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For discussing the Warcraft setting as it relates to /tg/

Please try to keep discussions productive, we all what nuBlizz did wrong with the lore, the focus should be on what YOU would do better in your campaign.

Warcraft d20 / 3.5e adaptation files can be found here: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/2lf1663yv21q3/WarCraft

PREVIOUS THREAD: boards.4chan.org/tg/thread/92463814
Highlights include the geopolitics of the human kingdoms, anon's idea for warlock/demon reworks, and anon's idea for a human druidess/shamaness order

Thread Question: What do you think is the best way to portray the Eredar?
(Few in number but all powerful in magic vs a more diverse range of powers and numbers? Fuckhueg vs normal sized? Originally good vs always evil?)

oh, and please keep hornyposting about the draenei to a minimum
>What do you think is the best way to portray the Eredar?
>Originally good vs always evil?
I quite liked the Christianic portrayl of the Draenei story, with the Eredar being those who abandoned God/The Light to worship evil while the faithful fled and wandered the wilderness. The recent Man'ari bullshit is bullocks. They sold their souls to Satan. They are damned for eternity. There is no welcoming them back.

It's a shame that Blizzard pretends the Draenei don't exist outside of TBC, WoD, and 7.3. It would have been interesting to see how the Light worshipping populations of the Eastern Kingdoms react to hearing about their 25,000 year old seniors. After the human bishop turned out to be evil (and much of the Church of the Light having been wiped out during the Orcish wars), you'd think that most Light worshippers would turn to Velen, who is far and away the most senior clergyman alive.

Would also have been cool to see the Draenei's magitek more utilized. Whenever Alliance technology is depicted, Blizzard defaulted to Dwarf/Gnomish steampunk.
>It's a shame that Blizzard pretends the Draenei don't exist outside of TBC, WoD, and 7.3.

I don't think there were ever any 3.5e stats made for non-Broken Draenei, but the d20 gave us this for the evil Eredar, which is something that's a bit hard to just throw into a campaign. Much like the 2nd edition Dreadlord stats, I would suggest toning them down if you don't want them to just be an epic-level endboss.
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someone made these stats for the draenei once, they're decent enough
I'm still pissed they made a mobile miniatures game instead of making an actual miniatures games
They don't belong in the alliance, they belong in the horde.
There was a miniatures game. It was shit and died.
why would they want to side with the orcs who butchered their race on Draenor?
I prefer the Eredar to have always been evil but still redeemable
The Draenei would be those who chose to follow the Light instead and had to get out

I'm not sure if the humans would be willing to fully convert to an alien religion, even if they worship the same entity.
They have their own rituals and traditions.
For example Catholics didn't convert to Orthodoxy every time there was a corrupt Pope
The original Eredari were society of mages and scholars, not worshippers.
It's Draenei who turned towards Naaru and became society of zealots.
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how could the map be debloated? How large should the Broken Isles be?
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>How large should the Broken Isles be?
Like this
>best way to portray the Eredar?
>always evil?
>big or small?
>few or many?

At the moment, I'm thinking this:
>Eredar were always demons, and are the undisputed masters of Fel/Disorder magic among those ranks
>Annihilans are bigger and stronger, Sayaad and Shivarra are better at corrupting mortals, Felguard and Doomguard are better warriors, the Nathrezim are better infiltrators (and we're not talking about whether to keep their Shadowlands lore or not right now, that's for later) but the Eredar are the ones who teach mortals to be Warlocks, being the epitome thereof
>They're rare, but not vanishingly so - out of every hundred Demons, perhaps one or two are Eredar
>Archimonde and Kil'jaeden are the archmages of their kind in turn, which is why they're so huge - they used their mastery of Fel magic to absorb other demons during the endless wars in the Twisting Nether and gain their size, strength, and durability

"But wait!" you ask. "What about Velen, Yrel, Maraad, et cetera?" If we want them to stick around, all we have to do is keep the Army of the Light and the Lightforging process.
>Any 'good' Eredar you meet has been scoured, bound, and infused with raw unrelenting Light
>They worship the Naaru because the Naaru have outright brainwashed them
>As a result, they trade their mastery of Fel magic for a mastery of Light magic, and are then sent to build the Army of the Light by Lightbinding/Lightforging other creatures
>They don't even REMEMBER being demons

It's quick and dirty, but there it is.
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Are there any rough details about travel times or distances in Azeroth?

I don't know if doing a hexcrawl would necessarily make for an interesting game, but being able to not just handwave travel would be useful to me at least.
Its all over the place and changes with the writer. Some try to make the world big, others seem to write as if ingame distances are the real deal. Just go with whatever you feel like, really.
Question for the brain trust. I'm cobbling together an OSR-based ruleset, with the aim of running a sandbox-y Warcraft hexcrawl. Idea would be to set it immediately after the events of the Frozen Throne, which does seem to be a popular period. Players would be mercenaries, working with whatever faction strikes their fancy.

My question then -- what are some of the more interesting minor factions you'd like to see, in a game like this? Dark Iron slavers? Twilight's Hammer cultists? Naga-led Murloc incursions?
Dark Iron and Naga are both great. The Twilight's Hammer would actually make for a good sub-faction of those already niche groups (I prefer to keep the Old God stuff way in the background a la Lovecraft, ya can't just "punch out Cthulhu" as they say)

>>Any 'good' Eredar you meet has been scoured, bound, and infused with raw unrelenting Light
interesting idea anon
I imagine Azeroth as being a bit smaller than Earth, with both Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms existing in mostly the northern hemisphere of Azeroth. The tilt of Azeroth's axis is less pronounced than Earth so the seasons are milder, but elemental magic and ley lines make up for the difference in some areas, with places like Quel'thelas being in perpetual springtime (pre-Sunwell's destruction).
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watch the warcraft movie to get size
Blue dragon flight
What would you like to see in a new Warcraft miniatures game?

Mass combat wargame?

Skirmish game?

Something closer to Heroscape?
I like good eredar having turned evil by big sarg, I don't even mind the horde/alliance welcoming some regretful eredar to their ranks, they welcomed death knights and warlocks, after all.
kil'jaeden doing it for the greater good rather than for power was dumb tho
>kil'jaeden doing it for the greater good rather than for power
Wait, what? What got retconned now?
I think he means Sargeras, they retconned his motivations so that the Burning Legion is a massive scorched-earth campaign against the Old Gods / Void

to be honest I think its a really cool idea but the problem is that it leans into the issues of nublizz's voidwank and the "even bigger bad guy" problem [ /spoiler]
Does anyone have the GLAD YOU COULD MAKE IT, AMAN'THUL screencap from a few years ago? I feel like that's relevant here.
That's a really good call out honestly, the hyperfocus on Old God stuff has always felt really out of place to me. I always liked the idea of Old God cultists as fundamentally a little off-base, kinda like the Scarlets.
>can't just "punch out Cthulhu"
toxic and has poisoned so many games.
Cthulhu was literally punched out in a story.
But beyond that it also shares realm with Conan who also fought (and beat) other horrors.

If you want puzzle enemies make the enemies more then If you dont stop cultists you lose.
This can fall to fae and word keeping
At least its more interesting then another
oooOOOoo you cant win if he comesss
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>Cthulhu was literally punched out in a story.
No, he was rammed with a boat. And that's an important distinction to draw because it means he goes out in exactly the same way as a Disney villain.
But Ursula won't wake back up when THE STARS ARE RIGHT(tm), now will she?
This one?

to be fair, I simply don't think that all enemies exist for the players to physically fight. the Lich King would probably be the highest-level thing for a player to go up against (statted as a gestalt 30th-level necromancer and 20th-level death knight), or *maybe* one of the Dragon Aspects.
I do like how in the vidya, the players themselves couldnt just hack-n-slash Deathwing to death (pun not intended), but rather just had to buy time for all the other Aspects to finish powering up their MacGuffin to undo his power and destroy him.
>I do like how in the vidya, the players themselves couldnt just hack-n-slash Deathwing to death (pun not intended), but rather just had to buy time for all the other Aspects to finish powering up their MacGuffin
In theory? Sure.
In execution? God, did it feel like insufferable wank. And today it makes Dragon Soul one of the most painful old raids to farm for mount drops.
Honestly, for all the flaws of Legion, the handling of Sargeras was probably ideal. We never actually fight him directly in any capacity, but our contributions are still necessary.
Yeah, that one. Thanks, anon.
>What would you like to see in a new Warcraft miniatures game?
Miniature wargaming flourished in a time and place that isn't now. Back when there was a large middle class that had time, room, and money. That was in the 90s. That time isn't now, not after several recessions and skyrocketing inflation and the unaffordable healthcare act and immigration creating a labor surplus and jobs being exported overseas. People are working multiple jobs and can't pay rent, and instead have to room with other people. They don't have the time, money, and/or room to do miniatures anymore.
the implication in this of Aggramar and Sargeras being gay for each other is hilarious
>Are there any rough details about travel times or distances in Azeroth?
It's not worth the brain power to figure out. As >>92571059 pointed out some authors treat Azeroth as being only as big as the in-game world is while there are other authors who make the entire trek of the barrens to take weeks/months to complete. There are also some fan math going around the internet that puts the entirety of Azeroth as taking place on some sort of mega planet that's like 2-3 times the size of Earth or whatever

>Defias Brotherhood
>Dark Irons
>Burning Blade
>Twilight's Hammer
>Dragon Cults
>Dark Horde
>Vrykul raiders (or their Helya-branded versions)
>Scourge Cults
>Various Troll Tribes

A D&D-lite skirmish type game
Probably the easiest to do would be something on the scale and gameplay of Marvel Crisis Protocol or Star Wars Shatterpoint. Larger minis where you get the feel of each character as a realized hero in the fight.

Though personally, I'd rather see something at 28 or 32mm scale as a skirmish game that could be expanded to large scale battles.
The problem is, it would be stepping on the toes of AOS since Warcraft would end up really leaning into the whole Herohammer thing.

At the end of the day, for all the named characters that people like from Warcraft's history, WoW has shown that people want to be their own hero. So unless the Warcraft mini game has a HeroForge-style build your own character, possibly just straight up importing your own character with all your gear, I don't think any miniatures game in the Warcraft universe will be all that successful.
Battletech is doing great, how about we do a Wacraft version of that?
>Battletech is doing great
They are? I stopped buying Battletech tabletop when they did the Dark Age stuff with the Wizkids.
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>anon's idea for a human druidess/shamaness order
I had a bit of spare time and drew up an example of a the druidess/shamaness order member.

My artstyle's inspired a lot by Dungeon Meshi so it's pretty simplistic.

I was inspired by real life druids, particularly the Stonehenge ones
I like this idea of yours
There is a general now?
Yeah, lot's of support and releases and they've got shelf space ibln big box retailers.

Another anon in some GW bitching thread posted an article detailing the highest selling wargames last year and BT was in the top 5
I love it

from time to time, yes
I meant Kil'Jaeden, not sarg. Because sarg "seduces" kil with promises of a crusade that will wipe the cosmos clean of the chaos of the void. and kil whines about sacrificing his planet to the cause
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I know nobody likes them but gnomes do have potential.
During the events of Warcraft 3 they were at war with the troggs, and to defeat them they nuked themselves killing 80% on the population.
This should have had a devastating effect on the survivors, they'd have a collective trauma that would've followed the entire race for generations. I don't know if it's because of the way they think or of Blizzard refusing to give them any other role than comedic relief, for some reason they don't seem to dwell on that fact that much, if at all.

Since your campaign is set immediately after the Frozen Throne, it'd be during the war with the troggs but before Gnomeregan was bombed. Your party could've been mercenaries hired by Gelbin or some other gnome to fight off the troggs and potentially avert a genocide.
There's some interesting organizations like S.A.F.E. and the Gnomeregan Covert Ops(Gnome CIA).
If you find gnomes vs troggs to be too boring you can always just add more agents to the conflict, like Old God worshippers, kobolds, dwarves and trolls. And the Legion as well with the twist that Sicco Thermaplug was actually a dreadlord in disguise who wanted to kill gnomes because that would further Zovaal's plan or something
>80% of all gnomes die in a nuclear incident instigated by Sicco Thermaplugg
>most of the survivors become Leper Gnomes
>Thermaplugg was High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque's best friend and closest confidant before this
>At NO POINT before in ALL of Gnomish history had Gnomes turned against one another for selfish gain

Can we talk about that? Nearly all of humanity still has Arthas' betrayal in living memory, but at pretty much the same time, the Gnomes dealt with their first traitor EVER.

Imagine if the first murder ever had been in 2012, and the culprit had killed everyone on Earth except the population of Canada and turned half of the Canadians into insane mutants.

THAT is what every adult Gnome on Azeroth has lived through. How the hell do they keep going at all?
So they could make a good one
>At the end of the day, for all the named characters that people like from Warcraft's history, WoW has shown that people want to be their own hero. So unless the Warcraft mini game has a HeroForge-style build your own character
I agree and they could do exactly that with hundreds of rules people could point buy to build their character. Have class archetypes and go from there.
>How the hell do they keep going at all?
Unceasing optimism and keeping themselves busy with work. The longer a gnome sits idle, the longer they're stuck with their thoughts, and those can be very dark thoughts given the opportunity.
Got another demon rework and a question for /tg/ - do you think should this version of the succubus be summoned by a 4th level spell or 5th level spell?
4th, the hp is so low i cant imagine it surviving a round at any challenge that is going to use it at 9th lv
thanks, I think that way it will contrast better with the voidwalker (also a 4th level summon, less damage output but has 45 hp)
its not so much just the hp but 18 is pretty easy to hit, assuming voidwalker has higher ac
yeah, the succubus is definitely not a meatshield sort of summon, they're a flanking unit (and that extra 1d6 fel and 3d6 backstab damage is nothing to sneeze at when they're feinting every turn they can).
voidwalkers are very similar to the way they appeared in the 3.5e monster guide except I buffed them overall.
(this is still subject to change, might nerf their nat AC by 1 or whatnot)
Yeah come to think of it humanity had traitors and defectors before (Alterac) but the Gnomes were said to be super united.

That's not to mention the gnomes got shoved into the outside world where they are 3 foot tall snacks for like half of Azeroth. So those 20% survivors probably suffered even more casualties in the aftermath
Also the Forsaken have some leper gnomes working with them for Reasons. When did they go to Gnomeregan to grab them? Did Thermaplugg send them, or did they march all the way past the Dwarves specifically to recruit (enslave, even?) a bunch of irradiated Gnomes? How many Gnomes died trying to prevent that?
That actually makes the gnomish combination of brilliance and stupidity make a lot more sense. They have to keep themselves busy, even when they start getting outside of what would be normally considered a good idea, or they find themselves getting overtaken by thoughts they don't want to think. Easier to summon an eredar and get yourself blown to smithereens.
>Easier to summon an eredar and get yourself blown to smithereens.
Kael'thas Sunstrider deserved a far better fate than to serve as just another raid boss in TBC.

Assuming that everything up to the end of WC3 is canon, how would you rewrite his story moving forward? Would his alliance with Illidan and Vashj remain intact? I think it could make sense to have him be tempted by the Legion's power, but regain his sanity at the last second before succumbing to madness.
>just another raid boss in TBC
Anon, were you unaware? Tempest Keep was merely a setback.
there's this fanfic rewrite where Jaina ends up with Kael'thas instead of Arthas


although it also kind of changes a lot of other stuff too
Depends on where you want to go with him. Should he remain a villain? Flesh his fall to the Legion out. Disagreements with the Illidari, being tempted/ threatened by the Legion, seeing his people still struggle with the addiction. Essentially, give his side switching more screentime and some drama.

Want him an anti hero? Do the above but either because he feels like he has no choice or because he got tricked really badly. Later on, have a breaking point. All comes tumbling down, in a change of heart he helps you but wont apologize for what he did to that point. Kinda Illidan 2.0

Want him to remain a hero? Have him pretend to play along with the demons to get close to them to fuck up their plan from within. Have some underling whom he cant control anymore kidnap the Naaru from Silvermoon and kick off the whole Sunwell thing, with Kaelthas being present to help you stop him
There is a pretty good selection of stl files for warcraft units
>I'm not sure if the humans would be willing to fully convert to an alien religion, even if they worship the same entity.
>They have their own rituals and traditions.
This. If anything it would make for a cool intra-faction tension to have humans feel religiously threatened by big blue evangelists and insist on The Church of the Light being the right-est form of righteous. And maybe have Dwarven worship pulled in both Draenic, Human and more radical directions - what would a Dwarven return to orthodoxy even look like?

But Blizz doesn't do good writing, so we will have to settle for headcanon and occasional fantasizing.
His story is Illidan's story but one step behind. He's becoming a monster in order to fend off monsters, so there's a basic downward arc that needs to be respected, but also he can help the goodguys sometimes. I like when Illidan sets everything aside to save Tyrande in Frozen Throne, selling your soul for power means having the power protect things that are close to your heart, so long as you still have one. Kael'thas will do anything to help the blood elves, and the blood elves are... basically proto-orc at this point. Their next plot arc should be invading an innocent land and defeating its occupants in order to uphold their end of a deal with the devil.
Illidan wants to destroy the Burning Legion at any cost, but Kael'Thas is more concerned with preserving what he cares about, in some ways he sympathizes more with Vashj ("Our people are on this road now so I've got to make the best of it for them"). There's some room for Tolkien-esque vibes here, Kael'Thas would love to preserve Quel'Thalas forever and might be conflicted in terms of keeping his people healthy vs having an immortal unchanging homeland. He's sort of jealous of Vashj's underwater kingdom.
I'll post more fanfic-tier crap later.
Yeah, you kind of get the feeling even in Frozen Throne that he's willing to be Illidan's disciple but considers Vashj his peer. I wish we got more of their relationship.
he should have ditched his crush for Jaina to slay that nagussy
>There's some room for Tolkien-esque vibes here, Kael'Thas would love to preserve Quel'Thalas forever and might be conflicted in terms of keeping his people healthy vs having an immortal unchanging homeland. He's sort of jealous of Vashj's underwater kingdom
This, I like. You can easily throw in something about restoring the Sunwell but at some great cost to do it or the like.
>, how would you rewrite his story moving forward?
The fundamental issue with a MMO is that you play the game from the perspective of a silent adventurer/agent. You can only interact with people in WoW with them as quest givers you're doing the heavy lifting for while they stand back helplessly, or as a boss you kill. Other characters very rarely get to actually do stuff in the WoW game (ie, Baine turning a centaur camp into a bloodbath in Dragonflight). The stuff other Warcraft characters do either happens outside of the gameplay in a prerendered cutscene (Putress gassing the coalition at the Wrathgate, Thrall killing Garrosh), or outside of the game entirely in a book or a trailer (AU Grommash kills Mannoroth, Sylvanas beats Bolvar the Lich King, etc).

The only way Kael'thas could have continued being an interesting character you could follow is if the Warcraft franchise had not transitioned into primarily the MMO format. Ie, more singleplayer games where you can play as multiple PoV's including Kael'thas'.
So like the founding of Durotar but with different characters?
good point but probably nobody here cares about the MMO anyway, we're talking about what you would do in YOUR setting/campaign
My Warcraft setting has Kael'thas a gigachad muscle fire mage who fucks Jaina and Vashj to exhaustion every night. Also Arthas is a woman and he breaks her with his flaming dick into a cockhungry slut before throwing her to the unwashed naga masses to be gangraped.
How good is the 3.5e adaptation of WoW?
Is there a better version that uses a different system?
The first edition is decent but feels a bit hodgepodge in terms of how spells and classes work, the second edition works much better since most core classes are redesigned from the ground up and there's a whole laundry list of new spells and magic items that fit with the setting. Casters in the second edition work as sort of a combo of 3.5e wizards and sorcerers - they have to prepare any spells they may want to use each morning like wizards, but then they can use each spell slot as needed like sorcerers. It fits nicely with the lore (and honestly it's not a bad houserule for baseline 3.5e if you're playing with casters who aren't intent on breaking your game).
Not /tg/
Fuck off. We have had thousands of Warcraft generals on /tg/. Check the archives.
wish the pandaren would have actually looked like that
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Seems like they were going to pretty late into MoP's development. Concept art at Blizzcon 2011 still depicted them in Samwise's artstyle. Dunno why they went with the more cuddly and pacified look of the 3D models we got.

Here is how I see it. You can make it work as long as the entire project is fan operated and handles the lore they give a shit about. Nothing past Warcraft BFA at worst for designs and Original WoW for story (New campaigns can follow along from that story point)

Make the rules for the models, people can use 3rd party GW models or 3d print proper models for the battles. Design the factions where you can just play Tauren but technically you can play as a Mixed Horde/Alliance player.

Characters are the various Warcraft heroes with certain combination of skills, however you can mix and match and make your own Hero based on what your race and class that you 3d printed that you can load those skills into. Like if you pick a Warlock and so you want 'Rain of Fire' (AoE), 'Daemon Familiar' (Have a certain cost demon mini) and Dark Gateway (Place down 2 gateway pieces or tokens 10 inches apart, units can use it to teleport between each end without costing movement ponts [Move 5 inches: 2 to the portal, a free 10 from the portal, another 3 after]

You can then release more rules for more units like the Burning Legion with the Illidari side faction that get unique access to Demon Hunters and Illidan. The Scourge releases with Undead that the Forsaken cannot use that are just cheap hordes but access to Nerubians and Vykrul while the Vykrul get their own subfaction.
Probably refugees that escaped after Thermo's death
Someone said "Hmm, these look too much like dwarves and orcs with elements of a bunch of other Warcraft designs, let's do Kung Fu Panda instead."
They were right.
Also the original Pandaren Brewmaster didn't look like this at all, he looked like Kung Fu Panda before Kung Fu Panda, so arguably they were correcting back towards tradition.
The original Pandaren never looked like Kung Fua Panda.
Heh, japandas.
Yeah it's strange WC3 cam out before Kung Fu Panda
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They heal the World of Draenor instead of it dying, and reclaim fel orcs back into the Horde. Garrosh becomes a General and stays in that position, becoming everything his father could have been, and I get a WC4 campaign where I’m part of the vanguard of Garrosh’s army against the Legion in Draenor.
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If they reclaim the fel orcs back, would they reclaim the Blackrock clan as well?

And since the Black Temple probably doesn't happen, do you think Teron Gorefiend would rejoin the Horde? Maybe even as a potential successor to the Forsaken leadership if Sylvanas pissess off
Fuck that sounds badass
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I'm glad they didn't go with the whole Japanda thing.
Let the Burning Blade orcs be their own band of weeaboos.
There was an image of an orc from the old Warcraft 3 art book that depicted an orc in full samurai armor. Anyone have a PDF of that book? Google just keeps finding WoW books.
I remember a theory that the Burning Blade Blademasters all started cause one orc started acting weird and doing this pseudo-Japanese samurai bullshit and a bunch of other idiot orcs started imitating him
But where would he have gotten that as a point of reference?
Did he watch Shogun or something?
An anthropomorphized panda using Asian martial arts isn't that of a novel concept bh
>Little Mermaid (2023)
>unwashed naga masses
They live in water.
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Yes of course
>Teron Gorefiend
All good ideas I think. The lazy way would be to make him the new Gul’dan but I like yours better.
I can think of two ways he could become the Forsaken leader:
In the first he simply starts as an ally to them, maybe he pretends to be human but I'm not sure how far this could get him since there should be some Forsaken who know about death knights. He could as well be open about him being an orc in a human body, considering that Sylvanas has a literal demon working for her. After that he could usurp her by gathering popular support and then coming up with a justified reason to.

The second option requires the Forsaken being part of the Horde. In this scenario, he allies with Thrall from the start and feigns guilt and regret about the past. What's Thrall supposed to do here? Kick him out for being part of the old Horde? His elders were all part of it. For using dark magic? He allowed a warlock coven under his city. For being undead? Well he already accepted an entire faction of them so that would look discrinimatory. There's no good reason to turn him down.
So like before he plays the long game and waits until Sylvanas fucks up and he gets installed as the Horde approved leader.

But the main question is if he's powerful enough to raise Forsaken undead?
We know val'kyrs and the Lich King are capable so in theory if a necromancer becomes insanely powerful he could to it.

Now that I've written all that there is one final issue and that is his motivation. Why would he want to join the Horde in the first place? If his thirst for power is stronger than his kinship with the Horde then I think it would make more sense for him to join the Legion.
>We know val'kyrs and the Lich King are capable so in theory if a necromancer becomes insanely powerful he could to it.
In Legion death knights raised new horsemen
and in WoD there were panderan DK follower
Aye, but they did so with a special uber-powerful relic.
the panderan was before
The burning blade were less a clan, than a group of autistic weapon masters.
They started when a hyper autist (reference to minamoto mushashi) mastered the blade to such a degree that he gathered followers. then those followers got followers, ect.
its why the blade masters blended Swords, Magic, and stealth together in one.
Wrote this up tonight for you anon, let me know what you think.
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Pandaren tend to end up in the weirdest places

I wonder what happened to that one Pandaren who was recruited by Garithos and then joined Kael'thas.
>But the main question is if he's powerful enough to raise Forsaken undead?
Shouldn't be an issue, frankly. WC2 Death Knights like Gorefiend were already powerful necromancers in addition to being warlocks; despite the name, they're much more akin to being the 1.0 version of Liches.

Provided he's aware that raising Forsaken undead is a possibility in the first place, him reverse-engineering the process likely wouldn't be difficult for him. And even if he didn't know, independently inventing that process himself isn't beyond his capabilities provided he spends much time experimenting with raising the undead.
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Wow, thanks!

I haven't played the original RPG that it's for, do you have it? I've only played 5e D&D, so I see some familiar things
You're quite welcome, anon.
The World of Warcraft RPG can be found in the mediafire link, its the last file in the list. It's the second edition of the 3.5e adaptation of Warcraft. Interestingly enough, it was published by Sword and Sorcery Studios, a now-defunct subsidiary of *the* White Wolf Publishing.
>I wonder what happened to that one Pandaren who was recruited by Garithos and then joined Kael'thas.
Chen Stormstout?
No that was the one who joined Rexxar
Nah, it wasnt Chen. You get him for beating the tower defense mission and his name was honeysomething. Either that or it just pulled a generic brewmaster name
Chen is a certified chad though and like, half the reason I like the pandas
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bumping with some decent maps I found
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That's not where Darnassus is
Firebeard sounds like a very dwarven name
>one orc started acting weird
>a bunch of other idiot orcs started imitating him
Really dumb and gay "theory," to be frank. Sounds like someone with a perpetual case of Warhammerbrain. Warcraft orcs have more nuance and depth than that, regardless of the occasional idiot joke NPC/unit.
yeah, I'm gonna assume the maker meant to put Nordrassil there.
And it's completely missing Un'Goro Crater.
And Ahn'Qiraj is in the completely wrong place.
Un'goro Crater is there, just between Thalanaar and Zul'farrak.
It would seem that the illustrator just offset a few of the locations relative to each other in an attempt to make a more geographically realistic map. Personally, I like it, as it explains more why Uldum was still unexplored when it was right in between Tanaris and Silithus in the vidya.
holy shit the remake looks horrible
>WC2 Death Knights like Gorefiend were already powerful necromancers in addition to being warlocks; despite the name, they're much more akin to being the 1.0 version of Liches.
They are literally the liches that you use in Warcraft 3, if you look at the model they are orcs.
He uses a random generic brewmaster name
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I first found out the Un'goro Crater was named after the Ngorongoro Crater from the lion wikipedia page where it talks about them stealing food from hyenas.

What do you think of the naming convention? I think it was a pretty neat homage that still sounded unique enough and fitting to Warcraft
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What are some underused/ underutilised villain factions? For me, its the syndicate. The whole angle of former alterac nobles gone mafia never really has been explored in questing. Neither the resentment from the common member. Neither any tensions between vengeful alterac patriots and thugs who are just in for the money. Or how a legion cult (the Argus Wake) is trying to use them for their own ends. All you as a player did was ride in and butcher anyone. There is much unused story potencial here.
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Alterac as a whole always felt a bit under developed. They existed in WC2 just to be the traitor human faction, but they always could have been expanded on with a diaspora of nobles or other good people who wanted to reclaim what was lost and rebuild their relations with other human nations.
He remains in Outland smashing Snussy all day long. The end.
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Literally any goblin faction that isn't bilgewater.
There is a full blown trade empire out there and they are just kinda... there I guess?
I get why they stay out of the AvH war stuff because they sell to both sides, but when apocalypse is knocking yet again I would expect a few more trade princes to take an interest
We had a little bit of Venture Co. Goblin foes in BFA and apparently there are hints of a Goblin Raid in the upcoming TWW expansion. So who knows, maybe we actually get something more in this regard.
We don't even know who the trade prince of Steamwheedle is
Why are they all called Kingdoms in most sources when only Genn, Terenas, Thoras, and Perenolde are officially Kings?

I believe Jaina even calls Arthas a Prince but she herself is never referred to as Princess of Kul Tiras.
I've only ever played WoW and some WC2 and 3, I should read up on that RPG
Beating up some of his internal organs could have worked.

Don't bring up the SL lore ad it might work.

I mean there are tons of non-leper gnomes working for the Dark Iron in BRD so that's a bit of a contradiction.

Illidari as a third faction would have been very interesting, but Horde player numbers NEEDED those Bloodelves.
Ehh Gadgetzhan wasn't on a river, it relied on wells. Which were interestingly destroyed by saltwater n Cata but everyone fucking forgot about that.
I think he's headcanoning that the original Darnassus was around Nordrasil thus the language being Darnassian.
But Ungoro's Supposed to be a weird outlier that doesn't make sense compared to the areas around it.
I genuinely cannot comprehend how considering that a pretty good chunk of the fanbase utterly despises CGL and actively wants the company to die so that the rights can potentially end up in the hands of somebody better. Not to the extent of Shadowrun fans, but still.
Having played the game without any prior knowledge of the game at all, they just came off as a generic bandit faction.
"Kingdom" is just being used as a catch-all term for the medieval-ish nations.
But there was no Darnassus until Teldrassil was planted.
The language was just Blizzard reaching for a term to call it other than "Night Elf Language" and used the capital city because at the time that was enough.
And one of the biggest Steamwheedle managers got poached to run Bilgewater now.

I'd always imagined Steamwheedle is more decentralized, Revilgaz, Nogenfogger, Gazlowe and... Shit, who's even in charge of Everlook? As main shareholders in an a profit dividing alliance.
If Pandarians were supposed to join the Alliance in the original idea for The Burning Crusade, we’re the Blood Elves always slated for the Horde or were they going to have Goblins instead?
>Scourge territory
What's up with the random scourge outpost?
Guess what
I think it's less geographical realism and trying to eb closer to the WC3 maps a bit.

It's named like a Necropolis, I figure it's supposed to be a leftover of the Legion-Scourge invasion that's hidden itself in the cold mountains.

Also note ALL the Satyr but Blackfathom are listed as Shadow Council and thus Legion.

OOoh putting the Basin on the map is a fun choice.
Oh that's the BFA era one since it's got that massive honking Horde fotress sitting atop what was originally farmland.
What are the differences between the cartels?
We know Venture Co. are the bad guys but what distinguishes the Steamweedle and Bilgewater aside from politics?
What other cartels are there? Do the Smokywood Pastures count as a cartel?
According to John Staats, Blood Elves were planned very early on.
This is what the TBC Pandaren model looked like.
What a newspeakin faggot.
>Blood elves taming the mana storms of Outland in an attempt to sculpt it into a twisted vision of Quel'Thalas
>Fel Orc redemption, a splinter group that realized they've been misled and live in a wasteland, and see themselves in the corrupted outlander who's given his life to fight the Legion
>Broken Draenei and Maghar forced into uneasy coexistence with the very regretful Fel Orcs
>Naga that seem to thrive in Zangarmarsh, build cities and act normal.
>An uneasy coalition that expands and reclaims the broken continent over the course of generations
>When Azerothi invaders do surge through the Dark Portal, they find a dreary wasteland littered with not just bones, but small farmsteads, streams, wells and orchards under a cloud-strewn starry sky
I don't know about going full good-guy with the Illidari either, you don't want to file off their edges, or make them just the WC3 horde again.
I don't know what the Illidari did wrong, or why the player factions are mad at them, or why they (Red and blue) even went through the Dark Portal in the first place. So I'm just operating off of what I find cool.
Actually did wrong
>Continuing to create new Fel Orcs with Magtheridon's Blood
>Using the Host of Souls to recruit Demons away from the Legion rather than to cure the Blood Elf addiction
>Betraying the Broken/Lost ones.
>Not explaining themselves ever.

The Azeroth invasion was because the Legion decided to launch a minor invasion of Azeroth and then fall back to the portal, and let the Alliance and Horde assume the Illidari were with them, which Kael'thas helped sell.
That seems pretty edgy of them.
Maybe a caste system with Fel Orcs, broken, and mushroom dudes at the very bottom, Naga and Elves in the middle, and a warrior aristocracy of 'true' Illidari desperately trying to keep control of the whole setup. Illidan trying to appease Lady Vashj and Kael'thas so neither of them revolt, which seems completely untenable.
Is it really because the thread's a week old?
Could be. Or could be a janitor doesn't like /v/ franchises despite them having tabletop iterations.
The Mass Effect thread was autosaged pretty much exactly 7 days after creation. Maybe you're right but that'd mean no Elder Scrolls, too.
You're right. if the janny didn't like teh thread he'd just delete it.
Happened many times. Grievous.
ohnonono belfbros blood elves confirmed to be sissies
I've always wanted to make an East Asian-inspired Blood Elf languange. Night Elfish has got to be partially Japanese.
You're responding to an anti-sissy post. Are you unwell?

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