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/t/ - Torrents

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File: 11116781.gif (1.82 MB, 720x405)
1.82 MB
1.82 MB GIF
Hey, I just started to learn video montage since two days. I did some pmv's that I want to share. I'm not a pro, I'm learning since two days only so it's very amateur. I think they are still very hot. That's not your usual pmv's with 1400 superposed videos, I choosed carefully the videos I use. If you don't like interracial and/or phonk music, that's not for you. I will share from the softest to the hardest.

Let me know what you think about them. And if you want to know who is who, I can answer that question. Enjoy !

MEGA link : https://mega.nz/folder/Cd1HHTAB#r4C5efPz0553m2__sUIe9w
attributes of the first video:
PMV Sexy Big Titties.mp4
3840x2160 @23fps mp42/avc1/mp4a-40-2
size 718 MB
duration 02:34 min

Don't make a new thread for this!
go to 4chan/torrent
an anon publishes on torrent
share a link from mega.nz
Sorry I do not not know hot to post a torrent. I tried during an hour without success. If someone want to make a magnet link feel free to do it. MEGA is working fine tho.
MEGA is always fine
Thanks, all of this could've been uploaded to PMVHaven instead of killing a thread, you fag.
My pleasure, you little bitch.
geez that fucking AV1 encode is excessive
come on man
make it usable
I don't need 2GB for 8 min of video fuck
none of my shit is gonna play your shit
stick with a standard
you wasted your effort cause now idgaf
You can't even download a little 8 min video ? I think the problem is your internet connection that is from 1990 rather than the videos. If you are not happy about free shit, go along your path and keep your mouth close ty.
But hey, my bad. Sometimes I forgot how rude, retarded and evil people are here. That's my bad, I should always keep in mind that 4chan is litterally the den of degenerate people.
>/t/ - Torrents

get the fuck out
>a little 8 min video
>OP chops dick off

The best part of this thread is the fat tit in the thread pic. Other than that total crap.
Sauce on tits?
Kendra lust
Katrina Jade would be my guess
Folder in mega link not accessible
Says no longer available. Can't you just make a torrent or upload to xvideos? What's your pmv channel?
still waiting for working link
what I want to know is if there are any blacks (male) in your pmv's

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