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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Previously: >>93104667

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8

>We've all played Jenga, but it can only offer so much. What's your favorite accessible dexterity game for a casual crowd? What makes it so fun?
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>What's your favorite accessible dexterity game for a casual crowd?
Kabuto Sumo
>What makes it so fun?
Coin pusher with special powers
Is there a piece that can used to ensure fair pushes, it looks cool but also looks WAY to easy to cheat at, even unintentionally
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Why did Ferti make their version of tumbling dice literally impossible to buy if you aren't european, my Eagle Griffin version fucking sucks it already has some paint flaking after just a couple of plays
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How does /bgg/ feel about Yedo?
More like, YeDON’T EYYYYY
What's the (un)pleasant surprise?
Geishas with cocks
stupor mundi lowkey more fun than dune imperium
Assuming by cocks you mean penises and not roosters, what's the surprise?

All geisha were men, men have penises. No surprise there.

Is it that Yedo is set in the early 17th century and geisha didn't appear until the early 18th century?

>We've all played Jenga, but it can only offer so much. What's your favorite accessible dexterity game for a casual crowd? What makes it so fun?
I've tried a bunch of dex games and to my great suprise, the one that worked best was very clearly Icecool.
It's super fast, the way the player figures are balanced makes very cool trickshots possible and is game enough for the most skillful player to win, yet provides chaotic fun moments when shots don't go as planned. It's also dirt cheap. Pretty much the essence of a dex game for me; I found basically all dexterity games that try to be weightier and more serious fail to provide what I want.
More negative interaction, but it’s up to you if you want to include it or not.
Whats a good economics themed game? i introduced a friend to Chinatown and he really enjoyed it, so looking for the next step

maybe Automobile?
You started at the gold standard of trading games so it might be tough to find others.
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Hello /bgg/,
I'm part of a board game group and I've never contributed an actual board game, to my deep shame, so I want to bring something for our next session. Could you kindly recommend some games that match the following criteria?

-6 players. We can do 3 teams of 2 if necessary, but I'd prefer to bring a true 6 player game because we have few of those.
-English or German language
-easy or intermediate difficulty
-max 3-4 hours

I've been recommended the following already:
True 6 players
Captain Sonar
Project ELITE

3 teams of 2
Cosmic Encounter
Quacks of Quedlinburg
Fury of Dracula
Escape the Curse of the Temple
The logical next step would be to play the game you both seem to like a bit more before going to the next one.
For what it's worth, I think Santiago is pretty neat a negotiation game. It's also vastly meaner than Chinatown, but also pretty light on the rules.

6 player non partygame- non very heavy games are pretty hard to find. The obvious recs Dune, Ti4, Imperial 2030 and such are all pretty long. For partygames I'd recommend decrypto and sheriff (plays 6 with expansion I believe). Haven't played it and you likely need the right group for it, but sidereal confluence is also an option.

Splitting a group is extremely gay tbqh
>6 player non partygame- non very heavy games are pretty hard to find.
Yeah, it's been a complaint in our group. It doesn't have to be a party game though. Unless we have different definitions there. For example, we played things like Zombicide, Betrayal at House on the Hill (though that's kinda meh), and some other games like that I can't remember now. So yeah, definitely not hardcore, but not entirely casual.

And yeah, splitting up the group is gay. We don't do that. What I meant by 3 teams of 2 is that we play a non-6-player game as if there were three of us, each made up of 2 people. Works well enough with most games.
Oh nvm, I misread about the party games, you did recommend non very heavy games. Disregard that part, my apologies.
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so Root. I know I've seen a lot of anons here hate on it, but I got it as a gift recently and we've been playing the shit out of it with the family. everybody's been having a good time with it. give me the DL anons.
>how long do the good times last (and what breaks it)?
>any required patches / houserules?
>is any of the expansion content worth it and if so which
The new Dune Imperium Uprising has a 6P mode 3vs3.
The game is literally just good and we only hate it out of contrarianism stop falling for shitposts.
Between Two Cities
Sidereal Confluence is your next step.
6 player Stationfall fits the bill.
If you can ace the teach you'll be legendary.
Quartermaster General WW2
Sidereal Confluence (with Bifurcation to taste)
fuck, all other non shit non heavy non party games i can think of top out at 5p and kinda suck at 3.
I personally own the Riverfolk expansion, the lizard cultists are my favorite faction and really fun in a group, and then the Clockwork expansion, which I've admittedly never played, since I don't play solo board games. The Underworld expansion was fun the one time I played, and then I've never touched the Marauder expansion, but I've heard it's good from a buddy who has everything.
Competitive players generally agree that Despot Infamy for the Vagabond (gaining points when killing eveny cardboard, not units) makes the balance of the game more fun as now the coon is not a runaway stack of bullshit that gets an average of 2 points per sword he has per round, and other factions don't need to worry as much and can be less scared of him. But in a casual playspace where the vagabond is a fool who thinks quests are a good source of VP, the Despot Infamy rule might be less necessary.
>since I don't play solo board games.
The point of the bots is to make 2p bearable.
>Quartermaster General WW2
Fuck yes, someone other than me mentioned it. Get this game anon.
you always get points for killing buildings, don't you? or you mean they get to double dip, like the bird despot character?
We haven't had vagabond issues thusfar anyhow, since after everyone got a chance to try every faction we usually give the raccoon to my 6 yo. who mostly just tears around the middle of the board fucking shit up at random and laughing like a lunatic.
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Are there any good, non-party, team games? Like D:U has 2v2v2 mode but are there similar games that work as a team vs. team game?
La Famiglia was successfully shilled to me by an anon and is the best team game I know. It's strictly 2v2 and relatively long, though.
Guards of Atlantis, The King is Dead, Captain Sonar and...uhhhh.
I think battlecon has a team mode.
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>we usually give the raccoon to my 6 yo. who mostly just tears around the middle of the board fucking shit up at random and laughing like a lunatic.
Very fitting.
This is how I figure vagabond got ostracized from his home clearing in the first place.
War of the Ring dude.
7 Wonders, Carcassonne (requires the first expansion to add a sixth player), Mysterium, No Thanks!, Coup, Wandering Towers
>La Famiglia
What's good about it?

Is The king is dead really a team game? I don't remember it that way.

Eh.. It can be played that way but I consider it more of a 1v1 game. Never tried to play it 2v2 though.
The only way to play 4 player king is dead is in teams.
In Infamy, the vagabond gets points for every enemy piece removed in combat. That includes army troops.
The Despot of the birds has a similar ability, but it triggers only on removing Tokens (aka everything not a meeple).
"Despot Infamy" is a fan used rule that replaces text of the Vagabond Infamy score gain with the nerfed Despot style score game. So instead of getting a point per every damage he does in combat, he gets a point only per buildings and wood tokens and all that other cardboard damaged, and removing troops gives no VP since it's kinda manslaughter.

And again, it's only a rule people use because good players know how to squeeze every little bit of juice from the con's cpmbat capabilities. If your Vagabond only gets picked by the babby tier player then you don't need it.
>What's good about it?
It's actually not easy to describe without going "xyz is just fun". I think the wp part compliments the map play extremely well. Every resource is tight, every play is significant. It is a real team game in that you do make your plans together, second and third-guess what your opponents are doing, create contingencies, attacks and so on. It is very much about communicating whilst the other two players can listen. Components are statisfyingly chunky wood and neat dual layer boards. The fighting is almost strictly deterministic yet tense as fuck; you can always (and very rarely will it be actually used) attack with a bluffing minigame that might or might not give you the edge you need.
It's just a very good package. The biggest downside and why I don't get it to the table more often is because it's really fucking long for a 4p game. 3,5-4,5 hours I'd say, and it doesn't get shorter with experience because you now know that much more approaches the other team might be using. I've always had a blast playing it and writing about it makes me want to get it out immediately, which is always a good sign.
Try your multiplayer solitaire engine builders and run them in two headed giant mode. It's a Wonderful World, Terraforming Mars, Res Arcana, and whatever else you can think of.
Players in the 2 headed giant share passive abilities, actions tableau, resource pool and resource income (and a player board if using one, but not player-colored cubes/meeples), but are otherwise treated as 2 separate players for the purposes of game turns and actions eligibility. So in TFM terms: the team of players A and C will have 2 Corp cards, (4 Preludes if using prelude exp.), and up to 20 starting projects in 2 different hands of up to 10 each. Then A takes his turn, spending the combined starting capital of the corps (and preludes) on 2 actions, then player B goes for the B+D team, then player C will probably have no money because A spent it all on huge assteroids. And so on.
It might not be a good game mode, but it will be fun.
>-6 players. We can do 3 teams of 2 if necessary, but I'd prefer to bring a true 6 player game because we have few of those.
>-English or German language
>-easy or intermediate difficulty
>-max 3-4 hours
Heat or Rallyman GT
Downforce or Camel Up
Cosmic Encounter with one expansion that adds a player
Six player games I've had success with:
Imperial (or Imperial 2030 but I've yet to play that one)
Sushi Go! Party
Evolution : Climate
Guards of Atlantis 2 (best at even player counts. Also accommodates 8-10)
Tournament at Avalon/Camelot
Paper tales with the Beyond the Gate expansion
Robo Rally
Sidereal Confluence remastered
Why do potatoes care that a board game about the war on terror made by a CIA operative portrays muslims in a bad light?
Nta but I remember my brothers set coming with a pusher.
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youngest wargamer
that would be me at 32
Ask him if wargaming tweezers are real. I think I'm being pranked.
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Many traditional card games are 2v2
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They are real, anon, although sometimes its hard to use precision instruments with all the arthritis and tremors
Ah, gotcha. I only ever played with four players, and I got it as a gift, so I never really got around to even taking it out of the packaging. I've always meant to give it a shot, it's just never struck the mood.
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1. Is Root worth playing with only 3 players?
2. If so, which factions should we use? And which of those factions are easiest and hardest to understand?
>1. Is Root worth playing with only 3 players?
>2. If so, which factions should we use? And which of those factions are easiest and hardest to understand?
If you only have the base box, cats birds and mice. Cats are easy to understand hard to master, the other ones are a bit more straightforward in how they play but slightly more complex in rules overhead
3 is alright but it's really a 4p-designed game. make use of the "outdated" reach system to see which factions can interact well with each other, but generally at 3 I think good combinations are
>Cats, Rats, Birds
>Birds, Moles, Crows
>Badgers, Cats, Crows
Basically 2 militant and 1 militant/insurgent. However be wary of playing Rats when the other factions can't conver the map quickly or you'll have a very one sided game
I got you beat. I’m 27 and learning Red Strike right now.
cosmic frog
Faux Diamonds
zoo vadis
Undaunted, Guards of Atlantis, La Famiglia, Decrypto
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Tried Advanced Civilization for the first time today.
Holy shit what a shit game.
Hasnt aged well at all!
I'm convinced the BGG ratings for Advanced Civ, Mega Civ, Eastern Empires and Western Empires are all because of nostalgie or just plain ignorance of modern designs or both.
There's a good reason none of the Avalon Hill games stood the test of time and a lot of their ideas were borrowed by videogame designers. They were making videogames before videogames. Big bloated inelegant high concept games that became obsolete the second computers came around to take care of the bloat automatically.
Like Rococo its a great 50 bux game, not worth a 100bux deluxe version.
Seconding La Famiglia. Amazing, underrated game.
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Don't wanna mass quote, so thanks to everyone who recommended a not too heavy 6-player game. Lots to check out, I'm sure I'll find something that will be a good fit for our group.
>none of the Avalon Hill games stood the test of time
Except for Up Front.
I do really like that premium version of Rococo though, if the metal coins were standard it'd be an easy rec even at the price
One last one, I missed the posting earlier but Libertalia is always a good time. Once you get the tules down it's pretty quick.
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> true 6 player game
Buy two copies of Pax Renaissance.
>easy or intermediate difficulty
They can't handle DUNC so don't even try giving them the Dune
let us know what you go with!
The tl;dr that gets repeated is usually
>Use the Exiles and Partisans deck to fix a few issues with the original deck
>Hirelings are great, but extra fantastic if you can't get 4 players
>Use any faction other than Vagabond if you aren't going to houserule nerf vagabond, because a good player makes vagabond S-Tier
I'm sure there is a good game buried somewhere inside Horseless Carriage but by Allah how can you design a game so badly? Forcing the players to move components with components on top of them has to be illegal in some game design codex. Do we really need several decks of cards just to seed the fucking market? Whats the point of "market windows"? If they're resolved immediately and there are no placement restrictions, why even have physical components, does splotter consider their fans too retarded to imagine a 2x3 grid? The entire factory tableau is some unholy abomination of darkness spreading endlessly in all directions. They're selling this shit for 85 eurobuxx come on dude
>Forcing the players to move components with components on top of them
You haven't played Horseless Carriage. No need to read further.
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I'm convinced the availability of digital options for rapid playtest prototyping like Table Top Simulator has impacted board game development. I've seen it mentioned in some development blogs about issues transitioning to realspace.

On the other hand, have you played Roads And Boats, or literally any other splotter game aside from their lighter stuff like BUS?

>market windows
I'm surprised somebody hasn't made 3D printed windows on legs, like those pizza saver plastic stands pic related. Just a hollow ring though. A lot easier to pick up or drop down.
>I'm convinced the availability of digital options for rapid playtest prototyping like Table Top Simulator has impacted board game development.
its led to some shitty results from Ion games/sierra madre, for sure.
Components made too small, as no one handled pieces in real life and all testing was done on TTS.
Cant recall the other issues theyve had lately but I know its been noticeable with the ion fanboys
The market windows do have placement restrictions. The size and positioning limit the niches you can sell to.
If the publisher doesn't fix the designer's prototype that's a publisher issue not a designer issue.
An issue in the design caused by TTS are things like shuffling a deck every single turn.
(In TTS you push a button. With a physical game it's a lot m ore effort.)
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What did everyone play this weekend?
>Black Rose Wars: Rebirth
>The Last Kingdom
>Firefly 10th anniversary big box
>Three Sisters

I'm very keen for more Arcs, I think the campaign game is going to be a new favorite.
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I got to play Tumbling dice and that's it
I tried getting people from church to play games at my house because I have a really big table but they keep making excuses to play at the comic shop instead
you mean picking up the tech tracks? i guess that's a little annoying?
the market windows are important because a dealership won't always sell its entire assembly capacity on initial placement
the factory is sexy though
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>the factory is sexy though
Word, also love when you made such a bad fucking job that your newest expansion board is basically a Research and Planning trashbin because nothing else you place there will save you from what yourself have gotten into.
played Tulip Bubble and Aegean Sea.
Tulip Bubble saw an impressive Queen of Night purchase to end game. Was a struggle up to the final couple of turns as we saw three market crashes that ruined the white and yellow flowers folks were buying en masse.
Really like Aegean sea. we hadnt played it in forever but the hand management to set up one quest for a huge payout is satisfying and challenging. The Rhodes player admitted he couldnt quite click with the system. I legit think had he just made a temple or two early in the game he would have had the resources to figure things out better. Sparta player loved it and asked why so much hate on the 'geek for this little gem.
Want to play it again soon.
On vacation now and I brought Mottainai to teach my wife, Sprawlopolis to play with her and brother in law, and Pax Transhumanity for the solo.

Jealous about Arcs. After Oath bombed with my group I hesitated and did not back, but it sounds like a much better package and experience.
Challengers is fun af, I've been spamming it on bga, I used to play the actual auto battles like auto chess and tft and challengers feels like a great board game version
>Word, also love when you made such a bad fucking job that your newest expansion board is basically a Research and Planning trashbin because nothing else you place there will save you from what yourself have gotten into.
sounds like building a new city in Antiquity just to hold all the graves.
Really need to get on that and have my splotter sugar daddy bring it over for a teach.
And then play Antiquity again. Been years and I really enjoyed the death spirals and polluting my neighbors backyards.
>Tangram City
This was my second time playing it. I'm afraid that I've already nearly mastered it.
Crazy how if you re-release an old game with improved art and theme it gets much better reviews. Still fun though.
Very interesting game.
Just played a few games of Napoleonic wars. Fun game. Surprised you can win the game before a single turn ends
Okay there's like 20 games called that you have to be more specific.
The Napoleonic wars (gmt) 2008 for second edition
>Dogshit playtesting letting you win immediately
Yeah sounds like GMT alright.
do people swap in the Exiles and Partisans deck for the original one? or just mix them together in to one fat deck?
swap. can't mix them, they have different backs
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My friend group plans on playing Twilight Imperium 4th edition (Base game, no PoK) next week and I've let them pick between the 6 recommended starting races leaving only the Xxcha Kingdom left. Should I go with the Xxcha to keep it to just the 6 starting races or play one of the other races? I've played multiple games of TI before already but this is everyone else's first time. I kinda wanna try out the Mentak Coalition this game since I like the idea of RPing as a space pirate but I understand that they're not exactly one of the better races to play against newer players.
Can you guys please recommend me games that fit these 3 criteria:
>it's a good game (duh)
>it is popular or somewhat popular
>not a wargame
>look good (need to lure friends and family)
>weight 2.5-4.0
>any player count combination from 1 to 6 (most common is 2 and 4)
>doesn't need expansions to be good
>doesn't need a delux edition to be complete gameplay-wise
>no Marvel or Starwars

>Roll and Write (I've never played one)
>Dexterity (I've never played one)
>Campaign game (I've never played one)
Russian Roulette
>it is popular or somewhat popular
Why does this matter?
>not a wargame
Why does this matter?
Ticket to Ride Legacy
Thanks, didn't know this existed.
Why do you care?
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I know he's memed to death her but I'd honestly love to meet Cole or Kyle at a convention. Sadly the only board game convention that was ever by me was absurdly expensive, I think they only offered multi-day passes and they were several hundred dollar
the second they add Beach Cup cards and its draft rule changes to BGA the rest of my life is over
I agree as long as it's a boardgame convention or something. I wouldn't want to meet Kyle at a furry convention.
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got in some Arcs as well
also played Robot Quest Arena and my first Lang game The Others because it was a friend's birthday
I don't want to go to a furry convention, but if Kyle Ferrin was at one I'd go for that very specific instance
Mentak is a great faction choice if you want your friends to hate you and hate their first game, no one likes being stolen from and being unable to prevent it except by being too poor to qualify as a target. Honestly you should have just let them pick any faction they wanted and helped them avoid the weaker ones. Sucks to be the guy stuck with Sardakk Norr. Also,
>base game only
I play games that require way more math than Warhammer. I don’t like competitive play for Warhammer because it isn’t well designed
And what exactly does that have to do with Twilight Imperium 4th edition and anons group of newbies?
If you're retarded enough to reply to the wrong post I don't know if I can trust you with math
What changes does Beach Cup make? Does it add sexy girls in bikinis to make the art at least somewhat tolerable?
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>Draft 3 A's in the first round instead of 2
>Dog card in starter deck gains a card sequencing ability
>tap into B pile round 2, balanced by 2 fans for going double A pile
>C access earlier as well
plus the trainer abilities that affect every round and a bunch of new cards
Fort and Ra. Ra is a given but Fort is starting to grow on me.
how does the expansion work in real life, do you pick random tribes out of both sets or is it you play tribes from challengers or challengers 2
Do you ever see a game and you just know they first came up with the theme and then slapped some mechanics on it?
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By all means correct me if I'm mistaken, I haven't played it but when the local game store demo'd that newish "Dog park" game it really felt like an excuse to make bone-shaped game trayz and dog meeples. She could've explained it badly but those rules just looked like a mess.
Dune Imperium feels like the opposite, I swear Dune isn't relevant in the slightest to the gameplay. I've read the first four books and only recognize like four of the leaders, Paul, Leto I, Rabban, and Baron. But damn if it isn't a really good game.
no, never
you can mix sets from either game.
you choose either Rainbow or City as "glue" sets, and then choose 5 of the full sets in any combination. mixing fairy tale and aliens is really fun
I'll def make it so my group plays by beach cup starters, that and the draft change sounds way more fun
is the combat good, tabletop witcher sounds fun af actually
>get every expansion for dungeoneer
>you can't mix them
what the actual fuck
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Redpill me on Triplanetary. It sounds and looks really cool but I've been fooled by marketers before
see >>93149355
Idk why ffg thought sticking sardakk to new players is fun. Oh the ships fight better, new players will like the ease of that! Meanwhile you are stuck with a terrible start, few tgs, shit promissory and no tech
I like a lot of euros, but the vast majority of them have the theme slapped on very late into the design process. The usual and worst move to desperately try to make it more thematic is to use appropriate terminology in the rulebook that noone ever uses and only complicates learning the game. No, I won't use the proper names for 5 different flavours of spice for 5 differently coloured cubes.
There’s nothing worse than that. If theme matters to your design it has to inform the game mechanics.
Say what you will but a lot can be learned from wargame designers on how to do that.
blunder red
Dog Park is alright actually, I played it recently. The thing is 99% of board games COULD have some other theme. You have to try and catch trends to market games.
The vast majority of board games have a theme that could be completely disconnected from the game, including some very good games. From a design perspective, theme is a meme.
This is by design and thematically accurate. That being said - it's too luck driven and if you can't get early wins, it's a foregone conclusion that France will win.

Friedrich is a much better 1vAll point to point game and Coalitions is a much better Napoleonic one.

Met him at CircleDC. He's a nice enough guy - you can tell he doesn't like going to big cons though. He's just there to play games and not be the face of historical gaming.
>Say what you will but a lot can be learned from wargame designers on how to do that.
The fuck are you talking about. Wargames are the worst at theme first design.
>Well we just grabbed our generic simulationist wargame system, added some historically accurate units without any sort of game balance (the battle of peepeepoopoo was a complete curbstomp anyways). Have fun reliving history! The peepeepoopian side has a 17% winrate!
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Provide examples instead of generalizing, both of you. If you wanna have a discussion, at least try to make it concrete.
Peepeepoopoo is an example, I would think
Sorry bro I already got the cosmic encounter laughing emoji reply. The discussion is over, I won
>Luck driven
The france player consistently got 6s rolled on a much higher average than the rest of the coalition even when outnumbered. Even over 3 different games with 2 players. It did feel thematically on point though
I just ordered Evolution: Climate. I think the theme will be welcomed and it seemed easy to get into, but with enough complexity to be fun and replayable. I had some other games I would have preferred, but they weren't available here (Central Europe). Cosmic Frog really piqued my interest, but yeah, impossible to get here. Dune: IU is also not available here yet, but I think it would've been too heavy anyways. Imperial 2030 looks really interesting, but I think it's too heavy as well. Will keep it in mind for a different group though. Quartermaster General WW2 I think isn't really a good fit in terms of theme. It's a mixed group with some grills who are down for most stuff, but I know they'd prefer something that isn't war/economy/autism themed. Again though, will keep it in mind for another group, I'm definitely into the aesthetic. Also wanted to try Cosmic Encounter in general, but cannot find the base game here anymore, just the expansions.

In any case, I will let you guys know how we liked it. Thanks for all the help, I got a lot of good stuff out of your recommendations for future purchases too!
dunno how well it plays at 6 but it can make for some kino storytelling. From the climate changing and causing mass extinction, to brutal carnivore murder sprees
Ah, I see, oh well. And here I thought I'd be in an environment where I could get home from work, make a big ol' writeup on how the same core system for a wargame (for example, the vehicle vs vehicle combat that uses templates for movement like X-Wing and Gaslands) can lead to different feeling and different playing games thanks to additional mechanics informed by the theme of the game and how that can extrapolate to a more classic hex&chit set of systems, and not get laughed at for being a nerd. Man I miss when this place was less shitposty and more gameposty.
You can still write it up, I'd like to see that anon, the meme shit posters don't speak for everyone
Just having a wee bit of a lark, mate
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to be fair, boardgame youtube is pretty shitty
is he getting a divorce from himself dressed as a woman?
>I'll do a fundrising livestream
>Where I'll be playing Party Games
>With 1 other person
lmao, RIP milquetoastman's channel.
>try to make less clickbait videos
>financially ruined
His channel was worthless anyway
>Had luck and mild success with a couple videos last year
>Went full in renting a studio to make more videos
>New videos don't do as well, can't afford new studio
>Also now has a daughter and can't go back to making videos at home
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I have no clue who this is.
But I do know the town where Rodney Smith lives, and I'm vacationing on the island this week. Hope I can casually run into him.
Maybe he'll play me in Nevsky or A Geist of Robin Hood.
Don't get disencouraged by a bit of shitposting banter anon
Ra has completely replaceable theming yet is a brilliant game
Dune is an absolute fucking mess of a game but great precisely because it puts theme over everything, even mechanics.

There's good and bad games coming out of both schools. It just gets annoying if a cool theme is used and disappointingly absent (a lot of modern euros, Golem immediately comes to mind as an example) or the resulting game is an barely playable shitfest (most KS IP games that are mechanically weak and not playtested)
All these… moments… will be lost, in time, like… victory points in a eurogame. Time to die.
Well here goes fucking nothing, a non-professional opinion on how a slight change in mechanics makes all the thematic difference: a study of differences between X-wing and Gaslands

The preface was mostly stated earlier, they're both war-games where each player makes a list of vehicles and outfits them with guns, crew, and other upgrades, then they're set on the table and whoevers' vehicle(s) survive(s) is the winner. Typical war-game stuff. They're also similar in that movement is done through templates, you place one end of the template up to the nose of the vehicle, then pick the model up and place it with it's tail touching the other end of the template. Shooting rules also have similarity, with ranges and acrs (front, side, rear) defining what can and can't be targeted by attacks. We can agree that both games, on a certain level, "use the same core system".

The differences start with how both games resolve that system. in X-wing, all movement template picks are simultaneous, and even though they're done in an order, for all intents and purposes it's simultaneous, since you can't react to other player's choices if you didn't predict them right by not guessing the enemy strategy right. Meanwhile Gaslands gives each player a turn of their own to select the maneuver, which allows for more in-the-moment tactical play, with reacting to opponent moves and saying "no, this car stays still for this activation, the other one goes". Both of these choices make sense: X-wing is a dogfighting game about sci-fi fighter planes being flown on instinct, there's not much time to react, so you have to predict the enemy if you want to have a chance. Gaslands on the other hand is set in cars, which are slower, and allow for more granular control and more time to react to some asshole pulling over in front of you.
enjoy PEI, anon
great seafood there
I do not care about him, but why does he need a studio to film?

I think all the bg youtubers vastly overrate how much growth potential a channel even has. It's a niche within a niche.
NTA but I guess having a toddler at home makes it impossible unless they have an isolated basement or something
This granularity of car maneuverability is further shown with the Shift dice system and the Handling stat of each driver, which determines how good they are at toeing the line between "sick slides and spin drifts" to "oversteer, spin out, lose control, crash into a building"; while X-wing just has a boolean "stress" state to represent the pilot's willingness (or rather lack thereof) to do too many high-G maneuvers in a row (though for game balance reasons, certain slow models that can stand still do take a stress for not moving, I haven't figured out a neat flavorful solution for that yet)

With just a handful of mechanics, the games are now miles apart in how they feel, both to play, and to immerse yourself into. I posit that other wargames have a similar capability, to radically change the feel of the same core with a few additions and exceptions. For an imaginary example, in a hex&chit system where you can move infantry around, a simple additional rule of "infantry can use special weapon tokens like a machinegun or something" might lead to scenarios where side A starts with a special weapon, and the side B player decides that the special weapon is a high priority target for them to capture not just to defend against it but to use it on his side for attacking, despite the actual scenario objectives being someplace else. If the rule instead was "some chits are special weapon teams, they and only they are the machinegun crew or something, and they're rigged to explode so whoever kills them also dies" then side B player would value the enemy machinegunner team way less, since he can't use it for his own benefit, and will be more likely to opt into ignoring it and going around it's effective range. The simple rule change created a difference between playstiles, one encouraging aggression with rewards, and the other incentivizing passive defencive play through lack of reward for aggression.
Of course, the last post was full of stuff I made up, so I'd like to close this off with another rule that a wargame has actually used, though some would call it a "scenario specific rule" i believe it still counts as "addition to the core that changes the flavor"
Consider a defencive position for side B with their troops inside, and side A troops surrounding it, and the rule of "side A troops can and must get reinforcements regularly every round using all defeated troops from last round, side B only has what they start with and can't get more. If side B survives more than X rounds they earn a major victory, if more than Y rounds OR if they destroy Z of side A's troops they earn a minor victory, in all other cases side A wins". This creates a whole two new ways to play, with just one rule (and one scoring condition attached to that rule): the siege aggressor that tries to balance capturing the fort quicky with not taking too many losses (you dont mind a few, they'll come back, but you don't want the opponent to get a minor victory for free), and the siege defender whose only job is staying alive and stalling for time (and maybe scoring as many kills as you can in the process). Without this rule, and with some standard "last player with units remaining wins" crap the game will feel similar to all other war games, but with just this one twist of "it's a siege, objective: survive" the game becomes memorable and unique. AND the mechanics are informed by the theme, it's some Civil War era fort siege that the defenders had no chance of winning but just the act of stalling out the enemy helped their side in the next battle. I forget the details, but I can't forget the siege rule.

I see no way that more examples of this exist, of wargames with bog standard core rules being shifted around into a different theme, and that theme adding just a few rules that give it power to stand out of the bog. No idea what else to wrtie here, kinda ran out of gas.
>I think all the XX youtubers vastly overrate how much growth potential a channel even has.
That's true for all of them, I watch a lot of cooking and woodworking youtubers, and some of them just dive headfirst into renovating their workspaces instead of just doing more content
>>Ra has completely replaceable theming yet is a brilliant game
>Dune is an absolute fucking mess of a game but great precisely because it puts theme over everything, even mechanics.
Very good points, though for Ra specifically I could argue that the exact make-up of the tile draw deck is it's thematic component. If you wish to change the theme, you will need to change the tiles too. But the discussion was about "what can normal boargames learn from how thematic war games can be with their rules" and that turned into "wargames aren't thematic, they just slap some units on the same rules and call it a day" to which I made the response above.
>I see no way that more examples of this exist
meant "no way that more examples CAN"T exist"
as in "there's got to be more that I don't know and don't have time to deep dive research into"

what an embarrassment
For a woodworker wouldn't renovation be content? They make their own workbenches and stuff.
These are good insights worth sharing, but as someone unrelated to the discussion I think this is much more a case of mechanics you FEEL are more appropriate than things that objectively enhance the theme. We could easily be talking about a dogfighting game with thematic granularity of pilot controls, or about a car war game where the simultaneous resolution of movement represents the frenetic chaos of car war. In the objective sense, they’re simply mechanical changes and the differing mechanics could be argued as thematic for either game. Your discussion about the weapon is likewise fully representable as an upside with either reversal/removal as mechanics totally divorced from theme: you can easily have capture vs. kill mechanics in a completely abstract game.

Ultimately everything is math, the purest form of game is the abstract, GIPFag was right and we’re on some level emotional bitches who need our thematic comforters.
Thoughts on Feed the Kraken?
It's good if you want to scratch a BSG itch but don't have 3+ hours
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What playing Splotter and Werhleslop does to mf
Oh, true. I just dumped my thoughts on the topic now that I think about it

But to answer the question, there's multiple things. But I am honestly not quite sure where the borders with heavy ameritrash blur.
(1) Starting the design process with a theme and going from there is a legit approach that can lead to extremely statisfying designs, and there is no rule that this must mean strict simulationist approaches. Designing mechanics first is a safer approach of course, and will probably lead to good games more often and faster. Yet I think what enhances games and lets them go from great to holy shit this is amazing often is good thematic implementation.
(2) Less is often more. Throwing in fancy shaped pieces, minis and cool components is nice, but the wrong approach to theme. It can enhance, but it cannot replace. The smallest things, when well-implemented can do wonders; Stalins ability to get a bonus when debating issues (in churchill) being simply called "Nyet" is so fucking fantastic. It's cool, it's thematic and it gives you an insight into history without knowing much about ww2 and it is just a single word atop of the rules text. Were it just the rules there, I am sure I'd have less fun. Though this might be a weird "me" thing. I also thought the weird history booklet about east frisia really enhanced fields of arle.

And now that I',ve written all these observations I have to admit that I haven't played very few wargames (ten or so) so take all that with a grain of salt
>Playing the victim again
You gotta admire the shamelessness. It must really be true that all publicity is good publicity.
What's even worse is that for all the Splotter he supposedly plays, he never gets the rules right. I made the mistake of watching his playthrough of both Horseless Carriage and Bus, and he was constantly being reminded of how to play by his peers.
Has this Jew been caught extorting money from board game producers again?
and now he's playing a oppressed victim card, again?
There is no objective theme, whether something is thematic or not is a totally emotional decision. All that matters is exhorting enough anons to your side to form some sort of bastardized consensus, and that guy is right, Gaslands is thematic AF
Neat, just sorry you had to type that up in response to the guy who fills his whole diaper every time someone mentions GMT
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Lol, at least is good to see not a single person in any of these victim videos are falling for his tricks.
Didn't he convert to Judaism recently but doesn't have any genetic connection to it? Maybe he's just trying extra hard to embrace thier culture of eternal victimhood to show his dedication
more like... KEKalope amirite???????????
Hey, he didn't say he would respond nicely to every comment on this video.
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What’s everyone’s favorite card game?
as in using a regular deck of card or using cards in general?
>I just dumped my thoughts on the topic
So did I and i think that's fine.
>had to
Actually i did it because i wanted to share my thoughts on how the Shift dice in Gaslands are cool it's the closest i can get to playing Gaslands while stuck in an endless cycle of job and being tired, in a foreign land i never wanted to go to but had to
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this fucking jew was extorting 15k a month, thanks god polish chads refused to pay the jew tax and ruined his carrier.
Ultimately the kind of person who would try to make a career out of making youtube reviews is so wholly deranged that they are - in mentality - a kind of extremely dangerous antihuman demon, who in a less civilized era would have been killed by being burned as a witch or killed in a ritual or something for reasons no doubt invented by their community but really as a kind of psychic protection.
>"I'm not a narcissist"
>the same guy who thought his videos were so good at promoting a game that he charged 3k per game video and blackmailed a publisher to making a bad review about a game if they don't pay up
lol i see he hasn't changed
Good to see his extortion racket backfire on him
Not really, there are plenty of reviewers who are fine. But anything where you are on a stage has always attracted unsavory characters. And what's true is that modern internet society often rewards this kind of behavior rather than sanctioning or discouraging it.
>Not really, there are plenty of reviewers who are fine.
This poster is a demon.
A demon longing for your semen :3
"with the lies spread", we can read the emails buddy, you tried to charge $7,500 for good coverage
you forgot the best one
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I checked his patreon, this is not considering any youtube income
is COL this high in England?
This is higher than the average British wage, but British wages are depressed and this is not a particularly high standard of living.
so he's putting out 1 video a month and bitching about being above the average wage?
what the fuck is this guy's problem
>gossip about literal whotubers
I slumber
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>official diagnosis for ADHD
>A Geist of Robin Hood
Hijacking the post but word on the street is Bayonets and Tomahawks and A Gest of Robin Hood are in dev on BGA. By the same guy that did the implementation of both Pax games.
he needs MORE!
youtubers really are entitled pricks
I do like a passionate essay, but I don't fully get the point. A short sentence of rules changing the nature of a game isn't unique to wargaming. Or am I misinterpreting this and it's just you geeking out about a game you like. That'd be pretty based also
assuming hes an idiot that lives in the middle of a city 4.7k is pretty bad, especially if you have a kid
Heavy Cardboard and Rodney Smith are the only good content creators for bgs
Paulgetsgames is also good but I'm unsure if him and rodney really count
>heavy cardboard
Ah yes I enjoy 10 hour long videos of a depressed middle aged dude playing heavy games with trannies while getting most of the rules wrong
Isn't it JonGetsGames?
Basically, if the channel posts how to plays and/or playthroughs, then it's a good channel. Nobody should care about reviewers because their opinions are literally worthless, barely playing a game once and shitting out a video just to say "yeah i liked it"
Oh riiiight. I think I mixed it up with paul grogan or what his name is for some reason
Thanks anon. We come here every couple years or so as tradition, rent cottages on the water Southside. Gonna hit up New Glasgow for their Chowder and Lobster dinner.
I brought Pax Transhumanity to relearn and do some solo stuff once girls are in bed, but I think my brain is too fried to get more than a few paragraphs in.
Maybe Rodney can help.
Gosh, where *is* that man?
it's a pretty stream of thought type ramble on mechanics and ideas i find neat, yeah
You have never played a wargame in your life
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Horseless Carriage is an example of themeless game
Kanban is an example of a thematic game
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Geezus this thread is undergoing a shitpost bonanza.
ahhhhhhhhhhhh yamete mean sandraaaaa
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Sakura Arms
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I just came to this thread for something that isn't youtube drama or shitposting,maybe this could steer discussion someplace better.
i just got pic related from Etsy since the cubes kept getting knocked around the overlays. The acrylic is nice, only problem is the little clips that hold them in place are garbage. They're 3D printed and way too tight, and they don't give you nearly enough of them. I'm trying to think of a (preferably) non-permanent way I can secure the overlays to the cardboard merchant boards that doesn't damage them. Is there a type of tape that won't damage cardboard, or maybe some other kind of clip that could hold them down? At least if any anons here have gotten something similar in the past.
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you favorite board game youtuber will retire, fellas. F or S?
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I think Summoner Wars is the bees knees.
Wish the big box just had doublelayered tables.
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sleevechads wons, naked card fags lost
Kek I liked the gaslands spiel it sounded fun, I think thematics should be important to a game because on a fundamental level we play games to have fun, and good themes help a lot with that because they're essentially the designers take on a topic or idea using old or new skins of board game mechanics that have been used since the first board games, cards of different suits or dice or stones on a grid. The designer is making an experience for us to play, and through different rules and art try to get this across. Some people might find the rules to be more fun and the art and the like in others, and neither is really wrong cuz we all experience shit differently, and the designer that makes his experience unique is the one we come back and play again.
This is incredibly high level posting.
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Did anon ever recover?
How can I protect myself sleeving the fan made Blood Bowl legendary edition?
I know. Even if it made the game cost $70 it'd still be one of the best retail deals in gaming. Three boards, two of which are double sided and all-wooden player pieces in a fairly sized box is very nice. Pop those bonus markers in coin capsules or get the geekbit versions and you've got some really nice production value that doesn't go Chip theory games level overboard with it
I recovered. Lesson learned, don't try and do a bunch all at once and sit upright in a good chair while sleeving, don't do it on the bed.
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>The designer is making an experience for us to play, and through different rules and art try to get this across. Some people might find the rules to be more fun and the art and the like in others, and neither is really wrong cuz we all experience shit differently, and the designer that makes his experience unique is the one we come back and play again.
Best post itt.
I salute you anon. you sound like a cool dude to game with.
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Send this to print https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4625217
How is your back now?
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What am I looking at, delete this image right now
also if I had access to a 3D printer I could just make a little tray I can simple drop the player boards+overlay into, no need to conjure up that monstrosity
Was this taken before or after the gangbang?
There's a way to make them cheaply and it's mind-boggling that they it isn't common place.
It's alright, been alright for a few months. Only really crazy thing I've double sleeved was Sheriff of Nottingham because that's 200+ cards, but I went and did it over several sessions. I shoved Dragonshield cube boxes into the pouches because those little pouches are horrible, even unsleeved cards get stuck in them. Best upgrade for that game is replacing the dumb little cardboard coins with nice weighted poker chips, I got a pack of 200 chinese ones on Amazon for $30.
Am I wrong?
Damn, that is really smart. Now I'm mad it isn't commonplace.
What am I looking at
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A player board for Kutná Hora. It has shallow "hinge" cuts the same way a game board does. When you first unbox the game you punch out the slots, fold the board on the hinge, then apply stickers the keep the board shut.
clothespins or binder clips are a common dollar store item
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That's really clever.
For real, why isn't this more common, do publishers not trust consumers with the tiniest bit of DIY?
I think we're getting there. Deal with the devil had little stickers for you to assemble the duallayer boards as apparently did kutna hora, la famiglia came pre-built that way.
It's a much clearner, better-looking, cheaper and more statisfying solution than plastic overlays
Deal with the Devil is from the same publisher as Kutná Hora.
La Famiglia is news to me. I thought its recessed player boards were the traditional glued style that's more of a hassle to manufacture.
my favorite are the single layer boards publishers just put holes in and call it a day
>try to move the board
>as you push it one cube slips under the board and lifts the board up
Before, she’s a dirty girl
Nice. She looks exhausted, is why I asked
Some cunt here sent screenshots of blackexileposting to cole and when exile bro tried to take part in the art contest he was berated by him.
post logs
No way, proof? The black exile posts have been some of my absolute favorite things here, why would someone try to "expose" those
it's anecdotal evidence
you replied to blackexilefag
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Haven't checked back in here in a while but here's a little roundup for my group:

Everybody loves Ra and El Grande. We got rid of Tammany hall after getting the El grande reprint because the game was too swingy and imbalanced; there was a tendency, especially at 4 player, for one player to get absolutely blown out in the first round through little to no fault of their own and never even come close to recovering.

We voted to sell bloodstones and fractal. Bloodstones suffers from several major issues, mainly centered around Wallace not "getting" how to make a good area control game. If Kemet is the genre's rough edges polished away into pure fun, bloodstones is like an Avalon Hill era game that arrived via time machine and ignores every innovation in the genre since its inception. Fractal was initially popular with us, but it became solved too easily. This was compounded by extreme faction imbalance and the randomness of the tech market lending itself to games wherein the winner didn't feel like they earned it. However, there are still some good ideas here and a 2.0 version 5 years down the line could be a good game. Until then, forbidden stars remains the best low player count game of this genre.

Dead reckoning has been popular with everyone I've introduced it to, even my wife who usually prefers lighter stuff like tyrants of the underdark or ethnos. We house ruled a minor change to let every player level three crew cards of their choice to level 2 as a secret pregame decision and we've been happy with a little extra asymmetry/speed.

Primal has been a hit and while the minis are too fucking big, the actual card play is everyone's favorite of any boss battler. We're still quite early in our exploration so we'll see how it shakes out but so far I'm optimistic. I saw complaints on bgg about how annoying it is for the monsters to react to you often, but since the monster doesn't have its own dedicated turn it makes sense and we were never bothered by it.
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No idea why, he's a nice guy. I met him on /osr/ when I was homebrewing some module and he basically made all the artwork I needed just because he liked my subpar content.
Appreciate the rundown anon
Even though I cannot possibly trust you as you see FS as a good low player count game
Haven't seen that pic in a while
Time flies
it seems only CGE are doing it
He's dead. He hasn't posted in weeks.
Wehrle claims another..
>>base game only
Cause I don't have Prophecy of Kings. I'm probably gonna end up either taking the Xxcha or give the Sardakk Norr player them or the L1Z1X. I'll probably take the one they don't take or the Clan of Saar, though honestly I might let them pick which one I play.
>I don't have Prophecy of Kings
You should get it.

Give Sardakk player something else that's not shit and, assuming you have more experience than all the other players, give yourself something on the weaker side.

>clan of saar
probably not that since new players won't know how to deal with a sarrball.
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Gin rummy
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Based and cardpilled
FS is at its best at 3 player. What's controversial about that?
Lord of the Rings TCG
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7 Wonders Duel LotR
>licence changes hands
>new holder somehow makes it less available and fails to expand the available content
It's all so tiresome, bros. Why even buy the licence if you have no plans to improve it? Surely it's obvious it wasn't doing particularly well given it was put it up for sale in the first place?
>bloodstones is like an Avalon Hill era game that arrived via time machine and ignores every innovation in the genre since its inception
While I also dislike Bloodstones I have to disagree with this analogy. Bloodstones is bad because its so polished its almost frictionless. Its completely soulless.
Avalon Hill games have so many rough edges that they look like kidney stones but at least they have character.
Sakura arms is a mess, I can't remember a board game changing publishers THREE TIMES in just a few years.
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BGG top 100 with games made during or before 2010. Were old times better?
I'll do you one better, the BGG top 100 in 2010.
Bullshit. He's just on Vacation.
It's says more about the decline in the tastes of the average gulag user than of the quality of newer games, just compare the variety of games in >>93158637 to the medium to heavy euro-centric list of today.
>mixture of classic euros and then modern euros, plus wargames and the best Ameritrash.
Honestly you could make an entire collection of just these games and it’d be pretty good.
ooff just look at the gaps between release dates, holy fuck I hate kickstarter slop and expansion fomo like you wouldn't believe
This but 2e
Occasionally we got something cool like Europa Universalis. IDK if that justifies the rest of it though.
then https://pastebin.com/raw/bdGsnNRT
now https://pastebin.com/raw/V0jsWWy2

seems about the same
'then' list is missing 1962
I cant fathom why that game family has that kind of score on the gulag.
Damn. Sometimes I get rather big groups together for board games, so I thought the Mega Civilization games would be interesting to try.

What is so dated/shit about them? Have you tried the newer split versions (Western/Eastern Empires)?
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>5 powergrid
>11 el grande
>31 ra
>54 samurai
>63 HT
>69 amun ra
damn. didnt know BGG used to have taste
>expecting to make money with one video per month
We need more genuine youtubers that make videos cause they're just passionate.
Everyone at this point is a paid scammer.
That's hilarious, I only heard of this guy a thread or two ago and now he's retiring. Welp, good riddance based on what I've read about him here. Hopefully that Jewish fella retires as well.
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Is this thing any good?
Depends what you want.
It's a fixed damage, hand management dungeon crawler that is pretty damn punishing, the downside is you are working against a clock every fucking game that ticks down ludicrously fast if ANY player dies.
Just doing dungeon exploration with straight forward dice chunking with no major sense of urgency your jam? Stay away.
No, unless you want it for the minis. That's your standard Steamforge Games vidya IP miniature-packed dross made for franchise fans to collect. Still an improvement over Dark Souls.
It's not even published by steamforged, anon.
I'm the first to say it's a shitty game that tried to copy gh's ai, so I'm not writing this to defend it, but you shouldn't talk about games you don't actually know.
I don't own it, but I did play it at a friend's and was unimpressed. I stand corrected about it being a CMoN game, but regardless of the publisher it's still a cashgrab.
I think that's a bit too harsh. There's no way someone is doing this just for the money when wageslavery pays more per hour. And, if my graphic designer friends are to be believed, editing is an unfathomably long and shitty process. I do think faggots get lost in the dream of doing boardgame reviews and related things full-time, expand in hopes of getting a comfy monthly income and then realize - to their credit, earlier than economists - that infinite- and longterm exponential growth is a meme. At some point they hit a cap and now they have to appease their existing audience. And either stop (actu...whatever he's called) or keep going and burn out (susd). Or be utterly based like vasel.
I also think that's the prime reason everyone tries to make a convention. There's much more money to be made there.
He literally states in that video that his channel is not making enough to pay the bills, and that's because views in the last year has significantly decreases compared to the previous ones.
So that was legit his job and he expected to live off YouTube videos, and now that he can't anymore he's trying to move the viewers and make them pay his patreon. Ridiculous, I can't understand people following such a guy.
>He literally states in that video that his channel is not making enough to pay his new studio and support 3 people while posting a video a month
sounds like poor financial decisions and asking to get bailed out
The ruleset feels extremely dated.
The technologies (which is a majority of the VP gain) are all very dull and you mainly tech for discounts or just to get that one Metalworking or Astronomy tech.
The combat is your standard remove pieces from both sides starting with the smallest army until you've reached the max-pop allowance for the area you fight in.

The trading and calamities are the worst part of the game as you can get really hampered here with just being unlucky in what kind of calamities you get relative to your board position.
And also, fuck you if you have teched Roadbuilding which is just an auto-loose tech.

From what I've understood, Mega Civ, Eastern and Western Empires are all 95% Advanced Civ with just some tweaks to the tech cards and calamities for simpler resolutions.

The worst thing about the game is how slow it is compared to what it acomplish.
The game is ok the first 2 hours, but after that it just grinds to a halt as warfare is just a way to make sure you loose as it costs more resources than you gain.
The last 8 hours of the game was just a rince repeat tax, pop, tech, rebuild city #6 for the n'th time because it gets fucked by calamities every single turn.

The game never evolves into something interestning, and it doesnt have any cool mechanics.

It's as simple as Kemet but with nothing of the magic.
None of the people I played with had played Kemet, Mare Nostrum, Twilight Imperium, Europa Universalis, Here I Stand, Virgin Queen, Time or Crisis or anything of a more "modern design".
So I assume they like the game simply because they dont know any better.
A lot of YouTubers are getting hit like that. Should have moved to doing 5 second reviews on TikTok.
I played exploding kittens and i fucking loved the concept. It has a lot about game theory and taking risks and knowing when to bluff or push your luck.

However the presentation is god fucking awful and the "humor" is so shockingly fucking unfunny that I wish I could play a version without the imbecile memes, does anyone if it already exists?
>and i fucking loved the concept
its pure randomness and its lolsoquirkyxD theming perfectly fits its imbecilic gameplay. Any other push your luck game would give you a more enjoyable experience
>Check out boardgame reviews on Amazon
>Multiple people gave the game 2/5 stars for being "Difficult and annoying because we had to look up the rules"
>Weight on the gulag is sub-2
lmao every time
>fits its imbecilic gameplay
No, I disagree

but I get it, you are most likely not wrong at all, you just have a fucking problem communicating and need to be rude as fuck for no reason. So just try again saying the following instead:

>I think that game is shit, if you liked it I recommend that you play [x] insted
It's 4chan. Being rude is par for course around here, especially bgg
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>especially bgg
Didn't used to be.
I am disappointed at the hyper cynical, negative, and abrasive turn we've taken lately.
no, there's not a non-meme version. that's just what you get.
the gameplay, for what it is, is substantially enhanced by the expansion Imploding Kittens which adds a bunch of variants, uno reverse cards, fuck-you cancels and shit like that. still a wacky lolrandumb drunk party game at best, but better at it.
It was bound to happen sooner or later
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Am I getting trolled? Its exploding kittens.
Goodnight, sweet prince.
It's yet another Take That card game, the genre is nothing but meme games.
Bitoku sucks
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Well, that's a shame. Thanks for the write-up anon.

>pic related is me, looking for wargames (or close to it) with high player counts

I just played Clash of Cultures for the first time last week, and this reminded me of that. The random event cards there, while I won't say they are "dropped the game" territory, they are some fucking bullshit.

I got fucked by two OTHER people's events early game that spawned barbarian ships and raided my coastal cities (I was the only player with sea discovered at that point), meanwhile they got off scott free. To say nothing of the events I drew. As it was only my first try at the game, I played far from optimally in any regard, but those cards were a good fuckover for me and far lower impact on other players.

Have you played that one and can you compare them in terms of impact?
try Lama Party instead
>pic related is me, looking for wargames (or close to it) with high player counts
Would struggle of empires or Dune qualify?
QuarterMaster General can also accomodate 5-6 if memory serves.
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I don't even know who the fuck this is.
After watching a lot of different board game channels, I'm settling for these guys.
I remember 4chan being a place where people could get rude, if necessary, without fear of being banned, not a place where rudeness is the default conduct
I do too but the world is way more bitter now and more hateful. It's fuck everyone who doesn't believe EXACTLY like I do and there is no room for fur leaving anything new, oh no no. Just regurgitate the same old taking points again and again and again. It's neverending
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>if necessary
Its some guy dickriding exploding kittens. Dont expect a nice answer if you want to talk about something terrible on the level of cards against humanity or munchkin.
it also looks atrocious
what kind of game do you want?

port royal is a simple push your luck game. big box has non-clemenz art
coloretto has some push your luck and dicking people over gameplay
no thanks is also extremely simple but at least you can have some fun spiting people
incan gold is a good pick if you have a larger group

if you want exploding kittens-likes you get exploding kittens art.
Or what? You gonna sic the bgg police on them? Lmao why not just let ppl talk about games they like, you inscrutable faggot
This made me chuckle. Nothing happened to Mark or David right? I really dig their podcast for background noise.
>cards against humanity or munchkin.
Both of these games are, not trolling, perfectly fine to play a couple of times with friends who are not into boardgames.
CoH is probably the shittiest have I have ever played andi have played just about everything
>i have played just about everything
Absolute kek, this is a serious defense of exploding kittens
Anon was politer than he should have
If you want to be fucked by both a random deck and bluffs from opponents, without a sad attempt at a silly theme, try any Chudyk game like Red7, Innovation, Mottainai, and so on.
There is no "or". Stupid questions get stupid answers.
>I've played everything
Reminds me of this banger.
And that's a good thing, as yt should've never been such a great source of income in the first place. Now they can start working for real, and treat hobbies as such.
>played for ante
this guy fucks
is there any way to filter out the slop that YT's algorithm pushes to the top of search results, right now the only way I have is use this query:

[thing] intitle:"board games" -"channel1" -"channel2" etc. Then sort by view count

I want to listen to actual hobbyists' and enthusiasts' opinions, not trend-chasers and grifters gaming the algorithm.
Based libertarian
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Played Cat in the Box with the wife after getting it on our last boardgame date at the FLGS and we both love it, personal 10/10. Looking forward to playing it with 4 people next Friday
The events in CoC can be very devistating in the first few turns.
As that game is a pure optimization puzzle it can be quite the downer when your perfectly planned turn is hampered because you need to spend actions on barbarians than harvesting the resources you need to fulfill an objective.

Clash used to be my favorite Civ game as most actions actually feel like having some weight to them, but I sold it as I heavily preffer spending a whole day playing TI4 or EU instead.
I'll rather play Kemet or Brass if I need some area control or buildings construction game respectively in a shorter time.
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Based CitB enjoyer
I met Cole Wehrle on the way from work yesterday. Basically we were standing in the same line and started chatting about board games and other stuff.
He's a pretty cool guy IRL. He was drinking a pumpkin latte and apparently has an obsession with pumpkins (he told me all about it).
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>has cat
>has cat in the box
>does not put cat in the box
you shame yourself and dishonour the ancestors
Can you confirm or deny >>93156293?
Imagine unironically starting a board game channel expecting millions of dollars to pour in. Not just these parasites, even designers hardly make any profit and have to maintain a day job. Retard should respec into a minecraft youtuber
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Thanks for the recs. Already played Coloretto, quite underrated, its incredibly fun but because it looks like prescholer blocks its a shame that normalfags are hard to convince to try it

>if you want exploding kittens-likes you get exploding kittens art.
>literally knows and mentions games that have similar luck-dicking-bluffing-calculating odds mechanics
fucks wrong with people...

>this is a serious defense of exploding kittens
fucking no?

thanks anon, I'll check those out. Still unsure, as I'm looking for something that's very simple. But thanks nonetheless

Do you know the kaiji card games? Card rock-paper-scissor and the king-slave game? More games with incredibly simple rules and all the complexity being about how to read and comprehend the opponent is what I'm looking for.

And before you bring it up, yeah, of course that includes traditional card games too fuck, now I want to chat in the thread about favorite traditional card games
My friends and I have a lot of fun with Betrayal at House on the Hill – even with the unclear rules. Our favourite part is simply exploring the house/tiles. Are there any other good board games that might have that exploration vibe? I would prefer cooperative, but even competitive games are ok!
Room 25 Ultimate.
I see some players are worried about its replayability, but it seems cool! I'll have to check out the shops in my country.
check out burgle bros as well
mage knight
The style is so cute!

Wow, it looks really complex. The premise seems cool, as well! I'll definitely look into it.
>worried about its replayability
That's why I specifically chose ultimate over just room 25. The expansion adds a lot of replayability
Where is he
Mage Knight is dope as fuck but starts getting really cluttered at high olayer counts. If you have *anyone* in your group that gets analysis paralysis or (heaven forbid) absolutely MUST optimize EVERYTHING, you're gonna have a rough time.
Good to know! We like to play stuff like Everdell and Root now-and-then, and we are a varying amount of players ranging from overanalysts – which definitely add a bit of gametime – to "fuck it" type players. I fall a bit in-between.
It didnt really crop up. Though he did say that people on 4chan are 'losers'.
I actually like when I get Barbarians spawn near me, more often than not I can kill them to get an extra (unhappy) city I can use to increase the size of the cities I do need. And the additional 2 gold you win for winning the battle and looting the barbarian city is also pretty useful. You were playing Monumental Edition right?
>>The style is so cute!
are you a girl?
no just a faggot
okay, its just a girl reacted just the same way when we played. I was concerned i mightve contacted cooties
I'm just into illustration and visual arts, and it's often the first thing someone notices when checking out board games.
My bad...

Mansions of Madness >>> Betrayal
>Mansions of Madness
Is it similar? My experience with the Arkham horror-themed games, are that they're all really convolutedly written.
It's not that hard + there's an app
Does el Grande work at 4p? Do I need to add anything from the expansions if not?
elgrande is such a good game its even good at 4p, but best at 5p. 3p, and god forbid 2p, is terrible
Before this thread perishes I shall strike you with the truth for which I will be hated

Caverna > Agricola
I wish I could side with the controversial hot take but it's just not true
If you ask me prefering caverna over agricola just means you haven't played a lot of either
Le Havre supremacy
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What's your top 5 shittiest games you have ever had the misfortune of experiencing.

1. Tapestry
2. Heroes of Might & Magic 3 The Board Game
3. Advanced Civilization
4. Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North
5. Core Worlds
Plunder would have to be one of them
Red Flag Over Paris
Terraforming Mars
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man that game sucks dick, and unfortunately the guy that has it is really hot on it.
1. Merchants of the Dark Road
2. Catan
3. Quacks of Quedlinberg

And I can't really thinking of any others off the top of my head that aren't just old roll to move games like Monopoly and Sorry.
Betrayal House on the Hill
Challengers! (I enjoy it but my group makes it a miserable time)
What do you meme?
Three Dragon ante
The Big Book of Madness
Forgot Imperial settlers and unstable unicorns
cards against humanity
the lilo and stitch DVD board game
that time I taught Dune for the first time and the Harkonnen player spent all his spice on the first blind auction and then left 2/3 of the way into the game with the Bene Gesserit player because their alliance was so ineffectual due to zero economy
Umholy trinity of SHIT
Spirit Island
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>2. Heroes of Might & Magic 3 The Board Game
What's so bad about it? Watching the playthroughs, it seemed fine.
Cataclysm: A Second World War

Honorable mentions go to 18xx and Unconditional Surrender for serving up some traumatically terrible experiences, but I guess someone out there thinks they're good.
You could spend a post shilling it. Apart from the card business, I was pretty impressed with CoC and how much could be stuffed into a relatively fast moving civilisation builder.

Absolutely, and I got all 3. The 6 player count is pretty well covered by now. Now I'm looking for 7+ which is where it gets real bad. The only real games in that vein I have are Struggle of Empires, GoT 2nd Ed with expansions, and Diplomacy. And I ain't playing diplomacy a second time, holy fuck what an anti-game that is.

The problem was, I was getting fucked by raider ships spawning caused by other players' events. I would've much preferred just drawing a barbarian city card than some other shit like famine in addition to getting plowed by raiders that other people drew.

Yeah, Monumental edition.
Quoted myself there, sorry about the fat fingers.
My negro why you gotta hate things I love
Betrayal at house on the hill, Pirates: An Extraordinary Adventure, Hellapagos, Sushi Boat, and Munchkin if we aren't counting partyshit or mass market milton bradley stuff.
Munchkin is worse than the shittiness of the other four combined, and even worse than any mass market game. I hate Munchkin so much it's unreal.
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I'll make the new thread, give me a moment
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Migration time
all are trumped by Ora et Labora
probably anon played the long game and had some very AP-prone friends
I see HoMM3 in the same category as Mage Knight, a solo game with a multiplayer mode added as a bonus.
>The problem was, I was getting fucked by raider ships spawning caused by other players' events
Ah right, pirates not Barbarians, I see now. Yeah pirates are fucky if you get them early and the map hasn't revealed enough water tiles, especially because the rule says "to place close to a city of yours if possible" and then nothing else, so it's much more punishing as opposed to barbarians, however I think you might have been fucked on luck if you got so many spawns in a row (pirates won't steal resources again after being spawned, they just block trade routes and start combat when entered).
In any case they are very much worse than barbarians especially considering I rarely use water so I can't just simply take them out
>Post asked to list 5 games.
>Anon lists 4 and then jumps into honorable mentions
Do you count?

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