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previous: >>93117185

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

>Thread Question/Prompt:
Post your favorite graveyard-based commanders/cards and why you love them
>no title
good job
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>no title
Good job

>Post your favorite graveyard-based commanders/cards and why you love them
I love him because he enabled the loam pox edh deck of my dreams. I also like fungus and eating both regular mushrooms and magic mushrooms
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I'm drunk, if you don't like it bake yourself
>Post your favorite graveyard-based commanders/cards and why you love them
I don't consider graveyard strategies a viable thing in the age of everything having exile graveyard effects. The ability to exile a graveyard is a 0 mana sort of ability, so the counters to graveyard strategies are too easy. Someone pays 0 mana for a silver bullet that will absolutely wreck your gameplan and set you back so far that recovering is a challenge.

They really shouldn't have stapled graveyard removal on things. I don't even have to specifically slot hate for it. I just get it on stuff I'd already run, like Farewell.
Thinking of building pic rel and using jhoira and the 10th doctor to quickly unsuspend big shit. Would this be too jank or am I better off just buidling 10th doctor/jhoira?
Gay Bolas
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
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Hmm yes I agree
She seems like a KOS commander and one where the deck flounders without her. IMO if you just want to unsuspend fast, I'd go with Tenth Doctor, since he has a built in 3x time travel. It's 7 mana, but that's a big discount for getting an Emrakul and Time Stretch. He also gets a back up commander despite already being powerful alone.

If you're allergic to David Tenant, or prefer to work out of the hand instead of top deck manipulation, I'd go with Jhoira. Even if you wanted Grixis, you could still just go 10/Clara.

Everytime I see Obeka she gets killed fast and everyone tries to quickly do so. And it sounds like you'd have the age old problem of building some commander people see as kill on sight, but you're playing a jankier weird not-super-good version.
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Yeah agreed somewhat. Should be equal or a bit more single target gravehate and next to no bojuka effects
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i fuckin love zombies bros
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Can I get some cuts and/or suggestions that should've been obvious to include since yall helped me with my X fireballs kane deck last month
Commander is Arjun and idea is to wheel into responses and use draw for damage to face or power buffs to knock people out
Just found out about this Molten Psyche card. What colour pairs best with Red to make your opponents draw a shit ton of cards
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Blue, draw a shitton of cards, cast Windfall.
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Why am I just finding out about green inkshield?
UB: Glorantha
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Him or Coram, which muscle bro?
I was afraid it was gunna be blue or black. Dark Dealings or Windfall ya
They're both explosive combo decks with a heavy battlecruiser commander and beatdown alternate wincons.

Hogaak is a hidden value engine with cards that sac big creatures for value, disciple of bolas/freyalise, technomancer, greater good, etc.
Able to loop with the right setup to draw/mill the whole deck to get the pieces for a combo win, or just beat face with an 8/8 trampler that can consistently hit the field on turn 2-3.

Bladewing gets big dragons you've milled or discarded for free.
Goes infinite with any twinflame effect or saw in half. Can win from this with a myriad of setups, most of which just involve putting the right dragon into grave.
If the combo angle fails, you have a handful of dragons to cheat out and beat face with.
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I would "Glimpse the Core" of "Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance" if you know what I mean
File deleted.
Chun-Li, of course.
>Use cheap cantrips I never would get the chance to use otherwise
>spellslinging is fun
>Azorius storm is underappreciated as an archetype
Sort of related I suppose, I always wanted to make a Gale deck, but what color goes best for background choice?
Opponent uses this on my creature.
I die and take the card back.
Is their creature still a copy of my creature?
Scion of Halaster puts shit into the GY on its own while improving your card draws
Inspiring Leader turns the deck into a UW token spam fiesta
Raised by Giants enables voltron and the standard litany of Simic bullshit
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Pic related, golgari is still king in gy stuff
Yes, because the qualifier is that for as long as it remains attached. Nothing about the effect says the creature has to remain exiled, only that it has to be exiled at the time of attachment in order for Aegis to make something a copy of it.
If you're going for simic bullshit another option is master chef and go all in on counter-specific stuff, makes for a fairly wonderful slime against humanity deck.
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I fuckin love goblins bros
Choose maraxus, he's basically Bane
Anime waifu saheeli looks like a fun commander for the mindslaver loop deck I am working on
How do I get the weeb animu version?
but it also says a creature card exiled with Aegis, if you die then that creature is no longer exiled
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>be super stressed out and pissed off
>wreck and 45m+ of bullshit traffic
>smoke some
>go play magic
>play omo and chill
>some guy has smeagol and keeps milling me, taking my lands
>path, swords, anguish, etc
>removal on everything I do
>guy gets pissy that all of my lands leave the game
>fuck off and play no other magic, mood further ruined

goddamn, I feel so cringe kind of rage quitting like that, didn't realize how much mental noise weed takes off and I basically wore my frustration on my sleeves. really looked forward to decompressing and chilling out, but goddamn was that agitating. feels bad man
If you can't handle weed you're a lightweight faggot
What happens when you use an eldrazi processor return an imprinted card to their graveyard? The imprint no longer works. The card is not in exile, therefore cannot become a copy of a creature exiled with assimilation aegis, because nothing is exiled.
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Post decks.

>Lazav, Dimir Mastermind
>Kemba, Kha Regent
>Rith, Liberated Primeval
>Treva, the Renewer
>Nicol Bolas, the Ravager
>Ghave, Guru of Spores
>Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos
>Targ Nar, Demon-Fanged Gnoll
>Rhoda, Geist Avenger / Timin, Youthful Geist

WIP Pauper Commanders:
>Death-Rattle Oni
>Herd Baloth
>Palace Jailer
>Djinn of the Fountain
>Zada, Hedron Gringer
I don't think the grass helped when I was already pissed off from work and traffic, plus getting shutdown and doing nothing all game while being used for attack triggers and getting my shit stolen.
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>OG Vaevictus Asmadi dragon ramp
>Gandalf, Friend of the Shire polymorph
>Muxus, Goblin Grandee aggro
>Krark/Rograhk Ruby Storm
>Thrun, the Last Troll enchantress voltron
>Mycotyrant loam pox
>Bilbo, Birthday Celebrant LotR theme soul sisters

>Derevi hatebears stax
>Fransisco/Malcolm Pirates
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Bad pic but here you go. It's been ages since I poked my head in here.
rev up that nekusar
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You guys were right nadu is busted. Ran him 3 times tonight and he ran away with it every time.
>best colors for casual games
>low CMC commander
>literally just drop a lightning greaves or some shit and put 2 cards from your deck into your hand per creature you control which fuels itself since it drops the lands straight onto the battlefield untapped so you can play more creatures you put into your hand
Someone really lit the FIRE and cooked with Nadu
>tapped out
>nadu gets targeted for removal
>flip a Land on top, use it to cast protection
Dude it's so stupid
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I wanna know what maniac decided it should trigger twice per creature.
wholly under the impression it was an oversight that slipped through, and it was only intended to trigger twice across all creatures.
a 3 mana flying simic rare this strong had to be born from incompetence, because anything else is would be fucking MALICE.
>a 3 mana... simic rare this strong had to be born from incompetence
Guarantee it's an early revised kicked back from R&D with the note "twice per turn" and it never got checked cuz wotc fired their editors
1GU, the bane of balance
For real that guy sounds like he overtargeted and I don't just mean for your feelings. If their deck relies on someone else's resources, you don't want to make them useless and killable by others, just under their thumb a bit. If they over do it and you become an easy target, you become their weakness. Honestly dude sounds like a fool that didn't think too deep on their strat
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Missed opportunities for secret lairs or IP crossovers?
AI Sloppa for visualization, at least we get Edward Kenway now.
Didn't they "intend" to use it on your own shit? I remember someone winning with it, and someone @ WotC was all 'yeah that's what we were expecting people to use it'
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How many pirate themed Vehicles are there? I want to build him but don't want to be running 40k or Capenna Vehicles in my Pirate deck, I'd rather stick to ships or some that are mostly on flavor like smugglers copter (Really wish this card was in the Da Vinci art SL)
iirc they "never considered" that it could be used on the opponent's stuff, and they expected you to use it to make food then turn that food into elks.
About 12 that I'd consider explicitly pirate themed, and another 6 or so that are close enough or can be pirateish if you squint enough.
Do you think that is enough vehicles for the deck to work based on his ability?
Also when it says "Play that card" instead of "Cast that card" does it mean you can use it for free?
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>never considered
My initial assessment that this new bird is due to wild incompetence stands.
Enough vehicles yes, enough on-theme vehicles no.
It says play as opposed to cast to account for lands. You still need to pay for them. Otherwise it would say "play that card without paying its mana cost"
You still pay costs, but it does mean you can play lands exiled with the ability.
>Also when it says "Play that card" instead of "Cast that card" does it mean you can use it for free?
No, it would say so if you could ignore mana costs.
The wording is there to account for lands, which you play but don't cast.
honestly just crewing each vehicle with each other vehicle to make treasure is funny
Ok that makes sense, I guess it is a cherry on top ability so I can't complain too much but I do wish I had a way to cast green or white spells that I exile with the ability if I am going to the extra hoop to attach with vehicles instead of just aggro pirates.
I wish there were more on theme vehicles, do you think including Kaldheim ones would suffice numbers wise? What other sets do you think are on theme enough?
I didn't even think of that but that's funny.
>I crew my Indomitable with my crewed Jack Draw to crew it and attack.
>I do wish I had a way to cast green or white spells that I exile with the ability
That's what the treasure generation is for.
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Oh shit I didn't even think of that, man this card is actually pretty good. I didn't expect to make three decks out of this tiny set (Altair, Edward, and Sigurd)
Pic related because giving 3/3s unblockable and haste that cast Worst Fears and copy spell cards on damage is funny
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he'd be good friends with andres
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>Card looks sick
I'm forever pissed that the best grixis pirate commander is that fat ugly granny beckett brass. They couldn't give us one kino male chad pirate lord? There is vargas wrath, but he sucks. Fuck you WotC!

I was thinking of brewing this guy earlier tonight but I realized even at peak power level he would be janky and probably below precon level.
You could also play their lands for a permanent source of green or white mana
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>Post your favorite graveyard-based commanders/cards and why you love them
Shes a unique take on Enchantress decks by mixing in recursion and combat focus. She'd probably be my favorite commander if there wasn't a little bit of a bitter aftertaste knowing she is forced diversity but everything else is cool.
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Yeah it is unfortunate, but at least we have Edward Kenway now in this SL and >>93132783
Trips of truth, and yeah he would fit in great turning the stolen stuff into pirates thats a cool include.
That's also true
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I can't decide if I want to build it as graveyard bullshit, lands bullshit, or stax bullshit.
Luv me some bugs
There's something to be said for resilient blockers
Anyone here played the Man with no face?
God, I want a skeleton commander that does something interesting with Regenerate, and graveyard recursion
>Sultai, or Grixis?
Tie between kroxa and lier. Kroxa let's me play aggro and never pay commander tax since I can recycle shit in my graveyard to reanimate him and pound face with my 6/6 giant in addition to all his normal bullshit combos. Lier just turns my graveyard into my hand to enable more blue bullshit while shutting off faggy counter based control builds.
That's just Golgari stuff.
There's some skeleton things in blue, and some in red - I want skeleton tribal slop, and I wonder what a theoretical skeleton commander would be.
Black and Green would obviously be part of the colour identity, but everybody knows that commanders only come in three colours :^)
Some unique interaction with Regenerate would be a must, because every other skeleton has it.
Has anyone tried him out yet and if so are you willing to share your thoughts?
Looks atrocious, honestly.
>in the shittiest colors for human tribal
>wants humans - a tribe that routinely clocks in at 2/2 - to exploit power >3 creatures
>sultai has better ways to generate card draw and treasures, sometimes simultaneously
It's basically an aristocrats commander.
Nah paul cheon still worked at wotc and he said it was an oversight that they missed. They only playtested and used shit on opponents stuff
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stupid question but does pic related work for cards with enter the battlefield effects or does it need to be a seperate card reacting to them?
ETB effects are triggered effects so this does double enter the battlefield effects
as I said: looks atrocious, honestly.
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does anyone know a list of cards I should buy that are pretty much in 60% or more of decks? or green decks specifically?
id appreciate it.
>just look on EDHREC
I just want a list from people who know what I should own / buy. Not just staples but just meta as fuck cards.
>Budget cards?
Yeah I'm poor.
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I plan on building a goblin deck purely to spam out a bunch of coomer goblin tokens
What are you running?
Big creatures? Grab everything with Ferocious. Extremely underrated cards with fantastic effects, most of them are under a buck.
when a card enters the battlefield, it has left the stack, becomes a permanent, triggers the ETB effect and is therefore recognized by Panharmonicon.
This. See the Unwritten has won me more games than any other card in my deck and it costs $0.50.
lead it with Krenko depicted as fat green ugly bastard and we talk
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Will honest creatures aka/and Golgari ever see play again? The idea of using graveyard for anything other than fetching combo pieces seems awfully slow
I wish I had your immunity to self embarrassment
Slightly more than twice as good. Seems far for 10 years of power creep
I think the bigger oversight was making it trigger from abilities instead of just spells, as they probably weren't expecting people to just spam 0 mana equip cost artifacts to trigger it for all their creatures. If it was just from spells it'd be a lot harder to trigger twice for all your creatures by yourself since unlike equip ability of artifacts spells can only be cast once unless you have some way to copy or recur them, and would function more as a discouragement to target your creatures with spells rather than free card draw and land drops.
The "twice per turn" feels like an intentional design choice in order to find a balance between people hating "only once each turn" abilities and infinitely comboable abilities breaking the game.
that already exists
>love tokens
>hate treasures because everyone will hate you
>hate token creatures because of all the jank when keeping track of everything
>find out about food
>build a million food tokens
>place one of the many fatties who profit from them
>or one of the many all that glitters effects, like thousand moons smithy
it's such a stupid playstyle, but damn it's fun
Because it was $20 for a few years and just recently went down
One is a common, the other is a rare. Stop crying.
>ability A: whenever you sacrifice an X, do Y
>ability B: sacrifice 3 X to do Z
if I use ability B, will it trigger ability A three times? A doesn't say "one or more times"
it's always good to have a slightly shittier backup in a 100 card format.
I can just use normal Krenko and self insert.
maybe you should fix the font first
nonetheless, coomer decks are always, 100% based, and I unironically value every friend who brings them.
I want to love them, but if you aren't playing combo, they just plain suck. some of my favorite art tho. just look at this fella.
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Why is green so boring?
damn, how much pussy u get?
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I've had her forever and still updating it, one of my favourite decks out of the 30 I own. Fuck the haters.
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built in the last 12 months
1 cEDH, rest is 100% casual jank designed to be picked up an played by anyone
100% laserprinted proxies except for commanders
5 of these decks are 100% self-designed proxies
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I am deeply jealous you picked those deck boxes. I originally went in for the Ultimate Guards because I liked my friends one and then I ran out of options and had to switch to Gamegenic which I like but never sat right mixed with the UGs.
All of this could have been avoided with the option you picked. I would sell up and re-buy but the resell value on Deckboxes is not worth the effort. I do like the new Mahalo style UG boxes though
Sure, but it's already become a copy. Copies don't need the thing they're copying to still remain in the game unless explicitly stated.
He's outright said it's a break nowadays, I think.
I actually made a Captain Storm deck with vehicles and equipment, maybe I should add black and make it a Kenway deck instead.
That's only true for the act of becoming a copy. It has already copied a creature. That the creature it's copying no longer exists in the game is immaterial for the purposes of it remaining a copy.
>Post your favorite graveyard-based commanders/cards and why you love them
Sidisi feels like the right level of being a sultai value engine without being crazy FIRE bullshit. Tarkir was kino.
she looks interesting, what's the game plan? creature heavy, self-mill, zombie buffs to make them fly?
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Despite so far not winning a single game with the deck, I'm just in love with the way this feels. Gonna remove my price stipulation and put in some other stuff like Additional Combats and an actual copy of Entomb over Vile Entomber. I don't wanna overcommit anything ultra expensive, I just feel like I'm not utilizing the deck to its fullest and want to actually win once in a while lmao
Crazily enough, he almost never gets removed, but instead I end up getting the player removal treatment (which is fair and justified). Going over it with a fine tooth comb for a while then gonna see how it feels next week at Commander night.
>creature heavy,
>zombie buffs to make them fly?
Not too much, there's Filth, Wonder, and Scarab God, but the main wincon is a huge Living Death, and the secondary wincon is Necrotic Ooze.
Silverback elder for his various abilities, railway breaker because he doubles any ETB creatures power, Garruks uprising for card draw/ Trample Nature's Will because it's fantastic and let's you drop tons of crap , Defense of the heart because it's always going to trigger, and il stop with Kodoma of the East tree because it's basically giving you free drops. There's obviously tons more but il leave you with those
yeah i'm wanting to try and make a actual wide zombie token spam army but its just to obvious that i have to lean into gravecrawler burn or i just die to anything stronger then a 2/2
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My ultimate guard arkhive arrived. This thing is great. I put my 6 decks in it and my dice bag. It's nice.
I proxy myself but I would never play a game with someone who can't invest a cent into a shared hobby. You are not better than anyone else and you are not exempt to the rules we are subject. Objectively nigger/feminine thinking
This. Proxiggers think they are so cleverly sticking it to the big bad corporation while they are sucking Chinaman's cock, but it's just a red flag for unreliable people lacking any kind of integrity.
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why the fug was the art in "Outlaw Retard Junk collection" so onions saturated when it came to guns when clearly it shouldnt have been an issue.
I bought two boxes of new Ultra Pro APEX sleeves and they are ridiculously shit. There are two packs of 50+ sleeves in each box and even within the SAME pack sleeves are miscut. There is over a millimetre of a difference between the sleeves length. Many have bent and dented corners as well.
Please understand, gun was drawn by an AI and the curator just missed it.
Chinaman deserves to be rewarded for disregarding western IP law, western IP law is evil, but if you still have a problem with China you can always just make your own proxies.
>The other white "taxes" in question:
disappointing to hear, I'll avoid
>I proxy myself but still think I'm
better than people who use proxies

If card is Le LMAO rare it can be badly designed powercreep and its le ok
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Still currently putting it together but I think there's some neat potential. There's a non-trivial amount of humans that make non-human creatures along with the usual assortment of artifacts and enchantments that do the same. Plus many of the good aristocrats cards happen to use humans like Zulaport Cutthroat and Pitiless Plunderer, so it's not like you're losing much by sticking to the tribe. He's not going to set the world of fire, but he's got more than enough tools to do what you want to do while keeping you drawing cards, isn't such an obvious kill on sight threat that dropping him early isn't a huge deathblow to your deck, and he's unpopular enough you'll certainly be the only person in your group running him.
>it's episode where starting life is 20 because one dude has too short attention span for card games
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>card has no printing with correct oracle text
>group doesnt believe the card works like it does
the dumbass is you since you could just show them the oracle on gatherer
>he opens gatherer on his phone before going to the lgs just be on the safe side in case his pod doesn't believe him
you also wait until windows says it's OK to safely remove the usb stick.
>cast rearly game ramp (not fast mana)
>it gets removed/countered
>my game is essentially ruined since I now don't have the critical amount of mana to cast the rest of my deck
>others are free to ramp without getting fucked with except by me if I get lucky and topdeck a cheap wipe
>if I do, I'm now the archenemy
>if I don't, I'm free to be attacked
every time
Magic universe just doesn't have guns for some arbitrary reason.

Portal Second Age has cards with guns in them
>They couldn't give us one kino male chad pirate lord?
I know he's not a "lord" persay but I always felt Xaviers art was fucking awesome
It's because moms complained and children buy more cardboard
Yeah and the backlash to that from people who threw a shitfit about a fantasy setting even suggesting guns existing was apparently why we don't have them now.
It's three things:
1. Holdover from when Magic was more fantasy, despite huge forays into scifi over the years they always avoided contemporary depictions of guns because they aren't "Magic"
2. Holdover from the 90's days moral panic about violent games
3. The modern Seattle lefties who make the game don't like guns and will use the above reasons and the weight of precedent to keep guns out of Magic
Why would you use magic to summon someone with a gun to shoot someone for you when guns exist and you can just shoot them with your gun yourself?
>gun equipment that players can use
print it
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>Why would you use magic to summon someone with a sword to stab someone for you when swords exist and you can just stab them with your sword yourself?
I've kinda ran out of inspiration. What's a spell heavy deck/commander thats kinda unique?
That's completely different, if I had a gun I wouldn't need a guy with a sword because I have a gun.
Thoughts on her?
>Don't care for Eldrazi
>Don't care for Energy
Is there anything in MH3 for me?
Classic "inclusion is exclusion." I have no problem with a cool granny pirate, but when it exists and we don't get a traditional cool pirate guy it's a problem.
Yeah this guy is sick. Great art cool mechanics. I'd build it if I didn't already have two Sultai decks
i love aesi
what's my next deck's color combo? currently I have 5color, rakdos, simic, and naya
this card is 10000000000000% worse than ink shield

I have a lot of fun with my fair golgari deck. It is a good strategy.

One esper deck would perfectly even out the color of your decks if you're autistic about that sort of thing
This to me is the poster child of "Kinda cool effect" but the art is so fucking frumpy and ugly I couldn't even bring myself to brew her.
She's probably pretty damn decent though considering how popular treasures have become.
It's essentially Mazirek but going tall
Favorite MLD commander?
treasure hate, sac payoff, lifegain strat enabler, and recursion engine all in one. I wouldn't build her but she has cool potential. In terms of modern designs this one is far from one that makes me bored. Accursed maruader just got printed and is a good target to bring back with her attack trigger but she can bring back any permanent so a seal of doom or executioner's capsule is just as funny too

her art does suck yeah
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I absolutely fucking despise Theft Players for this reason.
>Any other archetype deprives you/shuts you down/etc.
>You wanna scoop? GG Anon, shuffle up for the next one.
>Theft player steals all your shit/deprives you of resources/puts you irreparably far behind, etc.
>You wanna scoop?

I can't fucking stand Theft decks. Their pilots are always the most insufferable motherfuckers.
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Lmao even
I like her in the 99. I don't like using commanders that cost more than 3 mana personally, since I like having mine out early and having commander tax not be too much of an issue. She can get big pretty quickly, especially if your opponents are running treasures, and you can sacrifice stuff then bring it back immediately to sacrifice it again, which is nice.
Not exactly mld but I like using cards like sun titan and >>93137704 to loop strip mine
Theft should really just make copies of shit if the owner leaves the game desu, I know tracking it all would be a bitch but theft literally gets punished for winning too much.
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You're right baneslayer should have been printed at common
Fun fact, they specifically gave Baneslayer First strike instead of Vigiliance so it wouldn't be _strictly_ better than Serra Angel, as they were both being printed in M10.
she beats progenitus...
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I love him so much, bros.
Rarity is not supposed to represent power, hilariously.
Every Thraximundar player I’ve ever went up against was a lil baby back bitch. Sorry to hear about your condition.
Fellow Grixischad
Recommend me a fun way of building Klothys. I'm like a baby, playing with precons my whole life. I want to build my own deck now and Klothys seems to be a perfect mix of low CMC, interaction and options.
>have esper urza that makes big constructs, with a couple of combos (no tutors)
>sauron with lotr only cards
>ruric thar that hates on playing on other peoples turns and non creatures (and a little bit of blue and black)
>unmodified gonti precon

>people in my playgroup complain about all my decks, calling them "oppresive" (even the precon) even though they have more optmized decks that are able to win much faster than mine
why do people do that (the only one i kind of agree is the ruric thar, but whenever i see people with decks that play lots of non creatures i usually switch out of him)
sometimes i just pick a random deck to play and some of the other players say they won't pick a deck until i tell which one im playing to "counter" the one i pick
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She has things going for her but after playing her for 10 games, I can how much restraint WotC put onto her.
I think 5cmc was a terrible mistake. And this is coming from the guy whos favorite commanders are Hazezon, Velomacheus Lorehold, and Maelstrom Wanderer. This, along with her P/T makes her vulnerable. The fact that you need your own resources to reliably bolster her is harder in practice when you're trying to get her out in the first place. She may as well read '7cmc' because of this.
>Sacrifice a permanent ability
It's good, but not great. Mazirek is the way he his because despite being a simple ability, it has combo potential to win on the spot, in colors that can get there quicker. Speaking of which:
>Whenever Carmen attacks
Damning. Remember when I said this was a 7cmc commander? The other reason is because she will likely die from an incidental boardwipe (no you're not going to have Flawless Maneuver or any1cmc save spell 100% of the time).
>Return a permanent < her power
At her very least, she synergizes with fetchlands and thats good if she can swing. Otherwise, the effect is middling and telegraphed. People will know what you're doing and act.

If she were to be kept 5cmc, make her into Sun Titan by adding "EtB or attack". As it stands, she is sadly a "do nothing" 5 drop, as much as I hate it when people use that phrase, it applies here.

Winning a game resolving a Cataclysm was great.
>Swing and flip into MLD
>All your lands are gone
>Keep swinging and casting anyway
I had Klothys for a while as a burn deck, but I dissolved it to make other decks with its pieces. It's currently in the 99 in my Svella Primal Surge/Stax deck.
If I were to build her again, I would cram every creature and spell that destroys permanents and play the control game, eventually finishing it with some Indestructible dudes and Obliterate.
I'm actually glad that leaving the game fucks over a dirty theft player
My pod has an out of control timmy deck, so i wana build a interaction heavy midrange deck. I'm thinking either Yawgmoth or Lord of the Nazgul. Thoughts?
that's just one per turn, too slow
>Friend offers me the flare of denial he pulled for a MH3 pack
>Pulls a phyrexian tower and shifting woodland
Some people get all the luck
Group slug mixed with control, basically.
>Built a Nezahal Deck
>Game went on for four hours
People just kept on bouncing me so I bounced back.
Why does this use the enchantment creature token frame?
Because I'm enchanted by her
4 CMC is the cut off for viable commanders. 5 is possible if the commander does shit as soon as they are on the field
green is just adjusting for the onslaught of treasure and "get shit free" value piles, nature is simply healing
bad deck builder cope
Everybody leaves out this nigga. It has been an incline for sure but not as steep as it seems
t. fast mana fag
sea monster chads rise up
Yawgmoth is great. I have a lot of experience piloting pic related and Yawgmoth is absolute gas there every time he hits the board.

Savra herself is a great cruise missile vs timmy, but she has a problem of eating timmy decks alive and in turn getting stomped by spellslinger/combo. Yawgmoth is a more well-rounded deck you can keep and play in more situations.
I am sure he invested in sleeves and deck boxes and a playmat, fag. Your issue is Hasbro not getting money. Get better stock choices, bro.
major skill issue
Nta but Sol Ring is the fastest mana I run in any deck and I have a couple 5+cmc commanders, so you are a fag lol.
or t. green deck, t. non-fast mana rocks, t. dockside
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Do these look better IRL?
They do not.
no land ramp allowed!!!
Saved me a dollar thank anon
>im sure he bought things that have absolutely nothing to do with the game?
cool i own shoes
wish i owned shoes, all i own is cardboard unfortunately
All precons should come with fast mana it is a good thing
I like them, but I'm a fan of Wid West shit even it's objectively dumb (Old Town Road, Wild Wild West, etc)
I pulled the mana drain and i quite like it
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Agreed. Tivit needs to be 4 mana.
What is going on with his chin??
He glued some plastic to it
And you don't think that the color that ramps isn't also the color most able to deal with that? I'll tell you right now, from personal experience, I they will wait until you're tapped out, then remove it. And if you're so spiteful as to use your free counterspells for than and not the combo player, then you deserve to lose.
I hate how much Tivit slows down games even when it's not built as a cEDH combo deck.
nah this plus "destroy lands add X basics from your deck" is crazy
>Giving them additional landfall triggers
Honest landfall decks will eat you
So again, your issue is not supporting hasbro
this really, im playing enough lands a turn usually and i can still tap stuff before i send it to hand. and fills up the gy with lands for a big splendid after i inevitably draw into my enchantment removal
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I got my hams handled by my buddy playing pic related in a lands deck. This is an entire 5 mana card he chose to include in the deck and you're gonna give him a piece of the effect with your own mana
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This is what green deserves
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so true! btw im running overlaid terrain
my pod hates me for the dumb bit I do with this card:
>Guy Who Drew Bad, you've been left behind in this game. But what if you were as powerful as the rest of us?
whiny bitches
the one the only
It's such a cool design
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I understand that as a new player there are many, many obstacles to building your first good deck. I hope this infographic can aid you and other newcomers unfamiliar with Magic the Gathering.
Of course, there is more to a functional deck than just ramp, but remember, the next time your friend plays a sol ring on turn 1 - you can do the same <3
trying to optimise my list atm, got any cool tricks to share?
Anyone still running this guy?
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Do you keep a token stack when you play, either from an artist or the official ones?
>a token stack
i keep the tokens for the deck around, yeah
i dont play decks with lots of tokens
dry erase tokens
I have a bunch of random Megumin weiss schwarz cards I use as token wizard copies
I use him in my gitrog saddle deck, he's an amazing free sac outlet
I have a skeleton tribal deck he leads

>Springleaf & Paradise Mantle
These gain ** because their "Actual" mana cost also includes the creatures needed. So if you don't have a lot of cheap small creatures in your deck...
But they are quite good. They're just not generical-in-ever-deck good.

>Storm-Kiln Artist
Great. Great Card. But "Fast Mana"? He's CMC 4 + actually casting a Spell card. That's hardly fast. He's a combo or value piece. He's mana, but he's not "Ramp"

>Guild Artisan
Same as above this "Fast Mana" is includes your commander's CMC+2 (+attack step). That's ... not fast at all. And generally players are trying to use their ramp to get to their commanders.

>Mana Doublers * Rituals
Eh. Debatable. They really matter in the type of deck their going in. They aren't except for SSG and DR, the others aren't truly "Fast mana" But, this one alot of people have heated debates about.
Just pulled this nibba in a pack, going to put him in my mimeoplasm deck so he can come out with 20+ counters when the mimeoplasm copies him.

You guys have any luck in your pulls?
they look pretty good in foil, otherwise not
2 phyrexian towers, Arna kennerud, shifting woodland, flare of cultivation, a fetchland
How to ensure no one ever plays with you again
it was already hapening
I don't understand what the point of Scry and Surveil are. If your deck is well made, then it doesn't have any bad cards, so seeing what you're going to draw doesn't change anything. You know you're drawing something useful either way.
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>I cannot comprehend why a card is good but may not be good for every possible situation
Based shitposter
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I invested in a good printer. Sometimes I cut out freshly printed cards for hours on end. It calms me. For my favorite decks, I create every card from scratch using various tools and then AI slop all the art of my dreams onto them.
Now I am become Chinese, producer of cardboard.
Games gotta end somehow, it’s better than casting it and exiling half of someone’s library imo
I don't put cards that aren't good in my deck. Sounds like a deckbuilding issue.
>I don't use lands
Where did I say that? Are you implying lands are fundamentally bad cards?
when you have 5 of them in hand, yes.
Deckbuilding issue. You're running too many lands.
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I want to make gundams, so I am going to proxy this with alt art from stuff form the OYW (why is there no vehicle with island walk for best suit Z'gock?!)

Anyways, first time really sitting down a building out the stuff and was going for theme more than anything else. i feel like I need more ways to make 1/1 soldiers for my mobile suits, but I think this is decent.

Toughts? suggestions or cuts?
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I don't understand what the point of Dredge is. If your deck is well made, then it doesn't have any bad cards, so seeing what you're going to draw doesn't change anything. You know you're drawing something useful either way.
>combo player warns everyone before the game about his deck
>tells everyone how quick it's able to win and what his strongest and most important combo piece is
>people are interested and agree to play against the deck
>everyone tries to remove his stuff
>takes some damage, but counters/protects against removal
>tutors his main combo piece
>fling a creature at one of his combo creatures, he uses his last counterspell
>plays his main combo piece
>drop Rampage of the Clans
>destroy most of his combo pieces
>nobody dares to attack anymore because of all the centaurs on the field
>shit out my unblockable wincon fatties, lethal the combo player and another one but lose to remaining player because he was waiting with a one-sided board wipe
>combo player is mad that everyone ganged up on him
I don't know much about Mel Gibson, but flicker effects are essential for him. Also, crashing the Titanic equipped with a Reaver Cleaver and then flickering it before you have to sac it will make the entire table lose their shit. Assault Suit should work too.
I always smile when I see this card
Flickering stuff wasn't really fitting the theme for the most part (though I do have far traveler to bounce char to turn him into Quatro, then Casval, then back to char, then finally Full Frontal to get more mobile suits out faster), but Garma Zabi could definly pilot his GAW Attack Carrier and crash it into someones face, before making a miraculous comeback.
far traveler is excellent. flicker creatures/vehicle that may somewhat fit the deck:
Charming Prince
Felidar Guardian
Golden Argosy
Restoration Angel
Which commander should be Duo Maxwell and which vehicle would be Deathscythe?
That, but foil.
Also Necrodominance
Also Necrodominance, but foil.
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What basics do you run usually? I haven't seen these moonlit ones irl before
Because they're both replacement effects, Bilbo, Birthday Celebrant and Cleric Class's +1 life don't stack, right?
Slippery Bogbonder and Daring Fiendbonder put in work in my pile.
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>"Blue's weakness is having bad removal!"
>Actually has the best commander removal in the game
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Now we're gaming
Pongify, Resculpt and Rapid Hybridization are also great
explain like I'm five, what is the end goal of land decks?
Kinda depends on the commander and type of land deck, anon.
theres probably a half dozen landfall triggers that will turn tokens sideways for game unless a board wipe hits. off the top of my head you got scute swarm, rampaging baloths, and avenger of zendikar. playing lands for a fat mana base is also a win-con in of itself thanks to helix pinnacle and the millennium calendar. finally you can use a thick grip of lands to pay for a board and any number of overrun finishers: finale of devastation, craterhoof behemoth, actually literally overrun
big spells, simple as
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If I play a 5+ mana commander that is important to the deck, Is there a way to stop my deck from being glacially slow outside of 1 and 0 cost fast mana?
How often do you guys run Cancel variants?
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>playing a 5+ mana commander
lol nice deck gramps *plays a 3cmc legend that does everything yours does and more*
the future is now old man
Best commander for Doom Foretold turbo?
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Sedris is the cooler Alara grixis legend
Being able to cast other spells. A deck without any land can't cast anything.
b-but my commander only came out this year
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That's why I play commanders with built in ramp
well they could go for some valakut shit
or turn all their lands into creatures
or be a man-land deck
or utilize maze's end
or go for Marit Lage
or just have a fuck ton of mana to cast X spells at absurd values
or a thousand other things
hey anon, you seem like a cool guy but this commander doesn't fit this table. How about you join the cEDH trannies in the back corner of the store? You can find them by the smell.
the whole point is nobody is allowed to touch lands in commander otherwise Sheldon anally vores them in the afterlife so you just abuse land synergies
My lgs pairs people in pods randomly. I'm at your pod whether you like it not. Step aside for my waifu playmat and crusty sleeves.
man I have the opposite issue at my store, the cEDH people are actually nice and cool people in business suits and don't smell like ratshit

those are the normal pods instead
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Am i tripping or is pic related really good for Syr Konrad? Your opponents will almost assuredly never pay, but if you cast this for x=5 just by yourself that's 20 cards milled total. I'm struggling to find something that mills this amount of cards this efficiently in mono black
>but if you cast this for x=5 just by yourself that's 20 cards milled total

No if you cast it for 1 black and then pay 5, you only mill 5 total
Each player will mill 5, so that's 20 cards milled total, that's what i meant. Konrad will see any creatures going into the grave this way, could easily deal 8-10 damage depending on what decks you are going against. And also it fills your graveyard a bit, which is nice
>I'm struggling to find something that mills this amount of cards this efficiently in mono black
well, fair point
Dread Summons
Breach the Multiverse
Mindwrack Harpy
Geth Lord of the Vault
Balustrade Spy
Trepanation Blade
Lord of the Forsaken
Destroy the Evidence
Out of the Tombs
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>I'm struggling to find something that mills this amount of cards this efficiently in mono black
Just play picrel and basalt monolith and win the fucking game
cool decks, not the usual ones there
>WIP Pauper Commanders

The Gitrog Monster
Magus Luca Kane
Krenko, Mob Boss
Birgi, God of Storytelling
Grimlock, Dinobot Leader
Tovolar,Dire Overlord
Teferi, Temporal Archmage
Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor

Etali, Primal Conqueror
Nicol Bolas the Ravager Bolas PWs
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Bloomburrow spoilers when?
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What was the first deck you built from scratch instead of buying and upgrading a precon?
Optimus Prime
My very first EDH deck, no longer together other than the staples, a mono-black deck helmed by Sheoldred. She was fun.
>cast ruination leaving me with all lands and the other players with 2 or less
>the ramp deck wins anyway
what now?
No one cares you fat retard
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picrel and the unhinged lands
wish they would release these older sets on mtgo
>This is your brain on post covid years of WotC consooming

Slow the fuck down.
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I don't care about any other sets. I wasn't even following MH3 since Pauper is the only 60-card format I play nowadays. Bloombarrow is the first set I really care about this year.
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>still trying to slot in my Thunder Junction order, meanwhile MH3 is already over a week old

stop it, im full
Bloomburrow is going to be the worst set in at least half a decade because it will enable even more and even worse mentally ill minorities aka furries.
It can't be worse than any of the 'Le heckin US race wars social commentary: the set' we received in the past few years.
anon furries were already enabled for decades
Well, bloomburrow will be missing the white mythic archetype at least.
> Ordered singles for a completely new deck.
> Forgot to order the commander
Well, looks like I'll be playing greven predator captain phoenix tribal
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i like these more
>tfw I realised I was slotting in a new card to a deck and had to swap it for a card that came in the last set and had never got the chance to even play
truly grim
used to be finding rare gems that work perfectly for your deck, now even 100 slots dont seem to be enough
>noooo, black is the card about gaining power by all means
okay, surely that color is represented by lands that are commonly associated with power or fight for power, like volcanoes or jungles, right?
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>power by all means
>gets free landslot that mogs green in its utter pie eating shamelesness
>also gary, a singular creature card that can carry any mono black deck to an easy win

power through cringe
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>Play a pod on MTGO w/randoms
>Nadu, K'rrik, & Tymna + Kraum; I'm playing Nicol Bolas
>Everyone says Nadu is kill on sight
>K'rrik player starts popping off t3 and is about to win
>Tymna player is making a trillion treasures off Smothering Tithe and K'rrik turbine through his shit
>K'rrik down to 3 life after a vomiting his hand and casting protection when I went to remove his Commander, and swings at Nadu since he is open, and spent his last turn playing a landfall enchantment that gives target creature a +1/+1 counter per landfall trigger
>Nadu player snap concedes to deny life gain
>Tymna player wheels us all to death and wipes us clean
This format is so fucking cooked, bros. This was turn 3-4 in a lobby asking for 7's.
recommend me a fun food tribal commander that isn't rocco
perfect colors would be BGW
the Hobbits, they even care about actually eating the food, which is presumably very important to you, given your upbringing
I have a korvold fae cursed king list centered around food, hasn't been updated for around 2 years though
food isn't a creature type
oof, I completely forgot that they exist despite using all iterations of samwise. from my experience tho, eating food barely ever happens. most decks seem to treat it as a resource for artifact synergies and fatties.
I know about him, but the lack of white bothers me, since some of the most interesting food cards are in that color
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yes it is
food is an artifact type, knight is a creature type. try again.
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Damn, I cast Conspiracy naming forest.
your dump
I hope you properly declared that '5' as you tapped two swamps to pay for Conspiracy
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>Every deck is just solitaire value engines that loop into each other, and actively attempting to interract is basically assured to lose you the game
Every color needs access to itXs own version of Farewell at this point.
>games now revolve around tip toeing around all Farewells and take even longer
im afraid there is no fixing this
also Farewell is kinda ass. the one player who out-valued the rest and drew the most cards before it got to the point to resolve is going to win anyway.
Farewell is just
>actevly attempting to interact
after all
the only solution is every player having at least 10-20 pieces of removal/interaction in their decks. If you are the only one using removal you feel like a police, only to lose in the end. If no one plays interaction, it's just a group masturbation session to see who cums first
try playing control
>b-b-but muh value engines
ah, so you are part of the problem
But in all seriousness, in mine they generate value until I combo off (with lands) to kill everyone
Just let them play it all.
"Longer games" isn't the issue. Endless looping of basic mechanics and low cost/free mana ramping ruins the format, unironically.
why would I cast farewell when I can solitaire value engine myself into a one-sided option instead, winning me the game?
Except for storm most times I see someone combo off it's almost entirely activateds or triggered and only casting to either play something that grabs a combo piece from grave or library or casting to protect their combo going off
Retard here.
I got that Eldrazi Modern 3 deck as a work benny.
It came with a tiny little booster pack inside with two cards in it.
One of the cards inside was "Ugin's Labyrinth".
I googled it and it's like a $50 card.
Does this only go up in value or should I sell it now
Is it good or something
>5 mama do nuffin
>xeir commander does the thing and draws a card anyway
great tech there, chump
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Mentor is better and cheaper.
>Opponent casts 3 spells, loses 15 life, then combos off and gains a fuckload of life to counteract the life loss
I'm hoping to go zombie token spam myself. Just getting as many as those pack filler tokens as possible onto the field through his and other similar effects. Seems like it could be fun. Never tried a landfall deck so I'm hoping to experiment a bit with The Necrobloom.
I suspect it might have spiked already. Of course it might still go up but I suspect it will remain at the current cost for now.
ok but how does this stop the azlask player from activating his ability and swinging at me with 15 200/200s
if you check the price history on tcgplayer you can see it's actually gone down.
Basically the eldrazi came out and ended up just being
>pretty good
instead of game breakingly op like Nadu.
So their cards are slowly lowering in value. I suspect it will lower in another month or two before people realize
>wait, it's still pretty good even if it doesn't break the game
and price goes up again
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>ok but how does this stop the azlask
Azlask is stopped by going outside
because nobody plays that dogshit commander, they all play ulalek or shoved the new titans into their value piles
>Enchantments are THE most busted card type in the game
>Only Green and White are allowed to touch them
Even Victreebell has a better design wtf.
>most busted card type in the game
that's lands and nobody is allowed to touch those
You should see the nft!
I too love The Necrobloom™ and can't wait to ramp every turn!
You're right, but that's only if you play G.
Admittedly, this is what I was expecting as well. Seemed like everyone was talking about The Necrobloom in the lead up to the set release. At least before everyone started focusing on that bird. Looks like The Necrobloom is on it's way to being one of those cards.
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>get a set of etched foil fetches in mh2
>no matching ones in mh3
Guy at the lgs offered to buy a few cards off of me in cash or zelle but didn't have any trades. Our store generally bans cash sales done in store. Would you sell your cardboard here or not?
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I built it as slime time live
Just walk outside the store and do it on the sidewalk you autistic dweeb
Agree to sell it to them outside of the store?
Just go outside the store, and if the shop owner gets pissy, just tell uim you'll call the police for discrimination.
just go to a nearby dark alley so you can trade "shivs" (slang for shivan dragons)
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>Even mid powered EDH is shitting out unbeatable board loops by turn 4-5
Taking the Pauper pill. This game is so fucking gay now, it physically hurts.
we did budget builds. no cards over one dollar allowed
Budget builds don't work, because the dumbest shit like Shuko becomes a $20 card because things like Nadu get printed. Not even YOU can avoid the power creep fucking your format, even with artificial restrictions in place.
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>Taking the Pauper pill
If you mean pEDH then this is a based take. I got to play my pauper svella and elas il kor the other day. Took a game with elas by bleeding everyone out with pic related
Absolutely do mean pEDH. It's the only format left where targeted removal and properly assessing who/what to attack actually fucking matters anymore instead of having creatures simply be "spells you can abuse loops with."
that is true if you allow upgrading but that also opens the problem of fomo where one for example can pre-order a card for cheap before people realise it's broken and gets bought out the next day.
this is why we build our decks between hype seasons and at the same time so if a card spikes later we don't need to care.
then after we all get bored of our shitpiles we take them apart and start anew, like a rotation but fair
I have it so that I cast Teferi's protection from my hand in response to casting the MLD or other wipe, making it even more unfair
>where one for example can pre-order a card for cheap before people realise it's broken and gets bought out the next day
If this is happening regularly you probably need to start letting this guy invest for you or stop playing with wotc employees
Nobody wakes up and goes "oh shit I better get a chain of smog before todays spoilers"
no-one is making bank with sheoldred's edicts or pick your poisons
I just want to play my jank rares
in the past we had this point system where you had a certain amount to spend for a deck and cards had a value corresponding to rarities which I can't remember the exacts of but we ditched that system anyway
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>About to load up on board wipes, tutors, card draw, and combo pieces to deal and send a message to all if these self triggering engine shithead decks that just play solitaire all day to bloat the board with "value."
Going full fucking nuclear, Anon. Format finally broke me.
arms race is the worst option. winning with good cards is boring
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>Just lay down and lose instead
because winning with bad cards is the only joy in this format
don't even put in combo pieces. go scarred earth, nothing can stick. don't care about winning. just care about wiping them off the face of the earth.
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was there really any other option? the real cheesy combo tech is to run the cards that discount the food abilities but then just run normal creatures with active abilities that will get discounted anyways
Do you think Wish and the judgement wish cycle cards should be legal in EDH?
if it was a 15 card sideboard, maybe? but I think the whole format would then revolve around who gets to stick karn first
sounds cool, but also sounds like the deck folds once the commander gets remoced
no. in fact, i don't even think companions should be legal as companions in any format without a sideboard.
it kinda does in my exp. my version is birthing pod effects so he's just there to double etbs and such. but not having him on really shows how bad pod is in commander unless you are comboing
Best mono-coloured generals for Artifact decks in each colour?
>how bad pod is in commander
i've seen a tasigur pod list that is looking to get tasigur out asap and then pod/eldritch evolution/neoform into a powerful 7 drop like toxrill or jin, progress tyrant for insane board control or hullbreaker horror to combo.
Hokkori, Urza, Armix, Slobad, Oviya
I said unless you are comboing, anon. the problem with generic value pod is that if your progress gets cut at any point you are done and left with nothing since you are trading 1 creature for another and not building fast enough
sure, having only one step like with tasigur helps but generally where your creature doesn't have a cast cost reduction it's not good enough
What's the commander playerbase on MTGO like?
i've pulled like 5 flares of denial
>anon is finally starting to realize commander sucks
I hope you didnt drop money on this game beyond what it costs for printing proxies
i've pulled my hog like 5 times today
>$100-200 budget group
>bring any deck with +1/+1 counter theme
>everyone just targets the fast burn or combo players
>never finish worse than 2nd
let's be real, what's your opinion +1/+1 counter decks?
I play mid power and hate them with a passion. combo and everything fast is forbidden so everyone plays +1/+1 counters decks.
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>what's your opinion +1/+1 counter decks?
modular is my favourite mechanic and i wish they used it more.
I play volrath and it has kinda evolved to any counters deck just for the copy effect
always get my shit targeted and kicked in while the combo player is free to tutor w/e, haven't come close to not being the first one to lose with it in ages
i put a list together with a bunch of populate effects then u just find ways to sac your own creatures (evoke elementals etc) then populate their strong ETBs. yes it's much stronger when he's on board but the deck can work when he's removed, or just run more protection for him
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axonil equipment
Not the first time I heard this. I'm thinking about removing my +1/+1 counter engines like Halana and Alena because they feel absolutely broken.
Agreed. Modular themed decks are very fun to play. IIRC Gandalf the White has some ridiculous synergies going for them.
I put at least one combo in to every deck I build to give every game a guaranteed endpoint
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i just like how happy he looks
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>knew every single magic card
>take a break from magic
>come back
>"Check out my abrjwstol and wadflaxqjk deck."
Why is every name entirely unpronouncable and impossible to remember?
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take the UBfag pill
wotc is running out of names
gandalf the white is in my new breya modular deck. i have built 5 different modular decks at this point and i am not done yet. at this point i think i should just build a modular cube.


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