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Nueva Edición Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous Thread: >>93129898

Are you looking forward to One D&D, /5eg/?
>Are you looking forward to One D&D, /5eg/?
Not when it makes martials complete dog shit.
Did they decide on an official name for the next edition? Please tell me it's not just D&D 2024...
>Human Barbarian
>Halfling Rogue
>Elf Wizard
>Elf Fighter (Archery fighting style)
>Dwarf Druid

What do you see being the biggest issue with this party composition? We are going into Chult and making a point of nobody wearing heavy or metal armour.
DnD One
D & Done
>decide never to buy another Hasbro product against after the OGL shit
>Continue to be proven entirely justified in my decision over every subsequent shitty design decision
>he was still paying up to that point
Not that it fixes the divide, but how are they any worse off than base 5e? The only nerf to any weapons-guy is the paladin smite nerf, but they still got other buffs (even if I reckon it doesnt balance things out).
The feats that made them worth using have been nerfed into the ground.
If we're talking whiteroom, then from what I've seen its easier than every to get solid dpr from martials. If we aren't, then at that point I don't really know what metric we'd be using.
Power Attacks were good, but I think you're overvaluing by how much they were good.
>solid dpr
You mean shit dpr.
What's a good Archery Fighter that is not the Vuman CBE+SS Battlemaster? I think that's been done to death. In particular, I kind of want the longbow aesthetic, an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.
Vuman SS Battlemaster.
>playing DND with straight men
worst decision of my life
are there any low fantasy 5E settings/games? similar to the lotr 5e with new low fantasy classes and everything not just limiting higher level spells?
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What are you then?
Sounds like you want to play good old fashioned birthright in Epic6
Post your waifu and husbando, then.
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I'm making simplified char sheets for a one shot by taking in raw feats/class abilities and simplifying the mechanics.
The players wont know what they are playing in advance (but I gave them some options), so I want to give them something very easy to quickly grasp, but still have meaningful decisions and choices to make during combat. There will be at most 2-3 fights and definitely no long rest

What would you change here for the player who asked to play a fighter?
Again, the goal is not campaign-level balance, but having options that are very easy to grasp, but also represent a choice. Here my design was to give him a choice everytime what to do with his bonus action
I'm thinking I should maybe buff the "Saving face" so it's more of a choice when to spend it
>Microsoft has entered the chat
It's D&D 2024. No, really. That's what Jeremy Crawford said, that people will be "referring to their 2024 PHB and their 2014 PHB and they'll be completely compatible."
What spells i should be using as a high level druid? not a moon druid btw
gonna be a driud for Eve of Ruin
what level? You should always have Conjure Animals, Conjure Woodland Beings and Plant Growth prepared (unless you are using the 1dnd druid, in which case only plant growth is required)
Thoughts 5eg?
Is Drakath too edgy of a name for my character
>still trying to "fix" short rests
>codifying it down to encounter-locked, absolutely arbitrary 4e retard garbage shit
>1 hour task in 1 minute as a "rest" but long rest takes the full time
>locking levelups to downtime
Absolute garbage, thanks.
Needs more apostrophes
Do you guys play with people IRL still? Do people even still do that anymore?
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Was that Jackass?
>still trying to "fix" short rests

if players aren't taking them then clearly something wrong is going on

>codifying it down to encounter-locked, absolutely arbitrary 4e retard garbage shit

I take it you've never heard of coffeelocking

>1 hour task in 1 minute as a "rest" but long rest takes the full time
short rests need to be shorter but 1 hour tasks still need to get done.

>locking levelups to downtime
actually, I'm ensuring a fixed amount of downtime every time you level up
Until recently, but group is dissolving.
I wanna get back into teh game, but when I've DM'ed, I've always lacked an easy way to differentiate stuff during combat, so I figured I'd like to get some miniatures or something – they're really expensive! Does anyone have any tips? Should I just get little standing flat tokens to begin with?

What do you use at your table?
I meet every week with my old school friends (and the fiance of one) with me and the other one who DMs swapping games every other week.
I am excited for the new dnd edition/revision. They've effectively lowered the power ceiling and raised the power floor.

Anyone who thinks 5e is better is a brainlette.
I really enjoyed 5e due to its simplicity, but I don't know if it's worth even getting into the new stuff. Why not just check out other systems, instead?
>if players aren't taking them then clearly something wrong is going on
You aren't telegraphing that they can take them or giving them the options for it.
>I take it you've never heard of coffeelocking
Moreso that I actually play games instead of whiterooming all day. You can't fix a player problem with more rules.
>actually, I'm ensuring a fixed amount of downtime every time you level up
You are not, you are mandating downtime in order to level up. That in no way ensures players actually get it.
Character concepts/ideas for 4th level Fighters to suddenly appear and assist the following PCs if they happen to draw the Knight card from a Deck of Many Things?
>Gnome Evoker
>Half-Orc Berserker
>Halfling Swashbuckler
>Eladrin Lore Bard
I just use D6s lmao. Other dice work too just have the face mark the enemy number in your notes. Makes it easy for your players to call out which guy they want to attack too
>Halfling Swashbuckler
Battle Master. Commander's Strike, Distracting Strike, Rally. Protection fighting style. Supreme tag-team tiny dude and Rogue enabler.
Thank you for the tip! Perhaps I should get some clearer dice! I want to get some basic generic markers for players and important characters as well, as my friend has a 3D printer he is offering me access to!
>The feats that made them worth using have been nerfed into the ground.
The new Barbarian does way more damage more reliably than it does in current 5e, especially against enemies who ACTUALLY matter (aka not 10 AC goblins, but the DRAGONS in Dungeons and Dragons where eating a -5 to accuracy is actually a major penalty) .

New GWM is a -0 for +2 to +6 damage per TURN (not round, this is important) instead of -5 for +10. Berserker adds their rage damage bonus in bonus d6s per Turn (again, not round) as well, and *any time an enemy hits you, they provoke an attack of opportunity letting you smack them back*.

This means in the vast majority of combats the new Barbarian is going to be absolutely dunking on the old one. You're making more attacks every round with better accuracy, including off-turn attacks, in exchange for less flat damage, except the flat damage is earned back a decent amount by your new class features anyways and in the fights that matter most you don't have to turn off your power attack.

Additionally, white room math with GWM always ignored that other additional sources of damage on hit means the accuracy reduction is a larger penalty and the flat damage is less significant, if you have a Flame tongue for example adding another 2d6 on every hit (+7 average), that -5 accuracy is losing you a lot of potential damage in exchange for a +10 on your hits. As you level up and more and more additional sources of damage are tied to your attacks, the accuracy penalty becomes more significant, which is not something I've ever seen D&D players bother doing the math on (I have seen autist Pathfinder players do similar calculations though).

Anyways, reckless attack now lasts until the start of your next turn, so you get advantage on Reaction attacks like the Retaliation from Berserker (which was a 14th level feature originally given its power), AND on that reaction attack you're adding an extra +2d6 to +4d6 twice per round. Barb is fine.
>wall of cope
Some of you guys will lap up anything.
played ttrpgs with the same group of people (like one person has swapped out) for like three years almost every single week now.
run the numbers on oned&d barbarian vs current barbarian. They're objectively more consistent damage dealers able to output similar or better damage to current.

I would prefer every martial have Tome of Battle maneuvers so martials could have scaling power and utility from 1st to 9th level maneuvers the same way casters have 1st to 9th level spells, but you fags pissed and moaned at the Book of Weeaboo Fightan Magic too much 15 years ago so this is the best you're gonna get.
>Some of you guys will lap up anything.
I'm still gonna play a cleric/wizard/druid/bard every game because martials are boring as hell, but it's simply untrue to say martials were nerfed.
>level 5 barbarian
>three attacks for 2d6+4 STR+2 Rage, +2 proficiency, +2d6 Frenzy
>on enemy turn hits again for 2d6+4 STR+2 Rage+2 Proficiency
>vs two attacks for 1d10+4STR+2Rage+10 and one for 1d4+4STR+2Rage with 25% reduced accuracy on a d20
more importantly, in current 5e a barbarian gains barely any damage from level 5 to level 17, with three entire dead levels devoted to Brutal Critical. The new barbarian ends up with an extra 8d6 damage per round just from their frenzy dice, that's as much as a 15th level rogue's sneak attack on top of their actual rage damage and extra attack and reaction attack.

Doing a lot of damage was never the problem with martials in 5e anyways, but OneD&D martials are definitely not lacking in damage. The extra 8d6 damage from frenzy alone helps new barb curb stomp old barb, that's as much damage per turn as hitting an enemy with GWM three times for +30 damage with no corresponding accuracy reduction.
5th-level Zealot with PAM/GWM against an average CR 5 creature in 5e
>41.10716433 dpr
5th-level Zealot with a glaive and PAM/GWM against an average CR 5 creature in onednd
>36.08772117 dpr

please check your math dude. It's flat out fucking wrong
now do berserker
This is just proving the point, though? The OneD&D barbarian is only 5 points of damage behind using one of the least-damage focused subclasses, zealot is now the tanky self-healing barbarian who sacrifices damage potential for survivability.

That 41 vs 36 difference is already made up for by Berserker triggering their +2d6 frenzy dice once, and once they trigger it twice, plus you add in the reaction attack, plus GWM damage triggering a second time on said reaction, and you're significantly outdamaging zealot. Even at level 5, when your Frenzy dice are only 2d6.

also, cleave mastery
35.5 vs 37.5. that's fair, but it also means that all barbarian subclasses OTHER than berserker still got nerfed

what about 9th level?
Not if your character's surname is Slugwrath
>new GWM is -/+ Proficiency to attack/damage
I like this to a degree. Makes it more of a choice than an always on thing you do with GWM
Maybe double the damage to bring it in line with old GWM at +5 Prof?
Is weapon training still a thing in recent playtests? Having riders depending on weapon types might help, especially keywords like Topple.
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Reposting my shitbrew
47.6 in 5e, 42.7 in onednd
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>what about 9th level?
He's purposefully cherrypicking 5th level since current D&D barbarians barely gain any damage after level 5, a level 5 and 15 barbarian has almost the same damage, their class features don't actually give them that much extra damage from leveling. It's just GWM+Reckless Attack on 3 attacks (attack, attack, bonus action attack) doing 90% of the heavy lifting in that example.
The new Barbarian actually gains damage as they level up. Going from level 5 to level 9, the new barbarian goes from +2 to +4 damage from GWM (which can trigger twice per round via retaliation for a +8 total), Frenzy goes from +2d6 to +3d6 (again, can trigger twice per round for +6d6 total), and they get Brutal Strikes for another +1d10 damage on top of debuffing enemies.
Meanwhile, from 5 to 9 in current D&D, Barbarian gets absolutely nothing. You get an ASI at 8 which every class gets, and then you get Brutal Critical at 9, and literally nothing else. GWM doesn't scale up from 5 to 9. If you're a zealot your divine fury gets another +2 damage. That's it.

He's technically right that one specific barbarian build that required you be a vuman and go GWM+PAM is slightly less damage at specifically 5th level, and even then he's admitted it's only true for *some* barbarian subclasses, with the new Berserker actually doing more damage. And the moment you level past 5 you immediately begin to overtake current barbarian.
yes. that's included in the onednd calculation.
Are you forgetting the 1d10 from Brutal Strike?
the 1d10 only applies if you sacrifice advantage, meaning your DPR actually drops from 42.7 to 42.0
you started with 5th level yourself, bitch
I wish effective metrics didn't boil down to DPR or being compared to fireball/wish
why do people always lose their minds over wish? it's just an extra spell slot
>1d10+4STR+2Rage+10GWM (x2), 1d4+4STR+2Rage+10GWM, -5 to all attacks
>1d10+4STR+2Rage (x3), 1d4+4STR+2Rage, +2GWM(x2), +2d6 Frenzy (x2)
this is current zerker vs new zerker at level 5.
>1d10+4STR+3Rage+10GWM (x2), 1d4+4STR+3Rage+10, -5 to all attacks
>1d10+4STR+3Rage (x3), 1d4+4STR+3Rage, +3 GWM (x2), +3d6 Frenzy (x2)
this is current zerker vs new zerker at level 9. the +30 damage from landing three GWM attacks is already entirely offset by 6d6 frenzy dice plus the nu-GWM damage, not even accounting for the actual reaction attack's damage, or the lack of a -5 penalty to accuracy meaning you hit 25% more often on a d20.
You don't need to do any complicated math to see this.
Even if you assume a 100% accuracy rate (you won't), which is massively more favorable to the -5 +10 Power Attack, since it's the difference between hitting on a 10+ vs hitting on a 15+, it STILL loses out. Barbarians don't get more attacks as they level up, the most value GWM is ever gonna be providing is +30 damage....and 6d6+6 from frenzy+nu-GWM has already caught up to it in value WITHOUT an accuracy malus.

There's also the non-damage buffs new Barbarian got, like not having three fucking dead levels with brutal critical, Relentless Rage giving you twice your barbarian level in health back (so you can actually survive another hit with Rage resistances) instead of one fucking hit point (which is useless, since even with half damage you STILL go unconscious to a single point of damage from any source), or Brutal Strikes letting you set up allies for more damage. You don't need to look at a single one of them. The moment new-barbarians features give it more than +30 damage, it's better than old barbarian unequivocally, even if GWM *didn't* have a massive fucking -5 to hit that made you miss a lot more than you would.
What about the extra effects of mastery? You can use nick to get four attacks (nick, twf, attack, pam attack) now. Also brutal strike is significantly better than brutal critical.
duplicating any spell in the game, even ones not on your spell list, and even ones which have expensive material components, is WHY it's so good. It was still good even in 3rd edition when it literally cost XP to cast.
it's not that great
I though the berserker added damage to their first hit, not all hits? or did that change since the playtest.
whats your hit chance? the impact of losing advantage is massively impacted by the default hit-chance. Plus you get to apply decent effects (at level 13, disadvantage on saving throws literally every turn is quite good since there will essentially always be a spellcaster that now has *their* spells improved by virtue of the barbarian existing.
you're right lol, the guy's a retard
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>it's not that great
"you now have access to every single spell in the game from every other class from 1st through 8th level" is pretty fucking good for something that doesn't even cost an actual class feature, merely a single spell known.
>I though the berserker added damage to their first hit, not all hits? or did that change since the playtest.
You don't get it on every hit, you get it on your first hit PER TURN. Exactly like Sneak Attack. But unlike Rogue, the new Berserker has a way to smack people as a reaction virtually every single turn, since Retaliation was moved from 14th level all the way down to 3rd. So you get your bonus GWM damage (+2 to +6) and Frenzy damage dice (+2d6 to +4d6) twice per turn very reliably. Reckless Attack even gives you Advantage on your Reaction attacks since it now lasts until the start of your next turn.

new barbarian is basically better at sneak attacking than actual rogue, Brutal Strikes is arguably better utility than Cunning Strikes for good measure. Giving enemies Disadvantage on saves or +5 to hit is huge support.
nobody gives a shit about utility faggot, damage is the only thing that matters and it's getting nerfed
Utility > Damage.
Fuck your white room dpr bullshit.
>you're right lol, the guy's a retard
no, you just can't read.
>>1d10+4STR+2Rage (x3)
Attack, Extra Attack, Reaction Attack, hence the x3.
PAM Bonus Action attack
> +2GWM(x2)
GWM damage applies per TURN, not ROUND. a Reaction on somebody else's turn triggers the damage a second time.
>+2d6 Frenzy (x2)
Frenzy damage is also per TURN, not ROUND. Same as Sneak Attack or GWM, you get it twice if you hit somebody on your turn and their turn.
nope, it doesn't
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>nope, it doesn't
please stop embarrassing yourself
>zerker barbarians are better at sneak attacking now than actual rogues
barbarogue bros...we won...but at what cost....
>rogues take another L
just get rid of that shit class already
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first hit means first hit, you can cry all you want but that's just how it is

imagine shilling for the nerfs because of a willful misinterpretation of this one little technicality
It's not a technicality. Rounds and Turns are not the same. Sneak Attack works exactly the same way and has for a decade at this point. I accept your concession though.
also known as "basic reading comprehension", do you think Breath Weapons recharging in 1d4 rounds should recharge in 1d4 turns? so with 4 people in the party a dragon just breathes fire every single round?
It's pretty stupid design by WotC again. They should either give more ways to trigger AoO, or give more damage from hiding to attacking. Like the different levels of stabbing in dcss. Completely unaware is strongest, aware but overwhelmed by something else is the lowest stab. It's probably stupid, but they really need some help in some way that's unique to them.
As I said here >>93140365 I'm already including graze in my onednd calculating. Using both a glaive AND two daggers with nick changes the dpr by less than 1
And this is why I think PAM needs to change or go. Its to centralizing of a feat for martials that it makes Polearms the best weapons ever. Fuck that shit.
my attempt at a 5th level onednd barb zealot PAM (no GWM cause they're both 4th level feats). Assumption is you have a 60% to-hit chance and you have a 17 Str before you get PAM.

> Mastery : Scimitar (Nick) Harlberd (Cleave)

> First Attack: (0.84 * (3.5+2+4)) + (0.0975 * (3.5)) = 8.32125
> Nick Attack: (0.84 * (3.5+2)) + (0.0975 * (3.5)) = 4.96125
> Second Attack: (0.84 * (5.5+2+4)) + (0.0975 * (5.5)) = 10.19625
> PAM Attack: (0.84*(2.5+2+4))+(0.0975*(2.5)) = 7.38375
> Zealot Boost: (0.99934464 * (3.5+2)) = 5.49639552

> Reaction Attack: (0.84 * (5.5+2+4)) + (0.0975 * (5.5)) = 10.19625
> Cleave Attack: 0.84*((0.84 * (5.5+2)) + (0.0975 * (5.5))) = 5.74245

Lower bound is 36.35889552
Including Reaction Attack it's 46.55514552
Including Cleave Attack it's 52.29759552
Including Cleave Attack on the Reaction Attack it's 58.04004552

This is also ignoring that your rages are longer and you recover one on a short rest (so you can have a rage in far more fights).
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>They should either give more ways to trigger AoO
They should have given Rogues an "Opportune Backstab" feature as part of their base class so triggering sneak attack twice in melee was easier. This gives an actual incentive to play a melee rogue over skyrim stealth archer, and means that you're not encouraged so heavily to do shit like beg your teammates to cast Dissonant Whispers , or to Haste you so you can Haste Sneak Attack and then Ready an action to sneak attack again when an ally attacks later on their turn. Or dip fighter for Quick Toss.
In 3.5 Rogues had exactly this, they got a free "backstab" attack of opportunity to try and shank enemies who were distracted by their allies hitting them. PF2E has the same shit, with Opportune Backstab being basically the same as this 3.5 ability. And this is when Rogues could sneak attack on EVERY attack they made, not just once per turn, and they still weren't considered good.
fucking retard
Maybe you shouldn't only view things as 'good' by their average dpr.
Its not a good metric.
>Maybe you shouldn't only view things as 'good' by their average dpr.
>Its not a good metri
uh okay then rogue is still bad since ranger and bard get Expertise too on top of spells

>it's just an extra spell slot

pretty neat to be able to cast any spell 8th or lower. Without material costs or somatic components. And as an action, so you can ignore cast time

>I cast forbiddence, centered on the Lich
>area: 40,000 square feet
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Looking purely at utility, Barbarian provides way better support for their allies than Rogue does, Brutal Strikes is going to have your party wizard sucking your giant sweaty Conan cock every battle
good idea, let's nerf melee martials even more

you are including a reaction attack WHY exactly? Are you assuming your DM is going to spoonfeed you opportunity attacks?
I don't mind if they don't have the highest DPR(they shouldn't since they should have plenty of defensive options in a more ideal world), but the gap is just consistently too much at the moment.
I lost my spark for DND because I want a girlfriend more than I want to run around in my friend's fantasy world.
Thats why I seperated it from the base damage, because you wont always get it - anything moveing within 10ft of you off-turn isn't that unlikely to be honest but figured thats very campaign-dependant. Also I wasn't sure if the other guy included it or not so thought I should do so for completeness.
Polearms should not be the end all be all melee weapon choice. Weapon Mastery is a good start but PAM needs to go, or the Bonus Action attack needs to go.
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the teleportation restriction and automatic 5d10 radiant damage on Forbiddance make fighting Vecna a joke. It shuts off his Vile Teleport AND Fell Rebuke, so he just fucking dies since his HP and AC were designed with "this fucker teleports and heals for 80 HP a turn" in mind. Without teleporting he's just a sad little man with 30 feet movement speed and 18 AC. Literally the same as a fucking Hobgoblin.
This is why you don't skip the gym, kids. Phenomenal arcane power is useless when you're a CR26 loser with worse AC than a level 1 PC is capable of and only 14 STR and NO ATHLETICS PROFICIENCY LMAO WHAT A FUCKING GEEK SOMEBODY PUT THIS FAGGOT IN A SWIRLY.

The real reason for Vecna seeking godhood was revenge for every time he got shoved into a locker. How fucking embarrassing.
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>swordKEKS getting uppity again
Never forget your place.
I prefer axes and maces. Don't get me wrong here, I like spears and polearms, they shouldn't be the only weapon to dominate all weapons.
I was autismally obsessed with Guisarmes since I played the Temple of Elemental Evil because they were so cool looking, until I discovered the Ranseur, which became my next autism weapon.
Nets in 5e are so fucking bad
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Druids are fun.
The dumbest part is the 5-foot range while being classified as technically a ranged weapon, so they're always made with disadvantage, unless you're for some reason a CBE+SS build who would rather waste your turn tossing rope at people instead of turning them into swiss cheese. If they had a 10 foot range at least and didn't also lock you out of Extra Attack and Bonus Action attacks for the turn they'd maybe see use, since there's no saving throw involved so against enemies with legendary resistance at least you can Restrain them for a bit
What is the most fun class for a newbie on 5e? Not the most simple, but the most fun
Rogue, because in every medium, choices and movement are fun.
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>Genie Warlock
>Pirate Background
>Say that your Genie's Vessel is your PC's pirate ship that was shrunk down as punishment after they pissed off their patron.
>Use Bottled Respite to chill out in your captain's quarters.
>After getting Sanctuary Vessel at level 10 you could potentially persuade your DM to let you "sail" your tiny ship while your party is inside in order to sneak into places by just letting it float along small waterways.
>Take Pact of Chain and reskin the Psuedodragon as a parrot.
>Reskin Eldritch Blast as a magic pistol
>Water Generasi as the race for the aesthetic + water breathing + acid resistance.
Anything else I could do to make this character more piraty?
Not be female
just started playing a swordsage in our 3.5e game that runs alongside the 5e game, and I can't imagine why anyone would hate it. I'm bummed it didn't get later material. only gripe I have at the moment is that all the classes that actually need Weapon Finesse can't fucking take it at Lvl1 because it requires +1BAB.
You'd be playing a corpse on any respectable ship
I decided to make these work closer to how I wanted them to be
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why are you guys always so angry about everything? Do you ever just take a moment to enjoy anything?
Yes, I enjoy things when I'm not online. I complain about things when I'm on 4chan.
>it is literally impossible to take a long rest unless you've had two combat encounters since the last one
The fact that you expect resources to be expended only in combat tells me everything I need to know about your games.
>complains about 5eggs
>doesn't contribute
In what situation are you blowing every one of your resources without having a single encounter?
>Ranger and druid can't long rest in the wilderness

sounds like bullshit.
Are you implying that people only long rest when every single one of their resources are gone? Your games are looking even more suspect than they were before, anon.
you aren't supposed to rest just because you blew a 1st level spell slot anon.

>When you spend 8 hours sleeping after a long day's travel,

anon, please just bother to read it before saying anything
>you aren't supposed to rest just because you blew a 1st level spell slot anon.

you are if you wanna avoid exhaustion
Anon, please just bother to read criticism you've already received before doing anything.
>you aren't supposed to rest just because you blew a 1st level spell slot anon.
Well what if I went to 4 orphanages and blew 4 spell slots casting silent images to tell them a nice story? What if I was doing this all week and used up upwards of 10 spells slots, up-casting because I can't fucking rest unless I fight stuff or level up?

>When you spend 8 hours sleeping after a long day's travel,
Oh so it's okay to camp in the woods but only if you're traveling? Fuck off and never cook again.
>people don't only rest once every single resource is gone
>aww whats the matter baby, you want a nap after using one spell slot?
Learn to read, moron. A party that pushes themselves to run out of every resource before they rest is begging for death, and a shitty homebrew system mandating at least two combats before being allowed to sleep for the day is arbitrary and retarded.
these rules replace the existing long rest rules.

>Well what if I went to 4 orphanages and blew 4 spell slots casting silent images to tell them a nice story? What if I was doing this all week and used up upwards of 10 spells slots, up-casting because I can't fucking rest unless I fight stuff or level up?

Anon, if you want to play a game where you read to orphans and never get into combat, maybe dnd isn't the right game for you.
>Anon, if you want to play a game where you read to orphans and never get into combat, maybe dnd isn't the right game for you.
Why would I never get into combat? "I read to orphans all week and cast silent image plus minor illusion to put on a show for them" is just a minute of fun flavor and characterization, why would you assume that it's dominating playtime? Could it be that you are fucking nogames? Never cook again.
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>Anon, if you want to play a game where you read to orphans and never get into combat, maybe dnd isn't the right game for you.
there, happy now?
>still posting
No, I'm not happy, you've been given instructions every time.
Sorry Dave, I'd love to keep playing but apparently I can't short rest until we fight something. Yeah, I know I just fell off a cliff and am clinging to life with 1 HP, but I just feel like I could rest easy only once we've had combat of some kind. Sleep it off? Don't be absurd, it's only been four hours of traveling, I can't sleep unless we've been traveling for a "long day", whatever that is, or in a non-Hostile settlement. You're right, Dave, I dunno how I expected to be in a Hostile setting either. At least while I sleep I can assemble a piano and sell it immediately, which I accomplish over a long rest as well. Yeah, sorry, "at an earlier point in time," right. Yeah, I agree, I don't understand why me getting slightly better at swinging a sword made me able to instantaneously build an entire covered carriage, but you know how it is. Anyway, sorry, we've gotta march for another indeterminate length of time or until something tries to kill us, surely this cliff I fell off doesn't have friends nearby.
ok, well, go fucking kill yourself. there, now you have instructions too.
Instructions unclear, I seem to have just managed to piss off a baby who can't run a game.
>didn't even fucking read it
I swear to god you inbred fuckwits will be the death of me and this entire godforsaken rock.
Don't think 'combat encounter' needs a special shout out. There are situations where you might have a complex exploration / puzzle solving thing where you blow resources and lose hp.
Name one thing that's inaccurate. Rests that allow you to do something that normally requires time grants the benefits immediately with no time taken. Combat encounters alone unlock short rests. Travel and time are unclear and arbitrary.

So answer the original question: what is wrong with prompting and allowing players to take rests at their leisure? Muh coffeelock, a problem that doesn't happen when you DM properly?
lmao salty retard
>when you finish a combat encounter, you can take a short rest..
you have no idea what you even wrote
You keep getting blown the fuck out, yet you still somehow think you're in a position to dictate rules to anyone? What part of never cook again did you fail to understand?
>shitbrewer seethes so hard his sitbrew is shit, he tells somebody to kill themselves
I'm worried about Dave's friend
You're right. I have to fight the orphans at least twice to combat my insomnia. It's impossible to sleep without fighting something. Maybe the party will fight each other.
Yes, I only started last year. Playing online seems like crap.
Not playing d&d won't make it easier to get a girlfriend if you remain being a lame ass insecure faggot
>In what situation are you blowing every one of your resources without having a single encounter?
planar travel, teleporting, burning spells on treating conditions or resurrecting people (especially plot relevant NPCs), or using any of the dozens of spells specifically made to be spent doing out of combat shit, you're not exactly setting up Forbiddances and Glyph of Warding in the middle of a fight. Needing to carry around a bag of rats to stomp just so you can Plane Shift back to the material plane from Mount Celestia is pretty retarded bro.
>transport via plants to go do something
>need to go look around for a couple goblins to genocide before you're allowed to sleep and travel back since you only have one 6th level slot
think things through at least a little
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It looks like they really are committing to smite becoming a spell and a bonus action. Expect a significant chunk of players to demand to use the 2014 paladin instead.

Rakshasas being immune to smiting is an incredible flavor fail for Eberron, in particular.
>smite becoming a spell
So, are we going to see more bards smiting?
we still havent seen how the bard spellcasting will work, last we saw of the bard they still wanted to just have three spell lists.
>Character concepts/ideas for 4th level Fighters
>Doesn't list any fighters.
Is this party balanced? It seems to me that the Cleric is far and away the most competent party member. Highest AC in the party, HP to match the Fighters, spellcasting to match the Wizard, one out of only two characters with Darkvision...

Not to mention resistance to the damage type of the single most dangerous creature in the adventure for which these characters are made
>to assist the following
How about an illiterate boisterous man that fakes his way through situations involving reading by guesswork and confidence. Human Samurai.
Why was thread pic removed?
>replies to a post about the consequences of drawing the Knight card without knowing what it does
/tg/ mods are absolute fags
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>Team did something retarded
>Dm put the training wheels back on
>Illusion shattered
I played as that wizard.
still salty at the DM for making the campaign end be all about his lying ass NPC saving everyone while our PCs ended up as just tools
Did the other players also use the pregenerated characters, or did they make ones from scratch?
Apparently they don't like the new art direction of D&D.
Post the actual ability, not developer notes. We all well know the developers are retarded, and just because it says turn here doesn't mean it works that way in the actual rules.
Most of us were new to the game, so we used the pregens for the first session (west marches), but DM allowed us to change things freely after said session (using only core rules, Xanathar's and Tasha's). I think there were two people who used the rogue (one of them changed it to a human, the other got bored of the character and made a tiefling druid from scratch), and two that used the fighter with noble background (one of them dropped out early, the other eventually multiclassed into bard).
dao genie warlock/arcane archer with the crusher feat
>You gain the services of a 4th-level fighter [...]

>lore bard

Now, I don't know about you, but neither of those sounds like a fighter to me. Who was it that can't read again?
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Why is it commonly accepted that Battlemaster is better than Eldritch Knight? Feels like the survivability you can get from EK spells are far better than the drips of damage you get from BM maneuvers.
These are the PCs in the party, retard. The Gnome Wizard would get a 4th-level Gnome Fighter, the Half-Orc Barbarian would get a 4th-level Half-Orc Fighter, and so on, retard.
>bm gets spell like abilities that reset on short rest
>ek gets limited spells and spell slots that dont reset on short rest
>bm can mass fear with action surge and deal damage at the same time from level 5
>ek needs to wait until 13th for the same thing and probably doesnt have the int to make it work that great
Something happen to Queen Ellesime?
I think you're overthinking one card out of 13/22, when it is more likely the players will draw one of the bad cards and be screwed over instead.
It's the small deck, since the one with 22 cards has the ability to break the whole campaign. In the small deck, 6 cards are beneficial, 6 cards are detrimental, and one is largely inconsequential.
No, she's fine as long as they don't reprint her.
I'm not sure I've ever heard anyone say that it's better, but it's a more unique playstyle and more fun if you're looking specifically for interesting melee combat.
boring af
>Are you looking forward to One D&D, /5eg/?
not really. ill run 5e for as long as I can, i've already made so many changes that they need to cook something up near perfect for me to be willing to make a change. or my friends start playing lancer instead.
>How does the prepare spell/action work?
If I'm a spore druid and I'm expecting a fight, and I declare that I prepare wild form when we enter a fight, do I cast it before the initiative roll and still have my action in an actual fight? Or does it consume my action?
You prepare an action with a trigger. The trigger happens. You try to do your thing if possible. If you prepare to cast a wild shape on a trigger rather than just becoming a bear, you're a fucking dumbass because you can just turn into a bear rather than hold concentration and more.
>you can just turn into a bear rather than hold concentration and more
sorry what?

Also, I ask if it consume my action for the fight.
When you try and prepare an action, or a spell, or whatever else, you're concentrating. If you are a smart druid, you are concentrating on a beneficial spell before wildshaping. When you prepare an action while concentrating on a spell, you lose that spells concentration to then concentrate on the trigger of your action to do your thing. It is deeply suboptimal to try and do stupid shit like before combat preparing an action to wild shape when you can just wildshape while concentrating on a spell like barkskin or call lightning or anything else.

>consumes your action for the fight
Okay dumbass, this is very simple. You prep an action outside of combat, you spend your reaction to then do the thing when the trigger comes. Even more baby explain, if you go:

>I prepare firebolt when door open to shoot bad guy
When door open, you see enemies, you able shoot firebolt, spend reaction.

If you go:
>I prepare wildshape when door open turn into fursona
When door open, you fursona, spend reaction.
Yeah, for years now. 2 diferent tabels and I know my town has a local group who meets every 2 weeks.

I love a lot of Foudnry VTT features and even run campaigns with gimmicks that are only possible there using scripts, but overall still prefer the RL feel of TTRPG.
>it lasts for 10 minutes and you are expecting a fight any second
just use it, no idea if wild shape uses work differently in onednd tho
Ok furryboi, I said a SPORE druid and it use wild form to turn itself into its feature wild form "Symbiotic Entity".

But thanks for swearing my question in the second part furryboi. godspeed

The problem is that in my recent sessions with this DM, when I ask him how much time has passed, he usually says more than 10 minutes.
>dm fucks you over by wasting 10 minutes ingame when if you didnt use it it wouldnt have been 10 minutes
what a dick
unfortunately you cant get around that ruleswise, you just need to get a better dm
I desperately want a DM to play with.

I care about the world feeling real, character progression within the world, and the ability to gather power and build relationships. I like realistic fantasy, not directly related to the amount of magic in the setting, but just whether people feel like real people or not.

When I approach problem solving I try and look at it from the standpoint of human character and pulling from history. I don't pull from drama or pulp sorts of storytelling much.

In terms of a player I think about things and put myself into the character and the world. I'm not looking for a DM so I can play a specific character. I like making characters during play and for the game, though I do have a preference for playing humans.

I would prefer a one on one game to a group game. However, I'm not entirely opposed if the game is good. I have no problems playing in groups, I regularly get invited to a ton of games, but I just find that most of the time group games mean group activities and group activities typically aren't the sort of roleplaying and gameplay I'm looking for.

I'm fine just playing on Discord or whatever.

In terms of diplomacy, intimidation, and bluffing, or other sorts of things like that I prefer for arguments and actions to be presented and played out rather than just relying on rolls. I have no problems with rolls or chance, but I do think that making a good argument or pursuing diplomacy or charm with finesse matters. I like actually trying to succeed when I can.
Interesting, I'm a DM without a group as three out of my four players are moving this summer.
This is me on discord
I'm up for discussing specifics and stuff.
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How do you manage/flavor healing for warforged PCs?
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A Mending a day keeps Rust Monster away.
mending doesn't work on warforged in 5e
Should alignments be attached to acts, or should they be attached to intentions?
Abilities that are sufficiently 'cool' get rated as more powerful to most people. This is the reason a lot of people dont notice how shit the monk is - because punching a dragon and running up walls is really *cool*.
warforged are cyborgs so they have organic parts inside and metallic outside
as much as alignment should be considered at all (it shouldn't) you would obviously consider things holistically.
shouldn't EK be the more overrated one then?
I think so a lot of people " doing shit with just your weapons rather than magic " sounds cooler than just casting a spell - which is kinda the default way to fuck with people in dnd.
Not enough of them are black. You'll be accused of orientalist colonialism by Kotaku.
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>How do you manage/flavor healing for warforged PCs?
Warforged are literally made out of living wood. They heal the same way you heal a dryad or treant. Why do retarded secondaries who've never so much a looked at the race entry act like they're iron golems or fully metallic?
>shouldn't EK be the more overrated one then?
no. same reason ranger isn't rated very highly. spells are objectively useful and strong but it's also boring as fuck for your best class feature to be "you are given 1/3 of the wizard's leftover crumbs" or "you get to pick a few spells known from the druid list and get 1/2 their spell progression" and have that STILL make you better than almost every option. Battlemaster having Maneuvers as a unique subsystem only they get access to makes people feel "cool" and like they're getting something actually unique out of being a fighter instead of just bein a Valor Bard
They do have organic components, anon.
On the topic of Battlemaster, how many Superiority Dice can you possibly have with feats and such?

Also I'm talking in the ballpark of 1 - 10 level, not the 20th max level realm that I don't think I even care to see whats it like.
you start with 4, you can grab one with the superior technique fighting style and you get one additional at 7th and 15th
so at level 10 you have 6 per short rest
Martial Adept > Fighting Initiate
EK's should be half casters in exchange for only ever getting 3 attacks maximum.
If you're a Fighter you can easily grab both if you really want both.
>he's STILL mad the generalist class has generalist spellcasting
no idea where you got that I'm mad, literally just pointed out we dont know how the bard will be changed.
oh you seething
You see, DnD's art isn't politically motivated, but posting it without comment is inherently political bait.
Just think two things at once and don't notice anything.
You know what, that's on me.

I'm playing a fully non-organic construct, and I had figured the Warforged would have been the PC template that made the most sense, but that's from reading the mechanics, and not the information.

So, now what do I do? Does standard healing work on me to my character's surprise, not knowing that they had organic components?
Did they confirm sword bard coming to the new phb ?
Since we are talking warforged, what do you think about the theme song of my warforged war-magic warrior wielding a warhammer? He is still level 3 though (fighter 1/wizard (war magic) 2).
Also, if I were to pick the psi knight (or similar psionic fighter subclass), the arcane deflection and the protective field would compete for my defensive reaction, but could I pick the one that would prevent the most damage since both require that I already got hit? So, if I can avoid the attack or spell with arcane deflection, i do that, and if I could not avoid it eve with the bonus, I pick the damage reduction?

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I'd have you as player but the RL tables have priority. Man I might genuinely consider paid GMing because I love it and would do it every day of the week but it steals so much time from life shit.

I just wanna run and experiment with many levels and themes, man. Don't even care if you're a dubmass or a mudcore high lethality guy, I'll adapt. I just wanna run games.
That's how Archetypes and ACF and Class Kits worked in 2e and 3.X but 5e is made for mouthbreathers so we can't have characters trading out base class features as part of their subclass, instead you'll have a small handful of abilities given at prescripted levels while maintaining 90% the same as anyone else playing your same class.
The fixed, anemic power budget of subclasses is by far the worst part of 5e design at this point. Every fucking Paladin still plays like a Paladin at the end of the day because so much of its power budget is in the base class, you simply can't make a paladin who feels genuinely different without just making something incredibly overpowered, since subclasses are just "here's some bonus spells, a channel divinity, and an extra aura". Rogue having a six level gap from 3 to 9 means they're even worse off, if you've played one Rogue you've pretty much played them all.

Even fucking AD&D has Class Kits trading out base features! And they have actual psionics, too!
>Does standard healing work on me to my character's surprise, not knowing that they had organic components?
Sure, why not?
We got a brief glimmer of ACF trading out base class features and even subclass-specific ACF in Tasha's with the Ranger shit and Primal Companion and then Wizards of the Coast never touched the idea again for four fucking years (oh yeah Tasha's was four years ago, feel old yet?).
>attacked with a 20 to hit
>if at 19 ac, use arcane deflection as a mini shield to bump ac to 21, negating the hit
if at 18 ac, 20 still hits so you use protective field
Autognomes are the construction PC race.
what is the decision by the dm so far? are you considered a construct or a humanoid for the purposes of hold person?
if you are a warforged, there are roots filled with alchemic fluid as your blood and muscles and you are considered a humanoid
My players are coming into contact with a monsterification ooze and getting special abilities, what are some monster-exclusive traits you'd like your characters to have?
(I'm thinking stuff that seems like a negative at first glance but can eventually be harnessed, but I'm taking all suggestions)
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These are now player options. What do you build and why?
Obviously someone has to get Compression, squeezing through one inch gaps is always hilarious
aarakocra so I can eventually rain eldritch blasts from the sky (at around 1200 feet of distance)
Martial Advantage on Hobgoblins is a pretty fun upside, like a pseudo sneak attack, but without a weapon restriction.
Otherwise, playing a Skeleton is tempting just because I'd be curious how being a PC with a vulnerability to such a basic damage type works out.
Probably because every faggot that plays them does nothing but go 'beep boop I'm a robot man'
Oh so it is like I thought.
Should I go psi knight X/artillerist 3/war magic 2?
That way I got another layer of defense with temp hp every round too.
that's a good one
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how do you make an edgy character without it being cringe?
another question
how would you flavor those two features two distinguish them from each other visually and in the narrative?
by not making it about the edge for the sake of being edgy but actually exploring an interesting concept in an edgy way
Zombie Barbarian/Rogue
They're more like fantasy Clone Troopers from Starwars or Bladerunner Replicants than robots. Intelligent free-willed beings mass-produced to fight a huge world war justified on shaky ethical grounds that took a backseat to practical necessity....only for said giant war to come to an end and nobody knowing what to do with them. So everybody signed peace treaties, awkwardly pretended they didn't create intelligent life to serve as cannon fodder, and given legal personhood and set loose to figure out whatever the fuck they're supposed to do now that everyone's pretending it's none of their business. Eberron is a pulpy postwar setting at its core and Warforged are the standin for aimless veterans in the wake of WW1.
>When you try and prepare an action, or a spell, or whatever else, you're concentrating.
Wrong. You're only concentrating when you're readying a spell. Anything else... attack, wild shape, whatever... doesn't take your concentration.
Yep. Warforged have quite a bit of potential depth to them, but people would rather roleplay them as a battle droid rather than a clone trooper.
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you can make ANY character concept work with a very simple trick:
>You are part of a aprty and work together with them
That's it, that's fucking it man. From the edgiest hooded mtoherfucker to the whimpy goody two shoes kid to teehee macaroni, all of them work if you actually try to work within the group, help the achive group goals and watch each other's back.

People aren't annoyed at your edge, they're annoyed that you putting obstacles to their fun with your endless "this is dumb", "I don't do these things", "that's not my style", etc.
It's a game with your character, not about your character.
When was the last time you saw a player read their races lore?
>When was the last time you saw a player read their races lore?
a few days ago when my Wednesday campaign played
I actually played a cool warforged that resorted to spirituality to deal with his warforged condition. He was a druid/cleric multiclass that wanted to visit the places the materials he was made of were extracted from. Each part had a specific reason to be made of that specific material, which indirectly lead to a more detailed than usual exploration of warforged anatomy.
what background do you give a character who was formerly a fearsome lord of hell but is not imprisoned in a human body?
but that would imply he was not formerly a fearsome lord of hell, which would contradict and undermine the concept pitched by >>93146572
and that is kinda rude
i really dont think you should triple multiclass
you should main one and you can dip into the other
if all you want is arcane deflection and the possibility for ritual spells/spell scrolls with skill expert (arcana) from wizard then a 2 level dip is all you need
psionics are mental powers whilst arcane deflection is an instinctive defensive magic so you are still hit when you use protective field, but you move the weapon slightly so that it doesnt strike center mass, instead grazes your shoulder or something
war magic is a quick defensive charm, I would imagine holding out my hand at the attack and a quick burst of abjuration causes the weapon to stop all of its momentum
the actions you do are more severe than they have to be, a guy surrenders and instead of just letting him go with his life and ask him to throw his weapon to the ground, you maim him, cut his arm, his leg or one eye out and then let him leave
you do not fight the party on important things but you suggest things to the party that they will have to moderate
Would items that requires the wielder to have a certain moral alignment cost more or less than the similar item that does not have that requirement?
More, it is a feature.
They cost less, additional requirements reduce the value of an item since it's less useful and more limited/niche. There were rules for this kind of thing in previous editions but now you just need to make shit up yourself. if Robes of the Archmage could be worn by any caster and not just wizards they'd be worth more, same if a fighter could attune to a Holy Avenger and get its full benefits
no shit retard
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>level 11
>any official published material
>one uncommon magic item, one rare magic item
What do you build?
Flametongue Greatsword, Headband of Intellect
Wood Elf Battle Master
Crossbow Expert at 4, Sharpshooter at 6, Elven Accuracy at 8
Winged Boots, +2 Hand Crossbow
chainlock w/ flock of familiars satisfies the fantasy of being a badass general of a legion of demons but what if I wanted a chainlock with one familiar that is viable?
any rework that lets me get higher level familiars as I level up?
do you have so little power in your day to day life that you feel the need to shit on your player's backstories? honest inquire
there was a sidekick feature or something
dont quite remember
talk to your DM
or go with summoning spells focused cleric or similar
It isn't demons, but a shepard druid can summon some really powerful fey and animals and make all their attacks magical at higher levels. Being able to summon an annis hag to hug things to death at level 11 is a lot of fun.
sad shit
just wanted to fill in the support role as a warlock as my familiar is the one that actually attacks enemies

I would say that's fine. If you want to make it more simple, remove the fluff text and keep mechanics only. The only thing worth buffing is Shield Master and you already did that.

If EK allowed you to cast using CON or your choice between STR and DEX it would be kino.
do you have so little power in your day to day life that getting called a retard on 4chan over a retarded backstory sends you into a meltdown? honest inquiry
>what if I wanted a chainlock with one familiar that is viable?
I played a warlock with the Noble background who flavored his Summon Fey as his retainers (who are noncombat NPCs) showing up to help him. You could do the something similar with your familiar, use Summon Fey or Summon Fiend or whatever and just say it's him but bigger. Not perfect but the best you're gonna get in 5e.

otherwise you could play a beastmaster or drakewarden and just reflavor the primal companion or drake as a different creature. If your "drake" is actually a medium-sized Devil or Demon that is clawing people and spitting venom on your blades as a reaction nobody's gonna care.
Dhampir long death monk. Attack with con, with bite damage scaling off of martial arts. Get advantage on all bites when below half health while getting THP from kills and using Ki to keep yourself at 1 HP, then healing from bites.
are you so retarded that you think that a frank query constitutes a meltdown while also hoping for other honest anons to not notice how you are the one having a meldown as evidenced by your inability to answer a straightforward question? sincere response
What's the best CR the make "goons" and fodder for lvl 12 characters?
Somethign that still poses a threat with good rolls or when piling up but still fall quickly to couple of attacks or mid leel spells
Are swashbuckler rogues fun to play in higher level games? Panache looks like it could be a lot of fun with reliable talent and expertise in persuasion.
CR 2 is the sweet spot for that personally. Not the bandit captain, that's too tanky, but something with around 40 HP and that hits for around 15-20 damage.
Druid? Berserker? Cult Fanatic? Priest?
>level 1 monk/10 bladesinger
>v.human, fighting init for unarmed fighting
>Iron Bands of Bilarro
>Immovable Rod
kek keep it up tardo
Logistically I don't use CR for prep anymore so those would be by discretion. Berserker has the same problem as bandit captain, too beefy not enough actual damage. You could frankly just have a mook with ~30-40 HP that can cast a level 1 or 2 spell infinitely. So an army of guiding-bolting acolytes, witch bolting alchemists, chromatic orb-ing kobolds, scorching ray-ing statues, anything. The CR is roughly 2 for 1st and 2nd level spell output per round. 20 HP will usually die to a fireball if you want that possibility, while 30 will take 2-3 attacks to down. They're tough enough to be a real threat to level 1-2 PCs but can't hold a candle to tier 2+ unless in large groups.
Thematically, what race would be a good fit for a shepherd druid focused on summoning fey to fight for them? I'm trying to imagine what kind of creature would be summoning in hags and pixies and Blink dogs to fight on their behalf.
Nymph from Odyssey of the Dragonlords
This is so MAD would it even work?
>ask to join an ongoing campaign
>wait two months due to scheduling issues and needing a good session to introduce me
>first session in, half the party is unconscious, other half is split up and at half health
>wrangle the conscious people, try sneaking in to get other members
>end up in a TPK
>gonna be another couple weeks before the dm finished the new campaign setting
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>new campaign setting
TPKs at their best should either provide narrative framework to continue
>the orcs left one of you for dead but you crawl back to civilization to recruit a new party for vengeance or rescue
>the dragon is keeping the plot item in its hoard, and the king needs you to recover it by any means necessary
>the parties family has asked you to recover their remains for resurrection
or alter the setting so that a new campaign can feel the ramifications of your failed quest
>the goblins overtook the city, and broke the tentative alliances that kept the nation whole
>the demons have established a permanent foothold on the material plane, and only constant efforts from neighboring regions keep the invasion in check
>horrors unleashed upon the land have cast it into an eternal night, where the undead now outnumber the living. Underground fortresses dot the region, and the once politically unimportant Dwarven nation is now the only thing facilitating trade and communication.
>>wait two months due to scheduling issues and needing a good session to introduce me

Is this 8 sessions, or is 2 sessions?
Lel grow up
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Yeah, point buy as v.human is 8 16 12 16 13 8. using mage armor + bladesong during combat buffs ac, doing 3d8 damage per round from extra attack + martial arts ba on top of regular spell casting.
>no set attribute bonus

Just bought metal dice cause my first paycheck hit I love being a consoomer
Yeah can you respond to these you missed them last night
/5eg/, I'm thinking of ruling that when a downed player regains hit points or is revivified, they remain unconscious until they finish a short rest. Any thoughts?
I mean, the proper response is "I'm a twat, I shouldn't try to fix things when I don't know how they work"

But that's not my homebrew.
>nat 20 on death save gives you 1 hp and lets you continue your turn
>change that for arbitrary reasons
why play dnd 5e at all? play another system that is more deadly
Is this a really smart or really stupid quest plot?
>A man tasks the party to kill a mad scientist performing sacrilegious experiments out in the mountains
>they get to his hideout and fight a number of golems
>the golems are behaving erratically by golem standards, retreating when the party is clearly going to win and dragging whatever dead they can
>the party gets to the main laboratory and fights a golem golem (think voltron)
>upon defeating his greatest creation, the scientist tells the party that the man who hired them is a devil who is pissed because the scientist has invented warforged and he's been hocking them off to lesser infernal powers, effectively counterfeiting souls
>the highers up (lowers down?) find out and are seething - the money doesn't spend and they got fucking got

1. Don't call them warforged
2. Counterfeiting souls is stupid. how does this get to the devils? It's either a soul or it isn't.
3. Why do they retreat when close to victory?
4. in the end, the party doesn't have a reason to progress unless they solely care about finishing their task, in which cast the big reveal doesn't matter.
I wouldn't call them warforged, but I would describe them here as such because they are sentient golems. Cheating the devil is a classic subplot, and the only difference here is that the cheating has already happened instead of is going to happen. They retreat to conserve their forces and cuz it also foreshadows their sentience.
>They retreat to conserve their forces
That doesn't make sense.
>and cuz it also foreshadows their sentience.
rather, instead use crude (not mechanical) traps. and capture people rather than kill them and retreat as soon as one person is restrained in a net or KO'ed

>Cheating the devil is a classic subplot,
yea, when done well. But you story doesn't make much sense
They either have souls or they don't. do they look human enough to a trick a devil into believing they're human?

To answer your original question, as written: Really stupid.
this is retarded since giving a sentient warforged with a soul to a golem isn't any different than just handing over a literal newborn baby. it's not """"counterfeiting"""", you're just a monster sacrificing sentients to the fucking devil. Might as well force a bunch of short-lived races to breed in captivity and hand their souls over to fiends for power.. This isn't a loophole, it's just bog standard human sacrifice you retard, a warforged soul is no different than a human or elf or dragonborn one, that was the entire point of making them sentient creatures, they're not mindless automatons but rather fully intelligent beings capable of thinking and understanding to make them better combatants.

retard, congrats on inventing bein fucking chaotic evil
So what you're really looking for is the Spy stat block, right.
Might make some sense for Revivify, but at that point Healing Word basically does nothing but stabalize them, since it ordinarily takes hours to wake up without magical healing.

If it's a matter of avoiding yo-yo healing, then I have seen variant rules to address that. Though most of them involve saving throws against exhaustion or lingering injuries or things like that.
Really you're working against the system in order to address it, because 5e makes healing downed party members easy and effective by design.
is it okay to get rid of material components alot of these first level spells have materials that a lot of classes and backgrounds dont provide
Fuck off forever and never come back.
Materials without a stated cost can be replaced by using a Spellcaster focus or a components pouch.
For the others, just find them/buy them.
>casters dont use arcane focus or component pouch
Read the book again slower
I started when a mate invited me to an online game and created my opportunity to start playing in person as soon as possible after that. Currently I'm part of two online and two in-person games, DMing and playing one of each.
Cool! Sounds good! Hope it works out for you, anon!
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>racial ASIs are +1/+1 instead of +2/+1
>your class grats an additonal +1 (based on one of your prof saves. A fighter would get +1 to STR or CON etc.)
>you can no longer take ASIs, you can only take feats
>half feats no longer grant ASIs
>every time you take a feat from your cllss, you gain your racial +1/+1
>tasha's "put your racials anywhere" is removed and if a race without standard ASIs is chosen, The DM will set ASI accordingly e.g. Dhampir would be +1Con/+1 Cha, a kobold would be +1 dex/+1int, a triton would be +1 Str/+1 CHa, a vuman would get +1 into a single stat of their choice (so a vuman fighter gets a +1 to their stat of choice at 4th, 6th, etc.)

How would that play for a fun mix up? A monk could pick a dex/wis race like ghostwise halfling and be well off

Get something like pic related (circle puncher), it can punch holes in paper and cardboard. Then buy cheap MTG cards and use them as you need

easy tokens with fantastic art, because mgt has decades of good art to choose from
Any general tips for running an unofficial 5e campaign of Dark Sun?

This is only my second campaign as a dm, so I went for a 5e version of Dark Sun instead of the AD&D version. one of the players also really didn't like the idea of playing AD&D, so I just went for a 5e version because I really wanted to do a Dark Sun campaign regardless.

So far I'm just learning about the lore and thinking of ideas for the campaign, but I am a bit worried about how the actual sessions will go. Has anyone else here ever done a 5e campaign of Dark Sun, any tips?
>wisdom based monks and rangers can no longer bump wisdom because lol
fuck off and play a different system
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>5e dark sun
>Dark Sun's designers presented a savage, magic-ravaged desert world where resources are scarce and survival is a daily struggle. The traditional fantasy races and character classes were altered or omitted to better suit the setting's darker themes. Dark Sun differs further in that the game has no deities, arcane magic is reviled for causing the planet's current ecological fragility, and psionics are extremely common.

>Ban full casters + artificers
While not necessary, it greatly diminishes the party's power and can really let you pull off more low power/high stakes situations, revivify isn't available til 9th level and healing word is gone outside of feats.
-ban goodberry spell
-give them pic related as an option instead of primeval/primal awareness
>zealot barb
-psychic damage instead of radiant or necrotic
-their resurrection feature just lets them auto succeed all their death saving throws and regain health equal to a roll of their (hit dice + Con) x3 1/day, and they get 1 point of exhaustion.
-change radiant damage to psychic
-d̶̶̶i̶̶̶v̶̶̶i̶̶̶n̶̶̶e̶̶̶ ̶s̶e̶n̶s̶e̶ changed to psionic sense
instead of celestial, fiends and undead, smite bonus damage is aberrations, mage, and undead.
-paladins, instead of radiant righteous crusaders, are now resentful psionic mage hunters
mage is a loose term that the DM can determine at the time but basically any wizard, warlock, sorcerer, bard, witch, enchantress, magus, magician, diviner etc.

Alter holy/divine subclasses to fit in with psionics. Arcane trickers can be masked as psionic charlatans who practice arcane magic and pretend it's psionic in nature Eldritch knights can be just as reviled as an oathbreaker in normal society (hated and feared)

gritty survival gameplay should be the core of dark sun. If your players don't want to keep track of water and rations and arrows and all those kinds of things, play another setting.
Between a Sorcadin and a CBE+SS Battlemaster, who's going to win the inevitable DPR pissing contest?

What does sorcadin have in DPR against a regular paladin?
More and bigger spell slots.
The average urbanite sees “the meeting” as the most stressful endeavor in their lives. There’s a reason this task is depicted so often
What class and race are good choices for an ESL with a hard Eastern European accent? I don't think the Bard is a good choice if you constantly drop articles and mix tenses.
Any race with a language of their own, even dwarf. Just inject your own (IRL) language while speaking in English and claim it as your character's racial language

And then claim to be CSL (common second language)
If I was the DM here, I would take that and run with it. Handouts in Polish in the Forge of Fury or what have you.
>Just inject your own (IRL) language while speaking in English
Huh, just like in the movies, then.

Ok, thanks; I think the Faerun cunts will learn some Ukrainian then.
Yea. Any Ukrainian idioms you know can be used and then translated (even poorly on purpose) into English. And then just claim they sound better in your character's native tongue, like, "To plant a pig on someone"
Honestly, I find it quite irritating when non-native-speaking characters in US movies insert native words into dialogue. Because no one does this in real life, but I guess you can roll with it in a role-playing game.
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>Player apologizes for not being able to make it to the session, because his father killed himself
>Because no one does this in real life

Plenty of people do this in America in real life, because American english is constantly stealing words and phrases from other languages, capeesh? Especially foreigners or 1st generation imigrants.
Sorcadin is a meme that doesn't work in practice.
Huh, ok. My character will then say "salute" whenever he drinks a potion and try to buy some gabagool from every trader.
I think you are very much mistaken and have never actually seen one in play.
You don't need to reply twice.
What is your favorite depiction of Half Plate armor?
I've liked the +1 Half Plate in BG3, plus you can add some boots and gauntlets to look so shiny.
Thanks a lot! I do plan to focus on survival, and I'll add a few rules from the original version too (I don't remember it right now exactly but for example that rule that makes a PC change into chaotic evil if they are without water for too long).
I'll screenshot this and keep this in mind when I know what their classes will be.
>DM barely ever gives the party gold
>It's level 8 and most people are still rocking with starting gear
>Very few magic items, nobody even has a magic weapon other than what the artificer gives us
>We stumbled into an encounter with a vampire and four high level NPCs
>Get TPK'd
>DM is confused how this happened
Brother you are over 25 years late to the Sopranos cosplay event, but just in time for the nostalgia revival. If you call it capicola instead of gabagool you are a glowie.
read the post again, anon. its still dumb but you can bump wisdom
It's alright, the barbarian might be a bit too alone on the frontline depending on how the rogue and druide plays
what was the team? could you have gotten some radiant damage to deal with the vampire somewhere?
>>We stumbled into an encounter with a vampire and four high level NPCs
Is this a game where the DM is expecting you guys to do things independent of your class/subclass/features but they aren't giving you anything in the environment to work with? Such as in this fight against the vampire and NPCs what options in the location could you use against them? Could you have set up a trap or lured them away? Were you guys aware of what was coming to prepare for it? What classes were you all and was there anything you could do prior to the fight to set up something crafty/tricky to get the win?
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I'm writing up some basic setting lore, just got started and I'm only establishing the basics atm
Anything I should add to this population list?
It's for my own reference for now, not for players.
EK is either:
>MAD needing both weapon stat and int
>skimps on int so is limited to only Magic Missile antimage disruption and utility/defensive spells,
>3 levels deep in artificer for int weapon attacks, or 1 feat deep in artificer initiate for magic stone and hard limited to 3 attacks a turn.
>Or skimps on con because it went sneaky archer but is thus especially frail for a fighter and not to mention an archer without precision attack for its sharpshooter.

Spells are generally stronger than BM maneuvers, but they get very few, and can cast them much, much less often.

So EK's strengths are generally
>the aforementioned strong but short and far between bursts of defense and utility
>the ability to swap between weapons quickly, since they technically never need to stow and can draw as a bonus action even if they did. So while every other class needs 2 turns to stow and then draw unless they risk losing access to a weapon by dropping it, or skip a turn of attacking to do both, EK's are the ultimate switch hitters. Only really matters if you're dex-based or have multiple magic weapons though. Though since you're a caster, you can potentially craft them yourself.
>the mid lategame ability to make hard CC spells stick better if used turn 2 (though this is weakened by either their MADness or whatever compromise they took to get int weapon attacks.) Pairs well with silvery barbs though. Takes like a third of your slots, but with 3 rolls to fail even with a low DC that hold person, binding ice, or levitate IS landing.
>the very lategame ability to always get full damage out of an action surge using the teleport, no dashing for melee or withdrawing for ranged necessary.

this. the iron is just an exoskeleton. they have organs and blood, it's just not normal human ones because they're not made out of flesh.
>strong but short and far between bursts of defense
Any non-Shield buffing spell will last an entire combat.
Even if you went full blaster focus on your EK the results aren't worth it.

Shatter is just not that strong at level 12, or even 5 when you first get it. Legit 4elem monk is a better blaster in nearly all regards. EKs unfettered evocation access is basically a joke outside of CC effects like darkness (nice with blind fight style, but even without cancels enemy advantage and denies sightlines to casters), warding wind, gust of wind, walls, earth tremor, ice storm, etc. or even legit tinyhut as a nonritual, it's 1 minute of prep for an impenetrable fortified position to skirmish and ranged out of.
Absorb Elements and Silvery Barbs don't last a whole combat. Mage Armor is useless for classes with real armor.

Did you mean Prot G&E or Enlarge? You'll probably get more than one round because you've got a good con, but you're still a martial concentrating on a spell, unless you're the sneaky archer (and remember it's touch, so you've got to slap it on then book it to the back) you're going to get hit and drop it at some point in the like 5 attacks you eat with your meat from the opposing martials. Part of why Haste is usually a trap.
You >rolled 18, 18, 12, 12, 6, 6 at character creation. What do you do with those numbers?

>TIL Giant animals, dolphins, raptor dinos, and basically all primates are immune to Animal Friendship
>But vulnerable to Tasha's Hideous Laughter
>Also that you can't use Beast Bond on any of the new Tashas beast summons or Primal Companion or a summoned Steed. Old companion and conjure animals still works though.
Kensei Gunk.
I don't have to have wis for AC if I'm 600ft away, and int and cha are traditionally dump stats for monks anyways.
Put the +1 from firearm feat into wis though so we can multiclass into fighter for archery fighting style, also potentially medium armor, depends if the movement bump or AC bump seems better for us, probably swap back and forth based on whether in cramped spaces or open ones.
But if you add the boots and gauntlets it becomes full plate?
> you are a glowie.
Always have been.
>Lucky nerfed
shant be playing this

Make sure to watch at 1.5 speed

>cunning strike: disarm option removed

called it.
>I don't think the Bard is a good choice if you constantly drop articles and mix tenses.
There are many ways to bard, amigo. As long as you're either uplifting to the party or disruptive to the enemy, that's a bard.

Well, the latter could also be swashbuckler but they're like an honorary bard tbqh.
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Tiefling Trickery Cleric apparently.
Just play an aberrant sorcerer then. Turn every slot into points, then spam silvery barbas and magical guidance all day.

Or unironically a human champion, they get crazy amounts of inspiration now. 1 every round of combat, plus one on each short rest. Plus indomitable and using second winds for post-failure bonuses, and getting advantage after every time you miss, and advantage after every time you hit from vex mastery.

Lucky is only for the people that want to go even further beyond.
will the 5etools website be enough to learn all the rules for dming a campaign or is it incomplete, specifically the "quick reference" under the "Rules" button? I found that I have a hard time w reading up on the pdf of the phb and dmg.
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>steady aim baseline
>assassins can still move with steady aim
>thief can use magic items with a bonus action
>soul knife can make attacks of opportunity with their psi blades and have vex
>arcane trickster recieved basically nothing, spell school resotriction removed. probably still the best rogue
>thief now works like it was fucking written a decade after release
>thief is the sniper build, not assassin
>soulknife not actually fixed, they just gained an extended range and a weapon property so they're not objectively worse than using a weapon, in the same way that monks using unarmed strikes still very much are.
Thief's supreme sneak is a lot better now too
>sneak attack while hidden
>remain hidden after your attack

Which is leaps and bounds better than its previous iteration:

>boots of elven kind, the 9th level class feature.
>>steady aim baseline
good, it ought to be. If a orgue isn't making at least two attack rolls a turn, either from advantage or from TWF, they're below warlock baseline.
why the fuck isnt that an assassin move?
Because an assassin is supposed to kill in one blow then get the fuck out of dodge. You ever play hitman?
I guess they see assassin as more combat oriented compared to the rogue who doesn't want to be seen but like, thats both of them. I suppose with assassin being able to aim and move, they thought the thief getting to remain hidden was redundant.
>the thief

**The assassin, fug
Most of the Cunning Strikes seem bad
>Trip requiring your sneak attack to trigger means you can't get a sneak attack on the now-prone enemy, despite likely being the one who's best at capitalizing on this
>Poison is a Con save and they get to repeat it each of their turns
>Daze (force enemy to choose between movement, action, or bonus action on their next turn) is a Con save
>knocking an enemy Unconscious sacrifices 6d6 of your sneak attack damage and is a Con save they get to repeat each of their turns
At least Withdraw is OK and Obscure seems quite good for casters and Str-based enemies
the assassin and thief things should be swapped.

let a thief run and gun, han solo style.
let the assassin stab and stay hidden.
Thief is such a shitty class.
It's like artificer if it didn't have any infusions, you just have to go full mother may i please mr DM can I have things that make my class abilities relevant? I'll give you the sloppiest toppiest hawk tuah dome after the game if you'll give me even the smallest crumb of relevance.
kind of like 2014 PHB ranger lmao.

but hey, it's asymmetrical design so they fit the fantasy of the class. You're a massive homo who want to be fucked in the ass, otherwise you wouldn't be playing ranger or rogue.
Near as I can tell rogue probably isn't doing Numbers outside of ranged builds, but still has the advantage on no resources.
Plus, with reliable talent at level 7, mastery properties on weapons, and the ability to trade average damage for effects, the rogue can be a martial utility class - not as effective as any spell but able to consistantly provide a number of solid but low impact effects on targets and consistantly pass skill checks.
I agree. I have never, ever, EVER had an opportunity for quick climbing or combat Sleight of Hand/lockpicking/use object to be relevant in almost a decade of playing 5e. The magic item gimmick is put at a level high enough that it sees almost no use in play either.
5e tools has everything WotC has ever published, and a few third parties to boot
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>let a thief run and gun, han solo style.
yea, it also plays into the more acrobat feel of the thief

The dealbreaker is that assassin gets the run and gun feature at 3rd, while the thief gets the stay hidden feature at 9th.

Con saves are notorious but I still like the options. K.O. at least lets you try to set up a teammate for a huge crit at the cost of some of your damage.

I'll have fun with the thief. Quick toe dip into paladin to get
-lay on hands
-fighting style (I think they get archery now?) or just blessed warrior to pick up guidance

With spellcasting, we can now start scribing scrolls and using them as a bonus action
-cure wounds

A lot of nice support spells so make a good support character. Not a lot of DPR but if that was the goal, we wouldn't have picked rogue.
And rogue will continue to be terrible
Use object is bad because most objects you'd want to use specify they're their own Action, not use an object, or worse an attack.
So no healers kits, no ball bearings or caltrops, no acid flasks, no drinking potions, it's more or less literally only environmental interactions like flipping a table, dropping a chandelier, or barring a door.

Picking a lock in combat means you have fucked up priorities. Though if you're in initiative because you're on a timer instead, it does mean you'd get two attempts a round, maybe that's enough to get you through before the guard rounds the corner.

Trying to palm an object you're holding in combat is a highly niche non-concern too. And I certainly hope you're not trying to cheat at card games in combat.

And combat theft is only for objects not currently held. Held items use disarm instead. So what are you gonna steal, their hat? Maybe a spell book at worst? Nothing that's going to make them less of a threat and couldn't just be looted off their corpse.

So it's kind of like that Scribes feature that let's you delete things you wrote with a bonus action as long as it's already next to you. Literally in what circumstances would this feature ever be needed?
I'm pretty sure all those mundane items work with Fast Hands. The description of the Use an Object action says that you take the action "when an object requires your action for its use". So that would be pretty much everything other than magic items, and Fast Hands would apply. Unless all the "battlefield medic" builds centered around Fast Hands Healer's Kit are based on a misunderstanding.
I honestly think it's one of those things exactly like PHB ranger and Monk that it's just really really obvious that the way the internal playtests are going/went and the way the community at large plays the game are just two entirely separate beasts.

Like they nerfed PHB ranger from the 2013 playtests
The "dick around in the wilderness" stuff didn't used to have a favored terrain it was just anywhere not urban. you even got advantage on attacks at 20th.
You didn't have a shitty radar ping of "yup monsters are within 1 mile, who could have guessed" that even costs an insult to injury spell slot, you just automatically tracked stuff unless circumstances were unreasonable.
The "spend an entire minute making a gillie suit" didn't require you to spend a whole-ass minute making a brand new one after your disguise breaks. You just didn't get the bonus while moving or acting.
And Vanish was just straight up free, basically a passive, 'you are just assumed to be hiding if it's at all possible based on your surroundings.'

I can't imagine PHB ranger having those instead and somehow being some insane god class. But at their tables, apparently it was, and what we got was what seemed "balanced."

Damn near every monk has left UA nerfed. There have been one unequivocally buffed from UA, only tradeoffs. Which means to them Monk is teetering on the edge of too powerful. Even accounting for dumbasses that try to play Goku and get their ass ate picking a fight with the biggest meanest brute in the room instead of bullying the nerd hiding at the back, I still don't understand how.

I'd really love to see them LivePlay their testing sessions. If RoseWater can give behind the scenes dev talk of MtG stuff, they can do it for D&D too.
*there's never been
damn autocorrect.
>I can't imagine PHB ranger having those instead and somehow being some insane god class. But at their tables, apparently it was, and what we got was what seemed "balanced."
Given that some people bitch about Rogue being OP for consistently hiding, or how certain DMs love to try and introduce 'survival challenges' only to get upset when a player has Outlander or casts Goodberry, I'm not too surprised that they ended up nerfed into the ground.

Those are the exact sorts of features that brainlets like to complain are OP and midwits like to offer 'fixes' for.
People also say wizard is overpowered, but they adamantly refuse to ever nerf it or even just tone down the buffing.
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>Unless all the "battlefield medic" builds centered around Fast Hands Healer's Kit are based on a misunderstanding.

though basic use of a healer's kit is still Use an Object, it's just the Healer Feat's big short rest heal that's not allowed.
So you could get them up to 1hp, since Healer feat makes normal use do that instead of just stabilize.
I thought they said art was inherently political
It was a picture of banditos with the Mexican flag, it's not D&D art
Squeaking in at the end of the thread: I've been drawn into a 5e game, despite not having played D&D for nearly ten years. I want to help out the DM (he's very new to DMing), what's a good easy-going build? Is bringing the healing still a bro move? Human Cleric of Life seems like a good fit. If not that, is there a similar go-to friendly build?
>People also say wizard is overpowered, but they adamantly refuse to ever nerf it or even just tone down the buffing.
The problem is that there is very little you can do to nerf them without making them rather boring.
The only real solution I can see is using the mana pool rules but lowering its capacity and recovery rates.
Life Cleric is great in that it can do a little bit of everything, not just tank. Party mates missing? Cast Bless to support them. No sturdy frontliner? You can do that. Do you have trouble with dealing enough damage? Spiritual Weapon+Spirit Guardians. But yes, the Life Cleric is also the best healer in the game. Pack Healing Word for your bonus action and do something more important with your action - unless you're going for bonus action damage with Spiritual Weapon. Hard to go wrong with a Cleric.
Dope. Time to make me the most generic Fred Jones-ass motherfucker of a cleric ever and go befriend the shit out of the local miscreants.
Healing in any edition that has overnight heal to full has never been an optimal choice. The team is always better served by preventing the damage from happening than mopping up the collateral afterwards.

Cleric is a good class, but life cleric especially played as a healbot is both not fun for the player and not particularly good for the team.

I'd focus more on offensive/defensive buffs for allies like Bless or efficient CC and AoE damage like Spirit Guardians.

In combat healing is only to keep allies up and fighting. Out of combat healing is only for when you don't have time to rest.
How do I play Light cleric to the best of it's ability lads? I want to nuke goblins and undead with the power of the Sun
>In combat healing is only to keep allies up and fighting
This was very much my plan. Dole out buffs and keep the other party members standing. Last time I played D&D was 3.5 and I was playing an Abrupt Jaunt Master Conjurer. Showily rendering other party members irrelevant was fun but not (in hindsight) sustainable.
In the current game I'm not worried about staying ahead of a power curve or anything, I just want to synergise and help out the other players while not creating headaches for the DM.
Fair enough then. Bard, Druid, and Cleric can all fill that role pretty easily then. and some forms of Artificer.

For other clerics specifically geared towards keeping people alive, you might also want to look at Grave.
My players are about to get into the classic "your petty crimes and righteous law-breaking have caught up to you, and now you're wanted in this city" situation.
I'm trying to list all the crimes but I'm not attuned to the jargon, maybe you guys would know how to phrase it.
Here's what they did:
- stole nearly 700 gp from a thief's bag as he was being arrested
- broke down a few doors in the local inn
- trapped 6 people inside that same inn to interrogate them with zone of truth, against their will
- intimidated a local businessperson into fixing their items for free and giving unreasonable discounts on other purchased items
- broke into an old wizard's tower and took a bunch of money and magical items
- broke into a civilian's home on accident
- warned the city guards about a threat of exploding ores in the city's sewer systems, but then when the guards said they'd deal with it the next day, they sneaked into the sealed off sewer systems and accidentally set off a chain reaction of explosions that sunk a whole city block, leading to about a couple dozen deaths, about a hundred injured and many more homeless
- "ran away" = got washed out of the city with the sewage when they got caught in the blast
- city is treating them as the terrorist perpetrators of the explosion
- one of the party members has a rare type of magic that is sought out by a noble and he's adding some other random charges to the list (tips on what these could be?)
I don't have a useful reply other than to suggest chatgpt, but
>when the guards said they'd deal with it the next day, they sneaked into the sealed off sewer systems and accidentally set off a chain reaction of explosions that sunk a whole city block, leading to about a couple dozen deaths, about a hundred injured and many more homeless
This made me chuckle, hope you had a blast narrating the consequences of their antics and they enjoyed the snowball effect
oh absolutely, I was just looking at the extent of the damage they did underground and there's no way it wouldn't affect the surface, so it had to happen
the whole "wanted" thing wasn't even going to be a plot point until they did that, so now I'm trying to get it all set up before the next session
fuck that
I want a full reroll three times a day
My suggestions for the list of charges would be:
- Perverting the cause of justice, by theft of evidence
- Criminal damage
- Kidnapping, 6 counts
- Extortion
- Burglary and theft
- Breaking and entering
- Terrorism, mass murder and mayhem (should be first, as the most serious charge)
- Fleeing the scene of a crime

Having the PC's crimes catch up to them is always fun. In a couple of early adventures in my campaign, the PCs basically stole everything from what they thought was an abandoned wizard's lab, and later did the same again in another wizard's tower (also releasing a thief that had been turned into a rat as punishment). A couple of years later in-game, the two wizards turned up at the PC's inn, having teamed up and demanding restitution.
Fireball, Fireball, now take a rest
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>most objects you'd want to use specify they're their own Action, not use an object,

it clearly says "When an object requires your action for its use, you take the Use an Object action."
Is Thief Rogue pay2win if you have enough flasks of acid available? Not to mention bombs, grenades and such from the DMG.
Mundane explosives and alchemy objects do pathetically small amounts of damage in D&D. But if you make magic items purchasable thn every character is pay to win with enough gold.
Yes, if you take a 1 level dip in wizard and craft catapult scrolls, you can catapult acid vials for 3d8 bludgeoning+2d6 acid, which is pretty substantial.
And when I say catapult scroll, I mean the 2024 thief, not the 2014 thief.
It's genuinely hilarious that berserker barbarians are now better rogues than actual rogues. Advantage plus substituting all other stats for Strength is roughly equivalent to Expertise or better in many scenarios (especially ones where you just need to beat a middling DC and rolling significantly above the DC doesn't change the result), Barbarians are better at doing off-turn attacks with bonus damage dice than rogue now via Retaliation moved to level 3 and getting to add 2d6 to 4d6 frenzy dice on both their first main attacks action plus their reaction, and the utility effects and debuffs from Brutal Strikes are straight up better than anything Cunning Strikes offers on top of not allowing a save and giving bonus 1d10 to 2d10 damage rather than subtracting sneak attack dice.

A barbarian reducing somebody's movement speed by 25 with a javelin with no save allowed is better than allowing them a saving throw to avoid being tripped, giving an enemy Disadvantage on their next save (again, with no saving throw allowed) is better than giving them a CON save to simply be Poisoned (which half the enemies are immune to, and poisoned doesn't actually affect saving throws anyways), Grug the Gigachad is now the party's favorite skill monkey AND support character. Reliable Talent at 7 instead of 11 is the only really big boost they got, but the problem is that in games where a DM is obsessed with making people roll skill checks they're still just going to ignore it or arbitrarily raise the DC to avoid reliable talent auto succeeding, the same way Silver Tongue for Eloquence bard gets nerfed, but Eloquence Bard is still a full-casters and can subtract inspiration from enemy saves so they can ignore their Take 10 feature being cucked into oblivion, meanwhile a rogue might as well an hero
>are now

This is the 5e thread.
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The worst part is that the rules aren't very clear about how an acid vial works

Crawford says you add dex since it's a ranged attack, and he isn't vague about it, but a lot of people disagree because a martial being able to deal more than 1d8 damage with a ranged attack is overpowered

personally, holy water and acid vial "splashes" the
>you can splash the contents of this flask onto a creature within 5 feet of you

Should be a dex save instead of a melee ranged attack, because that's stupid.
You add DEX and it is a ranged attack, but you don't add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll unless you have Tavern Brawler, and vials of acid are much, much more expensive than regular ammunition.
>(which half the enemies are immune to)

This is misleading, 800/3100 enemies are immune to poison condition. Thats about 1/4.

And when you ignore constructs, fiends, and undead, that's only 220 creatures. Those creature types are pretty easy to recognize, so It's pretty easy to know who to use poison attacks against.
>This is misleading, 800/3100 enemies are immune to poison condition. Thats about 1/4.
The 1/4 who are immune are monsters much more likely to show up than simply 25% of the time, in the same way that a handful of Celestials being resistant to Radiant Damage is largely irrelevant since you fight demons and devils orders of magnitude more often than you fight solars
The 1/4 I mentioned are mostly the three creatures types I mentioned, aside from those three, it's only a handful of creatures who are immune. You can also take CR into account. It's probably reasonable to ignore CR above 15 because those power house are immune to most conditions and you're not going to fight them anyway.

Certainly, a descent into Avernus campaign or a necromancer campaign would have plenty of fiends and undead and that would make poison a shit condition, but plenty of other campaigns are entirely focused on other creature types. Humanoids are a far more common enemy type (1000/3100) in most campaigns, and there are only 32 humanoids immune to poison condition
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>green dragonborn don't explicity have resistance to the poison condition
Those are great, thank you! Would love to do a long con like yours at some point, as well.
New thread:

>The 1/4 I mentioned are mostly the three creatures types I mentioned,
undead, fiends, and constructs are overwhelmingly common enemies to fight. many campaigns deal almost exclusively with undead, fiends, or both.

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