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>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here:http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

>Errata for Third Edition

>Other Ex3 Resources

>Resources for Older Editions

>Current Quixalted Extended QE Version (Fanmade Supplement)

>Optional Quixalted Exalts

>4thchan Edition (4.2E)

>Exalted Demake/Black Vault (Now with updates):

>collection of Exalted Hacks

>stuff that might be interesting

Last thread: >>93075278

TQ: This is a bit meta, but what's your fondest memory of /exg/? We're all still here, brothers, and surely each of us has reasons for that.
The story times
Has there been any word on Quixalted 2.2?
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not qe anon, but here ya go. I forgot what was updated sorry...
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What kind of sea adventures did your table have?
Daily reminders that Lunars suck and Sidereals are better tricksters than them.

They also have a charm that let's them turn into a bird, so they are now better shapeshifters.
That's a bummer for Lunars. What edition?
Once I heard the theory that the reason for why "turn into an animal" isn't under sorcery, is because otherwise Lunars would lose their only niche.

3e? That anon used "now".
zzz dead thread
In our Essence game the Dawn into'd by carving open the sea with a big sword beamslash and we sailed the ship down the splash to the fair folk's underwater freehold. You can do a lot with Ventures.

In another game we were sailing in a convoy of three, and one of the other ships got boarded by a half-dozen ghosts. The party jumped over from their ship and we did a big sussus amongus thing where we'd work out whodunnit and wheredidit for all the shady activities, and explored weird arcanoi, still with all the crewmembers quarantined onboard and with cabin fever building up.

The one with string fingers who didn't possess people, just did mind manipulation to turn crew against each other, got caught out early by spirit sight. There were two that possessed objects, one in the captain's cabin possessing his armor and flinging the hung-up swords around, and the other took over the masthead and would be able to use it to control/divert the ship's heading. Then there was the one that would possess the living, who could also pull ventriloquist tricks to interfere with communication, and had a buddy who'd been moliated into a shadow that stuck by his feet to keep an eye out and stab people. The last one would possess the dead, and could vomit rats and spread disease.

They had a funny summoning ritual that they'd be able to pull off if they could get a few hours alone in a group of three or more as well, which the circle interrupted for the leads they needed on the final three (the body-hopper, the shadow, and the plague ghost). It would've pulled up some cool spectral creature from the Underworld for a ship-shattering climactic battle, though I never worked out what exactly the beastie would be. Probably a shadow kraken, and have the first moment you know about it be the sailors screaming about tentacles in the halls.
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Apart from Ride Sidereals, have there ever been groups of DBs or Solars in the setting that are known for being actual Dragon Riders?
The incarnated Immaculate Dragons, I guess.
that just sounds like fanon because important dbs = dragon riders.
imho I think Storm Serpent riders might be more appropriate, and a big reason why you don't see them anymore is that the legendary bound storm of the serpents doesn't exist at the moment.
>that just sounds like fanon because important dbs = dragon riders.
I'm pretty sure it's fanon in-character, yes.
nah, the books never even suggest anyone thinks this, you just made it up lel.
What's the best way to find players these days?
>imho I think Storm Serpent riders might be more appropriate, and a big reason why you don't see them anymore is that the legendary bound storm of the serpents doesn't exist at the moment.
Actually not a bad idea, the storm could also be a deadass palace island that they roost at. Maybe I'll steal this.
Unironically the Discords but you have to filter a lot. You can do Sword of Creation too.
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>In another game we were sailing in a convoy of three, and one of the other ships got boarded by a half-dozen ghosts. The party jumped over from their ship and we did a big sussus amongus thing where we'd work out whodunnit and wheredidit for all the shady activities, and explored weird arcanoi, still with all the crewmembers quarantined onboard and with cabin fever building up
Would you think it's theoretically possible for a Solar to become Infernal, in the same sort of manner as one of the Lawgivers being made into an Abyssal?

Thinking up ideas for Hellspawn-turned-Solar, and I'm thinking the demon parent may well try to bootleg their own "pet Infernal", which may or may not work but I'm trying to think of what might happen as a result.
Mostly to pitch to the ST, or as creative writing, but still.
That’s called an Akuma. Or if you want specifically a Green Sun Prince it was am elder thing in 2E.
>Would you think it's theoretically possible for a Solar to become Infernal, in the same sort of manner as one of the Lawgivers being made into an Abyssal?
Yes. In almost exactly the same way, even, where the Solar is very clearly at the mercy of the Yozi/3CD, gets stuffed into an Artifact N/A - possibly even Lilith, urgh - and tortured until their soul dissolves enough for the Yozi to do whatever they want, but alive enough to do it without the Exaltation flying off.
I don't know how you'd get the yozi to exercise enough care throughout the process to keep you alive, but technically yes. They made the infernal exaltations out of solar exaltations, after all. But how would get the god monsters to give enough of a shit to keep your PC alive?

Pretty much this. You fucking know they'd get crammed into Lilith.
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If you guys could Exalt what kind of exalt and what caste/Aspect would you want to be?
Also no one else will exalt.
Unless you are a DB then your kids can exalt.
I think that a Solar eclipse would be the most useful with their ability to bless deals.
I can eventually learn to do mostly everything else the other castes can do with time.
Haven't looked into any Infernal stuff, who or what is Lilith?
Endlessly violated hyper-preg slaveloli
Just looked her up (should have done that sooner, my bad) but the Lilith I found was the Lunar exalted who got slapped around by her Solar husband and is in her 20s.
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Lillun is the correct name, sorry. Picrel.
If I was to Exalt, and I was to be the only one to ever Exalt, ever, and those were the only stipulations... I think I'd choose to be an Abyssal.

The rationale is that there aren't any Neverborn or Deathlords to bully me IRL, which is where I am. The Litany of Sins will still be painful to deal with, but they are deal-with-able. More importantly, I'm lazy. I'm only going to Exalt, which doesn't imply that I'm also going to become a genius among Exalted like player characters can expect to be, only the very average kind or below that. And I'm lazy, so I can't rely on my future self to become immortal faster than their lifespan runs out. There's a good chance that if it was painful or involved too much effort, I wouldn't bother until the last minute, and for everybody other than Sidereals lifespan is highly variable so I might not have that last minute, and for Sidereals there's a non-zero chance fate convinces me to off myself. I can't rely on myself to reach enlightenment fast enough for immortality as an Infernal elder to kick in either. You need months on end of eight hours a day six day weeks meditation, quadrupled up from normal time because you don't have a mentor or notes, just to hit E4/E5.

Abyssals are naturally immortal. No matter what, I'll get there, in time.

It's not very brave, and it's not very ambitious, and I don't care enough about others to do better for them. It is reliable, though.

>I can eventually learn to do mostly everything else the other castes can do with time.
For this reason I'd probably go Moonshadow. Once I hit Essence 6 and can custom create charms from anywhere it'd let me mostly stop worrying about being stuck with just Abyssal charms forever.
Dawn Solar. Physical super powers > mental super powers.
Maybe I the short term but thinking long term being able to sanctify oaths is incredibly useful and you can always learn combat charms later even if with more difficulty.
What are you even going to flex on, IRL? You'll have to develop mental super powers anyway just to fund everybody else's military R&D so that they can put together super robots or something that're actually worth fighting.
No sidereal book?
No one else would exalt, but are there spirits and such to interact with that are just normally hidden ala Werewolf? Definitely Twilight Solar. Super crafting in the modern day along with spirit binding and sorcery would be OP. Imagine a twilight programmer binding spirits as AI.

Otherwise, probably still Twilight, but Secrets Sidereal is a really close second. Pulling strings from behind the curtain is the bedrock of modern politics, and noone beats a Sidereal at it.
Does Creation have any fantastic or otherwise exotic creatures that aren't just IRL mythological beings or dinosaurs OR cribbed off from other fantasy settings?
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Simhatas and those giant beasts of burden that I forgot the name of.
Creatures of the Wyld has loads of them. Undercoats, Chakra Orchids, Heart Wasps, Thousand Crows, Ice Blooms, Furnace Rhinos, Forest Mimics, etc etc.
You need a permanent Storm because they die once their storm ends. Some elementals live and die incredibly fast.
Yeah, you'd have to go with anon's idea of making a storm palace - which is badass, or maybe binding a storm inside someone or something.
beasts of resplendent liquids make different chemicals depending on what plants you feed them. the guild have some to piss heroin.
I miss Admiral bros.
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Yes, my mind went blank.
does that motherfucker have a globe in a game set on a flat world
>Furnace Rhino
Sounds like a Megaman X boss
Isn't that the point, that they're laughing at him for proposing the absurd reality of a round world?
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I know, I'm just amazed, dude's like a IRL flat earther but for Creation
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The reason is that it is actually a scrying orb early 1e
> But how would get the god monsters to give enough of a shit to keep your PC alive?

Same reason they'd want more infernals, potentially
but in this case it's an attempt to replicate it off to the side

> You fucking know they'd get crammed into Lilith.
Eh, maybe, ST can always choose to lessen that specific aspect. Especially since they hadn't actually written about this process.

Makes sense.
>thread question
Artchad. Simple as.
What recommendations would people have for a Midnight caste Abyssal more focused on commanding people and breaking them rather jumping into combat (was thinking Social as primary, Combat as secondary)
I would recommend being able to make a lot of permanent zombies, but not putting much effort into making them good. Popping up an army of the walking dead is surprisingly good atmospheric background music to any kind of intimidation or command, and they separate the dregs from the worthies so that you're only engaging in honorable single combat with half-decent foes who may have already been made to spend some resources beating your worthless ablative army.

Yeah, artchad.
Alright, what charms would be best for that? It's my first-ever character, not looking to break the game, just don't want to accidentally create a dud either.
the people with it here haven't dumped it, no, but we do have the manuscript
I don't know which edition you're in, anon.
If I'm understanding 2e artifact crafting right, you're still rolling Craft (Fire) or Craft (Magitech) or whatever like you would for a normal craft, just with exotic materials and higher difficulties and as an extended roll.

What, then, are Craft (Water) or Craft (Air) artifacts like? Are there actually, like, love potions and forbidden scrolls being made in this system that never made it into the lists of example artifacts?
>What, then, are Craft (Water) or Craft (Air) artifacts like? Are there actually, like, love potions and forbidden scrolls being made in this system that never made it into the lists of example artifacts?
Pretty much, yeah, Air would be jewelry, glass, written works, small delicate things, Water would be anything you brew, drugs, etc, this is the case for both mundane and artifact crafting. And while I don't know about scrolls of the top of my head, I do know there were a number of artifact potions and drugs in 2e
Sorry, 2E.
>I do know there were a number of artifact potions and drugs in 2e
Where? I can't find any in WotLA, even in the biomagitech section where I'd expect them to be. The closest thing I saw was the Bulb of Demise and Renewal, which was explicitly Dragon King tech instead of Wood/Water. In Oadenol's the only thing close I see are the natural wonders, which again wouldn't be Craft since they're naturally occuring. Even the funny crystal jewels that were made to be like soulfire crystals are magitech instead of Craft(Air).

I see lots of cups and bowls with interesting contents, if that's what you're referring to, but the actual craftsmanship - the artifact - is the bowl/cup/crucible/jar.
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If you're in unerrata'd 2e then go for a step 2 perfect (Flickering Wisp Technique in Dodge or Death-Deflecting Technique in Melee, or one of various Martial Arts) and Wounds Mean Nothing from Resistance. Your Step 2 perfects are more expensive but block touch attacks, while your Step 7 perfects are cheap but only block damage. Then buy an Infinite Ability Mastery for either Melee or Martial Arts. Charge Infinite Ability Mastery to full, which raises your Parry, block anything you can't afford to let touch you with a perfect and let anything else through; if it beats your Parry (which is high from IAM) then perfect soak it with Wounds Mean Nothing. That's the basics of how you break 2e pre-errata, everything after that is flavor and the most mechanically significant thing you can do is pick up a good weapon (one with a very low Speed, ideally), stack up as many motesas possible in Essence Engorgement Technique, and don't use many motes in combat otherwise.

If you're in errata'd 2e, it's basically the same. Wounds Mean Nothing costs the same as a perfect defense but it's still step 7 so it's good to see if they'll ping off your Parry first. There are some charms that can efficiently test people's defenses but it doesn't matter too much because you're combat secondary and the aim is to have fun.

Either way, grab Void-King Ascension (a mirror charm from Glories: The Unconquered Sun) so that zombies from your anima power don't decay, and Command the Dead as the efficient way to gather an army if you have access to lots of creatures of death. Remember that hungry ghosts will form in four days if the dead are not given a funeral, so try to separate your zombies away from people for that long, and they can hide in their corpse during the day to avoid the sun, so separate out those zombies and keep them walking separate. If they come at you for vengeance that's just another soldier. Also, scavenging can recover 30+% of slain zombies after a battle for re-use.
In terms of social charms, expect any enemy character to be able to resist you at least for a while regardless of pretty much any level of strength of your charms. 2e has very strongly leant into the idea that willpower beats anything and that charms will be better than that. That being said, Dread Lord's Demeanor is probably what you want because it sounds like the right flavor, and Heart-Stopping Mein (which it builds into) is actually very strong because you only need like a 4-5 dice lead to be basically untouchable and it puts a -2 penalty on people. Irresistible Succubus Style is also a pretty good charm over in Performance.
I might be misremembering a things that cost resources instead of count as artifacts (though a quick skim and I found skin-like-the-mountains oil which probably counts), but I mean, depending on what they're made out of bowls/cups would count as Air, there's also stuff like the ultimate document, which is calligraphy and therefor Air, for water there's the aforementioned oil (you need wyld cauldron tech to get the ingredients, but the actual crafting is likely Water) or anything made mostly out of leather. It's quite literally "Can you make it with brewing?" then it's Craft Water, "Is the majority of the work fine detail?" then it's Craft Air. It's not that hard to fill in the gaps
Awesome! Good to know, thanks. I notice a lot of the abilities you mentioned require Essence 3, should I buy that in character creation, or just spend EXP to get it asap after beginning play?
>I notice a lot of the abilities you mentioned require Essence 3, should I buy that in character creation, or just spend EXP to get it asap after beginning play?
Buying Essence 3 in chargen, or even Essence 4 (to fully unlock Infinite Ability Mastery and for charm availability) is indeed a very powerful move to make. I'd check with your Storyteller first, however, especially starting higher than E3, because they might not think it jives with the story they want to tell for some reason (for example, in some campaigns you might become Exalted as a group the moment play starts which sometimes doesn't fit starting high essence; also, perhaps they feel that Exalted need a broader base and to spread out rather than specialise, which is what starting higher essence encourages), and exactly because of that powerspike, and because they might want everybody to go up in Essence together, as sometimes happens.

Of course, saying that, a lot will depend on how exactly your game wants to play. If you're in a fairly chill game then it's likely all you'll really feel a need for to start out with is a perfect defense and/or soak, and everything after that is for fun. Grabbing the full combat roster might honestly break your Storyteller/game, since it turns combat into a bit of a yes/no stomp one way or the other, very little wiggle room or middle ground. If you're in a harsh game and the Storyteller is going with a relatively high-power interpretation of the Wyld Hunt and trying to pump you full of Dragonblood stacked with blessings, artifacts, flying an airship 400mph directly towards you from the moment you're in Creation, and maybe you're even starting on the Blessed Isle like I've heard some people do... if that's the case, immediately shooting up to E3/E4 and grabbing a fully optimised combat pattern is a decent idea, though I'd maybe also recommend disguise charms or something.
It's all our first times, so I don't think he's gonna go for a roflstomp of a game. I think, given what we've talked about he'd be OK with allowing us to buy higher essence at chargen.

One thing I really wanted to ask, the book recommends it, but neither the 2E tutorial or anybody here has, is Ox-Form Resilience a meme? I'm getting that impression.
>It's all our first times, so I don't think he's gonna go for a roflstomp of a game. I think, given what we've talked about he'd be OK with allowing us to buy higher essence at chargen.
I'd not go E4 though. E3 is definitely still in the realm of chill game, since you need to go there if you want sorcery/necromancy in chargen.

>is Ox-Form Resilience a meme?
I haven't heard of any charm named Ox-Form Resilience, so it's probably a meme playing off Ox-Body Technique, which every kind of Exalt has available. It gives you a few extra permanent health boxes. It's a simple and good charm, and it's never going to be bad to take it because at the end of the day it's a straight buff that costs nothing to use, but it's also not really staggering or amazing.

It's mostly relevant to characters with very high Soak who think they might let people ping them with minimum damage, and to characters who feel like they need a bit of a buffer against everything to feel safe. There are a lot of effects in Exalted which can dodge most or all of the combat paradigm, which a few extra health boxes can give you some more time to deal with (e.g. if you're trying to find your way through a fiery maze, or if an intangible ghost is attacking you), or be just that little bit further that means it can't finish the race (e.g. poison with a limited duration failing to kill you because of the extra health boxes, or a death curse having not quite enough damage to end you).

Everything is helps with has counters that do it better, but Ox Body Technique covers a lot and does it for free, so... good charm.
Is 'I walk slowly towards him, projecting malicious intent as I trace my sword in glowing arcane symbols that spell out his defeat' a reasonable stunt for a withering melee attack, or do I actually have to mime attacking him physically? Initiative is such an immaterial resource that it feels like anything should work...
I'd accept it. Maybe not all STs would, but I think that'd be fine.
Sincerely, I don't understand what it was supposed to represent.

It isn't a feit, since the devs weren't aware what a feint was.
It's supposed to represent how in movies they'll just sort of clash swords ineffectually until the fight is dramatically ready for someone to actually take a wound.

The reason it gets weird in actual play is becuase players understood what a dire position a non-killing Decisive attack put you in, so everybody waits until they have as close to a sure thing as possible and tries to end their foe rightly, which is why Lunars and beyond have a lot of charms that encourage you to make multiple smaller Decisives, but ultimately it's still optimal to go for one big one.
>It's supposed to represent how in movies they'll just sort of clash swords ineffectually until the fight is dramatically ready for someone to actually take a wound
This is just 2e perfect paradigm.

>which is why Lunars and beyond have a lot of charms that encourage you to make multiple smaller Decisives, but ultimately it's still optimal to go for one big one.
I heard that Sidereals were built against alpha strikes.
>I heard that Sidereals were built against alpha strikes.
Yes, but that's alpha strikes as in turn one/two OTK instagib sort of alpha strike. They're pretty good at stopping that. The play that always works is still, as always, to build up a load of initiative and one-shot them, even though they have some of the best counters to that. It's just that the counters make it a little harder, not stop it.
Depends on your ST/table, desu. A good stunt should interact with the scene/enviroment though.

I always think of it as like how in a movie someone can get punched repeatedly, smashed through a window, tumble onto a lower floor of a building etc etc and it doesn't really slow them down or effect them until the movie decides "Oh, this injury is going to impair/kill them".

Or Smash Brothers. It feels a lot like smash brothers. Except in reverse - instead of tagging a bunch of damage onto them that you then convert into "real" damage you build up momentum on yourself.
I mean forcing only 9's on both the attack and damage roll. Especially with semi-high soak gives them an edge over other exalts but if someone rolls a dozen 9's and 10's it's just bad luck.
>Depends on your ST/table, desu. A good stunt should interact with the scene/enviroment though.
It's 3e, so stunts are judged purely on flavor without scene/environmental interaction being an indicator. Anything past one point stunt is inherently unreliable and actually performing to that extent slowly raises the bar on future stunts, increasing the amount of effort required without increasing the reward. The best stunts select for being snappy and catchy, to accelerate play and stick better in the mind.

I agree though. This is just 3e kvetching desu.
>since the devs weren't aware what a feint was
What the fuck, anon? Somehow posts in these threads keep getting dumber and dumber.

>Depends on your ST/table, desu. A good stunt should interact with the scene/enviroment though.
I kind of agree with that, though I'd still accept anon's stunt. I mean, in a context where interacting with the environment isn't required for stunts, I think what anon suggested is fine. I'd prefer stunts to be something that encourages players to pay attention to the environment and to make use of established parts of it, though.
>What the fuck, anon? Somehow posts in these threads keep getting dumber and dumber.
It was from an earlier 3e discussion over something awful.

They also weren't aware about martial arts having named techniques.
I think I'm gonna need some proof to back up these claims.
>I don't know about "Horses as strong as yeddims and as fast as cheetas." I would be pretty impressed with a Solar who could breed up horses as effective as the Lady's from The Black Company -- unnaturally tough, fearless combatants,untiring(wich is amazing for long-distance travel because you can just ride them forever), and "almost as smart as a really dumb human" as Croaker said, but while they're stronger than normal horses they're not as strong as elephants, and while they're faster than normal horses they're nowhere near a cheetah. And I think they needed to eat more? They're an incredible asset to any military force, or indeed even something like a civilian postal service, but still leave a niche for other types of trained beast to be useful.

>Exalted 2e had this whole paradigm where Solars could obviate whole swathes of stuff just by trampling it -- witness all their "You have to punch me to death because I straight-up ignore your keyword attacks" Charms. I feel like letting them breed ultrahorses so awesome they make trained monsters superfluous is of the same paradigm, and to my knowledge we are trying not to carry that forward.

I am trying to find it.
That seems highly unlikely.
I haven't seen it, which means it'd be either late March / early April or between Christmas and late January, unless it's years ago.
Stephenls used to post on it.

>Addendum to previous post: It helps to understand how this idea formed.

>1) Initially, there was going to be a general XP pool, and then a martial arts XP pool filled with XP you earn for doing Martial Arts-y things, in the same manner as Mage: The Awakening's Arcane XP that you earn by solving mysteries and doing mage-y things.

>2) Then there was going to be a general XP pool, and a martial arts XP pool, and a sorcery XP pool, because they looked at the problem of spending XP on spells and decided it strongly resembled the problem of spending XP on MA Charms balanced at the Celestial rather than Solar level, and so the same solution might work.

>3) Then they decided to collapse the MA XP pool and the sorcery XP pool into the same pool, because keeping track of two Arcane XP pools felt superfluous. This was inspired by them mentioning it on the forums and people complaining about the complexity.

>4) Then they realized that evocations might in practice have the same problem as MA Charms and spells, so it became the "MA, sorcery, and evocations" pool.

>5) Then they remembered that raising attributes and skills inspired the same efficiency guilt as buying MA and sorcery, so it became the "MA, sorcery, evocations, attributes, and skills" pool.

>This is where we stand now, as I understand it. Note that this has gone through a bunch of revisions and there's no guarantee it won't go through more.
This is how Solar exp came to be
i haven't played 3e in a while so i only vaguely remember what solar exp even is, but isn't that literally everything you can spend XP on in the game other than regular charms and merits
You can spend solar xp on merits. It's easy to remember, Solar XP can buy anything except Solar Charms. Lunar XP can buy anything except Lunar Charms. Etc.

The clue is in the name. The one thing the XP indicates you can spend it on is the only thing it can't be sepnt on.
It's not people discussing 3E on Something Awful that I find unlikely, anon. None of that SLS quote in your post hints at the devs either not knowing that real life martial arts have named techniques or them not knowing what fucking feint is.
It was from years ago.

Ixcoalt will not receive a write up because it is racist to portray mexica people as animals.

>The Empire of the Feathered Serpent has proscribed social roles based on race -- snakefolk are expected to be military while raitonfolk are expected to be scholastic. To the extent there's racial violence, it's directed at individuals who don't want to fit into that mold. (Also, god help you if you've got both snake and raiton traits, because that means your parents engaged in a forbidden tryst and now you're ritually unclean. At least you weren't strangled at birth to cover up your parents' crime, though.) You don't generally see snake-on-raiton or raiton-on-snake violence so much as you see everyone-on-anyone-who-wants-to-escape-categorization violence.

>The thing I am actually worried about is the prospect of a person of color who wants to play a member of a Nahuatl-inspired civilization and who reads the book and goes "Wait, these guys are animal-people? I've been called an animal all my life by white folk, now a fantasy RPG by white folk says if I want to play a badass Aztek warrior I have to be anactualanimal-person? gently caress this poo poo!" But, uh... as I said a moment ago, the solutions to this problem are themselves problems
>None of that SLS quote in your post hints at the devs either not knowing that real life martial arts have named techniques or them not knowing what fucking feint is.
Like I said before I am looking for it, I am only posting some interesting stuff I found.
>Ixcoalt will not receive a write up because it is racist to portray mexica people as animals
While that is dumb, moving on to pointing out dumb views 3E writers have expressed isn't going to make anyone stop asking for a citation to back up the claim that the devs don't know what a feint is.
You should've probably clarified with this was "other dumb shit I've found", becuase I was starting to seriously question if you knew what a feint was.
I really enjoyed Crucible of Legends for it's weird approach on inclusivity. Like "Don't name charms Something Prana or Atemi or Meditation". But Exalted, you know why I'm naming my charms things like this. Don't pretend you don't.

People in the Southeast have Nahautl, or Queecha or Spanish names. Why do the have Spanish names Exalted. This seems... odd.
there are cultures all over creation that resemble cultures from all over the world.
I said that I am looking for it, and the Solar exp post was an example of the dumb stuff.

Some of his comments aged really poorly.

> I dunno, I'm starting to feel like artists are unique snowflakes who follow their muses and to some extent I have to base my opinion of them on their work taken on its own terms rather than some hypothetical version of their work that follows spec exactly. Like, if you go into Kiyo's Exalted gallery you can see one pic she put up of two versions of the same illustration (a set of First Circle Demons) where she initially drew an infernal lion with a set of horns, and was asked to remove them. And I think I prefer the former, because at least horns on an infernal lion is an interesting artistic interpretation of a thing, even if canonically teodozjia don't have horns. I would rather have the variant interpretation than the rigorous portrayal of the text description.

>But maybe I'm just nostalgic for Ye Olden Days when RPG art had no loving thing to do with the text, and was occasionally done by SCAR, but at least wasn't boring CG-colored Cooly-Posed Badass-Looking Person after CG-colored Cooly-Posed Badass-Looking Person page after page after page after page none of them with backgrounds aaaaaarg!


>I'm sorry.

>That's a pet peeve of mine.

>(And obviously stop hiring the artists who keep posting trite, unimaginative sexist bullshit, partially because it's sexist bullshit and partially because ultimately if that's the best they can come up with they're probably not very imaginative in any other respects, either. Like, they're not going to be all "Hey I bet this lion would be cooler with horns" because they're too busy applying immaculate Photoshop coloring techniques to traced porn stars.
Sure. I should have clarified - why do they have spanish names *in the east*.

Let us not pretend the directions aren't culturally coded. And this book has even gone "West - Far Eastern Names", "North - First Nation and Scandenavian", "South - Afro-Arabian Names", Scavenger Lands "Eastern European Names", South East "Mesoamerican and Spanish names".

It just feels like they've gone "Ah, South Americans have Spanish names. So the South American coded locations should have spanish names."

I feel there's just a lot to unpack there. Maybe in part because I'm European, so when I think Spanish, I don't think of South America.
I always thought of the West as Polynesian and Austronesian than far eastern in general.
Yeah, Crucible goes with "It’s not uncommon for
characters from the West to have names inspired by Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese or Polynesian names.", but personally I would've seen Far-East influence as more Blessed Isle, South-Western Coast, maybe the Lap and some of the Scavenger Lands with the west being as you say.

That said, the west has galleons while the blessed isle has triremes. So if you'd have gone with "Spanish names in the west, they have age of sail stuff going on" or "Spanish names in the south, they're aramaic names, some places in the south are aramaic coded" that wouldn't have sat in my craw the same way as "spanish names in the far east".
Yes, Asia is quite divided between blessed isle, east, dreaming sea and southwest coast (an-tang)

This book is really weird, feels like it was written with the help of a tertiary.
It feels like they wanted to denounce core without actually having the balls to denounce core. Also I don't know if they titled one of the side bars "The Bronze Age" with a sense of knowing irony or not.
More because of the sensei stuff, the fans always used shifu, and sometimes guru.

>Also I don't know if they titled one of the side bars "The Bronze Age" with a sense of knowing irony or not.
Probably lack of self awareness, the time period* in the said sidebar refers to the middle ages.

*From the fall of antiquity to the Renaissance.
Crucible is such a waste of a book. I have no idea why they needed a book for it.
Some information on names, languages and time-keeping in creation, advice for designing and balancing charms/evocations, maybe some alternate systems for craft, naval warfare and bueracracy projects (though difficult to balance with existing charms). I could see the value in those.

In isn't what we got, of course.
Is it still worth grabbing 3 Essence if you don't go for Sorcery or Necromancy? Dread Lord's Demeanor requires it, which is something I was looking at and you recommended.
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>advice for designing and balancing charms/evocations,
This one is impossible for 3e, see Exigents' guidelines.
That guy talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded.
their advice is what you do in literally every other game that exists for homebrew: eyeball it based off what exists in the game already, and adjust at your table if its too strong or too weak. I'm not sure what people wanted or imagined it would be
What I imagined and what I wanted are too very different things.

Still, what we got was better than Many-Faced Strangers "here's a bunch of charms we couldn't be arsed to actually develop and play-test".
it's almost like south america was colonized by some spanish people.
>What I imagined and what I wanted are too very different things.
what did you want and how does it differ from existing "how to homebrew" guides for other RPGs
So there was no need for it, that book didn't even have a "how to design a caste".

>I'm not sure what people wanted or imagined it would be
It was sold as "it will help you port the other splats", "an open view to Vance's mind" and "open the flood gates of 3e homebrew".
>So there was no need for it, that book didn't even have a "how to design a caste".
I'm looking at page 50 right now and it has the general format of what a caste is: five caste abilities or two caste attributes (potentially from a list of abilities/attributes if you're making this homebrew public), and three anima effects that should be designed as essentially charms.
>It was sold as "it will help you port the other splats", "an open view to Vance's mind" and "open the flood gates of 3e homebrew".
sounds like you're shadow-boxing with discord posters instead of looking at what was advertised in the actual ad copy
>sounds like you're shadow-boxing with discord posters instead of looking at what was advertised in the actual ad copy
NTA, but exalted is written to win forum/discord discussions.

And we know from Thorns that discord posts have precedence over what is in the books.

Yes, the editorial is that bad.
I have no idea how to respond to this babble other than this: go outside.
Aside from "go outside" which is a completely reasonable response, "citation please" would also make sense. There's an absolutely incredible amount of people making completely insane claims in these threads without providing anything whatsoever to back those claims up.
Why? Those problems are more than a decade old at this point.
In a much later time-period to when the game is thematically set. And I understand the setting has Spanish galleons, but they're over in the west, surely they should be conquistadoring over there.

It's just feels akin to recomending Dutch names for the Linowan.

What I wanted, and I will be the first to admit this is somewhat unrealistic, would either be an essay on their charm design philosophy, how you should go about designing, testing and balancing charms, lessons they've learnt, that kind of thing or some kind of points based simple build a power system.
IIRC, in regards to the Thorns claim: Thorns is stated to be a tributary state (not a satrapy) in core and in the DB book, but The Realm erroneously calls it a satrapy. In the Abyssals manuscript, Thorns is strictly referred to as a (former) vassal of the Realm. I have no idea why that poster is saying that Discord posts take precedence when basically every book save for The Realm says its a vassal state.
Ah excuse me, a small error: the DB book also fucks up and calls it a satrapy. Abyssals restores it to its status as a vassal state that pays tribute to the Realm as per Exalted 3e Core.
Time to try to find it again.

He was the one who did the ironic baby eating.

>Like Hamlet, she can be one kind of crazy pretending to be another kind of crazy. People think she's the kind of crazy that eats babies because she's that out of touch with social norms; she's actually the kind of crazy that can do something as heinous as eat babies merely as a way to give other other people the wrong impression of her mental competence.
i literally do not understand how the battle of mishika meant the confederacy of rivers got wounded greatly, thorns had realm backing in form of advisors and shit but like you'd need a lot of DBs right? unless lookshy are just tards
1e and 3e both mention that First Age weaponry was employed by both sides, and I think in general only Great Forks is still suffering from it because they specifically lost most of their experienced soldiers and officers.
Lookshy had heavy DB numbers in 1e but they removed them in 3e because they hate making DBs look like chumps. Even if the game makes them chumps to experience celestial exalts by design. It's why DBs are no longer footsoldiers despite that being the place they should be at.
Lookshy has the same number of Terrestials in 1E and 3E, being 3000. Also Terrestial were never foot soldiers that was Gunzosha. DBs were small unit commanders, the equivalent of field officers. Source is the writer quotes for 1E but I could probably find a book source if I cared enough.
He means in the First Age and Primordial War.
Yes, and it’s the same there also. Terrestials we’re always the officers of the armies of the Exalted Host, not the bulk of their force.
What is your favorite warstrider? be from a source or homebrew.

It is unlikely in 1e, since the Exalted host fought using schrodinger warstriders in it.
I am not schizopilled enough to make sense of that utter word salad, what is that guy's major malfunction?
The Primordial War from what little we know of it in 1E still had large armies of mortals backing the Chosen. The First Age is more precise where several writers go into the likely battle order with more info able to be gleaned collaborating that from the books.

“Raksi isn’t crazy because she’s too deranged or alien to know eating babies is wrong. Raksi is crazy because she’s evil enough to eat babies to make people think she’s crazy”

It’s as dumb as it sounds.
Raksi is ruthless isane pretending to be insane.


>The Primordials are dead or imprisoned, and death or imprisonment changed them, so it's not entirely relevant. but here's my thoughts.

>How long did the gods train the Exalted for?

>How fast do you get XP when the Celestial Incarna are directing your workout routine?

>What kind of gear did the soldiers of the Primordial War use?

>I mean, say you have an Essence 8-9 Solar and his Essence 8-9 Lunar mate, both in the best warstriders and wielding the best weapons Autocthon could make, both with hundreds of Charms and dozens of Combos, with a support force of 100 Essence 6-7 Dragon-Blooded in mid-grade (for Autocthon) warstriders, with 100 Charms and 20 Combos. All of them have crazy rule-breaking Essence batteries, time to charge up before the fight and the support of magical weapons of mass destruction to help them close with their foes by sweeping away hordes of lesser enemies. Plus the Sidereals are rigging destiny in their favor

>They were vastly powerful. I dunno if they used mecha in their battles, or what exactly their battle order was. What is sure is that the Celestial Exalts of the First Age were extremely mighty. Canonically, we know they engaged in terraforming, wrested Creation out of Chaos and built vast defensive grids of magical weapons to protect it, created artificial life and commanded spells like Benediction of Archgenesis.

>The First Age was not a fantasy setting, though I think its average inhabitant was an "agrarian peasant" in some absurd sense of the word, because their world wasn't based on the need to organize thousands of people to accomplish important tasks, and so they never really industrialized or modernized. They just lived on the Big Rock Candy Mountain courtesy of the Overmen.

>Just make it up. I'm planning on leaving the pre-Usurpation period pretty nebulous.
None of that contradicts what I said. Several books state the War involved armies of mortals [presumably Gunzosha/Tiger Warriors]. It’d be odd if it didn’t considering how many force multiplier Charms Solars get for optimizing and leading people. So even in the Primordial War the Dragonblooded were the officer corps, never the foot soldiers.
The part about the primordial war talks about how it was Gundam with magic.
Lesser beings were just nuked.

And the part about the first age, is Grabowski talking about how he didn't set in stone how FA exalts fought.
Out of curiosity; in 1e, was Ma-Ha-Suchi a wolf mixed with goat? Or a goat mixed with wolf?
I don’t think that’s an accurate reading of Grabowski’s explaination. The fact they used WMDs against weak foes means there was weak foes, and as I said it’s canon they had mortals on their side. I’d have to deep dive for a book quote specifically for the Primordial War but there’s no end of sources for how FA legions were put togetherz
Anon, vassal states that pay tribute to the Realm are exactly what satrapies are. The terms are largely interchangeable.

I don't think in 1e it was made explicit, but in 2e he is pure wolf in the First Age, and gets the goat legs and horns later. They might actually be wyld mutations rather than charm-based.
>Anon, vassal states that pay tribute to the Realm are exactly what satrapies are. The terms are largely interchangeable.
They had no satrap, ergo they were not a satrapy.
That's not how that works, anon. The satrap is an imperial advisor, but any tributary states can be called satrapies.
The books said that DBs were the main forces of the army. Mortals just wouldn't have survived even with exalted war charms.
>Lookshy had heavy DB numbers in 1e but they removed them in 3e because they hate making DBs look like chumps.
Now why would you lie about something like that? Anyone can crack open 1E's Exalted: the Outcaste and 3E's What Fire Has Wrought and see that Lookshy has the same number of DBs in both editions.

1E had no official take on how the Primordial War was fought. Grabowski outright said so.

No, the part on Orimordial War says that Gundam with magic is one possibility of how the War could've been, with there being no actual canon about how the War was in fact fought.
First of all no it didn't. Second of all that would be very very unusual since all Deliberative and Shogunate armies were primarily mortal
And even the Gundam version doesn't negate the reality of mortal participation.
>that would be very very unusual since all Deliberative and Shogunate armies were primarily mortal
nta but the circumstances the Deliberative and Shogunate armies existed in were very different from what was happening in the Primordial War. Humans might have been in the war and definitely were a meaningful part of the war machine if only because they can fill numbers for the basic crafting that's needed for the massive geomantic projects that would have been useful against Primordial world-bodies, and because they need to stay alive so that Exalted have somewhere to Exalt, but I don't think they would have been meaningful as combatants and I don't think there are any quotes from the books that support the idea that they are. The quote further up about countless lesser foes being swept away in the war doesn't support the idea because humans would not be foes of the Exalted - it's literally not talking about them there - and because the Primordial forces do much the same thing. Also, there's just no reason to have mortal fighters in combat. They're trash and they aren't hardy or reproductive enough to make it up with numbers. Tiger-Warrior Training Technique makes zero difference in that calculation, when there are so many better targets for it.
Whose version of the War? We have four sources on the War in any detail in First Edition: Ruins of Rathess, the Exalted Core, Games of Divinity and the quotes of the writers. Ruins of Rathess gives the impression of a proper war, with battle lines, refugees, armies and soldiers. Games of Divinity certainly doesn't give the impression of the Yozi stepping on the planet being a viable option and Grabowski is on record as saying "If throwing planets would have worked they would have done that". Ignoring for a moment that there is no official account besides Grabowski's speculation [which makes zero mathematical sense with how strong he said First Edition Third Circles were], the accounts and quotes always made me think of some Gurren Lagaan tinted Mahabharata. Given how much of the Solar powerset relies of raising up, organizing, and weaponizing civilization and humanity [and given how apparently Dragon Kings definitely fought and weren't simply immediately vaporized] I vastly prefer the version of the War where First Age military order arose out of preexisting battle orders from the War. The fact mechanically this makes no sense is no obstacle since even the closest thing to an official account doesn't add up. Plus it just adds up the best.
>700 Celestial Exalted vs 600 Third Circles
>10,000+ Terrestial Exalted vs 4200 Second Circles
>Millions of proto-Gunzosha vs millions of Third Circles
>Dragon Kings vs Lintha/Other Yozi races

It also feeds back into itself where the original argument was about Terrestials being foot soldiers and every single source says they weren't foot soldiers. So saying "Well okay they were the foot soldiers in the War" is, itself, a breach of canon on the very question that started this argument.
millions of First Circles*
But this just makes Confederacy look like retards again. The Realm didn't lose many of their DBs - if the setting material is anything to go by, the 'loss of thorns' is more important than thorns war beforehand, so that just means that a very small amount of DBs, presumably most of which weren't even on the field commanding, shat out a bunch of first age weaponry and gave a stanky pyrrhic victory to a superior force of DBs / Godblood / Gods.
This isn't a thing, by the way. Gunzosha armor and similar mecha along the lines of advanced power armor of various stripes are much later inventions. Autobot did robots at the time, he almost certainly wasn't mass producing power armor. Artifacts were also not as aplenty during the War as they were in the high First Age, which is repeatedly noted as standing out for it's automation and other highly developed mass production techniques. Mortals at the time would not be better than armed tiger warriors.
only great forks seems to have suffered a great loss from the battle of mishaka, so I'm not sure why you're saying its a pyrrhic victory. I also don't get the obsession with trying to pull lame cinemasins-tier shit on exalted that keeps cropping up in this thread.
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Thanks, I skimmed 1e Lunars a bit, he seems to be wolf primary.

>the accounts and quotes always made me think of some Gurren Lagaan tinted Mahabharata
How is this different from the traditional Mahabharata?
>only great forks seem to have suffered a great loss
Lookshy explicitly did too, not sure why you'd misrepresent that, or how pointing out valid criticisms of the setting is cinemasins esque.
Dragonblooded are pretty much a dying species, so whose the best candidate to take over as the underling soldiers of the Solars when they take over?
I don't see why there can't be multiple mutually exclusive paradoxical versions of the primordial war which are all true.
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If you could rework the Abyssals' castes, would you do it? If yes, how?

Half castes.
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Based, and dragon break pilled.
i mean, if you fuck around with that short life mutation and can both grant and remove it at some middle scale, you could eugenics another third of 'em into existence
My personal headcanon is that the numbers are low because a significant percentage dies in the pasiap's stair, and they don't have the rest of the host to share their burdens with.
So if you have a high hardness and DV, can't you just beat infinite amounts of mortals?
Why don't more Lunar girls become giantesses and step on Dragonblooded and their armies?
Nope. And it's harder in 3e than it was in 2e.

Mortals get to double 10s in 3e, so it's hard to set your DV high enough to be immune - and hardness is irrelevent if they crash you or (more likely) are acting as a battlegroup.
Ah, well I'm playing 2e anyways so that doesn't matter too much.
In 2e I believe you have to look out for 5 mortals with a goremaul.
Won't you almost always begin combat earlier than them and be able to take out one of them with an attack? Also even if they get past your hardness you can still have soak behind that.
It's been a while sine I've played 2e, I just remember that the fifth attacker had the advantage of something something, so your DV gets set to zero. Also I think enlightened mortals could have bad-touch effects that just ignored your hardness/soak.

You could have a suprise negator and a perfect in a combo, but I think you'd need to constantly do 2-point stunts to stay WP neutral. But as you're playing 2e now and I haven't for a decade, you'd probably know better than me.

(Also most of my 2e time was pre-dawn solution)
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They are Lunars, they can only use their powers for fetishistic reasons.
They do, Dragonblooded don't like to talk about it because getting squished under a giantess's asscheek doesn't make for a good war story.
I mean if I survived being squished by a giantess' ass I would damn well talk about it. I wonder how many DBs would join the Wyld Hunt just for the chance of being sat on.
I was surprised to see Tammuz in 1e Lunars, I always thought he was introduced in 2e.

He is the only sane one of the first age quintet.
I swear, all members of House Cynis are the same.
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Personally, I think it's much cuter to tease and bully mortals over dragonblooded. I mean sure, seeing DB's taken down a notch is always fun, but mortals are just so...scared. Like quivering little rabbits, knowing how helpless they are...it's adorable.
Hey I resemble that remark!
But they are also squishier which means you can't play as roughly with them.
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Even Denovah Avaku& Megara?
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>But they are also squishier which means you can't play as roughly with them.
Isn't there an Infernal charm that makes a mortal able to regenerate from a single cell?
If you have a mixed Abyssal/Infernal/Lunar team, would giving the Lunar bonus xp to keep up be appropriate? And if so, how much?
A bit, depends on your party.

Are you using TAW?
Using 2e
Terrifying Argent Witches is a complete Lunar rewrite for 2e, you should check it.
What is that, homebrew?
Yes, people love/hate Lunars that much
What does it change? Any rundowns for a poor beggar?
It's been forever, but it gives Lunars an Alex Mercer meets terrifying swamp hag witch thing energy. Like, I think it really leans into Solar:Hero King::Lunar:Divine Monster Terrorist who war crimes pro-Titan enemies of humanity.
Don't forget the whole silver infernal thing.
Has the finished Sidereal book leaked yet?
It is just the irony of Lunars being latter comes despite being one of the core 4 exalt types.

The only open venue is being like the Dream-Souled.
That's because TAW gave them a lot of infernal and sidereal tools. Base game just makes them silver solars. Lunars are the most cursed type because they will never get anything interesting enough as anything remotely interesting gets parceled out to beings like dream souled.
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How are they like Alex Mercer? he's always been my go-to Full Moon inspiration, but the devs never supported that.
This is because they had to reboot Lunars.

While Lunars were busy larping as the red talons, Sidereals took the witchery, and Alchemicals/Infernals took transhumanism.

And Lunars cannot be the nature exalted because Dragon-Blooded have the most crucial element (flora).

They exist because the devs thing that 1e Lunars wasn't a bad idea, they think that it wasn't implemented "right".
Anyone got any pics of super edgy Abyssals? Skulls, bones, blood, the works. I'm trying to brainstorm what my Daybreak Caste Necromancer should look like when he castes Incomparable Body Arsenal and pics of regular goth guys aren't doing the job.
Is it me, or does running for DB exalts make more sense? Unlike with solars and other celestial exalts, DB are made to cooperate from the word go due to how many there are, and the fact they have a unifying mission, which, speaking of: DBs have a built-in goal for a prospective group. Lastly, banding together makes sense when hunting beings stronger than you. With celestial exalted, it's somehow 4-5 of them exalted around the same time, somehow they found each other shortly after their exaltation, somehow they were in the same area despite Creation being massive.
DB exalts clear away all those contrivances with logical and consistent explanations built into their very culture.

I ain't saying you shouldn't play what you want, but solars and the like feel like they're made for solo or duo adventures, not traveling in a party, unlike DBs.
Sidereals always had witchery way before lunars were anything. They were always the Loki/Anansi type character. Because their charmset is locked, they had weird charms that did specific things.

Lunars were fucked from 1e and 3e just makes them worse.

If DBs were actually made for being in a party their charms would support that but the Devs in all 3 editions keep making them bad elemental solars. They only have a few charms that let them combine power outside of that they're the same as other exalts. Out of all of them so far Sidereals tend to complement each other the most. They have a lot of charms designed to help other party members out.
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>it's somehow 4-5 of them exalted around the same time, somehow they found each other shortly after their exaltation, somehow they were in the same area despite Creation being massive.
Are you aware there is an entire city-sized bureau in heaven dedicated to making things happen in a peculiar and seemingly coincidental way and it's helmed by five of the most powerful gods in existence
get new material
>Luna is a majestic everchanging being who can subjugate the wyld, control dreams and madness
>Lunars get barely a fraction of that
I wish lunars would get new material.
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What would be better for Creation?
>The Infernals, Solars, and Abyssals return in strength and dominate Creation again, but the Dragon-Blooded are mostly wiped out in the process and the few that remain have very diluted blood
>The Dragon-Blooded defeat all the celestial exalts (save for the Sidereals) and lock their exaltations away, and somehow manage to turn 100% of Creation's population into Terrestrials
Is it better to have a handful of amazing heroes, or an entire civilization of somewhat mediocre heroes?
Latter, 100%
The Dragon-Blooded suffer the Great Curse just as much as any other. They just aren't capable of the same amount of ruin as the Solars. The rule of the Exalted is doomed to degrade and become a reign of tyranny until the Great Curse is detected and lifted. There is no freedom from it. The first sin will not allow it. And, simply put: I don't think the Dragon-Blooded have what it takes to be free of it.
Turning all of Creation into accursed will make everything so much the worse. There will be no escape from the wars that come, the ceaseless wheels of revenge and vainglory that spin and spin and spin.
The only reason the Shogunate didn't lead into this was because the Great Contagion struck too swiftly.
>Turning all of Creation into accursed will make everything so much the worse.
Being a mortal doesn't help any either. You still end up fighting the wars, only now you're cannon fodder.
Ok so the impression I'm getting is that solars were made first and made able to do anything and do it well, then the rest of the exalts being playable was an afterthought likely brought about due to player demand. Because the solars already could do everything, it was impossible, or too much effort for the devs to give the other exalts something unique to distinguish them, and thus they just come off as knockoff solars; am I correct?
Nah, in Creation proper at least some mortals get to live pointless lives in empty backwaters whilst giving thanks to the gods as the founding primordials intended. The Realm never fully extended across the whole breadth of Creation to begin with and Creation is simply too big to be managed post-Great Contagion. These distant reaches live, love, and die without knowing the Chosen at all beyond legends and stories, or being watched over by Lunars in the fringes without any official allegiance structure to them.
And those mortals get to live their peaceful backwater lives because exalts protect them every day from being eaten alive by fair folk or ghosts. Weakness is not a virtue, if the only reason you get to live your tranquil life is because others fight and die on your behalf there's no nobility in that and your entire lifestyle is fundamentally unsustainable on a civilization-wide level, you are nothing more than a parasite surviving on the kindness of strangers.
The only reason the Fair Folk are a problem is because of the Usurpation.
The Underworld as a whole exists only due to the divine revolution.
These sins echo from those same saviors. Creation is a tale of the failures and evil of the Chosen.
If divine revolution hadn't happened the Primordials would still be demolishing entire continents without care and humanity would still be slaves to the dragon-kings.
A whole and healthy world should have been worth Isidoros accidentally stepping on a nation every now and then.
Nah. Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus
>The Dragon-Blooded suffer the Great Curse just as much as any other.
They explicitly don't suffer the Great Curse as much as any other, in any edition. They suffer it, sure, but they suffer it least even independent of the part where their low lifespans mean they don't have time to get addicted / permanent limit / used to it, or whatever it is elder Celestials have to deal with.

It's the latter, but as much because the Sidereals are still around as because the Terrestrials are in power. Turning all people into Dragonblood is going make it impossible to put Sidereal Astrology on any Scope larger than 2, and make weaving the Loom harder, but not actually that tremendously much harder. The upside for them is that, despite large-scale Sidereal Astrology, the Dragonblood are going to go splinter into factions immediately and without any Celestials to poach outcastes and turn them against Creation it'll give the Sidereals lots of opportunity to scavenge teams of Dragonblooded problem solvers they can delegate most Twists of Fate to. That lets them move more Sidereals from missions into manager roles and in turn puts more of them in position to help weave the Loom and pursue less demanding personal interests like clearing wyld zones or building artifacts.
>They explicitly don't suffer the Great Curse as much as any other, in any edition. They suffer it, sure, but they suffer it least even independent of the part where their low lifespans mean they don't have time to get addicted / permanent limit / used to it, or whatever it is elder Celestials have to deal with.
It's still enough that older Dragon-Blooded become cruel and violent assholes and their fiefdoms go derelict.
>all those cool lunar charms people have been asking for years show up in exigent or apocryphal charmsets
t-thanks luna...we didn't need them anyway haha...would just dilute our strong identity as animal exalts and baba yaga hand me downs.
It makes sense to run the kinds of Exalts your group finds the most fun and interesting. I've definitely found DBs to be the easiest to run, though. Still, Sidereals also have unifying mission, as do Abyssals, Infernals, Lunars if they're Silver Pact....Solars don't really have a splat-wide unifying mission, but a Circe of Solars or a mixed Circle having to come up with their own reason for sticking together isn't really a bad thing, either.

Nah, DB Curse is lesser than that of Solars and not just because they have less power to act.

According to Making of Exalted, all of the original Exalt types were intended to be playable from the start. I don't think 1E DBs or Sidereals really came off as knockoff Solars, especially not Sidereals.. 1E Lunars were ruined by Grabowski's apparently genuine boner for barbarians and savage fantasy, not so much by Solars already being able to do everything.

Man, people in power don't need a Great Curse to grow detached enough from the lives and suffering of the common man to stop giving a fuck.
zzzzz, you're putting me to sleep with your rehashed content dude
Shape shifting body horror instead of the more animal focused stuff in 3e. They could still turn into a bird or a yeddim or whatever, but they also had "viscera monster bone daiklave" shape shifting.
>It's still enough that older Dragon-Blooded become cruel and violent assholes and their fiefdoms go derelict.
Most of the old Dragonblood who are cruel and violent assholes got started on the violent cruelty early, well before they were even vaguely elder-ish. The Scarlet Empress is introduced as being the Empress because she sacrificed her partner on the spot, no questions asked. Mnemon started as a sorcerer plumbing the depths of magic regardless of consequences. Etc. Meanwhile, a lot of the elders we know, maybe even most of them, are actually kind of nice people. Wind Master's flying around the world spreading the return of First Age magitech. Arada's a cranky old bastard but his whole problem is that he didn't do good enough. Saibok Gauto, the oldest Terrestrial ever, is incredibly chill despite the dementia (which is mental illness, not an effect of the Great Curse).
Can a Nephwrack be a proper antagonist for a group of DBs, or am I going to have to use a group of them?
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>Sidereals always had witchery way before lunars were anything. They were always the Loki/Anansi type character. Because their charmset is locked, they had weird charms that did specific things.
>Lunars were fucked from 1e and 3e just makes them worse
Sidereals were published after Lunars, but despite of this, they did witchery before and better.

>According to Making of Exalted, all of the original Exalt types were intended to be playable from the start
Yes, "Lunars were supposed to be NPC only" is just Grabowski saving face.
Exactly, the illusions always referred to their shapeshifting.

T. Grabowski.

Sorry anon, but Lunars are that boring.
A nephwrack and a Dragonblood will usually come out about equal, but they will have very different styles of magic being leveraged against each other. In a straight fight, the Dragonblood wins. That said, the nephwrack turns around and wins in turn if they are stacked with underworld artifacts and/or riding a ridiculous necrocrafted body that might as well be it's own enemy, or bringing in powerful friends to win the fight (see: necrocrafts, but also spectral entities, ghosts, spectres, underworld fauna/flora, ancestor cults, etc). Basically, if they can turn their assets on the Dragonblood they're usually favored. The nephwracks powers are almost always sneakier and slimier. Nephwrack's Ride, which should be assumed as the basics for all nephwracks, lets them hop bodies and possess the dead, and this leaves them with both very good disguises and easy ways to get out of trouble.

Having hyped up the nephwrack, allow me to now hype up the Dragonblood. Where the nephwrack is typically sneaky and hard to pin down, the Dragonblood is a bull who can usually crush through any small force the nephwrack might bring around, and if you crush even a few of those the nephwrack will quickly crumble. The Dragonblood is never going to escape a decisive encounter if it turns out poorly for them, but they are also going to outmass any casual force, while their social and investigative charms are more than enough to pin down the void ghost if they can stay on it's trail without being torn away by the distractions the nephwrack will need to throw in their way to pull them off, and they can usually see a bad encounter coming and back off.

Because they operate on very different wavelengths, a single Dragonblood can be a meaningful problem to a whole group of nephwracks, and a single nephwrack can antagonise a group of Dragonblood and get away with it. I would, however, expect the group of Dragonblood to scale better and cover a broader skillset than the group of nephwracks.
*Nemissary's Ride
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It is me or ExVsWoD Lunar charmset is based entirely on 1e's?
Probably All of the Devs seem to be in unison with the idea that Lunars should be shitty werewolves.
Yeah, in 2e too many attacks at once makes further attacks unexpected which sets your DV to zero, a surprise negator fixes that but you'd still need motes/WP to use it. Bad-touch effects are more worrying, but I don't think there are that many that are instant kills available to mortals.
Either way though, it is possible to be immune to mortals in 2e, you just need a bit more than big numbers

Charm, no, but there IS the Immortal Flesh mutation, it's introduced as a Kimbery themed one, so it should be in the Infernal's wheelhouse to grant with the right charms
Holden wants Lunares to be the "beast that breaks chains" troupe.
I honestly like that more than 3e's silver Solars.
Thanks for the thorough insight. I think one will do as an elusive antagonist for a bit. Then we'll see how things go.
Currently my two reasonable players are chewing on each other OOC so who knows. Maybe the game won't live that long.
I’ve read a list of charms and spells in the core book.
What’s supposed to be the distinction between charms and sorcery?
Doing things like shooting eye beams and throwing energy balls seems more convenient and costs less with charms, plus things sorcery is supposed to be good at like manse construction doesn’t have any spells that support it.
Charms are innate powers you develop. In world-terms, it is as natural as using your muscles to lift something heavy. It can also be unique to each exalt. Meanwhile sorcery is a difficult initiation process, and all the spells can be copied 1:1 by any other sorcerers. There is more depth and some changes depending on edition, but that is the gist of it.
Man, I can’t tell where in creation that map is supposed to represent. The middle island looks like coral, but it should be broken into smaller islands, plus there shouldn’t be any big land mass that far west.
>Sidereals were published after Lunars, but despite of this, they did witchery before and better.
I have no idea what this means to you in specific, but I'm not exactly seeing this considering that the Sidereal Occult set is more along the lines of being a priest/shaman of the gods, filtered through the lens of the gods all being in a bureaucratic structure. I can see more of Circe and Rhiannon in Lunars than I do in the Sidereal charm set.

Also I think recall some other poster saying that you randomly bringing up "Sidereals do witch stuff better than Lunars" every thread borders on being an autistic special interest, and I'm starting to agree because you're too invested in this for it to be bait.
....I just now realized that map in the back is a .....Goode homolosine (according to google) map projection, all three of those guys in the back are round creationers
Those dumbasses NEED to be NPCs in someone's game now
NTA but it's really weird how you look at Sidereal Occult exclusively and think that it somehow has comparative parity with Intelligence (which is 1 Attribute out of 9 rather than one Ability out of 25) AND that you somehow think that comparing 1 ability to 1 attribute means that there's nothing to his observation. Witchery themes in Lunars are not just in Intelligence after all either. Genuinely a bizarre rebuttal and makes the rest of your post less credible.

For me personally, I think 'witchery' and 'shamanism' is just sort of...whatever? They're already broad descriptors. Yeah, Lunars have an ability to turn you into a pig. Yeah, Sidereals have the ability to curse you and vex your fate. For my money, Sidereal's charmset just has way more interesting things in it for me to make character concepts and play around with.

Shapeshifting is already niche when it comes to characters and the particular brand of Shapeshifting that Lunars do with the mild flavorings they get atop that doesn't do anything for me.
nta but it should be noted that "witchcraft" embodies a wide spectrum of things since, naturally, every culture interprets magic differently. Lunars seem to take their inspiration from the witchcraft of Greco-Roman myth: herbalism for healing and harm, necromancy, the changing of shapes, etc. I don't think Sidereal magic takes from one source, but is focused specifically on the usage of divination and theurgy (with a bureaucratic twist): a Sidereal blesses and curses people with the divine approval of the Maidens of Fate, and sees the future through the power of their astrology.
Well why not frame it as "I like Sidereal charms more than Lunar charms" instead of "Sidereals are better at witchery than Lunars"?

Anyway may god have mercy on my soul for entering yet another /exg/ bitchfest about lunars
>I can see more of Circe and Rhiannon in Lunars than I do in the Sidereal charm set.

>Rhiannon, in Celtic religion, the Welsh manifestation of the Gaulish horse goddess Epona and the Irish goddess Macha. She is best-known from The Mabinogion, a collection of medieval Welsh tales, in which she makes her first appearance on a pale, mysterious steed and meets King Pwyll, whom she marries. Later she was unjustly accused of killing her infant son, and in punishment she was forced to act as a horse and to carry visitors to the royal court. According to another story, she was made to wear the collars of asses about her neck in the manner of a beast.
Truly the Lunar experience.
this is why i never listen to niggas that be like "it's harkening back to Sjornainia / the classics of Dvorak" because 99 percent of the time they're actually thinking of the Fate character depiction rather than the actual mythology.
Mythology gets really silly, but that was a joke about the "riding Lunar" build.

>Rhiannon first appears at Gorsedd Arberth, an ancestral mound near one of the chief courts of Dyfed. Pwyll, the prince of Dyfed, has accepted the challenge of the mound's magical tradition to show a marvel or deal out blows. Rhiannon appears to him and his court as the promised marvel. She is a beautiful woman arrayed in gold silk brocade, riding a shining white horse. Pwyll sends his best horsemen after her two days running, but she always remains ahead of them, though her horse never does more than amble. On the third day he finally follows her himself and does no better, until he finally appeals to her to stop for him.

>Rhiannon characteristically rebukes him for not considering this course before, then explains she has sought him out to marry him, in preference to her current betrothed, Gwawl ap Clud. Pwyll gladly agrees, but at their wedding feast at her father's court, an unknown man requests Pwyll grant a request; which he does without asking what it is. The man is Gwawl, and he requests Rhiannon.

>Rhiannon rebukes Pwyll a second time for his rash promise, but provides the means and the plan to salvage the situation. She holds a second wedding feast for Gwawl, where she deploys Pwyll's men outside in the orchard. She instructs Pwyll to enter the hall dressed as a beggar and humbly request Gwawl fill a certain 'small bag' with food. But she has enchanted the 'small bag' so it cannot ever be filled by normal means. Gwawl is persuaded to step in it to control its magic, which means Pwyll can trap him in it. Pwyll's men rush in and surround the hall, then beat and kick Gwawl as the Badger-in-the-Bag game. To save his life Gwawl is forced to relinquish Rhiannon completely, and also his revenge. Rhiannon marries Pwyll, then journeys to Dyfed as its queen.
She feels more Sidereal like.
This is the problem with referencing witches with lunars. It's just shape changing stuff and not really anything to do with sorcery or learning. Not like but more like when Loki birth sleipner.
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>It's just shape changing stuff and not really anything to do with sorcery or learning.
you haven't read the book.
Every day I’m gladder and gladder Infernals has a genuine chance of not being released until 3e itself ends.
Nah, there's no chance. Even if development crashes and burns right this very moment and we spend the next few years watching a dumpster fire as seventy new scandals get revealed and it turns out nobody's been paid for decades, they'd still hire a writer and pump out Infernals as the hail mary to cash in on infernalfag nostalgia from 2e to save the brand before dying.
Any advice on how to up the damage of mind-hand manipulation other than just picking up a corrupted orichalcum hearthstone bracer? You don't get to add your strength or any analog of that to the raw damage, which sits at (essence), which is ass. And the mote commitment is kind of high, especially if you plan on regularly using force-suppression barrier- 14m in total. There are some serious benefits to using MHM, but it honestly doesn't seem all that viable until essence 4, which is when every exalt gets a major power spike anyway, so that's not really saying much.

I would've taken this as troll bait a long time ago, but now I know what you actually intend. 3E infernals just won't live up to the potential they have.
I have, that's why I think their so called witchery /shaman themes are very whatevs. Even the herbalism stuff they get is pretty inconsequential even if that idea is pretty untrodden with other Exalts. Half of Lunar's problems comes from execution and the other half from concept. They needed another pass over the charmset. This isn't counting Lunar lore which is...yeah.
How much you wanna bet Lunars and Infernals are footnotes in the War In Heaven scenario
why would any exalt but the sidereals and getimians factor in at all? the only splat I can see possibly being of relevance are the dragon-blooded that reside in heaven
of relevance other than those two*
>Any advice on how to up the damage of mind-hand manipulation other than just picking up a corrupted orichalcum hearthstone bracer?
Green Sun Nimbus Flare.
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>why would Infernals, whose MO squares them against Heaven, factor in at all?
>why would Lunars, whose main enemies are Sidereals and Dragonblood, factor in at all?
>also a war means only people who have houses there are involved
Requires you to deal at least one level of damage with the attack it supplements, otherwise it doesn't trigger. I need something to help me get past medium to high hardness for the flare to work.
why would either deserve more than a paragraph saying something to the effect of "an infernal might join the getimian cause if convinced that heaven is deserving of their wrath" or "the silver pact may send assassins to heaven to opportunistically pick off their hated bronze foes during the chaos?" like I'm not understanding what you're bitching about here, do you want this campaign hook focusing on a sidereal-getimian conflict to be cross-splat compatible since the prior two also relegated every other splat not directly related to their war to the sidelines or do you want to win yet another /exg/ splat dick measuring contest

also way to not read the books: most lunars don't hate non-bronze sidereals or dragon-blooded that aren't associated with the usurpation.
>a paragraph
nta but multiple people criticized how Lunars were treated in regards to the War in the West where they got two paragraphs - BAD, uselesss paragraphs - compared to other polities that either got more, got better or got both. I think it's also bit weird to think that INFERNALs, the literal anti heaven splat, shouldn't get a lot of fanfare in the literal war in heaven plotline. Blessed Isle Civil War, for example, had entire pages dedicated various power blocs between Great Houses each so I'm pretty sure they can do better than a pity paragraph.

>most lunars don't hate non-bronze sidereals or dragon-blooded that aren't associated with the usurpation.
Not sure what books or even posts you're reading, but the Bronze Faction is the dominant political faction in Heaven that props up the efficiency of the entire tradition of Wyld Hunts across the world through divination and there's more than a few Elders who would actually join in the carnage to shake up the Celestial Bureaucracy. This is a whack ass double standard where Lunars as a collective somehow know the nuances between the Bronze Faction and Gold Faction but also do not know the proportional political power between them. I don't know why so many people in /exg/ go to bat for something they don't understand on both sides of the fence, it just makes me think that this place is plagued by like three trolls who falseflag arguments to keep things alive.
>I think it's also bit weird to think that INFERNALs, the literal anti heaven splat,
there's no mention of heaven in the infernals section of crucible, I don't think they care all that much.
>Blessed Isle Civil War, for example, had entire pages dedicated various power blocs between Great Houses each so I'm pretty sure they can do better than a pity paragraph.
woah, this campaign for the dragon-blooded focuses on the dragon-blood over everyone else? inconceivable, what a strange world we live in.
>This is a whack ass double standard where Lunars as a collective somehow know the nuances between the Bronze Faction and Gold Faction but also do not know the proportional political power between them
damn a bunch of guys (who can go to heaven at any time if they have a good reason or can get past the cops) can't figure out that there's two kinds of sidereal?
>Lunars, whose main enemies are Sidereals
This beef is largely imagined, though I admit that it's been getting larger between every edition. It is larger in 3e than it is in 2e because Lunars are participating in the War in Heaven, they just aren't on either the Sidereal or Getimian's side.

>Infernals, whose MO squares them against Heaven
Reminder that this is 3e and Infernals vs Sidereal is not intended to be the natural way of things.
>there's no mention of heaven in the infernals section of crucible, I don't think they care all that much.
>Now empowered
to command Hell’s might and tear down the old regimes
of Creation and Heaven, they come to claim vengeance
on those who harmed them or protect the weak from the
same suffering they once endured. p (112)
inb4 woaaah dude just one single line lmao, the first part of the Infernals ST section says the Yozi made Infernals as revenge against the Gods and their Exalted masters and they sure as shit ain't talking about local spirit courts.
>woah, this campaign for the dragon-blooded focuses on the dragon-blood over everyone else? inconceivable, what a strange world we live in.
I think you confused yourself here, maybe give my post another read to help you out before instinctively disagreeing.
>damn a bunch of guys (who can go to heaven at any time if they have a good reason or can get past the cops) can't figure out that there's two kinds of sidereal?
That is exactly what you were saying, yeah, and it's pretty stupid. Bronze Faction is the dominant force in Heaven and is entirely what the War in Heaven is all about - it isn't a Sidereal v Getimian conflict, because Rakan and his Sidereal friends are also Sidereals. This isn't helping your noread accusations
>damn a bunch of guys (who can go to heaven at any time if they have a good reason or can get past the cops) can't figure out that there's two kinds of sidereal?
There aren't, really. Factions are entirely headspace social group things, entirely defined by your opinions and reputation. They aren't official. They aren't a thing that people outside the Bureau of Destiny knows about or interact with, and it's not a thing that most of the Bureau of Destiny actually touches on often either. It matters to Sidereals because they're in the thick of it.
There are Charms for learning stuff by drinking someone's heart's blood, Charms for dealing with spirits and fae and such, for sanctifying oaths and cursing oath-breakers Eclipse-style, for taking the powers of slain characters, and stuff like that. If you think there should be more of stuff lie this, or that these Charms aren't interesting enough, then there's something to discuss, but it isn't really true that witchy Lunar stuff is just all about shapechanging.
>Charms for dealing with spirits and fae and such, for sanctifying oaths and cursing oath-breakers Eclipse-style,
These aren't really what I'd bring up in witchery conversations because every splat gets this
Guess I can't call any splat sorcerers because they all get sorcery then
They're relevant whether you'd bring them up or not, and they're also not the only things I mentioned.
>anon accidentally exposes himself as a retard
I love /exg/, you guys are crazy
I'm sorry, but you can't call sidereals diviners now because solars also have charms to predict the future.
Also you can' call Sidereals martial artists because everyone gets martial arts. Fuck, Sidereals are neither diviners nor martial artists nor bureaucrats - another things almost everyone gets in some form - so what do they even have left?
I wonder what this anon thinks about the fact that most of the heavy lifting for what we'd call divination is by that one Occult charm that gives them access to the divination thaumaturgy and that the rest of the Sidereal charmset is actually fairly sparse on predicting the future? Maybe try rerolling your dogshit argument again and see if you stick a better landing.
until the sidereals get something as strong as God-King's Shrike, they are not the best diviners.
Are we having an autistic argument where one anon says something and another takes it in the worst faith possible and spins out an entire narrative about his strawman? Because I'd say >>93188349 is broadly correct in that neither of those sound particularly 'witchy' (what the fuck that even mean lol) because presumably that adjective is meant to denote a contrast in the setting by creating a unique niche.
God-King's Shrike isn't just divination, it's headcanoning
>Through this Charm she reaches realization of a certain calamity that must happen, and her consciousness is recognized, in turn, by the universe. In this instance, what the Solar realizes she causes to happen

which is even better than faggy divination. Sidereals BTFO.
I think Sidereal wank has gotten out of control in this thread and I'm the one running the damn Sidereal game right now. I love the bastards to death, I do think their charm set is tied for best with Abyssals, but I find the fixation on proving them as having the perfect charm set strange considering their limitations in certain regards. For instance, their stealth charms are great at the actual act of sneaking around but there's nothing equivalent to the Solar and Lunar trees which make them phenomenally lethal after going into stealth and able to repeatedly re-enter stealth for cheap.
>I hate the Sidereal wank in these threads, they don't even have degenerate restealth combos
They have the perfect charmset for having fun you absolute fucking moron no one gives two shits they can't le alpha strike 3 times in a row for 15m. They have very few speedbump charms, each charm they have is a worthwhile purchase and their charms are so impactful they can radically change the course of stories just from your loadout alone rather than dice rolls.
>They have the perfect charmset for having fun you absolute fucking moron no one gives two shits they can't le alpha strike 3 times in a row for 15m.
I think that's badass. There's a simple joy in killing somebody without fuss or set-up, rather than the convoluted shenanigans that Archery and Brawl must set up with the former's gambits and the latter's focus on baiting enemies into hitting you and forcing them into Catch-22s.
>They have very few speedbump charms, each charm they have is a worthwhile purchase and their charms are so impactful they can radically change the course of stories just from your loadout alone rather than dice rolls.
Can I not change the course of stories by creating a mirror clone of myself, winning a fight with Ogre-King's Challenge, or using every rat in a city to spy on everyone in it?

Also there's no need for such rudeness.
>by creating a mirror clone of myself
Isn't that a Sidereal Martial Arts charm? The Lunar version of that is pretty pants IMHO.
>using every rat in a city to spy on everyone in it
Can Solar/Lunarbros actually do this? Cool
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hey lunarkeks, what tree should free standing illusions or hallucinations go into - manipulation or appearance or even charisma? let's keep things simple and not bring in Archetype for now.
>Isn't that a Sidereal Martial Arts charm? The Lunar version of that is pretty pants IMHO.
There is but its scene long and you don't get spirit charms off it. Still pretty useful if you want to be in two places at once, though.
>using every rat in a city to spy on everyone in it
Yup, Hundred-Eyed Watcher.
I'd say Appearance would be fun for leaving lingering illusions of yourself that enchant people with your beauty (or fill them with unspeakable terror), Charisma would be projecting yourself remotely, and Manipulation would be your standard illusion stuff that serves to mislead or obfuscate something.
>Can Solar/Lunarbros actually do this? Cool
nta but Lunars can sort of do it with Pack-Instinct Affirmation, Pack-Calling Cry, and Untamed Soul Unity (but it's questionable re: motes/time) and they might actually have been referring to Hundred-Eyed Watcher (which is only everything within long range but is very easy) and Solars can sort of do it with Understanding the Court targeting the city's rat society (but they'd have to live in the sewers among the rats for days on end).
It's just the disguise rules, so use that roll. Intelligence + Larceny.

At least, unless you have some particular rendition of it which is more specific. Afterimages in Dexterity, giant flares that spread around social actions with Charisma or Appearance, disguising how wounded/tired you are with Appearance, etc.
>they might actually have been referring to Hundred-Eyed Watcher (which is only everything within long range but is very easy)
The repurchase allows for it to extend out to (Essence) miles or the entirety of your territory. You'll cover a good chunk of the largest cities if you go off how big Rome was back in the day (the area with the Aurelian walls was about 7-8 square miles), and most smaller cities will be completely covered.
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I think you forgot that architecture in Creation is equivalent to modern even in the current low of the Age of Sorrows, and was way higher during the Shogunate and prior. We can actually measure how big some of the cities are simply because we have scaled maps of them. Nexus is enormous, something like forty miles across, and the narration fits it.

Picrel is me not being bothered finding which map looked best, but you can see the jut that Nexus is on even in 3e maps and use it for scale.
Yes. They have it and it's much better.
>War on heaven
It is me or 3e is far more "drawn in the lines"?

>Also you can' call Sidereals martial artists because everyone gets martial arts. Fuck, Sidereals are neither diviners nor martial artists nor bureaucrats - another things almost everyone gets in some form - so what do they even have left?
They are martial artists, they get SMAs and have incentive to buy MAs.
Understanding the Court wouldn't allow for it. It doesn't work on animals.
I think the important fact is that outside of the bishop and his one style, only sidereals can make SMAs. Which not even the maidens can.
There are many reasons Understanding the Court would not be effective for making a city-wide spy ring out of rats, not least of which because it doesn't really enhance their memories or let you perceive through their senses or talk to the rats, but not working on animals is definitely not one of the reasons it wouldn't work. Understanding the Court's rules text says that it works on any court and even has a sidebar further defining the meaning of 'court' in ways that do is absolutely not limited to mortals and does not exclude any thing capable of thinking. Animals are valid targets for social actions, including socialize actions like Read Intentions. It works.
The sidebar on group dynamics seems to be focused on the idea of people who socialize. Animals don't have a society, they don't have culture and rituals. They have pack dynamics but that's not similar.
Wait, the bishop MADE an SMA? That's like ground zero no no for SMA.
many types of animals do have culture and rituals tho.
The bishop made the SMA in abyssals because it resonants with his theme on the Void is the end of all things. They've hinted that he's a former sidereal who became a deathlord in this edition though.
That is some weak ass shit. Bishop being able to use an appropriate SMA is one thing, one thing I don't even oppose, but creating one as a non sidereal is just so ass. Presumably, he also gets to teach it too.
He does. It has some good effects but it's mostly mid if it makes you feel better.
They have some rituals but I wouldn't call it a culture. Which is why dealing with animals is done with survival instead of socialize. Unless we're dealing with intelligent animals which exist in exalted.

However, looking through a fuck ton of rats is a lunar only thing. Sidereals get to borrow the senses of only one animal with Tomb-Parole Sanction or a few more with Dreaming the Wild Lands though Dreaming the Wild lands is more about controlling a large distance.
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>his theme on the Void is the end of all things
Isn't this the theme of all Deathlords? And the bishop doesn't feel barragan like, he feels more "hatred against life".
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Crows have mourning rituals, and Orcas have fads.

>However, looking through a fuck ton of rats is a lunar only thing.
Hearteaters also do it, an Essence 5 can theorically do it to all rodents in Creation.
It's known that hardness is something Mind-Hand doesn't really have a canon answer to other than it's overwhelming 2 tag. One somewhat subpar option is that if you're willing to eat that -3 penalty you can grab a weapon and use it with MHM, plus, the devs have said a custom charm that negates that -3 wouldn't be unbalanced too
If you're willing to get into house-ruley things, Vance DID release some post-Scroll-of-Errata-errata he and Holden apparently worked on for Infernals, in addition to a few new charms for Mind-Hand one of the suggested changes he gave was for it to flat out ignore Hardness
>MFW I forgot to add the link to it
there's a SWLIHN heartstone that makes it so you dont roll dice and instead take one suc per 2 dice. mind hand has overwhelming two and thus would always hit. of course its a 5 dot merit and you never roll dice again. also it sets your temperance to 5.
>Hearteaters also do it
Lunarsisters...it happened again...
>Crows have mourning rituals, and Orcas have fads.
Rats have dens, kings, friends, and families. They've been proven to teach each other skills and rescue other rats when they're in trouble. Saying they can't have a culture is like saying crows can't hold court, or bees, or even something dumber, like politicians.
The Yozis literally want the Incarna overthrown and Yu-Shan burnt to the ground. It makes total sense for Infernals to be involved.
I'd say Manipulation, but I could see including some Appearance ones too.
>Chimeras ruined Lunars' animal barbarians identity.
>Let’s remove and make them a separate splat.
>So everybody can point at them and laugh.
>Wait, why are fans so scared of them?

Ironic how Hearteaters did "the danger outside of the bonfire" and "warlords from the ruins of the first age" far better than Lunars ever could, to the point some fans ate glad that they aren't canon.
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Which edition of the game is the best for a Dragon-Blooded game?
no idea what you're yapping about. the splat has a grand total of 8 combat charms. hard to take them seriously as "warlords" or "the danger outside of the bonfire" if a group of Deebs can just easily knock out the prime Hearteater, pull him out of range of his pawns with Stormwind Rider, and beat him to death with hammers.
Essence. 3e Dragon-blooded was a rush job, 2e was a joke, and I am unfamiliar with 1e so I can't make any judgments in that regard. If someone else wants to make a case for 1e, go for it.
What is Essence? Also, not that I don't believe you on the rush job/joke insinuations, but how so? What made them bad?
I honestly like some of the Lunar charm choices in Essence even though they're not as fleshed out as other editions. I mean, you can make anyone a legendary sized creature. You can't do that in 3e. Also Ichoate Wonders Realized in Essence kicks so much ass. My fucking dream is if the Essence devs throw even the most meagre bone in illusionfuckers direction for Player's Guide or Pillar's of Creation
Isn't PoC the player guide? Even if there's no Lunar specific ones, you can grab the Dream-Souled's.
Willow Specter tease.

>Anima Effects
>Willow Specter possesses the following anima powers:

>Fortune’s Fool (0m or 3m; Reflexive; Instant): Willow Specter can invoke this power for free before an (Attribute + Ability) roll to set aside the die that rolls the highest number, removing it (and any successes from it) from the roll and adding it to the fortune pool. Alternatively, he can spend three motes to add a die from the fortune pool to a roll or static value, as a non-Charm bonus. Each successful die adds +1 to that value or +2 for 10s.

>Lord of All Games (Permanent): While playing an unfamiliar game, Willow Specter halves any penalties he suffers due to his lack of knowledge. This also applies on penalties to social rolls for lacking familiarity with the game’s social context. Once he’s finished a game — or two rounds of a multiple round game — he fully understands it, ignoring such penalties entirely. He adds (higher of Essence or 3) non-Charm dice on rolls to play games once he’s familiar with them.

>Plentimon’s Warrant (10m, 1wp [5m]; Simple; Instant): Willow Specter sanctifies a game to the God of Chance, briefly flaring his anima even if it’s dim. Disrupting or interfering with the game costs one Willpower or two Willpower for hostile or violent action. Any player who cheats or reneges on a wager — even Willow Specter — is cursed with incredible bad luck, comparable to breaking an Eclipse oath (Exalted, p. 176). Willow Specter need not be a player in the game, though this effect ends if he stops observing the game. He can’t use this power in combat.

Good to know.

I looked in the infernals manual and the broken winged crane, where is that hearthstone?
>Games in Play

>Playing games of skill is typically an opposed roll, with each player using whatever dice pool best fits their approach to the game. Cards, dice, and other staples of illegal gambling can always use (Wits + Larceny), while Gateway and other strategy games can always use (Intelligence + War). A single roll can cover multiple rounds of play.

>Cheating is typically a separate opposed roll — usually the cheater’s (Dexterity + Larceny) against the target’s (Perception + Awareness). Success typically adds 1 to 3 dice to the cheater’s roll or inflicts a −1 to −3 penalty on opponents, depending on what exactly the cheater is doing.

>Games of chance can be resolved by flipping a coin or rolling a single die to see if it’s odd or even. Cheating replaces the coinflip with the opposed roll to catch the deception.
Rules for gambling.
>I looked in the infernals manual and the broken winged crane, where is that hearthstone?
Ink Monkeys on Infernal manses.
>What is Essence? Also, not that I don't believe you on the rush job/joke insinuations, but how so? What made them bad?
Essence is a slightly more stripped down version of 3e, putting it on par with most other Onyx Path games like Vampire the Requiem in terms of crunchiness. All splats are playable in it, the ability list has been truncated, some charms are shared between all splats, and other changes like that were made.

In regards to 3e Dragon-blooded, 3e was being held hostage by Holden and Morke (the lead devs at the start of the project) due to a payment dispute, which backfired tremendously when Rich Thomas got so pissed off at them purposefully dragging their heels that he fired them unceremoniously and gave it to the two current lead devs, Eric Minton and Robert Vance. The new leads then had to rush out Arms of the Chosen (decent book, considering the circumstances) and the Dragon-blooded book. The Dragon-blooded book isn't a complete disaster, but the Aura mechanic (you have to use mono-element charms or charms with a specific tag for a turn to use your stronger charms) adds a lot of unnecessary book-keeping to a game that needs far less of it.
Wasn't arms still Holdorke?

>Eric Minton, Robert Vance, John Mørke, Holden Lee Shearer
Partially; there was work done on it that Holden and Morke were paid for, but Minton and Vance had to finish it up. I may be remembering something incorrectly, its been so long, but I think Holden or Morke said something insane like "we made an artifact with 30 charms in it", so I assume most of what Morke and Vance did was editing that down because that's fucking crazy.
Maybe. What was kept from the old devs was only as necessary. For AoC it wasn't as much as it was for DBs. It's sad how the Aura mechanic is just another fucking thing that they just let ship without clearly testing it.
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Yes, the behind the scenes story is really complex

>but I think Holden or Morke said something insane like "we made an artifact with 30 charms in it", so I assume most of what Morke and Vance did was editing that down because that's fucking crazy.
Not much insanity, but uniqueness creep, remember that artifacts were supposed to be mini splats by themselves.
Volcano Cutter initially had 20 Evocations and that was going to be the low end for a five dot artefact. On one hand, having a single artefact that you can continually invest in from chargen to E5 is pretty cool. OTOH, it's pretty pricy at 10xp a pop and you're basically married to your artefact for the whole game.
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>On one hand, having a single artefact that you can continually invest in from chargen to E5 is pretty cool. OTOH, it's pretty pricy at 10xp a pop and you're basically married to your artefact for the whole game.
Yes, like I said, artifacts were mini splats, to the point evocations don't exist in universe.

They weren't supposed to be supplemental to a character, they are meant to be part of the core.

Because of this they insist on "every one has a story".
You become a bigger target for the Realm Defense Grid.
Holden clearly had the homebrewer brain going on that one, because most people don't have the knowledge or patience to make a bunch of custom Charms. And sometimes, a weapon's history is just
>my twilight buddy made it for me last week.
>Because of this they insist on "every one has a story".
Honestly, artefacts seem too common to support this. They're each a unique and miraculous creation but yet everyone has one and you can create them very easily with little investment.
Because their "army" was around 3000 troops.
Better question is why a city that is supposed to be bigger than Nexus has such a tiny army.
TBF, I can see that as something she genuinely thinks as a batshit way to justify her baby-eating and deny her insanity.
I'd like to think 1e Lunars was written from Ma-ha-suchi's perspective and 2e Lunars was written by Tammuz.
I think the problem that devs are starting to realizing now is that while homebrew is cool. Not everyone can or wants to do it.
PoC isn't the player's guide, there's a player's guide coming after PoC.
Roleplaying game developers have an inherent bias towards sharing social spheres with people who are willing to and/or want to homebrew. Sometimes that's a good thing and leads to things like sorcerous workings, and sometimes it's mediocre and leads to things like Exigents.
Hearteaters do the global rat network with maxed soul-fisher lure + empire expansion of self + the Charm to pawn animals.

Their animal pawns can even pawn other animals.
don't care + don't want to play BPD: the Splat.
>BPD: the Splat.
Can you be more specific? This applies to every single one, with the exception of the psychopathic Abyssals and the narcissistic Solars.
Now that I think about it, Infernals represent sociopaths, making the Solaroids analogs to the dark trinity.

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