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Post movies you cant find anywere.
If you can help, please give us an alive torrent
The Pyramid, of all things, is hard to find?

> magnet:?xt=urn:btih:AE2D417A1F02116C63CE628A992760352E881A42&dn=The.Pyramid.2014.1080p.BluRay.x264-GECKOS - 6.5 GB bluray rip, this once was on rarbg but uploaded in 2019, so currently it seems dead-ish, but rarbg torrents have decent spread and are reuploaded to lots of other places, so chances are decent that a seed will appear if you wait for a while
> https://nnmclub.to/forum/viewtopic.php?t=891704 - 6.8 GB bluray rip, it's the same GECKOS release but with an added Russian audio track, but it actually has a seed
> https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4996059 - 5.9 GB bluray rip in .m4v
> https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4954677 - 3.3 GB web-dl in .mkv

TorrentLeech has a remux with seeders, but I'm not going to download 25 GBs from a private tracker and reupload it elsewhere just for some random anon
The next quality tier on private trackers that I see is a 6.9 GB rip, which isn't meaningfully better than the first one linked above

Some public uploads of remuxes can be found here https://btdig.com/search?q=%22pyramid+2014%22&order=3 but they are from 2015 so I expect them to be long dead; one more remux here https://nnmclub.to/forum/viewtopic.php?t=892879 but also dead according to the tracker
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Holyshit I'm going to suck your dick if this works!

The four Russian trackers that you should always check

- rutracker.org
- nnmclub.to
- rutor.is = rutor.info (two mirror domains, both point to the same server)
- kinozal.tv

The first three are public. You can make an account to have some quality-of-life things (ability to open some user-only collapse boxes in the text posts, etc) but it's optional. You're still free to search, order the search results, grab magnets, etc.
Thre's also a rutor.org, which *mimics* it and connects to its database, but it's a third-party unofficial offshoot. Until recently, there was no difference. Recently, they decided to make the downloading of torrents (even magnets) a paid feature. Yes, really. Don't pay them, obviously. But their search engine is marginally better at finding stuff in the database if you wrote a partial name. It might be a good idea to do a search on both the .is and the .org websites, and then just grab the torrent/magnet from .is. You'll see that the url format for the page of the upload is identical. Just substitute the domain.

Kinozal is public-facing but user-only with ratio. You can search but you can't download unless you're a user. I personally don't have a Kinozal account, but I have a friend who I occasionally ask to grab something for me.

The spread of computer literacy coincided with a free-for-all free market in ex-USSR countries, and this, together with lax intellectual property laws, led to a fairly unique phenomenon where many random normie people use torrents, and it's not something that you learn from some sketchy online place. It's just "a" part of online life in that part of the world. Also, many torrents on these sites aren't automated uploads by some groups racing each other, but were made because someone cares about some movie or videogame and decided to make a high quality upload. With all these things combined, these trackers have truly fantastic lifetime for many torrents. Literally decades, unlike "western" public trackers.
Count yourself lucky if it doesn't work, this movie was pure shit. Absolute bottom-tier of an already pretty bottom-tier genre.
haven't found it anywhere and the title isn't helping either.
also this one, from 1991
if it doesn't, it's on Disney Plus in Hungary, you can try a VPN
Have a matching ``hard to find'' offering
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Why wouldn't it work, even the bare geckos rip from the rarbg link above works.
Bro thank you so much, it did work. I can't thank you enough you're a fucking legend!
I used to have 3, 2TB drives just for movies and tv series, shit happens and I lost them. Years passed and I didn't give much thought and recover the stuff I lost, on my free time I would just spend time playing video games and watching porn, thinking, these movies I lost, would always be there for me on the torrent websites I used, such as Pirate bay, kickasstorrent and rarbg.
When the time came where I felt like watching all my movies back, I realized how fucking wrong I was. It was so easy back then to download anything, we had it so good. Now its a struggle to get some stuff that isn't super popular or brand new.
Will definitely check these trackers out. Heard russian websites are the best when it comes to pirate stuff. I can definitely see why now.
Thank you again man. God bless
I happen to like it man. I love monster stuff. If it has monsters it takes a REALLY bad movie to make me not like it. The characters in this are cringe, but they all die and the monster reveal was really cool. Its a mummy movie with a twist I love it.
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There's a reason why I'm here asking for help dude.
Anyway, the russian website anon did helped me, and now I have the movie. I'm happy.

The pyramid I'd on there, I found it straight away.
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Been trying to find this Korean drama for my father called "Cruel Palace: War of Flowers" with English subtitles or multi-language subs. Even a lead would be good because no one has it anywhere with the subs and been searching for months.
there are two results on btdig .com, try those.
I'll try those out and see if they have the subtitles. Thanks!
hail satan. god doesn't do shit.
here's some more advice, not that anon. just fucking ask someone on 4chan for something, there is likely an anon that won't mind grabbing a movie for you. you can ask on /ptg/ on /g/ or anywhere else.
in general 4chan is an excellent place to request shit, just don't come along like a retard and understand some board etiquette
Pretty much what they said. 4chan does good work!

As for requests on stuff I've not been able to find anywhere online so far, I've got a couple movies I just can't find. Maybe you guys will have better luck.

Jake's Booty Call (1999)
The Easter Egg Adventure (2004)
Coons: Night of the Bandits of the Night (2005)
The Killer Bra (2010)
Things (1993)
Things 3
Things 5 (2019)
Things 666 (2021)
The Lost Treasure of the Grand Canyon (2008)
looks like shit but here
Anyone know where to get the films of Travis Betz? Dude has like 60 short films, all of which I can believe are impossible to get, but his made a handful of features which have had a dvd-releases.
Specificallly looking for:
- The Dead Inside (2011); zombie musical
- Lo (2009); supernatural comedy/drama
- Sunday (2008); Comedy
- Joshua (2006); Horror
- Little Graves; Horror
Check on Movieparadise.org, the first three on your list are all there. The rest probably are too I just stopped looking.
thanks mate.
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avistaz has it, wait for one of their open signup weekends. If you dad is korean or likes korean stuff then avistaz will be your mecca
Thanks a million. My old man is retired and became obsessed with trying to watch it after a few TikTok clips. Might be worth the signup in the long run knowing it might not be his last k-drama.
Could anyone help with the Shogun series from 1980?
Thanks for the recommendation, but sadly everything seems locked behind a RapidGator Premium paywall.
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Halbe Welt, surprisingly effective movie.

imdb tt0107070
I just pay for alldebrid, it's 3 bucks a month and i get unlimited premium rapidgator links.
Ty, appreciate it anon!
Heres my "hard to find movies" wishlist
scarlet sails (russian movie, the original b&w rather than the recolors that are on youtube)
io capitano
twilight of the yakuza
headhunter (2009)
headhunter and io capitano are both on https://mw.lonelil.ru/
can both be downloaded with subtitles
>The Easter Egg Adventure (2004), The Killer Bra (2010), Things 5 (2019), The Lost Treasure of the Grand Canyon (2008)
All these are on the site i link in the above post
>The Dead Inside (2011)
and this
Petticoat Planet, also known as High noon on makeout planet .
sanak from 2021 ?
grabbing this for you
looks interesting, your taste impressed me so i decide to dl this.
anyone have this?
the title is Bakanuri no Musume (バカ塗りの娘) or Tsugaru Lacquer Girl
imdb tt27843451
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I have a few that I've been having trouble finding...
>Here Is Your Life | Här har du ditt liv (1966)
>Corpus Christi | Boze Cialo (2019)
And also, weirdly
>Sasquatch Sunset (2024)
Corpus Christi is on 1337x , I watched it when it premiered on the Criterion Channel and I highly recommed it, great film.

I'm looking for Radu Jude films, hard to find torrents that aren't russian and have english subs. I've seen Do not expect too much.. and Bad Luck Banging.... but can't find any more working torrents. does anybody know a site? I don't mind if it's R*manian
Anyone knows where I can get Jekyll and Hyde 1990 with Michael Caine?

Thank you!
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Epoch (2001. I tried to search it everywhere but no chance.
Thanks, but I kept getting a virus alert when I went to the site and even then the movies were listed, but they weren't available for viewing or download for some reason.
oh, works fine for me. i can filebin the movies later if youd prefer
I am looking for tv series "Het geheime dagboek van Hendrik Groen". It would be great if someone would have and share
Shadow Of Fire (2023)
Cannot find anywhere. It's pretty new so maybe they haven't leaked one yet. Also probably wasn't released in US.
Still touring some festivals I think, I saw it in Feb as part of the Japanese Touring Film Fest in UK. It's getting a Region B Blu-Ray release from Third Window Films in the latter half of the year, so may have to wait til then
That would be amazing of you! Thank you!

Thanks for sharing that!
I appreciate it dude. I didn't think anyone can find it. How the hell did you find it?
Looking for this film everywhere but could not find it.
I'm on very exclusive websites for movies/tv shows. best on the planet.
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Luck HBO
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I am the guy who requested Epoch 2001. Thank you again. I wonder if you can find Inhabited 2003 anywhere?
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Miporin 2019
thank you dude.
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Anyone can help me find The tragedy of Man (2011) cartoon? I have been looking for it everywhere
Not a film but a special feature. I've not been able to find the Bonus disc from the Middle Earth Ultimate Collectors edition with the Alamo Drafthouse reunion videos anywhere.
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Here's a challenging one for everybody - Goodbye Bad Magazines (2022).. can not find this anywhere!!
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idk if this counts but i've been searching for sherk 1 on a 4:3 aspect ratio on Latin spanish, many 4:3 movies i cant seem to find
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pft. I can grab that. But I'm not bc of the sass of saying it's challenging.
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brotherman, i cannot, for the life of me, find this fucking movie anywhere

I have seen censored versions which strip out about 30 minutes of the movie, but thats about it

I dunno if it's just the name of the movie itself that is getting censored or something, but Sara Malakul's tits are fantastic in this

Jailbait (2014)
TV-MA | 1h 30m

Dude it is already can be found in yts.mx without any censorship https://yts.mx/movies/jailbait-2014
Can you find the haunted airman 2006 ?
Can anyone get this for me plox? With eng subs.


I can only find the anime but I haven't found the movie with eng subs anywhere yet.
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Anyone have The Haunting Lodge?

I get whateva i want
Not to rush you, but have you been able to find any of those films?
been looking for this one too desu - any links?
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Thank you my good man
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Ariane's Thread (2014)
I could never find this movie anywhere, can anyone help me find this movie to download or torrent?
The Little Comrade (2018)

Btw do you have the 1080p version of The tragedy of man movie instead? Thanks anyways for uploading this underrated gem of a movie. I dont know why is this so hard to find
Living Hell / Iki-Jigoku (2000)
i cant find this movie anywhere...seriously. anyone have a link so i can re-watch this movie?!
Yes, but I'm all done helping out here.

L a t e r

u r welc o m e for the m o v i e z
i su p port f ilm
I can find all of them on PTP
ill give you a wet kiss for an invite. maybe sloppy, too.
website is down "13th of May 2024

Sorry, Filebin is currently down. It is temporarily shut down due to an increased amount of abuse, which takes too much time to handle properly. If time allows, the service will be opened again once more functionality to mitigate and reduce abuse has been implemented.

You can reach out at contact@filebin.net if needed."
Can't find any working torrents, but watchable quality on these sites



>The Little Comrade (2018)
Good movie

what do i do with those files? how do i make it into one big video?
this is the last one >>1306156
does anyone have the 1080p version of this movie?
Use VLC player, it treats it like any other file. Here's an MKV version.

>Ariane's Thread (2014)

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Zhifu or 'Uniform' (2003)
>Zhifu or 'Uniform' (2003)
It's free on Vimeo, there are extensions or real debrid to allow you to download it

>Coons: Night of the Bandits of the Night (2005)

Por favor senores? I very much would like this
not a movie but where can i download touched by an angel? i've been looking for ages and never found a complete set, tracking down the dvds would probably be easier
This was quite excellent. Idk why but it was so captivating despite the languid pace.
anyone know where i can find this? Checked the regular places (1337, TGx, rarbg) but nada.
The Seventh Coin (1993)

>touched by an angel

Full series

No working torrents, freely watchable on V K in lovely 360p quality, but the low quality does actually suit this movie well.
>I have a few that I've been having trouble finding...
>>Here Is Your Life | Här har du ditt liv (1966)
>>Corpus Christi | Boze Cialo (2019)
>And also, weirdly
>>Sasquatch Sunset (2024)

All 3 are on YTS
Filebin is down, here's Epoch & the sequel

Forgive me but I'm not the best at navigating vk. Would you happen to have a link? Or a basic how to would be much appreciated
>Shadow Of Fire (2023)
>Cannot find anywhere. It's pretty new so maybe they haven't leaked one yet. Also probably wasn't released in US.

Watchable here


>Petticoat Planet, also known as High noon on makeout planet

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Norwegian movie 'Tomme Tønner' (Empty Barrels), gangster comedy from 2010, this movie is disappearing from the internet.
Although it's a bit mediocre, aimed more at teenagers, I don't think it deserves to be sent to the void.
I can find Russian dubs with ok video, but the only rip I've found with original Norwegian audio has god awful video with added black bars and burned on subtitles.
Tried 15 different torrents, all of them dead.
>Empty Barrels

I know this one but it doesn't have subtitles. :(
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i found the 1st one but the 2nd one is fully sweeped off the face of the earth, both movies used to be in archive.org but got taken down. goated movies for any history nerd
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>>>1306644 (You)
>I know this one but it doesn't have subtitles. :(
oh additional info, release year is 2010 and the english name is "Here, Under The North Star" or just "Under The North Star"
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File #49 in this 51GB torrent of Finnish films, took about 30 minutes to finish just the one file

i'd call you an absolute lifesaver but it seems the torrent refuses to connect to any peers, idk if the number of seeders is just that small but i'm not getting any download. very much appreciated either way
What is VK? Could you provide it some other way, perhaps?

Also, I've still had no luck tracking down these films if anyone can help me out:

The Easter Egg Adventure (2004)
The Killer Bra (2010)
The Lost Treasure of the Grand Canyon (2008)
Things (1993)
Things 3
Things 5 (2019)
Things 666 (2021)
I've been looking everywhere for The First Nudie Musical.
>>>1306689 (You)
>i'd call you an absolute lifesaver but it seems the torrent refuses to connect to any peers, idk if the number of seeders is just that small but i'm not getting any download. very much appreciated either way

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>I've been looking everywhere for The First Nudie Musical.

I remember finding my dad's soft core VHS porn stash when I was a kid, this was in there. I was looking forward to Cindy Williams showing her tits, but alas, it wasn't meant to be

bless you
Can anybody upload "the haunted airman 2006" again? Since filebin is dead, I couldn't download it.
>Can anybody upload "the haunted airman 2006" again? Since filebin is dead, I couldn't download it.

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This isn't so much hard to find as no one has ever heard of it. Hilarious movie from 2007, stars Jensen Ackles and John Doe of X.

Ten Inch Hero

I've had trouble finding the movie "Kuei-mei, a Woman" (1985) by "Yi Chang".

It has a Wikipedia page and is made by a famous director, yet it's surprisingly difficult to find. I imagine if I knew more about cn I'd be able to find it.
>Kuei-mei, a Woman


Its got no peers, but I'll give it a shot. I had one from ygdy8.com which got half way but never finished.
I've been trying to find this one for years now, I never get any results on the sites I usually go to, only the Dolph Lundgren film with the same name.
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Merciless Light/無慈悲な光 (2021)
all the actresses are pornstars

The Dog and the Fountain, Korean flick that dropped last year, can't seem to find it anywhere
>>Kuei-mei, a Woman

>Diamond Dogs 2017

It's never been released to disc or streaming
is there a telegram group for posting these?
Does anyone have a working torrent of MST3K: The Gauntlet, may also be called Season 12, or MST3K The Return - Season 2. I personally think they're fucking with pirates just to make it difficult for us to find episodes. Zak Bagans does the same thing with Ghost Adventures.

Ahh bugger :(
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check out his other movies, especially pic rel. yts.mx has all the others.
i need to see my javfu in this
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A somewhat unusual request:

Domino (2005) with Keira Knightley, **BUT!** the NTSC DVD (American / region 1, most likely), namely the edition with bonus materials (probably a 2-disc pack), OR the Bluray (not rip, not remux).

Specifically, *I am after the bonus materials* from the NTSC edition. I have the actual movie. There is a PAL (!) DVD, available for example on Rutracker, but because it's pal, they converted the (American-TV-camera-filmed) bonus materials from NTSC to PAL using incorrect frame pulldown from 29.97 to 24 (and then speed-up to 25) and it looks really bad, messy interlacing lines everywhere. So, I'm looking for the NTSC DVD, or the full bluray that also includes the bonus materials. It's a movie from 2005 so these bonus materials are in SD, and the Bluray has them in DVD quality, so it's not like I'm hoping for HD there - but my understanding is that they should be in proper NTSC there, too.

Since I have the movie as a bluray remux, I'll be happy even if you share just the contents of the bonus materials without the main movie (so, probably DVD2 of the 2-disc pack, and/or the bluray folder without the main huge video file of the movie itself). But the remux that I have is "VC-1 Video / 26320 kbps", which seems like a typical European release. Maybe there is a better bluray out there? A release in AVC?

I'll really appreciate both the bonus materials (from NTSC DVD or Bluray), as well as a higher-than-vc1 quality bluray if it exists.

Thank you!
Looking for help downloading the theatrical cut for Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers. I thought I had it on my hard drive, but I only have the Producer's Cut. Been looking for a decent 1080 torrent or magnet of the Theatrical and can't seem to find anything beyond dead links and super small file sizes. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Did you see this one? It looks like proper NTSC DVD9

>Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers Theatrical

2160p - 5GB - 2 seeds - completes successfully
OP is this not available?
Thanks, turns out that I didn't notice that one. (I see it now on Rutracker)
It has some extras, BUT it's missing the B-roll clip from the pal version. Judging by the torrent description, this one was re-assembled from a pre-existing ntsc dvd with a different set of tracks (the link to which is dead now), so idk if the B-roll was never on this disc in the first place or the creator of this one had to take it out.

Ideally it would be nice to find the "original" ntsc dvd (American / region 1?) that wasn't repacked, to check what contents it has. I have a couple questions, then:

- Is there some good online source that compares various releases of a movie and their contents? For example, the PAL dvd that I mentioned before is a 2-disc set with such and such bonus materials on the 2nd disc. What's a good place to look up things like this?
- Are uploads of full DVD discs (not 700MB/1400MB DVD rips) "a thing" in traditionally North American corners of the Internet? Rutracker has a lot of them (either Ru licensed editions, or sourced from other countries' releases with a Ru track added), but I don't think I've seen many "untouched DVDs" on more international trackers. Or is just a longevity issue, that is, they were being uploaded when DVD format was popular, but those torrents died out?
>2160p - 5GB
Yikes, man.
Not so much PAL vs NTSC, but this site compares the various region code releases


Can anyone please reup this movie. Filebin is down with no eta on when it may return and I'd like to grab The Tragedy of Man
>The Tragedy of Man

If legit anyone has any of the bibi und tina movies on lock, pls hook me up.
I need some german classics back on my belt
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Thank you, may your life be filled with blossoming gardens to gather fragrant memories of the vanished flowers of yesteryear.
im still waiting for this
Requesting Inspector Rex, preferably without hardcoded subs.
No torrent site seems to have the proper version and I know there's youtube uploads but they're covered in watermark shit.
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August in The Water (1995) great movie and wonderful soundtrack but it only has one seed.
If anyone could plant I would be very grateful.

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>Requesting Inspector Rex, preferably without hardcoded subs.

No subs, 2 audio tracks: German & Russian

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Trying to find Burke and Hare 2010. Can't seem to dig it up anywhere.
Worse I was able to find a movie about the topic from the 40s but not this one.
>Burke and Hare 2010

still looking for this one
Hum, guys can someone help me with this?
Nitrate Flames (Llamas de Nitrato) is a documentary about Renné Falconetti, the original actress from the Passion of Joan of Arc
Thanks! Really appreciate it dude!!
>Nitrate Flames (Llamas de Nitrato)

Holy shit anon, bless your soul!
This was hard to find thank you so very much
Zhifu was great, I totally agree that it had a slow pace, but it didn't require patience somehow. Very cool to see something made in China, especially something so indie. Despite it, the acting was really good.

This was also a nice surprise. I have no idea how they were able to film this in China when it has very clear political criticisms (environmental destruction, poverty, sexual assault mismanagement in the judicial system)...

The main unanswered question, besides what happens at the end with the boat ride is why the main character, Wu, fucks Lin, the stalker who earns $9/month. I think she's just lonely and eventually caves, by reasoning that she'll eventually be raped and or killed eventually, so she might as well choose to be with him since she's (I'm assuming) physically attracted to him.

Any more mainland Chinese suggestions?
Does anyone have the extended version of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly? I can only find the theatrical release
there's a 7 seed one on nyaa, idk about subs
Thanks anon you're a real one
>Goodbye Bad Magazines (2022)

1080p - 3GB
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Any one has the torrent for this movie? been searching for ages....
Anybody knows about a magnet for a 4k release of Mars Express?

thanks anon, downloading now!
Anyone have Leather Wings (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0207576/) or
Boxes (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0331441)?

I will legitimately pay for a decent copy of either
Looked for a man and a camera (2021) like a year ago and didnt find anything. Anyone have it?
>man and a camera (2021)

Legend. Thank you
Anyone have Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mama's Hung you in the Closet and I'm Feelin so Sad? 1967
Can't find it anywhere
The file bin has been down for a while. I'm a bit late to the party but I would like to check it out.
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I've posted asking this before but I'll ask again: where can I find "It Is Fine! Everything Is Fine." directed Crispin Glover?
It is part of a trilogy. The 3rd movie hasn't come out yet but this first one did and was shown on his tour. Someone must have leaked a copy and you can find it ye olde TPB (pic related for some screenshots I took in case you want to watch it).

So my question is, again, what about the sequel? I've asked this a million times and no one can provide a link or even the confirmation that it exists on private trackers. Also, and I doubt this will exist either, but if you could find the first movie "What Is It?" without the blurred out screener information that blocks the above torrent, that would be pretty cool too.
Still searching for Mermaids of Tiburon (1963) original non-nude version.
why non-nude they got nice tits
I'm trying to watch underwater sea adventure movies, not a re-edited softcore version.
>The file bin has been down for a while. I'm a bit late to the party but I would like to check it out.

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Habitat 1997, I have only seen a low quality dead torrent on the tpb
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You rock.
>chinese subs only
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mort garson masterpiece
found this but it's not great... if anyone has a better way to watch this please share it https://rarefilmm.com/2019/07/didnt-you-hear-1970/
keane (2004)
clean, shaven (1993)
network (1976)
happiness (1998)
noi the albino (2003)
can't find these with seeds
>>chinese subs only
No subtitles exist, try this https://freesubtitles.ai/

>Habitat 1997

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I have a different request.
Does anybody know where I can find torrents of Japanese dubbed Hollywood movies? I'm looking for recent (2023/2024) superhero/star wars films and TV shows dubbed in Japanese, any site where I could find these?

Speaking of Mars Express, does anyone have the English dub for it? All I can find are the French dubs.

Also, bumping this as I've still not been able to track any of these down.
>The Lost Treasure of the Grand Canyon (2008)

>The Killer Bra (2010)

Including Commentary & Extras

Thanks, but it seems stuck at 53%.

The link doesn't work.
>The Lost Treasure of the Grand Canyon (2008)

Better copy 1080p HEVC

>>The Killer Bra (2010)
>Including Commentary & Extras

>Leather Wings

Many thanks! That's 2 movies found!
>Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mama's Hung you in the Closet and I'm Feelin so Sad? 1967

>keane (2004)
>clean, shaven (1993)
>network (1976)
>happiness (1998)
>noi the albino (2003)

The first 4 are available in 1080p from YTS, they are available immediately on Real Debrid. Noi magnet completes in about 5 minutes.

Keane 2004

Clean, Shaven 1993

Network 1976

Happiness 1998

Noi Albinoi 2003
Unbelievable! You are an absolute legend!!
Seconding this. Especially across the spider-verse and super mario movie
>torrents of Japanese dubbed Hollywood movies

Try this search, lots of stuff out there:

haaAaaalp I'm trying to find the 3 Ajin movies, I can't find any seeders :(
>haaAaaalp I'm trying to find the 3 Ajin movies, I can't find any seeders :(

that's very nice of you thank you :) Is there a little shrine I can worship you somewhere :P
also if I'm not pushing my luck I don't suppose there is 1080p lying around anywhere ? Else this will do great !
very thankful
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Can find the full movie on youtube, but can't seem to find a working torrent or ddl anywhere else.
Conquistadores: Adventvm, i just cant find it
>Sekret Enigmy 1979 DVDRip

>Conquistadores: Adventvm

All 8 episodes in one video, 720p

Try these



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Since you are clearly an Anon of taste, would you by any chance have Coons: Night of the Bandits of the Night?
>>>1309069 (You)
>Since you are clearly an Anon of taste, would you by any chance have Coons: Night of the Bandits of the Night?

Absolutely, as well as the sequel

Coons! Night of the Bandits of the Night (2005)
Killer Raccoons 2: Dark Christmas in the Dark (2020)

Anyone got a link to a HD copy of Dragon Head (2003)? Had a webrip on the go but it's been eternally fucked at 80% for weeks with no seeds
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I'm looking for a movie called Mind Body Spirit, from 2023. Can't find it on YTS or any of my normal sites. Was only able to find one torrent for a Russian dub, which does me no good.
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You are truly a miracle worker, Anon! I love watching these cheesy, old Troma films. It's a shame that some of them are so difficult to find.

On a slightly different subject, a friend recommended I give 1974's "They" a watch, however, the best version of that film is the Regal Home Video's uncut version of Invasion from Inner Earth. Any chance you might have a lead on that rarity?
Please help me find these

Un Couple Parfait 2005
La Ravisseuse 2005
Le tournoi 2015
Tristesse et beaute 1985
Extase 2009

Thirst 2015 Directed by Svetla Tsotsorkova
>Mind Body Spirit, from 2023

Are YIFY just super dedicated trolls or do they genuinely think their meme encodes are good?
I reckon they put small files up.
Who puts better stuff out there?

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