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Dwarf Engine-nuity edition

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Warhammer Wikis:

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Most underrated unit in your army?
First for elves suck.
What do they suck?
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This time they are ogre rats, with great weapons instead of their usual rat ogre selves. I’m hoping great weapons+not having frenzy will allow me to position them like budget hammer units and actually suppprt my cla rat blocks, instead of using them as suicide missiles or being baited to make and fail “12” charges all ducking game.

Anyway here’s my skaven list. Feel free to give feedback!

Skaven - 2k anti chaos rats - [2000pts]
Grey seer, bsb and challenge bait skaven join 33 clan rat unit. 6 wide.
Engineer takes hammer hand and joins warlord in smaller unit who beelines.
## Main Force [2000pts]
**Characters [824pts]**
Grey Seer [310pts]: General, Wizard Level 4, Illusion, Lore Familiar, Ogre Blade
Skaven Chieftain [140pts]: Heavy Armour, Shield, Biting Blade, Battle Standard Bearer (Grand Banner Of Superiority)
Skaven Chieftain [98pts]: Heavy Armour, Cautious Shield, Talisman Of Protection
Skaven Warlord [195pts]: Shield, Heavy Armour, The Fellblade
Warlock Engineer [81pts]: Warplock pistol, Wizard Level 1, Battle Magic
**Core [547pts]**
Clanrats [132pts]: Shield
- 23x Clanrat [4pts]
- 1x Clawleader [7pts]
- 1x Standard Bearer [5pts]
- 1x Musician [5pts]
Clanrats [247pts]: Shield
- 33x Clanrat [4pts]
- 1x Weapon Team [65pts]:
- 1x Weapon Team Crew [65pts]: Ratling Gun
- 1x Clawleader [7pts]
- 1x Standard Bearer [5pts]
- 1x Musician [5pts]
2x Giant Rats [84pts]:
- 24x Giant Rat [3pts]
- 1x Packmaster [5pts]: Whip
- 1x Master Moulder [7pts]
**Special [238pts]**
2x Gutter Runners [119pts]: Throwing Weapon, Poisoned Attacks
- 7x Gutter Runner [14pts]
**Rare [145pts]**
Doomwheel [145pts]:
- 1x Rats
**Mercenaries [246pts]**
2x Badlands Ogre Bulls [123pts]: Heavy Armour
- 1x Ogre [41pts]: Musician, Great Weapon
- 2x Ogre [70pts]: Great Weapon

Got a 2k game against a different chaos player and made cozy board.

Ty to the anon last thread that suggested putting a cheap unit behind an undead unit to give them ‘free’ unmoveable. I’ll remember that.
They're coming shortly. So sometimes in August or mid-september.
Im in absolute awe of the retard community team member who decided to post "shortly" when its not even close to release. Just baffling.
It's a height joke, anon.
No shit; it's also a pun about things coming out soon. It'd be like if a new character named "Morrow" was getting a new model and the team teased it with "Guess we'll have to see what's happening TO Morrow!" but then nothing happens and we have to wait another two months.
When the community is clamoring for releases, it's retarded to bait them into thinking it could be out soon.
Games workshop terrible timing and disuse of Dwarfs aside, does anyone have a pdf of The Corsairs of captain Flayir Adventure? The mega for WHFRP, just broke down and I don't think its going to be update, as an FYI.
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Anyone tried some of the lesser used High Elf units, like Tiranocs? How are they faring?
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Playing around with colours for this test model coz I'm going same colours for the whole lot (it's an exiles army so it makes more sense for the knights to be a single noble household).

I think I need to get rid of the

Want them to look kinda evil/imposing/menacing but without them straight be up mousillon dudes
Skinks sneak into your peasants' shitty little huts at night and smear toad grossness on all surfaces to further their leftist pro-ripperdactyl agenda.
>a french peasant's hut stinks of grossness and frogs

>blames the mexican lizards from the other side of the world
Honestly it feels like a Skink is going to touch something more disgusting that its own toad grossness in a Bretonnian hut.
Gametime! 1.5k welves vs my rats.
And this time I want revenge.
I’m bringing
Lvl 4 grey seer
Bsb war banner
Chieftan cautious shield
Engineer with rifle and ruby ring.

2x25 giant rats with master moulders
1x10 giant rats
1x33 clan rats fc(hand weps and shield) (rattling gun)
1x 5 gutter runners
1x6 gutter runners. -poisoned scout throwing weps for both
1x doomwheel
2x3 ogre rats (bulls with great weapons+musician)

Treeman ancient lvl 4 battle magic
11 glade guard, champion+ap arrows
2x 8 dryads
3 tree kin with champ
5 wild riders with champ
2 great eagles

My buddy smashed me with this list last time but I’ve gone back to the drawing board and changed fundamentally how my skaven are put together. Wish me luck!
replace red with purple
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torn between the top and bottom schemes for my chorfs, this poor test model getting bogged after so many coats.
honestly? the top idea is much better but it won't show in a unit at all, the army will look unpainted

I'll tell you to go with the simpler and more eye catching lower scheme and reserve the inner-magma scheme just for champions and heroes
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yeah thats been my thinking, I could maybe liven up the black with more greys or some nmm to something like pic related but as you say I don't know if that would register, even on the iron daemon. Also might clash with true metallics and I don't really want to paint the brass nmm.
But that's fine. FW chorfs aren't meant to be colorful.
I dont care about dwarves, worst thing next to humans. I just want to see ogres, vampire counts, and warriors of chaos.
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Grow up dude
The top idea looks very nice and the theming goes hard on chorfs, but it might look a bit monotonous on the tabletop. Have you considered metal/grey highlights/drybrush on the black steel to make the shapes pop out more?
>How dare anon want OOP dwarf models that were announced ages ago!
Let me guess; the army you collect just so happens to be unaffected by any delays while you mock others?
>he's too retarded to 3D print, buy third party, recasts or used minis
>he hasn't owned his army for 15+ years
LMAO ngmi
Just paint them in khorne red
NTA but I suspect your solution to wanting to see what the Arcane Journal brings to the table is to simply write your own?
Idk what that even means you fag
Trying too hard
Are "goblin rock lobsters" any good in old world?
Hope the winds of chaos were blowing in your favor and that your underlings didn't bamboozle your carefully concocted master plan, anon!
Nice try, but I haven't bought anything yet. Dwarfs gonna be my first for TOW
Ah, so we have an 40kiddie tourist
Some of the best artillery in the game.
Definitely bottom. The top one comes off as little mystical/magical for a line infantry dude imo.
I haven't been keeping up. I have about 180+ goblins and 70-100 assorted orcs, but I wanna get into dark elves or vamp cunts, are they in the game yet or are there any confirmed future plans for either?
Every faction has rules for their guys. Some have or will get additional ones while some are dubbed legacy and may not see long-term updates.
Legacy doesn't mean the army is weak or anything, or that you won't see it fielded all the time even by new guys considering the ubiquity of 3D prints, it just means they're probably not getting an additional rulebook beyond the current PDF and official new GW models aren't certain. (but it's all up in the air if SDS will follow that plan or not considering the popularity of TOW seems to have been a surprise)

Core Factions are: Empire of Man, Orcs & Goblin Tribes, Dwarfen Mountain Holds, Warriors of Chaos, Kingdom of Bretonnia, Beastmen Brayherds, Wood Elf Realms, Tomb Kings of Khemri, High Elf Realms.
Legacy Factions are: Dark Elves, Skaven, Vampire Counts, Daemons of Chaos, Ogre Kingdoms, Lizardmen, Chaos Dwarfs.
I said for TOW, not WHFB. Nice try.
I'll probably end up using a mix of third party, prints and whatever I can scrounge up for either faction. Mostly hoping that the dude who did 3d prints of TWW models did delves so I can print a dreadfu. Do vamps get bloodline rules or? I plan on scratch building a vampire lord.
>Do vamps get bloodline rules
No, they do have some Vampiric Powers you can buy them, wizard levels and they're plenty tough.
My rec is to create a list on NewRecruit and check what you can do there.
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>has to buy dwarfs cause you don't have an Army already
>pretends to be a WHFB player
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Very reasonable price!
Didn't know about this. Nice.
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Alright so it’s over.
It went down like I expected although the rats gave a much much bette showing than last time

MVPs were the treeman, but due to their shooting. S5 d6 shots with decent ballistic skill that can shoot over units is just devastating.
For rats, mv were the gutter runners, one kept a wild rider unit at bay for 200 years thanks to repeated fire and flees, while the other murdered an eagle, dryads and took a charge in the final turn for the grey seer(who still broke and fled despite bsb from the other treeman)

The ogre bulls with musicians and gws(ogre rats) went fantastically, way better than rat ogres. Friendship ended.
I also realised I’ll never charge with giant rats, ws2 s2 means they didn’t do a wound all game.(except for the suicide 10 charging archers or dying trying)

I was also hampered by the level 4 illusion(3rd time using illusion, and for 1.5k I trimmed off spell familiar and realised it has some really awful spells after rolling three of them.

My welf opponent was canny too, by the end of the battle my opponents treeman and ancient still stood (though one was down to 2 wounds)
2 wardancers were off somewhere and that was that.
I had about 14 giant rats and the most useless character ever, a warlock engineer with rifle and ruby ring of ruin.
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They did anon, some had tampered with the rattling gun and doomwheel. There will be words with clan skyre after this. Only clan eshin was to be relied upon!
Pic real, finest clan gutter runners annoying dryads while shooting wild riders.
So my list for 2k against chaos is tomorrow, list posted >>93102981

I’ll see about buying a nice squad of jezzails so I can actually do something to big guys in the next month or so.
>Most underrated unit in your army?
WoC: Marauders. A lot of people stick their nose up at them, but give them flails, MoK, and if you want Light armor in a size of 10.
90 points for 20 S5 attacks at -2 with WS4. They are gonna do something, and they are cheap enough you dont care about them.
>unpainted minis
>bare wood movement trays, couldn't even be assed to prime it
>Age of Shidmar minis
It's so over
>Getting games in
>GW is not providing half the fucking minis that armies need
Fuck off no games.
Get new material
It literally takes seconds to spray prime your fucking trays, why is that too much effort for you losers?
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I dont even think there was a single aos mini on the table(this time) and all of my stuffs based, painted and completed. Its just the resident schizo at it again spraying buzzwords like he sprays piss on his walls. Carelessly.

Device synced photos so heres some highlights. Rattling gun after shooting shitily all game decides to blow max shots on a stand and shoot reaction, on a lone wild rider. I laughed.(that lone wild rider had prior caught my gutter runners obliterating the unit so this was revenge)
>y-you're playing games even if you haven't finished everything for le epic mini photoshoots? And with minis that aren't Oldhammer™ certified to bump up the value of my old minis? REEEEEE
Don't be such a humongous faggot. If an effort has obviously been made there is zero reason to be a bitch about it.
"Effort" is for faggot and fat girls trying to make each other feel good about themselves. Men only care about results. Paint your fucking minis or keep them off the tabletop. There are literally pewter minis on this losers table. If you didn't have time to finish them (finish? You didn't even fucking start) then play at a lower point value until they are finished and you can field them
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Oh best laid plans in this pic, turn 5 hammered the wounded treeman with a rear rat block for cr and the remaining ogre rats with gw for a juicy flank s6. Meanwhile the skaven grey seer in his much depleted clan rat blob cackles as he casts the no charge no march hex on the treeman ancient and prepares to bombard as all guns turn towards the remaining targets.
>Men only care about results.
Then you're clearly not one since you're bitching about photographs and not the actual game like the humongous faggot that you are.
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Andddd the rogres flump all their attacks, treeman loses by 2 , tree whacking one ogre and killing the other as well as stomping a few rats. and to add insult to injury doesnt even reform to face them.

Meanwhile i get one magic missile off which kills the gladeguard, gutter runners fish for poisons and rattling gun misses every shot shit,

Turn 6, brave gutter runners pass their terror and hold for reinforcements as grey seers unit with attached bsb proceed to fail their terror and bsb reroll fleeing in this benny hills fashion AGAIN with treemen in hot pursuit.
Thats all my pics, hope everyones playing games.

I dont actually respond to the schizophrenic but ill make an exception just this once.
Its my table, and I dont have a problem with it.
Sneed and cope retard
If you aren't going to paint your minis you're not playing a real game. You might as well be playing with token and monopoly pieces, since you clearly have no regard for verisimilitude or the spirit of the game
Dark Irons looked much better before the redesign.
This anon is a schizo faggot, but I have to agreed on this point. Miniature wargaming is about depicting the soldiers in miniature form, if you're not going to bother making a miniature then why play miniature wargaming at all instead of a game where the pieces only abstractly represent something? Making immersive and pleasant terrain and soldiers is half the hobby, usually more. Low effort painting/terrain is 40kiddie tier. Granted the terrain in this game looks decent, but the minis should be held to the same standard.
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I'm assembling a Dradlord on a chariot right now and it got me thinking - does it make sense to give him a halberd and Sword of Ruin on top of that? I've never played this game before but I want to start someday so I'm not sure how that works.
>the minis should be held to the same standard
I see all of two primed unpainted minis in those pics and only a genuine "get the fuck away from me" jackass would react like that's greytide played on a 40K competetive nothing board.
Schizofag, and by extension you for even giving him attention, are being fucking retards in my view. Your pic related is worthy of scorn but anon's is perfectly fine.
What justifiable reason does he have for not, at a minimum, taking two minutes to slap on a primer, other than sheer laziness? There is simply no excuse, and you defending this behavior leads me to believe you've engaged in it as well
>He ran out of rattle can before play time.
>He was batch painting and did not have those 2 at the time
>He paints them 1 at a time fully and did not get to them yet
>He was busy with real life shit because it takes time to sit down paint and finish model.
There are a lot of fucking reasons.

Stop being a retarded sperg lord.
What about minis that are WIPS, I think its fine if you see some progress each game ?

I've got some stuff painted but I just cant bring myself to paint 40 state troops

also pic from my last game
a few more things that could be the case.
>The yare not his models and he is borrowing them
>He is testing out models before he fully commits to them, rather then building painting only to find out he does not like using them.
>acting like a fucking retard and samefagging to boot over a two minis short of a fully painted army and board with proper terrain playing actual games
Utter cunt behavior.
>you see some progress each game
Not my job. All I see is grey.
100% confirmed no games.
Go back to AoS please.
>grey tide
How are you unironically not embarrassed showing up with these? Probably one of those guys that shows up with a stained anime T-shirt
Just ignore the faggot. He's an obvious nogames.
Post your minis or fuck off.
If they're Perry's on round bases then doubly fuck off you threadshitting ultrafaggot who doesn't play WFHB.
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Holy shit i bet this is the same faggot that lost his shit because of pic related having a sigmar helmet on it and everyone laughed at him becasue it was easy to pass off as a random helmet.
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>Grey tide
>a few grey models
All of this is just laziness with extra words

>"Testing out models" 40k waacfaggot type shit
>anon doesn't actually know what greytide is
Imagine unironically defending stormie tax in a WFB thread
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Stay mag aos faggot.
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Cry harder, enjoy my Chaos sorcerer lord.
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>not a full regiment painted
>entire infantry blocks of grey or pewter troops
HAHA holy fuck it is the same faggot lol.
If you acted like this at the table you'd get asked to leave regardless if it's friendlies or tourneys.
>b-but I was told greytide isn't okay
It isn't and that isn't greytide.
I'm not but he was right. And deep down you know that too because you're still seething about him.
Did you mean that for someone else?
Because i think the Guy ree'ing over it saying its gray tide is a colossal retard.
Any one showing up to play games with any army posted so far especially in a friendly setting would be welcomed.
>I'm not but he was right
cope yes you are lol, No models no games aos playing trying to shit up the board, move along please.
Greytide is when you push out an entire unpainted army because 40K WAACfags didn't want to bother painting at all and just want the latest hot meta army and did the bare minimum. (to get around unpainted bans they started priming 1/2-colors which was just as bad)
That's clearly just a work in progress since over half of the stuff is painted to a well-detailed level. No one's going to make you play against it if your autism prevents you from enjoying it but don't abuse terms when you don't know what they mean.
>Did you mean that for someone else?
You quoted me giving him shit for two unpainted minis in your reposnse so I thought you were calling me nogames and taking his side.
No worries.

Exactly, not enough models in this thread

Heres my greatswords from this game >>93108192
I kneel
Handsome models anon.
In order to suck cock more efficently I assume.
More like greyswords amirite
>If i same fag myself people will think im right
LOL, LMAO even.
Thanks anon

I want GW to hurry up and release more empire stuff, hopefully I can get the rest of my army painted before then
Wish they'd bring back the Great Cannon kit.
Trust me anon i feel you, im waiting for them to put out dragon ogres and marauders but they fuckiung wont so im stuck using reavers and recast of dragon ogres.
Nice grinder profile pic.
>Kek you simply can't cope with the fact multiple people agree with me
The voices inside your head are not multiple people anon.
Not into the available 3D print sculpts I take it?
Realer than you.
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Night goblin archers I finished a bit ago. Have to paint the base rims green. Also need to get some more units, maybe an old rock lobber or something.
Oh I like some of it , but dunno I like the idea of this army being al official, very coonssooomer of me I know
Fair enough if that's what you're into.

Oh hold on i got you.

WTF? lol look at this loser buying GW models and not sculpting them himself? What? you gotta be a fucking aos shill and tell me to Us 3d bits next? Fucking gross i would tell you to fuck off if you showed up to my table with that.
The only acceptable way to play this game is with bottle caps and shot glasses as models with cardboard bases.

There we go fixed it.
Nice AoS model. Is it on the square while you finish painting it?
Excited for the new StD rules from yesterday
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This is my army from a local 1200pts tournament with minimum painting requirement of primer. After 4 glorious rounds of battles I won the tournament. How does this make you feel? And before you ask, yes, I have over 2000pts of painted models already in my army, not including these.
...did you buy those godawful GW trays?
These losers wallow in mediocrity and don't have fully painted armies. Fucking embarrassing.
I'm sure their personal and professional lives are just as pathetic
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I wonder if they're the same fag who got their panties in a knot when I told about my Ostland BSB conversion plan, pic related. I already have the model ready.
Also, cool standard bearer. I'm going to use AoS khornates in my WoC army and mix their bits with older warrior and marauder kits.
100% the same autismo its got to be.
Im effectivly doing that until GW stocks plastic marauders again.

What a fantastic concept, good luck anon.
> agreed with the Coast Guard (Jobs that Matter!) Fag
Fuck. Also what you do even bench with your small womanly chest? Embarrassing.
I'm not him and I think he is a fag.
But if you don't play with fully painted armies you are a fucking loser.
Full stop. No debate. The end.
You either play fully painted, or you don't play (or only play smaller games). It's a binary equation, none of your trans/gender fluid wishy washy excuse filled bullshit.
It's black and white. Male or female. Zero or one. Full stop.
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Thats a awesome idea anon

you got to post it when you start
Bro this entire post screams "I know ill try and make fun of myself to look like a different person and then say the same retarded take i have been slightly different to make it look like im right."
>You either play fully painted, or you don't play
This is the stupidest fucking take in the world. If you are clearly working toward painting your army, saying "You can play until is fully painted" is fucking stupid
That is peak no games, no models behavior.
TOW is very particular about weapons, if a model has a magic weapon then they'll use that over anything else. I think Brets may be the only exception with lances but I haven't checked, might be an old edition rule.
So are you going to post your entire army anytime soon or are you going to keep shit up the thread with your unrelated nonsense.
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When I started playing WFB some 12 years ago or so, those were the easiest option available where I live. They're serviceable, but I have expanded my horizons since, including self-made trays. Also, I think I bought only one box of it at a discounted retail price, the rest I sourced 2nd hand for much cheaper.
Thanks, I'll be sure to share it when I get around to working on it. I have a plan for the aquila on the other side too, pic related. A bit of desculpting and greensuff work to make it into a one-headed birb.
Oh okay, thought you consoomed them with TOW.
Lmao I'm literally in a TOW league right now, and just played a game this past Sunday with another friend (who isn't in the league).
Why is it that lazy people find it so hard to believe that others might not be as big of pieces of shit as them?
And if you do play with your grey tide garbage, good on you. Understand that all the fully painted chads are 100% laughing about your loser ass behind your back and in the chat groups you aren't invited into.
Two dudes with fully painted armies are going to have a great time with this game, no matter what happens it looks cool. Grey tide losers sweat and seethe over every game because the only ion of joy they could get is a hollow win (at a game that's frankly broken and unbalanced as fuck, that is so far from competitive it's laughable).
Retarded take. Imagine playing an RPG session but you only did half the prep work, and when the other players ask why your character sheet isn't finished or the campaign isn't fleshed out, you reply "I'm clearly working towards it!"

No. Either you're heading to play or you aren't. If you're still "working on it" you're simply not ready to play.
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My latest troops
>perry on round bases
Oh it really is this faggot again.
I knew it
Fair. I haven't bought anything from GW save for some paints in years. Depending on what the eventual Empire release includes, I might have to cave in and buy something.
Based and enlightened. "Play fully painted, or don't play" is a fine personal code to follow, but fuck imposing it on anyone else.
It was considered to only allow fully painted armies at our local tournaments, until it became apparent there would be no tournaments that way.
Damn your local community (he plays at the LGS LMAO) must be truly pathetic and dysgenic
why did GW make it so that the warriors of chaos couldn't take daemon units at all, not even as allies?
I'm tired of trying to convince people to let me run my bloodletters/horrors/nurglings as chosen chaos warriors or chaos spawn. People in my area are surprisingly against it.
>he plays at the LGS LMAO
Lmao no, we don't play the current GW games ran in the two cramped LGS. I host most our games at the club room of my apartment house, and the tournaments are held next town over with free admission. I created the local WFB community from scratch long before TOW, growing from just me and two others to a dozen people in a couple years.
The top is good but I would suggest using a dark Grey instead of black
Painting movement trays are a meme, they're a device for ease of play not a part of the models. Do you paint your tape measure and templates too?
The same argument can be made about bases, but we all know they look better painted and are expected to be
Hmm, I don't know if owls are used in Empire heraldry. But then again, sculpting a Ghal Maraz in place of the birb's body would be pretty difficult, unless you can shave the shape off something else. So you could have Ghaz Maraz with wings.
This is like the 7th time he posted that pic, too. Just report for off-topic and move on.
>Do you paint your tape measure
>he didn't paint the aquila gold on his GW Tape Measure (TM)
As cool as the idea of winged Ghal Maraz on the banner is, I have to concede it well beyond my sculpting skills. I'm trying to keep the (de)sculpting to a minimum.
That model is so insanely good.
I'm actually starting to like this guy, he's incredibly committed to his act. He posts the same bait every thread and it never fails to get a response
The base is literally attached to and part of the model but nice try.
If you wanna go for magma, how about this: paint dark gray, wash with black, highlight as normal, then paint cracks on the armor, similar to how you'd paint the lightning effect on power weapons, but with red/orange/yellow.
I don't frequent these threads or play this game but this is painted better than most armies I've seen lurking around the board. They've got a cool cell-shaded look to them. Wish they had more face variation though, it's all just one flat color and looks undone next to how cool the shadows in the clothing are.
It's not Warhammer, though. He might as well be posting this in the 40k, Warmahordes or Star Wars general.
why dont ogres use human slaves instead of gnoblars
kinda stupid to be using the perry WOTR range for empire when there's the warlord landsknechts and the wargames atlantic conquistadores but policing what's "warhammer" or not after GW abandoned it for a decade and has brought it back with old models but even more overpriced is pretty gay
take more time to train and find I guess than Gnoblars since Gnoblars are just a strain of Goblin they reach maturity in 5-10 years rather than 15-20 years a human has from birth
Well said.
Perry minis are arguably better for DoW, but I could see the southern Empire provinces taking influences from the Tileans coming from south (much like Ostland and Ostermark take influence from Kislev), and they even hire them as mercenaries.
I have both Perry and Warlord minis in my Empire army, in part because the Perrys were easily available from a retailer, and I didn't know about Warlord back then. It felt crazy that I could buy 40+ minis for 20€ instead of having to pay the same price for 10.
The WGA conquistadores is a fine kit, but I would bash it with Perry/WL to make them less obviously Spanish/Estalian - even though the morion helmet sees use even in the Empire.
the advantage to the Perry range is a more diverse weapon mix, Pro Gloria clearly intended their plastics to be Empire proxies as well as historicals but when Warlord bought and finally released the plastics after sitting on the sculpts forever they released the kits with few frames and limited options
Nowadays GW is selling 80€ for 10 troops whilst Perry still sells 20€ for 40 troops. I remember at one point during pandemic when the cost of manufacturing was sky high for the Perry bros they very apologetically and reluctantly announced they would have to raise prices, and then they only raised the box sets by 2€, and have since gone back to their original price. Could you imagine GW ever REDUCING their price back to normal once the economy settled back down to normal? Unreal. That's the difference though between making miniatures because it's your passion and just churning out miniatures to please shareholders. You can really tell when you look at a SOVLful lovingly hand sculpted miniature from Perry vs looking at the latest CADslop shit from GW.

I appreciate the compliments anon, but truth be told I quickly painted this entire box over two sittings one weekend just using a couple Speed Paints.
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Gnoblars are essentially limitless, your kill one and ten more scuttle out from nooks and crannys to loot the body, wheres you have a limited stock of humans thatll inevitably run out once they all die from the harsh mountain enviroment and brutal ogre lifestyle, its just not very practical to try and switch entirely to human slaves
>Nowadays GW is selling 80€ for 10 troops whilst Perry still sells 20€ for 40 troops.

For other games maybe, but old world is actually getting really good prices, 20-40 models for like ~65€
Yeah, the WL boxes are a bit wierd in that sense. I had to buy 2 boxes to get a unit of halberdiers, but got a unit of greatswords on the side, and then I got a full box of pikemen - and now I have weapons to make a dozen handgunners. Biggest issue in my opinion with WL plastics is the lack of command sprues. All of these issues can luckily be amended with Perry boxes - though I've bought some metal WL command sets too for variety. I kinda dislike the Perry handguns though, being so early tech.
The Perry boxes are just *insane* value for what you get, and they're utterly goated with their price handling.
>tfw one of the most iconic WFB sculpts ever was made by one of the Perry brothers as their first sculpt when they were learning to use their left hand after losing it in a cannon accident
What an absolute duo of chads.
>old world is actually getting really good prices, 20-40 models for like ~65€
GW finally showing some fucking sense. I guess they figured out the game would fail out of the gate if they kept their old practices. Also helps that they went back to the old "buy a box, get a unit" packaging size in many cases.
dude nah, GW is still a robbery, just not as much compared to its own market, and Im saying this as a dude with armies in each setting.
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They're also more than making up for it for characters and monstrous infantry
I've consoomed a lot in my day but this was apparently my limit.
yeah, the aus price for metals has turned me off the whole TOW thing
luckily my old armies were VC and Empire so if I want better looking models than my old 6th plastics I have options
I'd also go for a fully converted chaos army but the club could upscale paths to glory into a battle game at this stage
Ogres have lots of Human slaves!
Many many!
More than can be counted on all of hands and feet! They good slaves! They obey goood and work hard! They all go out to hunt many winters ago and still they ae hunting! When Human slaves come back they sue to have much meat and milk and cigarettes!
Humans good slaves.
Some of the prices are absolutely bonkers for sure. Makes me so happy I was able to get into contact with an extremely based chinaman a few years back - me and the boys have made it a yearly tradition to buy some Cathayan goods after the initial test purchase to see the quality. Shit's got even working customer support.
I find myself gravitating toward the middling monstrous mounts. Griffins, Manticores, Abyssal terrors. Things like that. I think the can work. You just have to be smart with them.
post wips, i wanna see how that turns out
Owls are a Myrmidia thing iirc
Nice lads, sick banner. Good work Anon.
> local community is full of loser paintlets so much they can't even hold a fully painted requirement
Grim and pathetic.
Another thing I noticed is that it's inevitably fags with hourly wage jobs that can never manage to fully paint an army (also never completed a higher education degree). It's like the same laziness/lack of focus that stopped them from bettering themselves in life carries over to their hobby habits (I guess that isn't a surprise).
> the lazy fag outs himself again
It takes a tiny bit of time and effort to prime, texture paint, base coat, wash, dry brush light, and add a tuff or two to a movement tray.
Everything is well painted but fuck me please fix the bases.
The 'covered in green pubes' look isn't doing you favors
>I don't play this game
Well that's one thing you have in common with the perryshitter, if you couldn't already tell by them being on round bases.
He's actually starting to make me hate the sculpts themselves by being such a faggot with them.
Post models.
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I've been ripping the levels from Vermintide and rebuilding Ubersreik to scale.
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Anyone here still playing the king of editions, 6e?

I've got a tournament coming up and wouldn't mind getting some opinions on my army list
I play 5th but have a good grasp on the rest. Show your list and I'll give my thoughts.
From your pic you're implying you have dragon ogres in the list, which I didn't see too much of in 6th. From what I can see they're more expensive, a rare slot and are less armored than TOW, Chaos might have better options.
Looks really cool, dude.
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Thanks, it's for a Beastmen army I'm building.

++ Warhammer Fantasy 6th Edition (Forces of Chaos) [1,997pts] ++

+ Lords +

Beastlord [165pts]: Armour of Damnation, General, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Slaughterer's Blade

+ Heroes +

Aspiring Champion of Chaos [191pts]: Barded Chaos Steed, Battle Standard Bearer, Mark of Tzeentch

Bray-Shaman [145pts]: Level 2, Lore of Slaanesh, Mark of Slaanesh, Spell Familiar

Bray-Shaman [135pts]: Level 2, Lore of Beasts, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Staff of Darkoath

+ Core +

Beast Herd [96pts]: 6x Gors, Spears, Standard Bearer, Two Hand Weapons, 11x Ungors

Beast Herd [123pts]: Foe-render, 7x Gors, Hand Weapons and Shields, Spears, Standard Bearer, 11x Ungors

Bestigor Herd [238pts]: 12x Bestigors, Champion, Mark of Khorne, Standard Bearer, War Banner

Tuskgor Chariot [85pts]

Tuskgor Chariot [85pts]

+ Special +

Minotaurs [158pts]: Great Weapon, Mark of Chaos Undivided, 3x Minotaurs, Standard Bearer

Mounted Daemonettes [150pts]: 5x Mounted Daemonettes

Screamers of Tzeentch [99pts]: 3x Screamers

Warhounds of Chaos (Mortal) [90pts]: 15x Warhounds

+ Rare +

Dragon Ogres [237pts]: 3x Dragon Ogres, Great Weapon, Light Armour

++ Total: [1,997pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)

Would like to fit in a 4th Mino, but 46 points is expy :(
I love seeing grey armies.
Paint your armies.
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I've got a fully painted Lizardmen army and my mate has his Tomb Kings, but we're both starting something new for this tournament
Looks like a fair list to me. I assume you're picking the HoC hounds specifically to have the BSB join them? I've never seen a hound brick in action but on paper it sounds fine.
Mildly worried this is a cunt list. Im not sure if 2 chimeras + chaos dragon is too much flying monster?
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>He's actually starting to make me hate the sculpts themselves by being such a faggot with them
Such a soi response
Old World is monsterhammer.

Pay your infantry block tax and then spam monsters and l4 wizards

Imo drop the mark of Tzeentch tho, it's not really that useful.

Maybe swap it for Mark of Nurgle or Khorne?
>saving shartyshit
Like clockwork
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Yeah I've not run it yet either, but it looks pretty good value on paper.

The other option would be running a Wargor BSB instead. I tried running the meme Tzeentch Wargor with Goretooth, but he's so flimsy he dies immediately if he doesn't get the first hit in or kill his targets
I'd go with the mortal BSB and hounds instead, gives you another threat on the board. Beastlord in a herd, minotaurs, dragon ogres and the hound brick is a good spread of punch.
Only massive shitters who like to whine that infantry isn't as OP as in 8th and that the game no longer costs upwards of $1000 to start your army with think so.
Most armies have ways to deal with or severely punish running heavy on monsters. Take the typical whine about dragons. Anyone who actually plays knows gunlines melts them, Brets trash them with virtue of heroism, hero units can deal with them even without buffs beyond monster slayer, VC wails them to death or rely on infantry to stop them in their tracks, crystal column & miasmic mirage halves their effectiveness in any match and so on.
i see the zoomie nogames still cant accept that tow is garbage.
Either way it's a good way to finally get a hold on some OOP minis without getting ripped off on ebay for shittily assembled models.
See you in a few years when you all rebase your armies to 20s
I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would rebase their army when movement tray spacers exist
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Spacers yes. Despacers don't.
Plus slamming both Chariots into the same unit is a pretty solid amount of whack
I still have 50 clan rats to paint and my airbrush needle bent while I was cleaning it. I’m going inhale some tamiya model cement, it’s so over.
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Return to reddit lmao
no Myrmidia birds are Eagles, it's Verena that has Owls as a symbol
Ma’am you need to take your HRT, settle down and head back to something awful because you’re having a tranny meltdown over a BWC aryan skaven chad complaining about his corner cutting machine being broken. I would ask you to post models but I don’t wanna see any age of sigmar models on this thread.
It takes a tiny bit of time and effort to prime, texture paint, base coat, wash and dry brush, a tape measure anon, where is yours?.
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still looks way too identifiable as the imperium's eagle
if you can't confidently scrape it off then maybe fill the overall triangle shape and freehand the inside
Played one more game for the new event.
A buddy i made playing 40ks current edition who is is slowly expanding his force at 2k(using another chaos friends borrowed minis)

He brought some suprising stuff and we actually had a really close game, i eaked out a win by 205 points in the end.

Highlights. Final turn flee by chaos lord won me the game in think.
Rattling gun and gutter runners kicking ass.

Lowlights: 25 man clanrats with lvl 1 hammerhand engineer and chieftain with the fell blade bounce ineffectively off a lvl 2 regular chaos warrior unit, losing combat and breaking.
Man that was a sad time indeed.

I need to threaten tough multi wound models but the ogre blades already in use by my grey seer with lore of illusion(went great and wrecked shit)

What do i give to a lord to make him anti monster/big guy. (I really miss warp stars so much much)
>What do i give to a lord to make him anti monster/big guy.
Dragon slayer sword. It basically instant deaths dragons and monsters.
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Quick, tell me what you think about Oathmark plastics
I'll do you one better, let's see that Physique
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Oh forgot pic.
I feel its flimsy due to not doing anything about those pesky ward/regen saves, and my warlord dying the first turn he reaches combat since he cant really be built that tanky. though i see your point. I was actually considering weeping blade a bit. But being s4 outside of the poisons a bit painful.
Heres a cool pic, i explained the concept of unit fillers to my buddy today, with my grey seers modified rogre bodyguard as example.
They're excellent. I have the skeletons and they're the best skeletons I've ever owned, only skeletons I prefer might be the 2004 GW ones, but they are very close
Too small.
It's a shit situation anon but spares aren't usually too expensive. Take the opportunity to give everything a deep clean
Thanks. I was looking at the Orcs and Goblins, Have a lot of experience with the Frostgrave/Stargrave sprues so I am wondering if they are of a similar quality
kek, the bottom one would be nice on an ork looted vehicle
Hey mani agree its flimsy, but it is an answer to them, not a good one but it is one.
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Just assembled a nice of elves.
I like them a lot, the only drawback in my opinion is integrated bases.
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I scored these second hand empire swordsman a while back and now about to start painting them. Anyone have an opinion on what empire theme I should I go with?
Just to get it out there, White Dwarf: 91368d06e8f129ef26b2a1256d25e5c4d9af981f
The models themselves are not the problem and I never said it was.
One where all the models are clean-shaven.
Angron from 40k would look good in tow
See if you can find Heraldry and Uniforms of the Empire. Has all the schemes, some background information and a few famous regiments in there.

Depending on your preferred playstyle or a theme you like something might stand out to you. Marienburgers are rich traders, so lots of high fashion, expensive gear, giant hats and big feathers. Hochland would be mostly woodsmen, lots of hunters, probably used to fighting beastmen in the forest. Nuln would probably have lots of black powder weapons because the gunnery school is there.
There is a lot of inspiration buried in each province for completely different army themes.
You can also make up your own township and scheme of course, but I'd highly recommend doing a bit of research first. You might find a theme that could be a lot more rewarding to pursue than just picking something for the colors alone.
I don't think any of these are, most have at least a mustache. But I don't have spare heads to swap even if I wanted, so nothing I can do about it
Who's Angry Ron?
Don't respond to bait.
>See if you can find Heraldry and Uniforms of the Empire
No the link is not a joke. Source: trust me
It's in the Mega afaik
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>clipping off some 6th ed dwarf heads
>braid fucking pops off
>other doesn't seem to budge
>go to clean moldlines
>other braid pops off
Free beardling??
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Orcbros, is the doomdiver catapult worth the extra 20pts or should I stick with a rock lobba?
Max out both. Best artillery in the game.
I always thought it interesting that the only three of these that were made were for Empire, High Elves, and Skaven. While the first two I get, that the rats were enough of a GW pet to get such a book over Chaos, Dwarfs, or Dark Elves is kinda surprising.
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And then they let them rot until the next AoS edition
GW is fucking weird man
Why do resin minis have all these different facial expressions while all the plastic ones are snarling drooling retards?
Because WFB died just as high quality plastic kits were really starting to take off so resin was far superior for small details until fairly recently.
Even sigmar minis all have the same face with maybe a captain or two doing something else..
What are the worst units in your army?
> Dwarfs: Slayers
> Orcs: Goblins
> Warriors: Warriors
> Empire: State Troops
It's more to do with GW kinda sucking at life than a limit of the medium.
I heard that there were more planned, but the got canned due to some changes at the company. I would have to look up what year they came out, but aside from the changing ceo's GW also moved offices at some point and switched to different computers and whatnot. There was probably something like that where they just cut things while they were shuffling around more important stuff.
Seconding ostermark because it's a rad color scheme that never gets used enough
Fairly surprised how rare it is, given that they were the faction for the Empire campaign in Mark of Chaos.
There should be way more states in the empire if it really wanted to be like the HRE. And Tilea should always be trying to take over.
They're should be. But there are 7-10 provinces because there simply isn't enough mental real estate for more.
Sorta the same reason there are 4 chaos gods instead of millions.
>And Tilea should always be trying to take over.
Without a Pope-analog Tilea is an unimportant backwater. It isn't even a trade hub like the real world equivalent was.
Imagine warhammer Venice. Trying to take over warhammer Croatia.
Weird, the Hochland banner is almost identical to the Stirland one from the Uniforms and Heraldy of the Empire, where Hochland has a one with Imperial Cross on it
They were published already after their GW move to current offices, they simply started to cut all things that did not bring enough profit
>And Tilea should always be trying to take over.
It were Germany's kings going into Italy to obtain Emperor's crown, not the other way around, Anon
The worst unit for WoC is the warhound handler, which is a more expensive chaos warrior you stick in a chaos warhound unit to make them worse.

The worst unit for Orcs and Goblins is probably trolls, goblins are very cost effective infantry.
Right? I feel like that game gets forgotten a lot

I think It's mentioned that Hochland and Stirland have a bit of a rivalry about who gets to use what heraldic symbols, so I guess thats the "in universe" explanation
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Thought that as well, bit odd. The Stirland banner in the image you're looking at is in the Talabecland section of Uniforms and Heraldry of the Empire. Where as the Hochland one in the same book is a white cross on a red field with a KF initial within a shield.
I remember it being about the hunting horn, since both provinces are rural, but the Skeleton was Stirland's for sure, due to the Vampire Wars and nominal ownership of Sylvania
Yeah a stupid unit with leadership 4 will do nothing but get in the way unless you devote your general to babysitting them.
On stupidity, does failing a stupid test block wizards casting this edition?

What about failing a charge( i believe rules written this blocks only missile spells)

Both of these things would ruin a casters day
Leadbelchers, paying more for an awful gun
They need to have more, better pictures of the models on their site
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They’re decent models but they inspire no joy in me to paint. Gluing shields is fucking awful because the contact points are so bad
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Also the options whilst many will never give you enough for what you want if it’s anything besides the basic options
The real answer is, as usual, GW is just retarded. They can't even keep the details of their own setting consistent and have to constantly retcon stuff they said or simply make up new fluff on the fly to cover their stupid mistakes
Well chaos and uniformity isn't typically mixed but no dwarves is indeed strange, each dwarf hold has its own culture and military after all. Maybe they weren't that popular? Is there any data at all for how popular whfb armies were?
Tomb kings and bretonians were dead back in the day, and vampire counts were in fact king.
Yeah but is there data beyond general consensus?
I hate those little round stands that come stuck to the bottom of their feet. They've put me off getting perry mini's.
Stupidity does not stop shooting or magic.
I really enjoyed painting the elves. It was nice to have some simple models that weren't over designed and filled with unnecessary gribbles.
What do you mean?
Then leave them on the sprue when you clip the rest off? Nigga this isn't rocket science
Having bad defensive stats all things considered is also really big now that regeneration has been changed. Trolls are essentially naked for the purposes of combat resolution, and with LD4 losing is a real big deal for them.
You're just too used to GW shit. I hated them at first too cause I was used to only playing Warhammer and not having them, but now I really prefer it. It makes it way easier to attack mini to the base, especially when they have small realistic feet like Perry Miniatures do, and when you add sand and stuff to the base it completely covers it and you don't even notice
Dire wolf alternatives that arent gw or 3d prints
Goblin wolf riders without the goblins
are the wolf riders not attached to the wolves?
Does your wife not crave BBC?
If I had a wife I wouldn't be playing a toys game.
Wait were you talking about the oathmark ones>>93120289
My guy there are so many wolf miniatures out there you can buy
I might consider the middle option, since scraping off most of the aquila ain't an option since it is the metal model.
A bit generic, but good value - solid sculpts. Excellent skeletons.
I have a wife, and she encourages me to keep going with my hobby.
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first knights of the realm and damsel ready
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and the pegasus knights
Very nice. Extremely colorful as it should be.
Nice. Good work
thank you! that's what I was going for, hate how they've marketed the new bretonnians all sharing the same color scheme
>flgs can't keep TOW in stock
>no one is interested in playing, everyone sticks to 40k and Smeg
I don't understand.
varies by demographic.
>base ogres on 50s foe easier Oathmark integration
>or stay on 40s
I'd just go for the 50s but people are a lot more anal about basing in Warhammer than most other games.
Each to his own anon. And I mean they’ll have options in the goblin kit like a left arm holding a weapon, but then only contain one of them per sprue
I'm going to go for a graduated approach.
Errants - Ducal heraldry and Blazon.
KotR - Ducal Heraldry, individual Blazon matching their helmet ornament.
PK - Ducal colours on accents like lance pennants, individual heraldry and blazon.
QK/GK - individual heraldry and blazon.
Corsairs isn't uploaded but the mega works fine for me
the real life hairs and dust on this model really make it special
I would do with whatever you use more. Big bases are a disadvantage in tow except for getting hit by templates.
Running Troll-heavy is the current anti-VC wailing strategy because they can circumvent the attacks on leadership checks.
My local is just bringing it in because of the sudden increase in interest.
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Doggo squad assembled

Bretonnian lances can eat shit
Being stuck in WIP-limbo for far too long is part of the painting process.
I'm sure that cock head would look very proper painted as an eyeball

some of the buboes too
How's that work? They're like leadership 4.
>AOS model
Wrong thread buddy
>effeminate passive aggressive comment
wrong board bud, /lgbt/ is over there.
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Hell yeah
it's a 40k model
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It's a cool sculpt and makes for a great Tzeentch-marked BSB, not everything needs to be Oldhammer
resin models looking so liquidy is soo off putting to me tbqh.
The light grey resin looks weirdly shiny, but the details come out much better once it's been printed
>tactical platform
fucking hell
Makes more sense than a tactical rock

Plus it's chaos I ain't gotta explain shit
Can't tell the difference once it's painted, idiot
Looks cool as hell. Make it into a landship with wheels or airship with a balloon
>first try with green stuff is absolute waste
My backpack attempt might as well be a non-tactical rock.
>first try
It's a skill man, you don't just pick up a brush and paint to a high standard your first try either
I guess I had anticipated it to be more like blue plasticine, but it was quite difficult to work with.
mix in a bit more yellow to get it softer
if you prefer more claylike behaviour, try milliput
different people prefer different putties, theres a chorf anon here that uses tamiya quick type and despises milliput

dont be afraid to test them
Where do you get this?
Looking good anon. I do think you went overboard with the static grass though. It looks like they're zooming around on a putting green. I've always found that a few patches of normal earth here and there to break up the static grass improves the base overall.
Good stuff anon, but I'd get a prettier damsel miniature to maintain the theme.
nta, but looks like this https://sarissa-precision.com/products/medieval-cog-sailing-ship-28mm

just search for 'lasercut medieval boat'
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How are Wood Elves in TOW?
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Had a fun game last night vs buddies 's "Empire"
Stop feeding trolls (You)s friends.
>Low effort laziness strikes again!!!
Warhammer players really are pathetic
they smell nice and earthy
Depends, do you think they are cool or not?
I love everything in this picture.
It is a nice watch, what's the model?
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Based! Go with an airship
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I've been wanting to do an airship, and a land ship scratch build forever.

I did a full-size ship a while back.
Retards call this cool but claim AoS is too much.
SOVL, TOW nu fags will never understand what is like to have SOVL. Case in point >>93126847

Based scratchbuilder
Not historically accurate.
It's WHFB, retard lmao
Odd way to describe something that looks like a piece of AoS shite but ok.
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What a terrible take.
Tbh flying ships and towers and griffins are cooler than demigriphs and skycutters.
So they should stay, and that 8th ed garbage should go.
Tranny seethe

>an artist made up
These don't count, because they're devastating to my argument.
Die on whatever hill you find yourself on.
Fantasisters...can it be we were the AoSissies all this time?
Im playing at home with a group of friends
Fuck playing with a bunch of sweaty fucks that dont wear deodorant
Yeah there's a similar thing here. All the books sell out. All the bretonnian stuff sells out.
Lots of tomb king stuff on the shelf though.
I mean I did always appreciate the fantasy elements of TOW more than anything else if im to be honest.
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>Wake up babe, new Tilea's Troubles just dropped.
>uses Perry Miniatures
He uses all sorts and it works really well, it's superb.
I had an idea for a corrupted bretonnian exile army that I could also potentially use as an undead army. How much of a fag would I be if I used some skeletons as peasants and vice versa based on what I was running? I also thought about using some of those ghoul knights riding bats as vargheists or pegasus knights.

Also, how much of a fag would I be if I ran a strigoi ghoul king on a zombie dragon with illusion spells? I had a Donut Steel I came up with and modeled but found out strigoi can't go on a zombie dragon or take illusion magic.
Sounds cool. I had wanted to do something similar, a VC army that were Brets when they were alive.
we all know it's you nigga
I wish. I just find it charming, like a Warhammer thomas the tank engine. It deserves morr (get it?) views.
I thought all Tomb Kings hated the vampire counts and vice versa, is it just queen khalida that hates VC?
I ask as VC in ToW can apparently take tomb kings as an ally force
As someone who played age of Sigmar 1st edition and 40k 7-8th edition, I want to get back into tabletop gaming.
Would you recommend the old world? Looking at gws site they don't have many factions for sale, and it looks like they trimmed many of the old armies rosters down (no clanrats for skaven?). I thought I was used to GWs insane prices but evidently not

My local area is dead so it would be a game for me and my roommate to play
With the exception of Arkhan they do. Why they work as allies I can only assume its because they share the trait of being undead.
Assuming this isn't bait, you're the last person we want in Warhammer Fantasy
>Would you recommend the old world?
ye it's mostly fun with some balance issues but you are probably used to that from other GW games
Sure, it's fun and wargame centric without overt balancing autism or boardgame tourney bs and most of the armies are OOP, or only have a few useable AoS sculpts, so old minis/3rd party proxies/3D prints are standard.
>As someone who played age of Sigmar 1st edition and 40k 7-8th edition
OW harkens back to ye olde WHFB rules, which are entirely different from when you got into GW stuff. Really quite a different philosophy behind those rule sets. Before you go all in take a look at the rules or at least some battle reports.
If you're looking to play something with just your buddy and don't mind rules in digital form, I also recommend looking into Warhammer Armies Project 9th edition. It is an actively supported fan project, so doesn't suffer from rules made to push sales and general GW rules fumbling, and the feedback from player base actually means something.
I dont see why they would hate them honestly, like yeah the named ones obviously do but in a vaccum not all princes are supposed to have the same philosophies. I always thought it would be interesting for VC to be used by a prince to interact with lands beyond their own.
aren't supposed to*
That is the beauty of your dudes. Their background can be whatever you want
Show me one thing in that photo that implies it's WHFB.
Protip: you can't.
>Also, how much of a fag would I be if I ran a strigoi ghoul king on a zombie dragon with illusion spells?
Just take a regular VC rulewise. They're almost the same and use can use whatever mini you want.
Keep coping
Is it me or does the rule regarding skirmish models entering combat seem jank?
If they have to take a formation that's within the formation of who they're hitting does that mean if they charge a character they have to line up back to back?
When do you think GW will stop posting about AoS shit and comes back with new TOW material and releases? It's been months since last TOW update.
No. But the thread might move fast enough that the AOS tards get ignored.
Probably end of the summer. GW is going to be pushing this new edition of AoS for the next few months.
When TOW starts making more MONEY
when TOW is no longer a side game.
I was interested in WHFB but it was already dead in my area, hence starting with AOS . That's the main reason I'm interested in it now, but I don't *really* trust GW to not churn something out that ends up sucking for a profit.

In terms of the models, I want my army to look unified, which I'm concerned if you have to get minis from all over. What are some places you recommend? The only real alternative to GW fantasy like I know of is Mantic
>What are some places you recommend?
That depends a lot on what armies you are interested in. Most model creators don't offer a very wide variety of factions, and may not provide models for every unit you might use. Highlands Miniatures is one of the better ones overall I think, but even they don't have very many model ranges.
>don't *really* trust GW to not churn something out that ends up sucking for a profit.
This will guaranteed happen with GW
Your best bet is to head over to /awg/ and ask for a game that's actually well written and fun, especially considering you are only gonna be playing with your mate or whatever so you don't need to rely on whatever slop is being played at the LGS
Mantic, Oathmark, Wargames Atlantic, fireforge, Perry Miniatures, Frostgrave all. Make plastic multi-part kits you could use, but most of them don't carry full lines of Warhammer alternatives.

If you're willing to buy or print your own, the number of 3D options is very long.
This is good advice. People play GW games because they're the easiest to organize, not because am they're good.

TOW is pretty much top of the heap for GW products though.
hahaha no.
>GW paypiggy has no counter argument
And why are GW games the easiest to organize anon
NTA but
Shrimplified garbage with zero interesting list building left
Basically a solved game after a handful of games. The only enjoyment you get out of these games is constantly buying new teams. List building also sucks.
Only getting worse with each update
Block, Guard, Dodge, Sidestep and Mighty blow might as well be the only skills in the game. Fun but picking skills really fucked with how the late game of a league feels.
Only good because their entire basis is games not written by the new teams at GW

TOW by far is one of the funnest GW games right now but that's because everything else is either bad or slowly descending into shit.
Fresh Bread
you say this in a GW thread.

Nech and Bloodbowl are still based, fuck you. I dont care if HH still has listbuilding or whatever the fuck 40k is lacking rn, but im not going back to the same min maxed shit that seems to plague every space marine title.
Because there are significantly more players, which is irrelevant to anon because he only wants to play with his room mate.
Popularity is not a good indicator of quality. I guess you think Marvel films and Taylor Swift are truly the best of the best in their field just because that have mass market normie midwit appeal
Beautiful. Hope mine turn out this good

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