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Pellaeon-class Edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>93085238

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

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TQ: Was the Pellaeon-class based?
Somehow Pablo Hidalgo returned.
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I really fucking love the Assertor-class but I don't know why
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Its very good, almost comparable to the King
So with Bad Batch ending, where does their story go from there? Will they get another show or is Disney just going to not care about them anymore? Will we see Omega in the Book of Boba 2?
the batch themselves have a fairly closed ending (except echo, we dont know what happens to him) of just chilling on pabu
so yeah, they'll get "ignored" because there is no reason to do anything more with them
omega will likely show up in something live action in the future, either the mando movie or filoni movie
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Outside of comics they tend to avoid the OT era like the plague now. But between Ahsoka alluding to her training Sabine at that time post-Rebels and Mandalore getting glassed by Moff Gideon around ROTJ I think Omega doing rebel pilot stuff with Hera would fit there too if they decided to make another animated series in that period. That's where I could see the Bad Batch's story "continuing". Like I could see Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, Echo and Emerie helping the alliance for Omega's sake and going on missions with Rex and Wolffe even though they weren't involved before ANH. The only problem with that is it might be too similar to Rebels and it's not giving us anything new. But there is a gap in the timeline when it comes to stuff like what Ahsoka's up to during the OT and when she first met Luke. So a Clone Wars type show wedged between the original films that reconciles that story with the animated shows like Bad Batch and Rebels while also setting up Mandalorian and Ahsoka a little could work.
So Anons, what minor detail do you expect to irrationally enrage you for the next episode of Acolyte?
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one thing to remember is that ventress is getting some form of content at some point
her own show? a dark times show with her as a plotline? animated adaptation of dark disciple and we were just all gaslighted? who knows

dark times is like the best idea if it was basically just TCW but empire, and her own show could work if it dealt with more the criminal element of the galaxy+the hidden path
Ki-Adi-Mundi will get butt fucked on the floor of the Jedi temple and it'll turn out that Cerean's don't have a traditional buttholes according to some random Phantom Menace concept art, their anus is on the balls of their feet or something, and people will complain it breaks lore. Rather than complain about the actual butt fucking. Buttholegate.
The reason why Ki denies the existence of the Sith so hard is because the Sith raped him and he didn't want anyone to know.
The Sith will be revealed to be Darth Plagueis, but he'll be that Asian dude from the first few episodes, not the Muun he's supposed to be.
I can’t find my last post in the previous thread so I might as well post it on the assumption of an error.
The High Republic comics just mentioned and passed over that the Republic and their 70s space-forces are supporting local forces engaged in a conflict with the Hutts. Who have seized border sectors with the Republic distracted by the Nihl’s short lived state/regional blockade.
That seems really fertile ground for a game.
Jedi Knights in their prime backed by a few organised forces and colourful allies and opponents across a good chunk of the Outer Rim.
I hope there's no Plageuis reveal (there's been no sort of foreshadowing that 'saving the ones you love from death' is a concept or theme) but yeah I'm a hundred percent certain he's the Asian shopkeep. Him being a trickster mentor I think is both something new and also perfect for the Sith.
im so sick of the "if qui-gon didnt die anakin wouldnt have turned" narrative freaks have been pushing for the last 5 or so years. its literally anything to absolve anakin from personal responsibility for his actions. at the end of the day he made the decision to destroy the order.
It was something I liked in Kenobi, Vader telling Obi-Wan that he wasn't the reason for Anakin's fall, that Anakin was the reason for Anakin's fall. I don't think he said it out of kindness, but because Vader wants ownership of his own destiny, and as much as his fall sucked for him on his end, he'd rather attribute it to his own decisions than because of something outside of his control. It'd make him feel even more impotent than he already does.
I don't think Plagueis would' ever be human. But there is still room for controversy considering Lucas seemed noncommittal about his species. Pablo said he presented licensing with concept art of a Neimoidian created for ROTS. Maybe the basic idea there was that Plagueis would be someone with a lot connections to big business.

I'd be interested to see a different take on Plagueis where he pretends to be a cowardly Neimoidian with ties to the Trade Federation but I know the fanbase would implode at that. And unless they actually plan on telling a story about him in canon there's no point in changing his backstory in Acolyte. it would just be superfluous and create outrage for the sake of it. The Ki-Adi-Mundi thing at least seems to be calculated to elaborate on why he says what he does in TPM.
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A lot of signs point to something else set in the Dark Times maybe further down the timeline that Bad Batch but before Rebels. And that'd involve Ventress because they brought her back to life for something. Maybe there's a Dark Disciple thing in the works too and even more Clone Wars stuff. For me that'd be the best outcome. They have removed the "final season" labelling from everything now, they can produce those 40 unfinished episodes, or at least Dark Disciple and Son of Dathomir.

The only rumor/scoop we got was an animated series featuring Crimson Dawn, that was a while back though. Still it'd fit to fill the gaps in Maul's story between TCW and Rebels plus you can have your bounty hunters like Ventress and Boba. People were saying the Hidden Path could have a larger role in the next animated thing too because of Ventress having a knack for rescuing kids and that hint of healer Barriss being part of some network that hides force sensitive families in Tales of the Empire. Those are the only potential nuggets we have I think. The Clone Underground storyline was wrapped up in Bad Batch, most of it happened off screen but it seemed like after Tantiss the fighting would be in the political arena with Emerie and Chuchi fighting for clone rights, so there's not really a story there even though there were people calling for a Rex and Echo show.
>Neimodians, Trade Union, shown as evil
>Toydarians, 'traders', shown as evil
>Muun, 'banking clan', shown as evil
>traders, bankers, shown as evil
George, what are you trying to tell us here?
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Capitalism and the dark side go hand in hand.

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>George made himself president of the space Russians
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Set 2's showcases.
If Qui-Gon survived I still think Anakin would've turned. Because even if he'd listened to his visions about Shmi and been a better master to him than Obi-Wan sooner or later Palpatine would've corrupted him through preying on his fears of losing Padme, Shmi or both. That was always going to be Anakin's weakness. Truthfully though I think one way or another Palpatine would've found a way to kill Qui-Gon eventually similar to how he tries to indirectly get rid of Padme and Obi-Wan throughout the prequels to isolate Anakin. No doubt Dooku would've played a role in that approaching Qui-Gon to forge an alliance and betray Sidious but assassinating Jinn like Sifo-Dyas when he doesn't go along. They play up Palpatine trying to get rid of Anakin's loved ones even more in the EU when he orchestrates Obi-Wan's mission to Zigoola and his attempts to get Anakin to drop an unconscious Obi-Wan aboard the Invisible Hand in the ROTS novel. And of course there's the whole dropped political subplot in that movie where he's trying to paint Padme as a traitor to the Republic.
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there is also any possible tie in with kenobi or jedi suvivor as both deal with the hidden path

the real question though is, whats the point? luke has to be the last jedi by ESB, and I do not see a few order 66 survivors giving up on being a jedi
I suspect Talanorr is the easy answer with "its so hidden that yoda could not sense them" but that feels like a cop-out

overall I think the possibility of something hidden path/dark times related is good because it allows a light to be shone on some characters who have been a bit neglected over the years even if they've been risen from the grave for it , think for a sec, this has the possiblity of containing the first quinlan vos story in forever
I posted last thread about C-21 highsinger, he's a cool guy and if this show is somewhat bounty hunter/ventress related, he has a chance to appear as he's part of the krayt's claw along with her (I also think the krayt's claw could be a good "main cast" for a show)
Seeing it like this makes me realize I'm so tired of seeing most of these characters
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Twi'leks are for _____
I dont get the appeal

at least with something like nightsisters they're all goth witches
twi'leks are just kinda whores
They're literally just hot girls with weird skin colors so there's not much more you need. They also appeal to me because I have a fetish for bald women and Star Wars offers plenty of material in that department.
>They also appeal to me because I have a fetish for bald women and Star Wars offers plenty of material in that department.
pic related but not really because she eventually grew it out?
I kinda miss that version of her
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C-21 Highsinger was going to be working for the Droid Gotra in the 1313 game. iirc he might've betrayed Boba in that story. There's a lot of stuff they created for the Underworld tv series and that game they haven't really utilized so they could put it in an animated Dark Times show.
Nute Gunray's name is literally just a combination of Newt Gingrich and Ronald Reagan. George has never been very shy about the fact that Star Wars is a criticism of American politics and especially his hatred of Republicans.
hey, maybe it'll give us some actual boba fett that we've wanted for years
His official databank entry alludes to his backstory we would've likely learned more about in 1313. Droid Gotra members were heavily modified and would work as muscle for the crime families on Coruscant.
>Boba Fett
>Asajj Ventress
>Aurra Sing
>Latts Razzi
>C-21 Highsinger

its like the perfect squad
give me just anything with them as a squad
Well that would make the Jedi inexplicably letting him go "with a warning" for aiding in murder even worse.
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They should just finish the damn Bounty Hunter arc from Clone Wars, it had them all in it. It was so close to being fully animated and rendered but the cutoff came with the Lost Missions Yoda arc. The Mandalorian Super Commandos were listed as being in that arc too so I wonder if Boba would've actually met other Mandos. Weird that never happened in Clone Wars considering how Maul pulled Mandalore into the criminal underworld.
George the multi-billionaire who made one of the largest entertainment franchises on Earth lecturing people about capitalism is one of the most hilarious things ever conceived.
It's a big galaxy, he was probably off learning the trade from Cad Bane while Shadow Collective was happening.
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Pretty sure George said somewhere that by building up Lucasfilm and Star Wars into what it is he did become the Empire. So he's self-aware about it.
Makers sernser. He cashed on capitalism, now time to shill socialism to secure his position and convert cash into General Secretary seat
He's been a commie since long before Star Wars. The rebellion are based on the viet cong
Then why Yavin-4 celebration scene copies Triumph of the Will?
They had some cool ideas but it was terribly implemented. Biotech would be alien enough to give them an edge, it doesn't have to be leagues better than normal technology.
A twi'lek showed bare nipple in ROTJ, that's it. That's all young nerds needed to label them the sex species.
Fingers interlocked
He was an art house guy before making Star Wars, of course he thinks having to listen to market researchers and what the slop churners want to churn out is gay as fuck even if his autistic vision coincided with it
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No way, the Tienanmen Square Massacre, but star wars
dark disciple also has them in it, so if that ever gets finished we could see them there
looks like there will be a big disney leak at some point today/tomorrow
I already asked about any upcoming animated star wars show

hopefully we get SOMETHING
Friendly reminder from Global Marketing: There was no massacre anywhere, and you will be contected by HR if you mention Tiananmen.
We need the Uyghur Encamped Voluntary Worker Corps, and our salles in China are important!

I dunno, that they even remembered Qi'ra existed is a little surprising, let alone made her a leader. But for the rest of them... yeah.
Qi'ra was a big deal in the comics

...you mean the ones which exist as a dumping ground for Marvel's least talented nepotism and diversity hires? The ones where 90% of them are terrible traces (if that!) of other companies media to such an extent that if anyone actually ever bought them instead of downloading or reading off ReadComics would probably have gotten Marvel mired in lawsuits?
Those comics?

I feel like... that is not the ringing endorsement of popularity that you think it is.
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PCs have been kicked out of their home base and on the run from the law.
Goal is to tour some systems and new backwater planets to gain some followers and muscle to fight back and reestablish themselves in the hirarchy they've been cast out from.

I need some cool ideas for alien planets and possible encounters there that are a little bit more interesting than the average "[single biome] planet with one village"
It's the new version of the old EU problem. Back then it was 'luke, Han, Leia and Chewie do fucking everything everywhere all the time'

I guess it might be worse today because the modern stories writen by modern writern for the modern audience are even worse trash than the shitshow that was the EU, probably because Disney is completely out oof touch.
Charles Soule's Vader was big and this is the guy who shoved her in. More than enough to warrant her getting a card plus the solo movie. She was pushed so much she was able to fight Vader.
Luke Han and Leia were better characters at least. And their kids ended up doing stuff.
I once used a planet that was a pastiche of Western/American Civil War settings by filling it with refugees of the CIS that fled to a backwater Outer Rim world and mostly lorded on their wealth. There was also a big cowboy theme park on the planet, but that was less thematic and more story specific.

You could always have something odd that's just a gimmick for the physical space, like a low gravity world with a bunch of floating islands connected by flexible bridges, or Turbo-lifts: The Space Station.

Thinking about it, I sent the players to Selonia once and gave their cave a shopping mall vibe. Just go wild with it and see what you find entertaining.
Anyone know the size of the Legion posters they include with the models now? Looking to frame my Cody and Ventress posters
Ki-Adi Mundi was raped in the sizzling hot summer of 92 BBY.
Keeping as a space-legal mechanic on your freighter, while you pound her during long-haul flights across the stars.
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I like her scarf weapon
Can't consider the Disney shit unironically.
what's your fav capital ship? It's either lucrehulk or providence for me
I know its the generic normie answer but I like the Executor
Lucrehulks would make excellent mobile bases for like a mercenary guild or a PMC
>Plenty of hangar space for fighters and troop transports
>good defensive capabilities
>probably more than enough living quarters, space for workshops, engine bays, vaults etc
>neat little conference rooms to hash out the details of a merc contract
love these things
bit too big for my taste
Why do people pretend rogue one was good?
Because it was you shitgoblin.
It was a cool war movie, once time passed people realized it had value as that and not as a character focused space adventure like normal star wars movies.
It had a coherent beginning, middle, and end.

Wheras the sequel films did not.
Was Cad Bane a sociopath?
It's got a lot of flaws but it's the only disney star wars movie I saw (I never saw Solo, I don't know how good it is) that I don't hate. I treat it like the prequels. Bad, but not painfully so, which unfortunately qualifies it as "good" compared to many movies in the last ten years.
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>walks into Jedi Temple
>starts raping faster than eminem
>drops A.I prompts into 4chan instead of his A.I slop generator
Solo isn't terrible. It's got some good moments, but I wouldn't say it ever breaks through to being great or nothing. Worst part is a Maul cameo that never ammounted to anything. I'd say just give it a shot. It's only offensive if you're one of those people too stupid to understand that droids are second-class citizens and star-wars and tries to read woke politics into everything.
Reagan played the leading role in the football biopic Knute Rockne, All American, nothing to do with Gingrich, though George no doubt hated him too.
>"I, jyn erso, have no hope!"
>Goes to rebel base like 10 minutes later, nothing has changed for her
>"Rebellions are built on hope!!!!"
shit was so dumb
The trailer featured a bunch of stuff purposefully made for the trailer that was never meant to appear. It honestly feels like a trailer the movie.

Jyn and her arc with her father didn't completely work for me.
The main actor is too goofy and it feels too MCU. The super dumb parts (how he got his last name) are retarded. How he got his gun, met Chewbacca, got the falcon (or how the falcon had an escape pod) and the parsecs kessel run stuff, were all rather meh. I honestly don't understand the defense of that movie. It wasn't as offensive as TLJ but it was so dumb as to have fuck all worth.
Were any of the Inquisitors a real threat or even powerful? It seems like they weren’t much stronger than a normal Jedi, I get they were attack dogs but nothing about them screams threat.
Ain't no "pretend" about it, I liked Rogue One and I still do.
I mean, she is rapeable.
Canon Inquisitors aren't supposed to be the powerful goons the Legends Inquisitors are, no. They were deliberately described at one point as sort of a blend of mine canaries and hunting dogs, they'd do a lot of the legwork for hunting so Vader doesn't have to, and if they die, then they fail and it's up to Vader to step in.
Sadly no. Like they seem to wreck any non-Jedi they go up against, but even that is just to act as opportunity for the Jedi character to then step in and save the day. They fulfill the needs of the stories they're used for but the only time any of them were a legitimate threat to a Jedi was the very first time we see the Grand Inquisitor in Rebels.
>It seems like they weren’t much stronger than a normal Jedi
Well, yeah. That's literally what they were. The Inquisitors were just Jedi who joined the Empire out of fear or hopelessness. Why would they be any stronger than a normal Jedi?

The threat of the Inquisitors is that they have broad authority to requisition Imperial military and intelligence assets. An Inquisitor shouldn't just be trying to solo your party in a fair fight. They should know what you're up to due to pervasive ISB surveillance, and then show up blocking the way to your ship when you least expect it along with a squad of stormtroopers that have an E-Web set up and ready to go.
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The twins Sebulba owned in TPM also had bare breasts, George knew you can't have a space fantasy for kids without some booba.
>George "there's no underwear in space" Lucas
I miss him so much.
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Makes sense. Boobs are for kids.
Inquisitors were just made up because they'd retardedly decided they needed force and lightsaber wielding enemies in the empire time period when there was only two sith. So teeeechnically they're not a siths and all that shit. So they suck because they're an afterthought
What makes a Sith a Sith was never well defined anyway. Sheev's apprentices sans Dooku were all just his bodyguards like any dark side user.
Only one that was an actual threat was grinky and the rest were jobbers on purpose
Why? Because Palps thought it was funny... and because they needed generic non-Vader baddies with lightsabers to put into stories
yes, its murky at best
you'll have someone say something like "ventress is not a sith because rule of two" which is a logical argument
but then in the show you have mother talzin asking ventress if she rejects the sith, of which she said she did

so was she one? was she not?
was the rule of two in force? was the rule of two being ignored? is it a guideline more than an actual rule?
I mean, other than the fact that she got to see her dad one last time and found out that he had a secret mission that gave all of her childhood suffering some semblance of meaning...sure, nothing changed for her.
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holy shit that acolyte episode was kino

they killed off half the main cast
Well Acolyte:
>Nearly everyone fucking dies (so glad Jecki died, that stupid copypasta saying she is the true "Sith Acolyte" by some crazy waifuist was annoying).
>Mae switches places with Osha and goes with Sol.
>Sol is harbouring a secret to do with what happened and he is also known to the Sith.
>Sith is Qimir.
>Sith finds Osha in the end.

Some of the action was alright but it almost feels like, we had so many badly paced episodes with eh plots that they almost decided to do the complete opposite and it still feels eh?
i'm a sucker for a good fight and it gave me that in spades
>main cast members actually dying
>the sabers being turned off (not sure how? the hilt made out of the saber turn off material from the EU?)
>both sides going at it with fisticuffs when they're disarmed
>lightsaber stabs actually killing, qui-gon would be proud
dare i say it....its kino.
>not sure how
Cortosis, it redirects the energy back into a lightsaber which turns it off momentarily. Looks like he was wearing some on his arm as well as his hilt and maybe his helmet being made from it.
fucking hell, its been so long since itd been used that I forgot that name

when was the last time cortosis was used? could've sworn it was in TCW or something, or someone had a thing made out of it
>i'm a sucker for a good fight and it gave me that in spades
I am sure it will please a bunch of people (and that's okay) and narratives might change about the show overall but for me it kind of shows the problem. 4 episodes with plenty of unncessary stuff only for this? Did they purposefully want to bait people or is it just poor streaming editing or what? You have bad pacing and then stuff this episode with all action but still the plot hasn't moved that far on, we are still on some central mysteries. I don't know if I feel a bit of tonal whiplash. Bunch of poorly set up characters get killed, is it meant to be shocking or provocative? What if they had been set up better? That being said people assumed everyone would die anyway because of the Sith appearing so it was also the most guessed plot twist too. I probably sound like a downer but for me the show still has more work to catch up to something approaching alright. Glad you enjoyed it.
It was pretty central to the clone wars era story in Thrawn Alliances. In the book Dooku was using it to build battle droids and clone armour, but I don't think it has shown up in any of the shows.
in terms of the plot itself, the mystery does get a bit deeper

sol is hiding something, but what? how does darth teeth know? was darth teeth there on the night at the coven? why does he say that he doesnt want sol to get inside his head, something to do with the witches?

plus, at least only 2 characters heard bim call himself a sith, so i guess sol is going to die before he can spill the beans
cant wait for the "THEY RETCONNED TPM" complaints because of this
The rule of two has always been more of a loose guideline than a strict rule. Sith masters take on additional apprentices and pit them against one another to find the strongest, and apprentices take on their own apprentices to help kill their masters. Betraying each other is what the Sith are best at, and they have never exactly been very good at following anybody's rules. You could argue Palpatine, Dooku, Maul, Ventress, and Savage all had a legitimate claim to being a Sith despite all being active at the same time.
See I don't care about potential lore issues or w/e. My issue has always been the show's structure hasn't served it well. You say the mystery is a bit deeper but at what point is that just stringing people along? Also I don't even agree that it got "deeper" necessarily because people have been speculating that Sol hid something for multiple episodes now. If anything it just feels like a core reminder of "answers are coming soooon" every so often rather than things moving stuff onwards?
So is Qimir Darth Plagius or is he an apprentice or the guys before DP?
Might they do Q->chick->DP->Palp?
It sounds nice in the abstract, especially with the cortosis shenanigans, but it wasn't so good when you're actually watching it. The Sith shredding 5 Jedi felt over the top. Dude was cutting them down like he was fucking Palpatine or Genndy Grievous. And I'm not clear where the fuck Sol and his padawan had conveniently vanished to during that initial fight.
my bet is that he is the apprentice to say, tenabrous

and that he dies, so now tenabrous needs to find a new apprentice who will be plagueis
So who will be the Acolyte since there are only 3 candidates/characters left and that's what the Sith wants?
>Sol, he will most likely die because of what he did, I doubt he will suddenly turn, although during the fight they did mention darkness within.
>Mae, she did try and run away but he seemed set on killing her for the betrayal.
>Osha, since Qimir now has her and she is building some potential hate up towards her sister.
>My bets are on Osha for the last minute twist.

lightsaber stabs dont kill remember, she was just knocked out from injury
>And I'm not clear where the fuck Sol and his padawan had conveniently vanished to during that initial fight.
The fight staging was rather bad? People randomly disappeared over a short distance only to reappear?
She got like triple stabbed in her torso bro. Almost like a fuck you. She dead.
yeah and stabs dont kill
2 in the side, as we know "she was stabbed in the side!" was the argument used to justify sabine surviving
middle one she plot armoured through
The framing/direction in Acolyte is film student tier. The way they were transitioning between Osha, Mae, and Sol was some of the most amateur shit I've seen.
You Dafne Keen fans are mental.
In the previous episode when the Sith turned his head right before doing the force push, the speed at which he did it felt more like comedic timing rather than epic slow tension move.

In this episode it is hard to know where anyone was or how far away they were. They heard Jecki scream but she was further away to them than Sol was.
relax anon im just making a joke at how theres been many lightsaber stabs as of recent that characters have somehow survived, with sabine having a massive "she was stabbed in the side!!!" cope argument for it instead of just admitting its bullshit
Chill, I was taking the piss m8
>Throw a bunch of cheap deaths and shoddy action staging and now everyone is changing their tunes
They have a problem with dramatic pauses and comedic timing.

>Jecki gets her lightsaber fizzled by the cortosis
>Very ceremoniously pulls out the second one she'd picked up
>They both stop and look at it for a solid second as she activates it

They might as well have had her wink at the audience.
People who complain about this show "breaking lore" are incapable of discussing the show in good faith. Everyone knows Mae is gonna end up killing Sol before he can tell the Jedi.
Tenebrous is the obvious choice, especially because the Plagueis book established that he took on more than one apprentice.
I wonder if the production of the show was just super rushed along. The directing has felt very clunky in every episode, but episode 3 was directed by the guy who did After Yang, so he has proven himself to be a good director.
>Throw a bunch of cheap deaths and shoddy action staging and now everyone is changing their tunes
which star wars movie are we talking about?
Love and hate are very similar. People who bitch about shit like the Acolyte are often just waiting for an excuse to like it too. (That and, there are more reactions than one of two extremes.)
Let the moment breath and build tension ffs. It is bizarre.
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RLM just released a video discussing how the culture war discourse around The Acolyte has gotten out of control
He penetrated her nubile boobies :(
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She survived that.
The guys who shitted on George's movies and then got disappointed that the sequels were tailormade for them? Nah, not clicking it.
if sabine can survive it, so can she (^:
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What culture war discourse? The show is poorly written and poorly directed on an almost objective level.
Not gonna lie, I liked her character. But I'm just a girl fetishist anyway.
Many people cannot articulate why a bad thing is bad so they default to the answer that has worked for 50 years. It has bad politics.
Yeah, but if you say that you invoke someone defending that you don't like it just because you're racist or a bigot or something. Turns out is their side that has no arguments.
>The showrunner is a gay woman and also worked with Harvey Weinstein.
>The main actress is mixed race, gay and very left wing.
>In an interview they called it the gayest Star Wars yet and joked about R2-D2 being a lesbian.
>An old interview of the actress from 2018 made the rounds where she was talking about "white people tears" it was about a movie where a black boy is shot by police and she was saying she wanted white people tears so white people would empathise with the situation.
>People posted that interview as if she was talking about the Acolyte.
>In response to "racist backlash" she posted a music video on her Instagram the other day.
A proportion of the backlash against Acolyte has been along the lines of "woke politics" (particularly some of the dodgy lines the Witches gave) and the prominent women, gay comments etc. Some of this shit was going on even before the show came out. Of course there is plenty of legitimate criticism. But the show has been through the clickbait/ragebait olympics. Same old narratives.
To be fair there is a distinct line between saying a show is poorly written/directed and saying a show is bad because there is a black woman lead, the latter is what all those Youtube grifters are primarily latching on.
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Does anyone have the source for Kathleen Kennedy IRL identifying with the Sith and wanting to reduce the importance of the Jedi in the SW setting? I swear I remember reading about an interview to that effect, but google is being useless and I'm sure someone here might know it.
I feel like this is some misunderstood shit, she never said anything like that.
>the latter is what all those Youtube grifters are primarily latching on

How convenient
god damn it, the Jedi Temple has enough scandals daily as it is

If the PG rating says non-sexualised and artistic nudity, then damn it we're gunna have some of them titties that the PG rating lets us get away with
Truly a visionary man
Damn every time I hear George speak he exposes his retardation even more
But I'm totally sure it was easier to make movies in soviet russia than it was anywhere in the west
Seems very antisemitic
>it was someone's job to paint them titties
That's an actual profession in Brazil during Carnaval.
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>toydarians and muuns have big noses
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Yeah its still a job in a lot of film and advertising industries
i know a guy who is basically a Barber now with his own business that worked in the porno industry doing hair, makeup and shaving for actors, its apparently not nearly as much fun as it sounds as people are kind of fucking gross without some kind of filter
Never really thought of it before, but isn't it kinda weird how Twi'leks have eyebrows despite not having hair anywhere else on their bodies?
Bib Fortuna had armpit hair.
For most of my life I assumed PG was the same conceptual as G because PG has been so watered down in favour of PG-13 and M.
they get tattoos sort of as a beauty thing
They have hairy nipples and anuses. Take hair removal cream if you go to Ryloth
This reminds me of the dumbest thing I wrote when I spent a boring afternoon when my computer broke, writing out how Twilek skin inheritance worked from the EU.
Fucking whatever. Yeah, yeah, some youtubers or twitter retards say "show bad because brown gay people bad" and then that gets used as a cheap deflection against actual criticism. I don't care that retards are poisoning the well. The well's been poisoned forever because everyone on earth has been pouring their shit in it.
There was a tweet for that, pointing out that the Jedi are to be coded as "cisgender white oppressors who hoard power", not as heroes, in future Star Wars media. I'm looking for the exact tweet now, but I can 100% guarantee that quote is exactly correct. It's burned into my memory for how breathtakingly insane it is and how it misses the point of what people actually liked about Star Wars.
>There was a tweet for that, pointing out that the Jedi are to be coded as "cisgender white oppressors who hoard power", not as heroes
Which is weird, because the Jedi in The Acolyte are very diverse and POC yet they're portrayed as incompetent
It isn't just the fact that some youtuber/twitter retards say stupid shit and actors respond to it/use it as deflection. The issue is the whole set up designed to amplify this shit into oblivion. Clickbait is everywhere. To use your analogy, the whole structure of the well is built to constantly allow poison to flow.
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Its sort of why a lot of those 70's and 80's PG films and tv were bearable, they had to do some pretty wild shit to get them into the M15+ bracket and the R18 was guaranteed to be something gnarly happening
Dunno if I'm just getting even more decrepit but everything sort of feels very blunted in terms of media, very safe and unlikely to shock anyone
Those tweets often misquote or take one comment out of context.
You silly none dies from lightsaber stab anymore
Except redshirts like the asian chick who got stabbed, then the pasty white guy who got force pulled onto the saber while it was through her.
When they said it would be the gayest star wars ever, and with the friendliness between Jecki and Osha, I expected them to go on to become a couple.
Especially with a popular young actress like Dafne Keen. But no. She dead. >>93167777 is bullshit.
OSHA porn is not returning the results I wanted. Is there likely to be any good R34 out of the Acolyte at all?
considering the main characters are a tranny Rick James and Squidgame dude, i highly doubt there will ever be any r34, let alone *good* r34 of it
>headbutting a lightsaber blade with your cortosis helmet
metal af
People really love the last half hour, which is an action setpiece that's well shot enough that the first three quarters of the movie is forgotten.
I would say it's less the actor more the direction.

Anyway I thought it was fun. It's really a subjective opinion. Yeah it's not great, but I don't need every Star Wars thing to be great.
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This was dumb as fuck. How come everyone doesn't use it? How come NO ONE didn't use it throughout the fucking movies or Clone Wars? Oh, that's right: it's some dumb fucking EU shit. Of course.

God damn, that episode was shit.
>straight up reveal he is a Sith to Sol
>doesn't kill him
>I suppose the Jedi just straight up don't believe him (even though 90% of them FUCKING DIED THERE), even though Qui-Gon's fucking DEATH was enough to convince even MACE FUCKING WINDU that Maul was indeed a Sith
>or they write the Jedi as incompetent retards who cover it up for some reason
>or they retroactively make Ki-Adi Mundi a liar
That's just the tip of how this dogshit breaks Star Wars in general. I won't even bother getting into the actual episode, which was cringe as shit all around, terrible acting, terrible dialogue, terrible characterization. But hey, at least the fights were good.
>How come everyone doesn't use it? How come NO ONE didn't use it throughout the fucking movies or Clone Wars?

For most people besides the Sith, fighting a Jedi in hand to hand combat isn't really something you prepare for. Like preparing to throw down with Secret Service agents, except you need special armor to resist their special Secret Service swords (real thing btw, the government wastes $100b a year on training and equipping agents with the swords). For the Sith themselves, it's a coin toss on whether they're too wrapped up in ritual and pride to employ such things.
Now why they didn't build Grievous and his guards out of anti-lightsaber metal, that's a good question. You could come up with something about Dooku's sith autism or Grievous having some warrior pride, but the real answer is that George didn't worry about it that much.
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The real answer is that it's retarded EU shit that did not exist in the real SW universe and it retroactively makes no sense. Just like Beskar.
It's easy to enjoy if you can gaslight yourself into ignoring that it's a Han Solo movie and just look at it as an EU-tier spinoff story about a smuggler pulling a heist.
Yeah, sorry. Not going to happen. All my mental bandwidth is being taken up gaslighting myself into thinking I still like Star Wars at all.
Pure beskar, phrik or cortosis are insanely expensive, and don't have many sources. Instead they're alloyed into other metals to make better armor, usually for starships.
Yawn. Yet again your media literacy is even worse than your opinions.
George signed off on electrostaffs thoughever
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Electrostaffs are not swords, they are not shaped like a sword, they are also highly vulnerable and can be cut in literally any place other than the electrified tips. You cannot kill with an electrostaff. Electrostaff does not make a lightsaber redundant and obsolete, it does not pollute and confuse the visual language of the setting.

Vibroblades, beskar and cortosis are OP, retarded and make no sense. They do not belong in Star Wars and they actively diminish the setting.
electrostaffs can kill but only when theres a sustained connection between the tip and someones body, as its electricity
They really don't diminish anything.. The original trilogy showed Vader's armor blocking Luke's lightsaber. Sure, Vader winces in pain, but it still stopped the blade.
No one gives an iota of a fuck about George. I run games where Jedi are villains to the max and the Empire are good guys. I guarantee you I have more people playing than in your "games". Oh wait, you don't have any games. Fuck off back to /tv/.
despite some of the flaws in the lightsaber fights

it was still way, WAY better than anything in ahsoka
I dont know how old the squid game guy is, but I think it disproves the whole "rosario dawson is too old to do good action" excuse, seems more like whoever they hired for the fights was just bad at their job so the 2 actors who actually know how to fight had to pick up the slack
>electrostaffs can kill
Never happened.
>They really don't diminish anything..
They really do.
>The original trilogy showed Vader's armor blocking Luke's lightsaber. Sure, Vader winces in pain, but it still stopped the blade.
I guess you are too retarded to notice that he scratched it on the surface, not actually cut through. It did not stop anything.
>Never happened
sure, but even a child knows that electricity kills
It clearly bounces off, but you just want to jerk off to lightsabers as some mary sue weapon that should effortlessly defeat everything and that diminishes it more than anything.

Aside from Karin Traviss' beskar. That was ass retarded but so was everything Traviss wrote and it's good that her bullshit was purged from the setting.
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Depends on power. The fact that people do not immediately pass out as they are hit with the tip of an electrostaff indicates that it is not powerful enough to fucking kill anyone. You can torture with it, but not kill. Same with TA-51 field telephone.
>lightsabers as some mary sue weapon that should effortlessly defeat everything
Yes, they are. As George meant them to be. Lightsabers are the single most recognizable invention of this setting.
>that diminishes it more than anything.
No, not really. Mastering a lightsaber is hard work, and not everyone can do that. Making one is also a hard work, and not everyone can do that. Lightsabers are rare and unique, and with that comes power and coolness, but that power is given only to a few.
>Aside from Karin Traviss' beskar. That was ass retarded but so was everything Traviss wrote and it's good that her bullshit was purged from the setting.
It's back in full force. Have you not watched The Mandalorian?
Clearly you know less about electricity than Star Wars, which is already pathetically little.
But anyone can kill a jedi and take theirs.
>It's back in full force. Have you not watched The Mandalorian?
You clearly never read Traviss and about the full on starfighters made beskar. Mando is EXTREMELY toned down compared to her faggotry.
Okay, retard. Concession accepted.
>But anyone can kill a jedi and take theirs.
Not anyone. And even then, it is practically useless in the hands of anyone not trained to use it. And they will always lose against a Jedi, who is actually trained, in tune with the Force and his weapon.
>You clearly never read Traviss and about the full on starfighters made beskar. Mando is EXTREMELY toned down compared to her faggotry.
We are going to get that, retard. Watch them discovering untapped beskar mines on Mandalore and building Beskar fleet for Filoni's le ebin epic showdown movie. Gideon already had an army of beskar troopers and beskar suit for himself. And Beskar is literally fucking invulnerable in this continuity as well. Not a lightsaber, not a blaster can penetrate it, and there is literally no drawbacks whatsoever. Gay faggotry.
>real thing btw, the government wastes $100b a year on training and equipping agents with the sword
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Pretty much all of the Acolyte's fight scenes have put the other Disney Plus SW shows to shame and the movies. Although I think with the sequels they intentioanlly made the duels less prequel-like and clunky. With Ahsoka though I'm not sure, it felt like they wanted to match the Clone Wars and prequels but didn't come anywhere near outside of Hayden busting out some of his old moves. And they can't fall back on the "Rosario had prosthetics" excuse because so did Dafne Keen and she managed fine as Jecki. If they don't up their game for Ahsoka S2 it's going to look back after this.
>Pretty much all of the Acolyte's fight scenes have put the other Disney Plus SW shows to shame and the movies.
>How come everyone doesn't use it?
Super rare, difficult to find and use.
>I suppose the Jedi just straight up don't believe him
Mae swapped places with Osha. She's clearly gonna kill Sol
i've also heard the excuse of "the fights in ahsoka are slow because its meant to be like the OT" which sounds like a massive cope
What? The fights in Ahsoka, Kenobi, Mandalorian and the sequels were better? It's the closest they've gotten to touching the prequels in terms of choreography, not even debatable.
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>And they can't fall back on the "Rosario had prosthetics" excuse because so did Dafne Keen and she managed fine as Jecki
The most dishonest and disingenuous post ITT.
nah he's right, the prosphetic would only restrict her turning her head as well (if made correctly, almost not at all) and would have no hinderance of body or arm movements, which are more important for a duel

they just didnt get a good choreograghy director for ahsoka, everyone bar hayden and diana is shit, they're only good because they've already been trained
You are retarded. Even in the gif posted above, you can see the head-tails getting in the way of hands, they flip from side to side, and if you move too hard the entire shit will probably fall off. He is not right. Shit that Dafne Keen wears cannot be even called prosthetics. A bunch of tiny horns glued to her forehead? That's nothing.

I didn't even like the Ahsoka show. But you faggots are retarded. You can't use your head. And yeah, I'd be surprised if 19 year old fit Dafne Keen didn't move better than a 45 year old fatso Rosario, who doesn't even do action shit, and by her own admission the role of Ahsoka is what made her go to the gym, lmao.
the woman who plays morgan elspeth is like 60 and she fights better than rosario dawson in her fight

age isnt an issue, whoever trained dawson was shit, or her performance was shit but filoni was just "eh looks good enough"
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>beep beep
>um peak star wars tg coming thru
>give me the "autistic girl from the dragon tattoo" haircut
It is, but it's better than the prequels
Okay Disney-mom
Plus Rebels was right before the OT and Ahsoka and Kanan both moved pretty fast in that. Even Luke Deepfaker was fluid in the Mando S2 finale.

And even then I notice in some of those scenes it's not Rosario but a stunt double, same with Ray. So how they couldn't get the fights up to standard when they're not even restricted by the actors is beyond me.

Still it's kind of embarrassing you have to use a stunt double with a digitally imposed face for your lead actors considering the prequels only used that effect for older performers like Christopher Lee and Ian McDiarmid.
Fuck no, they finally managed to make something worse than AotC
No they didn't. And Kenobi was much worse than the acolyte anyway
I don't know, man. I think they're really gunning to make the worst Star Wars production thus far.
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Aw sweet, a new topic for retards to argue over.
Anyways, to steer the discussion to a much better direction, tell me about (you)r warlord.
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Part 2
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Part 5
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The end
You didn't put the right last thread:
wish x23 didn't die desu
That anon in the last thread didn't go far enough: >>93129664
This general is dead.
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So to align with how lightsabers work in canon cortosis has force nullifying properties as well. Like Superman can't see through lead, cortosis clouds a Jedi's senses/masks the Sith's mind from being read. Seems pretty op.
Star wars is dead:
>Failed games.
>Failed theme park.
>Failed hotel.
>Failed sequels.
>Failed Star Wars story movies.
>Failed Disney+ shows.
>How come NO ONE didn't use it throughout the fucking movies or Clone Wars?
They did, it was the plot of Thrawn: Alliances.
its a good vid
ki adi mundi was always the worst jedi, two brains and no thoughts
National defense secret. Suffice to say, every picture of a Secret Service agent you've ever seen has been edited to replace their sword with a gun.
>What culture war discourse?
are you living under a rock?
Sweet. More shit that never happened.
Between Mundi, Yarael Poof, Oppo Rancisis, Yaddle, Yoda and potentially even Plo Koon all being at least a century old it kind of explains why the Jedi grew so complacent.
>what minor detail do you expect to irrationally enrage you

What are you talking about? The entire Acolyte series is absolutely dogshit, easily one of the worst live action series in the 2020s so far

No one needs to focus on any minor detail, the entire story falls apart even if you completely ignore star wars canon, continuity, message tone etc
It's also by far the worst edited show I've seen. We are talking amateur stuff. Not even. Amateurs do better editing.
I don't understand how CYOAs work, what are you supposed to do with all this?
They are mostly supposed to be a RP thing and a thought experiment. Your first few choices will give you a certain amount of each type of points, which you can then spend in the later parts. In this case, to flesh out your Warlord's empire, and then maybe compare them to the other people in the thread.
That's a pretty nifty CYOA, Anon. Although you can't really get around it without noting things down.

Let's bring the CIS back, the right way. To be extra spicy, let's say it's old Lux Bonteri running this thing.
>Vanquished Remnants
>The Outer Rim
>Multi-sector Empire
>Infrastructure: Capital Shipyards, Experimental weapons development, Droid works, Trade Stations
>Military: Mandalorian Attack Force 1x, 2x Trade Federation Armada, CIS Battlefleet 2x, B3 Assault force, 4x CIS Planetary Army
>Diplomatic actions: Technological espionage on the New Republic and Imperial Remnant
>Diplomatic Perks: First Citizen, Independent Legitimacy
>Agents: Dot Tambor, Ahsoka Tano, Boba Fett, Ken
>Superweapons: Subjugator
That still leaves me with 2 territorial wealth and 5 force and nothing to spend it on, but I think my resurgent CIS is pretty cool.
We are so used at Star Wars fandom being upset at Lucasfilm or Disney fucking up the setting, characters and lore that when they make something simply really, really bad some fans first reaction is to think is another retcon.
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>Anyways, to steer the discussion to a much better direction, tell me about (you)r warlord.
I'm going to make the Empire great.
>Same with TA-51 field telephone.
That is clearly a TA-57 field telephone, making your argument entirely irrelevant. I win.
>you completely ignore star wars canon, continuity, message tone etc
I mean, if Rian Johnson could completely ignore those things and get away with it, why wouldn't anyone else?
How would he change the Empire?
He wouldn't. Picard would be a loyal Imperial commander.
I hate how every single western franchise just gave up having any kind of continuity or canon, Star Wars, Marvel, DC, 40k, Star Trek, Fallout etc

Just hire an editor, just hire a damn editor.
> Jedi are to be coded as "cisgender white oppressors who hoard power"
Bro, this sounds like rage bait. The Jedi we see in the show are:
>Asian master
>Black knight
>Female alien padawan
Don't think about it too hard, it's like how in disneywars the empire are evil nazis and all their recent villains are black women
He should be a Moff.
Or and ISB General.
Or both.
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My starting stats -
Imperial Successor
Wild Space
Regional Power
4 free agents:
Princess Tandra Mcarra
Gilad Pellaeon
Halike Prafta
Kaladarg Teepo
Half off Imperial Military Forces, four times off on Clone Military Forces. Diplo action costs increased by 2, Infrastructure Improvement costs increased by 1

Because I'm both an Imperial Successor and have taken Prafta on as an agent, Trained Clone Regiments and Spartaii Clone Armies only cost 2.5 and 1 military resources respectively, so I spend 3.5 MR for them both, leaving me with 11.5. From there I spend 1.5 MR on a Stormtrooper detachment, giving me three substantive deployable armies.

I spend 8 Force to best Rex Telemon in combat and take control of his Sun Guard Legion and it's escort fleet, leaving me with 7 Force.
In addition, I spend 4 Force on Ken, who I proceed to use as an Imperial figurehead as Palpatine's heir, which is easily achieved by using 3DA to grant him Beloved Monarch status, thus securing his legitimacy and incidentally canceling out both his "easily forgotten" debuff and the "constant attention" debuff through their opposite affects.

I use Tandra to make an Immediate Alliance with Moff Lakar in order to bring him into my service, skipping the recruitment costs in exchange for her skill. Utilizing one point of Lakar's Diplomatic Acumen together with Rex's ambitions for Thyrsus in coordination with my Imperial Figurehead, I unite the Sun Guard together with the Teepo Paladins, reforming them into a new Royal Guard Order of Imperial Knights. This also grants me a defacto Order of Force Acolytes.

I spend 2MR, 2TW, and 1F to bring in the Cast-Offs as a supplementary escort force, and to work towards finding the full Katana Fleet.

This all leaves me with

With my position secured politically and militarily, it's possible to pivot towards Imperial Recognition, New Republic Member Status, or even galactic political reunification, depending on circumstance.
>just gave up having any kind of continuity or canon
>Star Wars
Used to have a tier list of how canon something was or was not and constantly contradicted itself
>Marvel, DC
Comic reset themselves, new universes, ect so many times
It was always contradictory almost intentionally so, full of retcons and reretcons, because everything was propaganda, tall tails, half remembered history, ect. It also did not have much of a forward moving narrative.
>Star Trek
This one they actually gave up on following the JJ Abrams movie reboot.
>They do not belong in Star Wars and they actively diminish the setting.
Why? Vibroblades are the corner stone of melee weapons in SW and have been since the 80’s
>Never happened.
Literally in the CW episode that you posted where the electrostaff gets cut in half, a CT gets killed with one during the boarding of Eeth Koth’s ship
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>makes dafne keen dual wield lightsabers with reverse grip, basically going "hey what if we made her like ahsoka?"
>proceeds to then go "hey, what if we just had ahsoka with no plot armour?"
>Random Padawan during peace time who has never been in a real fight is the same as a Jedi Knight trained by the chosen one during a war to fight lightsaber wielding opponents
In what world are the capabilities of Jecki even remotely comparable to Ahsoka?
look its the closest we're gonna get to ahsoka dying on screen so i'll take it

but you cant deny the whole dual wield reverse grip green lightsabers thing
>gave up having any kind of continuity or canon
Bro you're just factually incorrect, canon was only ever something loose. The problem has always been about good stories versus bad ones. People who are sticklers for continuity have complained since forever.
>Star Wars
Do you know those guys writing the newspaper strips or comics post the first movie didn't know Luke and Leia were siblings? Or that Vader was their father? Since the beginning there has been tiers of what counts going forward versus what doesn't. Those guys wrote stories with the first movie in mind and each subsequent film changed things.
Comics change continuity all the time with every new issue, every new creative team. The difference is, back then it was one and done stories each issue and people cared less. Fuck the letter pages gave out noprizes if a reader spotted a continuity error.
Changed all the time when new stuff was added.
>Star Trek
Klingons went from menacing Soviet analogues in brown face in TOS to the different face make up, overly concerned with honour and warriors in the movies. (DS9 even once tried to explain that away.)
Each new game does something different and needs new stories.
>Just hire an editor, just hire a damn editor.
Single creators can't even keep their worlds in orders, what do you think an editor will do? You will always at some point break something previously established. The issue is whether it is good for the story you're telling or not. Loads of the old EU stories were not some fantastic thing, in fact they were much like the Acolyte:
>Here is some backstory for some thing you saw in the movies
Wow thanks anon, I've learned to stop worrying and love Star Shit now.
Can you even read?
>The problem has always been about good stories versus bad ones.
The stories now are terrible. They are just badly made regardless of continuity issues. Focusing on just continuity when it has never really mattered is stupid.
>responding to obvious trolling
Good continuity is a mark of good storytelling. Not in the "oh I understood that reference" way, but in a way where knowing more of the story outside of what you're currently reading actively improves and enhances the story being told. This is in fact the entire conceit of the prequels, to build upon continuity in a way that improves the story that was already told.
I won't disagree with your point, except your example. The prequels don't improve the OT at all.
You're not necessarily even talking about continuity, just continuation of a story. Continuity has never been concrete in any of those above examples. It should always be loose enough that you can tell new stories whilst not being completely forgettable that nothing matters. It is a framework. A lot of new stuff isn't necessarily breaking continuity, it is just telling poor stories that add very little. And that's the problem. It is about what stories are being told, ultimately.
Lucas never planned on making Vader Luke's father, not originally. But he broke continuity of the original to take the story into a different place which ended up being very satisfying to viewers. And then he even felt the need to have Obi Wan reappear on RotJ and explain that change, from a certain point of view. Lucas felt Obi Wan was needed because some of the audience didn't accept that Vader was telling the truth. Now we all accept it and don't see that perspective because it's well established that Vader is Luke's father. But back then it was a shocking twist not everyone accepted.
Prequels fucking suck and added nothing to the originals. In fact they took away stuff by demystifying things.
>Wow Boba Fett is cool and mysterious bad ass!
>Oh he's actually an unaltered clone.. who cares?
Good world building often leaves stuff to the imagination:
>What's that armour? What does he look like under the mask? What's his story?
Bad world building explains everything in excruciating detail until no mystery or story is left:
>Here is a character from birth to death and how he got every little iconic thing.
>Bad world building explains everything in excruciating detail until no mystery or story is left
Autistic people cannot abide unsolved mysteries or problems. Much of the audience for media is autistic. Therefore, all mysteries must be solved. World building be damned.
>people now watch multi hour long videos about random video game lore or some shit on YouTube
>just so they can endlessly regurgitate that shit to people
>same thing as the cunt that reads the book before the movie adaptation just so they can hold that knowledge over their peers
>not a blaster can penetrate it
Mando said the beskar stopped Fennec's rifle only because of the range. I know you love to complain, but either do it accurately or fuck off.
It's easily the best part of the show, with Sol being a close second. All else is shit.
Well. In theory.

What? Vader being made Luke's father didn't break continuity, in that it was explained and elaborated on. You can say some things in the prequels did. But good continuity is having a story that's tight but still being able to tell new stories and make new connections.

As much as it did break internal continuity, the EU also had extremely good continuity at times. There are many times when something obscure is worked back into an ongoing story in a natural way. For an example of both at once, see LotF. Those books broke continuity in, say, Jacen's character, or engaging in blatant retconning. But they also took an ancient fucking character like Lumiya, and used her for a storyline she was perfect for.

For a similar example but bad in Disneywars, look at the case of Luke in the Mandalorian. Pure fanbait inclusion - Ignoring the "coolness" of his entrance, the fact is he enters a storyline he has no part in, does things that make very little sense for his character, and exits the plot just as quickly as he came, with no real impact on the story. Essentially a glorified cameo. That's shit "continuity", just including something for the sake of a reference.

For another case, see Chewbacca in RotS.
the prequels make the original movies worse. ironically the prequels are improved somewhat by all the material outside of them set in that time period - the nameless jedi getting massacred are no longer just 'the guys who didn't want to save anakin's enslaved mother' but fuck-gon-jin or whatever, beloved character
>Vader being made Luke's father didn't break continuity
It did though anon. Lucas didn't intend for Vader to be Luke's father when he made the first film. He decided on the idea later. Therefore, the idea expressed in ANH was intended to be the truth until later when it was changed. The explanation is explained and elaborated on, sure. The thing is it is still technically a continuity break albeit one that has explanation in a sufficient way and adds to the story and then ceases to feel like one. And that's the point.. if a story breaks a notion and explains it well then that is justified. And this is why absolute continuity should never come before good storytelling. Storytelling is always the issue anon. A good storyteller can break something but explain it in a way as to make it interesting.

>the EU also had extremely good continuity at times
It changed things all the time. The concept of Mandalorians changed so much for example that they are all over the place. From a warrior creed to a Nordic race of neutrals. I mean what even is the EU? Comics, cartoons, video games, books the lot. So much different stuff and ideas. It was never meant to all fit.
Intent and concept isn't continuity, strictly speaking. The threat Thrawn wanted the Empire around for was never intended to be the Yuuzhan Vong when Timothy Zahn wrote that. But that idea worked, so they fit it in. That's continuity, making new ideas connect to old ideas in a way that fits. And sometimes it didn't, but there are plenty of times it did.

The sequels are anti-continuity. There is no way to connect the universe of the OT to the universe of the ST in a way that makes sense. Even if the sequels were to have told an excellent story, perfectly executing every new concept they had in mind, there's an irreconcilable disconnect of continuity that brings the story down.
Continuity is a framework but you can take established ideas and change them. The issue then becomes are the changes interesting and justified or not by the story you're telling.
>But good continuity is having a story that's tight but still being able to tell new stories and make new connections.
I feel like we're talking about two different things. A tight story is often something that has one main plot, few characters and doesn't waste time beyond that. Is the original Star Wars a tight story? No. It does plenty of stuff to inform the world and other things going on. Good continuity is about setting things up and paying them off, whether ideas or internal logic. Not making leaps or errors. But continuity can be broken when you change established things. And that's fine if it's good. If your continuity is so tight that nothing can change then you can't take things off in different directions because you're a slave to specific rules. You can literally write yourself into a corner.
I see where you're coming from, but I really disagree with this idea that writers need to constantly be free instead of being "a slave to specific rules". I think that perspective has been incredibly damaging to countless IPs. Working within constraint can often bring better results than freedom can, as counter-intuitive as it seems.
New ideas fitting into the old often involves changing older notions. Your example left it open ended so there wasn't a clear break or conflict. It was left vague and therefore easier to fix something into.

Continuity would be having Obi Wans explanation just continue as that was what was originally established and intended. But it was changed. And therefore there is a conflict. But that conflict was explained in a recent enough way to justify it. So it is still a break only it becomes a story development because of how it was done.
>constantly be free
I never said they should be completely free. I said a few posts ago:
>It should always be loose enough that you can tell new stories whilst not being completely forgettable that nothing matters.
I'm specifically saying there is balance to be had between being able to change some things but also not changing too much.
>It did though
It didn't
>The sequels are anti-continuity. There is no way to connect the universe of the OT to the universe of the ST in a way that makes sense. Even if the sequels were to have told an excellent story, perfectly executing every new concept they had in mind, there's an irreconcilable disconnect of continuity that brings the story down.
I disagree. The issue isn't continuity. The issue is the stories are bad. You can explain and connect the OT to the sequels, it's been done. But no one likes it because it left all our characters we liked in bad positions. Hence the issue is always, is the story good or not.. and the story was not.
It is still technically a retcon so it did.
Fuck me, seeing 1.0 is a blast from the past. Here's my build:

35 MR | (44 Spent) | (9 FOR)
10 TW | (26 Spent) | (16 FOR)
20 DA | (27 Spent) | (7 FOR)
40 FOR | (8 Spent) | (32 Converted)

>Ground forces cost halved.
>3 free Agents
>Space forces cost 1 more.
>Economy infrastructure costs 1 more.

>4 Free Agents
>DA and Infra costs 1 more

>5x Ace Squadron [15 MR]
>3x Special Forces [6 MR]
>3x Dark Troopers [9 MR]
>1x Mandalorian [3 MR]

>Military Factories [2 TW]
>Military Academies [2 TW]
>Capital Shipyards [2 TW]
>Experimental Weapons [2 TW]
>Universities [2 TW]
>Mining Extraction [2 TW]

>Imperial Recognition [10 DA]
>Peace (Empire) [FREE]
>Normalised Relations (Empire) [Free]
>Alliance (Empire) [Free]
>Alliance (Thrawn) [Free]
>2x Military Espionage [2 DA]
>2x Political Subversion [4 DA]
>Tech Espionage [2 DA]

>Ideological Demagogue [3 DA]
>Silver Tongue [2 DA]

>Intel Agency [4 TW, 1 DA, 2 FOR]
>Research Station [1 MR, 4 TW]
>Officers School [2 MR, 2 TW, 2 FOR]

>Agent 700 [1 TW, 1 DA, 2 FOR]
>McArra [1 TW, 2 DA, 2 FOR]
>Zelvara Kell [FREE]
>Boba Fett [FREE]
>Pellaeon [FREE]
>Lemelisk [FREE]
>Luuke [FREE]
>Ahsoka [FREE]
>Ken [4 FOR]
>Teepo [FREE]

>Executor SSD [8 MR, 2 TW]

The Battlestar Galactica build. A single, massive ship loaded with plot-armoured crew and ace pilots, ready to set off on a massive adventure to find out why command hasn't responded to their latest reports in the past few months. TEN AGENTS. TEN.
I'm still going to gas high command, friendo
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1.0, there's more?

And Jesus Christ, I didn't even see that LSers get 3 free agents. But I don't get your calculations, is all that MR and FOR from agents?
Hey there,
Anyone have an invite to a Star Wars RPG discord? Or access to the Star Wars 4chan discord floating around? I’m looking to play the RPG, and have a few sessions under my belt, but it abruptly ended when I had to break it off with my ex years ago.

While my Star Wars knowledge isn’t extensive, I’m happy to learn, and can contribute. I’m in the PST zone if that helps.

Very cool empire, Anon-kun
I do feel like there would be some clashes between the paladins and the Sun Guard though.
Ngl, that build looks kinda terrifying. Although I wonder if one planet has enough resources to sustain all that.
Is there a more up to date version? Can you post it?
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Oh yeah. After the first CYOA dropped, people started to make their little empires and a few people (myself included) made maps to include them all. Eventually, the CYOA maker set up a game on discord. Probably ran for about a year before it ended.

Started off pretty great, but there were issues. Original CYOA was never meant to be a game, and once there were too many players for one GM to handle others had to be brought in, which led to ruling inconsistencies and all sorts of trouble. After 1.0 ended, the original GM made a second edition designed from the ground up for games.

That one went probably for another year before it died out a couple of months ago.

>Can one planet sustain that?
Fuck no, nor is it meant to. Everything but the shipyard was meant to be built into the SSD itself. Mining? A wing of Mining TIE's and a hangar converted into a refinery. The officers academies are briefing rooms and simulators. The factories are the engineering department fabricating up replacement parts as best they can. The idea was to make a truly nomadic build. 1.0 never had rules for it, but 2.0 did. I'll post the 2.0 ones shortly.
>Agent 700
>Zelvara Kell
>Boba Fett
Imagine the banter in the executor's cantina.
>I do feel like there would be some clashes between the paladins and the Sun Guard though.
Well since Rex was up to serve anyone, I figured he wouldn't mind getting converted. And the renegade Jedi were already an offshoot themselves, same for the SG. Since the CYOA didn't actually list all available factions to interact with, I thought only using ones in the sheet would be better.
Fuck. How did they handle repeating characters though?
Nevermind. 2.0 file size is WAY too big for 4chan.

Given this was a build I came up with at around the end of 1.0, it consisted mostly of the agents I had recruited through the course of the game, using "counts-as" rules. So:

>Agent 700 was an original guy, Agent Winter. He was one of the agents who was in my build from the very beginning, along with RAITH SIENAR.
>McArra was Wynessa Starflare.
>Zelvara Kell was the sister of another warlord (who bought both NR and Imp recognition at game start and played both sides)
>Fett was my IRL wife's character, I basically ran things for her DND style, describing the situation each turn and asking what she'd like to do.
>Pellaeon was BARON SOONTIR FEL.
>Lemelisk was Raith Sienar, who had faked his death.
>Luuke was a bimbo clone of Isard that Trioculus (who was a player and had a short tenure as Emperor) cloned as a flex on her. Skinny dipped in the Valley of the Jedi.
>Ahsoka was an Order 66 Survivor I recruited. Vergere's teacher if I recall.
>Ken was also the Isard Clone, to give her the Ken plot armour.
>Teepo was Maarek Fucking Steele, who at that stage was running my proto-Imperial Knights.

Only one was considered the "real" one, and others were different characters with the same in-game stats. At game start, those who had picked an agent had a chance to claim the original one, or write original lore for them. For example, one person would get Boba Fett, and if another person had picked him, they could get someone like Fenn Shysa, Bo-Katan or another contender for the title of "Mandalore".
>Nevermind. 2.0 file size is WAY too big for 4chan.
C'mon, Anon, you can't just tease us like that.
Can you upload it catbox or something and post the link?

Here you go. The original cunt who made it uploaded it to Reddit a while back.
Good lord, now that is a t h i c k cyoa. Thanks Anon.
A shame that the flowery writing is gone, and it does seem really confusing as a game system, as the other redditors pointed out.
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It was beautiful. Some of the best RPing I've ever seen too
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God damn it, I want to have fun too.
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Honestly, it was. Didn't help that with like 7 different GM's, each of who had 3-5 players each, some players were running on a different interpretation of the rules than others. End result was that different players were basically on different difficulty levels. Not to mention the DLC's introduced a lot of power creep.

Honestly, yeah. In 1.0 even the joke factions were really well written. Led to some good memes too.

The CYOA's and rules are still out there, so it's entirely possible that someday someone will take up the mantle and run it again for a group. I've always wondered how it would run on a smaller map and with a smaller group. Rebellion in the Rim or Corellian Conflict style.
I fucking love the warlord era of the EU.
Makes me wonder if something like this could work as an actual vidya, in the style of stellaris or the funny chapter master 40k game, maybe?
Thrawn's Revenge provides a pretty cool warlord experience, but there's barely any espionage/diplomacy/economy due to EAW's limitations.
Yeah but Star Wars did look like it was genuinely trying to make it look consistent a few years ago after Filoni was put in charge, I'm not a huge fan of the guy but he was even trying to reintroduce the most popular EU concepts into canon in a way it would fit, then at some point they started to just randomly change Filoni lore with different series.

It looked like Filoni either wans't asked to check other series or didn't bother anymore.
Reminds me of something I was part of a few years back, basically a galactic conquest during the fall of the Republic. Players had control of various characters, senators and corporate factions. Went off the rails quickly, with the guy playing Sheev getting tricked into being frozen in carbonite and the Clone Wars never actually starting, and becoming a long cold war instead. People were buying individual units and giving them lore and sending them on quests so that their main characters wouldn't get into legal trouble. And after a massive amount of espionage and backstabbing ended up with the corporate and republic fleets destroying each other on some uncharted worlds. The guy that was left established his own version of the empire. Was fun and I still think about some of the shitposts.
I'm more a expensive Coruscant whore enjoyer.
Rule of Two is a matter of lineage and while not a rigid hierarchy it does enforce itself so that overpopupulation of weak sith can't reveal themselves to the Galaxy and get their shit kicked in by the Jedi. Sheev Era Banites function as follows:

Sheev-Top Dog
Dooku- official apprentice
Maul- presumed dead/lost the spot
Savage- Maul's apprentice

Key here is that they perceive themselves to be Sith, not that they are true sith. Dooku was intentionally taught less because he was temporary measure until Anakin fell and Ventress, Savage were taught the same faulty teachings that by design were imparted in them. I would argue that Maul is the second true sith compared to Palpatine as he was taught with the explicit idea to be a true apprentice to Palpatine, even if his training was incomplete.
Wrong, because nothing in the first movie contradicts it.

I mean we had that before, but SOMEBODY couldn't let his waifu die in a great dramatic moment that works narratively and as a great final coda on the Clone Wars show, as Vader, consumed by hate for what he was, literally kills his old cartoon sidekick (well, his non-Droid one, anyhow)

The problem is that LotR spoiled us because that was made by one guy with an autistic son who loved to point out continuity errors as he helped his dad with the editing.

That's why there's a reason why Legolas's Elf Eyes can see 13 leagues away, over the curvature of the fucking planet.
Tolkien explained that to the elves, the world is flat. Because magic.
I don't blame him. That tight orange pussy is not so lightly thrown aside.
theres been some rumours for ahsoka season 2, i'll post them below

>they're recasting baylan, looking for a white actor in his 50s/60s
>looking for someone to play "the mother" (I would assume "the mother" is who everyone assumes to be abeloth)
>looking for another white male villain

there has also been a whisper of
>looking to cast asajj ventress
but this doesnt seem to have anything backing it up so it may be wishful thinking
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>they're recasting baylan, looking for a white actor in his 50s/60s
Honestly I don’t know who they could get to replace Ray, even though I had a fair few problems with the show Ray’s character was genuinely one of the most interesting things in it.
>looking for someone to play "the mother" (I would assume "the mother" is who everyone assumes to be abeloth)
I’d probably go with Tilda Swinton, I think she could pull it off.
>looking for another white male villain
Well shit just cast me, I’m white, a male and will say racial slurs for money. My only request (besides the money) is that there is a mandatory twenty minute in unsimulated sex scene featuring me, Sabine and Shin
>looking to cast asajj ventress
Just get Nika Futterman, I’m still pissy that they recasted Ashoka
The biggest continuity hole that the Vader twist left was that it makes Obi-Wan and the Lars pretty stupid for allowing Luke to go around calling himself Skywalker, in a planet that's supposed to be the HQ of the biggest crime lord of the galaxy who also has direct connections to the Empire and the top brass.
I liked Imperius class better.
The show probably would have worked better condensed into a movie, like the plot about a former Jedi working with the current Jedi whose tracking down her long lost evil twin who is killing Jedi, with flashbacks to their past, and it all culminates in the Sith killing everyone in the forest could have easily been a single film.
for replacing ray, i've heard the popular opinion is liev schriber but I cant really see it myself
and I agree that tilda swinton would be a good cast, you need someone a bit freaky? she's the actress you go for

no idea on who this new "villain" could be, my first thought would he eli vanto but
>hes not a villain
>filoni ignores the thrawn novels

>just get nika futterman
I think she's said that she wouldn't want to do it, however would be fine with dubbing and would want to be in a scene with ventress as a glup shitto character
my casting for ventress would be elizabeth debicki, she has the right body and facial structure mostly because some guy has shitposted it on /tv/ for years
>How come everyone doesn't use it?
To be honest, if you look at real life, there also true. Like when someone invent something for military, and then people like "why doesn't anyone else though of this?!". Because general prepare to the past wars, same as warriors prepare to the past battles. That's why something unique like this take it by suprise.
Also cortosis helmet is work good only against lightsaber. To protect form multiple threats it's better to use phrik alloy.

>haha you would also defend hyper-ram
No retard, it's goes against established canon. The fact that cortosis shorts lightsaber is part of canon. Using it in helmet is just innovative way.

Also there was entire B3 droids that was had cortosis plating and else, they were so effective against force-users, Palpatine had to actually tell Dooku to SHUT IT DOWN.
>looking for someone to play "the mother" (I would assume "the mother" is who everyone assumes to be abeloth)
That seems like a pretty big assumption, given that "Mother" is also the title used for the leaders of the Nightsisters, and last season ended with Thrawn's ship arriving over Dathomir. Given the totality of the circumstances, I'd say it's far more likely that this character will be Talzin back from the dead once again.
>Probably ran for about a year before it ended.
You are 100% correct, and what a glorius year it was.

>That one went probably for another year before it died out a couple of months ago.

Ow, it's actually died? That's unfortunate.
Yeah, time of death was officially declared a month or so ago. Turn 15 was the final one, and never fully resolved.
No it isn’t.
Atleast a century old? I hope the fuck not.
I think the show sucks precisely because it is like the prequels.
Disney put all their creativity in that one movie as far as designs are concerned like the death troopers and U-Wings. Also a Star Wars war movie for those of us who like to see the galactic conflict angle more.
No silly little anon. The prequels are way better and superior than The Acolyte.
>Disney put all their creativity in that one movie
i.e. it had Darth Vader hallway scene
Either Elon Musk, STW or me should own Star Wars. Not Disney anymore, not ever!
We should just give Star Wars to the british, so they can produce more Andor
Give it to me instead rather the British.
>already been established that cortosis is extremely rare
>already been established that cortosis is brittle
>we even see this in the acolyte as it takes 2 punches to break his helmet
>thrawn alliances even has anakin have to fight a guy in full cortosis armour

But what can a cortosis condom do?
A retcon is retroactive continuity. ESB is retroactively changing what was said previously and justifying it. And that's okay.
RIP. It's unfortunate that it laster even less turns than first game.

Simple as.
gives you protection in case that alien gf pulls out her own lightsaber
Kenobi and Boba Fett are far worse than The Acolyte. If the show didnt have the lesbian witch coven it would probably be considered decent to good
They were lesbian witches in the same that you could technically call Palpatine and Plagueis Anakin's gay dads
What was Phrik even in? I dont remember at all in the EU
Fuck you!
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