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Previous Thread: >>93016175

>RPG Rulebooks

>Homebrew Collection (December 2023)

>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News

>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database

>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:

>General 40kRPG Encyclopedia

>Offline Combined Armory (v6.48.161023)

>Make your maps look just like FFGs

>40k Music

>40k Art

>Rogue Trader Shipbuilder

TQ: Times you or your party failed Perils of the Warp?
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More of a Psychic Phenomena than full blown Perils of the Warp, but I had a few funny ones in my campaigns
>Rogue Trader campaign, Psyker PC is in a casino, playing cards at a high stakes table. Obviously nobody knows of his abilities.
>Decides to cheat by using telepathy to check the winning oponent's cards
>Rolls a warp phenomena effect that inverts the effect of psychic technique used, so now his very weirded out oponent can see the PCs cards as if looking through his eyes
>Unbeknownst to the PC, the guy was actually a minor Rogue Trader who's been around and quickly figured out what just happened
>He used the situation to first easily win the game and then kick the PC out of the casino
The player claimed it was a very humbling experience

>Dark Heresy session, party is stranded on a feral world
>Arrives in a village of some very primitive tribals
>A psyker PC tries to impress one of them and decides to use a psychic technique that gives him bonus to interactions
>He not only failed the fellowship roll spectacularly, but also triggered a Warp Phenomena that caused blood to rain from the sky
>The tribals pronounced him a demon and proceed to maul him on the spot
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Anyone got the pdf of Threat Assessment: Daemons and Heretics for WANG to share?
Literally never going to find the new stuff here. pdf share thread exists.
Wrong. All the WANG stuff gets shared here first. It's where the starter set and Vow were shared (I'm the one who posted them in the sharethread AFTER finding them here.. PDF sharethread just reposts the links, because NewVola Anon will not host anything Warhammer related.
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so how is Imperium Maledictum vs Wang and the Older 40k RPGS? a few friends played Dark Tide and want some of that good old 40k violence in they're life and I want too know how it stands on its own in a vacuum and how it compares too its competing 40K RPG and its predecessors as well
>Older 40k RPGs by FFG
Quite traditional RPGs, somewhat crunchy, when you dive into them, but the core rules are rather simple, intuitive and fast to explain. it's very similar to Warhammer Fantasy if you ever played that. It has a benefit of having a shit tonne of official content released and detailed rules and lore for lots of in-universe things. It's split into 5 sub-systems, each of them focusing on playing as a specific group/faction within the setting. Their content is mostly interchangeable though
Designed as a more "generic" system for everything 40k compared to more narrow focused older ones, which means you can technically do anything in it, but it usually it won't have as neatly dedicated rules as is the FFG games. I also think it's a bit more heroic, but I didn't really have much contact with it
>Imperium Maledictum
Focused on playing a group of various human agents working for some powerful imperial patron. A bit more rules light than the older games. Generally quite good, but narrower in scope and doesn't have much content released for it

As you could maybe have guessed I'm biased towards the FFG systems, really like them a lot. If you want something with a Darktide vibe then either Dark Heresy (where you play as agents of the Inquisition) or Only War (where you play as a squad of Imperial Guard soldiers) should work the best, but keep in mind that combat in this system can be very deadly- you certainly won't be hacking through hundreds of enemies like in DT. If you want something like that, Deathwatch (where you play as space marines) would be more suitable
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Good morning, gamers. I killed my first PC today, they got cut in half by a great chainaxe.
And what precisely does this have to do with the FFG TTRPGs and their less-worthy successors?
>And what precisely does this have to do with the FFG TTRPGs and their less-worthy successors?
I'm running Liber Imperium and having a blast with it, and I'm running it for people that have experience with TTRPGs but not a lot of knowledge on Warhammer!
Motherfucker, I thought you meant a computer.
My bad lmao.
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Jesus, anon! My computer's safe and sound, good lord! It's really nice helping to introduce people to new settings through the power of roleplay, I've been twitching to show off Warhammer Fantasy as well, and from what I've played of 4e confirms it's a worthy successor to 2e.
Right, well, my momentary idiocy aside, how did things go down? What's the party lineup, which one bought it, and what was the opfor?
The C7 release schedule is bizarre. Apparently there's another 40k thing out in a couple days.

>A PDF location guide for Imperium Maledictum, coming this Thursday!
>Embark on a thrilling adventure aboard His Glorious Shield, a vast city-ship sailing the frigid seas of Jotungarth. The bitter winds of this icy world are a lethal deterrent to life above deck, but existence within the confines of this wretched vessel is little better.
And it's another fucking adventure. Which I should be happy for, but I just want some damn books already.
I asked the KTG without much luck.

has anyone already homebrewed a way to graft KT21's combat onto any official wh40k rpg? I don't see anything like that in the OP linked collection but figured I'd ask.
Doesn't seem so. I suppose you're looking for such a project because you'd like to see it done, though; what are your reasons for wanting such an arrangement? Do you think that KT21 does some aspects of low-scale 40k combat better than the existing games of role, and which ones if yes?
It's not that i'm trying to dissuade you from considering it (some examples of things being statted in KT21 do seem to be interesting), but i'd like to see the reasons and the goals.
I really like KT21's combat, complex LOS rules aside. Melee especially is a refined version of what I once tried to homebrew, so I feel pretty attached to it.
There's also the benefit of not having to learn a new combat system for my friends who already know KT. Plus, if I can get someone to try and like the combat in a TTRPG, maybe I can convert them to a full KT player. Conversely, if they're mostly uninterested in combat, we can still get in some KT-esque combat while including the social-only player overall.
I could rip out the social system from some other game and smash em together, but I honestly don't know which game I'd use and the 40k-specific fluff wouldn't be built-in.
If an attempt to transplant KT21 mechanics into an existing 40k game of role takes place (ignoring the scope of translating the sheer mass and the occasional weirdness of the possible entities, be they PCs, NPCs, equipment, or other things statted in the roleplaying books for the time being), how would you deal with characters who are distinctly bad at combat? While one rarely plays a 40k game of role expecting no combat to happen at all, it is entirely possible for a character to be distinctly bad at performing in battles due to unlucky chargen (in those systems where procedural, roll-based chargen is considered default) or to your character's career/role/whatever equivalent being intended to perform in non-combat roles at the expense of combat capabilities.
Furthermore, the premise of 40k games of role almost never states that all PCs are equally capable in all modes of play (such as low-scale tactical combat, non-combat activities, shipboard activities etc. depending on the exact game); every point put into combat is a point not put into noncombat, every point put into noncombat is a point not put into combat.
(to say nothing of the features' relative pricing)
I mean, this would purely be for how combat encounters are handled. the points you bring up are true for any ttrpg with combat and social elements - they need to be balanced within a character and among each group.
see >>93096859
>Conversely, if [a player is] mostly uninterested in combat, [the group] can still get in some KT-esque combat while including the social-only player overall.
>the points you bring up are true for any ttrpg with combat and social elements - they need to be balanced within a character and among each group.
Not entirely correct, because there are games of role that postulate and mandate equal competence (on paper, at least) across characters in a given team in any given mode across those described in a game; such as by providing each and every PC with equal amount of skills/abilities for tactical combat, out-of-combat activities, and whatever other modes there are.
sure, though I never stated that was my goal. I just want a shim to translate <given RPG's combat stats> to KT21, basically.

You can break down KT teams into roughly 3 groups:
>12-14 models
>2 actions
>7 wounds
>5+ save
>4+ ws/bs
>3 attacks
>9-10 models
>2 actions
>10 wounds
>4+ save
>4+ ws/bs
>4 attacks
>6 models
>3 actions
>12 wounds
>3+ save
>3+ ws/bs
>4 attacks

so if you want an elite statline, you'll get fewer points or whatever to distribute into the social half. likewise, a horde statline (or worse) for combat would give you more/better social options
Do you have in mind a specific assortment of character concepts/types to be allowed in a game, and what would it be if yes? If familiar with the existing systems, which one would you deem more fit for such an assortment?
(such as you'd better take Deathwatch if you want an entire team of marines)
ideally it would be agnostic. a team of marines is sent for a very different set of tasks than a pirate ship, but they exist within the same universe and fight each other and sometimes have to do diplomacy with each other.
I'm not really familiar with any 40k rpg, I just started skimming Maledictum last night. I'm still not sure of how good +5 in a thing is.
Unfortunately, the existing 40k games of role are not agnostic in such a way; even across the various games of the FFG/BI d100 family (DH, RT, DW, BC, OW, DH2E), the exact same creature can be statted differently based on what PCs it is expected to be used against and on how threatening should it be to them (and on what changes have the mechanics undergone). A Tzeentch screamer is an overloaded beast of stats and abilities in DH or RT, but almost a low-detail mook with few features in BC - and these two are games using /two iterations of the same core engine/. The only official system intended to cover a wide assortment of factions and character concepts (including xenos within the bounds of the core book) is WANG, which generally seems to be considered a poorly-made (badly written by Ulysses, barely touched by Cubicle), uninspired system limited to recreating miniatures from the big wargame in a rpg-like form.
By the way, what's your current imagined method of translating rpg characters' equipment into KT (if you imagine that one generates a character using the main roleplaying system first, then ports that into the KT system)?
ideally a standardish conversion method or a few basic templates that you can purchase upgrades for
The first option is going to get wonky very fast, if we're simply picking equivalents (a KT bolter as a translation of a rpg bolter etc.).
Reason 1: KT weapon stats are at times not describing merely the item, but implying something about the skill of the wielder (an example: the deathworld guardsman and his knife from the inquisitorial team).
Reason 2: because the benchmarks are different, a bad rpg weapon can suddenly become good when swapped for a KT equivalent (an example: non-modded basic spears of the d100 rpgs vs the one the KT deathworld guardsman wields); the reverse is also possible, albeit unlikely.

The second option might have potential; however, if we're at this point, i'd think less about implanting KT into an existing 40k game of roles and more about adding some scratchbuilt supplementary mechanics (such as character creation and non-combat activities) into KT itself, as to make something better suited to KT's benchmarks.
(this can be interesting)
Can you play as a space marine on this or only humans? I kinda want to play this with some friends
>in this
There are many game lines and systems. Ones that satisfy your requirements:
>Black Crusade
>Nice Marines, if you want to play in a shitpost-worthy manner
Deathwatch RPG is what you're looking for.
Or Black Crusade if you want chaos marines
>Deathwatch RPG is what you're looking for.
It might fill the requirements, but I don't think it's what anyone should be looking for.
Got the updated Vows PDF by any chance? Apparently a bunch of shit got fixed.
Recently I had a novel idea to take out an enemy by throwing myself out a window on a hive spire- really, more tackling them out, but instead of directly pushing them out, instead I'm using myself as a counterweight to drag them with me because I'm not strong. My character was a krieger developing psyker powers due to mutation, so already not remotely in a good state of mind, but I foolishly tried to give myself a bonus to the attempt with my powers. Rolled Perils and it was the one that yanked everyone to Earth. Wound up accidentally taking the party's resident old man out the window with me.

We both lived, but I unfortunately only wound up accidentally convincing the rest of my party that I was somehow a Living Saint in the process.
Watch them prove me
with links to everything happening with WANG in latest updated and cleaned pdf format.
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Should Centurions be considered a kind of Power Armor or a Vehicle for Deathwatch players?
GER makes it armor.
How far from being a dreadnought is it really?
Fucking everytime I see centurions, I just wish they had used the hand, feet, and shoulder designs to just update Terminator armor like Primaris...
I cannot stand the "power armor /IN/ power armor" bullshit
Doing some world building for my custom sector and I've got a weird question. Say I had a rogue trader who lived for 300 and some change years, and for the majority of that period he visited a large sum of worlds in my 59 system sector, thats systems so sometimes theres multiple habitable worlds in those systems while others weren't year discovered while he was alive. The gimmick is that guy fucked around alot, so much so that were was no conclusive heir to the dynasty because there were a minimum of 50 people coming forward at time of death claiming to be his children. My question is over the course of his lifetime, how many children would he have to have sired where a thousand years later his surname is so commonplace you'd bump into two different people on most planets who'd have that name but not have any immediate relation to each other?
>The gimmick is that guy fucked around alot, so much so that were was no conclusive heir
"The heir is who I say it is". Done. Random bastards don't get to use the dynastic name. Double done. The issue doesn't even start.
>how did things go down? What's the party lineup, which one bought it, and what was the opfor?
Didn't respond because I was busy gooning, lol! Anyway, the party lineup is pretty fun, we've got a Cold Trader cowboy cursed to never hit with his executioner laspistol, a very fluffy and cheerful Sister, a proper busty Assassin prepackaged from the Schola, a Heretek that is Literally Me from DRIVE, and the sweetest UwU Forge World Scribe that has so consistently managed to roll 1-10s that when they said they want to become a Psyker, I gave 'em a 100xp discount because the Warp clearly favors them.

The party were on the orders of their Inquisitor to seek the advance team he sent to a pleasure world in the throes of a festival, and their investigations brought them into the hideous bowels of the world. Think how you could turn a corner on a cruise ship and end up in the stark industrial innards of the place, y'know? That sort of feeling. They were looking for an Interrogator - and found what's left of him, getting tortured by the local union-tribe led by a nasty piece of work named Harkon Bloodgullet. It was an expertly-designed encounter with three-dimensional threats, environmental risks and hinted called shot shenanigans (Harkon wore xeno-chitin on his head and body, but not his arms and legs.) And while the PCs eventually got the idea in the end, it wasn't before the sweet Sister got the 2d10+9 Pen 3 from that chainaxe. Don't worry, Sisters love that shit.

And she'll be back, anyway. The player (big Sisters fan) joked that she'd want to bring her back all Living Saint style, but the only change is that her breasts get one cup size bigger. It seemed fun, and the PC herself is a real sweetheart, so I figured, hey, why not? If he brought in another Sister she'd more or less be similar to what he's got already, so let's have fun with it. Still gotta sit out the rest of the mission, though. I'm not going to make death *completely* meaningless.
>My question is over the course of his lifetime, how many children would he have to have sired where a thousand years later his surname is so commonplace you'd bump into two different people on most planets who'd have that name but not have any immediate relation to each other?
You're getting into Genghis Khan numbers at this point, he'd have to have sired thousands of children if we're assuming he's going about it conventionally. He'd want to also cull large amounts of the native populations so that his genetic lineage has a bigger effect on the pool. Things get *very* funny if he's got access to a competent Magos Biologis, however, since then he could technically seed entire generations with his genetic material.

Have fun with it, anon, it's a Rogue Trader. They're quirky by nature! Could even go with some Endless Space and make him Horatio.
I can give it a pass in 40k because of how backwards and ad-hoc a lot of tech is that isn't older than anything that isn't the Emperor.
Got a DW game night tomorrow and I'm drawing a blank on encounter design. My general idea was the PCs and Chaos forces racing to steal a Warp-manipulating artifact from an abandoned alien temple but I've run out of ideas for session events. I want to take a slight departure from 100% combat and add more stuff focused on their environment, navigation, puzzles, and traps. Shit like outrunning boulders, stepping on tile sequences, etc. Anyone got any fun suggestions?
>"power armor /IN/ power armor" bullshit
Huh? It makes perfect sense from a modularity POV, especially considering it allows cents to still be able to step out of the armor whenever it's needed because of room constraints and still be armored/effective space marines.
Have you tried one of the PCs getting possessed? Be sure to have at least one room which is mostly full of PLOT, and one that is mostly full of loot. Both can only be uncovered through lore, logic and other such checks. Is this some random minor Xenos, or a big named one? If this is Yu’Vath than you could go hard into the spooky reanimating and memory alteration gimmicks, like a room that the PCs forget about as soon as the leave it.
>some random minor Xenos, or a big named one
Leaning towards Eldar, Necron, or Old Ones (in which I shamelessly rip off WHFB Lizardmen).
Apologies for the late reply, that post was made just before my afternoon nap! A temple to the Old Ones would be VERY interesting, not the least because it would be very easy for you to shamelessly steal maps and artwork from the Lizardmen and transplant them into your game. Personally? I'd play around with blackstone, that psycho-reactive substance that either project a Null fields, or radically augments existing psychic presence. This would make it very easy for you to introduce Necron and AdMech as incidental enemies/obstacles, since both of them are huge on collecting as much of the substance as possible.

This would also mean that you could have rooms where Psychic potential is massively enhanced (the Psyker goes from Rating 1 to 11? Wowzer!) To rooms where Psychic potential is completely dampened, to the point it produces the Withering as seen in the Pariah Nexus. You could have rooms where specific **parts** of the room are Reactive, and others that are Nullified.

In fact, you could have rooms with circuit puzzles - you know the ones, where you need to send a charge from Point A to Point B by rearranging tiles or furniture, only in this case the charge is Warp energy or the electrical charge that empowers Blackstone. For added fun, if your party has a Psyker than turn them into the battery, where they must stand on the Point A block to create a charge. If you don't have a Psyker, you could assign different values to each of the PCs and go for one of those "balance the equation" puzzles, where the PCs need to figure out which of them, and in what order, is needed on different blocks to activate the switch.
Neat, thank you for the ideas. The party made a shitload of alts, so nearly everyone has a Librarian ready to roll. Circuit puzzles with Librarians sounds like a neat diversion--amplifier map tiles, dampener/null tiles, redirect tiles, intersections, etc. Might have a fun effect on combat against enemy psykers, soo.
It's a stupid design. Barely above baby carriers.
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I swear, this guy must have been in one of my series or read my logs, because I have used ALL of these puzzle types for Blackstone and Old Slann to great success. Other things you can are balancing polarities, such as moving Positively and Negatively charged objects to different areas to create a positive, negative, or balanced final product, or using Negative/Positive blackstone weapons to break through Positive/Negative blackstone defenses, for instance. You can really go wild with blackstone puzzles to make an encounter that isn't just "shoot enemy a lot."
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So, I've been bullied enough to finally nut up and attempt to DM a Rogue Trader game. Only instead of using the Koronus Expanse like a normal person, I've let my autism flow and decided to homebrew an entirely new sector, taking advantage of new lore and Guilliman sending Rogue Traders to newly opened sections of the galaxy in the east.

This is what I have so far with the Zerzuran Chasm. There's been an established 'safe zone' where the Imperium's already set up shop and taken over a whole bunch of worlds, and the players will have to cross the Dragon's Gate themselves to get into the utterly unexplored areas. Planets will be added as the various powers that be discover and seek out whatever is there, for better or for worse.

Image edited in Paint.net, looking for advise on how to do the text around the brightly lit areas of the image. Should I suck it up and just have a black background on white text, or is there a trick to it I haven't noticed yet?
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>Rogue Trader set in the Eastern Fringe
Oh damn, you too? I'm continually blown away at how well the Era Indomitus allows for fresh RPG campaign opportunities. The Eastern Fringe gives you Tau, Necron, Tyranids and Chaos aplenty!
>looking for advise on how to do the text around the brightly lit areas of the image
There's really no good way to do it, you've chosen awkward colors to have on the background. They're nice colors, mind, they evoke the Eastern Fringe well and the generally adventurous nature of Rogue Trader, but I'd recommend going for how they did it with the Screaming Vortex in Black Crusade. Thick, chunky white lettering with black shadowed outlines. Power through the light.
>Oh damn, you too? I'm continually blown away at how well the Era Indomitus allows for fresh RPG campaign opportunities. The Eastern Fringe gives you Tau, Necron, Tyranids and Chaos aplenty!
I thought it was better than just revisiting the Koronus Expanse again. Can make up all kinds of things; new xenos, odd situations, unique materials, the works. Bit more effort, but you know what? Means it can truly capture the idea of exploration for the party and let them try to stake claim on things.

>Thick, chunky white lettering with black shadowed outlines. Power through the light.
Hum, any idea on how to do that in Paint.net in one go? Or am I gonna have to eyeball it?
I like all of you, you are nice and knowledgeable. I'm trying to learn how to make characters in deathwatch so I can stop lurking and actually participate once I muster a group.
Oh shit, nevermind I found a plugin to do it. https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/15260-plugin-index/

Look up 'outline' and download the version for whatever paint.net variant you have. Then it's all in there. I'll have to redo this map but it makes things so much easier as a result. Thanks for the advice on what to use, I'll have an updated map probably tomorrow?
>looking for advise on how to do the text around the brightly lit areas of the image.
Solid rectangular background behind all map text.
Did you have a question?
>Look up 'outline' and download the version for whatever paint.net variant you have. Then it's all in there. I'll have to redo this map but it makes things so much easier as a result. Thanks for the advice on what to use, I'll have an updated map probably tomorrow?
It will end up looking better, revision is part of the craft! Nothing should be "done" after the first go-through, that is why you do what work you can so you can build or edit off it. By the way, I'd recommend ditching whatever font you're using and go with the Caslon series. I've been using Caslon (Antique) for Dark Heresy, but if you're going for something more adventurous and high-spirited than there's other Caslon types. Too many for me to list here, but you'll find one. I'm sure of it! If you're not feeling like going through that much effort, check Old English Text MT (part of Paint.net) and Edwardian Script ITC (not recommended for the maps, but it'd make a killer font for in-game notes.)
Making up planet names is hard, isn't it? It is so difficult trying to figure out unique things for each world, and the people who settle them.
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>Caslon Antique
Just found it, sickass. I'm totally gonna use this for the map labeling.

>Edwardian Script ITC for in-game notes
I'll keep an eye on that. Thanks again for the assist!

>Shas'o replied
Senpai noticed me.

But in all seriousness, I ended up cheating. I asked my players what their favorite mythologies were, then I ran around collecting the names of various people, locations, and creatures. From there I just alter the spelling or names a little bit, and I've not only got my planet names but it gives me a direction of how I want to do it. Other times I'll just take the name of a historical figure and apply it.

Like Forge World Chepi there is purely a chemical forge plant to make all the drugs, first-aid, and various chemical needs of both the sector and parts of the Imperium. It's one massive Pharmacia. Meanwhile, Forge World Wayland and Lorenz are taking advantage of gravitational anomalies along with a time distortion to make items of pretty high quality because they have a longer period to do work in. Hence they can pay attention to details more than even other Forge Worlds, and they're almost artisanal in nature for it.

Noatun and Yladir are both Knight Worlds; they're only recently established so they're trying really hard to not only make a name for themselves but they're constantly in battle via tournaments and inserting themselves in battles to get their banners filled out. They're trying to sound old and important, but it's just as much a battle for them as it is for everyone else in the sector, whose goal is gathering every resource they can to help the Imperium.

Of course, Rogue Traders sent by Guilliman see money on the side and that only adds to the chaos.
>But in all seriousness, I ended up cheating. I asked my players what their favorite mythologies were, then I ran around collecting the names of various people, locations, and creatures
If you want more easy names, consider how there's a whole lot of worlds that are named bullshit like "Blot" (It's a Scribe World dedicated to revising) or "Caprice" (it's a pleasure world used by nobility as a Monte Carlo style playground.) Not every name needs deeper meaning than exactly what the planet appears to be. What's the Agri-World's name? Toil. Why is it called that? Because the people there Toil. Why is it called Zeffman's Folly? Because a man named Zeffman beggared himself trying to set up the colony as something more than it is.
I'll probably revise some of the names and throw those in there. Pepper things so there's a fairly even mix.

Which makes me wonder: Will folks be wanting me to make a summary of these various planets and release it as a PDF to go with the map?
Absolutely! I’ve been keen to start a Rogue Trader campaign myself, so stealing your work would be excellent. I was planning to do the Eastern Fringe, even. The crux of that campaign is a threeway treasure hunt between the PCs, Necron and Tau for a Blackstone Fortress.
Sick, I'll be sure to post it in here within a week then. Right now it's just the Safe Zone as the starting point/launch area for everyone to go into the unknown; the rest of the map needs to be filled out by the players to so to speak. Will that be okay?
Of course! I`m copying your work, not taking it wholesale.
>It is so difficult trying to figure out unique things for each world
Why struggle with it? Places get named for reasons like, "I saw a guy on the beach, and thought 'they look quite manly' ... so I named this Manly Beach."
It's the administration that gives unique names, and they're even further from creativity.
(the joys of posting without reading all the replies ...)
CSM supplement for WanG yet?
Sort of, but not really.
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Yeah, names aren't as bad. The Varitia sector has a few. Melisende, for example, is a harsh and inhospitable mining world of cold, rocky tundra barely livable at the equator, so the Lord Marshall named it after his ex-wife. It also has worlds like Rest, a cemetery world populated by the dead, a contingent of silent techpriests, and the Cortex Core that manages the burial plots, the Tomb of Velleities, the site of a battle against warp-infused space dragons that could grant monkey's paw wishes, or the Haddon Line, named hastily because the Ordo Reductor in charge was FURIOUS that he was born2destroy and forced2fortify. Other worlds use their System Reclamation code, like SR-7-46, an Old Slann Shield World, indicating they are still under the process of Compliance.

But the problem becomes making civilized worlds special. Hive world to hive world, what makes them different from each other? One may manufacture a certain subset of things, one may have inter-hive warfare, one may be famous for their regiments, and so on. How do you make these "standard" worlds not feel like clones of one another? And then you have things like Planetary Governors and important peeps, which to me isn't a big worry, but to others, it helps breathe life and personality into a place, so I have to figure something out along that side. It's that sort of thing that's hard, especially since you can't draw on the normal 10,000 years of tradition out in the newly-settled Solaris Expanse. I try to follow the old 1d4chan Planet Class/Environment/Leadership/Contribution/Additional Info format as a start, but it still takes a while. It is being fleshed out real time as the series I run proceed though.
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>How do you make these "standard" worlds not feel like clones of one another?
Ripping off cultural and visual cues from real-life cities can be helpful there. Designing distinct missions and maps that capture the "feel" of being in those cities can also help solidify that hive's identity in the party's collective memory. For instance, if I'm sending my party to Space Miami, the map tiles are going to be in bright neon colors and the Inquisitor is sending them pastel suits and sports cars with orders to storm a drug kingpin's mansion. Then you go to Space Berlin and everything gets swapped out for black trenchcoats, suppressed pistols, paperwork at military checkpoints, and at least one foxy foreign femme fatale.
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To answer your question, having little uniform lables under wach blanet might be your best looking bet.

And as a side thing, it's funny, this is almost exactly what i'm doing except I had a mysterious rogue planet from outside the galaxy punch a hole through the Rifts of Hecaton, opening up a chunk of even more fringe areas in the halo stars and effectively creating a trade/exploration rush into a "new" sector. I'm trying to keep it relatively "near" Koronus in case everyone wants to fuck off and do some established lore stuff instead of a bunch of homebrew. Personally, i was wondering if that's a good idea, or if i should just say it's an unspecified sector that's "somewhere" near the halo stars so i don't have to deal with remembering anything canon. My problem is i want it "near" some made up imperial sector so if they want to do some less fringe stuff on a hiveworld or something they can, but it's hard to justify why there'd be anything like that anywhere near by.

disregard how shit this map is, by the way. It's just an unfinished placeholder i slapped together to help me plan stuff.
Was there ever errata for the RT Faith & Coin chainfist? It's listed as a chain weapon. No power field, no 2x SB for damage.
>Times you or your party failed Perils of the Warp?
I summoned a daemon prince on the third cast of a campaign. The GM let us kill it even though we shouldn't have been able to, and then the Black Templar of the group executed me.
You will break your teeth on the crunch and be happy.
Haven't met a group ready for it in awhile.

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