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>HITOSHI MATSUMOTO presents Documental/FREEZE (subbed and RAW):

>Wednesday Downtown (subbed):

>GCCX pastebin (subbed and RAW):
>GCCX collection by anon:
https://mega.nz/file/VKJVSI4a#J0z4Fmj6ldIkOGwTMgvzapQOyifFoHXFxj05RIwzxR8 (Missing video from S12)

>The Silent Library:

>Wednesday Downtown - MONSTER IDOL (subbed):

>Takeshi's castle (subbed and RAW):

>Tantei Knight Scoop episodes/segments (subbed):

>Idol shows:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-43YkQL-F0u9JHjbaPA0_diUIq_gVftq (AKBingo subbed and RAW)
https://pastebin.com/7HtEkq6D (Random AKB48, Mechaike, SKE48 episodes)

>Tokyo Encounter (subbed):

>Denpa Shonen Nasubi 1998 電波少年 なすび (subbed):

>Hamada's Holidays (subbed):

>G4 Ninja Warrior (Minus 1 and 6-12 competition)

>Susume! Denpa Shonen - Eurasian Hitch-Hike [Eng Sub]

>Japan Hour: Road Trip Series (Subbed) 6 episodes:

>Battle For Money Sentouchuu (Sadly only the first 3 episodes are subbed out of 10):

GnT 24/7 streams:

Last thread:
>Changed the GCCX collection pastebin
>Replaced the broken magnet link inside Takeshi's castle pastebin
>Updated the Documental pastebin
>Added G4 Ninja Warrior
Also a question about the GnT and related show pastebins (that are available in the Silent Library collection), is it worth keeping them up? If not then I'll remove them for the next thread or if someone else makes a new thread you can remove them unless anons are against it.
FWIW the best versions of documental are in the library, so those links are potentially outmoded. Same story for everything else in the library as well desu, it's complete and we're constantly fixing errors in subs and upgrading raws and such.

Also I've got a syncthing instance running, both for the library and the raws I've started collecting, so if anyone's interested in getting onboard with that instead instead of waiting for new torrents, let me know. All I ask is that you set me as an introducer so that you're peered with everyone else and not relying solely on my connection.
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i should really just learn japanese at this point 99% of my content is in japanese
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good luck
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Prime JP is now streaming revived Takeshi's Castle
>Max time: 1 week
It's over, kanji is gonna filter me so hard its not even fair
If it's just verbaly communicating/understanding then you can skip Kanji but the chances are big you regret it later.
You could, if you really wanted and i 100% don't recommend this look up the 2k most common words in romanji and then pump those. But like the other anon said you might regret it.
Documental Season 12 Unlimited coming in May.


can never find a full season of the Candy or not Candy game,

Best was a full ep on daily motion,

Does anyone have the series?
Got the raws of episodes 1-8 in the library.
based i just saw egachan do a takeshi's castle thing. pretty cool hopefully we get this translated and maybe the other ones too.
It's slated for a global release sometime in the second half of this year, allegedly.
I still really want a full run of Denpa Shonen, not just the odd season here or there. I am convinced a full run of the show doesn't even exist on DVD, let alone on Torrents.
I've got a guy who's been uploading huge amounts of it to the library, have you checked there recently?
not a variety show per-say, but does anyone have full PythagoraSwitch (ピタゴラスイッチ, Pitagora Suitchi) episodes?
Please do everyone with an 80+ IQ a favor and neck yourself immediately.
I liked what silentlibrary did with the file structure but it would be cool if i could see the most recent uploads. guess just checking the twitter?
Sorry, unfortunately this day was always coming and it does mean this ability goes out the window. The twitter/mastodon and the changelog on the spreadsheet will show as stuff comes in. I wish mega had a feed for an entire shared directory for this exact reason.
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Masatoshi Hamada turns 60 today.
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He's come a long way.
did he ever apologize to Eddie Murphy?
>It's over, kanji is gonna filter me so hard its not even fair

You think it's hard, but after 200-300 basic characters, the rest of them are combinations of the ones you already know (basic characters as radicals).
Once you start hitting 500 or so, you can start guessing meanings/pronunciation just by how they look.
Anyone have the full 24-hour live challenge of Lemmings from GCCX??
Its a waaaay better way to organize the files. Its just when something new gets uploaded I have to search through each year unless I check twitter. Also do you upload new better quality rips (if for instance they are dvd release or something) for older videos?

Could be interesting if anyone wanted to AI upscale some of the really old low quality videos. If it would even look any better? With nvidia shield AI upscaling on some of the older vids they look pretty good others look extremely over sharpened ass.
I do update raws when I have the chance. Gaidave has been doing a lot of manual re-typesetting of old hardsubbed stuff that we've got better quality raws for.

If someone wants to release upscales then I think that's a worthy cause, but it's not something I'm going to do. A 100% perfect copy from the library perspective is the highest quality raw, either .ts broadcast source or a disc remux, plus softsubs. Reencoding for any reason, including upscaling, would take things a step away from perfection. I think I made one concession to do this once, when I had to splice together some stuff to get episode 1 watchable, but that's an edge case.

Chikichikitube has effectively created the streaming library, I'm sure there's a market out there for the HD library if someone wants to take up that torch.

If you don't feel like using twitter (and I don't blame you), the changelog tab on the spreadsheet (usually) has the file names pasted in as they're touched, so you could just type that into the root mega to search.

I've also got a syncthing instance set up if you have any interest in that. It seems like it's primarily useful for having mirrors of the full library, but I don't see why you couldn't use its filters to limit it to directories you're interested in.

I know this doesn't solve your problem, but a new torrent will be out at the end of this month so hopefully that will be of some use to someone who's been waiting for a chance to get everything at once.
Check suke, Should be there.
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Soulless as fuck. EW
what are you talking about? its pretty good.
A long shot, but does anybody have the Tantei Knight Scoop episode of the man who has never had a gf or a date previously who ends up going on a date with one of the male panelists? Would be greatly appreciated.
also on the silent library if you want to download it
Thank you so much!
Eternal Variety Show thread is based
Knight scoop is love. I'm doing my best to convince more people to sub it but it's not working (I have the entire episode where Matsumoto takes up the reins typeset for like 2 years and nobody wants it).
I saw a clip not sure if it's from Knight Scoop but she was playing a recorder either using her anus or pussy I forget it's been some time and I just somehow remembered it.
Cool story, bro.
If you're talking about the one where they try to eat objects in the hope that it's chocolate, that was literally just 1 episode of a variety show.
There is no more to find.
thats the saddest thing ive read in 13 years since i first saw the clips
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New Silent Library torrent hash, thanks for waiting: aa5f4e8da72a0d9a926c1e2eecd83e44cf92a524
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anyone got Dero(Dasshutsu) subbed?
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Found it, it's from a late night show that goes by 田村淳の地上波ではダメ! that aired some years ago where they have a segment called Ero Gran Prix where girls show their talent the girl that plays the recorder is JAV actress Hatsume Rina I think she goes by Momoi Rin now.
Trash quality clip. Was unable to locate full episodes of this show apparently it was on Netflix JP at one point
Its all very good I am glad someone is keep tracking and at least updating on twitter. I remember awhile back saying shit is all over the place. thank you for your service. Are there any better quality dvds of any gaki stuff that can be bought but no one has yet? I'd like to help with the effort.

Better and longer clip here:
Thanks very much for the offer. I haven't done a full raw audit yet, so I actually don't have an easy answer to that question. I know at least one person has bought a few discs that turned out to be duplicates of rips we already had, so we'd wanna make sure that didn't happen at least.

Actually there are some other people who might have a better idea than I, would you be opposed to joining a discord server so that I can give everyone else a chance to try and use your offer? If so send a message to me (bipedal) and I'm sure we'll work something out!

If not, I'll ask around and see what's up and make a note to shout in this thread if I find something that we'd like someone to rip.
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the one from your pic is 100519 but it doesn't have seeds, maybe check that catbox torrent, is an 11GB batch from a!o, also you can ask u/wowkise to make subs, he's made over 5k subs for old variety idol shows using OpenAi
Thanks anon, is there anything for the similar show TORE ? (Takarasagashi Adventure Nazotoki Battle TORE!)
I haven't seen batches for that show, but there's some seeded episodes with no subs at aidoru-online.me, something similar there that does have subs is mechaike
dead thread love island is better
has downtown ever done a more recent 5 rangers? would be funny seeing them all really old still trying to do it.
any sources for ippon grand prix outside of VK? the player is shit
They did something similar "recently", I wanna say within the last 6 years, it wasn't rangers, but it was the same setup, trying to get a unique combination. Can't for the life of me remember what they were trying to combo, but I'll look for it.
Could you mean the 10 man singing episode? #1444?
would be really hilarious if they all show up in there 50-60s STILL getting it wrong
hey dumbass here, can anybody tell me how to use the magnet in the takeshi's castle pastebin? I have utorrent but on pirate bay or archive.org you just click and it does it, so im not used to it just being a string of text. Also, is that magnet for the subbed raws or the shitty ass british dub? I'm hoping subbed raws since the dub is a separate link, but its ambiguous
delete that and download bitorrent. utorrent has done shady things in the past and it's better to steer clear, especially when pretty much every torrent client is open source.
>how to use the magnet
paste it in your url bar and it should automatically open your client, or just paste it into the client directly. There should be an option to put in a link.
thanks. still looking for the answer on whether or not it's raw subbed or the british edited down dub, if anyone can help with that
That was it, thanks.
Ofc. Solid episode, I think they did another one recently.
Where do people get new episodes of Gaki?? The Silent Library torrent only has up to 2022
TSL has every transalted episode ever. The torrent was just updated but obviously as new stuff gets translated it goes out of date. If you want raw episodes I have those in the mega as well.
I just made a new Game Center CX (Improved Subtitled Collection) torrent with all the new released episodes: https://pastebin.com/sXHZHYyN
Are there any metadata plugins that are more accurate for Japanese shows/gaki in general? Using Jellyfin.
I'm trying to find the 5th Rendezvous episode of Gaki, in the complete episode list it looks like it's #1351, but it translates to "Rendezvous Game Selection".
Is it not an actual proper episode??
Considering it's just 1 part are they merely announcing the teams for the 6th Rendezvous that was a special with guests??
Found it! It doesn't have an episode number and was released as a special (runtime 1 hour 15 minutes) on 2017.07.17, between #1364 and #1365.
It can be found on VK /video-7016284_456239509
That's in the library's raw wing as well, if you want to watch it in decent quality.
Well, shit. Didn't know that the library had a MEGA with virtually every episode in raw, I had only downloaded the torrent of subbed episodes.
Wasted a couple of hours looking for that episode.
Just now watching denpa shonen show legit or is it set up? Some of them seem legit like hosei punching the bull. Other shit seems set up.
It's TV, everything is "set up" to one degree or another. What do you mean, specifically?
Japanese TV is even more staged than American TV.
Some of the episodes even if they are set up seem pretty hilariously cruel to force hosei into those situations
I'm not denying that they're entertaining, just that it's weird to pursue this delusion of entertainment being """real."""
I'm just wondering if some of the shit is real. It can't be all fake it's 96 they aren't using cg to put hosei into a cave with shitloads of bats shitting everywhere hot af in Mexico or making people swim in aids infested street shitter rivers
You're missing the point, what do you mean by "fake?" Is it "fake" if every word they say is scripted? What about if there are a few key jokes that are scripted, and the overall scenario is laid out but they're free to improvise dialogue? What if they do another take of something when the improvised dialogue doesn't work? Hosei's physically in a cave, but what if everything he says and does in there was planned? What if everything was improvised once on location but then they cherrypick only the best stuff and it turns like 5 hours of footage down into a minute segment? Where do you draw the line for what's "real" and what's not?

It's impossible to know and therefore it doens't matter.
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As a outside observer, you seem a bit defensive.
Chill the fuck out damn. It's pretty obvious a lot of it is very much set up it's just the set ups no matter how set up are some scary situations. Whatever his name is sitting on the hood of a car fairly close to a lion even if tame is pretty fuckin scary even if the handler is near. Unless they digitally put the lion there. I'd be fucking scared.
Opinionated, maybe. Anon wants to spout a malformed abortion of an opinion in the form of a question, Anon's gonna get responded to. Go back to the subreddit if you just want to see "yeah I no lol tanaka is my favorite btw which batsu u guys like best?"

The initial question was about what's set up and what's not, so are we talking about that or are we saying it's probably scary to be close to a lion?
You are a fucking newfag holy shit. You belong on fucking reddit.
I am getting that maybe yt/reddit tainted your reaction. Lots of retards making full length videos on how SHOCK HORROR EVIL It wasn't all I was really getting at is that it makes them more based.
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Japanese is impossible to learn.

Also en subs for the new takeshi's castle are in the library.
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watched the first few episodes and it was good, the hosts are funny
Damn it, every time I check this thread I get that damn song stuck in my head now.
I don't know if this is the right place to ask (or maybe /jp/ is better) but is there a list (either a torrent or a chart pic, idk) of "essential" japanese shows/dramas?
I want to dive into it (besides to practice my japanese).
I've only watched a couple of live actions of animes and a bit of Kamen Rider
I dunno where else to ask, but does anyone have Hard Gay stuff? I remember watching his stuff in shitty quality on YouTube and would love to have it to watch again
To my knowledge, all the translated hard gay stuff is in the library under Daibakuten
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Thank you friend!
I appreciate it in this subtle bump.
Does anyone know where to watch WDT's obon kobon series?
The raws are in the library, if that's what you're asking.
Not sure if this is the right place to ask but does anyone know where to get/watch そんなバカなマン episodes? I'm watching on bilibili right now but it sucks some scenes are censored.
What is up with the WDT guy? Why does he skip so many weeks?
He's translating off of a Chinese group, so whatever they do, he does.
Oh no, page 10 again.
this guy just started ai subbing lots of variety shows and he's doing Gaki no Tsukai
Are they good or are they trash like most AI subs?
Been watching aiseki shokudo with chidori on prime video and it's pretty good
Do any of you guys have Last One Standing? Can't find any active torrents in the usual places. Is it any good regardless?
anyone got 水曜どうでしょう?
does anyone have all of train cruise? I have a bunch, but don't know if I have every episode
traditional flashcards
lots of immersion
using japanese everyday in different ways like conversation
Is beat takeshi actually in the new takeshi's castle? I'm retarded so I can't tell if it's actually AI or if it's him voicing the character
It's a impersonator but he does appear in the last episode. Starting to look really old and fragile now too.
Oh, now that makes a lot of sense
Could some anons do me a solid and seed the GCCX collection? I'm trying to torrent it but it says there's nobody seeding right now.
need some denpa shonen AI subs desu famalam
Get the more recent one:
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Same issue, nobody's seeding it.
Seeding right now, hopefully that helps.
I can't get any seeds on most of the Documental seasons, somebody help me out please. I'll put them on my NAS afterwards for others to get
You have to have SOME patience.
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This just released... Anyone know any good places that upload jap art books. Damn I really want this. Should I order? I don't think it delivers to my country and if they do I don't have a creditcard.

There's an artbook share general thread at >>>/ic/6861000 but its not what it used to be (a few years back a lot of requests were fulfilled there), also maybe just find someone on discord who lives or is in japan and send him the money (if you trust him) I know a lot of people who do it then ask for scans
They're all in the library with higher quality raws. Just torrent off that.
probably trash.
The Nasubi link doesn't work for me... Can't connect to the page
It's the newfag check, just refresh.
Just get it off the library.
Is there anywhere I can watch the GnT Kiki series with no downloads or bullshit?
Search the subreddit or the library site and there are links to multiple streaming options, as well as about a billion people asking the same question as you.
>Just go to reddit
Useless, oh well.
>or the library site
If you need to be spoonfed this hard you deserve reddit.
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Denpa Shonen... Subs.... Need... Subs...
Fujimoto in a hit and run. What the fuck is he thinking!
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Did they do anything after the vegas batsu? is a new format in the works for the yearly special?
I know a site but I won't tell you because you're a faggot
where can I find nep league?
No and no.
some are at A!O >aidoru-online.me
The only thing they did was quit the special.
i think its over. ive heard seen anything from any of them outside of Wednesday downtown and a few minor separate things. I don't even think Hosei has done anything. I could be wrong though they all seem to be retired or just doing other less TV stuff. Would be great if I was wrong though.
??? GnT still airs weekly.
it does? i must be retarded.
Does anyone have Ano-chan no Den Den Denpa (あのちゃんの電電電波)?
Can someone seed the new takeshi castle plz
Are any of these gameshows fappable?
I want to watch sexy asian girls doing some dumb game show shit while touching my dick.
(preferably something with more than 5 pixels)
Does anyone know where to find Gatten?
I used to watch it on NHK but now it's over and they don't rebroadcast it anymore
look for エロバラエティ and 【微エロ】テレビ
Thank you anon, im going to jerk off now.
any update on this?
Anyone have all original seasons of iron chef?
this thread fucking sucks now. miss the good old days
I suppose the translations and the people who host them got more organized, not much need for constant updates in these threads any more.
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not sure if i should ask here but any idea?
In the opening of Wednesday Downtown 2014-05-21, they are discussing if parents who were "players" would be stricter on their own children.
I swear I've seen a clip of this with proper english subtitles, but now I can't find it anywhere, am I just having a massive Mandela effect??
I have the same thing with WDT, having watched everything there is raw and subbed, I get this exact confusion all the time.
No one even gives a shit it seems. No real news on anyone either. which there has been.
I'm still subbed to Zwanster, and he's still posting WDT translations. He slowed down for a few months but just got a big batch of chinese translated subs, that he'll convert to english, so he should be picking back up.

Is anybody else translating WDT?
The only other place I was getting episodes was the subreddit and even that sucks shit now. None of the subs are even Gaki anymore. Aside from WDT the rest of the shows they're subbing aren't even funny. Why did people just stop subbing Gaki? It's not like there aren't a mountain of unsubbed episodes left

I like WDT enough so I watch that every week, and I'm thankful to the guy who does it. But it's not Gaki. Kind of also what I'm talking about in this thread. People are just asking for any Japanese show now. Can't fully blame it for declining in quality when there aren't any Gaki subs coming out I guess
Unfortunately it really seems like the gaki scene is on the verge of being completely dead.
I saw some retard make a leddit post asking if a tl would be interested in translating an episode with the title implying he'd take care of the ts. All the comments I saw before the post was deleted was "If you want a tl you need to be paying him." and other posts telling him not offering money was not ok. Also it seemed like the retard wasn't actually going to do ts but some other very minor thing only I forgot what it was, it doesn't really matter.
It seems like patreontards got the better of the scene and it's "fuck you pay me or I'm not putting out shit", I think the only "regular" subber for gaki left is thanos, and he's intentionally being real fucking slow with public releases to get some cash from his patreon, not that he's doing much gaki besides. He subbed 3 gaki episodes since his last public release back in August.
And now, AI subs are turning up, so it seems like it's all downhill from here. If you look at manga translation, it is incredibly rare for any of the MTL translations to be redone later even if the typesetting was done using paint, unless some tl really really wants to see more interest in the series.
Right now it's cute and only done for a few inconsequential stuff, a wednesday clip here, Busjack since no one really gives a shit about it, but if (more like when) gaki just stops getting any tl and some guy puts 2 and 2 together, remaining gaki eps are going to get shitty AI subs and you're just fucked.
>Unfortunately it really seems like the gaki scene is on the verge of being completely dead.
>AI subs are turning up, so it seems like it's all downhill from here.

I feel this so much, Gaki is pretty much the only variety show I watch and it's never being translated anymore, so I've started to AI sub it myself just to be able to watch the new episodes. Even if the translations are shitty I understand enough myself to know what they're talking about with context.
Can anyone help me out?
The Patreon stuff has ruined it for sure. Started with the Team Gaki donations. Clearly taking their sweet time (almost 2 years I think?) subbing that last batsu game since they knew there likely wouldn't be one again for a while, if ever again. If they hadn't finished batsu subs in a March in previous years it wouldn't have been noticeable, but it was very obvious they were deliberately slowing it down. Patreon shit now baffles me though. You're literally pirating the episode. It's not like you paid money for the DVDs and are commissioning a guy to sub them for you. You are quite literally stealing the show from Nippon TV and then paying someone to deliver it to you. At what point do they think paying someone for their work is fair? I have made in a principle to never pay for pirated work since all that does is put money in the hands of someone who doesn't own it, which makes no sense at all.

As for AI, I am heartbroken with it. With the speed it's developing, maybe in 5 or 10 years we can have really accurate translations from it, but as of now it's the same shit as translating something into Chinese and then translating that into English. It never makes any fucking sense. And the unwritten rule people seem to have where you can't translate already translated work, no matter how poor, needs to die off. I remember reading Jojo's Bizarre Adventure online in like, 2008, and the scanlations were awful. No one batted an eye when they eventually were redone in a proper way. So why can't this apply everywhere??
I wont' be able to change your mind I'm sure, but as someone who worked on that last batsu, there's no way we were organized to do anything like that. Nobody knew the batsu was going to end, so that didn't factor in.
>never pay for pirated work
The only thing I would actually pay for is if it let someone spend time on translating. Its not about the pirating and I think that eventually or they should release the video once its done being translated. All this hording bullshit is retarded and these faggots are no better then artist who think they can be dicks. I only ever subscribed to one guy because he'd actually put in effort and then freely release everything. I think its funny that right before he stopped subbing he used the excuse that his computer was busted. Why the excuse just say you are quitting and have better shit to do.
Yes, donating money is fine. I would never do it, but I get it. But people who straight up make you pay for a piracy service are scum
Its far worse then just making you pay if we had this sort of retarded years with fan translations we probably wouldn't even have any now. No archives of any of these shows at all. I'm re-watching all the translated content from the silent library archive and really appreciate all the translators.
What I don't understand about this translating business is not translating every part of a series.
Gaki has several returning segments that are popular, 'rendezvous without using phones' has every episode except 1 translated. 'I think this item will suit you' have 2-3 episodes that were never translated, even though the raws are available. Why are these episodes skipped??
personally I hate the rendezvous episodes.. what I want is every subbed segment of "Kotatsu Police" which has nothing to do with gaki and everything to do with cute girls and feet :)
Does anyone have a complete torrent of Densha Otoko in good quality?
Kasou Taishou

Anyone have any idea where I might look for that?
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Quite a few (not exactly "good" quality, but) on avistaz (open signup occasionally).
Best versions on there are picrel, try the filenames on usenet and whatnot and if you can't find (or something better) then I can make a torrent for a second.
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>Matsumoto held a drinking party, told one of his juniors to gather all the women, kissed some of them and then wanted to fuck them
Seems like they're trying to cancel him. Dunno how legit this is, but it wouldn't really surprise me. Hamada already had his affair and Japanese stars as a whole seem to love cheating and abusing their power to get women (though, I guess this applies to the western industry as well). Not to mention that behind the camera Matsumoto seems to be much more of a dick than Hamada, who is usually just playing it up in front of the camera and has mellowed out over time. At the same time even if this does turn out to be true, I wonder if it'll really affect him, Hamada basically got off scot-free.
I haven't been following Gaki that closely for the past year or so, but my problem with subbing is that most people seemed to only sub new episodes, which are very low effort, the episodes themselves I mean. Their older episodes are much better but most subbers ignore them for whatever reason and just sub the nth episode of "Meeting up without cellphones" or whatever.

As for asking money for subbing, that's just how it is these days. Everyone wants to hustle, if it doesn't bring money, they won't do it. Mods for video games used to be free, now there's a shitton of paid mods locked behind Patreon. People used to stream as a hobby, now almost everyone who's doing it is doing it for money (ads, donations, subs, sponsorships, dropping games if they don't get enough viewers, etc.) I hate it all, but I don't think you can do anything about it.
>be adult female
>go to celebrity drinking party because you want to get drunk and fuck celebrities
>get drunk and fuck celebrity
>Hamada basically got off scot-free
The difference is Hamada didn't commit a crime. The woman he was cheating on was willing, and crucially, his wife forgave him. If Matsumoto really did this it's definitely worse.
There's a bit more info in this thread
Yoshimoto is obviously denying the accusations, while the editorial department of the magazine isn't backing down, saying they're confident in their reporting after doing their research.
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this was so retarded to say that no one responded and honestly I just feel bad for you. It's not your fault you're stupid and antisocial.
news just dropped from prime. text msgs between matsuomoto seem to prove that the woman making accusations are making shit up.
Matsumoto is going on a hiatus
Bummer. Think he'll come back? Or is he basically retiring?
If he's innocent, he'll come back. If he's not, he won't. I honestly don't know. While those messages do show that one of the girls who accused Matsumoto of sexual assault were still polite to them after that night, Matsumoto still could've had an affair with them. It also doesn't prove if he did or did not sexually assault the other girl, I guess. I'm not too knowledgeable about Japanese law, so I dunno if they can settle it out of court. Maybe those girls are doing it for the money, maybe they were actually sexually assaulted, dunno.

Meanwhile the magazine is still claiming that they're confident in their reporting and they won't back down. They're also the same magazine who exposed Johnny's if I'm not mistaken, so they're not literal who's either. Also going after Johnny's and now Matsumoto takes some balls desu, if they're wrong about this, their reputation would take a massive hit I imagine.
From everything I've read, I'm not certain this particular instance is sexual assault. Probably some element of leveraging his status and authority though. These kinds of mixers can open up a lot of career opportunities. Networking and whatnot.

But really, he seems like kind of a dick, especially off camera. I'm pretty sure he's at least skirted the line before, if not full-on sexual assault. That's the kind of vibe I get from his personality.

That said, I like his work and hope the allegations here are false.
>Here's an excerpt from Matsumoto's biography, Will (Isho 遺書):
>Which roughly translates to:
>"I can't help it if my daughter is gang-raped by various men, because it's something I've done myself."
wew lad
Oh, and this also reminded me about something I've heard elsewhere. How Matsumoto was, or still is, a lolicon/pedo. Yamazaki was as well but after he had his daughter he realized it was weird and fucked up.
They released a preview of the upcoming article
>There's a sex tax system where younger comedians offer women to Matsumoto in exchange for career success
>At first Yoshimoto denied that such events took place, including the party itself
>Magazine says Ozawa and Matsumoto fucked up by releasing the text messages from one of the girls since it contradicts Yoshimoto's statement how there was no party and meeting in the first place
>Girl's response to the leaked message is that she was in a state of panic and scared of losing her job and safety since Ozawa threatened her beforehand not to fuck things up and do as they say, so she sent that message showing that she's compliant and she doesn't want any more trouble
>Their phones were also confiscated during the party
>If there's a trial, she's willing to testify
>She shared her experience with a close friend the day after the party and the magazine confirmed that she did indeed message her friend, saying she's glad her friend didn't go with her
>She managed to leave early, but other girls stayed behind
>Girl also messaged another woman who was at the party, saying they were surprised at Matsumoto's sudden change of attitude
>Further investigation revealed that there were more of these parties taking place at various places during the years and three new women have come forward to share their experiences
>Magazine contacted Yoshimoto again but all they said is that they're filing a lawsuit and will be suing the magazine for defamation
>4h after that message they announced that Matsumoto is going on a hiatus
>Meanwhile Ozawa's agency, Horipro, denied all of the accusations, but they won't be taking legal action against the magazine
Pretty long tl;dr, but eh. Things ain't looking good for Matsumoto right now. I also find it suspicious how Ozawa's agency is not suing for defamation, if he's truly innocent as they say then why not go against the magazine alongside Yoshimoto?
Recordings for new episodes of Wednesday Downtown are being suspended
>Gaki no Tsukai will continue to record new episodes without Matsumoto. January 14 and 21 episodes that have Matsumoto in them will air as normal
>Downtown DX is on a 2 week break and their current January 25 episode preview has 'Regular lineup is being adjusted', probably meaning Hamada will host it alone or with someone else if the episode airs as planned
>Matsumoto's planned Wide na Show appearance for this Sunday has now been cancelled by Fuji TV execs
>Recordings for new episodes of Wednesday Downtown are being suspended
>Tamura Kenji, who now lives in America, acknowledged his participation in some of the drinking parties detailed in today's Bunshun article but denied the allegations of sexual harassment, though he ended up apologizing on air during his radio show today anyway
What the fuck?
Has Endo's movies, 'Bus Jack' and 'Bus Jack Returns' ever actually been uploaded anywhere??
I can't find them at all, even the shittiest most virus infected torrent site won't claim to have them.
Someone did an AI sub of the first one here
>inb4 leddit
Busjack 2 though no idea, it seems to be out there since the guy says he plans on doing it, but maybe he plans on being the 43rd person to ever buy a copy.
Probably should have looked a bit more before posting, here's the second one.
AI subs aside, it should be the full movies. It's like watching those streamed movies with chinese subs.
Hey thanks man, dunno why it didn't show up for me cause I searched 'busjack' in that sub.
A user from gaki reddit translated a bunch of prebattle, an art ranking show hosted by Hamada. Is there any torrent out there?
Matsumoto abused women and that is why he was removed from gaki no suit guy. This thread should be deleted
MY god, someone rich and famous used their riches and fame to sleep with lots of women, this has literally never happened before in history!
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Do not be so naive anon. He most certainly abused the men too! This poor gay man must have quite the stories to tell...
Yeah There are a few episodes there, but not the one where the lady has to ride to the grocery store every day. Nor the one on the island.
>More allegations with one woman even revealing her identity
>Yoshimoto is no longer refuting the new allegations
>Friday also got ahold of some photos of Matsumoto with the girls
>Hamada is addressing the scandal tonight for the first time
Owari da
Really curious to hear what Hamada has to say about it
Nothing came out of it. Hamada didn't mention Matsumoto at all, maybe he was advised not to do it since it's going to court.
So what? I will always support Matsumoto. I have no sympathy for these whores who go to drinking parties and are so surprised when someone wants to fuck them.
this but unironically
Friday literally proved that these girls are just whores who regret their one night stand
thats good news hopefully this gets over with soon.
Man, if they could banish Shinsuke then Matsumoto is no different. Kinda forced tho so maybe he rubbed some top entertainment exec the wrong way.
Genuinely everything I love is either ruined by Americans or women.
RIP Matsumoto. Publicity death by inappropriate dicking. In a country with legal brothels, no less.
i am tired of women
You will all be arrested for your support of the heinous criminal Matsumoto.
>2 new allegations
>other stars (Beat Takeshi, Nishikawa Norio, Kimura Masao) are criticizing Matsumoto and Yoshimoto
>Hamada got called out as well for another incident by some comedian
owari da 2.0
>The 9th woman 'Miss H' met Matsumoto in Okinawa on August 19th 2005 at what was formerly known as JAL Private Resort Okuma (currently Okuma Private Beach & Resort). The woman, who was a 19 year old student at the time visited with 4 of her female cousins, while Matsumoto arrived with 4 junior comedians. Everyone eventually moved to a 2-floor cottage, where Matsumoto told the women that no photos could be taken. After a period of drinking, Matsumoto suggested that everyone paired off in the style of then-popular TBS variety show 'Koisuru Hanikami'; 'H' was paired with Matsumoto. After going to a separate room, Matsumoto immediately offered his cell phone number to the woman while expressing his desire to start a sexual relationship with her but the woman refused, not being attracted to him. The woman began trying to distract him by talking about other things like Kimura Takuya (who she was a fan of at the time), but Matsumoto persisted for around 30 minutes before he got mad and threw the woman and her cousins all out of the cottage in a rage. As they left, a junior comedian told them that they had all placed bets on who would have sex with who. The woman then told her high school friend and her younger sister about this encounter; they also confirmed this when interviewed by Bunshun.
He deserves a life sentence for this villainy
Nothing about that is illegal, they were at a resort, accepted the offer to go back to a famous comedians cottage, was then asked about sex and left.
I have yet to see any actual evidence of wrongdoings by Matsumoto, I don't doubt for a second he's been trying to get it on with numerous women, but so far there has been zero evidence of anyone being forced into it.
Well there's plenty of variety show slop on nipland, losing Matsumoto is no biggie.
having sex or even asking women if she wants to have sex is a crime if she regrets it after 10 years (regardless of if she said yes or if you even had sex)
>But guys, who cares?! Losing Jeremy Clarkson is no big deal!!
I pity the anon who feels attached to celebs, very sad
If this is truly the case then they'll be back.
> feels attached to celebs
You're missing the point entirely, it's a personality and style of performance, replace Matsumoto with some shitty Japanese comic and tell me how it's going to be exactly the same.
It won't be the same and that's okay.
it is not okay.
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pls rate frens
What are the odds on a second season of takeshis castle reboot
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I realize this is a big long shot, but I am looking for an episode of Knight Scoop that I've never seen online. It's the very first episode from 1988. I am specifically looking for the last segment, investing the Colonel Sanders statue that was thrown into the Dotonbori river.

It doesn't have to be subbed, I'm actually looking to do the subs for it. If anyone knows where to find it, please let me know.
fujimoto is back! hopefully haranishi doesnt have to eat fucking cat food out of a dish again to get yt views.
If there's one person that could at least step in for Matsumoto on Gaki, it would be Fujimoto, he's not as good of course, but it would be a competent replacement.
Does anyone have the episode or torrent for the one where they make mcdonalds coca cola hot pot?
It's GnT (2006-12-10) #0834 - Absolutely Tasty - Nabe and you can find it as well as literally everything else that's ever been translated on the library.
anyone know some good travelogue shows
any update on this?
Last I heard was that a court hearing will be held late March (28th, just looked it up). Aside from that there's not much else. Some 3rd party lawyer said that this shit will probably take a while unless they decide upon a settlement. Also that Matsumoto himself might not appear in court until late next year. Oh and I do remember Hamada saying that he's waiting for Matsumoto to return and he'll hold down the fort until then.
where can i find Downtown Gottsu Ee Kanji - Female Gang Fight 1-6???? help i got crazy trying to find them
it would be great if when he came back they did a end of year batsu and then cancel the end of a year thing. always felt the last las vegas was terrible due to covid.
The same place you can find everything else in this thread, you haven't even looked at the OP post.
torrents for road fc?
cool thx a lot it´s been a long time that i haven´t see that you improved the links good job
looks like matsumoto is going to be coming back soon. made a twitter post
Is there any torrent where I can get episodes from the 90's Japanese adult show Gilgamesh Night?
Full episodes are very rare to find.
Not sure if it counts as variety but does anyone know where to find eps of 月曜から夜ふかし?
>thesilentlibrary.xyz domain expired
>find the Google spreadsheet
>MEGA link to the "current library" is also unavailable
So, what... did I get here at a bad time, or was everything actually nuked?

Mega is dead because of a takedown, now the library is hosted at tsl.chikichiki.tube
Thanks, and nice trips
removed the raws?
Nope, but they appear gone. I'll ask chikichiki about it. They've been doing a bunch of stuff recently as a final push to the refresh/upgrades, so it might be related.
My kingdom for jap wrestling with subtitles.
I've been watching a lot of mid-2010s Gaki no Tsukai, and it made me curious: how's Hamada doing these days? That's the era where you get a lot of Matsumoto commenting on his "senility"
>He's not a good tsukkomi now, all he knows how to do is say "What the hell?"
and that weird part of the Sciencist New Year's special where he breaks down over Hamada genuinely not recognizing something (a character or something). The whole thing always rode the razor's edge between comedy and sincerity. I know he hosts Wendesday's Downtown, but I've never watched it.

I honestly find "old man" Hamada funnier than his more sadistic character, especially when everyone gathers around him to correct him for some minor mistake or just calls him out flubbing a comic interaction.
He's no more senile than you'd expect from a man his age, he's at a point where he's been doing this for so long last year might as well be 10 years ago.
It's almost more like he just doesn't bother remembering than actually forgetting, he's nowhere near dementia.
That's good, then. I always thought that Matsumoto talking about how senile he is had more to do with knowing him for his entire life, and therefore remembering him as a different person in his youth. I just couldn't figure it out, though.
Why is there so many gaps in Game Center CX?? I can't even find the missing episodes raw, like in season 20 it skips 5 whole episodes between 219 and 225, then it skips again from 226 to 233.
sub groups didn't UL the episodes in any order. The current group did a bunch of polls on which untranslated episodes people want most but they haven't gone back and done any of the older seasons yet iirc
I know that its not a game show, but does anyone have midnight diner?
>He's not a good tsukkomi now, all he knows how to do is say "What the hell?"
To be fair this is kinda true, he doesn't do much anymore in recent episodes. If anything, Matsumoto true character came through in recent years and he's the one complaining about stuff/doing tsukkomi in recent Gaki. He's pretty notorious for bitching and moaning all the time backstage.
Whatever it's Hamada getting senile, just not bothering, getting fucked by BPO so he keeps quiet because he's not sure what he can do or even that Matsumoto is overbearing and took over as the tsukkomi would be between them.
I can't really blame them after doing the same thing for 35 years.
Even if current gaki has faded a little I'll always love the first 20 years of their work, there's 100's of hours of good entertainment from them, I'll even go back and watch all their fishing tournaments.
for GnT

besides kiki, food marathon, fart order food and absolutely tasty

is there any other food related episodes?

and did anyone ever compiled food related episodes?
I have them compiled for myself in my own collection since I'm a sucker for food-related TV, but there's not really a lot of others, just an episode here or there.
>#36 - 3 minute cooking, very short sketch from when it was just Hamada and Matsumoto
>#74 - Special Nabe Battle, again with just Hamada and Matsumoto
>No idea which episodes these are, they are early, but there's two "giant food" episodes with Hamada and Matsumoto, giant sushi and giant pudding
>Again, don't know episode number, there's two episodes where Hamada and Matsumoto prepares tuna and anglerfish respectively to eat
>#859 - Food Battle vs Gal Sone, the group takes on a competitive eater
>#1107-#1108 - Hungry Drive part 1 & 2, they just drive from place to place to eat while pretending they're starving
>#1214-#1215 - Foodie Report Competition, they each go to a different restaurant pretending to be food critics.
>#1456-#1457 - Calbee Potato Chips Game, not officially 'kiki', but basically the same deal

I'm probably forgetting one or two, but that's about it.
There's also eating hot food with hands and another one where they have to cook food with the random ingredients they are given. Don't know the exact episode numbers though.
There's also the ask the best around town episodes that feature at least 1 restaurant
>no new GCCX in over a month
Is it ogre?
At this point I just wish I had a good source for raw videos, whisperAI translates well enough for me to understand everything.
I fucked up and starting a uni project where I'm relying on some Love Village episodes.. all the torrents I've found have no peers. Any anons able to help out? Looking for the whole season..
I was looking into getting hulu jp but I wanted to see if I could set up a vpn on my tv to watch the raws.
how would you get this set up? That would be extremely useful for shit like JAV dunno if it could handle complex dialog for gaki tho.
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>dunno if it could handle complex dialog for gaki tho.
Some of the jokes are lost since they're meant to be puns or wordplay and Whisper just gives you the direct translation of what they're saying, but as I said it's well enough to understand based on what you're seeing.
The biggest problem with Gaki is that there's often a lot of information via text on screen that nobody says out loud, so it can't be translated unless you want to screencap all text and upload them into Google's image translator.
anyone know what ever happened to takeshis castle? that show was the shit
I assume you're talking about the reboot? No word on a second season which is sad because I really enjoyed it
what's the status on Matsumoto
There is none, trial is still going, they're just trying to drag it out as long as possible to make it impossible for Matsumoto to return to TV since they've presented fuck-all of actual evidence so far.
new nasubi interview just dropped
>Love Village Season 01 2023 720p NF WEB-DL DDP5.1 x264-EDITH 720p WEB-DL Full Season 1 Audio:Sub:1 14.8 GB 3 Seeds
did you find it? there's 3 versions on avistaZ 720-14gb / 1080p-25gb do you need the whole thing or some eps?
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Does anyone have a Hard Gay Razor Ramon collection? I used to have it but lost it and can't find it anymore.
I don't mean his wrestling stuff, just the segments he has done to shows.
Everything currently subbed should be up in TSL.
Sorry for being a brainlet, but what is TSL and how do I access it?
No worries. https://thesilentlibrary.com/ and then click [files] at the top to access the stuff. The HG clips we have are off Daibakuten, which is here: https://tsl.chikichiki.tube/The%20Silent%20Library/Daibakuten/
If you're looking for something, you should check the [master list] first to see what exists.
Silent Library, linked in the OP.
yeah, I figure as much. I really want to get JP hulu.
All I've heard is he posted on twitter about wanting to come back.
hard gay is funny but why couldn't he have just come up with new jokes instead of retiring the bit instantly and then coming back with "hot guy"? he would've been so good
What is happening with Miyasako now? Fujiwara made a video about him recently and everyone has been disliking Miyasako's videos on youtube. I don't think it has anything to do with the yakuza stuff
How could he? HG was fucking so huge he is internationally known just for that.
it didnt have anything todo with yakuza.
Snitches get stitches
You know, I forgot how good the 2019 Youth High School New Year's special actually is. I don't know if it was a conscious decision to restructure it in response to how bad 2018's was (everyone is already complaining, "This again..." within minutes of 2018 starting), but I love how much of 2019 is just the 5 fucking around in an empty classroom. The guests were great, too.
So what did he do for everyone to hate him again?
Maybe I should give the more recent ones another chance, everything after Earth Defence Force I've just seen once when they came out an never revisited.
he had a small hit and run and then apologized.
I think that was Fujimon not Miyasako
Saw some random JP guy saying that Miyasako is talking a lot of shit about comedians and the whole business lately, hence why a lot of people dislike Miyasako. I don't know if that influenced the recent dislikes though.
i read it wrong. Has Fujimon been on anything recently? I've only seen him do yt stuff.
Call me dumb, but I can only find one fishing competition, 15 p 1 + 2, in TSL. Are there more? well obviously, but where do I find those? Ty in advance.
I've been re-watching the more recent batsu games, 'Detectives' have to be the absolutely worst one.
They're doing nothing that has anything to do with detective work, the others have had at least some association with the themes.
Even the 5 of them are going thru the entire thing saying "This again." "Same as last year." "The staff must've loved this since we're doing it again."
The only saving grace for it is the 'singing for food' bit.
The singing for food bit is the best repeated thing they do and for some reason they stopped doing it. Can't understand it. The Detective one is so fucking funny
GCCX chads we are so back

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