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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Eridani Light Horse edition

Last Thread: >>93147107

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I once posted an "Eridani Light Pony" pic here and got b&. Since it was only a couple days, I couldn't appeal, but it would have been fun to try and figure out how to explain that this particular MLP reference is actually a well-established thing within the cock-and-ball-torture fandom.
Anyone know if Sidsu has gone under? been trying to go there to compare AC stats, but the connection keeps timing out.
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I was looking through the Clan Wolf sourcebook a lot recently for my fanfiction and came across this glorious unit.
>The reason Combine Harvesters are so big and boxy is because half the damn thing is sifting through crap to extract seeds!
You're misunderstanding, I'm saying I agree with you that it doesn't work like that in real life, but that it does in BT. We can say it's bullshit that they completely ripped out the entirety of the combines out of a machine dedicated to them, but they still did it in setting.
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Anon if you summon that colossal ass faggot to this board, then so help me.
>Combine Harvesters

Do they harvest Dracs? How so? Are katanas involved?
dont worry, the current running theory is that barneyfag stopped posting a while ago and there's either a bot or a weird following doing it but focusing only on certain boards
Does it feel like Battletech moves kinda slowly? It only took 200 years IRL for the USA to go from not existing as a sovereign nation to being the 2nd most powerful nation on Earth, but in Battletech the status quo seems much more rigid.
There's definitely a bot involved, but I've also been in topics he's invaded to where after posting the standard images and telling everyone to die, he eventually started actually responding to people. We talk about boogeymen and manics, but that one is actually a truly insane person and always manages to appear, anywhere on the sight, whenever one of the cursed words is said. Truthfully, I was worried that even just posting the image I did might summon him.
Compare what has happened to the Inner Sphere from 3015 to 3150
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>Dracs take mine flail
>attach katana blades to the end of each individual chain
>stick them on their fastest military vehicles
>Rush forward full speed in a blaze of glory
you know, I could honestly see them doing it too.
This is common in all kinds of fiction. People have no sense of scale in time or in distance.

This isn't limited to fiction, by the way. Look at how many people act like the New World had always been exactly like it was when the Europeans arrived, instead of acknowledging that both the Aztec and Inca empires were both solidified just a couple generations before the Spanish arrived, and that the Aztec very likely would have fallen quickly even without the Conquistadors. Or the narrative that China has always been a single, unified, uniform place (though in fairness, the Chinese like that story too).

In BattleTech, there are centuries-long periods where literally nothing happens. For example, there's no need for 250 years of Succession Wars. We could have had the Amaris War, the Exodus, and then 15 years of the First Succession War to have every nuked back to the Stone Age, maybe another bit for the Second, and then we could have the game set in 2850, with old people still personally remembering the golden age of the Star League.

Similarly, we don't need 250 years to have passed between the establishment of the Terran Hegemony and the Star League; James McKenna or his direct heir could have taken his new kingdom and tied it together the easiest way, by directing aggression outwards. Age of War didn't have to be so long, etc.

The whole time scale could easily have been cut in half, maybe even a third.
I see this image and can only think of "take the knot" jokes

I was so disappointed when first reading Battletech that the Successor States had been basically the same things forever. I always had the idea that feudalism had emerged from a collapsing Star League, to make the fall that more impactful.

But no, the Star League was just kinda the referee to shit that had been going on forever.
Battletech is all about stagnation at its core, stagnation of ideas, cultures, people, and technology
> I always had the idea that feudalism had emerged from a collapsing Star League, to make the fall that more impactful.

Yeah, they could have gone full "collapse of the Roman Empire" with it.
So does these guys restored themselves as independent mercs or they still tied with Goliath Scorpion (not the worst company desu)?
There was a collapse that created the successor states, it's just older than the star league. The Terran Alliance was losing a protracted Afghanistan style rebellion war in the Skye region (then known as the Outer Reaches and considered the periphery border) so badly that the government got ousted by isolationists who said "fine, you fucks want to be independent? Anyone outside of two jumps is now independent, get fucked, don't cross into our borders."
For everyone out in space, this was a bit of a disaster since a lot of them were just resource colonies who now had no logistical support. The ones who could support themselves eventually grew and conquered their ways into becoming the great houses. Once they were touching tips at the border, they went into the first big nuclear punch up, which stopped with the Ares Conventions.
For the Terran Alliance, this triggered a massive civil war that ended with the Cameron great house being formed right in the middle. They were the ones who started battlemechs and who got pushed into Star League.
You "can" play in the age of war before the star league using primitive units, but it's even simpler than introtech in terms of unit variety.
Only one regiment was ever Scorp'd. The rest remained in the IS and survived through to thr Dark Age.
Wait, you mean the Clan invasion wasn't a metaphor for the Arab revolution that cracked the Byzantines?
Yah, trying to derive vehicular n mech sized RRs though not just mounting BA ones on a tank. Could RRs act as in between of rifles and ACs? With no damage penalty and less tonnage/damage classes being able to arrayed?

Where would the First Nations fall into that analogue?

Fuck, FedSuns are a better Canada, then we are ourselves right now.

They did. That's what the Star League was.
The Star League was more akin to the Carolingian Empire. An early attempt to unite a disparate group of warlords and kings.
I honestly don't get why people are saying the Feddies aren't a nation. Based on their arguements the United States isn't a nation either and that's an absurd claim to make.
The USA isn't a nation. It's a state, yes, but not a nation.
Talking about nationalism in an era of interstellar empires is a sort of noncery that makes me assume anon was being facetious.
I mean, if we're going to do the Woodrow Wilson bit and start talking about self-determination then we're rapidly talking about each planet rebelling followed rapidly by each city and subgroup of that planet rebelling.

None of this works well when pirates can show up driving 95 ton assault mechs that rampage across your planet at 64 kph.
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I've been out of battletech for quite some time. I started looking into the current ilclan thing and saw these guys. Who are they? I see the combine has made some new gains but was it really enough to found a whole new military district?
Third Samarkand Regulars
At one point I would have argued with you, but these days you may have a point.
The Galedon district got renamed following the Jihad. Why? I dunno. I looked it up on Sarna.
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HGN-732b in the rare SLDF khaki, feel free to critique, generically compliment, or get in a huge argument
Too brown; not green enough.

Seriously, though, looks good!

If you want an "easy" want to make it look better, try coloring in the little dots of the LRM launcher.

But seriously, very good job. I almost don't need to tell you to thin your paints.

The Successor States aren't nation-states, they're feudal states. They're bound by loyalty to a monarch more than by a common sense of being the same as everyone else in the country.

The Cappies and Dracs have a little bit of that, but they're still mostly bound by personal loyalty to the Chancellor/Coordinator.
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Like nearly everything in Western history since then, Carolingian empire was just trying to recapture the glory of Rome. Rome was the OG, the downfall of which lead to the Dark Ages. Medival peasants could look up above them and see the achievements and works of the Romans literally towering over them in the form of aqueducts, triumphal arches, baths, forums and the like. Works that they could no longer replicate or recreate. The fall of the Roman Empire is the entire cultural touchstone for the common mythos of the impossibly advanced ancestor civilization that modern species and nations can't compare to in scifi and fantasy both.

Now I'm no Romaboo, but the simple fact is that from the Levant to Hadrian's Wall, from Gibralter to Moscow, reclaiming the glory and ascendancy of Rome has been THE major theme of conquest and war for the last 2000 years. Everyone from the Ottomans to the Russian Tsars (they even named their fucking Imperial title after Caesar), from the Hapsburgs to the Italian Fascists to the goddamn Nazis have ALL tried to claim that they're the ONE TRUE heir to Rome and will dominate Europe and the Mediterranean.

Now if that isn't the Star League and Successor States, I don't know what is. Hell, even if the Battletech writers didn't know what they were doing there (and they absolutely did), it's still aping off Asimov and his entire schtick was the Fall of Rome IN SPAAAAACE.
Thanks Anon, still have to do antennae and base but lrm tubes is a good idea while I'm there
The point I was making in >>93155813 was about feudalism.

The Roman Empire was not feudal; landowners were rich but did not have far-reaching legal powers. There was no complex hierarchy of power. Loyalty was to the Empire as a whole, or a particular office, but not personal loyalty to the person who held it.

Feudalism as we think of it came about gradually as the Empire collapsed, communications broke down, the centralized bureaucracy fell apart, etc.

In BattleTech, that breakdown happened basically when the Terran Alliance turned into the Terran Hegemony, centuries before the Star League rose, let along fell.

The fall of the Star League would have felt more significant if we'd had strong, centralized states before the fall to contrast with the future-feudalism of the Succession Wars.

About the only thing that did change was the loss of professional armies, but lore says that there was already a lot of ancestral Mech stuff going on even before the SWs.

Maybe something to do with Galedon being, you know, fucking dead.

And more to the point of the original discussion, having the map be essentially close to identical pre-and-post Star League barring the Hegemony (and RWR I guess) is really fucking boring.

Its because it was so boring they had to toss in the Clans as a shakeup, which is a debatable success.
Neither USA or Canada are nations, both are privately owned corporate entities that pretend to be nations.
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So we herd u liek jumping
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So we jump jet mechs on your regiment so you can jump jet while you jump jet.
Yea, right, because the other nations aren't owned by anyone.
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More jumping.
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And now we interupt your regularly scheduled programme of jumping, for some running
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And some mighty glorious stomping.
I didn't say they were alone, something like the top 162 developed nations in the world are similarly privately owned, as their central banks are extra-national private entities.
>landowners were rich but did not have far-reaching legal powers.
I mean, that's TECHNICALLY true, but also mostly wrong. You don't get aristocratic dynasties like the Catos, the Scipios, and the Ciceros purely off of the money from land, it usually started with a powerful general who got rich as fuck from his conquests that then got turned into land riches in Rome itself and that wealth is what sustained the aristocratic dynasty, allowing the patrician families to maintain political power long after the original conquests were ancient history. They didn't have political power purely from their landed wealth, but said wealth was what allowed them to maintain the armies whose conquests would propel them into high office.
>Loyalty was to the Empire as a whole, or a particular office, but not personal loyalty to the person who held it.
I'd say that was true for the Early and Middle Republic periods, but personal loyalty to a powerful general is literally what lead to the downfall of the Republic and the rise of the Empire, and was pretty much the ongoing theme throughout the Empire period and a large part of the cause of the collapse as all of Rome's wealth and power was being spent on ever-increasing costs of paying to keep the Praetorian Guard loyal to the Emperor's person as well as the constant civil wars as Random General Gaius Augustus Blah Blah Blah decided that HE should now be Emperor instead of whoever was currently in charge.

Anyway, we're getting afield. The point I was making wasn't about the social and political dynamics of Rome lining 1:1 with the Star League, but rather the parallels of it's role in the political consciousness of the Successor States and how it looms large over all of their failings and mediocrity. Rome/Star League is in the background of all dealings. The House Lords all claim to be the true heir to the throne of Rome, just like most of Europe did for centuries. ---out of space, continued in next post---
>>93156727 cont.
The lostech, the SL terraforming technology, the unified stellar empire are all akin to the European Feudal states not being able to measure up to the wealth and power of Rome, with roads, baths, aquaducts and the like. You made a good point with the comment about the loss of professional armies because that also tracks for Rome and the SL both, where Sir Bumfuck Humphreys of Alsace and his 100 peasant levies is a far cry from the XII Roman Cohort of II Legio Germanica. Similar to 12th Crucis March Militia or whomever being no comparison at all to 2nd Division of 8th Army of the SLDF. It's just no competition at all. And that's the point. That Rome/SL looms large over the popular culture, it's used as the justification for modern conquests, and even after the successors have risen well past the point of eclipsing the power and wealth of Rome or the Star League, it's still used as a benchmark to compare themselves against.
Dude, the black ink just does NOT look good for jumpjet clouds with how it pools in the cracks and low points. I can kind of understand the aesthetic you're going for with the mechs even if I personally disagree with it, but for the jump plumes it just looks objectively bad.

The FedSuns is the best kind of nation, a nation founded on spite towards its neighbours.
desu I am incredibly fuzzy on the post-FCCW timeline. I get most of my setting info via novels and didn't find much to read during the RoS era. I think the only thing I've read was Julian Davion retaking New Avalon.
We can ignore the multiple canon instances of discrimination against Asian-looking people.
There is no FCCW. Things stop happening after 3060. Tech improves but that is it.
And all credibly canon story ends at 3067
>Tech improves but that is it.
Nah. Tech mostly stagnates as well.
>"PA! the grognards are regressing again!"
>"Just let him, last time we tried snapping him out of it they started yelling about how his bitching on the internet stopped Devlin stone from winning forever and that damn porch again."

I hope so, that was always pretty stupid and a clear attempt at padding.
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The FedSuns and Dracs were fighting on Galedon, an old bioweapon was accidentally released. At the same time, the Snow Ravens were REEEEing over the loss of a WarShip and showed up over Galedon, bombarded the world from orbit. Killed billions of people. They get a free pass to this day from everyone except the Galedon Regulars. But everybody brings up the Jaguars and Turtle Bay.
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The significance of Turtle Bay is that it's the first time in centuries anyone had done that.
>Galedon Regulars
You mean the New Samarkand Regulars
Those are the only ones you've posted that look good, and it's seriously diminished by having 4 of them.
Dont bother, he wont listen, just get assblasted and mad. Trust me, multiple anons have tried to give him advice in the past. His reaction has been to completely sperg out and call them names.
Galedon Regulars still exist in the DA. They're just homeless like the Alshain Avengers were.
No, there are still a couple units from the Galedon Regulars left. To say they hate the Ravens is an understatement. One of the units makes it a point to raid every Raven system within jump distance every time they change duty stations. Another unit is full of Assaults and goes full warcrimes whenever they fight in the recent invasion of the FedSuns.
I was going to ask if anyone actually liked them, but then I realized I got my birds mixed up and we're talking about the Snow Ravens and not the Jade Falcons.
Wrong. I did exactly what i set out to do.

YOU dont give 'advice' paint snob faggot tard. You get YOURSELF assmad and REEEEE all over threads that someone is doing something YOU dont like.

You're a demented petty wannabe tinpot dictator who goes utterly ballistic whenever someone tells you NO. Which means youre a psychotic little duck who never had their ass beat for being a cunt in your whole life and you think that being a cunt is A OK.
So when you get any pushback at all, to your derangement at people DARING to HAVE FUN WRONG, you lose your fucking shit.

And I am sick of you lying your ass off and trying to pretend the people minding their own fucking business having fun are the crazies.
Especially since you faggoty retarded paint snobs have chased away a handful of new people BT would have gotten over the last year or so.
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I don't know if this is "proper" Steiner blue, but I like this color for my mechs so far. My opinion might change after I do weapons and actuators and detailing and get to see the whole thing.
*laughs in plasma rifle*
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Small advances are allowed, but nothing that will change the status quo.
Its blue. Ergo its steiner. You like it, thats the main thing. You can always darken it with a wash if you like.

If you look up your colour wheel and colour theory stuff, more matte and washed out colours can be more easily combined.

Juat as an example, a matte washed out blue like that could also go with greens that are washed out, matte.

OR you can go full juxtaposition and go for something really bright and glossy, maybe a silver or something for those actuators to make them really stand out and pop.

The main thing is that its something you want.
There was another anon who has a super dark blue scheme with GOLD bright metal trim. Sexy A F.
I fucking love plasma rifles. Any mech that has a ppc can be made better by steipping the ppc for a plasma rifle and one ammo bin.
I was thinking either white or gold on the pauldrons, but I wasn't sure if it wouldn't come across too space mariney. I'm definitely doing the classic white death's head though.
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current wip

If your blue ends up too muted you can always says its Donegal.
Not really helping your case there, bud.
Never talk to me or my son ever again
Maybe it's just through the screen, but that really does look like a shade of purple to me.
White could very easily work. Well, 'white' as in cream or off whites. Since white is so hard to paint straight up.
But since it bothered me, I just ran it through a color identifier and it is in fact blue.
These imaginary paint snobs didn't attack me when I posted my minis.
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I'll be doing the detailing the same way I did my Davions, but I might not mute the actuators as much so they pop more against the blue.

I was going to say, it had to be either your eyes, my eyes, my camera, or your screen.
What is it about mechs that captures the imagination so much that we keep returning to them? Even IRL China and Russia already have a couple early Battlemech designs seemingly putting them well ahead of the USA in that regard.
That's because the Jihad was full of too many people acting too retarded for anyone to remember specific instances.
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"Hey Guys, what's going on in this thread?"

"What if us, but BIG?"
That archer looks a little big, is it not in standard mech scale?
Mechs are cool to look and invoke the image of people in various kinds of full armor but if you think they are viable in real life you have lost track of reality.
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That sounds more like a giantess fantasy desu
>but if you think they are viable in real life you have lost track of reality.
Someone should've told Russia and China that, then.
I wouldn't believe anything about Russia having a mech design, unless it's just a sketch on a napkin.
Russia is just smekalka all the way down, and China doesn't care about fighting real armies, just killing protestors, which the Boston Dynamics robot dogs are fine for.
Armed robo-dogs aren't mechs, and the US is developing them already too IIRC. Also explosive delivery robots, because DARPA thought the claymore roomba was unironically a good idea, I guess.
So do your overlords pay you to shill or do they just threaten you?
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>War Thunder's next patch gives the Russians the Mackie.
You can already buy a robot dog. It comes with a FLAMETHROWER. IT IS 9000 USD.
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It's still an early prototype but it's promising, especially if it was enlarged.

What is a robot-dog, if not a small mech?
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What was that one mech series that had giantesses in mechs?
Also out of the scope of a battletech thread but I have been thinking recently about the actual tactical application of giants. A lot of it has been around the lack of a need to scale down technology to fit them, but I'm not /k/ brained enough to imagine the full possibilities of something like that.
anon, that's just a mannequin. The ATV is being remote controlled by a normal remote control and the mannequin is just for show. It's arms never move, even when the ATV is turning.
She should be topless to represent the M10's open turret.
That video also gets spammed on /k/ to troll in a very similar way.
Didn't they do vertical tanks for one of their april fools patches?
How did they pull that off, anyway? I seem to recall flamethrowers being hilariously illegal, or at least liable to get the FBI, ATF, and NSA crawling up your ass.
A robot. Mechs are walking combat vehicles with pilots.
Flamethrowers are legal in the US. I'm not sure if they're 50 state legal, but they are less regulated than guns.
The stupid part is that it's so fucking obviously fake that it isn't even funny to see people shill it, it's just sad.

Like compare it to a real robot video and it isn't even close. The Russian Mannequin doesn't even pretend to have any actuators or anything, and everything is bundled up inside a coat in case the mannequin got cold in the Russian winter. Or to just hide the fact that it's just a prop. And of course all of the video of it in motion is at a distance so we can't see any detail. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.
Dome jurisdictions decide they are a 'Destructive devices' which just need an NFA tax stamp.
Yes. You, american just BUY a flamethrower if you want.
It is legal.

The flamethrower is 'designed' for 'clearing undergrowth'.
Why did the man not finish the robot off when he had the chance?
It's not fake.

Also, consider for a moment that even though Boston Dynamics robots are more advanced, the United States, is far behind militarizing their robots compared to Russia and China.
Depending on how loose your definition of flamethrower is, there's a roofing tool that is literally a gas flamethrower. Now, a military flamethrower in the "sticks to kids" family is a little harder and/or illegal, but if you just want something that shoots fire, there's a variety of hardware store solutions that you don't even need to assemble yourself.

I got a small one the other day for killing stickers in my front yard. It's pretty great, just a big propane torch really.
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I fucking hate these guys. I don't understand how they are so popular and seem to be the golden children of the devs. All they seem to do is break contracts and fuck off whenever it suits them. Please explain these Scottish assholes to me.
Just opened my AGOAC 40 box, and I can't help but notice that the pocket in the plastic insert for the Alpha Strike cards is too small for them, even after I take them out of the plastic envelope. Also, I got cards for a Griffin instead of an Awesome for some reason.
That's almost Donegal Guard blue

But that video you posted is like... obviously fake, in the obviously fake way Russia presents any high tech military gear.

Who did they break contract with after the Cappies?
They're not scottish, they're scottish, irish, english, norwegian and more.
They're more SLDF than either clan or comstar, and they didn't "break contract" so much as they decided that, after centuries of having one employer, they should hire on with someone else.
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What? he's about 12 meters tall, that's average mech size right?
>in the obviously fake way Russia presents any high tech military gear.
Sure, but consider that the same was true of the Mackie at one point as well, and we all know how that turned out...
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Had a kitbash.
They fall under Sun-Tzu's mysterious eastern magics and rebel against the FedCom in 3057, then basically sit out most of the Jihad despite having joined the mercenary coalition.
Given how reliant everyone is on mercenaries I'm surprised we don't get something like this in the setting.
Works for me
Which dcms line unit has the coolest color scheme?
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>...That is totally faked, even if the "robot" is shooting the guns, it's a mostly static small arms trigger puller, AKA a really fancy looking way of performing an action we've been doing for nearly a century at this point.
But consider the following: The tech demo of the Mackie was also faked, and yet battlemechs still ended up being the future regardless.
>dig out old citadel paints
>as expected, they're fucked up after some 4-5 years sitting in a box
Reckon they're still recoverable by this point? The shade paints seem to still be fine, at least.
how dare you delete my formal offer of buttchall!?
I am not aware of any indication in universe that the mackie test was faked. The hegemony simply discovered what genre they existed in and after a few public demonstrations all the other powers figured it out as well.
Damn, if you're the same anon, you're really committed to this "Russia Mil good" bit.
Ignore the avatarfag
I think he means it was staged, in the sense that the tanks the prototype Mackie was fighting were stripped down and remote-controlled, rather than being a live-fire demonstration at full opfor capacity.
On the other hand, the first live combat demonstration very much wasn't, and a lance of Mackies obliterated an entire DCMS tank column and barely got their paint scratched in return, at which point all of the great houses thought "fuck me, I gotta get some of these".
Give monarchyanon some credit, at least he's talking about something different.
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>9 grand for a robot dog with a flamethrower
>can technically afford it
>pic related
My sensible adult side is fighting really hard with my inner child right now.
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1st Ghost Regiment. Easily.
>I am not aware of any indication in universe that the mackie test was faked.
They used 4 heavily outdated tanks with half their anti-armor weaponry removed. It's like looking at some shitty 1960's era tank and comparing it to a modern tank for a tech demoo.
The important question is how big is the flamethrower and how good is the dog's IFF
stripping down the tanks seems completely unnecessary and a strange narrative choice when the very first combat deployment of the mackie sees them effortlessly destroy a DC tank company with ease
you are too good for this place
Does the dragon 1C have any merit to it?
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>if there is one thing /k/ can teach us, it's that screwing around with chemical weapons is never a good idea.
Never understood the ghost regiments. What are they all about? Why do all their mechs have cool art on them
I love how the edge highlighting and deep panel lines on these makes them look almost cel-shaded.
>when the very first combat deployment of the mackie sees them effortlessly destroy a DC tank company with ease
Keep in mind that when Cameron deployed the Mackie, the Mackie had several new technologies that were helping it.

A new energy weapon
A new type of armor
A new fusion engine
And myomer

All of these could have been put inside a platoon of tanks and they would've demolished that DC tank company just the same as the lance of Mackies did. But Cameron didn't want a newer, better tank. Cameron wanted giant stomping robots (which is completely understandable).
Honestly that is my least favorite part of his mechs, but the freehand makes me so happy I can't find it in me to give a shit about it.
>and only had BAR 7 armor protecting their remaining AC/5, SRM-4, and twin machine guns.

Not a problem if you tell the CGL variant retcons of tanks and ASF's to go fuck themselves. When the Mackie was literally the first thing on the battlefield with a small scale fusion engine, BAR 10 armor and mech-scale PPC, it's no wonder it raped.
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>"Could mecha be the future of warfare?"
>"Why don't they just build more tanks?"
People aren't asking the important questions, like how much better a huge girl with pointed ears would be.
You freehanded the SLDF daggerstar. Very nice.
If you want to improve the model somewhere, consider that the detail on the left hand is being lost. I should be able to pick out the fingers better, if not all the other panels as well.
Consider doing a pin wash into the recesses, or highlighting your panel edges. You can pick them out carefully with a brush if you want it to be clean or do a drybrush for a rougher texture.

What were you thinking for basing?
Given that it's khaki I'm assuming a desert, so you could think about using a drybrush on the lower legs to add some sandy dust to the model.
>Yeah, but you have to realize these were Merkava's were two generations outdated at this point, useless surplus now that the Large Laser had surpassed BAR 7 Armor.

It would have done the exact same at BAR8. Also, the OG article just calls the tanks ancient, but everyone is super surprised by how tough the mech is. One of the remote tankers actually wets himself.
Cameron Star. The Daggerstar is the red clan symbol that points down.
>but everyone is super surprised by how tough the mech is
I mean, being given the brand new Bar 10 armor will do that.

The superiority of the Mackie was real, but it was also, in a sense, an illusion. The Mackie wasn't superior because it was a mech. It was superior because it was the only weapon that had been given four brand new technologies all at the same time. If the Mackie had only had myomer, or if the test demonstration had been against modern tanks that also benefitted from those upgrades, it would not be such an impressive display.
It's perfectly reasonable to use obsolete equipment modified into a target drone for weapons testing. The business about stripping the LRM launcher is clearly building rules autism that establishes remote drone equipment as always taking up 10% of total vehicle weight plus .5 tons.
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Never understood why the combine and concordat never banded together against the common foe.

Not really. Lots of extra armor, but you don't have the close-in weapons to use it well.

You end up with a Mech that's fast, well-armored, and does shitty damage at all ranges.
Because there's more to the Combine than hating Fedrats.
true...they also hate rasalhague
They were formed by Theodore Kurita and the Yakuza anon. So all the art is supposed to resemble Yakuza tattoos.
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Depends. You could leverage the critsplosions of sideshots on the tanks or pump Kincaid up to retard skill like Kai or something. 1v4 tanks wouldn't fly though. 1v2 maybe.

I definitely can't blame a man for stacking the deck who left his entire interstellar warfleet to rot to pay for his dream.
>a lance of Mackies obliterated an entire DCMS tank column and barely got their paint scratched in return,
Author fiat and easily discounted. Mechs are not viable combat platforms and I pu tanks and infantry should be on the battlefield.
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Posted about them last thread but here it is in a single post. This is my current plan for a two lance unit. How does it look? Should I change anything?
That's a funny way to say "ASFs render tanks almost obsolete and you should only have ASFs and WarShips, with infantry occupying the niche of seizing things you don't want destroyed".
It's a little squishy and explodey but should be fine.
Harry potter should use a gun instead of spells. The rich guy who just killed his wife should simply refuse to speak to Lt. Columbo. Bella Swan should notice Edward and Jacob both seem like creeps and reject both of them and look for a nice human boy.
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Derp. Didn't realize I was replying to post many hours old. Deleting that because there's no sense reviving a conversation that's already finished.

Have a k'nex mech instead. These things were the bomb.
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This Mackie talk got me playing this again after listing to this on repeat yesterday. The algorithm knows me too well.
>These things were the bomb.

Was that an official kit?
>These things were the bomb.

Still have the Mad Cat, the Cauldron Born and the Catapult. I liked how you could build two separate mechs from the same kit.
tanks can't use myomer
It seems that what I posted was not, but there was an official vulture.
Pretty sure you posted the official Shadowcat bro.
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Everybody and their mother knows that mechs aren't realistic, that's not the point. The point is that mechs are a shorthand for the scientific development of humanity.

It's very difficult to show scientific progress most of the time, because science doesn't work in big dumb objects like mechs typically, science works through incremental tiny advances, which typically tend to make what we already have even better and improve things one iteration at a time.

But that's not good for storytelling. So what we do, is we create an 'avatar' of science, and we call it the mech. The mech is the sum culmination of all human science and technology. It is fantastical and silly, but that's on purpose, because it divorces it from realistic human expectations and allows us to embrace it for what it truly is. There's a reason that the mech is almost always built in in a humanoid shape. The mech is built in our image. The mech is, in essence, an idol to the blending of humanity and technology.
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Hot damn I didn't know they did that.
As the Japanese say "Mechs are a man's romance."
And yes.

And no. I don't care about anything else. Mechs cant beat tanks at anything. There is a perfectly functional tank game in Battletech, it just needs to get rid of the dumb Mechs first.
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>also builds sunder!
By all means play eternal opfor. I appreciate having mooks to stomp.
>Kermit is Liao
>Because it's not easy being green
>IDK if this was posted already; Stanley Cup was happening and I'm not paying attention to you "people".
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>There is a perfectly functional tank game in Battletech, it just needs to get rid of the dumb Mechs first.
Anon, there's something you need to understand

Battletech is not a combined arms game. People will say it is, because it has conventional vehicles that are, theoretically, an option...but it's not. If you want mechs with combined arms, you play Heavy Gear.

Battletech is a mech game for people that kinda like the idea that conventional vehicles exist, but don't actually want to think about them much. It is, essentially, a mecha game LARPing as a combined arms game.

Likewise, there are plenty of games out there that give you combined arms without any of the retarded mechs at all. So...I would recommend you take a look around. Battletech is kinda mid when you consider just the gameplay alone, it's carried mostly on its mechs.
You reeeeeaaaallly want the robo flamerdog. You know you do. Call it 'house security' and get fire insurance.
Kermit canonically caused 9/11.
Despite Boris Johnson being prime minister, I don't think Battletech was able to predict Dick Cheney's insurance fraud.
I want to believe that this was something a human made.
Yeah. I think Eldonius is what Google is calling their chatbot now. Real artists just can't catch a break.
>Sam the Eagle is Janos Marik.

The artist is called Elonious rex on twitter. They did it on commission from a BT youtuber.
my favorite instance of /k/ being retarded is still this one.
Wait you can buy spent fuel rods?

How did anon do this?
>Kukie Monster

Fucking brilliant. HONOR THE DEVOURER!
other than maybe hesperus, what other planet have been assaulted multiple times by different factions that /yourdudes/ might just sit on one planet and face different groups of opfors over and over around ~3025?
Sounds like any world with a mech factory that's near a border region.
I'm sorry that I didn't recognize the name of this obviously internet-famous fan artist.
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other than max, hanse and mel, who's supposed to be who?
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Pretty much any of the coreworlds.
They better be getting all-around bonuses against Davions.
As far as I can tell. Cookiemonster is Takashi. Fozzie is Teddy (because he's a bear). Sam is Janos, and Miss Piggy is Katrina.
>Look at how many people act like the New World had always been exactly like it was when the Europeans arrived
No bees, no earthworms.
Filename and context clues my guy. A bot isn't going to sign its name like that. If you really want you can reverse search it.

I'm making fun of you for being concerned about AI being everywhere, while also being unwilling to do your own research to find the source and determine if it's human.
Callison is one of the planets that's changed ownership the most times over the course of history, although I don't know if that directly correlates to having been attacked the most. There's probably some Davion world that borders both the Dracs and the Liao that's been subject to more attacks. Hell, basically anything in the old TH borders is 1-2 jumps from any of each other so they're all hotspots to fight over.
>No bees, no earthworms.

We had both those things before. It's just invasive ones from elsewhere are a big problem now.
Yes bees - Spanish colonization brought the European honeybee, which was better suited to honey harvesting, but American apiculture predated Columbus.

And I’m pretty sure there were at least some earthworms - just less effective and limited to certain climes.
>Loyalty was to the Empire as a whole, or a particular office, but not personal loyalty to the person who held it.
Anon, the patronage system was extensive and a central part of people's life. For freedmen, it even was a legally, on top of an economically binding relation.
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>SOMETHING had to be filling that ecological niche and we don't really have an idea what it was.

As someone who has done paleosol research at the professional level, it was ferns. Ferns were the groundcover before grass. Also the niche was not fulfilled in the same way because mollisols don't develop until true C3 grass does.

>The more you know.hpg
I think martian red type of sandy ground so it's not just more browns, unless there's a better contrast color that they would also use that camo in?
Definitely one of my better runs at freehanding that damn star
Will try to darken some recesses and then highlight some panels, working on a few more total units to go with this one
The US army tested mechs during 'Nam and during the 90s.
Google AI trying to kill as many families as possible has that beat.
'twas a prank. OP found a prop fuel rod set in a dumpster or something and did a funny by photoshopping his gamma radio display.
>t. was in that thread
*laughs in innocuous 'safety' psa list of chemicals to NOT mix*

Yep. Definitely dont mix chlorine with
>Definitely dont mix chlorine with

Don't mix any household cleaner with anything. If the directions say so, you can consider adding it to water, in which case always add the solution to the water, not vice-versa.
But what if you have a problem and adding water IS the solution?
>you will NOT make the janitor closet jungle juice
>you will NOT mix the chemicals in a plastic or galvanized steel bucket
>you will NOT have fun

This is just like 1984.
Atlas and Warhammer which were claimed as isorla would be too much for garrison cluster?
They're not first-line omnis, so they get a C-refit and go to garrison clusters by default.
Highlanders are still used as garrison mechs. That's what it was designed for after all.
The only thing I'd wonder about is that Atlas since they're slow and unlike the Highlander, not typically packing the stand-off weapons you'd want for the role.
What do you mean?

I have this ___ here. That chlorine over there and a NIIIIICE salt layer to divide them. Its not MY FAULT if someone walks into that room and knocks them over because they aren't looking and mixes the chlorine and _____ together.

It shall be an interesting learning experience. for them.
There's the C 3, with two cERLLs, a Gauss rifle, and an arrow.
I am just failed to find a coherent colour scheme for Goliath Scorpion Omega galaxy (camospec and colour compendium contradict each other), so decide just to paint IS-mechs in Umayyad and Castile colours since theyr militaries were integrated into Imperio/Empire
>galvanized steel bucket
oh no

I have to say, I'm a little surprised that there aren't hundreds of people dying from malicious Tiktoks.
There are.
Not enough.
What color is myomer? Green?
Given it's close relation to organic muscle I'd imagine the outer fascia of the bundles are white.
That's like asking what color wires are.
I always envisioned it as either gunbarrel grey or red like actual muscle strands. Never anything else.
stop buying the green ones they arent as strong as blue ones
And for evidence, please see exhibit A: >>93157503
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Man, Ribbon Warrior was so good. I'm sad it ended. Hopefully they'll animate it next.
That's what the art shows
How is this for a 3025 4k bv limit game
Not enough Savannah Masters. Take 18 of those.
LAMs need to make a comback!
Is there any repository for shrapnel issues?
Several are posted in snord in the op.

You dishonor the Dragon.
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They will always be relevant in my heart.
Don't care what the autist line dev said, LAM's are part of the soul of Battletech, and I use mine in any era.
ngl, thin your paints.
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God I wish...
Shrapnel 17 hasn't been added yet
>squishy and explodey
Crusaders, scorpions, Jenners, Panthers, and Hunchbacks, are all notorious for exploding. They all have poorly padded ammunition vulnerable to critical hits. Suggest you field 6M Wolverines, 3D Marauders, and 6D Warhammers, instead. And if you need lights, 3G Stingers, 1E Locusts, and Wolfhounds are all much better choices.
Ignore this >>93160813 sweatlord. Your list is good, play with it and enjoy.
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MGS4 muscle suit.
>only play with the arbitrarily efficient canon mechs
This is like saying the US Air Force should be exclusively flying the Israeli export F15.
The people that say mechs aren't realistic are the same type of people that say Pro-Wrestling is fake. They think they're making a statement of some profound discovery that only they are smart enough to have figured out. Meanwhile they reveal themselves to be a fool because everyone else already knew this and just wanted to have fun.
I know Quickdraws are kind of infamous for being thinly armored, although the variant you took rips out the LRM so you have less to worry about with TACs. IIRC nearly every Crud is a bit of a tinderbox but that just comes with hauling around loads of missiles and existing before CASE.

I think anon is mostly just shitposting. All those variants he's listed are energy tubs, which are the de-facto good mechs but BV should take care of the worst of that for you as long as you can play smart.
Nice try at deflection Lucky Larry.
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Oh, naff off. How did you know?
i imagine white like the androids from Alien
>ATF moves in to shoot your dog
But that's not the mustard gas screencap.
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Damn right!
>adding water IS the solution
No, it's what makes it a solution.
>let's just knock it over onto a tray
New guy here, what era do you start getting special ammunition?
You can get it in 3025 if you want. Inferno, smoke, and semi-guided LRMs IIRC. Whether or not special ammo is kosher in your game is more of a white list question. A lot of people don't want to deal with it, and especially do not want to play against it unless it was discussed first and they're packing special ammo themselves.
I am sad lamfag never finished the stats for this.
Cursory glance at Sarna pages tells me that Flak and Tracer AC ammo is all you have up to the 3050s for ballistics;
Follow-the-Leader LRMs go extinct by 2770 and come back by the 3050s;, with swarm LRMs lasting 'til the late 2800s;
Tandem-Charge warheads are prototyped during the 2700s but don't go into production until the 3050s;
Heatseekers sound kind of like they're a thing pre 3050s but get 'revisited' or something during 3050s;
Incendiary LRMs go extinct during the succession wars until the 3050s and are NOT Infernos, which seem like they've always been around;
Thunder LRMs sound like they existed and then fell out like everything else before coming back in the 3050s;
Tear Gas was reportedly around by the 24th century and doesn't sound like it explicitly fell away;
Smokes apparently came about in the 3050s as a means of mitigating Clanner range which sounds dumb, but it is what it is. Semi-Guided LRMs as well are also apparently part of the 3050s specialty ammo boom.

If Sarna articles are to believed, special ammo is 3050s and therefore Clan Invasion+ for basically anything that isn't Flak, Inferno, or Tracers.
Does BT even have rules for Propeller Planes?

IIRC smoke, illumination, fuel air, and flechette rounds for artillery are always a thing, same for cluster bombs and fuel air bombs.
Yes, but there's no qualitative difference between prop, jet, rocket, and magic propulsion.
it would be a lam with ICE or fuel cell
Yes, most of them are built under support vehicle rules.
I'd love an AC-47 or AC-130 equivalent. An airplane that can circle over the battlefield and throw MG shots at things on the ground that aren't in the exact same hex it's flying over.
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>I'd love an AC-47 or AC-130 equivalent.
So would we.
Pretty sure the guy who made them also made record sheets for them
You can find him on discord - juodasvarnas
How do the forced withdrawal rules work? I've not used them before and my books are at home.
BMM p 81

four or more points of damage to the mechwarrior

destruction of all sensor crit slots
one gyro and one engine crit
2 engine crit

side torso destruction

internal structure dmg in either 3 or more limbs or 2 or more torso locations (torso doesn't count if mech still has front armour)

loss of all weapons no weapons with range >5 hexes or more than 5 dmg

a mech making forced withdrawal must move towards it home map edge however, it need not use running mp and masc / super need not be used withdrawing mechs may still attack enemy mechs that come within range of weapon or physical attack
Lancelot is better.
You don't like battletech.
It's time you learned we're a team anon! We all go home or nobody goes home!
If the rest of my lance dies, I get to keep all the money.
Thank you, much appreciated.
i always keep the BMM near me.
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Finished painting my first admittedly amateurish mech; anon had recommended stripes, triangles, and feathers for the egyptian paint scheme, but it's been years since I painted anything and I desperately need to get new brushes and paints, so I just went with stripes. Also accidentally went way too heavy on the wash/drybrush and mopped it up as best I could with a paper towel, so it looks like it's been through some shit. Unfortunately, it's hard to tell any of this because of the dogwater-ass camera on my phone.
post your minis
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Color compendium is mostly fan schemes, camospecs is the technically canon one.
Here’s my take on them, for what it’s worth.
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LAMs have always been a part of Battletech.

Now GTFO you goddamn newfag shitstain.
Better than my first
By that same thin argument, sapient aliens are also essential to battletech and if you disagree you're a newfag intruder.
Dumb bitch.
Neither is canon, paint schemes are described in lore with words, any painting that matches those written descriptions is equally canon and there is a lot of room for interpretation.
Is it me or Wolf's Dragoons a bit of dramma queens with all their habit to break contracts and bearing grudges?
Or it's just writters perferable way to write token protags?
Then call me Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht
All Clanners are faggot covksucker gays
>sapient aliens are also essential to battletech and if you disagree you're a newfag intruder.
And thus you out yourself. They have been part of the setting for a very long time, but 1) none of the ones in the IS have spaceflight or serious social organization, which is the ACTUAL hard no-no, and 2) all of them are treated like legends and spooks. Especially the homonids and the sapient murder leeches. Given what we now about jump malfs, the Tetatae could be the 20,000-years-later offspring of some Jade Falcon Genecaste drunk on power and freebirthing.
I’m referring to the textual descriptions, not the pictures.
Camo specs is official, so it’s descriptions are, by definition, canon.
You may not like it, I may not like it, but that’s how it is. This is mainly relevant for units which don’t have text descriptions for their schemes outside of camo specs, like Omega Galaxy.
Thus, the scheme in camo specs is technically canon, because the people who own battletech say it is, and the fan conceived scheme in the color compendium is not.
Fortunately, I've had 'thin your paints' drilled into me for years. The Locust, Shadowhawk, and Wolverine are primed now, but I think I might hold off on painting them until payday rolls around and I can get a new fine detail brush for missile tips, highlighting, and maybe an attempt at freehanding. Currently, the scheme is:
>black paint-on primer (generic) since it's too fucking hot for the Chaos Black rattlecan
>Ceramite White (base coats)
>Kantor Blue
>Auric Armor Gold
>Leadbelcher (guns and fists)
>Khorne Red (cockpit glass and missiles)
>Agrax Earthshade (wash)
>Kislev Flesh (drybrush for the sandstorm look)
Unfortunately, I don't seem to have any kind of appropriate green for laser lenses, so need to note that down too.
Can you back up?
Can anyone recap the laser painting guide that NEA posted a few threads ago?
You mean this?

I use the old FASA-era guidelines for painting minis.

1) Red for standard lasers, regardless of size.
2) Green for pulse lasers, regardless of size.
3) Blue is for PPCs.
4) Yellow is for searchlights, including the ones that are in the art but not necessarily included in the wholly-inadequate quirks list.
5) If a laser aperture is too small to jewel, it's painted black instead, regardless of weapon type.
6) If there's lots of similar type but differently sized weapons on a mini, they might get painted differently because its more visually interesting, since weapon colors are at best a guideline and not a rule. A Mech with 4 MPLs and 1 LPL might get the MPLs painted red and the LPL green just to differentiate them. PPCs should always be blue no matter what.
7) Don't be autistic about the whole thing. It's just a miniature, and competitive painting contests are a GW hive drone thing; BattleTech players worry more about playing fun games rather than what colors the minis should be.
The S/M stuff was truly a bit too much, but it's a pretty excellent representation of how mad tankery as a sport is.
Yes, thank you.
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That's why they're your favourite... obsession.
There was definitely an official Shadow Cat, I owned that one and the Sunder, I think. Maybe the vulture too, pretty sure my brothers had the Cauldron Born, Mad Cat, and Firestarter.

It was kinda dumb how they were all built at wildly varying scales, made it hard to actually play with them but they were very cool models.
>because the people who own battletech say it is,
That's a joke, neither the owners nor the license holders have any more to do with battletech than you or I, less in fact, they've been interviewed and admitted they're uninterested newfags.
The moneychanging games of corporate entities do not carry any weight in a game I've been playing since before one of those parties even existed.
>says the queer with pictures of crossdressers on hand.
Uh-huh, riiiiiiight.
>PPCs should always be blue no matter what.
Fuck you, they should be green or purple, lasers should be blue or orange.
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>Can you back up?
Yes. You can do whatever you want in the movement phase, provided you finish your move no farther away from your home side(s) of the board. So you could run parallel to the edge, even move towards the enemy a little to get around a hill or forest, as long as you end at least as far away from them as you started. If you start trying to game the system, you're doing it wrong, just play it as "the pilot is looking for the most expedient route off the table without getting killed".
It is also usually customary to not fire on a mech in forced withdrawal unless the owner decides to start shooting back, but that depends heavily on the scenario rules and your playgroup.
>until payday rolls around
If you can't afford a single brush when needed, then perhaps you should put your money into more important purchases.
>bolts of lightning should be green or purple
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I don’t care if you don’t care about canon, my only point was to point out that camo specs is official. That’s all ‘canon’ means, is officially recognized. If you don’t care about that, fine, you do you.
It's man-made lightning, therefore it can be whatever color the man making it wants.

Why wouldn't you have RHPS reaction images ready?
I heard there was someone in here shitting on LAMs.
any mech can be a garrison mech if it's sufficiently shit

an atlas can be a garrison mech for a variety of reasons.

1. it's got some unfixable problem that keeps it from being fully operational

2. the unit can't support the logistics of flying it around battlefields and maintaining it away from base

3. if the place you're garrisoning is important enough to warrant a whole atlas + support guarding it

4. it's too important to the unit/faction to risk losing in battle and not recovering it
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I assume anon is thinking of things like plasma balls. I figure manufactures should be able to dictate the color of their PPC's by simply altering the gasses in the weapon, much like plasma balls can be various colors thanks to whatever gas is put into it.
I agree, anon.
I hope Catalyst just leaves them in the dustbin of history where they belong except for a few meme units like the Urbie LAM.
Are there any mechs with their big main weapon in the center torso?
Who cares what you think!? You're not even American!
There's not enough room in the center torso for a big main weapon unless you take a bunch of compact components that have downsides. Best you'll usually get is Marauder style "looks centered" side torso guns.
So Hesperus is probably the best and bigger mech making planet.

But is there an equivalent planet for aerospace? For dropships/jumpships? For tanks?

Thinking of some fun objectives for raiding.
I made a mech with a PPC/Heavy PPC in the torso specifically because I liked the idea of a center torso gun. I don't really care that much about what you see is what you get, but if I'm modeling a mech with a chest cannon, I want that weapon to be in the chest of the mech.
>Are there any mechs with their big main weapon in the center torso?
Yes. Quite a few. Grasshopper, some of the "dickgunner" designs, a few midweight designs whose main gun is a snubbie, PPC, or ERLL, and of course then there's the Blakist Onmis that all have big guns in their *heads*. There are a bunch more whose gun is mounted centerline but theoretically have it in one of the side torsos or shared between the two
Dropships and jumpships are made in orbital facilities, and I'm pretty sure the jumpship yards are protected similarly to jumpships themselves. As in, nobody will fight in/on them and if you were to take the planet, they'd be handed over without being sabotaged or stripped.
Dropship yards might be "available" though.
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artist got back to me on the CJF commission what do we prefer long or short hair
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or short hair
I rather like the long hair, but the short hair also really fits as well.
two variants are being made one with the jumpsuit one with out i could ask for the one without to keep the short hair
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I think the main reason I really like the short hair is because it reminds me of Allison from Kill Six Billion Demons.
thats the lancer dude artist?
Tom Parkinson-Morgan, yeah.
I've been doing my best to try and not think of Lancer mechs while I doodle up ideas for Battlemechs, I think I've mostly translated my wants from one to the other without it being an issue, design wise.
I like long hair better.
are there any bald clanners?
I don't ever recall seeing anything of hair being especially prized. Sometimes people just like the bald look.
Its better the longhair version, i fucking hate the side modern buzzcut in women.
Clanners care very little about aesthetics and shaving your head is the most efficient way to maintain your own hair.

Also uhhh if your hair is a 1/2 inch too long it'll get caught in low hanging tree branches or something. Be careful out there mechwarrior
Nicky Kerensky
Connor Rood
3 for long so far il tell them to stick with the long hair if there are no protests
Same honestly. Fuckin skrillex looking hair.
What if you combined them, and she had a mullet?
Can you add bangs and a top knot too?
I vote long hair. gives a more arrogant feel which I associate with JF.
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while im not opposed i initially was trying to stick to what kristen looked like. Maybe for another character.
I feel like Falcons would have pompadours, not mullets. Mullets strike me as more of a Wolf thing.
Oh, I'll be honest, I had no idea it was an existing character, stick with what works, anon.
I swear there's art of Natasha with a mullet, isn't there?
i appreciate the feedback anyway as the comm is for btg i even made sure they include the letters on the mechs leg in the second picture
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Current WIP. I'm building a Goliath Scorpion Star and I had planned on having the Warhammer IIC and Horned Owl in the star as well as a Black Python or Nova Cat but would a Black Lanner also fit in lore wise for Delta Galaxy? They're supposed to be trained to combat the inner sphere and the BL was designed with lessons learned from the IS so to me it makes since but the Clan also hates missile use.
nice thats a tough scheme best of luck
Thank you though honestly it hasn't been too hard so far. So far the hardest part is "seeing" the design on the mech's part before painting them. It's hard to see on the photo but the lines are all connected to each other
Buzzed short or selectively shaved is pretty common with mech warriors in general. Long hair is kind of a pain with neurohelmets so warriors will often shave the contact spots or just go bald for convenience. This has also lead to the 'shaved contact points' becoming kind of a poser hair style for people who want to look tough.
Makes sense to me.
The warriors dislike missiles, but sometimes they use them anyway, like with the Commando IIC or the Oops, All Missiles! Horned Owl variants.
Lower tech neurohelmets actually require those shaved spots to establish a good connection.

I thought it was the other way around, the Lyrans had the highest tech neurohelmets with such a delicate connection that you needed to shave.
Could a DCMS Militia have a few heavies and maybe even an assault?
Wait a minute, I know that art style...
LIquidmark? You like Battletech?

>Yes, if its a broken Dragon

>Yes if its a Charger
I think that was a workaround to get better performance out of them without really being higher tech. SLDF neurohelmets didn't even need physical contact, and clan ones can be implanted directly into the pilot as part of Enhanced Imaging.
Yes because fuck you I paid for and painted the models or made the standees I’m going to damn well field them however I feel
They can have a few quickdraws, as a treat.
Anyone have map anons scenario pack?
no i comm'd the person that did the natasha keresnky art years ago
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I've got myself a Ral Partha LAM coming in the mail soon (its a Phoenix Hawk with the back boosters missing....but I got it for $12 so its worth it).

Yeah I never made anything for prop-LAMs (though they have my support). I'd love to see rules for it; maybe due to their size they'd work as Turboprop-LAM-Protomechs.
>Fuck I want it
Its in the Trove
I was debating what my next mech should be. I wanted to do a quadmech, but a LAM could be interesting to try and figure out. I also fuckin' love Macross.
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From CGL? Yes.

When the line dev doesn't even want to talk about them, it's a REALLY hard sell. Doesn't mean I'll ever stop arguing for them, but just that some Line Devs have shit taste.
>Pic related
new hauptmann mini when
I've seen the guy with the propeller lams on twitter and from what i understand you should send him a DM on discord if you want to get his models.
His name there should be juodasvarnas.
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>I've got myself a Ral Partha LAM coming in the mail
Kneel [X]
Bless you LAMfriend, I might give him a yell.
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>Could a DCMS Militia have a few heavies and maybe even an assault?
Yes. All militias have access to a mix of shit. Generally they have better stuff before the fewments really hit the windmill in 3039 and 3051, the militas get heavily stripped and then slowly rebuilt with salvage/new production/whatever they can scrounge afterwards. Larger stuff pre-3040 is probably either
A) the property of one of the local mechwarrior families helping out
B) Something old or shitty the local warlord doesn't want to steal for his own forces (Lancelot, Rifleman, Dragon, Bombardier, Quickdraw, etc)
C) Davion/Lyran hand-me-downs that, again, the local prestige regiment doesn't want to steal because they have Gaijin Cooties. There's a surge of these in the 3040s, although a lot of the Lyran stuff pre-3030 was abandoned to the Hawgs. Notably, the Dracs capture a Victor factory for a while and spread it around quite a bit in their militias.
D) Ridiculously common mechs (Stalker, Archer, Dragon again, Warhammer, Crusader, Rufleman again)
Post-3040 the Grand Dragon and Catapult-K lines start to spin up, and by the mid-3050s the Dracs are sending as many of them as they can crank out into every formation they can fling a dropship at. As the biggest regiments re-arm with IS Omnis, Clan salvage, and new production both refit kits and new-production upgrades of older designs filter out to the militias as well.
Uh.. capcha, is there something you want to tell me about Theodore?
locust lam would be that red alert 3 unit that changes into a helo
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>its a Phoenix Hawk with the back boosters missing....but I got it for $12 so its worth it).
There are several people on Etsy and elsewhere selling FASTPACKs for the Robotech Tactics Super Valkyrie. There's also a guy making replacement parts for Unseen minis on Cults, and if all else fails you can puck up one of the "jet legs" minis for Jovian Chronicles from Dream Pod Nine like one of my friends did.
There's a common old conversion called the "Vixen" that uses Stinger parts with some 6mm aircraft and two of the legs off of a Hector attack frame.
IIRC the original fighter was a Heroics and Ros Tornado, but people sorta improvised a lot.

If you're a glutton for punishment I've successfully made Stinger and Wasp LAMs out of the Robotech Tactics minis with extremely heavy modification. It's like a 15-cut operation on the AirMech mode and 12+ on the Mech mode, and involves heavily sanding the seams to thin down some other parts which is.. not the greatest. Fortunately the Stinger and Wasp variants of the FASTPACK are pretty easy to mod out of square stock and tubing.


Phoenix Hawk Jet Booster replacements. It could help.
you will use the regent and you will like it
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Yes. It's always sketchy. You're buying pirated minis from a rando with a 3D Printer because you can't be arsed to get your own. Check reviews and do your best. There's a reason I offered a bunch of alternative options.
Also the all-caps thing is a little much and technically against the rules, dial it back a notch
I STG if you're the person I think you are you need to cool it or I'll sic the sharks on you.
And another shot of the bashsculpted Stinger and Wasp in progress.
desu I never understood why they never did a locust lam, it just seems obvious. I doesn't even need to fold up much, just what are basically proto-partial wings that fold back in mech mode, and the legs, and you're golden. Then just add the biggest laser you can get away with and boom, a high speed scout in both mech and ASF mode.
Hell it's default frame is basically already in gerwalk mode, so you could do away the third form entirely and just apply WIGE rules to the locust in its mech mode.
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It's on its way according to QML's Facebook page

"BattleTech: Mercenaries from Catalyst Game Labs has commenced packing and shipping this morning!

This is quite the undertaking, our largest single project to date, so we'll have updates on this and other projects that are shipping alongside in the coming weeks!"
>BattleTech: Mercenaries from Catalyst Game Labs has commenced packing and shipping this morning!
It's a lie. They're lying. Again.
Any of those have Aerospace? Tanks? Infantry?
No thank you.
the clans can't let us have one nice thing bros, it's not fair
Cool. So when do the backers get theirs? I will believe in CGL's lies when I see the box in my own dining room.
>Have said from the beginning that they were aiming for June 2024
>Despite issues, have maintained they're gonna start fulfilment in June 2024
>Are starting fulfilment in June 2024
>They're lying
Go on and say something about a porch, I guess, but where do you get your certainty that they're lying?
>backed the invasion kickstarter
>got all my shit, nothing bad happened
was i just lucky, are all of you just doomsaying?
probably from the live streams at the end of may through to june where the community manger said "We have everything! shipments will start in a week" and then that changed next week to "Some items are missing and still in transit, we're waiting to get everything before starting shipments" to next weeks "We don't know when we'll start shipments"

did you order any dice and they were actually cubes? If so you got incredibly lucky.
>to next weeks "We don't know when we'll start shipments"
I'll be back next week to laugh at you
Because I'm not a queer and do not ingest queer media/propaganda.
>officially recognized
If it's not coming from the IP's /creator/ then it doesn't mean jack shit, fan recognition bears more weight in the matter for fuck's sake.
we'll see. the 2nd is when the tranmange is supposed to be back on the air. i don't doubt that they're shipping shit to people who only bought like a single pack right now however
new thread! >>93165337
lmao retard.

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