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--Warwick University Rowers

>Ultimate Cock Photos Compilation
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Based and added to seedbox
two small collections of cock pics I found online



currently putting together a fairly large collection of dick pics. If other anons have similar collections, let's pool them all here.
So more or less this is the gay torrent thread?
This is gay af
There's a fuck tonne of coomer threads, but it's bad that we have something for gay dudes? Get fucked.
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or at least the cock pics thread
I'm not even gay. I downloaded collection because i want to make a practical joke for girlfriend. I wonder whats the reaction when she finds out that her phone has 7500 cock photos, lol.
Is needlessly pointing out sexualities in threads the new meta now? Do I need to go inform the straights that they like straight stuff?
or it could be used to train AI to draw better dicks. The future could benefit from aggregating the biggest collection of cock pics here on /t/
7500 isn't nearly enough
Considering AI is kinda shit at drawing dicks that's a great idea.
>"babe I swear I don't know where all these cocks came from!"
less talk, more cawk plz

small collection but good enough for a bump
Based, put in seedbox
It's not downloading
It's stuck at 99.8% for me too. I'm doing what I can.
Not even starting for me
It's stalled for me too, not sure what more I can do about it.
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bumping with the bible of cock worship
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20328 Indian Cocks

>20328 Indian Cocks
any content of ethnic men being dommed by BWC?
>~7000 cock pics from 'eb67'
OP is a faggot
There are few things as kino as schizo gays.
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1000 more dick picks
>bears and cock pics
you is a gay nigga bitch ass faggot cocksucker
i guess this is the only thread with gay shit so I'm gonna go out on a limb here.
Anyone have torrents for gay movies or recommendations?

bump for interest
Looks sad but hot
Same, but I'm more interested in straight porn where the focus is on the male performer's cock. Could be CFNM/pegging videos with a submissive man, or just regular handjob/blowjob videos shot from a female POV.
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Bound Gods 2008 / 2009. Some quality stuff in there.
Fuck, I need my bears.
Not a huge fan of bound gods but I'll give it a look.

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