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Jelly dog Edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...
...and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

>Examples of companies providing rules for alternative wargames.
Atomic Mass Games, Black Site Studios, CMON, Mantic, OnePageRules, Osprey, Para Bellum, TTCombat, Warlord Games and, many other publishers.

>Places to get minis; Updates to the minis list are welcome.

>The Novice Troves; These troves are meant to serve as a sampler of available systems. Check out the Share Thread for more up-to-date troves.

What's your favourite gimmick among wargames?
Do you think that switching from d6 to d10 would improve a wargame, or is it just a gimmick?
Looked through the free beta of this and it seems pretty cool.
>cut up and rebuild toy animals to make weird monsters
>go on solo safari to collect them, their eggs, and their poop
>use captured animals to help hunt new ones like pokemon
Card activation is a bit annoying because print 'n' play cards are annoying to get regular enough. With 50 available monster actions I'd think it's easier to add 2 more and use playing cards, with a dedicated deck as an option extra.
Based Carnevale

Genuinely one of the best wargames I've played
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Turret ring diameter is 2,5cm
Any wargame where drowning your enemy is a viable solution most of the time scores very highly with me
Nice tonks, those the ones from Archon?
Yes, its the Wolverine tanks. We had a short discussion about them last thread and one Anon was asking for the size of the turret ring.

I really hope they expand their sci-fi vehicle range by a bit. Both the Tank and their Walker are great and we really could use some more "generic" sci-fi plastic vehicle kits.
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I used them to experiment with a pigment wash made from Gouache paint instead of the "regular" streaking grime/enamel wash for vehicles, which in hindsight was a mistake.
So today I ordered a first batch of stargrave troopers for my DOOM project, they'll hopefully be delivered on Monday. Sadly the printer I commissioned hasn't responded to my queries in the past 10 days. No money has changed hands yet so it's not too bad.


These look quite nice, how was the assembly?
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The assembly is easy enough. Its a kit made for wargaming, so no fiddly little pieces or anything.
Its been a while since i built them, but i remember that on one of them, one of the sides did not slot onto the main chassis easily. I had to use a lot of force until it was in its position, and there is still a little gap and i had to use some putty.
The tracks are not as braindead to assemble as on a Tamiya or GW tank, but not particularly hard either.

One last pic to show this neat feature, that you can leave the top of the hull without glue, so you can "open" the tank if you want to have its interior as a terrain piece or something. Back hatch opens too.

Not a flawless kit, but well worth the 25€. And thats enough of me shilling for that tank for now, i promise.

Thank you, did it come with any alternative weapons or extra bits?
nope, just some barrels, jerry cans and those logs on the back, but the gun you see on the pics is the only weapon.
An update on WGAs the damned. I really wish the cavalry had monstrous head alternatives instead of just gasmasks.

>clearly meant to be LRMBT proxy with more believable barrel
I support the idea, but it's about as generic as "space crusaders"
Damned nice. That vehicle looks soooo much better than the previous one.

I'm not sure i like the change to Artillery and Weapon Team sprues (extra sprue for crew), but we'll hopefully see more about that soon.

>. I really wish the cavalry had monstrous head alternatives instead of just gasmasks.

If i'm not mistaken, the heads on the horses will be separate from the bodies, so they might release additional/optional parts later, probably as STL, if there is enough demand for it.
speaking about generic, and WGA is ready
What would be interesting mechanics for a game about steam-powered mech warfare? I feel like managing steam pressure without blowing up the boiler + an emphasis on melee combat would set it apart from other mech games, and be interesting.
>steam-powered mech warfare
I miss Warmachine
I was reading my old Dragonmech book, and thinking about Muv Luv Alternative, honestly.
How do you respond to the argument that it's too much to expect painted miniatures from a miniature wargame hobbyist?
Dice Mechanics are the least interesting part of a wargame, so spending time agonizing over which is best is a huge waste of time. The interesting parts of games are the decisions you make, and any time spent resolving decisions by rolling dice is a drag on the system. Go for whatever resolves the fastest that reasonably models expected outcomes. Then move on to something else.
Heat is just power management with two danger thresholds. Gaslands Speed, BT heat, FSB power, Hordes rage, plenty of systems use it and it works well. I want to say I played a VictorianSF/Steampunk game that used such a system once upon a time, but I can't recall the name of it.

Anyone at Origins this year? Whacha playin?
You invite them to play some hex&counter wargames. If they don't take you up, you walk away and never acknowledge them ever again. Put as much effort into shaming Grey Legion apologists as they put into the hobby.
I just stop interacting with them

Yeah, once I played a game where the opponent had lego figures instead of miniatures. I later told him that I play with legos with my son. Next time he brought painted miniatures.
I have at least 2 painted armies for all the games I am interested in, he can use mine.
Or buy him spray paint in a color matching his faction .

Yesterday there was an argument about this on the opr discord and surprisingly many were of the opinion that shaming greytide and refusing to play against greytide is wrong. that having standards is a bigger issue than someone engaging in a miniature hobby without painting miniatures.
I have the sudden urge to get back into painting. While I e only ever played Warhammer (and I like it) I hate GW as a company. I also don't have the right home space to be able to 3d print. What are some of your favorite models (fantasy preferred but sci-fi is cool too) that I could look into getting ? Right now I am checking out Kings of War by mantic, which has some decent stuff
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I don't. They're simply not partaking in the same hobby as me.

Like I'm a considerate person, but people have brain worms these days and will excuse laziness to the hilt. There's always some excuse rather than just owning being a bit shit.
Your location ? any preferences?
Whats your favourite lego set?
North America / USA

I like fantasy, would prefer rank and file ala old WH Fantasy/the old world as opposed to squad stuff like Age of Sigmar. I don't have a strong preference though

I just really don't want to give GW money, that's basically my main hangup. If you've got a r compensation of 3d printing myself that would be cool too, but from what I've read you need a well ventilated area for printing and a separate climate controlled area for curing resin, which I don't have (only place I can print is my bedroom and I think I will kill my poor cat)
> OPR discord
> stupid fucking opinions
What were you expecting anon? Go talk to people that play well designed games instead of GW's sloppy seconds for tiktok zoomers.
>Or buy him spray paint in a color matching his faction
This. Probably try and recommend a army that looks good with a coat of spray paint and a single wash.

It's weird that people will spend time assembling, but not even put that minimum in painting.

Try and be forgiving. They are recovering GW players..
>it's too much to expect painted miniatures from a miniature wargame hobbyist?
If it's too much for you, you picked the wrong hobby. End of story. There's other things you can do besides MINIATURE Wargaming.
I'm fine with the odd unpainted miniature on the table but when it's the same one week after week I just want to scream start painting your shit or stop using it
>North America / USA
If you want to get into painting more than wargames, Dark sword miniatures.
For rank and flank, two notable burger names are Shieldwolf, making cool orcs and bitches and Crocodile God Games, making greek and egyptian mythical units.
All plastic staples such as Northstar, Perry etc. should be avaiable no problem.
For warhammer analogues I recommend checking https://www.the-ninth-age.com/community/lexicon/index.php?lexicon/462-the-9th-age-miniature-library/
It's about effort. If I can see you putting in effort in some way to the hobby, be it painting your minis, doing sweet custom sculpts and kitbashes, making and painting terrain, designing good play aids or missions or running a campaign, just fucking SOMETHING, then I don't mind some of the models being unpainted.
Just don't show up every time with the same minimal effort shit looking stuff.
I'm not your GM.
Fucking put the work in or stay home and leave the tables open for the adults.
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with the abundance of coloured primers, speedpaints, and video tutorials it is now far easier to paint miniatures than ever.
Thanks anon, I will check some of this stuff out. I had only really known about mantic prior, they have some cool stuff
>many were of the opinion that shaming greytide and refusing to play against greytide is wrong.

Those people are the greytide.
Playing against unpainted minis breaks the immersion compeletly, and i would never do that. Give me any badly painted enemy army, but if there is unpainted plastic or resin on the table, i walk away.
I wouldn't say it's even about effort. I wouldn't turn up my nose at someone who paid to have their army painted.

It's about courtesy and respecting your fellow players.

Fireforge games also has nice historical and fantasy plastics. Victrix miniatures have recently started branching out to medieval miniatures, knights are up for preorder and the renders for Muslim heavy cavalry look great. Byzantines were also mentioned to be in the pipeline. Wargames Atlantic has many plastic fantasy sets like goblins, skeletons and werewolves.
I can understand a few models, 1/5 not being painted. (Like 20 models squad out of 100 models)
Bigger ranges means rhe games can be swingier, but smaller does make everything samey. It's a balancing act.
Depends on how it is implemented. D10 means things can be more granular.
I think it's pretty gimicky. There are theoretical advantages, but asking players to source buckets of D10 is kinda annoying and increases the barrier to entry.
I know that those people exist, and I wouldn't mind at all playing with them, but I don't think I've ever actually met one. Everyone I regularly play with paints their own models, and everyone I've ever complimented on a fully painted army and talked about the process sure sounded like they painted it themselves.
>but asking players to source buckets of D10 is kinda annoying and increases the barrier to entry
that is an argument that might have held water in the 80s. In this day and age where you have online stores and DnD is a fucking "lifestyle brand" getting a d10 is just as difficult as getting a d6.
I like the armored van look.
We can agree to disagree; the most popular wargames to this day use D6s: Warhammer, Battletech, Warmahordes, Flames of War, Bolt Action, Kings of War.

If you want to use other polyhedrons, Dirtside II and Weirdos, step-dice systems are also highly accessible because a lot of people have a d4-d12 chain of RPG dice.

Buckets of D10s? Vampire ain't the force it used to be.
>step-dice systems are also highly accessible
Nah. That shit is a gay fucking gimmick.

There are plenty of d10 and u100 base systems.
>the most popular wargames to this day use D6s:
that has hardly anything to do with the dice they use though.
I don't think 2d10 and d% systems are unreasonable either, because most RPG dice sets come with 2d10 for this reason.

I think "buckets of d10" is often a solution in search of a problem. I like Carnevale and Deadzone, but buckets of d10/d8 is a bit annoying.
Much hardship. How could anyone manage?
I think d6s have an inherent accessibility that other polyhedrons don't. It's not the only factor, but I think it's a contributing one to the success of these games.

If you can't go into a Barnes & Noble or Walmart, and buy the dice, or scavenge from other board games; I think you're making a mistake as a game designer in terms of the accessibility of your game.
>but buckets of d10/d8 is a bit annoying.
I agree only on the d8 part.
I like the fact that its possible to change the vehicle into a truck with flatbed or a weapon carrier. I love versatile kits like that.
like I said it's not the 80s anymore. You don't have to steal the dice from other boardgames these days. Not to mention most games put a starterkit together with minis, measuring devices, dice, tokens etc. You are talking from the perspective of a guy who is writing rules in a vacuum and selling nothing else. There are a million games like that, that nobody cares about any of them, because getting into a game like that is a lot of work for people who are not already wargamers anyway and attention spans are short and leisure time is in short supply for most people these days.
Do you really think anybody wants to source their materials from half a dozen different sources if they could just buy a one-package deal from pretty much any of your competition? Warhammer Fantasy Battle...I want to say 4th edition created the new gold standard for starter sets that are packaged like boardgames. More important question is what you want the dice to do for you in your game.

>but I think it's a contributing one to the success of these games.
What contributed to their success is that they have been around...also since the 80s or at least since 2000 and were basically the only games around for so long at all. You are talking about brands that have been established since 20 years at least in an already nieche market. Not to mention all the ones you mentioned except BattleTech are either directly or indirectly tied to GW, the only wargaming company with brick and mortar stores around the world. All the other companies were founded by former GW employees that picked up disgruntled GW customers. Battletech has it's own long history, and is a well established brand it it's own right by now, but started off as western mecha/macross knockoff. Literally none of that success has anything to do with the type of dice they use. That is an absolutely ridiculous assertion.

Is self-diagnosed ADHD just a carte blanche for being an impulsive retard who is unable to accomplish anything in life?
I have some old citadel brushes but I think it's time that I get some new painting supplies. The only other brand I know of is Windsor and Newton series 7, which are too expensive to get a whole range of. What brushes would you guys recommend?
Maybe this is a question for /wip/ rather than /awg/, but any watercolor brushed should do.
You also really don't need to fork out for a full array of sable brushes. Use cheapo synthetics for basecoats, metallic paints, washes, varnish and any other "grunt work". A good natural hair brush is something to put finishing touches on a mini. If you use them for everything you are spending a lot of money with no tangible practical benefit.
i just use paint pots as proxies.
Buckets of dice are terrible. No matter what you do with them, the fact you have to sort and count, and probably reroll some of them and sort and count again, is a tedious drag on whatever game you saddle with it.
It's the hallmark of a shitty designer that doesn't understand how to abstract a complex event.
Every system that rolls more than 4 dice at a time needs to be taken out back and shot and replaced with a CRT.
You mean a cathode ray tube display or something else? Also 6 is a more plausible limit for # dice at once, the difference in scanning the values of 4 vs 6 dice is marginal. But if you're up to 8, 10, 12, or more you have fucked up majorly.
I actually like 2-3d6 with a CRT, and think it should be used more.

Combat results table. It's something you'll see in a lot of older wargames. They get an undeservedly bad rep for being clunky because of rivet-counter 80s wargames that used them, but aren't inherently bad. I like them more than bespoke dice with funny faces, which are often used to accomplish similar things.
What do you mean by "buckets"? A dozen or so D10s is easy, but D6s are readily sold of sets of 100. Plus they're commonly available in smaller sizes. And the most popular hobby wargame around can easily involve rolling that many at once.
Ah, I see. I'm not familiar but when I look at it I am a certainly on the fence about the concept. Charts can be good but humans aren't great at referencing them quickly and efficiently so it becomes onerous to have to do so many times over an hour. Vehicle damage charts are not an issue, but having to do that much referencing for all units might be a bit much for the benefit it affords. I don't have hands on experience so I might be overrating how taxing it would be.
The benefit is you can handle pinned/supressed/retreats in one resolution. Instead of going to a separate morale step to then see if anyone falls back. That's the benefit of CRTs
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>bell curve dice and a CRT
Patrician taste
>the most popular hobby wargame around can easily involve rolling that many at once.
Popularity is not an argument for quality. Warhammer rolling buckets of dice is an unbelievably shit design. It's like watching the like of cars to eat the greasy cardboard disks with yellow squares McDonald's serves. Pathetic.
CRTs resolve way faster than you think. Some of the fastest playing wargames I know of use CRTs to resolve combat. Their biggest benefit is a single roll. You can resolve hits, armor pen, damage, and morale all in a single roll and lookup.
Sure, there's some bad CRTs that onerous, but don't use those, use the good ones. See picrel for a good example.You add up attacker strength and bonuses, add up defender strength and bonuses, compare the totals and find the ratio, roll a die, and you're done. In practice, this takes about 3 seconds for a simple combat, and importantly, about 20 for a really complicated one. Think about how long it takes to resolve a large attack in <NAME BRAND WARGAME>. I mean from declaration to full end state.
> but that's math
>Warhammer rolling buckets of dice is an unbelievably shit design
It's a legacy of being a man-to-man wargame that's gotten way too big in scale. The "GW Engine" works quite well in LOTR, whose smaller scale means that the man-to-man combat quirks make more sense. A lot of 40k/AoS/WHFB's problems are the result of using this man-to-man system for unit-to-unit combat.
Give me a wargame that uses CRTs and you think is good. The best representation of the style of design. I'll read it and do a quick solo game.
What...what is CRT and how do they work?
Yeah, one table you can print on a quick reference sheet basically covers what's often 4-5 pages of rules without one.
Failure to abstract due to unit scale creep (or the opposite of that?) is very accurate.
OGRE, Rommel by Sam Mustafa, Fantasy Rules (ChipCo), and I coulda sworn the CRT we use for Dirtside II was an optional thing in the rulebook, but I think we stole it from another game but I have no idea which one it was.
It's not quite one, but there's a GW game with almost a CRT that's widely beloved BFG
>What contributed to their success is that they have been around...also since the 80s or at least since 2000 and were basically the only games around for so long at all.
Yes. The prime mover advantage is Big
I mean D&D took off and it uses stupid dice.
Pretty much. An excuse for learned helplessness.
As much as I enjoy Ogre. It's kinda bad and clunky mechanically..
>Fantasy Rules (ChipCo)

Surely you mean Fantasy Rules!

The ! is not optional
Interestingly, when 40k really took off in 2nd edition it still used d4 d8 d10 d12 and d20.

It didn't use them a LOT, but they were still required to play.
>Ogre, bad and clunky mechanically.
OGRE is beautifully svelte. Either you're retarded, or you have bad taste in games, either way, opinion disregarded.
>beautifully svelte
Lol the fuck sorta terrible retard games are you playing?
Like a christian among jews and romans
Lately? Nimitz, Heavy Gear, Et Sans Resultat, Tomorrow's War, Battletech classic, and a lot of COIN games (mostly FitL)
Alright, here's a weird one.
Are there any games that are literally decided in list building? Not in the meme sense of powerful build options beating everything else, but the literal sense that what your guys will do is already decided and it's down to who planned better before the game even started.
I haven't seen anything like that.
I've been tempted to make a game sort of like that in the style of Dominions where you bring an Army, and give them orders and arrange your battle line put them on the battle map and then it's hands off and you see how the battle plays out.

I feel like that might be better for hex and chit games rather than miniature ones. If a big part of the strategy is bringing the right units, then to play properly you really needed significantly more units than will see play.
You're basically talking about autobattlers, which are relegated purely to the realm of vidya.

And that's probably a good thing, wind-er-up-and-let-er-go is fine when a computer does all the busywork for you, if you had to do it manually it would fucking suck.
>if you had to do it manually it would fucking suck.
Some people like rolling dice.
Or solo games for that matter.
If you like mindlessly rolling dice without it being attached to any kind of decision making process, literally just pick some up and roll them.

This is also why solo games are not the same, there is still some player agency and decision making to be had in those games to keep them interesting.
It's so odd how Fantasy Rules! doesn't have much of a table, I think chipco reused the combat system in days of knights no? You stack demoralizations, push back, and it's a hard thing to double up and straight up destroy a target on purpose but there's no big complex chart like you'd see in DBX titles where there's different interactions and tables based on the unit types engaging with each other.
>I think chipco reused the combat system in days of knights no?

IIRC it's the other way around and DoK came before FR!

I could very well be wrong though
> barrier to entry
It's like maybe 20 bucks for a dozen. If that's a barrier to entry your poor ass wasn't going to invest anyway
That does sound baller. If it's in beta, maybe make that suggestion to the makers.
I looked it up on boardgame geek just now, but DoK has a listed 1997 release date, while FR! had it in '96.
My own copy of the 2nd edition of FR! is dated to '98.
There's some board games with programmed robot themes where you preset all the moves you'll make.
why are all the good miniature models stuck in the fucking land of brit bongs? I dont want to deal with the royal mail.
OGRE, by SJG, the one from 1970. I don't know what game you're talking about. I have never ever heard it described as clunky, and I can't even figure out what that might mean. I've heard too simple, too abstract, too fast, not enough unit differentiation, too symmetrical, unrealistic. But clunky? You're going to have explain that one anon.
ESR3 rocks. FitL solo or multiplayer?
I fucking hope not. What you're describing isn't a game, it's all resolution no decision. This is a terrible idea. Never tell anyone else about it and go to sleep.
>Some people like rolling dice.
Generous description. Some people like collecting plates. I don't want to game with them either.
Khurasan, Microworld, Clear Horizon, Monday Knight, Dream Pod 9, Valiant Enterprises, Dark Sword, First Legion, Reaper, Privateer Press, Pulp Figures, Full Battle Rattle, RAFM, Westfalia, Crucible Crush, Legion IV Hire, Wargames Atlantic, Scale Creep, Studio bergstrom, Agents of Gaming
I was going to accuse Ogre of having some outdated 80s designs, but knowing it's from 1970 makes me feel a lot better about it.
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15mm, 6mm, 15mm, old ass space ships, 15mm, old ass spaceships, cool models, 60mm or $20/model 28s, Reaper is shit, I can't believe you actually put PP in this list, picrel, a dozen model packs in myspace resolution pictures of canadians, RAFM is still alive? that's awesome, some sick soulsborne models, indians and weird Nam, 6mm, you don't need to rec WGA, this is just a US front for Brigade, offbrand spaceships, some kind of dead webstore

I give this list a 4/7
>Popularity is not an argument for quality
The argument was about ubiquity. I don't know why the fuck you'd think otherwise unless you were deliberately trying to shift the argument.
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OGRE is so cool the visual look is awesome
If you are ordering to Europe, the royal mail is pretty good. Ordered to Germany about 15 times since brexit and never had a problem. I ordered from heresy, diehard, max mini, sarissa and warlord several times. Diehard miniatures actually delivered faster than some german shops and all of them were faster than orders from spain.
check out onepagerules
>I don't know why the fuck you'd think otherwise unless you were deliberately trying to shift the argument.
When you're clearly losing the argument it's important to shift it to a new argument you can win.
>Khurasan, Microworld, Clear Horizon, Monday Knight, Dream Pod 9, Valiant Enterprises, Dark Sword, First Legion, Reaper, Privateer Press, Pulp Figures, Full Battle Rattle, RAFM, Westfalia, Crucible Crush, Legion IV Hire, Wargames Atlantic, Scale Creep, Studio bergstrom, Agents of Gaming
>USA oriented list
anyone got a similar list but for shipping within Euro zone?
It's irrelevant to an awg discussion what the retards who play warhammer have come to expect. I expect GW to announce you can only play while inserting their branded buttplugs and then mongoloids will start insisting other games must follow lest we lose "accessibility" from the worst gaming community on the planet.
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Some Warzone Eternal stuff
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Solid painting anon
>the lowest common denominator mass appeal 40kripoff fans aren't picky about having painted models.
Cathode Ray Tube.
Basically a vacuum tube with electron guns. Old style wargame, uses TLoS and a Combat Resolution Table where you compare 2 values on the column and row to see what results from a combat.
Does anyone have pics of Oathmark dwarves with roman shields? I saw some pics here some time ago.
It's stuff from Gencon, they also have other factions models but I can't find decent pictures
I'm sorry that you don't understand me and feel forced to hallucinate a completely different argument that actually fits your brain, but it isn't actually relevant to anything anyone but you has said. Shut the fuck up.
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Not really, the ones I remember had classic legionary red shields and were from here but thank you anyway, since I just needed a size comparision. I was wondering if they will fit, I think it might look cool to have such a regimented block of infantry, something like pic related.
It's not just Warhammer, dumbass.

Especially when your pdf polyhedrals are one of the least important parts of your wargame, compared to activation, movement-vs-shooting, morale, scenarios, etc; the dice mechanics really aren't the part where you should get clever. They should, if anything, be the familiar bit.
Ok, look... I'm poor from a dog shit country where the hobby is too expensive and even rich nerds don't care about it, so I play miniature agnostic games with my friends who care via TTS, using fucking PNGs of the miniatures.

Besides AoS, 40k and Infinity, which other games have a good collection of miniatures? Preferably with easy to find images with transparent/white background. I tried looking into Malifaux but the official store is inconsistent in which products have previews and others are nigh impossible to find pictures of.
Dice are the cheapest component of wargaming, and more available than any individual model or rulebook. Your argument is at best one of laziness, and poorly phrased. Be better.
You still haven't even understood the argument.
Have you tried Hex and chits games? LIterally you can print them lots of the time, and they are very fun.
No one here understands your argument because it doesn't make any sense. Shut the fuck up or make a clearer argument, but this nuh uh shit is boring. ENTERTAIN ME!!!
You're the only one struggling with it because you're retarded. I don't feel like explaining myself on the level of a retard. Live in ignorance. Preferably quietly.
both of you go measure your sperg dicks somewhere else

I've always wanted one to use the vast array of animal and dino minis you get at museum/zoo gift shops/toy shops but fuck me if they arent as expensive (or more) than most 'proper' miniatures.
still, a pack of lions and a giraffe vs a T-rex and a ankylosaurus tickles me for some reason. Maybe have a Beastmaster leader like Frostgrave...
Looks like one of those 28 type games, but actually appealing to me personally.
What am I looking at?
Dice mechanics are super important and the types dice used affects the entire game, while also being obviously self explanatory. Dice are great to change for different games.
That's also still totally beside the point, warhammer retards who get filtered by changing from d6 to d10 aren't of any concern here. They don't matter, they're never gonna play anything else anyway.
4chan niggas love to blatantly try to get the last word in while also claiming that they're way too good for the discussion.
So I popped into a gaming store about and hour from my house and they had a small selection of a game called Wild West Exodus. The models look fucking fantastic but I could hardly find it online and they didn't have a starter. Is this game dead? Is there anyone to buy it reliably? How is it?
Any game that's not Warhammer should be seen as a suggestion to whatever figures are sold with it.
Ok, let's flip this question.
As far as AWGs go: does it still have any active playing communities anywhere, does company still print the models and sell them, and does the game still get updates?
I don't think it gets new updates but the figures should still be getting sold.
WWX was originally produced by the Battlefoam guy but the UK online retailer Wayland bought it some time ago and produce it under the Warcradle brand
I think they have also merged it with Dystopian Wars, setting-wise
I think Wayland still makes it, I have no idea if they are still releasing new content
As far as I know, like virtually all awg’s, WWX has never had any kind of scene anywhere
captcha MTDWD
This is more what I was trying to figure out

Wayland was the one online seller I could find. I've never dealt with them, do they ship to the US?

I went to every store I know about in the greater Baltimore area today and only found it at one. They had a few of the single player starters that's it. Clerk said he's never seen anyone play it but a few people have bought it. They have had a hell of a time getting it in stock though. It's weird cause we do have a decent Malifaux player base in this area and it seems right up their alley.
Do any of you have experience with Full Spectrum Dominance.
I believe the rules are free, and it's a 6mm 3d print focused game.
Seems like it has some fun mechanics, and with the scale, you don't need a lot of resin, or space to play the game.
Tell us more stories that never happened, anon.
Dice are there to approximate some probability distribution function you already had in mind, and usually there are multiple dice mechanics that can accomplish this.

Regardless, even that is less important than the modifiers you use into incentivize certain behaviors. Infinity would play very similarly even if it used buckets of d6, if the modifiers made shooting as lethal as it is now.
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I have 6 of these LEGO AATs. Which wargame rules would you use to skirmish 3v3 with these? Thanks

ever heard about brickwars?
What do you guys think of OPR's non-evil non-skaven?
Thanks, that looks like an amazing project. It might be just the thing. Have you used it at all?

I get the idea behind it, the twist, but "noble rats" do just not work.
What the fuck is the point in that?

Your dad told me he was proud of you.

Don't like them, too furry.
Would work well for a more Redwall style wargame.
The fun of the skavens is they are retarded evil.
I'm looking for 25-32mm miniatures with a fantasy Arabian Nights theme...is there any company that could scratch my itch? Thank you
shieldwolf has armed bellydancer bitches but I think they are still kickstarter embargoed.
Honestly the best fantasy arabs you can find are LoTR Haradrim. They are incredibly cool sculpts
marge simpson from the simpsons
>Have you used it at all?
No I have no one to play with I am here as a miniatures encyclopedia and modeler.
I appreciate the suggestion. I think I am going to homebrew it and then use brickwars if I run into something i can't figure out.
Another option would be to use the tank rules in the Battletech system.
even in Redwall, rats are pointlessly evil
They're fine.
Thinking they have to be like skaven because they're ratmen is the kind of brainrot usually seen from D&Dfags.
In addition to Brickwars there's Mobile Frame Zero for mech specific stuff and Sword & Burner for rpg.
Frostgrave cultists 2 are available in my preferred "local" online store. Since i'm ordering anyway, i decided to get a box of WGAs WW1 russians (mostly because of their crude looking gas mask heads) as well

This will become a fun horde of trench fighting cultists.
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Its not a thing I want to do but a sufficiently autistic lego wargaming enthusiast could make
Renegade Legion armour damage templates that 1:1 with the tanks or vehicles in question via lego and play it.
>use captured animals to help hunt new ones like pokemon
This looks kino.
>28-like that isn't grimdark and doesn't have 28 in the title
That's called a homebrew game anon.
The entire point of having lore where they're good is to prevent the ridiculously obvious comparison to Skaven so they don't get sued.
>ridiculously obvious comparison
Yes because GW invented ratmen.
Seek help.
The entire point of having lore where they're good is to sell them to furries. Try and keep up.

Rats are just seen as evil in all kinds of franchises. Making them good, just to prevent GW to sue is silly, because the background of the army wont prevent it if the models are too much alike (and its not like OPR is far away from GW armies with their other factions anyway).
If they want to have a "good" animal horde army, they could have picked squirrels, mouses, ferrets or whatever else is generally considered "cute" and not a fucking rat.
Furries are not into rats.
They are into sexy animals, like cats or foxes.
Have you ever seen someone cosplay as a ratman for a furry convention?
Are you saying my new and original skirmish wargame should have a kitsune faction to grift off suspiciously wealthy furries?
>You can't do anything original
>That would be wrong
They look alright.
I've seen pictures of people at conventions yes, and heard of infamous rat-dressed fuckers from documentaries, and I've seen what happen with banning of skaven-anything from a Warhammer thread due to it being a problem. You're just wrong.
>Furries are not into rats.
>They are into sexy animals
>sexy animals
That might actually work, but not kitsune, just full-blown anthro foxes. They imprinted on Maid Marion from Robin Hood, after all.
Personally I don't think getting involved with furries is worth it, the autism makes /tg/ look well-adjusted.
As Vince McMahon would say, "Does it draw me money?"

But I think anime booba foxgirls would give plausible deniability.
You are too young to remember the wave of cute skaven, memes about washing them and treating them nice making them fuckable, etc.
Just wait. They'll show up in your OPR shit and be insufferable. glhf.
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>memes about washing them and treating them nice making them fuckable, etc.
>sexy animals
i member
>sexy animals,
>like cats or foxes.
Is there anything you want to get off your chest?
Why is a girl wearing cat ears a thing? Why is it Catwoman and not Porcupinewoman?
>not Porcupinewoman?
First day on the internet?
But it's all niche.
The average person is more attracted to a girl with cat characteristics than a girl with porcupine characteristics. I'm not saying it's not toxoplasmosis desu.
Because men would find women who did just about anything to be cute attractive and cat ears are a socially acceptable and wide spread way to be cute. Women put cow ears and bells on too. It's not like cows are sexy.

Unlike you, most dudes don't want to fuck cats.
I think the idea of most furry whatever is to water down the animal characteristics to the point its just a hat and the fuckable part is the human side. This makes it less niche because most humans like fucking and having a variety of hats to wear while doing so increases consumer base.
I'm not even the original anon, and I certainly don't want to fuck cats.
What I'm saying is that certain animals are symbolically associated with sexiness for some reason.
If you had a female villain you wanted to be sensual, would you give her a snake motif or a cockroach motif?
Because cuteness can enhance sexiness, but is not sexy on its own. Cats are cute, so cat features can enhance the sexiness of human girls.
Definitely Roach. I wouldn't give a sexy woman a phallic motif.
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>cool gf

Does anyone know of decent bugheaded or maybe just egyptian godheaded models?
>egyptian godheaded models?
Max Mini has them in an army, Reaper has a few from Nefsokar.
Splintered Light has a 15mm army of them.
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>maybe just egyptian godheaded models?
Crocodile God Games.
I prefer gross horrible Skaven ratmen myself, but I appreciate that they exist. People have been making 3d printable Skaven knockoffs since the dawn of time, so making something different instead of "Diseased Ratman #9001" is a net benefit to the 3d printing ecosystem.
Exactly. And rat features.. well.
I read an article recently about someone releasing or planning to release a mini agnostic vehicle and mecha game scaled for 6 to 15mm. Can't remember the name but remembered it's big gimmic was something called panic dice. Anyone know what the system might be?
Played dragon rampant today for the first time. We both had runs where we couldn't get a turn off due to an order failing first time. In the end I lost due to giving numerous weak horde units that couldn't do shit.
These guys?
Yes. Thank you
Here's a shot of a more uniform pose. If that's what your looking for.
These look really good. Dwarfs with their heavy armor and usually tight formations are well suited for those big shields.
>We both had runs where we couldn't get a turn off due to an order failing first time.
Common problem with the ruleset.
Regular solution is to have the one unit in question activate so you can at least do something and then end the turn.
Could also import rerolls for commander skill level overcoming command friction.
Weak hordes being bad at getting it together is operating as intended though.
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But rats ARE cute, anon. They make fantastic pets.

It's just a shame for some reason the majority of rat owners seem to be landwhales with blue hair and nose rings, never really understood that.
Holy NMM Batman.
Is Oathmark still the meta for dwarves?
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These are great. I kind of love them.

They're an army of medieval fantasy ratmen that have their own identity. They do not try to copy Skaven, they are doing their own thing.
Thoughts on Edge of Sanity?
They're both cool factions but it kinda seems like double dipping. Less of a problem if you don't already own Asterians or Nightstalkers, of course.
Not to mention, they're nice-looking units but having a giant box of not-Tyranids vs not-Necrons will probably make you want to quit painting if you don't have an airbrush.
Hm, did they just put their fantasy army into their scifi game?
Yeah they did.

To be fair it's not like that particular fantasy army would be super out of place in warpath. It's kinda like daemons being a faction in both 40k and WFB/AOS
I will stand by the darkstalkers looking like the things from deadspace so they fit.
I guess the adventuring party found a Skaven breeding nest, mercy-killed the Breeders, and took the baby skaven to a place willing to raise them outside of Horned Rat worship? I mean, there's a town in Bretonnia populated by mutants who reject joining up with Chaos Warriors and just live in peace, pretending to just be really inbred peasants.
Xenos Rampant fixes this problem, and everyone I know playing Rampant games has backported those fixes to them or just plays Xenos Rampant but ignores the scifi bits.
tl;dr play XR instead

XR doesn't have wall of spears and evade I think, but besides that it could work quite well.
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If Sigmar found out then he'd slaughter them, it's what happened with AoS beastmen who were domesticated to be friendly and lovable but Sigmar still had them slaughtered (unironically picture related). Chaos beasts, which include skaven, passively spread chaos influence regardless of their intentions and this is true for both Fantasy and AoS.
For the last time, the correct answer to
>orc children
problem is opening a brothel.
I did and no one wanted me to play DnD ever again and got stuck as forever DM for the rest of high-school.
I take it that's new? Not sure what you mean by "double dipping".
Might be neat. Most of my sci-fi minis are just humans so something a bit different is at least a little tempting.
>gayhammer autism in /awg/
Why. Isn't there enough threads about warhammer?
Just give them an anime girl head and a full blown fox head, muzzle and all. Then it's their sin to use those heads.
anyone have achtung panzer rules as pdf? (warlord games)
Only partly related but damn why did they have to make those stalkers with 2/5 having insanely wide stances? The standing ones can fit on 32mm but the ones crawling means they have to be put on the biggest bases in the entire box. It's crazy because they barely even properly fit on their original KoW bases either.
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Kow already fully embraced multibasing to the point the twilight kin can't rank up their base infantry at all.
Some of the new goblin don't rank up normally so they mounted two on a Cavalry base.
Nightstalkers are new to Firefight, but they originated in KoW months ago.
The vast majority of those Asterians have been around a while.
Still, it's not a bad buy if they're new to you and you think you would enjoy them.
My group is feeling the urge for a 28mm fantasy game as a nice contrast to our regular Battletech. Is Frostgrave fun? Is it a generic game where I can bring and convert stuff or am I expected to buy the official models?
check out saga maybe.
What are you guys looking for. Frostgrave is more of a campaign game than a war game.
The scarecrows are a bit silly in a scifi setting, but the rest are all flesh heap monstrosities, so they're not that off the mark for space monsters.
Do you mean it's more like Necromunda and Mordheim in the sense of "successive battles where you build up your warriors and create a narrative"? Because that actually sounds nice to me.

Mostly we're just looking for something with a very different aesthetic from Battletech, and some fun opportunities to paint cool models. Frostgrave has some presence at one of the local game stores, so that's why I thought of it first. Turnip28 is also on the list but I don't think everyone else will jump on the napoleonic autism that powers me.
>am I expected to buy the official models?
As a general rule of thumb, /awg/ are pretty flexible compared to 40k. The exception are character-based games like Malifaux or all the newfangled licensed games.
>Frostgrave is more of a campaign game than a war game.
But Oathmark is its companion wargame.
Similarly, there's Kings of War and Vanguard, depending on the scale of battle you want.
Yeah. It's like necromunda or Mordheim. The big difference is you only have two characters a wizard and their apprentice. Everyone else is a generic disposable mook that doesn't advance. It's d20 based and intentionally swingy.
>local Frostgrave presence
Lucky bastard.
We have a store that doesn't carry MTG and only has a small slice of Warhammer, but has a bunch of alternative wargames they get through their main distributor, so there's stuff I've never heard of among stuff like Shatterpoint and a few Frostgrave items.
Tell that store owner Anon says he has good taste.
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It also has the neat gimmick of being a combined tabletop game store / pizza restaurant, with decent beers as well.
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>levels of comfy off the charts
Sounds great.
The pizza and beer probably carries the awg stuff.
Pretty much. They've actually got two locations, one on each side of town.
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Had some spare cash and decided to pull the trigger on Argatoria. Mostly I wanted a new project and I’ve never painted models this small before. I got two army starters, some heroes and some terrain pieces to start out. Anybody here have any experience with it?
I haven’t heard of those. Interesting options. So far last night I stayed up too late typing all these ideas out. I used wookiepedia as a reference for what the AAT is supposed to be able to do in-universe. But for my game, I am replacing the various “grenades” that the AAT is supposed to launch from its low-slung forward-facing set of six launcher tubes. I am doing this bc the canon states the AAT carries what seems like far too many rounds and their function is fuzzily defined. So I am making the tubes ATGM launchers, like contemporary Javelin missiles, with one missile only per tube, not reloadable. Also, I’ve decided that the dual medium laser cannons on the tanks trunnions will be tied into the commander’s radar on top of the turret for a hard kill active protection system to shoot down incoming ATGM fire. I think the game will basically be a simulation of two identical droid tank platoons duking it out, but with contemporary technological elements to make it more satisfying.
Closest i've came to any experience is reading some of the rules, and they seem fun enough. The activation and morale systems sticks out the most from what i remember. Wish i had the money to spend on a starter box, but maybe it's for the best to not stand with both legs in two different projects.
In the 4plebs archives from a few months ago you should find an anon talking about it. He was very fond of it.
Does anyone have good places to go read/listen about wargame design and production? The best I've been able to find are like 15-minute youtube videos where a guy just talks about his idea for a wargame.
Probably the best in terms of discussing the elements of modern wargame design. One half is the guy who wrote Gaslands.
Doesn't Priestley have a book out?
Tell me about this DOOM Project, please. I have lots of DOOM miniatures.
havent heard of the book, whats it called?
I'm looking for a wargame developed by a community with completely free, model agnostic rules.
The only one I know that's kinda popular in Europe is the ninth age, are there others?
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Frostgrave guy from earlier with the pizza game store: Grabbed some AoS models that have been gathering dust. Vampire as a necromancer, the caped skeleton as his apprentice, and eight variously armed skeletons. Might use these as a basic warband until I assemble something more specific.

Any way I can make a Necromancer type wizard fly to represent the wings?
>found a LGS 25 min from my house
>They actually have a healthy stock and active community
They have no website or internet presence besides a Facebook page that was a bitch to find, but I'm excited to have an actual community.
Has anyone played Conquest: Last Argument of Kings? The models looked cool in the store and it seems to be made for both round and square bases
Leap spell.
Ah yes. The famous Necromancy spell, Leap.
Yeah it's what happens when you scare yourself so much with your skeletons that you jump really high.
Catchy title.
I read that. It's a shallow imitation of a better book, and I mean that literally.
Go read The Wargaming Compendium by Henry Hyde (2009) instead. It's the same subject matter almost chapter by chapter but wider in scope and deeper in discussion.
The Art of Wargaming by Peter Perla (1990) isn't bad by any means but really only about a third of the book is interesting (chapters 5-8).
Characteristics of Games by George Skaff Elias, Richard Garfield, and K. Robert Gutschera (2012) 'chapters 4-6' were solid wargaming applicable design advice but mixed in with wider ludology talk
Uncertainty in Games by Greg Costikyan (2013) is the book I want to beat every dice festishist to death with, but it's actually short and to-the-point so it'd be more like swatting a dog with a newspaper.
Zones of Control - Perspectives on Wargaming by Pat Harrigan and Matthew G. Kirschenbaum (2016) is a doorstopper I've yet to complete because it's dense with good arguments and interesting ideas across the full spectrum of wargaming.

Really though, Wargaming Compendium by Henry Hyde. It's widely pirated and a great read. Start there. Videos are for the attention deficient.
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>pulp early scifi aesthetic
>alien biology
>aliens can join you
That sounds awesome. I'm surprised there aren't more locations like that.
What do you think of these books?

>>93154555 (checked)
I'm happy for anon but the reason this is so awesome is because we expect it to be too good for this gay earth. If it was a widespread trend I would expect everyone's "that guy" to start stripping paint off everyone's minis with greasy fingers, while the local GW rep tries to figure out how to sell 40k branded pizza and make it required. And don't get me started on the beer.
Still, the idea of /awg/ stores supplementing their income is pretty interesting and should be elaborated on. I can't think of a lot of goods that can act as a backup to /awg/ without eventually rendering the games as vestigial. Food and a social space obviously work.
Heard of the first from the second, but haven't read it. I can talk about Wargaming Campaigns, I read chunks of it.
I actually opened it and skipped to the naval campaigns chapter, and, well...
>This is where I confess that I am not an expert in naval wargaming, and the most I can do here is propose some ideas, mostly gleaned from whatever sources I have been able to corral in my ‘old school wargaming’ book collection, with some more recent additions bought in the last couple of decades, and some suggested by others with far more expertise than I have at my disposal.
>Tony Bath’s Setting up a Wargames Campaign contains a useful section on naval campaigns with lots of ideas
I didn't find it at all as useful nor as easily referenced. It seemed skewed towards large club affairs or solo gaming, as well as even more historical focused than his first book, none of which is my 'thang'.
The main thing to realize is the /awg/ stuff is a fairly small section of the store half of the business. Their real commercial focus on that side is board games, which they apparently do a pretty brisk trade in, but it's also important to realize it's a pizza place with attached game store, rather than the other way around. The food and beers are the moneymakers. I'm not a beer guy but the beer selection is well regarded by people who care about that sort of thing.

It definitely works, though, and just having playing space is enough to get me in the door, at which point I end up getting a pizza and a drink most of the time. My battletech group does our long all day games there, since it's slightly better for that than the store that actually supports BT by stocking stuff. Food & drink does a lot on that front.

So the course is "make a functional pizzaria, then add on a game store as a bonus revenue stream"

If the Grave Tool wizard creator I found is correct it looks like a Necromancer can get the Leap spell as an Aligned spell on the Summoner list.

Dunno if that's accurate but I'll find out later.
I need to know the location. I usually end travelling a lot due to work
There are days that I wonder if facebook, google, etc has some kind of region block. Because I can't seem to find shit in Weston Florida. I know there are some stores like in Miami itself but those are kind out of my way when I'm working there.
Albuquerque, NM. Store is Slice and Dice, there's one each on the east and west side of town, I go to the east one.
>Slice and Dice
This is where I am at and there is fucking NOTHING on the East Coast outside of major cities like Orlando and Miami. I knew I was moving to a "small town" but it is actually insane that 90 minutes is about the average for anything that isn't a basic necessity
It constantly bothers me that they don't actually serve pizza by the slice, but then individual slices of pizza end up nasty because they just sit under the lights for way too long, so I accept it.
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Fellow Florida man!
Yeah I don't want to go to Miami.
If I actually end living in Florida (which I doubt but you never know) I will start a club. But I´m surprise that there is so few things regarding wargames.
Even my fucking third world country has more options
Why would retired boomers and gusanos actually enjoy things?
Think anon.
Make sure to gatekeep commies like >93155389
I wish you all the luck anon. Where I live nobody does anything except outdoors activities (which are cool, don't get me wrong) and drink. Bars open at 7am (they serve breakfast) and you have people lined up to order alcohol, on a weekday.

This is the same state that refuses to sell liquor in a supermarket, and instead has a smaller, separate store directly adjacent. But you can buy beer and wine in the supermarket just fine

I wanted to buy the Sorcery Contested Realm precon decks and had to drive 90 mins to Orlando. The one card shop in my town sells pokemon ONLY (I spoke to the owner about diversifying and he had no interest) and is currently going out of business
The fuck is gusanos?
>This is the same state that refuses to sell liquor in a supermarket, and instead has a smaller, separate store directly adjacent. But you can buy beer and wine in the supermarket just fine
What the fuck, why?

Cubans that left Cuba because they no longer had slaves.
Say that to their face lmao
I stumble upon some bar that had arcade machines. Never got the chance to visit since, but I see sparks of something good.
Hell your random hobby store has more options and stuff than my entire country. It pisses me off to discover that wargame scene in Florida is dead. Specially with all the old folks that actually have the money and time to play. Not even a fucking train club I have manage to find. Not even rumours of secrets clubs
>Cubans that left Cuba because they no longer had slaves.
Now I understand why the other anon called you a commie.
The written argument is that it prevents big corporations like Wal-Mart or Kroger from stifling dedicated liquor store business. The reality is that only the big corporate liquor stores like ABC end up surviving or the scum of the earth corner liquor stores where most crime is committed.

In Florida Arcade=small casino (basically just machines, no tables)

I am really hoping the community at the LGS is good and not full of turbo spergs or whatever.
>Not even rumours of secrets clubs
The most I've heard of is a friend of mine was part of a Rogue Trader campaign. I got into minis for the hobby aspect so I wouldn't know if there was a scene.
Well now we know there at least 3 of us, probably on opposite sides of the state.
I'm not even from the country I usually just end visiting a lot, like between a 1 week to 6 month (to the point that I should redo my visa). So the idea of just having an army at my home in Florida sounded like a good idea. Till I discover there are no wargames here. Even fucking Little Rock Arkansas had some wargames (flames of war if I recall correctly)
Hey if any entrepreneurs are reading, it sounds like there's a willing market that isn't being reached.
I have. Been into fights before over it.
Is FoW still a parking lot simulator?
>Slice and Dice
Fuck. Thar's a cool name.
Lol. I'm sure you have tough guy.
As far as i know you can get demonic wings when you serve a demon lord (Forgotten Pacts book)
Are there any good solo wargames? Ideally some sort of desk-solo wargame?

Don't get a lot of chances to play with mates and I have plenty of time to kill at my desk job.
only one I can think of in theory is maybe warhammer. Im sure there is something out there though.
2 Hour Wargames has a whole range of games with solo modes. Not sure how desk-friendly they'd be, Warrior Heroes for example recommends a 3x3' space but you could probably shrink that by tweaking distances.

Nordic Weasel has a bunch of solo-friendly games including several that are skirmish-scale and would probably fit in a 2x2'
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Pretty much all of Alternative Armies' games have solo rules. For a desk you might want their 15mm but they have 28mm too.
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So does anyone do multipart plastic kits of cyborgs/robots other than Games Workshop?
wargames atlantic but I might be wrong. Its still probably worth checking out that sci fi range tho.
I think you are wrong sadly. They've got some good sci-fi stuff, but nothing roboty/cyborgy.
This question made me realise how weird it is that north star haven't made a robots/droids plastic kit for stargrave.

I feel like that could be a pretty big seller.
I was just thinking the same thing actually. You can make an entire crew of robots for Stargrave, but no option. Seems like it's a no-brainer.
You have robot heads and arms in each SG kit, kinda how there's heads to make skeletons and zombies in the cultist box.
please circle the robot arms on each of these sprues, please
also the robot heads if you can, I know the picture is shit; and no fully-helmeted does not count, I want a robot head
>sort of the head you can attach the nozzle to from the scavengers kit?
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fucking image fell off
I remember some goggle/mask heads but no robot heads.

Though I guess the difference can be kind of hard to tell.
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Watching some Frostgrave
Any interest in Halo Fleet Battles on here? I've just started getting into it and have really enjoyed it but just haven't had the chance to play much
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Also painted up this tower for my eventual table
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Update: A thief who was about to ring the bell and steal the treasure got launched 19" into the air with a Push spell and then fell and splatted on the ground.

This game seems fun.
Post about it. It was the best ruleset Spartan made and a damned shame it it lived such a short life. However, I don't give a single fuck about Halo and damned sure ain't going to pay collector prices for it, and I'm not going to pick up printing as a hobby so like, it's just this neat dead artifact to me.
Love to see it IP stripped and made into a general space fleet battle system.
Why does the ruin terrain change hallway through the game?
You're watching him watch Frostgrave, how do you feel now?
I'm watching you talk to him watching that guy watching Frostgrave. You are now all gay.
I just found a place that'll do resin prints so I've been able to get into it pretty cheap and easy.
I'll admit I am a halo guy so that's a major draw for me, but I've found the rules themselves to be incredibly elegant and I can't get enough of it.
It's got some pretty impressive community support going for it too, and while there are some definite misses, most of the additions they've made have been definite hits.
Magic. After I finished painting the tower, one of the guys playing pointed out it'd be a better bell tower than what they had.

I was curious about whether I'd like the game. Seems I will.
I am envious, no one around me wants to do anything but Warhammer. Not even old world, just 40k and AoS.
And they keep complaining about those games while refusing to try anything else
File: tower2.jpg (1.56 MB, 2100x2800)
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1.56 MB JPG
Update: Now it has a roof
I am so fucking jealous right now.
I really like making cards rather than using rolling tables.
Besides treasure and random encounters, what else could be fun to turn into drawing cards?
Spells? Monster/minions stats?
Sorry, I meant for the randomization rather than for reference.
Wandering monsters are randomized right?
Random monster attacks would be fun. Double function as a stat card as well
mantic once again making extremely shit looking models after 15 years of being in the industry
Those aren't new models Anon
You could play Mystic Skies with that. Just gotta get a flying wizard model.
>just ordered a bunch of Argatoria stuff
>they announce a buy 2 army box get 1 free sale the next day
fuck. Could have gotten a free box
It's okay let him rage.

I'm digging this one. It might just be that the studio painter is better.

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