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It's Smashing Time edition

>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

>RED Easy Mode is available for FREE.

>Errata Pages

>Character Sheets

>Last thread
>>92962731 (Cross-thread)

>Thread question:
What’s your favourite source book/supplement for Cyberpunk?
Some unconfirmed spoilers:
>Sandevistan looks to give you extra action(s?), and sets you to the top of the initiative queue. Humanity Cost per activation, and once you hit 0 Humanity you start taking the cost as HP damage instead.
>Immunoblockers are in as a street drug; Restores humanity, but after a month or traumatic incident, you have to pass the DV or lose that humanity plus more. Can be counteracted by just injecting more.
>Direct connection netrunning is how you break into someone's cyberware. Plug in, run it like a normal net architecture. Interestingly, the guy said that they can have Self-ICE or Black ICE in that architecture. Target needs to be willing, restrained or unconscious. Conscious targets can throw you out.
>Tech/Power/Smart Weapons are "Rebuilds", (something like?) tech upgrade that can be applied to any non exotic.
Poor quality power shotgun mookbros we are SO back.
>no Magnum Opus
If that Sandevistan thing is true then that's a pretty powerful piece of Cyberware. If the bonus actions are equal to the initiative bonus then Smasher attacks 4 times a round and always goes first.
First Gen Sandy/Military Grade Sandy
Extra REF
2nd Gen Sandy
Extra Initiative
70s Sandy
Extra Actions and Initiative
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can i have all of them at once?
While not perfect, you could homebrew them as different options. So the Militech Sandevistan gives you whatever the Prototype Sandevistan does, the QianT Sandevistan gives you a +2 reflex boost like in 2013's Hardwired Santistevan (with the same -1 Reflex cooldown penalty) and the Zetatech/Dynalar Sandevistan acts as the vanilla version initiative boost in 2020/RED.
L2subject line bro
That last thread isn’t even correct, and you didn’t change the fuckin thread question either comeon choom.
I was a gonkass retard and clicked submit the moment I finished piercing together the image. Mea culpa.
Int is a dump stat for anyone not a runner anyway choom
I think I read in the previous thread that the special sandevistan costs humanity EVERY time you use it. Is there any other cyberware that does that? You can regain humanity by going out and drinking and partying with your chooms which means the cost of using that super high-end chrome is getting fucked up afterward. Assuming you don't go full cyberpsycho before that.
Adam Smasher is LITERALLY my husband, that man BELONGS to me.
So which smasher is stronger? This or the 2020 one?
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I can't wait for the EMK to drop. The RED setting is cool as a concept (even if they can't seem to make up their minds between "everything is fucked" and "Cyberpunk 2020 but with smartphones"), but the 2077 era resonates with me much more. It might be the only version of RED I'd want to play going forward, after some homebrew and house rules, of course. Also, 'Becca lore.

My biggest gripe so far is that it seems most of the illustrations are just screenshots from the anime. I know it's a Jumpstart Kit-tier supplement and I shouldn't have expected too much, but would it really have killed them to include more hand-drawn stuff? At least the pre-made character art is done by the guy who designed the characters for the anime.
I'll smash you good. Just 3000.

I thought someone said the EMK is 120+ pages long. I swear if it's only 40 pages... And I still doubt we will see any other content this year. Rusted Chrome my ass.
the pagecount for the pdf is on drive-thru rpg
138, 40 for each section + maps and tokens and so on

also from what I've seen the layout is much better and the green instead of red is much more legible

also: no new art aside from the characters, it's all from the anime except the map which is I'm fairly certain literally the in game map
Whew. Thank you. Hopefully it shows up in the share thread in a few days.
>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Fuck the feds.
Systems are different enough for it to be hard comparison.
Go clean your crocks Groove.
>I swear if it's only 40 pages... And I still doubt we will see any other content this year.
Once the EMK comes out, I don't think I'll be needing anything else from RTG for a while, so that's fine. I'm just going to lock myself away and pump out homebrew and house rules until I wind up with a version of the game that no one but me would want to play. It's gonna be nova.

I'll come up for air if they drop any sourcebooks for locations outside of Night City.
Can't speak about ability scores since they're hard to translate between systems. But skill wise there's a big difference.

2020 Smasher
> Combat Sense +7
> Athletics +4
> Awareness/Notice +6
> Brawling +6
> Dodge & Escape +4
> Driving +2
> Handgun +5
> Heavy Weapons +7
> Intimidate +6
> Melee +5
> Panzerfaust +2
> Rifle +6
> Stealth +4
> Submachinegun +4
> Weapons Tech +2

2077 Smasher (when removing ability score bonus)
Combat Sense +9
> Athletics +6
> Awareness = Perception +10
> Brawling +10
> Dodge & Escape +10
> Driving +4
> Handgun +10
> Heavy Weapons +10
> Intimidate = Interrogation +10
> Melee +10
> Panzerfaust = NA
> Rifle = Shoulder Arma +10
> Stealth +4
> Submachinegun = Combined with Handguns +10
> Weapons Tech = Cybertech +10

Plus a bunch of others. So pure skill wise 2077 Smasher is more like Morgan Blackhand was.
So the Edgerunners book will be like RED's Jumpstart book or is this a sort of supplement core book? I'm too retarded for this, I don't want them to go "thanks for beta-testing" and change some rules around some time later. I do know that this uses RED's system anyway
Based above reproach.
From what I can tell it's 40 pages of condensed rules from the core red rulebook (such as what roles do, the basic gear, Friday Night Firefight, and the new stuff in 2077 like how certain roles can get gear without a Fixer and quickhax), 40 pages of new toys such as 2077 guns, neuralports, cyberware, and the programs for quickhax, and the last 40 pages is a mini-campaign based on reclaiming David's jacket. At least that's what I've learned via cultural osmosis. I don't really want to watch a YouTube review.
More like jumpstart kit, as it's meant to be starter for RED, kinda, since Jumpstart Kit is a bit outdated.
Do FBI and/or CIA exists? I want to make some glowies
Background they are the Gang of Four which ruined America with their Neoliberal intervention for big corporate. Depending on the book they either are still there doing what we consider normal things, disbanded or are private entities.
Like the description of income tax, they exist in a state of whatever is worse.
There is FIA that took over from 4 major 3-letter agencies.
The CIA and FBJ still exists in 2045/RED going by some skill descriptions. By 2077 however all the old intelligence organizations were rolled into the FIA according to some shards.
FBI mentioned in the Lawman role in RED.
the lawman backup are so weird, Rank 8 to 9 seems stronger than 10 stat-wise.
Even better in a roleplaying sense, a gonk is going to be more scared with some random cowboy openly wearing two big guns and a grenade launcher, than two people going "fbi open up"
then again, i never seen a lawman in action and my players dont want to play as one.
i want to hear exec and lawmen multirank stories if anyone has any, sounds like hell to keep track
has anyone ever bothered with quality of weapons in RED? I haven't even bothered with gun jams on nat 1s, just funny descriptions or setting up some action like "your bullet flies pass, hitting a flame barrel... you should probably run.', 'your [blade weapon] goes wide, cutting a strand of [ally/another PC's] hair', etc
Of course. Poor quality shoulder arms are crit machines, which makes big unforgettable injuries (and I'm exactly a happy ref when my metagayming players dodge all attacks and when I do hit it rolls under LAJ). And for only 100eb that won't even cover the Trauma Team bill. But the nat 1 is bad because I think it auto-fails the current attack and the next action has to be unjamming. Still perfect for mooks.
Why would you ignore literally the only means of different weapons
Yep. Home of the brave contradicts itself on the subject of taxes several times >>93107485
It is the new jumpstart kit, gray has specifically said that’s why the did it and that’s what the intent with it is
40 pages of rules, old and new, mostly new, 40 pages of fluff, 40 of the mission. The mission is fucking long, it will be at minimum 6 sessions if you power through it.

I’m not sure how good the campaign can be, a campaign centered around getting the jacket back because corpos want it for its biometric data on David and Falco wants it back for sentimental reasons is… kinda boring. Apparently it’ll have some emotional closure to it which is something I guess. Clashing with saka is cool

Also apparently someone besides smasher shows up and it’s a Big Deal. Not blackhand tho. Murphy is in the adventure in the core rulebook IIRC so I’m not sure who it could be. I find fan service pretty cheap but I am also curious about them thing the canons together

Oh and apparently Maine is named Maine because he was born in Maine and his mother thought it was the best place ever, and he also was buddies with Solomon Reed when he was deployed.
The +1 on excellent quality weapon still apply, though. The jam on poor quality weapons seems... horrible. spending two turns to fix a weapon on already swingy combat seems a bit unfair? Don't know how to fix it other without breaking the game, other than replace it with crit misses that can change the tide of the battle a bit.

>Maine is named Maine because he was born in Maine and his mother thought it was the best place ever
I can't tell if that sounds so retarded or a funny little bit of silliness to break off the edginess

>and he also was buddies with Solomon Reed when he was deployed.
not sure how to feel about this one though
Oh my entire post was from a ref's perspective. Getting your arm blown off by some gonk and his old bubba Gunmart shotgun and it won't even pay for 20% of the injury... priceless. You can live dangerously as a player but the eventual jam will suck. Apparently solo's can use 4 points of Combat Awareness to make fumbles impossible so they can use poor weapons without issue.
Yeah him being friends with Saul is annoying but I exaggerate a bit, buddies is more Maine was a specops and Saul served alongside him and offered him work when he didn’t reenlist
what’s worse is it gives away that the sixth street are Militech/NUSA assets, which is something that is otherwise hidden behind one of the PL endings
I mean this is even touched on in the in-game encyclopedia entries and like, shards you find etc. I don't feel like that's new information even if it does make it explicit that they're to Militech what the Tygers are to Arasaka
I thought they were pretty subtle with it, making it seem like they were just taking work etc but the new boss is some background force who is slowly changing the gang and so on before reed just says "yeah they're assets lol" after you meet the leader you've heard so much about. Maine was offered the job of turning them by reed now but turned it down because Maine is a moralfag who thinks gunning down Columbian peasants was a heckin warcrime

also, kiwi has the most tragic backstory by far. it's actually really refreshing from reds saccharine characters
PQ weapons
>Dirt cheap
>Lower the loot value significantly if given to mooks
>5d6 mooks are really dangerous in big numbers
>PC can buy two of them to switch when the first one jams
>Actually the jam happens after you fire, so you lose a single round not two

EQ weapons
>Always need a fixer to get one
>+1 to hit is best bonus in game (it's the only bonus that can be stacked always)
>Makes enemies prone to headshot which makes them more scary even in small numbers
My players want to do a racing sidequest? Do the Chase rules work well for racing?
I’m not sure anyone has used them.
Part of Red is that cars are basically Unknown Technology Blyat and no one outside of a Nomad role is going to have access to one. But Nomads are also so good at driving that it’s almost impossible to challenge them with skill checks for driving
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Makes sense, isn't he fitted in a custom Dai Oni 24-7 now?
I mean he’s also had 50+ more years of experience
could use the ISA (or Task Force Orange or just ORANGE or The Activity or one of their metal gear ass SAP names like QUIET ENABLE) if you want something that would exist regardless of the other 3 letter agencies being folded + be more direct action adjacent.
>But Nomads are also so good at driving that it’s almost impossible to challenge them with skill checks for driving

Well the players who want the race are both Nomads. Also I was wondering how Nomads with their skill bonuses would stack up against non Nomads in better vehicles.
Well, it was implied in the game, and the 2am novel.
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>Part of Red is that cars are basically Unknown Technology Blyat and no one outside of a Nomad role is going to have access to one.
Well it is like that in corebook and Black Chrome, but at least they fixed it Gearmass and gave option of 1k Honda (or Zonda due to copyright) shitbox.
According to Mike Pondsmith and World of Cyberpunk 2077 he has some custom made Militech Dragoon FBC. The Dai-Oni is more like ACPA/Power Armor for a FBC rather than a FBC frame in of itself.
Didn't Militech have their own glowies? SPD or something?
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I had a simple idea for races (and chases) where the general idea is breaking up a track into sections (preferably 1.5 miles long so each takes about a minute to cover) and the racers in that section all roll against a set DV (DV13 in general, maybe up to DV17 for bad conditions, not including general nighttime -1, obscured vision -4, etc). If you succeed you gain a point, if you take risks and roll -8 you get 2 points, and if you fail you suffer a collision (you're not out, but you and your vehicle take damage). The total successes helped decide who was in the lead and the few times I used this I was surprised that my nomad players prefered to take risks just for the thrill of going fast but also the huge fear of the nat 1+crashing and gaining no success. Maybe a better option would be to have a -4 for 2 successes and -8 for 3, so there could be a bit more score variety. It did make for races as tense as combat which was my whole goal.

For chases, both the pursuer and pursuee are racing to get to 5 successes. Whoever gets there first either escapes or initiates combat. This would be opposed athletics.

Additionally you can have other players performing actions like combat, navigation, route reconnaissance, or other complimentary skills. As far as better vehicles, I was thinking the Initial D solution where a stronger engine gives +1 for 200mph and +2 for 300mph. Or even that in straightaway sections you'd just be awarded 1/2/3 successes depending on your engine's mph.
Can't wait for the general to explode when the Edgerunners kit drops tonight or tomorrow.
~16 hours from now
Ahhh, I remember talk about Smasher's new body, I was thinking it was was thinking Arasaka converted a Dai Oni into a FBC for him but what you said makes way more sense.

Thanks Anon.
I did the pre-order through their website. Does that mean they've already mailed it out? I want the physical piece so I can put it on my coffee table.
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>Does that mean they've already mailed it out? I want the physical piece
sorry anon, you have to wait a bit longer
Fine! I'll just read some other sourcebooks until then!
So.. when the pdf to share?
That’s Pacific Coast time right?
>Superheavy weapons rebalanced
>new piece of gear: Bodyweight Combat Suit (12SP) for 1000eb
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>building your own ACPA
fucking rad
It’s up on drivethrurpg for purchase at last

Someone leak it because I have to wait over a month to get it in my third world shithole (Australia)
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No download link?
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Happy fucking Birthday
Literally born different.
Well don’t cock tease us lad
1 hour since the CEMK dropped and still no pdf yall slackin
Finally a boss encounter that seems like it would actually challenge a team of 4 edgerunners like bosses were supposed to all along. I think the only change I would make is to have Adam's shoulder-mounted shotgun be essentially a turret and controlled by a tech-upgraded demon (+15 combat number) so even if Adam is 'alone' he at least has some kind of back-up.
Nice, that combat suit is much better than kevlar. However I think that your drone rig for 10,000 is not very well valued. A demon doesn't require a floor, it just exists for free. Perhaps you could make a NET where each floor costs 2,000eb (in my headcanon based off Agents of Desire and Reaping the Reaper, you can tech-upgrade a portable NET to be Agent-sized or drone-sized, so that would work for ACPA) and there would be a DV8 password on the first floor (1,000eb, could also get a huge Black ICE like Kraken or Giant), 2 DV13 control nodes (1,000eb each) and the imp (1,000eb)? This would also be the elite version that can't be physically targeted due to the suit's integration.

Reaping the Reaper gives us the only actual example of a portable NET that I know of (although to be fair I didn't read much of TotR i just stole ideas) where the portable NET is in a light armorjack backpack so it has 50 SDP and 11SP. maybe for a rank 5 upgrade a suit could get one of these? It would be only 1,000eb/floor (3,000eb total) and have a Password (DV6, hell maybe at this point get a Hellhound), 2 control nodes (DV9, 500eb each) and an Imp? This is technically 5,500eb but still not bad. Potentially you could also drop the drone/demon and make the backpack have two turrets since turrets can fire with Combat Number +14 automatically (such as if they see a target without a badge, but this can be easily tricked by having the enemy steal badges from dead allies of the ACPA).
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That's neat and all, but can you tell us what chrome David's crew was packing? I'm curious what Rebecca and kiwi had chipped.
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No statbooks in the kit (outside of Falco) but there might be DLC or three so wait for that.
But have this.
Pretty cool rules, gonna bother my GM about allowing this stuff in the next oneshot.

But, uh, could you add sauce for the art you're using in there? That's some really cool shit, but figuring out where it's from is a massive pain.
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leak it yourself choom
Images are credited in order of appear.
Page 1: https://otakugangsta.com/post/34849253368
Page 4: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_You_Need_Is_Kill
Page 6: https://www.deviantart.com/mattmillas/art/Future-Soldier-456999657
Page 11: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/xNKmO
Page 21: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/NzYO1
Aint gonna trick me barefeet nigger
Is there a thing like Immuoblockers like what Maine uses?
Thanks! Didn't see the list in the thing, probably because I'm blind-
In the new mission kit that dropped today, yeah. Gives you a temporary boost to Humanity, but you need to make a roll and when you fuck up you crash hard afterwards.
I wonder if that 'Borgs ignores ALL critical injuries' only apply to Smasher or apply to all borgs in general in Edgerunners, because if its the latter then that is going to bring back the time borgs were fucking scary in 2020 from how they can keep trucking until death. RED fucking nerfed them
Borgs are immune for many crits in RED, and there are options to be immune for more. But not all of them, Smasher is just so custom
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>to quickhack an adam smasher
>*an* adam smasher
theres more than one smasher?
Do we need to talk about the elvis body?
Wasn't that destroyed?
I think that implies the engram smasher that was talked about last thread -since it was mentioned on a review about the Jacket gig- is true, but I don't have the edgerunners kit to read it over myself
>Adventure Ideas
>High Cosmic: An army of adam smashers has warped into the gig in a desperate effort to salvage Night City from annihilation
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Anyone looking for players?
The book of really big numbers is system compatible?
Thanks for elaborate response, anon.
Basic math behind drone rig was that a corebook drone costs 5k and then I tried to fit a NET architecture that could support it into 5k price.

I'll try to run these numbers when I'll have a minute, maybe your idea is in fact better.

>Demons don't need a floor
Don't they? Im pretty sure I based this architecture on a example one from the corebook.
>drone rig NET can't be remotely accessed
I will add this to the description, thanks.
>Drop the NET architecture and just use turrets
I'm not sure about this one, drone was there to not push the action economy into oblivion, adding two attacks with base of 14 would make the ACPA way stronger.
There's another question - don't these need a NET to be operational? I remember some defences didn't need it, but are any of them turrets?
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>bell curve distribution
>the majority of edgerunners are slavs or african
Fucking what?
european superpower
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Old table. They split up Central/South American and accidentally turned everyone black or alcoholic in the process because they forgot about the bellcurve.
My brother in Christ, Nightcity is in North America, but only 2.8 of its population are north american by this table.
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did i fucking stutter? also >>93127710, showing they forgot about the bell curve makes it hilarious
the near-instant drops of the previous pdfs really spoiled me, why is this taking a while to drop other than possibly needing to clean?
Those who pre-ordered (the physical version) do not get a pdf alongside it
It's not just one PDF, it's 8, plus a bunch of extra shit.
Thought it was one pdf, I'm retarded. Time to continue waiting like the rest of the anons here.

On one hand, feels fucked that its not a pre-order bonus and they have to wait an extra week. But on the other, that would probably teach people who are thinking about preordering in the future to double-check from now on.
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I'm glad I can help out, you're my favorite homebrewer and adding much-needed content to this skeleton of a game. If I can stop being such a technoluddite maybe I can make my own Big Book of NETS homebrew and make it look half as pretty.

I looked at the example NET from the end of the netrunning chapter and I don't think it has a demon. I didn't look through the screamsheets though, however this is the set-up from Tales of the RED simply has 'AI/Demon Installed' but without a floor. Also I didn't mean that the super high quality ACPA NET couldn't be hacked, just that some gonk couldn't aimed shot it. But any netrunner willing to stand within 6-10m of an ACPA and start dancing around deserves at least a chance to disrupt them. Don't forget they need line-of-sight so can't even be behind cover fully. Interesting this is kinda like quickhacking.

And I didn't even know turrets could work without a demon. But honestly I hate the NET section, it raises so many questions. So a turret NEEDS a net even if there is no demon, but if a Security/Electronics user hacks the turret I guess they just use their agent to control it, like a drone? As far as I understand the NET just shuts the turret on/off, the friendly/foe system exists within the turret already. Also as far as turrets being OP they have insane hardened lieutenant stats (+14) but are weaker than an unarmored boosterganger (20HP, no SP). So maybe a shoulder-mounted turret could be destructible, and the biggest concern is that the friendly/foe system is easily confused? You could also give this one a big * to let ref's know they don't have to include it. Kinda similar but Black Chrome had the mastiff drone (also no NET) for 5000eb but it only had +10 CN.
So what's the verdict on the mission kit overall? Is it worth getting or is it a flop?
It's okay? It's not a 2077 sourcebook. It's a beginner box with some streamlined character sheets and simplified roles. Doesn't even have full char gen rules, you just pick one of the pregens and generate a lifepath for 'em. Also only 7 roles, no pregens for Execs and lawmen.

That said, the shit we do get is nice? There's a primer on what changed between 2045 and 77, info on the big corpos and gangs, that kinda stuff. You get all the big gear from the vidya (quickhacks, shard slots in your neck, power/tech/smart guns) plus some nice upgrades to humanity and how you gain/lose it. Also the sandevistan from the show (you reeeally don't wanna use it, tho) and those immunoblockers (cool).

And then you get an adventure. Haven't checked it out yet, but the last few they did were pretty neat so I reckon this one is, too.

But yeah. It's a beginner kit with some new stuff.
The adventure is really good. It's probably the best possible introduction to playing the game in 77, it's pretty good. It even lets you experience death by Smasher.
>Doesn't even have full char gen rules
damn, i have some players in my table that want to make characters when this drops

93129078 here. You can just use the normal RED char gen rules, it doesn't really change anything about those. It has a new lifepath, so use that, but beyond that the rules are the same and the new characters seem to use more or less the same stat and skill numbers.

All it changes about chargen is that you get a free neuroport f you want. And if you don't have a neuroport, you can only use medical cyberwear. The neuroport has a bunch of cool, free features, but it ALSO makes you wirelessly hackable. ...but since you can't chrome up if you don't take it... (or have to find 30 year old chrome somewhere...)
Late in the adventure you meet a high-up 'Saka corpo, who you can make a deal with or not. If you decide to take potshots at her and the Ref wants you to feel the consequences of crossing Arasaka, the adventure recommends them to have the Crew be intercepted by Adam Smasher at the end of the adventure. It's not a winnable fight in any way, shape or form and Adam's even given a list of trash talk to say whenever he kills a character.
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I did see the statblock, and ho boy. Smasher is actually scary again.
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Two questions
1 who is the other person who shows up that’s been hinted at?
2 does it really hint that this smasher isn’t the real smasher
>Execs and lawmen.
Media, forgotten...
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>1 who is the other person who shows up that’s been hinted at?
>2 does it really hint that this smasher isn’t the real smasher
It's more of a classic Cyberpunk "you don't know what's real truth is" rather than confirmation. Semi-omniscient narrator and all that.
Fucking knew it, it was too obvious a play. Can’t blame em for the easy lay up
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they sure got me with the "an Adam Smasher" like >>93126878 noticed
I noticed how possible Smasher could be an engram or have engram copies nonetheless if the Arasakas already soulkilled their own like Yoronibu and Saburo. Anyway, pretty glad that it is just a 'mystery for the ages' thing as usual
Is there any way for a player to go full borg without them eventually going cyberpsycho or is the joke that cyberpsycho is a natural state for someone who's fully borged and that's essentially the new baseline for their personality?

Kind of like how someone can be a "functional alcoholic".
Players can't go full borg and keep playing. If a player hits 0 humanity they have to hand their sheet to the GM and the GM plays them "according to [the character's] worst personality traits".

So, technically, if you were a complete piece of shit before going borg, nothing much would change. And Smasher supposedly was the biggest piece of shit on earth.
Is there any coming back from going to zero humanity? Could members of the crew bring them back from the brink?
Hoi chooms. Running a 2020 oneshot soon, and for the first time a player's braving the 2020 Netrunner rules. Doesn't seem that bad desu, and I have a bias towards console cowboys.

We ran into a program that doesn't seem to make much sense though (picrel). This looks fun, but what does it really do? How does this thing copying itself help you? It's not like it damages the fortress in any way. Maybe it's supposed to take up the CPU's action every turn? In which case, how does a system get rid of it?

Tough choice. Gonna say Rough Guide To The UK. Radically different from the standard NUSA setting, I especially dig the bri'ish nomads. They're a lot more thought out than their Mad Max larping counterparts across the pond.
Yeah! The new immunoboosters from the edgerunner mission kit do exactly that (give you a boost of 2d6 humanity, but it goes away after a month and hits you with 4d6 humanity loss until you take two doses, which also go away after another month requiring two more each...)

And if the PC-Turned-NPC gains enough humanity to go positive again while in psychosis, the GM hands the sheet back to the player!

Though keep in mind, you can still lose humanity while having a psychosis. And killing friends causes humanity loss...
>Is there any coming back from going to zero humanity? Could members of the crew bring them back from the brink?
For most people, yes. For Adam, no.
Possible. But should be fucking hard. MAXTAC is a squad of ex-psychos, for example.
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How do you imagine netrunning in CPRED looks like?
Pic related is mine
Totally. There's nothing that says you can't go full borg either- matter of fact, 2020 had tons of full body conversion packages. There are caveats, sure. You're probably not gonna afford the procedure out of pocket, and no employee's gonna risk giving you a 300kg body with industrial vices for arms if the shrink says your 4 Empathy ass has schizoaffective disorder or something. But lots of people go full borg, and not just to murder people. The beauty in Cyberpunk's worldbuilding is that it doesn't begin and end with the edge, there are construction borgs, surgeon borgs, space labour borgs and more.

As for humanity, try not to think about it in the Edgerunners "oh God oh fuck I installed a cybereye now I have anime insanity!!!" way. Get therapy. There's only so much it can do, but having one itty bitty psychotic break doesn't have to be a one way street. Who doesn't snap every once in a while? If the cops catch you gone psycho, you might not have a choice.

And more to the point, even if you fuck up REAL BAD and swat some meatbag who's been annoying you, the cops want you alive so you can serve your sentence, unless you're an active danger. This is arguably worse, yeah, but all this sweet chrome wouldn't be commercially available if it was a guaranteed ticket to crazy town.
I remember reading that there were alternative ways to gain humanity outside of therapy now, how is that looking?
Presumably the idea would be to unplug some of the chrome and the recover some humanity in that interim? Otherwise it'd be a losing battle unless you got real lucky with dice rolls.

There's also the humanity recovery system I've peeked where you burn eddies to party with chooms. Would that be the answer to really low humanity? Go on a multimonth long bender and party like a rockerboy to buff up your humanity to give you a bigger window of humanity to burn on chipping new chrome?
I think Adam enjoys being a cyber psycho, he has no reason to get humanity outside of banging Arasaka heirs.
I was always partial to the RoboCop premise. As often as NCPD gets its officers mulched you'd figure some Corp would resurrect them as a publicity stunt.
>"Officer Mullins was grievously wounded in the line of duty, but thanks to state of the art full body prosthesis, he can serve and protect better than he ever could!"
As they use him as a low-key advertisement and have their corporate logo stamped on every angle of his new body.
>I think Adam enjoys being a cyber psycho, he has no reason to get humanity outside of banging Arasaka heirs
Of course he enjoys it, cuz he calls it life. Adam Smasher never had humanity, that’s why he doesn’t suffer from losing it.
can anyone post the pdf for the CEMK
I love the Smasher-style cyberpsycho. People forget that humanity loss doesn't have to represent becoming a raving animal, first and foremost it just means you don't see human life as valuable. The perfect corporate heavy hitter, utterly soulless and easy to motivate with material things.
There’s no fucking way David would survive this shit as he used it in the show. He triggered it eight times the first day he had it. That’s 16d6 humanity loss, plus the 4d6 from first installation.
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>Wiseman doesnt come with personal plugs
What was pondsmith thinking?
I guess you could say he's...built different
He was built different (at least up to a point). Narratively, you might argue that after he lost his mom and after struggling as hard as he did in life that all pushed him over the edge. Ignoring the humanity loss since he was already at "0" and focusing on the hitpoint loss he definitely should be dead but you can hand wave it through plot armor the same way V pulls off some ridiculous shit narratively. Maybe in his character sheet, the ref approved some homebrew rules to let him use it more often at some other cost.

In the end, it didn't matter what special bonus his character had, he still ended up smashed. I'd rather enjoy a good story and interesting (if somewhat unbalanced mechanics) rather than strict rule adherence.
"Proofreading and playtesting are for posers"
-RTG for the first 20 years of their existence

Sick Canti borg. TV head wiseman is pretty cute.
The show mentions a couple times he has extreme levels of resilience when it comes to accepting chrome, so presumably those are the humanity losses an average person suffers, and David just suffers reduced values. And it does break him eventually. He starts getting the shivers before he starts really chroming up.
The DV for avoiding the “take more or suffer” side effects of immunoboosters is 21, so getting lucky there and avoiding them is, uh… rare.

You can party, of course! But it has a weekly and monthly cap. 2d6 for a big weekly party and 3d6 for a big monthly banger. There’s other stuff, though, like taking a week off and just relaxing or getting out of the city into nature for a bit. …but, conversely, living the good old “eating kibble and sleeping in my car” lifestyle now has a monthly humanity cost…
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Maybe he was an NPC the entire time, and the actual player was Lucy in a 1v1 who sees all of the friends she made get killed in front of her just to go to the moon
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>list role changes on the kit preview, lawmen was listed
>lawmen dropped, even media and exec
actually pretty funny
Nah, David was absolutely a player. Specifically, he was the new guy joining a group consisting of Lucy, Pilar and Maine. Maine's player wanted the sandy, the Ref figured it was a good way to get David into the group. Lucy's your usual srs storyfag, Pilar's the goofball and Maine's the veteran dude, with Dorio and Rebecca being NPCs to fill out roles. Pilar dies and his player figures he wants to play someone less likely to immediately die and the Ref lets him take over Dorio as a second Solo.

Then Episode 6 happens - Lucy's player has essentially written herself out of the game so she instead takes over a character from her background, Kiwi. Dorio's player decided he'd gotten a taste for playing Solo and filled out Rebecca as his new character, Maine's player created Falco and the Ref retconned him in "yeah he was your driver back then, we'll just go with that".
>Presumably the idea would be to unplug some of the chrome and the recover some humanity in that interim?
Yes, see Red page 230 and 2020 page 75.
the actual plot of the adventure in the mission kit is everyone wants to know how he did it, and his jacket had a biomonitor in it
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i havent noticed falco is missing there
lol what the fuck
everyone forgets about falco, but the dude survived Edgerunners
The Edgerunners Kit is like receiving a well-used porn mag from someone. There's no real gaming there, it's all fetish fantasy and *squee! 'Becca!
Barely even science fiction. If Shadowrun is, at its best, science fantasy, this is just pseudo-science video game anime fantasy fetish porn.

I swear the pages of the pdf are stuck together in some places. But, hey... at least it's not Chaosium's Pendragon NotReallyA Core Book.
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people really sleep on him. Love how he shows up in one scene in the first arc of the show, disappears, and comes back on the second half with no fanfare.
Fitting for a nomad. he comes, does cool shit, and then leaves.
What would you guys suggest for a "Edgerunners" feel in term of funds on character creation? Nothing special, but still cool.
I think exec and lawmen now only exist on the role tweaks. I think media is definitely dead though.
PDF where ?
On their store for just 15 bucks
Anyone got a loot rolling table for RED? Just something I can use to quickly get shit instead of having to improvise
being cleaned
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>Successfully get past two of Smasher's three Passwalls.
>He immediately regenerates all three on the next round.
Got to know how Lucy felt right before being insta-gibbed by a missile.
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I found a few resources:
picrel courtesy of reddit
and you can always break out the charts in Achievements and Loot Boxes
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I am dumb, all three roles are acknowledged in the role tweaking. I guess if anything those are jobs that are fading away, especially because in the new humanity loss rules is included working for a corp which I guess is the main way you are getting a lawman or an exec.
Isn’t it just because those are the three roles they didn’t make pregens for? I think you’re reading too much into this mate
Do the pregens have their own unique lifepath rolls and background ?
I wanna read the one for the Rockerboy
No. They are blank.
You act like a corp hasn't considered the possibility of mass-producing super soldiers before.
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From what I've seen it's geared toward fans of the anime & game for sure but it has the basic shit for you to run a game in it. As far as Becca worship goes, I've seen surprisingly little in the way of pages talking about or focusing on her lore. I was kind of hoping there'd be some more lore of her in the kit somewhere. I have headcanon for her chrome but I'd like to know what she's officially supposed to have.
checks out
i thought they couldnt fuck up the art since theyre jsut using trigger stuff and it's all screenshots from the anime. (rulebook pg28, look at that pixely maine)
>green and yellow gradients all over
i lost 50 humanity from this

Also yeah it's based off Canti, peak TV head robot. At least nobody called him skibidi toilet or worse, pyrocynical
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forgot picrel
Yeah, I was looking forward to 'Becca stats and 'ware, because I do have an idea for a not-Rebecca character, but at least we get some lore about her. She really was too good for this world.
>smasher rules
noice. I miss when his EMP was listed as "yeah, right" though. that was a fun little detail.
Reading through the new weapons and some of their stats make no sense. Did James even play 2077? Why is the Lexington, the cheap ass gangbanger gun 1000 eddies? The Masamune is an AR and 500 despite also being a Power Weapon?

I really don't get the devs approach to "balance," it seems they're really picky and overtune mediocre weapon while leaving the egregiously broken shit untouched.
James' a faggot who barely cares about previous material or playtesting, in other news, water is wet, more at 9 on N54
James is obsessed with spreadsheets and all playtesting is done via spreadsheet, mainly
That’s according to Gray, their line manager.
Can’t have too much fun which is why he made sure quickhacks were super nerfed (which even Mike seems to ignore)
>James is obsessed with spreadsheets and all playtesting is done via spreadsheet, mainly

You heard me. He has a bunch of big spreadsheets to calculate damage and so on over time and vs various targets. That’s where most of the balancing is done. This is according to Gray, not some random dickhead. It’s probably why guns tend towards the mediocre middle and why you get things like sticky grenades that take 10 rounds to activate
Thanks anon!
Maybe we are reading too much into it, but it kind of feels weird they still did not at least acknowledged them on the roles. Probably is nothing really, but still feels odd.
They acknowledge them in the changes for RED. My guess is just that they didn't wanna make 10 pregens. So they cut out all the ones that didn't fit the show. Plus, those 3 roles are the least... applicable to the Jacket mission and new players?

Lawmen summon NPC backup, which bogs up the game. Execs get an NPC sidekick, which gums up the game, plus they get a bunch of QoL stuff that the mission kit itself doesn't acknowledge existing (no lifestyle or real estate rules in the edgerunner kit). And Media's get to do media stuff, which... doesn't really feature, either?
I kinda wanted to see 2077 art of medias ngl
He kept rolling all 1s
Can't wait for the inevitable Blackwall Quickhack
8d6 to HP and 8d6 HL, DV17
I wish all my players would just play solos and kill everything in sight I’m so sick of them gumming up my game
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>A few years later V can get this shit and pop it every 15 secs with no downsides, on top of being able to cheat by getting a Kerenzikov for even more slowdown plus whatever other garbage.
I'm well aware that 2077 didn't really focus on the themes of losing your humanity that is basically ubiquitous with practically every single piece of cyberpunk media at this point, but its still really hard to get over just how fucking busted they are by setting standards. The only way to rationalise this as even being part of the same universe at this point is that being a Tulpamancer is just the most OP bullshit in the world for some reason.
It's because they didn't care about it in 2077. The game basically implies that cyberpsychosis is fiction used to justify a lack of medical treatment for the extremely mentally ill. Then the anime comes out and actually cyberpsychosis is super real and people are trying to reconcile it when it's totally pointless
V has a hard cyberware limit, and if you exceed it by way of a perk you can have a cyberpsychotic break in combat.
That's experimental Sandevistan, not normal one. Apogee is close to it but it's not it.
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It's pretty hard to SHOW psychosis or a loss of humanity in a game where the player is supposed to still have agency.
They did the best they could with >>93137252 and still allowing you to make the choices when it came to the character interactions.

Edgerunners was telling a story, not letting you play a story. Much easier to show cyberpsychosis in action when the viewer is passive to the plot.

Becca gif because.
They could've done cyberpscyhosis much better in the game, if that was actually the focus alongside living with Johnny, who actually is a cyberpsycho. Voices in your head, hallucinations, perceiving things that aren't real, or having trust issues due to pure paranoia. Psychosis is really hard to do properly, but in a game where it isn't the focal point, such carefully crafted mental illness would be utterly wasted.

Still, they could have at least had David's laugh show up more often along with other NPC voices, spawn ghosts of enemies that aren't actually there, put you into combat when there's no one actually around. Small things would've gone quite far.
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Oh I totally agree and think those are great ideas.
Whoops, forgot I had an image attached.
That was added in an update post the anime
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You could definitely portray humanity loss and cyberpsychosis in an rpg if you tried in a way that goes beyond just raw number limits for how much shit you're able to plug into your body. VTM bloodlines gave it a honest shot like a decade ago. The issue is you would have to build the entire game and dialogue system around it and they simply didn't care to do that with 2077.
The logical concession would have been to limit V's power level with what their chrome lets them do and make them more of an underdog instead of the walking blender they become halfway through the game, but then the player wouldn't have as many toys to play with, so they just get to have their cake and eat it too.
Any new Linear Frame, Vehicles or Borg Weaponry to show off?
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Eclipse Phase medias are where it's at
>The game basically implies that cyberpsychosis is fiction used to justify a lack of medical treatment for the extremely mentally ill.
I thought it was more like because it is a very hard thing to diagnose reliably it is very easy to frame undesirable people as cyberpsychos so they can be eliminated, which is how they get rid of a few political obstacles by just framing them to MAXTAC.
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the main explanation is that V is a functioning cyberpsycho and isnt just spazzing and convulsing on the floor because of the relic rewriting his brain.

What players don't understand is that the core gameplay of gigs and missions, even more the ones you actively decide to go kill everyone when you could very well do it sneaky or solve with a conversation, is cyberpsycho behavior.

No one else would do what V does and it's not just because V is an unstoppable videogame protag.

It's easier to portray on tabletop since the gm can and will punish you for going cyberpsycho and take your sheet.
Speaking of which, we have one pc that just went cyberpsycho in out game, and another that is a ticking bomb after we added in the immunosupressors from the edgerunners kit.

really fun stuff
>What players don't understand is that the core gameplay of gigs and missions, even more the ones you actively decide to go kill everyone when you could very well do it sneaky or solve with a conversation, is cyberpsycho behavior.
That was one of my biggest issues with the game. There was no alignment system with gangs, you just killed everyone at all times with no repercussions (they changed this a little in a recent update but it's still only a superficial response from NPCS). Never mind you can go on murder sprees that merit maxtac intervention only to walk a few streets over and have that all erased. That's real cyberpsycho behavior if I've ever seen it.

I'd like a faction overhaul mod akin to San Andreas for the PS2 where you could have gang wars and take over territory. Give me an incentive not to outright murder certain factions and actively fight others that isn't a skinner box of "Loot and exp! Yipeee!"
>the main explanation is that V is a functioning cyberpsycho and isnt just spazzing and convulsing on the floor because of the relic rewriting his brain.
Yeah, Relic is really good accidental anticyberpsycho tech. Not only engram tanks psychological damage, the nanomachines actively rewire your brain all the time.
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Cyberpsychosis is just a vague term to describe a vast array of mental illness that gets aggravated by cyberware. Can vary from whats basically full retard roid rage, to addict behaviour, to actual clinical psychopathy, to just going bananas from too much trauma at once or some literal wires getting crossed in your brain or just the abnormal circumstances of living in that fucked up world doing awful shit for too long.
Its not necessarily a death sentence either and it is possible to snap out or get through it with therapy, but with Night City being the way it is and you becoming completely unhinged while also having the ability to turn other human beings into quivering piles of jelly on a whim, its just a lot more expedient to put you down.

Portraying V's state of cyberpshychosis via them being controlled by the completely batshit insane rationale of the average video game player who kills hundreds of people without even thinking about it and does increasingly more retarded and suicidal shit actually sounds like a pretty genius idea, but there is absolutely zero fucking way this was intended by the writers/developers though. I just do not give them that much credit.
Is it cool to allow players to roleplay cyberpsychosis instead of saying game over if I trust the players to do it well?
No, I think it should remain a Ref thing. Let the player have some input, but if they’re still in control it doesn’t really have the same effect.
Well technically speaking if their humanity is between 0 and 9 the characters are already cyberpsycho, it is when their humanity reach negative levels that their sheet is handled over as they are deep into it.
That window is where the players could shine through the roleplaying and choose which traits would qualify as their worst tendencies so the Ref can have a basis of where the character could go once it is in their hands.

Am I missing something? Is cyberpsychosis like a biological illness/immune response according to Trigger, not a mental disorder? Was it just a mistranslation?

I can see the need for immunosuppressants, having so much foreign material woven into your nerves must give you a hell of a fever, but what does that have to do with a dissociative personality disorder?
trigger wanted to add a funny drug and didn't consider the ramifications
>Despite the name, this drug used to treat patients in danger of cyberpsychosis is actually a cocktail of immunoblockers, anti-psychotics, and other such chemicals.

yeah and what >>93138992 said. It'd basically rivotril juice and other stuff, desu I found cyberpunk through the anime then game, and with the immunossupressant narrative i thought they were doing something like Deus Ex in the sense that the body naturally rejects chrome and you need it to stay sane and functional.
Does the edgerunners kit mention if prices are different and eddies are valued differently? I'm scanning it and
>you can spend 10,000eb to party for a week and regain 3d6 humanity
>meanwhile 30 years ago you could spend 1,000eb and regain 4d6 using therapy
Have we gotten worse as a society?
Well it's communal and not everyone wants to have their brain rewired.
(And yes, there is, check the start again)
Partying lets you gain the humanity communally with your friends. Up to 10 of you can spend 1,000 as a group everyone to get for 2d6, or 10,000 for 3d6. Spending more isn't necessarily a great deal but it can be decent value on the 1,000 side of the equation if you want to bulk humanity. Therapy also comes with a dice roll to determine if it works or not.
oh I didn't get that, that's pretty cool.
clearly the solution is to slot in an engram of yourself
You'd still be destroying your mind and replacing it with a photocopy (which won't be you in a metaphysical sense). If you have the money to invest in some soulkiller tech, why not just invest in a nanobot brain regiment/therapy session? Sprinkle in some elaborate parties every month and you should net positive with your humanity unless you're friends are dying every other week or your past time is some ritual homicide.
just do it with an engram of yourself
>just photocopy your mind over and over until you turn into a gibbering retard
>pay a corpo for the privilege to do this to you
I think I'll pass.
>You'd still be destroying your mind and replacing it with a photocopy
this is sort of a philosophical problem, because the scope and speed of the changes aren't too different to regular neuroplastic learning and experience (i.e. your mind is getting 'replaced' every time you have a thought). Usually, if you have continuity of consciousness throughout the whole thing, we aren't metaphysically worried unless maybe we have religious or spiritual beliefs about souls. The weird things would be having a copy of yourself to talk to if the engram was accessible and losing your memory of the past few months or so once the rewrite is complete.

>why not just invest
parties and therapy takes time, could be more touchy outside of hard rules (parties or therapy could be risky to someone already teetering).
Nanobot regiments sound alright, but what are they doing that the engram isn't doing. If they are repairing your brain, what parts are they repairing and how do they know what to consider broken or repaired? Much of this will be inextricable from memory, associativity and therefore the collateral systems like executive functioning that seems to go up in smoke for cyberpsychos
>and why you get things like sticky grenades that take 10 rounds to activate

I figured that was more to do with the "rounds are 3 seconds" rule. Something they really should do away with in favour of making turns more nebulous and giving items different combat and narrative timeframes.
your game, your rules choom.
Your choice, Satan.
Is there any good reason why the "Power" upgrade shouldn't apply retroactively to all Ballistic weapons?
Anyone have the PDF for the Red core rulebook?
never ran cyberpunk before and I want to give it a look over before I actually go out and buy a bunch of shit to see if im even really interested.
You're going to experience the photocopy syndrome though. Every subsequent copy is going to degrade every time you do it. If V's tale is supposed to be any indication, it's painful and debilitating at times when your brain is being re-wired. At best, you're trading one devil for another. At the very least, if I was reffing I wouldn't let soulkiller be a get-out-of-jail-free card to let a player go full borg while also avoiding humanity cost
>Nanobot regiments sound alright, but what are they doing that the engram isn't doing.
You may need to homebrew it, but I would imagine if you're having brain issues that can be resolved by nanobots fixing your mind and possibly injecting hormones and drugs in precise increments, that may be the answer. To balance it, that'd be real state-of-the-art tech that costs an arm and a leg every month to maintain. To recycle the drug regimen you'd have to filter out the old nanobots and exchange them with a new batch on a monthly cycle or some shit through dialysis.
>Much of this will be inextricable from memory, associativity and therefore the collateral systems like executive functioning that seem to go up in smoke for cyberpsychos
To your point, regardless if you're using engrams or nanobot regimens, I think there should be a gamble on the procedure's effectiveness as well as possible drawbacks.
>Someone hacks your nanobots and they start destroying your brain rather than helping it
>EMP attacks literally shut down the thing keeping your brain functioning properly.
>For whatever reason you're injured, incapacitated, or otherwise relocated from where you can have your monthly procedure performed and go from functional solo to gibbering idiot.
Give me some risk for this arguably valuable treatment, and I'll find it interesting. If it's a 100% cureall with a high price tag and nothing else, a player only needs to become wealthy and they can effectively bankroll godhood.
You can use da share thread link r3br@nd<dot>ly /cymbergaj (just fix this by changing the l33tsp34k)
thank you very much, I love you and hope you have a wonderful day =)
I'm not sure where the photocopying comes in (we can't replace things with photos of the thing, all the underlying info needs to be there - the fallibility of a copying process as in say reproduction also isn't necessarily cumulative degradation) but I wasn't so much looking from the perspective of the need for balanced gameplay. I mean, people hunting that prototype tech like crazy and random violent painful spasms are one thing, but we're talking about a novel situation where everything is kind of done more intentionally than slotting in johnny-on-a-chip before getting headshot.

The idea that the dual cognitions lend a resistance to cyberpsychosis is probably a conceptually really silly idea. What would some kind of double-bilateral extra mind rewriting your neurons/neural network connections would prevent psychosis rather than cause it? If V gets leg implants, allowing him to jump super high and feel that bit less human as things like stairs seem all the more for different creatures, is Johnny now suddenly having those thoughts instead while V has no perspective on the new way he moves around?
Someone explain immunoblockers to me.
Drowning your nervous system in chemicals so that it tricks itself into thinking that they are not god of metal but normal human bean
I mean gameplay-wise. I was listening to someone explain how they work in EMK but i'm retarded.
I hope you have a lot of fun too. RED isn't a bad system but if you want to run games you'll be doing a LOT of work yourself. I've taken ideas from 2020 and had a lot of fun (my favorite was an Augmented Reality 2020 story where a child was turned into a vampire and kills his abusive dad, I made it a child was put into a military-grade tiny FBC because the medtech was insane and got the same results).

The mod's don't want to be cool and let me share useful links. If you take the funny link I gave you before and add newvola you'll get the lion's share of the share thread's latest stuff.
oh nice thanks
yea I was thinking about learning 2020 but ill be playing with people not super familiar with TTRPGs and honestly Red just seemed a bit.... more accessible to newer players and just a bit easier overall
Red is definitely easier. Between the new RED rules and the phone app I've been easily able to convert even 5E normies to trying out a new system. The problem with RED is that the core rulebook is absolutely retarded. For example, NETrunning seems super complex but it's basically 'hey you want to do a thing, roll 1d10+ netrunner role rank, and maybe some programs add a bonus.' Or how the core rulebook gives the rules for combat like 3 times and only at the third time does it reveal 'oh you want to throw a grenade? That's an Athletics skill check, vs these insanely high difficulty values.'

That being said, 2020 has so much more content. When anyone asks about converting 2020 content to RED (it's weird there is an official DLC about converting 2020 guns to RED but not the adventures) I just say to keep skill check DV's between 13 (easy if you're not a retard) and 17 (professional) and be aware there are skill check penalties like doing something covertly (-4), doing something at night (-1), or doing something with just about anything making it worse (complex task, -2). As for turning 2020 enemies into RED enemies use Danger Gal Dossier. Years ago the dev's gave us hardened enemies (aka enemies vs players who used an online metaguide) and general enemy templated (thanks Jonjon). Danger Gal just combines these into a simple guide.But in addition I recommend giving lots of enemy NPC's shoulder arm weapons (shotguns and assault rifles) so if you actually hit your players you deal hilariously high damage and maybe even crit. That's how you make a session fun.
>I'm not sure where the photocopying comes in
It's the idea that copying your brain is not going to produce a perfect copy if you're transferring it into a digital format. Whether you're chipping a 2020's rockerboy into your brain or a copy of yourself, neither is going to perfect copies. Suppose it is your "perfect" copy or as good as the tech can rip from your brain. You're trying to rewrite that copy into your brain only to redo the process over again. Even if there's only a 2% or 4% of loss per copy, run this out over the course of a few months, and 10% of the original you is gone in that time. Maybe more depending on how bad your dice rolls are.
> but we're talking about a novel situation where everything is kind of done more intentionally than slotting in johnny-on-a-chip before getting headshot.
We'll that's a one-off narrative situation. for sure. V's situation is unique so doing 1:1 comparisons probably isn't best. We're in theory craft territory for sure.
>What would some kind of double-bilateral extra mind rewriting your neurons/neural network connections would prevent psychosis rather than cause it?
A good question. I know there are mods in 2077 that flat-out give you a higher tolerance for chrome. I suppose you could translate that into the TTG as slottable mods that reduce humanity loss/cost for certain pieces of chrome.
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Con't >>93140881

> is Johnny now suddenly having those thoughts instead while V has no perspective on the new way he moves around?
V chips the 2.0 version of relic which is the active rewrite version but V's brain doesn't get bigger, he just shares it with Johnny. If everything is handled on the chip side that means there's a full Johnny engram on the chip at all times throughout the rewrite process. Presumably, you could pull out the chip after it was done and start the process again. At the very least, he was able to pull it from Jackie's body and it still worked.
Forget the engram altogether. Just slot a "backup brain" (it could be an AI even) which is effectively how the relic behaves already. It could act as an additional "neural padding" to ease the strain of adding new cyberware and maybe offer some other benefits as well although the idea sounds like it'd be more in line with something a netrunner would chip.

Johnny's lucky they didn't mass-produce his engram and put him in a Relic 1.0 and sell him as a "virtual companion". It'd be a real Dixie Flatline situation
>"If you're really a fan, just fucking unplug me choom. Please."
What anon said about doing a lot of the work yourself is triply true for 2020. I love that game to death, but it’s not even half-finished, it’s half finished with the gaps filled in with carryover from another game and utter nonsense. Still though, if RED turns out to be to your liking I strongly recommend checking it out. It’s one of those games that’s pure charm and jank magic, if you can stomach that.
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Temp humanity, if you continue to take them
That might be the case if the new copy is then used to write the next engram that begins rewriting, which almost certainly be needed to keep forming reliable memories of your life. In that situation, the error rate and conversion rate would make all the difference. Copying copies of files on both traditional physical drives and solid-state probably has some fallibility but I doubt we're seeing any meaningful degradation outside of thousands and thousands of copies at least, maybe an IT person can fill me in on that. If the game is anything to go by, you might have like 1-4 rewrites per year? Depending on the rate, it might be better or at least no worse than your average age-related neurodegeneration (which, along with dementia rates, is probably worse in your average smoggy cyberpunk dystopia).

Optimistically, unless the rewrite is some purely linear process (seems impossible given the dynamic experiences/injuries in the game it overwrites), errors that occur during the rewrite might be flagged as deviant patterns and corrected.
The johnny situation is weird. He references feeling what you feel, including emotionally, a bunch of times, begs you to smoke, etc. My question here is getting at what is supposed to underpin cyberpsychosis, in that your augments change the way you relate to yourself and the world, until some mental health episode induces a break from reality. If johnny's presence is padding that distorted self-perception from some evolutionary baseline, I don't get how it would work unless one of the minds is taking on cognitions instead of the other one. Even maybe a cruder idea that the second mind mitigates stress reactions somehow...seems more intuitive that the extra mind and process of dying/getting rewritten would be altogether more stressful and dissociative.

>Johnny's lucky they didn't mass-produce his engram
He'd make a hell of a clippy in your HUD word processor.

Weren't there screenshots from the early days of 2077's development hell where johnny was essentially a mental digi-companion? One of three depending on your life path (and his was the 'rockerboy' lifepath)
I think it would be balanced by the amount of strain the user puts on themselves. Some corpo wagesalve who installs it to take the edge off their 9-5 could probably get away with it causing negligible mental degradation and only needing to re-up every couple of months IF that. On the other hand, if you're a solo who spends every week killing people, chipping new chrome, and barely escaping from life-threatening situations, the added strain would produce a diminishing returns effect vs the humanity loss you're saving by the engram buffer. You'd stave off humanity loss in exchange for something else at that point. Whether it'd be memory issues, dissociative disorders, or dementia symptoms. The ref could say "You've forgotten how to reload your gun, it takes you an additional round to reload" or "The fixer is perplexed about your business relationship because you can't remember their name despite knowing them for years." both hard and soft penalties for your mind fucking up.

Less cyber psychosis and more cyber Alzheimers. Both narratively and gameplay-wise, I'd want there to be a give-and-take for different ways of mitigating humanity loss.
>what is supposed to underpin cyberpsychosis
Pondsmith said it wasn't just chroming up, otherwise, half of NightCity would be cyberpsychos. What do you do on a day-to-day basis? How many healthy interpersonal connections do you have? How happy and fulfilled are you with everyday life? Do you feel like you have any agency in your life? Depending on the answers to those questions, that's a bigger indicator of how healthy you are mentally, not how shiny your body is.

Look at Hollywood celebrities, do you think they're "mentally healthy"? Let's be happy they can't chip anything deadly...yet.
It makes sense that our best understanding of what makes for good mental hygiene or neuroprotective circumstances is a big or even primary factor, even if that isn't well reflected in the rules. If cyberware is supposed to exacerbate risks and causes of psychotic breaks, or erode the buttress of a fulfilling life with social support and enriching activities, there's a few ways to do that but not exactly tonnes of plausible ways. Subtle dysregulation of embodied cognition, like the weirdness hinted at between arm mirror experiments, phantom limbs etc?
Dissociative distortions about what you are and what other people are, like posthuman, exhuman, transhuman?

That's another thing I think would have been cool, with cyberpsychosis focusing on unique impacts on unique personalities depending on the type of change cyberware causes to a persons life and underlying strengths/vulnerabilities. Instead it all being dramatic psychotic breaks, you can have your super cyberdepression (maybe kind of like deckhard's wife in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep), cyberanxiety, cyber-ocd, cyberschizophrenia.
I'm not sure how I feel about how that shakes out, particularly on the lower end, with spending 1000 eb as a group to gain 2d6 once a week, which is going to be cheaper (and more time efficient) than spending 500 eb individually to spend a whole week to recover 2d6, and the time spent in therapy offsets the lower pricepoint of 100 eb if you have your house doc do it.
>Therapy also comes with a dice roll to determine if it works or not.
That only applies to player/NPC Medtechs, not therapy you get from hospitals, same as treatment and cyberware installation. It's significantly cheaper than going to a rehab center, but there's a chance you screw it up.
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>backup brain to soak up Humanity Loss
The idea of ablative mental armor comes up once in a while, it amuses me we've once again gotten there from the idea of the Relic repairing the brain, instead of someone cooking up a psychosis heat sink.
>Adam's even given a list of trash talk to say whenever he kills a character
well you can't just drop that kind of info and not share the list with the class
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Here ya go, chooms

Shits already expired nigga
works for me, danke anon
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Strange, just checked and says it's still available
Uploaded also on gofile, try this

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No virus alerts so I guess it's good. I was worried because the pdf files showed up as chrome links but I remembered I never downloaded foxit reader for PDF shit for my new computer.

I already bought a hard copy so I don't feel bad getting a sneak peak.
Dumbass nigga just got nigga'd dintcha, faggot?
if anything, I think the Corpo and Media may be added later on. be-eth DLC or something.
read, coom, read
I believe it but source onha Gray saying this?
PQ guns can be nice for making your starting gear budget work but that's about their only niche.
What are quickhacks like? Been a while since I checked in on the cyberpunk
Drones & Puppeteers new version.
Thanks to the Anon from Beyond the Blackwall server for their hard work at proofreading this shit.

>Grammar, duh.
KillBook new version.
I need some insight on whether the Biotechnika Eldritch Abomination is too strong, or too weak.
Also the Militech Kill Squad came out somewhat too busted, but it's a EXTERME threat level for a reason.
When I played this encounter the only reason the Party survived was because I changed the rules of ramming: it's not DV13 to dodge, but DV equal to whatever driver rolled for their attack (making Nomads really deadly out in the open). Guess what, these motherfuckers still evaded some of the rams. Man, Combat Number 18 is scary. Next level encounters is gonna pack CN 22, I dont run the math, but I guess it's about 99% success rate.

Anyway, as always more content to come - Arasaka Shinobi Squad is gonna be a good one, same goes for Euros.
I think I'll add a C-SWAT, since we already fought them last session.
In 2020, if you have 2 cyberarms and skinweave, does the weave armor apply to the arms? Do you need to get realskinn for it to apply or some other edge case?
I'd personally disallow skinweave on cyberlimbs, but I can see the argument for it applying to realskinn. It's still worse than ditching the skinn for armour.
I would say yes personally just to keep things more simple
>I need some insight on whether the Biotechnika Eldritch Abomination is too strong, or too weak
I honestly wish we got more of Biotechnica's blasphemies against god already, last time we had one with proper stats was during the Romania adventure in Tales of the Forlorn hope. I would love to see a proper Biotechnica sourcebook that details how they make their mutants like it was the MJ12 lab underneath UNATCO in Deus Ex 1
>In 2020, if you have 2 cyberarms and skinweave, does the weave armor apply to the arms?
Yes. You only have two armor locations, head and body. Body armor affects limbs. Skinweave grants head and body armor after installation.
>In 2020
>Only 2 armor locations

Derp my dumbass didn't read that first bit.
Counterpoint: by the end of the game in most paths assaulting Arasaka Tower, the public perception would be that it was one of the worst cyberpsycho attacks in decades.

From V's perspective they're just doing what they have to but everyone else sees a cyberpsycho on the warpath, and depending on how you play the game a lot of the other missions can go that way too.
Ya know, R.Tal going out of their way to handle the aftermath of David's story but how do you as the Ref handle the aftermath of V's story if you run a game after 2077?
Now, throw in the wrinkle that this very same cyberpsycho who just walked into Arasaka Tower and killed basically every single person in the building ALSO turns out to have a history as a NUSA black ops operative who has done contract work for Militech.
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The new guns are actually mostly nicely balanced and make me want to stat up the other 2077 guns like the Asura. I can also imagine stating up other quickhacks like Ping. The whole book is much easier to parse than the red core book
I also really like the little weapon stat cards, definitely a huge boon for player comprehension. Same with the ammo counter

The jacket is OK. Depending on how much your players dawdle it could be 3-6 sessions long which is a bit much. I appreciate that it lets you be compassionate or heartless and both have their pros and cons.
The attempt to play at heart strings I think is a bit cheesy.
The info about night city and the gangs is pretty solid. Could use just a bit more but I like the broad overview with a few POIs.
It’s amazing that they’re finally doing specific guns from specific brands with specific stats like we always wanted but you can kind of tell it’s a compromise. Some of those guns are extremely fun, powerful and affordable which is a nice change of pace

My big complaints are

>cockteasing about a full ruleset from a company about to triple its workload while already having a very slow release pace
>why are there two sets of rules for quickhacking Gray. Gray please don’t make the full ruleset into net architectures in peoples heads Gray
>big one: why the fuck do I need to roll to be detected or not in someone’s head when all but 1 quickhack give you away AND other runners automatically know you’re there anyway. Gray you need to relax mang. Should have just made it that jacking in is automatic but failing a passwall gets you detected
>the rebuilds for “Red weapons” are ridiculously over priced and also too quick to install. It smells of the James Gray no fun police. This is easy to ignore though, im simply going to make it do that all generic guns are one of the three types. I think enemies having the same gear will balance it all out. I might go the opposite route and stat out a bunch of specific guns
No one knows about it. The fact alt killed everyone connected to the tower network is much more known than there being a mercenary who did it
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>Yorinobu is setting Arasaka on fire from the inside and there's a full on civil war now.
>NC's boogeyman is a smouldering pile of scrap, unless the theory about engrams being able to be copy pasted is true and they just kept more Smashers in a closet somewhere and hopefully not in Mikoshi since Alt ate it.
>Speaking of which the tower is a no man zone due to Alt and fuck knows what she might have done to the net since then too.
>Netwatch, netrunners, and everyone who actually knows things is shitting themselves at the encroaching threat of rogue AIs eating people's brains.
>The batshit insane merc who did all this is completely out of the picture riding off with nomads who knows where, or in space, or wearing a polo shirt who the fuck knows.
I really don't think I'd want to run a game after 2077 honestly. At least probably not in NC. Feels like too much is changing, unless you wanna go for a low stakes gutter trash punk kinda thing where you're still gonna be worrying about gangbangers and paying rent, in which case none of this shit would be in any way relevant to the PCs anyway.
It seems like it would be really hard to cover up a guy walking in the front door of the centerpiece of corpo plaza and starting to shoot and like an hour later a rogue AI fries every single employee at that same building connected to the network
And even if you take Tower to be canon, some other bloke (Takemura) does assault on the tower Devil style, killing Hanako in the process.
>if you take Tower to be canon
Shit, I fucking hope not.
Between all the other endings where you don't go balls out and assault Mikoshi if its a choice between trusting Arasaka or trusting the United States federal government, I'd rather they made the ending where V blows their own brains out the canon one.
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Counterpoint to Smasher: You don't need engram'd Smashers. If anything, V flatlining him or his copy or whatever proves that he wasn't as "special" as he thought. He was really good, and maybe he was the best at one point but no one can be the best forever. No one is invincible in Night City, not even Smasher.

Morgan Blackhand, a supposedly non-chromed individual (or very minimal chrome at least) was able to go toe to toe with Smasher back in the 2020's and almost flatlined him then. I think with Smasher, it's more a case of a lot of gonks and assorted posers thinking they're hot shit when going up against Smasher and getting mulched, that in turn built up Smasher's rep in the process. Not to say Smasher didn't take down good solos, but it's not hard to do that if you're fully borged out, wrapped in combat armor, and sporting pop-up guns and rocket launchers.
>Feels like too much is changing, unless you wanna go for a low stakes gutter
I don't think Arasaka is out of the picture completely. Saburo has his son's body to work with so he'll have more energy to fuck around now. With Smasher out of the picture, there's PLENTY of mercs who will be happy to fill his vacant position as Arasaka's wetwork specialist (sans the engram smasher theory) so I'd expect a new boogeyman to emerge in the short term. Depending on your actions in Phantom Liberty, there may be blackwall daemons breaking free and doing god knows what. If you want to go deep into tinfoil territory, there's also Mr. Blue eyes and all the shit he's supposedly behind.
I think the tower suggests what CDPR is going to do for the sequel
Full corpo war between an emboldened Militech and a weakened Arasaka, with Nightcorp and the AI behind the scenes

Hopefully they use the moon stuff for an Orion DLC
They managed to cover up Adam Smasher loudly publicly fighting a giant robot in the middle of corpo plaza, with their largest rival's headquarters right there
The other problem is that having Johnny there providing a foil for V is a huge part of Vs charm and characterisation so idk how they’re going to pull that off in Orion

Personally, I would prefer cyberpunk to be Party Based but that’s not happening. I bet next game having an engram buddy in your head will be more commonplace, like Agents or the muses of eclipse phase
Johnny sucks. He unironically ruins the entire game. Party based would be good
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Printed and painted a pretty schway car.
Wrong opinion detected. Without Johnny to bounce off of V wouldn’t have many chances to be fleshed out
I got a fight event idea; rockerboy rank 10 mob! Let's say the situation is that a rockerboy has called on his fans to take the crew in alive (unharmed is optional). The mob is 90% worse than boostergangers but given the funny dynamic of nat 1's and nat 10's I think forcing the crew to roll more would actually be their disadvantage. However 10% of the rockerboy's fans would be actually good mooks, lieutenants, and maybe even a mini-boss (and hardened is an option too) who all just happen to be huge fans of the rockerboy. Also even if the players might be legally in the right to defend themselves, if they murder any mobber the NCPD will come down on them too.

The first (optional) part of the event would be the mob playing hide 'n seek to find the players (the crew might just jump out to get this over with). Could have random events based off a 1d10 table like a hijacked NCPD search chopper gets used, japanese biker gangs scour the streets, a creepy wall-crawling FBC walks across buildings, etc. An interesting dynamic is that any player failing their stealth roll will get separated from the rest of the crew, even if the crew gives up to help them. They'd already be surrounded.

The second part is the fight. Primarily the players will be grabbed and choked (would be several brawling checks per turn, but just beating the brawl would 'defeat' the attacker, don't forget that once grabbed you take -2 on everything, and can be choked unconscious in 3 turns), have bricks thrown at them (perception vs a set DV like a trap, so no bullet time, maybe the bricks just deal a critical injury and 5 damage), and there might be actual combat with fans with good stats (hardened mooks or a lieutenant with metal pipes). Every few turns the players can make a free Facedown check vs a high DV (maybe 21?) but for every round they've 'won' they get an increasing +1 bonus. When they win the facedown, the fans scatter.
V shouldn't be 'fleshed out', V should be a player character where you choose yourself what they think. Instead no matter what, V is just a crybaby who is scared to die as if I don't run them into gunfire every day for nothing more than sick loot
Breddy gud
Decided to sketch out some stats for some other 2077 weapons

Militech M-179 Achilles
1k EB
Excellent Quality Assault Rifle
Tech Weapon that can shoot through hard cover when charged
No autofire or suppressive fire
9 rounds

100 EB
Poor Quality Shotgun (shells only)
Smart Weapon
16 rounds

Techtronika Metel
1k EB
Very Heavy Pistol
Power Weapon that cannot ricochet
5d6 damage
8 rounds

Tsunami Kyubi
1k EB
Excellent Quality Assault rifle
Power weapon
No Autofire or Suppressive Fire
20 rounds
4 attachment slots

Arasaka Senkoh LX
5k eddies
Excellent Quality SMG
tech weapon with autofire (3) when charged
Fires 3 rounds which do 3d6 damage on single fire, 2d6 if there are less than 3 rounds remaining
one handed and concealable, +2 to conceal and +2 wardrobe/style
30 rounds

Rostović Kolac
1k EB
assault rifle
Power weapon that cannot ricochet
no autofire or suppressive fire
6d6 damage
Requires body 10 to fire
6 rounds

5k EB
Sniper Rifle
Smart Weapon
Suffers no to hit penalty for aimed shots
1 round only
Uses bespoke 50 EB per round ammo

They seem to generally be ignoring targeting scopes and attachments in the mission kit so for now I am too, but I’d give the neko and ashura targeting scopes by default imho. I didn’t want to get to anal but I’d probably also make the metel and kolac use their own slightly more expensive ammo
Kinda hope they add a DLC for weapon attachments tbqh, I think it would make a good Christmas DLC
Discord tranny kys
Genuinely can't tell what part of this you have a problem with. Anon pressing the enter button so it's not just a block of stats? Are you damaged?
I’ve been using 4chan long enough that you were probably not yet able to read at the time.
I love this sorta boxy futurism design for cars. The Ghost in the Shell 1995 anime movie and the shitty live action one from a few years ago had the best future cars imo, it's so retro but cool. Whatever you call this style, I need more of it.
What sort of weapon attachments would you want? I'm still waiting for suppressors (get away from me with that "all weapons are internally suppressed" nonsense) and laser sights (not sure how you'd mechanically differentiate them from smart links, though).
Collapsible stocks, holo sights, flashlights, suppressors, slings, muzzle breaks, foregrips, lasers, and that’s before we even talk about fancier cyberpunk crap like ceramic/polymer rebuilds, belt fed actions, electrothermal propellants, “tagging” scopes, etc. the fact that they limit us to 3 and most of them take up 2 slots is I think another sign of James disliking the kind of fun that interferes with his spreadsheets
An easy fix would be to handle it the way Shadowrun does by dividing each weapon into different "parts" (barrel, stock, magazine, etc.) and then saying which attachment goes where. Firearms will naturally have more "part slots" that melee weapons, but the principle is the same.
Dude, right? Instead we got the early 2000's aborted retrofuture attempts like the PT Cruiser and Prowler and now we have pickup trucks with huge bumpers and generic bugeyed cough drop cars. Give me the eighties coke wedge, you cowards!
And this is something you are proud of?
Not really, I don’t feel any way about it
It's so good, I really recommend the GitS designs if you want that vibe. 2077 had some good designs too that were similar.
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The GitS live action movie is kinda ass but the car designs are on point.
Every now and then I check the nexus for car mods and its nothing but modern cars...
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You expect too much. Nexus modders are only consistently able to do four things.
Make slutty clothes, port modern gun models from call of duty that clash with everything, sweep it up for Todd, and turn straight characters gay (but not the opposite, that will get you instantly banned).
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Please do not bully the 2077 LMG it did not ask to be spawned into this wretched existence.

I miss caseless ammo. That shit was cool.
I was really fucking angry when I realized 6 hours into 2077 that my LMG build was going to be stuck with the only LMG variation in the entire game. I actually had almost no bugs when I played it week 1, but it was so annoying realizing that every choice I made was actually the one the game didn't like you doing so I refunded it anyway
>scripted death
I get sometimes putting the fear of God in the players (literally if they try fight Cthulhu or some actual divine being in a fantasy RPG) but this is lame.
Quickhacks are fine, if you ask me. I had the chance to play The Jacket as a Netrunner and they came in handy until we ran into Smasher. My only real gripe so far is the 60 minute cool-down. It creates this "all-or-nothing" scenario where you're effectively useless as a Netrunner in combat if you fail a quickhacking attempt. I think I'd make a rule where a Netrunner player can quickhack the same enemy again after a failed attempt once they've spent a point of Luck.
It's a good "Oh, shit" moment and a reminder for players to not get too cocky on The Street (as well as obvious fanservice for fans of the anime). Smasher shouldn't be invincible, but I feel like he should be able to wipe the floor with a couple of gonks whose reach exceeded their grasp.
Yeah, he was just a big piece of military hardware acting as a corps attack dog in one city. He wasn't special, his frame was a modified military one and it would be shocking if Arasaka didn't have several units of borg bodies just like his ready to have podded soldiers inserted into when a real war breaks out.
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I'm living the cyberpunk life in vr.

I spent the past year learning Cyberpunk RED and collecting every single physical copy only for my group to dissolve almost immediately. But i'm really curious about the Edgerunners Mission Kit since when my players were together they really wanted a modern day 2070's game and at the time I was bending over backwards to make RED work that way for em.

So how does EMK alter the game? I heard it makes Agents pretty much obsolete.
The rank 10 guys are useful for more than fighting, they're agents, not SWAT.
If I was the modding type I'd make Smasher use his PA when you fight him.
>So how does EMK alter the game?
New weapons, 'ware and gear based on the game and the anime (No more generic guns! Yay!), rules for quickhacking gonks, combat is a bit more lethal due to the way weapons work (Power weapons do more bonus damage on crits and can ricochet shots, Tech weapons can shoot through cover and ignore armor, Smart weapons re-roll missed attacks), new rules for regaining Humanity.
>I heard it makes Agents pretty much obsolete.
If your character has a neuroport they basically have an Internal Agent with Chyron. Agents can still be used, especially by people without neuroports or those who don't want to be tracked.
If he's not saved in Mikoshi I'd be shocked.
It was actually possible in 2020 to start with a full borg body, if you spent literally every enny on it, made a top-rank medtech and had a lot of luck on your side when you rolled for months on the job. But it was possible to start the game as a penniless genius doctor in an Alpha. All you'd need is to live one month and that 15k paycheck comes in for upgrades and you're golden.
You can party with friends to regain humanity, it costs the same as therapy and doesn't restore as much, but it's a lot faster and doesn't involve spilling your guts and doesn't leave you vulnerable.
I took it as less visually diverse, since it says the new Net language doesn't support graphic interfaces like the old Net did. Fucking Bartmoss.
at least 20k
Unlike David, V really was born different, on the same level as Smasher and Blackhand.
One bitch thinks it's fake, that doesn't make her right.
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giorgetto giugiaro + greebles
I dunno about born different, he was made different. But now that I think about it isn't that theory bullshit since you can go ham with cyberware before V even gets the relic? I haven't played since before the Phantom Liberty update, I heard they changed things.
Something new.
I decided to push Euros to the top tier encounter, they are to be my final boss this campaign after all, had to do them proper.

I still lack a Extreme Threat Drone encounter, and if I'm to include on it must come with another page of content.
There's a simple reason for this - autism.
I think, I'll add the ACPA, and Drones to Extreme level.
Then maybe these martial artist duelyst, and fandom clash next.

It's good to see all this work come together - I've got only a handful of encounters to write down, a table of loot and a possible grammar check. Feels funky to produce content faster than R.Talsorian crew, but whatever.
>I just do not give them that much credit.
That's part of what makes 2077 so great, it's accidentally perfect. In NC, a lot of people wouldn't run from a cyberpsycho, they'd cower, not draw attention, running would just trigger a response and get them shot. Drivers 100% would run you down in the road, cops would stop giving a shit if the arrest became too hard or cost too many police lives, they literally blindly stumbled into a perfect representation. Too bad they changed it.
Sometimes gangers would recognize you, but I like it that way, because no one person can change Night City, no one is important enough to make a lasting impact. Johnny nuked the place and the change was temporary, NC just adapted and renormalized.
A lot of brain medicine in real life does things without doctors knowing how and can be used to treat other things.
A party happens in a day, therapy takes a week, and makes you insanely vulnerable in the process. You can party for humanity gain during an op, therapy is downtime only.
Interdasting. Are there any other 2070's supplements planned to add onto the EMK? Neuroports and quickhacking means anyone with one has a personal net architecture right? Kinda curious how Netrunning is changed, it's so different in the 2070's.
>Are there any other 2070's supplements planned to add onto the EMK?
One of the books mentions future content for the EMK, but there's no word on what to expect just yet. It's only been out for a few days.
>Neuroports and quickhacking means anyone with one has a personal net architecture right?
Technically, yes. Though, you only encounter an actual NET Arch when you establish a direct connection with someone. Wireless quickhacking is just a Check against a DV.
>Kinda curious how Netrunning is changed, it's so different in the 2070's.
I'm hoping for rules for the "deep diving" we see some characters in the game and anime do. I imagine it'll be like 2020 Netrunning where your character is "unconscious" for the duration but you're dealing with RED-style NET Archs, maybe with bonuses to your Interface for using more "sophisticated" hardware.
The second LMG they added was a lot better. I've done whole playthroughs using just that.
You can spend a lot of time in the prologue area and rack up a lot of XP, kills, and implants before getting the Relic. V is just that good.
It's a terrible GitS movie but it's undeniable they put a lot of work into it

Said another way: I hate it as a movie but I really like looking at it.
It's a feast for the eyes. No doubt CDPR used it for inspiration, and I hoped RED would have a similar aesthetic (married with the post-war themes, of course). Also, it's really not that bad of a movie. I'd rather watch it than anything GitS-related after 2nd GiG.
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I've thought about watching it for the visuals alone but apparently i'm one of the few straight men that finds Scarlet Johansson gross to look at.
There's an artbook you can get if you just want to gawk at the visuals. Watching choice scenes on YouTube is good, too.
>but apparently i'm one of the few straight men that finds Scarlet Johansson gross to look at.
I wouldn't say she's "gross", but I'm not crazy about her.
She’s very bland looking, I can’t be sexually attracted to her. It feels like jerking off to a particularly inexpressive mannequin
Yes, according to J Gray, 3 at current.
Just started skimming through the rules of Red on a whim with an eye on GM'ing. Can somebody give a retard such as myself an educated rundown on the luck stat? As a stat it doesn't immediately strike me as something I'm very fond of.
I haven't messed around with the books in months since my group died but doesn't it work like you can spend one point of luck to add on to things like a +1 modifier over a session until you hit 0 in which it only refills the next session? I think.
+1 in red is exceptionally rare, so burning luck is actually incredibly useful.
RAW it's kinda a dump stat desu. If you let players add luck AFTER a roll it's immensely useful.
Luck is a either a crutch if your base is low enough (or when you want that aimed shot to hit for sure) or an easy reroll option. A +10% a chance of succeeding is good.
There was also alt rules in RED's listen up DLCs, of spending twice as much Luck after a roll is done and having Luck save (rolling under Luck) to have some lucky thing happen (like timing a shot with a firework going off for exemple), that make Luck even better.
Looking to get into Cyberpunk, is this it's own ruleset or is it the same as RED?
In short it’s Red with tweaks. Red has an economy that reflects being in a post collapse post nuke city. This 1 makes it easier to buy and find things 2 adds the ability to hack peoples brains for netrunners 3 separates guns into 3 categories that are all improvements over the more vanilla Red guns.

This is also a starter box, so the rules are, in short, simple and half complete. If you want to try red, this is a good place to start, but all the roles (classes) cyberware, and rules generally are simplified so you aren’t getting the full picture
how much would it take to port quick hacks into 2020's ruleset?
Also, being a starter box it comes with pregen characters, tokens, cutouts for your characters, useful stat blocks for weapons and NPCs, maps for playing and a map of night city

In short: it is an excellent starter box if you want to play in 2077, but less so if you want to play in the Red era (2045) which is uh, a time when everything was shit and the state and corps both collapsed
So its usability is probably somewhere in the "iffy" zone, then.
Also is there a reason there's no burst-fire rule? and why does auto fire look like total shit for rifles?
Can’t fathom why but presumably ‘balance’
Autofire is actually very strong when leveled but too swingy unless you house rule it as rolling a number of 2d6 instead of multiplying a single 2d6 roll
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I've been thinking about this all day but my job randomly blocked 4chan today. I think the biotechnicabomation has some amazing defenses but the offense feels like weapons you'd get for 100eb or less (regular or big sword, airgun, etc). Obviously the +18 is nothing to sneeze at, but you could include some bioversions of Black Chrome weapons like the fire sword (5d6 means 20% chance of funny crits) or a more powerful version of the shock knuckles with bioelectricity (RoF2 3d6 is fine). Suddenly players can't make electromagnetic checks when their TECH is 2 and their Cybertech is 0. Also as a fun bonus for any outdoorsman players they can try to get ingredients out of the monster to use in gear, like some biosacks to use in magna knuckle or doses of biotoxin.

I like the SP/HP but it might be too strong. For reference with 5d6 shotguns and 4 crew always hitting they'd do about net 20 damage per turn. If using 4d6 handguns (because they had to be sneaky) they'd be lucky to do 20 damage per turn so it would be instantly healed. But if this thing is in an abandoned lab far away from the NCPD then bring out the big guns. You could even try baiting autofire by giving players a bonus to hit (in general) it since it's as big as a barn. Also I suppose grenades would work (they'd do about 4 more damage than shotguns), but maybe for fun you could make the lab collapse during the fight right as they were going to win and the creature escapes.

Maybe the trick to the Eurosolo team is to make them incredibly arrogant, unique, and have one-of-a-kind gear? For example I have an evil medtech who is an FBC and basically pic related once he opens his medical coat and reveals he's brought the operation table to you. The team also has an FBC tech with shoulder-mounted turrets wired to a NET.
>presumably 'balance'
I had my suspicion upon reading the rules in 2020. I didn't read very far into it (or anything in 2020 aside from statblocks) but it looked like the type of thing you'd always do if you had the option.
For me what makes a eurosolo is that they have class, a real sense of class and style. They are skilled, wealthy, and value subtlety and finesse and shun overt cyberware. They might pack speedware and optics but no pop up guns or chrome. They would prefer Bioware.

They would use SMGs and specially modified concealable weapons, poisons, snipers… the best might always make it look like an accident. Their rep could take a serious hit if a kill is too messy or a job too obvious. Europe is a controlled society, so political manoeuvring is a must. They’re also likely to be much wealthier than the average yankee solo.
Oh and obviously any eurosolo worth his salt is going to pack the best chipware he can
Yes well some of 2020 is very 80s. Martial arts is real and powerful, IFVs are gay, three round burst is obviously perfect and gangs like to have themed cosplay
RAW luck is a pool that refreshes at the start of a session but you're supposed to add it before the roll. The other ways to get a bonus to skill checks is having high quality gear, taking x4 the number of time in actions, and making a single complimentary action (unlike the x4 bonus, this only requires 1 action and doesn't even have a set DV the ref just decides if you roll well enough, so usually just DV13 or 15). These also all stack.

Also in CPR you cannot reroll a failed skill roll unless you improve your odds. So if you wanted to use Electronics/Security and fail, you have to get tricky. The usual progression is complimentary skill check+original skill (+1 overall, 2 actions) and if you fail again it's x4 time+complimentary+original skill (+2, 5 actions) but if you screw this up you're probably dead in the water. Also the typical Electronics/Security skill check takes 5 minutes so by the end of this it's been almost half an hour. Meanwhile you could just spend 1 or 2 luck and be done.

Then we got this fucked up DLC with maybe 2 good homebrew rules and one was allowing players to spend luck AFTER rolls (almost as if being lucky means that when things aren't going your way you can fix it???) but honestly I just let my players spend luck after rolls. If you're afraid of a potential +8 being dropped like a luck nuke just put in lots of high-stakes skill checks.

Also some redditards think it's OK to use Luck on crafting so a level 1 TECH can create DV29 luxury handguns like they're Eran Malour themselves, and they're faggots. And I bet James gave it the OK on his podcast so fuck him too.
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How viable is a cyber arm with a combat jaw installed for a hand and a popup gun?
>to use Luck on crafting so a level 1 TECH can create DV29 luxury handguns
I know it's not, but crafting sounds like the type of thing that you specifically can't spend luck on, like with believability checks.
Some weapons do use burst fire, it's just resolved as one hit. Like the Shingen in the 2077 rules, stat-wise it's an assault rifle because the 3-round burst is the same as an AR hit, even though in the vidya it's an SMG.
>and why does auto fire look like total shit for rifles?
It has a different effective range than an SMG, other than that it's basically the same. Assault rifles are the same on normal fire, being too close makes the target harder to hit, because a rifle is a battlefield weapon, smaller guns are more well suited for urban combat. For most fights you're going to be better off with a shotgun or SMG due to how tightly packed NC is.
Thanks, hope this will inspire me to come up with something interesting. I hate doing mediocre work.
Oh, the're gonna pack all bioware known to mankind. I think I'll make them into shapeshifters and clones. Maybe.
It would be nice to have an encounter taking place in a crowded space, where every person around you might secretly a glowie.
>Monster is too resilient
I was under the assumption, than with Extremely dangerous enemies you either go big, or go home - so I thought one would pack Grenade and Rocket launchers, Anti Material Rifles and Borg Weapons. However...
Adding a paragraph that the whole lab is unstable is a great idea, thank you.
Maybe I'll change it's skin to SP7, keeping the healing factor of course. That way it's possible to actually hurt it with 5d6 weapons.
There's also one assumption that I made to be adressed - aimed shots. Reading the lore/description did you was under the impression that this monster can be headshoted, limb shoted etc in general or dont?
I'm asking because in my head the PCs could do so to score additional damage (hence the boost to 100HP from 60HP in this version) - but maybe it would be illogical to do so. I mean, this mofo mutates every 3 seconds, does popping a lung really hurts it that bad?
>Monster offense is too weak
It already has 2 turns a round (double initiative) uses 5 different attacks and almost never miss. What exactly these shock knuckles do?
>Monster can be looted
Great idea, I'll change that part. I think I'll make it a three step proces:
Examine the corpse for any use (anyone)
Surgically retreive it's heart (medtech)
DV29 work on heart to make it compatible to human (techie)
Implant the heart to gain extreme healing factor (medtech)
>You'll probably'd like to do so off the grid.

>Euros could pack one of a kind gear
Yeah, all the level 4 encounters (AKA Certain Death) should do so. Maybe I need to be more transparent on this one.
As far as I understand the only way to trigger this encounter is going out of your way to intentionally piss off an Arasaka Exec. Like not even telling them no, but like actively trying to fuck around.

That scene is strictly the finding out part of the equation.
She didn't think it was fake, she thought people were using it as a convenient excuse to sweep malfeasance and brutality under the rug, and invariably she was right.

The one thing all the cyberpsycho encounters in the game have in common is something else fucked the psychos up so badly that they either chromed up to the point they were non-functional or they were tipped over the brink by the combination of their ware and circumstances.

What she believes is that more of it is treatable than corps want to admit, because psychos are convenient scapegoats for shitty experimental ware that fucks up your brain, plausible deniability for wetworks and good sources for trial data.

Nothing between the game and anime is irreconcilable. Even the "immunoblockers" make sense with the new clarifications. I know its hard to use your imagination in a game of pretend, but do give it the old college try.
It only happens if you shoot at an Arasaka exec who does not threaten you or shoot you or anything. It also says outright “only do this if your players would enjoy this sort of thing, it’s probably a dick move otherwise”
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Look, this is how you handle Smasher for your game.

If your players incur Arasaka's wrath enough to bring Adam Smasher down on them you make him an invincible killing machine. Give them a fair enough shot to run away but Smasher will pursue for a reasonable amount and he will aim to kill and if any of them get killed it will be because they were
>too slow
>dumb enough to try and fight him
Now for the surviving players if they choose to get revenge on 'Saka or Smasher this is when you break out the stat block. You stat Adam Smasher, you stat him the fuck up but you stat him and give the players a final boss to face off against.

And if they manage to win it will feel earned and have meaning after the first encounter. Adam Smasher is a good tool but he's also a character in the world and if the players are tenacious enough they should have a shot at him EVENTUALLY.

Your version of Cyberpunk is it's own universe with it's own history. If you wanted to set your game in 2077 and have Edgerunners characters show up because they never died you can. You could say the Cyberpunk 2077 game events never happened. You can do whatever you want with the setting.
I might have misunderstood! If the crew prepares accordingly they should be fine. I was envisioning some kind of sewer lab and the monster being a surprise or an ambush but you did say it's an urban legend. I was doing my math based on shotguns doing an average of 18 dmg and heavy pop-up handguns doing 14, I believe rockets do up to 28 on average so it's always these damn extremes. My crew would qualify as 4 hardened assholes so I do probably beef up challenges to reflect that. If you want to keep damage lower I hope you include the fun bonus effects. The magna knuckles in black chrome force victims to roll Cybertech DV15 if hit by both fists (complete a circuit) or lose two cyberware for a minute and I realized that when everybody has maybe Cybertech +4 nobody is going to beat that. And the effects build up so eventually you have them a pile of flesh carrying dead electronics.

Also forget what I said about eurosolos, the guy talking about bioware knows better. I gotta reread eurosource. I hope this thread is still up when I get back. I can't wait to see more homebrew.
Read eurosource plus not eurosource btw, it’s definitely my favourite sourcebook for cyberpunk. Oozes style
Well, did you thought about making aimed attacks, or did not?
Yep, I was basing my damage off average damage (3.5 per dice, so 17.5 for shotguns for example), reducing by 11/10/9/8 armor as it ablates and without headshots. But I was also expecting 4 highly trained Edgerunner's who also probably wouldn't be missing much (however I did get a devilish idea that there is a chance that their entire attack just pops a decoy flesh zit that doesn't even hurt the abomination). I didn't consider that while the first turn or so might have high player d/s, if the abomination is focusing both attacks on one edgerunner each turn they will get deleted quickly (or at least lose combat capacity) and the damage will drop off. I think that disregarding critical damage on a monster like this is fair. As far as borg weapons (expensive) vs grenades and rockets (cheaper) maybe borg weapons won't deform the old lab as much?
Gotta love the obligatory mass-replying "preaching to the choir" post. Never change, /tg/.
How easy would it be to add some of the extra bits from Cyberpunk 2020's weapon profiles into Red? Specifically accuracy and extra damage depending on caliber (eg; a .45 pistol deals 1 point more damage than a 9mm).
That tickles my 'tism in at least two ways.
>other than that it's basically the same.
Yeah, that's particularly the part that bothers me. Rifles get to shoot up to one more time in autofire, yeah, but the autofire's damage is the exact same despite assault rifles dealing over twice as many d6s of damage compared to SMGs.
How viable would it be to homebrew out rifles' ability for an extra hit and homebrew in an extra d6 (or two) of damage for their autofire?
I feel like you have a misunderstanding on how Autofire works in RED and why Autofire(4) is much better than Autofire(3).

Autofire is not 'multiple shots'. In RED, Autofire changes the damage calculation to represent multiple shots; instead of a number of dice, Autofire always rolls 2d6, and then multiplies the result by the number by which the shooter exceeded the Autofire DV. This means two things:
1. Autofire is a soft counter to dodging; a bad dodge roll will result in eating large amounts of damage.
2. Autofire trades critical chance for higher raw damage potential; it will punch through higher armor values more efficiently as armor doesn't apply to it repeatedly the way multiple shots from an ROF2 weapon would
3. Autofire turns hit bonuses into damage potential: Bonuses to REF, higher skill, the use of excellent quality weapons or Smart Links all actually increase your damage potential instead of just making hits more reliable. While aimed shots to the head on unarmored targets can deal even more damage, against heavy targets Autofire will be more efficient.

For the record: SMG Autofire deals anywhere from 2 (min roll) to 41 (crit and 3+ DoS) damage. Assault Rifle Autofire can deal anywhere from 2 to 53 (crit and 4+ Dos) damage in a more distant bracket. With Metalgear being 18 SP, that means that a perfect burst of automatic fire (which is more probable as the 2d6 has less variance than dealing 8d6 of damage from other sources) can drop a 35 HP character to 0 instantly. The Helix in the core book provides Autofire(5) as its gimmick which could deal 65 damage in a single automatic burst.

Unless this drastically changed in the 2077 quickstart; there's no need to adjust these values. Autofire is often undervalued by players because without investment the higher variance and light opposition makes it seem inconsistent.
it's still retarded to roll 2d6 and multiply instead of rolling a number of 2d6 equal to the amount you beat the DV by, just purely because it's much less swingy damage for an already very swingy skill
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It basically means that you have higher chance of rolling higher dmg. Crit chance is 2,78% instead of 10,51% tho.
I think there are a few RED guns that explicity fire different ammo than the norm (such as 5.56 for rifles, 10mm for very heavy handguns, 9mm for heavy handguns, etc). Usually these weapons can only fire that ammo and in the two I remember (the city hunter smart revolver and the Stermmeyer ap rifle) they give a really nice discount on expensive ammo, anywhere from 30% to 60%. You could extrapolate that and have exotic guns that fire bigger caliber bullets pay less for similar effects or get brand new effects better than normal bullets. I'm not sure how to balance that second idea. Maybe such foreign bullets always count as luxury to get (so fixers will try to charge a 20% fee) or crafting them has a higher DV/time requirement or has penalties.
No, rolling multiple dice instead of just two and multiplying means your results are flattened and spread over a much more even distribution, and especially in small sample sizes (ie, a game) will lead to significantly less swinging/spiking.
What's the long-term consequence of replacing (2d6)*4 with (3d6)*3? It'll have higher numbers while being less swingy, but I'd like to know how that looks like in practice?
It’s way more reliable and means there’s basically no reason not to autofire because even if you only get two over DV you’re doing more damage than you normally would.
To be clear on how significant this difference is, let’s look at autofire for an SMG, autofire (3). the likelyhood of rolling 2 1s on a 2d6, and thus doing only 6 damage, is 1/36 or about 2.7%. It is literally over a thousand times less likely that you roll 6 1s on a 6d6 roll…
I figured that out shortly after making that post. Red's model for rifles means you get more damage while requiring higher rolls, while the model I was thinking of just gives more damage without anything else required.
>make him an invincible killing machine
This is gay, don't do this

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