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Too Much of a Good Thing Edition

>Previously, in the Mortal Realms

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
How do you feel about Slaanesh?
Imprisonment was too good for them. They should have gone further.
Me with Tzeench
Mainly because he’s boring
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Man, I really hope Be'lakor does something cool this edition. He was AWESOME in the Broken Realms Saga and I think both Be'lakor and the Legion of the First Prince are super cool, so I hope they don't get dumped in the bin and forgotten about by GW.

(Like they did with him in 3rd)
I like the way how Slaanesh was handled in aos, better to keep a god in a cage than mishandle the potential something like that has and do nothing with it like in 40k.
>no /aos/
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Man, I really hope Malerion does something cool this edition.
You fucked up the subject line. The thread has no title.
I thought 'Siege of Greenspire' was a pretty great AoS story. Fun plot, interesting characters, good action and an amazing look into what life is like for the soldiers of the Cities of Sigmar (including Non-Humans!) so here ya go.

Same, anon. Same.
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>The first thing you'll learn about the folk of Tempest's Eye is that they live upon the flanks of Titanspear Mountain, the final sentinel against the barbarians of the Brimstone Peninsula. The second is that each of them acts like they've got a titan's spear lodged up their backside. They're oh-so-proud of the trade that passes through their sky-docks and the precision of their Aetherguard regiments. Course, if the rest of us had mountaintop orreries drinking in star-prophecies night and day and the example of the vaunted Tempest Lords to follow, I'm sure we'd be able to muster that level of foresight too. Not that it stopped the ratmen hitting Tempest's even before everything went up in smoke, though. They torpedoed half the city out of existence, and rumour has it that they're climbing higher up the mountain's innards each day, even if the Aetherguard are making them pay for each level they take. Gronti, from the steelworks, insists that some Exodus Hosts got out before things got really bad. but when you're an Aqshian, you know how easy a candle can blow out.

So is he actually fused with his dragon now or something? Is there any official art of him besides that picture? Is it like a centaur type deal or serpentine one?
It's a different hing but I suppose you could check out The Red Hours if you haven't. It's got a similar premise in that it's a novella set in a fortress outpost where colorful characters gather.
I have two island of blood sets of Skaven somewhere.
Is it worth ordering a shitload of round bases and trying to make an AoS force out of them or are they not worthwhile?
Thanks for the suggestion, anon! I'll check it out.
If you mix them in with the new clanrats they blend pretty well.
Variety can't hurt, right? Also if you like the models it's always a good idea.
Not sure about 2 boxes worth though
Interesting how the old leaks seem to have correctly predicted Dawnbringers and Chorfs so far but there's neither hide nor hair of Malerion who was supposedly going to happen between the two.
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Any rumblings on the future for Dwarfs in Age of Sigmar?
Is there any hope for more traditional Dwarfs are are we stuck with being a footnote in Cities of Sigmar?
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Too many elves. They know people need a break.
We also have like 3 more Lumineth waves first.


I like the idea of Slaanesh but I'd replace the 1 boob thing with 2(+) boobs and a bulge
On *all* their models
It's over.
He's a shadow. His whole being resists any attempt to corporealize. He's able to create a physical body for himself with a lot of effort and seething, but his natural state is just a shadow.
This model is so fucking RETARDED.
I hate it.
dwarfs are not going to be a footnote in cos either
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>actually supported by 3 Dwarfs this time with handles
Far improved over the original.

I love this guy, reminds me of pic related.
A GOOD CoS story? And it has non-humans?! I'll give it a look, thanks manling.
Im so happy they made more than 2 dudes carry him, but im still convinced that there should be 4 of them
That's just Be'lakor with extra steps
People meme on this guy but he's actually the only decent pose in that set. It's the rest of the vulkite berzerkers that look like pudgy flailing babies throwing tantrums while the captain T poses to assert dominance
Is AoS 4 back to indexhammer?
Indexes out in a week

Is indexhammer really an improvement on having an out of date codex?
Say whatever you need to to cope
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Holy shit, this whole unit is terrible. In fact, I think the whole army sort of sucks, which my 11 year old self wouldn't believe.
If COS actually gets a 2nd reresh where its a mix of regular dwarves and elves, I would be very happy.
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Hopefully they replace them, the warcry band might be a sign of things to come.
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>remembering I bought the Dominion box and it's been setting with grey plastic and a basically unopened rulebook for 3 years

Where the fuck did the time go
That is a stupid interpretation of that art that some loretuber talked about and the idiot community ran with it as being canon. He is a shadow being that can change form at will, he prefers to be that of an elf clad in black armor. He is closer to being the Hat Man than he is to being fused with his dragon.
The quality difference between these is actually insane.
Now with 50% more fat women!
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I wish we got to see more of Chamon beyond the Spiral Crux. For basically being nothing but a load of sub-Realms and tiny worlds/lands adrift within the Realm Sphere, they show very little of it.
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One's a kit with many swapable heads and arms and other extra bits. The other's monopose. There's a good reason why they are the way they are. They also look fine and have plenty of detail in person.
All of it holds up great, unless you prefer old world no reason not to
A fair bit is written about the Sky Shoals since that's where the Drekki Flynt stories are set.
Skaven definitely.
Highelves maybe less so, you could run them as Lumineth but you might be better off keeping them on squares and having a TOW army if there's a scene for that where you are.
Oh? Cool. Might check it out. I love the Realm of Metal.
I want a seaguard reimagining for idoneth
I want literally anything new for Idoneth
The alternative is not playing with an outdated book, it's not playing at all because all previous books are invalidated by core rules changes.

Updating every army to have a set of current rules is the only way for all the armies to be playable in this kind of edition change.
I want a new Helstrider kit that's basically Myrmidesh Painbringers on Exalted Seekers.
And a Lord of Pain on Exalted Seeker.
If GW gives me those I'll built a Knights of Slaanesh list.
damn beastman vale still?
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Nobody cares enough to rename it.
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Is Khorne finally going to be fun this edition, or shall he remain dull?
Beastmen are still in the lore. Just not in the game.
>Breathe deep the vapours of thy sacred flame.
Are they telling people to huff smoke?
khorne is fun as fuck what are you talking about?
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The Old world models are going away nothing on whether or not a refresh is coming but the index include them and tule promates intermixing species

They got a mention in the new Rulebook strangely making them part of the Ironweld
>"The Dispossessed reinforce the armies with clanking, piston legged cogforts and impenetrable shieldwalls, their natural ability in architecture vital for ensuring new strongpoints weather the unforgiving landscape."

expect either Dispossessed gone and the Ironweld adding in more dwarfs to their ranks
NTA, but they did seem autistic to try and get to work.
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I just want the Star Trek Federation where people are fine hanging out with people who are in no way like them.
Christ I hated Morn. Dude never shut up and just chatted about the most boring shit in every scene.
That’s not strange considering they e always been
>part of the Ironweld
Thats actually really interesting, considering how much cockforts were teased, they are bound to show up in the 2nd wave, given that connection, probably together with some dawi engineers then?
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no Bonesplitterz

Dispossessed, Scourge Privateer, Darkling covens (whom they say help the navy now??) & even Dragon ogres get a mention
Scourge Privateers and Darkling covens have always aided the City of Sigmar military. Hell, the Scourge make up the bulk of Excelsis' navy. Given the influence and control the Darkling Covens have over the people of the Cities, I imagine they would "aid" the navy sometimes... though only when doing so benefits them, of course.
Did Shyish turn into Made in Abyss?
Any maggotkin fluff mentioned somewhere?
2 more editions, trust the plan
>Scourge Privateer, Darkling covens (whom they say help the navy now??)
Oh hell yeah. Dark Elf pirates granted legitimacy by Sigmar's Cities is one of the coolest, most evocative ideas in the lore. I would be happy to see the old regular DE units go the way of the dodo if it meant locking in Scourge Privateers as a permanent part of CoS with new kits.
It is still so bizarre to me that they don't have a proper dark elf faction considering how massively popular they were in fantasy battle. I mean, I guess they technically have three different ones in AoS but none of them are really quite the correct flavor.
I kinda think that when they were first figuring out the setting they were like, OK we took the newest Wood Elf and Dark Elf models and spun those off into their own armies, we've got some ideas for expanding those. We have a solid idea for a new take on High Elves, and the Idoneth are a totally new spin on elves, that's great. Oh and of course we should do something with Malerion.

And "do something with Malerion" has just been on the board for years and nobody has had a really good idea what that something should be yet
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What everyone working on for the weekend? I'm building some piggus
Guaranteed that's exactly what's happened.
Both DoK and IDK are the morally ambiguous yet still good guy elves, DoK also have shadow motifs too, makes it hard to give him something unique.
IMO give DoK some more units and focus more on murder/blood and pull back a little shadow stuff, make Malerion pure shadow and his guys are steadfastly loyal to Sigmar
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Still working on this deathleaper, today I was out so no further painting done yet.
I like the honeycomb pattern, tho wrong thread I think fren
what are these for and from?
Skullgrinders hands down one of the coolest designs in BOK
Going to put goblins on them to use as snarlfang riders, they're the oop savage boar boy kit tho
oh I see, nice.
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Nearly done my maggotkin spearhead box.. just the two flyers left now. Pic is the blightkings.
Painting arms out of commission for the time being but I did pull the trigger on the fec/nurgle fusion army I was thinking about. Got these plus 2x morbheg knights and a GUO on the way
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>How do you feel about Slaanesh?
For me it's Tzeentch but Slaani is fun. I don't like the fandom woombification of her, but in concept, she's a good faction.
Should move scourge privateers over to malerion aelves and just make the whole faction pirate aelves
The coof broke everyone's concept of the passing of time. Shit goes by at lightspeed now
Yeah cause everything will be balanced against the current rules and not balanced against rules that haven't come out yet. Things will still be unbalanced but not as bad as when you get halfway through an edition
not always. index launch of 10th was possibly the most broken warhammer has ever been.
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Do they get a narrative event where they steal Har-Kuron back?
Is it bad I want another Dominion to occur? I want to pick up the constituent parts for cheap.
no im kinda in the same boat. I could convert those rat ogres into nurgle stuff.
people have been waiting for Skaven for ages. One of the articles suggested that the rat ogre kit in the box will have build options. If that's the case people are gonna be buying that box for the Ogres alone.
oh.. so my stormcast will be cheap then? good news for me.
Eh, I post aos stuff on /40k/ sometimes too. I dont mind.
AI shit, but bone splittaz could have been great
Completely missing the point.
I'm convinced that an upcoming storybeat will be another race war against the CoS elves that causes the Scourge Privateers and Darkling covens to leave the Cities and join Malerion.
Provides an excuse to squat the old Warhammer models, introduce Malerion and they can redesign the elves that chose to stick with CoS into the new dawnbringer aesthetic.
Anyone got that WHFB skaven heraldry book?

trying to plan for the new box set.
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Working on my flayed Daemonettes still. Beach camping tonight, so no progress ‘til tomorrow. Did highlighting and some shade wash after this pic, so I just need to assemble and base before sealing and blood’ing them up.
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>next story beat is new dark elf kits for CoS, complete with new twintailed comet and hammer iconography moulded in
I think CoS elves will lean into pirate/privateers asthetic, leaving purple spikes for tricornes
How do they all just suddenly 'leave' when the cities are their sanctuaries and homes in the hell lands of realms?
Because anon really wants a shitty dark elf copy faction that's not the gynocracy of the DoK.
Thanks friend
I've never seen this, but it's an interesting read just flipping through before I dig in. How old is it?
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Same. The preview for my army didn't cover any of the units I use currently, so I'd like to know if I should be disappointed or not. I guess it'll be on pre-order day? Is that when 40k 10th released theirs?
I am nervous about weapon teams and gutter runners. Unless the index is flagged with a legacy tag of some sort to highlight squattings, I don't think it'll help me out too much though.
Everything getting squatted was already highlighted in the article we were doomposting about months ago
Skaven and SCE where very vague in that article. It was "Some will be squatted and some will get refreshed. Stay tuned to find out hahaha"
Average slop retard opinion, keep it to yourself next time
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>edition isn't even out yet and we already know what Chaos faction will replace Skaven as the real narrative threat
the state of ratfags
>Age of Chaos
Chaos was the real threat
>Age of Destruction
Chaos was the real threat
Age of the Rat
Chaos was the real threat
>Age of Nagash
Morathi was the real threat
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How can the most stalwart ally of Sigmar be a threat?
Nah, the ogres will be monopose. The separate release will have options
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Why did Darkoath flop so badly?
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anon said morathi, not malerion
Shit sculpts, shit rules, zero soul by going the niggversity hire multi culti horde route.
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>surely this will help sell our faction
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the ogres are monopose but you can swap around their hands
maybe the heads too if you're the tiniest bit clever

I don't think any of the units in the starter box is getting a multipart kit this time around
Because it's racist to depict tribal people as bad guys now even if they are chaos. And it's sexist for minis to be sexy.
If they actually wanted to sell darkoath they either needed to make them grimy roving murder rapist vikings like old marauders or super cheesecake barely clothed Conan red Sonja clones.
Instead we got ugly diverse underdogs with a "church(sigmar) was actually the bad guys" narrative
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Darkoath are based actually.
no helmets

they're ruined
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Look at what we lost
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>Here, have an arena where you soldiers may fight each other
>My job here is done!
I disagree, I think its more because the gritty aesthetic isn't interesting anymore. You can make gritty dirty greenskins, chaos, or whatever and no one cares because its been done before.

this is why kruelboyz aren't popular, this is also why Cities of Sigmar didn't start with some barley equipped dudes missing boots or why in other systems like the hours heresy they don't have models for the imperial milita. The people who want super gritty worn down models are a minority and likely the same people who bitched about iron jaws during 1e
>female combatants
Lol. Lmao even.
How did you reach the conclusion it flopped?

At the very least, I don't think anything coming out so close to the end of an edition is going to do too well
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Someone's mad cause their rage thread got no traction
Kruleboyz aren't popular because they replaced regular orcs with an aesthetic super heavily influenced by the orcs from the hobbit movies over the traditional goofy football hooligans aesthetic warhammer orcs are known for. Also their rules have sucker donkey dick so even less people want to smack themselves with a bill and guaranteed losses.
Koolboyz are like 10 times more kino than reddit rats but sadly people are tastelets and good models don't get the love they deserve
Although sometimes they're alright like when Darkoath flops
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finished the first flyboy and just going through this guy super fast thanks to contrast slop. gotta fix some rough areas then onto the wings and tactical rock

I'm also working on a spearhead (got two and glottkin for an easy army). good luck. it's tricky getting your brush into some of the spaces around the rider.
I think they will become more popular in the 4th edition thanks to new rules. Solid rules and the relative ease of purchasing an army at good prices will be significant
I've used new Yndrasta in 3 games now and I'm telling you she better not be too expensive.
In 2 games out of 3 she failed to kill her target (a carnosaur) and then just died.
Which is a bit sad because a Carnosaur isn't exactly the most fearsome thing around with a 4+ save, 14 wounds and unreliable attacks.
I'm worried bigger monsters will just take her hits and then murk her every time.

I would price her about where she is now, which incidentally is about the same as the carnosaur is now as well.
What did you rez with her? That's like half her value
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Yndrasta doesn't res anymore, she's now a monster killer autist both in lore and on her warscroll.
I miss her old gameplay desu, I liked her being this figurehead spirit of victory type.
How would you be playing games without knowing point costs

Using the 3rd edition points, it's obviously not going to be balanced but it's a good way to learn 4th using what we have.
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Golem mommy
Does she hang the hammers off her nipples out of the armor?
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This Tamurkhan art kind of seems familiar
doesn't ring any bell to me
Looks pretty Darkoathy to me
no, it doesn't
your eyes must be broken
Anon you are fucking boring.
Next guy!
can you put into words what part of that design looks "darkoathy" to you?
specifically the part that's not just general chaos marauder flair
I'm not playing tell me the obvious with you.
HH's campaign books are some of the best put out for any game currently supported by GW. It would be very cool if AoS got some campaign books like those.
pale imitation of what they used to be
I think literally everybody else on this planet would be better than designing Slaanesh units than British. Why do Slaangors have pincers? Because – ho, ho, ho – CRABS. British sense of humour, fuck my arse. Anyways, somehow God of Nerds has the single sexiest unit in the game.
Stop jerking off to ogroids.
That would require someone who's legitmately passionate about the setting (lmao). Unfortunately for you, all you have is slopmasters fattening you up for harvest (the next bullshit box for you to by).
Sooooo... is there a full leak of the rulebook somewhere?
wtf warhammer was always woke?! that's a sidecut

Just core rules
>How do you feel about Slaanesh?
Well, I was thinking about being tied up to a cross with a barbed wire that sears my flesh as I struggle and being crucified head down so I don't die too quickly.
There's an imgur album with all the rules in it. Check earlier threads for the link. If you're looking for fluff or whatever, browse youtube for influencers turning pages on camera.
This thread isn't even half way done
You still pretending you painted those high elves.
a woman wearing random leather straps, pretty generic barbarian stuff
can you put into words what part of that design doesn't look "darkoathy" to you?
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Yesterday I finally finished the base coats of my bone batch. Today we wash.
what sort of movement tray shapes would be good for nighthaunt? I don't think anyone is going to enjoy waiting for me to move 40+ models individually
>what sort of movement tray shapes would be good for nighthaunt?
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Since it looks like every faction is going to get faction terrain, what do you expect your army to get and how will it work?

Since I play DoK, my money is on a Morathi-Khaine statue that heals nearby units when models die near it and bolsters prayers.
They just needed to make them more like the Warqueen and Chieftain.
I mean like,
stuff like that, I've ssen a few different shapes
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Finished building everything I had so now I'm trying to do the bases for all of them, but I probably won't put too much work into them
I dont think GW did themselves a favor to let every content creator only play the same spearhead battles.
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It's so over.
>Anyways, somehow God of Nerds has the single sexiest unit in the game.
Hey, that's not the Verminlord.
Christ I've used the swivel view in the webstore but it's only now that I notice she's got snake bites on her shoulder.
the first for models that are run in units of 10, the second for models that are run in units of 5.

Don't overthink it. Just go with a manufacturer that's affordable and has good reviews.
I like the little voiced promos they put out for Warcry in its first few years. They're irrelevant to the game but the voiceovers help get me in the mood for painting brütal barbarians.

Her resurrection mechanic thing never made sense, even the super short stories she was given early on made her a turbo sperg who only cared about killing the big monster. Not even giving a fuck about other stormcast. She wasn't even that concerned about winning either. Other stormies rallying around her living ICBM figure being sighted was just because she usually only showed up at the end of the battle, being fashionably late either way.
lol. Nothing with rodent incisors can be sexy. (Anyways, why don't you post some pics? We're on imageboard after all.)
>all you have is slopmasters fattening you up for harvest (the next bullshit box for you to by)

Why do retards like you even play the game if you hate it so much? Or are you a WFB fag here to stir the pot? If so, you're pathetic.
I've met so many people like this on this website in regards to so many IPs/media and they're never able to articulate why they stick around beyond vague gesturing to the (perceived) virtues of suffering
I'd love that kind of thing, but it'll probably be a cauldron of some sort that buffs the army if you kill people near it.
>guttersnipe from Hammerhal Ghyra shares a rumor that all the bugs are spies for the sylvaneth
>potentially the single largest CCTV operation in the known cosmos
>has zero issues with this because Evermommy Alarielle has their back and she's just too cool
Greatest ally.
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Does anyone have any of the Dawnbringers short stories? I love the idea of the Dawnbringer crusades and want to read more about 'em.

Looking for:
Heir of Shadows
The Road to Helsmarch
Past Returns
False Dawn

TIA for any help :)
Forget about the others, they're boring and not good.
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blue whatsapp has you covered
Thanks for the pdf, anon! I'd still like to give the others a read, even if they're not great haha
Wtf is blue whatsapp lol
A place where you can download stuff
Apparently Sprues & Brews is reviewing the Fire & Jade book from the Skaventide box tomorrow, so we might get some additional info on the spearhead stuff.
I love the snake gang. Such a great box of sculpts.
NTA but thanks. I've been wanting to read this one for a while
I know 6 isn't up anywhere yet, but has anyone got dawnbringers 5 sitting around?
Have fun anon.

Three hours to go until the preorder announcements. Is anyone expecting they'll announce anything besides the Skaventide box and the tie-in novel?
absolutely not, they'll push back everything else for the edition launch
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Fuck no. We ain't 40k we ain't getting that kind of attention.
Back when the Warcry stuff was first releasing, I wanted to build a StD army based around their snake theme, but I didn't go through with it. Now I'm glad that I didn't.
I hate elves
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no way in hell
Shouldn't it say bugs?
Damn anon that looks like a lot of work congrats on jumping that hurdle!
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have it your way if you like it better
that model is male
it has a boobplate and a venomous tail
it's a woman
I've always found the most erotic part of a woman to be the venomous tail
it's a dangerous game, let me tell you!
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Do we have any info on what the various Melusai will be like in 4th?
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>elves will most likely get a battletome before him
>has a great value start collecting box
Oh man, better times.
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>included in upcoming sidegames
It's already been seven years, huh.
I miss them so much bros...
Are they still sold-out?
Based on what we've seen for 4th edition so far? Pretty shite most likely.
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>scrolling through store after several month hiatus
>notice new STD character
>black woman
Come on GW show some fackin models
I genuinely don't understand what compels you people to constantly make these posts day in and day out
I'm sorry, Fink but it stands out to normal people.
Hard to believe Dispossessed used to have their own GHB rules and everything, back in the day. But then we're now in a period where even armies that had their own battletomes and new models like BoC and Splittas are no longer safe.

At least dispossessed hven't been officially memory wiped like those two, though. Not yet anyway.
That hurts.
That hurts fucking bad. What did they do to my girls?!

Mental Illness, I imagine.
Combination of boredom and buying outrage culture. It’s all they have it’s an expensive life please understand
Post models.
Speaking, I'm looking forward to the new indexes with their shitty lore retcons for why these races don't matter anymore.
>Uh, so the Wurgog Prophet Gim Gomes got all the Bonesplitter Tribes together and convinced them to drink the magic Waagh juice and now they're all dead, the end.
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>At least dispossessed hven't been officially memory wiped like those two, though. Not yet anyway.
Any day now.
I'm with you, fellow DoK enjoyer. Sisters are one of my favorite units. Haven't seen their whole profile, so I'm still huffing the hopium that they'll be worth fielding
I still play 1st/2nd edition which means I can still play with these guys in AoS. Same for when they release the Wood Elves again. I feel sorry for people playing later editions who lost out on being able to use their lads :(
What a fucking garbage box by the way. Inflating the price with 2 gyrocopters lmao
Classic GW move.
Still better than the orc one. But yeah GW is deliberately making these boxes shit, just like they do in AoS and 40K. They are such a laughably evil company it's kinda unreal sometimes.

>fuck fuck FUCK!
>What's wrong, James Workshop?
It's funny how I've only really been actively participating in the hobby for around half a decade now and I already feel like a boomer whinging about how bad things are now comapred to the good old days
I remember people doing that back when I played 5e 40k.
Basically every human named character that is introduced is a black woman now, remember CoS? Lol
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any more leaks besides spearhead crap on youtube and the core rules on imgur?
That's what makes it so funny. It's so forced.
Has anyone leaked the spearhead stuff yet?
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>check the new map of the Ghurish Heartlands
>upper left corner is a site of legend
>it's labeled "Beastgrave (Ruined)"
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is it retarded to pick your first army based on one (1) model?
Not when your pick is as straight as that.
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Kinda yes. It's all downhill from there

no, but I tend to pick armies based on how much I like their basic troops, those are the ones you're moving around and playing with the most.
Well, I have an army of one (1) Kraken Eater so I say it's not retarded.
not even spirits are safe from the terrible side shave.
I can fix her
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Drycha is my treefu so nah, I'd say that's an indicator of good taste. Sadly there's only one other Outcast unit so far but at least Drycha is great.
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yeah those are bad too
I want Big B to have just canonically enslaved or consumed him at this point. I honestly can't imagine shadow aelves as anything interesting, but Chaos ones among the regular force? Neat enough.
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I really want to see a big diorama of all the new skaven shit together with the remaining older stuff.
so pre order on the 29th, does that mean they'll release on the 6th or 13th?
Nevermind, I read the article
do we know the prices yet?
Official launch date for the box is the 13th. From there I've no idea how long will be kept waiting for a standalone release of the core book. And it's not clear when the first couple battletomes will be rolled out either.
Why was it called "Dominion" anyway?
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I haven't seen any leaks from Fire and Jade :^/
Selling fast
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is this a girl or a boy
I believe it's a boy
whatever you dont want them to be
do you think hoppers and bounders will be going down to 1 health as well?
You not liking something doesn't make it a flop
That's years old news. Seraphon won that storyline

nah, the logic will be one for the squig and one for the rider
Nah even the squishiest Cav is still 2 wounds minimum.
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Art is unambigiously a woman. I believe the model also has tits, just less noticable
name of the artist?
was there a list of which endless spells got lumped together into the various lores?
probably jetblackraider
>high heels
Girl I suspect, though I believe Slaan*shites crave for the blessed androgyny.
>On Warhammer Community next week there will be more Warhammer Age of Sigmar coverage while we wait patiently for that all-important Skaventide pre-order date.
So what are they gonna talk about? What's left to talk about?
Roadmap, maybe?

battle reports and stuff I imagine, and the various stuff released alongside skaventide (dice, index cards, boards, terrain, limited edition rulers etc) will probably be shown off a week from now.
Put a percentage to how certain you are on that
give me the index tomorrow james you fucking bastard.
I'm guessing your special ed class didn't have time for basic biology, but the two lumps of fat on human's chest are indicative of being a female
those look more like muscle boobs than anything else man.
Slaaneshis famously adhere to sexual biology after all
they're breast if you look at the grey plastic.
Ben has a severe personality disorder.
Lots of fluff and empty hype with maybe a sprinkling of real news.
Two tits=not Slaanesh mutation. He only deals in 1s
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>Warhammer Twitter account pretands it got taken over by Skaven
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Outcasts keyword is absent from the Spite Revenants scroll, interestingly.
An update to the official website, probably. It's currently lacking an interactive map of the sort that the 40k, HH, and TOW sites have.
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Nah. Great idea. That's what I did and I never looked back. No regrets.
Quite funny desu.
They're called reddit rats for a reason
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on a scale of skaven to bonesplitterz, how reddit is your army?
>soulblight that high
damn it.
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Will they finally be usable? The models are too good to rot
this is actually surprisingly correctly ordered from based to cringe, sorry chuds.
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Damn I need to go back to my Fyreslayers army to become based again
How is deepkin that low though
lol... lmao.
well if they're so anti reddit why is it so hard to find gore gruntas for sale for less than £40?
Can someone please explain to me why I've seen multiple people say the new gordrakk warscroll is better than the current one. I have seen multiple comments saying he's "fixed" or finally usable, and I absolutely do not understand how anyone thinks that when looking at the 2 warscrolls side by side. 3+ save instead of 4+ is nice but basically every change is a negative or weird side grade at best with that monster fighting rule. Maybe cause his movement doesn't chart? I just do not understand and am convinced it's people who don't actually play the army/know his rules and just see a reasonably strong warscroll (which it is, don't get me wrong) in a vacuum independent of what the current one is.
Hopefully Drycha will be able to lead more than just Spite Revenants then, especially if she's still a Warmaster.

The 3+ save is the big thing, no one in their right mind ever played Gordrakk in 3rd because the standard megaboss had a 3+ save.

The waaagh ability is also nice, and he will absolutely murk smaller monsters like carnosaurs, and seriously injure bigger monsters while limiting their counterattack potential by halfing the attacks of their big weapon.
I was gonna say that Skaven's number must be inflated by being in both AoS and Fantasy, but by that logic, Slaanesh, Nurgle, et alia would be waaay higher, and they aren't.
I don't deny the save is good, but I can't help but think of his entire warscroll as a side grade at best. Losing the ability to issue a command 3 times is not worth a once per game +1 to hit aura to me, but maybe I'm wrong. Also the ability to gimp monsters 66% of the time isn't worth losing destructive bulk, or the way he shat out mortals against heroes. And strength from victory is just worse.

I dunno, i just see it as a sidegrade at the absolute best. I don't disagree he's gonna be strong (points allowing) in 4th, but I don't see how people can consider him "so much better" or "fixed."
What he used to have is irrelevant.
He wasn't used last edition and I doubt he will be this time. His damage is too low vs anything that isn't specifically hero monster. His waagh bonus isn't a big enough deal to make up for it.

Potentially could not be the worst thing, of you.get a charge and use the fight twice CA, they will get to fight twice before the enemy
Or... skaven is that high due to AoS, whfb, vermintide 2 and total war
because they killed the only way to get them cheaply when they squatted the old SC box.

they're one of those obscenely expensive elite cavalry units like mournfang, who i think are still like $80 a box. fortunately for ogre players you can find mournfangs for like $12 a set secondhand because they have never once been even remotely playable
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Where did the magic go?
Go, DoT, Go!
I just found out there's no IJ box at all. Goddamn that's painful.
Reminds me of the state of daemons atm
>nurgle & fec

Orc or Elf?
they used to hand a great start collecting, but never got a vanguard box after warclans became soup, and for all 4Es bluster about ironjawz and kruleboyz being separate now, they still called them warclans in the ironjawz article and said if you want to play spearhead you just have to suck it up and play kruleboyz
Mournfang aren't even expensive because you get 4. Pigs were inexplicably like $80 still in 2016 when everything was cheap.
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Yeah I was tempted very many times to pick up their boxes but just ended up never doing it. I remember pic rel being great too.
I really hope they get a Spearhead or something
Their sc was only good because pigs were overpriced. Then when they price hiked them to a $100 before the vanguards it started looking objectively below average.
which paint brand has an actually good magenta that covers well and is vibrant?
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Guess we'll see these in August?
Why did he sheathe his giant cleaver under the skin of his manboob? Why does he have a fist-sized metal stud hammered into his side? What's wrong with his teeth? Why won't he wear a shirt or a hat?
Wrong image
Definitely maybe.
inbred oger retard
Imma go out on a limb and say their box's release date is scheduled to July 27th.
Most nu-art is garbage
its a bit of lore that might not be mentioned much in the newer books but it was prominently mentioned in the old whfb books. ogres skin is like an inch and half thick at least, its like rhino hide, its practically armor. if i remember right all ogres used to count has having armor even when they didnt, and they just straight up dont feel cold, allowing them to live in wintery mountains without wearing much clothing at all

if the game was actually true to lore, ogres should probably have a 5+ FNP across the board like troggoths. they're supposed to be extraordinarily hard to kill
The embedded warpstone all over the place looks so stupid
Someone at GW has a real fetish for that shit
I'm not so much bothered by the why as the how
I love the stupid biting mouth sword
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Imagine being able to do this with whole inches of impervious and thick skin
>a thousand years of being too cold to feel your fingers
>a thousand years of being so hungry it hurts
>a thousand years of being the only one who even knows what warmth feels like
>a thousand years of thanklessly dragging your grandad around to maybe one day remind people a better world is possible
I feel legit bad for this guy.
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Do we really not have a scan of Dawnbringers 6 yet? Christ, at this point I might need to buy the bloody thing.
Stupid FAGGOT OP can't even get the thread right
this thing needs a resculpt
Model is great. Terrible paintjob there though.
Not that that stops GW these days.
the random batches of bare skin and then fur in no real rhyme or reason I dislike more than the warpstone implants personally, though I thing for former could be course corrected with paint and maybe a little greenstuff if not.
The warpsone makes sense since they now have a "button" to push on their war scroll for it. Though I'd prefer if it was done a bit different to appear as though it was a surgical graft or that the flesh had grown around it rather than slotting a gemstone into a wall like it's a puzzle piece.
i used to have skaven a while back, stormfiends had the same thing with the patches.

if you just pat the pars inside and outside of the patches the same fur color, it just looks like texture and not bald spots, so i wouldnt sweat it too much
Yeah there's lots of weird shit. I'm not even into skaven but when I first saw the models I thought it looked cool, good for the fans. Then you look closer and you see all this weird shit GW slapped on because they can never help themselves.
Oh well, doesn't affect me I guess.
with the change to combat range, does the base size distinction between 25s and 32s not really matter much anymore?

It does because you'll get more 25mil bases within those 3 inches.
I agree, the ghoul king has a stupid pose, a stupid base, and looks more like a chad ghoul than a vampire unlike the archregent. The dragon is still pretty good though.
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>villains are a secret society of antitheists who want to overthrow and/or murder all gods so mortals can rule themselves
>membership draws from all order factions
>even fyreslayers for some reason
Well that feels kinda dumb.
Artwork looks cool, by why would fucking Stormcast and Fyreslayer be antitheists? Makses sense for a kharadron, but why them?
I'm not an expert on chiropteran anatomy, but the wings on this thing always looked wrong to me. They appear to have too many fingers.
I imagine the stormcast doesn't like his deal and doesn't want to lose more memories. But yeah every time GW tries this sort of thing, which is annoyingly often is Sigmar, it just comes across as some petulant child whining that they had to go to sunday school.
Because 1e aos was simple mindless power metal fantasy where everything was black and white
Ever since then everything had to be gritty shades of grey moralist bullshit and now aos has to be grimderp to cater to 40kfags so things don't exactly make sense
>the random batches of bare skin and then fur in no real rhyme or reason
Well, there is a reason: They were shaved there in order to receive those scarification brands.
I mean a rat ogor is a vivisected Skavenslave with assorted ogor bits sewn into it and crammed full of warpstone steroids to beef it up and hold it together, it's not gonna be pretty or well crafted.
There were no SCE in the Order of the Black Sun. But basically everybody else was there. And there were a lot of them. As in, when they decided to make a move, it only took them a few weeks to muster an army large enough that it could stomp Settler's Gain.

The author unfortunately is not a good storyteller and besides that he is clearly not very familiar with the setting he's writing in.
I've now played two 2k games of 4th (using current points) of Stormcast vs Seraphon.

Here's a few thoughts:
You really feel the fewer CP
Taking a double turn early is actually good, because you get all the benefits of going twice plus you guarantee yourself underdog status later (+1 cp and the mission twist goes in your favor)
Yndrasta better not be expensive, she's a glass cannon and often whiffs and dies.
Bringing back a unit at half strength abilities are inherently less strong than in 3rd because due to no battleshock units stick around longer and you can deny your opponent resurgence somewhat by retreating when a big unit only has a couple models left.
3inch combat range has made combat faster and large units generally killier.
Carnosaur is bad
Kroxigors are good, but need AoA/buffs
New command abilities are very fun, and you'll definitely be watching your opponent's pool of CP to see if they can countercharge.
Because almost all BL writers are reddit atheists
>Carnosaur is bad

were you using the spearhead profile or the full profile? because they are very different. the full game carnosaur looks pretty good if its cost is still around the 200pt mark like the current carnosaur

I was using the full profile.

They just tended to do very little combat wise, I was using two.
That being said it could be in part due to Stormcast savestacking which is now basically unique to them and super strong (their finest hour + AoD)
makes sense i guess. maybe thats just a counter, because 12 attacks at 3 damage for around 200 points just seems good to me.
>Carnosaur is bad
I mean Trogolodon is cooler since carny is so snub nosed but still I want the T-rex equivalent to be good.
There are fyreslayers who think grimnir is bitch made and want to keep him dead
What's weird about it? The throughline is LRL and Teclis, it's a story about grooming and generational trauna, how the manipulation of Aelves by Teclis is mirrored by the academy and Lumineth society at large. Look at the Knight Questor forced into his sacrificial role or the captain shamed for compassion because KO could not afford to express it after their God left them to die in the age of chaos?
Fyreslayers would be the most disposed to it imo, they're a destructive warrior cult whose entire ethos is based on a dead god and more than any other they're a people suffering god mandated conflict due to the mercenary nature of Urgold contracts
Bad novel, though. I liked the core adventure but the cult/secondary-tertiary protagonists felt bloated and preachy to me. It'd be great if the villain didn't have a pov.
Seems someone made a thread and didn't link here
Those are big boys. If I use the IoB rat ogres on the correct size base, is it just as fair to the opponent?

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