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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:
>>93130945 ?

Feet edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
Do you have any reservations for 4th edition at this point?
>>Previously in the Mortal Realms:
>>>93130945 ?

Literally all you had to do was type "aos" into the search bar
But will she give you that
> hawk tuah
He had the noodle to throodle.
I like that they leaning into real witch aesthetic with her model. She is proper cronish.
Well no wonder I couldn't find it again, the subject title was missing.
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Fellow autists, does the bird bitch in OP count as a harpy hero for DoK? Or is the slot still empty with snake hero and regular woman hero already being filled in the VS boxes.
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>"The Dispossessed reinforce the armies with clanking, piston legged cogforts and impenetrable shieldwalls, their natural ability in architecture vital for ensuring new strongpoints weather the unforgiving landscape."

will the dawii will get the Kroot prize or die a Phoenix temple death
she's a named character with no generic option (so far) if that's what you're asking
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Yes, removing allies was a bad mistake, point blank. Aside from someone like Gotrek taking allies was never a meta thing, it was purely flavour, the removal is just another cool thing being removed to streamline the game to appeal to metafags
I'd love a kroot situation for them but it seems quite likely they'll retire to tow eventually, at least the current kits
Current kits will definitely be shuffled to TOW, 50/50 on whether the non-human CoS get new models.

Nothing major, a little curious about how balanced they'll manage to make the indexes out of the gate (hopeful based on the balance history of most of 3e, but this is GW) and also not excited about the fact they're sticking with the battletome model after taking the trouble to index everything to supposedly play well together out of the gate, which seems like pointless churn but that's their whole model so I get it.
>layer lines so deep they'd catch a fingernail in them
I wish the proonters would have some semblance of quality control rather than just shitting something out and just accepting it looks like trash. Also unsure of why it's kosher to call out mold lines and gaps on plastic kits but the second you call out printlets for shitty build efforts it just gets met with cope and seetheposting
What’s in the books for Gardus? I could see Lord Celestants getting an update but I doubt they’d give him a new model so soon
Ellen Degeneres sure has been bulking lately
His subfaction just got to be on the edition cover and he's thier only named character, so expect to hear more about him
>Belakor makes the first move by stealing and undermining Archibalds forces
>Oh ho ho but Archibald isn’t sitting still!
>He’s helped the skaven rise to ascendency!
Am I stupid? I don’t see how this relates to their rivalry at all.
I fuckin love these guys
Archie got infinite amount of rat-bastards backing him up for now and attacking all his enemies simultaneously while he focus on his shit
Could they fit next to Belakors boys? I’ve been thinking about that for a while
I'll say it again the deepkin need more infantry units for unit variety
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what, like Akhelian infantry?
for one yeah
They're pretty dedicated to Slaanesh, I'm not sure why'd they throw in with a lesser Daemon like Belakor
I meant visually also Belakor is a scheming bitch he got a Khorne and Tzeench demon to not immediately kill each other while they served him. Honestly if he can worm his way into Archaon’s personal knights then I don’t think there’s much beyond him given time and resources
Printerfags are like piratefags in vidya. Anything that you say that doesn't align with "the fight against big corpo" will make them seethe.
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Reminder that BoC and bonesplitterz died so they could bring back an army nobody bought for a third time
I like CD and all but I wonder how they're going to deal with their concepts bumping with Fyreslayers
>Binning armies no-one brought for an army no-one brought.
All is in balance.
shouldn't be any harder than space marines vs evil space marines, or stormcast vs chaos warriors
so was ghur interesting for the past 3 years
They already have a head start.
Chorfs have daemon engines, Fyreslayers refuse to make anything more complicated than an axe.
>worship a minor chaos god outside the main 4
>Main features are dark magic, ranged weapons, war machines, advanced technology, and huge chaos-warped mutants

How are they going to make them different from Skaven?
Easy, skaven glow green and chorfs glow orange.
Chorf stuff would be high-quality and have a lot of lava/magma themes.
Skaven stuff is cobbled together shit and stitched together freaks with glowing green rocks.
How will they ruin this aspect of this for Current Year?
I imagine Chorfs would be more towards automata, with really strong armor
Probably just switch to human sacrifice. Which is somehow more kosher.
I would kill for Chorf clockwork soldiers, but chances are it'll be mostly big daemon engines and artillery.
So what are the nighthaunt going do in the hour of ruin?
I'd like to see elite infantry made of petrified chorfs returned to a semblance of life via daemonic artifice - covered in fel runes, glowing cracks, and molten armor.
Get mogged by billions of dead rats
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Any leaks for points yet?
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why we act like we haven't seen the already seen the chain & cuffs slaves of the Chorfs
I thought the Horns were devotees rather than slaves.
Moot point anyway, we already know Kruelboyz trade slaves for steel with the Chorfs.
there devotees in the terms of "This job better than the plantation/factory really really don't want to screw this up"

>Moot point anyway, we already know Kruelboyz trade slaves for steel with the Chorfs
yeah that to
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Does anyone here actually play Stormcast? I never met one irl.
I’m about to start my escalation league as SCE.
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I have about 1,000 points mostly painted. Joke's in me in that they're Sacrosanct and Paladins (I'll probably just end up proxying though, so not a big deal). That said, I wouldn't consider them my primary army at the moment; I prefer my Sylvaneth.
Someone just needs to put some sneakers on the mini
Base your models
I intend to. That's why partly why I said "mostly painted."
wait they're removing allies? I can't take a daemon prince with my maggotkin?
Me too. Great sculpts.

Fun fact:
They work with adeptus arbites arms and weapons to make very cool looking, but very expensive cultists for Emperors Children in 40k.
I'm sure they will figure it out
Not unless there's a regiment of renown with a daemon prince or they add one to the maggotkin roster.
Who can say? I assume they did it in 40k since it was a big thing WAACfags would do (though they should keep Allies in general but ban it for tournaments, but it's not like 40k 10th cares about fun), but it doesn't seem to be nearly as much of a problem in AoS. Best guess I have is that this may be an extension of GW cutting down on game lines sharing models, in that they also want clear sales figures for the various factions within the game.
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or unless they go the route of "maggotkin daemon prince", "disciples of tzeentch daemon prince", etc like they do in the 40k codexes with 10 different versions of daemon prince datasheets
If they do that then it'll only add 4 different prince scrolls since in 40k they divide winged and unwinged princes over there.
I do think they should do it though, since from what we've seen, there's no way to take a tzeentch prince that's a wizard.
>switch to
They should really make more books that focus on manfred just having a really bad time, while also being a menace to everyone around him.
it's literally directly stated that they trade with kruleboyz to obtain slaves
stop with your fucking retarded political flagellation obsession already
>hmm how can i make myself angry today
Sick of people acting like they cared about Bonesplitterz.
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who's pretending anyone cares about bonesplitters?
fucking gay as shit, my brother and I have been using daemon princes for for like 20 years.
Wait til you hear about Marines.
Should I do night haunt to make an army of spooky boys?
Why are you asking us, do you want an army of (mostly) easy to assemble, easy to paint, pain-in-the-ass-to-move-around-the-table bedsheet ghosts or not?
a bedsheet is fine too...
>been getting really into using super thin washes/glazes a lot more
>takes SO much longer to dry between layers
>liking the results tho so maybe its worth it?
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thanks for the blogpost
if you're glazing right the paint should be fully dry within around 30~ seconds; as for washes that just comes with the turf.
a buddy of mine uses a lot of longer dry time techniques and he says you can speed it up by just using a hair dryer. i dont know what heat settings, he didnt go into specifics, and i dont fiddle with anything that advanced, but could be worth a try if you have one around the house
Her rules expressly don't work with Scathborn including Khinerai so no
You're loading your brush too much if your glazes are taking too long to dry.
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How much money would you be saving by buying this box instead of waiting for the individual kits to come out?
we can't really know that until the individual kits come out
you already know that they are gonna charge the small ass board and debris for $110. spearhead wont have everything from the halfs either so spend like $60 for 3 dudes and maybe the same price for the center pieces.
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i live in a low survival rate nesting environment that goes by the council of 13 name of "warren 8." me and a pack of my broodmates control certain areas of this warren in order to run-plot our illegitimate schemes. we possess unregistered firearms, stolen doomwheels, mind-altering substances and only use warpstone for financial purchases. if anyone would like to settle unfinished altercations, i will be more than happy-glad to release my musk-stink. i would like to warn you; i am a very dangerous skaven and i regularly retreat to the rear-back.
Fuck off. You get shaerk, turtle, and bowelves and swordelves and eelves just fuck off it's Stormcast time, you motherfucker. Fuck you. Get in like behind Fyreslayers™, Ossiarch Bonereapers™, and Kruleboyz™. Actually, fuck you, you're getting another Spe©ial Characte®. In fact, you're getting three. Three Spe©ial Characte®s. Oh, you wanted to have some granularity? Fuck you. ©ha®a©te®s.
Well there's 15 units, some terrain with a small board, the card pack, and the core rule book. We can't know what each unit will sell for since some could be sold as those much cheaper easy to build kits or bundled together so if we say the average range is $25-45 that's $375-675, then the board and terrain is probably at least $100, the core book is around $60, and the deck is probably $30ish so individually packaged everything would likely fall between $565 and $865.
You must differ between the second hand prices for the individual kits and gw prices (with LGS discount).
Also for the latest 40k edition 80% of the units per site came in a already discounted non-while-stock-lasts spearhead box you can get the whole edition.

So it's really hard to say.

If you want to get a faction half of the box you can get it easily for box price -20%.
Even single units of the box will be so much cheaper than any single box release prices GW will offer.
My only reservations are what units will link with each Hero and what points are going to look like.
I honestly think atm in 3e that points are in a good spot for the games I've played so far.
I'm thinking critically of the MW output of the faction pack rules but otherwise it looks so much better to me than the 3rd edition start in every way.
Would have liked coverage of the other realms in all that time, not so much seperate supplements, a few rules pages each in General's Handbook would have been enough.
Had 6 active stormcast players at our lgs before the announcement of the big squatting, now we've got 4 active players and two ex-stprmcast players players that are working on new armies rn
Only really affects those without friends who rely on pickup games and tournaments in order to play. My playgroup has already house ruled that we can take the classic ruling of 400pts of allies as we can all do the simple math required to add 400 to 1600
A lot, but it's only worth it if you want the armies.
If you only want the models it may be in your interest for them to roll out the tiered starter sets that they will inevitably roll out once they've sold out of the initial stock of skaventide. If you want all the books, terrain, cards and battle board this will be your best chance to get it for a good price
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promoted to primarc, I mean, lord commander of the halloween nights
It's all felt kind of aimless. I liked the Rondhol Rumble campaign that ran in WD, but the rest didn't really leave much of an impression at all.
Ghur was irrelevant thanks to the incarnate campaign books being dropped, a seasonal GHB meta ruleset shifting the fluff focus every six months, zero releases behind Warcry related to the theme
Plus Warcry is so specific with it's Asian bamboo jungle and monkey themes that they hardly play into the aesthetics of armies
>that they hardly play into the aesthetics of armies
salty vampfag?
A whole lot of fucking nothing alongside some Marvel-tier shit. As in excrement.

I have 12500points of stormcast (soon to be 8000ish due to the sacrosquat)
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And so it begins. Har Kuron rises!
In general? Monkeys is weird for FEC and Kruleboyz, Maggotkin are all European Knights but get bamboo swamp tribals. It's just odd all around until Fyreslayers, CoS, etc that are more generic in the savage/hunter themes
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Imagine missing out on all bundles
squatted in four months
Ikr? Still bitter about that lmfao
But better late than never and all that.
>Implying I have any intention of playing the new edition

3e didn't have har kuron either
They're not going to be a TOW army so they at least have a year or two left in them
>Implying I play 3rd

Me and my mates play 1st or 2nd depending on what we're in the mood for. We've got all the books for those editions and enjoy it, while not liking the later models or rules so we feel no need to move on.
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I wish thee luck
Nah, ToW has pushed forward plans so they're probably getting shelved for a release 1-2 years from now. GW will pivot towards a hard disconnect this edition with new Stabbas, ogors, etc
If anyone cares, my army is:

X1 Sorceress
x10 Black Guard
x30 Bleakswords
x30 Dreadspears
X5 Drakespawn Knights.

1000 Points

I'm really looking forward to having two massive blocks of 30 Dark Elves marching across the table while being supported by the Drakespawn on the flanks, meanwhile the Sorceress and her elite guards look on, smug and arrogant.
I plan to get 10 Executioners, and some Daughters of Khaine units, mainly Melusai since Snake Babes are cool.
Webstore exclusive WHF leftovers were such a meme. I won't touch Dispossessed until the ToW repack with third party retail discounts available. They wonder why no one played them when they're sitting on WHFB pricing (that killed the game) for almost a decade
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Man I made this years ago.
>check price now
Thanks anon. A lot of painting the exact same models but it'll be worth it. I adore the lore for the Darkling Covens, Daughters of Khaine, Morathi and Har Kuron so I'm really looking forward to it.
>ToW has pushed forward plans
They literally cant, they can barely get what little stuff they have to stick on shelves for armies they are already have out. They also cant just whimsically change up production plans for at least a year or two. If Im wrong then I would be grateful, I would like to paint up some of the old Vampire count stuff.
DoK spearhead when?
please no more fucking warlocks
honestly buying leftovers from GW a few years ago was probably cheaper than TOW boxes in the near future
Nah, they were discounted in double sprue repacks and are mostly available in stores with 10-25% off. They're cheaper now than in WHFB days
Which is why GW hit TOW with the highest price hike out of the lot.
I'm dreading to see how much Asur are gonna cost.
Cheaper still if you get them from Element Games like I did, or some other store rather than buying directly from GW.

Am I the only one who likes Doomfire Warlocks?
>Am I the only one who likes Doomfire Warlocks?
I guess they're alright models, retarded horse faces aside but no one who wants to play DoK want them instead of more naked elf girls. Also the problem is that they're in like every single box(because they don't sell)
>Am I the only one who likes Doomfire Warlocks?
probably, I dont even mind the riders, the horses just look fucking stupid.
is Warcry getting discontinued alongside underworlds?
I guess that makes sense, I like 'em and want a unit, but I can see why it'd be annoying to have them in every single box/bundle.

We just don't know but people sure like to speculate.

Neither one is officially dead.
Underworlds won't get a new season alongside the post Skaventide wave of SCE/Skaven models, then it'll be obvious
Oh and I also want a Dreadlord on Black Dragon, plus some more Drakespawn Knights because those models are sick.
I might add a single unit of Doomfire Warlocks, plus some sort of Assassin model.
I live in the dying shithole empire of Burgerstan so no buying off of Wayland for me.
I only suffer that for the Perrys
I've played a few games of 4th and here's an observation.

Depending on army you will be using the d3 mortals when retreating to suicide almost dead units.
There's no battleshock now so in more than one game I had a big unit in combat down to a couple models and my opponent had the option to attack a different unit.

This meant the unit never died and I couldn't resurrect it at half strength.

So I retreated and suicided them, and got the rez next turn.
>I live in the dying shithole empire of Burgerstan
Stay strong, friend. Stay strong.
Is the Darkling Covens Anon from way back when still around?
I do, I got on the stormcast wagon in 1st edition when they came out with points costs and did away the retarded "pull down your pants and shag a dog for an extra dice roll" special needs rules.

I hate how secondaries and no game faggots have ruined the aesthetics of the faction by clamoring for tardiestrike armor variants of everything.
There's another Har Kuron/Darkling Covens player in all of AoS? I thought I was alone lol
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Yes but I never collected more than a handful after CoS ruined all factions in it and dashed my hopes of a tome.
I'd want some Witch Elves, sexy battle-maddened girls is something I always want in my life, but the models look super flimsy and like they'll snap at a glance so I probably won't get them, unless I can find the old metal ones or something.
years and still a worthless nogames shitposter
Years and still eternally seething.
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>I can't have humans and DoK as one army anymore due to no more allies
Truly of the one most Games Workshop level decisions ever.
Someone suggested that, someone else approved that, and at no point did anyone call either of them bell-ends for that.
I miss 1e... we had nowhere to go but up but we didn't realize how good we had it
Yeah, feels bad man. Well, maybe DoK will get expanded with Har Kuron eventually or Malerion will get something similar to Darkling Covens... Oh, who am I kidding? It looks pretty gloom and you're fucked.
There you have it.
Just do what I'm doing and make a Darkling Covens force for 1st/2nd when they were actually fun and and could make use of fluffy lists.
So 160 GBP?
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My passion for dark elves has kind of faded anyway. Otherwise I could just collect them for TOW now after all.
I know that's supposed to mean skaventide in Spanish but it reads closer to skaven nause.
I like 'em in WFB but I really LOVE the lore for the various Dark Elf factions in AoS. Darkling Covens, Scourge Privateers, Order Serpentis, DoK and so on, it's all great imo and I can't get enough of it. Even the tiny bit of lore we've got on Malerion is awesome.
I recently re-read all the AoS lore and when I finished Broken Realms Morathi, and thus got to enjoy the awesome story of Har Kuron's rise again, I knew I had to play them lol
Man Reads Book: Fire & Jade Edition

My own bugbear is less passion and more lack of space.
I feel like that name should have been used for anything but skaven. Makes me think of Cathay or Seraphon or that one tzeentch warband or some shit. Not reddit rats.
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I was a Dark Elves enjoyer as well, but The End Times turned me into Morathi's simp, so I jumpled the DoK wagon as soon as they were announced as a full army. Was hoping for some expansion after the Broken Realms, but it never actually happened.
The Fire & Jade book should've launched with Emberneth Vs Root Kings
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Yeah they had pretty fun fluff that's why seeing darkling covens expanded would have been fun.
DoK are great too, I own a decent amount but I'm not sure what army to focus on at the moment.
Ah the End Times Elves. I'm still sad I never got to build my Host of the Eternity King army. It would've looked fucking awesome on the tabletop :(
I love combining different elven races together so you get a varied colour scheme/aesthetic and an interesting playstyle. Like 7th edition Ynnari in 40k, before GW fucked them up.
>Was hoping for some expansion after the Broken Realms

Alright anons, here's a question.
You can add one new unit to the DoK (it can't be a hero). What is it?
Mildly amusing deepkin enhancement: a hero can heal allopexes by feeding them snack crustaceans mid battle.
Unerworlds hasn't even ended its current season
why do some men play girls factions like elves?
Awesome Lore
Cool/Interesting Characters
Fantastic Models
Sexy Snake Ladies
Intriguing Storyline with implications for the entire setting
none of this is applies to elves in AoS.
No game, no lore reading retard trying to troll.
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Cult rangers(witch elf archers basically, because having all your ranged choices be scathborn is pretty eh).
Failing that, if you wanna dig a bit into the older hellenic influence, some form of "heavy" infantry hoplites.
I'd actually love to see some form of 'temple guard' or 'coven guard' unit for the DoK who are better armoured with stats and weapons more geared towards defence than attack. It'd be an interesting addition to a glass-cannon faction.
Non-Scathborn archers would be a fun addition as well I suppose, but a bit dull imo haha
personally I dont mind em, just wish the range made use of monsters or something as well. Like a fucking hydra.
I only play against men, so nobody here plays with elves.

Yes. I hate them. I put the dark rider heads on them

This too. Fuck them, give me sexy dommy elves

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I think it's more my historical gamer side not feeling an army is complete without some light troops to do reconnaissance talking at this point.
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But you need some DoK to make it truly Har Kuron
>DoK get female dwarf shortstacks
>all humans in Morathi lands now just don't go to war at all, they can't even form militias or guards
>all martial matters have to be done by elf women in bikinis
What an odd society GW concocted.
I know you're two different people but you make it very easy to disregard the both of you as NPCs.
Order Serpentis have a hydra.
Order Serpentis have a Black Dragon
Scourge Privateers have Kharibdyss.
Darkling Covens have a Black Dragon.
If you use legends units, you can get a Beastmaster on Manticore.
Seems like elves in AoS get a lot of monsters.

Thanks anon.
I plan to get 10 Executioners, and some Daughters of Khaine units, mainly Melusai since Snake Babes are cool but maybe also some Witch Elves if I can get the old metal ones.
I'd LOVE to get Morathi at some point, that model is awesome and she's one of my favourite AoS characters.
I know I'm going to get the Melusai Ironscale at some point as well, probably to proxy as a Bloodwrack Medusa since I don't think the Ironscale had rules in 1st/2nd but she comes on the same base as the Bloodwrack and fits the look.
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How do DoK keep their numbers up? Who's doing the breeding when they're all partaking in blood orgy battles in the nude with horrible losses?
>human females and their children are tolerated purely because of the services their husbands perform
It ain't much, but it's honest work.
Men are used as slaves to maintain the temples and breed new members of the DoK according to the lore.
they dont. hence why they are getting squatted in 5th
Wasn't expecting mpreg
I meant breeding with the women but... honestly that's a pretty hot image so I will allow it! Going to need to greenstuff some pregnant Doomfire Warlocks now <3
Most bad things in the world happen because people treat others as NPCs.
This is a wargame, not KC's monstergirl encyclopedia. Fill in the blanks, we know.
It's kinda how we rarely see human couples in Warhammer, seldom hear of anyone's spouse they must have in order to have the children they do, or all we are presented with is angry retards fighting other angry retards for pointless reasons half the time because that gets the readers rolling dice for scenarios.
No one's gonna wanna play the scenario where two melusai are trying to woo Paco the potato farmer. This isn't mesbg were you can have scenarios of "guy chases horse" or "children are lost in the woods" and have it be fun.
Some new form of Scathborn, neither Melusai nor Khinerai. The Máthcoir was shattered during Morathi's time in Slaanesh's tummy, and even after being repaired it was only able to produce monstrosities that Morathi has decided to hide away from the world, like she did the orginal Scathborn so they must be pretty fucked up.
Interestingly, doomfires both being the only men strong enough to fight alongside the cults and being fucking despised for that is really funny to me.
It's like in canon the DoK have warlocks forced onto them as much as the players and neither likes it.
>mixed regiments
>every new woman is pregnant and showing in a few months, has to be sent back to base
>constant rotation of female soldiers being impregnated
>lucky to see one battle, can't participate as their armour no longer fits
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Seems like a pretty normal question. It's an entire society of retards who go out into battle naked without any self preservation and the people who fight are the same people who should be giving birth to more
At least in WFB they were just the nuns of Dark Elf society
You do realise that not every single woman in the DoK fights, right?
Morathi thinks her sexy snake self is an abomination she hid in shame and disgust, for all we know these new fucked up horrors are "elf but she's tall and buff" or "elf but she has a cow tail".
Hopefully some of them are scorpion elf chicks since Morathi and her melusai have stingers already.
You can't have that many women fighting and dying and expect your civilization to survive lmao. DoK need iron wombs and ovary harvesters.
To quote Warhammer Fantasy "there are as many elves as the plot demands".
It just works because shut up, kinda how they're also bisexual for the most part.
Dude, Scorpion Scathborn would be fucking sick. I'd buy the shit out of those models!

How shite do you think the DoK are at war? Most of the women we see in books and such are scar covered veterans of centuries of war. It's not like they're dying in droves with every fight. Between their skill, their magic, ambushes and the strange nature of Ulgu, they probably don't die all that often.
>one's gonna wanna play the scenario where two melusai are trying to woo Paco the potato farmer. This isn't mesbg were you can have scenarios of "guy chases horse" or "children are lost in the woods" and have it be fun.

Warcry does and it's great
Unlike WFB, the elves in AoS aren't dying out or endangered so at least "there are as many elves as the plot demands" isn't as bad as it was in the Old World.
Breeding pits
To be fair, they are a horde faction.

I can't say much about Warcry but it's much different in scope.
Kinda how old Necromunda went into how the Escher basically keep their men as sex slaves and the Goliath are fucked up on coke and steroids. Then numunda just made them vat babies and boring.
>Then numunda just made them vat babies
They're not just vat babies in the current fluff.
Anon you know people like him don't read the lore. They only complain about what they hear on YouTube.
>look up new necromunda
>see female goliaths
>turn 360 degrees and walk away
>Admits hating muscled, badass girls that could snap you in two with no effort

They should be fielded in the military.
If you can give them a headswap they'd probably be perfect for a Gears of War COG soldier.
>another busy day of plowing, dear?
>get's harder everyday, but my hips aren't what they used to be
Why are you hiding those boney boys from us anon?
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Actually, if you had three "classes"(dancer, singer, music player), and each interacted in a special way(muscician can either pull the target forward or pin them in place, dancer is able to "melee" and make a rival lose a turn or get penalties, and singer can lower or increase the target's resolve to resist these effects) as they slither around trapping the target in place with the person that gets the "kill" as the winner it might work as a small scenario.
Can you replace this model's right hand with another weapon? I feel like she'd be a perfect model without the stupid fucking whip.
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>The guy updating it quit, so we're just getting rid of it LOL
Never used it anyway so don't care.
Yes, and then launching a new one with the new edition. Be angry though.
Article says you'll have to use an app this time
Of course you do. They want you to pay for the app.
did they mentioned when the new app is coming out? I need to know when I can list-build.
Just use the app (now requires a wh+ subscription to view warscrolls and list build)
calling it
more info tomorrow
you can list-build as soon as the faction packs drop.
You might be right, but I think everything will be free in the app until new battletomes come out
If it's like 40K, then the indexes will be free and everything else will be paid.
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>it wasn't even made by GW but a fan who does it for free
Somehow I'm not even surprised
>somehow I’m not surprised
That’s because you made this lie up.
Dude it says so right in the article
>“From the very beginning this has been a great partnership, and I have nothing but great things to say about Games Workshop and the teams I worked with. The Warhammer community at large is awesome, and with their support, they really helped me continue to improve Warscroll Builder over the years. I’m very thankful to everyone who has helped keep this project going for almost a decade!”
>There I said it
>C-can you point the shotgun away from my crotch now?
tbf it does say they partnered up with him but what that actually means we don't know.
hello, i'm new to AOS - i like the way iron golems from old slaves of darkness look like, are there more model similar to them where i could build entire army, or i have to mix them into darkoaths?
iron golems are going out of production soon but they can be counted as marauders easily and with some conversions heroes and such
sorry bud, maybe you can pass em in khorne as something but I doubt it. Probably best off playing warcry if you wanted to field that aesthetic. Who knows, maybe in a couple years chaos dwarves will adopt some of that for their slavers?
Chorfs are quality over quantity
Lol, seriously
Payed builder through Warhammer+ to be introduced in 5...
>Captcha: GWGAY8
sure, i'll stay with warcry then. Besides Kharadon dwarves, there are no other heavy armored golem-like creatures in AOS? Not counting chaos knights, those are not fun
Sadly, StD are full of those interesting little Warcry cultist kits that don't match anything else in the army.
So you're new, huh? Warscroll Builder existed before GW officially got their hands on it, they basically bought it out because the free fan-made tool was more popular than anything they had going on and still is.
>golem knights
er....we got bone golems but uh...thats a completely different aesthetic.
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Running a Soulbound game soon in which the players are supporting a Dawnbringer Crusade that is heading deep into Ghur.
Give me your most interesting encounter ideas for what they come across in the wilds of the Realm of Beasts.
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NTA but I guess im trying to be. 20 Darkspears and half a dragon built so far
Nothing that immediately comes to mind. Maybe chaos dwarfs might have something like that when they roll out, since in their previous incarnation they built daemonic fire-golems called k'daai.
Lol I forgot the tag.
Looking like you've got a good army there anon! Always nice seeing another Darkling Covens/Har Kuron player out there.
There are dozens of us!
I mean I expected that since the new edition is such a total overhaul, but I’d be shocked if whatever replaces it isn’t both shittier overall and then also only usable if you have WH+
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Continue the dream!
>going out of production
no they dont, none of the warcry bands went, they are just online only now, and dont have specific profiles in STD.
I would just go with warcry, imo that game is better, just lacks a proper magic system
Wait... is that a human ear?
Have I been lied to?
a road of bones made by Ossiarchs. they arent hostile or anything, just working on their road.
I started longer than seven years ago.
Huh, that could actually be interesting.
Bonereapers demand a tithe of bones in return for letting the Crusade pass without bloodshed. I wonder if any of my players would be willing to "offer up" some of the less important members of said crusade.
I had a similar amount of stuff (also 20 cold one knights).
I just turned it into a TOW army.
>they'd call that a spearhead now and charge full price
they'd throw in another sprue and and call it a TOW army box.
I mean in the Dawnbringers the OBR guarding the area where Ushoran was safely contained straight up told the Ghyran crusade they can start a city at the foot of the wall and they would exempt them from the Tithe for 1 or 2 generations. They didn't take the deal.
But that just shows you the time frame OBR are willing to work on. That's a 20 to 40 year truce essentially.
trying to build a road in the realm of beasts...is an idea...
Very interesting. I'll definitely having to keep that in mind, thanks anon.
I hate how vague they are with SCE and Skaven stating that some will receive updates and others will just go away without bothering to identify which is which.
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Am I right in assuming there's still no Dawnbringers 6 scan?
And there never will be. Make peace with it.
Go scan it yourself mate
but I thought black women sold well
What do sales have to do with scans
Just watch out.
If you are in Ghur, and you are dealing with OBR, it's Ivory Host.
They are the dudes would try to act extremely refined but are containmentated by Amberbone, so they are prone to going berserk. Their commander is a named 'female' OBR too.
more sales = more scans
if more people bought it, fewer need a scan
sorry poorfag chud you will not be missed
MORE scans? There's either a scan or there isn't one, why would we need multiple
>sorry poorfag chud you will not be missed

This thread is constantly filled with retards who bitch about GW and hate the company, but also insult others and act like they're the bad guy when they don't want to give GW money.
Retards acting retarded. Must be a day that ends in Y.
Holy projection. Pavil won’t let you be a partner.
cry more
Lol ok mate. You're projecting so hard you use your head for a powerpoint presentation.
Undivided are going to ravage the anuses of monsters and heroes this edition

I now feel vindicated for making my boys all-blacks. Fighting Sons will be fun.
Anyone got one of those cobbled together PDFs of the new rules?
i mean warcry still will be warcry, it's not like most of sweaties are in warcry
Undivided StD players are the most boring people you can find
>posts someone else’s boys
Enjoy your news.
What about SKAVENslayer?
40k sells the most of any miniature toy wargame and the last several books published for it this year have yet to be scanned even after many months have passed.
myeh...anyone got that cado book that they are willing to share? French isnt exactly the best writer based off what I have heard, but im curious what they're doing with a character that has gotten more than one book.
>Hey here's more things for you to buy when you buy our big release
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did that walking basedjack ever actually end up building and painting any of it?
The fact that he considers this acceptable is nauseating. A ton of warhammer enjoyers have a huge pile of shame but they at least MIGHT get to it all eventually or at the very least intend to use them, having the boxes themselves and doing nothing with them is insane
The three unopened FW titans are, by themselves, worth more than 99% of other wargamers piles of shame.
I notice us getting most scans a lot quicker than they do, I've always wondered why
Chaos dwarves in 2 more years, trust the plan!!
I mean
They are one of the (two?) most obvious choices for new armies to add, alongside Mally's shadowfaggots
True. Given the prior chorf leaks+the way the new core rulebook is plopping down Chaos Dwarf strongholds everywhere I think we'll definitely see Chorfs in 4E.

Whereas Mally just gets copy-pasted lore from the last edition and DoK just got Krethusa as probably the tip-off of a new wave I think Mal is waiting for 5E at the ealiest.
he also apparently collects guitars in the back there, so I don't think he's concerned about being responsible with money
Are you one of the aggressively retarded anons that refuses to acknowledge the hints we keep getting for them
Why do people post stuff like this like it's something to be proud of?
>I spent all of my money in a hobby and never did anything with it! I'm totally, dare I say, /yourguy/!
If my pile of shame came anywhere close to this i'd be in utter shame, I wouldn't broadcast it to the world to let everyone know what a mindless consumer I was.
It's not even the money it's the "collecting" part that bothers me. This shit doesn't look cool in the box, it's only interesting visually assembled and painted
he's just fishing for any kind of responses he can get, hurts me a little that somehow that isn't obvious
I think that's the fate of many model kits sold, with another large portion only ever existing as grey tide
I think they still have no clue what to do with malerion and are just killing time until someone gets an idea. Or his model is already done and just getting shoved into DoK since it's the laziest, easiest option
Im happy for you but I dont, I dont like weapons, shields and stupid spikes on top of that helmet.
They're saving him for the 5e grand alliance split where all the elves leave the order and become their own grand alliance.
Nah, they've definitely got a storyline planned for Malerion. In the more recent lore/short stories Malerion and Tyrion are testing each other's borders and Shadow Daddy is clearly planning a complete 100% take over of Ulgu.
I think the problem is, there's so many plotlines running right now in AoS there's no room to fit him and his elves in.
Are smaller, older versions of models requivalent in AoS4 as long as they're on the correct base size?
yeah should be fine, but with true line of sight you might have to do some "estimating" if the size differences are really marked
Yeah it's fine. Getting cover isn't as important in AoS.
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some are fine, some are not. depends on the size difference.
in the case of monster sized stuff the size difference is usually too much, like greater daemons, or the old carnosaur vs the new plastic one.

for most infantry or monstrous infantry like trolls or ogres the size difference is small enough that its fine
God I want that ancient metal Great Unclean One so much :(

has there ever been a better update than the greater daemons?
how much you willing to spend? trolltraders got one for 50 britbucks. doesnt seem to bad as far as OOP models go
This dude is actually a fuck ton bigger than you initially think he is.
I kinda wish they made refresh of troops.
Ooooh! That's tempting. Thanks for the tip anon.
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he's like stone troll size. he's big, sure, and he towers over skeleton warriors, but he's maybe 3" tall, the new nagash is legitimately a full foot tall
Dude's had millenia, what's he waiting on
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here he is next to new nagash
I wonder if they'll ever remake a model to be smaller. I can think of a single reasonable candidate for such a thing; this fucker is borderline impossible to use in either game because of how big it is.
>make one of the best miniatures of all time
>produce exactly 3 copies of it
>sold out forever
>getting scalped for 400% msrp

i really hate this company sometimes
My primer is supposed to arrive tomorrow so it's nearly time for me to paint my full assembled Soul Grinder because I was a fucking dumb shit and put him together completely before painting.
I fear what awaits me.
>>getting scalped for 400% msrp
damn I lucked out with that dawnbringers box huh, I probably wont even make a full maggotkin army either.
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Call me a contrarian if you want, but I greatly prefer the design of the old KoS. It was objectively not a good model, being a pinning nightmare, but I prefer its monstrous look to the "guy with a weird face" direction the new one took.
Same, anon.
Looked more horrific and monstrous, which made it creepier when people found them beautiful and arousing because of their 'demonic aura' for lack of a better term.
The FW one was better
Do you happen to have an ogre?
Like, just a generic glutton.
It's honestly no big deal, painted mine fully assembled and it took a long time just due to the size but wasn't unusually challenging. you can't really see the bottom of it so a heavy slather of metallic and some washes sorts it out
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We'll never get an actually good KoS. I prefer the new one to the old one though.
Whats funny is that he has base in aos.
not my picture, i just found it off google
New one is cool but almost look like DP and not GD.
you could get a scanned and printed one.
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VGH fuck that new piece of shit...
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creaturecaster has some. maybe a bit overdesigned but not terrible.

they have a solid alternate GUO too
appreciate it but my printers out of commission at the moment.
FW one was similar to this art, talk about a fragile-looking hobby nightmare though

Fuck that's sad, this is not collecting it's mental illness.
It's not too hard of a model to paint. There's not much that gets obscured enough to be hard to paint, but not obscured enough to be visible, outside of maybe the bits of the legs underneath the armour plates.
I myself have been working on converting a SG to look Slaaneshi, and I'm having a bit of difficulty coming up with a good bit or object to use to model a big speaker jutting out of the mouth (in 40k, Slaanesh SGs have a "scream of despair" attack instead of phlegm bombardment). It's surprisingly difficult to find a very tiny disc with vertical line holes in it...
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Yeah I got a recast of this but for whatever mysterious reason I just don't feel like assembling it. Definitely my favorite so far though
most forms of collecting ride that line
I'm completely sane!
at least there's some gunpla in there?
Every 40k codex comes with a new mini this edition. Are they following this trend in AoS?
Collecting is collecting and all but if he was just going let them sit boxed on a shelf forever he could've just bought boxes, most people consider them trash anyway.
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Have they ever released a Battletome without at least 1 new model?
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All the time.
You mean the one released with Endless Spells and Terrian?
I thought we were talking about actual models here
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I really hate the new bloodthirster I would've preferred they kept him simple and had the dog head. The new one is just covered in shit
By natural means whenever they have the time. Most usually their temples and cities have male slaves like leathanam for this. They also recruit and kidnap other elves to join their ranks, like darklings from the cities. Morathi creates the melusai and khinerai in her cauldron
I still don't see how men are giving birth
DoK lore must be freakier than I thought
You mean the physical models that are played on the table and have rules in the game
If it's not made in the UK it's not a Warhammer miniature.
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Your reddit comment would make sens if GW didn't consider an Endless Spells one of the main icons of AoS
Stop posting that shitass model in every thread
What army do you think represents the "rogue" archetype the best? I'm a huge fantasy nerd and I like to always pick this class in games and RPGs.
The whole army is like this, or at least having a unit/hero that has the vibe.
Think Bilbo Baggins or World of Warcraft Rogue; stealth, resourceful and creative use of items, assassination
>picking a Trish Morrison model over a Jes Goodwin one
The only thing covered in shit is your taste.
I also prefer this guy's head
Deepkin give of the general vibe, but for gameplay somethign that deepstrikes a lot would be the most assassiny
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It's funny how you can spot a Trash Morrison and a tranny the exact same way
Skaven literally have a ninja assassin that fights with poisoned daggers and throwing stars.
Don't forget the asinine pose and the whip that's begging to be snapped
The wing texture is too damn busy on this model
Ive heard the greater demons were originally D&D fiends that got repurposed for Warhammer. The Bloodthirster is obviously a Balrog but what are the others supposed the be?
I see skaven are getting a lot of new stuff this upcoming edition, any news on new ninja/eshin battleline dudes? from a glance so far it seems more focused on the engineer and mutant angles
Any or all

Scathborn that are not snakes or harpy but something new and unique. More powerful, buff and elite than melusai and khinerai like the annihilators are in stormcast army. Unit size 3.

Cloaked morai-heg priestesses and shadowcasters. Similar -witch in rags- style and outfit like Krethusa. Dawnbringers VI mention a DOK leader titled 'Matriarch'. Cool unit leader name. Unit size 5.

Skirmisher witch elves with exotic thrown/ranged weapons on ulgu shadow cat mounts. Delete warlocks

'Khainite heart-eaters' from new Blacktalon book. Savage as hell. Warcry band?
KoS is a Glabrezu
you've got a couple options.

skaven: general sneakiness and backstabbing, and a whole subculture of rogue ninjas

gloomspite: sneaky with some poison, trickery, and hidden assassin themes

kruleboyz: all about tricks, traps, ambushes, stealth, and poisoned weapons. definitely the crossbow rogue archetype

cities of sigmar: their dark elfs, and particularly the scourge privateers and assassins, have very rogue vibes
Everything is too busy on that model
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2 of those are early Bloodthirsters, one is a Hero Quest Gargoyl. Can you guess who is who?
It's difficult to say right now. A credible leaker has confirmed that Gutter Runners are gone, and staying gone, but there's been no mention of whether Night Runners (the swarm battleline ninja) are staying, getting remade, or going.
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Why is old khorne so much better than new khorne
Those are just devils Anon
so are the new ones to be honest.
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They didn't exactly leave that territory with the update they just made them uglier
these are definitely the least bad of the new lesser daemons.

the other 3 are just unforgivable
Are those the same? Bottom ones look much better somehow
Nothing like even a shred of AoS news to get the shitposters riled up
yeah, just painted different
Nurgle ones are pretty cool imo
It's the same kit
I prefer the xenomorph bloodletters
these would work for a different unit of mid-sized khornate brutes
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The Dark Powers ordered you (yes, you) to redesign lesser demons of all 4 gods.
What are your suggestions?
they have serious problems the closer you get.

the heralds and slimux all look great though, so its not a problem with the plaguebearer design, just the sculpt quality of that particular kit
I keep them as they are and instead make elite versions as additional units that fix their designs without changing them drastically
> spikey bits
Yeah not reading, not clicking.
THREADLY reminder the fag in charge got pimp slapped at a tournament and he took it like the BITCH he is.
Just remake the metal ones in plastic
Why would a British company care about an American only holiday that’s barely celebrated even among the black community?

And I’m not shocked the Darkoath box is selling like shit. Hard to sell people on an army when their whole thing is “they fucking suck and they might do something while they die by the dozens.” Personally I like the models. Love me some barbarians, but being a bunch of tough muscle bound warriors that also get torn apart by a stiff breeze is a niche army choice. If you want big buff warriors that can actually survive combat you may as well play Blades of Khorne
All of the army boxes that have been released take like a year to sell out, you can still find the fec one everywhere
Does you store just have the tower of Isengard as a terrain piece?
Holy Based
idk, i just found that on google images like the others
Just have the old one standing on a mound of feces so he's the right height
Give daemonettes and pink horrors more variety like what's seen in their underworlds warbands
Just make plaguebearers and nurglings look a bit nastier and less cute
Give bloodletters a small selection of hell-wrought weaponry and armour, with a few industrial details such as the occasional crude mechanical limb (not as a bionic, but as if they were "born" that way like a juggernaut) or metal mask
Bonus: Bring back the old style of gargoyle bat furies as their own separate thing
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I don't, there's enough trash for chaosnigs to buy.
I would subvert the expectations and give everybody a lesser demon girl.
Nurgle would have slutty BBW that spreads STDs and uses her charms to control board, attracting and repulsing other units like if they were magnets with post nut clarity.
Tzeentch would have buff musclemommy that enjoys getting hit and hanging out with the nerds. She would then be able to transfer the wounds to other units.
Khorne would have nerdy healer girl, the less violent you were in the round, the more she heals you. She would also be a ticking timebomb exploding on the place of her martyr death.
Slaanesh would get a debuff sorceress femboi able to shuffle buffs across the board.
>I would be a degenerate porn addict like I am in person
GW changed the design of daemons but decided to go back to the earliest designs for the newest batch
Same with Slaanesh
Pink and Blue look this cool.
>I want my chaos demons to be family-friendly
If I wanted non-degenerate army, I would get sisters.
>someone has paid an obscene amount of money for these on ebay
I wonder how many cretins like you realize how much damage you've truly done to yourselves
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and instead of diaz based daemonettes in plastic we got these
>got joke 80s horrors instead of something inspired by these
It's so over
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Did bestigors actually come with 32mm bases? I know that they're supposed to be but sometimes there's fuckery with the older stuff, I was gonna use them as chosen I don't like the default chosen kit
not even the good joke horrors like the moonfaces, the multiple articulations and the drumhead
arent chosen on 40s?
queercoded desu
They're actually not that bad.
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>actually evolve the daemon designs
>people love them
>daemons come to plastic
>yeah we made them look like the old ones again because they were there first and old = good
Shockingly unfunny
And people complain about modern day minis being monopose.
That was 2E, before GW fully committed to pity models. Give me an example from 3E
This is one step worse than box posting cause you haven't even purchased them yet.
Obviously the defiler has the same issue. The Toxicrene is also basically unusuable becsuse of the te tentacles.
I don't remember 3e
AoS chosen should be 32's but I think 40k's are 40
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We'll never get actual sexy Slaanesh models from GW because their primary market is the mothers of 12 year old boys.

You have to go 3rd party for proper sleazy and hot Slaanesh demons.
They are on 40’s.
>haven't even purchased them yet.

They were shipped out six hours ago, cunt :)
AoS chosen are 40. I just looked it up on the app.
People have different standards for plastic and metal models when it comes to modularity? wut?
Yes it is possible to alter miniatures.
chosen are on 40s and fill up every mm of it. they're huge, like ogre sized. they stand at least a full head taller than a chaos warrior
>two breasts
I'm going to have a load of leftover parts from my Har Kuron force, so I guess I could cut her hand off and slap on a spare Bleaksword... uh... sword, I guess.
Just greenstuff a third one.

If I had my way all Slaaneshi would have two breasts, but also a bulge.
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>[insert redditor sperging about how slaanesh =/= sex here]
Oh well, guess I'll need to grab some 40's then

Or this, more is also good.

The monoboob just doesn't look nice.
>broken up like a puzzle for schizophrenics
>after all that time cleaning abd assembling, you'll only make that one pose ever because it only goes one way
Compare that to washing the piece and standard cleanup to be done. Night and day.
>all right, time to design a daemon of the god of capricious, unbridled desire and ever-growing depravity
>yep, a generic succubus; that'll do it
this sucks dog we gotta get some /d/-type people to design slaaneshi daemons
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>beastmen as chosen
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Let me offer you an alternative
that's much more like it
>suck em all dry champ
They're wearing armor, have two-handed weapons and are chaos. More importantly they look better than chosen
Bro if you want it so bad just pay the 60$. You do have 60$ right?
And best of all zero(0) women
>Personally I like the models.
Consider donating your brain to science, you're some sort of medical anomaly.

In no universe do any beastmen look better than Chosen.
In this current universe they do
Only in your addled brain anon.
>You do have 60$ right?

No, because I don't live in a burning shithole like America :)
I could pay £26.78 to get it through Wayland Games, but I don't want to. If I can get it for free, I will.
This is an elf goddess by the way.
You can buy as many ugly overpriced chosen as you'd like I won't stop you. I personally will be buying some cheaper and more numerous bestigors
Proxies are banned in this game.
Mf you need to get your cock wet asap
No they aren't
Noone believes you secondary. A cart isn't an army, a pile of boxes isn't an army, a pile of grey models isn't an army.
Anon stop sneeding.
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>europoor behaving like a beggar
Checks out
Secondary cope
>begs for book every thread
>complains about book itself
>everyone else is poor
Looking at the catalog, they'd all just the great unclean one but covered in dicks and feet.
They specifically are after people kept using dragon princes for blood knights.
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>Noone believes you

Whatever you say, mate. There's always a few cunts like you scattered about the internet, so I'm just going to ignore your retarded screeching.
Before I do, however, I will take this chance to mention the fact I've already got two Dreadspears assembled (minus shields for ease of paint) awaiting the arrival of my primer tomorrow. Once primed, I will be testing two colour schemes on them to see which I prefer.
In addition, the middle model is going to be my 'Master with Battle Standard' from the Dark Elves Legends PDF.
While I paint my Har Kuron force, I will be playing games with my fully painted Maggotkin army, on my table covered in fully painted terrain.
Now, piss off back to your Da's room and resume your cock sucking.
The US can't meme.
I miss the old dark elf infantry for that very useful boob plate bit. Shame the new plastics got rid of that and made them all male.
Ikr? I kind of wish I was able to get the older plastic Dark Elf infantry. I still love the "new" Bleakswords and such but the older ones are a little better imo.
That happened in your imagination
That's so unfunny it hurts. Be better, anon.
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Huh, maybe I can get away with the rocks.
Don't know how the base sizes compare, that might indicate how much difference in scale there is.
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No, GW mentioned that as the specific example.
What was wrong with that?
The truth hurts
i dont like it. everything forgeworld does has too much texture, especially the nurgle stuff
They weren't buying the insanely overpriced blood knights
O Kurwa ale GW to huje...
>Worse design in every possible way
>Shitty Resin

Yeah, he's clearly MUCH better than the plastic one...
It's just the plastic one but heavier and more annoying to work with
Imagine just going around proudly announcing that you have no brain
Imagine being such a contrarian that you defend a pointless forgeworld model
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>We will never get plastic plaque toads with and without riders
I hate mortals so much you wouldn't believe it.
Omg, another Plague Toad lover! I really want plastic toads, but it seems I'll need to get a recast set or 3d 'em.
You slaanesh can't be sex faggots are even more annoying.
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>Omg, another Plague Toad lover!
There isn't a unit in that army more easily made out of a pile of greenstuff
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the resin plague toads were offensively bad. loke crinckled up balls of paper covered in quick dry spray foam. probably the most egregious example of forgeworld texture
They're a classic example of a unit that no one cared about until GW told them they couldn't buy it anymore and then all of a sudden they were basedkinosovl
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Are the new chaos knights the same size as these guys?
Probably a touch bigger.
Goddamn those look so much better
yeah, i dont know. maybe a bit of both. its not an awful idea for a unit. nurgles realm is usually referred to as a garden, toads in a garden is thematic, toads are also usually seen as disgusting and associated with warts and disease, so it could be good. those sculpts are just ass. i dont hate the idea, but i would never spend money on those particular models
Nah, they ain't that just cause they're gone. They look like shit, but I still like 'em.
Give them some minor pieces of Armor and change the poses up a bit
More poses and more differentiated bits. Like f.e. some heads without eyes or some with multiples of them. Maybe some sculpts of lesser Horrors breaking out of their Mouth, trying to escape. I belive there was something similar already once. Also peak design would make them designed in a way that allows to put them on the base in different oriantations.
Go away from the Half-Life-Design and more like Zombies or that 40k Plaguezombie-Guys. Make the stomaches weirdly bloated (not fat) and their heads and some limbs twisted with a big rotten horn breaking out instead of an eye so we keep the cyclopean-reference. Diversify the kit by including there some other factions that are still distinguishable by remnants of cloth or armor that is heavily rocked down.
Are actually fine imo, would mostly change the poses a bit from the current odd spread standing pose to one more running one like the old ones or DoK Witch Elves.
>Diversify the kit by including there some other factions
Never ever happening, they need to work for 40k and AoS
I thin it's because, on some level, they're aware it's a problem, so they post it online as a way to get validation (from strangers) for their addiction and feel better about it.
Odds of this coming true are 0 so who cares anyway if they are compatible to 40k?
He's also just... flat out describing a completely different unit than plaguebearers.
Though for daemons, having bits and bobs of stormcast/space marine whatsits in their kits is totally fine since they dimension hop. Be nice to see a named daemon who's kit had a heads on spikes that ALWAYS had both a SCE and marine helmet on it.
Back then blood knights were $99 fine finecast kits. So buying DPs to use as them is stealing $64 from GW as far as they're concerned.
>Are actually fine imo
rare opinion
I am kind of a special snowflake in that regard.

Wasn't a plaguebearer a warped sould that was struck down by Nurgles diseases? Optical marks are the one eye, the horn, the bloated stomach/body. I tried to incorporate these together with the body of the host to make it a bit more interesting that nude cyclops guys, that's all.
Forgeworld is half "wow, that puts GW to shame" and "what the fuck"
they haven't put anything to shame for like 15 years.
>wow, that puts GW to shame

while that was certainly the case back in like 2005, its a lot less so since they updated their sculpting techniques and hired better artists in the mid 2010s
>Be nice to see a named daemon who's kit had a heads on spikes that ALWAYS had both a SCE and marine helmet on it
That would be awful for everyone, it's bad enough that we share daemons since GW is too lazy to make separate lines we don't need even more "HURR chaos so lerandom dimension hopping LOLOL"
get the fuck out. chaos being shared is one of the coolest things about warhammer. gimme back rolling on a table and having a bolt pistol fall out of the sky into the hands of a chaos warrior.
>gimme back
You weren't there to begin with faggot
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what did they mean by this
What's the issue
Oh, shit! That's actually something that I specifically wanted for the new Clanrats! Maybe I should get this box...
>anon......get the body oil
In case there is some Gloomspite Gitz player that still hasn't offed himself, Faction Terrain is straight up immune to shooting and magic because it's only a unit in the charge and combat phase.
I get why GW did it but isn't this like not how skaven clans work at all? At least not the big named ones
>53 KB JPGIn case there is some Gloomspite Gitz player that still hasn't offed himself,
Wait why
What happened
Don't care until we see tomes
They can still picked as target of abilities. Is Shooting attack an ability that pick a target?
Did the Ghyran twist cards for spearhead crop up anywhere? I saw all the Aqshy ones.
What do you mean
In Fantasy every clan had clanrats, hence the name. In AoS they were "hired" by other clans, which is something that I always found really stupid and am glad they seem to be rolling back. Either way, clanrats who stick around in a clan are going to pick up some of their "culture" and gear anyway.
>Nagendra on the Spearhead board
Praise the Coiling Ones.
you are misreading this badly
Guess I have to stick to the other 9999237 reasons to complain about gw
There's no issue (except you aren't getting plaguemonks or gutter runners)
>new Blades of Khorne fluff says "the Second Age of Chaos looms"
So the game's gonna have to rebrand, then?
Yeah, forgot that shooting is an ability too.
What am I looking at here exactly? The metal test models they used to make the molds for the new plastic clan rats?
That's a photograph of the instructions for the new clanrats, showing that the champion models have options to represent the other clans.
If SG Warhound didn't already say we're getting new globadiers I'd be worried
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I wonder how these two chumps will fare in the new edition. I wish that they would go back to being monsters, especially if Despoilers is coming back.
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Oh, that'll be a neat touch. I wonder if they'll do alt heads for the rest of the kit, but that would be a shit ton of extra heads.
once per game abilities
>Despoilers is coming back
They're gone, bro. Let go.
Has anyone played AoS using tabletop simulator? How does it handle? Where do you find players?
They're part of the model for the etb kit aside from the champion
It handles as well as you handle it
yes, gsg still doa.
Show me your Lumineth! I want to start 4th edition with them
Man I just want daemon princes for the god specific armies too..
Why don't you just actually do it
Ask tournament centric discords or anywhere the scummiest hobbylet players congregate
Who says I'm not. But the thread is always improved by people posting their models/armies
You are never getting them again
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Not mine, but I've come across two people doing the Realm-Lords up in reds and they look MUCH better imo.
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And this one.
If/when I do Realm-Lords I'll probably do 'em in non-standard colours because they look better imo.
Just make them monsters again. At least the Sphiranx. Pisses me off how they made such a great model and it completely blows ass
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sphiranx should also be available in hos and dot, while the fomoroid in bok and mon

probe me wong
Sphiranx should be a hero in DoT even
I actually like the box art white and blue, but that red is bitching
Do you have the recipe for it?
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Very well.
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Needs more sheer
Nah, like I said they ain't mine. I'm just going to copy the colours when I get around to painting my Realm-Lords.
imagine being a 6'5 300 lb muscular barbarian who walks the path of glory all his life, on the cusp of becoming a daemon prince, only to get shit stomped by some fat fuck baker reforged as an annihilator, and now you spend the rest of eternity gagging on tranny god cock.
only good elf model
I like the light of eltharion
the people sigmar rescues and turns into stormcast arent nobodies. they're heroes, scholars, veterans, and more than a few times even redeemed chaos warriors. its very possibly the chosen himself gets reforged into an annihilator
just a heads up, the old skaven vanguard is getting spearhead rules too
They've been fighting non stop for 100 years as well. Its a dumb comparison to try and rag on one of most canonically elite units in the setting.
Chosen are just as easily a bunch of roided up meatheads who've never fought anything that wasn't slaughtering a defenseless peasant.
>fighting non stop for 100 years as well

Far longer, in fact. Malerion crafted he Gladitoriumt, this place lets the Stormcast to train against extremely life-like illusions and wage fierce and realistic battles so they were "fighting" for far longer.

It's REALLY dumb to try and rag on them.

If a normal person refuses chaos and spits in it's eye as they receive a horrible death then Sigmar may find them worthy and reforges them into a body worthy of their spirit.

I can't remember exactly I read that and I certainly not spending time googling it, but it makes sense doesn't it?.
>normal person
>refuses chaos

that is not a normal person. normal people cant refuse chaos, chaos is incredibly tempting and corrupting, enough that it warrants burning whole settlements if even a hint of chaos corruption is detected. anyone who could actually spit in the eye of a chaos offering and choose death instead has serious main character energy and more than a few levels under their belt
desu it's whatever the plot demands, like my scenario could still happen, it's more about the qualities of their soul than their profession or skill as a warrior. Like realistically most stormcast probably aren't as honed as the chosen or chaos warriors they fight, at least not immediately. Like Vandus pooped on khul despite khul having been a warlord for centuries. and vandus being a blacksmith. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just funny to see the edgelords put in perspective.

It's marginally better than getting dumpstered on by an 8 foot skeleton blender made from your grandpa's bones.
God I love the original stormcast paladin aesthetics. From the Retributors with massive fuck off hammers, to the decimators ripping and tearing, to the protectors going darth maul on chaos.
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As someone who bought the old Vanguard box, can I get a source on that info?

Also, are they gonna change the Shreiking Bell/Plague Furnace?...im really like the current one, and am debating purchasing it.
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Just because he's terrible in the dead game doesn't mean you need to keep posting him in the good one.
Warcry more the random missions. It's super unbalanced but it's extremely fun

>Kinda how old Necromunda went into how the Escher basically keep their men as sex slaves
Tell me more
Utterly based

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