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Drawn to Life Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93137821

▶ Thread Task: your characters and setting as if they were childlike crayon drawings.

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
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It's My First Day As A Dungeon Succubus But I Don't Know How To Talk To Guys?

Still trying to decide what type of accent her talking sword has.
I'm shamelessly using ai for character design inspiration, artistbros. Not a slave to reference of course, as with any other reference, but it'd be stupid not to acknowledge I'd really like to further explore some of these designs
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Got dogged 20 times trying to make this for some reason.
Why does Bing insist on putting crayons everywhere?
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Oh no!
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Really digging these!
Not very childlike, but have to be enough
>goblin with a rat
Isn't it an avatarposting?
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Thanks anon. A few threads back anon shared "still from an 80s cartoon" as a style.
PSA: Designer now can generate portrait and landscape images. (Heh. 'swimmer physique' = 'water under tree branch'.)
>"still from an 80s cartoon"
Certainly gives it an interesting look to play around with,
I've been using "screencap from the 1990s syndicated anime" for a while.
Not a DALL-E user but this is awesome news.
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>a still from an 80s cartoon, an elf dungeons and dragons sorceress wielding a staff as she enters a dungeon
Are you sure you replied to the right post?
Go away, tripfaggot.
Thanks anon
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I did the crayon one with bing.
Not entirely sure.
Maybe a Western accent, like a cowboy? Also, what precisely is your prompt here please?
This style makes his armor look kinda bulky
Isn't a lot of wow plate armor kind of bulky?
I was thinking a really crass New Jersey accent so he can make her blush (can she even blush?) when he describes what she's supposed to be doing.
It's only avatarposting when you're using it to signal who you are as the poster. It's not avatarposting when you're incidentally identifiable to a plausible degree because you posted it. Any rando could be generating that.
Not this specific style.
Besides, it's his fault he calls avatarposting every instance when someone posts a character he doesn't like. Probably a coping mechanism for being a hated tripfag.
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Would avatarposting be a person has a definable character they recreate routinely in their posts, or a general vibe for what kind of stuff that anon is interested in?
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Stop being undead.
holy shit, I've been using pixai in the past for my art and it is just incredibly shit compared to Bing
Nowadays it's watered down to "every post you don't like".
Ah, fair enough.
Beautiful. Reminds me a bit of Thomas Ott.
It's not really avatarfagging unless it's used for every single post, every single time. Posting your OC donut steel waifu isn't avatarfagging unless you use the image as representative of you. Like a reaction image, but for every single post. Like a tripcode, but an image. Using a character for one ir two posts isn't bad.

But maybe I'm skewed. I was around /tg/ in the bad old days of Jim Profit. A massive cunt who, in addition to being a tripfag used a picture of Shikimaru from Naruto to punctuate every single post in every single thread he posted in.
So when waifufag 1 makes a post with us character to talk to waifufag 2 for just a couple posts, it doesn't bother me because I never really see them outside of these threads.
Seen a few of the elves pop up in general elf threads but janny always deletes them because he's a faggomeister.
Now, explain this to this fag >>93163712, since he calls "avatarposting" any instance of posting a character he doesn't like.
It's been both. Touhoufag was random touhous not any particular one, but he was definitely avatarfagging. The reason the rule exists, iirc.
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Bing is the highest quality free AI image generator right now.
Many posters become offtopic sooner or later, so I don't have any problem with that. I have a problem with majority of his posts, which includes gay bullshit, and being a fucking hypocrite about it.
I don't like him because he acts like a whiny hall monitor.
He talks shit about most pics posted here, but expect us to like his fag bullshit.
With designs like this I can see why. Prompt please?
10/10, would explore dungeons with.
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>posts about ai music
Dear Anon, I have no idea why your post about ai music was removed or who (if anyone) reported it but I can assure you that wasn't me.
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My gens look too good. Any advice?
Can you share the prompt you used here please?
I loathe all things wojak.
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>Also, what precisely is your prompt here please?
>Can you share the prompt you used here please?
It won't work with Bing, but if you're on MJ, I can walk you through it.
sorry for posting it then
Piro as seen by the party. She may be an angry screaming gremlin, but at least she's an angry screaming gremlin that pays well.
W-where's her bustle?
Her skirt's not meant to be that open. Bing just does that sometimes when I specify her having bare feet.
If Bing doesn't have a character limit for prompts, try "legs behind dress." I've had a similar issue with the bot not understanding layers. For some reason it seems to work better as "X behind Y" instead of "Y in front of X."
Just how short is she supposed to be?
I would, but I don't mind the bare legs.
I knew Drow are short for elves and I gave her height as 4'11" (the same given for Sailor Moon) but even that's not that short by Drow standards.
Drow heights in the players guide are 4'5"+2d6, so a minimum height of 4'7" and a max of 5'5".
If I had paid attention to that, I probably would have made her 4'6" just for the extra smol factor. Still, she's a head shorter than anyone in the party, which is where I was really trying to compare her to.
But still, she's ten pounds of ego in a five pound bag. I really like her as a DM because I just have fun roleplaying her attitude when interacting with the party. Which I know is a problem when it spills into /slop/.
I should remind everyone, game Piro is NOT nice and NOT a good person. She's just been using the party to advance her own ambitions and if she gets what she wants, lots of bad things will happen. The Piro I post for /slop/ is just for cutes and giggles.
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i do like the style, is it super complex
Essentially, I start out by genning one template character and cleaning it up with inpainting, and then inpainting new characters in the empty space next to it. The AI uses the stuff that's already drawn on the image as reference, so if you make one girl and then tell it to make another girl next to her, it will be in a similar style.

Base prompt is
>blonde anime girl, boxy jrpg bikiniplate armor, simple design, 2d line art, character model, all angles front back sides, character reference, empty white background, --no background, --niji 6

Once I get the front image where I want it, the next prompt to generate the inpainted portraits is
>closeup [description] girl portrait, headshot, facing viewer, head only, 2d line art, character model ,--niji 6

The prompt for that style of eyes is "empty blank [color] eyes" and "--no pupils"
Many bingdogs died to create this. Apparently its starting to take some issue with characters sitting down.
Yeah, the dog hates sitting, reclining and laying. Placing the character near something you could sit on does work so-and-so. Great look
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Have you ever gotten shit from your group for using AI art?
Sometimes you can say that they are "seated" or it your case "cross-legged" and it will interpret that as a form of sitting. Sometimes it's really dumb, like in beach prompts, it abjectly refused to let me make an elf "relaxing on the sand" but if I said "relaxing on a towel on the sand" it was perfectly happy to make those.
It's called pauldroncore for a reason.
No, we all use it. And why not? Better to "create" the image we're looking for rather than shoehorn in a piece of art for our purposes.

Giving them an activity helps. "Cooling off" gives me almost 100% sitting poses, but it may be contextual since I placed her in an oasis.
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will keep in mind for the future. Also thanks yours looks good as well.
Understood. Seems to work when specifying.
One of my groups is full of pretty decent artist who work in a creative industry so I rather not poke that bear but for my other groups the don't seem to notice or care.
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Yeah. There seems to be more leniency for sitting at least if the context is at a place like a beach or an oasis or somewhere tropic.
I feel like I don't have enough quarters to complete this adventure.
Oh fuck me, I think the stupid thing just temp banned me. Look, I'm not the one who makes "pretty young woman" pictures almost pornographic, that's you dall-e 3, not me, you should temp ban yourself.
Foolish Hero Aure! You can never defeat me, no matter how many quarters you have! The princess, and her power, will be mine!
This was fun just embracing Piro's villain side. Especially with the Don Bluth pompt.
And a less-evil, topless Hero Piro
What prompt did you use? Because I couldn't figure it out.
"We'd better get out of here before that crazy (jealous) witch catches up to us!"
Manga acrilic high fantasy painting from a 80's highly detailed anime movie still, by Tetsuo Hara, portraying the undead mercenary Queen on a battlefield. She's alluring, tall, long legged, muscular and hourglass shaped. dark theme, hard shadows. clad in full plate armor. visible glowing red eyes

It should be this one, but bing deleted thar specific pic from my collection and only saved another from the same batch
Oops, didn't catch your post
Well, see >>93165637
She's supposed to be short.
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Not the ending that I was expecting but... why not?
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Locally generated barbarian monstergirl muscle mommy using the laziest prompt I could manage.
The wide-screen choice is nice but if feels like the filters are twice as stingy as just the normal generator window.
Wait, does mj allow nsfw? Is it still a discord bot that you prompt publicly?
>Wait, does mj allow nsfw?
Not officially but it's extremely easy to get there.

>Is it still a discord bot that you prompt publicly?
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what about a plump witch crow harpy?
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she can transform her wings into regular arms to make reading books easier.
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Bros, I don't know if I should ask here or in /WSR/, but could anyone good with AI wizardry please put orc fangs on this portrait? It's the perfect female orc for my adventure, but without the fangs she looks like green human girl...
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In twilight's shroud, while pondering lore,
A silhouette swept to my chamber door,
With talons keen and a piercing eye,
A creature came from realms awry.

Not the raven of fabled lore,
But a harpy with bosoms large and more,
She perched upon a bust of Pallas,
Gazing down with a mocking callous.

"Quoth the harpy, 'Nevermore,'
Shall you find peace, forevermore."

With feathers dark as midnight's shade,
And curves that no mortal could evade,
She spoke of truths that cut like knives,
Of sorrows borne from ancient lives.

"From realms of shadow I descend,
Where dreams and nightmares blend.
Your mortal plight, your fleeting lore,
Means nothing in the grand uproar."

Her voice, a whisper, laced with scorn,
Echoed through the night forlorn,
Each syllable a chilling spree,
Of truths that were and yet to be.

"Quoth the harpy, 'Nevermore,'
Shall you find solace, evermore."

Beneath her gaze, my soul entwined,
With echoes of a darker kind,
Where harpies haunt the dreary gloom,
In realms beyond a mortal's tomb.

And though her form was strangely wrought,
With bosoms ample, fearsome thought,
She bore a wisdom, bleak and dread,
Of realms where living and dead are wed.

"From shadows deep and echoes vast,
I bring a truth that shall outlast.
Your feeble hopes, your mortal lore,
You'll think on Lenore nevermore."

written with help from chatgpt
Kek. That was an entertaining read.
There are a few lines I would still like to edit to a smoother parsing but if I started more than just the few lines I did edit I'd be sitting here with it open in a spreadsheet going over each of its metrical feet to make sure they match in meter and rhyme.
Very pretty.
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What was the prompt for this art style?
Cool style! What was your prompt?
That's a really cute style for Piro. I'm trying to emulate it, with mixed results. (Don't help me, I'm experimenting).
What was your prompt for this style and the characters?
What's the prompt here please?
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>Screencap from the 1990s syndicated anime of a native american elf woman who is having a tea party with the wendigo demon that is wearing a deer skull in a spooky and foggy desert forest
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Race: Satyr
Class: Cleric (War)
Background: Spy
Random Oddity: Polygamy. You are married to more than one person. They may or may not know about each other.
>Not all wars need be fought with steel and hatred. Sometimes a kind word and a soft hand can accomplish just as much. Show a little affection to the chambermaids and serving wenches of court, and you'll learn more secrets and rumors than a dozen torturers. (And ladies know - goats will eat anything.)
>Still from RWBY, full length portrait, action pose, Dark skinned woman with white hair in bob cut. gold irises. holding a simple lance, magenta energy around lance, stern expression. wearing red scaled armor, fur fringe, skull pauldron. running
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What's the prompt for THIS one?
>Screencap from the 1990s syndicated anime of a native american woman with elf ears fighting off a wendigo demon that is wearing a deer skull in a spooky and foggy desert forest at night candles
I didn't choose the poses or perspective or clothing.
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>Screencap from the 1990s syndicated anime of a wendigo demon who is wearing a deer skull in a spooky and foggy desert forest at night and playing with the slot machine
I just generally treat bing as a slot machine and save whatever looks interesting to me. With bingdog as basically
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Close enough OP.
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any idea how to get this style of glasses to render?
That’s weird, why would it be stricter? Also, what precisely is your prompt here?
Pince-nez teashades?
Rivet spectacles or scissor-glasses may also work.
This isn't really on-topic but I don't want to make a thread to ask this question.
A friend of mine is gathering us on Sunday for the first session of a game intended to be long term, using a system where we play as knights with themes of faith and chivalry. I've decided to play the system's equivalent of a ranger/bounty hunter, a character focused on hunting dangerous game and/or tracking down fugitives and dangerous heretics and the like.
I want to put a lot of effort into this character but I'm out of practice and quite busy so I don't really have a lot of time to think about what themes I want to explore or what I want the character to be like.
My question therefore is how do you guys come up with character ideas? Specifically ones that will endure over a long game and remain engaging and fun to try and play as?
Not that anon, but it has been able to recognize those as glasses, but refuses to gen them without the earpieces.
I've seen them called "nose-pinch shades" but again, Bing keeps wanting to put the earpieces on them.
I can't even get it to reliably create glasses. most of the time it ignores half my prompts
Find a cool picture
make up a story in my head about it
do that a dozen times and pick your favorite result
Flesh out not just the aspects of
>hunting dangerous game
>tracking down wanted folks
But also what kind of person that is. Like what they do in their off time. Their mannerisms. Do they cook their meals from animals they hunt? What trophies do they collect? How do they sleep? What do they like to eat and drink?
As for longterm goal, it sounds like something so far that fits a glory seeker who likes to brag and spins stories about their exploits. A confident and charismatic sort of person.
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Like, what kind of environment is this Ranger/Bounty Hunter from, forests, deserts, tundra, mountains?
I was actually thinking of going in more of an Eomer or Eddard Stark direction where he views it as a solemn, crucial duty rather than a grand exploit.
VERY cool image, the game takes place in a jungle full of deadly natives among other horrors so far as I know.
Then that's your answer. Bing is too stupid to do it, so just remove the earpieces in photoshop or with inpainting.

- is a great tool for erasing parts of an image while maintaining img quality, try it
Simply the prompt then. When I do want glasses, I just add it to the list of what the character is wearing. And I've learned, if you want really dark shades, remove any prompt for eye color because that will override the darkness of the glasses.
Unless you want them with the glasses slid down their nose and looking over them. That's trickier, but can be done.
I'm lazy I want Bing to do it right the first time.
80's anime high fantasy movie still, detailed watercolor painting. 70's shoujo. Leiji Matsumoto style. The ethereal, motherly figured and supremely alluring Spiritess of the Haunted Forest Lake appears before a lost farmer boy in the shore. Fantastic Oniric mood. Dreamlike feel.

It's this one but I don't remember which artist specifically (it was either Matsumoto, Tsukasa Hojo or without the artist line altogether)
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>VERY cool image, the game takes place in a jungle full of deadly natives among other horrors so far as I know.
That's interesting. Two games ago we did a pirate-themed campaign and I did a Jungle Elf Ranger character (just a wood elf with some jungle flavor), basically the character was an islander savage in the vein of Queequeg from Moby Dick. Was a rather fun character to play, especially after I got a vorpal sword from a genie wish. I did a dual-wielding desert-themed Ranger in one campaign way back.
Damn nice, prompt pls!
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I've not had trouble with glasses so far, but I don't want any special fancy type of glasses though.
Bing is just getting stupider and stupider thanks to the deletion of training data and the tightening of the filter. If you want to get the most out of it, you have to use it alongside other AI. Until a better option (hopefully) comes along.
Didn't save full prompt but style would be

"illustrated by leiji matsumoto". "maetel queen emeraldas galaxy express 999". retro 1970s 70s scifi japanese anime, grainy.
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I would have to bet that the words Leiji Matsumoto are in that prompt, if not, pretty good job capturing his style anyways.
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What's the best way to force camera facing? I've tried a variety of pose types and portrait, or camera facing, but I keep getting side views
Fairly certain Bing filters out artist names and just grasps at the general style they work in. In fact, some anon found a way to figure out how it was translating our prompts into DALL-E, and it was doing exactly that.
eye contact
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It's turning into a real prude, too, more and more if I ask for a pretty young woman it freaks out and says NOPE THAT'S PORN DO SOMETHING ELSE. It's fucking 2024, the era when horrifying porn is everywhere, why can''t I have a little tasteful cleavage?
Yep. Tried to make a female satyr. Nope. Specified that I wanted her fully-clothed in clerical robes and modest. Still nope. Switched to "male", kept all of them prompts about being fully-dressed and modest. I get this.

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Egads, looks like the cover to some of the weird shit my sister would read.
If I sprinkle them in and use just the right wording I can get it to spit out one beautiful sea nymph relaxing on a sunny remote beach, but I really wanna know what the three it refused to let through were.
It has an influence but it works in mysterious ways. For example I've a hard time achieving a certain manga artist's style when prompting precisely for manga, but it totally gets it when it comes to translating it to 3d
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A candle on your safe to better help the thieves pick the lock, probably a design flaw.
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It's kinda neat how radically different two pictures from the same batch can be.
topless men = okay
topless women = bad
not that complicated anon
modest, fully-clothed, clerical robes ≠ topless
you = retarded
Why are you asking this thread about original thoughts and self-directed creativity? This is the outsourcing general.
>I don't really want [...] to think about [...] the character
Kind of lame bro. If you don't have something you immediately want to do and you're unwilling to put in uninspired labor then your only real option is to go in with a vague idea for a character and see what emerges from play. But that's going to be dead weight that the other players have to pull and is unlikely to be someone you enjoy playing as over a long game. You need to set aside some time to ask yourself character questions. This is also play, it's also leisure, and if you have to schedule your leisure time then so be it.

Why do you want to be a bounty hunter in a game about chivalry? What is their idea about faith? Are they faithful, and what would they sacrifice for that faith? What would they sacrifice their faith for? What's the worst day they had, either on the job or off it? Do they have family? Are they important to him? Is he vulnerable to a particular sin or vice or bad habit? What do people admire about him? What does he like about himself? How could he be identified in a crowd? Do you know how he was born and suspect how he will die? Connect dots between the system's tropes, the game prompt's themes, the archetypes of what "ranger/bounty hunter" means to you, and whatever bad-ass/tragic/interesting/heroic/cool/etc. things it reminds you of. Don't be lazy about having a good time, weirdo.
Nice. Are you familiar with Lachryma 2099?
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it's suprising how hard it is to get the design right. believe it or not, this was supposed to be a male gnoblin (gnome/goblin)
Most of the "satyr" pics it scans over will be not be wearing that, you're still telling it to look over satyr pics and weigh that in
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and this is what happen when you give him a hat. he gets chibified and the hair stops covering his eye no matter how i change the prompt to fix it
Which is once again a problem with what it was trained on and its limited intelligence. And it's perfectly capable of throwing clothes on characters typically described as naked. The problem is the filter is too-tuned thanks to people making naked Taylor Swifts and goblin porn, so that even perfectly worksafe images of women are getting caught up by it. For our safety, of course.
Robo-nun slayer in a Castlevania-like setting would a pretty interesting character.
You really just needed to be preachy and abrasive tonight huh?
/slop/ is full of people who are just here to antagonize others for no reason. don't know why. shitty moderation most likely.
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Does anyone have any experience with generating this sort of style? Thinking about doing a whole lot of custom mtg slop
>A painting with heavy brush strokes of a female satyr woman seated at a bar stool in a tropical paradise at night with fog and ferns and hibiscus flowers and waterfalls and palm trees
More of a succubus, but whatever.
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Sorry, but I tried dozens of times and the tusks came out looking dumber and dumber. Maybe there's just not that many pictures of pretty orcs with tusks out there to train on. I can get big ugly tusks easily, but nothing that actually fits the character.
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Would someone here please post a prompt that would get Viconia DeVir from Baldur's Gate 3?
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Cry about it, pissant. It's a far better answer than the question deserved. If you thought that was abrasive you are so thin-skinned that you must not be able to move without opening a wound.
See? No tusks!
What if the owner wants to open it at night
gnoblin or redcap
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Well, maybe tusks are a secondary sex characteristic in the Orc species? Hell, made this one blue.
Hey, that's somewhat better and more "orcish" than the base image. I think it fits better. Thanks a lot man
>gnoblin or redcap
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Frog witch.
Perhaps add 'tusks in mouth' somewhere in your prompt? (Old attempt to gen an Orc fighting with a swordfish. Nothing came out if it.)
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>no tongue

Cmon, son
This is gate
Like the way it incorporated the goggles.
>Frog witch.
I fail to see any frogginess.
(sorry, wrong picture)
We would have been fine without you posting either.
I was busy making ones with her tongue in /h/. I like the witch blend so much I'm going to see if I can make some more. I'll do it tomorrow though for now I must
Generally speaking they're okay but I don't like how the hat seems to float above her head. As previously mentioned, I'll play with it some more tomorrow when I have more time.
She's just using magic to look like a girl. :^)
Don't want to flood the thread with more frogs, but Bing is still very good at making animal-themed Power Rangers: https://i.imgur.com/cRr4ZMH.png
Although it wouldn't let me give any of my redcaps a rusted butcher knife, so it's still very touchy over nothing.
Could I request something similar, but with an oversized (for gnomes) flintlock pistol?
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the difficult part is when an image comes out looking cool, but you don't really know how to replicate it. tried my best
thank'ee six times.
no problem!
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flashbacks to the dreaming nonce of /slop/
don't worry about it
Specify eye color
>"It's sitting right next to me, isn't it?"
What are the prompts here please?
>tarot card,minimalistic art, bloodborne game style, pastoral fantasy, gouache and ink, impressionist brushstrokes grainy drawn by JC Leyendecker, brushwork, dark crypt, long bride with lava below in, glowing cosmic eye in background, posing, male, two twin heads, multiple arms, black hood, face entirely covered in shadows, purple 1200's dark purple robe, purpl cloth mantle shoulderpads,boots, ethereal tendrils on back made entirely out of dark blue energy,

>gouache and ink,impressionist brushstrokes,halftone dithering, intricate fantasy portrait, anime,in the artstyle of george kamitani,dark shading, cloud wallpaper, glowing cosmic eyes in background, posing, angel(female, tendrils on back entirely made of glowing white/dark blue energy, full body, white hood, face entirely covered in shadows, simple golden robe, white tabard, white cloth mantle, plated boots, pants, ,),pointing at viewer,

>gouache and ink,impressionist brushstrokes,halftone dithering, intricate fantasy portrait, anime,in the artstyle of george kamitani,dark shading, cloud wallpaper, glowing cosmic eyes in background, posing, angel(male, tendrils on back entirely made of glowing white/dark blue energy, chest, full body, white hood, face entirely covered in shadows, simple golden robe, white tabard, white cloth mantle, plated boots, pants, ,),pointing at viewer,
Thanks! I forgot to ask, what about >>93169876?
>gouache and ink,impressionist brushstrokes,halftone dithering, intricate fantasy portrait, anime,in the artstyle of george kamitani,dark shading, dark cavern, large shrine, duel pose, landscape view, posing, full body, white hood, face entirely covered in shadows, simple golden armor, white tabard, white cloth mantle shoulderpads, boots, tendrils on back entirely made of glowing white/dark blue energy, holding radiant lance

Remember, no sinning.
Prompt please.
trying to emulate that iconic Vermis look
not successful thus far
trying something like
>vintage book cover
>rough pixelated compression artifacting

but otherwise, utterly lost
It's an older prompt but using the wide-screen option linked above
>very detailed rotoscoped image with rich colors and definitive lines and soft cel shading. dark fantasy image. night time in a mossy, foggy medieval graveyard is a beautiful teenage tabaxi girl with short smooth striped grey fur and bright purple cat eyes wearing a tattered witch's black robe and purple silk corset. she is casting a spell from a large grimoire on a stone pedestal. romantic image. dynamic action poses. fantasy anthro art. dungeons & dragons
Oh I forgot to add, newer iterations of her prompt add "messy short silver hair" because I think she looks cuter with some actual hair than just a cat head.
Loving these queens, what did you put to get them?
It would be cooler if you actually tried, since prompting is basically just trying what you see and making changes to tweak the results, but try...

>full body oil painting of a middle-aged darkelf woman with purple-black skin, white shoulder length hair, black leather armor, silver-ringed collar with spider symbol clasp, condescending expression

...and fiddle with it from there.
Why does she look so old, IIRC she's about 200 yo in BG2, so she should be 300ish in BG3. Don't elves live to 800 in D&D?
John Buscema, manga, gouache and ink, impressionist brushstrokes.sitting on a throne, Cecil Harvey(straight white hair, female, golden circlet with red jewel, white sword, simple sleeveless white armor with deep blue accents, fingerless gauntlets, They have a flowing dark purple cape

John Buscema, 90's manga, gouache and ink, impressionist brushstrokes. side angle, somber atmosphere, dark sinister castle, sitting on a throne, Cecil Harvey(straight black hair, sinister, wearing a helmet with dragon motif/design, motherly, female, golden circlet with void jewel, black sword, simple sleeveless black/red armor with deep purple accents, fingerless gauntlets, They have a flowing black fur cloak
How’d you get the different eye colors?
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What Shar worship does to a mf

You can include heterochromia in the prompt and specify the different eye colors.
Looks like you got it, but
>one blue eye and one green eye (heterochromia iridium)

It's probably Aure's most defining trait, other than her blue/gold clothing color scheme.
Thank you.
This image looks different, prompt please?
it was his prompt, except i used "3d render, dragon age screenshot" for the art style instead of whatever it was he put
I see, so was it this?

3d render, dragon age screenshot of a middle-aged darkelf woman with purple-black skin, white shoulder length hair, black leather armor, silver-ringed collar with spider symbol clasp, condescending expression

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