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File: seed.png (53 KB, 800x600)
53 KB
270GB, 3.6 mil files in 5k folders in tar archive

List of repositories in the archive: https://files.catbox.moe/jx7ksm.txt
Version with repositories in separate tar archives, seeding a bit:
Thanks, I'll download this one instead of the OP's
why is everyone stuck at 85%?
idk just use the other magnet
im worried about the joos seeing my ip
use a VPN
both links stucks at fetching metadata for some reason, any ideas how to solve it?
"src leak" as in everything to run their website or just the articles?
>(15:50:14) E334BD248955A7B215CD069214D3A278A5D2D229->file_list: Failed to prepare file '/.pad/8327168': Duplicate filename found.
Why do you idiots never generate shit properly? So, now I have to go in an manually fix it because you, as usual, fuck it all up. Meanwhile, you tend to rely on people like me, who run a big tiddy fucking archive of shit when a year or two out, you can't find what you are looking for.
I mean, it's bad enough that "btmh" even exists in this shitty magnet, but at least fixing that is simple. Now I've got to append values to each .pad entry after turning this magnet into a file.
tl;dr: Stop using fucking bitcomet. It is shitware and generates extra garbage that isn't needed. Or, at the very least, if you absolutely insist on using that absolute dogshit software: Tick off V1 so it won't create this "feature" of padding.
The torrent was made with qbittorrent with default options, not sure what you're on about. Fix your client not handling .pad properly maybe?
tl;dr: I've fixed it. It's not you, it's your client's devs, and I appreciate you.
>qbittorrent with default options
Are they really doing it, too? What a shitshow.
>Fix your client not handling .pad properly maybe
The problem isn't my client, the problem is the implementation of this "feature". I've made a patch to ignore .pad files and their apparent duplication in said padding, but this is retarded and shouldn't be happening in the first place. It was clearly designed to specifically exclude people who do not use their shitty feature.
For future reference:
>You can stop this by choosing V1 in the drop down for Torrent Format when creating a new one.
Absolutely no one needs .pad and the response to that retarded "feature" should have been to ignore it rather than appeal to it. All is does is create problems, both in file size and in fucking with a perfectly fine protocol. I have more important things to be doing than writing code for artifical problems.
For clarification, althought not that it should matter at all, I'm not actually mad at you or your decision for a client, I actually appreciate your attempt here. I'm mad at FOSS devs for being pussies and I'm mad at proprietary clowns for constantly creating problems. Someone should publically execute these faggots and post it on liveleak for creating these problems.
Plenty of people are doing really good, important archival shit and then this stupid shit slows us down and prevents us from working.
What client do you recommend instead? I've been using qbittorrent-nox for the last two years
Just retire, computers are bloat anyway

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