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Purple Magic Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
How do you feel about the visual design and aesthetic of Chaos models compared to the loyalists?
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I think humans are cattle
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Pretty sure elves are the cattle faction last I checked
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I think eldar would eventually be exterminated or used as sex slaves for the nobility if they didn't have commoragh or the craftworlds.
>I think the dying race that is endangered species would die if they stopped not dying
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Dark Eldar are going to be a menace of the meta after all the new rules changes.
I suppose the could also be bred for their meat and soul stones by chaos.
Ok, I've just finished a 40k game, and I'd like some feedback, as I have yet to win a game of 40k in 10th ed, and I don’t know if I’ve missed many chances during the game, my lists are awful, or something else.

>My list aprox: 1k points
Deathwatch Blackspear – 1k points
-Chaplain on Bike
-2 units of Kill Team (2 shields/bolter, 2 frag launcher, 1 shield/xenophase sword)
-1 unit of Vanguard Veterans with storm shield
-1 unit of Veteran Bikers (6 bikers in total, one with xenophase sword)
-2 Redemptor Dreadnoughts (plasma loadout)

>My opponent’s team aprox.: 1k points
Dark Angels
-Azrael, a lieutenant and a judiciar
-1 unit of Bladeguard
-1 unit of 10 hellblasters
-1 unit of DA termies
-1 vanilla Land Raider

I start the turn, and as he has all his units hidden (the hellblasters plus Azrael and the lieutenant are on the Land Raider, the termies are in reserves), I don’t have that much to do. I move my units as fast as possible to the objectives, and I leave my bikes near what I think it’s a reasonable distance. That was a mistake, as in his turn, he moved his land raider and deployed his hellblasters near my bikes, and he managed to wipe them out first turn. He also manages to shoot out the vanguards with the Land Raider, so now I’m playing with about 200p less. My dreadnoughts then try to take out the land raider but they survive (the dreads were deployed in such a manner only one could shoot fully, as the other was protecting the rear in case of deep striking). After that, he took my redemptor with the combined efforts of the remaining hellblasters and the land raider). By then, he had taken 3 of the 5 objectives, and I was wiped by turn 4.

My plan was to try to surround the land raider or outflank him, but I was afraid of leaving the dreads alone against so much firepower, and it turned out to be a bad decission. I should have moved to try claiming more objectives

Also, if my opponent is reading this, well played man, it was a fun game.
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No you mouthbreather Eldar would become part of the Greater Good and we know Taudar is unstoppable. Now imagine Eldar troops with Pulse Blasters as a weapon option.
>He thinks tau weapons are better than eldar weapons
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How much of a bad idea is this? Big tanks are cool and not having to paint 200 infantry is even cooler.

Char1: 4x Platoon Command Squad (100 pts)
• 2x Veteran Guardsman
1 with Master Vox, Close Combat Weapon, Lasgun, Laspistol
1 with Regimental Standard, Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol, Lasgun
• 1x Platoon Commander: Warlord, Close Combat Weapon, Boltgun, Power Fist
Enhancement: Kurov's Aquila (+40 pts)
• 1x Veteran Heavy Weapons Team: Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol, Lascannon

9x Infantry Squad (60 pts): 6x Guardsman, Heavy Weapons Team, Sergeant, Guardsman w/ Meltagun
9x Infantry Squad (60 pts): 6x Guardsman, Heavy Weapons Team, Sergeant, Guardsman w/ Plasma Gun
9x Infantry Squad (60 pts): 6x Guardsman, Heavy Weapons Team, Sergeant, Guardsman w/ Meltagun

10x Kasrkin (120 pts)
• 9x Kasrkin Trooper
5 with Close Combat Weapon, Hot-shot Lasgun
1 with Close Combat Weapon, Meltagun
1 with Close Combat Weapon, Meltagun
1 with Close Combat Weapon, Plasma Gun
1 with Close Combat Weapon, Plasma Gun
• 1x Kasrkin Sergeant: Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol
1x Baneblade (480 pts): Baneblade Cannon, Co-axial Autocannon, Demolisher Cannon, Heavy Stubber, Armoured Tracks, 2x Lascannon, Twin Heavy Bolter, 2x Lascannon, 2x Twin Heavy Bolter, 2x Twin Heavy Bolter
1x Baneblade (480 pts): Baneblade Cannon, Co-axial Autocannon, Demolisher Cannon, Heavy Stubber, Armoured Tracks, 2x Lascannon, Twin Heavy Bolter, 2x Lascannon, 2x Twin Heavy Bolter, 2x Twin Heavy Bolter
1x Shadowsword (440 pts): Volcano Cannon, Armoured Tracks, 2x Lascannon, Twin Heavy Bolter, 2x Lascannon, 2x Twin Heavy Bolter, 2x Twin Heavy Bolter
1x Valkyrie (190 pts): 2x Heavy Bolter, Hellstrike Missiles, Lascannon
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progress on kopta pile
>says he while his entire race dedicates itselves to do dirty work for humanity
Think you underestimate how much eldar do that you never hear about. Eldar being successful is like a good soundtrack. You dont even realise its there, but its done a tonne.
Don't associate proper land owners with those stinky gypsy elves roaming the galaxy. If the Imperium wants help from Commorragh the can come ask for it themselves, just like with the Golden Throne.
First on a lot of boards you will have enormus problems placing and moving baneblades and similar. i would cut at least one of the big tanks and get smaller tanks/transports, scout centinel or something fast moving, you are quite slow.
How do I translate this list in to modern warhammer.

Terminator Leader
Terminator Librarian, Force Ax
4x6 Space Marine Tacticals Lascanon, plasma gun
3x5 Space Marine Devastators with 4 Rocket Launchers
3x Dreadnought. Lascanon, Rocket Launcher
2x4 Terminator Command Squad with 2 AC.
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ork bros, how do we deal with vehicles? am i forced to go down the snaggas route?
>with those stinky gypsy elves
A member of the said gipsy elves is about to rule Commoragh
I wish eldar would dress more like gypsies like they used to
>no KMB

not a fan of it anon?
>If the Imperium wants help from Commorragh the can come ask for it themselves, just like with the Golden Throne.
It wasn't the Imperium that approached the DEldar about that.
It was the DEldar that approached the Imperium.

You're doing the Imperium's dirty work.
>Create thing for silly monkeys that means your species is gonna do well vs dont build it and die to tyranids and shit
Hadn't thought of sentinels. Would replacing the valkyrie with a chimera and fill the remaining points with sentinels work?
Since we’re posting cursed lists, how about this one? I tried to make it as vehicle heavy as possible while still being well-rounded. My hope is that I can use the heavy effect to make the most of artillery and tanks on the frontline.
Imperial Fists - Anvil Siege Force (1980 Pts)
2x Librarian in Terminator Armour (150 Pts)
• 1x Force weapon
1x Smite
1x Storm bolter
Lieutenant (80 Pts)
• 1x Bolt Pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Master-crafted bolter
• Enhancements: Stoic Defender
Tor Garadon (90 Pts)
• Warlord
• 1x Artificer grav-gun
1x Hand of Defiance
3x Heavy Intercessor Squad (300 Pts)
• 1x Heavy Intercessor Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy bolt rifle
• 4x Heavy Intercessor
• 4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
3x Heavy bolt rifle
1x Heavy bolter
2x Intercessor Squad (160 Pts)
• 1x Intercessor Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Bolt rifle
1x Power fist
• 4x Intercessor
• 1x Astartes grenade launcher
4x Bolt pistol
4x Bolt rifle
4x Close combat weapon
Ballistus Dreadnought (140 Pts)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Ballistus lascannon
1x Ballistus missile launcher
1x Twin storm bolter
2x Hammerfall Bunker (300 Pts)
• 1x Hammerfall heavy bolter array
1x Hammerfall missile launcher
2x Repulsor (360 Pts)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Heavy onslaught gatling cannon
1x Hunter-slayer missile
1x Repulsor defensive array
1x Twin lascannon
2x Terminator Squad (300 Pts)
• 1x Terminator Sergeant
• 1x Power fist
1x Storm bolter
• 4x Terminator
• 1x Cyclone missile launcher
4x Power fist
4x Storm bolter
holy fuck just post screenshots of your lists instead of walls of text
You go back to 9th edition when you wounded them on 3s instead of 5/6s army wide
You don't understand, its important to know models have a bolt pistol and vehicles get their mandatory hull melee weapon
Would GW actually do that. Give the shooting chad army worse shooting then gay space elfs.
Yeah, fair point, I really only needed to mention terminators, repulsors, and intercessors since those are the ones with the big wargear options. My bad.
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But my hand writing is borderline impossible to read. Just writing what the army consists of is just easier for other to read.
No. He should do it so I don't need to OCR to copy and paste.
and its a fucking space marines list too
No one is reading all that
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Is this better?
rate my hyper tuned, meta busting list

Imperial Knights
Strike Force (2000 points)
Noble Lance

Cerastus Knight Lancer (430 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Cerastus shock lance

Cerastus Knight Lancer (455 points)
• 1x Cerastus shock lance

Warhound Titan (1100 points)
• 1x Warhound feet
1x Warhound plasma blastgun
1x Warhound plasma blastgun
Why dont knight players use 500 points of allies to hold objectives and shit
Knights don't get that rule other than imperial agents
If games workshop was a good company it would sell £30 "art" models that are complete models of older and newer artworks
Arent breachers just a guard squad with better weapons?
They're not making a loss to cater to 3 eldarniggers
You get to bring 2 units of them at 2000pts and they're only like 30pts cheaper than an Armiger that actually interacts with your rules
can somebody please explain this joke for a lorelet like me?
are the grey knights some sort of secret service/black ops unit?
>How do you feel about the visual design and aesthetic of Chaos models compared to the loyalists?
Chaos needs more aesthetic variety.
We currently have
>Marines but spikey
>Marines but spikey (Red)
>Marines but spikey (Green)
>Marines but spikey (Blue, and slightly less spikey)
>Imperial Guard but spikey
And eventually this edition we'll get Marines but spikey (Pink). Thousand Sons are the only ones who really stand out as seeming majorly different, merely by beeing somewhat cleaner.
Look at AoS, each God army has massive aesthetic differences from each other and from the basic Chaos Warriors. Warcry even provides more fairly different Chaos-oriented units, meanwhile Chaos in Kill Tean is just upgrade sprues for Marines.
Yes. You dont know about the grey knights. Oh, you've heard of grey knights then you must [redacted] bolt to the head and ditched into the mass [redacted] this planet was never here.
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Bait used to believable
Just need james to make a box of eldar guardians with no armour, just their normie clothes.
They do and it’s the W+ exclusive models. That’s all you get.
Imagine living on a climate controlled craftworld and wearing pants and a jacket. Couldn’t be me.
He actually works in a titan, but he has got some swag
Ok, Lelith.
In hindsight, "havocs" is a weird-ass name for a unit.
What do you guys do?
Cause havoc
Okay, havocs
I came upon the name Eos Ritira just now. Apparently she's the incumbent Ecclesiarch, appointed by Guilliman to the office as she was formerly a reform-minded cardinal of Ultramar. And that got me thinking, what does being a reformer even mean in the context of the Adeptus Ministorum? I mean they don't really have any uniform set of beliefs beyond "the God-Emperor is the coolest" and "detractors get purged." Is she supposed to make the creed more cohesive? Or is it about the organization of the church? If so, what are the actual organization changes that she or Guilliman want to get done? I'm at a loss here.
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>I am forgotten
Mega Nobs with kill saws, Dread Klaws, kustom mega cannon are about our best options. It's not an easy time.
It would be nice if non-cult legions had their own mini lines but it probably will never happen. The most realistic best case scenario would be upgrade kits for legionaries, chosen, and termies.
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The Ministorum is massively fucked due to internal bureaucracy and overzealotry. Ideally any reforms would be about re-orienting the bureaucracy in order to allow for more coherent and directed operations.
Naturally that's not going to happen considering the size and scope of the Imperium.
>just the box
Unfortunately I kek'd
wtf I love Salamanders now?
Well the Ecclesiarchy is more complicated then just that. For example the innovation of new tech is forbidden through them, Not to mention that if Gulliman could he would gt rid of the Ecclesiarchy entirely but slowly changing it is currently his only option.
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Any armies themed after frogs/amphibians? Salamanders aren't close enough since GW uses salamander's other meaning as a synonym for dragon and not based immortal river-dwellers
By that logic, the various units called "destroyers" should actually be called "destructions"
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I'd hate to tell you to pick up another system but I mean...
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grey knights pizza has anchovies
>I like SAL and SW type of pizzas
>they are the chapters I like the most as well
There should be four corn kernels on the world eaters pizza.
frog.. home...
Rogue trader had Salamanders paint scheme themed after salamanders (the animal)
Nurgle has plague toads
Some people paint nids like frogs
Finally, convert your own and use idk, tau rules and say they're auxillaries
>Any armies themed after frogs/amphibians?
No, and they will never happen.
GW is currently going with the whole "no similiar armies across game systems".
And AoS called dips on the Old Ones first.
Meaning you will never see fat frogmen in 40k.
Would anyone be interested in a Perturabo Isekai, similar to Cupanon's story? I've been thinking about it, want to see if there's any interest.
I don't understand why the nerfed the kustom mega kannon, the KMB has a higher AP now, doesn't make any sense
no perturabo will stay right where he is because everything wrong with his life is his fault
>uncropped phone screenshot of a facebook post
Extra spicy pepperoni is so good. Salamanders have excellent taste.
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This is what people see when they accidentally look into a navigator's third eye
I bought a 50€ box in my local GW knowing full well they are 40€ online cause I thought the managers would be my friends and recognize me and like me more but they don't treat me any different at all and instead amped up their sales pitch.
I like the extra stuff CSM get. Marines look cool with chainmail.
>I had a baby once
>It was delicious
You have to spend at least a grand in a month before that happens, anon. It's kind of like a strip club, if you tip a stripper 50 she'll smile but won't look twice, times that by 20 and she'll remember your face and name.
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That’s true. The old eldar vehicle crew models looked like that.
Only if its on par with the mspaint World Eaters comic.
>would you be willing to make a charitable donation to the Church of the Flayer?
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Emperor's Children army box this November
Tau army box this christmas
Chaos is usually released in the winter-april. Look to most major chaos release in the past. So at least early next year to wait.
Expect WE treatment
(which is honestly how it should be, none of the cult legions deserve their own codex and they should've been supplements from the get go)
>you will never see fat frogmen in 40k
You might, but they'll be a frogman not a frog man.
>tau army box shows the tau getting their shit wrecked on the cover art
i cant take it anymore bros
>jealous slaanesh has superior models across all systems to khorne and will get more than khorne did
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>look at pic
>brain processes the visual stimuli
>the words "phobos space wolves" materialize in the language center of my brain
>experience the same sensation as when I was 5 and my mom told me to eat my vegetables
>source: my ass
I’m most curious to see whatever passes for Slaanesh Cultists. AoS nailed mortal Slaanesh followers so much.
I did something similar by going into a games workshop but the one dude that was working there wanted nothing to do with me and couldn't wait for me to fuck off. Pretty much rolled his eyes when I walked in, this is someone I've never seen in my life btw. Clearly I disrupted his painting schedule or some shit. I pretty much exclusively order online now
>Ghazghkull is T6
Is that really the most tuff an Ork can get?
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>that's quite enough of that, young man
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Orkz ain't nothing no more. My chainswords be killing it now.
>space marine has smaller hands than tau baby boi
Not allowed to make the primarchs insecure. Please understand.
orksisters it's so fucking over...
How melee heavy is blood angels though?
That's potentially nasty.
>a billion changes every time an already deprecated codex releases
>additional rules because something that was already fine pre-8th edition is still retarded and getting retarderer as it's added, fixed, changed, fixed, added, fixed, changed, fixed, infinity
>USRs locked behind mandatory DLC special characters so an army can actually perform to what it used to do just from being that army
>fix, change, fix, add, fix, change, SEASONS
>no granularity in rules, play-styles, or equipment loadouts, FIXED LOADOUTS ON MULTIPLE UNITS
>boxes are now straight points values where, even if loosely adhered to for things like grenades, chainswords, etc, WYSIWYG doesn't matter anymore and [asshole with bolt pistol] can be [asshole with plasma pistol] and it's player discretion which may change every other game
>vehicles are just large monsters

I'm sure I'm missing a lot. The only thing that is even slightly ok, at least for Space Marines I would say, are the differences in detachments. However, that could be done with some amount of player choice by returning to choosing your own chapter tactics from [list] which actually allows for /your dudes/ to be [different]. Or a return to doctrines like Imperial Guard 4th edition's codex did. I can only imagine how neutered and boring the guard will be this edition. The wargame has become a board game. I used to think that with a new edition came new improvements, barring a few hiccups, of course. I thought this was supposed to be shrimplified, and if it isn't then what is it?
Overly melee, now even more so overly. Assault intercessors charging or bikes charging seem where it's at for crowds of tough guys now.
I'm guessing you have never seen a game against Blood Angels.
They are THE melee space marine chapter.
Redshirt and the only time I ever attempt to have people buy anything extra is with the 9 paints/10th is free thing, which I think is pretty good if you're already buying our paint. It's also humorous to me to see people buy one paint, and I casually say that I see they're buying one paint, but if they get nine more the tenth one is free. This often gets a chuckle and either a "I think that's it today" or if they have maybe four paints or so, they'll sometimes say to hell with it and get more. I figure paint is always useful so I don't feel bad about even bringing it up. Maybe I'm a bad GW salesman.
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Happened to me at like every LGS
Where do they hire these people?
Didn't read, probably a gay fanfic
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>try to strike up conversation with guy who works at LGS
>he just looks at me like I'm a retard
Only ordered online since and the store died
>go to LGS to buy some stuff for my DG
>guy working there starts sperging out about his DG
>we sperg together
>its great
sorry for you anon
No need. I never go outside anymore and I'm never hurt. It's great.
>Vior'la has the worst paint scheme out of all the major septs and the FSE
>they're the poster boys of the whole army
Why did GW do this?
You're getting Agents of the Imperium in the fall and that's it for new armies until at least next summer.
The fuck are you talking about? White, black and red looks great and suits the high tech aesthetic
>explicitly state that Tau don't use colour schemes, they wear camo suited to the world
>people refuse to accept this, keep painting Tau in ochre orange
>finally give up and have them use colour schemes
>"Vior'la has the worst paint scheme out of all the major septs and the FSE"
Is this Unnas from the twice dead king?
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You order from your LGS to subsidize the space you play in, not because the retail employee blows you a kiss for giving their employer 30 quid you massive homos
Should have incentivized me to do so with a kiss
If you expect any actual effort from gw for EC you are delusional. I love me my slaany psycho duelists but all its going to be is a new, hyperspecific lord, lucius remodel and an upgrade sprue for legionnaires. If we're lucky, itll be an actual noise marine box and sonic weapons for vehicles. Anything more is delusion
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Is there any proper painting guide for the kabal of the poisoned tongue somewhere? I'd like to achieve that look but all I can find is a very low effort contrast sloppa one by GW and equally bad videos by fagtubers
>to subsidize the space you play in

>playing in a store
The chad online orderer
They charge for the tables
But I play in my own garage, fuck the car, I got an 8ft gaming table in there instead.
>sling for the splinter rifle
Just doesn't seem right for some reason.
Pic related isnt black heart?
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Space Elf waifus when?
Ochre with wine accents is tip-top
>walk up to store manager
>any chance you got any mission cards in?
>he says no, and then launches into a 10 minute rant about how could it be possible for GW to not know how many players actually play their game, or how hard it could possibly be to print literal paper.
>'They're retarded'

I love my store.
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black heart is green
He just sold the mission cards to people he liked more
Camo T'au, best T'au. They're supposed to be the "sensible" 40K faction after all.
It was Scab Red, which was on the verge of being a proper brown.
Camo doesnt work when every faction has ways to detect infrared
They have infrared camo too then.
I mean, it's probably the same painting method as the black heart kabal scheme, just replacing the greens with blues. Instead of incubi darkness base coat with abaddon black and use a sloppy dark blue edge highlight. The trick with edge highlights is that panels read visually as the middle tone so if you want the panels to look dark blue use a dark blue as the first messy highlight.

Thats cool, but thats generally a pittance. Not enough to keep things going.
Yeah it would just be nice to be able to skip the experimentation and test model step
Use contrast
Same guy, right?
Its chest is too big to shoot the bow, itll snap the string
How do you transport your Dark Eldar about the place? I've been thinking of collecting some but they look like they have some very fragile parts.
The grey knights could be referencing the fact they murder anyone who knows about their order or that one time they killed a bunch of battle to anoint their weapons.
No idea, its this guy:

Saved a bunch of his images into a Tau folder that time when I thought I wanted to collect a wee Tau force and was thinking about a colour scheme.
Magnets and a lot of bribes to Vect
Ah then no, it's not the same guy. These are grav carto
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>t,pic related
Magnets, its the only way
Foam will scratch up your minis over time
He's right though. Just look at WE and TS. It's gonna be halfassed either way. DG only lucked out by being a starter faction.
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>>tau army box shows the tau getting their shit wrecked on the cover art
I have a whole collage, my personal favorite piece of tau art is the death warrior killing some stupid tau warrior with a piss gun.
>we'll never get anything like Codex: Daemonhunters or Codex: Witch Hunters ever again

That’s fits his face oddly well.
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Why don't the Custodes have some long ranged choppy halbeard things, like sniper halberds?
Like a javelin with a scope?
Your painting skills are technically fine but contrast paints are just not great unless heavily augmented by further techniques and not just contrast alone. I've seen contrast used to good effect when it wasn't just lazily done over the Correct™ basecoat and actually done by good painters. Not even saying you're not a good painter as you do seem to have good control of everything from a very cursory glance, but yeah.
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>Moaning about shit that was relevant literally 2 decades ago.
This fucking general man. The /grog/ and /fourK/ threads are right there, you can go moan about old shit you never played in those!
Considering how important the custodes are, why wouldn't they just use a vindicare if they need a sniper?
I still don't get why they sent a culexus for famously warp insensitive tau
The Imperium killing the leader of the Tau is some funny shit.
>their society is controlled by a mysterious leader caste
>definitely psykers
>send in a culexus assassin
>not psykers at all, doesn't matter, walks in, kills the top ethereal, walks out
That would be very silly.

Why not just have indigenous ranged support built into their forces? There's 10,000 of them ffs, that's ten times the size of a Space Marine chapter, they can afford to be a bit more flexile with their tactics and combat doctrine.
The Kroot atleast got art of them winning
What the fug is that creature in the middle?
assassinorum mind
Culexus didn't need their anti-psyker abilities, it was only some uppity Tau.
This pic is suspiciously focused on Rowboat's ass
The thing the Kroot are riding on? Thats a Kroot female, I shit you not.
Sagittarum Guard have awful rules in HH and in 40k, the Emperor weeps.
I did play them, though. That's why I will never really understand why nothing can compare as we move forward and, allegedly, improve. I do understand it but at the same time I don't, nor do I understand the attitude of saying it's better without [thing] as some people do. Another thing I don't really get is the accusations of not doing something when it comes to nearly anything that involves something from an older time. Is it really so hard to believe that someone has played 3rd edition? I'm sure quite a few people in this thread have and haven't abandoned it for total groggery in another. Is it hard to imagine that maybe some people want 40k to be good in its current iteration?
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Thats a Tau doing a trikshot blindfolded
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a Drew Cary
That's the IMPERIUMS ass!
>female Culexus
Begone coomer.
Cool Trollbloods, GW. Very nice to see some non-Warhammer stuff!
I don't see anything suspicious about it.
It's not suspicious when it's so explicit
My wraithlord is like a boss from a mech game
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I guess it's not that suspicious when primarchfags are openly gay
they knew the ethereals controlled their subordinates through psyker brainrape
Why they always got to depict Eldar as weird androgynous men?
Why don't the models potray huge hulk kroot then
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Why is he T-posing?
> walk into local Warhammer Store just to see what’s what
> neckbeard manning the helm
> talks a shitload
> will ask you all sorts of questions
> not about army, just lore
> loves to talk about lore
> when you move the conversation to placing an order, he’ll continue talking about lore
> he’ll tell you you’re order has been placed
> call about order in a week and a half
> “sorry, anon, I don’t have any orders matching that description”
> motherfucker doesn’t ever do his job
I’m surprised the GW store in this city actually has enough business to stay open
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Why would James release a new termination chaplain when we've already achieve big chap perfection
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Which store?
I hate how slapping guns on a WL instantly makes it look so much worse. They have such a nice silhouette with just a sword.
Its even worse because you can't even nicely magnetize those silly slots eldar use
'tis the most intimidating pose. Thought the symmetry said something about the wraiths melancholy nature.
>walk into local Warhammer Store
I have identified your mistake.
Is this one of those photoshops that spams skulls everywhere
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Wraithseers are the coolest wraith both conceptually and in mini execution
>you're order
>Walk into GW store to make an order
Bro what the fuck are you doing lol
You do understand that something being old doesn't make it worse just because, right?
You wish I was kidding
What is that pose? Is he saying "Calm down lad, calm down"?
Ben, no one wants to join your threads.
I agree, the best look is just a sword and maybe wrist flamers. With no wargear costs there is never a reason to not kit out the lord, which is a shame. If a sword flamer lord was 120 points and 2 bright lance, sword flamer lord was 160, maybe we would go just sword sometimes.

Still, ive tried to go all out big on him because the worst look is using 2 different guns and trying to not be symmetric at all, from experience
The other LGS all sell at the same MSRP as the GW store. I buy everything online, but I figured I go check it out anyways. I couldn’t find a Falcon anywhere, even online. So I ordered one through him, including a vyper and a support weapon. It was a mistake
It’s a small city in Nevada that isn’t Vegas
>I'm not dealing with this today
2 decades makes it out of date as fuck and completely irrelevant.
Phone posting with swipe doesn’t always go to plan
GW stores don’t take orders without payment up front and you would have a receipt, your story is bullshit.
They needed to make the properly scaled one somehow look the worst our of every single chaplain existance.
Don’t worry. They’ll change it next edition and make you with her butcher your models or buy new ones.
Joy-toy? What the fuck? Did Games Workshop team up with a sex toy maker or something? Does that Chaplain vibrate or some shit?
Most of the tech we use today was invented 40 years ago.
What the fuck relevance has that got to do with bemoaning the lack of shit from 40K seven whole game editions of the game ago?
Let it go man. Christ.
Not when every single edition after 4th has been progressively worse.
The relevance is that something being old doesn't make it worse just because. Something well done will still be well done no matter how much time passes and shit will be shit even if it's brand new.
Well then play bloody 4th edition genius, what's stopping you?
It's always fun to see how much nids stole Giger elements from early CSM lmao
he doesn't actually play the game
Looking at their site is almost all 40k, wonder what they did before james gave them their nottinghambucks
It is not. The dude literally does not do his fucking job. I have another story of his retardation.
> Hey any Tau codices in stock?
> no but I have a shipment of codices coming in soon. I’ll put your name down for one
> okay great, thanks. My name is anon
> alright anon, you’re all set. They should be in by next week
> go in next week
> “Hey I’m here to pick up the tau codex you would set aside for me. The name is anon”
> “Ohhhh, sorry anon. I just sold the last tau codex to a guy about 30 minutes ago.”
This dude doesn’t follow proper protocol in the first place, but he’s also retarded.
Yes, but its just not compatible with the game any more, the same way you don't find an ISA riser on a modern motherboard any more if you insist on using a daft tech comparison.
Are you retarded or do you seriously not understand why people play the latest edition even if it's not the best?
Why wouldn't the 3ed format be compatible with today?
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I hate that Chaplins are like 40 bucks when in the old days you could juts buy a death company.
Oh right, so your complaint is that you want to play 4th Edition, but cant because everyone else is playing 10th and you cant find any opponents?
Well shit, maybe 4th wasn't as great as you think it was then if everyone else moved on.
Weird Ultramarine you got there.
Oddly spiky.
based store owner discriminating tau players
>Space marines vision is based on color
>All it takes to infiltrate a chapter is being the same shade of blue
Because the stat-lines and rules are fundamentally different now. Points weighting is completely different. Vehicles are balanced completely differently. Hell even wining the damn game takes place in a different fashion now.
Didnt that literally happen once
>Most of the tech we use today was invented 40 years ago.
But they are not the same as 40 years ago.
Go ahead, go play with a computer that was made in the 70s.
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Statlines, points and missions are edition dependant. If they released a new edition with the 3ed format then those would be adjusted accordingly. The 3ed format isn't obsolete or bad just because it's old.
Maybe everyone moved on because they stopped selling it and at this point half the armies didn't exist bsck then, and of those who did, half their roster didn't exist? Just maybe it's not a matter of quality.
The sovl to dollar ratio in those days was insane.
it boggles the mind that 40k was able to survive its nascent years when all the models were this retarded
there's a whole thread where people like you can moan about missing the "good old days" and then bicker about exactly what made Old 40K good, before you decide which one of the 6(!!) current FourK forks to use because no-one in that thread seems to be able to agree on what exactly was good about the old editions and what was bad.
How on earth they managed to come up with 6 competing and slightly different versions of old 40K in time time since all that sperging about Female Custodes is beyond me, and just further proves to me that people have no idea what in general was the good points of old 40K.
Why can't gw get creative with eldar ever? The works already done. 3 armed harlequin wraith. A wraith centaur. Its really pathetic.
>and at this point half the armies didn't exist bsck then
Since 4th? Only Custodes, everyone else was represented.
Newfag, you try to hard to be a “grog”.
>How on earth they managed to come up with 6 competing and slightly different versions of old 40K in time time since all that sperging about Female Custodes is beyond me, and just further proves to me that people have no idea what in general was the good points of old 40K.
Many of the anon's just straight up fucked off to discord pretty fast anyway "to keep it consice".
The whole idea is just dead in the water, it's the reason why the thread is like 4 days old and has less than 60 replies in it.

Hell, them just going ahead and starting to fuck with 4th edition instead of playing vanilla proves that the old editions were also shit just like the modern ones if they feel a need to go and change it.
About to paint a terminator librarian. I know its dependent on my painting ability, but would it look better in the standard librarius blue, or should I make it light ash grey to match the rest of my terminators?
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Comparing strictly the modern kits, Chaos has a much more distinct visual language (arguably the new design started with Dark Vengence like a decade ago), but somewhat reduced kitbashing potential. A loyalist piece may be somewhat bland off the shelf, but a chaos piece will currently always look chaos.

Also, purple magic is the best kind. Here's the Dark Apostle for my EC warband, he's named Apostle Terzo.
A time traveler comes up to you and says he's going to delete Black Library from the timeline, but you get to keep 5 books. What do you keep?
5 books from the printing company black library, or 5 books from THE ACTUAL black library? Because the liber daemonica and the map of the webway could be useful
They fucked up. They had their fair chance.
They squandered their momentum. They COULD have rode the anti-hype outrage wave, put out maybe slightly tweaked version of 4th edition as an alternative to OPR and make it as a movement.
But they fucked up and took too much time, wasting it on impotent squabbles and autism sperging and bickering. Lack of impetus was their undoing.
Is that spooky makeup? Great if so.
The novels, sorry.
Will battlescribe not update the update untill
When exactly
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I keep only the terrible Eldar books and Fire Warrior for being the only good video game adaptation book.
>knights and chaos knights
>monogod legions
And then all the units for all the other armies that were released after that.
Yeah he's meant to look like the lead singer of Ghost (pic related). It's sorta a bit I do with my EC where I paint some to look like members of bands I like.

I did a sorc recently based off Neil Fallon from Clutch, for example. (They have an album called psychic warfare, and the model is in a similar pose to how the guy stands in concert, so it seemed fitting.)
Up next will be a Warpsmith based off Lemmy Kilmister.
>monogod legions
Never should have been their own armies, just as Codex - Ultramarines is some dumb shit
Of all the examples of corpse paint you could have gone with you went with the gayest
Based taste even if I'm not an avid ghost listener. Never seen the guy without the mitre lol
Shout out to Arthur Brown for pioneering both the black-white face paint and also ecclesiastical brazier helmets
Codex ultramarines in 2ed was just the regular space marine codex. It was for all codex complaint chapters.
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Remember what they took
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Farewell sweet prince...
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>Wanted to get at least 1k in models done over the summer
>Only have ~400 and that's counting two big-ass models
Rest in piss, eldarshit

Bet you never got any of the OOP models either
The new ones look better.
>boring not!guardians
Yeah, I don't give a shit.
Not those but I do own 2 Eldar titans. So I did my duty supporting an army I like
Don't ask for pics they're still in the box :)
Nice larp
I dont own those corsairs but I am making some inspired by then, they did do a good job of being elven space pirates
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LARPing is easy when you speak from experience
I'll take your word for it

>I don't own..

It’s alright anon. I meticulously shave off each mold line, even those from chain sword blades. It takes me a long time, but I feel a sense of accomplishment from doing it. You just gotta figure out a way to speed your process up, or what corners you can cut in order to achieve your goal. As for me, my friend and I don’t mind playing with unpainted armies, so we take our time.
>Dark Apostle
>Based off an unironic Satanist whose whole shtick is being a Cult leader
>leading a unit of cultists painted to resemble the other guys in the band, who dress like cultists irl

Are you retarded?
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Stay away from me, poser freak
Arthur Brown is iconic. I actually recently got some of the old Redemptionist models, thinking of using them as autogun cultists (Legends are cool) and figuring out some way to kitbash a Cult Firebrand to match them and look like him.
Sorry I don't listen to Megaültrashittenkike, or whatever you church burning Nordic retards consider to be metal.
Big respect anon
GWs actions are driving me to become one of those guys who hates GW too much. Starting to wonder if one can hate them too much
Take your meds
So what's the benefit of so many guns on there instead of one big ass cannon like real tanks?
Slaangor with chainswords and autopistols, just like tzeentch
I personally just stopped giving a shit.
Spending lot of your time being mad at a faceless corporate entity, that doesn't care about you or know that you don't exist, isn't healthy.

I still buy GW plastic, I'm not ashamed of that.
But I've largerly stopped caring what they do, I just buy the shit I like and ignore the rest.
Any recommendation for somebody who would like to start Death Guard? I like how disgusting and chonky the models are, also Nurglings are cute.
Shirtless retards with some random weapons.
Because they are meant as defensive units, sniper equipment would be quite ineffective especially because in lore they can hit miles and miles away with bolters and run so fast they just chop theyre target befor getting into a proper sniper position UNNOTICED
Buy a box of plague marines and start with that.
You can never really go wrong with standard troops.
>Because they are meant as defensive units, sniper equipment would be quite ineffective especially because in lore they can hit miles and miles away with bolters
But a sniper custodes can hit the targets tens and tens of miles away.
Which makes them better.

Also custodes no longer are just "defensive" since Guilliman came back and basically had to say out loud, paraphrasing here of course:
>"You golden faggots have the best god damn gear in the Imperium and you're all just been sitting here sulking that my dad died for 10 000 years?"
Which is kind of funny.
Very big TTGL energy from this
>You can never really go wrong with standard troops.

Unless you're space marines, but thats because you have like 7 choices for standard guys.
>Fire warrior
>Good game
I played that shit on the PS2 and it was ass. A boomer shooter but you could only have two weapons. Did you watch a video essay or something?
>reddit spacing
That's enough said about you.
Have fun.
Depends on the effekt you want, but usually he schould stand out somehow so maybe mostly grey with some blue to mark that he is a psyker. IF the blue fits the grey tone.
I literally played the game myself last year and yeah sort of shit on the gameplay part but the environments were all great. Then after I played the game I read the book and it was a near 1 to 1 retelling of what I just did in game and everyone including the main character himself wonders how he keeps pulling things off wich a entire army of Tau wouldnt be able to.
>custodes no longer are just "defensive"
Yea they are not anymore but do you think with all the shit in the empire they get new equipment befor 43k?
>Yea they are not anymore but do you think with all the shit in the empire they get new equipment befor 43k?
No, they just open some random ass vault within the Imperial Palace instead and it has an untouched stockpile of weapons for them, that the Emperor made before he got put on the chair.
Dump the chimera and swap one Baneblade for a Shadowsword. if you’re going to bring a big ass tank, bring the one that can wipe shit out in one hit.
How do you figure out the value of a battle ready painted unit if you planned on buying/selling?
Some people seem to think think their base coated primaris marines are worth 200 USD
What do you recommend as a book for a newcomer to read?
Your faction's codex.
Yeah, some people enjoy playing socially, it's a defining feature of multiplayer games.
He's just a "trve metal" retard, he doesn't have any reason past parroting everything he reads on his obscure Norwegian church-burning forums.
Still kinda cringe, dude.
Gaunts Ghosts, Eisenhorn Trilogy, Ravenor Trilogy, Night Lords trilogy, Iron Warriors omnibus.

Take your pick. They're all old enough series to be able to torrent, or get them on zlibrary etc.
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I BECOME the vehicle
Is it ever mentioned why the bangles didn't get any help from the Guard or the Navy when defending Baal from the nids? I read devastation of Baal a few months ago but I can't remember reading a definite reason. Ok like I get not wanting a bunch of Guardsmen running amok on your chapter world but refusing help from the navy just seems counter-productive since the void war is the most important part of any fight against the nids and its not like the bangles would have to worry about the navy personnel running across baal since they could just tell them to stay on their ships. The only thing I can think of is Space Marine pride but even the Ultramarines weren't stupid enough to turn down outside help when fighting the nids in Ultramar.
>incubi without tormenttor helms
So if I wanna run a melee unit for CSM, is a 10 of Legionaries or Chosen better? The points difference is quite nasty and I'm not sure Chosen are worth it, especially if playing Renegade Raiders
what am I supposed to be looking at here?
Any model that's not painted way above tabletop standard is worth less than the fresh boxed kit.
You aren’t even born yet.
Anything fresh in the box is 80% of GW MSRP at best
Anything with any paint on is 65-70% of GW MSRP
Anything with contrast sloppa on is 50% GW MSRP
>You aren’t even born yet.
I mean he's here and posting rn unless moot is letting fetuses in utero post here
Depends on what you want
>Space Marines
The Space Marine Battle series has a bunch of different one-off stories featuring various chapters. Pick the ones based on the chapters you like the most, otherwise just read Dark Imperium
You have a billion options since Guard is easy as shit to write for since there's a billion regiments of normal ass dudes. If you don't have a favorite regiment just read the Ciaphas Cain series
Forges of Mars trilogy
Faith & Fire and Hammer & Anvil are pretty decent
Eisenhorn Trilogy
Night Lords trilogy
>Dark Eldar
Path of the Dark Eldar
Warboss (Or pretty much anything else by Mike Brooks)
The Infinite and the Divine
Not many good options here but Fire Caste is okay.

Don't read Horus Heresy until you wet your whistle a bit first on 40k stuff.
Unless they mess up EC wont be marine but spikey
They are more similar to TS, but with faces and amplifier on their armor
Obv they are gonna mess this up and use the new csm range as a base
Deathworlder is honorary nid book
Name of the artist??
Cute artstyle
why dont chaos space marines have a chaplin equivlant
Day of Ascendence is great for GSC.
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I unironically wish we had more grogs here. If they against all odds actually post models there is a small chance we'd see some more SOVL here.
there are people here who enjoy the crock that is mike brooks.

For shame.
Lore-wise I think the dark apostles are csm chaplains. Dunno about their rules tho
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Because they have an entire legion of chaplins
A lot of momentum with little inertia still produces no impact. Every day you're struck by cosmic rays with the energy of machine pitched baseballs and yet you feel none of it because the particles are so small. They had no inertia, even with all that momentum because it was all a bunch of reactionary bullshit to seeing tits in their hobby
No one plays that shit anyway.
>>knights and chaos knights
Should never have been a solo army.
Were in 4th.
Oh look, something else that didnt really need to be its own army.
>>monogod legions
Nothing stopping you from painting your army that way since 3rd and it being legit.
It was never happening bro
You’re not a grog, so why do you care?
/grog/ is there for you
I like SOVL and I want to see more of it?
are you serious
You can probably assume that there are tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of guardsmen in that campaign. 40 K has always had a problem with scale. At least the writers have the fans don’t. Even if they are not explicitly mentioned they’re probably in the background there’s no way that a couple of chapters of space marines are going to hold anything against so many nids.
you can find this sovl in your garbage can.
Here you go
I painted this blood angel terminator, I went with the helmet because everyone said the unmasked head I painted looked like shit.
As an eldar player, half my models are from grog times.
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>and I want to see more of it?
So go into /grog/? Or into the dead concept known as /fourk/?
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forgot to post pic
and this is why your faction sucks.
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I didn't see the other head, but this isn't too bad. Nice post.
could do with some cleaning up on the insignia, but otherwise it looks decent.

If I were you I would painted the armor pauldrons on the legs black but thats just me, and thats probably just my hate for blood angels speaking but its w/e.

also please drill your barrel.
why do you not own any grog models? All your stuff is the latest models available.
hip pauldrons*
>armor pauldrons on the legs
why would I want bad models?
>hip pauldrons*
You mean faulds?
>kneepads, but for shoulders
sure yeah.
Whats the neck/shoulder plate thing called?
>that armored thingie, like a kneepad, only it protects the head.
The tilting shield?
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so how fucked are the thousand sons now
A collar.
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I like them a lot actually but I don't see the use on a kopta that might pop itself. the reroll to wound is better for vehicle hunting
I choose to have 3rd edition fire dragons over the modern ones. I like the celtic design.
lol, it looks so dumb but I bet when you paint that up it looks propa orky.
People that are that old don’t care what the internet defines them as. That’s how you can always spot a newfag.
One of the most beautiful things to ever come out of 40k.
>I leave my bikes near what I think it’s a reasonable distance. That was a mistake

overall sounds like you deployed + positioned poorly. plus you had no real response to the LR. even so, they committed so many resources to that brick: LR + Azrael + Lt + 10 hellblasters is like 650 points. just leave it alone and focus on the other 3 objectives + missions. put your 1k points against his 350 while he tries to use that huge investment to score.

so yeah, it's a bit of an issue with your list and a bit of an issue with your plays and a lot of an issue with your approach to 10th.

it's about the VP.
>all the regular infantry are white
>the only black guy is a suicide bomber
What did GW mean. by this.
Caphias Cain for the emperor if you like humor
Word bearers exist

Do you really think the iron warriors, night lords, world eaters or black legion actually care about the well being of their troops enough to have a dedicated moral enforcer like a chaplain?
Red Corsairs are literally too angry to care and they would be the only one I could see having one

And then we have the emperor children, I shrug to think what even constitutes as a chaplain for them, maybe a drug dealer? The guy that grinds Eldar into dust to make lines with? Just no
not canon because i don't want it to be :(
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>just my hate for blood angels speaking but its w/e
Why do you hate the blood angels?
Reminder that things like marine bikes weren't too small: the game was closer to 25mm and outrider era is 35mm.
Its a huge difference and why they look so dinky. They can't be prepared.
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>>931446wrong pic
If you played the games this a good place to start

If it looks like i cant do it ill pay 150 for a painted squad
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forgive the shitty pic but I htink they're coming along
Could I get a better pick of the chainsaws?
They actually look neat
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>despite a much greater tonnage Cawl's Ballistus pattern is a far less versatile and capable artillery platform than the reliable old Deredeo
How is he not embarrassed? Ten thousand years and all the technology of the Great Crusade in his databanks, and he still can't match up to what's essentially just a pair of legs with guns screwed on.
Good fucking god, no.
CS Goto is the absolute nadir of BL authors. For all the bitching about ADB (who is a massive faggot) Goto manages to be far worse.
they're hounds of morkai and i think they're pretty cool
They’re beautiful, charismatic, artistic, competent swordsman.
Boatnought best 'nought.
Can someone explain exactly what necron plasmancy is and how it works?
>cs goto
Isn't he the guy who wrote the story about the eldar tank driver getting violently raped by children with sticks
He's also the one who wrote the Deathwatch novel that had a Blood Angels librarian in it who conquered the Black Rage and the Red Thirst and psychically contacted the Tyranid Hive Mind and made it flinch.
Holy shit, GW didn't use the Ballistus dread as another opportunity to shit on marinelets? That's... surprisingly based.

Deus-ex-machina Cawl might have a lot of data from the Great Crusade, there still was an incredible amount of data, knowledge, and technology lost because of the infighting during the HH. All of which was never recovered.
Not to mention the AdMech being very averse towards innovation. Even if Cawl would have known how to make the ballistus perform as good as the Deredeo, if his blueprints contained too much technological designs that aren't widely accepted nobody would dare build it.
>shadowsword doesn't have a big ass cannon
I think you might be confusing CS Goto for Guy Haley and Deathwatch for The Devastation of Baal.
>Plasmancer (Harbingers of Destruction): Masters of raw energy....
they just manipulate energy in it's "primitive" forms to create light or plasma (plasma if you don't know is simplified just EXTREAMLY hot matter of any kind)
>what necron plasmancy is
The manipulation and use of plasma and related energies involved.
>and how it works?
Space future technology magic, ain't gotta explain shit.
They didn't have a codex in 4th, at best you had the witch hunters codex from 3rd. They basically weren't playable for several editions, sometimes getting a WD article with pity rules but not much else.
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I have nothing to say about it, I just think the face is funny.
Manipulation of a system's potential to do work
Was that a real cover??
Cawl stuff has always been brute force upgrades and mass produced stuff, but not the super OP that secondaries reading shallow GW ads and codexes believe and all the complains against him are addressed and answered. He's also a bullshiter that improvises and oversells what he does.
just looks like GW sculpted it is all. appropriate I guess.
I'm not talking about wether you feel like those factions are a good idea or not. I'm talking about players of those factions not being able to play 4th because they didn't exist back then. So good luck convincing them to play that edition with you. And again, even if the army existed, chances are most of their current collection was released after so they'll barely have an actual playable army. And again, again, without easy access to the old rules, there's even less people interested in playing it.
I’m surprised that GW doesn’t have an encyclopedia of old editions for people to mess around with. They don’t sell the old shit and they even dump some of it in their online vault here and there last time I checked.
Never mind. Just checked, they actually stripped the old rules from everything they post in the vault.
They don't want people to mess around with old editions, because then they might not buy the latest product then get excited for new product.
Thankfully there are people who archived everything and make it available, recently found a torrent with all the rules for every GW game up to 8th edition.
You be willing to share that? I don’t need 8-10th, but anything older is always good to hang on to.
>They don't want people to mess around with old editions
Because they know the new ones are straight up worse. No surprise when half the justifications for the new changes are outright lies and very easy to prove wrong.
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Chaos marines look cooler usually. But at the cost of selling their literal souls. That said I think it’s just Cus most loyalist marine players don’t bother to customize their dudes enough.

Post games.
Exactly that. It's most likely also the reason why game publishers are fighting tooth and nail to keep all their old games out of people's hands.

How can I tell you're not a GW agent who just wants to get it shut down? There's been another wave of shutdowns recently, so not exactly in a trustful mood. But if you know how to "bit search" you'll find it.
>most loyalist marine players don’t bother to customize their dudes
Yeah that's a shame when that's the best part about chapters having aesthetic gimmicks. Roman ultramarines, spartan minotaurs, dragon salamanders.
>Also viking space wolves. Tone down the furry shit pls james
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3rd-7th Loyalist Marines > 8-10th CSM > 3rd-7th CSM > RT-2nd Loyalists > 8-10th Loyalists > RT-2nd CSM
Does gw know what year it is? How have they not made a true to tabletop game yet for 40k. You could be as big as magic online was. Pay 10 bucks a month, unlimited army choices with color choices, mabye hold week-long tournaments like magic online where winning gets you REAL models mailed to you. 5 bucks an entry or one free entry with monthly sub. They are retarded.
Your minis are ugly as ever Sallyman but those TWC bases look nice.
Go back to /v/
GW isn't aware of the incredible goldmine their IP is and how to properly make use of it, this is widely known outside of GW.
Woah, guys, I'm in Rome on holiday and did you know that they named an Emperor after Captain Titus from Space Marines 2?
>Pulled a muscle in my back and I can barely move let alone look down
Lads I dont think Im gonna be able to do any painting today.
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Regrettably I didn’t get many pics of the wolves. They failed epically to kill the land raider, half died to flamer shots from it, then the rest died to aggressors punching them to death.
Also murderfang managed to chain himself into 3 seperate units to kill them. Getting to fight every time someone swings at him is bullshit. I wish it were capped. Wouldn’t have been a problem if my erads managed a single goddamn hit on overwatch.
I’m Baneblade Anon and I posted the Liber Xenologis a while back. I haven’t been on /tg/ in a while. They’ll never do trying to shut it down. I’ll have to look around a bit.
>on holiday and posting on 4chan
Why did you even go?
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No, mabye you are content with just tabletop, but I don't want to be beholden to someone else's whim when I can play or a gathering place for it weather a friends house or available shop table with sub standard terrain options. And I would like to play whatever army I felt like at the time without sinking 1500 bucks into it first to find out I don't really like the playstyle.
>No, mabye you are content with just tabletop
Yep, thats the hobby. Didn't read further, fuck off back to /v/
To post on 4chan from Rome, idiot
>> That's the hobby
Nope not even close to encompassing the whole hobby. How about fuck YOU.
Its the whole hobby :)
Can’t argue with those trips.
Your a hole hobby.
The fuck is that Genestealer sculpt? Nice posing tho.
Ur an apostrophe
You’re a hobby hole.
Your A-hole, hobby.
Dunno about you but I'm fairly certain the appeal for a big chunk of the fanbase is to have a physical hobby and game. I wouldn't touch a virtual 40k game.
Because we're back at the hotel dummy
Reasonable. But I feel like the option for others wouldn't be bad. And he'll they can bundle it with their warhammer TV and finally salvage that God awful money grab idea.
Those who want the option already have Tabletop Simulator.
Not as intuitive as it could be. Plus animations to go along with it would be kino.
>Plus animations
Oh you're ACTUAL /v/ermin huh
It would look pretty weird and also not be a true to tabletop version of 40k.
Animations of abstracted actions isn't going to make sense. Like anon said, go play TTS if you're that pathetic you won't just play on the tabletop like the entire point of the game is
no the actual devastation of baal itself was explicitly just chapters of the blood. If you see mentions of guardsmen and sisters fighting in that campaign its referencing the Cryptus Campaign and not the actual battle for baal itself
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You know this guy would be a lot cooler if the daemonengines didn't all look like fucking shit. It's such a good theme and it's completely wasted on dinozords.
Actually calling them dinozards makes them sound cool in an ironic way but they don't even have that.
Just chapters of the blood and including Khorne daemons :^)
You sound like a 65 year old man who is mad his waitress asked him to smoke outside.
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How big of a model release do you think is going to accompany Agents of the Imperium?

I predict, not very. They'll replace a couple old Inquisitor models and you might get a new Crusaders kit. Probably a vehicle upgrade kit. And that'll be it.
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They had to... baal them out
Defilers and Forgefiends are cool.
>Don't read Horus Heresy
>until you wet your whistle a bit first on 40k stuff.
Carlos, you FUCK!
>the blood angels explicitly turned down any help from the guard, navy, and chapters not of their bloodline in defending their homeworld because of their pride
yeah, not even the ultramarines were this retarded kek. no wonder the space vampires needed to be bailed out by khorne.
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>chaos daemons
What other daemons are there?
The daemons in your head, of course.
emperor's daemons but weirdly, they are called saints
space marine demons
multitasking computer operating systems
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My inner ones
warp daemons
Trips of truth. 40k is actually the ultimate status symbol because it requires:

A) time
B) money
C) a minimum of social skills

It's the hobby trinity.
According to GW, you don't need to know basic math, that's why we can't have proper point costs.
That's why basic math isn't listed ;)
Working out probability of outcomes was always the only "math" involved
Whatever happened to crusade mode? Or whatever that game type where characters can progress was called
Nothing happened to it? Still gets rules updates every codex
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How probable is that the old tactical and devastator squads get nuked soon?
And could I play tactical squads with HH marines and heavy weapons upgrades as proxies?
I don't play or collect marines at the moment, but those classic marines tempt me
It's still there but now with the hypersimplification and removal of so many options it's pretty barebones.
Nothing still exists.
You don't understand anon - there are people playing warhammer who cannot calculate whether a weapon's strength is twice the target's toughness. Or what hit roll is required when a rule grants +1 or -1 to hit.
What do you consider an acceptable amount of anti-tank to bring to game where you're friend is playing Knights?
I want to believe intercessors will get squatted and tacticals/devastators will get a "proper" update like assault squads or sternguard. They'll be missing a couple of options but better than losing everything.
My friends chineseum 300 dollar army says that is wrong
I don't list tailor because I'm not a cuck
Well thank goodness that the quality of the game was decreased to accommodate such fucking troglodytes.
Now Boarding Actions, that feels like it has been abandoned even if they were at least nice enough to provide a pdf porting the rules over to tenth edition.
300 dollars is in fact an amount of money

Fairly certain that was a joke, anon..
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>I want to believe intercessors will get squatted
All of them?
Probably get nuked as soon as they get a new bigger update for the marine codex.
HH are just a specific flavor of firstborn, no problem to play them as firstborn tactical or devestators marines.
Well that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid.
Since I know what he's playing I'm obviously going to bring some, but I don't want to accidentally go overboard and make a game that is miserable for him.
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Swords or maces? Which one is better?
>Well that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid.
You are specifically asking how to do it
The same as usual pinky, the same as usual.
Whichever you think look the most cool.
This. Rules chang. Or magnetize
"What is an acceptable amount"
As in, so I can make sure not to go over that much...
he's too lazy to use a vpn to use other country's flags on the flagboards so he just visits those countries in person and shitposts on 4chan with their flags
I really don't see the point of heavy intercessors when terminators exist and regular intercessors, yeah, can be squatted and replaced with proper tacticals. Assault intercessors are really no different to assault squads except for a couple of missing weapon options that they could still give them back, like the eviscerator.
Nta, but most of the new marine squads should be nuked in favour of making a new tactical and devastator box.
But obviously you can't nuke all those hyperspecific units, so they should become one off specialists to cover niches.
But seriously, the intercessor and heavy intercessor are just an incomplete tactical.
Wouldn't surprise me if SM will soon get the same treatment as stormcast from AoS, and have model ranges removed regularly to avoid bloat.
The same amount as if you were facing anyone else....
I mean that's already happened, there's only 3 firstborn kits left. But primaris do need a pretty big fucking cull.
>Fairly certain that was a joke, anon..
Oh you poor, innocent man.
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Chaos xenos when?
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With the changes to "use a strat for 0CP" you can now use that stuff on strats that aren't battle tactics, right? Since now it just makes it 1CP cheaper, and you can't double up.
>you can now use that stuff on strats that aren't battle tactics, righ
Yeah you can use it on any stratagem period. Your faction and core.
nazi coded
Yes, so it's been un-nerfed to work on any strat, but still nerfed that you can't double up on strats unless it specifies a specific strat.
it's pretty obvious, anon, it's not some secret cypher
I don't see it personally.
Nice, finally. Thanks.
Also I was checking and man Grenades got hit really hard. My trustworthy biologus grenades...
Grenades was fine to clarify since it should have always been "if the unit is eligible to shoot"
Tank Shock got fucked by being based on the vehicle's toughness and no more getting the two bonus dice for being higher than the target's toughness.
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So I take it beastsnaggas didn't sell so well
>no customization
>regular orks vastly more popular despite the older models
Yeah no shit.
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new ones

They got rid of it in the core rules so it relies on players to buy campaign books. There’s no generic missions for people wanting to make their own warzone and for index players all the upgrades are flavored to whatever campaign book they have. It also kinda sucks most of the army crusade rules are just copied and lasted from 9th. I think only loyalist marines got something different and that’s because their 9th crusade rules were basically nonexistent
I think its more likely they’ll make a rule of mix and matching intercessor squads than completely squatting them.
In that image I do.
Probably because it's a completely different image.
Are you a retard though?
>don't need to know basic math
GW prefers if you don't know basic math, otherwise you might realise how much the prices of their product are subtracting from your bank account.
Oh, I'm an undivided player with a healthy love for cults, never claimed to be as drug slammingly rad as EC. I'll admit I admire your faith and I hope it's rewarded. Nothing would make me happier than to be wrong, see EC get a good treatement and not just get a dualbox that builds the cacodemous chorus (naturally the new noise marine name) and their superior in every way screamodemonicus choir unit.
If we saw a unique terminator, a couple of infantry, upgrades or, hell, unique demon engines I'd be hype as fuck to see them on the other side of the table.

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