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Purple & Gold Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

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>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

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>Thread Question:
What’s your view of the relationships and rivalries between the followers of different chaos gods and the gods themselves?
idk but khorne is the best chaos god.
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Reposting for new thread. Here's what I got done tonight.

Post models/WIPs. Let's see some cool shit
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have you finally settled on your favourite brand of paints, anon? pro a-krill here
Has anyone able to find CSM or Sisters codex pdf?
this model costs a fucking fortune its just silly

at least you went with the KMB, that traktor gun seems fairly useless imo
> what the hell is it supposed to protect them from?

You know SM shields are force field emitters, right? There's absolutely no point in carrying a shield otherwise, since they wear powered armour, so they can always make the armour thicker if they want. Powering it means its weight is a non-issue.
Yeah, if it wasn't from my LGS that I love to support I wouldn't have gotten it. $52 is quite the price for 1 model.
I just built what looked cool. Tractor beam isn't as cool to me and of course he has to pierce da heavenz wiff 'is drill.
Having favorites is a paintlet way of thinking. All brands have good and bad paints, some that work well for your painting style and some that dont. You're supposed to try shit for yourself and use everything available to you instead of caring about brands.
im mixed on fantatics, im moving onto vallejo I guess. Or maybe pro acryl as well.
>Powering it means its weight is a non-issue.
Here's the csm one. James Workshop tongues my anus.
I went from proacryl and vallejo to citadel
Im too stupid to mix colors
well it still kinda looks bad.
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Bit rough but finished up this Flesh Tearer tonight
Are they trying to get rid of Slaanesh IRL?
yes, it doesn't sell well at all
But shes a staple of the lore, shes the weird transgender dark God that corrupts and manipulates.
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Started a ghostkeel
looks nice but im going to hotglue the gun personally.
...is that model in your fridge?
Alright, -it-.
Fridge is the poor man's lightbox, a great way to make good pics of your models.

Most people crop the food out of the shot though.
Well, fuck me. I was laffin but that's actually pretty smart.
If you plan to share pics of your minis online - just buy a lightbox. A collapsible one with adjustable light levels and multiple background colors can be found for like 12 bucks on amazon and works great for minis.
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Hey anons I'm a simple minded Ork player, I move up the board and then I charge, and sometimes I win and most of the time I don't. How do I play Sisters? I'm using the more dice detachment
so orks were the meta chasers after all
No that's still cuckstodefags and eldarfags
>Orks are actually good for the first time in decades
>Suddenly people who chase the meta play orks
>surprised_pikachu_face dot jpeg
WAACfags gonna WAACfag - they have no faction loyalty.
>Purple & Gold
Go back to hhg. We're pink and black here.
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Had to do a double take. Your model is shockingly like a Tau player at my LGS. Honestly I'm not convinced your not him.
Wonderful model regardless, anon.
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After this guy and the alpha strain coomer genestealer the other day what hopes do (you) have for the next malstrain design
Genestealer Daemonculaba
>primarishit sang guard don't have wings
It's like they're deliberately trying to make all primarishit jump models bad.
Are we going to pretend that people didnt think the wings were derpy for the longest time
vallejo for 20 years
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sounds kino, anything that makes genestealers more alien, bizzare and terrifying is good in my book, I wonder what the Patriarch will look like since it was confirmed to still be alive
If you want to Ork, but Sisters, use Penitent Host or even Bringers of Flame. The other two are "bring your hero units and try not to die too fast".
So if I'm reading this right, Blanks are a type of Psycker who are the anti-Psyker, who redirect or absorb such energies and render them mute, right?
was there some announcement?
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Trying to decide how to paint all the pouches. I usually make them rhinox brown but the brown horse makes that awkward.
Blanks vary in strength like Pyskers, but yes they're anti-psykers from making them uncomfortable and have nosebleeds in their presence, to stopping them from using their powers if they touch, if they're weak blanks, to killing pyskers if they get even close to them if they're strong
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Turns out for the past year I've been playing guard wrong. Turns out, no, I cannot stack orders on the same hordeblob unless it's with tempestors or creed.
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Kasrkin get 1 for free that stacks, as well. If they're on the table in the turn's command phase, that is. Dismounting a vehicle ruins it.
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>tfw GW has been infiltrated by Deathskullz Goblins, Gretchins and Snotlings
>GW is literally Bad Moons Merchants
>t. Nurgle Lore fan; Loyalist Traitors who use the gift of Nurgle too their advantage too be able to traverse into the most hospitable and dangerous zones tae save innocents of the imperium and xenos of use. Assisting the war effort as Renegades.
>t. Also allowed my wife tae get Kroot and she smashed me heed in laowds so as per the rules her Kill TEAM Kroot have munched the Bhoyzies Knackers and Liver tae consume their Vrilli Knickers tae evolve intoo Farstalker Kindred Kill Team kroot into "Fire~Wrath Kinladz" I dunno the wife can figure that oot...
>t. I got her the new Kroot box and she got me my dream ork army. Our son who is due on July shall join our ranks. Some sacrifices need tae be greater than your own essence (Soul~Sol) tae save the innocence of those beautiful shitskins.
>t. Picture of Attempt at Deathguard Smoke bombs under Knight thing as wife me lovely misses is sacrificing her troops tae me tae make my own Nurgle army... which I have wanted since a bairn
>CAPTCHA: AM2P canny m8 me Willie's fell aff troops heavy pish show it is...
And here I thought I was trying something original, my breachers look exactly the same as those. Maybe they are mine :^)

It's cool anon as long as the game is quality, banter flows like honey and milk, yersel and the bhoyz are avin a laugh, live love and WAAAAGGGGHHHH. Please explain this but I don't play guard have some Krieg for their gas masks tae make some pretty cool Penal Colon Medics
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>Deathskullz Goblins, Gretchins and Snotlings
Watch yur tongue, git. Blue Orkz iz best Orkz, any zoggin' day uv da week.
Spooky. If so then we need to get a game in again soon. I had too much fun during our last bout.
NTA but sometimes I do post other peoples armies as my own just to troll
You ever gotten caught by the guy you posted? Or are you smart and source your stolen army pics from elsewhere

Personally I would make the horse something from your own ancestors lineage or culture like for instance Celtic White Mares pulling chariots with naked Woad dripped Primitive Death World Stock ripe for the pickings! Something Julie's Cesar; his granny cousins bhoys lad would have a stauner over!
Black Legion Market. They're my first recast purchase and so far from what I've looked at it seems pretty okay asides from the usual "flash here and there on a model" and some thinner bits needing to be warmed up to bend back in place. The only questionable thing was that the bodies on the Veteran Guardsmen sets I bought were premade, which wouldn't be an issue if not for the fact that one of the legs aren't properly flush with the coat so I had to fill in the gap with greenstuff.
>Please explain this
Ok so officers can issue orders to nearby units which give buffs like +1 BS/WS, +1 attack, extra movement, etc. Some officers can issue more than 1 order. I mistakenly gave 2 orders to some cadians to increase their hit chance and number of hits, so I was effectively rolling 3x the dice at a 4+ hit chance instead of 2x at 4+ OR 3x at 5+. So yeah oops.
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Yaz lucky m8 coz aza widdah pinched dat ere spinny hing but it's attached tae yer napper... shum dakka mukka! Eres me DeffSkullz Warbase table I am attempting for the first time once I am done will get a game and donate it too my local games store not GW a wee local business me finks! Oi! Oi! Nice choice but ma bhoy fuckem buy what yea want I have 13 Armies tae run ma own apocalypse match with me bairns and misses. Hail the Clan and enjoy life troops.
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Jump intercessors soonTM. Then it’s either my crusader squad or impulsor.
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my most recent stuff ( >>93157879 ) is all AoS so I'll just repost the land raider I finished a couple weeks ago. all my buddies are on the AoS hype train and I'm just tagging along cus I like playing with them.
I've been called ben a few times but none of those were with bens actual minis. I'm pretty autistic so I categorize the pictures by timezone. I only post late night minis during amerifat hours and vice versa

Outstanding work! Throw in some kroot for a giggle! Fink catpcha talking tae me bhoyZ
Lmao you built the sponsons the dumb way.
Ok. I'm more trying to figure out how to play armies like sisters rather than trying to play Sisters like Orks, thank you for the advice though. Are sisters a "finesse" army?
>have you finally settled on your favourite brand of paints
Yep. All the paint I use. GW, vallejo, scale75, AK interactive, Winsor and Newton, Monument. They are all my favourites.
Got my second rhino repainted. Dunno if I wanna repaint my defiler next or finally quit fucking around and finish the heldrake I've been procrastinating on for like 2 years.
LGS made me an AK guy. The paints get the job done. I still use AP washes, and I stumbled on a comic book painting style tutorial over on WIP that involved white primining a mini then blacklining it then glazing contrast like paints so I bought some Vallejo Xpress Colors.

Now I just need a good white rattlecan primer. Anybody got suggestions?
Based fellow retard
Does anyone have a scan or photo of the weapon and profile summary page from the 3rd ed Ork Codex?

The pdf I have of the dex is missing it so I don't know half the weapon's profiles. Much appreciated!
Ur GOAT for this
it appears the one in my collection is also missing it, may I suggest checking the old GW site in the way back machine, they used to have that type of thing online
Index Sisters were a bit of a punching bag, but points drops meant they got to bring a lot of models to chew through while they scored objectives. Oddly enough, this was thematically on point for Hallowed Martyrs. Codex Hallowed Martyrs still has all of its tricks, but now has a harder time bringing cheap units (points hikes and sending 2-model units to legends) and generating Miracle Dice in exchange for a little more killing power that probably still isn't enough to keep armies from setting up right at the edge of deployment against it.
Army of Faith is likely to be in a similar boat. There's a lot of neat things to be excited about and try out, buuuut it's an army of T3 1W infantry. Anything you leave exposed will get picked up, so when you commit them, it needs to be in a favorable trade. And remember, our army rule is cheating, a lot of fun, but takes a bit to really get comfortable where you spend your high rolls. I'm not going to say Sisters takes a galaxy brain to play, but with a lot of basic units being a little over-costed on codex drop, it's easy to have a bad time.
it's also a massive slab of ceramite. it's an extra layer of armor between you and the enemy
That's a lot of work to still be a secondary
if im going to be honest with you for a second, if you have cracked open a codex and read a page you are closer to the source material than 90% of the people who post here
not a bad shout- cheers
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Im losing motivation to paint my tyranids.
Other factions are a little more relatable because they have characters and slightly more complex or varying motivations or backgrounds.
Tyranids just feel kind of faceless. They don't feel like /mydudes/
they looks great, though, man
What is the appeal of primaris crunchwise? Especially before the "even basic units need a special rule" design of 10th most of their units sounded boring to me, with the main exceptions being the Phobos shit and chapter-exclusive units.
Seems a shame to squat Firstborn for such boring shit.
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>chooses a "faceless horde" faction
>complains that the horde is faceless
Really struggling to empathize with you, friend.
Post all those firstborn models you own
What's the deal with the GW double nerf? Point increases combined with making the unit abilities and/or combat effectiveness worse aswell. Is it just to make WAACfags and Meta chasers seeth?
I can't blame them. I doubt most people getting into the hobby think too hard about painting before choosing an army.
Hit the defiler next. My unpainted one is staring at me and I wish to live vicariously through you
so when will demons get furries again
From what ive heard daemons arent in a good spot due to GWs whole one system per unit rule.
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guard deserve new models almost less than eldar
which should be impossible but you fags really are pushing it
isnt there already a killteam krieg box? There are plenty of other third party stores that would make fine proxies as well.
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Too lazy to table it all to humor you.
Does the apothecary biologis have a 40mm base, or does it have one bigger?
this nigga owns wulfen lmao
nice army furfag
Blanks are individuals who lack a soul. Meaning, they don't have a presence in the warp.
Blanks have a grading scale like psykers do, with the least powerful making ordinary humans uncomfortable, and the most powerful emitting an anti-warp AoE.
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>10 battle sisters
>T3, 1W, 3+ 6++
>Notable weapons across the entire squad: power weapon, multi melta, meltagun

>7 Plague Marines
>T5, 2W, 3+
>Notable weapons: 3 Heavy Plague Weapons ( power fist that wounds terminators on 2s), 3 Bubotic Weapons (effective S6 power weapon), Plasma Gun, Anti-infantry 2+ Flamer
>Plague marines 125pts
Fuck forgot that bit
It's all about min-maxing for faggots who can't handle having choices within the squads.
No, because you're full of shit.
I felt as much, especially in this edition.
Shame, because they might be an aesthetic upgrade but they can't compete with custom wargear and rules like split fire and combat squads.
What is the appeal of firstborn crunchwise? Especially before the "even basic units need a special rule" design of 10th most of their units sounded boring to me, with the main exceptions being the named characters and chapter-exclusive units.
Doesn't seem like a shame to squat Firstborn for being such boring shit.
The models were already dogshit to begin with. I swear you guys are going to defend wulfen at this point.
Guys so we have a challenger yet against Aeldari for biggest Chad army? So far Aeldari remains the patricians choice.
>What is the appeal of firstborn
wasted money and time wasted for mediocre models.
yes anon the army that boasts the best battleline unit in the game has the best battleline unit in the game. this is known.
yeah those models were retarded.
I never particularly liked a lot of their design decisions. Phobos is too tacticool. Aggressors are horrendously ugly, overly-topheavy pieces of shit. Fuck the knee flanges. The helmet isn't nearly as interesting as the angry face of Mk VII.
And then there's the lore, which was by far the biggest detriment to the whole primaris thing when it was introduced. Of them being the chadmarines that are bigger, better, faster, stronger than old marines and had defeated the old gene flaws that plagued all the old chapters* and Cawl just had them locked in a closet for 10,000 years.
But not actually

Yawn. Poor quality b8
Sup retards, I'm pretty new to 40k, and by that I mean I literally just know the phases, have never played a full game, and know jack shit about the rules. I got a CSM Combat Patrol a year or two ago and am now getting around to building it. One question I have is, with the Chaos Icon, does it really matter which model you put it on? I wasn't able to get it on the Aspiring Champion because of the unique backpack, but it looks like a lot of people say that's the best thing to do. I would LIKE it to be on the Champion because I gave him a little plasma pistol and he'd theoretically be the model I'd want to survive longest, but just didn't have the room. Do you think the average casual player at an LGS would give a shit if I were to explain that he has the Chaos Icon even though it's on another model? Does it even matter which model it's on, or does the squad get the bonus regardless of whether or not that model's dead?
I shudder at the thought when Chaos Marines have to deal with Primaris shit.
>10 Storm Guardians
>T3 W1 4+ 4++
>2 power swords, 2 plasmas, 2 flamers
>7' movement (13' w/warlock)
>Massive penises
100 points
If the dude with the icon dies, the squad does lose the bonus, but currently there's no limitation to the loadout of the icon bearer. So if you want the dude with the icon to have the plasma pistol and fill the role of the sergeant, you totally can.
But they already are with their loadouts being stripped down and restricted to X number per 5 rather than just freeform as you want.
I think really the appeal of primaris and the tacticus armor is just having Space Marines that don't look retarded in posing. 25mm scale really was holding space marines back.
60-70% of primaris models look retarded and have fucking awful posing anyway.
I largely agree. If GW had just made them "truescale" and hadn't introduced then via the god-awful lore and just said "Guilliman is back and he's revising the codex, you now have new squad options and new better marine models, oh by the way here's some new armour styles" it would have gone over so much better.
But as we see time and again, GW can't write new lore for shit without causing a massive spergout of its grumpy grogs.
no different from old marines then.
Don't act like the primaris lore wasn't completely retarded.
No. That idiot thinks the HH sang guard are for 40k.
I'm not. Your reading comprehension is quite shit. I'm literally saying if they hadn't used the lore that they did and just gave truescale marines, the whole primaris thing would have been accepted better.
Not great.
But better.
You must be 18 or older to post on this tibetan basket weaving forum
Why are elves hated by most of the community?
they keep asking why they're hated
First you take one GW writer and one salesman. You put them in separate rooms and ask them to balance the unit. Then take the suggestions and implement both. If they nerf the wrong unit by accident you try again but keep the first result anyway.
Battle Sisters are over priced currently, they are basically paying a huge premium for the multi melta option. If BSS could only take bolters, storm bolters, flamers and heavy flamers they'd probably be 80 points or less.
What's the most polite way of telling a player to fuck off with his waacfag list?
"Sorry I'm not looking for a serious game today"
I will always hate blood angels more before I come to hate a single xeno race.
"Sorry man, I'm not looking for a competitive match right now."
Just turn 360 degrees and walk away.
"What's the deep lore of your army? Want to see a matrixes of how all my sisters of battle are dating each other? Okay, so here's Asuka, she's obviously my cannoness because... best girl, am i right? hahaha. Wait, where are you going?..."
People latch onto Eldar because they're contrarians that don't want to support the human infighting but hate fun so they ignore the cool xenos races. And despite being near-constantly meta Eldarfags never stop whining about how the literal mascots of the setting get more models and lore.
Eldar aren't hated nearly as much as whine eldar players are and that hate just gets projected onto the faction that generally doesn't deserve it.
But often does because faggots like Robin Crudface main them and so they get utterly broken rules in every single edition.
id unironically sweep your army off the table and go play with the eldar dude
i'm 6'3"
Eldar have been fucking broken for 50% of the game's existence. Half their range looks like shit and their books make them look like cucks so i dont even know who this appeals to besides WAACfags
which army is that? DG?
>Let's see some cool shit
Fucken you first, buy a real army
Well congrats on having to make up a scenario in your head where you can always be victorious, meanwhile we never even played a game. Happy to live rent free; it's roomy in here <3
you won i guess? what now?
acolytes are the premier GSC unit but they are already scrungy enough as it is. Probably a Magus more inspired by their fake noble aesthetic, like the penguin from batman
I’m suing you for damages and then killing ur mum
So what is GW gonna do after another 20 years? Double-Primaris? Primaris marines so cool they got 2 dicks?
In 20 years we'll be back to skirmish games. The models will be twice as big but one Space Marine will be $60.
Age of Sugmar'd.
New player here. What faction has the most spammable anti-vehicle weapons?
The setting would be so much better if it got reset
Double primaris is less than 5 years away.

Spam DARKLANCES. Theyre like antimaterial rifles
>gets reset into a square base rank and flank game
>imperial guard are now real life imperial guard but with laser muskets
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>gets reset into a square base rank and flank game
Think GW already made that joke.
I use a bunch of brands
I end up buying Vallejo the most because it's what they have in the art store 5 mins away from my house though
So we'll be playing Kill Team with the JoyToy figures?
I am building a World Eaters army and I just finished my combat patrol (as well as some other units)
Am I likely to ever need more than 20 Bezerkers in an "average" list?
It really depends, it's an army with so few units that it's always going to spam heavily the better one. Right now eightbound are better but that might change.
I'd say 30 is a good spot. Even when they're good 3 full units is probably enough.
as it is you dont want to run more than a single ten man. You just want characters and spam as much 8bound as you feel comfortable with.
God, first born look so much cooler.
Even the bolter looks better
Vallejo out of pure convenience.
It's the cheapest around here and has the best stock, specially after the refresh.
Most of my paints are Vallejo with only the exception of a couple of metallics and contrasts from gw to do very specific things.
Nothing is stopping you from buying horus heresy models.
What should I take instead of tactical squads?
Are the intercessor variants worth it without weapon options
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Gonna start working on my chapel barracks today.
Except that I want the tactical squad options and that I love aquilla pattern armour in particular
Assault Ints are priced to move, 75 for 5 with reroll wounds will do annoying amounts of work
I never liked mark 7, almost always preferred mark 4
It isn't retarded at all.
People are still just retards and fags stuck in 2017 parroting retarded ideas.
Apply yourself better.
Ok nice and for the specialist squads my reaction is the plasma boys but people here keep memeing the missile squads
Are the flamers or meltas to niche for the average list
The Liefeldian monstrosities got nerfed too much to spam a while ago. The new nerfed cheese unit is the Gladiator tanks.
the metlas guys are decent, and snipers are okay.
Secundus Space Marines
Identical to primaris marines but cant ride primaris vehicles because they're all a foot taller for no reason, so you need to buy all their new shit all over again.
Is a Fabius made primaris CSM range refresh on the way?
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they're writing the lore for it as we speak
They're 2 kool 4 skool
Sticky objectives tax
>another slopdition of AoS about to be released
>everything is still out of stock all the time
What the FUCK are GW doing?
Releasing the greatest wargame of all time it seems.
Take the shooty detachment first, it's much simpler, put all your shit in transports, drive forward and unload. There's a shooting order management with castigators, immolators and the rest.

The double dice detachment is mainly the deep strike+charge because double dice allows you to bank 9s on charges.
fabius already tried to ask cawl nicely for the primaris, and cawl told him to sit and spin
Do unit abilities that modify shooting work while inside a transport with firing deck? Like bonus AP or +1 to hit when shooting the closest thing or full rerolling against units on objectives.
Also does modifiers to the BS of the vehicle affect the units shooting from inside? Something like DG aura or IG orders.
When using firing deck technically the transport model is doing the shooting using the weapon profile from the unit. So any modifiers on transport work.
The models and weapons you select count as being a weapon from the transport so everything that changes the transports weapons BS, AP or anything counts for those weapons to every rule from your models embarked in the transport or auras that would work on infantry gets ignored.
DG get sticky dummy
DG get stinky objectives instead
>stinky objectives
Works like sticky objectives but the fluff behind it is that since DG smell like ass, literally, it makes the other units not to go anywhere near them.
I haven't seen a Canadian online retailer stock an immolator in six months
how is the double dice detachment going to get around having its 90 point 5w t3 3+ units picked up by overwatches?
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>read Immolator
>instantly hear BEHOLD THE IMMOLATOR
Those voice lines have broken me
So jog my memory, is Fulgrim puppeteered by demonic possession or drank chao-aid to become Fabio willingly these days?
I'll give it to the eldar, they get shat on in the lore so much I'll allow them to be a little bit busted on the table. Not too much of course.
This but also Haywire blasters
Eldar were absolute bullshit at the top of this edition and now they're just good. As far as I'm concerned Eldar don't get to have shit unless they're Deldar, in which case they get to have plastic in the next 10 years hopefully.
DEldar get to come out of the cuckshed once a decade and they had their fun last edition. Maybe GW will literally forget about them for a decade again and not even print a codex. That was fun last time.
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corsairs when?
>Eldar were absolute bullshit at the top of this edition
For you maybe
You can attach celestine or put vahl into reserves.
Never. Take your reboxed Ynnari and be happy.
How are these different from other currently existing space elf jetbikes?
Immolators stripping cover is so middling for the guns you're bringing to bear as sisters, rerolling wounds for melta was actually relevant.

You also can't do both dice on a charge so it doesn't make a huge difference
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More reboxed Ynnari when?
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like this, although since they now have a more firmly established aesthetic I can only imagine they'd be further modified
You got me; I made up months of win rates, anecdotes from players, point hikes and full blown rule changes. It was me Barry, I made up half a year of tournament standings, store prize pools just to put the brakes on your space elves, it was all me.
They just look the same as skyweavers and shining spears to me.
Like literally what's the difference between them except for the lances the shining spears hold?
They're their own flavor of jetbike. It's one step closer to a full corsair list. They have their own wargear etc
Marines are far worse for this kind of thing
What's stopping you from just using the existing models and just proxy/homebrew rules? I legitimately do not comprehend how these space elf on space bike differs from the other identical space elf on identical space bike
Just because there are a million primaris aspect warrior squads that all look the same, doesn't make doing that to all the other factions a good idea
I fully support merging all the stupid primaris marines into a single datasheet with weapon choices
Details matter. FW no longer sell the upgrade bits and 99% of recasters don't care to make them
Since they're not going to fucking do that, I say let them have the cool bikes.
But those are the same fucking bikes?! How are they different from the Skyweavers or whatever they're called?
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>Scourges only come with 1 of each special weapon
God that's lame. Guess I'll buy like 4 fucking kits
They are working on a new combo box and narrative event with Ynnari + Ultramarines vs EC + demons
>Guess I'll buy like 4 fucking kits
Just get the extras from a bits stores for like 1 buck each, retard
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But then I wouldn't have a squad for every occasion
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Was the roadmap ever updated?
New roadmap in july
Just wait for the codex to lock their loadout to what's in the box only.
Boxlocked loadouts are so fucking retarded
Even lamer story is that you’ve got no kabalites, which also come with all those weapons…
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Have you seen their current rules? They're using all of those weapons.
Granted I probably have more warriors than I'll ever run
I’m sure…
The arms are compatible with kabalites
I didn't say they were painted or assembled :^)
They come in like every bundle though, they're like intercessors.
Bizzarely popular though, some people just love being able to open the box and WYSIWYG on the sprue, no guesswork needed.
in the past a lot of folks would just google what the best option was and sift through all the replies saying X was a WAAC strat
It's fucking lame. Kitbashing and conversions is the most fun part of the hobby
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Make way, you fucking retards.
You can still do that.
If GW balancing was actually good and they didn't fuck people over every edition maybe they'd be more accepting of the crazy customization
And i still do.
It's just lame that your stuff can magically become illegal because 'you build it wrong' despite it being fine to use for fucking years
you can still do that, I don't think the majority of people enjoyed buying a box and then being told they had to buy another box or convert.
Are we larping about the idea that all weapon options can be viable and balanced again? I don't like these reruns
Literally exists because of GW's shitty crunch.
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Prove it you retard
Some people will argue that the game shouldn't be balanced at all and just have players rule 0 / gentlemen's agreement. But that sort of thing requires both players to know what would be OP and then balance the game themselves
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>GK had a bipedal daemon hunting war machine with guns and force weapons
>but walkers sucked ass compared to monstrous creatures
>suddenly GK get given their own monstrous creature to fight big daemons
It's not rocket science.
Is this old enough to have become cool yet?
No. Pumbagors never became cool, just because they were old. Same way everything ork&goblin from WFB is trash, everything elf is trash. Everything eldar is trash too. Cool things are cool, because they are cool. GW has even reached such levels of insanity that they can somehow make multiple dwarven factions and they are all different levels of lame. If it wasn't for Dark Angles in both HH and w40k, there wouldn't be much cool stuff left among stuff GW produces.
I don't know why the players would be capable of it either
Kabalites can carry Heat Lances and Haywire Blasters now?
Ummmm no sorry anon??? Old good new bad, sorry sweaty, but that's just the Tea
Don't try to spin this shit to seem like GW is doing a good deed here. All they've done is try to kill the bits market because they don't profit from it.
Finally the Sisters dex. Thanks anon!
I dont really care about the bits market, the demand for the bits was artificially inflated by the old options system anyways.
And now they've deliberately made their kits worse and more wasteful, made the rules worse with arbitrary restrictions that just annoy people and still haven't solved the issue of needing to buy multiple kits for some units. What an accomplishment.
The no kits ever had multiples of a special weapon, newfag.
thats fair, the big mek is 86 fucking dollars here and the LGS only offers 10% off so ill probably order it online at some point. im gonna go for the meme play and stick him with a group of nobz, i dont expect it to work though, just for FUN. the traktor gun could work with a squad of lootas, reroll hits against a unit on an objective

ive gone through most of the popular brands now and honestly its all over the place. pro acryl is the only one ive found to be fairly consistent. vallejo is all over the place, scale 75 is weird outside of their metallics, TTC is just citadel in dropper bottles etc

interested to try the fanatic range, only have a few of the new ones and they have been decent so far

what is a real army, anon?

seems to be quite common now, i mean im about as far away from spain as you can get and the majority of paints the LGS has here are vallejo, like one side of an entire isle dedicated to it. they have had to move the older stands somewhere else as they had no room for them. i quite like their xpress range, but have really hated their metallic range outside of the metal colour series

do you still have that tutorial, anon? i wouldnt mind reading it, sounds interesting. ive only seen a video of someone painting an ork kommando in that style and they went heavy into the black inks, think they used daley rowney or something
yeah wtf when are we going to get a box of nobz that come with 5 power klaws? feels wrong using a kill saw and that power stabba thingy as a proxy for klaws
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Are they stuck in the shadow realm?
>20 years
You must be a pro, post some models.
If we're lucky the HH team will move onto The Scouring after they've completely strip-mined the Heresy setting. It would pretty much be a refresh of almost the entire Firstborn range but with a slightly different label on the box, which would be kino.
What, the individual release you mean? Give it a month. It took the Scorpions and Scouts something like 3 months after the box set came out to get their individual releases.
Haha yeah, anyone who's been painting minis for 20 years must be really good at it by now haha.
Yeah I want to pick up some mandrakes
What, you don't like that they rolled all the bolt and heavy bolt rifle variants into one stat, making the 30+ bits in the kits obsolete decorations?
Right fellas what units would you add to your army to flesh them out more? My suggestions:

Thousand sons:
Prosperine Spire guard - fills the role of traitor guard/cultist unit but with better shooting and OC

Warpfire havocs - thousand son marines with big warp fire launchers for anti vehicle

World Eaters
Red butcher terminators - melee only terminators similar to deathshroud

Teeth of khorne - world eater havocs with high damage weapons but all counted as hazardous

Berzerkers mounted on juggernauts


Ironkin automata - shooty robots/melee robots

Hearthkyn walker - walker tank


Cult snipers

Cult engineers - carry big guns: repair vehicles

Terrax personal drills - single man drills that burrow under enemy
>im gonna go for the meme play and stick him with a group of nobz, i dont expect it to work though, just for FUN
What're you gonna run the nobs with?
Honestly I just liked the thought of an ork mek with an exosuit. Feels very orky.
Unfortunately I'll probably just shelf him for a while. He doesn't seem like he has a use that's not already filled by the SAG better for cheaper. Also, I really want all meks to be able to repair vehicles.
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man you should see the piles of plastic you have left over from these late WFB dual kits
Jump pack unit
Walker or dedicated gun platform that's not a transport. Hopefully with more hover pads, those are pretty cool.
>Ironkin automata - shooty robots/melee robots
This is a good idea honestly. Unit of robos with big fists or something
Another vehicle. Like a tank or another crab tank or something. It's criminal how few vehicles the dedicated vehicle builders have.
Primarishit bolters+1 never should have existed in the first place.
i'm going to assume it's just a lie
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Finish the chart
At least those bits served a purpose as alternative equipment. Now there's no difference whether your bolt rifle has a drum magazine with no scope, straight magazine with a big scope, or a gay magazine with a micro scope. You just know if they redid the intercessor kit, they wouldn't stick to one style, but put each style of magazine and scope in there and you'd have to mix them, just like how Cadians have 15 different style lasguns, rather than one.
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How are scouts now? I was thinking of getting a box to paint and wondering if they're playable too?
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How come I keep seeing people lusting after this creepy ass psycho? Not in this thread thankfully, but all over various Warhammer 40K sites?
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>I'm running 100% Firstborn units

My guy!

>aren't razorbacks kinda dead

Only if you play the shitty current edition. 3rd or 4th all the way!
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That's why you brought it up? Because you're obsessed with this character.
ive got a squad of nobz i was given second hand that all have big choppas on them so i was going to run him with that in a trukk. there is zero logic to this except on the odd occasion of being able to walk through certain terrain due to the shokk-boosta. also like you i think the model is great so its just an excuse to get another big mek (already have the SAG one)

>Also, I really want all meks to be able to repair vehicles
a bit ridiculous isnt it, when a mek becomes a big mek do they just stop fixing shit? also when are they going to change the blastajet so it has the mek keyword? a mek is flying it ffs
I'd love a Dark Eldar tank or walker. : (
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Made a mek from spare parts.
I think I need to rework the pose a little.
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Court of the archon should be one plastic kit like pic rel or something. Would be cool.
Guess you could do the same thing for beastmasters but I really don't care for those.
Some archon variants would be fun too. Like one with wings or something.
They're in basically every list
I brought it up because I just saw someone post about her elsewhere when I was reading a thread anon.
Honestly I'm fine with the practice. If you'd ever tried assembling harlequins you'd understand the pain and now you can build your intercessors to just look cool.
>i think the model is great so its just an excuse to get another big mek
Based. Meks are some of the best ork models.
cool story, ya fucking weirdo
Isn't that what Ravagers and Pain Engines are? Tank and Dreadnought equivalents?
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Yeah, but I mean like a proper tank. Surely they've got to have some kicking about somewhere in Commorogh
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is the Sisters combat patrol decent value?
That's good to hear. I'm a big fan of the sculpts in the new box. They also look really good as blood angels from the looks of things online.
when was all of the troops, fast attack, heavy support etc army restrictions removed from the game? i havent played a game since 5th ed
It's fine.
The other one is still legal as well.
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Yup. They should've all used hip fired heavy stubbers from the start.
>just like how Cadians have 15 different style lasguns, rather than one.
This is genuinely why I didn't bother with any of the IG refreshes, the entire point of the Guard is standard issue everything and being forced to mix lasgun types triggers my autism something fierce.
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I totally get stylistically not wanting them to have tanks, and I feel like their jets should fill that firepower role, but I feel like they need their own kind of knight or titan at this point
The value is always going to depend on if you want the units. The stuff in there is all playable though.
it looks alright, but yeah the pose seems a bit off.
i'm also just not privvy to orks that aren't hunched back
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>tfw my Deathwatch are all firstborn only
I hope they are alright after the rumored folding into the Inquisition book.
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They tried that and it was horrible.
Functionally the last mission pack of 9e. Properly in 10e
>uh our most iconic weapon sucks what do we do
>make a new variant and let the old ones rot
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>t. a coward who can't make his models look cool if they're not also strong
is it possible to field an entire sisters army with bald heads? im assuming theres only one bald head per box, id hate to imagine how much it would cost buying a heap of them separately
Hell yeah, I'd love a sick-fuck Knight.
That model is awesome though. For what it is. if only it wasn't a molten lump of FW resin
As long as the cost is less than the units individually it's "worth it". Sacresants are garbo at the moment but if you have any interest in sisters you're going to want some anyway just because they're cool.
wow not too long ago then
That might be it really ot was the only body I had left over from the 3d printed stuff i recently built.
If only I had a single pair of legs.
but thats why I want them to have a "proper" tank, those sailboat things are ass.
People print this stuff nowadays.
Just get some brood brother heads. They look the same.
if you search "ork lootas" on cults you should find some scans of ork boy legs and bodies. for some reason they're still up last i checked.
It's make sense for something like veterans, penal legions, etc. Units that scavenge their equipment or get handed what's left in the armouries. Standard line units should all have similar guns just for logistical reasons.
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...buy them from a 3rd party seller or print them anon. Heads are cheap to buy. Heres some I've used in the past:
What like a Grav tank? Eldar don't really do ground vehicles.
>tfw no deldar spider tank
Shame as the venomcrawler feels like it would fit right in

3d printing
They wont match the rest of the army though, GW sisters don't have feminine features.
That's a big dumb vehicle. The artist clearly just wanted to draw a pussy shaped hovercar.
there's plenty of qt heads, which isn;t that weird considering just how many heads they give you. Even a broken clock and all that
Yeah, like the CWE Scorpion for example. Its plenty fast (and an absolute cunt in Epic with its pop-up attacks), I don't see why Dark Eldar are so against having some fast heavy support, they cant hit-and-run every single time surely?
>there's plenty of qt heads
There really aren't. There's not zero, but not "plenty" either.
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I'd be happy to see some examples of GW "cutie" sisters heads, because I haven't found any.
It doesn’t rip off Battlestar Galactica enough.
If they extended that outer sheath rearwards on the top down view it would be very apt for Dark Eldar.
Dark Eldar genuinely do not engage in pitched battles, they only come out into realspace to do some raiding for fun and then fuck off again. Craftworld Eldar exist in the real world and have to be able to fight massive wars to defend themselves, which is why they have a bunch of actual tanks and super-heavy vehicles despite mostly trying to avoid pitched battles wherever possible as well.
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>Dark Eldar genuinely do not engage in pitched battles, they only come out into realspace to do some raiding for fun and then fuck off again.
Yeah, they don't WANT to, but surely sometimes they simply HAVE to engage in a pitched fight that they don't want to be in? Would it therefore not make sense to have some heavy support to back them up in these situations? What if the Imperium has surrounded the webway portal they used to enter real-space and they have to fight through a wall of meat to get out?

Its all well and good saying that they don't do it, but sometimes we all have to do things that we don't want to do.
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Here you go.
Arent Sisters of battle supposed to be women?
Why does Games Workshop always paint them without eyebrows? what sort of complete psychopath shaves their eyebrows off?
Sacresants are probably playable now. 15ppm for 3+/4++ -1 to wound and decent melee now that they're up to 3A each is not bad.
They actually don't because all of their territory is in a pocket dimension labyrinth that no one can get any significant forces into and they can teleport in and out of it essentially whenever and wherever they want.
They never have any skin in the game, essentially.
Banda should have bought GE long ago
Sacresancts are good for canoness/palatine delivery into melee.
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What about that time Khaine's Gate opened and they had to fight off endless daemon armies on their home turf
Would that qualify as a justification to own more firepower?
They even have a kabal dedication to making the coolest vehicles, that wouldn't extend to anything beyond sailboats?
If the webway is so safe why don't the Craftworld Eldar go live there?
Sometimes they make really BIG sailboats
>Could shoot daemons with D-Cannons and reality tearing weaponry from afar mounted on tanks.
>Prefer to engage in close combat with fucking literal daemons who love to gobble Eldar souls.
Man Dark Eldar are straight up retarded.
That thing looks like 5 lads with boltguns letting rip could take it out.
They're women+ with bonus holes.
That's how they flex. You can't actually hit it.
>Gives it rigging
>Doesn't give it rigging that would actually be of any use on lanteen sails.
My autism is very triggered right now.
Maybe the sail, but the sails are purely decorative and serve not function besides flying your clan colors for all to see.
>If the webway is so safe why don't the Craftworld Eldar go live there?
The Webway isn't safe, not any more.
Besides basic cultists is there anything left in CSM that's not just worse Space Marine but more expensive?
It's not safe BECAUSE Dark Eldar live there.
Also psychics can accidentally call demons to themselves from the warp if they're not careful there.
>do you still have that tutorial, anon?
Right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYpo0kzlWcM
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They don't really have tanks but they do have the best aircraft in the entire game and Dark Eldar are all about air superiority.
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Flexing on marines with style costs points, laddy
Do you guys think the two back dudes here would work alright as Chaos Spawn if they went on 50mm? They're normally 40mm.
Incredible, thanks
Their arms already overlap their bases like crazy so I'm gonna say yes. Just built them. Awesome models. Front one also has a sword and second crab arm option btw
They're quite a bit smaller than spawn, I'm using them as accursed cultists and they fit size wise there
ty anon
Damn, that's a nice looking army anon! Always wanted a Deathwatch unit or two but never got around to it since I don't play Space Marines.
>all firstborn only
Can't fool me with that Donte, anon
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Hydra squadron goes BRRRRTTTT
This is only one step above spray tide, but I do appreciate the effort to at least field an army with paint on everything. They're looking good so far.
Hope your new codex treats you favorably.
Hilariously Tau air shits all over them in Epic.
>Using the hydra to target the stealth bomber instead of the flying transports
You already fucked up
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Is not painting the windows really that hard? Never see transparent ones
Gotta be a million tutorials on that shit
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Yeah, but how does Tau fare in space combat?
It usually means its 3D printed and they're hiding the fact that the window is opaque resin.
Honestly never played a game with or against Tau in BFG, no-one I know keeps a fleet of them!
Better than your non-existant-tide army anyway.
I'll keep them in mind at least. Had been looking for something minotaur-like but figured the normal Minotaurs and Ogroids were a bit too 'clean' to be Spawns.
Anyone here have trouble with brush bristles just falling out over time? I treat my brushes quite well with how I load them but every brush i get seems to eventually thin out to the point where it doesnt hold a good amount of paint anymore, and is very flimsy which makes it annoying to paint with.
here's steps i always try to follow, is there anything i'm missing? This has been with multiple brushes, both synthetic and sable hair.
>Always load brush only to around halfway up the bristles at max
>Constantly twirling the brush to keep the tip
>Store brushes upside down so that water doesn't flow down into the covered bristle
>try to make sure i don't keep paint in the brush for too long, meaning i'll wash my brush after a few minutes of painting the same color, even if i still need to paint that same color
>If a brush splits (happens a lot, too), i'll use the master's brush cleaner to try and reform the tip which seems to work but it usually goes back to splitting after a few uses.
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...if that gun is firing, what is keeping the vacuum of space outside the ship?
A scifi forcefield.
I have never fielded an unpainted model.
Can you say the same?
It might be cheapo brushes and/or cleaning too vigorously. Dunno I have the same problems.
Lots of Sisters points are skewed compared to their Marine equivalents and it's not entirely justified.

Which is silly because Sisters still want to keep their Simulacrum on the objective. The way their rules work, it makes your opponent prioritize a charge into the unit instead of shooting them off the point. I guess that's fine enough, but a bit of a hard sell.
>Rose in Darkness follows up its prologue with a game of Capture the Flag
This book's already at minor amusement status. It's not really CTF though, since they didn't need to secure the flag, just reach it.

Advanced Pink Floyd reference.
>cleaning too vigorously
genuinely, that might be it. I tend to really shake those things around on the bottom of my cup, and on the most recent brush I had I i noticed that after I was done cleaning I'd squeeze the brush pretty tight to get water out. With the new one i'm trying to be more gentle.
Guess I didn't realize i already answered my own question. oops.
>I have never posted a painted model.
You want to avoid touching the bottom of the cup. Using the sides should be mostly safe since the cross sectional force isnt that big.
I use this thing for the upsidedown brush storage and the nibs on the bottom. I usually will rub my brush against the nibs but recently i'm trying not to hit the hard bottom, just using the nibs.
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fuck, forgot pic.
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Art getting drawn by prequels zoom zooms.
Why would I post my painted models here? You don't deserve them. They're mine.
>Art getting drawn by prequels zoom zooms.

Stop talking like a retard.
You can not talk like a retard.
Right anon?
All eldar units should use craftworld colors

All eldar vehicles should be symmetrical

Simple as
Neat fleshlight. Yeah good idea to go easy on it. I like the clear plastic so you can see when paint stops shaking off.
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Based on the model spoilers for upcoming releases, what factions do you think are getting a codex in the second half of this year?
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Void shields are supposed to keep atmosphere contained
how do you think the reaction would be if a8, d8 and a10 were all space skaven for 40k
You try too hard.
it's alright. I'll probably get a real paint handle for upsidedown storage and throw away the top part, because having that filled with brushes makes it annoying to take on and off to replace the water. it gives me an excuse to be lazy and never replace my water, ultimately ruining the effect of the clear plastic. I need to change my ways.
>newfag gives newfag opinions
Your opinions are meaningless because you’re a newfag
oh bite me, i'm not trying to start shit and soapbox about space skaven. i'm just asking how anons would think if it were.
The zoomer wont get the reference.
Use your words retard.
Thats not how void shields work at all, they dump the energy of an incoming attack into the immaterium.
Given that they also tend to drop and come back online during a fleet combat, using them to also keep the atmosphere inside the ship seems somewhat fatal for the crew, and I know that while Imperial captains are somewhat lacking in their care for their lower decks ratings, suffocating the entire crew because apparently making the ship vacuum secure was too much effort seems like it would drop combat effectiveness by a massive degree.
Read the lore for the game you're playing.
Atmosphere shielding is a thing mentioned quite often in 40k novels focusing on void warfare.
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Thanks. It started due to kill team requiring 6 marines. It just kept going and going.
I always forget about Dontay.
Yeah, I can't really be fucked with highlights. I might give them a little more once I get most things up to tabletop. Also from an army shot it's hard to see what they look like. They are a dark blue really.
Ah the windows. I bought my stormraven used off ebay, got it for 50 or 60. The previous owner had completely caked the glass in some sort of glue. So I did what I could.
I don't think that's a normal gun. I think that thing is firing boarding/drop pods. If all you're doing is throwing space marines down it, you don't have to have it in atmosphere because Marines can survive in vacuum even without helmets.

Yes it's retarded, but it's established canon... or in this case, cannon.
>t. newfag who just turned 30
Thousand Sons
I'm well aware you can hold a bubble of atmosphere inside a void shield, it would just be FUCKING INSANE to do so as the primary means of keeping the atmosphere inside a fucking space warship, instead of just not making a hull with giant gaping holes for the gun ports like its a 16th Century age of sail ship.
There is literally no need for those gun ports to be open to space. They can manage to make fully enclosed tank gun ports, they can do it for space warships as well.
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Which Craftworld colors would look good on Aspect Warriors? Harlequins? Dark Eldar?
Newfag expects 40k to make sense.
It is most definitely a macro cannon.
>t. 40+ year old still posting on 4chan.
5 sacresants + palatine with the weapon enhancement (the old st ellynor) comes out at 150 points and it's a unit that will punch rather hard for the cost
12 S5 AP-2 D1 attacks with sustained hits and lethal hits
3 S5 AP-2 D2 attacks with sustained hits
5 S5 AP-2 D3 attacks with lethal hits + 1 extra mortal wound for each successful wound. And if she is "unlucky" enough to have her plasma pistol overcharge, make those 6 S6 AP-2 D4 attacks instead. You can do a lot worse than that if you want to deliver a Palatine honestly.
> the newfag zoomer cries in pain as he strikes you
Imperial Guard, World Eaters, Thousand Sons, Eldar, Knights/Chaos Knights
>I think that thing is firing boarding/drop pods.
NTA but boarding pods get launched from the torpedo tubes, at least both in BFG tabletop and the PC game, while assault boats get launched from hangar decks in both. I don't think I've ever seen Space Marines getting shot out of a gun.
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Tried it again with some legs I found in the leftover bits box.
Definitely vetter.
Ynnari look best.
Plus their colour scheme works on every single type of Eldar in existence.
Red, bone and black look awesome, so that helps.
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For example, here's some bits of the Fracture of Biel-Tan showing the Ynnari colour scheme.
It does look amazing but red and black is cheating
>red and black is cheating
Retarded opinion, but ok.
The cannon being there is for rule of cool. The hull is still physically sealed for most of the crew and atmos. They shielded areas are mostly for landing bay purposes. When losing shields a few hundred menials being dragged off into void is the least of your problems.
definitely, he also has a good hunchback now. good shit anon
I got nothing. All I can say then is that there's no reason Marines and the Techpriests couldn't be out there even without minimal shielding, but god knows why the fuck they're all huddling around a single swivel gun macro cannon.
Terrible idea, Ynnari are going to get squatted.
I painted my dark eldar like that ten years ago. It looks good with the bone coloured cloth.
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>Ynnari are going to get squatted
Oh the irony. It's everything BUT the Ynnari that are getting squatted.
no, even if i'll have to go full munich, i'll make sure that guilliman x yvrane is cannon
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I'd lick her toes
Eldar matriarchy
>It started due to kill team requiring 6 marines. It just kept going and going.
Same for my Deathwatch.
Didn't they just make her confirmed Lez in the most recent book?
she is built for BUC
punch him in the face, that's an awful fucking deal
source on this?
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Disney princess of the 40k universe
>Ynnari are going to get squatted
So GW axes their range (non existant except for 3 HQs)
And then brings them back redesigned and cooler?
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He said it in his post.
In what way is it awful
I literally said "some bits of the Fracture of Biel-Tan."

t. Tzeench foam cubes autist
but where are the image(s) from? fan creation?
man, battlefleet gothic armada 2 was such a good game
When they said she walked all the paths, they really meant all the paths...
>Random stream of simpleton gibberish.
Come back when you learn to speak proper English mate.

Gathering Storm Fracture of Biel-Tan pages 98 to 101.
ok thanks I was not here for 7th. Didn't know that was a thing.
Im new to warhammer and have played about 4 games of 10th now using various loaner armies, I'm interested in playing kroot but don't know anything about list building. I want to put together a 1k & 2k list to mess around with on tabletop sim before I commit but I'm mostly just adding stuff that sounds cool in battlescribe. Any advice or resources I should look at to point me in the right direction?
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I like how people always go on about Yvraine and the Visarch but this gal is completely forgotten
>$500 for 500pts
that's 1 dollar per 1 point, which is an outrageous price for any fucking army.
that's almost the exact reason admech cried for months that their army was the most expensive in the game, because the only good 2000pt list was around $2000 to buy.
to put it in perspective, the new combat patrols, which most people will argue are extremely expensive compared to their predecessors, are on average $160 for ~300-400pts.
It's okay tourist, maybe you'll fit in some day
why does Yvraine look like slaanesh? is it just slaanesh with new paint job that tries to fuck over eldar?
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5500pts. Wasnt a typo bud
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It's the anti slaanesh to kill slaanesh.
Trust the plan.
Ben, you don’t have friends and you don’t have 500 to spend on anything.
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oh fuck i'm the retarded one
my bad. that's a great deal
Why are her eyes giving off blue oily smoke?
but it has one titty and horns just like keeper of secrets and demonettes
Forget Battlescribe, use the newrecruit.eu website.
Check the limitations like 1 mandated warlord, 3 max units per datasheet except batteline/transports
And finally you need to have some variety for your units like as antitank, antihorde and objective holders.
Well, playing just Kroot might be fine at 1k points but it isn't really going to work too well at 2k. You'll need to ally in some fire support from other Tau units. Particularly stuff to help you crack enemy tanks.
papa smurf's cum
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It's the Eldar mirror of Slaanesh who is a she to the knife ears
Ynnead is a colossal coping mechanism invented by the Eldar to try and hide from the fact that Slaanesh is their Death God, and that the ultimate fate of all Eldar is to become one with Slaanesh similar to how the Ynnari believe they will become one with Ynnead.
Alternatively, Slaanesh has impacted the Eldar race on a mass subconcious level to the degree that all Eldar consider Him when thinking about death, thereby causing the Eldar Death God to resemble Slaanesh.
Actual answer is that GW was lazy about it and now that the Ynnari are basically dead there will never be any kind of confirmation one way or the kther.
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>Im new to warhammer
>I'm interested in playing kroot

How the hell did that happen?
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Lol. Whatever you say newfag. I don't think anyone wants to fit in with a tard like you.
Also let's just ignore the fact I'm playing 3rd and 4th (the best editions) at least once or twice a week with my mates I guess?
Fuck off back to your nu-40k shite.

It's fantastic. Easily one of, if not the best, Eldar focused product GW ever released. Give it a read!

It is the embodiment of the concept of death as the Eldar understand it. The Eldar have spend the last 10000 years afraid of Death because of eternal torment at the hands of Slaanesh.
There's some syncretism. Just like Khaine resembling Khorne or Cegorach resembling Tzeench
It really depends on what you're going for. You seem like you want the usual combined arms approach, which means you want some shooting, some melee, some vehicles, etcetera. Usually you want your units to fill one of two roles. They're either utility units that get in early to claim objectives or score you points with actions or they're killy units who are there to bait out the opponent's killy units and kill them. Of course, depending on the unit it might be good at killing one thing and not another.
What army do you play? Might be easier to help you with actual examples.
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that's why during plague wars after burning nurgle's garden, emps should have feed isha and make her his bride, so we could have imperial eldars
It checks out, he doesn't know any better.

I kid. Kroot are kind of okay and cool, but they still feel like they run into a massive synergy problem. You run them as cheap garbage in Tau proper or run them as the core of the Kroot detachment and still have to shell out for hovertanks or broadsides or something.

It has been 0 days since I last bitched about the alien coalition faction not being able to field a satisfying alien coalition.
>Raging meltie from the tourist that doesn't know about the tzeench cubes
How big is her cock
GW will never reference Isha as an actual woman again because that would entail the implications of rape and abuse delivered to her by Nurgle.
When Russ gets a book next edition it'll talk about how he found her as a giant Tree Of Life that spoke to him mentally and gave him a power boost to beat Daemon Fulgrim.
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>in the grim dark dark grimness of the dark grim future, there is no abuse of womyn
I know than only eldar call Slaanesh as "she", but Ynnead mentoed as god and Slaanesh's twin brother, not goddes.
Also, pic is hot
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>Oh yeah the Imperium actually had hyper-advanced CoDStarcraftTitanfall Marines in storage since the end of the Heresy and they're even bigger and even stronger than the chuds they've been fielding for the past 10,000+ years!
>Why didn't they throw them at The Beast or any other major post-Heresy threat? Shut the fuck up and rebuy your army cuck!
>entail the implications of rape and abuse delivered to her by Nurgle.
and how is this wrong? nurgle is member of mega hiper satans, and it would solidify that chaos is evil.
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Not anymore anyways
Correct. Also by making her immobile it'll allow them to bury the plotline and ignore her forever afterwards. Hell they could even just have Nurgle kill her with a plague afterwards. Maybe he turns her into mulch and fertilizer to regrow the burned area of his garden with.
People can like primaris designs all they want. I might disagree but whatever. But how anyone can deny that the fluff is completely retarded is just beyond me.
If you're new you shouldn't collect army that depends on some very specific build that gw can change overnight in a balance patch.

Personally I use this site for sttatistics on what people play competitively
And if something isn't there it means it's just weak.
Fully believe GW is going to do this in the near future
>Leman Russ all but confirmed to be the next Primarch to return
>His last words before vanishing were "At the end I will be there. For the final battle. For the Wolftime."
>Wolftime is basically the Fenrisian equivalent of Norse Ragnarok
>TLDR: Huge final battle, the world is burned, submerged, and rises anew
no. eldars and imperium need to become one faction.
a new thread
40k already had it's End Times, retard. That's what Gathering Storm was.
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40k was on the knife's edge of the 13th black crusade for like 20 years before GW finally blew up Cadia
Spamming/Flooding it is, microdick.
Success breeds jealousy.
>For the wolf time
God space wolves are fucking stupid.
Guy has been running rampant for over a year. I'm sure this report will do it.
thanks for the heads up, I'll check out newrecruit

also I should have clarified, I'm well aware I need to take some bigger tau mechs to do anything, I do plan on having some broadsides and stuff backing up the kroot, I'm just not good at evaluating points costs for specific things yet so I'm kinda just throwing in whatever.

theyre cool, and the theme of carnivorous aliens backed up by gundams is cool, and this is a game about looking cool

>what army do you play
None right now, I've tried a friend's death guard, csm, necrons, and tyranids. Nobody I know has kroot so I want to try them out on TTSim because they look cool

I dont really care about tournament stats desu, I don't view 40k as being a very competitive game. I play kill team for sweating. I do want an army that wont be completely useless (so I want to learn how to build competent lists) but I'm only going to be playing them in casual games with friends
I mean, they still have pre-fall superweapons that they can't use because lmao no psychics allowed, and vect has his hidden army of juiced up wraithknights, but when you can shoot anti-matter and black holes from hand held and vehicle mounted weapons, dp you really need big fuckoff tanks?
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any lexicanum people have an account and feel like these would work, feel free to upload

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