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Goddamn fine I'll do it then edition

Previously: >>93070226

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8

>We do value replayability, but how much replayability is really necessary? Ignoring faggots who play them once/never... how many games have you really played over 10 times?
>Is there a natural progression in the taste of hobbyists?
>Like how I feel like the deeper I go the more I reappreciate shorter games and feel saturated with +3-6h heavyweights.
>why the fuck do I get punished with waiting time for using a desktop pc, web 2.0 and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
>Like how I feel like the deeper I go the more I reappreciate shorter games and feel saturated with +3-6h heavyweights.
I'm getting pretty tired of board games that are just complex for the sake of being complex. "Oh, we're a REAL board game". I've had a lot more fun with Azul than Scythe for example.
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What are the chances I'll actually get my copy at this price?
What the fuck is this?
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Chess is a perfect information spatial game (there is no hidden info or randomness; and it takes place on a two-dimensional grid)
Uno is a hidden information nonspatial game (there is hidden info; there is no grid or other kinds of spatial movement or placement)

Are there any board games that are both perfect information AND nonspatial?
I... huh.
I can't really think of any.
I mean the interesting part of Scythe once you know the game is just how your plan to win in X turns interacts with the opponent’s plan to win in Y turns.
What boardgame YouTube channels you recommend?
What boardgame YouTube channels pisses you off to no end?
No Time for Games
Shelfside (Daniel only)
The rare No Pun Included video where the woke lecture part is skippable
>What boardgame YouTube channels you recommend?
Homo Ludens
Shut Up and Sit Down (when Tom reviews)
Archived Memories
Shelfside when (Daniel reviews)
Phasing Player
What Does That Piece Do?
>The rare No Pun Included video where the woke lecture part is skippable
All the more rare these days, unfortunately.
Not enough Elaine either. Efka stop sucking the life out of her, I beg you.
A Belgian shop for boardgames that organizes bulk purchases/pledges on Kickstarter to then resell the games in Belgium and the Netherlands. The idea is to only pay for shipping once and thereby reduce the cost. Apparently they had 20 open pledges/slots leftover for 6:Siege after three years in development hell and I ordered the All-In box from them. The Box is now going for 800+ Euro on eBay and bgg, so I'm not very optimistic about them fulfilling my order, but I can still hope.
It really is man. I like their discussion of mechanics and I know like, what I like vs. what I do so I find it *useful* too but the videos are increasingly less game, more skits and lecturing.

IIRC Elaine still has an IRL job whereas Efka does the vids full time which is probably why he’s the majority of the videos.
>play heat
>find it okay
>group gets obsessed with it
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What it boils down to is having discrete pieces and finding ways for them to interact.
Spatially interacting with one another is the most visually digestible hence why simple shapes and abstraction underpins them
Comparison is easy but bland on its own, hence why it tends to be hidden and limited, being revealed either by choice or randomness from dice or later cards
The benefit of both of these designs is they can produce solved states that allow players different means to reach them rather than the solution becoming the game itself.
Because to your question, perfect info & non-spatial really just fits word and number ""games"". The can act as games because the discrete pieces are merely the characters making up language with the added benefit that when comparing them, they can combine and produce meaning beyond their discrete units.
Of course, none are remotely fun and the ones that are even considered games dip into one or the other category, Scategories for spatial, Yahtzee for rng comparison. Note how even the premise of "non-spatial" precludes words in general, as character/phonemes order is precisely how language works in the first place. Something like Shiritori makes this concept abundantly clear.
What that leaves you with is problem solving, be it riddles, logic and math problems. And that's at their best. At their worst it's still relying on hidden information one party knows (the one who made the problem in the first place or the childish "guess what number I'm thinking of"). All of these are constrained not by pieces but by the mental capacity of the players, which often results in stale game experiences - either being reduced down to speed of mental acuity (Tom is smarter than Dave) or by the system itself (Second player always can react to the first players move).
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As an addendum I will add that if if you were to try and make a game on your own, you'd readily come to recognize that "randomness" can actually come from perceived randomness. Make a decision tree long enough and the ability for players to traverse it is so impaired, they might blindly take actions that aren't the most logical and therefore can feel random. (Obviously following the basic tenet that both actors aren't being lolsorandum!1 intentionally.) The result of muddying player evaluation, of course, is even less player investment in the game and further deterioration of the foundation of games in the first place.
To anon that wouldn't play Summoner Wars 2 until they released the Filth.
You're prayers have been answered.
Can recommend, three minute boardgames, shelfside, dicetower (tom vasel)
I fucking hate : susd, boardgame bullocks ( I dislike every video that comes out)
>In the pipeline (timeline TBD) - Guild Dwarves (Logic/Light), Spinwind Dragoons (Fire/Air), Spectral Conclave (Trickster/Control), Turtle Faction (Protection/Water), and Island Vekkid (Unity/Water)
Neat, so close to having all OG factions revived for 2nd ed. After Guild Dwarves all that will be left is Deep Dwarves and Mercenaries.
Games you bought this year?

Mine are

Cat in the box
Roll player
Dune IX
Pax Pamir
Sea Salt and Paper
Tyrants of underdark
Web of Power
Uh.. the past twelve months have been an absolute blur. From what I can piece together:

Summoner Wars faction decks
Sol: last days of a star
Blade Rondo
Games I paid for earlier
but only got/played in May 23-May 24
Assault on Doomrock
Aegean Sea
Flick Fleet and Flick Fleet Xeno Wars
Thanks, that was helpful.
Recommend: Board Gems, Chairman of the Board, Board Game Casual
Azul, The Crew, Hive, Web of Power, and Race for the Galaxy
I also bought Hansa Teutonica, El Grande, and Mottainai as gifts to acquaintances
Thoughtful response, thanks.

>Note how even the premise of "non-spatial" precludes words in general, as character/phonemes order is precisely how language works in the first place. Something like Shiritori makes this concept abundantly clear.
I think that, for practical purposes, this is false. Space in games matters when it is transitive (e.g. the king is behind the pawn, and the pawn is behind the rook, therefore the king is behind the rook). While space is present in words (and in pretty much everything else), it is not a mechanically meaningful feature of some of these word games. Indeed, Shiritori is a good example of a nonspatial perfect information game.
Nomic (though it can go from perfect information to hidden information during play)
>The part of the Pax Pamir video where he had to whine about the game being too "political"
How do people get filtered so hard by Pamir's political theme; Britain hasn't colonized territory in decades, Russia was still ruled by Tsars and communism wasn't a formalized concept, and the Israel-Palestine issue didn't even exist back then. Those countries are so far removed from what happens now you may as well as a player choose coalitions between Denmark, Argentina and South Korea. Cole just isn't going to do that because he respects history too much
I got
Zoo Vadis (preordered the deluxe ver in September but only received it later)
Fort and the cats and dogs expansion
War for Arrakis and the expansions, and recently preordered Desert war and the hardcover manual
Tumblin dice
The rise of Ix expansion and the deluxe upgrade pack for Dune imperium
Plunder: a pirates life received as a gift (it's shit)
Sheriff of Nottingham, and I replaced the lame cardboard coins with weighted clay poker chips
Both of the big expansions for Eclipse second dawn, and some minor stuff like the galactic events and the human ships minis
Went all-in on the Ahoy fundraiser expansions, have had the base game for over a year
Might get railways of the world at some point, I'll never ger an 18xx to a table and Ticket to ride is mechanically speaking not a train game. It's Hansa Teutonica for babies and the theme is very loose (I still like it)
Also want to hear more about arcs before making the plunge, I'll probably get it all at some point it's just a big investment
Is Wonderlands War good?
>pisses you off to no end?
Innovation and Mottainai+Wutai Mountain. I've become a whore for the ChuDYK and will pick up Innovation Ultimate as soon as it becomes available on Miniature Market.
Is Flamecraft a good game for two players with high replay value? Looking for something to play with the wife after a long day of work with a glass of wine
It has, but you shold get patchwork instead.
I'll just get both #disposableincome
How is targi? I also see it popping up as a great 2-player game often
If internal game randomness didn't count as imperfect info, i'd say Sidereal Confluence. Movement is entirely non-spatial and abstracted to "who has how much of what in their hand" and "who is busy talking to who", and the only sources of randomness are the Colonies and Research deck (both have a splayed portion in a buy row, Colonies are very random but only matter heavily for like four facrions, Research is split into 4 tech eras of 7 cards each that are shuffled separately, so you know you'll get a tier 1 before the tier 2 before the tier 3 before the tier 4 research teams come out, but you don't know when exactly Megastructures will be on the offer and how apart it'll be from Ubiquitous Cultural Repository or whatever), and in the expansion the Alt Unity have dice they roll. Other than that it would've fit.
Though to be fair, without randomness the game would get rather stale unless you have a good player group willing to try new strategies.
I don't know this one, i have flamecraft but is not a game for a couple, the setup is a bit long, i would prefer games that you just throw in the table and play.
Thanks for the reply
Thinking of taking her to Essen Spielemesse this year and just getting some stuff there since i was born there
ill play any game more than once if im drunk.
What games make you laugh? :)
Coup, Codenames, Cockroach Poker, Stationfall, Bristol 1350, Bios: Genesis
Games that make me sad: The Grizzled :(
Our group of 3 will soon become a group of 4 and the new guy is fairly new to games so I'd like to introduce him in a way he doesn't get scared off (so no Pax Renaissance), I'm thinking of teaching
>Puerto Rico
>Galaxy Trucker
>Great Western Trail
>Castles of Burgundy
Would these be good choices to introduce people to the hobby? What else would you add? I probably can get a couple new games before the meeting.
>Puerto Rico
>Great Western Trail
>Castles of Burgundy
do you want him to hate board games?
What do you suggest instead?
Targi's pretty cool. I like it better than patchwork (haven't played flamecraft) but it is clearly less of a casual breezy game, if that's what you're looking for.
The usual beginner games
Do you want him to hate board games?
Seems like a pretty solid introduction. I honestly think that gateway games are a meme and people either like it/get it or not. Well, not THAT black and white, but you get the point. I've seen people go from monopoly to TI without any problem and I've seen people tgat regularly play boardgames for 10 years struggle with the rules of puerto rico.
Also maybe consider throwing in some knizias? Ra is basically the universal recommendation that is never wrong, whaleriders is pretty fun and modern art is still the most hilarous auction game out there.
I've been meaning to get Ra but I just can't find it anywhere.
Did you look under the couch?
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Well would you look at that, thanks Satan.
Catan, Caracassonne, Codenames, and Bohnanza are solid suggestions.
I'm not a fan of Catan but it's fine the first couple of times you play it.
The rest of the list is fine. Carcassonne is also nice. Maybe some card games? High society or some other kniz
Decrypto, Stationfall, Modern art and sheriff of nottingham are almost always hilarious
Codenames, the whole social deduction pack, cockroach poker, biblios are fun
For a more unusual take, I always laugh my ass of when we're playing alchemists. But I also seem to like it way more than the average gulag inmate.
I love reading about game design, sick writeup anon
Kemet is an engine building game.
Sakura arms
Dune imperium
Millennium blades
Blood on the clocktower
Traders in the air
Chinatown is a really good introduction, because it's pretty much just the trading from Monopoly but in an actually good game
It's a card battler, actually.
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>The rare No Pun Included video
I don't know how you do it. That guys face makes me viscerally repulsed and angry.
Gloomhaven Buttons and Bugs
Hansa Teutonica
New York Zoo
Robinson Crusoe
Space Alert
Take 5

And my next purchase is going to be 1830.
No, it's a worker placement about farming egyptian blood.
You could switch out the discs with some wooden meeples.
Europe in Turmoil 2
1812 Napoleon's Fateful March
Urban Sprawl
Sidereal Confluence
Scout, Steam
No, it's an old school snooze button masher. You could switch out the whole thing with a pillow and then I wouldn't hurt my face when I inevitably fall asleep 20 minutes into it.
Wait, are we seriously pretending Kemet is not an auction game?
Ra but all the tiles are queued up instead of drawn from a bag
>Traders in the air
Are you the steampunk enjoyer?
Good idea, I have lost sight of how few or many games I've bought
Black Rose wars + Expansion
Grand Austria Hotel
Blue Moon Legends
Can't Stop
La Famiglia
Paper Tales+Expansion
Fields of Arle

I think I bought every single game but BRW secondhand, played every game but Fields of Arle at least once and sold half of them again.
Opinions on paper tales? Just saw it second hand at less than half price, i checked out the rules pdf, looks like an OK filler but I saw it mentioned and praised a couple times on here, what's up with that?
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When did you start playing modern board games?
What was a game that was very popular around the time you started but now no one talks about it anymore?

Late 2014, picrel is mine (have never played it btw).
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Spirit Island
>Second hand
Rallyman DIRT
Castle of Burgundy Deluxe
>Crowdfunding slops
A Song of Ice & Fire: Tactics
>War for Arrakis and the expansions
So, how good it is?
It's going retail next month here, but I'm kinda afraid by the length.
Are the SG of the 1st campaign worth it btw?
I got into it proper in 2008 with Munchkin, Three Dragon Ante, and Shadow Hunters.
I did get the Age of Mythologies board game around 2004 and played a bunch in high school, but had no idea there was a board game scene yet.
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About 2004. My family has always played board games though.
I think anons were right about it, it's a pretty good filler. Doesn't change much in terms of playtime with high player counts (the expansion plays 7 or so I believe, though 3-4 is best purely for wheeling cards in the draft). I think with the expansion the game is both quick, easy to explain yet statisfying , very much what I was looking for. Now, I've only played it 6 or so times so I can't attest to its staying power, but it is surely one of the better fillers I've played.
Fellas, lately I've got one of those passing autisms and I've started designing a game that I've been thinking about for a while. It's basically a compact, travel size/reduced component types sci fi 4X with focuses on player interaction, economy/industry/supply chain and internal/external politics. Think Carl Chudyk's Impulse with Stellaris mixed in. I've got some good ideas jotted down but I'm getting lots of writer's block when writing up the cards because thematically they wouldn't make sense for some types of governments. Do I just power through and get a prototype going, ignoring thematic discrepancies and solving them later on? Also, where do people learn about boardgame design? I'm passionate about multi-use cards, engine building and replayability through crazy layered card effects.
I would buy this
ignore theme for now and maybe you'll have a spark of inspiration later, i think the most important part is to have a ruleset and a prototype to iterate on
i feel like the component quality for Arcs is slightly worse than the other Leder games I have. like the map seems kind of crap and the cards feel cheap
but maybe i've just been playing a lot of Oath which has ideal components
2015, with the new editions of Catan. I still kindof like Catan a little.
yup thats me, i love the vibe of traders in the air, ty for the anon that recommended it
High Society
Red Strike
North Africa ‘41
Wilderness War
World at War ‘85
>there is no hidden info
enpeasant, and castling
same, don't know why it gets so much shit, it's a great intro to modern board games
>ty for the anon that recommended it
You're welcome :D

I just got Equinox. I will personally hunt down that anon who shilled it if it sucks
I got an anon to pick up last night on earth but he never said if he liked it or not
>unclean anon gone
>black exile anon gone
It's a sad day for OC
His joke was funny.
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>Do I just power through and get a prototype going, ignoring thematic discrepancies and solving them later on?
Always. Getting a running prototype is the most important when you design a board game and you will have more things to solve than just the theme of your cards. You will probably get more ideas too.
>Also, where do people learn about boardgame design?
Pic is a good start.
I actually agree with this. The meeples especially stand out to me as feeling lesser than the others they've done. They're fine and work well enough, but they lack the same feel as Root or Oath meeples. The minis pack just feels like a waste though. The game, at least in base, doesn't feel grand enough to warrant such an upgrade.
the meeples are fine to me, they function well enough and are easier to pick up in a group than the minis (i imagine). also i think the silhouette of the spaceships look really good
i do want premium tokens though for resources
>he's doubting knizia
I take some issue with the production, but the game is fun. Wouldn't recommend 5p, at least not the first time.
>try Blokus recently (mainly Duo setup using the normal game)
>fall in love
>coincidentally also get Callisto (aka Blokus as done by Knizia) from a thrift store a few days after
>it scales better to 3 players but otherwise is way more straightforward and dull
Kniziasisters, my faith is shaken...
I’ve told you people many times the good doctor is overrated.

Fort was also pretty cheaply produced.
to be fair to Knizia in this instance: the main reason Blokus is way better is its corner placement restriction, and if Callisto also did that it'd basically be plagiarism. everything else he changed is well considered, I'm just not sure why you'd ever want to play the end result over Blokus outside of 3p (or instead of porting those changes over to it as an alternate game mode.)
Red pill me on crescent moon. One of my aquitances said it is COIN lite and if I like dune & game of thrones I will like it. I've looked over photos and it looks like catan
As an adamant kneeler before knizia-sama, Equinox is the one game of his that left me kinda cold tbqh
PLayed it just once, though. And now that I think about it, I'd like to play it again. Ah fuck that it's probably great and I was a fool back then
>I've looked over photos and it looks like catan
Have a look at the how the game plays, not just how the game tiles look. It's a great strategy game built around heavy negotiation elements
It’s Root for adults.
bros, I love both Viticulture and Wingspan...such comfy, tactical games.....
The squid game board game is alright

Thanks a bunch for advice, will look into that book too.
Any good solo board games? Video games have been kinda ass lately, though I'll probably binge the fuck out of elden ring's dlc. Been playing a lot of mage knight and robinson crusoe for reference as to what I like.
Is this the best your marketing team could come up with? Also 4 years ago called, it wants it tv show back. Maybe make a tiger king board game while your at it grandpa.
Okay but are you disagreeing or agreeing with me?
The queen’s gambit board game is alright.
My favorite drafting game.
I dont fucking know why would I play that game. Meme marketing is for normie scum.
The seinfeld board game sucks dick
Because if it' been 4 years, doesn't that mean normies have moved on for something else?

>seinfeld game comes out
>makes billions of dollars internationally
>*seinfeld theme starts playing*
Imperium has been my go to lately, in part to prevent myself from buying more LCG packs.
Also being so shit at Tash Kalar has made it surprisingly enjoyable playing it one handed.
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If you don't recognize a game and the box says Knizia it is slop.

The good doctor had 35 released last year. An average of one every 15 days! He didn't accomplish that by releasing back-to-back bangers.
>La Famiglia
Mio fratello
I have to ask but what exactly is slop? I see it mentioned all the time but I was gone from bgg for a long time
Slop = game I don't like
Literally slop mean feces, animal feed, mud, or other semisolid material.
Figuratively it means trashy shoverware.
I think it's an analogy on the 'animal feed' meaning. The low standards of customers who buy slop are likened to the low standards of pigs that will eat anything.
>I have to ask but what exactly is slop?
It's one anon that cannot into regular speak and must always use buzzwords.
Ty as well
Ty, I screwed my post up
>Feel like playing a boardgame
>Don't feel like inviting people
>Don't feel like playing solo because it makes me feel like a schizo loser talking to himself
>Just watch youtube instead
Skill issue
Play online via BGA, OBGs,TTS, or any other implementation you fancy.
was Earth peak slop?
It might've been you that shilled it, and I'm grateful for that. Totally love the game and everytime I think about it I want to play it. But fucking hell, it taking 4h even after the third game has made getting it out a bit of a daunting task. Same goes for Churchill btw.

No idea why, but for some reason over the years 3h has become a soft cap for some reason. There are event games that take significantly longer and that's alright, but for some reason the +4h zone is kind of a forbidden area and I only realize it now as I type this. Interesting.
If you ask me, yes.
It combined safe, inoffensive theme, "unique cards" in the worst possible way (like some AI algorithm in charge of dullnes was involved) a thoroughly unexciting game that felt like it massively underused its potential as a spatial game, almost true mp solitaire and a designer who is an utter faggot. It was paradoxically impressive in its own irrelevance.
I liked Earth. I had fun playing it with my friends.
How could you know if it was the worst game if you didn't play it?
I found it harmless. Played far better, played far worse.
Top 200 on board game geek feels about right.
Will probably check out the expansion once that releases.
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>and a designer who is an utter faggot. It was
There it is. The most vapid and useless metric in gaming criticism.
NTA but read this
So who's your favorite designer and why?
I like individual games, I don't really care who made them
why would you publish a game at all if you don't like it better than other games in its genre
besides the big firms and kickstarter whales i don't think board gaming is a highly profitable industry. Earth seems like a passion project to me, albeit successful enough to merit an expansion
maybe it was one of those vanity projects
I agree and I thought about writing it, but having read the post >>93116932 he did in the past really helps paint the picture. He designed earth to be not exactly what it is - an approachable, inoffensive, comfy tableaubuilder among many - but as objectively the best game. This hubris stands in stark contrast to the aggressive mediocrity of Earth. But I've wasted enough words on this already, point is, not even "well the designer seems to be a chill guy and the whole hype/shitting on his game is just hobbyists being hobbyists" is a redeeming factor.
Say no more.
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As someone with about 40 games of Catan under his belt, there's some pretty notable flaws
>A good board layout, and the first starting space is hugely important to the point merely being last player on a bad board setup can absolutely fuck you over. Bonus points if players put there starting settlements an even number of intersections away from each other, making the board space even more limited. Seafarers/5-6 layouts are just better, but of course you're buying more overpriced shit
>because of the resource system and how the game flows, there's very often turns where you can't do anything. It's very rare a game has you outright skip your own turn, in Catan it's a regular occurrence
>the dice suck. the "probability" factor gets negated when considering you aren't going to roll the dice enough times in a game for the statistical averages to make spaces "fair". You can get games where someone wins just because they had a "3" space and the dice just felt like rolling a bunch of 3's that game. Replacing the dice with the actually weighted and fair event cards is outright better, but normalfags love rolling dice and so that's a hard sell
>development cards are too expensive for what they offer. Road building, the rare point card and resource monopoly are the only worthwhile ones, and only barely. Paying a sheep, a grain and an ore is far too high of a cost to possibly get another shitty knight card
>this isn't really a design flaw, but the game is wildly overpriced considering the components you get for it. Horrible, flimsy cards in a proprietary size that are an ass to sleeve, super thin punchboard that loves to tear and flake, for the same price as Root, Ticket to Ride, Dune imperium, or Hansa Teutonica? AND if you want more players you gotta shell out an extra $30 for some extra meeples, cards and punchboard?
>no yellow player color, why
I still like the game though, I haven't played Catan in a while and a game with the family sounds pretty nice right now
His Ark Nova comparison made me violently ill.
autistic man plays wingspan 132 times to justify that his game is better and argue with thread replies when confronted
his target audience is people who would rather be playing Ark Nova but can't find a long enough timeslot for it
Also AI-generated material.
Ah, gotcha, thank you
i wanna play devils' advocate for a moment here, and only about the base game dev cards
>another shitty knight
the knight does three things at once: steals an enemy resource, clears a robber blocking one of your resources (giving you better odds of having something you can do on your turn), and advances you to the Largest Army victory point. Yes, it's not as flashy as a VP outright, or as easy to understand how it's useful as roads or resourrce monopoly are, but it's not trash, and well worth the price.
I actually agree with the rest of your points, Catan base game sucks dick and the combined power of the fish, cities and knights, expansions, and the fanmade pity coin rule, only make it barely playable. But within the sea of shit, the kniggas are not shit
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At what point do you buy expansions for games?
In all cases, they need to be greatly rated
1. Played the base game too much and it became stale.
2. I like the concept and want more.
3. They unironically fix the base game, like Prelude for Terraforming Mars
I buy them when I get tired of the base game
>At what point do you buy expansions for games?
For a game I am enamored with and is all about faction matchups?
As soon as possible.
except when i fall behind, sorry to let you down sum2 your latest stuff looks great
Otherwise both
have answers that fit my mindset.
The more important Q: have anons bought an expansion that turned out to be a huge regret?
I'm still upset over a decade later that I spent 30 loonies on Dominion: Alchemy.
Such hot garbage.
Not huge regrets but still regret buying
7 wonders: Cities - played with non-regular games, adding Leaders is already a big step. Cities was too much for them.
Terraforming Mars: Colonies - it fixes electricity but it's really not good a 2 players
Race for the Galaxy: We got the full first cycle on marketplace, but we don't play the game enough to justify it.
No ragerts
obviously you have to buy every expansion & promo released before trying the game. what kind of question is this?
Get a girlfriend retard
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>feel like getting a girlfriend
>don't feel like talking to women
>don't feel like using Tinder because it makes me feel like a loser talking to bots
>just play board games instead
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>tfw have gf
>tfw she loves board games
>tfw she wont play gloomhaven/frosthaven
why am I even fucking trying bros...
>have anons bought an expansion that turned out to be a huge regret?
Root underworld. The maps are not particularly good, the crows suck and the moles are convoluted for no good reason
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I wouldn't say a HUGE regret, but Azul doesn't need new boards, and the plastic things are pretty poorly constructed.
>have anons bought an expansion that turned out to be a huge regret?
Shattered Empire for TI3, didn't fix any of the big issues of the main game, just made it longer.
>obviously you have to buy every expansion & promo released before trying the game.
I've done this three times, and for each game it wound up being a fantastic decision.
The only other time I can think of, I decided to back out of the pledge last minute.
The game wasn't panned, nor was it highly praised, and a while back I saw the core set on sale for like 30 bucks. Felt zero interest.
I got Champions of Hara with expansion on a whim at a boardgaming convention on a deep discount and it turned out much better than I could have hoped for.
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I never put two and two together and now everything makes sense
>have anons bought an expansion that turned out to be a huge regret?
The marry men expansion for Sheriff of nottinham didn't change the game into a more game-y direction as I had hoped (and which was heavily implied; it's not the biggest thing but just being an honest boring faggot is the overall best strategy still). It isn't utter trash but very forgettable; easily the worst expansion I've bought
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>Seinfeld theme plays internally
Carl Chudjak, Cole Wehrle or Richard Garfield all for slightly different reasons.

For Carl I really appreciate how he does so much with so little, stuffing a lot of replayablity and depth into a deck of cards and a fairly short playtime.

Cole always makes something I feel like I can't find anywhere else and his games typically have really compelling arguments about human society plus game play and mechanics that I've never quite seem done just like that.

Richard I don't think has ever made a "bad" game but that doesn't mean they're all good either and often have flaws. However most of the time I can sit down with them and have a good time. Big fan of King of Tokyo and Magic despite their flaws.
I found a pdf of the book if anons are interested
Ty anon
I don't get it
Anon wants to be anti Semitic but doesn't want to catch another 3 day ban
Double agent/Saboteur recommendations.
Always ride it out and see where it takes you. I am redesigning dune imperium purely based on hating the intrigue deck because it's random shit you happen upon instead of actively engage in.
Pasta aside, I have played with a lot of girls who believe that they can fix shit taste like that. One success so far among that cohort.
Our experience is that the first cycle is bloated compared to throwing in alien artifacts and calling it a day.
Anti-Judaic. Ashkenazi aren't ethnically Semites.
>Saboteur recommendations.
Even Candy Land has its place.
>throw in alien artifacts and call it a day.
Good to know. I only have the base game so far.
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People here were asking for a write-up for Arcs so here are some thoughts. Not really a review just things I was thinking about after playing.
Played 5 games of base game Arcs, two with the leaders and lore and 3 without.
and played the first Act of a campaign but we'll have to restart because one of our members is moving before we can finish.

>Thoughts on the general game
General thoughts, Arcs base game is my second favorite game of all time and of Leder's lineup. I think as a one-shot game it MOGs the shit out of Root although they are sufficiently different you can own and play both. Calling it a trick-taking game is definitely a lie, it has a trick-taking system for action selection but you will never win the game simply by winning tricks, and sometimes winning the tricks is not even the optimal way to play. That being said winning initiative is good, and if you consistently have it you are more likely to win. The win condition for the game is very interesting, feeling more like Oath than Root as the victory conditions change from chapter to chapter causing you to reevaluate your goals constantly and add interesting uncertainty. Also like Oath, it has that feeling that even when you're winning you just want the game to end before your position gets challenged too hard and it topples over. Combat is also very Oath-based but better with the different dice really flavoring each combat and what you want to achieve from them.

>General game actions
The action system is very cool making you feel how hard it is to balance a whole empire and its competing needs at any one time. You can't be everywhere all at once and forcing you to pick and choose what you want to do and when with the resources to help smooth things a bit is nice. It also has the added benefit of limiting AP pretty well although there are still turns where you want to think it out and early in a chapter players can still spend forever just deciding what card it is they want to play if they aren't clued in (since the rest of your turn is on rails after that point basically).

>Thoughts on player counts
I've played at all player counts. Three and 4 player games play very similarly but 4 players does make it more likely all 3 ambitions get declared in a chapter which increases the point scoring probably more than the added threshold. That being said the game still goes longer as you have another person's worth of thoughts and planning in their turns. This was particularly bad for us because our 4th had AP pretty bad for this game. But the politics, the aggression, the fighting over ambitions, etc. all basically are the same. Also, I noticed that in our 4 player games, there was a tendency to be two people close to winning, a third a step behind them but not too far, never more than 8 points away, and then the 4th clear loser. 7's add some mix-up to how initiative plays out but not a ton, kind of just a necessary add because you have 4 players and 1s are literally just more copies of twos in how they end up functioning. Having 2 more unseen cards in the discard every chapter is more of a change than anything the additional cards add to the trick-taking system.

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>2 player count
Two-player is a very different game, feeling less like your usual 4x fare and more like an intense dueling war game. very cutthroat, makes every turn count in the trick-taking and you feel the struggle for points greatly. Especially since with only two of you the likelihood all 3 ambitions get declared in a round goes down, you will often be fighting over one, maybe 2 ambitions. This is really where you feel the cumulative benefits of being the initiative holder add up too because every action counts and being able to take more of them is very necessary.

>Campaign thoughts
Keep in mind I've only played the first act and so until I finish a whole campaign, especially the third act with its rules promising climatic finishes these are very preliminary thoughts.

The campaign game might end up being better than Oath when it finishes. Removing the pressure of "winning" via power from game one, instead the game pushes players to focus on completing their objectives to accrue power for an inevitable showdown which is very cool. Furthermore, each plotline was interesting and did make us feel distinct with distinct goals and I didn't feel punished for leaning into my character (which some something I fell into the trap of with leaders and lore, leaders aren't a signpost on what you should be doing they're a Lil added benefit but you should still play it like the base game, the plotlines are stuff you should be doing). It is especially helped that part of scoring objectives is often doing things that would make you power anyway either directly by forcing you to be winning or outright win ambitions to move the objective marker or indirectly by making you take actions that make it more likely you win an ambition (for example the Admiral wants to fight the blight or outlaws with the empire watching which obviously gains them trophies).

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>Campaign cont:
The Blight feels cool despite their maybe dorky look, has very big Flood energy. Makes you actually feel like you're at the edge of the crumbling empire and not at its core. Them being tough makes them difficult to fight and forces you to use assault dice frequently and often which makes even the early game fights have some feeling of risk to them. This is important since with the regent rules directly fighting the other players isn't going to be a big part of the first act which is a huge divergence from the base game which often felt very aggressive, especially in chapters 3-5.

All the new political systems are awesome and exactly what I was hoping for, the court deck now actually feels like working in the political courts, following and maintaining laws collectively built by each player failing or succeeding in their objectives, the summits letting all kinds of negotiations happen that are simultaneously very open in what you can trade but give guide rails so you don't just stall out on negotiations. Everything regarding how empire pieces work and what they cause the players to do also makes me feel like I'm maneuvering as a vassal to a large expansive empire.

Crises are cool. not only is it the time when the blight is an active participant, it also allows various "looming problems" to come up. They're also not all bad with some of them activating your player abilities and some such. They occur frequently enough without being every single round. Plus events giving a perfect copy of the lead card helps the action economy quite a bit.
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How do I get a cute game designer gf?
>crows suck
As a Crowbro, get good anon. They take some thinkin' and work to keep pace, but they're fun as hell. Runnin' around causing chaos and destroying shit. You really throw a wrench in the system and get points for it, satisfying as hell.
>Campaign cont
Exactly 3 chapters instead of a max 5 average of 4 does make the game feel a bit more tense and fast as you focus on achieving your goals, you don't have time to waste on not making progress on objectives or power. This shortened chapter count didn't mean a shorter game unfortunately as the added rules overhead slowed us down and one of our players got very bad AP from turn one basically. I hope as we get more experience it gets faster just like the base game did, maybe having an act be faster than the base game.

Overall, while I can see myself playing the base game with new players or when very time limited but I'd much prefer to play campaigns as my main form of playing the game.

I decided I'm gonna keep all three boxes, everything fits in the campaign box beautifully and that'll be my main storage for sure but I came up with a method to fit all the base game stuff in the main box. If you remove the cardboard insert and foam you can get the nice base game tray organizer in, bags for each of the player pieces, map and manuals, and the cards in fairly snuggly. Unfortunately, the player organizers do not fit but that's fine since they're used for storing a campaign anyway. For the miniatures box, I'm gonna keep the extra bags, sleeves, and wooden campaign meeples in, plus have some space for the Arcs expansion they have already said they will do in 3 years since it might not fit in the campaign box now that I've sleeved most of the cards. There was space when it was unsleeved but now sleeved there's not a ton left.

>gay captcha
>get good
I can win with any root faction, crows are not fun
Also last little thing, I figured out how you can play a base game while mid-campaign despite rules saying you can't. It does require a bit of effort but not too bad if you have to sets of player pieces (using wood instead of miniatures).

The Campaign uses a different court deck from the base game so that's easy. Using the wood you don't have to transfer the miniatures, and all the other shared bank pieces are put away except for some resources. So all you have to write down/take a picture of to restore is the resources each player had in the campaign and any cities/starports they built on the map. You'll also either have to decide not to play with lore or to just concede that the lore pool will be smaller as the campaign players can gain them and some of it gets shuffled into the campaign court deck. I don't know if all this will be worth the effort to most, or if they'll even have multiple groups to play Arcs with that makes this something they might want to do but I can see myself doing it more often than never, so I wanted to write it down. It's only another 5ish minutes of bookkeeping and putting pieces away but lets you play both styles of Arcs without waiting for the campaign to finish if you need to.
>cute game designer gf
Hell of a write-up, anon.
Yeah I can get a bit verbose, but this game just has so much content and so much depth I'll be exploring it for quite a while I can tell. This isn't even a full review just different little thoughts I had about my experience playing it half a dozen times.
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>Arcs base game is my second favorite game of all time and of Leder's lineup.
and your favorite game of all time is?
Oath? Fort? Vast? Ahoy?
thanks for the write up, excited to try the campaign myself. got another 4p base game lined up this weekend
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If you make a piece of /bgg/ related oc RIGHT NOW, no matter how shit it is, I'll match it and make some oc too.
If I only could get one game, should I get Root or Oath?
Thanks for the write up anon, I'm very excited to get my copy to the table this weekend and start playing Arcs myself.

Who are you playing with and what sort of games do they like? Root and Oath are very, very different games.
Small group of people that are willing to learn new games, but get frustrated if explaining rules takes more than ten minutes. Asymmetry would definetly get them interested, which is why I was looking into them.
>get frustrated if explaining rules takes more than ten minutes.
neither game. I'm dead serious
so is arcs a good game or what? been looking for a new game to play with my sis
el alameihn
love battle high school
seige of the citadel
battle wizards series
monopoly spongebob
uno spin
Damn, are they that complicated?
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Very. Root you need to explain 4+ different games because of the asymmetry. Oath is retarded complex with a million caveats and edge cases for no good reason.
But is Root fun?
Yeah. Somewhat
I second that both Root and Oath are not for them. Both games, for different reasons, take a lot of explaining and that first hame is going to be a train wreck that your group either perserveres through or falls apart dies in.
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blokusbros, what did I do wrong here?
I used tinder when I was at an all time low in my 20s. Who cares? If you aren't an asshole and can keep a conversation going there's literally no way you can fail in the long run. I went from cringe kissless handholdless virgin autist to just autist in like 6 months. We broke up because she had to go to uni in another country and I simply found another person. We've been in a relationship since and she's beating me at most boardgames. FUCK

Based gf desu, they're kinda overrates imo
I don't know of any heavier games that can be explained in 10 minutes or less. Note that heavy doesn't automatically mean good, but good games are often heavy if you ask me.
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Since there's been a certain dissonance about pax ren posts often being about rules, I thought I'd start a little mini series here whenever I have time
>You are Fugger (concession at the FRA/HRE border), your opponent is Marchionni (ENG/POR border)
>Standard setup, you start with 3 florin, opponent has 4
>What do you do
>Pic related
Well, the wannabe banker will get janissaries and, after careful consideration will take over the mamluks with it, confident in himself for having one of the most universally powerful east card at his command
The TRVE RENAISSANCE MAN would get the Handsome, weaken ottoman with glorious jihad and put a concession on the hungary/ottoman border, confident his opponent will blindly get and use janissaries, leaving you with the option of running an east trade fair and then either campaigning the throne taken over by janissaries or just getting based lizard union
This anon is sort of right but sort of wrong, you can probably explain roots basic symmetric rules in about 10 minutes and each person's ruleset to them in 5 minutes. But explaining each person's asymmetrical aspects to the whole table would take forever. Keep in mind Root is meant to get played over and over as a game. Your first root game will be ok but mostly learning, second will be better as you've mastered your faction and learn other people's, game 5+ will be awesome. Oath you can't leave any of the rules out of the teach for anyone and so will take at least 30 minutes to explain. Also the games are different, a game of oath will take anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes longer than a root game depending on group. Secondly root is first and foremost a dudes on the map wargame and oath is not despite looking like it is. Oath is a tableau economy builder with legacy aspects that should be a group's lifestyle game.

I will say, while answering another Anons question
My favorite board game period both in general and for Leder's line up is Oath because I bought in fully to the concept even if the mechanics don't always support it for those who don't like roleplaying. That's why I'm very excited for the expansion which I feel will fill in the last few mechanical pieces needed to actually deliver the original Oath promise.

That being said, Arcs might overtake it but not sure yet. Need more campaign under my belt but I love scifi more than fantasy by a lot.

Arcs is very good, already catapulted up my list of favorite games. Did you like root? You'll probably like Arcs. Did you like Oath? I'm almost certain you'll like Arcs campaign and be pretty down with arcs main game. It's not even funny how much Arcs is a clear discussion with Oath and to a lesser extent Root. Cole has learned a lot over the years.
>Root is meant to get played over and over as a game
That is literally every game in existence though, even legacy games.
lmao they're arguing about risk in the hex and chit thread
Yes, I understand that, in theory, this is true of most games. The difference I would say is that with Leder and Cole specifically, they are ok with the first few plays being really rough on their players until they get their footing in later plays. One might see this as a flaw but it's what you get with Leder Games. In the context of Root specifically, the need to understand how every faction works is diminished because of this. Learn your faction and move on from there.
Just realized this picture is my own meeple vs miniature comparison lol.

Just wanted to reiterate and expand, so glad I got the miniatures it really elevates the feels of games when you can tell what each piece is besides its terrible abstract silhouette and it feels in some ways more rustic as well. Very big, war game from long ago in a galaxy far away feeling. I will say they take some getting used to, unlike the meeples very clear two states of upright and knocked over the miniatures have a weird 3rd state that's 45-degree tip and their bases are not quite as wide as I would like so careless movement of pieces or hitting the table too hard with a leg or knee will cause them to tip. We're getting much better at not accidentally tipping them so it happens more rarely and our rule is if they aren't fully sideways they're upright but I do wish they were a bit flatter underneath. Same with the agents honestly but at least those it doesn't matter as much if they're upright or not.

Plus it'll make playing base games in the middle of waiting for my campaign group to get back together much easier now that I have an extra set of wood pieces.
Shelfside, JonGetsGames and DriveThruGames are the only ones so far that doesnt seem full on retarded (So Very Wrong About Games) or full on shillbilly (King of Average, BoardGame Co and every one else as a matter of fact).
I refuse to buy Root until somebody releases a big "Complete" Edition/Storage solution
The Dicetroyers box fits everything release so far.
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First of all, you- wait a second...
The base game is good enough.
does risk still hold up today?
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>no one cares enough to reply so you samefag
Your thoughts on hirelings?
Michelangelo and the Spice Island Trade Shift tell me the East barely matters this game.
I buy Michelangelo so that my opponent can't. Then I run an East Trade Fair to discard The Handsome.
The official computer game for Risk averages 2200 concurrent players on PC (don't have stats for mobilefags) but it restricts table-talk and automates the dice chucking.
My buddy wants to play Scythe and while it's okay, I think there are better games than that.

What other games are basically an upgraded Scythe?
Only good at 2 players. Root is not a good 2 player game
I firmly believe stonemaier games are designed to be played at most three times
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>find archipelago used
>It's just 30 euros
>Alright I'll just get it I've been looking into it forever
>Sender apologizes for sending it just 2 days later because he's off work due to back pains but he managed to get it to the postal office
>I arrives a day later
>Didn't even tell me the expansion was also included

I've never had a single bad experience buying games used, it's amazing.
based, some guy sold me virus and it contained the virus 2 expansion at half the price of ONLY the base game
it's either like your experience or they ask for MSRP
no in between

I try to give it back and do 1. when selling
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Please talk me out of getting this. I have fond memories of it as a teen but I'm not sure that isn't just nostalgia glasses
>He doesn't like Viticultre
Clans of Caledonia hs a similar "economy and blocking people's path" gameplay to Scythe
Chinatown is an economy game similar to Scythe but is better because trading

If you want an actual war game try Memoir 44' or something
>Check the local boardgame market on ebay
>A guy selling Catan for 90 Euros
>Just the base game, newest print
>Another guy selling Root + Riverfolk for 80 Euro plus shipping, right below an advertisement for a local gaming store selling the exact same bundle for 70 and free shipping
>Tons of people selling their collection of and expecting 70-80 for some retarded version of monopoly that got beaten to shit
I don't get it, I'll stick to bgg
ebay is shit
find the local facebook group and enjoy
Indeed, I try to do the same. I don't think I've ever sold a game for less than 50% off retail, even if I just played it once. Fuck """"people"""" who think 90% of retail is a good deal
you have to join a facebook group or just keep using BGG, I don't bother with the boomer hell that is ebay
>That cover art
What the actual fuck. It manages to be very on your nose yet absolutely mystifying
Both ebay and the gulag are shitholes. You need a diffetent trading platform. Maybe facebook groups, smaller craigslist equivalents and such.
i'm obsessed with playing Horseless Carriage asynchronously online
What did (you) mean by this?
What's not to understand? It clearly is a homage to Atlas shrugged. The woman is unmistakably an idealized version of Aryn Rand, mind blank, as she orgasms as the thought of inflicting 1900s industrialized society and wageslavery without these pesky unions upon an unsuspecting, plot of free, untainted land. The black gentleman quite obviously represents the animalistic desire of man: to connect with nature; to return to monke. If you pause and take a closer look, you will realize from the positions of his feet that he is about to jump the white woman. Probably to imply that a basal nature also comes with a lack of impulse control, which of course leads to holy capitalism swooping in and turning him into a productive member of the slave caste, the working class.
Skeptic background man likely still ponders who john galt is, ignoring the whole scene.
>thinly veiled blacked poster
Classic amerimutt
I've gotten great deals on BGG used, but I am american and that seems to be where all the deals are really
Same here but different game.
are you me

also how do i stop sucking? or is the "go big research" strat really the only winning move? because so far it's gotten me my only real win
buy handsome and run east fair to prevent the jannies from taking over
If your opponent starts investing in the west buy jannies next turn and monopolize the entire east. If your opponent buys jannies you have the tempo to invest in a slow card like Michelangelo
How do you play a real-time game asynchronously?
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Fellas I'm getting strong "consoom more games" urges again but my gaming shelf is full, how do I satiate it
Drugs helps but the really, really light ones. The heavy one are pure shit
can only add one if you remove one
Horseless Carriage only has one real time component, the rest is turn based. And simultaneous turns of "wait until everyone does their thing" has been implemented basically everywhere by now
Ra is a trick taking game
i have been called insane for speaking this humble truth
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Found a LGS that has a bretty good free to play collection, I thought it was people bringing their own copies to game night.
Going to play something meatier but only as 2 player, any suggestions?

New York Zoo
Great Western Trail
Puerto Rico
Stone Age
Dungeon Lords
Galaxy Trucker
Lost Ruins Arnak
Terraforming Mars: Ares
All of these are midweight at best (sans dungeon petz) but I don't know if any of these is particularly good at 2p
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Trick-taking games are a subset of auction games, and area control games are simply auction games on a map.
I cannot argue with this
Galaxy trucker with rough roads is the good shit
>I'd much prefer to play campaigns as my main form of playing the game.
that's what it seems for everyone, the core box looks like a gimped version
thanks for the write up, seems to cement it
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>Want to check out a rules video
>Oh right susd reviewed it ages ago
>I wonder how it has aged
It's kinda depressing. Quinns still has hair, politics is but a faint glimmer and there was clear passion. Made me a bit sad about how unwatchable I find them nowadays (properly, stopped watching a long time ago)

Also bong anons, what the fuck is that mug.
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>what the fuck is that mug
>there was clear passion
Any tom susd video is pure passion. Any Quinns rpg video is also pure passion
I did see few of his videos. And while I appreciate the almost trippy quality in editing, he's a bit too zoomer for me in wording and cuts. Entertaining, yes, passionate... idk. He surely puts in the work, though.
>any quinns rpg video
I have found that I no longer care about rpgs at all. You can blame the group, imagination, dm, whatever, we collectively decided to stop trying and only play boardgames, that was the part everybody was looking forward to anyway. We no longer are students with lots of free time.

All in all, there's of course the fact that I was 10 years younger or so when these videos came out and the world was a different one, but I sill think the quinns-paul dynamic then, half-improvised and amateurish, was far better than the polished product they put out years later.
what compels so many board game publishers to use a square shaped manual?
square shaped boxes
Is there a good scorepad app? I hate having to remember to bring a pen around to play tumblin dice
what compels so many board game publishers to use a square shaped box?
Kallax shelves
BGStats has a scorepad integrated with most games.
just make the box square and the rulebook a usable shape?
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Is this historically accurate?
>suppression of trade means no budget left for a standing army
ye seems achievable natty
I'm really interested in the game but there's so few reviews out there and nobody talks about it
You mind giving some opinions on it, especially if you can compare or rate to other Splotter games?

It looks like the "biggest" game they've put out, aside from maybe Roads and Boats.
Dude on the left looks like the chud meme.
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Lgs has Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition. Box art is cool but how good is the game? Also Unfathomable Expansion anybody play it with impressions?
What are ‘national boardgames’? Someone I talked to said they are like national epics without examples after bringing the conceot up. What is the national boardgame of America or your country?
it's my first splotter game, so I won't be of much help to you. I love the dual interlocking spatial mechanisms of factory planning and capturing market share. the tech progression system, the arms race for research and planning, and the long term planning of seeding market demand make the game satisfying in every phase to me.
it's a nice game because it's not especially painful to new players. you'll lose hard but you still get to sell some cars, and you can learn a lot just from checking out other factories. maybe i'm too board game pilled but the rules feel really simple to me and yet the theme, interaction, long term planning, pivoting from unexpected plays - there is so much depth
you definitely need a well considered organization system to play it IRL. I'll see how well teaching my friends goes when I get it tabled. the production is beautiful to me though, i know i'll get bullied here for complimenting splotter, but it's so clean and communicative and exactly the right bits pop from the right distances. the blank white box bottom is based, i'll die on this hill. certainly beats ads for other games by a publisher
>Playing Scythe with friends
>One of them keeps piggybacking workers onto his mech for every combat enounter, losing on purpose to tank others popularity.
That nwah is basically hitting me with suicide bombers all the time and he loses nothing for it while I have a popularity of fucking zero?!
i think of it like big historical board/card games that still get played, say for mahjong in China as an example, not sure what the american equivalent would be, like gin rummy or poker or some 52 card one
A&A is pretty bad. It’s far too long for a game with a very limited decision space and god forbid you’re stuck playing the Soviets because you’re going to hate the fucking game.
Quartermaster General and Triumph & Tragedy are both better options
A&A '42 can be played in less than 2h, plus it has all the units. Personally, I like playing as the Soviets because it's definitely a challenge
I would recommend it at 3p only. At 4 and especially 5p it feels like you just have to put out your bets asap and pray the creatures make it to the end of the game. meanwhile, at 3p you have a lot more control, and the amount of rounds the game lasts it a lot longer (because you have less cards spread across players)
>yes, board layout and the starting settlements are the most important. But who has the starting advantage can change depending on the board. Sometimes being able to play 2 villages back to back is really good, sometimes being able to grab the only good ore spot is the best. Sometimes you have 2 super positions and being second lets you get the other, while also getting an earlier second placement.
>just make sure you have players that know the game and pass on turns when they cant do shit. If you dont have players that try to trade their 1 sheep for a wood and stone at the start of the game the pace makes dead turns less of an issue. The first few rounds will just be players rolling dice and building roads without wasting your time
>dice suck but the randomness allows for comebacks. A worse starting placement can still work out if your numbers get rolled
>dev cards are great. They dont require space on the map, knights let you protect your numbers, get closer to the biggest army, and steal shit. They're great since it lets you spend resources without expanding on the board (great when there are no places for you to go to anymore)
>its a shame the production volume savings arent passed on to the customer. But at the same time the target customer has no sense of value so if a box costs 50 bucks, then people just cough up 50 bucks.
why would i play a mid WP when there are plenty of better WP around?
>good WP
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Slopbros we are FEASTING
i find it funny that your best defence for "game is built so that half of your turns you can't take an action" is "dude just skip ur turn", seems like Catan really is THAT bad after all
>noooo every turn i want to do a million little things that makes my score go up.
Its not skipping your turn, you still rolled, you just dont buy something that round. Do you also have an aneurysm if you play ra? I can imagine you must be very upset if all you do in your turn is just draw a tile and add it to the lot
>your turn
>you do nothing, other people get stuff
wow nice game, really good design not
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Way ahead of you
Does the ability/inability to recall/remember things from a list count as randomness, or just perceived randomness? (Would being able to recall/keep track a list of things change how that's classified?)
I'm thinking of Stratego - would that count as non-spatial due to hidden info despite being on a 2D grid?
The placement of your pieces is hidden to the opponent until revealed, but there exist only so many possibilities that a given piece could be. So if you have perfect recall, does that change the classification of the game? I can count cards for certain card games (and get better with practice at doing so) so if I could keep track perfectly for all revealed enemy units in Stratego, would that make the game closer to perfect information for me as more pieces' identities are revealed?
can't wait for Ra: the deck building game and Ra: legacy
Stratego is a spatial game with a lot of hidden info but no randomness. It does still have a luck factor in a sense, but it comes from the hidden info and the human element.
MtG is a deck-building legacy game if you really think about it
By legacy aspect do you mean the eternal shame you bring onto your family for having wasted thousands of dollars on shitty cardboard rectangles?
MTG is an auction game if you really think about it
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>its not skipping your turn, its rolling dice and then skipping your turn!
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>stories and gameplay are inspired by the creator’s personal experience working as a stripper, providing an authentic and empowering take on this often misunderstood profession.
Cole has paved the pathway to sexy games again
how is Cole responsible/at fault for this? Did he work in a strip club personally?
his whoring misadventures gave prostitutes the experiences needed to make this game.
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Anon tries really hard to be funny.
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Wehrle and company pushed the first domino.
Being reasonable on my bgg? Say it ain't so!
Supposedly >>93135225 is a good game.
Percieved randomness as I understand is the player can't figure out which action will lead to what outcome, so far all intents and purposes the choice they make is completely random to them even if it isn't, because each choice is the exact same to them because they don't understand what they're doing. As a new player, each card in pax Ren looks like compete magic fairy mlp hand waving that do random things, even if they have a very in depth purpose for goals, so for me starting out, I'd basically be buying and playing random cards if I don't take the time and learn the symbols and the objectives.
Now that's a kino edit
Bouncy Pouncy Nigger mugs are a common UK household item. It's not a racist thing.
I could easily beat the shit out of Cole, I'm 5'9 and builtfat
The important question is if you could rape him and help his victims get revenge though
Cole used to work at a home for retarded children so I think he'd be fully familiar with the techniques necessary to disable you.
God emperor Wehrle would obliterate you, shorty. You sound like an Everdell player.
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You only get a popularity penalty for attacking workers. Successfully defending an attack by workers incurs no penalty.
Obviously there has been a misunderstanding about the rules. The safest thing to do would be to assume deception and malice on the part of your so-called friend.
I fucking love bunny kingdom

>Successfully defending an attack by workers incurs no penalty.
...I have to beat the shit out of someone
The subtext here
>The safest thing to do would be to assume deception and malice on the part of your so-called friend.
is to call him on it AFTER he tries it again so that he wastes his workers.
i'm pretty sure you're going to be raped
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What's the general consensus on Yedo?
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Should I sell my copy of Battlestar Galactica to pick up Stationfall?
I have never seen the show so it gains 0 points there.
this but with root characters
BG? I'll buy it
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This transgression demands penance.
A few pints of blood from your bud ought do.
BSG and Stationfall are different kinds of games. One is Mafia but you're on a spaceship and it's actually a survival horror game, other is Mafia but you don't know who is who and you can play as anyone (until you can't)
Any boardgame with a thematic similar to Factorio??
I remember people talking about it but I can't find the specific ruling.
In Pax Ren, the agents of the card AREN'T actual pieces you should physically be able to grab and you only take them into consideration after the battle for placing, is it that right?
I ask the question because according to the Token Management rule, if I don't have any available pieces in the supply, I can take them from repressed tokens and if not, from any other part of the map.
So am I correct in the idea that if I do a war one-shot when i don't have pieces in supply for the agents, instead of taking a repressed token, I do the battle counting them as actual pieces before I start placing stuff?
Never thought about it, but common sense would suggest that if you initiate a one-shot with say, 2 knights, while having no available knights, the agents are considered present for the purposes of calculating the outcome and only if they survive the battle will you grab them from elsewhere during placement. Otherwise you'd be running into divide by zero situations where agents could fight themselves.
That's why I thought but then again I don't think it'd be possible for a piece to not be in supply and not be repressed so you could attack a location with the own location's pieces "defecting" into being your agents.
Factorio has many thematics
>fitting in a lot of stuff in a tight space following some strict rules
Horseless Carriage is the king of making a spaghetti mess and hoping it'll work by the late game, but Galaxy Trucker has a bit of that as well.
>managing to develop defences AND scal up economy within your walls as well
Hadrian's Wall maybe? It's a roll & write but the random attacks do feel like biters just deciding to show up after you polluted the water with your baths for one too many times. There's bound to be more like that that aren't also a 4x game, I just can't remember them off the top of my head.
>making a well oiled machine that turns resources into better resources for the sole purpose of more resources
this one is probably the one you're looking for and to this I say "there's so many different engine builders i can't remember them all" but that'd be a lie since most engine builders aren't the same thing that Factorio has
but do try out Ora et Labora, Puerto Rico, It's a Wonderful World, Power Grid, Furnace, and Sidereal Confluence as I think those come very close to that economic efficiency shitfest feel of Factorio
The living rules were updated to clarify that token management cannot influence the result of a battle. You are correct in assuming that agents aren't represented by pieces until you place them.
4chan isn't letting me post a direct link but if you go to https://iongamedesign.com/products/pax-renaissance, click on extras, click on living rules, then click the PaxRen2 book 1 URL you can read an up-to-date rulebook.
>I don't think it'd be possible for a piece to not be in supply and not be repressed
It's not likely but it is possible.
Yeah you would need a lot of theocracies in play and having them all full for it to even become a consideration.
>never plan
>just make what I think is the best tactical move each time it's my turn
>consistently win
Is strategy a meme?
Strategy is just a long-term planning to reach a specific goal and laying out an amount of steps or actions needed to achieve said goal. However you rarely can plan for everything so you will have to pivot and take tactical decisions to keep moving forward towards your original goal (or change it completely). Tactics are also strategy, it's weird to me people think Strategy and Tactics are completely opposite terms when in reality both are always mixing together. "Not planning and doing whatever seems best" is also a Strategy in an of itself.
Depends on the game.
Ah yes, the best board game, space empires, is about to get its final expansion, all good things, in a few months as I get said that its about to go to the printers.
as gmt games* said
Try that with It's A Wonderful World and let me know how well it goes for you.
TurboTax 2024 already exists anon
I do think a lot of people make perfect the enemy of good, or maybe just lack a good understanding of tempo. Like I'll play with people that greed out for a perfect move whereas I'm more willing to be like 'OK this is 60% of what I could maybe get but I can do it right now'.

Honestly I think the unwillingness of so many modern board games to just let a player fail out of the game is partly what contributes to 'just trying to be in a good position every round' being routinely successful. It's pretty rare for even engine building board games to have really, really strong comeback mechanisms.

Never played it, looks fun though.
>people think Strategy and Tactics are completely opposite terms when in reality both are always mixing together
It’s people badly interpreting Clausewitz through the lens of games
>gameplay is based on flying into hexes and flipping the roulette tile which does anything from giving you resources to instantly destroying everything with no risk negation mechanics
>the game is so poorly packaged that you need to bust out a pen, notepad, and calculator to actually play
>visually looks like clip art, zero attempt at the theme, all ships look the same and have names like "attack ship 4"
Best board game lmao
>google says Clausewitz defined tactics and strategy in terms of logic: the log- ic of tactics is winning on the battlefield, and the logic of strategy is to use those victories as means to achieve the ends of the war.
If i was hard pressed to put it into board games, tactics would be like the optimal play you have every turn, and strat would be like going off curve to get a different objective that helps you more than the optimal play
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Finally went down the mahjong hole, it's actually pretty fun
Some anon called it "just chink rummy" which is partially true, but all the rules riichi adds feels like it prevents spam strategies
Strategy is incompatible with interaction.
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Riichi Mahjong is objectively the best version.
>cute game designer gf
pick 2
Cute gamer gf
cute designer
is there a better feeling than winning an ameritrash game on the final dice roll with the odds stacked against you?
cubelets need not reply
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Checked, and no
You can easily minimize losses from exploring to the point it usually has little impact on the game by efficiently using scouts and cruisers with the exploration tech.
The math is literally just basic arithmetic with small numbers that you should be able to easily do in your head. If you can't then using a calculator isn't hard, not does it take long.
Yeah, it doesn't have any background story or lore and the art is basic but I actually find its simple style a nice change from all the super colorful and fantastical look many other space games have. Also, the ships within a player's color have a consistent style to them, and the ship classes have navy ship class names like "destroyer", "cruiser", and "battleship".
Cool thxs anon
the SE4X haters are just baiting us anon.. no one could genuinely have takes that bad
>Player B inconvenienced me, Player A, on turn 2 so I'm going to dedicate the rest of my actions to ensuring Player D scores more points than Player C. ;)
Fuck you and fuck your cats. If you're not going to play then don't play.
We told you Root is a bad game, what did you expect?
I'll make the new thread, anons have been really slacking on these recently
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New thread, migrate
imagine doing single wait richii.

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