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Inclusivity edition

Previous thread:>>93146705

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
https://pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8 (embed)
https://pastebin.com/8riDmnhS (embed)
https://pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLp (embed)
>Fluff(visions and BL)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements

『Adeptus Titanicus』
>Rules and supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Which mark of terminators should be your melee unit and are any of them any good at being shooty?
Who fucking cares I’m putting claws on my Catas and you can’t stop me
I'll stop you with my lighting claw tartaros
Nothing will ever be as kino looking as a Cataphractii with a single lightening claw and a combi weapon and you cant tell me other wise.
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How do people paint this effect? Is it as simple as just painting the armor two different colors and then going with lightning across the border between the colors? I'm a paintlet but it seems like it needs more than just that? I'm debating between learning how to wetblend or doing this to show my TSons changing from red to blue
>How do people paint this effect?
poorly, usually.
You and me right now in the thunderdome bucko
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I'd probably do it poorly too desu, IDK what to do, I told myself I'll practice wetblending tomorrow but I have the temper of a world eater red butcher and if something goes wrong I start channeling Khorne (ironic that Thousand Sons are my favorite legion)
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I can do glazing but wet blending continues to elude me.
Go full candy red, brother. It's even worse than wet blending.
>I can do glazing but wet blending continues to elude me
Everyone who's tried explaining glazing to me (by just saying "just layer it on") has confused me further
>Go full candy red, brother. It's even worse than wet blending.
It looks nice, I can't deny, but Thousand Sons blue is *literally* my favorite color, and I want to have my TSons look like they're transitioning from red to blue. Also I don't have a contrast paint that works wioth a metallic primer, I only have Baal Red and I already tried using it over lead belcher primer for a different project and it didn't come through, so even if I went all red they'd just look like BAngels which wouldn't satisfy me, no I want something cool... but I'm terrified of getting mad over fucking painting
I used gold as my base for the candy red, you could try that, but for a thick paint like contrast I would go with a brighter gold like retributor
Eh, I still would prefer to go with the red transitioning to blue, I just gotta figure out what would be the best (for me) process to do that, I wish I was good at painting
>I can do glazing but wet blending continues to elude me.
You live in a dry climate dont you.
Not really. I also consistently forget to use the paint retardant my pal gave me which would probably solve the problem.
NTA (I'm the anon who brought this up in the first place) but I bought some flow Vallejo Flow Improver since a friend told me it would help keep the paint wet for longer so I can wetblend easier
I've got golden additives retarder. It's been good the one or two times I've remembered I have it.
If Vallejo's Flow Improver doesn't work I'll use this, thanks anon
No, sorry, you'll have to get your own I don't feel like messing around with the post office.
I meant get my own
You should it's good stuff
I'm including a unit of Ranged vets in my death guard. Should I give them combi-volkites and chainswords or 8 alchem combi-flamers and 2 alchem heavy flamers.
I'd go combi-flamers and a few power weapons.
>and 2 alchem heavy flamers.
There's nothing heavy alchem gives you that regular alchem flamers don't. Going AP5->AP4 is very niche.
Isn't S5 important for the reroll vs marines?
Some of my JUSTaerin will have this loadout, I don't have the carson axes
1. Alchem was Shred in 1.0. It is Fleshbane now
2. Poison melee weapons re-roll wound if the weapon has higher Str than the target's Toughness. Doesn't apply on guns. Not to mention this isn't Poison 2+; it's Fleshbane.
Fleshbane wounds on 2+, strengh is not a factor.
Can anyone share Exemplary Battles in The Age of Darkness - Volume 1? Thanks so much!
>the carson axes
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What sort of markings did 30k era Navis Nobilite have (and where could one source them)? I'm thinking of giving a Navigator a little house bodyguard detachment and want, on top of pimping them out, give them markings indicating they're Navis Nobilite troops and different from the rest. Just some eyes (maybe take traitor eye emblems and give them round pupil instead of the slit)?
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Got any good recs for metal paints? Stuck between starting Iron Warriors or Iron Hands, but grateful for any suggestions or advice.
I dunno, since those are pretty simple schemes, I personally have never really gone wrong with just Leadbelcher base and Runefang Steel highlights and lots and lots of Nuln Oil.
But if you're dead set against GW paints, AK has always been good to me for metallics as well. Or if you want some unusual metallic colors, TurboDork paints were fun.
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>Want to play deathwing
>dont want to spam terminators because i dont like their playstyle
>been in 40k for so long i associate deathwing with terminator spam
>mfw I only have one 5 man squad in my list, because the bonus from deathwing goes better with despoilers
how do i stop feeling autistic about this, do i just bite the bullet and put more power sword terminators into my list?
I have no problem running deathwing with multiple squads of Sword armed Deathwing Companions, almost always run with jump packs and a jump pack libby. Cenobium terminators armed with swords and then 3 squads of 15 Assault space marines each with an apothecary, with my line troops being two 10 man Firewing tacticals in rhinos.
Been thinking of using despoilers for my troops and minimum two vet squads with powerswords
20 Despoilers with a storm eagle and two 10 despoilers with rhinos, and the veterans get their own rhino as well, but i am also considering drop pods for them
I am curious, are multiple companion squads that good? I try to make a more dirct approach with my list, with heavy weapon stuff delegated to FA/Elite choices (Sabres and Rapier lasers) while my infantry routs out enemy infantry
Dunno how good that idea of a list is but that is what I got as an idea looking at the unbroken vow rite
I am not sure about the definition of good you follow. I wanted a jump pack force. So 2 out of 3 of my HQs have jump packs. Jump pack companions seemed like a natural thing to do. I don't feel them being bad, as in being blow away in one turn or a melee unit being bad at melee.

But I do not play in tournaments, If "good" is insane IF stuff then having two units of companions, or even a melee DA army, is probably a "bad" idea to begin with.
Fair enough, I just was wondering what the experience with people's idea regarding deathwing lists is, I should probably not look into my list so much to it's viability or like how strong it is
but im too autistic to not to because i remember having played older editions of 40k ages back and getting my ass blasted away because my average unit cost was too high while their performance was lacking

Thank you for those inputs at least
Oh and addendum was that "Good" means "effective for it's point cost when weighed against other similar costy units and/or regarding fulfilling it's role on the battlefield"
Which is why I usually tend to be hesitant regarding assault squads because despite their speed they miss HotL and I feel like I need at least some rule to justify their usage, because tactical blobs holding key positions proved so effective to me in the past it was insane
Sadly that is how everything made by GW was, is and will be, till the last day GW exists.

I buy (1st), "convert" and "paint" my models because it is cheaper then theraphy and it helps me spend time alone. Not sure if my advice are worth much.
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I get you, I wanted DA for Interemptors because they look cool, as well as companions
Then i look at my line options and get lost in thinking so I try to find at least some opinions

It just changes your perspective on things when you have a friend who is very autistic about unit cost/value stuff and then does not understand why he is told that he is try harding
Even the units that are in his opinion "expensive" end up being on the better side of things
>Played with him 30k the first time
>he used to love 6-7th ed 40k drop pod spam
>planted 13 drop pods in front of my battle line
>played salamanders
>proceeds to generate 150 flamer wounds because he just threw every flamer he could into his list while having line troops still
I know it's an outlier experience but i played with him for ages and hes a good guy but damn hes autistic about list building
I used VMC Exhaust Manifold for my guys. Silver with a little brown to it.
yeah, you don't have to explain. I am an eastern euro Poland "Kurwa"-fag. I know the expiriance you describe all too well. My only real advice, which I think is good, is this. If it ain't fun don't do it. The hobby costs too much time and money, to waste it "trying" to have fun.

Maybe, if you are in to painting and looks, just get a single squad of each, with a transport and an officer. And then make them look great. Take months or years to finish a squad, but do it having fun. Then autism isn't a problem, it is a friend.

TM fellow autist.
If your buddy was using the Covenant of Fire RoW to get Line flamer squads/pyroclasts, he can't deploy any units via deep-strike, including with drop-pods.
Love it when a goodies box from chyna turns up
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Can an apothecary on jetbike join a squad of javelins since they're both calvary?
Hello anon - who do I need to offer an old fashioned to in order to figure out how to access the rules from the /folder links listed above?
>Leman Russ, if he was in Vampire Hunter D
Kill yourself redshirt
Alright, done - what's next?
What High Techno-Arcana should I use for this list and what Cybertheurgy should I give my Archmagos

Archmagos Prime, Paragon Blade, Archaeotech Pistol, Conversion Beamer, Cyber-Familiar, Cybertheurgy: ? - 215
Magos Dominus, Power Axe, Laspistol, Machinator Array, Cybertheurgy: Cybernetica - 100
Magos Dominus, Power Axe, Laspistol, Machinator Array, Cybertheurgy: Cybernetica - 100

6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Photon Thruster - 294
6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Photon Thruster - 294
6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Photon Thruster - 294
6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Multi-Melta - 294
6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Multi-Melta - 294

Thanatar-Calix, Graviton Ram, Solex Heavy-Las, Mauler Bolt Cannon, Paragon of Metal - 290
2x Thanatar-Cavas, 2x Plasma Mortar, 4x Shock Chargers, 2x Mauler Bolt Cannon - 470
6x Myrmidon Destructors, 6x Conversion Beamers, 6x Shock Chargers - 355
Given that none of the reactions work while in melee, and none allow you to charge, all shooting reactions should be performed as snapshots and all augury scanners allow you to do is make a leadership test to do so at full BS.
>and none allow you to charge
[laughs in SW, WE, and I think a few others]
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oh no The Crimson King is lots of fun ;A;
Where can I buy NU-beakie scaled 3d printed mk4 and mk2? I don't have a printer myself
Find an STL and ask someone at your local shop to print it for you. It's been my experience that most shops have at least one person willing to print for money. Last unit I got was 15 jump pack guys (minus the weapons that I already had) for $30, so even paying for someone else to print it still works out very favorably compared to the real plastic.
Most people who copy GW closely for their stls don't also sell the prints, and the people who do try and sell prints of those stls get shut down fast. Best to keep as much of it offline as possible so it doesn't get shut down.
A bunch of them are down. The anon telling you to kill yourself hasn't tested the links in a while.
why did the emperor jerk off a dog into a petri dish
Please don't
No, javelins and speeders have a special rule that strictly forbids any independent character or apothecary/techmarine or any other model from joining them.
Try to find LoggyK’s work for both, and then get em printed by someone at your store. His stuff even has premade lychee files to drop in and print, very handy
are there 3d print files for special weapons for solar auxilia?

e.g I wanna take companions with plasma guns or meltaguns
if marduk sedras takes knights cenobium as retinue, do the cenobium keep the bulky rule or not?
you can get colour chainge paints but how they work usually is to put glitter on the surface that changes colour in the light. Not sure if you could get a red to blue one though.
Like shit every time.
... why would they possibly not keep the Bulky rule?
No, they gain the super-heavy vehicle rule instead.
Give Ancient Rylanor a model, you cowards
Convert one yourself, you talentless loser
I don't know anyone with a printer, yikes.
Don't, do armour chipping instead like >>93161938
You can use the 30k nu-marine arms with melta gun and plasma gun with the plastic auxilia.
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Think he wants to do pic related, instead of AL. Then again, imagine 30k TS with their candy red paint just chipping away, revealing they were always 40k TS underneath.
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>you will not speak of the emperor that way! he may be an unreasonable dickhead, but he is your father and you will show him some respect!
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what >>93162532 said, although I don’t want to do chipping I want it to appear like magic
damn shame
>I want it to appear like magic
Can you add sparkly dust?
I’m a paintlet/hobbylet I’d need a guide to do that… but that’d be funny
Learn how to paint lightning effects (NL paint tutorials?), paint the marines in red and blue, and apply a funky colour lightning effect over the transition. Maybe purple (changing from red to blue, after all).
That’s a good idea! The purple I mean… I found an “Omegon’s Wrath Lightning Effect” tutorial but the guy used an airbrush which I don’t have nor have the space for a setup for one
>solar pattern cohorts
>may select auxilia veletaris tercios as troops choices
>all units selected as part of one may select an arvus lighter as a DT
>all units in a auxilia veletaris tercio gain the line unit sub type

battle for beta garmon says
>When selecting units for an Auxilia Veletaris Tercio (see Liber Imperium), one Solar Auxilia Hermes Veletaris Squadron unit can be included in place of one Solar Auxilia Veletaris Storm Section unit.

does this mean the sentinels will gain troops and line? and can also take an arvus lighter as a DT lol
If Sentinels don't actually have Bulky, yes.
>troops and line
I see no reason they wouldn't.
>arvus DT
They're Cavalry, so no.
Why didn't Horus just rush straight for Terra after the Dropsite Massacre when he had eight Legions on hand and the only Loyalist Legions that would have been able to do anything about it would have been the Fists and, maybe, the Space Wolves. Besides the obvious answer which is plot convenience of course.
surely cavalry gives it right?
what about transports having a "may only transport infantry" clause?
Oh true true
Yeah it'd need to be a special Arvus in order to do that. Thunderhawks and Mastodons can transport even Dreadnoughts but only because they have that Transport Bay special rule to do so.
Arvuses, so far, don't
they can still purchase it though right?
but iirc isnt there a rule where anything taking as a DT must have something embarked upon it at the start of the game?

this is all just a meme though, the main point was if the sentinels get troops and line
Yep, the DT has to be deployed with the unit embarked, and the unit has to be deployed embarked on the DT - buying a DT that can't transport its unit makes both illegal to deploy.
Line sentinels looks just fine though.
>Why didn't Horus just rush straight for Terra after the Dropsite Massacre
He did. But Istvaan is at the very edge of the galaxy. He picked that place to plan away from Imperial eyes, and so that the loyalists could be betrayed far from help and the traitors couldn't be surrounded.
Horus also ordered the Blood Angels even further away, to Cygnus (a plot device took them to Terra first)
He took advantage of the fact that WS were also far away (they used a plot device to get to Terra first)
Horus also sent Lorgar and Curze to stall the UM and DA respectively. The two biggest loyalists legions; none of them got to Terra in time.
Beta Garmon happened because it was a gateway to Terra.
gotta wait for an FAQ to see if the sentinels replace a normal storm section on a one to one basis (i.e you normally get 1-3 storm sections, does this become 1-3 sentinel units) or if the RAW is correct and that only one unit in an entire tercio may be replaced by sentinels
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Good answer anon, but now I have another question
How did the Lion get news of the Betrayal at Isstvan III in time to hand off siege weapons to Perturabo while the Iron Warriors were still presumed to be Loyalist but Guilliman hadn't even heard about Horus's betrayal until Calth which happened almost a year after the Dropsite Massacre. Both the Lion and Guilliman were off doing stuff in the Eastern Fringe iirc so there shouldn't have been that big of a communications gap.
Rate the list retardation

Legion: Death Guard
Rite of War: N/A
Primary Detachment - 3000
HQ - 915
Cataphractii Praetor, Paragon Blade, Combi-Bolter, Grenade Harness - 155
5x Cataphractii Command Squad, 5x Thunder Hammer, 4x Combi-Bolters, Legion Standard - 270
Land Raider Proteus, 2x Sponson Gravis Lascannon, Hull Twin Heavy Bolter - 220
Tartaros Consul, Warmonger, Thunder Hammer, Combi-Bolter - 135
Tartaros Consul, Warmonger, Thunder Hammer, Combi-Bolter - 135

Troops - 1455
10x Tartaros Terminators, 10x Power Fists, 10x Combi-Bolter - 375
10x Tartaros Terminators, 10x Power Fists, 10x Combi-Bolter - 375
20x Tacticals, 20x Bolters, Power Fist, Artificer Armor - 225
20x Tacticals, 20x Bolters, Power Fist, Artificer Armor - 225
10x Recons, 10x Nemesis Bolter, Nuncio Vox - 255

Heavy Support - 630
Sicaran Venator, Centerline Neutron Beam Laser, Pintle Heavy Bolter, 2x Sponson Lascannon - 210
Sicaran Venator, Centerline Neutron Beam Laser, Pintle Heavy Bolter, 2x Sponson Lascannon - 210
Sicaran Venator, Centerline Neutron Beam Laser, Pintle Heavy Bolter, 2x Sponson Lascannon - 210
>Rite of War: N/A
>Troops: Tartaros Terminators
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I honestly assumed those hands would be incompatible but desu with a little chopping they don’t look that bad actually
a) The Lion has higher clearance. That's why his legion keeps DAoT remnants and Guilliman's doesn't. This wasn't the first time he had seen a brother killed, after [REDACTED] in Rangda.
b) Perturabo told him, or otherwise had that classified info revealed to him
c) Black Library is retarded, their authors are hacks that don't talk to each other, and John French is a bald assed fistfag
Take your pick
its spammy
It's shit. Also illegal. Tartaros terminators can be made Troops with Pride of the Legion, but with that ROW you're only allowed 1 single Heavy Support.
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The Dropsite Massacre was the only reason Horus was able to get his Heresy off the ground, right? His opening gambit at Isstvan III was an unmitigated disaster, since it:
>often arbitrarily purged the participating legions of their most experienced soldiers
>ground down the traitor-aligned remainder in a costly ground war instead of just exterminating the survivors from orbit
>gave loyalists time to prepare and killed Horus’s element of surprise in the opening stages of the rebellion when Imperial forces were most confused.

Was there any path forward for the traitors if they hadn’t managed to immediately knockout 2.5 loyalist legions? It shouldn’t have worked, as Ferrus had both the orbital supremacy and cyclonic torpedoes to reduce Isstvan V to space dust before anyone else arrived. (the entire world wasn’t shielded) It’s not like it was a valuable planet that needed to be preserved. Was Horus just gambling the whole thing on Ferrus being such an angry easily-manipulated mong that he’d insist on a conventional engagement and spend the lives of countless X legion astartes out of mere pigheadedness? Is Ferrus the most retarded Primarch? At least Angron had brain damage as an excuse.
>Sicaran Venator
Enjoy vehicles with 4 HP and 12 armor on the side.
A single lucky las canon shot will fuck your day.
The loyalists probably had orders to apprehend Horus and his fellow traitors, rather than nuke them from orbit.
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The general excuse is that the Warp was tumultuous and this contributed to a general breakdown in communications and slow travel on the loyalists side
Even worse, unless one of the venators scores that lucky explodes result they won't be destroying many vehicles in return.
>The loyalists probably had orders to apprehend Horus and his fellow traitors, rather than nuke them from orbit.
Then he was retarded to follow his orders. As if astartes who had just butchered their loyalist comrades would ever surrender and it would be all bust impossible to take a Primarch alive. (Vulkan was only captured after resurrecting)
Yep, honestly Vehicles jsut suck this go around unless you are in AV 14 all around.
Plus i fucking HATE vehicle squadrons.
In-setting interstellar communication happens thanks to blind telepaths sending images and symbols to one another, any psychic power makes use of the warp wether the user is a psyker or a sorcerer and the warp happens to be one of the belligerents. The WBs worship it so they know more about it than the other legions and before their attack on the UMs they used that knowledge to make a warp storm that covered nearly half of the galaxy to disrupt travel and communication for loyalists but not for traitors. Read the black books they give a nice summary to a lot of the heresy.
Nah predator fuck ass. Tremendous amount of firepower for how cheap they are, and fast enough to hide behind terrain then dash around and obliterate whatever you need them to.
Most AV 14 all round vehicles are overcosted paperweights, impossible to hide and very easy to kill with the right tools. Land raiders are at least cheap enough to be somewhat expendable.
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It's clear GW is progressing 30k with campaign books, ascended primarchs, etc.

Do you guys hope for other campaign books for other civil conflicts? I know it won't happen but would love a Badab book or War of the False Primarch or something similar
Predators ill give are the exception because of how cheap they are to take.
>Land raiders are at least cheap enough to be somewhat expendable.
Yeah im running 2 of them for dark angels so they can at least soak hits from most anything taht is not S9 or more, and even str 9 has to work on it.
I kinda hope they dont do the badab war, not because i dont like it but because it would ruin the magic of it.
I never got to experience it, but I always heard about how great it was, same with the Armageddon campaign, but i dont want to try and recreate them, would just rob the experience, i would rather have something equally cool and passionate be done.
It's not like the books are gone. You can still play the Badab War if you want to.
Also worth noting HH1.0 and 7th ed campain/mission rules port super well to 2.0
even LR arent that great. spartans are overcosted. vehicles are just weak af this edition
Horus should've just nuked Angron instead of sending guys down to Istvaan III. Angron's my favourite but objectively if you were rebelling and wanted to purge your legions he's too retarded to be kept
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>It's not like the books are gone
They are. I took them.
Lukewarm take: the Siege Assault Vanguard is meh, as many of their benefits (namely vehicle squadrons) were quickly overwritten by 7th. And then came their formations. Though even later came the bad, codex-crept formations.
But the Tyrant's Legion? That was cool. I've always liked the idea of marines leading mortals around. The Overseer is fine but nothing like those combined squads with several marines and guardsmen
he keeps Angron because he believes he's one of the few who can kill Sanguinius, at least in BL which ended up doing nothing with Sanguinius who doesn't expose his armour or guilt trip him or anything because Dan Abnett can't remember more than three plotpoints and missed established lore points made in an original paragraph of text over three books with over 1000 pages.
The LR is fine, and the Spartan is okay too.
It may be +150 pts for its guns to become twin-linked, but it's also cheaper than buying two LRs.
Transport 20 termies costs 880 pts in LRs, but 700 in Spartans. Or 800 pts and they become AV15 in the direction that matters: the front.
>The LR is fine
they still just get bodied by off-meta lascannons. lascannons need to lose sunder
>and the Spartan is okay too.
needs to come with the flare shield or be at least 50 points cheaper, or lascannons need to lose sunder.
Vibrant coloured oil wash. Get some Abteilung 502 paints and some good quality (low impurity) mineral spirits. You’ll either need a lot of experimentation or a very strong foundation in colour theory to get the exact hue you want, but fine pigment oil paints are fucking magic.

You’d basically be painting the surface with the oil paint, and then using the mineral spirits to thin it out as it approaches where you want it to transition. It will require a lot of experimentation to get the technique down, but I think it’s a hell of a lot easier than trying to wet blend or glaze acrylics, and if you fuck up it’s very easy to wipe it off with some mineral spirits and start again (non-thinned oils can take days to dry). Leave ‘em for a few weeks and then hit it with a coat of metal bearing varnish so you get that clear coat effect and you should be golden.
>or lascannons need to lose sunder
Yeah p. much
Locality isn’t really a meaningful term in a lot of what’s described in warhammer. The ends of a branch on an old tree seem far apart until you consider them all to be the same organism.
>The ends of a branch on an old tree seem far apart until you consider them all to be the same organism.
Noo. They look close together until you realize that, in order to go from one branch to another, you have to go the whole branch down to the trunk, then up the other branch. Despite their ends being seemingly close to another
Thus two points seemingly close in realspace night actually be far away travel wise
how does this sound for allies?

>legate marshal (solar pattern cohorts)
>2 lifewards
>4x6 veletaris light sentinels
>thunderbolt aircraft
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Saw this in /40kg/, anyone know what kit it is from?
The gun? Clan Orlock Gang
the shitty looking 3rd party marine? anvil industries or something

the Marshal doesn't do anything once he's on the battlefield in an allied detachment, so for the cost of those Lifewards plus their/the Marshal's upgrades you could take another veletaris sentinel squadron
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>we need to go bvck
Awwwwww yeah im excited now. My china cast is coming in and im gonna get the stuff i need for a 2k DA game, then can make it up to 3k.

Got 2 MkIIb land raider upgrade kits to salvage some old land raiders of mine. Debating on ordering the Blood and Skulls track kits but like...ehhhh idk if i wanna spend another 80 bucks..
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QUICK /hhg/ while I'm really drunk and depressed about how little my money is actually worth tell me what I should buy.
AT Reaver
>for other campaign books for other civil conflicts
I don't want faggot conflict #43 where primarchs go toe to toe and the fate of the war rests on the result we've known for ten fucking years already I want campaign books about the useless endeavors off to the side where ten thousand marines and fifty titans and a dozen battleships were lost for no fucking reason other than spite and pride. Some namless mook motherfucker of a praetor died to massed infantry while a dozen consuls banded together to cut as deeply into the enemy as they could stole a warship and slammed it into the orbital defenses only to be killed by the reprisal boarding actions and none of it mattered because nobody remembered.
Siege of Cthonia was the fucking shit I want more stuff like that if we'll never get a proper black book again.
No I already have 7.
What's one more?
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>great at melee
>cruise control
>power steering
>good runner. Recent starter, battery
and alte~~~rf```~~~`~~~
buy someone other than you you love something that'll make them smile

doesn't have to be expensive, could just send them flowers or a cake

everybody loves cakewers

hell, have some cake for yourself, why not live a little
I'm at my limit for Titanicus right now. I have so much already and 3 more to paint.
I could smother someone with the cake I drag around on a daily basis and it's Dad's birthday in a week so I have incoming cake
What do I do with all the combat blades from the Mk. IV box? Just proxy them as chainswords? The only other idea I have is making some lances with brass rods
Eat them
bulk up the handles and have sheathed power swords
put them on vehicles as stowage
cut the blades off and use them as spikes for traitors
put them on recon marines' packs
put them on your regular mooks as basic cc weapons
make power lances
make charnabla glaives
make heavy weapon bayonets
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>All Astartes are fleet-based in 30k
So that's why I can't come up with domains and planets for them. It's an OnlyFleets thing
i need the marshal for the doctrines and I cant fit any more sentinels due to lack of slots
(unless its an atheon heavy sentinel)
redpill me on the kytan and brass scorpion
hey Mag, you reel the webway in yet?
no, I was saving that to calm myself, lest I get too giddy from stroking my BOOK
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Hits hard, a lot of times, can choose between not shooting to move faster or shooting 18 pinning shell shock(1) shots (but bs3 s6 ap4). Is WS6 i4 and you can hit him with the malefica cybertheurgy power to boost them by 1 (no test) or 2 (test required). Looks great and is backed by some fun fluff.
Slightly worse, sacrifices a bit of melee power for ranged. Packs a -1s demolisher, 9 shot pinning tail and a torrent 6 weapon instead of gatling. Last point same as above.

It comes down to personal preference in the end. Both are brutal in every sense of the word.
And the true challenge to human comprehension comes when you realize that both are equally true at the same time.
Stormbird. That was my answer last time I was there. Still haven’t started building it yet though; I want to finish up my marines before I start in on it.
only shame is that i play alpha legion, they wouldnt aesthetically fit
That's why I want War of the false Primarch or something similar
yeah, you need the marshal, but you still have two Troops and two Elites slots empty that you can take Veletaris in
What's that unit that you run even though it's not that great for your list because you like the look of it?
For me it's a tactical support squad with Volkite Calivers.
I think that specific event should never be dug into. It's funnier that way.
I can't believe it, the entire Heresy Mega's been nuked or it needs a refresh. HEres hoping its the later. In that case, does anyone have a pdf of the Legions Imperialis: The Devastation of Tallarn?
5 Deathshroud melta bombs and a warmonger deep striking to cause problems in the backlines. Idea is they can endure augury scanner interceptor with their 3w no instant Death and go after Heavy support squads, vulnerable
Troops, and Artillery. Worth the points?
IW in zm, what to take? hardmode: no dominators or iron circle
brass scorp is one of the greatest models ever sculpted
on the same tier as the original legion praetors
What you think looks coolest
So does the brass scorpion’s two hellcrusher claws confer +1 attack?
Do we think the melee weapons will be as generous as the special weapons? 10 of each?
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Warmonger done. This guy really came out how I wanted it to look.
The grey knight two-handers are such great bits.
What do you mean anon? There are no melee weapons.
Goes hard
Put them up your pee hole.
Was the roadmap a trick? A lie from the loyalists?
It's gonna be a dark day for humanity when the plastic power armoured GK kit is gonna be discontinued.

Your first point only seems like it's valid due to the books writing traitors as idiots and loyalists as brave and smart. There were plenty of experienced and competent Astartes on the traitor side, just most bolter porn aficionados are distressed by nuance.
Damn, that looks pretty sick anon.
I wonder if the heavy thunder hammer from the Deathwatch kit would fit well on a MK3 body...
the hammer-head looks kind weird for 30k. The standard mkIII thunderhammer from the kit (the proper kit) is really the best hammer in the range.
True, but good luck finding that kit.
I really need thunder hammers for making a Siege Breaker and my Warsmith too.
I have exactly 1 left. Then I'll be out of good hammers.
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>Do we think the melee weapons will be
AoS 4e is finally out so we should be back on track, right?
No we strill have 15 more weeks of AoS articles where they retread all the basic lore cuz no one cares about AoS and/or knows the """lore""" it has to it's name
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JFC i just looked that kit up, GW is fucking joking right?
31 dollars for
5 swords, 5 bolt pistols, 1 power axe, and 1 heavy chain sword, is this a fucking joke?
They seriously expect people to buy a fucking 84 USD kit, and then spend, another 60 bucks, on a 100 point troop choice unit.
GW actually expects people to pay 100 USD for 10 tact marines with swords and pistols for 100 points in their game...

Holy fucking shit.
You clearly don't understand the amount of people who are find with doing that.
you are aware that spartans were like $400 in hh1.0
Clearly i dont, jfc.
Yes im aware of that, but there is a big fucking difference from dropping a massive chunk of resin on the table like a spartan, and spending 100 bucks for 100 points worth of tac marines.
nice work anon
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Mail day! Got some Apothecaries I bought on ebay, and happily enough the original Legion symbol came off very easily so they're ready for a strip and repainting. What have you Anons gotten recently?
A headache
Indeed. The nu-marine arms are much smaller than previous editions so it looks alright to me. Besides they are gonna need those armoured gauntlets when the plasma gun misfires lol.
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Don't worry the central banks will inflate the currency further making it even more worthless, like a hidden tax.
Proxy them as bayonettes I guess
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No, give them a hug instead it's free.
Shrapnel bolt pistol Despoilers for lolz Pinning chance and Veterans with lighting claws and power axes.
Thought of the day
>Hope is the first step towards disappointment.
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It's an old meme but it checks out.
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How to not overspend on Assault Destroyers? I was thinking 2 power weapons, 2 sets of twin hand flamers and a thunder hammer on the sarge. Might take melta bombs too.

My list is DG btw. How do you run Destroyers? I know they are not the best unit, but they are so cool and fit the DG theme.
>DG Destroyers
20 alchem hand flamers or bust. Even a unit of Terminators will turn into a spicy slurry.
I guess it depends on the rest of your list. The bussier the enemy is, the more you can invest on Assault Destroyers:
If you have enough melee, your enemy might not have enough reactions to Withdraw and render their pistols useless, and won't be able to get their vehicles away from their meltabombs
If you have more threatening shooting, your enemy might want to save their reactions for that instead of your exposed Assault Destroyers that are probably in the open
If they are busy
I'm yet to use them myself. But the prospect of mobile double-chem flamers sounds promising
If you're playing Death Guard you must go with 20 alchem flamers on destroyers. You do not have a choice in the matter.
>20 alchem hand flamers
Nah that's a bit much. I'd say Destroyers make good use of alchem flamers because they carry 2 on a single marine, and the problem with flamers is that it gets increasingly difficult to use more than 5 flamer-equipped marines because, unlike other guns, you can't set a template over a teammate. But Destroyers get over that problem by giving two flamers to a single marine
The other issue is that flamer support squads have no bolter brothers to hide behind: every casualty is a dead flamer, which is relatively expensive.
And finally, flamer squads usually walk. But Assault Destroyers jump 12". Only bikers do otherwise, and DG don't really bike.
This isn't a matter about rules or in games viability. Neither is it up for discussion. Now, will you prove yourself a true son of Barbarus, or turn out to be one of the false Emperor's lapdogs?
Mortarion betrayed the Emperor and himself. He changed, I endured.
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Power claws are cool. But having a single lightning claw is indicative of being evil: Horus, Abaddon, Huron, The Emperor :^)
Anyone got a new mega for the HH books?
>Ugh, last night's corpse starch really isn't going down well, feels like I swallowed a phospex canister.
God I love those half-masks in the old Cataphractii art.
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>Hits hard, a lot of times, can choose between not shooting to move faster or shooting 18 pinning shell shock(1) shots (but bs3 s6 ap4). Is WS6 i4 and you can hit him with the malefica cybertheurgy power to boost them by 1 (no test) or 2 (test required). Looks great and is backed by some fun fluff.
>Slightly worse, sacrifices a bit of melee power for ranged. Packs a -1s demolisher, 9 shot pinning tail and a torrent 6 weapon instead of gatling. Last point same as above.
>It comes down to personal preference in the end. Both are brutal in every sense of the word.

I used it in battle... it's difficult to put down and does a lot of damage... even in close combat

Cuck-ass loyalists.
I still can't get over how dumb it is that they made these unusable in ZM. It's not like SAux are dominating the mode or anything, quite the opposite they need all the help they can get.
Don’t overestimate the cluelessness of dedicated GW fanboys.
Plenty a redditor has bought that kit without a second thought because it’s ”le heckin official GW!”
I was going to interject and note that it'd be nice to have physical books available again for less than ebay collectible-scalper prices, but then I remembered it's Current Year and we can't have nice things anymore, and I wouldn't just nuGW not to shit all over the original fluff(gotta cram those Stronk Diverse Kween characters in, can't have an all-Marine sausagefest these days). So yeah sometimes dead is better.
This is the reason why primaris kits are better priced.
>there is a big fucking difference from dropping a massive chunk of resin on the table like a spartan, and spending 100 bucks for 100 points worth of tac marines.
There really isn't. Go look at the price of resin despoilers on the armour marks that are not in plastic. Buying plastic tacticals and 2 of that stupidly overpriced melee weapons set is STILL cheaper than getting the resin ones from FW in HH1.0
>This is the reason why primaris kits are better priced.
What the fuck are you even smoking?
As bad as HH kits are the base squads are 84USD for 20 marines
Primaris are 65 for 10 on the basic troops and it just gets much worse from there. They have more detail parts in the sprues but they are not better priced at all
This. Needs to be fixed.
Don't forget that intercessors need upgrade kits to give the sarge all his weapon options. Other kits are limited to just what's in the box, so if you want your hellblaster sarge to have more than a plasma pistol, get fucked.
>There really isn't.
There is but not in a monetary value. There is a satisfaction to placing big ass hunks of resin that are a model on the table.
A 400 dollar block of resin that was the spartan, was hefty fucker, it felt a hell of a lot better to set on the table with a solid thud, then the equivalent of something like 65~ chain swords/bolt pistols this is.
You feel a lot more satisfied with 400 bucks worth of resin when its got meat and weight to it on the table, vs just little breaky bits.
>STILL cheaper than getting the resin ones from FW in HH1.0
I think its more about the fact that we are working with plastic kits that somehow now have resin upgrade parts to it for something that is a core unit in the game. Its just outlandish to say "Ay yo, you need to spend 100 bucks on a single 100 point troop choice" Thats like solar aux(Pre plastic) or death korps level of insanity to spend money on.
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30k's plastic infantry kits come with like double the amount of bodies compared to most 40k contemporaries though? For every 5x Jump Intercessors/Raptors and Indomitus/Chaos Terminators, you get 10x HH-era Assault Marines and Termies. Depending on where they're bought, you're not paying that much more if not even less. Alternate weapon sprues do offset this somewhat, but at least the plastic ones cover full squads with special or heavy weapons.
30k marines are very reasonably priced (by GW standards), I know eveyone likes to bitch about the 5 poses, but part of the reason is probably to do with how they minimised the number of different sprues involved. I imagine that their thinking was that including all of the different troop and armour types in a single release would result in them competing with each other for sales, thus the drip-feed. They want you to buy 40 MkVI tacticals, then another 20 MkIII a year later, then some assault marines a few months months after that, and so on and so forth. They'd rather you ended up with a hundred marines than a situation where you have all the troop types you need to build one army in the initial release, that way not only will you have spent more on them in the first place, but you also might be tempted to turn one of the later releases into a second army, or even a third. Frustrating, but it makes sense from a sales perspective.
>I know eveyone likes to bitch about the 5 poses, but part of the reason is probably to do with how they minimised the number of different sprues involved.
No this is kinda a moot point,
Poses and multi part does not make more sprues if you think about it, if they can cram 5 models onto a sprue does not matter if they are mono or multi pose.

Either way yes i will say HH minis are generally better priced.
DESU im thinking i might go out and buy like 4 boxes of the Mk4 and Mk3 old pose models so i can have them on hand.
Poses *can* make for more sprues total, if you're still doing it the current GW way where every model is divided in insane ways that only make sense for sprue density; add more poses and you're going to have to have a new unique sprue, which matters on the production side even if it doesn't matter for the customer. Set them up like the older heresy plastics (one sprue of a bunch of legs and backpacks, one sprue of a bunch of torsos and arms, spread shoulders, heads, and weapons across them) and you can incorporate more stuff on single repeated sprues. It's just not the way GW does their models any more, because it makes it easier to use third party bits if you don't have to cut your models up to do it. See also: the number of hands on the gun changing, so none of the bits boxes 30k players already had would work and you *had* to buy the new special/heavy weapons if you wanted to put them on new marines.
It's all down to the design decisions GW is making. Practical limitations are secondary to what management approves.
the problem is you can't just bolt every option onto the same two poses and have it look good. Having more poses would also give people a reason to buy different marks of armour. I await the mark II eagerly but I won't be able to keep from disappointment when they inevitably release the same poses again.
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Bring back the old ball and cup torso joint. There's now it doesn't matter if there's only 5 pairs of legs, you can twiste and pose the torsos as you wish to create more poses. Also allows you to mix, say, tactical and assault legs. If you want certain pieces to fit one another (so, say, the abdominal cabling on a MkVI matches the marines legs) then put a peg on the legs that only fits the correct torso, but legs anyone who wants to cut it off and go nuts. This would even benefit GW as it's allow them to sell legion upgrades and shit again! GW is so preoccupied with denying others the ability to make stuff that they're actively hurting the value of their own kits. So what if someone can make 3rd party conversion bits, those bits help to sell more GW kits. Everyone wins!
>Bring back the old ball and cup torso joint
This, fucking this, all of these.
There is literally over a decade of upgrades for these fuckers, fuck GW in trying to get me to rebuy everything, make me want to buy MORE not rebuy shit.
This is something china casters get, and why they do so well, Every time i order from china im buying like 200 bucks worth of shit because i get so much opportunity to make more cool things.
>loyalcuck death guard
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BMM made a Vostroyan conversion kit by casting just their heads, so you can stick them on other bodies. Recasters know.
But their bodies are the best part of them.
I'm with you, to be clear.
Heads let you make Vossie vehicle crews and such.
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Anyone have the campaign rules from beta garmon? Are they fun? If no pdf can I get a qrd on the mechanics?
The worst part is they still remember it exists. The age of sigmar slaanesh chaos warriors from a few years ago (after primaris had changed the marine format to legs and torso fused) have a torso ball and cup connection and as many interchangeable parts as old marines
That's an official kit that was released a long time ago.
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>Bring back the old ball and cup torso joint.
It's incredible how shit the quality of the new kits is compared to the mk7 tactical squad. You'd think they'd have this shit down at this point but apparently not...
What pisses me off is that they could have just made 2 molds with 1 having the torso/legs mirrored. Same with the accessory sprue. Takes no time to do and gives you twice the poses but that's way too much work I guess
>just make 2 molds
The molds are like the most expensive part and you'd also have to have twice the machines per kit sprooting out sprues, rather than having half the machines sprooting twice as many, allowing the second machine make something else.
>that's way too much work I guess
More like too much production time, y'all gotta remember the primary cost of sprue isn't in design but in manufacturing. They don't have enough machines or power for a business their size and the new factory doesn't open until 2026.
Meh, nobody plays campaigns and it's uninspired filler with an implied lack of playtesting. Campaigns can arbitrarily end after two games and there's a stratagem that lets a player unilaterally bring a primarch to a small pts game.
whats incredible is that the same company is supposedly working out producing a plastic warhound titan.
>That image
JFC, what a sad state, im going through my 4th ed rule book and even my planetary onslaught supplement from 7th ed and it gives WAY more detail then this crap.
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Before or after the thunderhawks?
this will never be funny and neither will you
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>wanted to make a Rogue Psyker escorted by some mutant beasts (Ogryns) in an Arvus
>2.0 Arvus can't transport Bulky models
>ok, I'll footslog them
>2.0 Ogryns cannot be joined by rogue psykers, even with Ogryn Conscripts provenance
Why do you hate me, GW?
this will never not be funny and neither will you
duncan sucks
If you were to houserule their Monstrous away, you should give them Relentless.
I would let you run them against me attached to the rogue pysker, just based on how underwhelming the whole militia list performs. Make sure to lovingly convert/paint them all up
>Picrel my own crappy rogue pysker sending chaotic encouragement and good vibes
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Eh, probably just gonna stick some Grenadiers into the Arvus, put the Psyker with some rabble and run the Beasts on their own. Maybe if traitor Force Commander could still be a psyker, I'd run the psykers as a Force Commander with Ogryn Conscripts, but no such luck. C'est la vie.
How could you
Solar aux got split torso and legs, fuark I'm so jealous
I know you guys have ICs with twin lightning claws and sniper rifles. How do they even wield those with their hands all occupied?
SA infantry are still very samey after you've built a few squads. They need some advancing/prone poses
>marine with twin LCs operating a firearm.jpg
They don't, they have a Legion serf carrying it around for them after they've lost the element of surprise and the time for combat has come.
That's Weapons of Desperation, anon
This is why Curze's style of lightning claws is the superior option.
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>"Jophiel! My bolter!"
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You have to ask?
A space marine can carry a heavy weapon whilst keeping a chainsword on a scabbard. But what happens when close combat is met?
Do they unsheathe the chainsword...and just drop the heavy bolter?
I gave my Warmonger TLC and a Volkite Charger, and I just fluff it as him zapping dudes like Palpatine.
Just throw it on the ground
No one is going to steal it
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Anon, you might not have picked up on it yet, but GW doesn't want our money. If you actually want models there is pr00nting or recasters.
What primarch would be the funniest/most mentally scarring for one of their astartes or a serf to overhear/walk in on having (consensual) sex and why?

>Some poor stickler for the rules and authority loving Imperial Fist overhearing a masochist Rogal Dorn getting pegged by a dominatrix in the other room
>A Night lord deciding to perma deafen himself after hearing whatever Konrad Curze giving someone the work sounds like
>Some non jolly serf of the Death Guard catching a glimpse of the sight, sounds and smells of Demon primarch Mortarion having sex
>Some poor unfortunate imperial witnessing this with a redeemed but still fucked up looking Mortarion?
>Etc, etc
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Angron or Perturabo.

These replies were all within 3 minutes of each`other, couldn't you decide on a reaction image anon?
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>Go full candy red, brother. It's even worse than wet blending.
Amen to that
Perty is just for the cringe of him crying over his piston dick replacement.
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Guy who wants to do the wetblending here, I've decided to wetblend with a contrast paint (blood angels red) and prime the mini in retributor armor to get the candy red effect, but still have it transition to blue. I WAS gonna test this on some minis but I couldn't prime due to a heavy thunderstorm that's been going on all day... lets hope it doesn;t rain tomorrow ;-;
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schizo alert
>Simultaneous reply
>Instantly defensive
>Different looking browsers/themes
What are black/red shoulderpads signify for SOH?
>Grasping at straws over a stupid joke
Nigga it's not that serious, even if we were the same person which your porn addled mind seems to assume, who gives a shit?
Clearly the two missing legion had an animal theme...
Hamster and Ostrich
>Hmmm, these screenshots have different themes and browsers by the look of it
>This must mean they're posted by the same person!
Get help, un-ironically.
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As i understand it values are much more important that colors per se, try a zenithal with dark and light metal colors before the blending
black shoulderpads are just the legion alt colour, red signifies the 1st company i.e. the justaerin and catulan reavers.
I would have been more likely to belive it if it was just one reply. Three separate people posting ancient memes at the same time then also all replying at the same time talking about meds and being weirdly defensive over something this innocuous just seems like projecting schizo overeating.
Perhaps... but I don't have an airbrush so IDK how effective it'll be
YOU are the one overreacting! In my first reply after you said we were all one person I didn't even reference meds or schizo, I called you a RETARD in my image filename, but I guess you're too retarded (it all ties together) to understand that! Three people saw your shitpost at the same time and found it appropriate to react
Calm down anon. 3 ancient memes posted at nearly the same time seemed like the same person but I would have believed I was wrong about that if I just got that first screenshot. It's those 3 replies being followed by 3 screenshots withing two minutes of eachother all being overly defensive about the idea of being one person and accusing others of being schizos that seemed like projecting.
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Unironically there should be a bear themed one rather than "yet another big cat pelt"
I can fuck with that
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Damn, we prodded an actual mental case with this one lmao
4chan really brings out the schizo out of unfunny shitposters
Extremely low quality post

Oh well, if I was wrong I was wrong. It's the timing and defensiveness that made me think I ran into someone who was already posting in different windows to bypass time limits or something.
I want a fanon polar bear themed demon Rogal Dorn. No it will never be canon, but it would look cool.
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How would I go about recreating the totem at the top of this banner, for a hypothetical Luna Wolf army?
That sounds beautiful
Yeah it does seem a bit stupid now. Think I just got stubborn. My bad.
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I posted about something similar once but it was very much me fangirl gushing over it with no real grammar or anything so I apologize for the cringe.


Also cool as fuck hypothetical demon pert art by Eddy González Dávila
Source: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/X18G9l
Try buying a cheap airbrush, i still have one my ex brought me from aliexpress and still use it to base miniatures.
Once you get the jist of it you will want to paint everything with airbrush
I meant more of a booth to make sure paint doesn't go everywhere. I have a super cheap airbrush I just don't know where it is... I lost it (oops)
Booth? That shits a myth, i have a work bench and spray so little at a time most paint ends up in the bench.
If you are afraid of the fumes use a n95 mask, but generally you don't need it.
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Not afraid of fumes, hjust afraid of getting paint on my computer desk since I don't have a dedicated painting room
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Wouldn't be surrpised
Crescent from High Elves or plasticard
Wolf skull from the skulls box
a rare instance of jes admitting he fucked up?
Did this get so much hate for them to memory hole it like they did the space wolves helmets?
That's way less likely. It'd take an impressive amount of incompetence for them to have no backups and file history at all
You can give the rogue psyker handlers 2 blast pistols each if you want. 18 S6 AP4 shots would be funny on a full squad
This week on unsourced hysteria.
Reminder that perturabo will be retconned into being a daemon of chaos cawl (vashtorr) after he Mary sues's his way into being a chaos god at the end of 10th.
Not much of a loss considering how awful it is
that said uncle ping pong ching chong sure hasn't lost their masters
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Can't find him either, I usually hate GW taking things behind the shed but good on them this time.
Am I the only one that liked him?
"temporarily out of stock, notify when available"

it's MTO, they've got that maximum 6-month wait disclaimer on MTO products somewhere too

this is just a way of saying the first run sold out but they don't anticipate much demand for a while, which is reasonable for a fairly niche model (be honest, how often do you specifically see a Legion Champion being run?)
>(be honest, how often do you specifically see a Legion Champion being run?)
How often do you see one NOT kitbashed
>they wouldn't aesthetically fit
Are you one of those secret loyalist cocksuckers?
Not him, but what are you going to do to stop me.

For the Emperor!
If people don't know how to make their own characters they shouldn't be allowed to play 30k
>....a redeemed but still fucked up looking Mortarion
what vile garbage have you read that would ever lead you to post refuse like this without shame?
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Wednesday night and time again for an OC heresy art dump to mark another week of classes on the books
>Part 25: Terror on the Whisperheads Edition
It’s a fucking shame that SW designers don’t lean into other animals associated with Norse/Scandinavian mythology. Actual berserkir would be fucking awesome inspiration for a sexy new Varagyr kit.
NTA but I’m with you. I’ve never seen one of these posts where every alleged participant screenshots exactly just their post before.
This board.

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