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Yamete kudasai Edition


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What's your favourite deck in your favourite format?
Deck:Dimir control
Pic related my pet card
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Lotus Combo in Pioneer but only because I can't play Pauper as often as I would like to.
"Oops all pikers" in sealed
Love myself some good old 2/1 for 1 and 3/1 for 2
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No need.
Remember that EDH will always be magic
coffers in pioneer
White Heroic, Pauper. This deck is my guilty pleasure.
no matter how far I try to get away from it I keep going back to affinity
GW counters with botanical brawler has been the most fun I've had in standard since khans
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Why it's always EDH who gets the cool stuff? It's not fair
For you, anon.
>lose 3 fucking games in a row due to shitty RNG and playing against tryhard meme decks
>4th game, its a nigger with a 243 card deck.

Why am I doing this to myself, what the fuck am I doing wrong with my decks that allows this to happen.
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passed by a store and bought 2 MH3 packs on a whim, look at this outrageous first pack
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Is there any way for Golgari to compete in pioneer due to Amalia, Sorin AND Nyx ramp?

I bet you're the type of nigger who plays a 243 card rat deck.
Kind of old, but only realized this yesterday: volume 15 of destroy all humans includes snuff out as the promo card. Grab some from amazon for affordable promo japanese snuff. Look up すべての人類を破壊する。それらは再生できない。 (15) in JP Amazon and make sure to buy the paper version.
Post deck
Yes you play Golgari midrange with tons of value and removal or if you want to fight fire with fire you play Golgari vampires
Why no necromentia?
>losing to 200+ card pile
>not even battle of wits
what kind of deck were you playing, anon? genuinely curious
I'll just wait for the translated version since they have the same promos but in english
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>my deck survived a banning AND MH3 rotation
living end chads we fucking won
Dunno. I used to run Necromentia in my Lotus deck sideboard. I will never forget chaining it with Bala Ged Recovery and Lier to literally take my opponent's deck apart in a mirror match.
>Gyoro and Yawgmoth remain
>Izzet wizards, Izzet prowress, MONORED prowress
Absolutely fucking cringe.
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I'm ready to play pioneer!
This is a Commander haul.
Tree of Perdition combo chad, i salute you.
Okay, why the Tyvar though? It's not like untapping is that relevant? Wouldn't Sorin and ripper be better with some graveyard stuff like squirming emergence?
>It's not like untapping is that relevant?
Priest of Forgotten Gods, perhaps.
>Wouldn't Sorin and ripper be better
Maybe that player is not a soulless corporate golem?
Tyvars helps a lot for the rots combo for two reasons: -2 brings a creature back triggering the roots and priest have to tap herself to activate her ability so untapping her allows for two less creatures, 4 free black mana and two cards
Two cards should win you the game though.... You need 4 creatures to sacrifice and you only get 4 mana + 2 cards.

Seems extremely inconsistent to me even with recursive creatures
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Literally just built this guy in paper yesterday. Incredible taste anon
Living End, it turns out, is really good at exploiting unrefined decks
>Two cards should win you the game though...
Hey look, we have an expert here.
The combination of Priest of forgotten gods and roots is really strong anon specially if you have all those recursive creatures that also trigger the enchantment, that's why roots keep getting good challenge and league results
God speed you magnificent retard
Footfall bros...
Merfolk sis...
Affinity chuds
You well shit you might be right if you hit the miner
I cannot fucking wait for Wandering Emperor to leave Standard.
Next month right?
Yup. I'm just praying WOTC aren't dumb enough to print a replacement for it in Bloomburrow. It's a terribly oppressive design imo.
what? rotation is not in september? my standard decks will rotate next month? WTF WOTC
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It's time for the grown men to admit MTGO is as bad as Arena
>rotation is not in september?
no, bloomburrow comes out at the end of july
The word rotation used to have a meaning
>All fucking real formats, all cards, Bo3 leagues, not even SO MUCH rigged
>Alchemy, fake ridiculous formats, alchemy, not even half the cards for real magic, alchemy, ABSOLUTELY rigged, i said Alchemy?

Checkmate, zoomer.
Vein ripper is utterly unplayable without sorin so the one comment on its prohibitive cost isn't wrong
I wanna believe affinity is a real archetype so bad, bros
I want to believe in fairy tales too anon...
To be honest MTGO has made up formats too, such as and may God have mercy on me for uttering this word, pioqueer.
The only queer anon is you that probably enjoy a turd of a format like Memedern
Pioneer was good until Fable got printed, it's been downhill since
>he fell for the wotc scam to sell draftchaff at a 5000% mark up
lol,lmaoing at your life.
>Trying to backpedal from an argument with a retarded le ebin shitpost
You have to go back.
Yes, this is exactly what Modern is.
>Cards that aren't playable in constructed formats are "draft chaff"
Yes. Drafting is also a scam but you're not wrong.
>Constructed formats are a scam to increase the cost of draft chaff
lol, almost, but if it's in a constructed format then you can't call it draft chaff, not being used in constructed is the only thing that makes a card draft chaff. Constructed formats are a scam to increase the cost of cardboard.
Why does everything you spend money on have to be a scam you fucking retard? Just go lie down on the floor of your single room apartment bereft of all wordly possessions and leave the rest of us alone lmao
what format drives the most demand for singles other than commander?
Standard probably kek
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Thoughts on my next paper deck?
looks neat but what is the purpose of jolrael in the sideboard?
Uhh, my sideboard kinda fluctuates between being an actual sideboard and just cards I considered for the mainboard. I just forgot she was there lol
Whatever format is on the rotation for competitive play that year.
Otherwise normally pauper moves the most singles.
Did there used to be a way to link decks anonymously on goldfish? Irritates me it's either private or has my name attached
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I had a string of 5 losses, and now I'm back to winning some games in Historic BO1. I got to platinum last season with this, and I'm close to plat again after taking a break for half the season.

but here it is, r8 and h8, I know I'm bad at making decks.
>but here it is, r8 and h8, I know I'm bad at making decks.
It's fucking trash m8
Cool in theory but your cards are largely just other cards but worse
Fix it then, because I don't know how.

What other cards.

Also I was just playing a game and a dude dropped Time Warp, which I thought was fucking banned in Historic.
You're not even running Fatal Push. Just look at the top meta decks and the cards they are running. Run the best removal spells, run the best counter spells. If you want to do a meme around your walkers and eldest reborn that's fine, the rest of your cards just need to be more cutthroat to support the jank
>Fix it then, because I don't know how.
pay me, coaching ain't free
This is the type of deck I ran in GRN Standard lol. I love this type of thing, but almost everything you've got is done better by other cards.
no, be more like the other guy and then your advice might be worth a penny.


that helps, thank you. I like the janky weird combos and memes, I hate constantly playing the meta. I am running into constant issues where others are playing this wild decks that play perfectly, I hope they also experience the same pain I am.

sick quads brah.

You will never be a real magic format
>MTGO decklists are still down
>no, be more like the other guy and then your advice might be worth a penny.
It's ain't me hardstuck gold lol
Just pull the data directly from daybreak's servers
where is Amulet Titan?
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you can read the full thing here:
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I'll begin with telling you have a high curve and need more cards like counterspells you can cast turn 1 and 2 to survive lategame. You have too many basic lands cut five of them out and add more dual lands.
Cut the Contempt and use Baleful Mastery as lifegain isn't that important in this deck.
Cut Nightveil Predator for a creature like Invisible Stalker that is easier too cast.
>single room apartment
>bereft of all wordly possessions
he's getting scammed by rent, better to live out in the wild (aka the street)
>What's your favourite deck in your favourite format?
Nyk Green, for Pioqueer.
You can say Pioneer, we're all adults here.
Pioqueer has a nice ring to it.
>we're all adults here
>won't respond to the post he's referring to
I have my doubts.
if fetchlands aren't legal in your format it's not a real format
>if you don't want 4/5 color goodstuff piles in your format is isn't real Magic
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>madness emrakul
the last real format was extended
Pioneer has people playing 5C Atraxa shit
The only 5c pile in pioneer that sees play is niv to light
SSS decks. Any format.
Premodern chads still winning
I have a rules question. If I cast ephemerate on leonin relic warder do the etb and ltb enter the stack sequentially in the order of the text of ephemerate or simultaneously because they occur while a spell is resolving. Basically can I re-exile something that is under relic warder using ephemerate?
Time to use that rope anon-kun.
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>Any format.
it seems fine in limited and vintage
>ephemerate target relic warder
>it leaves, leaves the battlefield trigger happens
>it comes back in etb trigger
>ephemerate resolves
>stack is now etb trigger leave trigger
>and the field is wide open.
The top decks having illusory diversity does not mean a meta is healthy.
A meta is healthy when niche decks can compete with top decks.
Ten meta decks suppressing thousands of brews does not mean the meta is healthy just because "Look, there's so many top performing decks! There's like, ten of them!"
How many fucking times do we have to go through this before the sycophants get it through their thick skulls?
Meant for >>93136389
I hope you blink hard in games anon
Yes, you could blink it just to exile whatever it currently has. But what you want to do is cast warder, but hold priority while the ETB is on the stack. Then cast ephemerate on warder. Thus warder gets blinked and does its usual thing, but the original ETB will go off and the exiled artifact/enchantment is gone forever because warder is a new object after blinking.
But if both triggers happen while the spell in in the process of resolving can't I stack them in whatever order?
It's a tossup between Dimir Faeries and Terror in Pauper. I'm a sucker for control-leaning midrange builds and I'm always a fan of any deck that gets to run Snuff Out. Terror letting me slam 5/5's speaks to my inner timmy but I do love a good Spellstutter Sprite and I have had a lot more success on Faeries.
What are some card sleeve brands you guys recommend?
Yeah. The first ETB goes on the stack first. Then the Ephemerate. Once that resolves, you still have an ETB trigger on the stack, but the LTB and ETB happen at the same time, so you get to pick which order they go in, but both happen before the original ETB trigger, which now just straight exiles something without an LTB to bring it back.
if triomes are legal in your format it's not real magic
KMC Hyper Mattes have never betrayed me
Dragon Shield Matte's and Ultimate Guard Katana's and KMC toploading inner sleeves. Had some quality control issues with the last DS sleeves I got but their customer service was very good, had to fill out a form but they sent me out replacements at on expense.
Dragon Shield all day every day. They had some quality issues about a year ago but their latest releases are top tier again. Do NOT buy into APEX scam by Ultra Pro. They charge you two times more than Dragon Shield for much worse quality >>93136810.
I get why Prowess is cringe but what's wrong with Wizards?
I always play burn. Always and everywhere. Not being able to play burn is why I don't play Limited. I will burn you through your Leylines, Firewalkers and Circles, and cast the lethal Bolt when you futilely tap out for lifegain.
I always play control. Always and everywhere. being able to play control is why I also play Limited. I will counter you through your Pyroblasts, Red Elemental Blasts and Bolts, and cast the free counter when you futilely try burn for lethal.
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I don't care what anyone says, but the worn, heavily played aesthetic is pleasing and comfy.
RDW in standard
It's good that you don't care because you should be savagely berated for having this opinion
I always play Tempo. Always and everywhere. Being able to play Tempo is why I also play Limited. I will Tempo you through your Leylines, Bolts and Creatures, and cast in your turn both the counter and the creature that will kill you when you futilely tap out to cast anything. Perfection.
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You think Bloomburrow will bring any new archetype? Or will be another boring set like OTJ?
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It will be a shitty tribal-focused set featuring many "this ability only triggers once each turn" effects, a few lords for tribes that nobody gives a shit about, all the good art reserved for some premium release, and more legendary creatures than nonlegendaries somehow
>more legendary creatures than nonlegendaries somehow
Fuck i cant bear this... This trend of ten thousand legendaries for set must fucking end for fuck's sake
You wish you could with your scrawny little hands, pencil neck. I know exactly the type of faggot you are at LGSs.
Has MtG been saved already or are doomposters winning?
>inb4 blb shill
Stores closing everywhere, random prices increases, non commander events failing to start everywhere, what do you think?
>I always play burn. Always and everywhere
Tits or gtfo
It's the end anon? The end is happening right now according to you?
Just 5,500 more gold until I can draft... Why isn't there always a quick draft even running? (for a standard set not meme formats(everything but standard + limited))

Jim posted about getting to do a 4th edition draft at his friend's new house and the asshole didn't even record it.
>random prices increases
that indicates a strong market anon
why footfalls died? i thought even without fury still was very strong.
>why footfalls died?
violent outburst was extremely important for the deck
Oh true, i forgot about that other ban
I gave this list a shot in moxfield and it's just too slow, too janky. Insidious roots works as a wincon but it needs to be set up. Too bad all your creatures won't slow rakdos down a single bit or provide pressure to deal with control decks...

Maybe you could make it more balanced but m I don't think banking on Cauldron/Roots that much is a good idea. You still lack some of the stables like Glissa
That indicates desperation
First they came for the uncovered thighs and bellies, then they came for the boobs, and now, they've come for the footfags... Soon, no fetish will be safe.
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>absolutely nobody: ...
>me: Pays B
Go ahead...if you dare.
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Thank God they printed Refurbished Familiar. Affinity and Orzhov Blade really needed an infinite loop of Hymn to Tourach drawing them two cards on a stick.
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ban a card from your favourite format
unban a card from your favourite format
i start,
ban amalia benavides, unban pic related
It's like you know I was coming back.

Ban Grief.
Free Him.
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Hareruya East vs West Modern championship meta share
Is Dredge even still relevant?
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Winota my beloved needs an unban, she's fair now
Ban Amalia
>Only one Nadu ar the 16 top deck lists of Jap
Explain yourselves.
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Ban Treasure Cruise
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Look at this decklist which went undefeated in a modern MH3 Brewers tournament, with a collectors booster box as 1st prize. What do you notice about the cards?

All nonlands apart from Counterspell were first printed in the past 6 years, with the bulk of them being from the past 3

And this is a MODERN tournament. Disgusting.

In vintage only

Grief aside because I would be amazed if it wasn't banned on Monday,
-Orcish Bowmasters
+Hermit Druid
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>on paper by hand with a pencil
>thanks for taking the time to look at my art harder than i ever have
A good artist is his own worst critic
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Boobs are just fat, basically.
If it was normalized for men to wear bras? Shit, the majority would need them with those fucking flabby mantits.
>my boobs are real too
so it's confirmed AI?
Based if real
This post confuses me. The artist is taking pride in being unable to draw functional hands? The art didn't ring AI alarm bells because it was good, it rang AI alarm bells because it has noticeable errors in it.
A lot of artists will not draw every single finger or even complete hands because it's not a focal point of an image.
Noticeable errors in sections that are smaller than a penny. There is no zoom function in real life, you can only draw strokes as small as your brush allows.
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post your bad pioneer deck or else
Get a smaller brush?
I haven't updated it in a while tho
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zased mana costs
>there is no zoom function in real life
I love rotations
Modern rotated and it's better than before
In a month Standard will rotate too and we will be free of a lot of shit
I want Pioneer to rotate too
I like rotations when my deck doesn't rotate but everyone else's does, it's kinda like winning a mini lottery
Holy autism but congrats on the dedication
You do realize that actual artists do use magnifying glasses to paint small details, right?
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What creatures should I run in my Timeless delver meme? (Murktide isn't on arena)
There seem to be a lot of options, I'm currently testing a combination of Delver, DRC, Frog, Nethergoyf and Bowmaster, not all 4 ofs.
I haven't tried Deathrite yet, supposedly it was broken in Legacy Delver but surprisingly it doesn't seem to be that dominant in Timeless.
Maybe it unironically got a bit powercreeped, but I guess the lack of Daze and Wasteland also makes him worse.
Don't play with me, faggot. Playing with me is like playing with fire. You don't want to fuck with fire. Shit, you don't even want to jerk off with fire. I'll beat your ass. I'll beat off on your ass after I beat up your asshole. Fucking idiot.
It's up
Damn, sorry. I'll delete my post. I don't want any trouble.
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>One Piece tcg collapsed
Say it after me: the Reserved List is a good thing!
Your deck is literally playing cards printed after 2019 except for the titular card and a few others, you are fucking stupid.
Do not listen to the other guys, Dragon Shield are crap. Get Kmc Hyper mat.
Dragon shield quality varies wildly by color and type. Ultimate guard katanas work every time and shuffle smooth.
Have you ever heard of this thing called "style"?
What happened?
Was that TCG even good?
If the other responses didn't make it clear, Dragonshield are industry standard and KMC Super Matte are underrated gems. Recommend getting a pack of each and deciding for yourself, lord knows you'll be playing more that two decks
>my boobs are real
Retard isn't a style, it's a mental deficiency.
I don't see how that's an issue for me, I got into the deck in 2022
No idea, it always looked like a cashgrab for retards to me.
Yeah I'm not into One Piss it seems stupid as fuck so I never bothered. It was getting shilled hard for awhile.
>me only look at short term
>long term is for pretentious losers
>me smart
>Openly acknowledges boobs
Easiest way to end your career at WotC.

A bit silly that Beckert is being accused of AI. She's had the same distinct style since years before StableDiffusion and other AI image software became available.
I hate Phoenix so much and people here say they will never touch such deck because is "fun" what the hell, make delver/dredge and storm a thing again if fun matters more than balance
It's not realistic art. You're dumb.
Clearly, the bitch is missing fingers and shit.
Is her a fe(male) right? Because if not that comment can make a lot of people angry specially at Wokes of the Coast
What's a good site to print proxies? I only want proxies for my flip cards that are unsleeved.
bro calm down, I never said any of that, you're beating a strawman
This dude is impressive when you give him a chance
But you did say that.
Enjoy your deck while it last because you clearly lack enough clarity to cash out while you still can.
Real woman, just a scrawny one
>But you did say that.
I did not, you are putting words in my mouth and getting upset about them
>Enjoy your deck while it last
that's what I've been doing since I got the deck, that's why I'm happy it didn't rotate
>to cash out while you still can.
what am I supposed to cash out? living end is a deck of draft chaff cyclers and free spells, I use the free spells in my legacy decks, so I'm not getting rid of them, you want me to sell a bunch of cyclers?

there is a reason why I decided to pick living end back in 2022, I already had all of the expensive cards
I use https://proxy.griselbrand.com/
Did something happen?
Every day I resent the fact that we have to make this retarded distinction because half the population in the west is too brainwashed to tell these mentally deranged trannies to fuck off
sad that magictrannies have to lash out at one piece due to the state of their game...
currently? Modern Crabvine
all time? Pioneer Lurrus Rakdos

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My friends want to buy precons to play regular commander (maybe 1v1 with the precons since multi is gay and garbage). Wich one do you guys recommend?
Which one of you is going to top when you fuck after?
The one who wins ofc. You fucking retard. Do you even play magic?
I thought it was like being on the draw/play. Technically loser gets to chose but it's always better to just go first.
card with good art is $20
same card with bad art is $10
which one do you buy?
one of each
I bought 4 shitty art Ashioks and Thoughtseizes because I'm a poorfag. I have my regrets.
depends how desperate you are, prices fluctuate over time but bad art stays bad forever
you should all just buy tabletop simulator for 1/3rd the price of a commander precon
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Post unplayable cards with amazing art

$1 for the fake version of the one with good art
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Good art if I can afford it
~$1 equivalent jank if it exists

Never buy the bad art
What makes him so good?
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ngl bro he proly throwin like 7 or 13 dmg at ppl
Doesn't the cat do it better?
what if they did it
I thought you guys said he would be good
>playing pure combo nadu
I sleep
>playing nadu as a value bomb in hammertime
real shit
>Put a token and deal like 2 dmg to a target
>Deal like 6 dmg to a target

IDK anon, for a 20 life format I think sorin is better, but anyway fuck those new 2 mana walkers
>1vs1 commander

LITERALLY the worst kind of playing magic.

Your friends gonna have more fun cutting cards with a scissors
1. Extort
2. Can randomly deal huge bursts of damage with his -1
3. Makes food
4. His ultimate is useable and can have impact some times
>playing monored but with a potato pc unable to ru arena, I only get to play at my LGS when stars align.
>get assraped every weeked on FNM.
>finally decide to save up money and buy a decent gayming pc (I had no PC prior to this)
>practice daily until I gut gud.
>Bloomburrow just around the corner.
What do? Do I go online only or cut my loses and reassemble my into into a rotation proof brew?
>LITERALLY the worst kind of playing magic.
you haven't played multi
He's a mistake and should have never made it past the drawing board
>Fix it then, because I don't know how.
This retarded faggot spends money on the game and gets mad after losing due to lack of skill. The comedy writes itself.
Anyone know if I can use bushiroad sleeves? Concerned the cards will feel a bit lose in them.
Use oversleeves, anon.
t.waifu sleeve expert.
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>necro won the hareyuya tournament
I kneel
Any recommendations? What combos do you use?
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KMC oversleeves gold frame
VERY tough.
Thanks anon. I assume you use these over bushiroad or broccoli waifu sleeves?
ban leyline binding
unban dark depths
bullshit that one of the most famous warrior philosophers is a 0/4

nonetheless I will be cramming this insipid card into any and every deck I can.
No, I use them WITH bushiroad/broccoli waifu sleeves
Ah, wrong choice of words lmao. Thanks!
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>KMC oversleeves
Enjoy your scratches after one shuffle
If you're willing to use a proxy, get amii racco or GRATS oversleeves. Otherwise, use Broccoli. Pic related is with Racco fine matte side up/fine matte side down. Admittedly the racco ones do scratch but not as quickly as KMC. KMC perfect fits are best for inners, however.
Was Alara fun to draft?
niv-mizzet kind of bangable
Shards = yes
Shards and Conflux = yes
Shards, Conflux and Reborn = no
>Shards, Conflux and Reborn = no
Reborn was full multicolor meaning that you would end up needing to go full 3 color or 4 color in the draft (or pick borderposts and cycling cards in the Alara reborn packs) because of that the chances of more than two players going for the same shard combination was high meaning that you either had to be lucky on conflux or abandon the shard and go to another one (wasn't hard because of the Reborn hybrid mana).
It was a very skill intensive draft with little between block synergy for most of shards (only esper and jund really had one, Bant and Naya you had to be pick the few payoffs and grixis was just midrange decks)

The trick was to draft 4 colors (a shard and an adjacent color) in Alara Reborn. Then draft one of the middle colors in conflux (and get a feeling about what people are drafting). And in the Shards of Alara you either commit to one of the shards or make a 4 color deck.
In comparison: The conflux+Shard or just Shard draft you can easily go 2 colors. (You can go mono color but it is hard as fuck and hardly payoff) Also opening more shard packs gives more chances at picking lands and obelisks for mana fixing.
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>What's your favourite deck in your favourite format?
Monogreen angels in Pre-Modern
You don't need a PC to play Arena. You can run it even on 100EUR shitphones easily.
>Do I go online only or cut my loses and reassemble my into into a rotation proof brew?
If you are hell-bent on mastering Mono Red then I would advise to grind Arena for free and start buying whatever cards you are missing for a Pioneer Mono Red deck. The deck costs about $120 nowadays with $40 being a playset of SSS and $50 for a playset of Rampaging Ferocidon which is a sideboard card anyway.
I broke my 0 guess streak on Spellify because I accidentally typed Dark Condifant and I ain't even mad about, because that's pretty funny.
>Wylie keeps using female pronouns
>vTroon that accused her for using AI keeps addressing her "they/them"
Btw very based on Wylie's side to demand official apologize and/or deleting account by that thot.
Please tell me about raredrafting. I'm thinking about trying it because multiple copies of commons in my cardbox make me sad. I tried to simulate the experiense in draft simulators, and I usually end up with 3-coloured decks with. Am I doing it right?
1) take the highest rarity card
2) if there are multiple, follow BREAD
3) If there are multiple within a category, take the one which s/is both efficient and supports your other drafted cards
Why would I ever play Lifelink over Spirit Link? Spirit Link has an obvious upside of being a soft Pacifism if needed.
why is white orchid phantom so cheap right now? it seems like a crazy card.
i need to... netdeck... please winner lists... netdeck...

Elves T2!
lmao even
Spirit link is a trigger, so it won't save you if someone is swinging at you for lethal
>my deck survived
>we won
You did say that. You think you won. You celebrate. You lack the ability to see a predictable future, or probably you don't want to. I hope your deck must buy a brand new expensive card to stay competitive from the very next set. I hope it then becomes irrelevant.
People like you deserve to be abused until some sense is beaten into you.
Fuck what this game become and fuck the people that still play it, I wish them the worst.
why are you even here anon? also rotation happens every time with new product why blame players when is the company the problem?
This. Go play EDH or something
Consoomer npc mentality. Any sane person understands why I say what I say.
1. I am here because I love the game. I hate what it's become.
2. If you played the game before 2019 you would know that after that decks started rotating much more than before. What is happening now is not normal, not even close to it.
3. Companies take feedback from their userbase. If you keep consooming like the mindless drone you are then they will keep engaging in bad behaviour.

You truly are scum.
neither, I don't buy cards over 5 bucks and even then it needs to be one of those special arts that don't get reprinted so easy. otherwise I just p-word and wait until it does
I wil consoom even more just to spite you.
this is the hardest pill for most because they still want to use the new effects and cards that synergise with older ones. there is only one alternative and even that does not satisfy the majority. I've seen so many complain how some card has only a foil printing or the other way around yet they still have the non-desirable version
>Vote with your wallet!!!!
>Stop buying any product that will show them!!!
The only scum here is you that believe this tactic even lead to anything besides the death of the game.
>Let it die!!!
As i say the scum here is you and however hates Magic to that point
People who hate when others spend their money are the most pathetic posters on this website outside of literal communists and fascists.
>I will crush my balls even more just to spite you
Magic players are addicts.
That's not what I said, cretin.
You need to speak up and give negative feedback when its due, to the company and to the other players.
>nooo you can't punish bad behaviour think of the poor corporations!!!
Not buying garbage is the least thing you can do, if that triggers you then you truly are subhuman.
It's not a matter of money. It's a matter of the quality of the product, the game. You are also subhuman.
You are the kind of person that buys something just because it's expected of him, regardless of the quality.
Spoiler: rich people don't think like you. They just look at convenience, things to save time, and quality.
People who spend money on this garbage are more pathetic, imagine it as a display of your poor IQ.
I get joy out of collecting cards and building new decks. I enjoy playing the game with my friends and brothers. Shitposting ITT at work or while lying in bed in the morning is one of my favorite ways to pass time. I'm sorry you want everybody to be as miserable as you. By the way, I don't give a fuck what rich people think or do and neither should you.
Point #3 is compounded by the heavy entrenchment factor that comes with keeping competitive in a TCG. You can't just stop temporarily because the company did something you didn't like, because when you do eventually come back you'll still need cards that were printed in the interim to keep competitive, meaning you wind up supporting the products you avoided anyway.
>people should design cool looking cards with fun mechanics on them for me to play with for free!!!
>inb4 they aren't designing shit, it's just gay crossover stuff and hearthstone costume sets with no creativity or story

Yes but we just have to wait a generation for all the trannies and commiefornians to die out then magic will become great again. It's cardboard with text on it, just print them out and use see through duct tape.
Stop playing sanctioned formats. Give negative feedback publicly.
I don't give a fuck about you, retard. Why did you even think that was the case? I only care whatever effect you have on the game.
I think its pretty clear you don't give a fuck about anything besides pretending to be outraged on the internet.
>Stop playing sanctioned formats
I did a New Capenna prerelease using store credit I think? Then before that I did an Eldraine prerelease, also using that same store credit.
You keep putting words in my mouth.
I care about the game. You don't.
Listen bud I hate trannies and niggers as much as the next guy on this website but if I stopped buying products from insane leftypol retards altogether I would no longer be able to do any shopping whatsoever.
>but if I stopped buying products from insane leftypol retards altogether I would no longer be able to do any shopping whatsoever.
And what is the problem with that?
I enjoy being alive (or at least am too much of a coward to simply starve myself to death)
Do something else. I have been hiking a lot lately. Much better than being in a stinky shop with nerds playing a marxist game that hates me.
Now I'm playing Elden Ring. made by a company that cares about quality.
no you aren't. you're shitposting in a general dedicated to a game you hate and i guarantee you've probably been doing it consistently over the past 5 years.
you're pathetic.
>I will crush my balls even more just to spite you
In this case cbt is my fetish, so it's a win situation.
>Elden ringu
Please get out of here faggot...
>You did say that. You think you won. You celebrate.
I said I get to play my deck for longer, that's a good thing for me because I enjoy playing it, how is that hard to understand?
>I hope your deck must buy a brand new expensive card to stay competitive from the very next set. I hope it then becomes irrelevant.
if that happens then I can just stop playing modern and refocus into a different format, you keep talking like I invested a fortune into the deck when I've explained multiple times the main reason I got into it was because I only had to get a few cheap cards to play it, you're not even talking to me anymore, you're just getting angrier and angrier about this stawman you created in your head
>People like you deserve to be abused until some sense is beaten into you.
people like me who got into a deck for cheap? seriously you keep replying to me without engaging with anything I'm actually saying
>Fuck what this game become and fuck the people that still play it, I wish them the worst.
we don't care about you or your feelings, you're an anonymous, angry, bitter, and depressed individual lashing out at people on the internet, it doesn't make any logical sense for anyone here to care about your frustrations
No anon you are supposed to care about his frustrations because he cares oh so much about this game unlike us
>Ban Brainstorm
>Unban Treasure Cruise
I'm only half joking. GPNJ I really thought would be the perfect time to ban Brainstorm as Cruise and DTT were fueling blue decks while requiring significant setup while being more effected by hate (Rest in Peace). As a strictly mid-to-lategame effect it's weaker to begin with and powering down combo is something I will always vote for because game's are more fun than nongames.
If you buy everything WotC shits out and never ask yourself if the product could be better then your opinions on the game actually aren't worth shit.
Good thing I don't
Things that indicate you do not belong ITT
>you own cards
>you buy new cards
>you play mtg
>you enjoy the game
Anything else?
This is what the trolls and faggots around here want to gaslight people to believe
>tfw i don't play mtg but enjoy the game
Do I still belong here?
No. But at least you are more tolerable than "muh hate this game, muh stop buying stuff,fight the system"
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>no you aren't
Lmao whatever you say, I guess I wasn't really here the other day.
Discord trannie. Touch grass.
sorin combos better into early turn kills. the cat needs to see a creature die to flip, which means you are going to deal less with the ability because it is one less creature adding to the tally for the 0 ability. cat can more easily slot into random decks, sorin is more build around (because the general consensus is that lifegain is not good and there are less lifegain decks in general, but sorin is a good payoff for lifegain)
Sorin is totally a buildaround card.
>*slots him into the already existing #1 shell in modern where the only cards that can flip him are Guide of Souls and Phlage*
And yet is enough for make the dude be in the tier 1 decks with black so...
You're supposed to care about valid criticism.
It's a waste of time with you shiteaters.
Begging and pleading for people to not enjoy something is not a "valid criticism:
Oh I wasn't calling Sorin bad or anything close. He's just far easier to flip than I think people realised, especially when your T1 is more often than not hand disruption.
posts like yours. trying to make the critics look bad and make spite consumers; shills
>You're supposed to care about valid criticism
the "valid criticism" in question:
>People like you deserve to be abused until some sense is beaten into you.
>Fuck what this game become and fuck the people that still play it, I wish them the worst.
you don't get to be the angry, unhinged, frustrated, strawman beating guy while also saying "I'm only offering "valid criticism", nothing you said so far can be considered good faith criticism you're just insulting people who disagree with you and not listening to anything else
No, that's just the conclusion of having to deal with you subhumans, the criticism is something else I 've posted countless times.
- marxist agenda
- company hates the players
- bad art
- more expensive product
- shitty uninteractive and meaningless gameplay
- insane powercreep and deck rotation

You should know these by heart at this point but you do your best to still ignore it and go "WAAAAHHHH YOU'RE MEAN TO ME YOU HAVE NO ARGUMENT YOU'RE AN ANGRY INCEL CONSOOMING PRODUCT IS ACTUALLY GOOD I'M HAPPY UNLIKE YOU"
not a single person thinks your unhinged ramblings and strawman arguments are "valid criticism" you're genuinely living inside your own head and getting angry at people for not buying into your delusions
please seek a mental health professional
Based schizo poster
Cool post bro what do you think if baby sorin
Man this should be one of the worst manchild tantrums i have seen around here and yet he has the audacity to call others subhumans
LMAO even
Embarassing and pathetic.
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Put me in the screencap
>you don't have criticism!
>post criticism as if it were necessary to point out the obvious that's been discussed to death
>no one addresses it and leans even harder in the aforementioned subhuman behaviour
Like pottery.
>i-its everyone else who is retarded!
Will phlage be the most expensive card due to seeing play from MH3?
I only fap to Thalia futaporn
>ask criticism
>get criticism
>ignore it
>try to gaslight people
i feel like that is a very niche category. do you only get off to like 3 pics max? also, this is not an invitation to post it.
instead of this you should accelerate tho
Have you ever seen anyone ragequit at your LGS?
I preordered Ripples of Undeath for $21.
why in the world would you do that. i can spend 3 canadian monopoly bucks on one right now and that is STILL too much. it will drop to be a 75 cent card.
I can see how that happened. it's basically a better sylvan library. but as a rare, you GOTTA wait at least until release
Are we looking at the same card? You don't have to pay mana every turn for Sylvan Library.
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Hello, modern players! are you excited about the new modern designed set?
oh yeah I forgot that, haha. don't worry, my commander friends will not notice the missplay ; )
This is shit.
My brain went "well this is phyrexian arena and sylvan library's baby, everyone's gonna be running this in multiple formats"
WotC shills on full alert after this one dropped
>Let's make a modern legal set but playtest for commander
>But don't worry, we asked a consultant to take a quick look on the set ;^)
When are green player going to 4-of Smuggler's Surprise against Amalia?
>have to pay mana AND life to actually get the cards in hand
>upkeep only, so the effect is delayed
>unlike library can only put one extra card in hand
it's too many hoops. sylvan library is 2 mana and 8 life to draw an extra two cards on your next turn. to get the same amount of cards with ripples, you need an extra turn cycle, an input of 2 extra mana, and you are only paying 2 less life.
The same consoomers who turn a blind eye to black LOTR characters
Yes. Someone I know trew my deck across the room once. It almost got that guy banned from the store.
the store owner either really hates you or that guy is a huuge paypig.
>anything else?
Doesn't play commander.
It's incredible how even here of all places people still defend the company and the game.
Anyone still playing shitdern in 2021+3 is unironically a wotcuck
unironically being a christcuck
true since game's inception
>Most fun Magic format
>Playing it makes you a WOTCuck
>here of all places
A discussion thread for MTG?
A discussion thread for mtg on 4chan, yes. This is not plebbit.
Maybe you should make a dedicated general thread for people who hate mtg to shitpost in. It would genuinely likely get a lot of traffic and you wouldn't have to share a thread with people who enjoy the game.
>people who hate mtg
Again with this talmudic lie. You are a subhuman.
>t-the jews! They're the reason I have to shit up /mtg/ every day!
Oy vey
I love magic despite it having some problems!
>if I'm gonna repeat my lie everytime next time he will fall for it!
Gradually I began to hate them.
play tree combo.
How many 4 drops is too many?

Why does anyone play creature that cost less than 3? Are the weak and pathetic people?
>Not combo
Is shit.
Siege Rhino in year of our lord 2023+1? Couldn't be me, chief, you lost me.
blink dagger should cost 75 mana to use again
>Prison archetype dead
>Blink archetype dead
>Dredge archetype dead
>Not competitive tribal besides Vampires, Spirits, Human and Merfolks
Why WOTC hates fun?
We would have to unban Tolarian Academy so no.
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>"trading" card game
>nobody trades cards
>trading card "game"
>nobody plays
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>trading "card" game
>the game pieces are all pringles
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>anon you have GOT to see my ulalek eldrazi kindred deck
Kids still might. I'm not aware that trading cards was ever a thing adults actually did.
Do kids even play MTG?
obviously not, in fact card games are not for children anymore, those are too busy with minecraft, fornite, roblox... cheaper and 0 brain needed
sir, please disclose where you are meeting kids. thank you for your cooperation
>kids mentioned
>immediately can't stop thinking about pedophilia
Get help
>plays the trading card game on a digital platform
lmao even
you know minecraft and roblox teach kids programming, right? and fortnite has a developers kit for anyone to create fortnite worlds with. mtg is just fat people pretending to be smart with cards
I spent a couple hundred bucks on Legends of Runeterra when that game came out. I was really into it for a while. Then when I stopped playing it I realized what a waste of money it all was and vowed never to pay money for digital cards again.
Easy there pal, are you saying all the MTGO "investors" are retards? That's a whole community, bro.
Even if you had to be 18 or older to play mtg and you probably couldn't in some states, wotc is probably too short sighted to realize the few yearly stabbings as a result of bringing back the ante system would ultimately help their bottom line.
At least in mtgo you have a "real" collection of cards that you can sell out of in theory. Most online TCGs once you spent your money that's it, the value is gone forever
Magic leads to ludopathy even without ante.
I learned a new word today, thanks anon.
Someone has to invent a new word for people like you because bootlicker really doesn't cover it. Bootswallower? Retard? Corporate fanatic?
I like the slur "consumer". I've always despised that word. so dehumanizing
These are the people who think they're the sane ones lmao
to consume is to be human
only bots don't consume
>Hate Magic
>Don't consoom
>If we scream enough in the void of the internet surely something will change
Fuck today the threat seems full of trolls and retards, pathetic and boring
It's pretty common for actual discussion to die down once the thread hits bump limit since nobody wants to post their question/bait when the thread is about to be abandoned
Chill Mr. Consumer. I still like Magic, I'm just not gonna buy retarded shit products.
I still like to discuss the game: the good and the bad.
Did you get your corporate logo brand yet?
hey, maro. squirrels are gonna be modern playable after blb, right?
I like magic the gathering

I like spending my well earned
money on magic the gathering cards

I like meeting people and play magic the gathering

I like discussing magic the gathering online with other people
Which kind of cards would be needed to make skeletons a playable tribal?
Apparently original Theros block was gonna be a sort of time-jumping block throughout the same world before they pivoted to Greek mythology.
for which commander?
No i mean competitively playable as merfolk for example not casual boring kitchen table playable.
More haste skeletons and a black collected company
A lord that gives swampwalk and turns nonbasics into swamps.
Sounds like what they ended up doing for Kamigawa. Also potentially New Capenna.
free spells
A big Sheoldred like Skeleton creature with a hard-to-pass ward, a value engine skeleton like "everytime an skeleton dies draw a card" or something like that and a PW skeleton, a guy that synergizes with them, werewolves have one, vampires have one, hell even humans have a flip PW
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kek, i bet this was one of you
>go to play magic the gathering tournament
>people r stinky
>x-3 drop
>Most fun Magic format
Modern was only the most fun format prior to War of the Spark, and the Horizons skinwalker currently wearing its poorly-fitted flesh as a suit is not Modern.
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