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previous: >>93104868

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

>Thread Question/Prompt:
Now that the dust has settled how do you feel about eldrazi saving mtg?
they already saved MTG 8 years ago
Eldrazi are canonically canines.
Gosh I hate Wizards just making custom commanders for every tribe. Cant wait for every eldrazi deck to devolve into the same boring copypaste deck.
anon dont you like 15 new precons every year with 10 of them having 'some chick (male) from r&d wanted a hyperspecific commander for their brew so we printed their dream card' creatures?
I remember making a Child of Alara deck with myrs and the original Zendikar colored eldrazi to make mana to cast the big ones 12 years ago.

Part of the fun was having to use a nonoptimal commander just for the colors and having to fill gaps to still get the theme. Now the average player wont fucking read or build their own deck so Wizards needs to print auto run training wheel 5 color perfect commanders. Every tribe needs its braindead Edgar Markov to remove all difficulty deckbuilding.
>Part of the fun was having to use a nonoptimal commander just for the colors and having to fill gaps to still get the theme.
yeah but thats not what wizards thinks, and its not what the money says
it sucks anon but we shuoldve just gatekept harder
>average number of legendaries in a standard set has tripled in 10 years
>average number of words on a card has almost ripled, its somethingl ike 25
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
I dont think gatekeeping would have stopped it, once the internet got popular for MTG and sites like EDHrec just let people immediately find the most popular and optimal cards, the age of innovation kinda died.

People still make fun new stuff, its just rarer these days and get punished by normal decks that all just have fully optimized decks because the information is all out there and have been done to death.
edhrec only came into existence well after the downward spiral of mtg already started
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How would you feel if a Pantlaza deck won with Barren Glory on turn 5 or 6?

It's basically a joke but I'm not sure how to bring it up at Rule 0 without spoiling it. Not saying anything feels kinda lame too.
If someone complains about a Barren Glory win then they should seek help.
It wasn't even bad intention at first, I remember the guy talking in forums about his project and not sure it was even going to work. Its one of those things where it both allowed a ton more people to get into the game, but also caused problems for the game as well.

If Wizard's just didnt custom make cards for the format and then just let good commander options appear overtime, it would have been better, but they needed that paycheck.
Man I remember using so many different commanders trying to make my angel tribal deck work. It was fun to tweak and optimise the list, always feeling there was some way to improve.
Then with giada being printed it felt like shooting myself in the foot if I didn't use that card as my commander.
I wish it stopped at tribal but everything feels like training wheels now. I have 2 mono white decks and there are so many more auto includes. Where I used to balance and tweak card advantage, ramp, stax and tempo, it now feels like everything is spoonfed by the same handful of cards.
Yet all my friends have fallen into the same trap, and if I don't play those made for commander staples, I sit at a glaring disadvantage. The main challenges I face brewing a new deck are so vastly different, it feels like I'm sifting through slop to find that unsullied jank again.
I've made a ton of decks over the years, but my main deck has always been my mono blue Talrand deck.

Funnily enough, so much powercreep has happened that the deck feels way too slow these days, it used to be the most controlly and annoying deck in my playgroup when in college, to now being basically a casual deck.

At least that is fine, I just get to put the insanely good blue spells in there without feeling like I'm going too far, but crazy looking back at just how far we have gone.
I play instant speed mono white and would just feel bad for you
Gay Bolas
Should I keep running Thrumminbird in infect or should I replace it with (yet another) evasive 2- to 3-mana infect/toxic creature like Pestilent Syphoner or Whispering Specter? Cause while putting a poison counter on every opponent that already has one if you deal combat damage to any opponent does seem good, it's kind of bad to get it in my opening hand when I don't have anything that actually puts counters on people, and there's often a pretty small window between when I've gotten counters on all opponents and everybody having a blocker with flying or reach so I rarely get more than 1 or 2 turns of use of it. Of course that's true for small infect creatures as well, but at least those can help put counters on people in the early game.
Infect is gay and you should stop running it.
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Stop running snow basics.
Goddamn I hate the faggots in WotC that clearly design "this would be perfect" cards for their pet decks. They're almost always juiced with WORDS WORDS WORDS to be a staple of the archetype in a way that's obvious to whatever drooling moron even glances at EDHREC. It's frustrating to think the decks I've been invested in for years are slowly approaching precon levels because I'm not interested in VALUE VALUE VALUE made for Commander cards that lead to games measured in hours.
You don't understand, we NEEDED a single three color card in the Ravnica set! It actually makes perfect sense and shows the character's growth!
>could produce
I hope some day a judge has to answer some angle shooting grognard asking if "could" is fulfilled by just having a card like Damping Sphere in a decklist at the table. It's dumb, but so is the phrasing for that card.
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>"I win at Solitaire!" wincons
the 4 horsemen of not wanting to interact with the table
Yeah, because running infinite combos or buffing your menace deathtouch commander to oneshot anybody who doesn't have a blocker ready is so much better.
You are literally playing the spiritual aids gimmick. You're in no place to complain about literally any other strategy.
>Oath was 8 years ago
No. No fucking way. That's impossible
What? Only one of these even somewhat fits
one-shotting people with your commander is absolutely based
Burn interacts with lifegain (lol)
Mill is instantly solved by 1 blowout card anywhere in the 99

Infect and "solitaire" (which could be any one of a dozen wincons like infinites or just cards that read "You win the game") are much harder to interact with.
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why did spawning kraken shoot up from 8bux to 20bux? did some fagtuber make a video?
it's not about how strong those strategies are. it's about how they don't care about the table state and just play solitaire until they win.
How big is this likely to ever be? like a 6/5?
Probably 12 or 13, potentially as high as 18.
For already determined values
>Death's Shadow (13)
>Yargle and multani (18)
>Titanoth Rex (11)
>Daemogoth Titan (11)
but for the more interesting, and what I've come to affectionately call "Star power" creatures you can go pretty wild with stuff like
>Souls of the Lost
>Lord of Extinction
>Boneyard Wurm
>Wilderness Elemental
>Zendikar Incarnate
Usually fairly quickly he goes from a 1/5 or a 2/5 to a 10+/5 and if I can Entomb/Bury Alive/Jarad's Orders or whatever graveyard tutor my Brawn he ends up with trample.

Here's the decklist I'm taking to my LGS in a couple hours for Commander Night
Does he actually get the power from thing with variable power? I thought they'd just be treated as 0.
He doesn't, any creature with variable power doesn't have the ability that determines it active in the graveyard (unless they print some fucked up abomination that does). So they'll all have 0 power.
So from what I know, the star is what makes the difference. it's a non-determined value so the innate check is checked at all times in all zones, a lot like Keldon Warlord. Like, if Lord of Extinction is in the graveyard and there's 10 total cards that are in all graveyards, he's treated as a 10/10 in that zone. If he got shuffled into my Library, he'd count as a 9/9 in there for anything that'd check it, since the value isn't "determined" on the card.
As opposed to Death's Shadow which has that ability that gives it -X/-X where X is your life total, since it isn't on the field, the 13 is the determined value that's checked.
* Values are solved at all times, x values are only solved when applicable
At least with Zurgo you can see it coming since he needs to actually kill things to get to 21/21. I was talking about the kinds of decks that just delete you out of nowhere the moment you don't have a blockers to sacrifice every turn or aren't holding interaction.

Infect's not particularly hard to interact with. Just kill the infect creatures or keep blockers. They're mostly 1/1s so it's not hard. That limits the deck to relying on proliferate, which slows it down enough that you should be able to win with combat damage. Barring a game where all the stars align for the infect player and he has a hand full of every cheap proliferate spell ever printed and the mana to cast them and nobody has counterspells, you're getting 1 or 2 counters a turn. More than enough to burn his life total down if you play aggressively since the odds are you're not the only one attacking him.
Dealing with infect is only an issue if you're playing a deck whose entire game plan is to durdle behind a dozen propaganda effects for 20 turns until you can flood the board with 1/1 tokens or something.
If it's literally "0", yes. But "*" constantly checks the state of the game after every action taken and adjusts accordingly.
An example would be Nethroi. If I have like 20 Power 0's in my graveyard and a Lord of Extinction in there as well, I would get the 20 power 0's but not Lord of Extinction because it was a 20+ power at the time of the ability going off.
>Just get the table to tunnel the deck
Okay genius what happens when a second player rolls up with it?
>no Entomb
>Vile Entomber
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I really wanna build this deck as "big fat idiots" with an excuse to use this
For posterity
>This ability functions everywhere, even outside the game
I threw thick deck together with what I'd like to call a pretty strict budget. Cards are, at most, floating in the 2-5 dollar range.
Unironically I had SUCH a struggle not putting in my Mage Slayer. Maybe I'll replace something with it if I'm not satisfied with my ability to kill today.
I've got so many cards I wanna use in this deck.
I don't play my infect deck if somebody else is playing infect because yes, in case there's more than one player all stacking counters on people it can easily become unmanageable.
But that's true for most deck types. I once had a game where 3 out of 4 people ran aristocrats decks. The 4th guy melted almost immediately from getting hit by 3 copies of Blood Artist triggers every round.
Just got into commander. I modified my zombie deck and played against my friend. He proceeded to bitch about rooftop storm, then played eldrazi and had multiple cost reductions come up. Then still bitched about rooftop storm! I have a 1% chance to draw it and it's the only zombie cost reduction I've found. Why do card games bring out the worst in people? He's bought the most expensive precon commanders and has said "everyone should just play precons, they are balanced". That can't be true if some precons go for 20 bucks and others go for 180 bucks right? People aren't paying for the "this deck is just super neat" factor?
>At least with Zurgo you can see it coming since he needs to actually kill things to get to 21/21
you will see it coming, true, but not like you think
Your friend is a bitch, but rooftop storm is a notorious combo piece
Actually people do pay for that factor, however dude sounds like a dick. And kind of mid at the game, he either is bad natured doing things for his advantage, or just dumb and doesn't understand.
I've seen stuff like combo acererak, crawl the dungeon. But I thought the point of commander having 99 cards is it's super hard to get combo cards together because you can't run multiples and the ammount of cards makes it so you have to just be super lucky. Zombies just don't seem viable without heavy modification and even then it seems like it'll just be mid tier.
Probably doing things for his advantage. I haven't played card games for awhile and I came from going in and out of yugioh. It's nice because it reminds me of school yard rivalrys against people with strong decks/cards. We have one friend that has made this badass batman theme equip deck deck that's super strong. I tried to beat it with dragons and failed but instead of just getting mad I told her I'm going to get better and get better cards and I'll be back for a rematch. It felt good to have a rival deck to strive to beat again. But my friend just bitches about that deck and says "it's not fun to play against". Is rival decks and friendly competition common in commander or is it sweaty?
What's it like to be retarded?
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Mister mailman delivered the kino today. Hopefully Nadu doesn't eat a ban, he will be busted in my Derevi deck
What did snow basics ever do to you?
>building your deck around your commander is wrong
>not building your deck around your commander is wrong
well what is it faggots
build a deck where your commander can help with your gameplan rather than BEING your gameplan
You're supposed to sit there and not play any cards and then clap and tell me how cool my deck is when I eventually win.
More seriously you want to be able to take advantage of your commander while still being able to function if they get turned into the moon or whatever.
so basically, norin
What are some jank upkeep cards to throw into my Obeka, Splitter of Seconds deck?
if your commander is removed often and you can't play you suck
if you don't play it and for example use it only for color access you also suck
As foretold is the most common one that I've got in mine, Jasper flint for stealing is a lot of fun, and since I'm on MTG I also threw in Grenko because Heist as a mechanic is absolutely broken. I've also got Portal to Phyrexia as a kind of top end but Virtue of Persistence is more flexible and would probably by my other include once I can justify crafting it. There's also a bunch of Monarch enchantments that I similarly haven't bothered getting. Suspend and all that as well but I'm working within my own budget and MTGA games don't tend to let me swing with her all that much since almost every deck is too damn fast, so I'm mostly stalling until I can steal enough stuff via heist that the opponent just scoops

Jasper flint is probably my favorite real card in the deck though, super satisfying just ripping out the top half of their deck, especially control and ramp decks. Replicating ring is also fun to have there since it can keep making new sets and it helps give you all the stuff your Jasper has stolen, though like with a lot of ramp can make you a target as soon as it shows up.
what if the deck can win without the commander, but becomes jank once he gets removed
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Here bro, all my decks can win without the commander, but they get way better with them on the battlefield, that's the best way to play edh
This. Even my voltron decks I include other beatsticks who can takeover incase my commander is put out of commission
since I tried boros (and a bit of mardu) voltron, I have become fond of the "warrior/samurai attacks alone" theme. commander dies? just let the next warrior take over
Azlask and Ulalek are very different
You can't gatekeep a product without going to prison. Usually what retards here call gatekeeping is just "I act like an asshole online" which doesn't gatekeep jack or shit
Had bad art.
Honestly I run the card as more of a really shitty out to utility lands but it's funny how it will sometimes randomly blowout people running the "straight upgrade"
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Is this secret lair version worth getting?
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>playing new tricky terrain deck
>just chill out and focus on playing lands and chilling out
>pic rel

simic is where it's at
Simic perfectly embodies "ignore the whole table until the turn you win"
As we have seen, that can either be cozy or frustrating depending on how good it is.
>SL slop
>second market SL slop even
i guess if you like it enough
Whats your build? would she work as simple Wizard beatdown, without much instant/sorcery synergies??
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Disa precon only comes with 3 Goyf Tokens and no online shops in my country have them in stock, what pokemon card could I use instead?

Cool art ruined by an ugly frame
Where are you seeing this
not him, but my first experience with simic was this biomancer fucker together with that squid that explodes into more squids. every single 1/1 token he shat out entered as 10/10+
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>Have decks for MtG from 2018
>Try to get into it
>Call my LGS to see if they teach standard as well as play it
>Lady tells me most people play Commander and rarely do people play Standard
>Get told by her to play MtG Arena to learn and play Standard
>MFW I have no one to play physical MtG with
How did Commander take over?
the concept of replacing cards every 2 years sucks even if it does help clear powercreep
Standard went to shit as a whole because WotC realized the best way to sell sets was absurd powercreep forcing players to buy packs.
Modern had the same thing happen when MH printed into it
Legacy had the same thing happen when LTR printed into it

However it turns out people don't actually like playing formats that rotate with every expansion.
Wow it's specifically designed to fuck my Isu deck. Thank God no one on Earth would run that
it's more social and you can bring shit decks. those are the biggest reasons.
1v1 formats are minmaxed netdeck cutthroat. most people are too casual to enjoy that.
I mean even 6 years ago you'd have a shit time playing standard anon. Better than now sure but still a pain. Try an actual format your lgs probably hosts some format other than edh
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Yeah we've seen this strawman before
>Play Yugioh
>Turn 2 and my opponent has 9 negates
>I didn't draw the out
It's over
Where can I get whopper or Travis Scott cards? This is stating they exist so where?
Power creep + covid lockdowns + stopping FNM support + judges getting fucked
Should I just stick with pic related?
>stopping FNM support
>judges getting fucked
at least play the good one
I think the only way you're killing people with combat damage is with prowess
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Commander is relatively inaccessible to newer players but is very accessible to established players. A chance to play your old jank or old power is tempting, especially after a few poor standard seasons push people into increasing numbers of flavor of the month formats. At a certain point commander was the only common denominator format that most people had decks for and it reached critical mass.

Nobody talks about it but covid lockdowns contributed too. People were stuck at home with their cardboard, dreaming of playing real games. With games harder to find than ever, the need for a single unifying format was greater, and people were forced to sit next to piles of jank for 3+ months. So they brewed and watched youtube, which became a feedback loop skyrocketing the already popular commander format.
This is my answer https://tappedout.net/mtg-deckpaste/20-06-24-ivW-deck-paste/
>Commander is relatively inaccessible to newer players
compared to standard/modern?
Because of lockdowns and other rules, stores could not officially run tournaments so WOTC stopped sending prize support. In my neck of the woods they got around this by just making every day "open play"

Judges now have to pay a yearly subscription to continue to be judges
based post
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>tfw no cool mono B Madness/Hellbent Commander
A man can dream.
I should say was. 4+ years of constant commander precons have made the format very accessible. But before that picking a legend + 100 unique cards + the weight of every Magic mechanic was daunting, especially compared to a Standard year's only ~2 blocks of shared mechanics and a supplemental set or core set.
Burning people to death seems to work for me
try 7cmc for that one lmao
There are tons of mono b discard commanders
How do you figure? Sure it's strong, but a 4cmc creature with BBB in it's cost that required you to self discard to get effects doesn't seem like it would need to cost 7 mana.
Because it's stronger than 4cmc. It's pretty much an instawin with bone miser too lol
Yes because Standard doesn't have ANY powercreep
Are you retarded anon?
Explain how, on both fronts.
>discard noncreature deal 2 damage
>draw a card
And repeat. It's not perfect but it'd be pretty easy to tool your deck where it's pretty much a win
P/T alone makes it a 4 or 5 drop. Rarity drops that to 3 or 4, +1 for each ability/keyword it has. Could maybe lower by 1 due to amount of colored pips. Minimum 5drop
remove lifelink and deathtouch, add "this ability triggers only once per turn", reduce the burn to 1 damage, and maybe then you are allowed to play him for 4 cmc
>Meanwhile, back to IRL MtG
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I'm thinking of getting into commander. What recent precons do you guys recommend?

I'm kinda interested in the Ixalan Merfolk one. Or maybe the Eldraine Dimir Fairies one.
YuGiOh has never printed a card stronger than Painful Choice or PoG.
This adds up though. P/T maybe it a 3 or 4, rarity drops that by 1, each ability in general adds one but since they are both gated heavily they aren't weighed as much, and he has multiple colored pips as well
This also adds up. You guys should learn how they try to assign mana values instead of just thinking your random whims make sense
Praetors are canonically poorly designed
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Any ways in mono black to cast/recur instants/sorceries? Toshi does it any others?
could you stop spamming the thread you retarded autist? no, you are not allowed to play your shitty commander, and now fuck off.
There's the one mono black legendary fro. Portals that sacs himself to return a black card to hand
>massive downside
>mana cost for activated ability
>can't attack hardly ever so the p/t doesn't matter as much
Again, they have a formula for determining mana value. Your shitty custom card breaks the rules, these do not.
>He thinks self discard and Hellbent isn't a downside
Thanks, forgot about this guy. If I had $270 handy I'd go for it
>not on the reserved list
Watch out next Master's set Xaihouniggas, you're about to get Imperial Recruiter'd
It's not? You are literally rewarded for being hellbent on the card and rewarded for discarding. You're retarded. Your card is shit, black has discard commanders, kill yourself.
Yeah I mean just print it that's what I did are you fucking retarded anon?
Well we are getting Iron Man. Just five more to complete the infinity gauntlet of crossovers.
>Travis Scott
>Kylo Ren
Someone call 9/11 this "woman" has OD'd on copium
Correct, your reward for literally going down to 0 cards in hand before the start of your turn is +1 card on upkeep. Please tell me how many Hellbent cards see play in any format, ever.
You bring dishonor to your clan
Black should get unconditional regrowth effects and green should only get "return creature or land" effects
Fite me irl
And themself.
And their cow.
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How would Nylea's Forerunner and Syr Armont interact with eachother? Forerunner just says other creatures I control have trample, does that count as them being enchanted since forerunner is an enchantment aswell as a creature? Do the other creatures also get the +1/+1?
Forerunner has a static ability that grants your creatures trample. It does not enchant them.
An "enchanted creature" is a creature with an Aura attached to it.
>tfw custom magic general has been dead lately
Pretty sure not playing with a card because it's arbitrarily 300 bucks brings more dishonor. You're cucked by forces you don't even respect
Please say this is bait please sir
Mail call.

Deserts, rats, dragons, and some random stuff.
Not bait I'm genuinely trying to figure shit out, I've ha thousands of cards rotting in my closet for years and only recently got the drive to go to stores and play with people
Rats? Did someone say rats? I love rats! Which rat is your favorite commander? Greasefang is so cute, I want to marry her and then spend all night consummating our marriage! But she's no fun to play because everyone gets mad at me for cheating out a tonne of overpowered vehicles.
New Kaervek.
Yeah, I have her alt-art, and one of these days I'll make a Orzhov vehicles deck around her. My current rat deck is Ashcoat, though. Self-mill rats.

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>tfw game dying has forced friend who used to play with other groups to join mine because none of them want to play anymore
>He has to be super accommodating to everything I ask of him because we both know he wants to play way more than the rest of the group
I even got him to take Nadu out of all his decks. Soon I'll have him only playing commanders that are 3 colors or fewer.
Successfully got stomped out today at my LGS
Coram did not perform, despite being able to eliminate 1-2 players each game
feels like it's almost there
Bro, Zendikar 1 was 20 years ago...
What were the matches?
First game:
>Fynn the Fangbearer monogreen infect
>Skythrix monoblack infect
>Stupid ass bird
>Coram, the Undertaker
I killed Fynn with Trailblazer's Boots on Coram, Skythrix killed me and was set to win, Nadu took 10-15 minute turn and ended it with a Craterhoof behemoth. He had Lightning Greaves early and that one thing that landfall makes a saproling or whatever.

Game 2:
>Jon Irenicus funny gifts
>Ghalta, the stompy
>Fynn the fangbearer
>Coram, the Undertaker
Irenicus kinda played me like a fiddle in this game, having me be the real threat with constant promises of kingmaking and us cooperating in a lot of plays. He ended up playing Abyssal Persecutor and giving it to Fynn, I killed Ghalta, and then he cloned Persecutor and gave it to me. Then dropped 3 counterspells in a row on any interaction I had (Beast Within, Sheoldred's Edict, and Chandra's Ignition)
So I scooped on that one because we were hard locked to just sit there for however long it took him to win

Third game:
>Sam and Frodo
>Korvold (me)
I drew dead and kept a 2 land hand while waiting for my ride so this one was more of an accepted loss
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With the new MH3 MDFC lands, how are your manabases looking?
>pile of shit deck vs cedh
welcome to why no one here likes LGS games
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>double infect
you weren't expecting to win, right?
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are we mailcallin, bros?
Who is the most fun commander for funny gifts? Blim or Jon Irenicus? Or is there another I don't know about
Irenicus prevents sacrifice and goads, way better for rough shit. Blim is better for a general "give 'em trash and burn 'em for it" strat. Similar but pretty different.
I sure was hoping to win at least once
I don't really think it felt like cedh, the games weren't super duper fast or grindy or anything. The guy piloting Nadu and Jon was a pretty normal and cool dude, so regardless of him kicking my teeth down the back of my throat I think the games were fun. He ended up winning all 3 games.
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Not great, I know I need more lands but the cuts hurt too much.
>flayer of loyalties went from 5 to 45 dollars in a month
lol holy shit
>Soon I'll have him only playing commanders that are 3 colors or fewer.
i hate parter sloppa or, god forbid, 5c goodstuff vomit
Mr Orfeo infect.
He's basically Xenogod but with black.
I think everyone is overlooking the 3+ player aspect of EDH. Using weird cards, not keeping track of what can vs can't have 4 copies, starting as an unofficial format, etc. all helped.

However, the main aspect is that, when you play EDH with a group of 3-4, you don't need to wait to get another game. There is no odd man out. That is very unique to MtG.

2HG comes close, but it's two teams versus a free-for-all. Brawl is not bad but clearly imitates EDH.
My general rule of thumb for MDFC lands is, if it's a card I would normally like in the deck or it serves some function within it, I'll sleeve it up. If none do, I'll then consider my removal options and use whatever ones are available for that, or as a general purpose utility card like Bala Ged Recovery.

My Nicol Bolas deck adopted 4 of them when I had 1 before. Being able to get to 40 lands, but have some of them pull double duty as control/combo pieces certainly did the deck wonders to make control far more viable.
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I want opinion on this guy in the 99. Every time I brew something in black I always tempted to put him in although I felt he's a trap that doesn't do much despite the variety of output he gives.
I think he's best in a deck where the commander puts finality counters on things like Mirko.
Just play red/blue, then run every non basic hate effect you can like Blood Moon, Magus, Ruination, Back to Basics, Winter Moon, and Harbringer of the Seas
The argument that having any UB means we also have whoppers and Elsa is a bad one
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Could be better, only slotted in Witch Enchanter. I want to find room for Pinnacle Monk too at some point but I don't feel great about cutting my only basic mountain.
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If you have to pick one between these two, who?
lazav, of course
>nostalgia, i started playing in avacyn
>synergizes with kill/counterspells or edicts
>standard card not a stinky commander original
>generally cooler than mimeoplasm
>dont have to play green [cringe]
>is not drawn by svetlin velinov
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In general I do like his art but I will never forgive him for making Bolas look like his goblins
Even zhulodok is different enough. Personally, while it doesn't have the variety of commander options that elves have for instance, I think the options are unique enough. I have a zhulodok built, and I think I'll probably build azlask. I might joke around and throw ulalek in front of my zhulodok deck sometime and just play it colorless
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Haxorus looks sort of like it, from the right angle I guess
I hate goblin Bolas as much as the next guy but he looked pretty damn goblin since his planeswalker card in Conflux and Deep Analysis in his own precon deck. None are innocent in completely ignoring his Legends art, but still.
Yeah I'm actually a big fan of finality counters for that specific reason
If I'm not expecting MLD, should I even bother with mana rocks in anything-green?
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>At the beginning of the end step, if Krovikan Horror is in your graveyard with a creature card directly above it, you may return Krovikan Horror to your hand.
Do people even care about the graveyard stack order nowadays? Seems Cheatyfacey for discard.
If I remember right, it's sort of like the Night and Day cards, where it doesn't matter until the cards come into play and then you must keep track of it. If you're playing Krovikan Horror, then you're required to maintain the order of your graveyard. The only ruling Gatherer gives is "A card is "directly above" another card in your graveyard if it was put into that graveyard later and there are no cards in between the two."
There are so few cards that care about it that it rarely ever comes up, so unless you have competent players who know better, you'll always get people rearranging their graveyard whenever you or they are looking for something.
in correct. it only matters in legacy, vintage, and commander, but basically no one cares. you basically have to declare before each match that you care about graveyard order to make sure anyone abides it, but then you are giving critical info away.
or you could declare you need graves properly ordered before the match even if you don't to keep your opponent guess and also adding unnecessary mental strain to their plays.
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The only card that's exception to this rule I can think of is Sewer Nemesis, and that's because it requires the tracking of a specific opponent. I used to run it in Alesha solely for this reason.
There's the judge foil version too, isn't that cheaper?
I've only gotten into magic 3 months ago. Why does it feel like all the best cards are either relatively recent (around 5 years old) or pretty old (came out in the 90s)? Did WoTC just not know how to design cards between 2000-2018?
It's called.power creeping.
The cards designed in 2000-2018 were healthier than the cards that were still testing the ground of the game (early years of the game), or the cards designed to sell packs because Hasbro is losing money.
Maybe Yu-Gi-Oh is more to your liking if that's the power level that you prefer.
I just did this yesterday. I didn't remember whether or not I was playing Corpse Dance in that deck and I play that card in quite a few decks.
There's also a point to be made that the other players also need to maintain their GY order because it matters in case they run some spell stealing cards.
Who the fuck greenlit this art?
>obzedat, ghost council
>ghost council of ohrzova
>tesya, envoy of ghosts
i want to build a deck based around these three
i can see the support cards around the councils on "enters the battlefield" and sacrifice synergy

however i am boggled by tesya, what exactly is the main synergy around her? the combat damage tag seems reactive only
is the protection from creatures/vigilance really that good?
It means she is effectively unblockable and can block almost anything. could probably build her as voltron if you wanted to
huh, i did NOT know that she is unblockable
thats very good to know
i asked some threads ago, and that vampire black/white precon got my attention

would it be a good template to build a "ghost council" themed deck, of with a """"voltron package"""""?
played some "voltron" in YGO with the noble knights (a lot of equipment on one monster), if thats the same thing you're referring to
>we should have gatekeept the most popular TCG game of all time
holy schizo
he is a sac outlet for both creatures an artifacts, that baseline is pretty good. Like the other has mentioned, he is even better now with Finality Counters
lazav. innate hexproof is actually super strong
Correct me if I'm wrong, if I managed to hit three players, I'll get three treasures and three manifests, is that right?
how long until we get a black hitler card? (skin color, commander colors would be esper)
What do you mean? I already have a Lazav deck.
Definitely shouldn't. You're just bad at card evaluation
How is that schizo? Don't use words you dibt understand anon lmao
There is literally nothing black about hitler
>muh genocide
Not a black thing inherently.

I probably should run more MDFCs but as a proxyfag I cannot be fucked, means I have to either get two cards or stop using clear sleeves
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Actually Graceful Charity is stronger than PoG
I feel like Last Turn is the most powerful Yugioh card though, or at least it would be if its activation requirement wasn't so stricf
At the same time, I've literally never seen someone reorder their graveyard in over twenty years of playing the game, so it's not like it's asking much.
You shouldn't be using clear sleeves regardless anon. It is against game rules
1) totenkopf symbolism = black
2) you cannot win against evil without doing evil deeds. this is the reason why there is so much evil in the world.
The argument that having any UB isn't just as obnoxious is a bad one
No. The point of black is the pursuit of power at all costs. This does not align with hitlers person
nazis were big into big into occult shit, which is the very definition of pursuing power at all costs.
black is one of the colors of humanity as a whole, since power mean peace from the eternal subhuman.
>I've literally never seen someone reorder their graveyard in over twenty years of playing the game
i have. many times. especially graveyard players. or people playing against graveyard players, asking to check their grave and basically giving it a shuffle or putting things they think are "relevant" near the top.
>nazis were big into occult shit
No they absolutely were not lmao. Himmler and the SS (some) were which was a decidedly small minority of the nazis. There is absolutely nothing about hitler that is black. He is selesnya through and through, natural order
>No they absolutely were not
>okay a little but that doesn't count!
I rest my case.
Are yoi retarded? Is the teachers union of America "into occult shit" because some of the teachers themselves are? No. The nazi structure had absolutely no occultism to it. The SS and Himmler had a fascination for it that never impacted the nazi regime. ADDITIONALLY the question was what would hitler be, not what would (some) members of the nazi party be. Hitler is thoroughly selesnya and anyone who understands the colour pie and knows hitler would agree
I feel anybody who seeks to become a dictator would be at least partly black-aligned, since black is the color of ambition and personal power, and if you believe you should be the one who should get to dictate how the society is ran seriously enough to actively pursue absolute power those seem like characteristics you must have.
>Is the teachers union of America "into occult shit" because some of the teachers themselves are?
yes, absolutely. americans are one of the few civilization who successfully utilize evil to secure their power.
>telegraphing your plays that obviously
>buying around 12-15 cards to upgrade my Omo precon deck will cost me $105 AUD
no wonder people proxy this shit
Anon you are too stupid for words
This isn't about your personal opinions on something it's about the logic of the situation. And you're wrong
Hitler was not concerned with personal power and his ambitions were wholly unselfish. Ambition itself does not make black. Hitler also didn't dictate society you are uneducated

bitch what
that's what the shuffle is for.
Clear sleeves are against the game rules anon. It opens up too much opportunity to mark cards.
>the virgin UB Graveyarder
>"I cast Thought Scour"
>fills graveyard manually or with tutors
>focuses on combos or control
>Thinks Reanimate is the peak
>Hullbreaker Horror body pillow
>Folds to graveyard exile
>Orders his grave and hides from opponents

>the Chad UBG Graveyarder
>"I Dredge 6"
>has never drawn a card in his life
>has every wacky creature under the sun
>Knows Living Death is GOAT
>Lord of Extinction workout buddy
>Easily restocks after an exile
>Sorts his grave and spreads it out for easy viewing, taking up half the playmat

cite the specific rule
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>Be UBR Chad
>People keep telling me I can't use removal on EVERYTHING that hits the board
>Archaeomancer laughs as I cast my 3rd Terminate in a row
If you use Sedris then we are brother forever

If you use Kess...more power to you I suppose
Imagining a redo of Divine Intervention called something like Divine Judgement where it makes a massive Hexproof Platinum Angel token for each player with "When this creature leaves the battlefield, you lose the game."
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i've been sitting on Gisath forever but hows Sun Flavor? the differences seem minor but fun
I use Nicol Bolas the Ravager and abuse ETB triggers with Thassa/Conjurer's Closet/Displacer Kitten. General gameplan is to get Instant/Sorceress back to hand and grind people out with Guttersnipe/Fiery Inscription/Exalted Flamer, and it has some combo wins once I have enough mana and combo pieces to pull it off (usually chain Bolting players to the face).
I need this card on a playmat right now
Wow I guess one of the various Assassins had to just have the most bog-standard mechanics for an Assassin legend. Ramses is vastly more interesting, though.
anon there's a difference between "a little" and "a lot"
that's why we have those words
Sure he didn't buddy
Fuck trying to balance shocklands, surveil lands and fetches for 4 and 5 color decks. Gates will be my landbase from now on.
>he was actually evil and selfish cause my blue haired social teacher told me so
>Although Hitler initially wanted to form his own party, he claimed to have been convinced to join the DAP because it was small and he could eventually become its leader. He consequently encouraged the organisation to become less of a debating society, which it had been previously, and more of an active political party.
Are you so stupid that you are conflating the very idea of realizing you need power to save your country to the pure undiluted pursuit of power? You need summer school.
I'm building Saskia as barbarians + warriors doin cool shit in combat, what are your favorite humies or combat tricks that would go well with her?
>Hitler is selesnya through and through
He and anyone who would play him are sissyboys confirmed
boldwyr intimidator
“Saving the country” was the means by which he realized he could gain power. You don’t say things like “Hitler über Deutschland” if Deutschland is your primary concern.
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>your opponent's face when their coward tries to block your warriors
Not familiar with Lazav. How does having to rely on your opponents graveyard benefit you? I'm sure other decks have good creatures, but it seem ultimately under your opponents control when you have access to killing or milling them.
So which AC card you think is going to see the most play in EDH? Not talking about the legendarily, just generic deck inclusion.
None of them they are all pretty niche cards. Smoke bomb maybe as it'd a silver bullet against a lot of strategies
>Hitler was praised by the entire world before the war started
No he wasn't, he wasn't even popular enough to get voted into power and had to be appointed
>literally knows nothing about about ww2 and just makes shit up
every time, do you think this happens because if neo nazis opened a history book they wouldn't be nazis anymore?
Elder Dragon Highlander?
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I don't "rely" on their graveyard per se. I use all the Soul Shatter effects, counterspells, and some "mill your opponent" stuff to get Lazav into the nastiest asshole that shows up, and Voltron out wins.

Lieutenant cards and clone spells for them give you a semi-reliably way to get some benefits for having a commander with Hexproof built in, and the dimir Background cards from Baldur's Gate help keep Lazav alive as you swing in.

Dauthi Embrace and other methods of making Lazav unblockable can make him pretty damn scary as you also nuke your opponent's big stuff.
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Who you running 2nite?
Nahiri, Forged in Fury one last time before the ass creed upgrades come out
>wow anon your deck is so bad why do you play it?
>cast majestic genesis and then kill people with hasted dragons
I feel like edh players need to not kneejerk so hard with their feelings
if you're playing with people who think ending the game by hardcasting 8 mana cards is too strong then you need a new playgroup
should brew a Nadu list before he gets banned just to see how it plays
>before he gets banned
yes he'll surely get banned
just like the one ring
and sheoldred the apocalypse
and kenrith
and sisay
and kinnen bondage prodigy
and bowmasters
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Most of the bans don't even make sense for a causal format where rule zero is pushed
Two changes
1) Triggers when ANY player discards
2) Hellbent draws 2 on upkeep
I'm always curious when people are like
>no bro impulse draws and milling yourself are good cuz they let you dig through your deck
but if you build your deck properly then there are mo expendable cards, every card is worth casting because it generates value in some way
but if you build your deck properly you dont need every card, it is just simply okay to lose potential value especially when there is even greater potential value because your deck should be built properly to make use of those cards you milled instead of them just being lost forever
every time I play Neza
>anon, how do you even plan to win?
>*30 cards in hand later*
It's cope desu. Impulse draw is objectively garbage, it's gotten better lately because they have simply buffed cast from exile but it's dogshit. And mill is also garbage
>oh but bro you didn't know you were gunna mill that card til you did it could've been any!!!
Cool, it wasn't though
Because a lot of cards value fluctuates depending on board state and situation.
very based
do you have a list i could see anon?
I impulse draw and mill. I also cast each card I exile and mill to the grave. You and I are not the same.

For a more real answer, card selection is powerful. You will never cast every single card in your deck each game so mechanic that put more cards in front of you aren’t really throwing away cards if you don’t cast them. There are cards on the bottom of your deck you won’t cast. So if you impulse draw 3 and only cast/play 2 of the cards, that last card is like being on the bottom of the deck now.
Self mill is fine. If you are milling yourself it should be with the purpose to use those cards in your graveyard. But your argument is a good reason as to why milling an opponent is a good strat because you can mess with many game plans by putting key pieces into their graveyard. Mill advocates are just gaslighting the populace with that “it could have been any card” propaganda. Milling lands actively fucks many players.
it's literally cope from people too poor to buy rhystic study and the other draw engines. That card is the #1 staple for a reason because as you realized if your deck is full of GOOD cards. You want to draw all of them and waste as little as possible so you force your opponent to relentlessly burn their own cards to stop you
Thing with Last Turn decks is that they never tried to use the card as printed, it was always some "I get to have my dude and you don't get to summon anything" fuckery.
Same energy

You both sound like you're 12 and don't understand the game
The most negates you'll see these days is like 2, if that many, because the top deck got both of its easy negates banned.
>Mill advocates are just gaslighting the populace with that “it could have been any card” propaganda. Milling lands actively fucks many players
objectively true and competent mill decks will utilize cards like mind grind which completely fuck your ability to build a mana base
People often ask me
>why do you despise mill when the archetype never really preforms well
and it is because mill is effectively mass land destruction with extra steps
mass land destruction is also an archetype that never is really "good" this is by design
wotc made these archetypes, realized they fucked up and shoved them awkwardly into the closet.
Unfortunately losers who can't grasp this insist on playing these archetypes anyway. Then they wonder why everyone despises them
hitting a fat mill is just too satisfying to stop, sorry
it's a mix of two budget decks currently, but with optimized slots. theme is instant speed draw + theft
here are the two lists of my decks I combined . look into considering tab for the non-budget stuff.
favorite cards are Ominous Seas, Drain Power and Reins of Power. and everything that scales with draw/cards in hand obviously.
Impulse draw is often costed more aggressively than true draw, and I run it when it is. Seeing more of your deck gives you more options than seeing less of it. And, if your deck is built properly, no single card being binned is going to hurt you that much.
>if you build your deck properly then there are mo expendable cards, every card is worth casting because it generates value in some way
what a stupid thing to say. I'm a newfag and even I understand that casting on curve will make some cards more important than others depending on current situation, and having the extra selection is a massive advantage for that matter. this anon >>93127167 is right.
impulse draw is a cope, you have not only wasted a slot to include bad draw but now you're throwing away cards needlessly
meanwhile if you could afford true draw you could just...draw all those cards and keep them
or use a tutor like a normal person. Impulses and self mills are budget options, they are not real options
>people crying about new ulamog
if it's 7 mana or above and doesn't immediately win the game, it isn't a good card.
>meanwhile if you could afford true draw
This is close to the most retarded thing I have ever read on this thread. Also you talk like a r*dditor
>I can't afford rhystic
just type that next time and Dave yourself the trouble
Dave myself the trouble of what? I probably own more rhystic studies than you do
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Anon if I could shill you a spicy card that is absolute gangbusters in Nezahal.
thanks, yeah, they are in my updated version. hilarious card for neza.
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No wonder I can't afford more than one rhystic study.
Only one in the cycle with cycling lol. It makes sense because blue, but still it'd be cool if all of them had it. Cycle it early with a chance of being gravehated and later get its benefit. Such cool design.
>50% chance to exile your wincon
problem, timmy?
Anon, I run impulse draw in a deck that also includes Rhystic Study. Because seeing more cards all at once and selecting the ones I need the most right now is better in certain situations than getting one card at a time. A good deck should have a healthy mix of consistent draw and burst draw. And even normal draw is going to result in you binning cards unless you’re wasting a card slot on Reliquary Tower.
I kinda want to do the ashling meme with him where it's commander + 99 land/ramp.
Someone removes him? Cool new cast trigger
He resolves? Excellent. Annilhator 5 coming your way
Does nobody run Blasphemous Act any more?
>if it's 7 mana or above and doesn't immediately win the game, it isn't a good card.
and that should be the norm
Idk I was averaging
There has to be some stupid way you can reliably exile something with CMC 10 or something in colorless.
>but if you build your deck properly then there are mo expendable cards, every card is worth casting because it generates value in some way
Low quality bait. I can't believe anyone replied to this post seriously.
It is indeed low quality. So low quality I'm going to reply to you with my retort to it instead of giving 'em a (You)
In short, some cards are in a deck specifically TO be expendable. Obviously you shouldn't run something whose sole purpose is to be pitched, but there's plenty of stuff that can provide incidental value when pitched, or is good enough to run, but bad enough that you don't feel too hung up about pitching it if needed.
There's also the graveyard acting as a second hand in some decks, but I shouldn't need to elaborate on that
Is there an equivalent of Black Market for any other colours?
not really the closest I can think is spiteful banditry and even that is far fetched
Yes it's called targeting the player with the highest green ratio in their deck.
Ulamog checks all cards in exile, so theoretically, you could exile draco (CMC 16) from your own deck and always have annihilator 16. Just gotta figure out a way to do it reliably.
Flickering Ulamog means Ulamog sees himself in exile when he enters. You can do some shenanigans with that.
That is some advanced level tomfoolery.
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In colorless this.
Otherwise idk foresight or something
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Would Jegantha pair well with Azlask?
>hate this guy
>should probably add him but I don’t run much single target

I just can’t accept the premise of this fucking card. Its so arrogant, its literally a dude killing one guy, who the other two want to kill, and they go nah, this guy is too fucking crazy, I’m out

Like wtf are half of these win cards supposed to mean, magic wise
It seems cute. Jegantha can pay for Azlask’s ability. Avoid double pips is rough to companion it but it might be worth it.


Compandmander ftfy
Another factor is that sometimes you just need a specific thing. For example, a good creature and a good removal spell are both good cards, but sometimes you need a creature, not more removal, and sometimes you need removal, and not another creature. Few, if any, cards are going to be good in every possible scenario, and there's nothing that's your best possible option in every possible scenario. Sometimes the thing you have on hand isn't the thing you need right now, even if it's a good card. That's not even getting into the concept of saving certain cards for later, and not just windmilling them as soon as you draw them; counterspells are the perfect example for this concept. A counterspell is good and there are times where they're definitely worth casting, but if you counter the very first spell you see cast after you draw it, then it isn't worth casting at that time. No one would say counterspells are bad, but they're definitely not something you cast at every single opportunity you have to cast them, and there are even times where a counterspell is completely worthless and isn't going to do anything to help you.
If I have Emiel, Hushbringer and Reclamation sage out, how do i stack the emiel triggers to exile Hushbringer and rec sage so that rec sage comes in and gets an ETB before hushbringer returns? Do I exile hushbringer first then respond to it by blinking it with rec sage?
shill me your favorite naya compatible boardwipes. I'm running delayed blast fireball, dusk // dawn, chandra's ignition and Rampage of the Clans, but I feel like I could squeeze one more one-sided one in there
Wrath of God
blasphemous act is the best wipe in the game
You don’t. Emile’s ability returns the creature as part of the resolution of the same ability that exiled it, so there’s no time window in which another creature can be flickered. If this makes you wonder why you’d ever run Hushbringer in Emiel, the answer is that you wouldn’t.
Would you rather run a go for the throat or reality shift/ravenform/resculpt/pongify/rapid hybridization
This card isn't what it used to be (DBF is usually just better) but it can still get the job done.
i liek dragons
sweet, that one might fit the deck. RRR is probably too much, but my group isn't exactly super high power anyways
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I havent updated this deck in like 5 years. Whats new should i add if i wanna token stax em besides smothering tithe?
is dusk // dawn one sided largely for your deck? Cause if so there are quite a few white board wipes that only hit big creatures
kinda. I start out with small creatures and only place the big ones once I reach a certain board state.
here ya go buddy should only take a few minutes to go through
>oracle: instead of o:
but why
In that case, Fell the Mighty, Hour of Reckoning if its a token deck, Retribution of the Meek thats all i can think of off the top of my head but im sure theres a few more. Id also recommend cards like Faiths Reward and Cosmic Intervention to turn any boardwipe into a one sided boardwipe
>Fell the Mighty
perfect. to avoid board wipes, I currently run just two cards to protect everything. a few other single target protectors. I usually just need to protect a single lethal haste fatty. the deck is really all over the place.
I thought this was one of those big tit edits when I first saw it. Gimme more of this chick WotC
for me, its devilish valet
Wow this...really didnt help.
This cards kinda cute though
I dont know what you need anon and you wanted token BW cards. Thats all of them since you left!
Maybe all the cards are just bad
Maybe im jaded
Maybe i just need to add more stax pieces instead
Who knows ill play tonight and see what it needs. Thank you for your scryfall query
he's clearly one of those despicable effort-posters
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Is there an artifact or enchantment card with a simple "Creatures you control have indestructible." effect?
I just hate seeing my guys die.
Darksteel forge is the closest I can think of, but that only hits artifacts

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You lose 1 a turn but otherwise indestructible
Does my dude need to be an eldrazi to use this?
No. Tribal (or kindred now) just means that a non-creature card has a creature type. Meaning that any effect that cares about said creature type, unless it specifies creatures, also cares about the card in question. IE if you had a card that let you tutor for an eldrazi card, you could fetch this.
what's a monored wincon that isn't just storm or burn?
beatdown, use burn spells to remove enemy creatures, protect your creatures and spells with spell redirections and copies
turn left, go face
>no! you will die!
My buddy hasn't played since Legends but wants to learn Commander with us and shake off the rust.
Recommended precons for him? He's basically starting from scratch.

I was thinking Party Time. I hear if you use the secondary commander, it's pretty simple but rewarding for basic plays.
Party time sucks sadly. I say lathril
every way to win at magic is based, you're a pussy if you think otherwise.
Mishra and Urza
Warhammer necrons
Riders of Rohan
Lathril, blade of the elves
Either Eldrazi ones

I've found these ones able to content in the 4forall format that is EDH, and have very strong chances of winning all by themselves. My only suggest is just swapping out some of the obviously bad stuff like Temple of the False God and other such stuff on that level.
Ending up on the bad chance that your buddy pulls them in his first game in 20+ years will certain put a sour taste on his first 2+ hour game. But try not to change anything else.

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