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Virus bomb edition

Previous thread: >>93135011

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
https://pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8 (embed)
https://pastebin.com/8riDmnhS (embed)
https://pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLp (embed)
>Fluff(visions and BL)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements

『Adeptus Titanicus』
>Rules and supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Who's got the highest killcount in your army? Can be a unit, vehicle, or character.
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Anyone play a ranged oriented SM legion as melee or vice versa?
Deathshroud squad. They've tanked a Lyssatra's double Lascannon fire and hacked them to pieces, finished a Tyrant squad and reaped a 15 Despoiler mob another Warsmiths was hiding in
I play IH melee style with immortals, gorgons and a melee leviathan themed around Morragul
I'm not sure if DG count, but I play mine with Despoilers, vets with power weapons and combi weapons in rhinos, and grave wardens in land raiders for a close assault playstyle.
I took the AL daggerpill but hurled them at a stone gauntlet list and it didn't go well. Though I guess it was more the fist's fault than daggers'.
Same with the artificer command squad. Dead to a Warder unit
>Who's got the highest killcount in your army? Can be a unit, vehicle, or character.
Bodies or poins?
Points the Laser Destroyer rapiers.
Bodies the Leviathen dread
What do they look like next to the new Mk 3? I love these models so I hope they are not visibly too short. I would appreciate a photo comparison, Immortals are fucked on minicompare.info
they are the same as old mark III and barely shorter than the new mark VI in squat pose. The height isn't the issue its the bulk, the limbs are noticeably thinner than even mark VI and the body is just smaller.
A tossup between the Praetor and his retinue. Dreads, demons, and deathstars are their bread and butter.
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What do you equip your cata squads with? Full TH? Standard combi bolter PF?Leave them in the box?
Combi Bolter/TH
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Scoria is done and ready to never see a game.
Volkite chargers & power fists
Nah jk combi bolters & TH
off-meta thunderhammers do surprisingly well
Rocket pods, as Perturabo intended.
This >>93147228 but unironically. Also two chain fists and a power dagger.
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>be pert
>be left alone inside of your own skull for three hundred seconds on end
>immediately descend into an autistic fit, smashing everything around you with a fucking power hammer as even your custom domitar tard wrangler bodyguards (the only things in the cosmos that can even be made to appear to tolerate you) sit outside the room in passive horror wondering if they're next
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yellow and frail wall rat claws typed this post.
My freehanded hazard stripes do not look great but they at least look I tried and that's what counts, right?
Soul comes from the impression that the artist cared and had vision, not from execution. It'll be fine.
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Simple Praetor kitbash of the Autillon Skorr lion head and the generic AL termie body, but I really like him.
Flyers must begin in Reserves. But they no longer have deepstrike?
Power mauls and combi volkites with a warmonger, deep strike onto an objective and clear the Tacticals and serve as a massive pain in the ass to clear with the attached medicae while my Despoilers and grave wardens clear the other objectives. The sarge has a thunder hammer for challenges.
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I ordered some 2mm tape so I can try to get some cleaner lines on later minis but I think this will look alright at play distance.
Fucking nigger-faggots, bin the titanicel tumour already. That retarded parody of a game doesn't even exist anymore.
Nah let them exist
/atg/bros kept us alive during the dark times, they deserve their spot.
Without Deep Strike/Outflank a unit must come on from your battlefield edge when it arrives from Reserves.

With Deep Strike you can Deep Strike it onto the battlefield anywhere (but a Flyer which arrives from Reserves must either be in Hover mode, if it has that ability, or move at least its full Movement Characteristic, and may not voluntarily leave the battlefield on any turn in which it arrives).

Most players only have the option to make a single Deep Strike Assault with all units they wish to assign to it, with units committed to the DSA required to arrive within 12" of the first unit which arrives (which is why you put your biggest down first). If the Deep Strike Assault is Disordered, your opponent places the 2nd, 4th, 6th etc units anywhere within 24" of the first but, RAW, still has to place a Zooming Flyer so that it can move its full Movement Characteristic and remain in play (this will usually not be a problem as it can make a 90* turn before moving, but can sometimes be used to force it into a corner).

Some armies may have access to other ways to use units which can Deep Strike (such as a Drop Pod Assault, which is exclusively for Drop Pods which already have the Deep Strike rule), or permit a second Deep Strike Assault, but in general you don't want your Flyers without Hover to Deep Strike at all except on the most colossal of battlefields
Why do you care so much?
Yellow stripes are too thick near the edges of your shoulder pad, consider adding a bit of black there to even out the pattern.
Because it annoys me. I need no other justification.
Thanks, anon :D
Seems a Thunderhawk wouldn't be able to deepstrike because you need to have the actual rule, regardless of being a Hover Flyer
I see it, I'll touch it up, thanks.
Why does it annoy you? It does *literally* nothing
We have maybe one titanpost per 5 threads I don't see the big deal. You sound like a faggot.

>Also the black book mega is down, does anyone have a backup?
..and someone begging to be spoonfed. Kek
>We have maybe one titanpost per 5 threads
Extremely generous odds
decimate yourself faggot
You are reinforcing my position. If there is no cucktanicus posting, then there is even less of a reason for them to pollute our OP and thread name. Kick them out once and for all, if anyone wants to play LI without the infantry, they're welcome to talk about their queerness in the LI general.
ligma flopped so hard lmao
There;s a LIgma general?
That's the joke.
Wasn't funny, sorry
>Shitting on AT
>Requests to be spoonfed in the same breath

I hope your father molests you and your mother doesn't believe you.
Shitting on titanicucks is every man's holy duty, and reminding you fucks to maintain repos is not 'asking to be spoonfed'. You don't maintain the OP at all.
It got taken down 2 days ago you mong
what is this weird chip on your shoulder about AT, did your gf leave you for a titanichad or something?
They really should just commit to playing Epic. Not Legions... Epic. If they've got the terrain and the big robots already, they're a few 3D prints and maybe an LI box from having a very large force for a superior game.
Kinda weird you'd bring up Epic and LIgma in a conversation about AT but ok
should I take?
>2 squads of 5 lernaens with a conversion beamer and land raider each?
>the equalivent points (970) in allies?

I have 3 line units in my army and I kinda need some more, hence the lernaens
all 3 are shit games
All three have Titans, but two of them don't pretend that Titans exist in a vacuum
my initial idea for the allies was some solar auxilia consisting of

>legate marshal with TH (100) (feral cohorts)
>2 lifewards with command vox, vexilla (75)
>2 medics with fear 1 upgrade (55)
>2x 20 man rifle sections with vox interlock, dracosan transport (290x2)
>thunderbolt with skystrike missiles (140)

its 950, so i have 20pts for some extra upgrades
>should I take?
>>2 squads of 5 lernaens w
Oof. What's their intended role anyways?
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The IW/IF rivalry has nothing on the trve enemies
literally just more line and a bit of melee bullying of light targets

my troops is maxed out
(3x tacticals in rhinos, 3x predator tanks, im running armoured spearhead)
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or the trve bros
i don't even mind the best boys being distrusted allies, as they're so very diametric in mannerisms and each partied hard under their own doctrines parallel to one another
a good time was had all the same
so lit it engulfed the galaxy in a riotous array of warp storms
fuck ultramar rape ultramar run ultramar through a fucking wood chipper and and dance around a maypole together with the gore splattering everywhere <3
imperialis militia players, have your opponents ever allowed you to be flexible with units?
IE using stuff not in the legacies pdf but has fanmade horus heresy stats, like the liber imperatus hellhound
>two of these dumb down titans to shove in shitty infantry
Battletech is older than Warhammer, you'd think they'd figure out you can have complex mech rules while also including infantry appropriate for the scale.
I'm an Imp Fist fag and even I must admit this. Guilliman pure rage at Calth and Lorgar's shit talking is pure kino
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I'm not sure Battletech has quite hammered out infantry yet.
So what makes the Scorpius Missile Tank good? Is it Rocket Barrage?
>>Thread question:
>Who's got the highest killcount in your army? Can be a unit, vehicle, or character.

Is a track record starting in HH 1.0 allowed?
>Destroyed and immobillised numerous spartans upon arrival, to the point that people in the local community stopped using spartan land raiders
>Destroyed a land raider and 4 of the command squad terminators riding it
>Destroyed a caestus assault ram, and the majority of the terminators being transported by it died as a result of the flyer crashing and burning
>Destroyed a handful of sicarans of various patterns, either by arriving from reserves or using his combi-melta when the vehicle was parked a bit too close to the table edge when he out flanked
>Crippled a couple of medusa squadrons
>Killed around half a quad mortar rapier squad a few of times, and half a Iron Havocs squad once
>Survived a missile launcher HSS firing upon him, proceeded to charge and sweep them in close combat
>Mopped up the remains of a tactical squad occasionally

He had a rough start in HH 2.0 but seems to have regained his stride once again
>Charged a 20 man tactical squad, sergeant wasn't in range to challenge, eviscerated a bunch of tactical marines before sweeping the unit
>Got charged by a 20 man tactical squad, locked into a challenge by the sergeant, survived the onslaught thanks to WS 5, win combat by a landslide due to over kill, sweep the entire 20 man unit
>Lead a contemptor on a merry chase around some ruins, before getting in range of a sicaran and destroying it with his combi-melta
>Scare three HSS units into running away, get charged by a 10 man tactical squad, kills the tactical squad in close combat
>Stroll up to a scorpius squadron, pop one with his combi-melta, destoy the other next turn with a melta bomb
>Move into charge range of a lascannon HSS at the start of turn 2, they can't fire Overwatch because False Colours, lock them down in combat before killing them in the last turn
And his legend is still growing.
its amped up indirect fire is pretty gnarly but the thing also has 4HP and 13 frontal AV meaning it's not at all mandatory to hide it like a bitch, it can come out and play and seriously get its fuck on with the BS boon of having things in plain sight of it presuming you have other more pressing things for your foe to shoot at
Oh, I didn't even consider the armor side of it. That makes a lot of sense - not having to hide it like I do my rapier batteries is appealing.
yep, same with the Stormbird, but the Storm Eagle has it
He looks rad, besides his kill count what's his story?
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Bitch, I ain't leaving.
He's an Alpha Legion saboteur, most often operating alone and with little support or contact with the majority of the Legion for extended periods of time. His job is to destabilise enemy command structures, vehicles, fortifications and materiel, and aid in the preparation for a Harrowing from outside of the Legion. There is little glory in it, and even less recognition. He knows that inevitably his life will be ended in complete isolation, surrounded by enemies, hated, with not even a chance for delusional hope of rescue. It's dirty work, but someone has to do it, so he tries to take what little consolation can be found in taking pride in his work, and the rare instances where he shares a battlefield with his fellow legionnaires. But these reunions never last, for there are always more schemes of the Alpha Legion that urgently need the expert hand of an agent in the dark.
Is the Land Raider Proteus Carrier the one with the ramp doors on the front or is that the Explorator?
To be a dick, or not be a dick that is the question.
Do i bring a Warhound as a LoW for a 3k game.
It would finish off "My Dudes" for my knight house, and have a full questing house of 4 knights and a 'baron' in the form of a warhound.
Based, holy shit
Titans aren't part of houses
Carrier is the ramp up front.
Explorator is not.
Its why I said its "my dudes" and by house i mean legion.
>Carrier is the ramp up front.
>Explorator is not.
Thank you very much, I assumed it was the other way around for some reason
I remember that lad from the times of Unification. Glad to see you've got good use of him.
I used one with the base chainsword against two tacticals and he swept and pinned them. But used another one with a power knife and he spent some three whole turns killing an HSS unit.
>Shielded by WS5
Y'all complain about the WS chart until you're on the winning side of it :^)
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C'mon let em stay
Personally really like the new WS chart. It really makes elite melee units actually feel and function elite. Unlike last edition, where terminator units regularly got rolled by WE inductii that cost only a fraction of the points.
The only thing that's weird is legion cataphractii and tartaros being WS 4 whilst veterans are WS 5, maybe vanilla legion terminators should get a rule that gives them +1 to hit in close combat to make them WS 4.5 at least.
i love you drawfag
Previous list was a Delegatus, 2 Saboteurs, 2 accompanying Seeker squads, 2 Recon squads and 2 Inductii blobs, among other stuff.
On that battle the Delegatus died. Same as a Saboteur, all but two Seeker sergeants, and a bunch of the other troops also died.
The Saboteur was promoted to Delegatus, and found out so had been the Delegatus before him. It was an unbroken chain of survivors from previous engagements inheriting the identity of the previous commander.
He thus ascended the two surviving Seeker sergeants to Saboteurs, reconstituted the surviving Recons as the new Seekers, and the Inductii as the new Recons.
They won that fight. No witnesses, on either side.
I like thinking Terminator armour is so bulky that fighting in it is cumbersome. Only a few grow used enough to fight on it better than lighter warriors do in power armour
I remember someone cracking a joke here that the way to tell if someone is a skilled user of terminator armor is if they can shrug.
Double claws cause my boys like to give hugs
It's the Triforce of Astartes (can't be done in Indomitus)
What's the point of melee cataphractii if they're slow as balls and can't sweep?
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Because no matter how fucking much you tell me its not effective, you cant sit there and tell me a Cataphractii with a single lightening claw and Combi flamer is not the fucking coolest looking shit you have ever seen.
Also, gotta have something in those land raider at the end of the day non ;3
that sounds rad, actually.
I always figure terminators are the best thing for bullying mooks. Leave the other guy's elite infantry for your dreadnoughts or artillery.
Exactly. the problme people have with terminators is trying to throw them at other peoples terminators, fuck that, im running into your infantry to fuck them up anything that not packing a SV2 is gonna get ripped to shreds.
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I'm gonna give my cataphractii forge lord dual lightning claws so it gets 7 attacks base and can use either I4 ap3 shred or I1 ap2 shred and still has a meltagun/flamer for shooting.
He can do the killing while the whoever sergeant can do the stupid challenge.
One must imagine Grond happy
I wish to build a dreadnought capable of defeating Grond without just being a straight copy.
my wife just left me for a Moderati Primus, can't believe this just happened
I just bought the parts needed to make my own Grond
Sounds like you're lacking a bit of iron without there
I'm probably gonna try and rip one of my older resin leviathans apart, I don't think I need a fourth.
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I’m going to be playing EC as predominantly ranged and not making use of any of the elite melee units like the palatine blades or phoenix terminators.

The only unit I have in my list that’s prepared for close combat is the contemptor dreads and 20 tactical marines armed with chain bayonets, and the delegatus too I suppose.
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Does this imply I’m gross for doing that or something? I don’t understand
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I'm washing my hands of you
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Ah I see, you disapprove.

There is perfection and artistry in well placed marksmanship anon. A scorpius bolter round flooring a sergeant in a crowd of many is just as graceful as a phoenix rapier slicing through ceramite armour in the heat of a duel, and the rapturous maelstrom brought about by kakophoni squads is as devastatingly violent as a deep strike from an assault squad, but each to their own.
Word Bearers and literacy? you can't tell me a man who wears books knows how to read
The Word is for them to bear, but for you to witness
then 40 terminators come down on you in deep strike, and they open you up like a mussel... :-D
I too think EC have no tactics outside of melee. And then I hear them say something about "excelling in every sphere of combat" and remember it was they who dug the trenchworks where 3 loyalist legions died.
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In 40k many chapters have a planetary fiefdom. But in 30k, even Terra itself wasn't able to be defended.
How do /your dudes/ defend their home? Besides being a low-calorie meal / being too far away / nomad the fleet away...
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The meme of EC only being melee duellists and specialists is secondary thinking of the highest capacity unfortunately. EC excel in all kinds of fields; melee is their forte, as that is what all marines are most well applied too, but they seek perfection and dominance in all forms of warfare. Being “melee only” during their time before they reunited with fulgrim would have led to their destruction.
In such an imaginary and hypothetical situation, having a unit of palatine blades or phoenix terminators would do little in that situation anyway? In that scenario it’d actually be ideal to have a ranged army since it means lots of augury scanners to react with, as well as being appropriately spaced and holed up in cover to prevent ideal deepstrikes.

But sure, 40 terminators would definitely kill a tactical squad and some kakophoni?
lol wut?

Also, is that a hecking 40k MkVII piece? In MY Horus Heresy?
they didn't, and never do they live down Bodt falling whilst they were away on the warpath
it is their sole white-hot blemish of shame and lo do they render it like a scourge upon the imperium
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Yes, and...? Now post the Inferno tourists.
sanctioned senior remembrancers*
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Come on, we know they're just Prospero civilians caught in the fighting.
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They are almost the same in height, idk what the other anon is talking about. If anything the nuMk3 look more lanky
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I you actually see those IRL, the new mk3 is noticeably bigger. Better proportions, almost a full head taller and a bigger backpack make a lot of difference.

In a better timeline we would have gotten proper upscaled and more detailed versions of the classic mk3 like pic related, but here we are in the Age of Darkess and Uppity Designers' Egos
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If you have ever seen the mark II stuff like WE rampagers of the same era you will know how the limbs are narrower. They won't stick out especially with the shields but they are very clearly not the same armour as new mark III in both proportions and style.
That sure as fuck doesn't look like a full head taller to me
no hence why in >>93147035 I said height isn't the issue, bulk is. But its all fine on the tabletop barely noticeable until you get to eye level. Its not like they will be mixed in squads either.
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Why are so many HH enjoyers so bad at painting?
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they don't seem that far off, probably intended to look imposing compared to the older mkIII
age has withered us
Obesity has taken the best of us.
slander. pudge only adds to the rapturous beingness of ca/tg/uys. buddha of all sorts are commonly phat
Look at what they took from us.
I feel like they'd look better if their heads were swapped, since the updated version has a bigger and bulkier torso, making the angular helmet of the previous one not jut out quite as much. Anyone have both kits, so we can compare?
>anyone have both kits
no and they never will, the new mark III is like marmite.
I like the helmets, except they're smaller now, so I can't even use them on old models.
hows this list sound?

Alpha Legion
Armoured Spearhead

>Master of Armour (Sicaran battle tank) (190)

>predator (lascannon sponsons) (130)
>predator (lascannon sponsons) (130)
>predator (lascannon sponsons) (130)
>tactical squad (100)
>tactical squad (100)
>tactical squad (100)

>rhino DT (searchlight) (40)
>rhino DT (searchlight) (40)
>rhino DT (searchlight) (40)

>sicaran punisher squadron (2x sicarans) (365)
>kratos tank (flashburn shells, decurion locus) (340)
>kratos tank (flashburn shells, decurion locus) (340)

SA allies (legiones auxilia: alpha legion)
feral pattern cohorts

>legate marshal (thunder hammer) (100)
>lifewards (command Vox, cohorts vexilla (75)

>medicae section (2x medics, fear 1) (55)

>rifle section (20x men, vox interlock) (115)
>rifle section (20x men, vox interlock) (115)

>dracosan DT (175)
>dracosan DT (175)

>thunderbolt fighter (4x skystrike missiles (140)

your searchlight rhinos need havoc launchers in order to spot things out to the fullest extent and the kratos tanks deserve flare shields for what they are
flare shields are too expensive for what they do

its a points trap and I will always stick by that
Left looks like a 3D printed setting ambiguous definitely not a Space Marine.
I remember seeing some Sallies with the heads swapped on the new body and they looked great.
Every HH infantry GW has made this edition looks like a bootleg of their own products
Eh, the mk6 looks OKAY but the nu-mk3 is an abomination.
>flare shields are too expensive for what they do
They make you immune to penetration for lass cannons and cut the amount of damage by half. That's pretty much worth it on a tank that is 6 times the cost of the flare shield base. More so if you are adding another 40p of upgrades to it.
The mk6 heads and backpacks look like bootlegs. The only reason they look more passable is that mk6 doesn't have all that much detail to begin with so they couldn't fuck it up as badly
They did try, tho
The head is taking inspiration from the RT era helmets.
Got some assault marines to get paint on today. What are you folks working on?
>On the build table.
Dragon ogres
>On the painting Table
>On the way from China
2 MkIIB Land raider Sponsons, 5 inner circle knights, 5 recon, vigilator, 2 javalin speeders.
That's cope. You're coping right now.
anon, the old Mk6 helms look better and more true to form of RT beakies then the nu mk 6 helms
the only difference is the angle of the 'cheeks', lets not be disingenuous.
Angle of the cheeks and eye lens which its not that disingenuous, things like that completely change the mood of a model.
They are not that bad, but its not that good. I dred the eventual Mk4 fuck up.
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RT and new MkVI helmets both have a much rounder profile compared to the old MkVI helmet.
I didn't like the FW heads either, the 40k mk6 heads were perfect.
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GW head is not that different.
NuMk6 just has small ears and a shorter beak and is smaller in general. It has fuck all to do with the RT beakies
Can't get good at painting if you just complain about new things on 4chan all day.
This guy fucks.
Melee Ultramarines. Fear my 3 assault squads and Loctarus flying across the board w/ apothecaries, for they will be WS+1 when they arrive
Dark Angels butts
Caliban is under siege, under lock down
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>Melee UM
>only mentions assault squads and locutarus
>no mention of Invictarus suzerain

holy based UM glory in melee enjoyer
That's a big tire
>Considered a more ranged combat orientated legion
>Has more melee focussed legion specific units that some of the melee focussed units
It's hard to say which legion receives more preferential treatment between IF or UM.

The tire is regular size.
What do you consider to be an acceptable standard? Seeing a fully painted army on the table at all doesn't even seem to be a given these days.
I wish Ahriman wasn't so meh, his mini is cool
>>Has more melee focussed legion specific units that some of the melee focussed units
I liked it when Praetorians were simply Breachers with Boarding Scutum & Power Gladius in the Roman style. A simple weapon swap would do all that.
They sucked, but it was fluffy
Ahriman is suppose to be a boring weak cunt who only read tarot cards all day. It wasn't until after the HH that he became an incredibly powerful sorcerer that can make whole regiments disappear with a snap of his fingers.
Curse you GW for making the tarot card reader have the coolest mini!!! Originally I was going to have him with a tartaros command squad retinue misremembering his WS thinking it was 6 (it's 5 for those uninitiated), and he's stuck with thauamturgy, divination, and corvidae so I can only assume GW would want us to put him in a rnaged squad like a lascannon HSS, but at this rate I might as well just take Amon, who's the same points cost, comes with TELEPATHY and divination but whatever (but no minor arcana) AND infiltrate, so I can put him in with an Ammitara Occult Cabal and deny my opponent reactions. It's a shame I'd be putting his WS6 to no use but shit happens. Sorry for the rant
>Ahriman is suppose to be a boring weak cunt who only read tarot cards all day
fuck are you talking about?
Ahriman was one of the most respected and powerful psyekrs in the legion outside of Magnus himself.
He became asininly stronger after the HH yes 100% but before that he was fucking strong.
He was the Chief Librarian of the Thousand sons, captain of the first fellowship and leader of the Sehkmet, which were the elite among the Thousand sons.
Based trip 7 post.
But no its because in general GW nerfed the fuck out of psyker powers to the point most of them are just dogshit aweful.
Which as a result makes Tsons pretty fucking weak as a result.
GW Over corrected on Psyker powers and Template weapons this go around, though unlike templates which effected everyone, psyker power really only kicked tsons in the dick and they suffer greatly because of it.

I wish Ahriman was good but yeah, he is poop. So is magnus, which IMO he is the worst primarch in the game right now.

Tsons you have to play unconventionally now, Numberoligists + rapiers and HSS for example are pretty damn good.
Dreads obviously are good, the osiron with pavoni and telepathy is quite fun.
And all that was purely because of legion politics and Magnus putting too much value on divination. All Ahriman could do was divine the future, and he couldn't even do that anymore thanks to the turmoil in the warp during the HH. He wasn't even that great of a fighter or marksmen.
>Tsons you have to play unconventionally now, Numberoligists + rapiers and HSS for example are pretty damn good.
>Dreads obviously are good, the osiron with pavoni and telepathy is quite fun.
One of my lists has a Numerologist I'm putting in a HSS but maybe I should redo my lists to fit in lascannon rapiers and osirons. Both of the lists I've written up has the same Legiones Auxilia units (tactical command squad and a tercio with 3 10 man lasrifle sections) to dump perils of the warp into when I suffer them. Also most of my HQs have biomancy on them rather than telepathy so they can go ion melee squads (cata preator with a cata command squad with THs and a chaplain with a 20 man assault squad)
Thousand Sons are a ranged combat legion who view close combat as a more barbaric practice in the lore. So by the sounds of it TS play more closely to how they should according to the fluff than ever.
>He was the Chief Librarian of the Thousand sons, captain of the first fellowship and leader of the Sehkmet, which were the elite
That's mostly because Amon didn't want his name to be public. Ahriman shined so that Amon could be in the shadows.
Not saying Ahriman wasn't really all that powerful; just saying he was the figurehead because Amon wished him to be.
But after the heresy, the rubric lay in Ahriman's hands, and thus he was able to wish Amon out of existence and absorb all his power. Making 40k Ahriman able to sweep the floor with the 30k one.
>Thousand Sons are a ranged combat legion who view close combat as a more barbaric practice in the lore
It is a barbaric galaxy
>Mfw your Occult Blade Cabal is called "Kenneth"
Iron Warriors friends - where do you source your Servo-Arms from for your Warsmiths?
>Mfw your Occult Blade Cabal is called "Kenneth"
>One of my lists has a Numerologist I'm putting in a HSS but maybe I should redo my lists to fit in lascannon rapiers and osirons
Numbernerds + HSS + Rapiers makes a scary fucking anvil to try and deal with. Because it will catch people off guard. You can buff your HSS then move them, sure they fire snap shots but they are hitting on 5 and 6 rather that 5. Rapier Laser destroyers with 2+ twin liked to hit? They WILL fuck shit up.
No, actually the opposite is true. You want to get into melee, and the best powers that tsons have specifically help you do that
Pavoi to get closer up the board to your enemy, Telepathy to prevent over watching to get into melee as well, hallucinations to pin them.
Their specials force wapons are a cheap way to get in some good licks.
Funny enough too one of their warlord traits buffs your Warlord to be a beat stick in combat by easily getting him rage 3 and more by turn 1 or 2.

The only good thing Tsons have when it comes to range is the fact they have numerologists as a cheaper force multiplier then taking techmarines.
My Cataphractii Warsmith had it built from the new Havoc kit's missile launcher loading arm, using a Kataphron flamer's socket as the joint.
Would you mind posting a picture so I can get an idea of how you did it?
I was talking about the lore, not the TS rules. Which have always been a complete joke by the way, never have represented the Thousand Sons' prefered style of warfare well.
Well of course they did not, mostly i think because the playstyle of them pisses people off. Because to be frank if we were going by lore standards Tsons would very much be a small model count elite army that utilized a lot more powers then weapons.
I like to think of them like battle wizards but right now they definitely do not feel like battle wizards, and last edition powers were so broken they just felt awful to play against.

If you try and make the argument of trying to play them like lore, they would play more like how a custode army does. Low model count but strong individually.
>The only good thing Tsons have when it comes to range
Damn, and here I was only taking command squads and one assault squad for melee
>Numbernerds + HSS + Rapiers
Yeah that's the new plan I'm going with, it'll be beautiful

I'll post my main list so you guys can make fun of me for it

Guard of the Crimson King

Magistus Amon

Cata Praetor (Combi Volkite/TH/Biomancy/Pavoni) with Cata Command Squad (all with Combi Bolters and TH) and a Land Raider Proteus Carrier (Heavy Flamer pintle and Hull Twin linked Lascannons)

2 Apothecaries with Arty Armor and Pyrae

1 Osiron with Telepathy, Pavoni, Meltagun, and Gravis Lascannon

Numerologist Cabal with 5 Life Wards (no other upgrades)

2 Laser Destroyer Rapier Batteries

2 20 man Tactical Squads, Sarge with a Power Fist and Arty Armor (it's what I had them modeled with cuz I thought it's be good)

>Fast Attack
1 10 man Ammitara Occult Cabal with Corvidae on the Sarge

>Heavy Support
1 10 man HSS with lascannons, Arty on the Sarge, and an Aurgury scanner and a Nuncio Vox

>Allied Legiones Auxilia

Tactical Command Section with 4 companions and Auxilia Marshall with a laspistol and power fist, and an Augury Scanner, COmmand Vox, and Cohorts Vexilla

1 Infantry Tercio of 3 Sections all with an Augury Scanner and Vox Interlock

All of which is EXACTLY 3K points. Amon goes with the Ammitara Cabal like i mentioned before
The preferred TS style of warfare is ranged but using no gun, spitting a bunch of biolightning, fireballs and mind bullets.
But many enemies can hide or negate such projectiles. That's why they did create those Power Witchblades after all.
>1 10 man Ammitara Occult Cabal with Corvidae on the Sarge
Ew, no, this things fucking suck ass and are way over priced.
If you want BS5 snipers just take seekers, cheaper and more durable.
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>Ew, no, this things fucking suck ass and are way over priced.
>If you want BS5 snipers just take seekers, cheaper and more durable.
Should I take nemesis bolters on them or keep the kraken bolters? A friend of mine told me kraken bolters are really good.
Krakens are really good but nemesis bolters are cooler.
True, they are... I'll have to deliberate with the voices I hear
Kraken bolters are good. Scorpius ammo is. Idk about the actual Kraken bolts.
Nemesis bolters are for Recons, for Seekers either keep Kraken or spec into combi-meltas and disintegrators.
Nem bolters.
Here is the thing about it, and ask yourself this.
You are gonna set up some influtrating marines with snipers, are you really ever going to fucking move them?
Is relentless really EVER going to matter for them?
The answer to this, is going to be no, so why pay for it, and lose 3+ for a 4+? Sure you can cast a power and hopefully not fail to get rending 4+ from a rending 5+

So in your opinion, do you think its worth paying 20 more points for relentless (That you odds are wont utilized)
A 4+ save rather then a 3+ save.
and a ~28% chance to cause a wound to your self for a 16% chance increase on rending.
>Nem bolters
caviot to this, nem bolters if you are sitting in a corner, if you are moving around, keep kraken.
I remember someone joking in /hhg/ early after 2ed's release that TSons play like WEs.
>Pyrae, Pavoni, and Raptora encourage close quarters
>PotW for minor arcana creates a high body count
>Biomancy and Telepathy are the most useful psyker power disciplines for TSons
>Their legion specific power weapons are free
What loadout do you run?
>either keep Kraken or spec into combi-meltas and disintegrators.
I used to think that speccing into combi meltas was always the no brainer solution but then It hit me... WOW do they get expensive! COmbi disintegrators are just as expensive too!
Good to know
I was planning on just putting them somewhere with infiltrate and keep them there with Amon to cast telepathy to prevent reactions against other units and to cast the Telepathy weapon to pin enemies. I'm really retarded though so this may be a waste anyways
Mine isn't quite finished but it's the same method as this.
See I never saw that one but its honestly true. Your better off just trying to get into melee combat with a lot of your shit. But even then, your still more or less a naked legion.
Since their range powers kinda suck, the only really good use for Sehkmet is to get the minto melee but the problem there is Sekhmet dont really have anything that make them good in melee, so you gotta buy TH which on a unit that already costs 275 is fucking EXPENSIVE.

The hidden gem of tsons are tartar sauce terminators with pavoni. Can run them up the board fast as fuck and get into your opponents face swinging things like swords or mauls into anything sv3 fucks their day.
I mean seekers are not a bad unit anon, i think you can toss an apoth in there with them as well and they can be kinda gross.
>I mean seekers are not a bad unit anon
By waste I meant putting Amon amongst them, he has WS6 so maybe he'd be better off in a melee unit, but then that'd be a waste of his Infiltrate AND he doesn't know biomancy, so IDK! Another Apo in that squad sounds like a great idea though, but wouldn't they not be able to infiltrate if I add one?
Oh, nice, those bits shouldn't be too hard to find.
I used one of those servo arms for a basic MK3 smith so I can get on the table but having a nice terminator one to switch things up would be good.
>COmbi disintegrators
Disintegrator, singular: only the Seeker sergeant may requisition it.
Oh I'm silly I assumed you meant the whole squad taking Combi Disintegrators
You could toss him into a retinue unit then kit them the fuck out, or a squad of vets. since Amon has infiltrate he can put deploy with them anywhere.
Perhaps you could do a retinue command squad, thats amon, a banner, and 8 other bodies.
Then put a Apoth in there as well.
I thought the whole squad needed to have Infiltrate? If that's not the case I'm going to put him in a tartaros command squad witrh dual lightning claws since I already have another cataphractii command squad with THs...
Or I could do this, give everyone power fists and rock and roll
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first attempt at working with styrene and milliput to make a malcador vanquisher. used the chassis of a m41 walker bulldog i got from hobby lobby on sale, autocannons are from that same m41 and a 1/35 tamiya tank gun. took inspiration from historical turretless tank destroyers and self propelled guns.
the styrene work is really rough, but I bought one of those northwest railway balsawood cutters so hopefully itll get better for my next project. Hoping to work better with milliput next time as well.
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i got some corrugated styrene right at the end of the project so I used that to make the rear look roughshod, and some wire and chain to give the impression of a towing cable while also adding some floor texture.
the little box I got from the same 1/35 german anti-tank gun, and I put a bolt action bren on there(that the barrel snapped off of) and some grenades.
im hoping to have my buddy print me off some heavy weapons teams to add onto the build.
Kraken Bolters. They're 10ppm cheaper for starters, and against 90% of targets you're going to have the same functional chance to wound. The loss of range is mitigated by Infiltration, and while Sniper has a more reliable chance of hitting the guy you want, Breaching 4+ is more reliable than Rending 5+ for getting AP2. I suppose with TS psychic-fuckery you could get them to Rending 4+, but I suppose you need to ask yourself if the cool-factor, and Sniper vs Precision Shots (4+) is worth 50-100 extra points.
Your lack of dozer blades worries me greatly
If you were going to do Iron Warriors, what would be your must takes to go along with their rules and to keep it fluffy?
A lobotomy.
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thats WE anon
A shitton of tactical squads and artillery, preferably firing on said tactical squads.
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For Dangles how viable are Enigmatii? They seem interesting.
I got a spare 200 points for my 3k list, not sure where to drop them. If i take the Enigmatii i have to put my 2 javalins in a pair (Something im not to keen on, i odnt like vehicle squanders) but i could take 5 of them with a rocket launcher.
>keep it fluffy
With Hammer of Olympia you can do a kind of mechanized infantry, with reinforced vehicles, shrapnel Tacticals in Rhinos and Tyrants in LRs
Artillery is currently okayish in average (Scorpius very good, the rest kinda meh), and Ironfire lets you use it like only you can
IW also has close ties with Mechanicum, and it's not only about using Automata, but also being supported by Thallax, Myrmidons and the like.
Not that you'd need it, but an attached Dominus can awaken the Iron Circle
Play what you think seems fun, only cowards obsess about min-maxxing.
A squad of Iron Havocs with autocannons.
At least one Scorpius Missile Tank.
At least two quad mortar rapiers.
3 or 4 Tactical squads, up to you.
A squad of Tyrant Siege Terminators (though I shelve these if I'm playing against someone they're too good against and it's a friendship I want to keep.)
Quad mortars, medusa and/or basilisks.
I want to run Medusas but resin vehicles....
>I want to run Medusas but resin vehicles....
ANon...I ....
Literally just fucking run the aux ones, or buy the fucking Guard basalisks and cut the barrel.
I guess I could look into converting those to look more like legion vehicles.
I'm digging your enthusiasm. Scratch building is a largely abandoned art. That said, this is really rough, like ork-level rough. Fix the angle of the demolisher cannon and show us a side-on angle so I can get a better idea what you're doing
What's the fucking point of putting just some sprue pictures on the store instead of all of them?
Honestly anon anything involving the new GW web store is a fucking tragedy, i have not bought anything or ordered anything from GW since they changed it.
NTAA but i soon may be forced to as my usual seller of 40k at a discount (amazon) sells the Mk IV kit at a higher price than GW for some reason and my LGS doesn’t have any in stock, pray for me bros
Depending on where you are, maybe try elementgames. They have online only stuff from GW at a discount, not sure how they do that
Played a learning game today, 1500pts NL V WB. Highlights include: Ashen circle clearing a tac squad to get mobbed by another, larger tac squad. Two Spartans locking up on each other in a slugfest, with both tanks getting immobilized, stunned crews, losing weapons; the fight ended when one brave crewman got into the pintle multimelta and detonated the other Spartan. An apothecary keeping an ungodly amount of tacs alive in the face of Gal Vorbak and Vets chopping them up in melee just to have them run off the board after with a bad bravery check (night fighting scared the night lords). Finally, the praetors positioned to duel, just for a tac squad to gun down the NL praetor in a hail of bolter fire. The WB praetor’s victory was short lived, he got his top half blown off by a lascannon immediately after. WB took the day
Night Lords, gonna fuck Dark Angel butts. Lookin' for Lion El, they're gonna fuck Lion El's butt.
>Ammitara Occult Cabal
Protip: Attach an esoterist and get deflagrating rape train shit goin'
I really admire your scratchbuild work, Anon because it's difficult to pull off (I tried making a legion basilisk from a normal one and fucked up by having the wrong material lol.
However, you really need to redo that entire gun carriage compartment
The cuts are very very rough in some ways, and maybe you wanna consider prototyping the build with paper first. The destroyer blades are pretty off and should be more uniform I think
Maybe to make a sort of technical sketch as to what you are planning to do before actually getting to cut parts and put them in, because the way this is cut out, it looks really awkward
I'd try to get a ruler and other measuring tools to make the later cuts more precise
>M41 Walker Bulldog
I know you got it on a sale, but that general build of the tank does not really work well with your intended idea of a heavy tank destroyer, at least in my opinion.
I would start from scratch because that frontal plate just puts me off, personally, but up to you. Really consider getting the right cutting and grinding tools, as you will need also either putty/green stuff and silicone molds or use a Micro rivet punch tool to make rivets/bolts from the same styrene.
As for tank models, I would try to find something that has a similar style to the entire 30k aesthetic, so mainly interwar/early world war 2 vehicles such as the B1, the Churchill (pic related) or the T-35 heavy tank for builds like that, you just have to make sure the rivet size stays consistent
Good luck on future endeavors though
thats.....actually funny as fuck.
It's funny and actually good. Unfortunately probably the only way to make ammitara good, but still, imagine being pulled up on by some tough guys thinking it's a weak target then casting testicular torsion on them all
Florida, America. I was at element games exactly a week ago tho and was too retarded to buy them there, alongside other stuff I wish I got
Hmmm I would have to rethink my list to fit an esoterist but sure! This sounds funny
It must be worth it! Wait but won’t they lose infiltrate and scout from having the Esoterist?
Too bad. There are companies that take parcels from the UK and ship them world wide but I doubts it's worth it for 1 mk4 squad
>Wait but won’t they lose infiltrate and scout from having the Esoterist?
No infultrate will go to the esotarist but they wont get scout.
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Is this base too tall for my choom man? Also are volkite calivers pump action? because it sure looks like it
I also doubt it’s worth it, a shame
Oh… I didn’t know that’s how it worked, I thought it was like TOW where if a unit is joined by a character without that unit’s special rule they can’t use it anymore. What about the Esoterist gives deflagrate? I haven’t checked out his rules but all IK is he can summon daemons if he’s a traitor and stop that if he’s a loyalist (my dudes are traitor obviously with Amon)
the base is okay; calivers are not pump action, that's just the foregrip
>I thought it was like TOW where if a unit is joined by a character without that unit’s special rule they can’t use it anymore.
Here it works depending on the rule. Infiltrate specfically works if even a single model in the unit has it. So any joining characters don't prevent you from using it. A singe IC with infiltrate also gives it to any unit they join prior to deployment
>calivers are not pump action
They are jerk action
You have to pump them several times before they can shoot again
Alright then, good to know. How about the deflagrate, how does the Esoterist give that to the Ammitata Occult Cabal
Wait holy shit is there anything stopping me from just running
- 5 man Sniper squad, and then putting 2 esotarists in that unit with the preator thats running Telepathy? because its all attacks become rending 4+ so, even hallucinations would trigger it.
Then i could just infiltrate them and use pavoni to run them forward.

Thats...bro thats 24 Deflagrate shots with rending 4+
He does not, he has a power that is assault 12 deflagrate.
Which if you give rending 4+ on....do the math on that one friend.
OHHHHHH my brain grew three sizes this day. Ima have him summon a unit of daemon brutes as well. Should be fun
I’m running a 5 man ammitara occt cabal with an Esoterist and Amon (who comes with telepathy) now instead of the seekers with Amon, this sound away more fun
How are you fitting 4 knights, a warhound and a minimum of 8 armigers into 3k anon?
Mixing titan legios and knight houses is not really a bad thing, plenty of titan legios had vassal houses, the issue is that a warhound princeps is never really a commander. You could fluff it as the real command is further behind and not at the line yet, like a Warlord, and have the warhound be given temporary field command as support? But it's your dudes, it's just how I'd do it myself.
Im not, that was in reference to hh1.0 4 knights and a Warhound. Cant do it in 2.0
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Behold Abominable intelligence!
Not great, but nowhere near the worst AI animatic I've seen.
>what nu-GW models look like after attempting to assemble them
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I unironically hate AI generated shit for all the reasons they hate it in 40k.
Look at how it distorts and morphs the blessed creation of man, into a mockery of it.
>"Blackshields could be here" - he thought. "I've never been in this sector before. There could be Blackshields anywhere"
>The void wind felt oxymoronic against his power armour.
>"I hate Blackshields" - he thought.
>'Sweet Dreams are made for Him on Earth' reverberated his entire battle barge, making it pulsate even as the $9 amasec circulated through his powerful thick hearts and washed away his (merited) hatred of Blackshields after dark.
>"With a Battle Barge you can go anywhere you want" - he said to himself, out loud.
>the blessed creation of man, into a mockery of it
...The photoshopped picture?
Ok so that wombo combo of stacking Characters has inspired me to make my Sorcerer cabal.

- Ammitara Occult Intercession Cabal
- 2x Esotarests
- Praetor in terminator armor with combi volkite telepathy.
- Apothecary.

Able to shit out 26 Volkite shots that are rending on a 4+ This feels fun.
I was doing a bit.
But AI generated stuff is really fucking gay
I would do what you're doing but at my LGS the peeps there take primarchs and named characters so I don't wanna feel like I'm gimping myself (more than I already am playing TSons) so I'm taking Amon and leaving the terminator armor praetor to do melee with a command squad. But this seems like a rather cool idea, if you ever get a game out of it let us know how it goes!
>gimping yourself
Anon you would be gimping your self if you did take magnus.
I was originally going to LOL
>if you ever get a game out of it let us know how it goes!
Ill report back later this week, im either going to DS him in with some Tactical marine meat shields, or just infultrate him and then poke him out of the side and do something.
Remember that the Rending 4+ only comes from the Ammitara Cabal, otherwise it's just 24 18' Str 5 Ap 4 deflagrate shots... which isn't bad, but Rending 4+ never hurts (you)
Yes, so i just stick all the characters in that unit and then per the wording of their power, it says the entire unit gets 4+ rending and ignores cover on their weapons. and the esoterests are part of the unit so....26 rending 4+ volkite shots.
Beautiful anon, it brings a tear (of joy) to my eye
If i could i could make the praetor and esoterest lol.
But fuck it, might as well try something memey for a change.
I think it's a viable strat ignoring the fact that your entire HQ is dedicated in one squad
>If i could i could make the praetor
A Praetor with an actual discipline would get access to Aetheric Lightning, an S3 AP4 Assault 4 Force gun
Yeah but i can also just slap a combi volkite on him and get technically a better return on the same thing.
Or telepathy to shut them down in the shooting phase so they cant return fire on me.
Eh fuck it, At least it feels like its Tsons doing tsons things, casting a fuck ton of powers, which i think is cool as fuck.
>which i think is cool as fuck.
It's based as fuck is what it is, and you're right it is rather fluffy.
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This feels incredibly gamey, and is most definitely not RAI. If we're going full RAW, you should try and find the place where it says any model in that unit actually has the Mind Killer special rule (spoiler: they don't have it, because GW forgot to list it as part of the special rules for the unit).
The IF goes first, then the BA, then the SoH, and lastly goes the WE.
Mind killer just says "all models in the unit with the psyker unit sub type gain rending 4+ and ignores cover special rule in addition to any other effect their weapons might have. "

So, if I attach a character in terminator armor to a unit that has an apoth het gets a FNP right?

Because right now my Sorceror cabal is looking like this now.
The Sniper cult dudes,
Praetor in Tartar sauce terminator armor
2 x Esoterist in Tartar Sauce Terminator armor with a force sword and a power sword

Thematically its basically 5 cult sorcerers and 3 cult leaders.
Im really liking with this because it seems super fucking fun because its pure Tsons shitting out pysker powers.
Whoever got their first goes first and whoever got their next goes next and so on
NTA but the rule DOES say "If the Check is passed, the Shooting Attacks of all models in the unit with the Psyker Unit Sub-type gain the Rending (4+) and Ignores cover special rules in addition to any other effects their weapons might have, for the duration of the turn."

IDK it seems fine, IDK how they could've made it so only the original unit with no characters attached benefit from this, when other stuff like the cult arcana and disciplines affect the whole unit including added characters
>So, if I attach a character in terminator armor to a unit that has an apoth het gets a FNP right?
You can't attach an Apo to a unit with terminators in it, it'd have to be a Primus Medicae in terminator armor, unless I'm interpreting the Apothecarion Detachment rule wrong

I personally think it's very fluffy and makes sense but that might be an issue
WE carried the traitors at the SoT
Ammitara really, really suck this edition. You pay 250+ points for ten BS5 recon marines that have a chance to die in exchange for 16% better rending. Honestly, the good choice is just three MSU squads of scouts. Corvidae isn’t worth it on them because you already have precision shots from sniper, but athanean can help with the pinning rolls.
hmmmm yea that is a hot debate of a topic there because it says it may not join a unit with terminator armor of any kind.
the TFG argument for it one could make is, they are technically not, they are joining the Sniper cult unit, and then characters with terminator armor is joining them. But that seems way to TFG to make that argument.
As we've discussed this thread, putting an Esoterist in with them is very funny so I shall do it
>But that seems way to TFG to make that argument.
Agreed, either don't take the apo or lose an esoterist to take a terminator primus medicae
Can your own units block LoS for intercept?
If so i wont worry about the apoth and instead just screen with a unit of tac marines.
N i c e.
SoH have right of way, Fist can go when able, WE and BA fight over who pulled to the stop first after they get into a wreck.
Holy shit i have not been this excited for playing a game with my Tsons in a long time im actually smiling thinking about this the cult is back baby.
>Can your own units block LoS for intercept?
No. At most they can only provide 6+ cover. If the entire unit is Skirmisher subtype, it becomes 5+ cover.
I don't stop and decide to turn my steering wheel slightly to the left so I t-bone the IF car.
Damn. Ok well, THen ill do it this way,
6 total of the snipers, and then the 3 characters to round up to 9, very tzeentchy.
Then ill have to figure out survivability some how if i want to deep strike them.
Oh shit one thing though, can you cast their ability if they are not on the table?
mmmmmm poop. Well then in order for it to work, would need to to be on the board since they wont be able to infiltrate.
Twin LC , cos it looks cool
Why wouldn't they? We've established earlier that that the whole unit can infiltrate if the base unitor the IC has infiltrate
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Hey my bad. It probably doesn't matter anymore, but I did get those fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience
Aight, how does the typical word bearers attack look like fluff wise? What gear and tactics do they utilise?
Infiltrate from a character is given down to the unit, but a unit can not give infiltrate up to a character.

Forgot that little cavoite to it.
Well i can give one of the Esoterists Pavoni to give +3 movement so i mean they will be booking it at a 10 inch move for the unit, and then i can run them. another 4 inches.

So my choices are to DS them but i wont get the mind killer bonus that turn, or foot slog them up the board and garuntee the bonus every turn.

Deep striking them means that i wont get the bonus until turn 3.
auto correct is a bitch to me.
>So my choices are to DS them but i wont get the mind killer bonus that turn
Why can't you cast it the turn they come in?
Because you have to cast it at the start of the turn, and they are not on the board until beyond the start of the turn.
Over (nice digits)
Oh neat thank you, but again, i can start them on the board, and give them a +3 movement so they are booking it across the table with a 10 inch movement before a 4 inch run as well.
My friend gave me an idea, don't put the esoterists in the unit, instead infiltrate the squad by itself and have ICs join it by schmoving their way on over
Hold on let me check some rules i might know a stupid fucking way to do this.
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Aether-shock Mauls and Toxiferran Flamers
Well damn, i could be cheeky and deepstrike them into the unit and join it, but they dont get the benefit of mind killer since its cast before they join.
That is rough
Yeah, but even still, foot slogging Tartaros is not the end of the world especially with Pavoni. I can move them 10 inches and they have the 18 inch range on their pysker power. So in reality its an 28inch threat range.
Which i mean, 28 inch threat range of 24 Rending 4+ deflagrate is nothing to sneeze at.
True, I just wish I could infiltrate them with the esoterist already in rather than having to have him jump pack all the way to the squad. Oh well!
>Jump pack
Just GotCK them.
Well then they can't come until turn 2 and even then it's a diceroll
I mean true, but i also always run a Number nerd unit so i can reroll the reserves.
I'm ALSO running the Number Nerd squad... deepstriking it is!
Ah wait, but the turn they come in they'll be snapshooting, AGH
No they wont, the sniper guys are relentless, and the esoterest and preator are in terminator armor.
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Well my Esoterist isn't in Terminator Armor cuz I plan on using picrel for him... but do psychic weapons still need to be made with snapshots? Guess they do...
No, the psyker powers are assaults so you will be fine.
however here is the thing if you are running a preator he will have to be in termie armor armor since thats a requirement of Guard of the crimson king.
If you do that, you wont be able to stick him with the snipers AND have an apoth.
That's a different anon that wants to do that, MY plan is to have my termie praetor have his own command squad and just have Magistus Amon and an Esoterist in Power Armor in the squad, but because of the Esoterist they won't be able to infiltrate, making me have to think of different ways of getting him in there like with a jump pack or deepstriking the whole unit.
Centurions and Praetors have Relentless anyways.
Is there a place you can submit questions to GW for rule clarifications?
heresyfaq @ gwplc

if you just need to shoot the shit about it until you get what it's trying to do, feel free to ask us
by us i mean /hhg/
What's your question, anon?
If you’re going to run a deathstar of sorts with ammitara you might want to forgo infiltrate and attach an apothecary and techmairne. Not only does it give you LD9 for taking the mind killer check (since they aren’t ICs) but it gives you a few more shots to buff. Give ‘em both combi-volkites and you can lay out a fair number of extra shots.

Better yet, instead of running a ten man squad, do a couple five mans each with an apothecary, techmarine, and esoterist. Throw each of those into a land raider or a DT storm eagle and go to town with rending 4+ shooting.
Apothecaries and Techmarines are Ld8 too
>Give ‘em both combi-volkites and you can lay out a fair number of extra shots.
>Better yet, instead of running a ten man squad, do a couple five mans each with an apothecary, techmarine, and esoterist.
>Throw each of those into a land raider or a DT storm eagle
Wat for?
Problem im having is, can you attach a terminator IC to a squad with an apothecary.
The ammitara isn't my deathstar, it's separate from my cata termie deathstar, but taking multiple squads of them would be a good idea... Maybe I'll write up a third list (my second list is Achean Configuration). Either that or a dedicated Ammitara deathstar
yeah, an Independent Character joins by means of the Independent Character special rule at Deployment or during the game, the Apothecary is attached before that
Though they wouldn't be able to infiltrate if apothecaries were attached would they.
>Cata desthstar
What's that about?
Cataphractii Deathstar, Thunder Hammers|
>Though they wouldn't be able to infiltrate if apothecaries were attached would they.
Nope, but I can deepstrike them with Guard of the Crimson King
Apothecaries gain all the special rules and unit types of the unit they get attached to, except for Bitter Duty.
Oh wow
I have the exact hairline of the sgt, is it over for me or will fin pull me back from the edge?
Minoxidil? I hope it doesn't cause acne, balls reduction or impotence
Accept male pattern baldness, and embrace the bald look. Plenty of chicks that have the hots for bald men. And beats getting scammed by expensive products and treatments that only delay the inevitable. The only thing that actually works is that procedure where they take hair follicles from your ass and implant them on your head, individually.
Aye so im thinking the one im going to build is the cult unit with an apoth, and then the 3 HQs in that unit just walking up the board at 10" a turn if not more.
Doing some testing rolls, it fucking obliterates anything that does not have a 4++ on it.
Regularly i was test rolling against something like a leviathen and it was getting around 8-11 wounds through, after all its saves.
Against a sv3 model its easily over 14 wounds almost every time it shoots with that buff. you just have to make sure you play smart with it, and not on planet bowling ball. Dont put your self into a position where you can get charged, you always wanna be the one initiating the attacks.

With the 2 esoterics, you can kinda pick dealers choice, you can take a power sword and a Force Sword to swing with I5 S8 AP3 and fish for Breaching 6. Or you can run a force axe and power sword and then swing with S9 at I1 with AP2.
take the horuspill, baldfriend. let the galaxy burn
what, like every fucking basedboy on twitter?

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