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Race for the Temple Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).
A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

> TQ 1 (cont.): Please continue to offer lore blurbs for units in books, they really help giving structure to the factions.
> TQ 2 : So, the first campaign will be a race to a Temple it seems, with the type of Temple being determined midway through the campaign, and a last scenario depending on this result. If you have any idea for the final scenario (boss battle, mechanic, etc), please suggest some.

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> TQ 3 : What are your opinion on the suggested change to US lore last thread, ie changing the Miskatonic Institute to the Vanderbilt Institute?

(reposting from anon)
> i think the Miskatonic Institute shouldnt be the Agarthan Society equivalent. i dont like that 2 out of the 3 US sponsors are references to 20th century media.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanderbilt_University
> i think it should be a not!Vanderbilt. still founded by him, but founded using Mammoth Cave and Agartha as "advertising", given it is close to Mammoth Cave and Vanderbilt likely owns the line to Franklin mentioned in the lore. something like "Mammoth University". doesnt have to be in Nashville, or be the Vanderbilt University we know, it might work better if it isnt; the point is that it is founded by Vanderbilt, is relatively near Mammoth Cave, and is the premier US Agarthan Society equivalent.
> also, i think the forth Sponsor USA should be US Department of the Interior.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Department_of_the_Interior
>TQ 3
i should say, i dont think Miskatonic should be replaced, just displaced. i think it should stick around, only i think its current central position should be handed off to a not!Vanderbilt.
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So, since the campaign scenario is a race, it strikes me that the normal winning condition of accumulating silver through kills doesn't really work. I was thinking that for most games (if not all), we could switch it to scoring mainly by exiting models off an opposite side from set deployment, with bonus to In the Lead for who scores the highest. This would not be added to the Chest total, which would be kept to Hostile kills (perhaps) and scenario conditions (say during the Tribal Village scenario you can loot the tribe's treasure or something).
Looking over the merc book, the list of recruitable units for each leader is starting to get long. I'd reccomend we have a page where we list every subfaction keyword and what units they can recruit so we don't clutter up the leader profiles.
If you want I can collate them later for that.
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>Looking over the merc book, the list of recruitable units for each leader is starting to get long. I'd reccomend we have a page where we list every subfaction keyword and what units they can recruit so we don't clutter up the leader profiles.
You are right about that. It'll get on it, it might be an occasion to give some special rules to the subfactions outside of the Leader's profile.
One thing that's been bugging me since last night, wouldn't the Cherubs fit a bit better thematically and aesthetically in Lemuria than Mu? Its the (not Saur) rider's faction, and the "not actually babies" kinda mirror the "not actually trolls" from the Rockbreakers...? Or just Lemurian Warriors start Cultivating really early... ?
>wouldn't the Cherubs fit a bit better thematically and aesthetically in Lemuria than Mu?
i was thinking the same thing. making the sick ram a ill ram was something an effort to make it more Mu-ish
What about moving it to Lemuria as is, and replacing Poison with Knockback on the Ram?
What if they cultivated too hard in pursuit of youth and went back to having a child-like body, but they are still supernaturally ripped?
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So, for the academic side of things we have
>Agarthan Institute (France)
>Royal Society (Britain)
>Miskatonic Institute (America)
>Vanderbilt Institute (America?)
>Kitzeh Group (Russia-not-really)
>Proposed Russian Geographical Society
Should we add any more? I feel like the Holy Alliance should have one going (or maybe it's just the Inquisition). What should their specialisations or quirks be? And how independent should they be from their faction governments? (I'm thinking that might be a good distinction between the Miskatonic and Vanderbilt ones, Miskatonic is crackpot independent while Vanderbilt is the government funded think tank)
I like that!
Ah I meant to reply to that last thread, the Agarthan Institute is a Britain/French collaboration, or at least it was at the start.
I didn't have much inspiration when I did it but its why on top of getting Academics, models from it have a rule
> Agarthan Society Member : This model gains Diplomat when fielded against French or Britain Expeditions.
Obviously it doesn't have to be the only one.
Also, were the Knights of Brittannia supposed to be from Oxford?
Units missing in the Lemuria book from the Unit Design Doc, if anyone got inspiration. The named ones already have some blurbs relating to mechanics so please check those to build from there.
> Lemurian Officer
> Lemurian Agent
> Ozymandias, First Prophet
> Vitravana, Prophet-General, Dragon of the Deep
> Chosen King Kipunada
> Lady Pythivati, High Queen
In regards to the Campaign, what do we do with the Links/Paths whatever? I mean the lines or arrows? I know they mean to move along the Campaign scenario path but to build up in function of further campaign I thought we could start including mechanics to them.
So for a pathway Campaign, where Instances mean locations you can travel to and back from, I thought the Links could have preset mechanics to represent different types of travel. Some paths might require you to test Labour to Excavate through, others might ask you to pay Silver for the toll, another one could be an Evasion test to avoid having some Lemurs pick up your trail...? The simplest way to resolve this would be to say that your Leader or a Fed or Well Fed Character/ Hero/Specialist can test for it...?
In this case for this Campaign since everything is happening quickly I thought the Links could have preset "events" or conditions, but each unique ones. For example I thought the Docks and the Marsh (Instances 1 & 2) could be happening on the same day, then the Link between 2 and 3 (the Tribal Village) could be the night, so maybe little happens on Link 1 but on the Link 2 you have conditions like
> If you did not build a Campfire and at least 1 Tent per 5 remaining members of your Expedition, start the next games with 1 Dread.
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>Lemurian Agent

>Ever since their interference in the Indian uprising, it has been of interest for Her Majesty to keep tabs on the Lemurians. Their diplomats, missionaries, and spies each have extensive dossiers kept by the War Office.
>One common thread among such agents of Lemuria is a certain confidence in their actions. Very little seems to faze or even surprise such men, and they have an uncanny knack for staying one step ahead of British intelligence.
>Indeed, evidence suggests that our understanding of their identities and movements is categorically lacking. In some cases, several identities have been found to link back to one inividual adopting different faces and accents and mannerisms in his various duties. In other cases, one identity has been found to be shared among several Lemurians. Their mastery of obfuscating themselves cannot be overstated, and care should always be taken when Lemurian agents are present in a region.
>Pay attention. Keep an eye out for smuggled artifacts, growing independence movements, and other such signs of Lemurian interference.
>We cannot have another India, gentlemen.
Transcript of a briefing within the Intelligence Branch of the British War Office, discovered in an abandoned Lemurian safehouse in Nepal.
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It's not only missing a blurb, but a whole profile, if you feel up to it.
> Picrel
I feel this is a bit overpriced. Sure, it has a lot of movement and will probably get off a few attacks, but it can die in a single shot with little to no way to increase its survivability meaningfully. It's Cute Angel ability will trigger less than 10% of the time (it IS very harsh when it does).
Even with the Ram and the Shortbow included in it I feel you could wrap Tough and maybe Nimble in there and it wouldn't be overpriced.
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Went ahead and dug up the Diving Initiate from a while ago, with this I think I can soon wrap up Mu altogether.
I'm also going to repost the New Mu fluff that had been posted, I'm thinking it'll make a good intro to the book.

Firstly, a disclaimer. This survey covers neither the newly established Muan protectorate in Hawaii nor the semi-independent civilization of “Old Mu” in the seventh layer. Additionally, it would be foolhardy to attempt an exhaustive survey of all Muan leaders, so we restrict our view again to those which significantly differ from surface civilization, and those who have been actually observed. With the necessaries out of the way, we now begin.

Many Muan settlements closely parallel historical civilizations. Indeed, in a few cases there may be a direct lineage betwixt the two. The city-state of Xanadu for example maintains many traditions of the ancient Mongolians, choosing their leaders via Tanistry just as their ancestors would have. However, their chosen individual is expected to take up the mantle of Shadow Khan, providing an example of how their culture has shifted over time. What was originally understood to be a ceremonial role is now being re-evaluated after recent expeditions found startling evidence that becoming The Shadow Khan is a rather more literal process than initially anticipated. When The Shadow Khan returns, practically the whole city state uproots their palace-tents to go on the warpath, thundering out across the fourth layer. This ironically makes the period between leaders the most stable for Xanadu, even if it rarely lasts for long.
The Priesthood of New Mu is a fascinating subject all its own, and often a Muan city-state or tribe will have its religious caste serve in a leadership role as well. Muan religion is a more communal experience than many other Agarthan faiths, and when the Priesthood is in direction of a settlement this tendency is amplified. Their cities and camps are invariably centered around a temple-tomb, serving both as a house of healing and a place for the terminally ill to die, similar to an Elephant Graveyard. While modern medical knowledge rails against this idea, some strange property of the architecture or the Priesthood themselves seems to invigorate those who go there to heal, and ease others along the path to oblivion. These complexes also tend to serve as local tithe collection centers, be they in silver or bodies.

When Old Mu sees fit to intervene in upper politics, they will first send Revenants as emissaries. While the exact nature of these beings is not yet understood, current theories place them in a similar camp to Husks, albeit with greater faculties and a need for flesh. Perhaps a Revenant is a more refined form of the ghoulish technique? That thought aside, when a Muan subject state is under the command of a Revenant legion it is rarely a good sign. Missed tithes are typically the reason for a visitation, after which the current leaders will be deposed. Silent masked figures walk between the buildings, plumed helmets motionless as shortswords slowly drag against stone or cloth. Their law is fair but unforgiving, any offence swiftly rectified to help pay back the tithe-debt. There too exist military camps of Revenants in a few locations, though these rarely have living populations save for mendicant scavengers stripping the equipment of those slain by the Revenants.
Morlock power dynamics are confusing even to a trained sociologist or herpetologist. The species seem aware of their remarkable fragility, remaining unphased in the face of continual mortality amongst friends and family. One cannot help but wonder if Old Mu only keeps the creatures around for the near limitless supply of corpses they provide. Most Morlock tribes operate similarly to pirate vessels, with the Strongest Morlock commanding in times of war and the wisest commanding in peace. Their common religion is seemingly different to that of human subjects of Mu, focusing largely on the practical rather than the spiritual. Given their often short lifespans they especially value knowledge which can pass through the generations. At least one expedition has traded Morlocks a spare manual of arms only to find soggy effigies of parade formations on their return months later.

The “Psysaurs” provide a unique example of entirely non-human life. (The exact relation of Morlocks to humans has yet to be determined, there may unfortunately be a connection.) Though typically solitary, powerful Psysaurs have been observed taking control of Muan populations to aid them in tasks ranging from hunting a rival to constructing an idol of the Saur in question, for what we can only assume to be vanity purposes. This period of control rarely lasts for more than a day since the Saur must manually direct every action of its peons, which proves boring to the creatures after a time. Disturbingly, there seems to be nothing stopping them from doing the same to surface populations save perhaps pride. One shudders to think of the damage a particularly cunning Saur could wreck with a shackled firing line for example.
The Imaterii are an enigmatic force to be sure. Oral legends of Agarthan populations seem to indicate they were in conflict with Old Mu for quite some time, before finally reaching a sort of agreement. The exact number of these beings is unclear, with some reports indicating a single example while others mention dozens. It is entirely possible that these are all somehow the same being, though the logistics of that discussion are best left to another paper. There exist a few palaces of the Imaterii on higher layers. They seem to be a sort of summer home, or perhaps an archive. Vast sweeping halls, impossibly swirling architecture, and everywhere tan quartz crystals. Within these crystals are encased items, frozen beings, and sometimes even contained anomalies. Most crystals are elephant sized with no indication of how those within were so entrapped. Exhibits ranged from a Lemurian Chariot King to a Strange Legged Fish. These palaces are typically abandoned, but when aid is needed by nearby Muan populations an Imaterii will take up residence for a time. Communication is evidently difficult at the best of the times, but the beings do seem eager to acquire new specimens for their collections, possibly even to the point of negotiation with colonial forces. As of writing no attempt has been made.

There are stranger beings under the command of Mu, from the Krakens and Scyllacetus of the fifth who rule the scattered Muan cities of that layer from beneath their harbours to the as of yet unobserved Mahogany Crane-Fly, which reportedly rules a stalagmite city somewhere on the third layer and sorts each body of the realm destined for Old Mu with its gargantuan feelers. But until the advancement of Aquatic and Aerial Sociology catches up with Terrestrial methods, these will have to be left unexplored for the moment.

(Thinking we would simply need to add one paragraph on Saur Knight Orders and that would work well.)
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Malcom and his shadows are a dying breed. The world is shrinking. The blank edges of the map filled in. Analytical engines destroying primitive superstition...
t.Lord Cunningham
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The new animal discoveries in Agartha caused a great deal of show businesses to race to capture the biggest and most spectacular of them to show back in the civilized world. In Spain, that translated to bullfighting rings starting to add bigger and more dangerous creatures.
> picrel
Instance 1 (the Docks).
Green spots marks Deployment zones, you Deploy within 3.
Main Objective : If you move a Friendly model to the right edge of the map, remove it from play and score its Silver. Do not score the Silver from kills (either the opponent or Hostiles).
Secondary Objectives : Record the number of Parley action successful targeting Hostiles on your Campaign Roster, this will be relevant further along.
Roster and Reserve : Select up to 20 models from your Expedition. Select up to 10 out of those models to Deploy, the rest goes in Reserve. You may Deploy any Reserved model within 3 of your Deployment Marker at the beginning of any turn.
Special rule : Grouped Hostiles : when rolling for who gets to Activate a Hostile, roll once per type of Hostile on the map, the player who won gets to activate all Hostiles of that type.
Ending Condition : Games end at the end of the 6th turn.
It reminds me of one old Fire Emblem map. The Port of Badon, anyone?
yes, that makes sense.
yeah, thats all great.
we talked about not having the buildings not have interiors, but what about climbing on them?
>If you move a Friendly model to the right edge of the map, remove it from play and score its Silver. Do not score the Silver from kills (either the opponent or Hostiles).
i get it now. makes it real race.
>we talked about not having the buildings not have interiors, but what about climbing on them?
Ah! That could be a cool way to include Climbing in more places. I was thinking also we could have Excavate has a way to clear off thick vegetation too in other scenarios.
Working on the Marsh now.
Are we still good for a game tomorrow morning? I kinda missed the mark this morning but it shouldn't be an issue to prepare for tomorrow.
Also need to include something something
> For each 10 Silver above your opponent you scored at the end of the game, gain +1 to In the Lead.
Obviously this all skews the gameplay toward having very fast/mounted units. Given that the very title of the scenario points out its a race I feel if anons miss out on that its on them.
One thought I had was that we should probably reward in some way taking the time to wipe out a group of Hostile completely. Something something they couldn't report back the incoming Colonials so in a further game you don't get a bunch of them spawning... Or a twist, since you are so clearly a badass they decided to pay you tribute instead...
Just had a thought to expand on this.
Sort of a meta-campaign mechanic.
We (as in we here) keep track of Deep Understanding value (name suggestion?) for each of these Factions. Completing Campaigns or some very rare events may cause the Deep Understanding [x] to gain +1. Overall bonuses to campaigns or whatever can be triggered.
For example, in the Race for the Temple, the Chest is reverted, you win mainly by not losing models instead of killing others. There could still be ways to add Silver to the Chest however. Like the third scenario, the Tribal Village, where you could get to loot and pillage the place if you want.
The win condition could be highest Chest at the end, Chest being [Remaining Expedition Value] + [Silver picked up], with being the first to get to the Temple being worth a large amount, but not necessarily an autowin. However, the first one to get to it gets to add +1 to their Faction's Deep Understanding, perhaps affecting further lore development?
>El Torero
All beast/monster type units X tyles or closer to El Torero must move towards it and attack it regardless of previous orders.
My prose was pretty awful with those so feel free to rip and tear in regards to edits.
Every time a beast/monster unit attacks El Torero, it has X chances of completely avoiding the attack.
tomorrow for sure. 9 alright?
i think this.
what would be the equivalent for Agarthan factions? Preparation Value?
maybe the DUV could be a recruitment requirement for campaigns and the like? each faction has their default DUV set by us, but it can be altered by players and set differently for certain campaigns and scenarios..?
>what would be the equivalent for Agarthan factions? Preparation Value?
Defense against the Deluge? Not too sure.
>tomorrow for sure. 9 alright?
Instance 2 (the Marsh).
Green spots marks Deployment zones, you Deploy within 3. If one Player has In the Lead [3] or more, he plays this game first, the opponent plays as the Hostiles. If no Player had In the Lead [3] or more, play as a simultaneous games, and add one additional Typhoon Lamprey and 5 additional Python Eel.
Main Objective : If you move a Friendly model to the right edge of the map, remove it from play and score its Silver. Do not score the Silver from kills (either the opponent or Hostiles).
Secondary Objectives : Set up a Camp for the night. If you did not build a Campfire by the end of the game, the main body of your Expedition has problems tracking down the advance party. All Expedition models still in Reserve take a Graze to the first available Health box. If you did not build 1 Tent per 5 models in your Expedition, start the next games with 1 Dread. Finally, if there are still Hostile models on the map by the end of the game, each Player must choose 1 model in its Expedition per Hostile remaining, the selected model must resolve a Trap! test.
Roster and Reserve : Select up to 20 models from your Expedition. Select up to 10 out of those models to Deploy, the rest goes in Reserve. You may Deploy any Reserved model within 3 of your Deployment Marker at the beginning of any turn.
Ending Condition : Games end at the end of the 6th turn.
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Perhaps just a standardized "Esoterica" type value? It opens the door to things like the Agarthans stealing Epigean secrets, or forays into the bleached lands of Hyperborea to steal secrets that man was not meant to know.
Even in the case of underground adventures, I think there's still room for Agarthans to be looking into secrets of the underworld, regardless of affiliation. There's plenty of shit going on that nobody has any knowledge of.
so, for our game, are we going to try the dock scenario?
sorry, >>93091280 was meant for >>93089697
>Perhaps just a standardized "Esoterica" type value?
i like the idea of having two different values, in part because we could made a new compass using "Deep Understanding" and "Storm Proof" (or whatever the other one would be called) as the axes. i also think it makes more thematic sense to have two, and opens up more mechanical complexity. that is, assuming Colonials and Agarthans would have both values. if the both only have one and they do the same thing, then i think it makes sense for them to have different names, as they both generally have different goals. having one value would be the simplest way, and that might be the best way.
if we do go with two names, "Obfuscation" could be a good name for the Agarthan value. "Esoterica" could also be a good name, and it wouldnt every be confused with Obscurity which could be a big plus. just thinking as i type. sorry this is a bit all other the place.
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>"Deep Understanding" and "Storm Proof" as the axes
I think there's an intrinsic link between knowledge of certain bits of secret lore and an interest in preparing for The Deluge.
If we really do want to make a new compass, though, I propose Esoterica vs Ignorance as one of the two axes. Maybe Mobilization vs Lethargy as the other?
>so, for our game, are we going to try the dock scenario?
I was thinking the Marsh but we can do either, it'll take me a minute to set it up either way, both maps are already loaded up. Feel free to game your Expedition to abuse scenario rules.
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So, CK3 has a mod to add Atlantis to the map. It doesn't come bundled with an Atlantean culture/religion, so I decided to mod in an Atlantean religion for my own personal use. Not the culture, though, I just hybridized Roman and Greek for that because I'm lazy.
And yes, I did make sure to incorporate E:AD lore. Praise Atlas.
I barely slept, will be a bit late for the game, fyi. 9h30-10ish.
250 USA Expedition. Campaign 1, Scenario 2.
The Ranger, Big Iron, Triassic Ranch (9) Born to Lead, Fast, Swole, Precise, Pigheaded, Fur Trade (10) Colt 1860, Saber (5)
Officer Bubbles (5) Flintlock, Dagger
Ordinance Sargent, Master (15) Colt 1860, Dagger (3)
Volunteer Rough Rider (8), Horse (6)
7x [ Cobras Fumantes (7) Henry 1860, Bayonet (4) ]
3x [ AmExCo (14) Remington-Lee, Bayonet, Cavesaur (13) ]
Skinwalker (30)

1 remainder
that sucks. no problem.
Sorry i'm being so late, making a list right now.
take your time. im cooking anyway.
Ah cool!

250 Silver
Survivant (Knight Edition) 6 (18)
Born to lead 3
Fast +1 Move 2
Chevalier d'Agartha 4
Strong Limbed 1
Lefaucheux 1
Rations 1

Fallen Paris Survivant (Chef edition) 10
Strong Limbed 1
Lefaucheux 1
Rations x2 1
Rations x2 1

Chevalier a Vapeur 14 (19)
Lefaucheux 1
Saber 2
Rations 1
Material *3 1

Apache Cyclop 22 (24)
Material x3 1
Rations 1

8 Chevaliers 152 246
2 Apache 48
Knight 18
Chef 10

The Hiker 5 (8)
Material x3 1
Rations x1 1
Lefaucheux 1

Army Medic 8 (10)
Lefaucheux 1
Material 1

Bit of a mess.
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Just gonna grab a quick shower and then I'm all yours. Any preference as to the game, Docks or Marsh?
i had marsh in mind.
Done ! It's the one already set up. I'll do a png for the Hostiles.
I'm on the Disc*rd
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Game is all set up, I'm gonna go grab something really quick at the cornerstore and I'll be back in 5.
great. im ready now, just discord throwing a fit.
For The Monster, which underground groups should he be able to specialize in? I was thinking five total with two pickable.
Here's what I have currently:
>Morlocks? (Incompatible with Olms)
>Cave Tribals
>A fifth group.
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So, pick two out of the five, those count as main faction? I like that.
Bat rep time!
> In the Race for the Temple, a detachment of Chevalier a Vapeur find itself face to face with an American military Expedition, as they enter a Marsh filled with Eels. Regrets are expressed at not having a Japanese faction yet.
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> The French start wading through the swamps water, while the Americans remain mostly on the small island they started on and unload on the Eel. One Eel dies, but a lot of firepower is waster on them as they have Amphibious and we decide that they are too weak as they are, so Amphibious should work also against Range. This makes them very survivable as long as they are in a Water hex. On the French side I try charging the one in front of me with my Apache but miss.
> On the Hostile turn, I win all but the one that's already engaged with me and just generally shuffle the hostiles toward the US. The one engaged with me hits the Apache however, and deals it a lot of damage (thanks to Electrical).
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> The Americans stay still and continue to unload on the slippery Eel in front of them, until they finally manage to put it down.
> I advance on the main island, helped by the Hiker's lending his affinity which I had called Water. I open up on the Eel in front of me and manage to kill it, since they are much less survivable on land. I still fail to kill the one I'm engaged with. The Survivant builds a Campfire while the Hiker sets up a Tent to satisfy scenario conditions.
> I once again win both rolls for control of the Lampreys and shuffle them toward the US Lines.
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> The Apache engaged with the Eel manages to wound it, and a Chevalier finishes it. At this point the French can either charge the Lamprey in the middle of the island or run for it and hope the USA will have to deal with both. I decide to charge for the hell of it, between the Apache, the Survivant and fire from the other Chevaliers, the landed beast goes down.
> The Americans advance and continue to shoot and reload helped by the Ordnance Sargent, but mostly miss or ping off the beast's armour. Only the Ranger with his Big Iron gets through.
> However, Atlan-anon wins control for the remaining Lamprey, and has it charge my Survivant, who luckily evades both attacks.
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> The Apache engaged with the Lamprey hits it to the body with its Saber, followed by the Chevalier, killing it on the spot. The rest of the French Expedition decides to book it for the edge of the Map.
> Seeing their opponent take the Lead on them, the US are reduced to perfidy, and decide to shoot at the Hiker. The poor innocent soul dies in a hail of bullet.
> One Chevalier decide to repay this insult by charging and killing the Amexco who finished the deed.
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> I get first turn (iirc) and book it with the Chevalier before he gets dogpilled, and the rest of my Expedition exit off the map.
> The US trails behind the Chevalier and fail to get a shot through its armor.
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Forgot to mention some Cobras spawned last turn, not to much effect, but I guess since the US didn't build a Tent it means they wouldn't take a Graze at the end of the game.
> Since my opponent get first turn, the Chevalier gets caught and Engaged. Thinking about it I should have disengaged him regardless but I'm dumb and I get him to swing back, which he fails. Between the Amexco and the rest catching up to it he ends up one Graze away from death, however this is the end of the game.
> Result
France walked 85 Silver off the map, lost 8 Silver.
USA walked 14 Silver off the map (forgot to mention the one cheeky Roughrider Atlan anon deployed on turn 1 right on the edge of exit to demonstrate to me how broken that was) and lost 13.
So, game notes
> lower Eels to 2/3 but have them respawn in some ways (sort of Eel's nests). For 2 players have 3 Lampreys.
> Hostiles need a bit more meat to be scarier.
> Ambush and models who can spawn anywhere and move off the map needs to be controlled in some way, either by slapping Elite on them, having other scenarios or paths seriously penalize you for using that mechanic, or just outright banning them from the scenario. This didn't come up this game but the same should probably be done with flyers.
Neanderthals? Amazons?
the other thing was Lead might be too much.
>Ambush and models who can spawn anywhere and move off the map needs to be controlled in some way, either by slapping Elite on them, having other scenarios or paths seriously penalize you for using that mechanic, or just outright banning them from the scenario. This didn't come up this game but the same should probably be done with flyers.
of those, i prefer making them Elites for the campaign. or, maybe you cant use them after the Village.
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So how do tectonic plates work in the world of /eadsttcote/?
it should only generate 1 extra dread, and be more likely to happen. maybe reduce strength to 7.
the ram could have a rule that lets it ignore one hex (like the Apache Cyclops), or allow it to climb or jump over pits as part of a move action by testing strength (sorta like a mirror of the Giant Thunder Mole). that would be a way to justify its cost while still staying on theme. another idea could be to reduce strength to not reduce strength, or only reduce it to 8, then give it tough and lower the cost to 10 or 8. i think i prefer the second option. what do you guys think?
>generate 1 extra dread
i meant 2 dread for the opponent instead of 3. reducing it to 1 on both sides could work, but i think that would change the core of the model too much. maybe it would work if it had tough at the effect was much more likely to happen (only 1 discipline test instead of discipline and strength test).
Probably it's not a thing in the setting.
We had spoken of a game this afternoon, however some stuff came up, could we reschedule to tomorrow or Friday, same time?
sure thing. im good with tomorrow.
Its set! Thanks for understanding.
In the meantime I'll try to come up with a list that'll give you a challenge. Not sure between Bleg and Malcolm.
Well damn, I feel a bit flattered. Did you mod in the different Rites and shit too?
>Not the culture, though, I just hybridized Roman and Greek for that because I'm lazy.
That is also lore accurate.
oh, and we decided that instead of always losing control of an NPC if you are engaged with it, instead you have -1 to your roll for control of an NPC for every unit you have engaged with it.
also, that it might be a good idea to let buildings be climbable.
there is a Throwing Axe mentioned in a few profiles, but i dont see the weapon profile for it. what do you guys think about something like this?

[ / ] / [ X ]
Acc -5, Range 3
*May be Thrown when not Engaged
Thrown: [ / ] / [ G ]
[Headshot!] Acc -5, Range 3
**A model killed by a Thrown Tomahawk generates 1 additional Dread. After Throwing a Tomahawk, that model no longer has a Tomahawk.
There's an Axe as a thrown weapon in the Generic Ranged Weapon list, but there is nothing done much with Thrown weapons to differentiate them, I like the idea of a Tomahawk weapon, however the -5 Accuracy is pretty insane as a malus.
Maybe extend range to 4 and lower the Accuracy malus to -3 or -4.
I guess that would be a Free weapon?
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Does picrel works for the Lemurian Merchant? Nothing else pops to mind.
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that works.
>Maybe extend range to 4 and lower the Accuracy malus to -3 or -4.
how about Range 4, Acc -3, Cost 1? does the rest look good to you?
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Well, since "borrowing" Glorantha-related art has become somewhat of a tradition...
Oh, I like that one, I think I'll use it.
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We still up for this afternoon? 3 or 4?
yes. im working on my list now.
oh. lets say 4.
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You good with this map? With Walls?
what is difficult?
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Only the Forest tiles on the sides and the piles of rock in the middle. We can play with the piles of rocks obstructing LoS or not, as you wish.
For Affinities (although mine dont matter) its Plains green, mix Green and Brown Shrub and Brown is Wasteland.
My list
Lost Seer Jayanyati 25 (41)
Mummy Tongue 5
Horse 6

Ambitious Scientist 5 (8)
Material x3 1
Rations x2 2

Lost Men 3 (6)
Lefaucheux 1
Saber 2

Fateless Deserter 8 (10)
Material x3 1
Medkit 1

Serbian Rebelx3 7 (10)
Lefaucheux 1
Saber 2

117 Silver, leaving me 33.

Still setting up the room it'll be 5-10 more minutes at least.
have Olm-Men been added to any book? im using the post right now.
also, although it isnt list as such, would you mind seeing how the Gargoyle works with an Acanthus Pike?
150 Atlan Expedition.
Polished Princess (25)
Refined Olm (17)
Titanium Gargoyle (20) Acanthus Pike (5)
Hospitalizer (10) Titanium Stiletto (2)
[ Good Etiquette Olm-Man (4) Hasta (1) ] x7
[ Spring Gunner (10) Spring Gun (1) Titanium Ball (2) ] x3

1 remainder.
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Yes, its in.
And sure for the Gargoyle no issue.
i must have an outdated doc downloaded. my bad.
Old edition was still up, previous upload must have failed and I didn't notice once again, sorry, its fixed now.
The map is ready, I'll be 5 to go grab a drink and a smoke and I'll log on the Disc*rd
>Game is being played with the Lost Men and Olms
Please let me know how game-breaking they are as I have no prior wargame design experience and anticipate that each of my units is secretly useless or OP.
I think I can speak for both me and Atlan anon to say this was one of the best games we've had so far. It felt like a finished game, with both lists giving plenty of choices of actions (or "creative" restrictions in the case of Atlan-anon with Sick Muse).
I'll be posting the batrep in not too long, gotta go eat first, starting, but you should trust yourself, I had a blast running the Lost Men.
> To many, the idea of an alliance or even an appeasement between Atlan and Britain is a ridiculous notion. To King Malcolm, however, it is a nightmare that keeps him awake at night. Both are natural enemies of Atlantis, after all. He has recently tasked Lost Seer Jayanyati with establishing some relations with the Atlan Kingdom, in order to later infiltrate it with spies. She quickly manages to uses backroom diplomacy to organize a friendly picnic with the Polished Princess.
> Unfortunately, as both party approaches the Lost Seer finds herself assaulted by prophetic visions of doom, which her escort of Lost Men and Serbian Rebels misinterpret as orders to engage the enemy's Olm guard.
> As the future opens itself to the Lost Seer in prismatic agony, the very ground of the Layer opens up in Pits, from which the dreadful rythm of drums can be heard rising. A lone Lemur, as a herald of the horror, emerges from its depth.
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> The future branches out before the Lost Seer, uncertain both always horrible. In one of those realm of possibilities, she manages to fail both her Prophecies on the first turn, and on the second roll gets a 10, turning her into a Degenerate.
This was a ridiculous string of bad luck, rolling 2x 9s and a 10 in a row, and with my one very obvious means of cancelling it, the fateless deserter, already having spent its AP. Since this would clearly lose me the game and would be a waste of playtest time Atlan anon gives me a do-over.
> Luckily, this was not meant to be however. Lost Seer simply moves and eats the Warm Meal cooked for it by the Deserter.
> The Olms shuffle forward, careful to remain within eyesight for an Atlan officer. The Gargoyle moves forward and scares the shit out of me, it'll be honest. I start moving most of my Lost men to the left side of the map to answer it.
> On the NPC's turn, I will control of the Lemur, which I speedily shove into the Atlan's line to get it to trigger Terror.
> Little else happens.
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> Lost Men gets first activation, I choose Lost Seer who has now 4 AP, move her forward within 3 of the Pit closest to the Atlan line, uses Summon the Shapes twice for 2 AP, 2 LP, 2 Dread and 20 Silver. The she moves back behind her line.
> One Shape immediately bites the dust to an Olm Men's attacks (little buggers are really bad at hitting stuff but they aren't weak, when they do it hurts and with 3 AP...). The other one begins a string of crit dodges that it will share with the Lemur for a while (I rolled at least 4~5 crit dodges between the 2).
> The Fateless Deserter manages an Altered Fate on one of the Olms to place it out of LoS after it activated, killing it automatically because of Sick Muse. I believe Atlan anon sacrifices another one in an attempt to kill the Lemur but it only scratches it.
> Atlan anon wins the NPC roll on this one and disengage the Lemur, but one Shape causes Terror once more, with all the death Altan anon is a 4 Dread now.
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> The spring gunners open up on the Shape, missing a few but hitting once, however this does not end up being enough to kill it.
> The Refined Olm charges the Lost Man #3, who manages to dodge the attack.
> I cast Vision of Doom on the Gargoyle and open up on it. One shot hits the limb, causing injury to the stony beast, then a few ding on its armour, until one critical hits it square in the head, instakilling it.
> At this point Atlan anon is at 8 Dread and half its army is Panicking. He lowers it to 4 thanks to the special Rally the Princess has, but without the Gargoyle he has little hitting power left, and if he uses the AP on the Refined Olm then I can just insta-kill it by moving it out of LoS, Atlan anon calls the game.
Endgame result
Victory for the Lost Men (or at least, in one alternate timeline between 2, gotta remember the Los Seer turned into a Degenerate too...). We did not both calculating the Silver costs because it was clearly in my favour.
Special mention goes to Lawrence Krauss aka the Ambitious Scientist who, like in real life, IS FUCKING USELESS AND A WASTE OF SKIN and can't even cook some eggs and bacons or whatever.
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here are my thoughts on our game/things we talked about.
>Gargoyle is a bit too frail and the even armor is odd. stupid low Eva means he is often getting hit on the head, and his presence and cost make him a big target. a 3T5T7T armor value would be more fitting. this would also fit the "folk-lore" side of irl Gargoyles a bit more, i dont think that is important but i do think it is worth note. also, it would be nice if he had pic related for the image instead of the current, the current would work better for Grotesque i think.
>Gargoyles are really fun, and to my slight surprise, not broken. Sick Muse is also really fun, and using them both made me nearly feel like i was playing chess (in this case a thats a good thing). like 2e anon said, it felt real, and, perhaps, pro.
>Refined Olm's Bled White is weak compared to its requirements and Sick Muse's restrictions. losing the Titanium is needed. either buffing the base armor by 1, or somehow making Bled White's offensive side scarier might be good changes also.
>Hard to judge exactly how good Refined and Good Etiquette Olms are because Prophesies are hard on them. there is counter to this, but mostly in the form of divine intervention and counter picking. for example, trading my Spring Gunners for a Wall Mystic would have made this game much more favorable to me. a Hero with Titanium Flask would have been less centralizing and also very helpful. Sick Muse +1 AP felt really good on the Olm-Men, better than on the Refined Olm (funny cause Refined Olm is what it was made for).
>Polished Princess works well, or at least the Pearl of Atlan + Hard to be Soft does. didnt get attacked at all, so cant really say how powerful the thorns effects are. only thing is, it is probably okay to remove the Titanium requirement for Hard to be Soft, although it might need to be changed so it can only be done on Grievous wounds instead of Grievous or Deep.
>Spring Gunners kinda suck.
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pic related is what i mean for the grotesque image.
>Atlan Sp. Weapons could use a make over. open to suggestions. thinking Aegean Stinger could be replaced by Titanium Scalpel.
>Leaping Flower could work better as a movement option instead of a third trap. Terror Tonic could allow for more movement for lists where that is more of a problem. a new Atlan item that slows the enemy might be nice.
>Prophesies are fun, fair, and balanced, at least as far as i can tell. and what happened to 2e anon was both preventable and... extremely amusing.
>i forgot the Ambitious Scientist existed, and that was okay. maybe that in other games he will be good.
>Terror works.
>Shapes felt a bit weak in comparison to the Lemur, but that could just be a luck/lack-of-Malcolm thing.
>North Star has good models. most Colonial units are can be kitbashed easy. i should do that.
>American mirror of Knights of Britannia that are larping as Davy Crockett.
>proper shot guns werent a thing yet. kill the shot gun, replace it with Buck Shot Sp. Ammo (like titanium balls) for use in Muskets by the British. Buck Shot would have the effect of the shot guns special.
>Atlantis has working Aeolipile? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeolipile
>Having slightly different prices for items/weapons and gaining/losing access to items/weapons depending on your chosen sponsor would be a good and simple way to add an "economy" into the game.
>idea for Campaign were the French go on an expedition to buy (maybe medicinal) perfume from Atlantis.
looking at it, Combat Baby could be changed to only require 2 dodges but not cause extra Dread on a kill and i think it would be better.
it all worked great. this game by far felt the most finished and... delicate. all the problems are polish, the core is good. very good. i was worried about the same thing as you, and i feel comfortable saying my fears were more founded than yours. you did a good job man.
Prophesies worked well, or at least they were fun. i think Fateless Deserter in particular is something to be proud of.
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>you did a good job man.
I'll echo that sentiment, it felt fun.
Fateless Deserter was great to have around as a safety, and then back up Prophet if the Lost Seer didn't have any issue.
Lost Seer herself felt really good, I didn't have need to use her special rules beyond Prophetic Sight and Affinity, but having the option in case the game ran long was good to keep in mind.
The Lost Men themselves are perhaps a bit undercosted, either that or the other Mercs have too high Discipline and that makes the Lost Men's Dreg ability very safe to pull off. I was never near 6 Dread and could probably avoid it fairly indefinitely by having the Ambitious Scientist sit back and Rally. I could definitely see them bumped up to 4 or 5 Silver without breaking them.
The most *disappointing* part of my list (and it wasn't really, it just felt meh) were the Shapes doing little else than being a scary speedbump but I had no way to impose Obscurity in this list, under Malcolm they become way more dangerous, and it still was useful. And, that's a part of the Lost Men I did myself, the Summon the Shapes part, so it isn't on you...
>The Lost Men themselves are perhaps a bit undercosted, either that or the other Mercs have too high Discipline and that makes the Lost Men's Dreg ability very safe to pull off. I was never near 6 Dread and could probably avoid it fairly indefinitely by having the Ambitious Scientist sit back and Rally.
true, but we also didnt engage much. in both "timelines" our lists sort of self destructed, or maybe burnt out in the better way to say it.
could have it so Dreg copies everything other than Discipline.
>could have it so Dreg copies everything other than Discipline.
Yeah I'm thinking that would be the best way.
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I'm gonna try and wrap up Mu today, as well as Morlocks and the units posted from last thread.
I wanna also reinvite any anons who is watching to not hesitate to say they want to playtest. If the voice discord is what is holding you back, any voice app I can download would work just fine as well. If you don't want to read through the rules or make your list (its fun tho I think) that is 100% fine and I can set up a demo game to intro you slowly.
>The legend is purely fiction, no authority existing for any of its facts, characters, or
other peculiarities, beyond that which was thought necessary to secure the semblance
of reality. Truth compels us to admit that the book has attracted very little notice, and
that if its merits are to be computed by its popularity, the care that has been bestowed
on this edition might as well be spared.
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So, this combines the "Saur jousting" aspect and the dismounted bit Atlan anon had suggested and might work as well for a new version of the Roughriders he is working on.
The Countercharge might also be something that I export other places.
I'm gonna clean up the language, but Countercharge combines two charges in one, essentially. If both models engage each other at the same time, you roll one Face to Face Accuracy vs Accuracy Mount Charge, whoever wins it deals damage to the other, then a single Charge Attack in the same way.
it isnt finished, but i will go ahead and post what i have for the Roughriders now.
i think Stun might not have much of an impact given the model is already shaken. i really like Countercharge, it is a clever way to do the jousting.

Roughrider: Cost 14
AP: 2
Movement: 2 Accuracy: 4 Strength: 6 Discipline: 3 Evasion: 6 Labor: 2 Awareness: 3
Health: 2
Armor: 000

Outrider: If this model is in your Reserve and has a Mount, you must Deploy it on the third turn on an Edge Hex that is not in a Deployment Zone.

Riding Roughly: When this model becomes Shaken: place a Hostile NPC model of its Mount adjacent to it in a free hex, this model no longer has a Mount and takes a Graze to every Health box.

Recruitment: This model must be taken Mounted on any US Saur.

At the start of turn, if this model is Shaken, you may spend 1 AP to test this models Discipline: if Successful it Ignores Moral for this turn.
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In regards to the Campaign, I feel (and Atlan anon agreed) that even tho its a quick campaign and the first one, to really get a feel for the usefulness of In the Lead and work out as much mechanics as possible to build upon after, that at least 1 if not 2 more Scenarios were needed. If the whole thing lasts only a few days, the Docks to the Marsh being the first day, something needs to be put in to have the occasion for In the Lead to be built up or matched. So I'm suggesting adding in a The Jungle scenario, picrel map. I was thinking for scenario rules it could be about avoiding ambushes from Saurs/Tribals, and "punishing" (a.k.a balancing by increasing risk) having a fully or mostly fully mounted Expedition ("Horses sure helped us get the lead on those darn frogs, but damn me if every Saur in this Jungle hasn't picked up our trail!"). There are 10 dense Jungle spots on this map, I was thinking something like
> Each Jungle spot are numbered. Each end of turn players each roll 1 d10, and on the selected Jungle spot spawn a random Saur from the Prehistoric Predator list.
> Add a condition at the end of the Docks -"Count the number of Mounted and Unmounted models that exited the map. For each Mounted model that cannot be paired with an unmounted model, suffer -1 to all Hostile control rolls in the next game.
>i think Stun might not have much of an impact given the model is already shaken.
Ah you are right. I'll remove that.
>i really like Countercharge, it is a clever way to do the jousting.
Thanks! Might fit well in some ways in Knight of Britannia as such too, but the mechanic could be put in a lot of places elsewhere. I think the Warfare Apologist could use it as well.
Sweet. 14 seems very costly though. Volunteer is strong but I doubt its worth 7~8 Silver.
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might be okay at 12 silver really. i think Volunteer could work on some other models, but it is powerful and should be used sparingly.
the idea behind the change is that Rough Riders were a bit out of time, so the goal here is to have something sufficiently different that can still justify using the name. so Roughriders are mean to be a sort of Saur Calvary that doesnt really know how to ride a Saur well, and is just barely holding on to the Saur, let alone holding on to control. so the Saur spooks easy when being ridden hard by an inexperienced rider. the Discipline may seem high for that, but i reckon that coming in at the start of the third turn means he is likely to be shaken on arrival and will need to get lucky with Volunteer or have support to not be thrown and probably eaten. Discipline could be raised to 4 and i think it would be okay.
they got their name because they are "Riding, roughly...".
>Volunteer is strong but I doubt its worth 7~8 Silver.
i am more worried about Outrider. do you think 10 Silver at 3 Discipline, or 12 at 4 is better?
I guess its less restrictive than I thought initially, since you may still activate if you arrive on the board at the 3rd turn and there's enough Dread to Shake it. Either would be fine balance wise I think, but 10 at 3 might make it more "fun" since the Riding Roughly would trigger more often.
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Reposting the Muic Maledictions, if any anons has inspiration to add to those, now is the time! (not that later wouldn't be the time either... )
Finally, for the second Muic Hero, I thought of going with a very generic Mu Master, representing any type of authority found in Mu, and who could be built as either New Mu (human) or Old Mu (eldritch monster). It could be a tax collector, a Malediction specialist, a Saur Knight Order Master, etc etc.
Old Mu Master should have the option of going mask off at some cost, gaining power in exchange for losing their human mien.
>mask off
You mean like the Doppelgangers ability, or as in going from human to a eldritch tentacle monster?
I was thinking the latter. The façade cracks for just a moment, and you realize you were never looking at a human at all.
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Looking into miniatures for this. Beside Perry Miniatures & picrel what else could be good to kitbash for French & La Ombre units?
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Tennessee Volunteer: Cost 15
Soldier, Elite
AP: 2
Movement: 3 Accuracy: 7 Strength: 5 Discipline: 3 Evasion: 5 Labor: 6 Awareness: 4
Health: 2
Armor: 000
[Dogged] [Volunteer] [Deadly: Bowie Knife]

Knight of The Wild Frontier:
As long as this model is not Shaken, add +1 to all rolls for control of Beast NPCs within 5.

comes with Bowie Knife

Bowie Knife: Cost 1
[ / ] / [ G ]
*+1 Discipline on kill.

i have no idea if this is balanced or fun, but it is on theme. AmExCo ended up feeling more veteran/professional, which is somewhat contrary to the chart. Tennessee Volunteer i hope can fill the 'rookie' role, while also calling back to classic folk heroes and the football team.
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this is the image i would like for him. i feel like i didnt do a great job here, so very open to suggestions. only thing im really set on is Knight of The Wild Frontier, and i like the 'spirit' Bowie Knife but im not sure i implemented it well.
i think i will have a run at the Heroes for the US, Officer in particular, then leave it alone for a while.
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full image.
i doubt there is anything out there that fits Olms well. maybe you could use a toy car for Tiger Brigade.
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>i doubt there is anything out there that fits Olms well.
You can find Axolotl man minis on Etsy and other such places. Probably gonna struggle to find something with the correct degree of pathetic-sopping-wetness.
could kinda work for a Bad Olm. i wonder if i could carve one from styrofoam, or maybe clay...
i have no experience with either, so it will be interesting either way. will probably be very simple and need a killer paint job to make it look decent.
>i doubt there is anything out there that fits Olms well
I got these miniatures from the D&d mini range, initially thought they would work well as Morlocks, but the smaller ones kinda looks a bit more like olms, sans the head frills unfortunately.
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So this would be the new structure for the Campaign. If you ave ideas for the ?, or think its not necessary, let me know, I just kinda thought of the Tribal Village as a midpoint to the campaign.
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Did the Lemurian Merchant! I added the option to take artefacts, in particular the one that increases Awareness would be useful to him (but also dangerous if he goes Shaken) otherwise its pretty much as is. Should he have perhaps the option to take Alcohol in order to stave off Diversified Asset?
Also, its not a mistake that its on a success and not a failure that he switches side, right?
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Here is what I got so far, I'll work on it more later on today.
>its not a mistake that its on a success and not a failure that he switches side, right?
right. not a mistake.
>Should he have perhaps the option to take Alcohol in order to stave off Diversified Asset?
that sounds good to me. get him drunk if you dont want him to turn.
For the Maledictions I've been thinking we could wrap the long mentioned Mutation/Degeneracy Random table (but never done) into it as a risk, for the moment its just upgrades you pay for. I was thinking the caster has to test Awareness, if failed, the Models targeted by the Malediction must additionally roll on the Mutation/Degeneracy table.
Table could be something like the random scenario list, two d10 result columns, you roll two dices, if the dices are different you take both results on the first column, if they are the same you take the second.
> 1:-1 Awareness/Model becomes Immune to Obscurity
> 2:-1 Accuracy/Model gains Syphilitic Blindness and Poison on melee attacks.
> 3:-1 Evasion / ?
> 4:-1 Discipline / ?
> 5: - 1 Strength/Model starts the game Poisoned, or immediately becomes Poisoned. If it stops being Poisoned, it becomes Immune to Poison.
> 6 : -2 Awareness/Models gain Husked
> 7 : -2 Accuracy/Model gains Flailing Tentacles but suffers -3 Accuracy on all Ranged attacks
> 8 : -2 Evasion/?
> 9 : -2 Discipline/?
> 10: -2 Strength/Model gains Morlock Constitution but...
i see it. could just paint some frills on. or leave them off, not that bad since the chart image doesnt have frills. only thing is the eyes.
that makes sense. gives it a parallel to prophesies which is nice.
>-2 Strength/Model gains Morlock Constitution but...
if it was -3 i dont think it would need a but.
should the blurb for the Cherub be a joke or serious?
also, any blurbs anyone want me to have a shot at?
The thing with the 2nd column is that I want it to be halfway between a negative and a positive. Like, both the negative and positive are pretty huge and impactful and change the unit dynamics a lot. Might be something you could want to get but would come at a risk (so a Mu Mutation Trait could be "while this Hero is alive, both you and the opponent roll one additional dice on the Mutation table, you choose which dice to resolve")
>a joke or serious?
If you want to make it a joke I'm 100% fine with it, its the kind of unit where its appropriate.
I feel very silly but I seem to have lost track of where I saved the onion cutout of the Layers with the names we had for them, does anyone have it somewhere?
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>also, any blurbs anyone want me to have a shot at?
Lemuria is going to be next to have some clean up done, I realized its very unpolished, probably half finished really. I started a bit fixing the profiles to the new format but otherwise I haven't really changed anything yet to it, so if you want to write up blurbs for it or look at profile/mechanics to improve, go for it.
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got it.
i prefer to write for units that are already done or mostly done, but i will have a look at Lemuria.
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Here's the most updated one I have. I'm still waiting for the remaining names to add them to the file.
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For the 9th anons had suggested Sub-Helena, but I feel that would only work for 1 or 2 factions who are aware there's a St.Helena down there, another option I thought of was Kokytos, the furthest, frozen river of the Underworld.
> "And now, ye greasy hangman, step out as brisk and lively as ye can, and behave as naturally as ye may, or it's the black stream of Cocytus ye'll be contemplating."
We could additionally replace references to the Old Man of Crete that is supposed to stand guard there to the Old Man of Corsica (Ol' Boney).
yes. i like this.
>Old Man of Corsica
heh. this too.
That makes sense. Any ideas for 7th and 8th?
No idea for the 8th, 7th could simply be Mu, or Old Mu, since that's the point of reference everyone has for it. But if anyone has a more creative idea it would probably be better.
Lemurian Cherub:
The Lemurian Cherubs store old age in their steeds, while Cultivating the strength of manhood. This practice allows them to live at peak physicality (and vanity), so long as they have a steady supply of lambs.

i couldnt think of a good joke.
It's a cool idea. It makes me wonder if the way you create a Cultivated Colonial is by just pumping as much weakness and flaws as you can into some random guy? Or maybe it's just turning them into a chi conduit I don't know. I should write more Lemuria Lore they're the faction I love to hate.
Yeah it works for me, its weird enough and if its too much we could always add "Colonials believe that ..." at the beginning.
Ah, cooking time is soon upon us.
Someone wanna bake?
We still have a while before this falls off the board, seems to be a slow day today.
Still intending to write the Napoleon under the Pyramids story but if I'm too lazy to do it here's the gist of it:

The wish granter is real, it is underneath the pyramids, it is broken, and Napoleon wants to fix it.

Why do you think the Egyptians worshipped the SVN? There is only one.
trips spoke the truth, 2 pages in 8+ hour.
That sounds really cool, if you have cliff notes we could try doing it as a group.
also, baking.
Any kind soul willing to summarise past three threads? Just came back from a work assignment in a complete backwater, no net access for the duration

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