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Previous Thread: >>93091388
Stand proud, Anon. You were strong.
A tad early I'd say, but here we are:
I will now make a "villain" build and invite any anon(s) to devise a build to bring him down, take his power, whatever. half baked prompt so if anyone else has an idea feel free to share yours
Anyone have a good sword and sorcery CYOA to recommend? The more Frazetta, the better.
>Anyone have a good sword and sorcery CYOA to recommend? The more Frazetta, the better.
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>I will now make a "villain" build and invite any anon(s) to devise a build to bring him down, take his power, whatever. half baked prompt so if anyone else has an idea feel free to share yours
Shit cyoa for this. Something like picrel would be better suited.
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Harry Potter is possibly the most potent combination of gay/played out in CYOA history. Refer to /mcyoag/ for evidence of this. Still, if you choose to persist it will liven up the thread, so be my guest
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I meant as a cyoa for the prompt, not really about the quality/gayness/played outness of the cyoa itself. In Life Chronicles, you pick your entire adventure lol.
You once again prove just how shit your taste is.
>Mount: Giant Wolf

Mystical Power
Flame Of Conquest
Will To Dominate

Rapehosrse The Pure
Uracil Spite
Tenacios Of The Girth, The Groinsaw Of Death

Web Of Intrigue
Rival Strangulator
Light Medication

This is pure sovl
he right. harry potter is shit unless its muggles/muggleborn killing other wizards in which case its based
>The more Frazetta, the better.
Wasn't there one recent fantasy cyoa where the author specifically said he was trying to capture a Frazetta feel?
you're right, I really should have thought this through... not only is the CYOA unfit for the prompt, I am basically too lazy to fulfill my pledge. I will still post the skeleton of the build here though, so DON'T EVEN SWEAT IT GANG! simply take this as an opportunity to contemplate the alpenglow of this towering, sublime CYOA
I read the books a million times as a kid, I'm not ragging on people for enjoying it. I just think a lot of fans could probably stand to move on from what is essentially a formulaic children's series, and while this CYOA is well done, it suffers from the same basic, boring nature. It has also been beaten to death in the other general and to a lesser extent this one, which is my main gripe with starting discussion around it here
Making a chud villain build. Try to stop me, fags.
>Alternate (1945)
>Family: Half-Blood
>House: Slytherin

>Wand Wood: Elder
>Wand Core: Phoenix Feather
>Wand Length: Average, Supple

>Magical Talent
DADA Affinity (Full)
Potions Affinity
Herbology Affinity
>Magical Traits
>Signature Potions
Felix Felicis (Modifiers: Quickbrew, Cost-Effective, Permanent)
>Family Wealth
Cache of Ingredients
Flying Vehicle (Car)

>School Life
Study of Ancient Runes

Private Lessons x2 (Charms, DADA)
Mentor (Transfiguration)
Ancient Vault

Name's Tyuon Lovell, by the way. Now, I'll go learn Avada Kedavra and blast some muggle negroes.
I see. Well, thanks for the offer.


>What do you plan on actually doing to make it our adventure and make us immerse in the world? What choices?
I decided to include multiple subsections to the CYOA to help with immersion and helping you guys to write out your characters.

Impact Events - Scenarios that have impacted the Player Character in a personal matter and can influence their standing and life. There is over 30 options right now and they all ranges in how they impact you. For a few examples: You can have something like "Materialization of the Body" and become a cyborg (officially) thanks to the Ford Clan, "Patriarch of the Family" so you are now the head of your family or one who you joined via "Adopted Family", "Internalized Leylines Subject" where you can acquire internalized leylines after being experimented on, True Love - where you found true love and can pierce all the marriage condition for characters except being the opposite sex, etc.

Investigator Role - Your personal belief surrounding the existence of Magic and the reason why you became a Magi Investigator for the Bureau. You have something going from Sacrifice believing yourself as a Hero having to throw yourself at danger to save others to Apathy where you think you are a cog in a great wheel working to suppress Magic because that is what you are to do. Inquisitor to unravel the truth behind the existence of Magic and trace it back to its source. Etc.

Complications - Personal affairs and ills that impact you negatively, but rewards you with extra options to take. This can range from something like Indifference where the job of an Investigator is numbing you to the activities of the greater world and you no longer respond like a normal person would. To Inheritance where you have to compete with rival family members to earn your spot and who try to sabotage your work as an Investigator. Malformation where certain options/clans turn you into a monster like Hunde or Tycho. Person where you develop a second personality and become a schizo.

Family Role - Where you sit in your family's hierarchy ranging from an Exile with no contact, to an Outcast only called upon for certain events and needs. A Senior entrusted with special duties to being an Elder, Patriarch, and even the Ancestor founder of the family.

Magic Education - To determine how you learned to use your Clan's Magic and how you come to develop your spells and use Magic in general which feature their own benefits and drawbacks. You have Traditional where you learned things the old slow-and-steady way, Foundational which uses shortcuts and new modern concepts to circumvent the old learnings difficulty curve, and Indecorous where you just make shit up on the spot or find a way to copy what you see without being learned like the other two.

So these are the main 5 sub-systems, I plan on using for Redux to help you guys flesh out your builds and be more in-tune with world.

>How do plan on fixing the magic system so it's not all make-up your own spells?
The magic system will remain free-form, but there will possibly be a label for what can a Basic version of the Magic can do versus Advance and Master.

>Indifference where the job of an Investigator is numbing you to the activities of the greater world and you no longer respond like a normal person would
>identity death
I thought you've been making cyoas for long enough to know how absolutely retarded this is.
That's not what identity death is and Indifference as a complication is different. You can watch a man get his head get eaten off by a giant monster and the normal response from a person would be "Holy shit" out of surprise to it happening suddenly, or fear and then running away to hide from danger, or even anger because they just killed a friend, etc. You take that complication, you just see a man get his head eaten off and it doesn't illicit a response from you. You know you should feel the emotion and know what the emotion should be/looks like if you were to do it, but you don't act it out and instead carry on like nothing happened at all. It takes a lot to bring out strong emotions for you.
>Identity death
tf you talking about
>changing personality
Literally the definition of identity death.

>people cannot change due to stressful circumstances
>trauma cannot affect you, lose your identity anyway
>your experiences can't change you
you're so fucking retarded shitposter-kun
Ok, kill yourself if you like.
thanks for "meaningful" contribution to the discussion and a free (you)
As a newfag, I doubted it when I saw people say so, but italics is indeed a shitposter.
The defense force is back again I see, no matter how retarded the author is being.
Confirmed shitposters
Most authors are yes.
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Why is Tok so scared of death he always needs "immortality options" and Italics just expects us to casually accept ego death? Why do their CYOA's both suck so hard also? Why can't they just make good, one page long CYOA's?
>Ego death
Being less emotionally responsive doesn't mean your ego died. You are still You, just like when you get rage mad, You are still You.
Doesn't magi case specify that you are transfered to another person's body in the magi case universe and their memories and personality overwrite yours?
>Doesn't magi case specify that you are transfered to another person's body in the magi case universe and their memories and personality overwrite yours?
No. Where did you get this?
Taking away the option to ever not be mad however makes you not you. The ability to fluctuate between emotional states is also a part of you, taking that away is ego death.
>Taking away the option to ever not be mad
1. That's not what happening though, so why bring it up?
>It takes a lot to bring out strong emotions for you.

>taking that away is ego death.
Being stuck in a state of indifference is not ego death. People that are depressed do not experience ego death. A person that is high as a kite 24/7 do not experience ego death being high all of the time or when coming down. There are full-on apathetic people in the world that don't feel too strongly about anything and they are perfectly fine still being themselves and living their life.

Ego death is complete loss of one's identity and self, something not capable of in real life without complete amnesia (Something that is astronomically rare at 0.2%).
*Complete amnesia, being a legit schizo, or doing hardcore drugs you turn your brain to mush.
I heard it here at some point before it finally came out I think, idk I've never actually read magi case.
There is no isekai in the CYOA, you are just born like any other person in the Magi Case universe. Magi Case universe is just like the Resident Evil games for example.
>Ego death is complete loss of one's identity and self
no, any forceful modification is ego death
i wonder if shitposters are so obsessed that they're samefagging at each other, or you faggots are genuinely so retarded that you'll respond to awful bait
Why is italics allowed to get away with this?
Having trouble coming up with monster powers. I need simple, low to mid power level abilities for monsters that hunt humans to have. The sort of horror creatures that you'd meet in a spooky forest or an abandoned building.
What are some CYOAs that have that sort of thing? Or suggestions, if you have any.
Offscreen teleportation
Tracking prey
Perception filter
Retardation field
>Offscreen teleportation
>Tracking prey
I have these
>Perception filter
>Retardation field
>He doesn't know about the retardation field.
Retard-kun... I kneel.
>so obsessed that they're samefagging
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Include waifu's.

Mechanicus waifu's are canonical, afterall.

This, >>93107995
But waifu's, companions and 'events'. Help me get invested in the setting/world/adventure.

It's basically the WHFRP career system turned in to an cyoa. I love it.
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NTA, but if I had to guess, Perception Filter is a form of invisibility similar to the Not My Problem field. Causes bystanders and mundane authorities to ignore the monster, regardless of how flagrant it's actions are.

Retardation Field probably suppresses the ability of targets to see easy ways to escape or get help. Think of all the stupid decisions people make in horror movies - that kind of stuff.
I see, thank you.
The ability to mimic almost any sound.
Silent movement
Various venom effects like paralysis or necrosis
Heat vision
What's the minimum amount of illustrations needed to make a complete image build?
One. But unironically. A good minimum is about 3, you just need to capture your character, the main thing you are going to do, and the end of your adventure area.
>oregonated pizza
5 year, 3 months seems like only enough to acclimatize here and 1 year is barely enough to get in touch with New Skyre
>Drop-off point
Palatial Sector, seems like a good place to start to gather data on local culture and scrapyard can assist with the archeological studies, one can go further from there
Skimmer, habitat, analyzer drone and survivalist gun, I am planning on eventually leaving New Skyre but while there habitat would work as my home
>Native guides
Scio, despite schizphrenia, appears to be loyal
Karsh will do as a bodyguard
Voice of Vru'thun will be able to provide interesting perspective during research I also want to have sex with it
>Additional jobs
Distant relatives, our resemblance is uncanny and requires further investigation
Construction Line allows for unprecedented access to the race that maintains this megastructure
Rosetta Stone, cool
Italics - since you're reworking Magi Case in Redux, can I request a slight tweak? The way you phrased the clan descriptions has a grammar error in it.

You introduced each clan in the basic format "The X bloodline was the Nth Clan founded by (insert founder name)." There needs to be punctuation: a comma/hyphen/etc . . . after "Clan", or else you're saying that the founder established multiple clans.
The presentation is already changed, no need to worry.
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Why haven't there been any really good cyoas released this year? There were some alright ones amidst the slop, but nothing that really stands out.
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the red(dit)ux of this cyoa was a huge improvement desu
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Tok will save us
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>Mechanicus waifu's are canonical, afterall.
I want a Admech romance novel
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Overall one of my favorites despite it's heritage. I like how the quests are set up.
It could definitely be improved with more alfheimr and less dumb slop like digicasting
You forgot the best one! So did the author unfortunately...
I like it due to the extensive quest section.
Consider suicide
Witch Awaking was made by someone who didn't understand the point of the original Witch and seemingly went in the complete opposite direction at full speed. If you like it, good for you but they are not comparable.
However, Witch is the best one-pager I've seen.
Allsync died again.
Back up now. That was fast.
> However, Witch is the best one-pager I've seen.
Meh, it's forgettable really.
>power cap
What is this shit? How the fuck does something like an academic or warlock have a power cap? Is there a lore mental block or something preventing patrons from gifting more power?
It's trash on an embarrassing level. All that effort for nothing. It contrasts with the simple elegance of the OG cyoa, he jusy couldn't get it. The author is just not talented enough to make anything decent no matter how hard he tries.
>no narrative, it's just make a new body, power fantasy, "cozy" home bullshit
>all numbers and stats except point costs are arbitrary
>Tok tastes in graphics
>point tax to be male
When is June over, I'm sick of gay shit like this and Hairy Pooper MCYOA outside their containment threads
What are the new ocs recently?
It's the retardation field mentioned earlier in this thread, minus the whole field part. You gain it for free if you make a build.
Agreed, it's much more fun and engaging.
>can enact genocide on an unimaginable level
>can torture innocent people for all eternity
>can trick and condemn the souls of children to literal hell
>but love potions are banned because they're immoral
Is this related to PR? Did AHS make this?
I hate OutrageousBears so much
Nobody knows.
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We live in post-OC era where no-one posts OC.
Why does this read like BTGslop but for people who want to play good magic CYOAs and undergo trannification? Even the actual BTG CYOAs are better, despite being made by a notorious yurifag fatty.
Sylen recently finished his dishonored-inspired CYOA that got like a single build and was ignored by this general entirely. In complaints, I remember people crying about the wishes you can get for finishing a Silver Goal, and their typical shitposting tactics like "ego death".
Which one, Viz Volaire?
That one. I thought it was pretty cool.
>but love potions are banned because they're immoral

Where does it say that?
>that got like a single build and was ignored by this general entirely
What the fuck is this historical revisionism?
True, there was more than one build. But it had no staying power and only generated retarded arguments.
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Hyper Metabolism, Perfect Memory, Energetic, Understanding

Hyper Metabolism is op as fuck.
Ironically this version would really benefit from its own redux. All the arbitrary rules and qualifiers on every option make it a huge hassle to play and turns any optimized builds into samey gigantic shopping-lists with no personality.

Cut out or simplify all the rules and mechanics, rebalance point costs so high ranking stuff is costly rather than something you need to qualify for, remove messy options (like hybridize and stuff linking to other cyoas) that reward taking a bunch of thematically incoherent options. There's a really good cyoa is under there, somewhere.
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What idea do you have for a short cyoa you'd like to see made?
Something like this https://imgchest.com/p/6eyrw86x7pz would be cool.
>pick 3
>picks 4
Read the whole cyoa. Understanding is the goal.
I cleaned my room so Mom said I can have an extra power
I choose all of the perks. I'm gonna benefit from every last one. I choose drowning resistant, inspiring, hidden mind, hale, virile, curious aura, hypergonadism, hyper metabolism, perfect memory, energetic, hoarder & fearless.
Then I choose a normal life.
I don't think it does, love potions are included under the alchemy section
>stuff linking to other cyoas
so true I fucking hate when people do that
>stuff linking to other cyoas
This is one of OutrageousBears' favorite and worst features.
>the original Witch
post it
Check the OP. That's the final version by the original author.
post a better one-pager
Any from Tok.
Who are 6 and 8? I don't recognize them.
8 is FEAR
CYOAs in which I get a loving wife and kids?
What if I make you a one-pager? It won't be better, but I'll have 24 hours to make and post whatever I get done?
Which cyoa would you rather see:

You are a disillusioned space colonist realizing the ultra capitalist company planet treats workers at a bare minimum. You choose how the hardship strengthens you and what tech you scavenge to beat them.

Heavy metal cartoon inspired. You choose companions, weapons, and dinosaur mounts.

Cozy bonsai tree where you choose what simple perks the tree gives you like time dilation while home, auto cleaning etc.

Similar to above but a pocket knife with various unique tools, key that fits any lock, substance identifing probe, etc.
last one a meta?
You won't get an actual honest reply at least not from the complainer. The point of complaining is to feel superiority, they know any one pager they posted would get critiqued and then would lose they're higher than the rest status. The only way to retain alpha state is to like nothing and hate everything.
>like nothing and hate everything
I'm pretty sure that's what we call "cringe" though.
>Heavy metal cartoon inspired
been a while since we had some metal
Yes. You need to hide under the covers or else Sartre will eat you.
1 > 3 = 4 > 2, in my opinion.
So this adds another level to the current meta. One must never openly like anything or be considered a beta slop eating redditor, yet one must post or you build up no prestige, the one must Post in a obfuscated way that doesn't reveal that your actual inherent strategy is to never like anything I just vaguely alluding to things that are better without actually picking a specific one
>You are a disillusioned space colonist realizing the ultra capitalist company planet treats workers at a bare minimum. You choose how the hardship strengthens you and what tech you scavenge to beat them.
Sounds like commie/socialist dick sucking. No.

>Heavy metal cartoon inspired. You choose companions, weapons, and dinosaur mounts.
Sounds like ass.

>Cozy bonsai tree where you choose what simple perks the tree gives you like time dilation while home, auto cleaning etc.
Best option presented out of the group, but more for Reddit.
I'd prefer to see someone unironically defending Witch Awakening or Dragonfall because they personally like it rather than that cowardly bullshit. Imagine caring that much about the opinions of /cyoag/ anons.
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>Animal Senses
>Natural Weapons
>Dread/Sonic Roar
>Cruel Cunning
>Master of Combat
>Battle Precognition
>Telekinesis/Telepathy/PSI Attacks
>Iconic Weapon/Gear
>Battle Rage
>Feast off Negative Emotion for Empowerment
>Mad Scientist Technology (Opens up many new avenues for horrific encounters and torture)
A lot of these are assuming that the monsters you want aren't 2D unga bunga retard monsters
I don't know why you phrased this as a question, you certainly don't need my permission. By all means make what you please
>I don't know why you phrased this is a question

Praise kink
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https://imgchest.com/p/9rydzjd864k for high res version.
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use real life for inspiration
what the fuck
no oc ;_;
what the fuck
cephalopods are cool
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Why make oc when you're just gonna get shat on for doing so
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It's maybe a little overcomplicated, and I can't imagine using half the witch 'body types.' But there is a lot to like in it nevertheless.
>I can't imagine using half the witch 'body types.'
Because most of them are shit and there's like 5 that are op.
Because it's not about the popularity.
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Being shat on is never fun. Being shat on for something you worked hard on even less so. If you compare that to simply wishing for popularity you might be stupid
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>I'd prefer to see someone unironically defending Witch Awakening or Dragonfall because they personally like it rather than that cowardly bullshit. Imagine caring that much about the opinions of /cyoag/ anons.
NTA, but its just the nature of how the internet is going. People are treating discussion as pointless face-saving meta-game on even an anonymous website where there is no face to save.
I am completely honest when I say that a cyoa is bad. If you disaggree with me then I am just sorry you have shit taste.
>Being shat on for something you worked hard on even less so.
Skill issue.
When has Witch Awakening or Dragonfall been shit on? Those two CYOAs get wanked to high heaven (especially Dragonfall since 60% of the people posting about it is himself.).
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I like this one better as the magic is less restricted.
There are a bunch of people shitting on WA in this very thread. And I remember how bad the reaction was
Indeed. What skillful people do is not make cyoas and that's what I do now.
The casting and learning methods are retarded.
>have 0 in reading
>you can't learn from reading lmao
when it first released, is what that last sentence was meant to say.
It's a bit unrealistic but I don't think it's that bad.
Why does CYOA development take so long?
Are you retarded
Do you know where you are?
A place of intellectuals like physicsfag?
CYOAs in puretext can be anywhere from 90 to 150 pages long, and that's for a cyoa of modest size. A long, in-depth CYOA can take over a year of consistent daily writing and planning to complete. The only reason people take OC for granted is because they've never made one.
I'm thinking of making a one-pager inspired by The Village CYOA but it includes a wife option.
do it
Definitely 1.

XJR has no downsides at all and laser arrows are cool.

3rd row 2nd sword. I've always fantasized about having a chained sword like that.
sounds like a leech
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>10 messages in 4 hours
it's over
Feels like the best play under most circumstances is always to become the best Felix potion brewer you can, and also learn how to make new spells with as many supporting modifiers as you can.

With the luck buff to cushion the odds of failure, you're going to become your own school of magic, unrestricted by what's already known and largely unpredictable to opponents.
would take as a companion tier build
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Hello there, thread. It's been a while since I had anything to show. Unfortunately, I dunno when Cosmic Lily's gonna really strike the right mood again, but I decided to take a portion of its concept and flesh it out into its own thing as a smaller, simpler, way fucking hornier TSF/TG-centric CYOA.

I have not felt this way in years. I'm cooking, and I'm cooking fast as hell, honestly. I made this in two days (which is fast for me pls do not bulli).

Anyway, this is just a WIP of the first page, which is obviously subject to change and doesn't actually include most of the titillating stuff. I'd just like feedback on the concept and suggestions for magical girls you might like to see put into the list. General concepts. Not "pls put in Madoka" (even though I might do that). Non-standard stuff highly welcome, too, because "masturbating makes your tits bigger" is an obvious choice.

General format of the cyoa is planned to be:
>Choose a country
>Choose a girl('s panties)
>Choose modifiers
>Choose bonuses/drawbacks
and if you want a TLDR of the CYOA it'd be something like "You buy used panties from a magical girl, put them on, and do challenges to become more of a hot anime babe over the course of a month in a near-future world where magical girls are ubiquitous."

So, I am finally heeding the age-old advice of "Keep It Simple, Stupid." Anywho, let me know what you think, thread, while I go off and make myself some salmon for dinner.
>Witch Redux
what's the best race?
>Mortal Home
>Monster Affinity (Dark Spirit)
Rat, specifically
>Origin of Decay
>Tower Works
>Nasce Belluam
>Incanta Retextum Tempus
>Cupisce Perpeter Patrocinatum
>Keepers of the Ancient Art
This CYOA was like plain popcorn. Not my favorite snack, definitely missing some flavor, but as much as I consciously think it's mediocre, I'm also not putting it down until the bag is empty.
If there's no pregnancy option I'm not interested.
Anon, you turn into a woman. You can get pregnant. Unless you mean yuri pregnancy, in which case there will obviously be an option for that.
SO very true. Let them whine about no OC. It's all this general deserves in its current state.
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NTA, that's certainly a challenge as it's an excellent one pager, but my favorite is still Where Did The Angels Go?
>what's the best race?
very respectable pick
My one gripe is it's not really replayable; I still remember my answers, not reading ahead. I went back later and read the other outcomes.
>Wordless Journal
I left Soulless in the village, I thought they'd be better equipped to help. I reached the "fortress" and because that's ironically one of three languages I know I just decided to stay in The Tower with runaway because it's the safest place we could be, particularly if there isn't anyone upstairs to knock it down a second time.
Thanks for the suggestions!
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Easily Elf, most of the others are either dogshit filler with nonsensical mana regen or so broken that it breaks the immersion.
However as an elf supremacist I must admit that I'm slightly biased.
Sylph, Empusa, Jotun, Undine, and Neutral are decent.
Some of the others are cool, but taking Charge Swap is basically necessary to make them playable / not totally stupid. Some variety is good, but trying to give each race it's own quirky charge method just didn't work.
What would the worst CYOA be like?
>The entire CYOA is styled like an obviously vandalized in-universe wiki.
>The wiki is to the game that the player character has been stuck inside of, as a standard isekai plot.
>Portions of the CYOA involve going to an actual webpage simulating a wiki by piecing a bunch of capchas together hidden inside the CYOA, where you read the postmodern ramblings of a new and different unreliable narrator.
>Free immortality that leads to a fate worse than death, forcing you to chose the permadeath drawback.
>Most powers are some specialized form of telekinesis.
>The high level powers are time manipulation, power negation, and access to all normal powers.
>All the races are very obviously ripped from major franchises of different genres.
TSF isn't usually my thing but I always love the style and text layout you use, it's very visually appealing and easy to follow.
Glad you're back!
The fuck is a TSF?
lurk moar
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Bold of you to call what I'm making not slop.

That is the first time I have ever heard someone specifically compliment my style, but I'll take it. I didn't spend my time away just doing nothing. Naturally, I'm always honing my photoshop skills.

Transsexual fiction. The Japanese term for "jacking off to the idea of turning into a cute anime girl," basically. TG ("Transgender") was the term in usage in the west on the internet for the longest time, but I don't like using it these days for rather obvious reasons, I'd say.
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Tactical Surface Fighter *Storm Vanguard intensifies*
Where do you get pictures like this for your CYOA? I need the sort of stuff that isn't on gelbooru.
I miss Entropist.
I like Italics lore for his CYOAs and the fact he always hypes us up as the Main Character.
I hate Italics lore for his CYOAs and the fact everything in it is more important than the reader.
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You don't pay me and there is no pleasing you. Why should I hurry?
Cool world building though.
What if only *some* things are more important than the reader?
Eternal Bluesisters...
>Diamond Dozen (Major)
Mainly to heal people.
>A Tough Road To Hoe (Major)
Oh noes I'm being forced to have sex with endless hot girls.
>Beyond Approach (Major
For protection and to get rid of annoying people.
Kekubi for the magic boost
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Nymph + perk can turn water into mana potions / extended mana pool and also gets mind as third affinity.
I don't care about Italics lore for his CYOAs because they're adventures for someone else and not you.
How does any other race top this? You just have to burn yourself to get mana.
>he doesn't force his soul inside the protagonist
skill issue
>we're averaging 2 posts per hour
This general is dead. Even worse than last year except no entropist will save this place next time.
fucking /mcyoag/ hits bump limit, and its just a bunch of autists sperging about their dogshit cyoas
we need some kino asap
You could always start to talk about "magic". Or how Italics doesn't allow his cyoas to be fun. Or how Cyrus refuses to change. Or how metas are cheating.
>italics shitposters
>cyrus shitposters
>metafag cries
that anon wasn't kidding, diversity of this general has ultimately killed it
jannies are too useless and shitposters will continue
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The thread rejected and drove away Entropist anon, you don't deserve salvation.
people like you drove him away, plus his schizophrenia
literally, some guy a few threads ago admitted to spamming builds just to fuck with him, and i believe him
he never had to respond to builds with no theme or shitposters, yet he did and here we are
it's not as saddening as the fact that you still stalk this place just so you can get some measly laughs and feel better about yourself, thoughever
Spider is easy infinite mana regen and has nigh infinite instant resurrections, but beast is a shit affinity. Empusa's mana dependent hp makes her nigh unkillable, has almost infinite 1 minute resurrections, and her affinities are good. The best choice is of course to be a Spider/Empusa hybrid to be nigh unkillable with nigh infinite instant resurrections and good affinities.
>beast is a shit affinity
Metal too.
Good to see you writing again, Rosanon
>No, that was poos and ricecels.
awful lot of projection, you should go back to /v/
>Posting kots is a thankless job, but one I shall continue nevertheless.
"reposted same faggy opinion with smug picture" award
last bit of attention you're getting, thread is so dead that people see right through your pajeet tricks
The wulong, with all of their art powers, have always caught my eye. Haven't made a build to test them out, though.
And speaking of art, I was always impressed by how much Outrageous Bears was able to find that I hadn't seen before.
Wulong's revival is really good, Spider tier, but its mana regen is shit unless you consider pocket dimensions to be "in proximity", in which case it's Wulong is even better than Spider because mind is a good affinity.
We could've had another active author but now all we have left is dead threads. Add all the other authors that left like that and the state of the general shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
I've never tried pdf CYOAs as they were too long for my taste, but this looks really interesting. Do you need to multipost to get your build fully posted?
Can I pick people's brains? I want to finish up a build for New Fairy Queen, but the fact that (you) generate fairies is throwing me. I'm just having a hard time picturing what fairies of some of the "darker" or more abstract elements would be like. What would blood, necromancy, gravity, and time fairies be like?

(Bonus points if you can point me at an actual fairy from myth/legend that embodies them.)
For some you have to multipost, but not necessarily for Traveler's Tale 2.0. It's really just:

*point of origin
*starting project

Along with whatever equipment you feel is important to share with the thread. Highlander came up with a TON of neat stuff to buy, but most of it's background stuff. Cool to know you have, but not necessary to tell others about.
Search for the "unseelies" they are supposed to be the darker fae creatures from old folklore, the normal more neutral ones are the seelies.
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A build I posted some time ago was ~1200 characters for choices only, though with commentary it took two posts.
Cyoa where the world is flat?
Any cyoa where you're still on Earth.
I don't want a shitposting topic. I want discussions about CYOAs.
Post your favorite cyoa.
post a CYOA that'll generate mass discussion and builds so we enter our brief lived psuedo /mcyoag/ era again
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Be the change you want to bring. Or something, I forgot the actual quote.
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>I want discussions about CYOAs.
Italics doesn't allow his cyoas to be fun.
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We could talk about Dragonfall and its cultural impact on the thread!
>its cultural impact on the thread
what happened
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It was the last time when Took was relevant in any way, a blip before long decline.
Tok, if you want people to talk about your cyoa you should make it good
You were never relevant, and no one would miss you if you died tomorrow. You try to force yourself into the discussion, and it has the exact opposite effect. Anons just point out you're a failure and an attention whore, but even your unlikability is unremarkable. Other generals have more interesting cryptids and trolls, you're just a generic consoomer nerd.
Mom would. Checkmate!
Dragonfall was so irrelevant, even she didn't make a build.
no oc is going to be made because the elden ring dlc is out and shitters like gil are probably masturbating to new fap material like erotically flowing swords

Ranni lost btw (both her and her mom’s moons got stolen by some letter swapped meme character, devaluing their special mother-daughter dynamic, bravo)
>shitters like gil are probably masturbating to new fap material like erotically flowing swords
Bone of my sword
This is just what shitposters wanted and the reason why they shitposted entorpistanon out. They love when the thread is slow and dead so all the attention is on them shitposting.
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Does anyone have the slave sale cyoa where a girl invites you to a hidden sale and is suddenly out on sale because she started talking too much shit/revealed that one of the slaves poisoned their previous master.
Hatchling is a better dragon CYOA all round for something immersive, well-written and enjoyable.
For coomerbait powerwank there's that interactive dragon CYOA. Dragon dance I think? Generic shitty dragon power fantasy which is still far better than dragonfall. I legit do not understand why dragonfall ever got any attention.
"Used Good Auction". It's not on my drive.
going into this blind
Traitor, because I suffer from being a paranoid fucker in real life, too.
Amber Stone - The journal is probably more useful, or a weapon, but this sounds funny.
>Pick Two
Soulless and Exile. But I'm probably leaving them behind ASAP. At least neither of them say they're going to follow me or anything like the others.
Fortress. Village is going to be man-eating fishmen, the ruins will be mind numbing horrors, and the forest is going to have furries.
Well I guess I can't read people. Not the worst downside I could imagine. Not going to read the others, like it asked.
Well, I guess the Soulless person is "with me" (But probably not, I'm not keeping some freak mute named literally "soulless" around, nor am I keeping some angry dude named Exile).
I'd just stay in there until I got bored (after 2-3 days) and then throw myself off the top.
>Italics doesn't allow his cyoas to be fun.
Will you shitposters leave already. Nobody believes this.
Nobody should believe you. He does not want people to have fun and it's clear from the way he answers questions and the role he gives to the player as opposed to his special pet NPCs. The only shitposters here are the ones defending him and himself.
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Then explain why his cyoas are so thoroughly unfunny.
He does not understand what fun even means.
>responding to low quality posts
Stop engaging retarded takes and post CYOAs.
You are the retard here.
>and the role he gives to the player as opposed to his special pet NPCs
Cucking your wife and having the person you love die makes them a special NPC? Why do you want us to go through with this Anon? Remember this is a special pet NPC after all.
>He does not want people to have fun and it's clear from the way he answers questions and the role he gives to the player as opposed to his special pet NPCs

Pokemon Personified: Chosen Hero
Picking-A-Goddess: Human chosen by multiple goddesses
Echoes: Leader of the Rebellion
Witches n' Inquisitions: National War Hero
Eternal Blue: Saves the World / Bangs Princesses of ancient civilization, incans, and alien sea people
Order: Former ruler of the World before its reset
Regent: Crown Prince of the most powerful Empire in the world.
The Magi Case: Founder of a Clan / Apprentice + Husband of a Founder of Magic

Apocrypha: Random Hunter (Though chance to be the child of the Vampire Rulers is an option)
Lamentation: Random Adventurer
Kins Wolfe: Random Traveler

He literally bends over to give us the most important spots in nearly all of his cyoas.
Why in the fuck is nearly everyone in JRPG Traitor bisexual?
Now list the actually most important people in the setting. Because the player is not that.
NTA, but aren't you the most important by default in any world since your existence is a crossroads for timelines based on your choices?
No. Especially not in italics cyoas.
Pokemon Personified: You, the Hero.
Picking-A-Goddesss: You, Husband of Goddesses
Echoes: You, End the Rebellion (Post-Story Yandere)
Witches n' Inquisitions: You, the War Hero because you lead all the military's national events.
Eternal Blue: You, You save the world from the Eternal Blue and establish relations with the Sea People.
Order: You, because you overthrow Despot and reconnect the world.
Regent: You, because all the Princesses are after you and the Demons only win if they get their Princess to marry you.
The Magi Case: You, without you none of the mentioned events in the CYOA happen. Without You, Elspeth can't even do her rebellion..

Apocrypha: None.
Lamentation: None. The Directorate at best.
Kins Wolfe: None.
Why did anon get so quiet.
>The Magi Case: You, without you none of the mentioned events in the CYOA happen. Without You, Elspeth can't even do her rebellion..
Wrong. The auctors are.
>Wrong. The auctors are
1. You literally get to murder an Auctor in the CYOA.

2. Nice rebuttal in the face of overwhelming evidence that refutes your previous.

>Inb4 NTA
Then don't reply.
There is more auctors that you could theoretically beat than not.
Most of the auctors are sad retired people that won't impact anything unless you literally provoke an incident.
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Gigantic (pic related)

go to /cyoar/ and discuss eta-class
You could beat all of the Auctors except Drac and Ostane. Even then, you can just take out your penis and Drac and Ostane would insta-lose to the cock, unironically. Ostane is GAY only for Drac, but will become heterosexual just for our penis.
I can take Drac easy.
In a fight, right?
You are expecting a good faith argument from someone with crippling autism and NPD who takes successful CYOAs as narcisstic injuries. There are 2 (two) IPs criticizing Magi Case. One is too damaged to figure out a VPN, the other doesn't care enough because he'll probably get bored.
Drac is easier when you realize what Devil was too narrow-minded and obsessed to understand: there are ways to defeat someone without killing them. What good is immortality if you're helpless and trapped?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>What good is immortality if you're helpless and trapped?
Why not just marry her? Her literal dream was to get married and have children before her father sold her ass out for power. Then did it again to her little sister.
>her dream
i want to be the strongest not her fucking housewife
Anon, she wants to be your housewife. You can beat her using the cock.
I fucking hate the character names in Magi Case
everything else is great though
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Auctors are overall alright. Here's my tier list.
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>redditbear shit
please neck yourself
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Only if you explain in details why you think he shouldn't post CYOAs in the CYOA general.
Live Free is OP, you can get infinite wishes with it
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NTA but you need to return to Reddit.
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You're allowed to do "anything you wish" by others. That's not infinite wishes.
Any unwanted consequences of actions taken while the card is up are undone when the card goes, so you just make a wish while it's active and when it disappears you get the wish back.
Is there another option that gives wishes?
You can take Wandering Warrior and win the lamp with the other choice/s you get, or go down the Guardian Vessel rabbit hole.
God, I hate JRPG Traitor going full "It's all a dream, lmao." Ruins what is otherwise a good JRPG CYOA.
'Self insert' just means identifying with your character.
I have 7 antagonist options, is this enough?
I'd win.
You fucking idiot.
He's right.
Reality IS the dream it isn't a fucking dream that you or someone else is fucking dreaming.
Do you whine on lovecraft mythos because azatoth is a thing?
I'm bored, talk about this cyoa's lore.

The fortress is the tower of Babel
The runaway comes from the village
We are probably in hell?
The serpent might be the one from the garden of Eden?
OP. Yes. Azatoth is shit too.
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Huh, Live Free got nerfed. I remember it was one of my favorites in a much older version, but each change since has made it less appealing.

I think I would currently be inclined to go with:

Live Life, for maximal usage of time - the "no life extension" is almost an irrelevancy when virtually every other choice gives it, and you get three+ of them.
Death Ward - a very strong choice, granting intrinsic near-perfect life protection and extension - I suppose a nuclear strike would probably be able to destroy the house and, thus, you, but outside of that, the entire thing being "as durable as the most durable material currently used," plus self-repair, means even a dedicated attempt to dismantle it would probably fail. Could grow the place into a true oasis.
Third choice is mostly flavor...I suppose I miiight choose Divine Hope? It's actually one of the few options that allows self-improvement while still being pretty much human. The great downside of course is that it's restricted to real, adhered-to religions, none of which I quite accept even philosophically. If I could pick and choose there as I normally do, adopting the ideals of virtue and earnestness and what have you without the "absolute subjugation of will to a divine king" bit it would be much more palatable.

It's odd that Shed Life allows you to pick fictional afterlives, while Divine Hope requires a real faith.
even trash general outlived us
Which one is this?
>even trash general outlived us
What do you expect with niggers who spam off topic images.
>One is too damaged to figure out a VPN
I'm no Italics hater but I don't understand how others are able to VPN this site. 4chin always seems to know I'm using one. So I stopped trying.

And this is not about being malicious. I am unduly affected by a rangeban that seems to be placed on my geographic area, and it all started when my dumbass phone service switched entirely to 5G and prevented me using LTE. As far as I can tell, I can't phonepost anymore, which is gonna suck when I release a CYOA and I can't answer questions when I'm at work
fucking catniggers
It’s in the loose assets in the last page.
get a cheap vpn like mullvad, or become a mobile data chad and consistently change your IP within a tap of a button
jannies are also not unreasonable, so simply try to appeal your ban if it was done for a retarded reason
>mobile data tap
Yea that used to work for me. But since the 5G switch it won't work no matter how many times I reset it. Thank you for suggestion, though
then ur really rangebanned lol
vpn will seriously help with this, there are free alternatives, you can additionally try to set up a proxy for like $0.02
do you know why you'd get banned, rangeban is pretty serious measure
>CYOA has characters talking and referencing things you never took as an option.
Our response?
Live Free is way stronger now since you get to ignore 'unwanted consequences.'
I see
We troll the author until he stops posting.
>Live Free is way stronger now since you get to ignore 'unwanted consequences.'
Pretty sure that phrasing, or something extremely similar, was always there.
I can't help but wonder,
If I chose the physical and mental attributes of my GF, How would she react to knowing it was because of me that she has ___ illness, etc?

I presume the CYOA is about being with a real human being, and I wouldn't choose to be with a stupid person. She would find out something like that even if I tried to hide it, which I wouldn't
I'm quite certain I'm not the one personally being banned. I think it's IPs in my region or something. I haven't done anything to merit a ban, myself.

Usually when I got a ban notification when phoneposting, the following page would tell me "you did x or y" that I never did, and it was recorded to have happened at times I knew I wasn't on, or boards I've never been, post#s that weren't mine. That's when I would hit "Mobile data" and try again, and eventually I'd be able to post again.

I believe the same problem as before is happening to me again, except because my phone service is retarded, I have no easy recourse anymore
Nah, the original is only about social/legal consequences, harming other people. The closest you get is 'stunts you do generally work out as intended' which isn't really the same.
What CYOAs have a decent magic system? Or at least a decent power system. I'm asking for variety either in the amount of options, it being highly detailed for what it describes and what you can do, or just being in general unique and not what you see often in other CYOAs.
This is the anon you replied to. I can't phonepost at work without a VPN because one of the engineers gets banned for posting his dick on /pol/ or just shitposting and trolling. I'll log on to post something about tabletop or cyoas and get a message saying I was banned and see something brazenly offensive about Americans failing math, not going to space anymore, or telling someone to suck his dick.
I can't be mad at him though, he's hilarious and a great friend irl. Try the advice other anons gave.
Seinaru Magecraft Girl's magic system felt complete, if a bit overdesigned.
Entropist is very nice in that regard.
I'm pretty sure portions of that CYOA ripped from Jujutsu Kaisen.
Anything by 3_Tankista
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I like this one.
Revelation specifically opens the door for so many funny shenanigans.
Magi Case, but unironically. Open magic system where you are to be creative with what you can do with the topics.
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Blood Magic, JRPG Traitor,
Entropist was good but a bit linear
Evoker's Oath was an interesting concept but it needed more work
I'm trying to remember some CYOA that had 6 or 8 elemental magics but actually had explanations about what happens when you combine them, not just some lazy "pay ten points extra and you can make water and earth into mud idk lmao" it was fun but the magic system wasn't the main point of it. I'm trying to find it, I'll post it when I do.
Hallelujah, resurrection

Of course they are. New hotshit animoo that everyone's going to pilfer crap from. You're surprised?
Body Type: Curvy
Breast Size: Between Average and Big
Lower Body: Between Average and Thicc

Yandere Type: Harmless, Dependent, Worshipping
Personality Traits: Optimist, Submissive, Poor(+2), Paranoid, Gifted. Not Innocent, but never been with a guy.

Video Games(-1), Motherly(-2), Good Taste(-4), Good Natured(-4), Good People(-4)
Income and 4 children promise (-3)

Decorator(+1), Genetic (+3), Love Bites(+2)
We can keep a dedicated room for family pictures no problem.
I'll take the toned down version of Addict for 1 point.
Hers Forever(+5) seems too easy for me because I want babies anyway. It lines up perfectly with the Income option.
I also don't see the drawback to Tech Savvy(+4), especially if I chose her to be Harmless and Submissive, So I'll take it.

Origin: Miracle
I was fortunate to be there when she was caught in a terrible traffic accident, and I pulled her to safety.
She was bruised and unconscious, but had no lasting injuries.
We then formally met at the hospital, and so our story together began.

Dream: Family
P.S. Guess I'll take Perfect Hair(-1) because I can't math
That's funny! Thanks mate
Just Sartre it to be finding someone who fits there criteria. I feel like waifs designers in general would be immoral if you looked at it from that standpoint.
Good point
Used Goods?
>cumeaters defending their god again

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