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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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D.O.G. Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits
>One Piece
>The other DBZ game
>Magi Nation

Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!

>Wixoss Pastebin

>Force of Will Pastebin

>Dragonball GT Shadow Dragon saga rulebook

>Gate Ruler Pastebin

>Build Divide Pastebin

>Flesh and Blood Pastebin

>Ashes Reborn Pastebin

>Netrunner Pastebin

>Fusion World Rules

Play with /acg/ through voice chat! No text chat so coordinate in thread to get some games in.

>Last Thread

>Thread Question:
Do you prefer it when a game is designed for longer games, or shorter ones?
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Root me, tree mama.
Tap it deep.
Middle, leaning towards long. But more I think that each game can fill a niche so some longer games and some shorter games are great for what they are.
Based cat
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I love longer games for the kinds of strategies and the larger number of knobs to adjust they offer, but they also are harder to get games in. Which makes them tend to be more niche, harder to find players, and usually a much less rich/mature competitive scene. They always seem to end up being cult classics.

Anyways, on the side of shorter games, today's (and days I was busy) SWU roundup. New legendaries, new double-colored cards, new upgrades, new art styles, and some mechanically-new effects like hexproof and direct burn.
Nothing brightens my day more seeing how this game gets plastered all over every relevant thread on /tg/ sparking absolutely 0 discussion every time because it looks like shit.
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If I m playing an Aggro deck: Shorter the game the better
If I m playing Dwarf: I m happy going to time.
Motherfucker does a Dog edition thread instead of a Cat one
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Bee is best kitty
wasn't there a cat thread like three threads ago
There are no /acg/ cats
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tick tock fags. what's it gonna be? i swear if they hit anything other than red i will be very upset. i could see the 8 cost broly(best card in the game) getting banned also or limited, but i think we need to let the meta breathe in a topku-less world for a bit before making any other changes.
???? You must be drunk
>fab is finally shutting down in november
I can't fucking wait
I thought it was in 2 weeks...?
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Why these bitches got no eyes?

Yeah it's an extremely popular game in the real world and you're in a community devoted to being contrarian and obtuse while discussing games they never actually play with other human individuals in public places but rather only with themselves in their own minds.
soi wars cuck getting uppity again. sorry your game sucks and has ugly cards bro
Star Wars has ugly art and half the cards and Disney Wars.
Anyone who engages with modern Star Wars is beyond retarded.
You don't have to hate Star Wars but continuing to engage with new shit is retarded and why companies can get away with murder
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I can hardly believe it, but we're fucking back, baby.

Can't wait to throw Tocho at opponents some more.
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>appeal to popularity
>"you guys are just contrarians! that's why nobody responds to my spam!"
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But we are discussing our girlfriends anon.

My criminally underrated wife.
There's usually discussion on how shit the art is.
Post cards
I wish Piruluk was my wife
I don't care about star wars, I just like the game.
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Sorry mate she's mine
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Wave 1 comes out end of June or early July, wave 0 is coming with origins and will have some WIP jank art here and there
>sharp corners
Are you cutting the cards off of a sheet yourself and is that a slime girl in the bottom left of your picture?
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How would they be in bed.
and Together
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>How would they be in bed.
>and Together
The first set of wave 0 were manually cut yes, afaik the "true" wave 0 boxes at Origin won't be, this was a pic of the first test print.

I can post proof of my collection tomorrow I guess, I just was sharing some of the production pics for set 3.

Game is fun, and there's an LGS near me that hosts. I'm in /acg/ heaven.
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15 minutes on average for best of three round games or 25 minutes for best of one, if we are talking about some kind of competitive setting and leaving aside a time limit entirely for kitchen table type play.
I really hope they ban the leader but I'm expecting a Roshi limit and that's it.
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I mean, if you post some variation cheesecake I'll look at it.
I think I prefer shorter games so I cannget more in in my limited gaming time. I don't want them to be two turns short like what it seems YGO has become, but games like Keyforge appeal to me because of the faster play.

I don't mind a longer game from time to time, though. But I only want a really long game if I'm doing some sort of multi-player thing and having a good time with some buddies.

So she can just birth units any time? And has 20 health. Damn. Plants gonna be wild.

I'm excited about young Han grit deck shenanigans. Rancor looks properly mean, and that assault cruiser seems like it can lead to some hilarity.

God damn, I'd love a new Battletech TCG. My wallet wouldn't, but I would.

Not sure I'd entirely trust CGL to do it right, though. Not because I think they're bad or anything, just that I don't know if anyone in the company has knowledge of how to design a card game.
Quick rundown on Battletech tcg?
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I'd let WotC take another crack at a Battletech tcg but I know they'd just fuck it up.
How are they going to unfuck the cardstock?
If you buy the deluxe edition it comes with a printer, a pair of scissors, a glue stick, and a bunch of old Force of Will cards to stick everything to.
You had a 60 card deck that was also your life total and mech/vehicles/resources could be attacked as they were being built.
There was summoning sickness, casting costs, something like colors, lands that weren't exactly lands, pilots as almost enchantments. Units had a speed rating for when they did stuff in combat. Same kind of first in last out action resolution as mtg for intants and activated abilities. Tapping.

Really just mtg with a lot of little changes, iirc.
Just checked on my fusion world cards and the rares are literally warped to shit. The fuck?
I've been hearing these moronic rumors since it's been out. Meanwhile the community is growing and they keep releasing new expansions.
based mystery niggas TCG
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This combo is so fun late game to shit out like 20 cards of damage but god damn Banishing fucks it over
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Singles time
Some dmm serials, couple vividz promos and bunch divine cross promos
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some wixoss , in the middle of diva cluster
shadowverse just bunch of cheap cards + 1 UR
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Z/X so many cards I am still missing
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Wasy eyeing this IGR for years, but 20k yen felt expensive. But Now I am spending over 150k yen on singles, so decided finally to buy it
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on unrelated notes started getting rid of bulk.
Here is Legions tcg bulk, will send it to anyone who willing to pay shipping cost from Ukraine
I'm a neighbour, I would be willing to pay shipping.
leave a throw away email to contact you
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>tfw no mystic lightning shadow wizard guardian hero

be grateful you don't know this pain
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bans/limits for fw
>Kefla to 1
Red as a whole is dead
Bardock leader from the starter deck.
Another thing of note is that the turn 1 player gets to draw a card now.
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They're going back to the original cardstock, iirc? Either way, they chose one of the two and are going to stick with it, folks haven't been able to tell it apart from the existing cards.

There's not much cheesecake, but some of the art is *suggestive*
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I don't really follow the "lore" at all, but this chick seems to really want it.
Roshi got #metoo'd
Battle Spirits getting another video game
Dude... this is your password to ilovecats.com
And here's the trailer to BSS set 5
So last thread there were anons simping for Carnival? Is she hot?
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Can you offer a better pitch than "mtg arena but not wotc"? Because the game has been around for a while and buying into an old mtg clone that's exclusively digital isn't all that enticing.
wizards was in the thick of releasing every conceivable magic variant as a new game at the time.
still, had some good ideas.
I played Eternal back in 2020 and it was dreadful, simply changing MTGs shit combat system doesnt make MTG fun to play
The game was made with digital in mind, as in many of the keywords involved in the game are made for digital decks (like altering all of x type cards or adding/removing cards, so on and so forth just to save from bombarding you with a huge list of keywords.) There's a lot of methods to acquiring cards easily through both AI PvE and PvP against other players, for ex: it's about the only CCG I know of that allows a draft option against both other players or the computer. Granted, there's a fuckton of cards nowadays because we're 8 years into the game but there is also a lot of cheap basic beginner deck options to craft.
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Does anyone know how to source sealed cases of english Wixoss?
I want to go hard on WX24 when it finally drops.
Eh, I'm still kinda with this guy

If I wanted "digital in mind", how is this any better than MTGA or Hearthstone? Both of which are, yknow, basically mtg with maybe a slight twist
I wish I could get more into the board game tcgs (games where you move around your cards, normally on a grid, and game systems are based around the position of the cards on the board) but something about that gameplay style just turns me off so hard even if I enjoy how the cards look
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>free demo decks will be handed out for the ultraman tcg in a convention they're attending
>announce it literally the day before
They have idiots handling their PR, great
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>ultraman gets its own card game recently
>sandland gets its own card game recently
>that quintuplets anime gets its own card game recently
>detective conan gets its own card game recently
and yet eva is stuck in battle spirits hell. why?
Are there any games like that besides Summoner Wars?
Because evangelion fucking sucks
and quintuplets doesn't? i'm talking purely financially here. eva is a huge moneymaker and it seems really odd that they haven't tried making a game for it in so long
fucking made in abyss should get it's card game before evangelion, it's more recent, it would make for a more interesting setting and gameplay, and people who watched it aren't posers who wear merch without getting past the 2nd episode
yeah but made in abyss doesn't have 14 year olds in latex. checkmate
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Anybody drawing a thigh-gap on an O-face banshee is doing it for reasons that I approve of.
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Sadly she seems to get a Good End sans gap in Atonement.

Still would. Card templating could be better tho.
Evangelion feels like it'd be better as a board game (or co-op LCG) than a card game, the BS/S collab cards already feels like they squeezed everything they could've had from the series. Unless you don't mind getting dragonball tcg tier character duplicates
It's the same shit for fuck sake. Shitty engine
Somebody told me that Made in Abyss (the anime, manga, both?) is occasionally a bit sexual with the children. Any truth to that?
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There's some nudity/nipples and Reg getting a stiffy on occasion, that's about it
if they can make card games for those IPs i mentioned earlier, eva would be easy as fuck
Hot! I definitely need to check that out. The premise for the story seemed interesting, too.
Card game when?
mite b kewl. perhaps some bardock gang cards will have special abilities when used as combos.

a little harsher than it should have been, though I understand why. they wouldn't ban 1 of the 4 leaders from the set, even though it's the best thing balance-wise. now red is bottom of the totem pole, utterly. it will be nice to see multiple different blue, yellow, and green decks become playable, thoughever. sucks to be a red player.
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another leader for black set 3. wonder what these new leaders for other colors will do. supposedly the client will be getting some kind of draft game mode. praying they do something about card acquisition, i simply cannot play online anymore with my shit collection.
i expected them to do something interesting for a leader in a new fucking color, but this just looks like every other leader in this shit game
interacting with the energy marker is a pretty new concept. could imply that other black cards can give you temporary ramp in the form of more energy markers.
>giant-titted 14 y/o
interesting. tell me more
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I assume this is who anon was talking about, she's 16 but most anime girls look like they're mid-teens.
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>duema THEN
>duema NOW
jesus wept
This but unironically
god bless lorcana fans. their general is never up, yet they don't spam /acg/
now if only the FABGOTS would follow their example
to be fair, the fabgots that haunt these halls were probably banned from their subreddit for gushing over the latest foot card
An LCG would be good I think. Or if they could just add in new shit (there was a tabletop RPG that just added angels for instance) maybe a TCG but that would work for LCG and boardgame expansions too. I think tabletop spin-offs should be allowed to be their own thing the way video games or movies are allowed to make up characters and remix what exists, but I think I’m an outlier there.
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South American tcgs are absolutely disgusting for overtly sexualing everything they can, you should never look at a Mitos y Leyendas card database. It's disgusting enough to make me never want to buy cards from an African or Greek mythology based set.
Japan is obviously the only problem and I can't find Chile on a map.
all me btw
yeah, the weekly meeting i had with my /acg/ bros IRL was pretty productive last week. we're going to be implementing harsher strategies to get rid of the fabgots very soon. if fab isn't discontinued by the end of 2024, shit is going to get real. i'll leave it at that
nice disinfo, you dishonest fabgot troll
>No one mentions fab the entire thread
>Have to mention it yourself to trigger yourself into shitposting
Man, being mentally disabled must be tough...
i wouldn't know, but you could probably quiz the fabgots on how their mental illnesses are affecting their day-to-day life. anyone who buys into fab has to be very sick in the head. i will take this opportunity to advise these people to seek help wherever available
>no one mentions fab the entire thread
oh, but he did. i am just engaging in discussion on how best to better this general right now, as any solid /acg/ bro should be
>Units had a speed rating for when they did stuff in combat.
This is a cool idea.
The building units thing reminds me of an idea I had for a card game as I kid when all I had to go on for game design was like pokemon and DBZ, and online browser games.
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>I am forgotten
Mommy Barthimont hero never ever. Fuck this gay earth.
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>put alice in your game
guaranteed sales every time. if alice weren't included in gate ruler, i honestly think the game would have been actually dead (not just relatively dead) a long time ago. people will pay the big bucks for alice cards, no matter the rarity, and i am one of them. more card games should have alice. she is in the public domain, so it's basically printing free money
despite the cat on this card, i am not posting this to appease the catfaggot. fuck that guy
Next Shadow only set. Trust the plan.
fab would have been a lot cooler if it had this goth aesthetic for the whole game. the generic kitchensink setting is just boring
>energy marker
I thought this game used cards for energy
the energy marker is a consolation prize for the guy who rolled badly and goes second. it's a free energy of whatever color you want (iirc) that you remove from the game to get, only once per game
apparently it's busted and going first is bad now that it's a thing, but i haven't played with it yet myself
>i expected them to do something interesting
Why the fuck would you do that? What makes you think they'd ever print an interesting card for this game. It's explicitly designed to make the job of the developers of the digital client as easy as possible.
Considering she's both dead and Shadow involved I wouldn't be surprised we get her when we inevitable get the Necromancer class.
>launch new game
You were warned. We were all warned.
Sounds like the will coin from FoW
>it’s busted
>going second is better
In a lot of games I hate going first because of how bad it can feel to not do as much turn one and then see stuff just showered into your opponent at the start of their turn, but I won all the games I went first in this weekend after not attacking and drawing fewer cards turn 1.
i honestly had hope that FW would have interesting cards by now, and that maybe one day it would equal masters in terms of flavor or even just mechanical depth, or failing even that, at least variance in card effects. as one of you said, FW was just made so japs could play it and to make the digital client easier to make, but i honestly thought they would take FW and slowly make it into what masters used to be, just without the baggage of 10 years or whatever of cards to add to their digital client
sad to see that that simply isn't the case. they really aren't even trying. i am a bit sore that masters is dying for this shitty business scheme, but oh well, fuck me i guess
masters seems to be the only bandai game they actually put effort into. FW is just bog standard bandai slop now. BSS at least seemed interesting because it looked different than OP and FW (even if only due to the card templating and the little gem thingies), but it's dying too. kek
fellow fabgots i have resigned myself to play commoner draft, the big leagues just aren't for me anymore
Is there even mechanical room for Necromancer after they made Illusionist into a summoner with NuPrism and Dromai? It's starting to feel like a redundant class.
>ban or die
>card game where you’re tcg management and you’re competing with the opponent to ban more problem cards while keeping the broke stuff you like (your cards) legal
>die if you ban (destroy) too many cards and upset players
>die if you don’t ban enough cards since you’re fired for not doing work
>die if your opponent gets upper management to not like you for banning “the wrong things” or making a bunch of banned cards
>win if your cards stick around unbanned long enough
My hopes that FW would be even decent died with the Cell leader.
I agree with you but I'm sure they could do something spicy with it.
I mean Illusionist alone have like 3 different types of "summons".
Pretty sure there's a board game with similar concept.

I'd play a tcg-based tcg, though. Especially if it licensed real tcgs for the cards. I'd tap three LGS to cast Prelease targeting Fab's Heavy Hitters set, I don't even know the mechanical outcome of that.
for me, my hopes took a nosedive after seeing the complete lack of any fusion mechanics. they made that vegito SCR (which looks like shit, btw) and they didn't even give it the ability to be fused into. like why? i get that they want to streamline the fuck out of this game, but even for a SCR? fuck bandai man
i heard they were adding black to FW and it got a little attention from me because i know black actually has its own gimmicks in masters that no other color has (warp shenanigans, for example), but this new black leader is so fucking boring, man. i was honestly planning to build a GT deck since i saw that SS4 was being added, but it's just SOOOO BOOOORING
i get that i'm probably stupid for having any hope for FW until now, and also for getting hung up on fusion mechanics of all things, but the lack of any fusion mechanics in FW is just a symptom of the complete lack of flavor and mechanical variance of the game. it's the purest example of bandai slop and i genuinely think anyone who switched from masters to FW is just a bandwagoning retard
It's obvious if they do it they'll make it summon from/to the banished zone
Meant for >>93119171
DBZ deserves another fighting game. Maybe after FW dies they could do a collab with the masterful genius James White.

Freeza & Buu: A DBZ Dueling Game.
No need for a new class, just call it Shadow Illusionist, have the illusions be zombies or w/e, and use blood pact as the main mechanic. It'd fit easily.
just build an mtg deck for this tcg-based tcg. your misplays don't even matter, because your whale playerbase cards are too invested to leave play
i just want to live in the timeline where panZ didn't get taken out back and shot in the head to make room for DBS. masters is cool as a game, but if we're talking about actually feeling like the source material, panZ has flavor in fucking spades
they still make cards for it unofficially, but it's not the same
>and they didn't even give it the ability to be fused into.
Because they're clearly trying to cut back on the "cheat out literally everything" playstyle Masters evolved into, and that sets them back on that path. They don't want to go on that path, they want to go on the safe, boring OP path.
for real. it's fucking shameful. they could have even added some nerfed-to-hell fusion mechanic JUST for that SCR for flavor purposes and i would have been okay with that, but they really are making SCRs now that aren't even interesting in the slightest. i don't even remember what the vegito SCR does. it's that fucking boring. fuck bandai so much. i honestly think they're a worse company than both bushiroad and konami at this point
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i mean hey, let's do some brainstorming. how could they add a fusion mechanic to FW without making it based on cheating strong cards out early, since they're obviously scared of those effects?
what if they just made it so when you play the card, you put a goku and a vegeta under it from play or in your hand, and you could get one of the following as bonuses:
>if vegito leaves play, remove the fusees from under it and play them
>remove a fusee to get (insert buff here) until end of turn
i don't know. i'm not a tcg dev. they could have done ANYTHING, and that's my point. they just don't give a fuck and i could bitch about bandai all fucking day
not to mention the game is called FUSION WORLD and it doesn't have a single card that actually fuses. fuck me dead. every card is just
>on play, you get X
>permanent: you get X
>activate: main: once per turn: you get X
with ZERO flavor. why does vegito untap if you have less than X cards in hand? i have no idea, because that has nothing to do with the lore. it's just on the card to make it worth buying for competitive play
>how could they add a fusion mechanic to FW without making it based on cheating strong cards out early, since they're obviously scared of those effects?
Fusion: Vegita/Goku (When this card is played you may add 1 Vegita and 1 Goku from your hand under this card. For each card you place under it, draw 1 card).
It has inherent ability, and adds design space for specific fusion material cards like they had in BT-5 of masters.
that's legitimately a good idea, and i think adding fusees as "charges" under a fusion would be a good way of portraying a fusion without just cheating it out 2 turns early
i don't know why they didn't just cherrypick the best parts of masters for FW like your example. they just neutered it and made this slop game
is there any actual reason to play FW over masters other than "all my friends jumped ship to FW so i have to do it too"? what does FW offer that masters doesn't have? even if you like the energy marker mechanic, they backported it to masters anyway, so there is literally NOTHING FW has that masters doesn't have
holy fuck i am so mad
>what does FW offer that masters doesn't have?
An F2P digital client that is actively hostile?
for real. i fucking hate the state of this hobby right now, and bandai certainly isn't helping
>hey we need to get japs playing our DBS card game, but that would mean we'd have to translate and rerelease all these older cards! we can't have that!
>hey we need to port this game to a digital client, but that would mean programming all these older cards! we can't have that!
fuck bandai bro. fuck them so hard. they killed panZ and they even killed the game they killed panZ for. i would be surprised if masters even got any major releases after this year. it'll probably be like buddyfight where it gets dripfed anniversary releases to show how much bandai "loves" the masters community for being so loyal after all this time
Don't care. Still enjoy Fusion World.
Don't care. Still enjoy sniffing glue.
I like Bandai games. Watching this general seethe over how widely successful they are outside of BSS is very funny to me. But hey keep enjoying your dead games that have no scenes and never will.
i am seething because they are killing masters, which was probably the most successful TCG (in the west) bandai had made until the dogshit one piece game (iirc). my seething has nothing to do with what's successful. i wanted masters to be more successful, at least to the point that they wouldn't just neuter it and replace it entirely
you're a retard
>I like Bandai games.
As one of the anons from the conversation I have to say:
I liked Masters, I like Digimon, I like BSS, I think OP is fine. I just think FW is shit.
I honestly do not understand how you can say OP is fine then say FW is shit. FW is literally One Piece if it was good. They're so mechanically similar and yet FW is superior in every aspect except card art.
amen. i have no beef with digimon and BSS. i dislike wan piss only in the context of this general because a certain thread curator has a hard-on for it and it's funny to make him squirm
wan piss seems very simple and boring to me, but at least it's not a reboot of a much better TCG that is slowly being killed off in its favor
bandai can make any game they want. my issue is what they are doing to masters. it's just sad
it's simple for me. like i just said above, wan piss isn't killing anything by existing. FW is actively replacing masters, and is dogshit in comparison, so FW can go fuck itself
wan piss can be great or it can be dogshit. i don't care because it doesn't really affect me like FW does
I really just do not care about Masters. The game is old as fuck, it was never going to bring in new players because nobody wants to get into a game that's 30 sets in and Yugioh tier amounts of card text and mechanics, and was going to die a slow painful death regardless of Fusion World existing. Get the fuck over it.
>FW is literally One Piece if it was good.
Not really. The issue with OP is that it's very one dimensional. It asks the question "How do you spend your resources this turn?" and gives you a bunch of options. When that question is interesting, the game is fun, when it isn't the game is boring.

Fusion World doesn't really have a similar core question to ask, so it just ends up being dull. Both share the same overly safe, boring card design, but OP at least has SOMETHING that is interesting.

Though that could be my bias from Masters, as FW is basically just Masters with less things to think about, so I already know how to play it going in. Maybe OP also becomes boring when you really get into it and learn your deck.
if you really don't care, then why reply to me several times telling everyone how little you care?
>Get the fuck over it.
no. lol. FW is dogshit and this discussion/rant is completely on-topic. seethe
>w-well it was gonna die anyway
so? every TCG that isn't in the big 3 dies a pathetic death at some point, whether it fades out and simply ceases to make new sets, or it's killed off to make room for a reboot. it doesn't matter if masters was going to die eventually, because everyone knew that. obviously. the thing that i'm not going to shut up about is how it was killed INORGANICALLY. if it died a natural death over time because people stopped playing it, then oh well, but it didn't. it's dying because bandai neutered it and rebooted it into some dogshit version of itself so they could release a digital client for literal retards who can't comprehend card effects that are more than a couple sentences long
>so they could release a digital client for literal retards who can't comprehend card effects that are more than a couple sentences long
This isn't even the issue with FW. If the effects were simple, but interesting the game would have been way better. The issue is the effects are all so rote and generic.
that's true enough, i suppose. it COULD have been decent
actually, thinking about that, i wonder if they could have done this any other way. like, could they have made a FW-esque "reboot" of DBS without killing masters? i feel like they could have done something with another format if they wanted to keep masters alive
Yes if it was either:
A) Digital only
B) Compatible with Masters.

But I can't see Bandai doing either of those.
I appreciate the cat, either way <3
I like Bandai games but they do make a lot of decisions to piss of their playerbase or kill a game
>1st strike decks are just rebranded Blitz
Okay I guess? Feels like product bloat.
Maybe retire Blitz precons and just keep 1st strike and armory decks?
Also, these names are getting out of control.
i don't know how they could have made something compatible with masters, given how they needed to start from scratch for a digital client and also to release the game in japan
i mean, imagine if they just started releasing masters sets in japan, right? they would end up with japanese players having a much smaller card pool unless they bought stuff from overseas. the digital client would have been weird, too, because, again, the card pool would be much smaller than the paper one
i just don't know if such a thing would be possible. masters should have been released in japan from the get-go. not sure why they didn't do that, but then went on to release FW there. i thought they kept masters in the west only because they didn't want to cannibalize DBH over in japan, but now that isn't a problem?
i don't know. the whole thing is weird
>i don't know how they could have made something compatible with masters, given how they needed to start from scratch for a digital client and also to release the game in japan
Literally just don't change any rules and you're good. Have 2 separate formats: Masters and Fusion World. FW format can only use FW cards, Masters format can use both FW cards and Masters cards.
Also, huge fucking mistake if they don't include an adult Terra in Rosetta. Even if he's banished to the expansion slot, he needs to show up.
You shouldn't onboard new players with a dead end.
>Not sure why they didn't do that
Because Masters started life as a rework of a Japan only DBS card game that had just died after only 5 sets. Even with the mechanical changes they were making for Masters, it didn't make sense to them to immediately relaunch it in Japan, since they already considered it to have failed there.
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>might = young
>young = old
>adult = ascend to ENT
I'd play it
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>widely successful
Nigga thats just evolve
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Still can't believe it's happening. Anyone in Origins, go check out the table and get a free demo/swag. Tell them Tanner sent you, and they'll take care of you.
1) requires you to have the card on the field first
2) comes with a separate cost
3) Only plays on top of a single card
4) Doesn't let you draw.
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that would have been cool. kind of like premium in vanguard, i guess, which people seem to enjoy. probably the best option, to be h
i don't know how i forgot about that DB game that died. i remember seeing cards from it online when masters started. interesting
but yeah, the rest of what you said makes sense. i agree that it might have been too soon to relaunch there after the death of that previous game

anyway, i just played 5 more games of lorcana because i honestly like it (i am very stupid). i am currently at 2 wins and 5 losses in total against my friend. i am playing a combo deck, but i only won those 2 games because i basically abandoned pulling off the combo and just went grindy with questing and challenging their characters. feels weird to win when i'm basically compromising with my deck due to shit hands. need to work on it a bit, i suppose, but it did feel good to pull off that combo, even if i couldn't get the win because i needed one (1) more fucking turn. fun game, even if i hate disney. helps that the IPs represented in the game are mostly older ones and not exclusively newer shit that i haven't even seen
>I still have two foiled ones left over from the Orlando Calling
I wish mentors had use outside of blitz.
Is every card in this game just a guy ki charging in the centre of the frame?
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Damn this game looks based. Is it only in whatever language this is? How popular is it in SA?
Is that an actual website?
I'm signing up now!
Sometimes it's not centered.
This is awesome news! My favorite hero is finally getting an Armory Deck (CC), and they've already shared a few of the cards that are inside. I'm very happy to see my girl getting the glamour treatment of a dedicated product all to herself, so much so I plan to get one for owning and use and the other for personal display. I'll post it right next to my cold foil hero card I won of her younger years.
The first one I don't really see making a big splash unless you build around it, but it has potential to be very spicy indeed. The biggest curse of ranger fans is having too many good head options to choose from, thus limiting what you must bring to battle. I think the head gear here is just relevant enough to see play, but the Cross Wrap and possibly New Horizons will dominate the head space for competitive play.

Second up we have the best card revealed so far, a yellow pump that's 3 power for 1 cost, blocks for 3 AND it has a very relevant effect I've been asking for in this very thread for years now. Finally, the ability to flip cards face up in arsenal to gain some kind of benefit that isn't tied to a gear piece. I don't know who at LSS got the memo, or if they lurk these threads, but this is something Azalea has actually needed for a very very long time, since the days of Aria ironically.
Line it up is also stupid good in Riptide.
You play it from hand, trigger riptide to put an arrow in arsenal then it resolves.
So many of the arrows you want to play in Riptide have aim counter payoffs but you couldn't really get that going before.
>buys into fab
is playing a game buying into it?
I hate investbro speech so much
should i stop shitting on fabgots and buy in? is the game any good? i'm in a good mood now so feel free to redpill me on it
it's not investor-speak. i say "buying in" because you are literally buying product to play a game, or "get into it." it's really not that deep
Both cards feel good for Rippy, but I think the headpiece ironically would work better with a two arsenal ranger deck. We can't have two arsenal slots paired with this because it's also a headpiece. So they probably put this effect in the same slot intentionally so you can't have a disgusting go wide turn with built in card draw. I just hope one day some day they'll add ways to gain extra arsenal slots that aren't gear piece dependent. I dunno, like an item or something. In fact, I wish Target Totalizer was a playable item, not a gearpiece. Make it legendary if you only want it popping off once per game, call it a day.
Won't happen but I'd like to see there be at least one codex of frailty in the deck
Try it out and see for yourself. Talishar is a free unofficial online client and you could get a few games in there, but I would recommend learning the rules first because Talishar just skips over a lot of upkeep.
Just find a hero you like and start with that.
i'll give it a shot
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It's a Chilean developer and only released in Spanish, I think. It had a 14 year run and some kind of reboot/remake so I assume it was decently popular but I have no real idea on account of I don't speak Spanish.

The cards are a smaller Yugioh-like size, if that matters.
that would be earth shattering. These would get scooped up so freaking fast and cannibalized for ONE card, tossing the rest in a landfill.

Either that or so many speculators would be getting the rope because their majestic is now worth 35c with free shipping if you spend 5 bucks or more.

Flesh and Blood is a unique card game in that it forces you to evaluate a single playing card's usefulness in one of numerous different cases. The cards aren't playing themselves, you need to find an edge case for how and when to strike with them, either alone or all working together, or throwing that idea out the window because suddenly there's a doomsday attack coming in that if you let it happen then the rest of your match will be forcing you on the back foot. Do I attack all in with all my buffs now leaving no arsenal and try to gain upper tempo? Shall I play a setup action and wait for my opportunity to present itself? Because when you think of it, not attacking forces your opponent to hang onto their current 4 + 1 grip, thus not drawing up as many next turn and leading them into a down tempo play. Every decision you make matters, and you can see the ripple effects spread out from each turn after. It's a great game and I think you should at least try something, or the least you could do is understand it personally before dedicating your life to bashing it and spreading hate for a game you had no intent on playing.

*Had* no intent, I say. You are being serious about trying, right? Don't tell me you're just baiting me again to talk about the best classic card game on the market, brought to you from the hauntingly beautiful lands from Down Under, made by a dedicated team of creators that bring this unforgettable martial arts fighting experience to the tabletop world, and promising to have great games every time because of their cleverly designed mechanics? Well, you won. You got me to say how much I love FAB again.
Some cards are in dire need of reprints or something, pricing is utter lunacy.

Hope we see more reprints in the azalea deck. No one's saying there isn't a codex in there, yet!
yeah, i'm serious about trying. want to know something funny? i actually have a fully foiled (albeit probably shit) dorinthea deck, with a cold foil dawnblade (or whatever it's called), a cold foil young dorinthea and a normal foil hag dorinthea
i bought into the game when it first released and then never got a chance to play it. it sounds kind of cool from the way you described it. i just don't know anyone personally who plays it and i don't like playing with strangers (all the games i've played so far, every single one, has been with close friends and family)
i will give it a shot. promise. just unsure of who to build another deck for (like the hero, i mean). maybe one of the more unga-bunga heroes so it's a better intro experience for whoever i end up suckering into playing fab with me
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If you want peak unga bunga i'd recommend Fai, he's a super agressive hero and focuses on doing loads of little attacks every turn. Very much a glass cannon but very fun.
yeah, i was looking at fai. maybe just buying 2 blitz decks, throwing them together to make a shitty CC deck, probably. heard he was a good, easy hero to play in the bit of research i did. do you think 2 blitz decks would combine well for a CC deck, or should i just build it from scratch?
he sounds cool. i might try him myself if i end up building him as the intro deck for a friend, but i'm pretty stuck on dorinthea if i end up playing (her young card is very cute)
Fai is THE underdog pick. He traded places with Azalea when his foil, Dromai, ascended to godhood.
Zen is a better, and cheaper to build, Fai.
I assume you have handled these irl? How's the card stock/card quality.
Yugioh size does suck but I don't mind getting some if they are cheap for the coomer art.
he looks cool. not big on the monk thing, but just looking at his hero card, he seems interesting at least. you're saying he's as easy to play as fai, right? mainly looking for something really simple to play, but maybe with a high skill ceiling so it allows my friend (or whoever) to improve while playing it
i was looking at bravo and he just seems too easy and with a low skill ceiling, but i could be wrong. i don't want to build a deck for a friend if there's no room for skillful plays once they get gud
Ninjas are all pretty high skill floor to be playable, and very high skill ceiling.

If you want a lower ceiling, look at Victor or Bravo. You just attack once each turn with them, so it's generally easier to be competent, and you're actually blocking.
will take a look at victor for sure. thanks
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Pretty close to a Yugioh card in quality, not particularly thick card stock and relatively vibrant colors despite my amateur photography.
I've only ever seen them sold off of ebay as bulk lots or as random unopened product but they aren't particularly expensive in general. It would be a pain to try to track down particular singles though, in my experience at least.
Incredibly based.
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I love the Wixoss girls, they're all gonna be great wives
CCGs reprinting is CCGs. It's what they do.
You're a fucking dumbass
no u
Outside of Digimon and One Piece. The rest aren't that successful....
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>bravo, well done
>katsu chickin curry (he azn)
>viserai had his guts ripped out
>chain chain chain
>prism refraction lol
>BOLT IN (he hurry)
>brian has a penis (not feminine)
>he old
>ICE country native
>huntsman is a kind of spider
>flowers lol
>verdant geddit plants
>literally just EARF
Did I miss any? I know that's not every hero, but some have more normal names with slightly more abstract inspirations.
I want to make a mech combat TCG at some point in my life. Got enough other projects that take precedence, first...

Because Geneon gonna Geneon. Though I agree with >>93117019 in that it'd probably be better as a board game or LCG. Something akin to the Cthulu games that FFG puts out. Deploy Evas, fight Angels, save the world.
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Hell, I'll even "settle" for a signi. Some of them are so charming.

Side note. Anyone else thinks it's kinda weird that lrigs and signis exist in different planes of existence in the lore. Signis are still just cards even in their world.
It really doesn't seem that weird. SIGNI are products of LRIG's minds.
The real question is has a SIGNI ever achieved CHIM?
Both Victor and Bravo need more game sense that comes with experience, so I think the skill ceiling for them compared to aggro decks like the Ninjas is different, but not necessarily low. To play them at a competent level is very easy, but frankly Fai is pretty easy too since he doesn't have to worry about specific combos. Any of the three are good starter heroes for various reasons.

>cheaper to build
maybe if you're being suboptimal but if you're doing that I don't see how it gets any cheaper than Fai. Zen lists are running Traverse, 3x Levels, 3x AoW, Shuko, and Kasaya as a starting point minimum. You're looking at like $350 right there. "Optimal" (not saying much because Fai is kinda shit rn) Fai lists are just running Shuko, Furnace, and 3x AoW, with maybe 3x Estrike.

Zen is a little more complex than Fai is but that's because Fai is one of the simplest heroes in the game.
If anything it would be more disturbing if SIGNIs were also alive
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Uma Delicia!
Bunch of BSS spojlers
>doesn't just post them all one after another regardless of interest
Thanks for learning, anon.
You're mistaking me with someone who isn't too lazy to save and post images
Look on the main site for tons of actually interesting looking cards. Where was this level of design in set 2, when the game could've been saved? Fucking idiots. Fucking morons. Fuck fuck fuck.
i was going to get into BSS for the eva set, but they completely dropped the ball with it. the JP BS eva cards actually had flavor, but the BSS versions are just garbage with generic abilities
sad to see. might build a JP deck just for the sake of collecting, because i have a bad habit of building decks for games i will probably never play
I legit cannot actually build an EVA deck outside lmao blue mill. It just doesn't work since all the payoffs are shit and all the low cost cards are fodder for the payoffs. Amazing.

Set 5 looks great though, too bad game is ded.
i honestly have no interest in the non-eva sets. i'm an eva fanboy and i just wanted to play eva cards. the last game i tried that had eva cards was chrono clash, and that was fucking garbage aside from the memory mechanic that digimon re-used
i was really excited for the eva set, because i thought i could maybe just use eva cards for a sort of self-contained eva game (maybe even make a cube, like one anon said he was going to), ignoring the non-eva sets, but what a fucking letdown. if you read what the JP BS eva cards do and then read what the english BSS counterparts do, it's just embarrassing how hard they neutered the flavor. they're just generic cards with eva pictures plastered on them to sell more boxes
>and people who watched it aren't posers who wear merch without getting past the 2nd episode
midwits normally just watch the shit remake movies iirc

BTW for anyone wanting guaranteed money: the box of greed will have all 100 cards. About 1/3 the cards you will still be able to sell for more than $5, half of the cards you will be able to sell for $2, the rest is pretty much bulk. But for $110 it is essentially free money.
NTA but i don't know of anyone who has seen the rebuilds but not the original series. i think it's the opposite. if they don't get filtered by the first couple episodes, they watch the rest of the series, then try to watch the rebuilds and drop it because the first 2 of the rebuilds are basically retellings of the series but with some minor alterations and just plain worse than the original
every eva fan i've met IRL has seen the original series in full. only 1 of them has seen the rebuilds, but he never really talked about them when we were discussing eva
for me, the rebuilds are a guilty pleasure. they are just more material with the characters you've already grown to like (more or less), but they're obviously not even close to matching NGE. all those "what if" manga that are out there, like the shinji ikari raising project and that one where they play video games instead of piloting evas are the same thing. only hardcore eva fans delve into that shit because it's all garbage compared to NGE, but people like me are obsessed with at least 1 of the characters (asuka for me) and just want more content, regardless of its quality
i kind of went on a tangent, but yeah, my point is i don't think anyone watched the rebuilds without seeing NGE. if that actually happens, then i guess i've been lucky with the people i've discussed the series with IRL because, like i said, they saw the original series in full
More like Ushi, Oishi
Ok-ish prerelease I guess. One AA but it could have been better. At least Lilith's tits are nice. Got some AAs at really good prices too.
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Forgot pic like an idiot
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>Pixelborn dead for less than 2 days
>I finally sleeve up my deck for irl play
I guess those fuckers at Disney knew what they were doing.

Unrelated, Snow is the absolute best Dragonshield color. I asked my FLGS owner to surprise me and he turned me onto them - sparkly black behind the card, white matte on the back.
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>Enchanted cards
Fucking based. I'll be joining the Enchanted club very soon.
>Dragon Shield Snow
I love white sleeves, but I really hate the dual mattes because the black inner part makes dust and stuff show really badly. I don't know if my hands are just filthy or what, but when I tried Snows recently, I could see dirt near the opening.
I use custom DS sleeves now (pic related, but I stopped using outers over them because triple-sleeving is kind of pointless) for my Alice deck, which have white on the inside, and I never notice any dirt or anything on them. Expensive, though, that's for sure.
I still need to get enchanted for the 1 drop Cinderella too, but the Robin Hood ones were just too damn sexy to skip.

they're not real
Even more based. Looks genuine to me. Good on you for not paying hundreds of dollars on cardboard like I will be doing at the end of the month for some Enchanted Alices for the deck I posted above.
The Lorcana general is up now, by the way, if you're so inclined.
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These are very good ones imo, but they were acquired from a random Aliexpress seller. Reminds me, I need to see if they restocked Stitch yet. Or if they have Look At This Family yet.

I'm thinking a fully enchanted deck is less sketchy than a one-off, but as you say they're basically indistinguishable when sleeved. And it's not like I'm going to anything larger than a store championship with it.

I like Lin Manuel Miranda, sue me
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Ahmen, brother, Added another box of greed to my order.

Was checking prices and prior to the printing (now) all the cards in the box of greed together are worth about 1.2k. Obviously that once they print everything it should fall, but I doubt that all the cards in there will fall too much. There are lots of staples and cards with a R1 or higher print run.
Post cards or fuck off
Post cards or fuck off
This was me.

Yes, I play lorcana and fab.
Lorcana is fun?
Since Lorcana was mentioned, should I get back in? Stopped following near the end of set 1. Heard the locations mechanic was really dumb in set 3.
Locations aren't bad, some are arguably under costed (queen's castle) but they add a new dimension to the design space. I think they're as fine an addition as Items, and 3 different types of permanents is probably the right number for the game.

If you come back, go for the brooms deck. It's both a meme and playable now, and will only get better until they ban something.

It's fun but fairly simple - I like to think it's streamlined, but ymmv. It's roughly like playing core-sets-only in early 2010s magic.
More decisions than Bandaislop but no off-turn interaction; far fewer words and "if A then B otherwise C, then if B do D, then..." than any sort of Bushi game or modern mtg.
I don't know about the competitive scene, but I've been having fun with it. My friend plays a Location deck and it seems fine. It adds another level to stuff you can manage during your turn, albeit not a very deep one, just moving characters to different Locations and getting whichever bonuses would benefit that character the most during that turn.
I like Locations. I don't run any, but they're cool. I hope we get some more interesting ones that can be splashed into more decks instead of mainly only being good for decks that specifically capitalize on Location hopping.
>go for the brooms deck.
Funnily enough, that's what I played before I quite, but it was blue-purple, I'm guessing it's like purple gray now probably based on remembering some gray broom from the 2nd set. I still have 2x Enchanted Sorcery Mickey's somewhere.
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Is FFTCG any good? The cards are really all over the place in terms of aesthetics, but the game itself seems like a good alternative if you want something similar to MtG/FoW/Lorcana/etc..
Has anyone here even played it? I have no idea how it's still going with such little coverage from anywhere I normally check. It's like the game doesn't even exist, and yet it still gets regular content.
Pilaf needed a ban, something from green too.
Game kinda died a few years back, same time the art got good. They might reboot it looking at how well Bandai games are doing.
A reboot could be cool. I wonder how they'd change the game to make it more appealing for your average TCG fan. I think they just implemented the LB deck mechanic, so it'll be interesting to see how they design future cards for that when they get a better idea of how they want that mechanic to work. The current LB cards seem really basic, except maybe one or two that seem pretty generically powerful.
I only played the game once, years ago, though, so I'm kind of talking out of my ass. But yeah, it would be great if they rebooted it, but handled it and did it better than Bandai did with FW, and the game actually took off, maybe with all original art instead of renders reused from old concept art and promotional material. I think having all original art could actually make the game have mass appeal.
>no off-turn interaction
The worst design decision possible
NTA, but I love it for that. If I want off-turn interaction, there are plenty of games for that, and I can play those if I feel like it. It's nice that Lorcana exists, because it's a good game to play when you want something simple, or a good teaching tool for people new to TCGs. I love Lorcana so far, even if only because of its charming simplicity (and because Alice is in it, of course).
We have enough complicated games. Having more options is always good. No one is saying you have to only play one game. Lorcana is good for what it is.
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I know it's the cool thing to hate on Fusion World but I actually think Black's gimmick of getting effects when you combo sounds neat.
I guess, but hasn't this been done to death in Masters already? Like, isn't that what a Super Combo is, which are included in literally every Masters deck?
Fusion World bores me to death its truely garbage compared to the first two sets of masters that also had way better card art too.
Pilaf isn't that strong.
True. I remember when Masters first released. Shit was surprisingly decent.
Maybe something like FW? You have a leader that goes LB and gets boosts, each game has a different LB mechanic.

9 gets a transform effect that boosts the leader, 8 you can recycle spells or something, 7 burst attack, 13 gets summons, type 0 combination attack, etc etc.
Master arts sucks, its way off model and has too much glitter.
Now you're just making shit up.
Only thing I like from Masters is the info at the bottom, its so bad in FW. Digimon has the type/level/attributes at the bottom, why not copy that.
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Apparently we're just not getting card reveals in English anymore

"Activate Battle: Give your leader or battle card +15k for the battle. If there's a card in your combo, draw a card"
Bandai is awful at marketing
I don't get it because set 2 reveals were going up at the same time in English and Japanese. Now they've shown like 5 FS05 cards on the Japanese twitter and haven't posted any of them on the English twitter.
This is broken what the shit.
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FW is the same, they just simplified it. i think some set 3 leaders have three/things/listed with slashes.
Its just another generic 1 cost power buffer
Superior japanese management, folded over 1000 times. They didn't even translate the announcements, wouldn't surprise me they fired the guy.
Only race, I would like to know which saga. Backgrounds help too and FW is backgroundless. Masters broke model too much but FW is basically abime screencaps redraw, wouldn't kill them to play a little with the characters models, even one piece is doing it.
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if black can generate energy markers, as clue'd by the SS4 leader, this is wild. they will really be able to play off-curve potently or push hard.
It's a game all about card advantage and it lets you replace a card you combo with or go neutral if you hit something off leader Bardock's effect.
>maybe after a few sets we will reach a level of complexity nearing early masters.
Yeah, and then Bandai will do the same fucking thing, and FW will have Masters-level amount of text on every card. So what was the point? They just kill it off every 10 years or whatever to start over and fall into the same traps?
There is no reason to play FW over Masters yet. No reason at all. It's just a neutered version of the same game.
wth is an energy marker?
>There is no reason to play FW over Masters yet. No reason at all
FW has a digital client and is fairly new so doesn't require 7 years of previous card knowledge to get into it.
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yeah, FW art is trash through and through. like the game though.

it's like the coin in hearthstone. you get it for going second, an energy that, when spent, is discarded. >>93118350 this new leader might hint at a mechanic that generates them.
The FW client is garbage. I have heard from several anons here that it is predatory in how they monetize it, and it's also based on FW, so it was shit from the start anyway.
You don't need 7 years of card knowledge to play Masters. That's delusional. If you really think you need to have the commons from set #69 memorized to play Masters, you're literally retarded. Just netdeck to get your deck, read the other meta decks' cards online, and you're good. It's literally the same amount of effort as getting into FW, just with slightly more reading, because the cards actually do interesting things instead of being boring garbage with 2 lines of text and no flavor.
It's called "Fusion World" and doesn't even have fusion mechanics for Vegito cards. Lol. Just lol.
Is this the masters schizo hours.
Don't bring up FW in a positive light unless you want to get shit on. It's that simple.
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>yeah, FW art is trash through and through
Some of the alt arts are decent. And the good thing about the game struggling is they're cheap.
What the fuck is going on with Zamasu's face here? Honestly looks terrible. From the thumbnail, it looked like it was going to be good, but Jesus Christ, that is bad. What were they aiming for with that face? Looks like some meme edit or something.
The Vegito SCR alt art looks like shit, too. His face is the real problem with that one as well. I'm starting to see a pattern here.
To each their own I guess. The eyes are what make it so great.
It would have looked better if it actually had even some indication of a mouth. Like, it looks like a meme edit, like I said, but I'm having trouble placing what exactly it reminds me of.
Anyway, if it had a grin or something, it would have looked passable. I see what they were going for, to make it look creepier or whatever, but I don't remember Zamasu ever being portrayed like that, much less with his face actually looking like it does on that card.
FW babies fear these two words more than anything, and constantly awake in the middle of the night, jolted upright in a cold sweat, as they fail to comprehend what it means.
Can someone please tell me exactly why FW is so bad?
Just read some of the cards. Really. Any of them. The game is like, Lorcana-level simple, but it's piggybacking off of a game that had YGO-tier text boxes on nearly every card in the past few years, with tons of mechanics that were completely removed in FW, so Masters fans (including me) are disappointed with what Bandai has done to the game.
You aren't talking to a real person
>Lorcana-level simple
Wait Lorcana is simple?
Lorcana is very simple, yes. Again, just read any of the cards, and you'll see how simple it is. I have no problem with Lorcana's simplicity, to be clear - it's FW's clear downgrade from Masters that disappointed me. It'd be like if they rebooted Yugioh, but had everything be vanillas again, like when it first released, and kept it that way to appeal to a wider market or some shit. Even Rush Duel has stuff in it that the main game doesn't have. FW is just a neutered version of Masters.
They did reboot yugioh its some shit called Rush Duels
Please read posts before replying to them.
>One Piece is mechanically more complex than Fusion World
The absolute fucking state holy shit
The first mistake was decks not being to use any color like Masters
Not weird in the lore but meta wise.
Only card game I can think of where there are cards that exist in totally different planes of existence from each other and have different narratives.
Also just seems weird that signi are "just cards" when they are so flavourful.

No idea what chim is
The art is fine. There were a few clunkers in the first set but you get over it very quickly, and the vast majority ranges from good enough that you don't notice it, to "hey that full art card actually looks rad, I wish they just made them all full art".

That said, I'm gonna bitch about it, a lot, because the game is trash. I've played quite a lot now, my friend group (which are very competitive card gamers) and I have played in several tournaments and some of us have done quite well. Nonetheless, it's painful to me. It is woefully unoriginal in gameplay and concept, it has essentially no new mechanics to add to the format, the color pie is lame, mechanical, and results in very un-thematic decks. Theme is almost nowhere to be seen, there are like five cards that I would say are strongly themed. That's a goddamned crime, Star Wars is such a fantastic basis for games. It's sci-fi serials + dune + samurai + monk magic, how can you take that and make a boring game? But boy, they managed it. Upgrades are garbage and exist in a very common design power-gap where they're too expensive to be worth it vs the control options available, and extremely hard to justify vs just more unit cards. The control cards they've already printed are so powerful that investing in any unit, even your leader, is too risky to waste slots on most of the time. This means awesome shit like, I dunno, LIGHTSABERS and BLASTERS are too risky to actually use. And they're printing far more powerful control next set. Additionally, there's no defacto way to represent force power except a lame ass tribal keyword that allows you to use a handful of fine but difficult to use abilities (because good luck sticking a force user on the board reliably, this will be easier later with more force users available). How the company that did such a great job on Destiny and X-Wing 2.0 with force powers managed to totally drop the ball here... well I guess I do know, all those people are gone.
So many things they said early about it were just lies too, such as:
>Gameplay pieces won't be chase cards, chase cards will be alt arts
Bullshit, it's a very normal TCG rarity spread, and the prices are shit (which will take a long time to change, or never change, because now speculators have got their grubby little mits going on this game)
>The arenas rarely interact
There are relatively few control cards which specify arenas or cards which specify ground/space units for effects, and loads of units which have effects that work across both arenas even if that doesn't make any thematic sense. The arenas also suck, there's no mechanical difference between them at all except that space units are a little shittier on curve because the ground arena is supposed to be primary. That's a bad system. Space battles and ground battles simultaneously sounds, and should be, exciting, but in fact you have the game, and the shittier version of the game with no leaders and weaker units, that most players ignore, and serves to make draft/sealed way more of a coinflip as you frequently just win/lose based on who can end up uncontested in an arena due to draft and draw.

The game is lacking design space, so I have no idea how they continue this in an interesting way for even more than a few sets. They've also been burning through the Star Wars canon at an incredible rate, I think as of set two there will already be FOUR Boba Fett cards, at least three Han Solos, etc. But the cards themselves are lacking any interest. Three numbers and sometimes some text is inadequate. This is particularly painful in the space units. I keep imagining if they'd statted space completely differently in a way very similar to X-Wing with variable attachments, some form of range rules or maybe squadron groupings, and that feels like a way cooler game. The only direction they have to go with new mechanics is straight down, as I expect more bullshit mill, healing, control, and cheating effects.
Already the game has devolved into mostly strict aggro vs strict control, with the extremes being some of the most boring and straightforward examples of those archetypes I have ever encountered. Double blue control is just "Do I have more "kill unit" cards than you have units until you run out of deck", and Sabine green aggro (red/yellow pretty similar) is just put units onboard and if I do 20+ damage before I run out of steam I can probably plink the rest off, otherwise the other deck wins basically regardless of their gameplan. It's not even throwing out tokens or anything, it's just playing good value units and pressing the attack button until it wins or loses. It is the absolute most boring shit imaginable. And I don't think the next set is going to fix any of this. I think it will maybe add some weird archetypes that functionally play their own form of uninteractive game, ala Runeterra, but everything so far looks like it's just doubling down on the wildly uninspired game that's already there.

And the most damning thing about it is that it feels like the Ep 7 of card games. Ep 7 is trash, but it wasn't seen by most people that way at first, because it had some fun bits and seemed like it might be going somewhere, and you can accept some weak setup because later movies can fix it. But no, it was EXACTLY what it was supposed to be. A dulled down, mass-appeal regurgitation of the original concept, with every possible edge filed off, carefully pruned of any original thought or new ideas, just whoring out the IP. That's what this game is.
Not really. They did some experimenting with it, but aside from a few outliers (Champa, Drawku, the ones that play themselves) they didn't really take off. Arrival was the first thing that made you really want to combo.

They later just made comboing itself a resource with Z-energy rather than making effects on combo.
Nigger, I'm not mad they rebooted the game, I'm mad they gutted it to do so.
To give a non-schizo answer, there's two reasons:
1. Core rules changes. There were two things they removed in Fusion World: Combo Costs and Counters. In Masters there was a saying "The fastest way to lose is to play on curve." That's because if you tapped out and your opponent didn't, then they would have extra resources to defend with and could either block with fewer cards or use Counters to blank attacks with a single card while you're wide open and lose all of your free counters to avoid your opponent's hits. As both of these were removed in FW the optimal move is very often to simply play on curve. There's Activate:Battle extra cards that sort of fill in the role of cards with 1 + 10K cards in Masters, but in Masters those were integral parts of your deck with decisions attached to which to use, the A:B cards are cards you specifically put in your deck for the purpose of boosting.

In a more minor point, the change from 5k base combo to 10k base combo seems to have come with a reduction of the range of potential battle cards. In Masters cards ranged from 15k to 35k, needing 1-5 cards to defend against. In Fusion World it ranges from 20k-45k, needing 1-3 cards to defend against.

2. Changes to Card design. This is something there is scope to fix, but so far they don't seem to be interested in it. Cards in Fusion World tend to be very, very boring. They all work along roughly the same lines doing similar things to varying levels of effectiveness. There's very few cards that stand out for any reasons other than power. To use a personal anecdote when looking over the card list for BT-1 of masters after FW came out, there were 7 cards that I thought "That seems interesting". There wasn't an especially high bar here, cards like Furthering Destruction Champa and Beerus, General of Demolition made the cut.

But FW had one card: The 6-cost Gohan that healed you. Now this isn't because healing is particularly interesting, it's mostly because Masters lacks healing entirely. Compared to other Bandai games, that card is entirely normal, like BT-1 Magna Angemon and I'm sure there's an OP equivalent. Given that that card is the absolute peak of novelty in the first set I think you can see the issue. And it's not like set 2 has done much better. There just aren't any cards with wacky, interesting or unique designs. There's plenty of design space in the game, Masters has shown that, but so far FW has steadfastly refused to use pretty much any of it.

The fact that FW has to climb to reach the starting point of Masters is why people who played the latter are so harsh on the former.
>Star Wars has ugly art
I thought /acg didn't care about artwork????

Gameplay trumps all
If acg didn't care about art, they'd play board games.
Most of us play both.
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Speak for yourself
Haven't played a board game in a long while.
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yabba (and yabba's friends) and some showcases
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Any info on the game yet?
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When attacking KO a 3 cost or less Saiyan then if you have the energy marker place an opponent's field card in the drop.

People say the game has no flavor but c'mon reenacting that scene within the constructs of the games rules is kind of neat to me. It's the kind of thing Digimon does as well.
Do post the demo decks if you get them please

Some guy in the FB group is gonna write a post up on the mechanics. So join and wait

type Ultraman Card Game 2024 - North America TCG Group on facebook
Is Ultraman like power rangers vs Godzilla creatures?
Never heard of it before
>Gameplay trumps all
SWU kinda put the lie to that claim. "gameplay trumps all... to a point". we now know that the point is.

board games also have art, and the quality of that art also informs the experience, so not sure what's even being argued here.
Giant alien inhabits an earth guy to fight giant monsters.
Well all I'm saying is or asking is if SWU's gameplay merits it to the point where you can put a blindfold and not care about how ugly the artwork is.
SWU is the only TCG where I don't care for the collection at all besides it being playable.
I just play it for the game.
I don't personally think so. the gameplay is good (although not as good as has been hyped) and the art is a trash fire. plus all the Disney Wars shit, it gets a pass from me. but there's a lot of subjective in there, ymmv.

I get it, because there are other games like that for me. we were just talking summoner wars last thread and that's definitely a "great gameplay trumps shit art" game.
Now compare OG Black from Set 4 in Masters to this boring shit in FW
Play Masters then. Literally nothing is stopping you from doing so.
Overrealm was such an interesting concept
I miss card games. Haven't played much since Innistrad/Return to Ravnica and would like to get back into it, but I don't wanna spend money and hit a local store. Is there a group playing alternative games on tabletop simulator or something like that? Jyhad/VTES would be particularly neat, but I'm open to any good game that can be enjoyed digitally but wasn't designed for the screen of a phone.
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Ditto, and also one of my favorites is a seemless hybrid between the two leaning less on board and more on card.
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This but unironically, they have vastly differing biomes and a plethora of ranger tools at your disposal; there's really a tremendous amount of ways to approach playing Rangers that you would be remiss not to keep playing and experience the robust offerings.
There's no board. It's just a card game that copied off of boardgames' homework. Nothing wrong with that, but the entire game minus a rulebook and lore entries is in that photo (see, no board).
Nah fuck all that free play shit
1. Start Phase
2. Draw Phase
3. Lead player sets scene card phase
4. Set character card phase
- Lead player sets character card
- Next player sets character card
5. Level up phase
- Lead player level up step
- Next player level up step
6. Open phase
- Lead player's characters enter play effects step
- Next player's characters enter play effects step
7. Effects activation phase
- Lead player payment effects step
- Next player payment effects step
8. Judgement phase
9. End phase
First time we've heard of scenes, wonder what do they do
This is such a sideboard card in a game with no sideboard.
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People are playing Warlord: Saga of the Storm in both Tabletop Simulator and Untap. out
Good game, If you look for their discord there will be plent of people there willing to teach you or play a demo game. Also there are lots of gameplay on youtube
I wasn't even aware of Untap. I'll look into Warlord, thanks a lot, anon.
If every card was like this, then people wouldn't say that, but most aren't.

FW is a very engine-forward game, if that makes sense.

FAB has Talishar, One Piece has OPTCGSim, Star Wars has Karabast. FW has an official sim but I wouldn't recommend it if you're not trying to drop benjamins.
Flesh and Blood looks neat, I'll give it a try.
No strategy or card economy. Literally not even a game.
Don't let the shills and scammers fool you.
This is pretty cool, didn't know Star Wars had one.
Need to get back into card games so will be on this and OPTCGSIM.
>He's still desperately trying after 5 succesful years
It's getting real sad now, bro...
I bought Artifact, anon. I'm never spending a dime on a card game again. I'm all scammed out.

I'm willing to give any card game a try, though. As long as it's not made by anyone who thinks of Hearthstone when they think of card games, there's probably something in there I'll find enjoyable. I just like cards with pretty pictures on them and shooting the shit with sweaty autists with metal band t-shirts.
>i bought artifact
my condolences, may i invite you to the fuckposting club?
I know this is ragebait, but I just want to say to the guy wanting to try it out.
FaB has some of the deepest matchups I've seen in any game. I really enjoy how differently you have to play for every game, and I don't mean sideboarding.
False pyramid scam rhetoric proven utterly baseless by math.
Poople throw around the word schizo a lot now, but I think this is a real unmedicated schizophrenic.
I genuinely don't know what you're trying to say. Not even remotely.
post results pls thx
Wixoss bros, anyone has a graph about the popularity of each LRIG?
>FaB has some of the deepest matchups I've seen in any game
you really need to play more games, anon.
that's not to put down fab, either. FaB is a good game. but just like, broaden your horizons beyond big 3 and low effort pop-IP cash grabs. "you have to play every matchup differently" should be considered the baseline *minimum* for gameplay depth. a game that's not doing that barely qualifies as a game.
My favorite LRIG is Nanashi, I just cant resist evil girls
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Is she more or less evil than best girl Remember?
Is TCG Remember evil?
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With how often she hangs around two of the other evil LRIGs and how she joined Carnival's faction around the Door later on who just wanted to create conflict, I'm willing to say yes.
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> Nanashi
> evil girls
Nanashi was mean laughing at Hanna's misery, but she didn't cause it. Even Hanna herself thanked her for it, because she needed to face the truth.
She manipulates diseases so shes gotta be fucked in the head
Woah buddy, cool it with the homophobia okay?
Yea it should be the bare minimum baseline but sadly it isn't. Outside of facing every other games' singular control deck, you rarely have to change how you play.
Most tcgs out right now are "If I do my one plan fist I win, If they do theirs first they win."
I'm also not saying other games don't have this either, I'm just saying imo FaB currently has the deepest and matchup spread and game to game diversity.
Are FaB duels fun?
Not in the slightest. FABGOTS will shill and lie, but that so-called "game" is just taking turns dropping your whole hand onto the table.
Zero card economy or strategy.
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Are they the only straight LRIG?
Did they change the gold symbol for a blood diamond in that set?
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The only other image I have saved from the African set has diamonds on it instead of gold but I never noticed until you pointed it out.
okay, buddy, we get it, you love a bad game, we all have "a bad game that we love" of our own.


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