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Puppy Dog Edition

>What is Trench Crusade?
An alternate weird history 32mm tabletop skirmish game still in a pre-release playtesting phase but with the full release slated for this year. Based on the art and lore of Mike Franchina, whose illustrations you may have seen floating around on /tg/ for a several years now, and designed by Tuomas Pirinen, one of the original creators of Mordheim. It's grimdark, it's visceral, it's awesome, and it's very Blanchitsu.

>What's the QRD on the background?
The Knights Templar turned heretic and opened the Gates of Hell when they took Jerusalem during the First Crusade. Over 800 years later the war is still ongoing as technology has developed to a pseudo dieselpunk WW1 standard and a third of Humanity has sided with the Infernal Princes.

>How do I get started?
Grab the playtest rules and the lore primer here and check the FAQ for any other basic questions you might have.

>third party sources for making trenchers:

>Scattered rules/files from the Discord

>Trench Compendium

>Previous thread:
is it just the lore document for that locust thing or are there any rules to check out
As far as I know I don't think the rules have come out yet for them, just a preview via that lore blurp. I can't imagine they'll be far off though.
No rules yet, but the dev mentioned in the discord that the faction will be quite different from the previous 5 and based all around spellcasting and magic. We'll see another preview in one week, probably just another piece of art and lore but could have rules this time.
So the Seven Headed Serpent is the Seven Headed Dragon from the Bible, right? The one from the end times?
Yeah, it's just a cool name for Satan.
There are two separate seven headed beasts in the bible.
Yes, and the serpent/dragon one is Satan.
The Dragon is not either of them. You're thinking of the one Michael fights in the War in Heaven. That one's Satan. The Beast from the Sea has seven human heads, and the Beast of the Earth isn't described other than having ram horns and the voice of a dragon. The Satan dragon interacts with the Beast of the Sea, and there's no interaction between the first Beast of Satan with the Beast of the Earth.
There's a lot of monsters in the bibble, multiple with seven heads I'm learning.
>The Dragon is not either of them

Revelation 12:3-9

And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems. 4 His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child he might devour it. 5 She gave birth to a male child, one who is to rule[a] all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne, 6 and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, in which she is to be nourished for 1,260 days. 7 Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, 8 but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
Yeah, and then there's the two other seven headed beasts. As I said, you're thinking on the one that fights Michael in the War in Heaven, which is mentioned in Revelations but happens a long while before revelations. The Beast from the Sea with seven lion heads (not human heads like I said earlier), who interacts with Satan who is the seven headed dragon, and The Beast from the Earth mostly undescribed.

There are at least four seven-headed beasts in the bibble, including Satan the Dragon and the hornless Scarlet Beast, Anon. The Cult of the Seven Headed Serpent are likely direct Satan worshipers, since dragons are frequently called/depicted as serpents.
>Yeah, and then there's the two other seven headed beasts.
Which don't matter, we aren't talking about the others, I said Satan is the serpent/dragon, can you even follow a fucking reply chain you retarded fucking moron?

>There are at least four seven-headed beasts in the bibble
No one gives a fucking shit. They aren't Serpents. There is one "Seven-headed Serpent" which as I said is Satan and posted the passage that says this explicitly. How fucking stupid are you?
Okay, for starters calm down. You are way too mad. A snake could easily be included as a beast and the Scarlet and Earth beast's heads aren't described, which was why I was asking if it was suppose to be the Dragon or not. I know it's likely, but I'm not on the Discord.
You keep posting this retarded "akschually" garbage without reading what the fuck I am saying, what are you even arguing? The passage RIGHT THERE calls Satan "the serpent" while also describing him as being a dragon, it's obvious what's what.
Again, calm down Anon.
Then stop being an annoying fag trying argue shit that makes no sense and read what the fuck people are saying to you.
NTA but you come across as the retard in this exchange constantly going "Nuh uh!" over and over again when the other anon is just curious which 7 headed creature; of which there are clearly several in the Bible, they are possibly referencing. And unless you are one of the creators (you're not) you don't know for sure either.
>hmmm which one could Court of the Seven-headed SERPENT be referencing
>could it be the seven-headed lion/leopard thing
>or the seven-headed unknown thing that is barely talked about
>couldn't possibly just be the fucking seven-headed dragon that is explicitly said to also be called the serpent
Don't engage him. He clearly just wants to be mad.
None of this makes you seem less like the retard for having an autistic meltdown
Actually it does, stay mad
Oh yeah definitely. Either way, pretty interested to see how the magic is going to work. If I had to guess the spells are likely going to be risky actions. Possibly with more than just an "end your turn" penalty on some of them for failing.

I could see a cheap unit similar to the bomb prisoners that let their spellcasters channel spells through them but are damaged or die in the process.
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Toumas said their playstyle is entirely different, so maybe instead of Risk Actions there might be an entirely different mechanic all together. But I could see something like you said with the Ecclesiastic Prisoners or maybe even something representing pre-battle Satanic sacrifices where you kill a model to get bonuses.

Hopefully they drop soon, I'm very interested to see how they play.
Apparently Fāris, the unit exclusive to House of Wisdom is basically knight or horseman. Now I just imagine them having homonculi or jabirean lions as mounts.
New mechanics will be interesting. So far the closest thing to magic we've had are the prayers/hymns and faith healing the priests have. Oh and the Witches pulling bombs out of hellgates.
>is basically knight or horseman
Well they still have 6" movement, so sadly you don't get them on a lion. But they get elite so knight seems like a good equivalent to them.
Yeah, no cavalry in the game. But far as I know, devs want to add vehicles and cavalry to the game. Since House of Wisdom has a elite unit with a name that historically meant a horseman, they're wasting a huge opportunity if they don't add homonculi mounted units.
That said, all that is still far away, since the skirmish game is not even ready yet.
I would assume this thing is their token super big thing.

I'd hope the Court has some kind of Luciferan Knight or something of the like. Or an antichrist type figure.
It looks like we're getting one reveal each week for them. It'd be kino if that meant seven unit reveals every seventh day over seven weeks.
>Or an antichrist type figure.
Playable Attila the Hun
What do you think life in the heretic-ruled territories is like? We don't really know much
>Uhhh it's bad
Yeah obviously, but bad in what ways? I imagine it like different territories ruled in an exploitation colonialism style fashion by archdevils and princes of hell. You'd have a head of state, like Pazuzu, who rules from Hell while envoys/trusted human underlings set things up. Unlike 40k as far as I can tell heretic forces can't just shit out ammo and weapons. They just get the benefits of metal from tartarus and the like. So they need to maintain both a workforce and a military, so society needs to be palatable enough as to not promote constant rebellion. I imagine opportunities to rise in the ranks are common, but obviously the higher you climb, the more damned you are. I imagine a lack of information about the further world can help too, if you're in solidly hell owned lands then rebellions sometimes happen - but usually it's the people living there joining up with another ruler of hell instead who promises better things. Then they get better for a bit, then worse again.
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So to translate it for a 40k tard like me it's something like
>imperial guard
>tempestus scions/marines
>dark eldar I guess?
How far am I off?
I imagine it's cloeset analogue is early feudalism, but with more sacrifice.
Lords have absolute control of their territory but are beholden to higher lords/demons above them.
Common people are a mix of peasantry, serfs and slaves, they have little rights or protections but it's not constant murder and torture for all (because they, as you mentioned have to sustain a productive population and labour force). Aligning yourself closer with hell is a risk vs reward gambit and generally the only option most people gave for significant vertical mobility. Which is why so many are will to do it.
They don't really play like any of the 40k factions one to one really - at the moment the game is a mordheim/kill team style game made by the guy who actually designed mordheim. They plan to potentially up the scale over time to make it a full on war game but right now the largest in game units are about the size of a dreadnought from 40k
I'm referring more to the feel/playstyle. Like good horde, good elite army, mixed neutral army, bad elite army, etc.
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That makes sense, I can imagine propaganda posters and recruitment officers rolling up to villages to get the fresh meat. Propaganda posters in this universe must be crazy
>guy who has only played 40k playing his second wargame
"Yeah getting a lot of 40k vibes from this"
Imagine Carthage or Phoenicia with the worst parts of feudalism and l ten times the infant sacrifice
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Pretty far off, unless you're looking for accuracy to one word descriptions like "soldiers" or "plague". Even then, not accurate, like Trench Pilgrims would be closer to Lost and the Damned and New Antioch would be Imperial Guard. The idea of any faction being akin to Space Marines or Chaos Space Marines is laughable. There's not a whole lot of difference between and Elite and a non-Elite model, either in stats or in equipment selection.
My interpretation is that is basically organised "might makes right".
Nothing really stops you getting attacked or tortured at any time other than your own ability to fight or, your usefulness.

The farmer is generally safe from roving murder thugs because the Mayor of the village is incentivised to protect them because if he doesn't deliver enough enough of a tithe to the regional lord he'll be tortured, and his lord wants to protect the productive villages in his territory because he is expected to send enough goods and soldiers to the war effort or he'll get tortured and murder by a demon lord, and so on up the chain.
I mean sure.
But there's an absolute link between any grimdark setting and 40k, which is to grimdark as lord of the rings is to fantasy.
I see, thanks.
The entire noun28 scene is directly derived from 40k, yes.
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I guess it depends on who is the prince or lord of the area. In mostly how structured the rule is. Some demon of wrath propably is more or less just bipolar tyrant. I would say lot of stuff really depends on who is the ruler. Demons also fight among themselves, and most of them are in lower position on the shit pyramid, but atleast can abuse their own followers in turn.
Apparently there are actual societies there, so its bad, but factories and stuff keeps working. Through slavery, theft, violence and extortion propably. Done by the demons and their devotees. People are afraid because demons find inflicting pain and suffering fun. So you have random acts of violence. People are cold and indifferent, or act like it. (again, your mental suffering is just fun to the demon and their devotees) To care or help out people will just mark you out. People who mistreat others are rewarded, as they have entertained their masters, and for that brief second of vile acts they can be sure that they themselves are not being tortured. Although many demons make people who don't delight in their deeds do stuff vilest stuff, its the mental anquish they can inflict. Demons propably find corrupting humans fun too, just to throw them off when they are completely fallen, they can't entertain their lords anymore. If you somehow manage to stay pure in those regions, you're target number one to be used for rituals, or just to be tortured. Those are real threat and something demons and their minions hate.
It's derived from Blanchitsu, an art-style derived from the Zorn Palette, and outside of the early Inq28, most have no connection to 40k at all.
Awesome, a biblically accurate locust.
>the Zorn Palette
Not true. I'm painting my minis in pastel blue, pastel pink, and white.
heretic legion?
I don't think there's any equivalency in playstyle at all to 40K. It's a completely different type of game. I think generally, you can make this statement:

>Trench Pilgrims
Aggressive, fairly strongly melee tilted, rewards you for getting hit/dying in the long run.
>New Antioch
Generalist stats, but extremely versatile equipment options that let you specialize even your grunts very easily.
>Iron Sultanate
Slight ranged tilt and a proclivity for strange movement shenanigans.
>Heretic Legion
Generally a little more 'elite' baseline troops, units are fairly costly but more killy on average.
>Black Grail
Units are often a little cheaper last I checked, basic stuff has no ranged option and work best in groups, more easily killed by fire. Their dudes might be on average fairly limited, but they have extremely powerful leader units.
>Court of the Seven Headed Serpent
We have no idea how they play at all.
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Which would be the best option for a smaller, more elite team with a focus on melee and some fire support?
Iron Sultanate with the Hassassin subfaction.

Alternatively, you may want to wait for more knightly themed stuff.
A lot of the variants focus on fewer, stronger units (or at least a couple central units with support), like the assassin variant >>93118672 mentions.

Mammon requires 80 ducats per unit, so you *have* to have a smaller number of strong guys, and getting to pick off-faction equipment helps a lot. You can also make a very strong blender with Chorister + Tarnished Armour + Standard of Mammon.
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If I remember right, there will be crusader knights faction. I can't promise anything, but I believe they will be an elite army. Knights of Avarice is also an option, which is heretic warband variant.
There's an obligatory "depends on the local demon lord" but generally I imagine everything is hyper cutthroat. If you're some serf living out in the wastes you just need to hope that your local lord doesnt get his dick ripped off by a rival, or you need to rip his dick out first and take his position. But at that point you're a part of the rat race and everyone above you is less 'cat' and more 'tiger'.

Most of the paths to power mentioned (chorister, annointed, trooper) are dangerous, painful, and have a 50/50 shot of some demon just deciding to fuck you over and not grant you any power. It's a place built on fucking others over and enjoying suffering because if you aren't evil then you have zero chance of surviving the trip to hell needed to grant power.

Basically an extreme version of how being cutthroat helps you out in the world of big business/politics, except theres a *literal* requirement that you're sufficiently evil or else you get melted by the aura of hell.
>What do you think life in the heretic-ruled territories is like?
They have Taco Tuesday on days outside of Tuesday.
Black Grail is melee focused with unique ranged options.
Both the Sultanate's alt lists are good at it. The Alchemists themselves are ranged focused, but you can take 3 Lions and a Bull with a shield and a two-handed sword is pretty cheap and effective.
What is a Meta-Christ supposed to be? I thought they were New Antioch's factory-farmed Jesus clones until I read the Trench Pilgrim lore, where they're seemingly prophets that gave lectures and were martyred
Maybe the real meta-Christ was the friends we made along the way.
I don't think the devs want to say specifically. I would assume the trench pilgrims, being kind of insane, have a less accurate understanding of the whole thing than New Antioch, who made them. Though they aren't factory farmed - there are only 7 and I think some are dead.
I fucking love the lore, its pretty damn awesome, though I do think the Islam faction is a bit too squeaky clean.
Creating alchemical horrors is squeaky clean? That flesh has to come from somewhere.
And the Jews had to become a minor footnote in the lore for a reason.
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They're not that clean though
That art is so good. I really love that style of mask & jezails are so aesthetically pleasing. Too bad minis with them are pretty rare.
Khazarian Jew Khans faction when
the art isn't AI generated, right?
No, its just this mostly-realistic-concept-piece style was heavily emphasised in a lot of the common training models.

It's not a major part, but the alchemy stuff is pretty rough. Alchemists in training have a chance to be killed by their creations or have their third eye grow too big and render them insane. Tawkin that have the seal of solomon hate their existence.
Common training models? Whatchu mean boye? Hit me like I aint never played this shit, because I ain't never heard of this shit before until last week but thought it was a scam.
I'm not super in the image-gen area of AI, so this is mostly from my experience with language models.

The basic thing is that in order to produce an AI you need to provide it with data, a *lot* of data, an amount on an order of magnitude too much for any random startup to create. So people go to specific groups who have already collected this information into a dataset.
Often recently people will just grab an already trained model and give it some pre-specifications before releasing it like their own special AI.
These types of images are considered "good" for the purposes of most image generators and so they're given a lot of emphasis, same reason why they're much better at producing those really glossy anime-proportioned women with perfectly smooth skin but not, say, Hellboy.
Hence, it isn't 'this looks like AI' and more 'AI is made to look like this'.
Wow, that's gotta be the first monster drawing for the setting that actually feels original and cool to me and not just a mass of flesh and teeth
how many models are 'flesh and teeth'? I can only think of a couple of the Black Grail models and the homunculus maybe.
>how many models are 'flesh and teeth'?
I was thinking less models and more the art. And I did say "monster", Hell troops are fiiiine although honestly not occult looking compared to their counterparts. But there is a lot of art of hell themed forces which is mostly focused on warped flesh and teeth as opposed to say, Lesser Key of Solomon and other popular occult books, yknow considering hell is the counterpart to the other force which is very influenced by christian imagery
Opinion on my house of wisdom armylist? Also, those of you who have managed to play the game, how good are Lions of Jabir? I thought that instead of Lions of Jabir, I could have a Brazen Bull in the armylist.
Jabirean alchemist (55), Alchemical armor (50), pistol (10), Incendiary Grenades (10), Philosophy, Poetry, and Theology (20 ducats), sum (145)
Jabirean alchemist (55), standard armor (20), sniper rifle (35) Cartography and Geometry (20 ducats), sum (130)
2x Faris (110), heavy armor (80), halberd gun (40), combat helm (10), sum (240)
3x Jabirean lion (180)
Total 695
>I do think the Islam faction is a bit too squeaky clean.
Morally clean or aesthetically clean? I think the aesthetics provide a good contrast to the grungier trench pilgrims and more mass produced looking new antioch. Morally, well, they are a little more moral sounding than new antioch, but it helps they had a gigantic defense wall given to them by allah. As the others said though the flesh pot for making chimerae and alchemical horrors is probably made in a suitably horrifying way. I'm sure the sultan has some suitably despotic tendencies as well
In terms of raw damage output a well-built Bull clears most models out of the park. However having three lions is very useful for objectives and positioning. Lions are quite sturdy thanks to their -1D on injury rolls and being fast lets them spread out and deal with minor threats and control objectives more effectively.
Thanks, I thought giving them infiltrator with Cartography and Geometry. I think you can do some nasty things with stealth and more free positioning.
I think morally yeah, hopefully they get a bit grimmer as time goes on. I still love their aesthetic, but it feels a bit that they are playing softball with them because they don't want to offend Muslims.
It's probably harder for them to make interesting grim stuff for them. I imagine they know a lot more deep Christian lore and tradition than Islamic stuff (same with us the audience) - and just doing more modern-middle-east-stuff would be as trite as making a Mormon faction for the christians.
What would a Chinese kingdom faction look like in Trench Crusade?
Would they be aligned to Heaven or would they just succumb to the forces of Hell due to them being pagans?
People have asked similar questions about the Americas. Personally, my issue with them and East Asia being factions is not only their cultural distance from the Abrahamic faiths that makes up the setting's mythos, but also their geographic distance. They're way too far from the zone of conflict to be able to make a meaningful impact in the war.
I largely agree. European presence in the Levant is due to their substantial interest in the area, (what with the whole constant several hundred year long crusade). The presence of Turks, or Afghanis and Indians are plausible but the distances all become direct overland routes for most interior Asian countries.

If Chinese, Korean or Japanese presences would arrive in the Levant, it would almost be certainly in small amounts from traders and travelers which would be exceptionally rare on account of heretical naval raiders. At most with the current state of the world I could see them as foreign mercenaries; with the connections to the Americas being even more tenuous. If the Americas were colonized at all, it'd unfortunately be most likely that they were accessed by heretic forces thanks to their naval domination.

NGL if we're getting demon magic, it might be cool to have some wild shit like levies of specialized troops from converted provinces, such as some kind of onmyogi from a christian Japan. But I'd include such units very very sparingly.
>What would a Chinese kingdom faction look like in Trench Crusade?
They'd have lots of hand-me-down equipment and local knock off equipment, if real history is any indication.

>Would they be aligned to Heaven
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom sure as fuck would.

>or would they just succumb to the forces of Hell
The Communists sure as fuck would.
The army of Taiping Rebellion, where the leader claimed to be a brother of Jesus Christ.
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>Some Guy: I am Christ's brother
>20 to 30 million total perished
Fuckin Chinese wars I swear lmao
>Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
Oh shit, this sounds like an amazing set up for a warband.
You could create a heretic warband based on Boxer rebellion, where anti-christian taoist mystics convinced themselves they have super powers.
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Chinese history of copying/getting let equipment lets them use pretty much any faction to stand in as, but I must say using the Sultanate to get some Christian Fu-Dogs as a Lion of Jabir's sounds fun as fuck.
Instead of Great Wall they have a Iron Wall
The Heavenly Iron Wall of Harmonious Shangdi.
there wouldn't be communists in china, because there are no in europe in trench crusade either.
Communism is the tool of the devil, so if the devil is there then there is communism.
Those chinese cherubs are something else.
It's based on a European thing, they were angels as babies but their bodies were covered with wings.
That's some hard cope. Lmao you can't even admit it to yourself.
Yeah man, god forbid there be Christians from Ethiopia/Aksum, one of the oldest Christian places in the entire world, who have the Ark of the Covenant - especially since the Hell portal is in Jerusalem and thus Ethiopia is closer than half of Europe.
Seriously this is why everyone hates /pol/fags, they actually despise history
Seeing that ark of the covenant zaps people dead, I wonder how they use it in war against heretics.
I'm hoping it's built to be the power source of a giant gun. Casting arcs of the ark of the covenant
Far as I remember jews carried it to assault Jericho. Somehow I think its something that destroys fortifications, while killing heretics too. Also since its made out of destroyed calf statue, one depicting Baal/Moloch, I think he hates it and Ethiopia with a burning passion.
This is effectively what I'm doing with a Japanese warband I'm making. My Alchemical horrors are gunna be Yokai and Oni. Samurai for Janissaries & Ashigaru warriors for Azebs.
I actually like the Idon Sultanate being less prone to committing offhand atrocities than New Antioch's more extreme factions. Works as a nice point to help counter retards trying to make Hell seem like the more preferable option over the Faithful.
Sounds fun, post some pics when you finish your models
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WiP Castigator, inspired by the art this anon posted.
I've got the 1st batch of minis ordered. Just waiting to get them now. Got 3 Samurai with muskets (Janissaries), 3 Ashigaru with muskets (Azebs), an Oni Ronin (Assassin), & a Sohei Monk leader (Yuzbasi). Plan to get at least 2 monsters of some kind to use as a Bull & Lion after those.
Holy kino. I'm the anon who posted it, were you working on this before it was posted in the thread? It's impressive either way but if you were inspired specifically by it being posted in this thread then damn that's some speed and quality
When you posted it and sometime after. Specifically, I started work on it yesterday evening and got it up to this level a few hours ago.

I'm not sure if I want to call it complete, either way, I'm thinking of modeling the collar and adding a censer to the staff so it can count as a flail in the game.

Beyond that I'm considering the paint scheme and if I want to copy the art as is since my warband is mostly muted tones drowned in oil washes, which would make it stand out if I had it red.

But yeah it's just plasticard, brass rod, nail art decorations for the crucifixes, milliput, greenstuff, and a regular WGA Great British Army Infantry model that I used for scale and to build upon if anyone was curious about how I made this guy.

I would also recommend some Jewelers chains as I'm going to wrap some around the model and attach a bunch of other crucifixes to it to get it to match the art.

I'll post updates if I ever get around to it.
Well it looks sick as fuck, great work. Simple but effective, and great inspiration for me since I'm a bit of a hobbylet right now - I have done greenstuff before but trying to get into a project like that can feel daunting so a breakdown is good
Reference art is always great to have so that you can look at it and see what you want to have. I haven't been doing kitbashing or converting for a long time so no worries, you'll get there pretty quickly.

The best advice I could probably give you is always to be patient. This is shit advice but like, important to hear. When I first started I always just slapped my putty onto the model as soon as it was mixed. Waiting a bit for it to set can really help you when working with them. Similarly, work on getting the rough form and shape first before you go into detail. Greenstuff Milliput mix is great since unlike Green Stuff which can be too flexible to carve, and Milliput which can crumble in your hands, you get a nicer consistency that doesn't feel like shit to do anything with. After it was set, I just used a sanding stick to get the cloak nice and smooth.

That said, green stuff by itself is good. Holds some details better. The chainmail on the Castigator for example was me rolling out some green stuff flat, then using the raised bumps of my hobby knife to texture them before I carved out a rectangle and just stuck it in place.
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A little too futuristic?
A gritty metallic paintjob and some glued on religious iconography can make them fit
Could work as mechanized armor, unless they're too small.
>and a third of Humanity has sided with the Infernal Princes
Okay, but where are they, exactly? From what I understand on skimming through, christian forces are mostly based in Europe while much of the middle east outside of Judea is under this Iron Sultanate
Think there is also something about Gibraltar being under heretic control, but yeah I am curious about the frontlines outside of general area of Levant
A map would really be good. I would say levant, most of North Africa. If suez canal exists heretics have spread to Asia too, through the seas. I think the iron wall stops eastward expansion through land. Heretics enjoy naval supremacy, so I think they have spread to the black sea too. Anatolia most likely strong heretic presence.
So in short, I would say Levant, Anatolia, North Africa. Some outposts in Asia and America. Any island is in danger of heretic attack and occupation.
I wonder howis italy, that can be attacked through the sea. Heretics could attack rome and deal a big blow to the Christian forces.
>Heretics could attack rome and deal a big blow to the Christian forces.

I think due to the Vatican, Rome might enjoy some extra protection.
Malta (a rl crusader strongpoint) could be an interesting scenario.
That would make sense. If there is nothing defending Italian peninsula, I see no reason heretics would not stage a landing there, and try to advance to Rome. They would just gain more foothold over the mediterranean and deal a massive blow to Christendom.
I was actually debating these but everywhere I found them on etsy they'd need scaled down since they are on 40mm bases. And one seller said scaling them to 32mm bases might make the hands too small.
I wonder what satanic sea shanties in the heretic fleet sound like
Good Ship Venus for starters
thanks. that sucks...
As a Scotsman with a rich understanding of sectarianism. Play deathguard, Kroot and Orks. With my wife playing as thousand sons. This looks decent wondering if these fucks would let me make lore for Scotland... hmm probably not I have read some weird shite aboot the fan base being pure dweebs and gatekeepers. Is this true? I fucking hate these culture wars I just want to commit war crimes with the bhoys and have a giggle.
>This looks decent wondering if these fucks would let me make lore for Scotland
Feel free. New Antioch has scottish variant of their army already.
Definitely need to kitbash the legs but otherwise they could pass for Antioch heavies
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incomplete pass at a demon-robot faction - thoughts?
Seems to have pretty good survivability, although i'm not sure how good a 6+ fnp is going to be in a small scale scirmish game. Demonstrate ownership seems pretty powerfull. Giving your best Dude another attack seems really good, even with the - 1 penalty
Yeah it isn't intended to proc a huge amount, perhaps on a 5+ ? In that case a 6-member warband would have a 90% chance of proccing it at least once though. On a 6+ a 6-member warband has a 66% chance to get someone up one or more times.

Was thinking of adding some sort of caveat around only targetting a single model when you use an attack - though that may complicate things.
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I see Trench Crusade has finally begun copying Agartha Descent...
>demon-robot faction
Damn, I'm already sold.

Yeah, you fags invented Chinese history. Retard.
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Rude, I was just pointing out the commonality.
>you guys are copying our setting now
>I-I was just pointing out the commonality!
Sure you were, retard.
Still definitely worth asking around different sellers imo. They are really cool designs.
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Full Legion of Tubal first draft. Lemme know what you all think.
Is this official or fan-made? I thought the last faction was called The Cult of the Seven Headed Serpent or something?
fanmade by me
Nice, that explains why it stylistically seemed bit off and had no images. Still, could have fooled me.
Why are binoculars limited to elite though?
half for flavour reasons (none of the experiments are all there in the head) and half because that way you can have a max of three people blocking infiltrators so that your opponent can still probably place them somewhere decent.
Gotta say, more I read lore bits the more confusing it is where the battlelines are. There are mentions of Tannenberg being a battleground, finns having desperate stand against ice demons, but heretics have been stopped in the balkans by order of the dragon.
I guess the heretics keep raiding Europe, even when Tannenberg is somewhat far away from the coast. I guess east europe has heretic presence.
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Lets talk a bit about Satan, our lord and saviour, shall we?
My priest said not to talk strange men in capirotes.
Good looking mini. Is the head made by you, or is it from some set?
I'm pretty sure the trenches go all over. It's a world war basically that has lasted 800 years so things are very disorganized. Heretics get pushed back, they circle and attack somewhere else, the faithful get pushed back, repeat
Been making changes/updates to the Trench Compendium, figured I'd let you all know some of them (this is off the top of my head so I may of missed something).

> Added HoW, DotGH, and a few other things I missed
> Models can now be 'upgraded' similar to giving equipment - this is for stuff like Heretic Trooper to Legionnare or Homunculus upgrades.
> Models that start out with equipment are now created with them already included in the member description
> You can duplicate Members
> You can refund a model to gain all the money back, sell it to get half back, or bury it to get none back
> You can duplicate Warbands
> When equipping items, stuff like ELITE-Only or Model-Specific will be filtered to only show when they should, you can still untick the model-only checkbox to add whatever
> Added a random battle scenario generator
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What are Buddhists doing while the Abrahamics have been fighting for all these centuries? Are they mentioned anywhere in the lore? I imagine they'd some something to say about demons popping up out of nowhere.

Probably screaming. But Asian hasn’t been covered yet, just the stuff adjacent to Jerusalem and the people involved in the Crusades.
Keep in mind the dev team is like 3 people so we don't really have a lot of clear answers even for stuff within the areas we've got stuff written about. Still, generally I imagine anywhere that hasn't been directly covered will have people fighting whatever forms of evil spirits show up and generally just assuming they're related to their own mythology
The same thing as every other religion that isn't Christianity.
Oh shit, I thought these were just a neat series if concept art pieces. I didn't realize this was actually going to be a game!
It wasn't originally, but things just came together when important people took interest.
>things just came together when important people took interest.
That's a suspicious choice of words.
Tuomas Pirinen is an ex-GW game design lead with 27 years experience, his friend showed him the art and that's that.
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Trench Crusade was made popular by people more important to that. If this post goes missing you know what happened to me but the people need to know.
Bogs are dead
Of course you'd believe that.
thanks anon
gl with your art project btw, cool that the TC guys are giving you a shout out.
dead game
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baited nobody award
>the game's alive see I have 2 minis
i didnt realize how large the anchorite was, also i know people are split on the death commando mini but i do like the more bulky look the mini has compared to the more lithe art (still like the art)
Anchorite's a big boy. Yeah, I do generally enjoy a bit of bulk to my minis just so they survive damage easier lmao
It's a not!dreadnought. I wish that Antioch had something big too, seems like if random Pilgrims can built one then they should have one.
Anchorite really has some bits I would like to use
Will the kickstarter have stl models? I'd like to get into trench crusade, but I'm worried about wasting time kitbashing if the game itself won't turn out to be fun for my group
>game in playtesting stage
>discord simps leap to justify any issues raised
Wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't the easiest way to contact the designers.
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Post kitbashes. Here's most of my starting warband together. Free States of Prussia. Just need to finish the elites, finish and make a second combat engineer and source some automatic pistols for the lot.
Yeah, they've said they'll release physical models and STLs simultaneously.
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Any clue where the bodies other than the ww1 wga germs came from? I have been looking at all the usual suspects but haven't found anything that matches up.
If you ping the designer I'm sure he'll take it more sincerely than the discord simps
personally i doubt we will ever know, like one might imagine that other parts of the world are fighting too but it's fine if the game remains focused on this area
Are those WGA? You could make artillery lugers by clipping the snail drum off the smgs and putting them on the lugers.
MESBG: orcs, army of the dead.
Thank you.
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New unit revealed

The silent battalions of Hell, summoned to serve when the Court of the Seven-Headed Serpent seeks sport, are composed of Hell Knights. Their ever-burning banners stream as they march to war, carrying out the bidding of their masters. They are the bannerets of the High Lords of the Court, champions who respond to foolish mortals daring to challenge the hunting parties of the Serpent's nobility, who embark on hunting excursions beyond the Gate for their amusement.
Heretic Priests whisper that these infernal warriors were once lesser fallen angels or mighty mortal champions elevated into devilhood, but then cursed by their liege lords for some slight, real or imagined. Cast out from the burning palaces of the Pit, the alabaster architecture of their bodies is now bound, twisted and folded upon itself a thousand times and encased in a tomb of their once-splendid armour that is now their eternal prison. It is said that to glimpse the body inside is to gaze upon the sheer horror of divine flesh warped with glaring eyes of light, mouths uttering blasphemies and pulsating inner organs that gibber and shriek, crushed into a space barely tenth of their original form. Despite a reduction in stature, they retain their inordinate pride and brook no insolence from the wretched mortals that serve them.
God damnit, why do I want to play every faction in this game?
Because they're all sick as fuck
Everything about this game looks sick. I am hungering for more grotesque monsters, Christian vehicles, and WW1 fantasy guns to cream over
Looks like a Wayne Barlow inspiration for this faction. Super cool shit for hell.
>not-space marines in not-battle barges
They definitely took more than a little inspiration from 40k, but most of the rest of it is just both taking similar inspirations from Catholicism and history.
tbf theres alot of retards who just dont understand basic shit. And also the designers have talked about redoing some stuff to make it clearer
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The new faction seems to be actual demons and fallen angels. I feel conflicted about it, its cool, but I find it more interesting when setting is about humans fighting one another.
The way I look at it is that demons would love the chance to escape hell and kill mortals and desecrate god's kingdom.
Okay, I've found my faction.

Though I gotta say, I can't imagine how these guys could possibly be balanced against any of the other factions.
They cost a fortune per model and other armies get stuff like Paladins that can go toe to toe with them.
I was thinking the same, they got robot dragon feet and that's what pushes them over the edge into looking futuristic. The thing is you could put those same feet on some kind of big awkward hell-machine and they wouldn't look out of place.
>kid with skin disease running around with a antenna
this looks so stupid lol
From what I can tell the demons are kind of low tier shitters. Stronger than humans but very low on the pecking order of hell
All three of the game’s makers worked for GW for at least a decade each, most from the 80s.
if these units are in the game then their description is that the church sends these squads out on expeditions to find holy relics that could help the war effort. These kids are surgically, and chemically altered because of their affinity with god and they're able to hear god speak and guide them to the relics. The reason why the church uses these kids is that children are pure and innocent and are more attuned to god's words.

kinda agree on the kids though, they look kinda meh, the artist should replace the eyes with a blindfold and mouth being covered by a respirator. The guards around the kid are what I'm more interested in as they look like heavy church infantry akin to the new Antioch ones.
I imagine it's "smaller number of strong units and a bunch of shitters that help get them to their potential".
Wayne Barlow has probably my favorite looks for hell I've seen
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Sorry if I'm late to the show. The MP-18s don't seem to have the snail drums. I'd have to make them, though I do like the idea. Update; need to make more detail on the combat engineer shield and the greatsword, but I'm tired. Nice to have all the bodies together at least.
That’s fucking tight
Fresh Non-Autosaging Thread:
>and other armies get stuff like Paladins
Lmao no. Are you high? Paladins are only in the background lore, they aren't playable and will never be fucking playable. One Paladin would solo like a 10000 ducat warband based on what's written about these guys. They are 40k Primarch-tier demigods that go into Hell alone like it's a Dark Souls speedrun and kill 10 story tall archdevils.

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