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Slaanesh Edition

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Warhammer Wikis:

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Do /yourguys/ have a base? Have you got any fluff about it? Tell me about it.
what the fuck is that thread question.
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A base, as in a base of operations. A fort, town, castle, etc. I realize in hindsight it might come across referring to the bases you put your minis on.
Oh then no. I dont care to fiddle with the old world map because trying to find a spot that isnt already occupied, or soon to be occupied seems to be a massive pain in the ass. My dudes are all just nomads just like the other dudes.
My chorfs are in Athel Loren setting up a colony, they're using wood elves and treekin as an alternative energy source.
>Do /yourguys/ have a base? Have you got any fluff about it? Tell me about it.
King Roy Al lives in a ruined castle of unknown origin in Troll country. Around it in the loamy soil are dug out the troll lairs of his many troll wives.

Roy Al rarely ventures far from his dilapidated home, mostly out of laziness. In his younger days he pillaged and exhorted tribute as far south as Grafsburg and as far east as Praag. While his adventuring days are largely over, rumors of the fantastic treasures bring expeditions from the world over to Fort Roy Al.
>Do /yourguys/ have a base? Have you got any fluff about it? Tell me about it.
Nope, beastmen tend not to bunker down anywhere all that long. My gobbos probably should have a base, but I still need to do a lot of work on those little maniacs.

The players in my WHFRP game are about to ransack a mansion the (current) main antagonist was using as a base of operations though, that ought to be fun.
>My chorfs are in Athel Loren setting up a colony,
Ayyy, my first dudes were an Ogre tribe called the Barkstrippers who’d set up shop outside of Athel Loren with the premise being that, if you shoot at the forest long enough, food will eventually come out to try and stop you from shooting. Good fun, but a bit simple.

How’d your short lads get over there?
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>they're using wood elves [...] as an alternative energy source
Good that they're going partially green by using biodegradable sissies/femboys to supplement their charcoal-powered industry.
Question: if you used necromancy to graft regenerative flesh (troll or crypt horro) onto a corpse, would it be feasible for that to animate the corpse and grant it regeneration? More a Frankenstein’s monster deal than a zombie is what I’m aiming for here.
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How would you make /yourdukedom/ for brets? The official ones seem pretty limited, but I don't know of any lore that has a baron conquer some new land and go "LOL IM A DUKE NAO" so not sure how easy it'd be to justify in-world.
>t. newfag
>give some flesh unlife
>slap it together with more unalive flesh
>glue it together with magic and throw in a strong soul to pilot it
I don't see why not. Go crazy.
With Bretonnian fluff you can get away with A LOT. The earlier version of the lore was that bretonnian nobles/knights got their titles by performing a “quest” for whatever township or city didn’t have a ruling lord and needed protection. That was then changed to more generic royal bloodlines and politicking, but the old lore could coexist with the new of you want.

Getting land of your own to rule as Baron could happen because you impressed a Duke who granted you some of theirs, because you killed an evil Baron and claimed their land, because the old Baron died and you completed some esoteric task to be selected as his replacement, or because some new land has been taken from the orcs in the mountains and it’s up for grabs, or because a prophetess walked up to you and said “you’re a baron now and we’re having seven children”
I would theme mine around some kind of errant war (some knights decided to set up and colonise a city in araby/cathay/lustria/etc). TWW 2 & 3 has some Bretonnian minor factions whos lore may be of interest.
With magic sure why not?
We know that troll pants and troll shawls can grant regeneration.
Come to think of it, I think Grom the paunch got regeneration from eating troll. And ogres use troll guts in their regeneration spells.
So apparently it's powerful stuff that you can use a lot of ways.
Anyone else feel like ToW is just a worse version of 6th edition?
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is the Corsairs book good?
Most people think it's the other way round.
Who cares?
People who beg for Corporate for RPG content are the worst sort of cucks.
Yep. Not great by any means, but it’s got some fun stuff like stats for DOOMBOLT.

Do you want to kill your players? Do they think they have too much fate to feel fear? DOOMBOLT.
Thinking about buying picrel, drilling out their faces and G'stuffing little skulls in there. Will have to get some proper GW skelle shields and helmets, because I love the wing motiffs and horned helms.

The old, dilapidated ancestral keep of my Necromancer's family. Still trying to decide if his family is of Bretonian or Empire ancestry (My vampire is a Tsundere Kislevite drawn to his magical prowess) . Routinely makes expeditions in to the Border Princes/Badlands to try and find out what happened to his >insert missing relative<.
>How’d your short lads get over there?
Astrogoth sent the grand sorcercer and his men there as a joke and assumed they would die 10 minutes into the journey but since they wear green as their main colour they were often mistaken as ordinary dwarfs during their long march west by human villages, often a very fatal mistake that replenished their "workers". Their easy journey ended when they reached Brettonia, the moment the men there saw their greenskin allies the chorfs had to set their engines to full speed as hundreds of really pissed off cavalrymen pursued them.
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>Do /yourguys/ have a base?
As a roving cult masquerading as a mercenary company in order to find the necessary artifacts to open up a stable portal to the Gardens of Nurgle in order to spread them into the mortal world they don't really need one.
is 250€ too much for a Wood Elf army of the following size:

2 Spellsingers

The Sisters of Twilight with their dragon

2 Glade captains on foot

1 Glade captain on horse

8 Glade Riders

53 Glade Guards

24 Dryads

1 Treeman
Seems like a really good deal if it's actually the real models and they're salvageable
please fucking post pics or do something to make sure those models are real.
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Starting an orcs and goblins army soon, which color scheme should I go for? I tried leviathan purple and stormfiend. Also baal red and doomfire magenta for the squigs.
I don't think anyone has done gobbos in white and red
Does seem odd why Night Gobbos haven't been done in white. Afaik the fluff reason for the robes is to keep the suns rays off the NG's sensetive skin due to being more subterrainian. White robes would help reflect the daylight more.

Do white anon. KKK-Gobs.
yeah I'd pick that up asap
How does that work?
Do they put on big capes?
Because I assume it is not easy to hide tentacles sprouting from Giant's belly, or the guy with his face melting away
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You mean an army of white mages? White Goblins?
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daily reminder to put some effort on your movement trays
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>White robes would help reflect the daylight more
And make you a very easy target in the dark caves
That comic's retarded, every deep sea and cave dwelling creature has pale white colouration.
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the highest effort movement tray is a metallic sheet for magnets, with the edges of the tray decorated with basing materials, and the overall tray either showing again the same colours and patterns as the mat and basing or painted with images of the dead bodies of the unit, so the more models you remove from the tray, the more bloody the tray looks
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the deep sea is notorious for having creatures whose skin is darker and more light-absorbing than an awful lot of our best artificial materials

mainly deep sea predators with bioluminescent features, so they manage to remain hidden despite having light sources on themselves
>every deep sea and cave dwelling creature has pale white colouration
Uh, no? It dependes from species to species on their habits and role in ecosystem

And besides, we are speaking about a robe worn by a goblin
White robed night goblin in a cave/dungeon would be in the same situation as pic related were in 1914 facing rapid-fire rifles and machine guns
>pale white colouration
O rly?
>Scaleless black dragonfish
>can be found as high up as 25m below sea level
It's not really a deep sea creature if it's able to live entirely above the rough idea of the deep sea.
>In Athel Loren
That makes zero sense, anon. They'd be dead long ago. Although I guess if you're an OC DO NOT STEAL pile of cringe you can do whatever you want.
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What are you working on? I am painting my Bret Exiles bombard crew
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Lol the face is grey primer
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Am also making some "blunderbuss" brigands that look like early gunpowder weapons to fit bretonnians archaic feel
Looking cool. What's your bombard?
NTA, still looks like it should stay the fuck down there.
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Using the AoS one with all the AoS stuff removed and a few bret bits added
Why doesn't anyone here seem to actually have any warhammer models? Where are all you players?
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i dont play but i have warhammer models
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Speaking of cannons, I had built this for AoS back ages ago when the humans in that game were basically the empire range, but now I want to use it for a marienburg force

Not sure if there's anything I could use it as tho - might be quite oversized for a great cannon and I don't think Luminarks are in the game
Nice, was skeptical at first but you really fixed that thing
Don't be so Xenomorphphobic

Norscan sailors probably gotta put up with some real fucked up kreaturs.
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Use it, it looks cool.
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>AoS bombard
Oh no no no....
I'd rather use the highland miniatures one than this desu

I get the impression that the crew will look weird next to GW models + the whole thing is needlessly long
>3d printed CADslop
Oh noooo no baHHAHAA
You seem slightly set in your ways to your own detriment - I tried their empire handgunners for e.g. and are they are essentially GW style but much higher quality
I play and have no models.
Bruh, have you seen those new Brettonian foot knights? Pure CADslop.
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How long until the High Elves get released? I want to play Caledor, damn it!
>>Thread Question:
>Do /yourguys/ have a base? Have you got any fluff about it? Tell me about it.
I have my own mental movie about the fall of my lizards' temple city during the great catastrophe, plus some key events afterwards, including what they did in the end times, some details about planimetry and stuff
the exact details and names are fuzzy because I never really properly wrote it down, but the key frames of the storyboard are burnt somewhere in the back of my mind, I'll tell you about one cool edgy autistic moment I envisioned:

this is the great catastrophe, no city of lustria has yet fallen to the demons, pahuax will be the first, my city is that city's "spiritual twin", they've got some underlying major connection as far as the geomantic web is concerned
anyway roughly at the center of my city there's a big waterfall, plus the continuing river, linked underwater temple and more, this waterfall is sacred because at the top of it there's a coatl's nest, so discarded feathers can be seen floating along the waters sometimes and that's linked to a bunch of rituals and craftsmanship with the magical feathers, but the waterfall itself gets used as a portal, and that is a huge weakspot during demonic invasions, of course, and the main objective of the invading demons was to breach the portal from both sides to create a stable invasion point, among the defenders of the portals there's the normal temple guards and a few other specialised regiments such as the saurus starwalkers and the main guardians, kroxigors goldenbacks, so called for the golden plaques incised with instructions on how to build and operate some machines of the old ones' embedded into their backs
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now the city is almost overrun, the oldest remaining slann has been injured and was to be brought to the eternity chamber, his personal guard, so the eternity guardian of the city, qutlizaikai, or something that sounded like that, meant the obsidian beast, is found facing a lord of change that broke through most of the defenses and was going for the waterfall-portal
I don't remember if I had some silly cartoonishly evil lines for the demon to say when confronted by the lone guardian, but in any case the saurus braced to fight the demon, while the demon scoffed, dismissively waved its hand in a cantrip and melted the eyes of the lizard right off its sockets, then he proceeded to arrogantly walk past the now blind lizard
but the saurus was literally unmoved, jumped on the demon and gouged one of the lord of change's eyes with his jaws
the demon retreated in pain back to the warp, while the saurus kept the demonic eye
the temple guardian then escorted the wounded slann back into his eternity chamber
then the city fell, the details are more complicated and involve the line of protective barrier-temples built at the perimeter of the city and more, but the jist of it is that the moment the twin city of pahuax fell, and its fall manifested as countless ages suddenly crashing down on the city all at once, aging everything to dust and ashes in one instant, a similar but opposite blowback hit my city: everything stopped and stood still, frozen in time, be it rain, crumbling edifices, lizardmen warriors and even those demonic enemies that weren't snuffed out by the magical energies back into the warp
everything was frozen in time save for the slann and the saurus in the eternity chamber, and against protocols, the slann ordered him to leave him alone in the chamber, maybe to die
the blind saurus, with the still seeing eye of the demon mounted on his helmet, dutifully stood guardian to the frozen city until the events that will see it unfrozen, shortly before 2000IC
I agree. The Brettonian footknights are top 3 worst sculpts GW has ever produced. They look so fucking retarded, they look like they just combined the sigmarines with imperial navy breachers and then copied the rest from a childrens knight play set. Literally zero knowledge or research or effort went into the armor design
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damn, I scanned my models and even made a tray mod to make playing this less bad but never got to play in the end
Waiting all those years for Bretonnia to come back, ignoring 3D printed counts-as and notBretonnians, only to get rewarded for your loyalty by getting sculpts that are worse than what people were giving away for free. I hope those lil' fellas learned their lesson, never trust GW.
How would you go about making marienburg themed free company militia?

I am trying to get some of the old mordheim warband models but they're very rare and pricey
people were always buying their bretonian models from third party retard.
Absolutely lovely!
Damn, sorry to hear that anon. I’d invite you to a game, but it’s not exactly a good idea to put any contact info on here
Brets are the easier army to third party with historical knights, and that's what players have been doing for the last decade. True WHFB Aryans use 3rd party or minis they're owned for two decades. Only TOW migrants (fags and zoomers) buy nuGW "Brettonian" slop

Wow you're a fucking retard.
Opinion ignored.
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grimforge has some fishy stuff
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>Do /yourguys/ have a base? Have you got any fluff about it? Tell me about it.
Well, El Don Bigote and his company are in the semi permanent employ of Pavona, or rather, Lucrezzia Belladonna since he believes shes a damsel worth of his "chivalric deeds". An idea the ruler of the city state hasn't bothered to refute as long as he's useful

But as DoW, they do move from here to there as needs go. I also remember that one anon wa susing El Don Bigote as an NPC for one of his rpg campaigns set in Averland/Wisseland. Wonder what happened
i was planning to play with some irl buddies but they never had much interest to begin with, i'm not so keen on playing with random strangers
>marienburg themed free company militia?
Third party pirate miniatures mostly.
They're Dutch.
Seems like all three of those terms hit too close to home. I must have hit the nail on the head
Nah, it just annoys me when I see retards online. Means their carer's doing a bad job keeping an eye on them and ensuring they stay locked in the basement away from normal people.
dudes obviously a larper, just ignore em.
smells like a tilean whorehouse in here
Reminds you of home, Anon?
that must be your mom
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>ran my bankers and merchants
>inspired by a country in a certain period where that was entirely ran by the central banking system and their entire domestic and foreign policy was dictated by international financers
>in WHF this aspect is exaggerated even more
>inspired by a country that locked up Jews in their ghetto every night, when they were tolerated at all.
I was reading a book on medieval guilds and they were probably went the easiest on jews by far.
Coincidence that this was right next to Germany?
I think not.
>Slaanesh Edition
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I find it funny that 99% of slaanesh representation is just ripped norse dudes
I've got really bad news for you about dutch history, especially between 1650 and 1850...
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This my king, it's a Big boy, for u
Has GW stated if there are any plans to keep TOW in a regular balance update cycle? I know there have been some rules clarifications but I mean more like points changes or rules added/changed.
I like the core rules but the internal balance of each faction seems a bit suspect and I don't want to juggle multiple comp packs again.
My Slaanesh Lord and his buddies stumbled upon a solitary Dwarf hold around Troll Country and converted/perverted it into their own crack den/meth lab. Snorting lines of ground up dwarf women off a shrine to Valaya got Slaanesh hard enough to offer him daemonhood.
Just stay over in 40k and AoS if that is the type of shit you're looking for.
>99% of slaanesh representation is just ripped norse dudes
kind of the only kit gw sold for the better part of 20 years.
they have implied so, when they said legacy factions won't get ongoing rules support
but I woulnd't expect them start with that until all the armies are out
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They should restore footknights to looking good.
You just turned 30 and have only been in the hobby for seven years.
Unfortunately anon, you're coping. I'm in my 20's and have been playing for nearly 2 decades with my dad and brother. Now let's see that Physique
>Now let's see that Physique
Yup, you're totally not self-conscious about your own body or anything. Totally not looking for an excuse to show off and receive compliments in the hopes it'll help you feel better about yourself or anything.
You sound fat.
The old world has led to a sales boom for agincourt minis from the Perrys.

Report round bases for being off topic.
This looks sick, good work.
Those are unbased you dumbass.

No they're not, fuck you.

You don't play Old World.
No fuck you dickhead. You absolute fucking cunt have no idea what you are talking about, shut the fuck up and go play video games or something.
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Lmao post a picture of your stuff on square bases actually playing a game. Or you're just a pathetic nogames...
Oh wow, some primed minis.

Yup that's what'a on my painting desk right now. But it's actually warhammer fantasy stuff instead of what you got.

Dude at least 3d print stuff that looks like warhammer fantasy. What are you doing?
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But it does look like warhammer fantasy.
He's a big guy

Looks nothing like what you've got. Different style, different basing, you don't have any fantastical creatures like pegasi or skeletons...
I refuse to be trolled any further.

The forge world one is bigger, wish I had that.
You just dig a tunnel ez
Shit GW only sells models for three of the factions right now, I don't know what you expect.
>showing his toes
Degenerate, chaos-corrupted fuck.
Literally nothing from your pic looks like this beyond also being human foot soldiers
Hear, hear!
Why is the janny protecting the roundbase fuckhead?
He posted a nipple, man. Unforgivable.
Please leave, you are cancer.

Nah, it's because calls to report are illegal. Jannies protecting the worst posters as usual.
is that a 100x100mm base on the GUO?
Where did you get one?

Elrik's Hobbies website.
SO, in the hopes of salvaging this thread: anyone have any favorite dogs of war units or yourdudes mercenaries?

Very much a fan of the cursed company myself. A cursed band of skelies you can take in any army other than TK or Vampire Counts
I always liked the heavily armored crossbowmen of Braganza's Besiegers purely for their aesthetics
Was considering what bretonnian dogs of war units might look like and I came up with a few I liked:
>Knights who, due to curses or simple misfortune, have each individually been trapped in their armor and have banded together in order to seek honorable combat in the hopes of their armor being broken off of their bodies. May or may not include ghost knights who just don’t realize they’re dead yet.
>Female knights that have banded together in order to help one another keep up their masculine facade ala “Monstrous Regument”
Of course with the lore currently as it is that second one is kinda pointless since openly female knights are kosher now.
Let’s see that army.
Hard to argue with well polished plate and a pavise. Good taste Anon.
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Pizarro's Lost Legion was my favourite. I even have a set of them myself. >>93137192 's made a nice pick as well. Honestly, that whole 'era' of scultps were just fantastic. I have no idea how the aesthetic became more bland over the years despite the addition of more detail.
>female knights are kosher now
ugh, nu-Gw is a lost cause.
> ugh, nu-Gw is a lost cause.
Got no issue with woman combatants myself, but Bretonnia’s specific brand of sexism was a damn good source of conflict, especially considering how rare explicit gender roles are amongst humans in the setting.
I agree and I still liked the old lore of women nobles going out to fight, but had to disguise themselves as men to do so.
>How does that work?
I envision it as key members of the company having no visual mutations (or the mutations they have are atleast easily hidden) and are therefor doing most of the talking to outsiders and contract negotations. While that sort of stuff happens the rest of the company is kept far away from society, cloaking themselves in the rational that you don't want to have a Mercenary Company close to your urban locations anyway due to the sheer devastation even reasonably disciplined ones would have on the region.
Furthermore, by leaning into the notion of the company being one of those that give all mercenaries a bad reputation by wanton pillaging and killing any rumours of monsters amongst their midst can be excused as hyperbole. Which also explains why they don't stick along in one plays for too long.

It'll all be historical minis not on square bases.
That’s what I mean when I say conflict. There’s a lot of fun to be had with needing to hide one’s identity on a battlefield that’s just not there for Bretonnians anymore.
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Maybe not entirely dogs of war, but still mercenaries; Manann's Blades.
I'm planning for one unit to be a Regiment of Renown, a group of pirates from many different holds so their armor can differ.
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>yourdudes mercenaries?
A whole army in fact. But my favourite RoR has to be Long Drongs Slayer Pirates, but I like them all due to the variety they have (despite four of them being different flavours of pikemen)
This is what the Empire should have looked like. I can't stand how the Empire looks in Warhammer Fantasy.

Then get the fuck out of the thread. Blanche had good ideas, you don't.
>Then get the fuck out of the thread

I like other things in Warhammer, but I fucking hate most human factions in fantasy so it ain't surprising I dislike the Empire.
I adore the Wood Elves and Dark Elves, quite like the Beastmen and enjoy the Dwarfs a great deal. I never interact with the human side of Warhammer Fantasy and I'm fine with that.
>Acknowledges Elf Superiority
>Acknowledges Dwarf Superiority

but who do you cheer for when you're reading about the War of the Beard?
I've got root for my elves, sadly. It's a hard choice, but it's knife ears over beards I'm afraid.
Plus, I have to thank the War of the Beard for leading to the creation of both the Asrai and the Eonir, my two favourite factions in WFB.
>favorite dogs of war units
Richter Kreugar's Cursed Company is absolutely kino, enough for me to have a bunch of the originals; command + 2-3 of each sculpt + spare standard bearer with missing arm. I plan to bulk out the unit with other themed humanoid skeletons to add even more variety.
>yourdudes mercenaries
I don't have anything fleshed out yet, but I would like to write up a band of Marienburg loyalists, or an order of knights who used to serve under the Von Draks of Sylvania but were exiled by Vlad upon seizing power.
>Knights who, due to curses or simple misfortune, have each individually been trapped in their armor
Neat concept, I like it. Also, foot knights are awesome.
Excellent taste.
Played 2000pts Lizardmen vs Beastment today.
Got completely stomped from turn 1. By turn 2 I had lost 35% of my army including my general and I lost about every combat and spell/dispel roll.
I did kill one unit with my Carnosaur so that was a morale boost lol. I rolled unlucky with my poison attacks and dispel rolls but otherwise it felt like every unit I had was severely outclassed by my opponent's.

Kind of boring match but I did scrape by with a win last time we played because I rolled really lucky a couple times so it's not impossible.
I'm getting Berserk vibes from that description, when the reformed Band of the Falcon was aided by the monsters ruled over by the Apostles
Beastmen are supposedly very strong with Viletide. No real appeal in the sculpts or the army for me personally though.
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How would you improve them?
Ye his spellcaster can kill my Slann in one turn and there is nothing I can do about it. Sucks because my Slann cost almost twice of his caster.
I bought a set of them to practice on. I'll use the archers they came with as my archers though
Well you could take the cube of darkness for a free dispel or becoming cogitation to make it easier to dispel. You can also screen your slann with other units that can charge the caster to prevent it from casting missiles. Your opponent must have been rolling hot as well since, even with hagtree fetish, a slann should be able to take an average viletide to the face. (Unless you were forgetting his ward save)
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this is going to sound like bullshit, but the way the torsos include the shoulders and the size of the fat sausage legs makes these guys look needlessly bulky. compare the classic knights of the realm.
remove the head from the set
find the culpable sculptor, line him up and shoot him, piss on the body

Saurus Temple Guard can take hits for your Slaan in the shooting phase, even magic missiles.
I had ward plus regen on him for two 5-ups. But he had triple magic missile.
He's a large target so he can't hide anywhere and I don't have temple guards (wouldn't want them either would rather remove the Slann from the list).
>torsos include the shoulders
You mean the mantles? Nothing wrong with those at all. Agreed the legs are too bulky, but easily fixed by kitbashing them with Perry shit.
Can’t say I’ve heard of them, what’s their deal?
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Good grief, i'll stick to 3rd parties desu.

Warlord Foundry MED202

Doesn't look like warhammer with that green on the livery.
I like the guy with the falchion. These lads would make good guards/siege weapon crews/Men-at-arms characters but not ornate enough to be Bret Knights
According to who?
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TBF that one i was more inspired by Stirland.

According to the Bretonnian army book. Read it and get back to us when you actually play the game.
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Good grief, these images are almost four years old, how time flies when you're wasting your life.
the mantles are almost singlehandedly making them into Heman ripoffs.
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Wanna try that again?
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>mantles didn't exist before He-Man
I hope those arent supposed to be brets, they look like empire more than anything else.
nice job missing the point.

Agincourt minis aren't accurate to the empire, that battle was 15th century empire aesthetics are exaggerated 16th century.
Colour wise, I meant.
I have no idea what point you could've been driving at with that comparison but go ahead and share with the class faggot

The lore for Bretonnia was redone for WHFB 6th edition, read it. Also, post your army list.

...so these minis aren't for warhammer.
What are you even talking about? You can play Warhammer with literal rocks you consoomer.

Not if you don't rank them up into blocks and use the rules.
>that head female
stop watching porn faggot
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im saying their body proportions look like Heman figurines you troglodyte. how is that hard to glean? it has nothing to do with mantled tabards and everything to do with the angle of the shoulder to torso. you irascible fuckwit.

What faction are you playing that you aren't making them empire or bretonnia?
Alright champ you can put the thesaurus away, next time lead with that instead of sperging out about medieval clothing
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>Complete lack of imagination.
>Has to paint the way to book tells him
>Asinine comment.
>Proven wrong, so changes criteria.
>>Has to paint the way to book tells him
anon you will get many grogs upset.
They can die in a fire for all I care.
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To me the superior foot knight proxy seems to be the Foundry... foot knights. Im considering buying them to suppliment my GW paladins. Does anyone have some strong opinion to share on them? they seem about the right size and look properly broke enough to be a bretonnian noble without a horse (something the new official sculpts lack).

I seem unable to add an example image so have this other cool knight instead.
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Great choice, considering a lot of their models are just old Citadel Bretonnians sculpted by the Perry Brothers

Show me a pic of a game you played recently with your units ranked up.
im gonna be real, footknights were a mistake. I thought it was something I wanted but seeing them off their horses is just fucking weird.
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>Can't refute.
>Insist on seeing models as if that would shut me up.
I am still working on the bretonnians but here are some tomb kings.
>Got completely stomped from turn 1
Legitimately: how?
I would have taken far more influence from the mounted Knights armour and made it so that they are wearing the Bretonnian Surcoats and not what looks like early full plate. Also most of the helmets should be be Bretonnian styled sugarloaf helms and great helms.
>Literally pic but on foot.
Change the great axes to great swords.
Throw in some axes and maces for Hand Weapon.
Include an actual banner and not a Relequie on a stick. I get the idea behind it, but I think a big fluttering flag would fit better.
Ignore >>93138112. Make half the bodies noticeably female with fat arses and big tits
paint yo models.

These are even less of these painted than the bretonnians. Lmao, you don't play this game.
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I kneel...
wfrp 4ed bros...
Let's just wait for the next furry book dlc and gtfo from this board...
it's over....
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I had to reprint the skeletons but I played against dwarfs recently
did you win?
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Today I remind them
It was a draw, It was my first game against them and I didn't know exactly how effective they were on the defense. Shield wall is annoying to deal with.
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Please anon show some restraint, it hurts to much.
I mean you don't need temple guard nessecarily, Saugus warriors on their own should be good enough against whatever infantry his casters are attached to
Look too well armoured for state troops
I want to fuck this thing bros.

I want to fuck this thing so fucking bad bros.

>tfw Terraurge 3.0 never ever

It hurts bros, it hurts so bad.
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God I hate that brace they have over the shouders. What even is that shit? Age of Sigmars human soldiers have the same thing going on. Who thought bibs on soldiers looked good? My son had a similar looking thing when he was a baby to catch the food he would dribble out.

Jesus christ.
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Are people generally strict about adapter trays? I made some using plasticard sheets and strips. The frontage is exactly 150 millimeters for 5 30x30 bases, but the segregation isn't perfect. Will this cause problems during casual play? I didn't want to re-base any of my models.
Anyone got any suggestions for Ogre third party models?
Checked the 9th age site but a lot of links are dead.
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It's just a gorget. An exaggerated version sculpted by a retard who didn't bother looking at /his/ examples first, I imagine, but this is what they were going for.
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Meanwhile Tomb KANGZ got some actually good new units.
Just goes to show that CAD can be not slop but it takes actual good design.
Dude these look like shit. It's just a other mummy and what looks like the leftovers of an enema.Also, do post the "dragon".
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depends on how much of a lawyer your opponent is. BtB contact matters at the corners (going off of 6th and 7th here). e.g. if the inside corner of one of your dudes is pushed out past the outside corner of your opponent's dudes then they won't be able to attack. if it was me, i'd still let your guy get in on the action, because i can understand why 3mm of plastic used for convenience shouldn't hamper gameplay. others...your mileage may vary?
>a other mummy
Wow, Tomb Kings looking like Mummys? What's next, Empire troops looking like Landsknecht?
It's just all wrong, from every possible angle. Historically examples, Bretonnian design precedence, just pulling shit out of their asses.
>Tomb KANGZ got some actually good new units
Pic unrelated?
What are some cool ideas for undead/vc banners?
upper torso of a crucified zombie is a classic. burning skull topping a banner pole. or if you mean flag designs, bloody night predators, full moons, empty gothic castles, skulls, skulls, and more skulls, maybe a headless horseman, decaying flowers, hanged men.
His stance makes him look like a dog, there is no royal or regal air about him at all, so yeah hes kind of dogshit. Pure bottom bitch material there.
The banner would be fine if it were just the cross-section. The bust with arms slapped on top fucking ruins it. The tomb swarm, on the other hand, is an overdesigned piece of shit. Some shit on a base is fine for what the swarm is, that's why the old one worked better.
>Females, blacks, transpersons, CAD, weird faces, fat legs and funny shit topping on every helmet (not just the Champion)

This is not what Bretonia is about. This is not what WHF is about.

The bone dragon looks great idk what you're talking about.
Bretonia was always about degenerates and backwards people, what are you on about?
shut the fuck up.
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where's the knigger?
so are the slann always sleeping or something?
I printed my TK army with the exception of the casket, My brother got a 3d printer for his birthday and since we had been giving GW money sine 2007 we felt like we've done enough. I save a thousand dollars alone on tomb kings. Plus the highland models look so much like the old models from 6th and 7th no one can tell.

What's wrong with a skeletal dragon yhat looks vaguely crocodilian? Break down why you don't like it.
anon I agree with you, the problem is it is a new model and all new models are bad

In the fluff? They are frequently meditating/in communion with the cosmos.
I keep seeing stuff that talks about the dreams of the old ones or something like that
Bro said a man with his legs in a normal stance is dog-like. He's just trolling.
you're the fucking hunchback of notradame if you think that stance is normal.

Its a crocodile thats supposed to be a dragon is the issue, and its a very poor skeleton dragon at that. It also makes 0 sense for a dragon to be apart of the tomb kings when it upsets the egyptian theming they have going on. If they were gonna do it they could have at least made it a construct instead of a literal bare bone monster.
>rotten barely-alive creatures need perfect posture
bro has never seen a zombie in his life

Yeah they get ripped on ayahuasca or whatever to divine the Great Plan.
>>93140696 Egyptian mythology definitely has dragons and other reptilian creatures, get off your shit. It also makes sense in the setting, which you apparently know nothing since you haven't read a thing about it and only own Perry minis.
I have an issue with women combatants, in that they were not a part of Warhammer in any serious way and regardless of the what the reasons why that was might have been, it wasn't necessary to change it. Further, changing it makes the setting feel less real because it further reduces the various cultures of the setting to mere aesthetics; if you want to depict a proto-urban/agrarian society with an early-to-mid-renaissance level of technology(barring a few anachronisms), you can't just say "oh and it's a gender-neutral paradise where the Patriarchy has been SMASHED already and the Emperor can be a sassy black kween if you want her to be!" because every shred of understanding we have of history and philosophy says that wasn't a thing(culture and social mores have *always* developed alongside economics and technology; you don't get modern politics without modern labour saving devices and a modern service economy - and no, one person writing what at the time would have been seen as the rantings of an utter lunatic does not prove that your ideals were "always a thing" and the evil straightwhitemale academics have been conspiring to lie to you that Cleopatra was white or whatever).

Now it's a fantasy, so you don't *have* to stick to reality if you don't want to, but what the actual creators of Warhammer understood that the modern diversity hires and ascended fanfags don't is that when you use a historical motif you have to *explain* deviations from it for them to remain plausible. Wizards aren't realistic, but great detail is gone into informing the reader why and how magic exists in Warhammer. Not a single solitary drip of ink has been spent laying out how a style of society that has had fairly firm gender roles(outliers exist obviously) and patrilineal succession in this instance somehow has a completely modern understanding of gender and racial politics.

If they're not willing to put in the effort to develop a plausible setting, fuck em.
Yes Egypt did have A dragon, so did babylon, and im sure sumer had one as well, but none of them looked anything like the shitstain that we have now. You cant even tell me it looks like an adaptation of sotek because its fucking homogenized into looking like nothing. Anywhere, have my (you), you clearly dont know how to express your thoughts.
sobek, not sotek btw.

Actually, in Warhammer there has been, but only fornthe Empire (and Amazons but that's a plot device). The tribe of Sigmar (forget their name) are slightly superhuman and thus their women are capable warriors above the women of other peoples. But only those uberfrauleins.

Egypt had multiple dragons or dragonlike creatures, as well as polymorphic creatures. How is it "homogenized into looking like nothing"? You haven't provided evidence for it, just self-indulgent screeching.
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The evidence is in the shitty model itself, how about you bring something to the table yourself first before you sound like a hypocrite?

I've seen the model in person, it looks good. Better than most ofnthe tomb king models.
I like my skeleton dragon
I like my aos models of mish mashed nonsense. but on squares!
these are basically my thoughts on this, although I don't think I could have said it as good as you did. it always breaks my suspension of disbelief. Yes, you read that right- I find female soldiers more immersion breaking than wizards, elves, dwarfs, and dragons. why? it's just not realistic to expect a man and a woman to have the same physical and mental capabilities in regards to warfare. note: I don't get in a huff when a Lahmian vampiress shreds through a regiment of pikemen, because she's a bestial undead beast fueled by necromantic magic. and i don't really mind that wood elves and darkies include their womenfolk in their forces either. wood elves literally need all the man...womanpower they can get to defend the only place in the world they have. but now that I think about it, how do they reliably grow their population? but the high elves having female nobles fighting at the head of their armies is vexing to me. the Everqueen and her handmaidens are one thing, but some random noble just feels off-putting.
female soldiery is always always ALWAYS exceptional. no two ways about it. just the fact that it needs stating is annoying. as implicit to both our world and the warhammer world as gravity.
The 4th edition Fantasy rpg rule book is unreadable because of this. Every page there's a different artwork of a female human warrior, or a black Imperial citizen, impossible to get immersed.
I'm going to keep my Dwarfs on round bases an put them on a square movement tray.
I will annoy everybody at once!

Elves are a different species and are less sexually dimorphic than humans. Their women fight just as well as the men.

The bone dragon is not "mished mashed nonsense." It fits the Tomb King aesthetic. Hell, the Liche Priest is actually better than the older ones because the sculptor remembered they're technically still alive.
What the fuck are the imperial navy doing in Bretonnia? Anyway, their armor is all kind of retarded.
lorewise, the wood elf egalitarianism only became a thing in their 6th ed facelift. before then, every wood elf unit model save the spellcasters and Ariel were men. dark elves always had witch elves, not sure about their regular warriors. i know the plastic models always had female torsos. what about the even older metal minis? and the high elves similar always had male units and models, again save for the everqueen and her guard. seeing female elves on the front lines that weren't spellflingers was exceeding rare and changed around 6th ed and later for the high elves. not disputing that it's current lore, just trying to add context.
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breachers? more like breeders, amirite gentlemen?
these faces actually passable wtf
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The KT sculptors seem to know how to make heads. It's eerie.

Is that lore? Or was it just the models they were making at the time?
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you got me, anon. they just didn't make female elf soldiers because...because...well they were always pretty shit at female faces. have you SEEN Ariel? holy shit, a trooner before troons really took off. ahead of their time, really.
The new foot knights are admittedly a swing and a miss. But all the new Bret character models are pretty nice.
perky tits though
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You don't need to play games for minis to be "for Warhammer". Maybe some people just like the look of minis and the setting but have never played a game. They're still "for Warhammer." I've never been much of a game person, but i've always loved the look of well painted toy soldiers.


They were meant to be a test to see how they fair scale wise as Bretonnian proxies. I just happened to paint one of them Green/Yellow because I like the pallet.

The older Perry sculpts are a pretty sound choice for proxies, they're more chunkier than their more recent products which help lend themselves towards the "heroic" 28mm scale that a good portion of official miniatures employ.
>i've always loved the look of well painted toy soldiers
Should clarify, mine rarely fall into this category.
Literally official art of foot knights.
that looks like concept art more than anything else.
>You don't need to play games for minis to be "for Warhammer". Maybe some people just like the look of minis and the setting but have never played a game. They're still "for Warhammer." I've never been much of a game person, but i've always loved the look of well painted toy soldiers.

Nothing you're describing is "Warhammer." There are things that make something Warhammer specifically and not for minis gaming in general.

Nogames are frankly pathetic. They're usually the people who are either too stupid to read a rulebook or the type to break down in tears when they lose a game.
Specialist Game sculptors in general seem better with heads and faces.
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I've been trying for days to get the right sand consistency for sand basing. Too thin and it looks grainy and unnatural when you paint it. Too thick and it looks like rocks that would make people cut their feet or stumble. Mixture of both and the thick and thin sand grains don't mix evenly.
So tell me; to whom does Karak Eight Peaks belong?
>Nothing you're describing is "Warhammer." There are things that make something Warhammer specifically and not for minis gaming in general.
In this context, it's about aesthetics/looks that are aimed for. In the spirit of the setting.

>Nogames are frankly pathetic. They're usually the people who are either too stupid to read a rulebook or the type to break down in tears when they lose a game.
Maybe they just enjoy painting minis anon, no need to fabricate and fling shit. If you take such an attitude to folk outside of your gaming circle you're going to run out of players.
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To the strongest.

How about glue on large grains then glue on a layer of smaller ones?
>To the strongest.
Definitely not the dwarfs then
I can't imagine anyone playing any rounds with a total fag like you.
First of all saurus warriors are awful. They lose to anything except the weakest chaff. (Last match a single razorgor killed a whole unit of saurus warriors alone.)
But it's also not possible to charge into casters when I don't have flying unit. My opponent is not stupid he doesn't march his lone caster out in front of his whole army.

My best bet is trying to keep my Slann outside of range of his caster but I had BSB on him so I wanted him in range of my units. Next game I will try without the banner since he died turn 2 both games so it's a waste of points.
>To the strongest
Queue dawi diadochi
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Which of the 4 Chaos Gods is the LEAST likely to screw you over accidentally or purposelly?
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Khorne. He doesn't scheme or plot. He wants you to grab your axe and kill, not be a coward, and die cool/well. He's incredibly one dimensional compared to the other gods, but that's kinda refreshing.
vashuth, khorne, nurgle, slaanesh, tzeentch, ratto

in that order
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So since Chorfs are being teased for AoS right now does that mean they're even deader for TOW than they are now? No way will GW want the competition.
I just hope the models are cool and work alongside the FW ones but with AoS it's always a gamble.
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That a homebrew chaos god Anon? Or do you mean hashut?
>does that mean they're even deader for TOW than they are now?
They're a legacy army for TOW, I don't know what life you expected them to have Anon.
the guy with demon machines
There was an ember of hope in Hashut's unholy furnace. Now it is gone.
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Ah you mean everyone's favorite chaos character Vashtorr
chorfs cannot happen in tow because they don't have a plastic range to use, a fully resin range isn't going to be viable
best tow can hope for is for some chorf fw units to get used as additional units in some future chaos army of infamy

but I seem to recall their old moulds were ruined or something
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Vashtorr? This is Fantasy Anon, we don't have him here. Closest we have is Hashut.

People have been keeping Chorfs alive for literal decades upon decades Anon. They'll survive.
Vashtorr? Not a chaos god.
For real though Hashut would have been cool for 40K and then they get some random jackass in an apron
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I said the guy with demon machines
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After reading Palace of the Plague Lord, that really put a damper on my liking of Nurgle and put Tzeentch to straight not-acknowledging tier for me. Sort of ruined the ending.
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Man it sure would be a shame if they reworked the model into some kind of hideous Khorne daemon with its ass hanging out they've now stopped selling as well
No, you said Vashuth, which isn't his name.
I really hope that wasnt the official model.
It was a WIP that never got a release so I'd say no
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>you said ashuth
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>Total War Redesigned.
Lol. Lmao.
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yeah, no, they just used the artwork and the unreleased model

thank god they redesigned the parts they did, you wouldn't like the face otherwise
God I wish I'd gotten my hands on that book but it sells for hundreds now.
Maybe they did us a service by turning it into a hideous piece of shit for the Khorne sloppers so quality standards for chorfs could be held.
apparently going hearsay, Chorfs were going to be part of TOW(which might explain why they have so many notes. in the TOW timeline) but a GW higher up saw what was being design for the Chorfs and forced it to go into AoS instead.
What notes are there for them In tow
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Are there any good plastic men at arms proxies? The official kit is too uniform for me
they just have a lot of mentions in the Timeline in the main TOW Rulebook no new information so it feels pretty odd that they get mentions so much in it
But Hashut is a random jackass in an apron.
Hashut smiths in the nude
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finished the hopping retards. Only 3 blorcs and a doom diver catapult to finish my 2k army
>"heroic" 28mm scale
I think I would rather have models that look good, than fit in with bad models.
I don't really like historical minis in my fantasy game. Warhammer is big and dumb and goofy so the historically accurate tism simulator stuff really takes me out of it.
Without that historically accurate bits to ground things, you're left with only the gonzo. Which leads to where AoS is now..
At a certain point you have to stop pretending to care about Warhammer because it's too unbelievable.
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I'm working on my second TOW army.
At a certain point, you should stop being retarded and paying a premium for miniatures that look bad.
>I'm working on my army
>posts a scenery piece
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Fireforge has solid plastic alternative in their Foot Sergeants. Unless you absolutely must have big tower shields.
>stop being retarded and paying a premium for miniatures that look bad.
That's an entirely different matter from going into a WFB thread and shitting on heroic scale
I already have 3D prints and if any AoS sculpts happen to be actually good and not more Bret-style DEI shit i'll just use them for TOW.
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>wood elves
my twigga!
Heroic scale is shit.
It's always been shit.
Even GW is slowly distancing itself from the inbred gorilla look.
>heroic scale is shit
>you think that stance is normal.

It isn't. The guy is magically animated bones with dried out flesh, why would his stance be normal?
>They were meant to be a test to see how they fair scale wise as Bretonnian proxies.

Then they're too well armoured to serve as men at arms.
>You don't need to play games for minis to be "for Warhammer".

How are ghe minis "for warhammer" if they aren't for playing a warhammer game, while also not being a sculpt of anything from the setting.
I think bits are fine, what fails the vibe check for me is just dropping historicals in without making them look a little more Warhammer. The grounded stuff is still a fun house mirror reflection of reality, so throwing in your English troops from the 1534 battle of Cocksburg would be dumb, but put big feathers on their hats and now they're Empire State Troops.

Skubar is skub because it has no sense of scale or stakes. Fantasy, for as dumb and unrealistic as it is, does.
>First of all saurus warriors are awful. They lose to anything except the weakest chaff. (Last match a single razorgor killed a whole unit of saurus warriors alone.)

Saurus warriors beat all beastmen infantry besides minotaurs in combat on average even without charge advantage.

>But it's also not possible to charge into casters when I don't have flying unit. My opponent is not stupid he doesn't march his lone caster out in front of his whole army.

Than how are they getting within range of your slann?
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>put big feathers on their hats and now they're Empire State Troops.
You know the Empire troops are one for one historical analogues right? Putting feathers and big codpieces on them makes them less fantastic, not more.
>Empire State Troops
ugh, i hate how unrealistic GW made these guys
Damn, pike and shotte doesn't mess around. A 150 man Empire army for $116.

They even all have shoes.
Forgor pic
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You could buy that or you could buy this stunning Chaos Marauder army!
They could be sillier. The pikes are pretty gay. Just a little converting and they'd fit right in.
You can get even cheaper, and since you clearly dont care about how your army looks you may as well.
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With the available weapon options, you could make the following:
24 Greatswords
24 Halberdiers (halberds should come with the zweihänder pack - if not, sad)
24 Handgunners + unit filler of 4 with Handbüchsen
24 Crossbowmen
48 Pikemen
There might be some lack of command models though.
Not him, but I honestly prefer historical minis to many wonky ass GW sculpts and standard human infantry is it.
>In this context, it's about aesthetics/looks that are aimed for. In the spirit of the setting.

Except you're explicitly using minis that don't have that aesthetic and aren't playing the game. It's not Warhammer.

>Maybe they just enjoy painting minis anon, no need to fabricate and fling shit. If you take such an attitude to folk outside of your gaming circle you're going to run out of players.

I have plenty of people to play with. You have to gatekeep people or else the group will fall apart.
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GW defense force please go.
They don't have the GW inbred innsmouth look and they all have shoes.

Why would l not get minis that look better and are cheaper? Why pay a premium to look worse?
Yeah it says it only has command for the pikemen, and I don't think it comes with extra weapons options aside from the stated handguns/crossbows
If only State troops weren't hot garbage this edition.
Musicians are the only thing you're really missing. You can convert unit champs and standards easy.
>inbred innsmouth look
This is important for an authentic Hockland army.
If only you could play something else than the current thing, go figure.
If you can find an opponent sure.
Big blocks of State troops were great in 8th.
>If you can find an opponent sure.
Be the change you want to see. I built my WFB group from scratch, teaching new players.
Starting to think you guys are just here because you're upset that your historical games aren't popular.
See >>93141500

>Except you're explicitly using minis that don't have that aesthetic and aren't playing the game. It's not Warhammer.

The miniatures used are historicals from the same period that inspired the faction the owner is attempting to portray with them, being painted in the same style, they do and therefore are. Unless you'd have a method of defining what is Warhammer when it comes to other anons toy soldiers.

>I have plenty of people to play with. You have to gatekeep people or else the group will fall apart.

It's good to hear that, however there's a difference between vetting people prior to letting them join and being needlessly unpleasant to others with similar interests.

Never been that fond of the look of the Warlord landsknechts. Not sure if it's the postures or scale, something just seems off about them. Maybe it's the way the pikes are held.
What are some good EU-vendors for moving trays with inbuilt adaptors?

Why are you saying Saurus are awful? They're better than my infantry.
>The miniatures used are historicals from the same period that inspired the faction the owner is attempting to portray with them, being painted in the same style,

First of all being painted in similar colors isn't being painted in the same style and simply being from a time period that the faction draws inspiration from is meaningless when it takes inspiration from many time periods spread across hundreds of years.

This is like painting up WW2 miniatures and calling them 40k models despite no intention of actually using them to play 40k

The miniatures used are historicals from the same period that inspired the faction the owner is attempting to portray with them, being painted in the same style, they do and therefore are. Unless you'd have a method of defining what is Warhammer when it comes to other anons toy soldiers.

No. The guy posting in here is posting 14th and 15th century soldiers, Bretts are meant to be earlier than that and Empire is very much 16th century.

So it fails at the historicity *and* the fantasy of it. Also none of them are on square bases so it's clear the game is not being played. It's not warhammer.

I was going to buy some Perry historicals for Silver Bayonet but now I'm not, because fuck you guys.

>It's good to hear that, however there's a difference between vetting people prior to letting them join and being needlessly unpleasant to others with similar interests.

A nogames troll painting historical minis and putting no effort into making them warhammer does not have similar interests to me.

So you know how GW likes to call it "the Games Workshop hobby" or "the Warhammer hobby" to pretend that other companies don't exist? This guy is doing the same thing by calling his historicals "warhammer." It's like he doesn't know that "minis games" are a thing.
So third party historicals painted in a Warhammer inspired scheme?
I mean calling it a "warhammer scheme" is a stretch, color schemes like white and black, green and yellow etc. aren't uniquely warhammer nor are there really any schemes that are a well known for a faction like 40k has with Space marines.

It's not warhammer-inspired, you can see that the dude is painting things all willy-nilly and using the sharpshooter fallacy to say it's warhammer.
>keep walking! Only GW approved models in THIS neighbourhood, Nigger!

You do know there are other games than Warhammer right? And you can just go play those?
>no I don't paint fantasy models nor do I play the game, why else would I be posting in /wfg/?
I can't get over how cartoony those footknights look.
>ONLY purchase GW approved models. ONLY paint using GW paints. ONLY read GW publications. One drop rule, if there is a single part of the model that wasn't made in a GW factory then you can't play.
once upon a time there was this thing called...proxying, i think it was.
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Why were they so unpopular? I think they had some of the coolest themes and best designs going for them.
Obviously it was hard to buy into in the FW era. But why were they never made a main faction by GW after 4th?
Damn, now thats a blast from the past
To proxy you have to actually play the game genius
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>no games! no games!
fuck you guys get so tiresome
>compendium 2004?
that was my first 'army book' (wood elves 6th before reboot). i get the warmest feeling pouring through those pages.
The OP literally said they had no intention of playing the game
do you, or do you not, allow opponents to proxy their units with models outside of citadel miniatures? it's a yes-no question.
If they look good, sure.
i knew you was good people.
in the 90s they were a compilation of WD articles rather than a full army book along with that they were not well supported by new models unlike some other ranges

I painted them four years ago. I was testing for decent bret proxies. Wargames Foundry's decent. Have my eye on their sister producer Casting Room Miniatures who do some landsknecht archers which is quite a rarity.

This whole topic has gone out of proportion. I regret ever trying to contribute to this thread.
You can't justify antagonism to proxies when the Perry brothers exist
If they're on the proper bases of course but that was never in question
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God Bless the Perry's
Should have blessed them before they played around with cannons
I think the proxy thing works temporarily if you're trying stuff out or working on them as you go. Just dropping >>93143607 on the table and saying it's Empire trust me bro is proxying and I might be ok with it once. Putting in some effort to convert and make it look like a Warhammer army is when it stops being a proxy and ends up a cool conversion. Putting in that effort to make your dudes fit in the setting is pretty basic respect to your gaming group and is greatly appreciated.
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He rolled on the misfire table, he just didn't know it.
Ariel is one of my favourite Warhammer characters and sculpts. Don't know what you're complaining about, she's awesome.
Love the lore. Love the character's design. Love the art. Love the model.
Wtf do you mean "why" dude?

You utterly failed.
I unironically prefer these heads, weapons and the little bits and bobs on the bodies, like bones, packs, hourglasses and what have you.

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