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It's summer edition.

Previously on /slop/: >>93098744

▶ Thread Task: To celebrate the first thread made during official summer, post hot stuff. How are you or your players handling the heat? Post images of deserts, beaches, Hell; all things hot and heavy.

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
Hot stuff comin through.
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>[finally collapses under tarp, weakly throwing some gold at the merchant before he can object]
>[squints in the general direction of the party]
>"Guys...it's great...that no one here knows what a drow is...and I can just walk in the open...but sweet Ran, I think I've sweated half my body weight...and I can't see a damn thing...and I'm getting a sunburn! Did you know I could get sunburned? I didn't!"
>[drains waterskin in one go]
>"All I'm saying is that this better be worth it."
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Rather pretty self explanatory
>> 93102172
I'd really like to know how anon prompted this

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The downside to the fact that I'm going to be in a Transformers game soon is that I'm going to be GMing it rather than playing it. Meaning that all the effort I went through to get a good gen for my OC Donut Steel was largely wasted.

Side note, I've been a Transformers fan pretty much since birth. I remember begging my parents/Santa Claus for a Starscream for Christmas, the Generation 2 one that came with a pack that made noise. So it's kind of surprising to me that I never actually made a Transformers OC until just last year.
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>>93124565 (OP)
I see a foreigner approaching my fruit stand, draped in finery the likes of which I could never hope to afford. The young girl is pale as a bleached bone, and I notice with some confusion that her bare shoulders do not seem to redden under the sun’s oppressive heat. Despite her unusual resilience to the heat, sweat still glistens upon her creamy skin and her silver-white hair sticks to her forehead; she is clearly unused to our lands. Her remarkable purple eyes sweep over my wares before rising to meet mine and for a moment, I forget how to speak.
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I struggle to generate images like this. The dog hates me.
Dealing with the heat of the desert the only way she knows how: in the lap of absolute luxury.
Actually this was by chance. I prompted white top and shorts, and swimming in the ocean.
>She's touching her foot
Deleted in 3... 2... 1...
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What happened to their other shoes? Each of them carry only one.
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They stole them from a sandal shop, but they only have left-sided in the store. So they just stole one each
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"Thanks. I hate it."
Bump. Set. Spike.
I need more japanese-themed art like this
Say no more.
Should probably say a little more if that's considered like the OP.
"It's not even hot. Why do people enjoy this?"
You playing Essence20 or one of the other projects that have floated around /tg/?
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which ai is animating this?noob here,
Luma. It's recently got a lot of attention, so gens are incredibly slow from all the traffic. Try early morning hours American time to get some done more quickly. It's very finicky. I've managed to get some decent ones, but it often goes off track with AI weirdness.
Why does the samurai have boobs?
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I know who the two on the top left is.
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This is badass. Can you make a yuan-ti Anathema version? 6 heads, 6 arms, 6 wings?
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These are manboobs.
What seems to be the problem here?
Why does she have so small boobs?
You must like fat chicks.
Optical illusion. Probably a heat mirage. It's also why the blade of her sword doesn't appear to align with the rest.
I see, I understand now. These mirages, man.
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Summer? Looks more like "misfire at the bukkake invitational".
Essence20. We've been playing 5e for a while so the goal is to ease us away a little bit with something different but still familiar. Also Essence20 benefits from having a lot of premade stat blocks that makes design easier.

The campaign after mine is gonna be Call of Cthulhu 7e, though. After that I was thinking about a V20 game set in the Edwardian Era, mostly because I want to do a chronicle that ends with the troupe needing to board the Titanic for one contrived reason or another. My players are historically illiterate and so will definitely not be able to make the connection that 1912 + passenger liner = Titanic, especially if I start the chronicle in 1911. They'll just assume that it's still 1911 even if I tell them that months pass.

>"Alright, your agents have tracked down the Sabbat while you slept. He's going to boarding a a passenger liner bound for America in Queenstown in the south of Ireland. If you want to retrieve the Book of Nod fragments, you'll need to be on the ship too."
>>"Okay, well are there any berths left?"
>"Yes, actually. Your minions should be able to get you aboard, but it'll have to be during the day as the ship is scheduled to leave Queenstown only a little after noon. You can be snuck aboard as cargo."
>>"Okay, we'll do that."
>"Excellent. That night, your agents sneak your troupe aboard the liner in question, which you learn is named the RMS Titanic."
>>"Wait WHAT?!"
>"Do you have any in-character reason to not want to board the Titanic, Kyle?"
This thread is basically beach episode of /slop/. Especially considering the number of girls on the beach.
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Yes, and...?
Why does a reptile have nipples?
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Beach/Hotspring episodes are great, though.
why would a statue sunbathe?
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Do I look like I'm complaining?
Because it's his fetish
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>Why does a reptile have nipples?
'80s fantasy art'. I prompted the same Draconian in various art styles and it's the only style with nipples on every gen. (Here's 'hazy impressionist painting'.)
>why would a statue sunbathe?
To dry after washing off pigeon shit.
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Can't clean the urine smell though.
Pigeons don't pee, silly.
You were not kiding, the queues are huge and so far the results are not great, but i'm not a prompt engineer like you guys, but 'll keep trying
a northern one a little bit more hellish, but not excessively so
*another one
I meant
I associate summer with late evenings where the sun don't set until like 11pm, cool breezes, large fields of lush greenery and long shadows
I'm not a good prompt engineer and I feel stuck.
I was looking to make a "We have Adam Jensen at home" type of character with a trenchcoat but it all ends up super generic with the FUCKING ZOOMER FADE
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Alternative and more on point tt
You should try /v/.
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Is a baseball cap with a coat /fa/?
Not exactly what I had in mind, but since any mention of "beach" invokes dog's ire, I had to come up with something else.
Haven't you posted 3-4 thread tasks already?
Your point?
You just phrase it so weirdly. Why are you so weird?
Because I fail to see what problem you have.
I had really hoped to encourage more than just beach pictures. My fault for giving you degenerates an excuse to post girls in bikinis.
Oh well, if ya can't beat 'em...
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"Vamos niños, come get in the water before the policía show up!"
It's your own fault.
Now hop in, looser. We have beach goers to run over.
She is wearing beach appropriate clothes too! What a hypocrite!
But hey, if you want hot AND heavy...
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>My fault for giving you degenerates an excuse to post girls in bikinis.
Anon, do you want guys in bikinis?
For the love of God, this should be reportable
Well, now this would make little more sense for taking off boots in place like this.
Fine, let's crank up the heat.
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The heroes desperately called upon Shiva, the goddess of ice and snow, for her chilling aura was their only hope against the searing furnace of the Corel Desert. As she materialized, a gust of frigid winds whipped through the barren landscape, extinguishing any heatwaves in its path and offering a brief respite from the scorching sun. Sat upon her throne, she waited for the heroes to fall to their knees in sublimation.
Being lost in the desert sure sucks when you're covered in fur.
>in sublimation
So... After saving them she wants them to literally evaporate? (Sublimation means changing state directly from solid to gas.)
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>the act of expressing strong emotions or using energy by doing an activity or creating something, or the activity or work itself
> For the love of God
“Yes,” I said, “for the love of God!”
which God, anon?
Prompt please?
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Can't trust them Drow
I dunno, whichever one is being referred to in The Cask of Amontillado, which I was quoting.

>”For the love of God, Montressor!”
>”Yes,” i said, “for the love of God!”
by the way, can someone confirm if Bing has finally fixed the boost explot? it doesn't seem to work for me
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yes, but I specifically mean the one deleting Bing's search history
That didn't work for a while. Then it worked again, then doesn't work once again.
Some anon mentioned that you need to also delete Copilot's history, but I have no idea how to access it.
I don't get this thread "task" stuff for generals. It's an amazing way to kill organic content. A general is a general, not a "let's all do this exact one thing"
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Pew pew space!
The 8th TT he posted even.
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No one is forcing you to follow the prompt, and some people find the prompt can help inspire them. It harms no one and helps some people. What’s the worst that happens, the thread fills up a little faster? So what? We’ll just make a new one.
I asked "What You Mean", because I don't know who "he" is and what do you mean about this *th thread task.
How’d you get the flame heads?
At least she can beat the heat on the beach.
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I genned this bikini elf for a thread on /tv/ to demonstrate using AI for modeling characters but you guys will probably like them.
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She gets to bring friends.

Here is Dinosaur Shaman, who summons ghost dinosaurs.
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The phrase [SAFE:] no longer works and it's a hard flag. At least for me.
It's midjourney. Tried the same prompt in bing and it looked like shit.
>final fantasy, gaunt face, green skin, dynamic pose, dynamic view, on top of a throne of ice and snow, ruby rock, sickly green skin, female, long straight red hair, blue eye-mask, ornate blue and purple robes with arabic aesthetic, blue cape with red pauldrons, wielding a simple glowing blue sword, sweltering desert background.
>recites the first entry on dictionary.com and considers himself learned
I kneel
I've also been getting that issue.
"[safe:"hasn't gotten me hard flagged, but it's debatable if it ever did anything at all. Or any of those "safe" tags.
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This one came out a little better, still as far as animation goes, not that interesting.
How do you animate this?

Note the watermark, Luma AI
It's a shame that from what I've seen so far, the most Luma has been able to do for me has been to turn my previously generated images made by Bing and make them into sliding gifs. Perhaps it's just me having a skill issue with the prompting software but it doesn't seem able to do much more than that right now with fantasy images.
How do I generate more like this? Complete noob, thread image caught my eye. Looking for lots of sloppa for a historical weeb game.
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That looks great. She is very pretty.
Mention the ground, footwear, etc. or else it will tend to give you pictures from the chest up.
Sorry, I meant the the Japanese-esque stylings that are in that more realistic style rather than anime.
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I can see this being part of an ad for a mobile game or something. The "camera" turns around and we get a good look at her face as she prepares the next strike
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>Due to high demand, we are temporarily limiting free tiers to 10 generations/day.
>Due to high demand, we are temporarily limiting free tiers to 5 generations/day.
And so it begins.
It was nice while it lasted, boys.
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I wonder if people ever come in here with their own drawn images in some kind of attempt to troll.
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I don't think it was this thread in particular, but someone came with a sloppy Sonic drawing and later confessed it was actually made in Midjourney
You have to clear copilot history too
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"illustration by yoshitaka amano". retro, dark science fiction, watercolor, detailed, grainy, faded colors. wide view. [description]
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Any tried using the bing copilot designer? It says "Let me do that for you, I'll just be a moment". I think it's lying...
>BIG ears

Keep this up. Bigger ears, even
Alas, having "horse_ears" in the prompt led to messed up anatomy or horses somewhere in the image, so I've pretty much given up on that angle
>yoshitaka amano

ma nigga
I'm tired of this sick world
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>Bigger ears, even
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Sorry, wrong picture.
NTA, but give me the prompt and I'll try
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a centaur girl, naked_towel, horse_ears, sweating, wading in a river, cooling off
Negative prompt: source_3d, horse, animal
Wasn't there a Bing image creator which could make landscape images? So, wider than tall.
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Nice, thank you for sharing.
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Too much work but it's possible. You have to up the importance of centaur and put horse in the negatives at a high value. Also helps to put "elf" at 0.5 in the positive prompt: Keeps the humanoid part together better and the low value keeps the pointy ears away, especially with them in the negatives as well.
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I need to come up with a game concept I can use these pixelart stuff for
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That actually seems to have helped a bit. Now if only I could keep the "wrapped around body" part of the towel
What's the prompt for this please?
Uhh, I kind of forget in my big pile of prompts but it might be:

>damaged bootleg vhs rip, low quality rotoscoped western anime circa 1980, heavy film grain and artifacing, distorted, distortion, signal loss, glitch art, bold colors, low contrast, [SUBJECT PROMPT HERE], dark fog forest swamp, chiaroscuro, heavy metal 1981
NTA but my go-to for campy realism is

still from 80s movie directed by paul verhoeven, faded, grainy.
Cool picture anon.
"Can I interest you in a scroll of Magic Muscle?"
Because he has a praise fetish and craves the body worship.
I kinda like that concept. Emphasizes the awkward, bestial unnaturalness of him being a goblin. He's adorable in a way, tough-looking and sexy.
>"Can I interest you in a scroll of Magic Muscle?"
>hot and heavy
Here you go.
"Well, I'll be here if you need me."
>uses a scroll of "Coke of Cold"
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I really like this one.
>uses a scroll of "Coke of Cold"
That's one way to get a stuffy nose.
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I keep wanting to mention this but then forgot, huggingface has multiple text to image(and other) spaces you can use: https://huggingface.co/spaces, you don't have to only use the vanilla model ones
>...and the score from the Russian judge is in...
"Yer shift's up, mate. Go home. I'll take it from here."
Guess that's this guy's name now
Make it a bit more dragon like, maybe something like Jathtaxerxes
Alas, I know jack squat about dragon naming conventions lol
Well they can be anything you want but they should sound suitably grandiose
I see
Bathing in magma, silly ol' Jath? How gauche! True Dragons bathe in molten gold.
>bathe in molten gold
All the best villains are doing it.
I only use the best gold.
The beach is nice, but I've been feeling like making desert gens more.
That's good to know. Try to help remind whoever is making the next thread as this one wraps up, or just make it yourself and add that to the OP.
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>thread task:
>"fire walks with me"
Copilot does.
It took Luma 3+ hours to generate me a still image slightly scrolling upward. Absolute bollocks.

At least I got one with some actual animation.
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same here, i'm struggling to get my faeries some decent animations, most of them are duds
Better than mine
Yeah sometimes the failures can be funny, look at this dogshit.
That's at least something, I've only gotten zoomed in and slightly moving to one side, or that. I gave up after that, but I might be doing it wrong
Also, she turned into a father after she gave birth
Sweet, thanks!
This looks great.
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I keep on trying to emulate the style of pathfinder
but I somehow don't really get it
I get closer with '2d digital art'; I also tried to insert 'pathfinder' and 'tabletop', but I don't really get the exact style I'd like to have
still looks a bit misplaced next to the other character screens
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I like the hand drawn style.
>I keep on trying to emulate the style of pathfinder
Pathfinder RPG doesn't have any particular style. It's just western kitchen-sink fantasy with adventurers carrying too much equipment (thanks to Wayne Reynolds.) Here's how I do Pathfinder 1E Hobgoblins. >>93131883
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Prompt? I know a concept artist GM that would go bald if I made him look at this
>I know a concept artist GM that would go bald if I made him look at this
Is that good?
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What's currently the best easy online image to animation AI?
I had *some* success with Pika. You need a lot of luck to get something good.
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>waking up early because your pet giant tardigrade wants to go outside
Been there.
Lol. It was meant to be a centaur, bit she...uh...dismounted
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Does this general only have 5 posters? I'm seeing the same 4-5 characters
I post a lot of my characters Lisa and Sarh because they are characters in a set of stories I've been writing with the help of AI. But I post other characters to sometimes.
Yeah, most people got chased off eventually and this general has been in a spiral for a long ass time.
>Another nogen contributing nothing but whining and tons of shit
That's funny you can't see yourself as a part of the problem.
These threads used fill up really fast with a bunch of different posters and it was normal for there to be three or four /slop/ threads at image cap before they got archived. Most of my favorite posters don't post here anymore. Some people speculate that the low effort oc spammers chased away the actual good posters and that might be true for some. Some of our better posters are also going through some crazy irl shit so they haven't been posting often lately. But I suspect that a lot of the better posters simply got bored and moved on.
The only removed images I see in archives are self-appointed 'jailbait'. Have you tried not posting jailbait?
It's easier to blame someone for drop in activity and/or quality, and try to make them hate sink for everyone else. I guess that's why people have such hate boner for marble lion poster,or emo elf poster. And probably few more I don't remember.
Five images ITT have been deleted according to the archives, and a total of 14 posts.
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after Bing turned even more puritan, I pretty much gave up, I still have my favourite pictures saved on my computer, but I only use Bing to generate pictures to use as generic profiles for characters, and then I stopped visiting this thread
I have the feeling Bing is actually getting worse
>Five images
Hmm, let's see...
First of then was nearly instantly posted once again with different description.
Second is a certainly barefoot Warcraft Elf (avatarfagging, off-topic).
Third is, according to OP themselves, "little jailbait".
Fourth is another jailbait (that for some reason oddly resembles Gwen Tennyson.)
Fifth one... see third.
>total of 14 posts
Apart from above, most removed posts are replies to aforementioned "little jailbait".
I guess it got worse. But still, the biggest problem with genning anything due to dog is during the most busy hours.
Good to know your BS isn't avatarfagging, despite mostly spammimg gross gay shit.
Unfriendly reminder that you still have no idea what that means.
You're the number one reason most people don't want to post in these threads. Always posting off topic disgusting gens, always being a cunt, always acting like a thread sheriff.
>Has problem with some elf girl
>Thinks his gross gay shit is so great everyone should love it
Truly lover lifeform sage...
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My son's idea
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And mine
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I stopped posting because barely anyone comments or says anything of value about anything, not even constructively or to say what can be improved, it was mostly just spam from a handful of people or prompt begging for how to make coom.
People blame Pajeet the Promptstealer for this, because they were afraid anyone asking for any advice regarding prompting is some Hindi MS intern collecting data to censor them later.
Along some mystic "Ben" was (is apparently) one of /slop/ boogeymen. And I'm not sure about, there was also a third one.
"Ben" is the meme bogeyman from several threads and apparently on several boards.
Prompt please?
It's really nothing special
>Highly detailed rich watercolor. riding swiftly through the jungle on the back of a sci-fi hover motorcycle is <Piro prompt>. she is surprised. yelling and pointing behind her (bing forgot this part). background is a tiger with large bat wings (looking back at >>93137018, should have prompted dragon wings) flying through the air. blue sky. dungeons & dragons style.
>You're the number one reason most people don't want to post in these threads
I didn't stop posting because of him, I stopped posting because of the low effort waifu spam and coom prompt begging. He's an homofag but comes nowhere close the sheer volume of trash that's otherwise regurgitated here
So good.
At least don't speak in the name of everyone else who left /slop/, because they did it for many different reasons.
Oh look it's the landscape faggot who can't even be bothered to post landscapes related to they'd task.
Oh look a tiny beach.
Wasn't landscapeanon another sheriff wannabe with hateboner for every character posting?
Yeah just because he has a personal grudge doesn't meant everyone has it
So we have name/tripfag who posts groos gay shit, and autistic landscapefag who can't bear seeing a picture of an imaginary person.
Who else wanted to sheriff those threads?

On point. But typically people like that fag think if anyone else left, then it has to be due to the same reason.
Bad bait

I like this one

If you're not sarcastic, thank you anon.
At least he's contributing content to the thread. Rather that than yet more endless whining and blaming this person or that person or "those people" for this or that.

Besides, thread task is a guideline, not a rule.
NTA you're referring to, but you are a whily little bitch.
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Don't forget that 4chan enshittified itself. During last few months 4chan killed 4channel domain, made impossible to post images while in incognito mode, introduced Cloudflare captcha within its own captcha, took off IP counter...
NTA, but not more whiny than >>93137452
Here, have a groos gay shit.
>During last few months 4chan killed 4channel domain
This was actually good. The split was pointless.
Still laughable that they still try to call blue boards "safe for work" yet have porn ads all over them. If you're dumb enough to browse without an ad blocker.
You killed the thread. You have to make the next one. Don't forget to update the info on hugginface from >>93132760
Wow, cool. One exception that proves the rule.
Let's see other your post in that thread, shall we?
Please, don't make him bake
People don't ignore, or don't tell their prompts because they are afraid of MS censoring. They ignore it because it's constant and it gets annoying. You rarely if ever see them use the prompt here, they rarely interact with you other than asking for 'prompt?'
And if one asks for help in improving their prompt, they get ridiculed for lack of skill.
Anon, most open WiFi hotspots were blocking 4chan domain while allowing 4channel domain.
One sumo wrestler taking a bath, two orcs too dumb to play beach volleyball properly, few dragons swimming in lava, Fire Giant, three Genasi ready to cast fireballs and two Pathfinder Hobgoblins with particularly bigg ears.
Are you sure you want me to bake?
Nobody wants you to bake. Fuck off...
>Anon, most open WiFi hotspots were blocking 4chan domain
Good. Mobile posters are cancer.
I am taking about promptbeggars. If they want get help improving their prompts they should post what their prompts are, not just go "I want to make a small goblin with big boobs, how2doit?", and at least show that they tried something, the OP have plenty of resources
I'm sure that with your moderating powers you can physically sense and range ban all mobile posters. Thank God you're here anon, protecting 4chin dot, for free too
I'll bake
Fine, I'll bake the new fucking thread.
Just keep your bitching in this one.
I'm >>93137753 but You posted first, so you got it?
Careful now
I was going with a troubadour/bard/skald/ (cyberpunk) punk musician kinda theme with their place of performing. But I'm struggling to find any not-made-by-me pictures for it, so you can go ahead and bake
Don't forget about 'wait motherfucking 5 minutes to stsrt a new thread'.
Got it
Think you could do the same in ww1 theme?

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