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they are very difficult to find nowadays, stuff like pic related
Pirate Fetish Machine series
Private etc...
there are many studios who made great stuff like this in the early 2000s

old (new) school porn with latex, leather, proper lighting, reasonable camera work, some work going into the setting/aesthetic (not the rich girl house, yacht or couch seen in a gazillion modern porns), women dressed for the occasion etc...

here are a couple torrents I came across but I struggle finding more, they often are not seeded anymore. There are a few on private trackers but even then the seeding is a struggle.



also new stuff if in the same spirit. Photosets also welcome.
As long as it has latex, leather, sensuality, hot bimbos and IS NOT gonzo...
The Fashionistas (Rocco/Belladonna) before the series went to shit is also a classic

latex/fetish things are really difficult to find unless you are content with the occasional fetish stuff in mainstream porn or full on bdsm...
is the OPearl stuff still floating around out there?
no idea...
there is some of the streaming sites; her anal stretching looks amateurish now that every girl is doing it, althought still quite hot
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AlexD German stuff was always the best. There's always a few on every site that allows porn, you just have to track them down. A lot of the titles are in German and don't include AlexD's name, so you have to search for each title individually. They're worth the effort though!

Here's a catalog: https://www.adultdvdtalk.com/director/alex-d

Here's a few on XH: https://xhamster.com/search/alex+d
oh thanks for reminding me of this one anon.

maybe you'll have s ome idea, eons ago I remember finding a video (I think it was emule or whatever) of 2 lesbians in latex outdoors by a house (pool perhaps); they had gasmasks with breathing tubes ending up in dildos
the title was something like "mask und licht" never found it again
what is "proper" fetish porn?
the kind I like, the rest of you are sickos
>the kind I like, the rest of you are sickos
Can anyone give names or even magnets for porn category where men are having a negotiation with woman to have sex? I know there is public agent or something but i guess there is more to find?
Hard to beat AlexD movies. That mix of kinky Berliners and "stars" like Kathleen White, Miss Eve, Alisha Laine, all enthusiasts, all quality.

Been trying to collect as many of these old titles as possible, but some are absolutely impossible to find.




Oh yes. I sometimes wonder what she is doing these day, her and that Lady Madeleine with that Luxemburgian production company. Did O'Pearl ever have sex with a man on film?
thanks anon
plz seed
Those are just from a site. They will probably wake up later. They are listed as having at least 1 seeder. In my experience these AlexD movies could take a week to DL.

If I ever feel like doing a labour of love I will rip all AlexD movies I can find from the tube sites and turn into a torrent, for posterity.

Pic related. Pferd und Reiter. Probably the best scene in any AlexD movie. Gonna see if I can find that with enuff seeders. I will be back
thanks anon

I created this one but I can only seed so fast on a home connection
thanks to those of you seeding this one.
but alas the AlexD stuff is really hit or miss
can you please seed? full service is stuck at 98% and sein und haben is at 9%
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been looking for tina's fetish spa for forever, if anyones got a copy please share
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Yeah you are right. Gonna try to recreate what I can. Meanwhile, here is a functioning copy of the AlexD title Berlin Moskau with lovely Miss Eve


I found the Kathleen White megapack. In it are a lot of the titles she did with AlexD. Unfortunately mostly the scenes she is in, just one full movie
The names are:
Back in Lust (scene)
Sein und Haben (full movie)
Think Bigger (scene)
Traumreise (scene)
Under Pressure (scene)

thanks anon
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More AlexD. Not their best titles but they are OK

Time to Play. Mainly Girl Girl. Just one Boy Girl scene

Bitter Sweet. Girl Girl
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AlexD Close Encounters

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AlexD Angelique

anon saves the day

no peers on this?
Lots of old stuff is disappearing from torrents.
I was looking for an old 'Training of O' video and couldn't find any seeders.
Surely it wasn't that old? ...it was from 2007.
Now I'm feeling old and sad.
>'Training of O'
This is a siterip for 2015 - 2018, about 120 videos, currently showing 9 seeds and downloading at full speed

Ah I just felt like venting.
But thanks for the link, appreciate it.
Does anyone have anything decent of Gwenmedia? Pure kino.
>Does anyone have anything decent of Gwenmedia? Pure kino.

anyone still seeding this?
Bumping the thread with O'Pearl.
Erotic Passion 52. O'Pearl and Lady Madeleine doing large dildo insertiona and fisting by the pool. No special clothes or anything. Just huge boobs, huge pussies, huge toys and huge piercings
Poor resolution. 4:3 format as on an old TV. 45 minutes long.

Sharing for posterity. Somewhere on the planet these women are still walking around, much much older. Amazing to think of really. O'Pearls pregnant belly (her final movie) has probably turned into an adult person now.

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More O'Pearl
Some clips in horrible resolution
Some longer movies in less horrible resolution
Contains the previously shared Erotic Passion 52

Also contains:
Erotic Passion 36
Erotic Passion 37
Erotic Passion 64
Erotic Passion 66
Erotic Passion 84
Erotic Passion Best Of 02
Piercing Archive 6
+ low rez clips
3.83gb total


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