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Death Company Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
What are some of your favorite individual models or units, and why do they stand out to you?
All the blood angel characters because they look fucking awful.
your favorites look awful to you?
Inquisitor Karamazov

It just seems so 40k to me to have a dood walking around on a big robot throne judging people for their sins lmao.
I would have bought and painted him years ago if he wasn't made of GW's finecast.
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Stupid idiot loser question here.
If I use a bunch of heavy fat units that take up multiple spots on a transport, can I stick a lone operator in the remaining spot or would that not be allowed?
You should pick up some of these books I think you'd really get some use out of them
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Artel W is having a sale.

Can anyone vouch for their quality and scale?
Also, since they're russian will I get in some kind of trouble if I order from them?
>can I stick a lone operator in the remaining spot or would that not be allowed?
If what you're asking is whether you can put a single model character in a transport with one more slot available, then the answer is yes. If you're asking whether you can put one model from a unit that is comprised of multiple models into a transport with one remaining slot, then the answer is no.
39mm is bigger than necromunda. These models are all a bit taller than a quarter.
I am illiterate, forgive me. The world eater juggernaut rider however does stand out to m because I like horses. Also I think juggernauts are a original concept in 40k, which I think is cool.
>will I get in trouble
>will I have any recourse if anything goes wrong
Also no
yeah sure, putting multiple units in a transport is the whole point of a doomhammer
All the artel shit is so ugly why would you want it in the first place. Also are you retarded? Why would you get in trouble ordering anything from russia. Like there's no guarantee they'll actually send it to you right now but who would come bother you about ordering something that isn't a weapon
>t. ugly baldy
rent free
>Inquisitor Karamazov
An anon posted a pic of something he got from Artel last month so they can still ship to the EU at least.
>Will I get in trouble
Yeah your local customs will replace the miniature with an explosive.
>Keep selling my armies and moving to different factions
>Warhammerfriends making fun of me
>Playing in a teams tournament later this year, they keep joking that planning can't be done because who knows what armies I'll have by then
Now I want a jump pack maybe chaos sisters army
I hope a homeless dude steals your army one day and sells it for pennies
Surely you're not so poor that you need to keep selling your armies, and surely you're not so stupid that you would sell your armies just to commit to the initial buy in multiple times again and again
I got some artel stuff a couple weeks back
the quality is tiptop but the scale is very different from first party models, same general height as official sculpts though
I'm not poor but I'm also not going to justify or store 9 armies. I like playing with the finished product but I also like painting, and I can't fill my house with minis
you do know there are other minis you can paint that arent GW right?
I don't get it Anon. Armies aren't that hard to store unless you're in a closet or you're trying to display them super nicely. Plenty of light, stackable storage works for them.
Its a good song but I dont get it
>I'm also not going to justify or store 9 armies. I like playing with the finished product but I also like painting, and I can't fill my house with minis
Right but can you not justify storing 1 army? You don't have to keep all of them you just need to keep one
Are techmarines good or trash? I want to take one for my gladiator duo but I’m kinda strapped for points after the new balance update.

Also does anyone have a key for the codexes for the Warhammer app
This model is so ass and it's a red flag for someone to say they like it. 100% chance of grey army or 9 mismatched poorly painted test models and the rest are grey
Ultramarines recruit from a wide selection of planets and thus are able to have a more ethnically diverse force of Marines than most Chapters.
To make you mad, is it working?
post a model you think look good then
Depends on the limitations set by the transport rules.
But if it's within those rules, there's no problem mixing.
I swear the concept of skin color utterly confounds you people every time there’s a nonwhite anything who isn’t White Scars or Salamanders.
If you can't spend 60$ on the materials you need to play the game you probably can't afford the 300-600$ you need for an army
It’s already been deleted, no need to keep samefagging it.
Because the space jews used their dark sorcery to set his credit score to zero.
Why would you ever use the official codexes? Find them online, GW doesn’t deserve your money considering how often they change their own rules.

As for techmarines, you can get away without using them. They’re a nice buffer unit if you’re running vehicles, but not necessary.
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I really, really like Cawl. The absurd amount of detail and how much it fits admech is appealing to me
Something... something same person.. something... something
I like tech marines because they have the robot arm mounted guns.
ugly lopsided dogshit slapped onto an existing decent model
Genuinely, I really like the Salamander Space marines with their primaris upgrade packs. I think that the green armor combined with the dark skin, mostly hammers, meltas, and flamers, it all goes so well together. Then add in the upgrade packs where some units have the brazier on their power pack, it’s so cool. Too bad it’s a redditor faction

I stole this image from reddit
Absolutely abysmal taste detected
How long can we expect to wait before new point values are on Battlescribe
Is there another service that is updated more regularly
>group of people liking something stops you from liking something
Are you sure you aren't a redditor yourself
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Madly in love with the arbites and solaux sculpts. The rare plastic crusader is also badass.
New recruit is updated more regularly but it's also been literally one day. You gotta chill bro
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*mogs him*
It's community work.

You're part of the community.

Do work.
How come none of them match aside from them all looking like shit
this would be a pain to assemble and try to get to stick together and you know it.
This is too busy.
The same can be said about Cawl.
Oh I do keep a couple, its the third that I rotate
Skill issue, consider duplo as your hobby if you can't be trusted with glue without making a mess
Newfag, you should be less testy.
Then play with one of the ones you kept I don't understand what your issue is
feel free to post your over-designed zero artistic direction models that you were able to assemble then :^)
I mean it is true.

I can finger bang you while assembling a great unclean one.
Wasn't talking about the crusader not matching I was talking about how all your arbites have different purples on their bases
You should save fewer pictures of other people’s kids on your phone.
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I'd be more offended if you posted your own. But you already started so if you do post models, I won't believe you unless you timestamp them straddling your chode.
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>I can assemble an orb
Yeah so can my 3 year old nephew
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high-ranking members of the admech are supposed to be busy as fuck
>another case of anon didnt read the whole post
didn't buy the model because of the quality of the material. Also what a weird opinion.
>hates blood angels
>loves world eaters
What a bizarre combination, is this cope because you were Khornes second choice?
These are far worse than I thought
You should have chose not to purchase the model due to the quality of the sculpting instead of the material
Who is the Shadow the Hedgehog of Warhammer 40,000?
>can afford as many minis as he wants to paint
>can’t afford 1 sq meter of storage space
This feels like a larp. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re just addicted to consumerism
I dont actually like world eaters, but I do like khorne berserkers. The only thing I do appreciate is how much of a bastard Angron was before he became a demon prince and the relationship kharn had with argel tal. Beyond that the faction is just as dumb as blood angels, Id opt for more generic zerkers but alas.
Because blood angels will tear you in half and swear they aren't pre-disposed to ripping people in half and that they can stop anytime they want
Only one real answer
Unironically I think it might be Lelith Hesperax.
Yeah but he's made of resin so he's a bit shit.
"You're a beta male, Guilliman!"
Babe, guess what you get in return for selling things
I’m coming to realize that the new SA guys would make really good Ultramar Defense Auxilia. I like your dudes, anon. Here’s a repost of my captain I just built last night.
pen and paper
novel, but effective tools. I heard that before those punks at NASA invented the pen, that people use brushes, like like people use to paint miniatures. Amazing.
Please, Night Lords beat him easily.
Shrike is actually pretty vanilla and a laid back dude in the fluff
Tell me a little fact about /your dudes/
Magnus probably
>lord guilliman you said there'd be latinas here
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Lmao bruh im done interacting with (You).
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>being such a hobbylet that you can't cope with anything that isn't plastic shit
You know they make model kits that just snap together for people like you right
They all have huge dicks, like HUGE dicks
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Shrike is just glad the primaris treatment gave him his hairline back
They had their eyes removed because an inquisitor wanted to try doing the same shit a wraithseer does with wraiths, but on guardsmen.
They're almost as gay as your dudes and my dudes suck everyone's cocks in the universe
Sorry you dont like my opinion anon.
Some kind of Dark Eldar to Sonic the Craftworlder.
Yeah, that tracks. She's the Edgehog to Jain Zar's Hedge.
Whenever I see this guy I start imagining quotes from The Crow
It's not my fault you're incapable of modeling
>getting this defensive over forgeworld slop
are you paid or just a disgrace to your family?
Who is the best Imperial Guard regiment and why?
Yes, if you don't enjoy bending resin spaghetti to be as straight as as icepick you're not a true hobbyist.
I really like the ravenwing/phobos tacticool look. I get how it clashes with the traditional gothic look of the imperium, but I enjoy it on its own. That’s all
You're free to think that, im just surprised my opinion triggered such an enthusiastic response from you. Apologies for the distress.
Their Lyman’s Ear is fucked so they rarely use assault marines or drop pods
space marines in general clash with the traditional gothic look of the imperium
In a perfect world where FW had high QC and no mold slips or anything their resin kits would be fantastic. Even easier to assemble than plastic at times.
But we don't live in that world.
Terminators are very much not a problem this edition, their output kinda sucks in general, they don't move very fast and their OC is low.
Knights have ways to play around this but you need to commit a good chunk of points for it. You can have somewhat mobile terminators if you put a chaplain with the extra consolidate enhancement on them, but then you're already looking at 315 points for a OC7 unit that yes, is quite beefy and has competent melee, but not "disintegrate anything you come into contact with" melee, and can still be moveblocked and chipped away at, has no shooting whatsoever and won't hold objectives all that well.
Let's be frank shit like Forgefiends picking up 3 terminators per shooting phase was also silly, considering most of the price of terminators is durability.
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Vostroyan Firstborn for obvious reasons.
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Sonic is a champion of slaanesh, he only values doing whatever he wants whenever he wants
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God i love vostroyans cadians are beyond mid standing next to them
Maccabian Janissaries or Ultramar Auxilia. Kriegcels and Vostroyafags need not reply.
Yeah I really enjoy them in a vacuum, even own a fair amount but if I had the chance to make GW go back to classic marine aesthetics and give them up I'd go for it 100%.
What is all the extra shit supposed to be? Background machinery?
Anything that is sculpted post 2012. All the old shit is retarded looking
every machine built to last has redundancies
Their votann is orbiting a black hole and uploading dead kyn requires special grave ships crewed entirely by embyrs to navigate the accretion disk.
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So what? Wash it, tidy it up a bit, get it glued together with some decent superglue. Its a total non-issue for small models, its when you're ordering vehicles and the like and the shit comes warped and doesn't fit together right that its a complete ballache.
I don't mind working with 3D prints and stuff for proxies but FW is actual garbage quality.
You'd have more fun working with your picture than trying to remove the mistakes from the 'premium quality' Warhammer model.
Oh, the bases! Now im the one being testy. I'm sorry. The bases aren't done; trying to figure out some sort of cloud effect to make the purple look effluvic or miasmic.
It's pointless anon, this is a thread for children to post about baby toys and complain that Legos are too hard compared to duplos
his pose reads as
>woah woah I know we enact the dark gods' will but let's not get crazy here
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>Maccabian Janissaries
Do they all have leprosy or something? Why the silly "King of Jerusalem" masks?
the moment you ask why it stops being cool
>Massive changes to movement and stratagem abilities.
>Huge nerf to shroud abilities.
>Dont touch retarded fly rules.
>Dont touch godawful line of sight rules that make 90% of the terrain you sell ficking worthless.
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Unironically, the Solar Auxilia.

Vostroyans a close second.

Navy Breachers on third.
Thing existed before the latest meme trend, anon. They wear masks of a saint that was martyred leading them to battle.
Where's that DAMN fourth Chaos emerald?
I'm not expert on analyzing the quality of rules writing for war games, but I'm of the opinion that GW consistently treats it as an afterthought.

It's a pity they can't reinvest any of those record profits into a small team to actually give a fuck about making a consistently enjoyable game. Paying some mentally ill blue hair to rewrite lore must be higher priority. They probably do it for free.
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For me its a Armageddon Steel Legion. Like the DKoK, just not a load of emo poofs with a fetish for putting shovels up their arse.
>>Massive changes to movement and stratagem abilities.
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I’ve always loved pic related, one of the first models I ever saw that really stuck out to me. Hopefully I get to starting that second army soonish and can actually play him
Not really anything alike aesthetically though, especially taking vehicles and artillery in account.
>>Dont touch godawful line of sight rules that make 90% of the terrain you sell ficking worthless.
You can decide whatever you want is LOSblock, bro. Even major tournaments do their own terrain rules/pack
>why am I getting boss baby vibes from this?
You mean you don’t like the haha shovel hehe le bayonet charge le artillery meme guys?!
Gw is a company structured around selling models not selling a game. The game is a complete and total afterthought and truly nowhere on the list of things that matter to them
>noo!! Le greedy company cashgrabbed instead of investing one of their bazillion dollars profit to invest in what I want! This is a slap in the face to fans! Had they just invested in this thing I want it would’ve been perfect! And made money! Le incompetent and greedy!
5th voidborn rangers that protect a bunch of agri-worlds from pirates and xenos. Led by an embittered Marshal that was effectively retired and sent off to babysit a Rogue Trader. Working alongside a noble that thinks he's a spy, his former colleagues mostly dead or pretending not to know him, he has built a rag-tag force of hardened veterans from across the galaxy in order to rapidly respond to threats over his lord's vast, interplanetary domain.

Oh yeah, he got infected by a broodlord about 30 years ago. Sent the last medicae that tried to give him a physical to go pick pineapples on a feral world somewhere.
Because you have terminal brainrot
They attempted this in 7e and it nearly killed them, hasn't been true in years
It's not the dkok's fault that disgusting memoid secondaries latched themselves onto the faction.
I have problems with vostroyans being suggested as the best guardsmen, hear me out
the role of the guard is threefold:
-represent the normal human army of the imperium
-allow for modern and pre-modern military aesthetics
-get treated like absolute shit by simple comparison with everything else

vostroyans check the second but fail at both the first and the last points
the first point is broken because they look best when they use their gasmasks, but gasmasks are inherently dehumanising and thus makes them not represent well the common man, plus they end up looking too close to a skitarii due to it, so the ideal guardsman cannot have a gasmask as normal part of its equipment
the last point is broken because they are TOO fancy and TOO elite of a regiment, so they can't be thrown into the meatgrinder with the same abandon as your usual underdog, it works for the officers, but not for the normal soldier, which is a similar issue catachans face
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Elysians are pretty cool.
Fomo boxes with exclusive character for months would argue otherwise
Not at all?
No it isn’t. FW is pretty decent quality for resin. Have you never painted any other resin mini?
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>Blue = Tzeentch
>Red = Khorne
>Green = Nurgle
>Pink = Slaanesh
>Silver = Vashtorr
>Gold = Emperor
>Teal = Greater Goddess
>Master Emerald = Gork and Mork
It's a machinator array. Every archmagos worth their incense has one.
>FW is pretty decent quality for resin
the only first party shit that's worse than forgeworld is finecast
bloodpact are cooler.
Pretty decent when the kit is brand new but they stop giving any fucks after that, they seemingly have zero interest in maintaining their molds.
>new dataslate
>core and faction changes
>tfw deathwatch
Are we getting squatted? Harlequined?
Brood Brothers, because they have the genes of all the regiments a genestealer has ever encountered. So after 4 generations maximum they'll start spawning all the Savlar Chem Dogs and Tallarn they'll ever need, without having to go there to recruit.
Deathwatch never should have been a standalone army to begin with, same as grey knights
>Are we getting squatted?
But that's chaos.
As much as they larp they are still chaos, and that's good for them.
God willing they will become imperial agents.
Navy Breachers aren't guard, they're voidsmen.
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Im excited to eventually play my first game with them and develop some cool lore out of them. But I love the bee/wasp visual direction I took them in.

God damn this fucker has so many spikes to paint though. It took me like 3 hours doing all the black + red details today just basecoated.
The leaked pages from the Imperial Agents codex had a Deathwatch section
Jesus Christ that honeycomb pattern is trippy looking
Yeah its definitely the coolest thing I painted so far in my learning journey. By chance I picked the perfect complementary colors to make the black paint "shimmer" like its chromatic abberation or something.
>captcha MAY22
W-whats gonna happen on may 22?
While highly unlikely, is it possible that some of the Adeptus Mechanicus regret their augmentations, and if so have any ever tried to leave the order and return to being fully human and not cybernetic?
What would getting touched by that whip feel like?
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He's on a covert infiltration mission.
I am reading the Lelith novel.
The way she is handsy with women and ONLY women. It makes me think she is hella gay. Not even Yvraine is safe. Who in the middle of a conversation would walk right up into someone's face and play with their hair?
This is butch behavior asserting dominance on the bottom.
Lelith is queer-coded as fuck.
Consider the people in the mechanicus.
Either skitarii, who don't get a say and don't get much of a brain to ponder on their life situation, so no complaints there
And all the tech priests, those that are fully commited to the cult of the Deus mechanicus, where dedication and faith is part of the way to ascend in the ranks, and one of the first augments a tech priest fully inducted gets is a blood replacement. So I would say that if anything most regret not getting more augmentations
those are some very short humans
I like the idea of a darkmech magos using cloned organs and the best PEDs known to the galaxy in order to make himself swole. He tells the local Chaos Lord that it's part of his chaos marine 2.0 prototype, codename: Chimaris.
He's not a purist and routinely skips leg day. He's also cursed by Vashtorr to be perpetually 5'11"
Nobody knows who is interred in the leviathan dreadnought.
Good thing the Deldar are there to shelter her innocent worldview!
They're ratlings.
Blood axe mercenaries, cause you get what you pay for.
No, I'm sure even ratlings would be way bigger than that, considering that's a knight and not some bigger titan
Just ask them.
Not really hard.
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I have a hard time reconciling how awkward that model is. Genuinely one of the few weak points remaining in the range, and in particular the last weak point in everything Genestealer-related now that the 4e sculpts are dead.
What if its mic is broken?
A master succubus who only respects people for how well they fight and grew up in a society where women gladiators are the biggest celebrities acts promiscuous towards women. Imagine my surprise.
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You just don't appreciate evolution
DEldar are adorably trad-valued in some unexpected ways for how degenerate they otherwise are.
>only one of these models has gotten laid, can you tell which one?
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She spends three days getting every hole filled in a brothel in that book. She's a centuries old hedonist like most other powerful Dark Eldar, in the last book she appeared in she was fucking her male venom driver but was getting bored of him and considering killing him.
>This is butch behavior asserting dominance on the bottom.
>Lelith is queer-coded as fuck.
yeah, I don't understand this newspeak babble. I can glean you mean the character acts like a male feminist or crossdresser on hormones. Sounds like the author is male or ghostwriting as a male parody. I can't wait for you to tell me about the pillowfight on a trampoline match in the arena.

Why doesn't someone take a Clive Barker short story, change the setting from rural England to Commorragh, add a bit of technobabble and meaningless intrigue, then keep the rest of his depraved imagination intact?
>Our LGS hosts a quarterly 40k 2k league.
>biweekly games scheduled through BCP
>this one guy brings the same Necron list for like 3 years (9th and so far ALL of 10th)
>super nice guy but he just doesn’t get this is a points game
>just tries to kill all of your stuff which he rarely does
>usually loses and the other player scores a shit ton of points
>now we’ve got more trihard players that are complaining his opponents are getting boosted, basically smurfing.
>the guy is so nice and always reacts to your good rolls with a “whoa dude” or “oh shit nice rolls!”. He is genuinely enthusiastic and just enjoying “the war”
Im conflicted. Whispers are starting about asking him to bow out next quarter because he’s boosting his opponents. I get that, but honestly the dude is legit nice and just loves his mass warrior and scarab list marching around the board. What do you guys think?
Get a spare one?
I will ensure that EVERY Eldar, Tau, Tyranid, Necron, Ork, and every other Xeno Scum is purged from the universe by way of Atomic Warheads. Humanity for LIFE.
That's a long set-up for an Instant Loss 2koma joke
Use a spell on a female custodes and make her lactate milk.
I see no issue here; sure hes not great, but hes having fun and he doesnt seem to personally be a dick.
Let the man play.
Thats disgusting.
Atomics too weak, bring something actuslly strong, fleshbag
warhammer is for everyone, anon. even you.
How was mike brooks not fired after the Lion novel?
impregnate a female custode to make her lactate milk.
>DEldar are adorably trad-valued in some unexpected ways for how degenerate they otherwise are.
It's like how in Stars My Destination all the rich people flaunt their wealth by still using ornate conventional means of travel like trains and carriages and cars since everybody in the world is capable of Jaunting to teleport, having the leisure and to actually travel is a status symbol while the poors get beaten for not instantly teleporting into their wage cage on time.

The vast majority of Dark Eldar are vatborn spat out as adults with a basic education given to them in their tube, so being able to have a traditional pregnancy and successfully survive the vulnerable period, give birth to a baby, and raise it and educate it long enough for it to become a fully-fledged and lethal dark edar adult with neither you nor the child dying is a big status symbol and essentially advertising what a bad bitch you are that even with a handicap none of your rivals can touch you. So yeah, despite the hilarious edginess everywhere Dark Eldar society unironically celebrates pregnancy and having a family as the most badass thing you can do
>Atomics too weak.
>drop ten TSAR BOMBAS.
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>WAAC players complaining that they win too hard/easily against people who play for fun
Honestly at the end of the day killing the enemies biggest unit is the most fun part about the game.
Who gives a shit beyond that
Fuck those other guys, the point is to have fun.
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He has graced us
i dont get it.
Iyanden used to be nice until it wasn't.
i take it someone got buttfucked
yeah me
Iyanden was a (relatively) nice Craftworld which wanted to utilize diplomacy and cooperation.
Then Hive Fleet Kraken wiped out 95% of their population.
Yea Hive Fleet Kraken was hungy
In what chapter she does that? I am still at chapter 6.
I wonder when you'll tire of this bait
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Let him play.
The game would be better of we could all be like him.
I bet you he loves the game and his dudes. Just wants to go in, roll some dice and see some smiles.
I can't even say that as I'd like to win at least once or twice from time to time.
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Kraken ran a train on them, without lube.
>having fun is not allowed at our store
Your lgs sounds like a cesspool of losers, we'd all be blessed to have a player who doesn't care whether he wins, and just wants to have fun. You're a loser for even considering to kick him out, but at least your less of a loser than the rest of your store as you seem to understand the guy is having fun
They made it so "use a second copy of the strat" abilities don't work unless it names a specific strat, cp to 0 is cp reduced by 1, and vect abilities are an aura.

Movement they got rid of retardation that doesn't affect casual games but makes things a hassle in tournaments. Namely, a model is the size of its empty base while moving as long as it fits the final location, and they changed pivoting vehicles to something reasonable instead of having to do a WHFB wheel maneuver on something with an irregular shape.

Flight still is basically useless as you're just climbing the terrain, and you can still target every model in a squad if a single toe is visible.
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what about having a narrative campaign instead of a competitive league?
Queer coded is a term that says more about the reader than the material.
This has such awful grammar and also isn't funny
Well in this case they're both bad
I'm the same way with my Battletech company. Everyones got a name, a backstory, and a reason.
Lmao Eldar player
How are you supposed to pronounce:
Honestly I’m glad you posted this anon. You better not fucking kick him out, it’s great that he’s enjoying the game. I’m kinda getting a self realization right now I’m too much of a competitive player myself this edition. Wish I had some chill friends where we could just play beer hammer instead of
>ha I have my tank tread a centimeter out of cover and can therefore shoot you from 72 inches away ;^)
>Droo car ree
>Cahm moo rag
>Huh mon qyuu lus
It is. None of you retards ever followed it, not that it was even possible to do so
This times a million. Too many dopamine fried kids need exactly symmetrical boards and laser range finders to WAACfag the shit out of this game. This isn’t fucking overwatch or league of legends we should just be blowing up our guys with crazy dice rolls.
>implying the people who don't find this funny feel that way because they are defending their flavour of plastic space men
>not that the humor is subpar as well as the attempt at English
You are truly brainless. I play marines
>What about changing what everyone is doing to suit one guy?
You CAACfags are something else
I think
Who cares its made up he-mans fighting elves from space and alien skeletons. You're taking this shit way too seriously if you're pressed about the pronunciation of make believe buzz lightyear words
>found the autist
Maybe you should play chess if you're going to get steamed about people doing things for the fun of it
like they are written, you retard
don't be mean
>Some nonsequitur shit
Thats great, fag. Whats actually autistic is suggesting that what everyone bar one guy wants to do is wrong, and that it should be changed to suit him.

Anon shouldn't care about "boosting" or whatever, but equally if everyone wants to play a league then its a league.
>if everyone wants to play a league
but do they? or are they made to think it's the only type of games they can have?
Narrative isn't some secret club
this is what happens when everything in society is about competition and winning/losing. Fucking idiots will tryhard in a toy soldier game and the guy that actually has fun without giving a fuck is the odd one out. We're really done as a species
nobody said it was
>n-no you can't just see if something has line of sight ok? you JUST CAN'T
so is angron actually that big, or is he as big as a rhino or something.
Satan, I'm sorry to tell you this but this game as a narrative system is fucking cooked.
I have 250 points left in my 1k pt Space Marine roster. What vehicle should I take?
"Drew Carey"
"Cum Rag"
"Alice through the looking glass"
It is supremely annoying to me that they spend such a huge amount of development time making crusade scenarios and special progression trees and special unique crusade rules for every single faction in their codex and they still don't bother to make it all actually interesting or creative or fun to engage with in any way. There's like barely any effort to even connect an ongoing narrative to the rules of these missions or battle sequences.
Not to mention it will take literally the entire edition before everyone in my group has a codex to even have their crusade rules.
>sociopathic anon unable to understand warhammer is a beer and pretzels game to have fun and not some solved math problem
Scratch that don't go play chess either, you have to talk to people in order to do that which is well above your abilities as an "adult"
Like I said thats great, fag. Maybe one day you'll cotton on to the idea people enjoy things differently than you.

I bet in the ultimate irony you deride people who want to enter this hobby and change it significantly, but you're more than willing to dictate how others play in just the same way. Don't reply to me again, I won't read it
>caring about the outcome of games
>not savagely paintmogging everyone in the room
You play games to win, I play games to force plebs to look at my art. We are not the same.
So you can't do both?
I'll need to play with the kit a bit but I think the Sternguard may end up being my Go-To kit for Captains and maybe librarian torsos.
>Abloo bloo bloo
Go do some math faggot
A lot more people will see your art when you are placing it on the top table on day 2.
The new Lelith book is out i think, did Vect die again?
No, you have to drag it out more like you've been stabbed in the guts with a venom blade. Cor-mor-aaaaagghhhhh
lol you think Games Workshop would let "literally less than 1% of profits" Black Library do a major lore change like that in a random book by fucking Mike Brooks, that doesn't have a corresponding tabletop campaign tie-in?
No. She doesn't kill Vect. Anybody with a brain knew that wouldn't happen since it wasn't released as part of a campaign like Arks of Omen or Psychic Awakening.
the male author self-inserted as a lesbian and treated all the female characters accordingly
a harlequin instigates the protagonist to kill Vect, then saves Vect at the last minute, because harlequin, but have some smut to distract you from any plot holes
>I am a woman. Every artist is a woman and should have a taste for other women. Artists who are homosexual cannot be true artists because they like men, and since they themselves are women they are reverting to normality.

mike brooks true artist confirmed?
>purposefully engendering an assassination attempt on Vect simply so you can step in and save him to force him to owe you and your troupe a favor and be in your debt and making the assassin look like a fucking moron fool in the process
D E V I L I S H, sasuga clussy, Cegorach would be proud
Discovering that there are Harlequins around must be the low point in any Eldar's day because you just know that some bullshit is about to happen.
The best thing you can do at that point is call in sick and fuck off to home and hope you're not a part of whatever honking is about to go down.
You can run 3 Arcoflagellants because that was what's in the CP box? And they're 45, move quick and have OC1? That's hilarious.
Is Dawn of War 2 worth getting?
Dawn of War 2 and Chaos Rising are worth getting for the campaign alone.
I'm not a fan of Retribution's campaign.
We have been over this. The Murder clowns were replaying an Aeldari legend through Vect and Lelith. It was to teach them a lesson about balance.
You won't get it.
Bruh thats autism.
I would have said "Commo-rah"
I honestly like both quite a lot. The Broodlord is the clear natural peak of Genestealer capability, gifted from birth with enormous power and physical might that looks and feels very smooth and clean, in full peak condition. Meanwhile the Patriach is the end result of what happens when a Genestealer accumulates that level of power naturally over time and basically evolves into a Broodlord: he looks mutated and freakish with a lot of unnatural or exaggerated features that come together to perfectly capture the horror of what that thing has done to a planet and it's hoping it's children will cause again.
The Hive Tyrant for being an incredibly awesome looking monster that perfectly captures everything about it in the design, on top of just being incredibly fun to use and really customizable.
I also fondly like the 4th Ed Lictor for being the sharpest smoothest looking version it's ever seen, same for the Carnifex as well.
Official kits? Terminators.
The chunk to them is great, lots of room to paint without being 'too much' and you can but a bit of detail on them.

'Unofficial' would be scratch building characters.
>deathwing knights are useful again
it's coming home rockbros
That and your Companions finally have powerswords with powersword AP.
I have no clue as to why they decided a two handed powersword should be -1 Ap.
Picasso, huh? Is he the guy that does all the female face sculpts for 40k?
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any recent news/rumors about Emperor's Children?
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Useable in a tournament tomorrow?
Ew bro, fuck no. Legit embarrassing
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>6 Detachments
>4 For Traitor Fulgrim
>2 for Loyalist Clone Fulgrim
>2 for Loyalist Clone Fulgrim
Man. That idea sucks so extremely bad.
How would they even make snake fulgrim different from the HH model kek
So how did the Crimson Fists all become Spanish/Latin if they were founded by Alexis Polux?
People of Rynns world duh
make it out of plastic, make it possible to transport without a dozen pieces breaking off
Sorry bro i already sent my resume to GW.
Companions seem very legit for their price. Their only problem is no invuln, but at 30ppm they're really brawly, even more if you have a way to get 5+ critical hits which IIRC can be had in one of the detachments.
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Also, I'd prefer a different pose. The FW pose is cool, it has a lot of energy, you really get the sense he's about to dart forward like a striking snake. That's a thing FW did with most of the Primarch models, have them sort of battlefield mid-motion. I'm not particularly fond of it, it makes the models look like they're supposed to be part of a diorama.
The GW Primarch models, on the other hand, are in much more neutral poses. They do have energy and motion to them, but it's much less situational. Compare Mortarion floating over the battlefield to Fulgrim who is about to strike at a specific space in front of him.

I think the GW posing makes them nicer both as display pieces and game pieces.
I really think the traitor primarchs are getting the better sculpts. Not that either Big Blue or Lion are bad models, but you look at a model like Magnus and there is a certain "wow" factor to em.
If we're counting just the main studio the Lion is objectively the best sculpt.
I live in portugal and i order something from them every month. I always get what i ordered in a perfect state and have never had issues with them
The lack of an invul is a tradeoff but I'm pretty sure you can slap Azrael with them.
I'd need to see if bladeguard have been updated in the Vanilla section, I love running them but they really don't hit like they used ot.
he is not.
Is it worth taking 20-odd termagants in a melee nids list just for objectives?
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Anybody watched this? It is worthy trying to find a download?
Azrael has the bonus that you can pretty much use the regular D2 profile most of the time since you'll have sustained hits 1. But honestly I think with how killy they are out of the box you can also just run them as a small unit with no leader just to scare people. They can really punch up very well, especially in inner circle with that +1 to wound.
no it's pretty lackluster
Another option is a standard Libby to hand them a 4+ .
His personality disorder has kept it going for almost a decade so far.
>Horus is the great betrayer of humanity.
>Horus, who, despite knowing his father for milennium, still sank to the ruinious powers and took half the Space Marines with him.
>Tricked by the idea his Father was seeking to attain Godhood and abandon his sons, whom he corrupted with the power of the warp.
I'm sorry but Horus sounds like a complete and total retard.
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It happens when your life is written by morons.
He is which shouldn't be a surprise as Seb Perbet is GW's best active sculptor.
TQ - This dude looks awesome, the lore is awesome. Sending him after the enemy boss every game, win or lose, is awesome. For me, he is simply the best.
I've seen better betrayel in Battletech.
Shut up, Blake was a visionary!
Now pay your cable bill.
Ignore the haters, this is a fine choice and exemplifies 40k SOVL.
I've seen better betrayel in pre-school. Also the whole "knife smeared in Nurgle shit" was just dumb. A man that by his own decisions endup becoming a monster is a strong theme that was very poorly handled with Horus, but it's something I can undertand. But then they shived him in the third book and to this day I don't know if he made bad choices or just caught space AIDS. Also they "killed" Horus a hundred times, Chaos got his soul, his body etc. but then in the last book he comes back. Don't know what Abnett smoked in part 3 but the characterization was all over the place, what a way to go after 80 books.
Horus already harbor doubt and resentment for the Emperor when left the great crusade for terra to begin his webway project. But yeah, trust the 4 floating ayylmao instead of your own father is pretty retard.
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Some plagued up boys, granted they'll be mostly for AoS but I'm sure I'll use them in 40k too.
Which makes no sense, he's a fucking demi-god and Big E just gave him the best promotion in the whole galaxy. Just because he kept the whole Webway Project a secret? That secret fucked Magnus way worse and still the little nerd tried to help to the last moment.
How good were the recent changes for nurgle actually.
I used to use duplo for terrain ruins back in the day. Ghetto kino.
In what context? DG in the dataslate are mostly unchanged, nexus hurts a bit because of no longer having nurglings do actions. AoS I don't really know, only getting maggotkin to play 4th with my friends when it comes out.
I want to give my Ogryn a bionic arm. What can I use to kitbash that is the right size?
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They love to party.
Did you use a fdm printer? Those lines look kinda bad, sorry anon.
>the print lines
>the finger prints
>mirrored poses
bro.. I mean maybe? but cmon have some self respect.
He is looking great anon.
Tryhards should be put in the nerdgrinder 5000.
I recognise that kilt
looks cool, like they're being seen through some security cam footage. those have SOVL

would love to play against. the alpha legion scheme works with it
Thanks, i wish I didnt wait a whole 2 months between priming and actually painting him. I can feel some places where the primer is legit glossy and the paint doesnt stick.Thankfully its just a few small points
Why can't khorne berserkers be good
Based, I love watching the MTG nerds all head turn when I walk past them to the tables.
That has been happening to me too lately. Idk why, but I'll get odd spots where the paint runs off of.
I think my issue is that I tend to overdoit with a primer, sometimes doing 2-3 spurts in the same place. Idk I know its not indicated but I want to get that nice solid coat of primer on my models instead of that piss-spurts you get sometimes after one spray.
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>spend 20 hours painting each individual troop model, making sure blends are smooth as possible with good contrast ranging basically all the way from black to white, paint all face details, paint every single individual little bit of shit GW shoves onto these models like a hundred lenses and dials and instrument panels etc.
>set up for first game at age 50 after finally completing a single army doing the above
>realise that when they're on the table they're completely indistinguishable from someone who just basecoated 3 colours + washed and left it at that
I mean wearing a thong with booty shorts would grab their attention soo...
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>loves his mass warrior and scarab list marching around the board
That's exactly what Necrons should be like. It's a shame a list like that won't work, because that's just what I want mine to be.
A shitton of warriors, even more scarabs, one or two lords, and a huge monolith.

This guy must be a chad of the highest order, no wonder people in your LGS are afraid of him.
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How easily could I convert this into a csm termie sorcerer?
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>t. coward
Rules are transitory, nice armies and models are eternal.
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You're right, I am. I have to admit that care too much about winning some of my games, although I love my warriors and scarabs. At least I bring my monolith most of the time (and my opponent hates it).
But they ARE good
with the new battline shit
prepared defences ;^}
What are some units you still think are over costed for what they do?

Infernus marines at 80 per 5 is far too high a cost, I think they could drop to 70 and even 65 for what they bring to the table, I can't even justify bringing more than 10 for overwatch or meme reasons at 160 a pop

Reavers are funny in sanguinius and death watch but they could lose 5 points per 5 of them too in order to be more appealing

Parasite of mortrex was one I wanted to go to 70 but the buffs actually allow it to do work better and justify the 80 points for a lone op

I bloody wish neurolictors were 80 points again but fuck they are too reliable thanks to synapse

Any non flier comes to mind for anyone?
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They went up last codex?
Sorry if I'm out of the loop on gsc no one plays them in my area
They went down a bit to 150 for 5. But they got hit hard, now their weapons are S7 and D2 instead of S8 and D3. Their 4+++ worsened to 5+++ too.
Their role will probably replaced by metamorphs.
Woah, they lost a lot of utility there
so do judicars and chalpins actually wear a helmet skull or are there some kind of psykik shit going on there.
that's the face their mothers born them with
>hundreds of posts about how some random forgeworld model nobody owns breaks the new vehicle pivot rule
How do I get a 40k gf?
>3 sentinels/armored sentinels with a Lascannon and 2 Plasma Cannons
>180/195 points

>most Leman Russes. Lascannon, 2 Plasma cannons AND OTHER SHIT
>145-170 points (except Demolisher)

James pls explain
You kidnap one of those guys that roam around game stores and put a wig on him. Then nature follow its course.
Hive Tyrant (the walking kind)
Ripper Swarms
Hive Guard

Castellan/Senior Officer
still Manticore
both Sentinels
>James pls explain
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Post what you’ve been up to recently anons, for me it’s a Dark Angels Command Squad
>space marines suck
>nerf them
>nerf them even harder because you refuse to balance different chapters against each other
i hate the brits
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Touching up lefthand boi, and just did the armor base on the right. I decided to try a bigger brush for the drybrushing but it was hard to keep it adequately moist so the result is a bit dusty. I'm thinking I'll just say fuck it and keep going tho, and if I draw more focus to other parts of the mini it maybe won't be too noticeable
You're still gonna buy em, why should you care.
whatever you're doing looks outstanding
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Depends how for lack of better word, grisly, you want the details to be. I'd probably swap both arms, muss up the cape, and maybe make the skull tassels more heretical.
That's the trouble with 10th:
If an army is overall good its rules get a slap on the wrist until it passes 55%WR again
If one unit in an army is good compfags spam it until GW nerfs it into the ground.
Only once an army has nothing good to play and James "MUH WINRATE" Workshop sees it drop below 45% do they offer to buff anything.
Winrate literally does not apply to space marines
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I looked into your eyes and knew you were my nigga.
Amazing, all greater deamons have a 6" aura of the shadow of chaos like belakor but only for daemons of the same god
This means as long as part a unit is deepstriking within that aura they can go up to 6" away from enemy units instead of 9" OR 1cp to make it advance and charge as long as it's close to the greater deamon
The face is ugly
The base of Calgar's Victrix Guard is still 40mm?
>sees it drop below 45% do they offer to buff anything.
space marines were already <45% winrate and yet redeemer nerfs and massive nerfs to salamanders still happened
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Are they still good? How do you run them? 5s or 10s?
Find the guy with the ratio of widest hips to thinnest waistline at your lgs and then start calling them pretty
This is up there on the list of most retarded posts I've ever seen here in ten years, holy moly
Me except all of mine turned into Legends
What's the base size, then?
What if he punches me?
Make kissy faces
Does anyone have an actual good copy of the 10th Ork codex to download? The one I got off here looks like shit and I can't read it.
I have it
:( i uploaded that one
They become Skeletor once they are ordained.
I want an Admech romance story

Where did you upload it?
I said a romance story not your degenerate pornography
I've a good copy in French, but there doesn't seem to be a good English one yet. Lazy Rosbiffs.
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I always hated the inconsistency of this on Chaplain models through the years.
Obvious helmets with a skull motif make enough sense, but the ones that look like a bobblehead skull just look silly and try way too hard to be edgelord.
5+Archon in a venom, multiple sets
You can run one big bomb of 10+Archon in a raider but it's usually overkill most of the time and lacks the utility and maneuverability of the venom.
People with round bases on tanks and abuse it are faggots
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They have one, its called "To Break a Soldier of the Machine God". You should look it up.
People that post in /40kg/ are faggots
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Truth, I love a good bum.
Man these models so so good
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>After defeat, the Skitarii general Stroika is captured alive by Iron Warriors. The traitors have dark plans to get entertainment out of their enemy.
Anon what in the fuck
Incubus models are just Kabalites with goofy ah weapons and giant heads, 0/10.
Incubus models are just Kabalites with goofy ah weapons and giant heads, 11/10.
Incubus models are just Kabalites with goofy ah weapons and giant heads, 5/10
Any luck using with them drazhar?
but you have people who hate old space marines.
Wouldn't that just be Chobits. Or El-Hazard.
Those weapons look good with glow effects
The helmets have a nice contrast
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No no anon, its like "Love Can Bloom", just give it a go, don't be put off by the description. It starts off a bit gnarly, but the protagonists end up in a holesome relationship.
Someone post a really goof speed freaks ork list.
a really good speed freaks ork list.
>‘You are a very beautiful woman, Linya Tychon, did you know that?’ he said before he even knew what he was doing.

>The smile fell from her face, and Roboute knew he’d crossed a line.

>‘I’m sorry,’ he said. ‘That was foolish of me. Too much dammassine...’

>‘It is very kind of you to say so, Captain Surcouf, but it would be unwise for you to harbour any thoughts of a romantic attachment to me. You like me, I can already see that, but I cannot reciprocate anything of that nature.’

>‘How do you know unless you try?’ said Roboute, already knowing it was hopeless, but never one to give up until the last.

>‘It will be hard for you to understand.’

>‘I can try.’

>She sighed. ‘The neural pathways of my brain have been reshaped by surgical augmetics, chemical conditioning and cognitive remapping to such an extent that the processes taking place within my mindscape do not equate to anything you might recognise as affection or love.’

>‘You love your father, don’t you?’

>She hesitated before answering. ‘Only in the sense that I am grateful to him for giving me life, yes, but it is not love as you would recognise it. My mind is incapable of reducing the complex asymmetry of my synapse interaction to something so...’


>‘Irrational,’ said Linya. ‘Roboute, you are a man of varied history, much of which clearly holds great appeal to other humans. You have personality matrices that I am sure make you an interesting person, but not to me. I can see through you and study every facet of your life from the cellular level to the hominid-architecture of your brain. Your life is laid bare to me from birth to this moment, and I can process every angle of that existence in a microsecond. You divert me, but no unaugmented human has enough complexity to ever hold my attention for long.’
>Reddit spacing
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SM winrate is wholly irrelevant, if there's ironstorm at 60 and a bad detachment at 30 then obviously it's going to look lower end overall while still in need of nerfs
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What's the rate they're revealing codices at? Any rough estimate of when (d)eldar get their turn?
>Any rough estimate of when (d)eldar get their turn?
At the end of 10th.
Hello there, why don't you take a seat?
model will transform between character hunting duelist to flying shitwrecker. I wont be surprised at all when they give Leman russ a wulfen form either.
>take an aspect of the adpetus mechanicus (additional limbs)
>miss the point of the additional limbs (can do more stuff with them)
>struggle massively to have the additional limbs actually be useful or even doing anything of purpose at all
>cope by having the hands grabbing his face, his arms and then give up by having the rest just dumped on the floor
The artist would benefit so much from just taking a look at some of the more detailed magos/techpriest artwork. All those limbs are FUNCTIONAL. They should be doing something. What kind of retard grafts 12 mechanical limbs to himself and then has 8 of them dragging along the floor like a dumb fuck? If he wanted to do that atleast make them mechandrites so they could be scanning or picking up shit.
Is there any point to any of the Termagant special weapons, they all seem like a massive waste of time. So much heavy on an 18 inch range piece of shit.
>an inquisitor using his status to do fashionable and weird shit?
Perhaps art isn't for you anon, you don't have to take it so literally, things don't have to be depicted as doing something. The mechadendrite hands are implying threat, despite the Inquisitors otherwise gentle looking demeanour.
Motherfucker do you think having 8 retard hands dragging across the floor is "fashionable"?
The gripe is that you could amend this to work better and all it'd take is giving purpose to more of the limbs
They have 12 mechanical limbs and the best the artist could come up with is:
>lighting cig
>tip his fedora
>uhhh grab his eye I guess
>have some grope his shoulder idk
>ok what about the other 8...
>ehh fuck it just have them flopped on the floor. Have one waving or some shit.
>you cant criticize art and if you want to art isnt for you
>Motherfucker do you think having 8 retard hands dragging across the floor is "fashionable"?
why wouldn't it be? There were kings that dressed themselves in human skin in history that were completely outlandish.
Never post again.
Drazhar is kind of redundant in Skysplinter because of easy access to lance. So his +1 to wound bonus doesn't help much while the Archon's reroll wounds bonus helps immensely.
He's not terrible though and still hits ha d and can assassinate characters pretty well. Only problem is Lelith fills that role away better right now.
when I think of that 3rd/4th edition era of 40k that model really jumps out at me. It isn't perfect by any means but It has so much going on. Covered in purity seals, two big torches surrounded by parchment. fucking parchment right beside a triple melta gun. Throne with two columns of skulls.

So cool. They don't really make models that have their own narrative like this that often. Some Admech units and thats about it.
Uh oh, meltie.
Uggghhh no, I'm just still not gonna buy and consume GW products LOL
im still waiting for GW to release the second wave of world eaters so I can enter my stillmania phase sadly.
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Yeah WE are fucking sweet. Hope you get your wish anon.
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Do you think the Eldar laugh at the Space Marines and their clumsy vehicles whenever they have to work together?
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I don't think they get to do much laughing in between all the marinewank as a single chapter destroys yet another craftworld
You know the Marines fail to ultimately destroy that craft world in those books right?
Which brings the grand total of craft worlds destroyed by Space Marines back down to one
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None of us can help the obsession that GW has with Marine fluffing lore. : (
Alaitoc should absolutely have been annihilated in those Paths of the Eldar books. I space marine chapter for one the largest craftworlds in the galaxy is a bargain.
>having an opinion on art is a meltie
kek did you draw it or something. My bad anon. If you wanted people to praise it post it to reddit.
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>we captured and use the mon-keigh vehicles
>as a joke, ha ha...
>people paid for this slop
...is that...is that BUNTING on the Land Raider? I wonder how the machine spirit feels about bunting?
Dude needs to control his pit hair.
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A lot of things were retarded back then.
>"He is thought to have visited the Emperor several times, though this is mere speculation."
They make it sound like he used to pop round to the Emperors Palace for a wee cup of tea, some cream scones and a nice wee chat every now and then.
Jesus this is ugly
I dont think its all that bad? Its not the highest quality but its perfectly functional?
>this writing style
Hi Case#1970
>8fps animation made in blender with a shitty celshade filter
>space marines fight like orks because the animator needs them to lose but doesn't know how to choreograph a fight scene
What's the retarded part? Also, what do you mean "back then" like shit's not retarded now?
I just want an inquisition army
You are in luck anon there are actually 9 different Inquisition armys in the game right now.
would a chainsword with Eldar strength even be able to make a clean cut like that
Eldar chainswords are the katanas to human chainswords longswords.
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Elysian kill team when?
made of shittier material?
This looks more like a Shin Megami Tensei boss than a functional inquisitor.
So why can't they just update the rules for all the models with CP changing abilities instead of just expecting everyone to go searching for them in the rules commentary?
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Why are Tau so fluffy
Newfag here, what missions should I be playing in 500-1000 pt games?
Only War at 500
Draw randomly from Leviathan/Pariah Nexus deck at 1000
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Which company makes the best metal colours?
Could a humble guardsman ever hope to defect from the Imperium and live a blissful life on some strange world with a xeno wife and have filthy half breed children without succumbing to the forces of chaos?
Depends a lot on your personal preference for your metals and whether you want them to have a warm or cold luster. Gold, for example, everyone has very strong conflicting opinions on.
Vallejo model air metallics and some of the scale75 stuff
Agents of the Imperium is coming, we just don't know when.
It's literally up next. Give it a week for Sisters and GSC to get their focus and they will start hyping up the next model/codex reveal.
Sweet, a $70 tax to use a single assassin model.
new thread
Thanks anon.
No. Only ruthless killer species have survived to this point in the 40k timeline
Horus returned in Wolfsbane when Russ stabbed him with a magic spear.

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