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Mr. Vampire Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous Thread: >>93138702

Have you ever had to deal with a vampire, /5eg/?
I'm joining a campaign set in the forgotten realms. I don't know much of the lore and there's way too much for me to read up on everything before making a character concept. I have a bro in the game who's playing an elf, so I'll probably make an elf too. What are some fun lore-friendly character concepts I can research and explore?
Ask the DM where the campaign takes place, because that will drastically reduce what you need to read. If he's keen, you can also ask him what year it is, which will further reduce what you need to read.
>Have you ever had to deal with a vampire, /5eg/?

Playing through Curse of Strahd right now but we haven’t met him yet. We’ve killed some spawns though.
Modern era of FR. Which the Internet tells me is 1495. We're going to be traveling a lot, currently they are on the sword coast, but will be moving to the Sea of Fallen Stars soon.

>Ran original Strahd module back in the day
>Sunsword mutha fuckah do you speak it?

>Ran 3.5ed game a decade later same people
>Adults now getting used to new to us edition
>Had to free small rural area quietly being taken over secretly by vampire we find midway
>Technically mid-level sidequest but the fight was wild
>But wait he wasent that old somebody else must have made and been directing him...

Damn I wish we gotten back to that plot hook
Easy-peasy, just read up on whatever you want about your own race (elf) and ignore everything else. You live a long life and the bullshit that humans, orcs, and dwarves create isn't your problem. Best to at least know about the major places like Baldurs gate, Waterdeep, Neverwinter, and Cormyr (the shit place that created the banneret subclass for fighters)
I require your assistance.
Building mainly melee warforged at level 3.
Going fighter 1/wizard 2 (war magic).
Picked up booming blade, sword burst and lightning lure. Should I swap LL (or SB) for an actual ranged at will option? stats are 16/8/16/16/8/8
How'd you guys find your gaming group, my only idea is to just join random roll20 campaigns
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I use roll20 for games during the week after work. It's pretty group and DM dependent, like every game.
Lightning lure has a range of 15ft. That is ass.
sword burst is even worse because why wouldn;t you just hit one target for 2d8+ dex and possibly even more if they move?

Pick up some utility cantrips, seriously. Once you have those cantrips you're going to realize how often you DON'T use them

Found a group on 4chan. Been going strong for about 4 years.
friends irl (mainly from my time at university)
there's enough people now that we can mix and match for campaigns, one-shots and such
right now I'm a player in 2 campaigns and dm'ing 1, but there's also 3 or 4 that I'm not involved in
I had my first session as DM a week or two ago after taking advice from anons here. One player had some feedback to give more time for exploration. Otherwise, I don't really know if they enjoyed it or not, but we have another session in a little under 2 weeks. It's been a decent amount of work to manage things as we have 6 players, so hopefully they are at least enjoying it, but I don't know.
>One player had some feedback to give more time for exploration.
If they bothered to give you this feedback, that means they're at least moderately enjoying the rest of it. If you think it's all crap, you don't bother telling someone to change the curtains.
you'll get the feel for it as your experience increases, but any or all of these signs can give you an idea of how they're feeling

if your players are engaging with the narrative and the world, interacting amongst themselves, showing up and enthusiastic about the sessions as you schedule them, that's a sign that things are working out

if they're silent, passively going through the motions, mechanically taking actions during combat ("I attack" vs "I use my trusty longsword to take a swing at the bandit, aiming for his chest"), if they miss games and don't seem bummed about it, if they're not talking or laughing during the session, then they might not be enjoying their time that much

either way communication is key, so talk to them and ask what you can improve on as a dm, ask if they're enjoying it, build that rapport with them about the games
That's good to hear. One thing I need to do is make an announcement regarding food. We lost 1.5 hours at the beginning to people remaking their characters last second and also deciding if people were hungry. Ultimately, I just said let's get pizza to kill the indecisiveness, but we need to sort it out ahead of time for next session.

That's a good point. I'll survey the table next session. I also need to try to engage the quiet players more. We have a few people who RP and really get into it, and two that are very quiet. But it's tough trying to split time between 6 players fairly.
Ah, the eternal scourge. We ended up severing that Gordian knot by adding time to the front end to specifically have a meal together before session starts. We often cook something like a stew or a roast, but we'll order in if people have had a busy week so as to avoid wasting too much energy before session.
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>new champion half orc with piercer
>strike with a rapier (vex)
>Immediately swap to my trident to topple (at advantage, 19% chance to crit for 4d10+Str)
>action surge and swap to my warpick to sap them for two more 19% chances to crit for 4d10+Str

>make four attacks and deal 1d8+str (miss), and three attacks for 1d10+str, one of which misses

ok, but like, WHAT IF?
God I hate the weapon juggling meme and I especially hate that it's apparently the intention.
Joined an in progress campaign only to start the session with half the party downed to a vampire, spent the session getting TPK’d with the survivors.
It's the intention if you want to swap, a dex champion half-elf (elven accuracy) would stick to their rapier for all 4 attacks, their latter three attacks all having a 27% chance to crit for 3d8+dex
I see no issue with it. The PC is no nimble fag.
Utility like
>shape water
and be at the mercy of the DM?
I will pick some utility, but shouldn't I get and at will ranged option? Booming blade is a must for obvious reasons given the level.
What about mind sliver? I already got my defenses covered and most of the party is kinda frail (d8 or lower, a rogue, 2 wizards, a warlock).
mind sliver is cool if you can trigger a save with action surge but it is only 1d6

I'd second mind sliver, its just a good cantrip

>and be at the mercy of the DM?
The only time you're at the mercy of the DM is when you try to do stupid shit that a spell doesn't dictate. yes, filling a lock with water and then freezing it to cause ice to expand and break the lock is not in the purview of the cantrip.
>God I hate the weapon juggling meme and I especially hate that it's apparently the intention.
If you don't want to deal with weapon swapping you can just TWF with Nick and whatever property you want on your mainhand
>scimitar ranger
>cast hunter's mark
>make 3 attackes and 2d6+dex each

That's bretty good for no feat investment.
I also have some ways of exploiting the other shape element cantrips. Water is just the obvious one. My issue is that "the purview of the cantrip" is not really precise demarcation (hence the need for DM fiat).
So booming blade, mind sliver (specially since we got a lot of casters that might carry save or suck spells, and it is ranged) and what else? Sword burst does more damage with 3+ creatures around me, so it could be useful (except for the potential friendly fire). Maybe shocking grasp? The only multitarget I got left is magic missile. I picked up gift of alacrity, shield (got both a warhammer/board combo and a maul), silvery barbs (already asked the DM), expeditious retreat, find familiar, feather fall, absorb elements and magic missile. We start with gold equivalent to the starting gear and rounded gold per level table (200g at lvl 3). Currently standing at 21 ac (23 with arcane deflection, but I will use it more often for saves most likely). What should I be doing with a bonus action usually? Expeditious retreat?
Also got the lucky feat, just in case.
>My issue is that "the purview of the cantrip" is not really precise demarcation (hence the need for DM fiat).

No, the cantrip does exactly what it says, It's when you try to "exploit" a cantrip that you run into problems. Stop that.
Why the scare quotes on "exploit"?
People exploit the resources available to them. It does not mean cheating nor making the cantrip do something it does not say it does.
If nothing else 5.5e is finally making melee actually worth considering over just using ranged weapons all the time. Topple, Nick, Graze, and Cleave make getting up close not a total waste of time, if CBE loses the bonus action attack ranged vs melee will be an actual tradeoff finally (archery fighting style still means it's probably better though)
melee is worth it though
st least for the ranged characters doing stuf from the backline
spellcasters can cast fine in ranged or melee while using a shield, and anything with a saving throw works even when threatened in melee without needing sharpshooters.
actual archers all take CBE or Gunner and Sharpshooter so they don't care if enemies are in melee with them, and using a two-handed bow is identical to dual wielding or using a two-handed melee weapon in terms of AC.
now that TWF attacks are actually baked into the Attack action instead of costing a bonus action you have an actual reason to go in melee, same with Cleave.
Even then they should have just made TWF attacks add modifier baseline and changed the fighting style to something else, adding modifier to one attack per turn and doing nothing if you hit with your mainhand attacks but NOT your offhand is absolutely not comparable in strength to Archery fighting style being a +2 on *every* attack. They should have made the Dual-Wielder feat into the new TWF fighting style.
I wouldnt sword burst for aoe, I would rather use green flame blade personally
I understand, but I like the greater aoe of sword burst. Although maybe I am picking it because I like "colorless" magic (force, physical, psychic, thunder and maaaybe necrotic/radiant and stretching it even further lightining but at that point it is not really "colorless").
my friends are playing a warlock, a cleric and a ranger, i guess i have to play some kind of defender, what do you recommend? we're all level 3
Battlesmith artificer to put another body on the field to take hits. you also don't have an INT caster that that's 2 for 1.
You'll come to hate sword burst when you roll 5 damage and one of the 2 targets makes their save. It's such a worthless cantrip.
I agree that it is better now. My point was that it is not pointless to have melee characters.
that could work
>4 man group
>party split evenly on what day next session will be
How do you guys usually resolve ties like this?
CBE+shield and just attack targets in melee. You don't have to charge into melee and neither does your pet, you can just force enemies to come to you so you to reduce team damage. CBE also alwasy weaponmizes your BA in case your pet isn't awlasy in range, or there is someone more pressing to kill.

>The only action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn to command it to take another action.

So if you just CBE with your bonus action, your dog stands guard while under the effects of the dodge action at no cost to you.
>alwasy weaponmizes

Fuck man, I need to sleep.
I don't like the upcoming 5.5 changes so I'm trying to hack my own update together. I want it to have more focus on dungeons and physicality, with magic being a game-changing but still combat-scarce resource. So far I'm:
-Using variant encumbrance
-Giving xp for gold brought to civilization/stolen (also using old xp benchmarks)
-Got rid of all combat cantrips except booming and green flame blade
-Gave all martial weapons benefits based on Traits and Damage Type
-Reduced Wizard and Cleric hit die.
-Basically halved prepared spells for prepared casters.
-Split race bonuses into "Racial" and "Cultural"
-Got rid of Common

I want there to be about 21 classes when I'm done (6 martials + 1 for each FC/HC magic source and Zone). Going off the established vibes and extant changes, is there anything obvious I'm missing?
>-Using variant encumbrance
this nerfs martials harder
>-Giving xp for gold brought to civilization/stolen (also using old xp benchmarks)
>-Got rid of all combat cantrips except booming and green flame blade
keep shillelagh., since it's in the same vein as "forcing caster to go into melee"
>-Gave all martial weapons benefits based on Traits and Damage Type
Gonna assume it's shit till I see it.
>-Reduced Wizard and Cleric hit die.
should just be blanket reduction of all full casters. martial equivalents like sword and valor bard can just get +1 HP per level.
>-Basically halved prepared spells for prepared casters.
this sounds rough, you could just let them prep 1+ability mod. If they invest, it remains 6 spells, forever.
>-Split race bonuses into "Racial" and "Cultural"
Assuming you mean ASIs
>-Got rid of Common
for what purpose?

>I want there to be about 21 classes
did you mean subclasses? Because there is going to be a lot of overlap having 21 different classes
>is there anything obvious I'm missing
spell classification (divine, arcane, occult, primal, psionic)
background overhaul
racial culling, delete all elves save for dark and wood. Delete rainbow humans (triton, teiflings, genasi, etc.)
>Got rid of all combat cantrips except booming and green flame blade
If you're keeping Booming Blade, I would just say to keep all the melee-range cantrips. Thunderclap, Word of Radiance, Shocking Grasp, etc.
The blade cantrips are better than pretty much all of the others.

Also, you'd need to figure out what you're doing about Warlock, because Warlock is extremely reliant on Eldritch Blast for baseline functionality
Do you think the new PHB, DMG, and MM will be worth a damn?
Not really, a lot of the BRAND NEW FEATURES are just imported from tasha's or xanathar's. which is why it has the claim "biggest phb in history". I will say, masteries and the changes they've made to martials so far, are pretty good.

Same with an actual glossary in the god-damn book.
>Variant encumbrance
I'll accept that, more encouragement to find magic armor/buy beasts of burden
>keep shillelagh
I did, forgot to mention
>Gonna assume it's shit
Fair enough. Basically stripped GWM/SS and the damage type feats for parts.
>reduced hit die for all FC
I made bard a half caster and Sorcerer will be more melee focused, so I'm keeping their d6 HD.
>Halved prep
It's 1/2 level (rounded up) + ability mod.
>split backgrounds
Most asi's come from race, but dwarven culture gets a bonus to wisdom and human culture gets a fear, which is basically an asi.
>got rid of Common
I want everyone to speak a civilizational language, or at least a regional one.
>spell classification
Already done: Arcane, Divine, Primal.
>Background overhaul
Also already done, using the DMG variant where the background adds proficiency die to relevant ability checks
I'm alright with a certain amount of overlap as long as each class fits a unique narrative+mechanical niche.
>racial culling
Done already, fused gnomes and halflings into hobbits, got rid of elf subraces (for now), fused dwarves. Will be adding Planetouched, though.

That's a good point, but I want all slot-less damage to come from weapons.

And I'm making Eldritch Blast a class feature. It pretty much already is.
Just play 1e/2e bro
no seriously, try pathfinder 1e
it can still move without your say so, hence you can use it as a mount for a small race, and always have the deflect attack reaction
(overkill) mounted combatant feat + saddle of the cavalier feat to keep the SD even more defended
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Chinese Vampires!
nu warlock in 6 hours
let's see if they fuck it up
Doesn't Vex make shortbow (a simple weapon) mathematically better than longbow (martial weapon)?

You get advantage on every attack after the first.
How the hell does a DM determine improvised weapons? Sure theres a base idea, of something that resembles a weapon does its damage or does 1d4 if it doesn't look like a good weapon. But what about lets say grabbing a large boulder while being enlarged and chucking it at the enemy? Or swining a tree log around?
Playing a Rune Knight and I really like the idea of using the environment in whatever way I can but I don't want to cause my DM grief over trying to figure this stuff out on the fly.
Why are you asking us instead of him?
yes, but

>it has shorter range
>provides no control
>its only advantage on one attack per turn for most bow using classes
>it only provides advnatage on that target, so if you kill that target, you get no further benefit until you attack another

but still, it makes short bow awesome.

You ask him outside the game so he can think of something ahead of time instead of off the top of his head in the moment.

me personally, you have a weapon you've trained with that has grown in size with your body and you're choosing not to use it, so the improvised weapons you pick up and not going to be much better than those

>tree log
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A question for something a bit funny

I prepared for the paladin player character well, its a cleric, but the character has the personality of an archetypical super pure, rightheous and lawful good paladin an encounter with an old NPC friend who has the hots for him. When this NPC girl sneaked in lingerie into his room I expected the player to act alarmed and say "begone, harlot" and just leave it as a funny one off joke, but against my expectations the player decided to concede and have a torrid night with this noble girl

Now, I don't want to screw the player at all, there's nothing funny or fun about going "hah! you made her pregnant and now you have to retire your character because of a shotgun wedding!", but I want to think of more interesting repercusions. Like, the girl still being a stalker and having the hots for this character was still going to happen, but now she has actually gotten what she wanted and I wonder what could be a fun follow up
>Have you ever had to deal with a vampire
I love vampires so much, but sadly I find them hard to handle, mostly as a GM

its difficult to have reverence for such classic monsters that are so well known but at the same time not seem cliche or unoriginal. I struggle to think of a way to implement a vampire in a unique way that could catch the players off guard, but at the same time, because I'm a sucker for vampires, I also like the cliches and their classical aspects a lot
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I'm going to be real with you Anon, the fetish some players have for picking up random junk, doing suboptimal damage, requiring a feat to be mathematically equal to hit when using shit and then going "Dm may I do more than 1d4 damage because it'd be cool" every single combat encounter while trying to swing a fucking TREE around without 22 strength or some random fucking candlestick or whatever the absolute fuck is the kind of shit that isn't "using the envioronment in whatever way I can", its you being a gimmicky fuck who cannot play the game in a standard way. Its one thing to be creative, ask if you can do something with your powers and strengths, its another to make an entire build to effectively beg to be more effective than just swinging a fucking morningstar as a fighter.

I ask sincerely, what's the point. Players like you baffle me profoundly because you seriously end up underpowered, overly needy and not even acomplishing more than the other guys.
I'll level with you, I don't actually think that's common
This doesn't apply to D&D only
Sure, I can have a player go "I throw a dish" or "I throw a chair", but I don't think I've ever had anyone complaining about "oh, that's an improvised weapon, so it'll only deal 1d4". I don't have the problem with players being suboptimal in the name of being cool

A bit unrelated, but I remember a player going "alright, i have this thug grappled, how much damage would it be to smash him against the wall?" and I said "oh, that's so cool, lets say its like an improvised weapon, so 1d4 and your strenght" and he happily went for it.

Maybe its related to D&D rot, the desire to "I need to min max and be efficient!", do you play other games at your table?
Okay thats comprehensive, reason why I'm thinking of using improvised is I'm playing a Rune Knight which doesn't have the same effect as enlarge, I only get a 1d6 to one attack, so I'm looking to make more use from my large state.

So just chucking large objects before being able to close in might be a good idea, at least once I get a second attack.
Asking mostly to hear how other people have dealt with it.
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d&d always had good art mixed with bad art, but it's like they completely gave up this time.
This is honestly my reason for posting, you got me square with me thinking it would be cool to do it. But balance speaking it sounds like such a pain for the DM I don't think I'd actually dip into a whole feat and just try it out every once in a while instead.

And we have a halfling in the party, you know I'm chucking him at something at some point.
Oh, lets see the new shit barbarian would get
>25 fucking minutes
>try to jump to see if berserker has stopped being shit
>babbling on and on
god fucking damn it, any place where I can just read the changes that shouldn't take more than 4 minutes?
it's a gnome
there's no way to make small races look unique (ie not just short versions of the tall races) while also not looking fucking awful
Returning player after being away for about eight years. Have 2 quick questions.

1. Is there a rules-leak PDF of the new DnD yet?
2. If not, where do those kind of things pop out? Where should I be looking out for leaks/PDFs etc?
what I do is just keep popping here now and then. Your campaign shouldn't be changing drastically just because a book suddendly drops

I mean, you ARE playing a campign, right?
You already have at will ranged option: Actual ranged weapon proficiency from the fighter level. It'll be better than cantrips until level 5 thanks to adding your ability mod to damage, and about comparable until 11.
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>>Have you ever had to deal with a vampire, /5eg/?

>Party encounters an evil Vampire lady
>Everyone understands to stay well enough away from her
>Not the Artificer though
>Engages with the Vampire Lady
>Gets leg ripped off and Vampire Lady fucks off
>Artificer gets bailed out with some healing magic, rolling NAT 20s over here
>Fast forward in the snowy tundra, the Party travels to a spooky Castle
>Vampire Lady is inside and the Party is fighting her again
>Artificer decides to tank an attack that was meant for the Cleric
>"Nice arm, faggot" and his arm gets ripped off
>Vampire Lady eventually dies so does the Tank of the party after some revised ending because the player got kicked out for grooming, whoops
>Cleric tries to reattach the Artificers arm again like before
>Rolled like shit, arm is attached but it's not moving
>"Hey PC, wanna try and use your Artificer like an Artificer and make a robo-arm?"
>"No I don't want my character to suffer bodily harm"
>Artificer makes a deal with a Devil for a Absorb Elements-esque arm that moves and Multiclasses into Wizard

Based Artificer
In a tie, the DM gets a double vote to break it.
Then who was bride?
I play with and run for existing friends. I'm the bridge between my ex-workmate group and my uni mates, and the DM whose online game I play in is the bridge between that same ex-workmate group and his online buddies.
Haven't played this game in years and just joined a group, now I need to remember how to make that one busted warlock build or at least what it was called.
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A girl who lied/being vague about her true age so she wouldn't get kicked out
The thing about it is she was already getting groomed by a much older dude way before anyone knew what was going on, so when the Tanks PC tries to sext in the DMs it doesn't go anywhere eventful because she's already getting groomed and he doesn't have much motivation to pursue for too long

>Groomed girl comes out and says she's getting groomed
>Everyone is shocked and disgusted, the Fat black guy who was grooming her gets kicked
>Other guy who attempted grooming comes in fucking crying
>Apologizing for sexting her
>Everyone is shocked and disgusted
>Groomed girl doesn't know what he's talking about, has to go through the DMs to figure it out
>That event was so uneventful to her she completely forgot
>Groomer #2 leaves in self-exile for like a week
>Comes back and the new Meta is to pretend he didn't do that

I don't see what the point was in kicking him out if we're still gonna play vidya and shoot the shit with him regardless
How old were the involved parties?
Did you guys at least kick the girl, too?
>Groomer #1 was grooming her up from age 14 and started e-dating when she turned 16
>He was 26
>He didn't know her age initially but once told he was at first upset but kept it going anyway
>Got pics and was even brazen enough to talk to her about how much he wanted to fuck one of the legal aged girls of the group
>They break up and she leaves for a while
>Groomer #2 tried his hand when she was 17, again not knowing how old she actually was I think
>But we all knew each other for a while now so I guess bro was playing the waiting game
>He was idk 24 or around that age

ayy lmao no
This is the same group that never really pressed another one of the girls to tell one of the other guys she didn't like him like that despite the fact he was making an ass out of himself consistently
>interacting amongst themselves
Man, having a scenario and the players lapsing into roleplaying amongst themselves, just building off the setting you've established and the story you've built together, is some of the most gratifying shit.
Amerifat problems, like always
Amerifat website, sweaty
all this shit always sounds bizarre and impossible to me
I know its cultural differences, but I live in a country where even 25 years old girls are expected to act like they despise men, act uninterested and are cold and impossible to get, so hearing about a teenager responding to the advances of an older man sounds like the weirdest fucking thing ever
Every class has a news article on Beyond that goes into good detail.
What country?
The basic gist is that, when flirting, initiating the conversation is futile and even gross. A man can only hope if the girl is the one interested and the one initiating the conversation, and even then the guy has to stay on top and show that he isinteresting enough.

>hi girl, let me buy you a drink
>ew, fuck off, kill yourself

>hey guy, want to buy me a drink?
>sure, (bla bla bla)
>yeah nevermind, you weren't cool enough, gross
Obviously mileage varies, I only have the perspective of a guy from the big city of Madrid. I'm not sure if girls in rural areas would be more open/slutty
Interesting, I wonder if that's a reaction to the stereotype of Spanish men (at least here in Burgerland) as being very sexually forward. Anyway, we're getting very off topic from 5e but thanks for the cultural exchange anon. I hope you meet a cute girl soon.
The stereotype is true and makes a fuckton of sense when you think about it

>men in spain are sexually forward
>spanish women know this, and to counter that they act incredibly cold to their advances
>when spanish men meet women from other countries/cultures, their frustration with spanish women makes them more bold and insistent with girls who aren't as cold, further increasing the reputation

>hope you meet a cute girl soon
they are all cute. They are all also not available. My only hope is getting it with a latina, like my ancestors

The new monk looks sweet and very fun to play
As your neighbours from the left, my condolences in having to deal with spanish women, the little I have interacted with them has proven to me you guys live in actual hell, especially shit like Barcelona.

Try barbarougue, its surprisingly pretty good especially with an arcane trickster and stuff like kinetic jaunt, you go real fucking fast, alongside shit like Mirror Image being goated as fuck.
Again, its just another culture, but moderm feminism has made it so worse that its unreal. At least women are not turbosluts playing around with 50 partners before hitting 25, but them saying "yeah, I don't want to marry until I'm 36" isn't good either

I don't like barbarogue. I usually put fluff over mechanics, I have fun thinking of odd class combinations and working with them on a narrative level. For example I'm currently playing a bard that narratively is very religious, sings at the choir and everything. Wish I could multiclass into cleric to make it fit even better, but its a shame that it just doesn't work mechanically at all, zero synergy (not to mention the newbie GM we have has said she doesn't want to deal with multiclassing for now)
Understandable, yeah.

The fun thing about rogue is you can just not use stealth and pickpocketing ever Anon, I made an entire rogue all about being a historian arcane researcher as a non magical person, even stuff like a medical doctor alchemist with medicine nature, you can easily make a performance acrobatics cherished gladiator or something like a non gifted son of a druid with animal handling and survival. Barbarians aren't Grug Unga, they're trained people in their craft, they're skilled with martial weapons, they can use medium armor, its one of the easiest things to do is to fluff up a rogue and add barbarian as "Shit this is still a very dangerous fucking world and being able to fight worth a shit to defend my people, my interests or even just get paid to get a bite to eat" because yeah, a lot of world do suck to live in.

The same way you did it with a bard, you can easily make it a person who fights hard but still very much has a personality and a clear interest in things, its just the world is shit and you gotta really fight for what you need to fight.
Is this the 5e thread or a thread about grooming Spanish girls?
Well, I've only ever gotten good advice for one of those things here.
2 of my players quit this week
>The party is level 3, they joined in may and wanted to bring their old characters over (lvl 8)
>I made a point that they can but will need to be adapted to the party level so it stays fair
>Both women, playing as lesbian pirates who had past andventures together and are feared legendary raiders.
>Campaign is nautical themed so all good
>We had 3 sessions so far, 2 of which had a lot of combat
>Other two players seem to have fun and are engaged when the game gets going
>These two are larping spotlight hogs and keep interrupting when others speak
>Got a dm today that they won't be joining us next week, because they feel unfairly targeted by me and sabotaged by the other players
>They went into autistic detail on how i don't let them play their fantasy and how the others are openly hateful towards their identity.
>I said that i'm sorry they feel this way and they are welcome to play again if they want to
>Discussed with my other players and they got the same message as me
>Turns out the reason they felt attacked because THEY couldn't talk freely (when i asked them that they let others finish soeaking first) and the targeting was because they got dogpiled in combat (the fighter got hit twice in a row and the sorcerer got counterspelled by an enemy caster)
This was very out of the blue (not entirely unwelcome) but now i need someone local who is not an autist and a degenerate. These two took me almost a month to find, but at least i'm blessed with two great friends who are willing and engaged.
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Man I wouldn't wish a fucking spanish woman on my worst enemy ever. I'd sooner wish them a nordic chick into crystals or something but a fucking chick from madrid is just some alignment shift shit man, that's downright cruel. Venezuelan and Peruan chicks are way hotter anyways and less of a headache to be entirely honest.
I don't know, man, there's a really cute Spanish girl who became legal (in my country) earlier this month.
Oh don't worry, I get what you mean. I also once figured out that if I ever played a rogue-barbarian the story would be him being an underground gladiator in the city sewers who oftens works as a thug, brute and murderer for hire
That's a neat way for going from Rogue into Barbarian, but do you have any interesting suggestions as to how a 5th level Barbarian can justify leaving the Barbarian class altogether and take the rest in Rogue?
That head looks copy pasted on so badly, it's like the artist just gave up after the editor told them to change the face.
Lucky you anon, the "that guy" fucked off themselves before they could be a problem
honestly, they actually deserve one credit for having the maturity of saying "I'm not comfortable, so I'm leaving" instead of throwing tantrums and fucking shit up for the rest of the table.
For now I invite you to do games for only two guys, it is a different experience that is actually absolute omegakino. It leads to the best roleplaying and most personal campaigns possible. Of course something is lost in difficulty and variety, but you won't regret trying out games for 2 while you wait for someone more to appear
My perception is:
>barbarians: learnt to survive outside of society
>rogue: survival in a society
seems like a very logical step for a barbarian as his way to "become civilized"
Yeah, that's the thing, they're cute but they're also fucking vicious, psychotic and unstable like a reactor about to blow. One bad move, one screwdriver to the wrong latch and you're getting Demon Cored by a fucking angry slightly tanned chica who has no chill. Cuteness and looks ain't everything man, trust me, they're far more trouble than they look to be.

As the OG poster, brute strength and cunning specialization. You aren't just a dumb goon, you're an educated brute, you know where to strike, you know how to do your things, you're valuable by your skills, by surviving, by being a specialist and not just wading into battle, but having the luxury to wade into battle anyways. Its a mindset change, you don't just go swinging but you still are able to do so, you know you're strong so now you focus on your strengths, you become even better at what you do, you cover your bases so hard they're now your core pillars. You don't have to keep fighting recklessly, you can just adapt the style and fight smart and dirty.

Its just a mindset change. Its about, if you're level 5, widening your horizons and narrowing your skills to their best. Really just focusing on trying something new, a better aimed strike rather than a reckless one, using rage and also thinking clearly. You might be attuned to the impulses of rage, but you won't always be able to just punch through. Sometimes, skill with thieves tools, a good education and a surprising level of politeness and charisma opens far more doors than your punches and mauls ever will.
Fight smarter, not harder? Which events could be a catalyst for this change in mindset?
Again, it could be worse, they may be impossible to get and may want you to kill yourself, but at least they are, in general, loyal, conservative and good in bed once you do get one (I'm not gonna think its worth it tho, latinas are already that without being cold and cruel)

At least until feminism started to take root, but its never got as bad as USA/north europe and thankfully its going back
Meeting other civilized races
Brute strenght worked great against animals, monsters and shit kuo toas in the jungle. Then you meet assholes using crossbows and heavy armor and you just have to change the way you fight
And being more adaptable, going from using a greataxe 90% of the time and javelins the remaining 10%, to a wide variety of different weapons?
Seeing others fight and win. Barbarians aren't stupid unless you make them stupid, you can have them have had to fight recklessly to win and get an advantage but also see the good tactics others have used, the magics wizards have obtained, the civilization others with more practice have achieved. Success breeds success until it pops out failure, and well, there's not a lot of barbarian civilizations out there even when GMs throw in a bone or two with shitty shamanism. You need to know shit to get shit done, that includes putting on some thought and study on how you fight to get some success too.
Yeah they were actually less autistic than some of the og players i had who left, outside of the fetish and flirting.
I once ran a mini campaign for my wife, she hired a retainer so it would be more balanced. We had a lot of fun
Thing is that doesn't translate to this garnage system. D&D just doesn't give any reason ever to changing weapons and stop using the sweet magical axe you got in combination with the javelins. A mace, sword, spear, axe, etc all do the exact same fucking thing ever, differences in damage type almost never come into play, if an enemy resists slashing they'll likely resist bludgeon and piercing too, and if they don't its usually not worth carrying a different weapon for the 1 occasion it could be useful, so you always just carry 1 melee and 1 ranged option (axes, javelins, a bow, etc.)

Not a exclusive problem to D&D tho, in general doing the cool shit of Benkei, carrying 20 different weapons is just not that useful
If you multiclass into Rogue, you can't use Sneak Attack with a greataxe or a javelin.
Yeah, in a 2 player game you can try putting a DMPC, as long as you make them suboptimal and supportive/helpful.
DMPCs are (rightfully) the subject of many memes, but there are cases when they help a lot and add to the game if done well, without taking the spotlight from the players
That wasn't the point

But why fucking not?
I like the Acolyte stat block for this. Bless bot, occasional healing, Light support, and even Sacred Flame to give an ever so slight boost to the party's damage output.
>using an npc
eh, I think it stops working past low levels, I think upgrading them to proper character and level up with the party would be better (but again, supportive or suboptimal, the players need to be the be hero of the dragon quest)
Sneak attack feature specifically mentions finesse or ranged weapons. You don't need to be using DEX to attack, but anything STR only cannnot sneak attack.
Yeah, my bad, I misread your post as "can't sneak with an axe"
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How would you run Relentless in a multi session combat dungeon crawl? Basically a dungeon full of enemies where the players roll initiative at the start and then proceed through, taking dozens of turns and playing it like a board game. This would make the relentless ability worthless, so I was wondering what homebrew could balance it for dungeon crawls.
Any self-respecting Barbarogue should carry the following weapons:

1. A rapier, its main weapon, for use in one hand while the other is grappling.
2. A whip and a shield, for reach and AC against particularly dangerous enemies against whom grappling and shoving isn't a good option.
3. Two shortswords, or possibly scimitars - maybe one of each, for two-weapon fighting.
4. A number of daggers, for throwing.
5. A longbow, with enough arrows, since you might not always want to be in the middle of things for whatever reason.
6. A sling, with enough sling bullets, for skeletons.
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They can't all be winners, but sometimes...
Pretty much the same thing, as axes aren't finesse weapons.

>warlock subclass spell lists are no longer expanmded, the subclass spell list is simply known

Don't force them to have the same initiative for the entire dungeon anon that's a dumb idea, you can keep it turn based but it's just going to turn into them purposefully skipping turns anyway whenever a specific person needs to act. If you must have it in a concrete initiative order just reroll initiative at the start of every new combat and keep it until the next combat.
No, implying that you can't sneak and move silently because of a weapon is fuking retarded
Don't worry I've done this before, it works out fine. Turn skipping is common enough and just makes sense within the world. For example if the wizard needs three rounds to investigate multiple crystals in a room, the party usually just says they stand guard and ready actions for monsters coming down the hall while the wizard does his thing. Then I let the wizard take his three turns, tick the dungeon clock three rounds, and everyone carries on. Rolling fresh initiatives is possible, but not always. Sometimes the party is split into 2 or more groups, and/or there is some small combat happening some place or another. In this case the turn order has to be preserved even between major combat events. In this situation, I am wondering how to buff relentless. I was thinking of allowing the fighter to roll a "recharge" similar to a dragon's breath, that on a certain number gives back one manuever dice.
That sounds like an easy way to make a 4-hour combat. if you insist on having a single initiative roll at the start of the dungeon (clearly this class feature shows that what you're doing is wrong) give the player a super die at the start of their turn if there are no enemies that any player can see, and if no enemies can see a player.
She insists on joining the party, even has some combat or utility going for her. Keep her around and you'll find a real use for her eventually.
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Depends on the weapon
I find it funny and interesting how in real life/history slings are the opposite of all ttrpgs

In real life, slings were weapons that were extremely difficult to use and were capable of inflicting devastating lethal damage, far worse than any arrow, but were forgotten in favor of bows because bows are infinitely easier to use and aren't a liability/danger to others around, usable in formations

In this sense, the sling should be a martial weapon dealing high damage while the bow would be the simple weapon that anyone can pick up and use. Of course I'm not actually gonna argue for that, as rule of cool is more important in pulp fantasy, and heroes should be cool archers, like many mythological figures, rather than rock chuckers
>the bow would be the simple weapon that anyone can pick up and use
Except that would be fucking wrong. Bows require a lot of training and historically they required to have your entire population train every Sunday for their entire life in order to make decent archers.
Ye, i'd be down for a new sling

>Shepard's Sling
>Simple weapon, ranged weapon
>1 sp 1d4 bludgeoning - ammunition (30/120 ft.)

>Soldier's sling
>martial weapon, ranged weapon
>5 sp 1d6 bludgeoning - ammunition (45/120 ft.)

Anon is def thinking of crossbows
>Bows require a lot of training and
infinitely less than a sling

I mean, bro, EVERYTHING requires training to use, even a knife or cudgel, I get that. The point is that its much, MUCH easier to train people in archery. Also to have them contribute to battles in formations (or atop walls for defense) with a bow
Compare to a sling, I can see someone without training being a fucking menace to themselves and their allies, and hitting a target consistently to hunt is a feat.

Crossbows are other matter.
On a bit of a separate topic, I do believe crossbows are harder to use than they look like. Pointing and shooting is easy as fuck, but reloading the crossbow can be a horrible ordeal depending on the type
Swords should need DEX
Bows should need STR

I'll die on this hill
Slings were good/OP due affordability compared to delivered power at extremely low accuracy beyond mid range. Anyone could pick up and quickly make or have a sling ready.
Issue is 5e does not have enough mechanical depth to translate that into the weapons, as accuracy is tied to character stats and not tools used (beyond the +X of the weapon).
What if longswords scaled with both, like a Quality weapon in the Souls games?
>if you don't have any muscle, you won't generate enough force for your strikes to be effective
>but if you're just swinging it like a baseball bat with no finesse, you're not utilizing it to its full potential either
>this dual scaling makes them unattractive to minmaxers, who will usually specialize in only one damaging physical stat
>but in the hands of someone who trains specifically to use them, it's the ultimate duelist weapon that only becomes weak when at range disadvantage. This would make them particularly good for fighters and barbarians, but not most others. Melee twinks can still have shortswords and rapiers, grugs can have greatswords
>but reloading the crossbow can be a horrible ordeal depending on the type

yea, reloading isn't much of a skill tho which is why they are so easy to use
There are better games that display this better, play those games.
Well, I'll gladly help you to die on that hill. Min Str requirement for (long)bows make sense, but using Str as an attacking and damaging ability is retarded.
Add DEX to the attack roll and STR to the damage roll.
you sure? I see those fucking things that require a lever and a crank and I think "fuck me, the average peasant wouldn't handle this shit"
We've been here before
It's the entire opposite.
Training peasants for war bow use would require at least month(s) of training.
Training for crossbow use would require a day at best. And the more complex crossbows functioned as a crew served weapon and were used by more experienced troops.
People back then weren't dumb apes.
fair enough
But I do believe you are overselling the warbow too. You really don't need peasants to be sharpshooters and be able to hit moving targets consistently for them to be a veritable threat on the battlefield
>4-hour combat
Like I said to the other anon, I have ran many sessions like this with my group, just never past level 14, hence why I need to think of this buff now. I realize it is not for everyone, but we really enjoy a dungeon crawl with minis, maps, and many many turns and rounds. I use 5etools to manage my monsters, and my players are quick, so we crank through turns of combat faster than any other group I've ever played with. Also having some friendly/neutral npcs to encounter in the mega dungeon adds some rp and life to the experience. The end result is a three hour crawl with an engaging mix of rp, combat, and exploration, but it all flows like a very engaging boaard game with everyone taking their turns.
You misunderstand the requirements.
You don't need to train people so they hit a specific target, you need to train them (at least as heavier bows are concerned) to draw the thing.
It requires a very specific set of muscles to draw heavier bows, on top of a drawing technique which enables those muscles to do the work needed at maximum efficiency.
The crossbows cheat by allowing the user to multiply his muscles with levers and other mechanically advantageous tools, so you only need to train people to use the reloading tool.
Slings and slingstaves don't require the same amount of body shaping as (heavy) bows do, merely a lot of training for the technique.
>ever dealt with vampires?
all the fucking time. both of my fighter's weapons are literally designed to kill vampires. my light cleric of lathander in an entirely different setting and campaign is being set up as rival to all of the vampires in the dale. i just killed four vampires in my last session (thralls, of course). the other guy, the fighter, is leading armies of militiamen survivors against the vampiric scourge, and has sworn to kill both not!strahd and the literal spirit-curse of vampirism made manifest as an animated pit of festering corpses.
You don't, but that's also not quite what proficiency represents in 5e. A peasant without longbow proficiency could still stand next to 50 other peasants at 600 feet and all attempt to take a shot at disadvantage at a group of enemy soldiers. Most of them will miss, but some of them will get lucky.

If you want an actual character who can actually try to kill the mage on the far side of a dungeon room, then you do need someone who can properly aim at a specific target.
That said, slings are still far more work. If they were to be swapped with anything though, it'd be Heavy Crossbows.
>lever and a crank
You could teach a team of mechanically illiterate, modern day people to use something like that in an hour. For peasants who work daily with tools, farming, preparing food, making their own clothes and housing etc, it would be even easier to train them to do this.
That just makes it sound like a longbow should be a weapon with a Strength requirement.
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What is the difference culturally between orcs and goliaths?

The average member of either race are combat obsessed, survival-of-the-fittest, tribal bands of mauraders that live in harsh conditions while taking from weaker races. Aside from their obvious differences in appearance, they feel like the same race: D&D saiyans.

Now they are both going to be in the new PHB as a core race. How are they going to make these guys distinct culturally?
orcs only live to like 50yo
Oh this fucking shit again.

Look nigga a barbarian at level 1 with 12 health can max roll survive 3 shanks to the gut without anyone even strong or dextrous doing it. A level 5 or whatever person can get smashed by a mace enough times to utterly pulp the average guy. The wizard just dealt a 5 unit commoner familys worth of damage with a single firebolt. You are not playing fucking warhammer classic, you're playing heroes of the realm, get a vibe check already and just fucking houserule it to the chagrim of your players being forced to get an arbitrary strength score.

Orcs are steppe nomads in everything, goliaths are just isolated hardcore mountain people for the most part.
This post shows a complete lack of understanding of current 5e lore, but I'll bite anyway
Orcs are being rebranded as "highly emotional" instead of inherently violent. So when they get angry they're extra angry, but this also applies to their joy, sadness, love, etc.
Goliaths are being fully leaned into as the Giantkin, with powers and probably social norms based on the different variants they can descend from. They're competitive and self-sufficient but not inherently marauders (and never have been in 5e)
yeah, I guess that was fucking stupid
Don't be hard on yourself anon, the stereotype of peasants being retarded apes is very common. It is easy for us to forget that even if they couldnt use a computer or fix a car, there are skills they did have that are all but forgotten today.
>I ask sincerely, what's the point.
It's a symptom of a broader problem. 5e has basically zero character customization compared to earlier editions. For many classes, the only decision point you make in your entire career is your subclass and that's it. The reason you see people desperately obsess with such dumb gimmicky bullshit is that there's no other way for them to feel like it's "their" character. Even AD&D Class Kits had more variety and changes to the base class than 5e Subclasses do, since Class Kits allowed you to trade away your base class features for other stuff, not simply getting a handful of low-power-budget features at 3/7/11.

There will always be a certain percentage of contrarians who purposefully seek out obtuse ways to approach the game for the sake of standing out, but that's not why it's such an endemic issue in 5e.
How to fix strength
>remove Con, all instances in the rules that say “Constitution” are replaced with “Strength”
BOOM fixed
>Add DEX to the attack roll and STR to the damage roll.
This is how melee attacks work in WoD and even shit like Mutants and Masterminds, and is how composite longbows worked in AD&D and 3.X, but people always whine about being MAD. So you end up with big dumb super strong ogres being more accurate stabbing with a rapier than a fighter, since strength governs accuracy AND damage.

Even in literal tabletop wargames like Warhammer, your weapon accuracy and strength aren't tied to a single stat, so you can have a big hulkin super strong Ork who's not super skilled or you can have a skilled duelist with very high weaponskill but less raw strength when he actually hits. Somehow D&D has less granularity for melee combat than ACTUAL WARGAMES at this point.
Just use stats from already existing thrown weapons like javelins, daggers etc. Now you are at par with other fighters while still using the flavor you enjoy.
They removed weapon mastery from the pact of the blade feature and gated the third attack warlocks get behind an addition invocation.
Do you mean second attack? Thirsting blade gives a second attack but I'm not aware of a third one.
The most recent playtest for the warlock gave them a third attack at lvl 11 with the thirsting blade invocation.
Melee warlocks are cringe
The videos that explain the changes to each class are fucking awful and too long

anyone knows of a better and concise way to know what the fuck are they changing? All I'm finding in google is fucking clickbait "HERE ARE THE TOP TEN CHANGES YOU HAVE TO KNOW FOR THE NEXT D&D!"
I'm trying to collect a That Guy story because I don't have any after a decade of play. I plan to do this by applying to the least promising public games I can find.

What's the best way to make sure I filter myself into the worst possible games and players? What're the signs I need to look for in game listings and what kind of character do I need to make to have the worst experience?
Thats why my pact weapon is a gun.
If nothing else those listicles are good for parroting what companies have said so might as well read those.
Eldritch blast spamming is the most boring thing on the planet.
Agreed but 'stab' is equally as boring. Warlocks are a flawed class.
why go through all that hassle? just make up a story
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so you can use the EB invocations with other cantrips but is it even good? EB still gives you up to 4 attacks, no other cantrips get close to this
EB gets you more out of AB from level 5 onwards, presumably the use cases are.
> Some other feature that boosts damage of another cantrip you know
> Expecting lots of vulnerability to X damage type
> Additional effects of another cantrip
> Not going for more than 4 levels of warlock (or however many would offset other bonuses to the damage).

For example if you have something that adds CHA to fire damage, then combining that with AB eans you'll match EB damage until level 11 at least.
Frankly, D&D is fucking boring in that regard compared to other games
Would have been cooler to get an invocation to replace a weapon attack with a cantrip.
I mean, yeah probly
>ray of frost with repelling blast
>eldritch spear so now you're actually the sniper from tf2
>grasp of hadar on shit like thorn whip or other nonsense to get anyone super super close
>lance of lethargy + ray of frost for -20 movement, which is pretty nuts
Repelling blast can now be used on all cantrips.
Sword burst is good if you can hit 3 or 4 targets.
But if you can, that means you're surrounded.
From my experience it should be oldfags, the "I am an experienced veteran player with 20 years of experience playing D&D (and nothing else)" are the fucking worse and the ones that make "that guy" stories.

They feel entitled to argue with the GM and other players, and they think they are clever for min maxing this game for babies. Evidently there are exceptions, in fact the normal thing is that most people (oldfags included) are decent and nice to play with. "That guy" is a gamble, you never know if a new or old player you'll meet will be good or bad or make themselves look like a twat. But nevertheless my bet are anyone who may believe "I know how to play this game better than anyone else, I know better than the GM"
Others you may try are bored women (not the most interesting stories tho), "trannies" (big chance of constantcringe sex comments) and university asociations (usually spout cringy memes). Some that have been consistently good players are Metalheads, girls who already have a boyfriend (not accompanying him) and stereotypical nerds into computers or weebs. Again, its a crapshot, you can't never know, but I would definitely aim at a game PLAYED (not GMd by) with an oldfag
You missed their new ability that gives them advantage on their next attack after a miss.

Meaning if you use a vex weapon, you just have permanent advantage after your first hit.
Booming Blade + Repelling + Agonizing is going to be a very nice choice.
Watch at 2 times speed.
Or wait until I do my compilation.
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please do
I agree
You are a wise anon
Check dnd beyond for the articles
>They feel entitled to argue with the GM and other players, and they think they are clever for min maxing this game for babies
Wtf this is literally me as a player. And just like your ending note, I am not like that as a DM. As a dm I am rather lenient with players, don't show resistance when they outsmart me with a clever spell or plan, and if they argue with me I tell them that for the sake of the pace of the game, I will rule in their favor for the time being and that we can discuss a better defined ruling later in the week before the next session.
you´ll hit me with "let other people having fun not bother you" but it would actually piss me off if a partymember would pull shit like that. it looks fucking retarded.
Furry 18+
i´m using a lot of improvised weapons on my current char, but they are tiny and dont resemble real weapons, so they do 1d4.
for stuff like a treetrunk i´d just treat it as a maul, so 2d6. depends how big the boulder is, if you can grab it with only 1 hand its 1d10, if its a twohander 2d6. if its ridiculously large, close the max you can lift with your STR, i´d give it retarded damage die but only one attack per turn, as in 1 action to use. no one is flailing around something this big for 2-4 attacks.
>can´t all be winners
this time 95% of the art is dogshit
if they keep features like death cleric lvl 1 there is possibility for escalation.
Oh wow cute blue elf femboy
nothing annoys me more than a RAW no fun allowed DM that doesn't even know the rules.
Right? I will be a rules lawyer and represent not only myself but all the players at the table.
Honestly, not bad. You'd have to change the numbers on attributes distribution, but it fixes the problem of strength doing essentially nothing unique. It basically only effects armour, and armour in this game is pretty meh.
Even with action surge, you only get 1 item interaction. It would take a full action to draw your warpick
I am making a level 1 cleric level X druid. Should I use cleric or druid as my base class?
Post your character’s backstory and personality. Then we’ll decide
I don't know yet. I build the meta build that I desire and then build a character off of that like a true minmaxer.
And then you expect others to engage with this for hours at a time over the course of weeks maybe months? To what end?
Worry not, this formula has already worked for me for multiple characters. I make a mechanical build, then sculpt a backstory, and then usually resculpt it a few sessions in based on what the campaign seems to be about. If its a new character to replace my dead one, I can make an even more fitting backstory because I know what is going on in the world. Weirdly enough I am actually the biggest "rp" player in my group. While other players are playing a game in another window or tabbed out waiting for their combat turn, I have a google doc open and am taking notes on every npc we meet. I am the only one who really asks my dm lore questions outside of the session. I ask my DM if he thinks some changes should be made for my backstory, and if he has ideas for me to fit better into the story (one time he decided that my character's most defining moment in his backstory was actually a false memory to cope with a terrible thing that actually happened, and I went with it because it fit the campaign lore better.) My DM also seems to appreciate it, as he has said that my eager involvement is most of the reason he has any motivation to keep prepping each week.
Played through “Tomb of Horrors” and I don’t understand the hate. We all had a blast.

Was it hard? Yeah, I’ll never look at doorways or floor tiles the same way again. But every member of the party felt absolutely vital and making it out alive with mere minutes to spare was so dang fun.
How many pc deaths were there?
Your GM used a nerfed version.
Holy sex
>Make a beyond account
I'd sooner take a tiger's spiny dick up the ass.
You could at least check before spouting nonsense. You don't need an account to read the new posts, including those about the various classes.
There were a few but we managed to avoid any permanent ones with some extremely clutch rolls. And some dumb luck. Hearing the DM explain afterward like “yeah if you’d grabbed that / stayed in that room / etc, you would have died instantly” was hilarious.

If having a totally naked party inching through hallways full of disintegration rays and cursed trap doors and a constant countdown clock was the easy version then I can’t even imagine what the hard one was lmao

Whatever the case, it was a great time.
You’re one of the good ones
Which kind of ThatGuy do you want?

It matters for the answer.

And yes still more effective at damage than two entire martial classes.
Well that's an impressive change of pace. Thus far literally everything they put on beyond tries to push you into making an account. Even the playtests and surveys, where it was in their best interest to get as many people taking them as possible were behind an account wall.
>Eldritch blast spamming is the most boring thing on the planet.
there is literally no difference between attacking with a weapon vs attacking with eldritch blast. anyone who thinks going "I attack, I attack again" with EB is "boring" but "I attack, I attack again" with their pact weapon is 10/10 riveting gameplay is a mouthbreather.
With no mechanical effect, and absolutely nothing prevents you from flavoring your eldritch blasts in "interesting" or "flavorful ways" too. your narrative description of the attack is entirely unrelated to what you're actually doing in either case, which is rolling 1d20+CHA+PROF to atttack and 1d10+CHA for damage for the same number of attacks.

EB even has shit like grasp of hadar and repelling blast so your attacks can be genuinely more interesting
Thank you anon. Anyways, which base class do you think? They honestly seem redundant since all the meat comes from the cleric dip regardless.
What if you Eldritch Blast and Quickened Eldritch Blast?
Only before level 5
My group played it (without me, I was burnt out from other shit), and apparently it was very easy due to passive perception, DM said he wouldn't use it if he ever runs it again.
Nobody died.
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Currently playing in a Strahd game, the Orzhov Warlock in the party is an absolute menace because they respect vampires on Ravnica and Strahd finds her new insight refreshing. My Fighter is less enthused, but being a pirate captain he has the basic threat assessment to not rock the boat when it's not needed.
As a DM, the party has come across a lady vamp that used to be a knight for Vecna and subordinate of Kas. They stayed on her good side by offering food shipments to her living populace, but because of circumstances she now has the Sword of Kas, is immune to Radiant damage, and is up her own ass with religious zealotry against her rivals. The local worshippers of Pholtus HATE this news, and the party has already had one moment where they had to explain to an evangelized crowd that the undead there aren't actually a threat because they're busy fighting each other, TRUST.
Oh, we didn’t do passive perception. It took a roll of like 30 to spot a single rigged floor tile
Which city in Faerun is the safest place to live ignoring all the worldwide near-apocalypses?
Find ways that make the warlock go "Wait, what?" or "Noooo, that's not cool." Make the warlock HATE strahd and view him as not a true vampire
this multiverse shit is so tiresome
Multiverse stuff has been a core part of both Ravenloft and Planescape for decades now. It's not even really multiverse stuff though, so much as parallel worlds. Which is a little bit different of a setting and story convention.
just because its old does not mean it doesn´t suck ass
NTA but it truly almost literally doesn't matter.
>Druids get some martial weapon proficiencies that you don't get by multiclassing into Druid, if you can ever foresee a situation where you'd use a weapon attack
>If your planned Cleric subclass gives heavy armor proficiency, starting as Cleric lets you get free chainmail from your starting gear (unless you're following the no-metal armor rule for Druids)
>Human Barbarian
>Halfling Rogue
>Elf Wizard
>Elf Fighter
>Dwarf Druid

Thoughts on this party? Any obvious holes?
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Played CoS like 8 years ago but it died quickly, we met Strahd but never fought him
In my current game of Rime of the Frost Maiden, I accidentally spoiled myself browsing 5etools and learned we're about to encounter pic related
Seems fine as long as the druid is ok with being the healslut
>Any obvious holes
Yeah, that elf wizard and halfling rogue have a couple between them, particularly if the halfling's a girl.
My current campaign has a vampire pirate lord working to unseal the true bbeg, an ancient dracolich
That's Twinned. You can always Quicken.
Baldur's Gate, friend, I can hook you up with a cheap flat in the Lower City, very nice price.
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>The room is 40 feet by 40 feet.
>The walls are roughly hewn, nondescript.
>A door to your left is cracked ajar.
>And there's a small, festering pile of rubbish off to the far right corner.
>The ceiling extends up into blackness.
>You hear squeaking noises.
What do you do?
We've had Spelljammer to connect the multiple settings since the late 80s. Our table uses multiverse stuff when we want and it's feasible; Ravenloft is established to be able to steal choice characters from foreign settings so it gets a pass. You can keep being a shitass contrarian with your half-homebrew bonsai setting pruned to a nub small enough to fit inside your comfort zone and yet miraculously twice the size of your dick, but if you're tired of hearing about it, then go to bed, kid.
I go piss into the pile of rubbish.
Druid is probably going in the direction of Land Druid, not 100% sure though.
The Halfling is the only girl in the party.
>there is literally no difference between attacking with a weapon vs attacking with eldritch blast
You can change weapon and it's not just flavour.
you are just repeating that its old. defending marvelesque shit and calling me a kid in one sentence is golden though.
Where do you draw the line before it becomes "multiverse shit"?
Elemental planes? Feywild and Shadowfell? Ravenloft? Outer Planes? Sigil? Or just specifically other Prime Material Planes?
>copyrighting AI slop.
ravenloft is peak cringe. sigil is embarassing. newer interpretations like the diamond happy happy joy joy city is beyond dogshit.
feywild, shadowfell, ethereal, elemental etc all get a pass.
and once you open this up you´ll get flooded. a cicizen of ravnica planeswalking/getting summoned somewhere else is embarassing. i also dont want a strixhaven student in a otherwise "tame" high fantasy setting like the swordcoast just because the tumblr gf of the dm wants to play a harry potter.
d&d always feels a little like a saturday morning cartoon, but you can easily take it too far. then its just sonic OC superhero emulator.
> DM moved away
> Only other dude willing to DM D&D hates classic fantasy and only wants to run sci-fi or modern shit in 5e.
Fucking sucks
> Inb4 "step up", I'm beyond full with running a different game, plus all my d&d experience has been a single short campaign.
Anything where the other worlds don't exist with cosmic relation to the "main" world, but solely with cosmic relation to shared landmarks.

For instance, the Elemental Planes exist with reference to the Prime Material, so they're universal, not multiversal. Same with the Outer Planes. But, if people are accessing those planes from other worlds that exist elsewhere, and just share those coterminous planes with the setting's Prime Material, it's multiversal. "Hub" worlds of any kind also tend towards multiversal nonsense.
Dude's actual examples were:
- far sci-fi
- urban superhero mafiosos
- urban fantasy in (city we live in).
Eberron is steampunk, Spelljammer is more fantasy than sci-fi.
if she's actually noble her family probably isn't happy, right? or maybe they tolerate it but a rival uses it to spread rumors and scandal about her easy virtue or something like that, either way getting involved with her should be anything but no strings attached. plus you say she's gotten what she wanted, but did she actually just want a night of passion? if she's as head over heels for this guy as it sounds she'd want to if not actually marry him, then join their lives, weather that means him settling down or her joining the party, taking his acceptance as unspoken acceptance of all that. on top of that the pc sounds like they'd be conflicted about all of it, right?

rather than having a direct repercussion i'd probably do what >>93163000 says and look for a point in the campaign where these potential entanglements can provide some unexpected complications to their plans.
have her show up as a nun in the PC's church now. She's converted to his religion and is very eager to learn more. For bonus hilarity have the PCs god actually take a liking to her so now his stalker groupie is church-approved
>The Halfling is the only girl in the party.
My cock is weeping just thinking about it.
She will be ravaged (lovingly, consensually) by the human barb and the druid in wildshape in particular.
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>druid tomorrow

hytnpdnd? Or is the dm/party flatly against it.
Still use monster stat blocks, but you can add some feature(s) onto them, probably based on subclass.
Ie. "As a sea druid, your wildshapes gain 20ft swim speed, or if it has a swim speed it increases by 20ft"
I'm thinking

>moon druid
>wildfire druid
we already know every single subclass in the book you baka. it's land, moon, sea, and stars.
lame, fuck stars. Wildfire is way cooler.
what is sea druid?
one of the 3 new subclasses in the 2024 PHB
Why is Curse of Strahd still considered the best official module? It came out two years into 5e, eight years ago. Haven't they been able to make anything better since?
>Haven't they been able to make anything better since?

So what are the odds they ruin way of shadow for monks?

Personally, still worried about monks and I'm most excited for ranger
Neverwinter unironically.
Seems that way, DM was all about wanting to play d&d even when other people in the group had used/ran other systems.
Stars' astrology flavor should be a wizard or cleric thing.
Stars' wildshape shit is just retarded.
shouldn't candlekeep be pretty safe due to all the magic protection shit?
although I haven't played bvaldur's gate nor read any FR media other than the wiki and online discussions.
I'm hoping my dm homebrews in monkey's grip for our next campaign. I really want to dual wield greatswords.
Monkey grip is strong, how would you balance it?
Maybe a 20STR requirement or reduce your attack bonus.
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MY current GM is one of those "guys" but on the lesser side. He's a great friend and I do have fun playing at his main campaign, but he's clearly pulling msot stuff out of his ass, has no respect for the rules, is way too "fun first" and in the last sessions where we started a new small campaign he asked us to make new characters to then railroad a fight against a lich without any agency and isekai us to another world with adventurers guild, threw or sheets away and gave us "new characters" to play while in the isekai game.We don't even know our classes or stats, we have to "find out" through playing. how? who knows, any attempt to find it out, like doing arm wrestle between us or checking our pockets is met with "it's your usual strength" or "there's the stuff you put there" without actually describing what it is or how strong we are (it's not our old stats)
Unless they change them a lot (likely will as they overshoot), monks got some cool stuff along the increased MA dice.
But they fucked up Warlock pacts after fixing them so no idea what's gonna happen really.
what is the point of that? why keep you in the dark at all?
if a previous martial became a spellcaster, could he manifest magic at all or since you couldnt before, you have no idea how to now?
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i miss d&d
What's the most fun you can have without playing a spellcaster in 5e?
Male human fighter, backstory: knight
>what is the point of that? why keep you in the dark at all?
We assume he fell for the isekai meme and did the same mistake most of them do of thinking you can carry the concept for a whole campaign.
He wants us to "discover" who we are but we have no interest in that. The game is a complete "DM may I?", rules included, since any rule that works against him "doesn't work like this in my world".

Pissed me of enough to start my own small campaign with a classic "take down the cult hidding in these old ruins", but we'll probably talk with him about it, since another player was really mad over this bait & switch.
"hey man I can tell you put a lot of effort into it, but I don't think it's really landing with the players"

I mean, the real answer is that "nobody but you gives a fuck about your derivative microfiction" but I'm assuming you still want to maintain a good relationship with this person
So, is the eldritch blast dip even easier now that you can get agonising and repelling blasts at lv1? or did they change EB to scale with warlock levels only finally?
>So, is the eldritch blast dip even easier now that you can get agonising and repelling blasts at lv1?
Yes (assuming AB has no level requirement still), but it's also relatively less relevant because of the powercreep.
And assuming the amount of Invocations known is like in the playtest, 1st level only gives you 1 invocation. Going to level 2 for 3 invocations + magical cunny is going to be a much better dip.
>or did they change EB to scale with warlock levels only finally?
Until we see the rules it's safe to say that EB is back to the 2014 version (like in the last warlock playtest).
>magical cunny
magical cunning
Female tiny-sized familiar.
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The 1 minute "short rest".
Read the playtest, I'm sure they changed a lot but it seems like this feature saw no changes.
That's what we're gonna do, yeah. We're a tight group of friends and value friendhsip over the games, and this is a smaller one he's making while his main campaign is on hold until the 4th player is done with some personal drama. That campaign is also quite railroady but much more enjoyable due the other players and overall tone. It is a progressive story we can affect in some ways. But we can also tell he's chasing the high of a GM for both power and praise and doesn't put much effort into games.

Usually I'm the main GM of both groups but was out during college project, and now preparing a campaign to come back. But I'm the complete opposite where rules (RAI) are everything and I won't be satisfied until I made every map, story bit and ever character artworks myself. He has told me he's trying to imitate me but the only time I did a character sheet "bait and switch" was a dream sequence, they knew they'd come back to their og selves, the jump was lateral (Fighter to barb, Wizard to Warlock, etc) and the reward was a magic item that let's you swap to your dream self for a day once every week.
And I delayed that "arc" for 3 motnhs because I though switching their classes was overstepping my boundaries as a GM.
>read the playtest
doesnt counterspell suck complete cock in playtest 7? what is even the point
>counterspell sucks so I won't read the playtest!
Also good riddance.
that isnt what i meant, i read the playtest because of your commentand saw the change which i havent seen discussed in these threads
It was discussed a lot when the playtest came out.
I'm running a Cleric soon and I'm going to shoot for a sort of lame Christian-Hippy "I'm always here, brother, what do you need?" guitar bro persona.
Anyone want to suggest sound bites or character details?
Have you decided on a domain?
Why don’t they just make short rests 15 minutes, with the caveat that you can only benefit from one per hour, and keep long rests at 8 hours, with the caveat that you can only benefit from one per day? That solves basically everything that they keep trying to address with the short-rest classes.
Life. Healing and buffs all over.
Removing short rests would've been even better.
I'm betting they'll change the shadow teleportation from at will to proficiency/long rest
It had its requirements relaxed in the playest, why would they go in the opposite direction?
Everything about proficiency bonus/long rest disgusts me.
>curewounds 1st level is now 2d8

You wot m8?
The Nick property feels fucking great.

>1st level ranger
>scimitar+short sword
>cast hunter's mark
>make two attacks for 2d6+3, twice

pretty meaty
Maybe people will use it now
I don't think that's right.
>>cast hunter's mark
>>make two attacks for 2d6+3, twice
Anon, I...
Yea, its 7am and I haven't gone to sleep yet. You know what I mean. Shit is great.
You could try roleplaying.
Barbarogue is very fun
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what class do i look like?
Artificer vibes with the headset desu.
ty bro I'm doing training for my remote job right now. i lack the iq points to be that i think. i would like to play a alchemist though
Lower middle
clever and accurate
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Can Grungs have +2 str now?
No, because no race or species or whatever you want to call it will have ability score modifiers.
That part will be linked to the background.
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>Want to play Shepherd
>It's main feature has the Concentration Penalty
>Conjuration Wizards bypass this at level 10

Guess I'll multiclass for the long con
Is combat everything the Barbarian class can really do? I'm preparing my first OS with premade lvl3 PCs, including a Goliath Barbarian, and asked a DM I play with weekly for advice. While discussing team composition and roles, he mentioned that whoever plays the Barbarian won't have much to do outside of combat scenarios and quickly get bored. Unfortunately, INT, WIS and CHA are indeed not primary stats for the class compared to STR and CON - you might as well use INT or CHA as a dump stat. With -1 in INT, +0 in WIS and +1 in CHA, I'm not sure what the Barbarian could offer while the group is exploring or iteracting with NPCs. Maybe I could have the player use STR or CON modifier for skills like Intimidation or Performance, give them a feat like Diplomat or even create one that, say, lets them have advantage on a DEX or INT-related roll once a day?
>It's main feature
>it is main feature

You don't have a high enough INT score to multiclass into or out of Wizard, and you don't have a high enough WIS score to multiclass into or out of Druid, you illiterate imbecile. The world would be a better place without you.
they've been able to since Tasha's with Custom Origin
>I'm not sure what the Barbarian could offer while the group is exploring or iteracting with NPCs
It's a martial class, it's not going to do anything special out of combat unlike all the magic-using classes or the rogue, which is kind of designed to do a lot of that stuff.

He doesn't need anything. You can already use STR for Intimidation, there's a reason all the rulebooks say "make a DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation)" check; it's because it wants you to use Charisma for the check with the skill. Other places such as in some modules ask for different scores. You don't have to use the attribute on the character sheet for the skill.

Ultimately it depends entirely on how the player plays the character and if they can get into the role. Focus more on making their character interesting to play and less on giving them a consolation prize for not being a magic user.
DMG says that you should be able to use different stats for different skills like Intimidation (Strength) or Sleight of Hand (Charisma) but that is totally DM dependant, many barbs cannot add anything to the social dynamic but there are some exceptions like Totem and AG
Don't give them special handicaps unless you're going to do that for everyone. They chose a combat class, they should have reasonably expectations for what that means. Allowing sensible ability check replacements is default rules and is a good idea that people don't do enough.

Depending on what level your adventure gets up to, the bonus from proficiency in a skill will outstrip a low ability modifier pretty quickly. Encourage the player to take proficiency in skills that are relevant to the Barbarian's backstory even if it's in INT, WIS or CHA.
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Don't be a whiny faggot because someone doesn't like Concentration, anon
>You can already use STR for Intimidation, there's a reason all the rulebooks say "make a DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation)" check; it's because it wants you to use Charisma for the check with the skill. Other places such as in some modules ask for different scores. You don't have to use the attribute on the character sheet for the skill.

That's because there are no skill checks, there are ability checks, and some allows you to add your proficiency bonus if you have a skill appropriate to the task. There's, however, no situation where Intimidation would be an appropriate proficiency to add to a Str check.
Lmao imagine being so pathetic you need to do this shit to feel better about yourself.
>no situation where Intimidation would be an appropriate proficiency to add to a Str check
What? Many would argue it's more relevant than for a CHA check. Initimidating people with your physical strength or the like is absolutely more applicable in arguably MOST situations than with your words alone.
Physical obstacles. Put in some difficult walls to climb, big gaps to jump over or heavy objects to smash or move around.

If you're making pre-gens, take a look at what tool proficiencies or languages they have and work that in to the scenario. Oh, the goliath barb is the only one that can speak Giant? Guess they'll have to talk to the ogres, then.
Don't forget to do the same for the other PCs too, though.
Not him but Charisma is about how well you can actually use your force of personality to instill fear, imply consequences and most importantly, get away with it on a success. People in charismatic positions can put the fucking fear of God into you without so much as lifting a finger, a crackhead high on his supply in the street might look like a twig but nobody is fucking with that 6 strength looking motherfucker anyways cause it ain't worth the cost, a warlock can and should look fucking scary if he tries to be, but barbarians usually got about 6-8 charisma and the average barbarian rolling this shit kind of looks like he's trying too hard to be intimidating like a 6 year old fuming with a red face.

And thats because that's realistically what they do. They think flexing muscles in a world of mega monsters and shit is an instant key to every lock and it isn't. You start trying to vibe check a guard that has more than 5 hp and you're going to hear the guard horn ringing across town and shit's about to get real. You start trying to threaten a nobleman in his own estate and yeah, once you leave trouble is going to occur. You try and actually use strength to incite fear because you're about to do violence and you're not intimidating, you're just doing a straight up death threat in a world of lethality. People keep thinking they can just do unga bunga me muscle big when if they want to be an intimidating character that actually intimidates, they have to pay the intimidation stat toll because their low personality stuttering mess of a retard can't keep his face straight or look in someones eyes when trying to imply what's going to happen if the big man doesn't get what he wants.
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being strong doesn't make you able to influence people, one look at the autists on /fit/ will explain why high strength doesn't actually make you better in social situations.
There's also the problem that even the strongest a person can possibly be in 5e is not very strong. Why would a monster who's stronger than you'll ever be feel intimidated by your weakling manlet muscles? Especially if you're size Medium, since even with idenitical strength scores, a Large creatture has way more strength due to lift/carry scaling with size.
In 3.X there's feats like Intimidating Prowess that let you add your strength to intimidate on top of Charisma, but it doesn't replace CHA or ranks in Intimidate as necessary, so if you're a CHA-dumped sperg you'll still have trouble.
18-20 strength simply isn't strong enough to fit what you're saying. You're not The Incredible Hulk at 18-20STR, you're "that guy who spends a lot of time in the gym but never does cardion (since strength is completely divorced from CON as well in this game, meaning you can be an unhealthy manlet with heart disease but an impressive dealift, grats bro now go talk about semen retention on /fit/)
The new Barbarian rage lets you get advantage on and use strength for several checks that aren't traditionally strength-based, but that's explicitly a magical effect from your rage tapping into primal powers of nature and not the norm.

Frankly, you DON'T want widespread strength-substitution anyways or you end up making martial characters even more fucking useless. A Moon Druid shapeshifting into a fucking Lion has more strength than any fighter or non-max-level barbarian can ever have and now all druids can speak in Wildshape from level 1, all you're doing is making martials even more worthless since you end up just buffing druid. Same with faggots whining about encumbrancee or "DUDE, ADD A LOT OF HEAVY ROCKS!", ok bro the druid turns into a gorilla with better lift than the full-plate-encumbered fighter
No, the issue is with what each ability score is used for.
>Strength measures bodily power, athletic training, and the extent to which you can exert raw physical force.
>Charisma measures your ability to interact effectively with others. It includes such factors as confidence and eloquence, and it can represent a charming or commanding personality.
When you're trying to intimidate someone, you're trying to "effectively interact with an other". That falls squarely under Cha.
Charisma should just be read as confidence, as literal "believing in yourself".
A strong dude won't intimidate anyone if he looks like an awkward nerd, even if he is indeed very strong.
Then again, the intimidation skill is just a shitty version of persuasion, and you can make an argument about being able to use most ability scores to intimidate.
Or, at the very least, with strength, dexterity, wisdom, charisma and maybe intelligence.
How much did the druid change from the last UAs to what was shown today?
I didn't follow the UAs.
I'm mostly wondering how much will wizard and bard change
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Respectfully I, and the PHB, disagree. I'm not saying STR should downright replace CHA, I'm saying Intimidation is an appropriate skill to use in some situations. See:

PHB pg 175, 'Variant: skills with different abilities'.
>Similarly, when your half-‐‑orc barbarian uses a display of raw strength to intimidate an enemy, your DM might ask for a Strength (Intimidation) check, even though Intimidation is normally associated with Charisma.

If you don't think STR is a suitable attribute for an intimidation check then you do you. It's your game afterall. My players and I do, and so do the writers of 5e.
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Intimidate is named as such for legacy reasons but it would be better off being renamed to Coercion as the "aggressive" counterpart to Persuasion. Straight up trying to intimidate people is often a terrible idea, especially since the penalty for failure can be so disastrous compared to a failed Persuasion, which is "Hey, you can't blame me for trying, right?" and much more likely to be shrugged off. The people you can safely threaten with violence or attempt to intimidate into submission are people you were already gonna kill anyways, and in a lot of those situations you could also just be a little nicer and use Persuasion anyways!
>"Listen, we don't want to fight you, we really just need to get past you and stop the Lich. We're trying to save people here, if you let us pass you'll never see us again, we're on a timer and really don't want to fight, please just look the other way for five seconds."

like there's genuinely very little use for Intimidate. In previous editions this was balanced by Intimidate being more useful in combat via Demoralize and other feats allowing you to use it as a proper combat skill, with fearstacking builds (Fear used to go from Shaken to Frightened to Panicked) were super powerful. But 5e has no actual rules for in-combat skill checks like this, and even if you ask your DM to let you it'll be ruled to cost your Action so it's not usually worth attempting.
The problem is that... whell, what happens when someone pulls a knife to intimidate an enemy? There's no [I have a knife] (Intimidate) check. Why should the barbarian roll Str, while the guy with a knife roll Cha? They are doing the same thing, presenting a direct physical threat.
>If you don't think STR is a suitable attribute for an intimidation check then you do you. It's your game afterall. My players and I do, and so do the writers of 5e.
It's a suitable substitute in extremely limited circumstances, if you're out of combat bulluing a defenseless commoner noncombatant, sure you can maybe flex your muscles a bit like a two-bit thug. But 99% of the time you're in situations where "HEY GUYS, I BENCH 2PL8!" is not an effective intimidation.

Just watched this video that popped up in my feed. This guy looks like he is about to have a nervous breakdown. His eyes are wet like he is about to cry.
>can't provide any counterargument.
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Allowing STR to substitute for every skill check or whining about how more things should use STR is not a buff to fighter and paladin and barbarian and STRanger, it's a buff to Druid. Stop being retarded.
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will one D&D throw me a bone in making the sort of character I've been autstically trying to make in every D&D edition before realizing its completely fucking stupid/bad, the wizard/monk multiclass?
Obviously the only correct answer here is to track passive Strength (Intimidation) for all players and avoid intimidation checks completely if an NPC would be cowed by the sight of the meathead accompanying the party
new monk got buffed enough you could do something dumb and memey like bladesinger/mercy and be fine. it's obviously worse than an actual fucking full wizard but clearly you don't care about best case scenarios.
>bladesing while dual wielding vex and nick weapons
>use unarmed strike as bonus action
>now wizard is making 3 attacks per turn, up to 4 at level 6 wizard, and one of them can be a cantrip
you won't be an outright liability to the team at least
I feel like Tough is mandatory for this to compensate for your d8/d6 hit dice. Not to mention the implicit loss of CON from needing INT
I mean, this is D&D. The scrawny nerd in pyjamas can probably do things much worse than the brute.
The PHB says it can. The players and GMs say it shouldn't as a rule. Pure strength alone barely works on goddamn anything past like level 3 because the average enemy there can deal as much damage as your barbarian with an axe and are about as lethal to him as he is to them with a lucky strike. You flexing muscles to a bear won't do shit in this world, that bear can eat a whole ass adventurers party easier than you realize.

If someone is intimidated into doing something by the barbarian flexing alone, the entire (much more dangerous as a group) party stating they can help or putting a good argument works better. You can't brawn your way into being an intimidating person short of someone who'd already be intimidated incredibly easily. Half of these fuckers don't even have proficiency in the fucking skill and act like their socially awkward retard who barely knows whats going on suddenly locks in like a meme and can shout in a way that's actually intimidating to people who actually fight every day to live.

If barbarians want to sincerely intimidate, maybe they should spent their 16 on their charisma and put some rogue expertise on it. Otherwise no, on a game in practice, your guy ain't intimidating anything just because he benches more in a world where a dagger put well or a dagger thrust with 2pl8 is the exact same.
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As much I hate that phrase, I accept your concession.
Or are you trying to introduce yourself? I can't tell.
same as 2014 but has a choice for M armor and M weapons or magic/skill stuff at 1 and similar choices (not tied to the lvl 1 choice) at later levels.
Subclasses can use wildshape charges for other stuff.
Generally more clear on what you can become, more options while transformed and stuff like unarmored defense with WIS for AC if the wildshape animal has lwoer AC than you.

Overall a buff but still 5e
I can introduce myself if you want. Hello retard, I'm somebody who had read the rules. I suggest you do the same before you say something retarded again. Or you can keep acting like a retard and keep getting called a retard. Stupid fucking retard.
with standard array I'd go 8 STR 15 DEX 13 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 10 CHA and then boost DEX and CON with racials. A 14 int wizard can just use spells without a save and buffs, it's whatever, wizard is dumb enough you can play it with 10 INT and do fine
Oh I forgot you need 13 WIS to multiclass monk not 12, so play a race with +1/+1/+1 boosts and go 16 DEX 15 CON 13 WIS with your starting boosts. But otherwise that'll work fine
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I'm reading these new conjure spells and its actually just spirit guardians everywhere. are we still getting to summon things?
They all look like summons.
I don't get why people want stat blocks so much. Just DM if you're into that.
I don't think you're very good at reaching people.
It's just an effect, rather than an actual creature.

You can't conjure an actual Earth elemental because you need something heavy to be moved, or a Fire elemental because you need to create grand-scale arson in a hurry; it's just an area-denial effect that stays where it is. There's no utility value any more.
>tomorrow is wizard
>friday will be ranger
>I'm reading these new conjure spells and its actually just spirit guardians everywhere. are we still getting to summon things?
The actual replacement for the Conjure X spells was the Tasha's Summon spells. The new Conjure X spells simply exist so they can share the name as the original ones, so Wizards of the Coast can maintain the weasel-word lie that "every single spell in the 2014 PHB is returnin in 2024, with many more additions!"
They purely share a name for marketing. So they can point to the spell in the book and say "LOOK, IT'S STILL HERE!" even if it's not remotely related. Paizo did the exact same thing with a bunch of "Iconic" spells and abilities in PF2E, they made something completely and utterly different, or straight up terrible-on-purpose, so they could point to it and say "WELL, WE HAVE X HERE TOO!" without having to admit they wanted to delete it.

It's marketing bullshit. The Conjure spells pulling from the Bestiary and potentially adding 8 creatures to initiative was a headache so WOTC axed them and made the Tasha's replacements. The new Conjures are just spirit shroud/spirit guardians in a trenchcoat.
ye, if you want a physical entity now, you'll use the summon spells which are now going to be core
playing some sort of gishy half-caster and actually roleplaying
That sounds good, it's gay as fuck to have some players end up playing 4+ characters while others only have 1.
Plus, old summons were often also some sort of spirit that took some gay shape to become your temporary slave (yet somehow some of these slaves are a-ok for "good" casters while others are eevil).
Having them be more effect like than slaves you control makes sense roleplay-wise while also improving balance.
I'm not sure what you mean. Just sharing an opinion on a video I watched today.
Combat is the only thing that matters.
You are level 3 and can use unearthed arcana, but no flying/yuan-ti races. What do you build to hit as hard as possible AT WILL while still being tanky/elusive?
I push one of my fellow party members through the cracked door and observe the result

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