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What are your favourites? What stories do you have?
I thought the Chain of Command campaigns were a good way to ease me into the system, giving me a couple of forces to build and a whole campaign to play with them, but so far I'd have to say my most favourite was a big campaign of Napoleon's invasion of Prussia which had my team, the Prussians, do far better than historically, with some tense rearguard actions and battles with both sides attempting to concentrate. Be nice to play another fantasy campaign though with more of a focus on characters and units developing skills and experience.
Been looking at picking up Wargaming Campaigns, how is it for material to extrapolate from?
More interested in fantastical and scifi campaigns but it seemed like it would have good background and applicability.
>Setting Up a Wargames Campaign
I never knew about this book, glanced at the pdf, it's a gem!
Post pdf?

Not sure, yet to pick it up myself. I think there is a system within it but it's mostly advice. If you haven't run a campaign before, which seems to be where the most ardent GWbrained by-the-booker allows themselves to homebrew, it should help you avoid pitfalls.

You're probably safe from being haunted by Tony Bath or his publishers.
I have nothing to contribute to this topic, but always wanted to be in one of those huge campaigns, and would love to hear stories about them.
I'm going to tell you this to be kind. The answer is probably not on /tg/. You're best served by trying to find your nearest wargaming club. It'll be full of boomers and gen x'ers with too much disposable income and autistically sorted and painted armies (I rank amongst them). You'll find the club and then you'll ask them this question. They can help direct you and include you in any campaign.
Rolemaster 2nd Edition War Law is a good read if you want some alternate rules.
I really like "The Solo Wargaming Guide", it's not a full system by itself but a great list of tips for tacking onto any given system. I've been using it with Fantastic Battles but I'm trying to learn 6th ed WHFB to see if it works.

I regret buying it, it's mostly surface level, and when it's not it feels a little like Henry is smelling his own farts and giving you tasting notes
/tg/ isn't great but you're not making it any better with this post, why bother being here at all?
I'm giving him practical advice. He should join a wargaming club. This is the best way for him to be able to campaign.
You would seem to be in a position to contribute an interesting anecdote or maybe some cool systems to the thread. Stating the obvious about joining a campaign (not what I asked) with a bot-like redirect to my local club is pointless.

Cheap enough to pick up second-hand, so if it's got some good ideas to steal it should be a good purchase, cheers.
Looks neat ngl
website/my net connection finally downloaded this without it failing, should be a good read, cheers
It depends on what you want out fo a campaign. If you just want a videogame style progression system, there's a lot of those, and most of them are very low-quality but simple.

My favourites:
>Warmachine: Escalation
This is a bit of an odd one, with tons of rules, weird and very prescriptive scenarios. But it's exactly what people bitch about WM/H not having. It's all very story-oriented, evocative stuff. The battle with the two ships crashing together was super fun. This was almost 20 years ago now. Maybe it hasn't aged well.
>Star Wars Armada: Rebellion In The Rim
Exceptionally good campaign that can be played over a few weeks with a big map, resource collection, unit experience... but then played with smaller armies than the standard game. It works incredibly well. The other Armada campaign, Correllian, isn't nearly as well-tuned.
>The Gifts of Dr. Tokh
This is an Infinity Recon campaign about infiltrating a secret research lab. It's very easy to knock out in a game night or two with experienced players, the scenarios are fun but fair, and there's minor unit progression.
>I regret buying it, it's mostly surface level, and when it's not it feels a little like Henry is smelling his own farts and giving you tasting notes
Good to know thanks.
I never thought of using Warmachine, that sounds like a great idea. I really loved the game in Mk1 and the longer I played the more I drifted away.

Thanks anon, I'm gonna dust off my models and invade Lael
It seems like the wargaming tables of yesteryear were so much grander and more elaborate than what we have today. No one in my group has ever suggested a campaign. Reading about Tony Bath's games make me want to do something similar so bad, but setting it up is so daunting.
stargrave, frostgrave and mordheim has had well-like campaigns with nice boards at local clubs I've been at. I think the common factor in all three cases was that one or two guys were really passionate and put in the effort to build or 3D print lots of terrain and minis and got other people to play it.
I've also come across some guys that tried running a saga campaign, but apparently it sucked (if you lost your first match you were basically out of the campaign since you were so behind in troops. Saga is very lethal l when you get stuck in and very boring if you play it safe).

Personally I've considered a Guadalcanal naval wargame campaign and I have all the ships that participated in the historical (gun) battles, but I haven't come across a good carrier game or fixed the terrain
haven't looked into it but does nimitz work? seems it's made for campaigns
also is there a list of ships I'd need for it?
If you're willing to put in a little work, there's actually quite a few good resources for WM/H campaigns that get ignored by almost everyone. Apotheosis has very cool rules for developing bonds to your warjacks. The Oblivion suppliment came with a very fun and easy to run campaign also, so you may want to check those out. But if you're going to brew something up yourself, I strongly recommend the warjack bond rules. They're flavourful and fun.
Quality over Quantity, big elaborate cool campaigns still happen, you don't see them in the mainstream as much though as the big wargames have shifted hard into the competitive tournament crowd.
Those are the wargaming tables that people photographed and published records of. From what I've read of the old greats like Bath and Featherstone a lot of their games were solo, and a lot of the rest they set up and invited a mate around to play.
More recently I remember a WD article from the 90s where Chambers warns against planning overly grand campaigns because they tend to fizzle out quickly. And that's from a guy working at GW.
Yeah looking at ebay a lot of the old books are very inexpensive, I could fill out everything I'm missing for ~$20.

Would love to do more Frostgrave but my local scene just did not take to it. Real shame. Not sure why but I just couldn't get into it solo
Best one-line review of anything ever.
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yes I have Nimitz and intended to use that or general quarters 3. Nimitz does have carrier battle rules, but I haven't looked into them yet. Its so dramatically different from gun engagements that it requires a completely different ruleset to do justice to it.

>also is there a list of ships I'd need for it?
I used the wikipedia pages for each battle, which isn't perfect since it only counts ships engaged in battle and not ships that were in theater or ships that could potentially be moved in
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I can't say I've experienced it in meatspace, but Battletech has been almost tailor-made for wargame campaigns. The majority of sourcebooks seem to assume that you play the game in player VS GM campaigns rather than 1v1 pickup games, and this has been the trend going back to the 80s. Campaign Operations did a decent job presenting a number of different formats for wargame campaigning, as well. I might not have been able to do so in meatspace, but MekHQ makes a good substitute that can let me sample the wargame campaign experience without needing to rely on the whims of flaky players.

In spite of all this though, people I've run BT for seem to love pickup games and scenario games I cooked up, eventually beg me to run it as an RPG, but then almost immediately start dragging their feet for character creation (no matter the system) and barely show interest by session 1, usually flaking before session 4. Learning from my mistakes I try suggesting going for a wargame campaign instead (as they basically only seem interested in rolling dice and combat anyway), but said players act completely put off by the concept.

I'm not falling for GMing an RPG campaign again though. If I GM anything ever again, it's going to be a wargame campaign. Far less work as a GM - just roll on some RATs and play the opfor.
Lol and yet the question is answered.

Fwiw the John Curry reprint is available on Amazon (along with many classic wargaming texts) with all the Hyperborea stuff included, some wargaming rules, everything.

Just look up "John Curry," use Lulu if you don't like Amazon. Most of the classic texts from Featherstone et al have been reprinted. I have a LOT of them, they rule
I'm curious about Nimitz myself but I'm trying not to look into it, want to resist temptation away from my current project
Still, getting to a stage where I can pause it soon, so I'll be looking for a couple of easy wins to diversify the games I have available for my home scene
the campaign system seems intriguing
>Star Wars Armada: Rebellion In The Rim
>Exceptionally good campaign that can be played over a few weeks with a big map, resource collection, unit experience...
>but then played with smaller armies than the standard game.
what sort of ship requirements for this?
Any historical books anons would recommend to get insight into strategy?
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>The art of war,
Please don't think I'm trolling or meme'ing you.
Super easy read

>Strategos: The American Game of War (Volume 1, Text and Appendices)
Difficult read

Then it becomes a question of what era of strategy you want.
Why you dont give it a read anyway anon:


Consider it a gift after so many years of free books here in /tg/. Remember to be nice to your fellow fa/tg/uys in the future.
>>The art of war,
The only things I remember about that book were
>Don't go to war in winter, you'll freeze your ass off
>Don't go to war in summer, you'll get heatstroke
>Don't get into a siege, it's not worth it
I don't remember it going into something as granular as specific strategy
This site lists US TFs with their composition and locations during particular operations.
Solid thread.
These don't have rabies, right?
Neat. Thanks anon. You have a good day too.

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