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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores.
• Stay on topic.

>Drawfags and Drawfags-to-be:
• Drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but if you're dropping your commission info, please consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising.
• Please keep AI deliveries to one of the several /slop/ threads.

Drawfags open for commissions:

Figure Drawing:

Beginner's Guide to Drawing:

The w/ic/i art Guide:

Previous thread: >>93032266
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Anchor your deliveries here!
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Can I get a female Shadowseer posed like Stańczyk in the Jan Matejko painting, maskless and frowning after having a vision of the fall of a Craftworld?
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17 year old Karate practitioner from the 80s. Shirtless, wrapped hands, Cocky grin. Ugly scars over his body from a bear mauling. Lean muscle near zero fat. Frizzy hair.
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Requesting an underworld mob boss for a rogue trader game. She's a rogue psyker who specializes in pyromancy with blue flames.
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Requesting this goblin Swashbuckler getting resurrected by his sea witch wife. (although any other pose or situations would do) He is full of bullet hole, sword wounds, and maybea few swords/cutlass stabbed into him. they very much have a Morticia/Gomez Addams dynamic
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Requesting a male Shifter Rune Knight/Beast Barbarian. He'd be wearing tribal looking clothing with various blue glowing Giant language runes etched onto them, look physically similar to the top left but more pale, emaciated and has blue eyes. His shifting would be themed after a Wendigo, so could have him turning from the traditional gaunt human interpretation to the more modern elk monstrosity.
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Kinda got buried in the end of last thread, so I guess I'll repost.

Looking for someone to create a fighting game-like outfit for our campaign’s tournament arc, mainly inspired by Juri from Street Fighter. Just chest-up is fine, as it’s for a token.
My character is Oele Chastahu, a pirate captain who wields a portable cannon.
I’ve been learning art to give it a try myself, but I’m still very new to it and don’t have results I’m proud of yet, so figured I’d ask here. I’d love to have something to surprise my friends with next session.

Pastebin with written details and images for references: https://pastebin.com/r0641ByN
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Requesting a druidlock goblin. Got the Tal'Dorei Reborn book recently and wanted to give blight druid a shot. thought the idea of a druid who has a pact with a demon that cursed her land would be a cool concept.
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requesting a French military goblin girl.

>"Seuls les morts ont vu la fin de la guerre."
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Got just a meme request for a Yugioh monster relating to a duel I just had on Master Duel.

After my opponent summoned 5 different monsters each with an ability to forcibly remove, destroy, or negate my Scareclaw Tri-Heart and just not getting the idea that Tri-Heart is immune to any monster's effect when they are in defense mode, and Tri-Heart forces every monster into defense mode once they touch the field.

So I just want a pic of Tri-Heart looking unimpressed and brushing some dust from his shoulder. Asking "Are you done yet? Or would you like to struggle some more?"
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I have an AI-generated character image I'd like cleaned up a bit. Things like fixing the cursed hand, cleaning up the hair to actually look like a plausible hairstyle, maybe make the outfit a little more coherent. Doesn't have to be incredibly detailed, just make it a little less... well, obviously AI.
She's a fire elemental blooded halfling sorceress, if that matters, and her colouration is pretty much bang on with the picture. Thanks to anyone picking it up!
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Bumping with a request for a haughty blonde Simic elf woman. Had the idea earlier today and felt I should toss it in.
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Requesting a mage for Mage the Ascension game, he is a ginger Hermes dropout ginger who wears an orange puffer vest with a Kiss t-shirt underneath, sometimes also wears a slug mask to mask his identity, also has a snazzy wand
Thanks in advance!
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Requesting a jokey party composition after we learned that three of the four PCs took the Urchin background.
The main figure would be an Astral Elf, lilac skin and silver hair, noble born but outdoorsy.
I want her to have an urchin on her left, right, and maybe on her head, like Tribbles.
One urchin would have a feathered hat and be crackling with electricity.
One urchin would have a rapier at its hip and an Owl familiar, maybe perched on the rapier?
And the last urchin would have dragon wings and be breathing fire (mouth optional).
Thank you to anyone who wants to give this a shot!
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Requesting my massive black dragonborn gun-spear tank.
>absolutely huge, over 8 foot tall and over 400 lbs of pure muscle and scales
>regal demeanor and upbringing, wears fancy clothes and jewelry even as a starting adventurer, clearly a rich kid
>wields a hybrid shotgun and spear, weapon is also quite large and has lotus vibes
>tends to fight defensively, never wears armor
>also good at using his tail to deflect attacks like a shield
>slight edgelord vibes, he's something of a "redeemed antipaladin" in concept
>black lotus blossom holy symbol

I can post more detail if you want just ask.
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Hope this is something like what you wanted anon.
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Some wonkiness still needs to be fixed up. Will try to colour on the weekend.

Do you have a general colour scheme you want or anything you want changed?

Oh, does she have a name?
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Delivery. Hope it meets your liking.
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Requesting to get a Lancer pilot done. Someone delivered something really nice to me a number of months ago here so I figured I'd try my luck again! She's a sort of mentally unstable but somewhat happy type who absolutely despises pirates
forgot to say but a big thanks in advance if it does get done!
Would tease and send into another dimension/10
Late reply. but HELL YEAH
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i designed my gnome thaumaturge and tried to make him look as whimsical and esoteric as i possibly could but i'd love to see him in drawing form
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Requesting a strom barb. Dickhead noble that's on a quest for revenge after his family was killed by a rival family. Cares for nothing but his own personal goals and is willing to deceive and kill anybody in his way.
this look like its from a very late 1990s/early 2000s cartoon characters from a tv show
L8 reply, OR here.
This is looking great.

>Do you have a general colour scheme you want
Think her pants and sports bra are dark colors if not just full black.
Boots are blued steel color with red highlites.
Jacket is dark brown with yellow lining and highlights.

>Oh, does she have a name?
Yeah her name is Rayven, well her "street" name anyways, real name is Elena Miralles but she doesn't like using that name. She isn't looking to disrespect her family, she just wants to protect her family from any blowback.

Thanks again for all the work you are doing.
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Cool, cool.

I threw on some quick colours earlier to play around with them but I'll change them when I get a chance later.

A friend pointed out her arms were technically too long. He's right but idk, long arms feel right on a lanky orcette I guess? Did you want me to make them shorter? How do you prefer your orc green? Currently on the side of 'minty'.

Anyway man, glad you're happy with how it's coming along. Still planning on adding shading and highlights once I fix the colours. Hopefully I'll get a chance to finish it in the next couple of days.
Oh, also gotta add the fishnet tee
Skin color is looking good to me, and I'm fine with the arms some people have long arms.
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Had some free time during lunch, feel free to re-request if it's not to your liking. You never mentioned a hair colour so I just winged it.
Noice, noice.

Jesus anon, very nice. Not OR. Thanks for including your @, will follow.
Holy cow, this is supreme, thank you! I'd follow you if I had a twitter
If your request hasn’t been done by now, it’s probably bland as shit
Oooh I like it, very style
Thanks drawfriend!
What do you hope to achieve by posting this?
Where's his busty beautiful elf gf?
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Requesting art for Tiae: a tiefling assassin on a mission to descend into hell and slay devils. Bit of an edgy game, so I made her to fit the bill.
Requesting a bearfolk druid bard singing and playing strings with friends around a campfire.
Also the bear is male. Possibly gay? I don't know, you're the artist. Its your call.
Requesting a blonde-furred werewolf walking out of a bar they rampaged in, a clawed hand dug into a dude's skull which may or may not still be attached to their body (note, they don't gain mass so not a super hulking beast barely able to make it out the door, they got the same mass as their human form and as ya can notice they lack silly wet/button noses.)
Something for Hunter: The Reckoning?
In a way, yup, tho more sci-fi than supernatural.
Ah. So something like gene splicing gone wrong?
More like a nasty scary case of atavism resulting in a lycan's feral form to be a carnivorous ape that just superficially resembles carnivores like wolves.
So instead of going werewolf, they go back to violent monkee. I like that.
Disgusting nuOrk.
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Requesting this, but with a generic fa/tg/uy and a sumo wrestling bear.
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Howdy! Currently requesting a "Company Goon" Goblin for a loosely Guilded Age style campaign! Heavily inspired by Sligs from Oddworld since I felt they were pretty similar in function and attitude. Basically greedy, cruel, and kinda lazy.
He's fitted with armored up coveralls and gas mask both for protection in hazardous environments and intimidation factor. Requiring "metal pants" for mobility due to inoperable legs at birth, defect caused by inbreeding in a goblin mill, and is armed with a mass produced lever action shotgun as his main weapon.
General physical description would be beady eyed, apple headed, thin lipped, sharp toothed, if going mask off. Body is a kind of asthenic build, slender, lightly muscled, but is made to look more "bulky" by the coveralls. Thanks so much in advance and hope you have fun with the concept!
In addition, to clear any confusion, the Metal Pants are indeed motorized metal legs for the goblin to wear. He can put them on or take them off like armor if given time.
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Here you go anon, Going to call her finished. Here's the full file size but it's intended to be view'd at like 25%

Pretty sure she's just a regular Orc, bro.
I think he's one of those D&D grognards that's like "ree they're are supposed to be gray fukking warcraft" when that's basically the one system where they are grey, and even The Hobbit has them be a sort of sickly yellow.
Triggering autists aside, while I'm not OR that's some really nice work, man.
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I request an image of this well-clad individual hefting the weapon to the right, with the ammo feed optionally connected somewhere on his hip.
Draw my waifu airing out her armpits.
So the threads usual mentally ill stirring shit got it
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Delivery. Hope it meets your liking.
OR here. Absolutely top notch. Gives me Hellboy vibes. Thanks again.
OR here, dude this turned out fantastic. Thank you so much. Do you have any place you post your work?
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Can someone draw my character for Imperium Maledictum? face should look like the nutcracker on the right while the kit is the guardsmen on the left.
Hey thanks man! Glad you like it!
I'm trying draw and post more regularly on Twitter, @StjerneStirre


Very nice anon.
Why can I smell this guy?
It's a goblin in leather with metal legs.
Musty & oil isn't that hard to imagine.
Decay, Burnt Oil, with Ashtray perfume.
I guess bumping my own, since I'd still really love for somebody to give this a shot. She's my favorite character I've ever played, so it would mean a lot to me.
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Requesting a better reference/redesign for my viscacha candle robot. Sorry I mean my beastfolk construct pyromancer.
Feel free to redesign literally everything about him as long as it keeps to the general concept + integrates the notes on the right.
Particularly, try to make him look more like the species he's based on. Doesn't matter if it's in a rounder animal mascot-y kind of way or a typical anthropomorphic kinda way.
Jesus fucking Christ.
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bro what the fuck
What a terrible day to have eyes.
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So...Doomguy's pet rabbit, came back to life with a vengence.
I'm pretty sure it's some weird wax t-2000 fetish animal, personally.
Either way, this character is in every way bazaar, and surprisingly creative. I like it.
Do you mean bizarre? Because a bazaar is a market with various shops and stalls.
Yes. My bad. My head was stuck in a state of worldbuilding and crafting NPCs.
Lmao fuck off you fat faggot.
why did someone reply to my post 6 times
i mean i know why but it isn't the first time i've posted it
why now lol
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Requesting a topdown view of my gnome bard Irene that is essentially just her hat with the plume and a massive pair of tits draped in jewelry sticking out the front. For use on battlemaps and such.
Source on artist, anon?
Artist for that goes by Wolfich, but I don't know if he has a twitter or anything.
A girl in middle of her adolescence, with a lithe build, endowed with long black hair, glistening teal eyes, and a fair complexion. A floral hair ornament helps fasten her lengthy locks. She wears a white kimono adorned with floral and avian designs. Her kimono is bound by a teal colored Obi(sash), and a gold Obijime(cord) is used to further secure the sash and compliment the colors of her dress. The hem of the kimono is cut high above the knees to allow her legs freedom of movement to do acrobatic and athletic feats. She walks unshod, A gold ribbon with a lotus flower pinned on it is tied around her left ankle. Her bird feather tattoos peek out of her kimono's collar and sleeves while those etched on her legs are laid bare for all to see.
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Not the artist, but I do wanna know who made this. I want to see more work.
Anyone up for a somewhat complicated logo or crest? Specifically what I have in mind will require something like a celtic knot at least and I know a lot of people avoid those. I have a request up in this thread already but seeing as how the thread will hit autosage in about 18 hours I figure I can post it next thread when it pops up if anyone's up for it.

Also what's with this new captcha shit making you wait a minute before posting? The hell?

And while I'm asking dumb questions noone's going to answer, anyone know what's going on with the images on 4plebs?
Howdy! I'm glad you like it. You can find more of my stuff here, although I haven't uploaded in a while (I'm working on my fundamentals rn, and I find drawthreads are a great place to practice).
Anyone has a song about honey?
Get fucked.
By a hunky orc!
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Hi I appear at random, sparse intervals to do pixel art here on occasions when I have free time and feel up for it.
Like right now. Hit me up if you want something done.
A big sexy hunky barbarian bard orc.
How about this? >>93127952
Who/what are his friends?
Is this for something or just for fun?
Its up to the artist in question.
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You overestimate my creativity.
I kid, the bear is baking.
I'll take this one on! Sounds like a badass. Roughly how large should his weapon be compared to his body?
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how about a beastfolk weapons merchant's stall
naturally they'd be more fantasy-oriented but the crown jewel of the shop would be a repeating crossbow with a laser sight and barrel-mounted thunderstone launcher.
A might bit complex but I'll consider it.
Ayyy, you've done a like 3 for me in the past, good to see ya still kicking around
>Ayyy, you've done a like 3 for me in the past, good to see ya still kicking around
Cheers mate. Hope you liked 'em.
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Leaving this here in case a holy warrior is up your alley.
what this guy said but for me
i wanna quadruple dip but can't in good conscience
Requesting an Eldar Ranger and an Imperial Guardrsman sharing a cigarette over a pile of Ork bodies.
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This reaches autism levels comparable to bell themed opossum furry and multi headed eldritch angel thing, but as I was reading through this mess pic related popped in my head and now I can actually see this concept working if done with the correct references in mind
It should definitely look a bit awkward to wield for his size, a bit front heavy on the spear end, the weapon itself has drawbacks that make it difficult to wield in rapid attacks even for him. The pole should be a respectable length, about the size of a longspear or something.

Also thank you for showing interest in my request, if you want any more detail let me know. The reference pics are both AI and while they look decent enough for placeholders I'm not a fan of using AI long term.
I guess another way of putting the spear head's size would be "impractical fantasy weapon" vibes lol. The weapon definitely does not need to look like it would actually work in real life.
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Requesting the weird looking gremlin girl using a kitchen knife to fight off a zombie cat. The gremlin is around 18 inches tall, so that cat is a serious threat to her.
Important question: Which kitchen knife?

Seriously, some of those will make the fight MUCH harder
I leave that choice up to you. With the smaller knives shes attacking quicker and conserving more energy to run away, with the bigger knives shes doing more damage with a higher chance of crippling, but she will have far less energy to run away.
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Alright this is after about 20 minutes; Sorry that I kicked the can on it all day. I'm headed into some big tests the rest of the week so I dunno how much I'll get into in the near future but I'm not gonna give it up!

This is a really neutral pose but I'm down for anything else if you have any cool direction ideas. Like I said this is the first ~20 minutes of sketching cause I hadda do SOMETHING before the end of the day.
Requesting a character for a game I'm doing set in the Magic the Gathering setting, I'd love to see somebody draw one of the antagonists my party is going to face on Tarkir: Beipan, the Silent Avenger!
She's a mute monk that had her village slaughtered, and now she seeks vengeance against the clan that wronged her!
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Requesting my dark elf cleric of trithereon for a planescape game, the only thing the ref is missing is her eyes being amber, otherwise as the image say, use that body with elf ears, that armor with the symbol and she dual wields a set of a phoenix themed blade and whip
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Hope you enjoy two cakes.

Still a rough sketch. Will add rifle across her legs.

Let me know if there's anything you want added or changed.

Very nice anon, love the colouring.
Dang, anon, that's hella evocative.
Again if you’re request hasn’t been done or passed over multiple times than there is something wrong and unappealing about it and you should drop the request all together. Take a hint.
Sure, that's what drawthreads needs: less requests. This ought to breath new life into them
It needs new requests.
I shouldn't be seeing the same shit every thread.
So use the filter tool.
Oh dang, I was starting to give up hope and come back to two fills!

>>93155823 love this watercolor look
>tallest and least smelly french person.png
Buahaha très bien

looking very nice, looks like you captured a thousand-yard stare

thank you both very much.
>Page 10
New thread
That looks pretty solid for a quick sketch. I'm not too fussed about the pose, I feel like a neutral one might actually be better for him as he does like to maintain his noble bearing most of the time so it's more indicative of his normal approach. I would like the spear blades to spiral though if you can manage that, kinda plays up the "fantasy weapon" vibe lol
My request was passed over for a couple months and it's now being taken up, because I was patient and chill about it.

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