classical Library IV [463_523 Still incomplete] Son of Loeb (IV)
porn is infernal
Whatever you say, Mr. Satan.
Do any of you anons have 'Canaan and Israel in Antiquity: A Textbook on History and Religion' by Kurt Lesher Noll? Much obliged.
part 3 came up with a bunch of red flags
we're supposed to read these?
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>book of moses.exe
pls seed you fags
also bump
>>>>>>>torrenting on windows
lmaoing my ass off
I'm not being a linuxtard, I do use windows as well (ofc there are programs only for windows), but securitywise linux is king, I wouldn't recommend torrenting on windows, it's only a matter of time until you catch some kind of virus.
I'm pretty sure this exists not only in torrent form.
The All-Embracing Library

World Tracker Library

Giant Bible DB V1.0.0 4Chad
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Somebody needs to make a Bishop Barron Catholicism TV series torrent. I have yt-dlp'd the mp4s from his website (freely available):

Wait you touch yourself to the tune of little kids and men with mental illness? bro kys, stop it get help you bitch as much as Yad Vashem
bump for knowledge
Any advice on how to deal with this folder structure in Calibre? First time user here and it feels like I'll need to manually find and move all of the books individually.

It also appears that there are multiple copies of each title which I understand from a preference standpoint, but what is the most efficient way to organize these for use?
Seeding this forever.
Up you go
How am i ever going to finish this torrent??
Hello you stinky nigger, I have downloaded your dumpster fire and sorted it. I will seed this until i remember to stop seeding. My soulseek username is seafer, so you can get the benefits described in the readme by occasionally checking there for updates to this archive
you are a retard
its this https://webexe.software.informer.com/
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ALERT: Z-Library was taken down yesterday. Here are links to the torrent archives.

archive dot ph/B3TRb
archive dot ph/zm7G5
archive dot ph/0QlIb
- Anna and the Pirate Library Mirror team (Twitter, Reddit)

archive dot ph/o/zm7G5/https://twitter.com/pilimi_anna

archive dot ph/o/zm7G5/https://www.reddit.com/user/pilimi_anna
I've been trying to make a collection of the Penguin Classics series of books, maybe someone has already made one?
It contains malware, detected by virustotal and ms defender
Kek I’m just using these torrents to bump up my slsk share count
Is there a book/collection of pictures from old carvings of hieroglyphs. I don't know what word describes it well. Like old wall carvings/pictures, but not just Egyption, other things left over from old civilizations, different ones too. Would Britannica have a book volume on that?
Is anyone willing to break this down into smaller, more manageable torrents?
That got seized.
First link seems to work, but in Russian. Second link ded.
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Before I seed, how are you collecting these books?

I fear that there are going to be many propaganda books, that rewrote the actual history, happens alot especially when written in the west. I need to know, if not i cannot seed them with a good mind, dont want to help the spread of fake history.
with over 350gigs, of course some will be written by people that bullshit but are these books written from all over the world? As an example for history books about the cold war, are books made in the USSR AND the U.S going to be included or only western ones?

thank you.
Just download the 0. Info part of the torrent to check for yourself.
All books listed in .txt files
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more like rump
Bumping with random books

Mega Collection of computer science and programming related books

Home School Books
wtf I downloaded this, unrarred, and immediately popups about the .exe being a virus, as in >>1156193.

I deleted it, even though I can believe that it is a webexe as >>1181711 said.

Now, suddenly, I cannot ping porn sites, 4chan, bbc, reddit, steam, ... from the pc where I did this. It can reach youtube, google, CNN. Is this just a coincidence? I'm scared anons.
it turned out to be entirely unrelated to this, sorry
when will we have complete series
So what's on that invalid discord invite?
Btw it's weird you include Tsai C.C.'s Sunzi Speaks/Art of War but not his other stuffs. Like Laozi, Zhuangzi, Zen, Confucius ones.
anyone have a torrent of all the important works in english literature, i.e. all you need for a lifetime of reading, i tried /r/ but it's all pr0n
No, but Project Gutenberg has most of them, the australian version of the site has even more. Try christian classics ethereal library also.
Thanks, Lynne Wolfe.
enjoy your aids.
Christians burned down the library of alexandria before islam even existed.
This is both logically and reality inconsistent.
Weak attempt at rewriting history.
0 shekels awarded.
I'll second this and volunteer to help seed some smaller, more manageable torrents if anyone's up for making them.
Does anyone have the book:
show me the bodies how we let grenfell happen
Can't find it on zlibrary
Another point that's been brought up is that papyrus like wood pulp paper has a finite shelf life.

We may still have already lost most of it by disintegration when the resources weren't there anymore to keep recopying everything. :(
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Bumping with exoplanet nomenclatures
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Bumping with historical infographics
>The All-Embracing Library
I don't know about the rest but this one appears to have stuff that will put you on the list, in the DIY folder
Maybe I am stupid - is the book Empire of Honour by J E Lendon in there? The 2001 version?
The '97 edition by Oxford Press is in libgen. Not sure about the '01 edition tho.
I'm actually reading the contents lil bro. Your work is appreciated

>All About History
This looks fucking gay as hell, I know I just looked at the covers but still looks really gay
Yeah don't download this
Anyone got the original How to Win Friends and Influence People. Like the 1936/1937 edition. I just learned that his family kept screwing with his work after he died. Removing shit, and changing pronouns.
archive.org has a copy, but it's lending only for 1 hour. DRM'd.
There's a guide on /r/piracy on how to strip DRM from archive.org books if you understand programming, or if you don't, like me, then it takes a couple hours to figure out. I didn't see the version you want on archive.org or I would have done it myself.
If you want to use the book for practical purposes instead of just collecting though then I'd recommend against that book, its advice is extremely dated. Something like Meaningful Small Talk by Dan Chang or The Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane is better for learning how to into conversations.
No programming needed. Well, technically, the guy who wrote the plugin did programming. Not you though.
This is going to take awhile longer to enter the public domain. Yuck.
I downloaded this library onto an m.2 and enclosure and gave it to my dad as a gift. Once he spent sometime digging through it and realized what it really was, he was ecstatic.
Thanks for seeding.
>Once he spent sometime digging through it and realized what it really was, he was ecstatic
Is he retarded? A lot of the pdfs are not in great quality.
In 20 years, there will be anons damning your eyes for posting this. Things become scarce, including digital things. Archival has become increasingly critical. You should be grateful that something like this exists and is organized and cataloged so well.
>Archival has become increasingly critical
I've never liked this kind of torrents that just picked random shit without checking their quality.
There are better pdfs, etc. for a lot of the titles on this collection. I know, because I downloaded it.
This is why downloading individual book from libgen is always better. You can check yourself which pirated file has the best quality. Not relying on random lazy stranger that was just looking for internet clout.
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Please post your better quality collection torrent
I literally said, use libgen. Retard.
These book collection torrents suck. That was my point.
Does any one has any info on this
source or site or uploader
or any one completed the torrents will be greatly appreciated, plus fuck it a 1000$ reward



have been looking for ages
none of the torrents come near completion after years
This. You can tell somebody just grabbed every book they could find and threw it into a torrent, paying no attention to quality or organising it into a reading order. Hell plenty of them are repeats, corrupted, or just rubbish typed into a .txt file
>just learned that his family kept screwing with his work after he died. Removing shit, and changing pronouns.
that sucks
Did you find it?
Same thing happened to Agatha Christie lately. And probably to many more authors. The estate just got away with it.
better than yours
if you're still feeling generous with your bitcoins
hardly better, torrent contains v1.0 and another half tb of smaller libraries which is what i'm after,
H-L is one of a - z
1.5 is one of the first torrents i got that started me on this otherwise i woulda payed up
>>1253221 *1.5 did you even look
Mossad has arrived to the thread
seconded, a list of books would be nice aswell to see if it's worth downloading
Is this still alive?
I don't know; I don't have enough room for it
Bump Alexandrina
If I'm reading this right, it currently has 10 seeders.
put it in the other thread
You should have said that two and a half years ago. :-P
Which one?
coomer rage in this thread, bump
the muhammadans burned the last library
Anyone happen to have Bishop Athanasius Schneider - Credo?
>Song of songs is filthy pedo Shit
>Altar boys lives matter
I wish they did All the Big nose tribe like that Also the Pedo priest cult of the dead sheep should be Dead too.
Bump for holidays.
Where's the 2024 update?
Is discord group no longer around?
>Where's the 2024 update?
There were active curators?
Eternal seeding but i'll never open any of the books
Bibliotheca Alexandrina December 2023 Update NeverWinter 12/27/23(Wed)04:21:32 No.1281560
Gonna DL and seed this forever because I was indoctrinated as a child into believing that sharing is caring.
Why not?
join the discord to find out more (OP has the link)
it's dead
so is the torrent... I've been really getting into ancient history too
here, new invite code

Does anyone know of an archive of exclusively fiction works? I want to be able to search a massive literature collection.
not really, try use annas archive
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Use sites like Literature Map or Good Reads to find book recommendations, then go search for the books or authors that sound good. Pirates don't generally have time to do massive cross indexing, it's tough enough to keep the metadata accurate.
Anna's Archive has a 3TB archive torrent of various literature sites. Not all fiction though.

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