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>Thread Question:
What do you think about the different aesthetics of factions within Warhammer 40k? Who has the best one?
Space marines have the best aesthetic, end of story. The space marine is literally why 40K is what it is.
Yeah... before primaris
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I don't remember seeing no eldar starter boxes in the 90's.
Nice power nipples, bro.
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So how do I keep track of these rule changes, including previous slates? Do I just have the core rules, slates, and other pdfs printed out and just reference them all at once if I can't remember the changes by memory while playing? Trying to keep up as a newish player.
I really hope they remake astorath. Such a great concept for the armour.
The arbites look so fucking cool. I wish they would come back for necromunda so we could get some real diversity of models for them and a vehicle or two.
Wahapedia is probably the most reliable thing for rules changes.
Should I get the old DC chaplain or the old Dante? Both about the same price in ebay.
Crusade is a free PDF just like the core rules, though.
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At least post good Eldar art
I was in the store the day that codex came out. Was a good day for the eldar folks, not so good little while after for my blood angels.
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Post minis. Just finished this sentinel, not happy with the metal but don't have any oils with me so can't fix it
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I just love the contrast between it and the previous cover
>Distortion cannons, roll a 6 whilst damaging a tank to flip it upside down.
Fun time
It was such a jump in tone from 2nd to 3rd cover wise. The early 90’s were over.
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There's so many weird specific details it has to be someone's OCs
So with the new point changes, do you go chosen or legionaries now?
Yeah, eldar are pretty gross in some editions. Hoping the elf boys get some love and a range refresh soon enough. I think baharoth(sp?) is almost as old as me.
Why the fuck aren’t they releasing codices together. This delayed release of army rules is dumb as hell, if you’re one of the last armies to get rules before an edition drops you’re constantly hamstrung.

GW also needs to release different versions of the BRB and Codices with all the update rules to that point. No reason they can’t since other companies do it.

/rant done.
>Why the fuck aren’t they releasing codices together
They never did, and you know why they're not so why are you asking
both have a place
Still irritates the shit out of me.
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Maybe if you drink enough poison GW will die
Once Wahapedia updates, that will be your best source.
I appreciate this art getting the two distinct people down. The reserved eldar and the hot dogging dark eldar.
If you used to play 40K in the 90s-2000s and your army wasn’t in the spotlight, you went literally years and multiple editions without seeing a new codex or models.
No need to stick with all facets of the past.
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I feel beneath the white
There is a redskin suffering
From centuries of taming
I feel beneath the white
There is a redskin suffering
From centuries of taming
You also had to share codexes with other armies sometimes. However Angels of Death is the coolest cover GW has ever done IMO and why I went for blood angels and never looked back.
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You play the game, practice, get things wrong. Realize your mistakes, and correct them.
I’m looking forward to finishing my jump marines so I can add this guy to them. Mortal wounds on tap is quite nice now that half my detachment’s capacity for generating them is gone.
5e must have hurt
What kind of Vallejo paints do you use for primer on Imperial Fist space marines?

Also what is Space Wolves’ Schtick? Are they worth picking up if I want a more melee focused Space Marine army?
I went on Warhammer hiatus and sold my stuff from 5th-7th and only picked it up again after high school.
Naw there’s “crusade books” now like pariah nexus and leviathan. They have all the enhancements and upgrades in them. But only for like, one or two armies at a time. Also each codex has a small crusade section too.
I personally would go with Blood Angels if looking for a melee enteric marine army. They look better and have much cooler looking legion marine and characters.

If you really want wolves though, go for wolves.

Very much yaw. There's Missions and faction specific shit in other books sure, but the Crusade rules in general are still free.
Prime them pink. Idk what the name for it is. Pink is unironically the best undercoat for yellow paint.
Just note they're both kinda at the awkward inbetween phase of having all their special units be manlets and primaris could hit any time now
Like, what are wolves even good at though? Is it just the Viking aesthetic?
Vallejo pink?
Not sure, but they are wolf themed Viking with ice weapons.

This is true.
Melee. Wolf jail was and is a seriously frustrating list to play against. Their own detachment sucks but in the white scar themed generic marine one they do fantastic.
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>Assumed Exorcist was a Rhino with an upgrade sprue
>lolno, its just an entirely different set of sprues for a Rhino with some stuff on top
Weren't Eldar and Dark Eldar rumored to be getting released sometime this year?
Which one is getting the big refresh and which one is the pity model?
Tell me about /your dudes/.
Where do they get replacements for generic grunts?
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Now, no flying mice are safe. The kittys take flight.
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Post cursed models
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Emperor's Children army box dropping this November
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made a little progress on this guy last night.
Moldlines go brrrr
Dark Eldar will get a pity Urian Rakarth. But they will be in the 11th starter box.
My GSC took over a Rogue Trader fleet infecting planets and just hire new guys and convert them or "restock" from already infected planets.
Halbert on a jump model is a thing?
Doesn't craft world eldar have fairly new guardians, bikes, aspect warriors, and farseers? What else is there to refresh?
I think dark eldar have a pretty good model line. It's definitely aged the best out of similar aged ones. What would u want to get redone for the starter set?
i really hate that you have to put shit like bladeguard vets and sword brethren on 40s. its too much base for just a space marine
>Eldar siding with a monkey tainted by Chaos
This seems retarded
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The fact that Warp Spiders are still stuck with miniatures from 2nd edition is at once criminal and also a testament to how fucking good that sculpt is.
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Its on the new (only currently available in the battleforce) jump canoness. its also quite fragile...
>hands half the size of their torsos
>squatting poses
They gene test war orphans from wherever they’re fighting. They also test the children born aboard their fleet for compatibility.

Whenever one of the company flotillas visits their homeworld they transfer most of the budding neophytes to be trained and take on a complement of those more properly indoctrinated in the chapter’s traditions.

In a real pinch they’ll take some of the armed Yeoman from their ship to help fight but only if truly desperate.
It's only fragile if you're a fucking ham handed retard
Oh cool didn't know, Speers on jumpies make sense, rarely hit them with a sword befor your feet touch them.
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My csm have a pit they call the Hole beneath their fortress that was their before the fortress was built. No matter how hard they try they can't determine where the bottom is and anyone who goes down there doesn't come back out. What they do know is if you throw two kids in and after a few days a fully formed space marine crawls out. The marine has no memories prior to climbing out of the Hole other than vague images of a tower of twisting bones and the words "the chain is pulled, the chained are moved." Hole-born marines are distrusted among the others in the warband due to a common asocial demeanor and whispering to themselves when they think no ones watching, as such recruitment via the Hole is only used in case of emergency despite it's extreme usefulness in circumventing most of the logistics that go into producing new csm
Well no, its very thin at the section where the fleur is stamped, and its attached to the sprue rather close to that area, meaning cleaning the mould line there unfortunately resulted in a small amount of damage. Just something to be aware of for others.

Its very neat. Alternatively she can have a club or 2 handed chainsword.
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Due mixed loadouts make sense?
Tank Shock should at least still give +2 dice if your Toughness is higher than the enemy unit's toughness.
Do they have to pay a troll toll?
Ayo, bois, is it jus me or is dat hole lookin kinda fayne?
I mayt be goin for some hussy soon nahm sayin?
To throw someone into the boy’s hole?
in RL? Yes
in game? nope
Yea have seen the Club and Eviscorator but somehow missed the Halbert.
Cadian Shock Troopers have the best aesthetic, end of story. The Cadian Shock Trooper is literally why 40K is what it is.
>this post was typed by europoor hands
It wouldn't have broken if you had better fine motor skills
Not in an army that gets punished harshly for daring to splitfire
Vostroyans are the most 40k guard army
huh, didn't expect there to be any fluff about the galaxy closest to earth. I wonder if that rogue trader ever got anywhere though, sounds interesting.
You spelled Mordian Iron Guard incorrectly there, just so you know.
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There is a lot of talk about sovl but what is the most soulless kit or mini? For example I really dislike the Death Company Intercessors and how bland they are and how the kit has very few goods bits compared to the Firstborn version.
Getting ready to kitbash one from a Seraphim, Canoness, and Sacresant model. Should be fun
Its certainly an easy model to kitbash, quite a lazy 'addition' to our lineup, but a nice new model nontheless! Look forward to seeing your take on it anon!
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>Warp Spiders, Swooping Hawks, the Phoenix Lords (apart from the two that just got plastics) - ancient 2e sculpts in resin crying out for a refresh
>Fire Dragons - from 4th (I think?), still hold up alright but again monopose resin models
>Vyper - truly ancient plastic kit, the actual jetbike itself is fine but the crew are very much showing their age and the guy manning the gun is extremely prominent
>Falcon - another truly ancient plastic kit but it emerged perfectly formed on the first try, doesn't really need a refresh but a small update to the crew would make it the certified GOAT of Warhammer models
Wait I totally missed that cat girl head the first time. Pretty sure a friend of mine just made an Archon using one of those heads.
To all those anons that suggested books, thank you. I've never heard of zLibrary but I'll check it out. I don't have a favorite faction yet but I'm leaning Imperium and Orks so lets see where that goes for codex.
Why shouldn't I read the Horus Heresy, I thought that was a major plot point in the series?
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They're nice and my army of subhuman nyaggers is looking forward to adding a full jump contingent to their forces.
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Bugsnik's Brass Lads are always looking for more scrap and have found their warpath across more than a few tomb worlds. Orks flock to this kinda thing and recruits are never in short supply
too bad they ruined their iconic aesthetic with the overdesigned wannabe-tacticool Primaris shite
>What do you think about the different aesthetics of factions within Warhammer 40k?
We all know the proper 40k aesthetic is a specific subset of Imperial with gothic skulls and cathedrals
>muh chaos
Not 40k
>muh Tau
Not 40k
>muh eldar
Not 40k
>muh guard
>muh marines who don't have skulls
Not 40k
>Rules that enable you to target a unit from your army with a stratagem for 0CP but do not specify the name of the stratagem instead reduce the CP cost of the stratagem by 1CP
why can't the datasheets just say this?
this wording is going to cause so many arguments and misplays holy fuck
whats the legality on using different kits from other armies or ranges as the basis for conversions?

assuming the weapon loadout and base size still match
Theres nothing to argue about
Yeah that's just outright contradictory to the written rules. It's dumb.
Different armies? Fine, it's GW plastic.
Other, non gw ranges? Who cares unless you're in a tournament at a GW store?
Check out annas (minus) archive,org, it has zlibrary as one of its sources.
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pic from a game on friday.
got the ork big mek built up, hoping to paint him this week.

anyone else get a game in this weekend? how'd it go with the new rules?
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What the fuck did they mean by this? Can you only carry tacticus and Phobos? What about Gravis? This is about impulsors btw
>Why shouldn't I read the Horus Heresy, I thought that was a major plot point in the series?
Because the Horus Heresy series looks like this.
Played 2 games Saturday, some of the terrain setups are WACK, and we're agreeing to largely ignore the pivot shit at the moment because it's just completely broken.

Glad signals is gone but containment as the replacement is far too easy for 6VP. Fixed seems just dead unless your opponent has like 6 characters that you can confidently kill and you're an army that can consistently do behind enemy lines.
>The rule says it can carry tacticus and Phobos, does that mean it can carry tacticus and Phobos???
Golly gee anon
What I meant to ask was: can I carry other suits? What about blade guard? Terminator characters? Gravis suit intercessors?
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Repostan my latest. I need to find someone who can print the old 2E marine bastion for me, been really into terrain lately.
If you boil it down to the Greatest Hits it's a lot easier though. Sure you miss out on the in-between stories but most of it is easily skipped without losing too much context
Horus Rising -> Legion -> The First Heretic -> Know No Fear -> Scars -> The Unremembered Empire -> The Master of Mankind -> Saturnine -> The End and the Death parts 1-3
If you read just these books you get like a highlights reel for the whole series. Almost every short story is extremely skippable, as are most of the books.
>and we're agreeing to largely ignore the pivot shit at the moment because it's just completely broken.
honestly i didnt mind the pivot rules. they seemed to work for their intent, but also neither of us were trying to abuse them. i'm sure it's fucked in tourneys.
I probably wont care for whatever is in the 11e starter box unles its chaos.
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Just taken the very first step on the road to my new Eldar army.
Are they tacticus or Phobos?
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>the forges of Novios were given the honor of furnishing the chapter Chorus of Eltain with one new Predator tank each year
>the Chorus of Eltain was reportedly destroyed in the Abyssal Crusade in M37
>in the Era Indomitus news of this have yet to reach Novios
>because the priests are autistic they don't let this bother them
>as a result there are now hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of warehoused Predator tanks just sitting there
I thought this was a funny bit of trivia.
I just finished assembling a lord earlier myself
See, this is the kind of excuse for 10000 soldiers appearing out of nowhere that I actually like because it came from comical ineptitude instead of secret plotting.
>Nyansters of Battle
Always love to see it
NTA but honestly the starter box could just have seven or eight completely new units for the faction and that would be ideal. Redo the Archon if you really need to have a generic character, but a Dracon or Arch-Sybarite or some new lieutenant equivalent could be just as good.
Only models that desperately need an update are the out of print resin stuff like Grotesques, Urien, Court of the Archon, and Beastmaster. And the first two are probably getting resolved this edition with the codex release.
That's a very threatening stance he's got there
I think the move is to release a new type of tank on the falcon chassis and just package it as a dual-kit with all the other available options. That way they can have their markup and force me to eat it too.
Like sephiroth or something
How bad is the new DE combat patrol going to be?
Read horus rising and see if you like the setting
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Cult Senpai do I have this correct:
Acolytes with hand flamers:2 out of 5 can be armed with demo-charges
Acolytes with auto-pistols: 3 in 5 can be armed with heavy mining equipment
How are you Running your Acolytes these days?
Worse than you can possibly imagine.
Wait is this for real?
What happens to the half squad that doesn't fit in the transport?
Does it just get instagibbed when you move the venom?
oh jesus christ how do you design a combat patrol this dogshit? With this and the absolutely atrocious index there's no question GW wants Drukhari squatted
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I already own this GW! Why the fuck would i want more witches and succubi?????????

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No, that's their old start collecting box from years ago. But it would fit with modern Combat Patrol design of "Troops plus leader and one more elite unit and one utility pieces but no vehicles higher than T8" that every box seems to follow now.
It counts as a seperate unit so you can split your special weapons on the venom, and shitters as chaff
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>buying 2 sets of wychs
Venoms can split 10-model units into two 5-man model units which is actually a huge buff for them since it enables all kinds of MSU shenanigans that 10e tried to kill for a lot of other armies.

Yes, no, and no. It clearly says that it allows you to carry Tacticus and Phobos armor, and you listed Tacticus, Terminator, and Gravis, all of this is right on your data cards. There's no deeper, secret meaning, it allows two classes of armor, nothing else. It's supposed to be light transport, it's a primaris ute.
That's like 325 points. That's worse than the fucking AdMech combat patrol now.
Tell me this isnt more than $110
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Is it not better to take a talos for the same cost of 3 of these?
I get the squad has an extra wound, but surely the talos weapons make up for that tiny difference?
Being able to be creative with 3D print proxies is an acceptable answer.
If this is what they offered me i would change armies
>monopose HQ kit
What is GW thinking? HQs should be personalized
>>the Chorus of Eltain was reportedly destroyed in the Abyssal Crusade in M37
Couldn't they simply be reinstated through the Ultima Founding? And then the new chapter can simply collect.
This actually has more value than the new fucking combat patrols kek
Talos is a much better unit by almost every metric. Grotesques have negligible damage on their gun and only okay melee damage. Haywire guns on Talos are some of the best weapons in the entire army and they do okay in melee too. Being a Monster helps on the durability side a bit, but the only real advantage Grotesques have is being infantry and able to breach terrain.The minor difference in durability is almost always worth it for the Talos though.
The new chapter wouldn't be able to even field a tiny percentage of those Predators. There's only around 1k marines per chapter and Predators have crews of 2-3 marines each. Marines aren't exactly known for tank spamming for a reason
Ok, I’m stupid. One final question: is there any negative to adding an iron hail stubber or is it just free damage?
Jesus, does this mean I should buy 2 combat patrols now if I ever want to play DE?
It was $90 when it came out.
Released today it would cost over $168, like every combat patrol box.
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This is like when you cant find a girl for prom so your mom (who was hot when she was 20) offers to take you and you go and she takes you to a hotel after and after some awkward silence she offers to give you a pity handjob and you never talk about it again. This is what GW is offering

Not speaking from personal experience
no, you don't want a single unit in that box. DE are back to the horrid old days of needing to maximize Dark Lances to be anything approaching useful, so wyches are almost a waste of points. The fact you now can't stack Kabalite squads with nothing but Dark Lances anymore cause it's a limit of 1 each is additional shit on your cake
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Pay up piggies.
wyches are terrible this edition, don't bother, not worth the price at all
I mean, the current combat patrol with two boats and kabalites
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when the magazine combat patrol comes to the united states, will I be able to buy the individual magazines? I really only want a cheap juggerlord with some more zerkers.
oh. Then yeah that's about everything you actually want in a DE list right now. You load up with Kabalites and Reavers/Ravagers and play keep away + spam those Dark Lances as much as you humanly can
white dwarf is still releasing new rules for boarding actions - 499, 500, and 501 most recently
God damn. I thought Discworld was conviluded.
At least its more legible than Homestuck.
>Marines aren't exactly known for tank spamming
Wrong there's one obscure chapter whose name I don't remember whose whole gimmick was tank spam
Please let this be a joke.
You can throw them in a transport; however their fat asses take up 3 spots each. Talos is better desu
IS there a link to STL Alexandria?
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Slowpoke here. Just found out I can't use death cult assasins with my SoB anymore. I'm big mad.
Do they have Metal(the music) in Warhammer 40,000?
Yes they have cradle of filth and korn
Please keep this to yourself dawg
Dangerously based
the Emperor's spotify playlist be like
Who would like mumblerap?
Eversor Assassins
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Please keep your claws within the burbs
How is this confusing to you?
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Imagine if I wrote a trio of OC systems and named the planets:
>Makeatus System
Planet Fifthus, Sextus and Fourthus
>Glideus System
Planet Thirdus, Planet Twous, Planet Firstus
>Airconditionorus System
Planet Seventhus, Planet Eightus, Planet Ninthus

All of them threatened by daemons Angron, An'ggrath and ...Bitchniggerosus or some other dumb shit.

It's hard to be THAT bad at names, is what I'm saying
to be fair, no one has ever complimented the Imperium's creativity
Can marines recruit from among their own chapter serfs' kids? Technically speaking that would mean a space marine would get to live with his parents in the Chapter's Fortress-monastery.
Which would give them an extra incentive to protect that place, since not only his brothers but also their actual parents live there. But Idk if marines are allowed to actually have a family.
I heard Salamanders do have families and live among them when not at war. Which sounds fucked up because there's always war. They actually file for vacations wtf??
Every armies captain/lord hq should have the updated free strat ability
Every army should have an generic hq that gives 1 cp a turn
Special characters should always be a fluffy option for 3k+ battles and never a strong pick
Bring it down and cull the horde should be cripplingly strong against all vehicle and all infantry lists (not just 20+ models)
Grind them down should come back as a fixed secondary
>Can marines recruit from among their own chapter serfs' kids?
It would be unusual but yes, entirely possible. Shit happens, Chapters can't always be picky about where they find promising recruits. As long as the kid passes all the trials and proves genetically compatible with the geneseed, there's no reason why they wouldn't take him.
>I heard Salamanders do have families and live among them when not at war. Which sounds fucked up because there's always war.
Chapters are far too local to a given region of space to respond to every war in the galaxy. The Salamanders protect a sector of space, not every sector. If all the ongoing wars in their sector are minor (easily handled by local authorities/Imperial Guard forces), they have no reason to deploy. Space Marines can't afford to intervene in every single conflict, they have to take time to recuperate between campaigns and rebuild any losses they've suffered. That's why 99% of wars, even ones against Orks and other major threats, are fought entirely by the Astra Militarum and other auxiliary elements, with Space Marines only entering 1% of the galaxy's overall conflicts and usually only for brief periods of time to break stalemates or prevent total defeats.
That's a nice idea for /dudes/, I like it
>there's no reason why they wouldn't take him.
If the selection process involves a combat among aspirants, then their parents (which are right there) may be tempted to sabotage / abduct / kill their fellow serfs' children.
The chapter will not tolerate internicine fighting. Serfs belong to the chapter, not the chapter to serfs.
As in, they are the marines' actual property. They can be traded with one another, and marriages are arranged all the time.
>If the selection process involves a combat among aspirants, then their parents (which are right there) may be tempted to sabotage / abduct / kill their fellow serfs' children.
If a serf family would actually feel this way then they've been quite poorly trained. Serf bloodlines serving a Chapter are usually so heavily indoctrinated (read: abused) they couldn't even dream of doing something that might interfere with the chapter's success.
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Do you think characters in the warhammer 40k universe enjoy wargames? Do you think they paint their own miniatures?
What edition are they on in M41?
What's everyone'a problem with monopose?
Perturabo tests all his highest commanders by forcing them to play a wargame made up of miniatures on a giant hololith comprising the entire galaxy. He gives them a pitiful amount of resources and forces to command and waits to see if they can figure out the one, singular solution to the simulated war he has in mind. If they figure it out, he gives them his blessings as a commander. If they fail... he kills them.
Will we get the lord of excess protagonist as a model? I thought he was a fun character.
Is my math checks out, they should be on roughly edition 10,850
Eh, if some parent tries to do so they'll simply be servitorized. There's probably some marine in there who did succeed the trial, then requested his servitor parents to be assigned to him.
They play in Perturabo: Hammer of Olympia. Perturabo himself owned a servo-actioned Titan mini, though he bashes Fulgrim's face onto it.
Rogue Trader lineage of Workshop James still managing to republish every three years, eh?
Even the DAoT and Age of Strife couldn't slow them down.
When you have to run multiples of a mini
And yet they STILL don't have DarkMech
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Are DE unfun to fight?
I feel like its hard to not make a gamey list unless you are specifically running infantry kabalite spam for some reason.
From my experience in my group people are less salty about losing units when fighting my orks.
well if you're talking about the newer boyz kit they dont give a choice of the loadout, has to be a mix of sluggas and shootas
Traitor guard would be better to implement before dark mech.
Getting shot to death by bdsm elves is less fun than being bashed to death by football fans.
Pity Detachment in Militarum book:

Up to 50% of Force can be Chaos. You cannot take any Imperial Agents, Knights, Epic Heroes.
I don't inherently hate monopose kits unless they are the weird pushfit ones that are all cut up. It really discourages kitbashing when the chestplate and one shoulder/buttcheek is all one piece.
I've been painting up some monopose plague marines from the 8e box, and they're pretty great desu. Each part of the mini beautifully covers the gaps from the last, and they've got way more movement in the sculpt than a regular kit. You definitely give up some things in terms of variety/flexability, but there's something to be said for the monopose format.
>tfw havent heard too much complaining from the ork community about the changes

maybe the meta chasers didnt switch to orks
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Atleast they didn't touch Klankin' Klaws.
I can live with Meganobz being neutered.
Are Raven guard and White scars going to get anything or are all chapters other that DA and BA being reduced to a colour scheme only?
black templars and space wolves are important, raven guard, iron hands, and white scars are not
It used to be shrouded in mystery for years and GW publishing about it made a bloated amount of books of varying quality. The Heresy is an important thing for Chaos and the Imperium but its not necessary reading
So why do the blood angels get to have another primarch
are you schtewpid or something?
Cause one of them was Alpharius
They get to have three.
Probably not. Will most likely be Lucius for a character and a generic character on a mount of some kind, maybe a bike.
>zoomers don't even know about doomrider
Sanguinius's soul was broken up into three shards, one of which inhabits Mephiston, one of which inhabits the Sanguinor, and the last is hanging around in the Warp waiting for the right moment to possess Dante.
stop getting your lore from reddit
Im calling it now: the next 2 codexes are gonna be Space Wolves and Tau
I’m well aware of him, I just don’t see him being a real possibility.
You mean stop reading the Mephiston novels? Say no more, they weren't that good
Tau are already out, dipstick.
And Wolves won't be until the end of the edition when Russ comes back to fight Fulgrim.
This guy’s got it.
Because GW knows BA players will pay money for a plastic Sanguinor model
I would. The primarch models loyalist and fallen are fucking great and I really dislike the legions they all come from.
I'm gonna take this from a guy who bought jumppack intercessors?
I have ten jumppacks, I have ten intercessors, I have ten jumpack intercessors.
If you had magnets you'd have options.
I have blood angels old upgrade pack, I have ten death company with jumppacks.
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Yes you can; they're in Legends now.
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Mine are the old boxy ones. They look proper size in a primaris luckily.
I hope it BA. I want new DC and SG. I can wait for a primarch sized model for now.
I have magnets. They’re for holding my models still while they’re transporting. I also don’t particularly care for playing the game most of the time or a competitive army, mostly in it for just painting and collecting.
I like the skull helmets
You can't say that here, anon.
I don’t, but just because it takes away all that makes a chaplain model truly special.
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I havent bought anything since I got fucked over buying "primaris death company" which is just a straight up downgrade from the regular intercessor box.

I wont buy another marine until I get plastic sanguinary guard or a plastic sanguinor. Been painting Tyranids in the mean time
Freebooterz are best orks
Freebooterz and Corsairs are friends and they hangout and watch movies and stuff
How is it a downgrade when it come with more stuff?
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Corsair princes and freebooter kaptins get together and compare bootys
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When they are alone and the rage abates, do you think they feel regret?
Those are some great dudes, Anon. Love space pirates.
Space pirates and space bounty hunters are the best.
Yes. Most of them do. Even Kharn regrets. Even Angron regrets. Very few of the WE wanted to become what they are now, and in fact they despise how far they've fallen, but they're all slaves now and can never be free unless they die (unless it's Kharn or Angron, in which case Khorne just resurrects them anyways because the ride never ends). Source: World Eaters Codex
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Because it doesnt come with more stuff. You get 5 less models for $4.50 less
>"..hmm.. no additional rounds, a compass that doesn't point north.. you are, without a doubt, the worst pirate I have ever heard of."
>"But youz 'ave 'eard of me.."
Third party stores need to start offering. 25% discount now christ.thats so much money for so little plastic.
>thinks 5 space marines for $60 is bad

hahaha, you are like a little baby
>Hey boss, I finally made a good phobos sculpt!
>Good, now half the minis in the box and double the price
>But, boss I-
>Get back in the plastic mines!
I fucking despise what they've done to the iconic bolter design with these pseudo-operator style accessory rails and silencers and bullshit like that. LOOK HOW THEY MASSACRED MY BOY
Abfaddon will free them. That's his plan.
No, the nails make it so they can't feel anything but rage now
You could always take that stuff off you know
you aren't a hobbylet are you?
> you'll get suppressed rocket propelled bolter rounds and you'll like it
False. Read the WE codex. It deep dives into the mindset of a WE legionnaire as they grow more powerful and mature. Past a certain point of veterancy, the Nails stop mattering. It directly states that the Nails no longer affect Angron or Kharn or anyone as old as them. They're completely cognizant, they know exactly what they're doing and they do it because it's the only brief, fleeting joy that is left to them. And after their battles they're left with the emptiness of what they've accomplished and the bitter realization that they're back to their slaved existence serving Chaos, never to be free.
Didn't one turn against Angron and Kharn because Khorne wanted more worthy blood shed?
In what way are they slaves? Its not like Khorne has a bolter pointer at their heads
They dont have free will retard.
They're a metaphor for drug addiction
Yes they do, penis.
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Abaddon can't even free himself from chaos.
PLEASE don't set the delusional abaddonfag off again, he'll spam for the next 5 hours if you do
if he does go off ill go off on how the everchosen is a better character than him again.
Khorne has their souls, dumbass. And his Mark literally drives them into fits of fury and bloodlust. They don't have a choice in the matter. One way or another he will have his bloodshed and their freedom was taken away a long, long time ago.
Abaddon can do whatever the fuck he wants. He's just using the chaos gods like to tools they are to achieve his goals.
Is that why he's been spamming all over /tg/ about how Archaon is "just a bad ripoff of Abaddon"? No idea who that faggot thinks he's fooling
Except you know the 20+ years of lore saying that Abaddon is not corrupted by Chaos.
So they actually do still have free will then. Thanks for proving me right, assdumb.
yeah he's not corrupted he just wears their icons, uses their weapons and does their will
but he thinks it's his will so that means it's his right?
So what the fuck's he doing with all those spikes?
I don't know how you can take "Khorne has their souls" as "they have free will." That means the exact opposite. It means they can't even die and be at peace, he'll just resurrect them for the next battle.
No. They don't. It's stated that Abaddon is the only guy under Chaos who has freewill.
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oh boy he's already here
I'm going to bed have fun with this retard spamming his headcanon for the rest of the night
This is all addressed in the books. Armour morphs on its own to have spikes and Chaos iconology The man under the armour is not corrupted or mutated. Drach'nyen serves Abaddon, not the gods.
And the whole Arks of Omen saga is about Abaddon refusing to do the bidding of the gods and how the gods refuse to aid his push toward Terra without him surrendering his soul to them.
ahahahaha he's actually serious
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Holy shit they weren't kidding about you
Did you even read his post?
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dude you already contradicted yourself with the second sentence.
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Primordial Truth fanatics are truly in a state of primordial denial
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NTA but its established lore.
This is the kind of person that defends femstodes.
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Impressive doublethink
he was that anon.
Why wouldnt they??
are you even capable of reading the shit you post?
They are literally the "its over" meme
Kharn doesnt want to be tied to khorne neither does angron
You can mald all you want but it's official lore and GW word of god said that Abaddon is not corrupted.

You are coping and seething!
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Cityfight cadians

Though with cadians being an endangered specifies, the bulk of replacements are drawn from the PDF of whatever planet their deployed to.
So how's that new vraks book?
Can you?
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I dont know how abbyfags can operate.
>he's not corrupted
Ok I get it, he's not a slave to the ruinous powers, he's just an asshole.
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I always wonder why people get butthurt over Abaddon being Chaos-free when each codex since 6th ed goes on and on on how while he is the chosen of the gods, he is NOT their champion.
It strikes me as pathological envy or autism.
it's one delusional crybaby
You posted it. I don't think its possible to go further than selling a box of 5 intercessors as the same price as 10 intercessors. If you were to give someone just the sprues from this box absolutely no one would say "oh hey its a death company kit"
Returning to the main point.
The 10th ED CSM codex makes it clear that Abaddon's quest for vengeance will not stop after Terra falls. This is an obvious implication that he will go after the Chaos Gods next.
If the gods fall, then all the traitor legions will be free.
oh you're RETARDED retarded
Are you some god simp?
Let me guess, you think Fabius is free of corruption too
Hes gonna get his ass kicked for the 14th time

This is as someone who plays csm
Rule number one of manipulation: to get someone to do what you want, you let them think it was their idea. Abby is just a puppet in denial of his strings.
Are you the same guy who said that about Malcador?
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The 13th Black Crusade is still ongoing. You would know that if you opened a CSM codex.
WAs until he rejected Abaddon's advice.
>This one guy is smarter than the chaos gods, there's no way they're manipulating him and letting him think he's not their bitch
You sound like the faggots that think Varis was really going to trick the Ascians
That's why the Chaos Gods refuse to support the 13th Black Crusade and are undermining it from the very start, huh? The denial is from your side of the board.
If Abaddon takes Terra without him being their slave then he would no longer have need of them. That's why they refuse to do it.
Whatever you say, abaddoncuck
Consider the following. The Emperor and Be'lakor bamboozled the Chaos Gods. It can be done.
belacuck can't do shit
abaddon isn't anywhere near the level of the emperor in any aspect
Be'lakor swindled the Chaos Gods and so did the Emperor.
The path the Abaddon walks is the same as the Emperor but way more honest.
The most powerful bloke who ever lived and a guy made from the same stuff as the gods themselves
Some guy the imperium decided to shoot up with turbocum
>cumclone of a senile failure is on the same path as the most powerful psyker of all time
Did you miss the Siege of Terra series building up Abaddon as incorruptible by Chaos and how he is a fated soul part of the prophecy about the end of the Imperium/humanity? Or the Fall of Cadia novel mentioning how Abaddon is not really a mortal but a nexus of power and fate that alters reality around him.
Even Be'lakor senses a connection to Abaddon he cannot explain.
You need to do some reading
Both launched the Great Crusades for the betterment of their people and both used Chaos to lay the foundations of their empires. The difference is that Abaddon doesn't pretend that the gods don't exist.
this retard really thinks abaddon is like leto II LMAO
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He is Warmaster of Imperium Nihilus aka the True Imperium of Man.
my fucking sides
Who is more depressing, this abbyfag or the IWfag?
The anti-BAfag who doesn't know what a mary sue is
Your autism.
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>All his goals and methods align with the chaos gods
>Makes use of chaotic powers and entities
>followers are exclusively and explicitly chaos worshippers
>Is a fated soul part of the prophecy about the end of the Imperium/humanity
>Yet still, despite being a fated part of a chaotic prophecy, he not only has enough free will to decide he doesn't like chaos, he has enough self-awareness to know for a fact he's not being manipulated by the personifications of manipulation
is that a salamander jump chaplain? How bad was it scraping off all the blood drops?
They are mary sues retard.
The retards who keep replying to them.
>All his goals and methods align with the chaos gods
Not wholly. Both sides are using each other and will end with a conflict between the two. Abaddon won't surrender his soul to them and the Chaos Gods will not support the second siege of Terra in reply to his resistance.
Hence why Vashtorr came to the scene. He is offering Abaddon what the Chaos Gods refuse to give, a way to win without losing himself.
>Makes use of chaotic powers and entities
Read Abaddon's codex entry. He never uses the power of Chaos if it means losing his soul.
>>followers are exclusively and explicitly chaos worshippers
Tell me you haven't read the Chaos marine dex without telling me.
The new dex has example after example of Black Legion marines being more loyal to Abaddon than the gods or simply don't give a damn about Chaos.
There is a scene Fall of Cadia where the pylons cut off the Black Legion marines from Chaos. They fought with more zeal because of it and didn't give a damn.
>>Is a fated soul part of the prophecy about the end of the Imperium/humanity
Which doesn't require him to be a slave to the gods.
nope little illiterate autist, don't hit a single qualification of a mary sue :)
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>The man under the armour is not corrupted or mutated.
>unironically quoting the "emperor made a deal with chaos gods" nulore
The absolute state of you.
Abaddon can remove his armor and wear normal clothes. The fact he isn't fused with it after 10K years in the Eye of Terror (account for time distortion) is remarkable and shows how little Chaos has a grip on him.
Even the Mark of the Chaos Ascendant was described as akin to a crown that he could wear and remove at will which explains why it appears in some artwork and doesn't in others.
The old Warhammer intro text says verbatim that he was the Emperor of Mankind by the WILL OF THE GODS.
What gods are they? Gork and Mork?
Not too bad. There’s a single blood vial on a rosary around his neck and the angel on the left shoulder had a chalice I had to shave away. Otherwise no real issue. Aside from the shit paint job that I made worse by varnishing in high humidity.

Lets talk about Lelith.
I mean holy FUCK her novel is a total Yurifest. When it comes out as a regular release in a few months imagine all the Lesbian fanart it's going get.
chatGPT fuck off
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Im les so this was made for me bros
-wait didnt she use to fuck vect?
It's one massively autistic faggot who just sucks abby's dick.
She doesn't like Vect. Like at all. Vect comes off as a creep.
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Forgot pic of WiPs
that's sexy. I have a bunch of vanguard vets I got cheap that I'm going to try to height mod slightly so they don't look out of place next to my other marines
There any books that follow the pov of a traitor guard?
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The only novels about my favourite dudes suck.
Not full books, but parts of Gaunts Ghosts are written from the pov of various chaos "regiments".
A lot of old marines had tactical rocks that put them level with primaris now.
hmmm, will dry fit them and see how it looks once I finish my aggressors.
I think I saw yours + gravis cap a few days ago, sick army <3
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>Post minis
I heard you guys wanted sovl, here's an old metal chaos familiar.

I've gotten really into painting the various daemon gremlins chaos has had over the years since I was jealous of my dark angel friend getting to paint teleport homers and watchers.
why doesnt gw just kill aos in favour of putting out more 40k faster? i doubt aos even makes 10% of what 40k makes in a year.
>He doesn't know
drawing out their sloppa for 40k pigs to consume is a part of their business plan.
>i doubt aos even makes 10% of what 40k makes in a year.
as a whole AoS doesn't even reach the sales of the least popular armies in 40k
AoS is what all their creative people love anon. 40k is the punishment assignment in the GW offices.
But why?
because the playerbase for 40k just wants more power armor.
artists get bored doing the same thing over and over. go watch an interview with John Blanche or something
>this is what containment breachers genuinely believe
john blanche, the guy who famously almost never painted warhammer fantasy because it bored him like nothing else?
>AoS is what all their creative people love anon.
huh? aos looks worse than what shitty ai art can put out. and thats saying something. warhammer fantasy and aos and also middle earth should permanently die off for 40k.
>warhammer fantasy and aos and also middle earth should permanently die off for 40k.
40k is shit
why bother innovating when the floor for quality is so low? Why bother respecting your customers when they'll keep buying up anything with a gw logo?

>containment breacher
people can like more than one setting anon.
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Hardly a tournament thing.

My devilfish gain 2" of movement from pivoting, Drukhari can deepstrike charge 6" through raiders pivoting, and all oval bases including random characters on foot having to pivot is dumber than hell
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Like this?
>old saggy sack of shit still painting himself up like a high school screamo kid
beyond embarrassing
do you think gw will ever make combat patrol fun? or am I going to have to hope boarding patrol gets a second wind?
wouldnt even surprise me. they need to cancel aos so they can put more 40k shit in their stores. everytime i see aos anything it just irritates me.
Reading large amounts of lore is for fags. It's all trash and there is no social or personal benefit from knowing more than the bare minimum
so is painting, thats why only chads get their minis painted by other people for only $2000
There *was* personal satisfaction of learning cool shit.
i like the lore that was in codexes, but they've gone too far and overexplained everything in 40k now, especially the heresy. there's basically nothing left to the imagination anymore, and marinefags who treat their armies and legions like fucking historicals have sucked all the fun out of marines.
He gets more pussy than any of us
I wouldn't want the preteens he goes after
I am with the Yabba Dabba Don guy simply because frankly Chaos Gods writing and worldbuilding and metaphysics kinda fucking suck once you look close enough.
How does Abby being a marysue alleviate any of that?
>oval bases including random characters on foot having to pivot is dumber than hell

Maybe read the rules completely before bitching about them.

Only monsters/vehicles have to pivot.
I dont know how to read.
He gets pussy of all ages
Yeah nah, get fucked.

Also- if it was only monsters and vehicles then bikers would get free movement too. Think.
Who has better aesthetics? BT, BA, DA, or SW? My vote is BT because Matlese cross and SS color scheme is top tier.
Is killteam fun?
I dunno, ask /ktg/
looks like thunderwolf spam just got nerfed
Why is this thread so fucking dead? Its been this slow all day. This IS the tabletop game
confluence of 2 resident schizo samefaggers getting psychiatrically scheduled at the same time
my personal vote goes to black templars. Im not a fan of green or cream so DA is just a no-no for me. Blood angels SUCK, but honestly they have one or two good successor chapters that make up for them.
I should note that my like for black templars is because I think the neophytes are cool and the chained weapons are also swell.
Thundercav are on round bases. I suppose it effects the Santa sleigh but you didn't need that for the jail
It doesn't really, but at least it sticks it up to them
BT have the best aesthetics hands down, DA are close but their color scheme, especially for deathwing, is kinda bad. also they dont have unique sculpts for their basic marines, and BT do

you can have the best of both worlds though if you run BT, and buy some deathwing knights, shave off the DA iconography, and use them as BT assault terminators. could probably also steal some of those new hooded greatsword guys too and use them as bladeguard or sword brothers or maybe emp champ or something
the only thing i dislike about BT is that they tend to stick their guys on too much base. they stick a lot of regular power armor primaris on 40mm bases, helbrech is on like a 60mm. just too much base for the minis
I am yet to see a single non-fat BT player.
>I am yet to see a single non-fat 40k player.

What do dark eldar players look like? Are they big dick having dudes?
skinwalkers are what they are.
I am short and I have big arms.
It brings me great joy being the local chimpanzee at my FLGS.
drukhari player here
im 5'6"
They're percentage people
i dont get it
Even if GW has an Emperor's Children supplement in the works, how are they gonna end up fucking it up?
Personally I'm betting on them keeping the retarded Lucius requirement to sell a new model of him, and somehow locking the army out of Bile.
You don't need to
historically speaking, Slaanesh has always been just khorne, but better right?
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This is Skari, the best NA Dark Eldar player, if not in the world.
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Your new Lucius has arrived.
He looks like an emaciated version of that guy from MWG
In terms of daemons, Khorne but fast.
Lately they are both fast and demoralizing.
This looks terrible.
kek he do be looking like that
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Why isnt he playing basketball
Basketball takes no skill, unlike warhammer
Is the IG dead now
No. Might even call it a buff.
The reinforcement change sucks. I feel the index was made with it in mind and some units won't be as good as they could be without it.
Holy fuck the sisters penitent detachment is fucking wild.

What's the point of jump infantry if naked sinners with big chainswords go 22" then charge with a +1?
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You asked for this. You could have repented. Why didn't you listen?
Shut up fag
Why does he look like the battlereports guy on youtube lmao
Because we're in the fun sinning and sowing phase right now. The reaping and repenting comes later
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What happened to prince Yriel's model? Corsair prince model when?
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nvm found him
Didn't you get a generic Corsair Prince already?
No, that's the visarch, anon.
Sure he'd look cool but it's no real substitute for a cool customizable kit. Also actually being represented in the rules would be neat.
shit, I dont like elves and that looks cool as hell.
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So am I reading this right that the Sturmsurge can just decide to ignore the -1 to hit from being damaged?
So every army that's been released this ed has gotten at least one new model right? What do you want for (you)r faction bros?
I just want new juggernauts and maybe a surgeon for world eaters man, zerkers are fucking begging for characters to be of any use. Would be nice if they made the slaughterbrute and official datasheet too but I wont get my hopes up for anything.
is dread mob good or at least better now? bring it down went from giving you 12VP for a unit of killa kans to giving 2. that's pretty nice
Red Butchers would be cool or at the very least some kind of upgrade kit for regular termies. Slapping vanilla termies next to the cool WE stuff just looks so wrong
Yes, as can Riptides and other suits with the same wargear

Doesn't stop you eating the -1BS for splitfiring however so the SS remains a jank shit model
Well GSC just released so i'm out.But i am building a Votann army right now and they need a lot, what i want most is a mech or something similar but by the style the cars already have i am afraid they .uck them up too.
I miss him so much bros
>what i want most is a mech or something similar
I imagine it would be very rotund
How does his wings fit through the rear of his armor? They always show these winged people with armor on, but never how it actually functions : (
arent they mechanical?
As if they knew.
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Not even. They're like purely decoration balsa wood or papier mache or some shit.
It's one of the dumbest things ever put on a space marine
zephyrim at 18 points seems a bit excessive. they do hit harder. jump pack ints have 1 extra attack with 1 less pip of AP but are costed at 16ppm with an extra wound and point of toughness. I don't know if lethal hits and/or sustained hits really make it worth, but they might just be good trade pieces
It's SOVL, but I don't expect a retard like you to understand.
Maybe tactishit reivers are more up to your speed, champ?
>It's one of the dumbest things ever put on a space marine
Well it is blood angels after all.
Models all have to be costed as though they are being taken in their best detachment. Welcome to 10e balance
>5e flanderized slop
Begone fake grog
Never said I started in oldhammer or in midwithammer.
I started 7 years ago and even I know good quality, unlike you.
Now, go play with your phobia shits.
oh no no no no KEKEKEKEKE
You don't have to take the bad with the good. Manlets are better than primaris but this is like defending thunderwolves or centurions because they're manlets.
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i want truescale gloriana battleship for tabletop
>Manlets are better than primaris but this is like defending thunderwolves or centurions because they're manlets.
Nah, manlets are trash on average, primaris are better for they are better proportioned and better posed.
Thunder wolves and Sanguinary guard are cool, all phobos and centurions are fucking garbage.
Alright that's my bad take limit for the day. Stop talking now.
I mean Primaris ARE king, its just that those kings are the inbred as fuck.
NTA, but calling 5e sanguinary guard "flanderized" seems like an exaggeration.
NTA but that logic doesn't bear out inter-faction, yes zeph are better in certain detachments but Assault Ints in Blood Angels are wildly better as well.
Why? It's the same ed that made SW wolf wolfy wolfson wolfwolfwolf except BA doubled down on bloobbloodbloody blood. Although at least they hadn't hit Guy Haley YA vampire fiction levels yet.
Two sides of the same shit coin. But I'll give them this much. You can leave the wings of and they're mostly fine besides that.
Models being usable by multiple different armies are always miscosted for one of them. We see it a lot with both Demons and Ynnari in every points update. Space Marines are no exception.
>Why? It's the same ed that made SW wolf wolfy wolfson wolfwolfwolf except BA doubled down on bloobbloodbloody blood.
You mean its the same edition that gave SW and BA their first real codex in the first place?
Yeah. Big mistake that was.
Alright, well in either case, you can hardly flanderize something the first time its given any real attention.
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Yes, and the point is that both get better in specific detachments, so the cost comparison is still relevant. Saying zeph are coated for the best detachment is rather meaningless; so are Jump Ints.
KYS please and thanks
Yeah no difference between this and that for sure, polcuck.
You are one deranged retard
Found the one dude who likes all the bears in total war warhammer.
we get it mohammed, you're brown. keep seething
The Dark Angel's do exactly this and it is in no way comparable to Sanguinary Guard cringe wings.
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Instead of lazy and literal angels wings, they could've done something like SoB or old Chaos jump packs that incorporated winglike designs into the structure of the packs. Or just keep BA honor guard as is, rather than letting the one dude who painted them golden to fit the look of Dante dictate the design decisions. The same way the one dude who made his Broadsides have handheld railguns made all Broadsides have handheld double railguns.
Yeah a bit of stylization like that would be great but just slapping these massive slabs shaped like wings on them is incredibly tacky.
Once they finally get primarised I hope they'll do a bit better
What is this from? I can't see it in the tournament companion or core rules FAQ, which say that only vehicles and monsters have to pay 2".
This might be the thing I neglect to tell anyone at my LGS about. Monsters and vehicles needing to worry about how they turn makes sense, but other shit? Fuck right off.
>inb4 they're just jump pack bladeguard with extra golden trim and primaris jump packs with some BA decorations
ditching the entire history of marine armor was a mistake
>lazy and literal angels wings
Blood Angels aren't about abstract art, anon. Is about sending a message, you know, like literal angels
>Old English engel, ultimately via ecclesiastical Latin from Greek angelos ‘messenger’; superseded in Middle English by forms from Old French angele .
The SG wings are also articulated in the lore and they can fly, not just jump. It's just their model which lacks moving parts
It's in the tournament companion (for pariah)

I don't expect it to last as is for more than a week though
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>no giant ass wings
>bespoke perdition-pattern weapons
VGH... Retvrn to tradition
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>everyone's all about the "angel" part
>everyone keeps forgetting about the "blood" part
>its not about an abstraction
>except it is
thats blood angels alright.
>The SG wings are also articulated in the lore
[Citation needed]
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You posted the wrong picture.
Oh alright I see it now. How strange that they make an FAQ to movement entirely and on the same day there's an FAQ to that FAQ, which is entirely asinine.
Yeah, that's something I'm never using. The movement made sense in just the core rules updates, but that's just retarded.
okay now these oddly enough look better and I really hate old shit, and blood angels.

thought the wings were real because of that penitent book where there were two BA marines with real wings and that one marine in the omnibus that grew wings
I'm going to keep posting here lol
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>anon doesn't know the difference between abstract and figurative art
Get better taste, retard.
You can split Flamers on anti-Infantry suits and commanders. That's about it. Otherwise you're eating an effective -2 BS.
Yeah, there's nothing more emblematic of the Imperium's stagnant collapse than a pile of power-armored corpses.
This thread is boring and filled with space marine fans. Typical
It also shows how little numbers of them are sold.
Sounds like he's a pawn.

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