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The Best Primarch Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

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Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

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>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
Which Space Marine Chapter is your favorite, and why?
What faction would 12-year-old (you) think was the coolest?
I hate blood angels, so not them. I guess Wordbearers, Erebus and logar are just great characters. World Eaters are also up there with just how disgusting Angron was before he turned to a demon prince, and Kharn was really cool.

probably blood angels or ultramarines.
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>Which Space Marine Chapter is your favorite, and why?
Custodes. Just look at them, they completely piss all over other Space Marine factions. Even their color scheme is better.
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Black Dragons.

Salamanders sucessors, the coolest legion, with the "cursed" spike/blade growths and being even huger marines.
I love the Iron Hands because I also have a fetish for cybernetic augments even when they don't make sense.
Nice Stormcast Eternals.
storm-cast actually look nice now compared to custodes.
>Thread Question.
I don't know. I'm just getting into Warhammer 40,000. Played Dawn of War. Blood Ravens are pretty neat.
He said favourite marine chapter.
Custodes aren't marines.
I was listening to a YouTuber and they said something like: “Space Marine players don’t even need to buy rhinos since everyone is giving them away. Just ask someone and they’ll give you a free one”

What the hell did he mean? I think he was being serious, and I’m interested since I don’t wanna spend $60 on it if I can get it for free
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What are you guys working on tonight?

>Which Space Marine Chapter is your favorite, and why?
Dark Angels, because they're the first and the greatest of them all.
In truth I just like their knight aesthetic the best, maybe one day I'll get some models, a Christmas box would be awesome.

The same as the 30y/o me, Chaos Space Marines.
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>Custodes aren't marines.
Only in terms of the lore, come on, they're clearly just fancy, better, Marines anon.

Number 2 slot can be Death-watch because they've some nice models.
Number 3 can be that anons Space Wolves from the other day, they were really nice looking.
same as when 9 year old me played dow1
world eaters
Ultra marines are my favorite they represent the faction, have some classy roman flair but aren't gimmicky like other chapters.
ugly sculpts and lazy color scheme
>Still posts on 4chan
Yea, that all checks out, say hi to your mom for me
Maybe you could get the old ones second hand? Second hand market for all 40k is pretty expensive though, you need to hunt for deals usually.
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getting a box of skitarii and sicarians ready to paint for KT
I got into warhammer when I was 12 and at that time I thought blood angels, specifically the death company were the coolest + Mephiston. Close second would be Marneus Calgar.
rhinos pretty much only carry old tactical marines now, so they're a lot less relevant. Still though, I've been watching ebay for deals on them and haven't had any luck yet. Seems people aren't ready to give them up yet.
For the model lines available when I was 12? Probably Orks or maybe Tyranids.
Grey Knights because I'm a sucker for the secret church funded monster hunters trope.
Addendum, they also have the coolest looking helmets. Iron Hands are a close second because I also love cyborgs.
Leagues of Votann
How do you neatly remove mold lines from plasma coils and tubes?
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This week's game is 2k points against Tyranids, using a tournament board set up. Deployment zones were a funky L shape along the short board edges.
very lightly scraping with xacto then extremely light application of extra thin plastic glue
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View from IG deployment zone, "east" edge of the table.

Mission has concealment on the first turn for everything, and neither player can use core stratagems for that turn, either.

We both took the exact same fixed objectives: assassinate and bring it down.
Probably late to the party on this, but I have some genuine respect for whoever on the rules team actually decided to issue major changes to AdMech's rules. I have to imagine it took some fighting to make that happen. The changes are good and I'm excited to play the game again.
Blood Angels and specifically the Death Company and Chaplains. They just look so good with the black armour with red X’s and bone motifs.
This old ass, crusty rhino with the turret missing and smokes installed incorrectly is still going for 43 GBP, fuck me man

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IG after deployment and scout moves. The sentinel and tenginseer on the roof are on the ground floor, but Lord Solar redeploys the the enginseer to the roof when the nids redeploy an infiltrating unit closer to the center.
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this anon's favorite show as a kid was teen titans
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Nid deployment viewed from south edge. The blue giant bug in the back is the one with 2 S18 shots that do 6+d6 dmg per hit, hitting on 2s.

He infiltrates and scouts some units onto the objectives, nothing I can do about it since attacker gets to move first.

He wins first turn roll after 3 tied rolls.
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Nids after turn 1 movement. Hormagaunts take north edge objective, genestealers manage to tag the south objective. Mor genestealers swarm center objective. Turn 1 and he's already got all 3 center points.
We have been over this. Lelith was always queer-coded. Mike's novel just pushed Lelith out of the closet. The relationship between her and Morghana was sweet and it's quite a start for ar redemption arc.

People who hate it have no soul.
I actually never saw that show ever and was too old for it and didn’t really care for dc aside from Batman specifically.
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His infiltrating guys easily get within charge range of the infantry chimeras and sentinel deployed there.
>we have been over this
why do faggots post this so much when they spout nonsense like this
Samefag less.
20 years ago I played eldar.
Now I play sob.
No, I'm not trans, just a waacfag.
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His first shot of the game is with the monster that does d6+6 per hit. He hits. He wounds. No save. 11 damage. Chimeras dies instantly, he picks up VP. Surviving infantry emergency disembark.
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First turn charge on south side also pens all my units into my deployment zone, munches through the surviving infantry and cripples a sentinel. Half my army is completely move blocked already.
this post reads like something chat gpt would write
How is it nonsense? Read anything Lelith related. She is as straight as a wet noodle.
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In the center, genestealers charge and destroy the other sentinel (on ground floor), claiming more VP, then use a stratagem to move 6" instead of 3" up to the techpriest on the roof. He hits and kills one with the omissian axe.
I think I dont like the grey nights.
Has the SoB codex been scanned and uploaded yet?
Dark Eldar in general are queer coded.
no you
No. Seriously. She uses the term "Breeders". That's a gay pejorative for straight people.
What does the glue do?
Ok sure, but since you are a pro-gay person why would you want druchii gay characters? Like why would you not want more positive role models. I’m neutral on the gay issue but making your gay character part of the murder-rape gang is a super fucking strange PR move.
helps remove the moldline and clean up any scratches from the xacto without fucking up the ribbing too much
They are fictional characters. Their morality does not matter in any real-world sense. Besides, Lelith is transforming from a black-and-white villain to a nuanced antihero.
Thanks I'll try that out.
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Turn one retaliations. Kasrkin on the north side disembark and climb to ruin's second level to get plunging fire on the hormagaunts below. Enginseer withdraws, chimeras shuffle a little to wall up.

Rooftop kasrkin let loose on the horms and kill 9/10, with a chimera stubber gunning down the last one, clearing the north point. Other chimeras hose the center genestealers with the russ sponsons chipping in, and clear them, too.

Infantry on the south edge are still bottled up, but manage to gun down all but 1 of the infiltrators. The sentinel lumbers forwards on 2 wounds to paint one of the monsters for the vanquishers, and both only roll a 1 for the damage. I command point reroll one of them and get another 1. Lascannons and HK barely manage to kill it. This would become a pattern for the game.

I fail to remove him from the south objective, since he got his broodlord's toe on it. That would be a capture for him top of turn 2.
bragging about the deviant sex pests that birthed a god of sodomy being LGTV representation isn't the win you think it is
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All the alien factions since I still find actual real world knight type armor cooler then Space Marine power armor.
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Turn 2 carnifex charges into the chimera line with the termagaunts. His giant fuck you cannon deals 10 wounds to a russ. His blast-weapon guys in the center kill 9 of the rooftop kasrkin.
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Bottom of 2. Kasrkin dismount and focus down the carnifex, with the chimeras cleaning up the terms. Things seem to be holding on the north end, but I've still been trapped in my deployment zone all game.
>look up the breeder slang
>its real
>Mike Brooks allegedly used it
These people aren't helping their causes and making themselves look bad.

Seriously Mike should do better as a Warhammer 40k book author.
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Infantry dismount and climb the south corner ruin for plunging fire on the stealers, killing a couple but leaving one infiltrator guy, one stealer, and the broodlord left. The surviving chimera desperation charges and tank shocks the infiltrator to death, but fails to kill the stealer with its 3 attacks.
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This guy pops up in the corner. His psychic guy inflicts a battleshock test on the infantry on the top level, which they fail, so the commissar blams a dude.
He can only get away with adding queer representation to Xenos factions because GW execs don't micromanage lore for them like they do Primarchs and first founding chapters
I'll try that, plastic glue hasn't really helped me deal with moul lines in the past, but it does help with clean up.
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Passing that leadership means he has to dedicate shooting to clearing them out, so the giant snake thing spits on them and kill 9, leaving only the meltagunner and the commissar.

Bottom of 3 the meltagunner fails his battleshock test, so the commissar offs him, too.
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Bottom of 3, a surviving chimera and the lone kasrkin plasmagunner from the rooftop unit movemovemove towards the objective and are able to advance onto it.
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Center chimeras and kasrkin remount and sprint to the center, as well, flipping 2 points.
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I spend my one reinforce strat per game on bringing back the dead infantry unit the commissar finished off, which walks within range of the south objective but cannot advance to capture it.
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Christ, its like 1 in 20 games where the armies are actually fucking painted

I no longer feel bad about the fact I keep hopping to different factions, at least I wouldn't put this on the table
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In the case of Drukhari, they're referring to the members who can afford to procreate naturally (Trueborn). Most are born in a vat. You fucking retards looking for "woke" anywhere, desperate to find it where it isn't.
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Rules question concerning models like Murderfang or Death Company Dreads who can fight after being swung at or shoot after being shot at. I get that they can let them fight more than once, but in the Fight phase, they can only Pile-in and Consolidate once, when chosen to fight, right? Not each time their ability triggers?
I want to know if I'm reading the rules right.
And speaking of which, since his fight after being hit is a trigger, does that mean I can then still choose him to fight after the triggered fight? Is it choose a unit that hasn't fought, or choose one that hasn't been chosen to fight?
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Commissar has descended to stiffen up the last original infantry squad as the broodlord starts chewing through it. He pulls out his laspistol and gets a 6 to hit, which apparently is an autowound against this guy (he's not a monster?). He passes the armor save, though, and then eats the commissar for assassinate VP. At this point I'm down 11 to 27 in VP.
"Fight" in this context is pile in, make attacks, consolidate. They get to have a full activation.
Oh and no, you can't fight from being hit then "normal" fight. To select a unit to activate it has to have not fought this turn.
That's what I thought. Something in the rules commentary made me question that. I'll see if I can find it again.
Maybe it was just a line they said in passing during the podcast talking about it
Sorry to hijack your Battle Report, but how many people at your shop play grey tide? I’ve been trying to finish painting my army forever but if gray tide is acceptable then I’ll just go in.
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Things are looking kind of grim, but the surviving infantry have managed to keep his monsters away from the techpriests and my last surviving russ. His fuck off gun deals 16 damage in a single round to the russ next to the tank commander, so we're down to one gun. This game the vanqs have only hit 5 times, and they've rolled 5 1s for damage.
Have you seen him? He's a faggot. No two ways about it.
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Since I came back, I've had 1/6 games against a fully-painted army. I've seen other painted armies, but only played a pickup game against 1.

The hive tyrant has to give up slashing infantry in the center and runs back to stop the reinforcements from taking the south point. He charges and kills 5.
yes but that's fucking retarded because dark eldar revere those who can procreate naturally
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On his turn 5 he manages to kill all 5 of the reinforcing infantry, another chimera, and all 5 kasrkin that dismount from it, clearing the center and south points.

It's the last turn, though, so VP is tallied at the end of my turn, not the command phase.

Surviving kasrkin therefore dismount and race through the ruin, firing everything they have and chucking a meltamine to destroy the tyrant at last, 4+ invuls be damned. They claim the south point.
If you saw someone shitting in the street would you join in?
Would you care to present your evidence that this is how the term was being used?
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Meanwhile in center the surviving chimera rushes to take the empty point, securing it, as well. IG captures all three center points, pushing the VP to 59-42, Steel Legion victory.

Hardest game I've fought this edition, by far, with the shittiest rolls in years, but the boys pulled it out.
In general unpainted minis are accepted as long as you are clearly putting in effort to paint and making progress, a squad of minis or so newly painted every couple weeks is cool. That's not great tide.

Grey tide is an army that stahs bare plastic for months/years with not even a single mini painted.
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This guy in particular had it rough, too. He had several painted armies, but his wife forced him to sell all of them in their divorce. He was rebuilding from 0.
12 year old me thought Tyranids were the coolest and that's the army 12 year old me started.
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Can you seriously not conceptualize of people in a society where a precious few can reproduce naturally, who cannot breed themselves, being bitter at those who can? Especially when you consider that it goes hand in hand with aristocracy? Do you live in a culture where everyone respects or reveres the same traits? Have you never heard the tale of the fox and the grapes?

Present your evidence to the contrary. I don't read black library, and if I did I wouldn't read Deldar books. But it takes a trivial google search to find how they reproduce.
poor guy
She left him and took the (plastic) kids
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The space Terminators
I am trying a purple Tau scheme with yellow as the Sept color. But the yellow I chose is a bight too bright and the contrast is too big.
So I've read that a mustard yellow fits better with purple. Does anyone have a good recommendation for yellow colors that achieve more of a mustard look? I don't want it to be brown though
>forced him to sell all of them in their divorce
Lmao what a cuck
Where are the winged helmets from? They look neat.

Oh nice, it's painted now? Looks great!
In the black library book it appears in she uses the term specifically against a human woman to show disdain for ruining her physique by having children because the only thing Lelith respects is combat prowess.
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It wasn't from the Mike Brooks book. It was from Silent Hunters.
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>2 battle reports in one night

Dark Angels and Sisters. Knight Aesthetics, robes, cool helmets. Though 12 year old me wouldn’t understand they where nuns due to not knowing what a nun robe/habit looked like until much later.
Maybe Imperial Knights too, but only for the non death robot bit.

I was a really big Medieval Autist. Thanks Age of Empires.
You make guard look so fun to play even when getting mauled, thanks for the BRs!
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Glad some people enjoy them as much as I enjoy posting them.
What are they doing with the Blood Angel storyline?
>Horus thinks Sanguinius should have been the warmaster
>Russ thinks he would lose to Sanguinius in a fight
But they do basically nothing with it and Dante is the main BA character
ochre would work well
>What are you guys working on tonight?
Fairly mediocre Chaos Eldar proxies for CSM units. The intrusive thoughts won
>Russ thinks he would lose to Sanguinius in a fight
of course he would lose, russ lost to human angron and even daemon angron lost to sang
Hopefully the blood angels die out completely.
>anti-BA schizo is back
gonna melt down today again?
Zamesi desert a nice spicy Dijon mustard colour. Ap fanatic desert yellow pretty nice too
>What are you guys working on tonight?
Nothing at the moment, I'm tired and the only saving grace of this day is that I bought some filbert brushes I plan to use as basecoating brushes, and white ink for zenithal spraying on black primed minis. Maybe if I'm really feeling like a madman I'll use the white ink airbrushed onto black primed miniatures to turn them white and use contrast/speedpaints on it.
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I think I'll put some work in on this guy.
No, too busy dealing with chaos trim.
>>Horus thinks Sanguinius should have been the warmaster
>>Russ thinks he would lose to Sanguinius in a fight
Horus' defining trait is ambition he'd have seethed forever if anyone had been chosen over him. He was being modest when he said Sang should have been Warmaster. When Russ was listing his brothers he only said he didn't know if he'd win against Sang and Kurze because they are unknown quantities what with Sangs rage and Kurze being literally insane. Cmon guys these books are written for kids I know you can understand them if you really try.
Mind posting your army list? That sort of combined arms IG looks like a blast to play.
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Tbh Blood Angels are somewhat underdeveloped for being a subfaction with a dedicated range. After the rift opened, they more or less got left in the dark with no story advancements. Even Dante crossing the Rubicon had no explanation despite Darkness in the Blood explicitly showing that no one wanted him to undergo the process.

Aside from that, you have Mephiston becoming a primaris in the same book, then the chapter goes to deliver the Lion to the Dark Angels with no aftermath. Outside of a few minor blurbs of literal who successor chapters visiting a few warzones, the Blood Angels storyline hasn't gone anywhere.
you sound unhealthily obsessed with blood angels, anon
you're saying that like any other marines go anywhere as well/
Have GW mentioned what the next codices are going to be?
The point is not these thing being true but the lack of story development for someone repeatedly mentioned as an important character in the setting
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I remember the first time walking into a LGS. Two guys were playing Tau vs 'Crons, third edition.
I didn't know how the game was played, but the Monolith made that other player so fucking mad. He had to choose between eating destroyer shots or dealing with the monolith dispensing death.
I still think 'crons are cool.
frankly I don't think I hate them enough.
You mean the humans who also can almost all have natural births? Unlike many of her species who no longer have that luxury? The humans they capture and use as essentially livestock to keep their way of life alive?

Then in that case, the obvious read is "deldar are bitter that the humans, whom they think are far beneath them, can all breed naturally, something they can no longer do. Their sense of superiority is brought into question by the most basic biological function of humanity.
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Armageddon 3-7 Iron Horses

Cadian Command Squad
Lord Solar
Enginseer x3
Vanquisher Tank Commander (w/ order enhancement)

4x Cadian shock troops (3 mounted, 1 as bodyguard for Solar)

chimera x6, all double hvy bolter, stubber, HK missile

kasrkin x3, all 2x plasma 2x melta, sniper and melta mine
LR vanquisher x2, hvy bolter sponsons hull lascannon
2x scout sentinels w/ lascannon

Strategy is simple enough. 3x infantry and the commissar on one side of the battlefield, which they basically tarpit while the other 3x chimeras with the kasrkin roll around with 3+ to hit, plasmas from the firing decks, and 4+ invuls with repairs from the techpriests behind them.

Vanquishers in back with scout sentinels for reroll 1s, so if you are stationary and have LOS you hit on 2+ and reroll 1s with all of them, and the cannon naturally rerolls failed wounds against monsters and vehicles. 6s autowound against these targets now, stationary or not.

Kasrkin scout move onto a center point if they can with 6" scout move, then first turn move. Against a slower enemy they can actually wall off a point between two ruins and have 4+ invuls. The other guy has to choose between shooting the kasrkin chimeras (where all the damage is coming from) that have 4+ invuls and access to smoke strat, or he can focus the infantry chimeras on the other side and get tarpitted while the kasrkin roll up their side.

You want the other guy to waste as much shooting as possible at the chimeras, which are decent sponges and roadblocks, while vanqs and plasma rifles delete stuff from safety.
Mucho texto
>being bitter at those who can? Especially when you consider that it goes hand in hand with aristocracy?
No, it's the opposite in fact
>The humans they capture and use as essentially livestock to keep their way of life alive?
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Guess that's fair. The ones that receive story developments are few. Off the top of my head, the Fists and BT crusaded in the Pariah Nexus, Ultramarines fought more Tyranids in the Galactic West and lost Calgar to Abaddon, and there were a bunch of primaris successor chapters who lost the Vigilus campaign to Haarken Worldclaimer.
Lelith could easily give birth if she wanted to.
But her lifestyle makes it impossible.
Which parallels the real-life origin of that slur.

They shouldn't be using slurs in their books regardless.
No way dark eldar can't breed. Lmao just fuck bro it's real easy. Teenagers do it all the time
12 year old me thought chaos terminators were the coolest shit ever.
31 year old me still thinks so
>lost Calgar to Abaddon
he's dead?
>But her lifestyle makes it impossible.
Woman can't go a day without killing baka. I wonder how long eldar gestation is.
Would it count if they are born in vitro like how almost all Mechanicum are?
I'm not sure I understand.
Were you making a point, or asking a question?
[Astonished remark]
Opinion related to the subject.
Question highlighting a similar case in other faction.
They did that thing where he's "mortally injured" and carried off the battlefield, then used as either a symbol of martyrdom or demoralization. In all likelihood GW doesn't have the balls to actually kill him off. Though if they finally kill off a character and it is Calgar, I'd actually tip my hat to GW for finally having real consequences that pay off.
I don't recall exact figures off the top of my head, but eldar gestation is said to be a long and complicated process, which tends to hinder their birthrate these days.

Dark Eldar get around this by most of them being vat-born.
The Eldar... well, they don't really get around it.
Much appreciated. What barrels are modeled on your Russes?
Is this how the autistic break down analyze social interactions?
I doubt Calgar will kick the bucket with his fancy new sculpt and all.
>breeder is a slur
It's giving OK BOOMER outrage
40k goes by shonen anime rules now and noone actually dies anymore, they just get hurt and shake their fist at the aggressor as their friends carry them off to safety
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Shields or hammers for these lads? Also sticking a chaplain with them seems pretty decent doesn't it
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It's a mix of old FW stuff and some 3d printed knockoffs. Mars alpha pattern cannon, conqueror cannon, a 3d print of the conqueror cannon.
Xenology painted a strange picture and left me with more questions than answers. I think it implied gestation can last years and that multiple jizzings were needed?
Idk all I understood was that Eldar & Slaanesh deserve each other.
You did ask. Literally went with how that Techpriest speaks in Priests of Mars
They look amazing. Those Russes alone make me want to get into guard. Gotta hit the sack now but it was nice chatting.
I haven't played 40k ever but am starting soon
I know chapters used to have their own codices but now they have detachments or something? Does that mean any marine army can run deathwings or do you still have to run dark angel specific rules?
I have lost 37 games in a row
Please send help
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Post models or you get to spend a very long elevator ride with these guys and no way to prevent you from experiencing the stench.
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bring him down
Emperor's Children army box this November
There are still chapter-specific codexes. Dark Angels have some units that only they (and their successors) can use along with their own detachment rules. Dark Angels are allowed to use the generic Space Marine detachments if they'd like, but other chapters cannot use the Dark Angels detachments.
When I was 12 I thought orks were awesome.
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I need to finish my custom Lord of Virulence. I don't want to give him a scrotum flesh cloak but I'm not sure what else to do back there. Maybe just a bunch of tubes and chains.
Any scans of the sisters codex yet?
Why are 40k players so allergic to painting their models?
most people don't have a personality for crafts and a personality for strategy games. It's a rare person that has the drive for both at the same time.
Played my first game of KT in over a year today.
I know 40k feels kinda bad now but damn if KT isn't fucked.
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Consider finding wings from Plague Drones and have them sorta folded up? Or take the plague spitters from a Bloat Drone and attach them to his back like a corrupted tech marine?

The flesh cloak was my least favorite part of him too.
Anyone know a good solution to storing and transporting armies, specifically IG? I have a shit ton of infantry and only a handful of vehicles.
>inb4 just toss them all in a big bin
I'd rather not have every antenna and other tiny thin bits get obliterated by a speedbump or sharp corner
shit load of small magnets, glue and containers with a thin metal sheet on the bottom
I'm used to being stuck in rooms with Guard players, I can handle it.
Who is it that all Guard players smell like MTG fags?
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Working on jump pack marines. Got side tracked by building and priming my Typhon.
Seems a bit over the top, but really smart. I have a feeling I'd have to stick a layer of sheet metal on the base of an existing tub myself. If I find strong enough magnets, I could even add a sheet to the lid and have some guys hang down to fill the empty space.
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>spend half an hour painting a head for my terminator sergeant
>friend says it looks like joe biden
They can kill characters with no models. Like they kill three Space wolves characters in a row.
That's rough. Space Marines may be 200 years old but they aren't supposed to look 200 years old.
>not committing to the bit and making jokes
that isnt even a bad paint job, be kind to your models
why do you insist on taking such awful dark pictures
like the Ork players who yell Waagh! but instead you just tell long rambling stories about before Guilliman came back
Listen to this and try to channel this energy
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because my phone is an ancient (8 years old, and was low quality to begin with) bit of trash that can't take good pictures, that was taken with bright sunlight coming into the room and a sun lamp right next to the model.

maybe someday I'll get a new phone or an actual camera. also I like the paint on him more now that I added an enamel wash, that was just an older picture.
>I got hairy legs that turned blonde in the sun. And the Tau used to come up and reach into the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and watch the hair come back up again
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I am having intense sexual feelings about painting that deathshroud boi. He's got everything I love about the range turned up to 11.
>bigass pitted blade
>horny af
>split belly mouth
>dick armor
>I've got 5.5 plague marines + a blight hauler and some characters to paint still
>also have a combat patrol on order
I really should not be expanding my backlog right now, but that model has got me acting up.
Anyone got any cool Lord Solar conversions for a traitor guard army?
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Yeah some small indie company called "Games Workshop" released this Nurgle Lord Solar recently. Its pretty cool.

The Nurgle train never stops anon.. I've got probably $4000 USD in shit I want to buy for my various Nurgle forces.
>this Nurgle Lord Solar
My fucking dick, holy shit
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These have to be among the best looking admech models by far
And I saw a pale horse, and death rode astride him
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you could kitbash a chaos spawn and make leontus a chaos sorcerer who rides a mutant beast in battle. Also add some spikes to his uniform and incorporate the horse into the base and make it into some poor dead attilan rough rider or krieger.
So the new "10.5 rules." Good or dogshit?

From what I've gathered so far a lot of people don't like the core rules changes but appreciate some of the faction balance.
He has a vagina mouth
They did kill off Yarrick to be fair.*

*Until they finish their new sculpt of him and need a quick cash injection.
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The emperor protects.
You can't just say that without posting a pic

By "10.5" do you mean the new mission pack and dataslate update? Because those things hardly constitute being half an edition, they occur regularly.

Nonetheless, the primary complaint I've seen and heard are the changes to scoring with Battleline units. Sounds to me like it's just making troops mandatory again, but GW seems like they're in denial over 10e army composition rules.

The dataslate otoh does seem to help a lot so far, but people are still figuring the ins and outs of the changes.
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Not him but
>small penis
>still live with my mom
And ill still drop you from an RTT with my ubermensch army
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It was sloppily handled, nothing more than a small side blurb of his passing. The backlash could have been avoided if GW actually put in some effort into explaining his death, either by age, in battle, or while chasing after Ghaz.
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I've kinda wanted to do a lord solar as the comander of a Tankette.
Post it
I'm eventually going to make a converted sentinel to proxy him.
What's the terminator equivalent for the admech? Kastelans?
Pretty good. Especially changing dev wounds to mortal wounds.
didn't ask
>didn't ask
Not an argument
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Sorry the photo is kind of blurry
30k things are 40k things.

HH is just a specific conflict within the setting of 40k, like the Badab war or Tyranic wars.
Nah, Kastelans are closer to a castaferrum dreadnought equivalent. Admech don't really have a terminator equivalent, they're just not that sort of army. The closest would be kataphron destroyers, I guess, but even then they're closer to gravis units with more shooting and less melee profiles.
Looks like shit
No need to argue you posting unrelated shit
I'm talking rules-wise faggot
Almost every army has a Terminator equivalent
Learn how to take pictures my guy. Also it's kind of a stretch to call it Joe Biden.
Looks more like john mccain
He looks like an angry old man, so I can see the Biden comment. Try giving him some five o'clock shadow to make him look more grizzled
>Learn how to take pictures my guy
QRD on how to take good photos of minis?
Move camera hella far, tap your screen focus, take pic

Zoom in and crop your photo
Drukhari dont
Have a source of diffused lighting, wipe down and clear your camera lens, and make sure the shot is actually focused for clarity. That's genuinely all it takes to get decent photos. You can worry about framing and other techniques when your pictures are clear.
Hear me out.. An ork army of beast snaggas genestealer hybrids that believe the "great beasts" will show up one day to herald the start of the great WAAAGHH-HUNT.
Sounds gay
If a dhukari somehow gets infected by a genestealer and somehow reproduces does the hybrids soul get sucked by slaanesh? Do tyranids even have souls? Would sucking the hybrids soul infect slaanesh with the genestealer taint?
Is it weird to get sexually aroused when painting my figures?
Completely normal
What are you painting?

What's your impression of guard post balance slate.

To me it looks like a straight buff if you played anything that wasn't meta (artillery park and respawning hordes).

Mid-Strength vehicle weapons like battle cannons, mulit-meltas, and autocannons certainly look better.
Fuck, this board is begging for some dry ice fog.
Begging for a pegging more like
we don't share our sexual fantasies here
Which faction has the worst playerbase?

I play eldar. I hate other eldar players being whiny fucking faggots. Motherfucking people are complaining about dark reapers being worthless now because they killed them ignoring the indirect fire penalty as if it wasn't just a fucking loophole that wasn't getting looked at because they weren't in the spotlight from day one. At one point a good while ago I saw a reddit post or something complaining about point decreases of all fucking things because it was apparently GW trying to make eldar into a horde army somehow. While I don't expect anything better off of reddit I still see this behaviour from eldar players elsewhere more often than not I feel like.
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+ Lethal Hits with almost every unit, almost every time now, whereas before it was practically never. Yes, there's some weirdness - dakka tanks get no lethal hits vs infantry, anti-tank infantry get no bonus against tanks...but the fact any unit at all get to use the lethal hits when moving is enormous. Also has some unexpected boons, like chimeras dishing out an average of 5 autowounds against any monster or vehicle through sheer volume of fire.

+ can now give orders to dismounted units if an officer dismounts with them. Not a perfect solution but an improvement anyway.

+ kasrkin down 10 points

- pivot makes transports even more useless in casual play. Infantry move 6 with infinite pivots, chimeras that can't move in a straight line (which they never can on any modern terrain setup) are now down to 8". There's not much mobility bonus to be had anymore, especially when vehicles have to swing around terrain while infantry just breach through walls.

- indirect fire nerf, though I wasn't using arty, anyway

- creed a bit more expensive with her strat ability. I wasn't using xer, anyway

- can only reinforce 1 unit per game. Meh, I wasn't using infantry blobs, are it takes a big fuckup for me to lose multiple kasrkin units. 1 reinforce is fine for me, at least
tl;dr : the lethal hits buff alone is worth every other nit in the changes.
Imperial guard
They are ALWAYS dickheads. Anyone that spams indirect has brain damage
>- dakka tanks get no lethal hits vs infantry,

Honestly i think its better this way. Something like a punisher is already wounding infantry on 3's or even 2's so they dont really "need" lethal on infantry.

But now your dakka tanks are much, much more useful if you have so fight another parking lot or a knight list.

Its guardfags and i say that as someone who's only army is imperial guard

The new update dropped and you have people bitching and moaning that lasguns (one of the weakest weapons in the game) don't get lethal hits against tanks or monster.
Loyalist space marines simply by virtue there being more of them.
Speaking of eldar I’ve been reading their lore and its amazing how gw sucks at advertising eldar lore. I had no idea how the avatar of khaine worked and for the longest time I just thought it was some lava robot they locked in the craft world basement. I had no idea that there was a cool ritual that forced the eldar to really consider if using the avatar was worth it or not (it is kind of funny how poorly represented this bit of fluff is in tabletop. I doubt the eldar would sacrifice one of their Uber special warriors to fight a few guard tanks). To answer your question the worst player base is thousand sons, fucking redditors spewing shitty memes, whining about space wolves. Word Bearers are a close second because I can’t stand the hearing the stupid fuck Erebus 50 million times in a single game. Thankfully both factions have like 20 players in total so dealing with them is rare.
I'd prefer it if the units were all better specialized for what they're intended to counter, not rounded out to take all comers better.

That's the kind of nuance that requires a codex, though.
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I like that the leman russ battle tank now actually works as a general purpose tank.

But I agree its basicly a band-aid rule to hold us over until a codex.
>placing everything 2 inches apart so it makes your army look larger
I remember doing this on the carpet with my dinky cars when I was 6
>painting your army plastic sprue grey
Por que
You're the Muslim eldar player whose mom said they couldnt have any female models without face coverings in the house aren't you
This doesn't look anything like Biden bit your friend did the right thing by laughing at it because it is definitely ass
Without a doubt guardfags are the most perpetually insufferable
>Speaking of eldar
Didn't ask, didn't read
eldar are at the top
massive powergap
IG in second
massive powergap
everything else
Why was the imperium so retarded with handling the astral claws leading up to the Badab War? I get the imperiums whole shtick is being corrupt and inept but it was like they were trying to cause a civil war.
Hey is your mom single?
I have come to the realization that I have like $3000 worth of models but I still have a shitty chinese android phone.
Nobody cares about the badab war or vraks, redditor
Huron being an excellent leader and ambitious strategist was too much of a political threat in the area. Placing even more marines under his command was too much of a risk.
He ultimately showed that not reinforcing him was the right call.
All the cell phones can do the same things these days, you should be asking what your car is like if you have 3k in models
Cars are for faggots
Why does everyone here become so bitter and jaded at night?
>actual child located
Ban inbound
Does Pariah Nexus replace Leviathan or is it just an alternate set of missions?
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Are WAACfags really doing this?
The europoors crawl out from their corrugated tin sheet in their field and start posting about models and books they can't afford
I have no idea what this is trying to say, but if it offers an advantage the answer is always yes when it comes to waacfags
As a proud waac I am constantly moving my giant red circle to split my opponents group of blue circles in two
gonna be honest, never really cared for cars. Got a shitty moped thats been working fine for me so far, but I should look into getting something less embarrassing to ride at some point.
4th Tyrannic War is over somehow. Replaces Leviathan.
Are you actually retarded?
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How did you know.....
What happened to Sanguinius' sword and what's the backstory on the leopard pelt?
I think it's tying both groups up in melee instead of just one?
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Everyone here is saying eldar players are the worst people on the planet. But what about dark eldar players?
Did you make some greenstuff hijab for them?
You're all fucking fags an elves have no place in sci-fi settings
Keep that Tolkien shit in fantasy

God I hate elves so much
That kinda prevents me from doing Relictors.
Any Marine faction on the Chaos side. As insufferable as any marine paypig and won't shut the fuck up about squatting factions because they're subconsciously dickriding AoS.
Because only those with third world values would act like having your parent in your house at age 30 is normal/acceptable by any metric, let alone having them in your house and telling you what to do with your own hobbying
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>he still plays Codex Space Marines!
Why even bother at this point?
Mommy can't drive you and your friends to gw forever anon
Give me one good reason why a faction as lame as elves shouldn't be retconed out of the setting
They only exist to appeal to insufferable basic bitch nerds
>caring for your elderly parents is a 3rd world value
I feel sorry for you burgers, but honestly you deserve to live like proper goy.
No heritage.
No history.
No roots.
A real NPC.
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>playing eldar as a muslim
You can paint your models in any terrible way you wish, just don't be surprised when someone calls you retarded later
Given how much GW patch the rules, I sometimes wonder how fucked an experience you'd have if you tried to run a game using only the printed word. No MFM, balance dataslate, FAQ, etc., just what's written in the CRB, codices, and index cards.
Islamic golden age space marine chapter would be kinda based actually. Would be way too much freehand tho.. and then you'd get murdered for naming your chapter master Muhammad.
Caring for your parents in their home is one thing, caring for your parents in your home while they tell you how you have to live your life is a completely different thing entirely. Enjoy never becoming your own man
Abandoning your parents and only seeing them for Thanksgiving doesn't make you your own man, just a disposable tool that moves around whenever you're needed to keep the machine working and filling Mr. Goldbergs pockets full
You have no ties, no purpose or belonging and you'll never understand how pitiful your existence is
Squatting factions is absolutely correct though anon.
>Daemons are currently flavorless and a rainbow puke mess when every depiction in the fluff has them accompanying traitor legions en mass
>Death Watch and Grey Knights being part of an inquisition codex is probably the best thing for their factions at this point, that big a shift might actually make people interested in them again
>Custodes should have never left the heresy
>Its guardfags
This. Guardfags will tell you that they just want to play a fun casual game. Then you turn up and you are facing the car park. They ignore the objective and just go for a tabling. It's been going on since the leafblower lists in 6th edition.

Also tau ghey.
Knights, custodes, and greyknights absolutely need to be dealt with at some point. Undivided demons are also a meme but should be stuck into their own monolegions with marines to compliment each other. Also anon, I hope you realize how much of a mess trying to balance loyalist space marines are.
How can you read the whole Quran but have such bad reading skills, I didn't think they put pictures in there. Like I said you can care for your parents in their home, you don't have to abandon them. You can pay a nurse for full time care if they really need it, but to have someone living in your house, on your dime, and trying to tell you what to do just means "dajoos controlling my life" have just been replaced by someone related to you, which I'd argue is objectively less human
Anon is only partially correct. Expensive cars are for faggots. A car is a tool, not a status symbol. If your car is in working order and does the job you need it to, then go ahead and blow 3k on little plastic dudes.
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>tfw I will never master the art of dual wielding a sword on my right and a spear on my left
I hesitated. Now I am defeated.
Does 2 sentinels and 2 chimera classify my 1,000pt guard army as a car park?
I don't think there are any characters, let alone warbands that do that in 40k. Something that cool is probably stuck in fantasy.
>Any Marine faction on the Chaos side
You're observations are correct, but they are nowhere near the worst. First place has to be either guard, Eldar, or tau. I just can't decide what order.
>Being a slave is fine as long as it's your parents who wield the whip
>Does 2 sentinels and 2 chimera classify my 1,000pt guard army as a car park?
Not a car park as such, but you definitely meet up with strange men in car parks. It's the rest of your list that determines what variety of cancer you are.
That's why I initially said you should ask what your car is like. If it's totally decent, and won't need any big repairs in the next 30k-60k miles then by all means buy plastic space men. But most people aren't doing preventative maintenance, or changing their tires, fluids, brakes etc.. and if your car needs any of those need to be done then your plastic space men were a waste of money because a optimally maintained car will be less likely to try and kill you one day, whereas one that isn't cared for wants to kill you constantly, it's just waiting for an excuse to do so
The conditioning is working, you will never be a real human being
Do you have to ask your mom to let you on 4chan anon, I hear there's women without face coverings in the ads now mashallah
Are burgers really so broke spending $500 on a hobby per year jeopardizes their entire future?
Don't you retards have and savings, friend or family or help you out?
Oh too bad, maybe you shouldn't have abandoned your family and home town to go work for sir Preciousmetal across the country and live paycheck to paycheck while surrounded by NPCs who wouldn't even piss on you if you were on fire
likely just one of fabius clones got loose and thought it was a real boy
Aenarion did it in some art and some AoS Elves do it.
>It's the rest of your list that determines what variety of cancer you are
What cancer am I?
>Lord Solar
>Cadian Command Squad
>1 Cadian Shock Troop (Flamer/Grenade Launcher)
>1 Death Korps of Krieg (Flamer/Grenade)
>1 Bullgryn squad (full shockmaul/slabshield)
>1 Field Ordinance Battery (bombasts)
>1 Heavy Weapons Squad (Autocannon/Lascannon/Mortar)
>1 Kasrkin (Grenade Launcher/Marksman rifle/volley gun/melta mine/melta gun/plasma gun)
>2 Scout sentinel (Plasma gun/HK missile)
>2 Chimera (TBD)
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I accept your concession
Drop the Heavy Weapons squads, they're pretty shit in this edition (Even more so with the detachment changes). Throw the points into another squad of Kriegers or a third Scout Sentinel
But what kind of cancer am I? Genuinely curious
No? I'm just saying that of all the units in his mish mosh of a list the HWTs stand out the most. Even in a ~1000 point list like his you should have at minimum 30 infantry in the battleline. The Scout Sentinel was more of a meme pick since they're both at the same point cost.
Someone who doesn't know what way they want to build their army yet and are just fielding stuff you like which is the opposite of cancer.
My friend must have watched this because they literally tried this on me. WTF
My response was a solid no, yes I have 6 rhinos but I have more infantry squads.
You're not a cancer at all, you actually exist, so if anything you'd be something like meningitis
Waiting on rhinos to get squatted so I can convert them into proper chaos transports.
We'll get a refresh and new bikers soon and it'll be a million times cool, just be patient
>Someone who doesn't know what way they want to build their army yet and are just fielding stuff you like
That obvious? First army and I'm still getting into things.
That's good I suppose. I wouldn't want to be cancer right off the bat.
How are Daemons looking? Might do a mono-Nurgle army.
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some of my kroot, planning on buffing the resin out more
Great tanks man, where did you get all the accessories put on them? Are they 3d printed?
demons are good currently but building a mono-god list of any god will severely limit viability
you can still have fun though
>Only in terms of the lore
khornes probably the only one that is looking pretty strong as a monolist, still not sure how to feel about the belekor tax being gone now.
Good, fuck belakor.
I don't know the correct thread to ask lore questions, so:

Is the Machine God and Omnissiah the same "thing"? If not, is there any confirmation or a clue too strong to ignore about the identity of either of them?

I just finished reading Forges of Mars and started reading Belisarius Cawl: The Great Work.
I don't feel very confident in my knowledge yet, but I believe that they are distinct entities. I cannot see the Emperor as either of these entities. I believe he is simply taking advantage of the situation to maintain his alliance with Mars. I can see the Void Dragon being the Machine God, not the Omnissiah.
>Which faction has the worst playerbase?
Anything chaos related.
>Is the Machine God and Omnissiah the same "thing"?
Imagine it like how in Christianity there is Father (God), Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit.
Machine God is God, the Omnisiah is then basically Jesus, ie. God's incarnation on earth and the Holy Spirit would be comparable to the Motive Force that the Mechanicus mentions in its teachings occasionally.
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Leave the Swarmlord and Emissary to me.
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Leave Abaddon to me
>be inquisition fag
>all my units are shit
Feels pretty bad
It is because they can be taken in every(imperial) army and lead to weird things. Inquisition is a roleplay/flavor faction.
>Machine God is God, the Omnisiah is then basically Jesus, ie. God's incarnation on earth
I think this is a very fair interpretation. But then, who would be the Omnissiah? From this point of view, I can believe more that he is the Emperor than the Void Dragon. For me, the Void Dragon doesn't really fit the "incarnation of God on Earth" part. It would be easier to assume that the Emperor IS the Omnissiah after all, but he isn't fully aware of it.

Would this be a, for example, Magos view of the 40k universe or the explanation of whoever is writing the story to the reader?
However you want to interpret what's written in the rulebook.
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Inquisition isn't an army. You can put a character in your deathwatch, Grey Knights or SoB army for flavor if you must.
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>40k first person open world milsim with realistic physics
>dwarf fortress with warhammer dwarves and skaven warrens
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Inquisition might not be an army, but they can assemble armies when needed.
How do you guys transport your models? I need to move them by train to the store and I use magnets rather than foam containers as I have a horde army, but carrying several massive wide tubs isnt viable. Is there some kind of rolling case that has multiple layers or something?
mow you mix lore in a gameplay discussion....
That's the problem, if it's a character inserted into the universe, he may be wrong or partially wrong. If it's the writer saying directly that it's this, that's it.
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All we needed was a reskin of PlanetSide 2 with 40k assets
>cabal fortress
just make 40K XCOM with any faction. It's not that difficult
KFC bucket
mmo survival open world with half life physics starring as a eldar
You could buy a transport trolley thingy and strap your boxes on it. Otherwise bags for fishing supplies could help but maybe don't have enouth space for a hord army but often are in a nice transportable bag. Knittiing, crafting, tool boxes can help for some hord armys like tyranids where the models are not that high but typically problematic with everything that raises the weapon over the head. You probably could also fit your box in one of the giant sports bags.
>But then, who would be the Omnissiah?
The Emperor.
That's literally what the Mechanicus think. They call and refer to him as the Omnisiah.

What the Void Dragon is hard to even say. Yeah it is a C'tan shard, yes.
But is it the Machine God? Or the Omnisiah? No idea, there's only speculation and most of it is just
>*shrugs shoulders* "maybe it is the machine god?"
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It's been done. Soon it will have been done twice. Come up with something fresh.
Left 4 deas 2
or whatever game you can find with a good modding community that was not completly sued to death.
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We don't need any 40k videogames and what we don't need is any POPULAR 40k videogames.
Great game but you forgot the ANY FACTION part.
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Ok when I said any faction I meant any faction people actually care about
Although if I had to pitch something else it would be a Mass Effect ripoff where you play an Inquisitor and you choose between Puritan or Radical.
We don't need 40k.
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>schola progenium high school dating sim
How much does the GW anniversary model go for from the 40k side? I really like the aos model and was curious if the 40k one is sought after.
>That's literally what the Mechanicus think. They call and refer to him as the Omnisiah.
LEGALLY the Emperor is in fact the Omnissiah. But it's still possible that he's covering up the truth for personal gain, and it's also possible that the Mechanicus is wrong. I mean, the Emperor may indeed see himself as the Omnissiah, he may just be lying without knowing it.
>We don't need any 40k videogames
Damn straight. Video games are for kids. Playing with plastic action figures is for real men... And men who dress like women.
>schola progenium nukige
Nope, my argument is that I don't want 40k to become any more popular than it already is. Nothing good can come out of this
I think that ship has sailed, dude.
40k already is mainstream and no one cares.
Nevermind that GW gatekeeps most of the fags out anyway due to the insane prices.

Also if you're that scared of fags and other retards infesting your LGS, I have a solution;
It's called getting friends and playing garage hammer.
anon its already popular. I came to 40k through darktide, a new zoomie generation is upon you.




I completely agree with you. I was just making a joke. We should have done a better job at gatekeeping. Now we have female Custodes.
I'm not your dude, pal
I want an inquisition detachment with its own rules and stratagems that can take units from SoB, Grey Knights, and Deathwatch.
Otherwise, agreed
>I came to 40k through darktide
>We should have done a better job at gatekeeping. Gatekeeping never works for an IP that YOU do NOT own.
Nevermind that it's an IP owned by a multi-billion dollar corporation.
So back to daemon/witch hunters it is?
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Yes! Thats what exactly what I want.
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Just do it well and bitter little shits can say all they like about it. Anyone who actually picked up a brush can see its well done.
That's really not gonna show 99% of the time
Should have just done Dark Wolves.
Seriously it's crazy to me that no one has done a good Dark Wolves army, it's just 40k Norscan marines.
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Dark Wolves you say?
Some zoomers are sensory deprived and cant enjoy anything outside bright colours and near neon highlights.
So Chaos Barbarians are the ancestors of Space Wolves?
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>A force containing Afriel Strain Abhumans may not take Priests, or any allies drawn from Codex: Daemonhunters, Codex: Witch Hunters (especially!) or from Codex: Alien Hunters (when it is written).
I wonder if they have any twenty-year-old drafts left in a box somewhere in Nottingham. Like maybe a random unit idea or stat block, a few paragraphs of fluff that never made it to printing, or some sketch art from Goodwin or whoever. Alien Hunters was an idea they had way back in 3e, but evidently it was never close to being realized. But if they did any brainstorming there might be traces left in the form of archived production notes or something.
Page 6 on a slow ass day, retard
Oops, no edition. I’ll start over.
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>greytide army
Is it true that old designs were just terrible, or really poorly done or is it just that tastes have changed a lot and these designs could one day become favourable again?
A short sword looks awkward on a terminator
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>no army
12 year old me got into the game precisely because of these guys. So yes, Oldcrons.
Old stuff was very much bad
Its more than 3/4 his height and looks shorter due to forshortening, how big do you want a bloody sword?
Maybe I have one, maybe I don't.
Still, your army is greytide.
Like that design is bad? I can see the models failed to potray things well but a lot of the art itself is "dated" and not great designed. But im not sure if thats mostly objective or just modern taste which will ebb n flow
Oldhammer > Nuhammer.
>Still, your army is greytide.
its supposed to be, thanks.
Oldhammer looks ugly and is shit.
You started after it was already nuhammer though.
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You only have a recruit edition necron half. You definitely have never played a game of warhammer in your life.
With regular marine stuff being so expensive do people use stuff like HH models for intercessor/jump intercessors and predators as lancers etc?
I have two HH land raiders and would like to use them for my terminator army. The regular w40k land raiders are impossible to buy around here, and on the 2ed hand market they cost more then they do in stores.
Jesus Christ how do people paint full Eldar armies?
Just finished my Corsair Voidscarred and it made me want to kill myself.
I hide all posts that have the word "Necron"
Just slap chop and say they are from a force running from place to place using webway gates or a craft worlds shattered and slowly going down. Looks a lot like the real grimdark eldar from the early 90s and late 80s.
jesus the new terminators not having any melee weapon options sucks balls.
It depends on the models, things like HH Landraider and "normal" landraider are fine (both firstborn stuff anyway) using HH stuff as "primaris" proxies on the other hand can be a problem (but in frindly casual games ,uck it as long as it is clear what is what.)
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Loyal space marines? They were always reduced to power sword on the sergeants, power fists the rest
Chainfist Powerfist... did they ever had more options?
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I like both but the old aesthetic has a special place in my heart.
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If you dont paint the under suit on eldar models, your mums a hoe
Okey thanks. I returned to the gam after a longer break since 7th ed and was suprise to find out that all my regular stuff is gone, and that what is left is either not WYSIWYG or removed from the codex.
Been done four times, you're forgetting Chaos Gate and its remake.
>Jesus Christ how do people paint full Eldar armies?
They don't even purchase Eldar minis in the first place
Okay, but there are 14 armies less popular to collect than Eldar. Do you think nobody buys any of those either?
What is the benefit of taking a redemptor dreadnought over a ballistic dreadnought? More weapons?

Also when are eldar getting a codex this edition?
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I speed painted one a few years ago. I just kept it simple and settled for tabletop quality. Spent maybe 2 daya on these guys.
>Okay, but there are 14 armies less popular to collect than Eldar.
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Explain this elf denier
Is there a real reason not to mount the gunners on the support weapons base for a diorama feel
If it was so good, GW wouldn't have retconned it all shoved all the designs down the drain.
They didnt do either of those things. The setting has been retconned a bit of a time over decades and still retains a lot of rt to 4th edition lore.
Many designs have changed a lot, not always for the better though its usual. Some designs, like warp spiders havent changed a bit. Others, like space marine bikes, have changed just a little.
>using eldar minis to proxie marines/custards
Makes sense. All 3 armies are pro-HRT
Base is too small, would look cramped. But you do you.
>The setting has been retconned a bit of a time over decades and still retains a lot of rt to 4th edition lore.
>RT lore
That's midhammer, oldhammer is RT and 2nd.
Ps2 sucks tho
>no destructible buildings or terrain
>no weather effects
>particle effects removed
>bases are stacked from boxes
>nothing done to incentivize players to fight in multiple bases, thus leading to either ghostcapping or too large and chaotic battles
It was sometimes the case, but a lot of the time models that get ragged on for shit proportions or scaling are simply modelled and sized for a different scale.
Like a whole genre down from modern warhammer which is 32ish, old marines were much much closer to 25mm scale.
If youve held any you know the big difference. A lot of models going as far back as rt actually have great proportions and scale at the correct angles.
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Almost all eldar designs are bad, even the new ones are just the copypasted guardian armor

These guys look cool tho, they should primaritize the entire range except for guardians
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>3rd edition isnt oldhammer
Okay retard
I think it's universally acknowledged that the Corsairs and the Visarch are some of the best designs GW has made in years and Eldar looking more like them could only be a good thing.
"ELf player isn't real. He can't hurt you."
he said, increasingly desperately.
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As an eldar player:no.
I like them. But that's not the aeathetic. The problem is that gw will never ever make models posed good enough, with alien enough proportions, to make eldar look the way they should.

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>That's midhammer, oldhammer is RT and 2nd.
Awesome, you're drawing him?
Are those yours?
What is a good book to get into the series with?

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