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uhhh... edition


▶Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


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what do we do now?
Keep shitposting for another couple months ig
let's talk about non-magic IP crossover possibilities the whole thread again!
Genshin Impact set soon
we do what we can
Bloomburrow waiting room.
Redwall kino
Delver of Squeakrets will be made cannon.
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The only reasonable thing to do. Await for cute little animals to save us.
please, PLEASE at least learn to spell the word canon correctly I BEG
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We draw cards and win the game of course
>*conventionally attractive
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>what do we do now?
The same thing we do every B&R announcement.
Continue to not play the game.
No one cares about the lore or aesthetics or presentation. You'll get fun friendly one off themes so you don't have to worry about any complicated overarching stories about weird ugly planes and you'll get cute cards with not too out there smiling humanoid characters on their crazy adventures or better yet your favorite characters from your favorite TV show or other ip. All that matters is that the mechanics are top notch. Seriously, we can keep maro as the rules guy but clearly need someone capable of keeping mtgs cool cult gathering esque identity and utilizing it's great blank canvas premise to tell all sorts of different stories of different unique, mystifying and mind warping places.
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will they ban ragavan now that i have pulled one?
nah, ragavan is the safest it has ever been
Magic needs a gard reset, a new neo alpha set that's designed around creature combat as it's focus and a new format that only uses cards from this point onwards
Galvanic Discharge has made him unplayable and I will stand by that comment.
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>mfw I win through 2 pieces of lock (I topdecked echo of eons)
reminder that pioneer 2 (aka intrepid) is coming to save the game
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Easily the best card from mh3, the amount of work this card has been putting in for me is insane
Can the start from the brothers war onwards... please....
Everything is creatures nowadays, Big fucking creatures or creatures that cheat something but the days of Fireballs to the face, Prison, or alt win cons like Second Sun are dead
Why Starting with Zendikar? What about Eldraine Ikoria and Theros?
Second Sun and Thoracle both still see play nigger
>What about Eldraine Ikoria and Theros?
what about them?
They were nice sets why can't we start with one of those?
because they werent nice sets
That's not creature combat. Cheating a big creature in via a combo and swinging for unblocked lethal is not creature combat, neither is the spell strapped a body style of design.

Creature combat is a constant back and fourth of attacking, blocking and removal, think limited gameplay. A 3 CMC 2/3 with menace and nothing else should be a top end threat
So you want a format dominated by Midrange decks?
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Until picrel is considered the gold standard of creatures in Modern again, the format will fucking suck.
>3 of the biggest mistake standard sets in recent memory that all fell in a row
Nice is the last word I'd use to describe them
this guy sees vintage play nowadays btw
this is the future boomers want
2 mana do nothing yawn
it could but then the format would only come out in 2029~2030

>Why Starting with Zendikar?
oldest set that inherit as little bullshit as possible while maintaining a time frame parallel with modern and pioneer
>What about Eldraine Ikoria and Theros?
those are full of bullshit that would make the format much worse
Boring. Creatures can be powerful without the game being shit. It's everything else that ruins the game. Combos, burn, removal/counter spam, cheating things in, etc. A well stated creature with a paragraph of text isn't ruining the game
Effectively yeah, midrange gameplay is the peak of magic because player skill and decision making matters the most
sounds like you just want the game to be heartstone
What about battles huh?
>He wants Standard
Fuuuuuck people here really have some shit taste between the furry stuff and this kind of shitty format desires
>2 mana do nothing yawn
it should say etb win the gaem xDDD
Hearthstone was fun when it launched, they just turned all the good cards into slot machines with the first expansion and it was dead from there
so is that a yes?
>First iteration of a product is good
>Successive iterations are ruined by overdesign and meddling
The irony with hearthstone is they pull off the same set concepts better than MTG does. As it openly acknowledges its a parody of the universe its borrowing from. Meanwhile MTG wants to be both taken seriously and also have what feels like gag sets.
>It's everything else that ruins the game. Combos, burn, removal/counter spam, cheating things in, etc.
whatever game you want me to play sounds like shit
glad i'm playing mtg instead
Hey anons what do you use to showcase decks to one another? New here
>combo babies when a midrange chad ruins their entire strategy with a well timed fatal push
Anything goes man. You can take a photo of your deck if you want.
I just want one thing from HS that people and WOTC are just too coward to try: Put cards (like bombs, plagues, discards) into oppo deck
I'm extremely new.
Recently got dragged into the game with no prior knowledge by a friend, lended me some cards to make a commander deck and I (with help from another MTG friends) made something with the cards he had that's cool but that needs more work.

Wanted to make the deck online to show you guys for tips on what I need/don't need. Doubt I'll find the exact cards you guys recommend me but I'd want some general tips.
I will make rakdos headbanger work
>ok, but only in alchemy
Why the fuck didn't they ban Grief in legacy
>Bowmasters has seen decreased play due to Psychic Frog, leading to Grief being tied for meta %
>9th most played card in the format, increasing each week
>dramatically better than Mind Twist, which is banned
>is proactive and creates a threat, unlike thoughtseize which is a 1-for-1
>everyone hates playing against it
>reanimator above 25% metagame share
I will say it clearly the most boring, unfun and unnattractive gameplay of magic.
>Trade, trade, trade
>I will try to have all the answers
>Some creatures too
>I'm not aggro, nor control but i lose to both
Voldaren Thrillseeker is high CMC but a serious heavy hitter

My Suicide Squad list gets the job done and it is a key piece.
Let me stop you here before they will rip you apart.
Commander is not MtG, it has its own thread
I would change the start of pioneer to M15 and that almost fixes the format
they simply dont have the data, no refunds
>wotc rapes beloved evoke mechanic
oh boy can't wait for lorwyn ""reimagined""
>Why the fuck didn't they ban Grief in legacy
>Why the fuck didn't they ban Nadu/Ring/Bowmasters in Modern
>Why the fuck didn't they ban Amalia/Sorin/Treasure Cruise in Pioneer
>Why the fuck didn't they ban Atraxa/Eos/Sheoldred in Standard
Ask Mark, he is the genius
"We're monitoring it"
no refunds
Rakdos Hamburger
Not a bad shout, I'll test it out
I like how Rakdos Vampires just irrevocably wins 100% of games where it draws the curve
>Some turn 2 play

It's a really cool and healthy play pattern that's awesome for the format.
I can understand them waiting for moderns rotated meta to settle,even if [Simic value engine #3] is clearly broken
But legacy didn't shift
We got Froggy, which is awesome, but that powers up the Grief deck further
I would like the game to be fun ideally
Kill yourself, the entire game has been specifically designed to please you for 15 years and you're too stupid to realize that it sucks because of that.
>lose to vein ripper just putting 6 triggers on the stack after a big combat
>in top 8
5 rcqs this season btw
>Too small brain to enjoy an intellectual skill based back and fourth, he'd rather just play his autopilot turn two combo deck
Formats are heal... Haha...hty guys, but we are moni...Hahaha...toring all the problematic cards, according to our da... Hahahaha...ta we will keep an eye on those decks HAHAHAHAHA See you next time!!!
What does this even mean. Of course the deck that draws perfectly wins every time.
Standard is genuinely fine
Legacy might be fucked, but we're used to that, and it just takes one ban to fix it
Modern is broken beyond repair
>Of course the deck that draws perfectly wins every time.
(not true, btw)
Sorin isn't the problem, it's Fable
uh uh uh no not true uh uh, no way my 5 color rainbow deck ever wins on perfect draws versus this, thats absolute horse shit
>Cheats big fucking vampire for free
>Can buff such inmortal vampire
>Every other vampire is a removal
>Only 3 mana
Anon i will not defend fable but the problem is Sorin in those decks. In fact just try and take a look in how many fucking decks WITHOUT fable the fucking combo is free to shoehorn just because you play black.
Maybe at the FNM level when people are retarded and randomly punt but you should never lose when your draw is that much better than your opponent's.
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>Black isn't necessarily "power at any cost"
>the most black card ever printed
What a weird design for a token, is that from a secret lair?
but what if your opponent also just draws perfectlier than you?
i can rape that exact line of play very easily [and literally did yesterday] with stock ensoul ESPECIALLY game 2
>tohughtseize can only take 1 of my 2 spell pierces
>kill spell the blood tithe harvester
>pierce the sorin
and just like that we are both in top deck sweat mode
You're confusing "the most black card ever printed" with "the most POWERFUL black card ever printed". Power level and great design aren't the same thing.
Read the flavour text, retard.
>top deck in every format has been combo + fable midrange since its printing
Fable enables midrange combo which isn't a real archetype.
>deck that trades efficiently and wins with individually higher card quality
combined with
>deck that trades card quality for explosiveness
is an abomination that can only exist because fable is 2 game ending threats + filtration for 3 mana. Rakdos scam doesn't even make any fucking sense as a deck and neither does vampires.
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>muh flavour text!!!
Yeah okay FAGGOT.
What can i make to stop people playing Sorin? Should i wake up and shit the table everytime i see one in play? Dox people accounts online?
Yeah, the best games are ones where both players get their main plan derailed. Magic is a pretty stupid game because most games should not be determined by decision making but most players are so bad/lazy that you can still reliably beat them. My problem with midrange decks is that they are defined by their resilience to things going south so they rarely create games where decisions matter. I feel like the people who pretend otherwise are the kinds of guys who randomly throw removal at the first threat they see. Maybe it's difficult for them to understand what they should do but it shouldn't be if they were thinking harder/ not retarded. I've noticed that midrange players and control(midrange edition) tend to be fat so they're probably just retarded from being overweigjt.
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y no unban twin
maindeck containment priest and/or pick your poison, I did that for a while and got a few sorin players to ragequit
You don't want people to stop playing sorin, you want more people playing him to boost his percentage.
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>As usual, we'll be discussing the (absolutely fucking nothing) on WeeklyMTG tomorrow...
Yeah, the goofy costume theme per set works perfectly for hearthstone and is great there. Why the fuck did magic start trying to copy that when they already had the slightly cooler, edgier, darker esoteric culty stuff going (obviously not always and all the planes of existence possibly imaginable is a big place so there's room for all sorts of stuff) and telling cool stories of different new cool unique planes or the epic reality altering stories of some groups of people in 3 set blocks? I want them to do a new block in some cool new setting with no planeswalkers, just like the story of how the therbins eliminated the hazatrats from their plane in a great war but way better than that. 2 sets might even still be enough to tell the story. I guess bloomburrow is like that and could have been cool but anthro animals and even the name bloomburrow isn't creative enough.
What the hell they will discuss?????? They did nothing?????
Even a bunch of planeswalkers having to race across the omenpaths to be the first one somewhere sounds like a kino idea but it sounds like it's going to be an actual literal fucking race which is pants on head retarded unless they pull some shit like there's an extremely powerful autistic planeswalker who still has his because he's autistic and he likes racing so made everyone racers and Jace has to mind shatter him.
I wonder if they will habe balls and put ol' good Tezzeret as the PW of that set or will be another shit retard nobody cares for like they did in Eldraine
Play Timeless.
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I think my favorite part of Fable is how with just a by itself with a jiki and a goblin shaman, you get infinite chump blockers forever and ever
what a well designed card
I'm not sure if you can view replies, but the majority of them are demanding to know why Grief isn't banned and a few people asking about Amalia in Pioneer or Urza's Saga in Vintage.
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Why has Vein Ripper still not been addressed in Pioneer?
It has won E V E R Y major tournament since its release as almost every single top 8 has had at least 20 fucking copies of it.
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This is what truly amazes me tons of faggots talking about Amalia, even WOTC adressing to her at their notes but no mention of Ripper that is exactly as problematic, is a combo and can be played in several decks not just one
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>We can't ban anything from Standard because rotation is so soon
>We can't ban anything from Pioneer because RCQs are so soon
>We can't ban anything in Modern because the pro tour is so soon
>We can't ban anything in Legacy because... uh... we'll deal with it later
Why haven't you been posting any new brews?
Tezz feels like an appropriate pick for Death Race, but who knows. The one-per-set rule is dumb anyway.
I haven't been playing. The game is a flaming pile of shit and I'm only around to shitpost so often.
The AssCreed set tickled my gitblets with how bad it was, so here I am.
>We can't ban anything in Legacy because... uh... we'll deal with it later
because "MH3 just came out and the problem might solve itself"
what in fact has happened, is that MH3 made the grief deck even stronger which is very funny
there is no pleasing you stupid faggots, if you only use same characters over and over ou cry about overuse and mary sue and blah blah
if they introduce new characters you call them literally whos nobody characters
This isn't a black card anymore. Mana burn needs to be a thing again.
>MH3 made the grief deck even stronger which is very funny
I haven't played this game in 10 years but if that actually happened it would be too funny for me to handle.
I would've given Kellan a chance if they'd made him remotely interesting
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/mtg/ we will welcome you all in our weekly tournaments.

We don't mind being a temporary safe haven for you all, when mtg and wotc get better we will not hold you back but please: don't support wotc when they are doing shit.
he literally is though
kellan's story is cool
the only bad point of it was mkm because its a bad fucking story set period
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What the fuck you can now win physical cards from Arena?
Wish I played in the Open for Sealed practice
fuck off shill
I'll swap over when the card templating isn't a vomit-inducing abomination.
He's incredibly bland and his whole little arc of meeting his dad ends up falling flat in the end
>Yes we understand you did technically win this box on that Arena promo
>But please understand, our shipping... it's just so overwhelmied.
>We know it has been eight months, but please be patient.
>You still haven't received your promo box after three years? We're working on it.
Also fuck off, this is /tg/, Arena is off topic.
yes because his dad is a bad person and thats precisely what he finds out after meeting him
its a good lesson to not always think you know what you want in life
over 20% of the Legacy meta is basically pic related
>it's actually a good thing it was dull and anticlimactic

Whatever. My only compliment to Kellan is that he's at least not actively grating, like Kaya for example.
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Will this sol ring cost 40+ ? not a miku fan but this one is not half bad , might get one of dem foil sl .
Looks like shit, she isn't even looking at the ring.
It's fucking hideous, but EDHtards, collectorfags, and Mikufags will ensure that it's far, far more expensive than it deserves to be
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is pic related also shit ?
Yeah that looks awful.
physical magic the gathering cards are more on-topic than MTGO, little baby.
Kinda gaudy but not as bad as that Miku abortion
that one looks great.
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best sol ring coming through
my favorite sol ring? the one that came in a precon i bought 5 years ago and looks indistinguishable from the 30 other precon sol rings
That's cute
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not bad, might pic 2 now that they kinda tanked .
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it's two sided, too
*Pukes over*
*Pukes and shits over*
*Thumbs up*
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ironically the best sol ring
I don't have a favorite sol ring because I've never cast one.
>sol ring
you're missing out, vintage shops is very fun to play
Sol Ring is a Cummander card.
Random questions:
How much physical space in your dwelling is occupied by Magic the Gathering product (sealed boxes, deck-boxes, cards splayed out on a table, etc.)?
What is your personal policy about holding onto bulk cards?
Do you ever have to purge parts of your collection because your cards are taking up too much physical space?
Is the line between being a vintage player and a commander troon really that thin
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Remember better times anons.
Cant beat the classics.
>old thing good
>new thing bad
I have a shit ton of bulk. But i try to repurpose it. Ive made terrain and walls out of cut and taped bulk. It looks like shit ngl
I fully agree, just look at the formats and the old metagames and you should too.
these just look like cringe fanart alters you see on reddit all the time if you browse the mtg main sub. WotC is so starved for cash that they decided to just cut out the middleman and sell alters directly to the consumer
yes ive been saying this about secret lairs for 5 years anon
Seems like a sound business move to me. Why does it upset you?
it doesn't, you can play the game with how many My Little Pony or Miku alters as you'd like it won't stop me from thinking you're cringe
>M15 border
>anus mana
Not a fan.
This, but unironically
you see a border on that pile of shit?
>no pointless text about attacking on the left
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nice my first rare ever got a slop treatment
>mtgo twitter is spamming pictures of a troon built like a fridge instead of fixing the decklist page
Well that is easy. They are clearly going with
>But according to data and this chart, spooky and creepy and general unpleasant things lead to a X% decrease in sales if its also not sufficiently cute enough. And therefore we should emulate hearthstone.
As this happens with every intellectual property, the softening of the edges.
We obviously still have a lot of sets to go but I'm willing to bet Boros Convoke will be a competitive deck in this format.
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Golgari will never ever be viable again in non-rotating formats because you can't win turn 2 if you rely on GY mechanics.

How does this make you feel?
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>grief still not banned
what are you talking about? yawgmoth is completely fine in modern
Entry Fee: $21.50
Less than 24 players: Store credit for Top 4.
24+ Players: Taiga (Revised) for 1st and store credit for Top 8.
32+ Players: Taiga (Revised) for 1st, Scrubland (Revised) for 2nd and store credit for Top 8.

Thoughts on this payout?
Font, the bottom on the sides where the color curves into black, and the big ugly foil stamp are all M15 changes.
Fine desu.
i see borderless trash
i fucking hate cards without full borders
what format?
also, does anyone feel like there might actually be AI used for some recent cards? the recent Guildgate arts also really give me an AI art vibe
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How do you guys feel about variant cards that are language restricted
Roughly how long until Secret Lairs get on the secondary market/what are the prices like in the inital phase of re-selling? I really want that foil Elves of Deep Shadow but am not paying for all the other shit (minus SD which is forever cool) in the bundle
They make me so God damn mad. I literally punched a hole in my wall earlier thinking about it.
>Meme deck
You know what I mean
One of the most reddit alternate arts of all time
yawgmoth is not a meme lol
Nah it's dead alright, not that it ever was anything more than a fancy combo shit
ah you're just trolling, my bad, do carry on
File deleted.
Actually, not having cards banned is a good thing. WotC cam always make stronger (and exciting!) new cards to buy on the next set. That way, we all keep our toys and keep playing this cool game! Also, this helps keep a healthy card economy by not destroying card value AND injecting more cards to buy and sell.
Maybe WotC do know better.
They had Festival in a Box events back in December and January that awarded physical cards. This looks to just be them rerunning that event but MH3 instead of chaos draft.
Thoughtseize but instant when?
And remove the life loss. It feels bad.
pretty sure that exists but its like 3 or 4 mana
Curving 1, 2, 3 isn’t “draws perfectly”.
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Well what is the strongest deck if you always open with the same 7 cards every game?
Channel fireball circa 1993
Some variant of vintage or commander storm with pact of negation in hand, probably
Reanimator is a classic deck. It should always be good and if it isn't there is something wrong.
>specific 1 drop
>specific 2 drop
>3 lands
7 specific cards is a pretty nut draw desu.
What specific 2 drop? Also “3 lands” are not specific cards either.
The fag who makes a blood token. I don't remember it's name atm.
you dont need that
you can literally play tapland do nothing, basic land duress, land sorin and pray they dont have the NML or pierce
I dream of one day being able to steal a paycheck the way WoTC employees are able. Seriously, I don’t know what 80% of these people do every day, just shit post on Twitter? They always have some half baked excuse ready why they don’t do shit.
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Hows my wicked role token?
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Not as cool as mine :3
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Who wants a challenge?

Make the best 60 card Boros Samurai deck possible using ONLY Neon Dynasty cards.
Anon, those cards rotate out in less than a month.
Just for flavor, I just love the theme
While your fetishes are god tier, unfortunately, all other opinions you hold are shit.
58 Mountains, 1 Plains, and a Ragavan proxy depicting him wearing a samurai suit.
That sounds boring.
Yawgmoth has won multiple tournaments and is one of the only drcks that survived the MH3 rotation
What should I play in modern?
living end
Did modern Yawg rotate?
Vtuber UB when? I wanna play suisei at fnm
>uhhh... edition
It should've been "keep pumping Amalia edition"
im sure kellan is doing that right now
No it got grist 2 :^)
What's the best way to play 60 card for free, without having to earn cards?
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>mountain, foundry street denizen
>mountain, burning-tree emissary, burning-tree emissary, burning-tree emissary, burning-tree emissary, surge bushwhacker
>extends hand
i have done this at pioneer FNM
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>Hot DRAMA alert
The MTGO decklist page and API has been down since last week. Why? Because a Vintage Youtuber posted a video showcasting a full scrape of league data from the PUBLIC API
Daybreak explicitly approved the video, but Wizards wasn't aware of it and is not happy about it being published. I wonder why? Maybe it's related to the B&R today being a complete nothingburger?
I'm sorry, why doesn't Nadu have flash?
It has flying. It's blue. It should have Flash, no?
apology accepted
I don't know what this means.
hopefully he doesn't get a visit from you know who
Is the Bloomburrow hype real or fake?
Depends, are you the kind of faggot who loudly claps his hands at references to young adult novels?
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I loudly clap your mom's cheeks every night
Do you want to have sex with forest animals? Are you a white woman? If so, yes, it's real.
Return to Lorwyn will have a busted card along these lines that's a throwback to Thoughtseize. Screencap this post.

yeah well i think its cool so fuck you guys
I don't really get why they are so averse about banning cards when the formats are an absolutely dumpster fire? They can yap about how they are monitoring the situation and how the house is not in fire despite there being flames, but it still doesn't remove the problem itself
I don't care what you think, I think it's embarrassing. So fuck you too.
I'm pretty sure it's because banning a card (in multiple formats) that's obviously broken like Oko or Grief is an admission of incompetence.
Reminder the Marvel set is habbening
That's the worst looking card from the drop. I ordered one in foil and non-foil, will probably sell the onions rings.
>commander d*cks
will sell like hot cakes, better preorder if you want them
>play boosters
will sell slightly worse than OTJ because everyone spent their magic budget on meme horizons 3
>collector boosters
will end up sitting on shelves unless some content creator hypes up whatever bullshit they put in there

I will personally go to the pre-release, sell my furry cards to the gaylords at my LGS and enjoy the leftover free cards
Great payout, however, this means you have to play post MH3 pauper AKA ponza central.
>Um... anonkun, why did you pay 5x the price to get the older version of archangel of tithes? What is wrong with the new version?
Banning anything that's still in print might negatively impact profits. WotC decides on bans primarily based on profit, not based on what's good for the game. This is why it is NEVER a good idea to leave a metagame's banning regulations in the hands of the company that produces the game, since they will always have an ulterior motive behind all of their decisions that takes priority over what's best for the players.
What's by far the most pozzed card MtG has designed?
Bearscape secret lair
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Bring back Crusade you fags.
I'm planning to go to the bloomburrow prerelease as my first intro to paper magic, and I've been wondering if the cards I'll get can be the basis of a Standard deck. From what I've seen each set has some two-color themes, but I rarely see them used in Standard, besides some guy I faced in Arena with a samurai boros deck using cards mostly from NEO.
Consistency will obviously be a problem, since I won't get duplicates of good cards, but would it be possible to make something remotely viable, provided I drop another 20-30$ on singles? (or gamble on boosters to get forced to brew)
Agreed. The Faithless looting from strixhaven was also just as bad
Yes. It's hard to speculate since with bloomburrow comes standard rotation but the added singles could make something ’viable', not good but you will likely be able to win the occasional game or at least put up a decent fight since this game is mostly luck anyway and sometimes your opponent will just get screwed. Why do you want to get into standard irl anyway?

Everyone has to start somewhere and a prerelease is fine. If you want to risk looking like a bit of a dork, you could ask people for their bulk if they don't want it, me and other 'serious' players will leave our commons and unwanted uncommons for the store to have but would rather let other players take from them first. Also a novel dying concept that you can consider is... Trading in a trading card game... But ofc that means socializing.
I should have added, prereleases are so much fun especially if you are new even if you don't care so much about getting cards for a deck (I only play limited and love them). The 'vibe' is very casual which is a refreshing change from the sweats at most events and actually cool interesting people go to them. You chose a good first set.
Going to prereleases is a good and money-efficient way to start a paper collection (not to mention you have fun for a whole day), but if you go to a single event you will receive only 6 packs with 14 cards in it. Those cards will be from different synergies and colors, so making a deck with just that will be difficult if not impossible.

If I were you I would first make sure I have people to play with before spending any effort building a standard deck.

Also as >>93159870 mentioned, some people leave their commons and bad uncommons at the table. You can even ask if the LGS has some extra basic lands for you.
This is why we need a National Socialist revolution ngl.
yes, Tedin is better than all those other artists put together
>6 boosters
My current lgs gives everyone 2 extra as prizes, then placement prizes are just small promo shit. I think the standard is 1 extra per win although the other store in my city does 1 extra per win but with a 1 pack floor. What I'm trying to say is you should expect at least 1 extra booster even if you suck at the game (when I was a retarded kid playing in the early 2000s I would always at least fluke a round)
In my LGS you only get a promo card, every prize booster go to the top 1-4.
That sounds horrible (even though I often top 4) since it will force people to try hard. My prereleases are so relaxed, people forgiving so many mistakes etc.
Standard seems like a better format to play with randos at a game store than Commander, which is the other contender. Trading is also a good idea, since I could theoretically trade a good card that doesn't fit with the colors my pool supported for one from a previous set.
Why is bloomburrow a good first set?
To be clear, single event refers to a single prerelease? As opposed to going to two for the same set?
There's a store near me running weekly standard events, so if I get an okay deck I could play there.
>so if I get an okay deck I could play there
My point is, ask the store if people play standard there. At my store there is only pioneer and commander played, for everything else you would need to find friends to play with.
I think commander is better for making friends and socializing (than standard) as much as I despise the format since it's not even really a game since it's bm if you try to win too hard but also bm if you don't try enough. At that point I feel like you may as well not be playing a tcg at all, you may as well go to a bar or something. Though prereleases are better than both, I imagine the interpersonal aspect is largely a draw away from online for you
>Why is bloomburrow a good first set
I just like the flavour compared to the last two sets, also as mentioned it is rotation time so any cards you get will last the longest.

This would require a lot of effort but you could likely cover your entry fee (or nearabouts) by selling any cards you don't want since prices for new cards are inflated. But yeah, a lot of effort either being obnoxious and asking everyone on person or spamming online, depends on your budget, I see some people doing it and they personally don't bother me but I could never bring myself to do it myself.
nobody is saying they should ban Reanimate or Entomb, but that Grief is fucking retarded
Reanimator lists should look like Tin Fins, not like a tempo deck
That's a fair point for commander. Can someone attend commander events with precons, or will he be massively underpowered?
i see a lot of hype for bloomburrow... people just don't learn uh?
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it's not a matter of knowledge but of desire
The precons from the end of last year are apparently nearly all very strong out of the box.
Buy four of each starter deck so you have 4 of each playable mythic in all the decks then use those cards to make a functional deck. I guess you could also just buy 1 and use that the whole night and ask opponents to use a fun deck of theirs.
The commander masters precons?
You mean the two-player starter decks?
The commanders masters precons are not necessarily stronger but they are 1.5-4x as expensive as the other products. Every standard set comes with 4 commander decks since years, check if you like any of them. Only buy them if you can find it for the original price, none of them are worth the scalper markup.
if I just wanted to spend time with friends I'd actually spend time with my friends
standard is fun because it's a competitive format and there's a lot of decisions to make, but when there's a clear meta, brewers are punished and metaslave paypigs get free wins because their midrange pile is better than a convoluted combo
if there was a legacy weekly near me that would be the most fun since the smart players can really stand out and become friends that way
Always buy singles, make the deck online in any capacity before buying the cards. Check if anyone else have done a similar deck before for tips and tricks, don't have to fully copy it and check how it plays.

Also never trust the youtubers when they say the deck is busto.

Have fun with standard i guess. Just be aware there is a rotation happening so some cards won't be legal.
I swear, they are avoiding banning things because the backlash they got from the Eldraine-Ikoria bannings. And now they are trying to seem the game is healthy by refusing to do anything about any formats.
>the game is healthy
But this is not true and the backlash is happening any way...
Nobody said they are smart or know what they are doing anymore. Honestly seems to be that the designers fucking love the powercreep and gameplay we have now.
standard rotates in august so there's no point banning anything
pioneer needs amalia, cruise and fable banned
modern is irredeemable as a format and needs to be abolished
legacy would be in a really good spot without grief
>because the backlash they got from the Eldraine-Ikoria bannings
what backlash? people weren't upset that they banned a bunch of cards, they were upset they designed a bunch of broken cards that needed to be banned, anyone who stopped playing because their deck got banned was in the minority
WOTC wouldn't embarrass themselves if they exclusively designed for the standard and limited environment
lol just looked at the Boros Energy deck in modern
it's literally MH block constructed
Reminder that Galvanic Discharge is Orcish Bowmasters but even more oppressive.
Would anything stop me from playing a Storm deck and using cards from the Hateful Eight as mana or Storm count trackers? In terms of CR.
Amalia does not need a ban, explore just needs an errata to fizzle when your library is empty so that in situations where the game would result in a draw, it results in a loss for the amalia player instead unless they have some anti decking out tech.
doesn't see legacy play
Desu that's only because blue cantrips are SO prevalent. In Modern the card has replaced Orcish Bowmasters and I'm not joking. It punishes X/1s retardedly hard.
Why is this uncommon worse then a UB rare only made to sell product?
galvanic discharge is a common I got for virtually free on mtgo
I still don't have enough cash to get a playset of orcish bowmasters
these are not the same
I killed your X/1 and have value left over!
I killed your X/1 and have value left over, but also could've killed something bigger!

I'm not actually joking btw, Discharge is Bowmasters but better.
The hype is real because it has the potential to be different, and forcing fags to look at a busted card with a cute sassy furry on it instead of some AI art shit is based
>oh yas saar the bloomburrow hype is very real!!! make sure to redeem plenty of product online with the code #RanjeeshPatel1 for 1% off!!!
Cool, now I untap and kill you because discharge doesn't stop me from drawing cards.
>Cool, now I untap and kill you because discharge doesn't stop me from drawing cards.
Uhhh anon? Discharge killed your Ral :/
Bloomburrow hype is definitely real
for me, the most important thing is standard rotates
How does Bowmasters stop a T1 play?
Anon, players were mad that they didn't take action against blatantly abusive cards that ignore fundamental rules of the game SOONER, not that they had to do it at all.
New to MH releases, are you?
Mind Twist is fucking trash anon even when it was banned two decades ago. Your argument is better without mentioning garbage cards like that.
Right just like when Legacy was "fixed" the other times cards were banned. Oops, jk, same nigger cards causing the same problem.
>MH3 doesn't look as strong as MH2
>Sike, every modern deck needs to run a bunch of MH3 stuff to stay competitive and the format is even faster than before
That's not how you spell "psyche".
Amalia just isn't getting touched, she's one of the only things keeping Mono G devotion in check
Cruise honestly deserves a ban but won't get it because it's a core part of phoenix and phoenix is part of what keeps pioneer healthy
You could probably ban fable and be fine
Also it's not like rouge decks can't win in pioneer
>>93156050 people should know where to point their torches.
>Phoenix healthy
>Amalia must live because Nykthos is another bullshit running rampant
What about we balance Pioneer already making the rightful bans even if that means ban more than one or two cards?
How is RG Prowess? I have all the pieces to make it for Modern but I feel like it's just a weaker Burn.
>it's just a weaker Burn.
well wotc always tried to hide and even manipulate mtgo data, since that is deciding what most metas world wide look like, I thought it was weird when daybreak released their API docs, looks like wotc didn't approve it.
>pioneer needs amalia, cruise and fable banned
t.BBC enthusiast
Can you cast a spell from your sideboard with Wish if Soulless Jailer is on the field? Outside the game is not the same thing as exile, right?
>Outside the game
>some other zone
but you can easily google this
???????????? You like actual Pioneer faggot-kun?
Monoblacks are a thing, master baiter.
>tfw most formats are so fucked they can't ban cards because other busted cards are kept in check by other cancerous cards.

Just fucking rotate everything, fire everyone, dump hasbro.
>Outside the game
>Command zone
>20 different pseudo-zones that are all exile but must be tracked separately (Plot, Adventure, etc)
You forgot 10+ different types of counters. And every set includes atleast 10 types of different tokens where most prerelease packs doesn't even have the tokens.
ask any judge how many exile zones the game has
be sure to grab your popcorn
Kinda funny how magic survived this feature creep for +20 years until it hit
>tfw most formats are so fucked they can't
you mean won't
>ban cards because other busted cards are kept in check by other cancerous cards
or they are milking teams buying cards for their decks so it's not profitable to ban right now
you forgot the 3+ book keeping mechanics that are almost identical to other ones and need separate keeping track of by BOTH players
dungeon & initiative
day/night & transform
morph & disguise
Plot, adventure, foretell, "play until EOT", "play until EOT of your next turn", vanilla exile, hideaway, suspend, imprint
Am I missing any that aren't tied to specific cards?
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The Monarch, the Ring Temping level, formerly tickets and stickers, copy tokens
If we're getting into annoying things you have to track, all of these "triggers X times per turn" things must be tracked too. Nadu triggering twice per creature has added another layer of annoyance.
Storm count, Ascended, Descended, delirium, amount of cards drawn this turn
I don't mind the ones that have all the rules still on the card itself. they are basically just keywords
the ones that need additional pieces like reminder cards, those I got a problem with
Yes, madness exiles.
>there's like 10 viable decks in Standard right now
>they're all the most cancerous shit you've ever seen in your life
how the fuck did wotc manage it
when has standard NOT been like that sinceaa new border?
>why in the world would they pick this?
Because it looks like AI slop that an office intern can throw together in 15 minutes.
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Standard hasn't had as many meta viable decks at one time as it does right now. Shit used to be where you'd played one of two decks and the rest were all Tier 4 jank by comparison.
How many decks there are in Standard right now? I thought the powerful stuff was Domain, Convoke, Esper and Azorious with the rest being that Tier 4 jank
Domain and Convoke are definitely doing a lot but even some rogue brews show up and do well now and then. There's definite power outliers (Atraxa and Sheoldred and Knight-Errant) but they're not format-warping as such.
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Every day we stray further from God's light.
Domain, UW Control, Esper Midrange, Boros Convoke, Gruul Aggro, Orzhov Midrange, Dimir Midrange, 5C Legends, Golgari Midrange, Temur Analyst. There's a ton of decks putting up results right now.
>5C Legends
Wait that's a real deck and not just a one-off thing Brian Kibler showed up with?
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Meanwhile in reality about 60% of Standard results come from just 3 decks.
there where 2 different builds in that event, if it's the one I'm thinking of, and they even played the mirror which was kind of crazy
nta btw
It's a real deck. Both 5C and 4C.
>in reality
we don't know what reality is, we haven't got any mtgo results since the 20th
Wow dude 5 days I'm sure everything is wildly different.
All those BX midrange decks may as well be the same thing. 2/3rds of those decks are the same generically good black cards with the other 1/3rd being insert colour of choice
Na, Golgari midrange and Dimir midrange are playing different games. Golgari wants to grind and Dimir's borderline tempo in the way it plays.
Overall seems like a fun meta...
not to mention Golgari has the freestrider builds and the "classic" ones
analyst has temur and jund flavors
Everything is a must answer threat, so decks either aim to kill by t3, or are packed with removal plus said must answer threats.
>Scam died
>Living end died
>Amulet died
>Domain died
Sooooo Rotation confirmed?
I meant the most cancerous
Yeah but you see back then you could still brew a budget deck for 20 bucks and stand a chance.
Nowadays you choose the on rails deck made by wizard design team. But sure it's diverse i guess.
So far in terms of strength of format rotation it's probably MH3>MH1>MH2.
>Scam died
that's like saying thoughtseize dies because the decks are no longer named after that card
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living end is doing great
Plot and adventure I'm alright with since they don't really require any tracking and are also visible to both players so it's easy to just set them to one side
There was only one 5C Legends, that was Kibler, focused around Jodah and OTJ Kellan, and a few 4C Legends focused around Slogurk.
The answer is one.
But they do require tracking. A bonecrusher giant may or may not be cast from exile depending on how it got there.
Tron is Love
Tron is Life
Tron is Forever
Why is Jegantha the wellspring in all of these decks?
Because it can be, basically. There's no reason not to have a Companion if you can fit one in.
In digital platforms.
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The most wholesome colour keeps winning and that's a good thing. You just deal damage and play fair
No, it's still one. HOW a card got to exile can matter, but there is only one exile zone.
Yes we all know there's technically only one exile zone, but the problem is that WotC are forcing you to track so much shit involving the exile zone that there's functionally multiple of them.
In practice, there are several exile zones.
Yes actually. For a while now the difference between tier 1 and tier 2 in Standard has been determined by what has a good matchup against the other meta decks and they shift around just about every week because of that.
It's nice to see two decks under 500 dollars, at least.
This shit is wrong. What kind of human being would spend that much in a kids cards game.
O ring effects.
What kinda human would spend any money on MTG when they have a printer at home? Cards are sleeved anyway
This is like saying Oblivion Ring requires tracking. Add Suspend and Flashback to the list of cancer too while we're at it.
One of the bigger reasons standard in paper is dead.
>have a standard deck
>can't play it in modern because MH sets are that high in power level
>can't play it in Pioneer because of how obscenely broken combo decks are
What's the fucking point of the format? At this point it's all arena
False. People spend at least $300 bucks in cardboard before regretting it, if wotc is to be believed.
I think playing Jegantha in decks like storm or prowess is a mistake.
If you have to put Jegantha into your hand something already went very wrong, those decks want to win by turn 3 or 4 at the latest.
Your opponent will be able to mulligan easier since they'll know about the companion and it eats up a sideboard slot.
Because Mark should design more and better companions.
It's why the Domain deck won the Pro Tour. Everyone tech'd towards Esper Midrange and weren't ready for a really well played Domain deck. The 2nd place UW Control didn't even bring a Jace to the tournament, which is insane.
Maybe because Raffine decks has been the best decks for 2 straight years with no bans somehow and kept getting new pieces added to the deck?

Doesn't mean the meta or the format is or has been particular healthy since last rotation.
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Any ideas what to put into the board as jeskai control vs valakut ramp.
The mana base is kinda tight so I dont want to include herald/magus/blood moon.
Alpine Moon seems kinda narrow and would be dead in other matchups except maybe Tron. (Since the new wrath deals easily with Urza's saga, thus no longer requiring an answer)
Crumble to dust feels way too clunky and also suffers from too narrow a scope in matchups where it would be useful.
Ashiok might be a solution for scapeshift/titan strategies, but you're still screwed if they have it naturally in hand and hit their land drops.
Elesh Norn would work and also be good vs some other decks but as a 5 mana card it comes down way too late usually.
Also there's the problem that most decks with land based win condition have Boseiju as a way to deal with enchantment/artifact based hate.
I guess Tunnel Ignus might be an option too (it's also good vs Nadu) but the ramp player can kind of eat the damage if they're not close too dying since control usually can't pressure as hard. And once they hit enough lands for Valakhut they can just snipe it before going off.
I think it's extremely telling that MH3 didn't contain a single new Companion card.
Anyone here going to Amsterdam this weekend?
No. Why would we?
The women have huge tits and sound like they're retarded and dumb titty bitches are my fetish.
I want Pioneer to rotate as hard as Modern, seriously take the 6 or 7 top decks and send them down as much as possible. I'm tired of this Comboland trash.
Companion could work but it would have be hyper specific instead of ikoria's generalistic approach. Like specifically calling out if your deck has specific cards. Such as:
>Companion - Your starting deck contains Urza's Mine, Urza's Power Plan, and Urza's Tower.
or if wotc wanted to go the commander route with companion
>Companion - Your commander is Haakon, Stromgald Scourge
Essentially, either way, very controlled and can only be used by very specific decks. Because companion, when done the Ikoria way, shows what a mistake it is when the requirements are very lax.
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>from 15$ to 50$
What the fuck
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>love magic's gameplay and deckbuilding
>absolutely hate WotC as a company so i want to give them as few money as possible
>playing online feels weird
>lgss near me do tournaments and i obviously can't use proxies
What do i do?

>captcha: HPHMTG
cards that prevent searching the library, preferably asymmetrical ones such as ashiok dream render or aven mindcensor. in your case i think ashiok is preferable, being a 5 loyalty walker that fully prevents opponent searching as a static ability.
you could also go full-on ghost quarter surgical extraction.
>Ruby Storm
Resilient combo deck
Fair control deck
Fair, classic ramp deck
>Gruul Prowess
Aggro deck with a combo plan B
>Boros Energy
Fair midrange deck
Resilient combo deck
>Through the Breach
Fair ramp deck
Fair tempo deck
Fairest reanimator deck ever
It doesn't seem that bad
I have never been proxy checked ever. One time I had a low quality print card that I forgot to replace and no one even batted an eye.
I doubt it's actually good, people are just chasing trends. Like that's a dead draw against ruby storm
I wouldn't want to risk it, game stores are already pretty rare here as they are.
You either
>A) Bite the bullet
>B) Find people who you can play with outside an lgs who lets you play with proxies.
>C) Stop engaging in this cardboard world
>The MTGO decklist page and API has been down since last week. Why?

My guess is that WotC had no idea Daybreak was doing this and are currently having a huge argument behind the scenes, because they have no contractual power to stop them.

Back when goldfish was acquiring this data independently wizards sent them a fucking c&d lmao, they HATE matchup info being public

I wonder if they'll end up signing more money over to daybreak in a deal to stop it?
Then your two options are getting your friends into it or playing commander because they don't give a fuck if your cards are real as long as you don't play Strip Mine.
It's actually really good, especially if you can haste it out with Arena of Glory, 12 dmg for 4 mana out of nowhere is nothing to sneeze at.
Given that it's kind of bad against combo decks, however even against those it can provide a fast clock to close out the game if you get him down early.
But just because a card isn't perfect against a certain archetype doesn't mean it's unplayable or bad, e.g. Bowmasters is even worse than Phlage against Ruby Storm and you wouldn't call that card bad too, right?
>Tron Fair
>I doubt it's actually good
It's one of the best game enders in the format
>Like that's a dead draw against ruby storm
What does that have to do with phlage being viable? It's a value bomb, not interaction
I want to put this in a Siege Rhino deck just to see. I don't care that i'll go 0-3.
Buy or make realistic looking proxies and play through spelltable, otherwise look into legacy/vintage LGS or groups around you, those usually allow a certain number of proxies (if not even 100% proxy decks).
Otherwise keep playing online on xmage/cockatrice.
Has bowmasters and the one ring been powercrept now?
that'll be 200$ + tip
How gay is Izzet Control right now
>In 2024
Anon, I...
Bowmasters is still good in Yawg and Cthonian Nightmare shells.
TOR is still pretty good in general.
Real Theme park set in real formats when?
>play both in mono B necro
>watch friend cry slamming these back to back
No im thinking their still good
At this point I think its a coin flip. Considering Urza's Fun House came from Unfinity and that was half-n-half (silver and black)
Bow masters has a rougher meta since smaller creatures got powercrept and a lot of decks are casting from exile or putting cards into their hands rather than drawing, bit it's still good
4x One Ring is necessary if you ever want to play any sort of slower strategy
Bros where's the pride secret lair?
>Solves your combo bullshit
>Solves your burn bullshit
>Can be tutored and bounced against control
Historic is by far the most honest format
>3 mana do nothing
lol, I'll just dump 8 4/4 at 0 mana while drawing 3 cards for each one of them
Fuck off faggot with your digital only cards and fake shit formats
Alchemy was fun designs that weren't designed to sell packs
arena is down for maintenance soi suspect the arena refugees will be coming here for a couple hours and stinking up the thread
other anon is right, 3 mana do nothing, dies to removal, doesnt tax creatures
No. O-ring tracking is tied to a game object and is easy to track by placing them together. Suspend has in built tracking with counters, and flashback doesn't matter in exile. Meanwhile, I can have 2 bonecrushers, one exiled via stomp, and the other exiled via prismatic ending, and I need to clearly have 2 different exile zones to know which I can cast.
Damn this is like the ultimate bootlicker post what a shame...
You mean ruining every format they were introduced to? Historic was okay until they decided to make a 1 mana 3/3 flyer that can buff other creatures also a thing.
okay and?
youre acting like its a major problem
>put regular exile that is not tied to some other card or game mechanic in whatever usual spot, for me its under my GY or next to it off the mat
>put adventure card in the top left corner to show it is castable from exile and separate from regular exile
its not any different than just putting your 'can cast from exile' impulse cards next to your deck instead of in your regular exile, both players know what youre doing and its to signify it's different from the rest
A fellow Kozilek's Affinity enjoyer, I see
Truly it is the patricians choice
> its not any different than just putting your 'can cast from exile' impulse cards next to your deck instead of in your regular exile
Yes, that's the point thank you. The exile zone is bloated.
>faggot etb creature
reeeeeeeeeeee how longs maintenance?
3 hours


I like Ruby Storm but isnt this too much? Is slowly becoming a target for bans?
Jegantha is free so you should include it
3 year rotation was a mistake because it pushes up prices

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