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>ITT: Post IC as a Vampire from VtM. Namefaggotry is encouraged. Need more info? Refer to /WoDg/

>V20 is the generally accepted continuity
>Each thread represents ~1 week of nights
>There is no author; we are acéphale
>Nictuku will be diablerized on sight

Alright, so are we magical beings? Are our differences and abilities magical? Or is this a divine thing, like divine energies?
I would say it's unholy powers, but they still came from God, right?

Note: This is not a question for Tremere.
I would say we are supernatrual, if you believe in caine the curse is divine but the disciplines were taught by lilith which makes them magical in a sense. Its all semantics though.
I get my powers from dodging taxes, I don't know what your guys do for powers.
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>Malkavian War Journal 3
>Ain't it been a grand two weeks.
>wherein I detail and list our entire operation and defenses.

But let's start with a club review. See aren't we masquerade friendly.
>Reflections -I honestly can't recommend this bar to anyone. The music is like really bad 80s techno play way too loud. I couldn't hear a damn thing. Can you really call this a bar? It looks like an abandoned warehouse with a DJ set up. It's stupidly busy and they got two bars running and some VIP area they wouldn't let me into. Looking around I have no idea why this place is busy. the drinks are cheap but they're out of everything, they can't even make an Appletini. It's also dirty, the floor was covered grit. Do not recommend.

So on the street we have the ghoolipoodles and our street arabs to make a little cash and sling a little coke and grass. The first floor bar is clean enough, they're mostly there to act as a human shield. Going down a floor you get the TV room and the VIP area. DO NOT GO INTO THE TV ROOM, I'm not sure exactly what wavelength the Weeper is on but she's taking very personally. She's passing me crayon drawings and they're scaring me AND I'M MALKAVIAN Haha Then we have the VIP room which is where we drink or ghoul suckers. We've already had inspectors try to show up and we've mostly been dominating them. The bottom floor is where the real work is happening, mostly using the music for cover, digging down and out.; We got the idea of a Animated Blood Killdozer and we're mostly following the pictures from the Weeper. It's worth the blood. We're also burying some very special friends down there, you would be surprised what you can do with bodies and fertilizer and pipes before you embrace them.

See you soon Triclops.
>I get my powers from dodging taxes, I don't know what your guys do for powers.
Mage pls go.
Supernatural is the best description of what we are. Divine/unholy implies a relation to God, which while the leading theory remains unproven. We could be the result of an ancient neolithic blood rite for all we know. Magical might be technically applicable if we use the most liberal definition of magic, but it doesn't sound right. We are Kindred, we are Vampires, it is the blood that makes us so.
So an update, the bunker is turning out nicely might make this a safehouse in case i ever return to berlin. Thinking of taking a new job elsewhere i already have been payed decently but the conflict is slowing down. If you have need of a salubri either for battle or for healing and if i think your cause is just, call me up we can haggle a price.

Really poodles, middle eastern immigrants, and shovel heads. God its gonna be funny when i make you temporarrily sane and then you have to try and understand your own actions. Also the magic killdozer is one of the dumbest ideas i have heard, the technocracy will see that a mile away and kill you.

Anyways a topic for discussion now. Whats the best and worst cities you have been to? For me Hong Kong under british rule was a nice place to visit. As well as las vegas, they are both well ran cities. Detroit however has to be worst that or mexico city, just sabbat trash heaps really.
Any koldunists having an issue with rituals deteriorating and becoming less potent despite proper upkeep?
Speaking of magic, still up for the dhampir making ritual with the Crimson guy? If so, here’s what might help. See, the wraith-priests of old didn’t make female version because of the logistical imposibility of maintaining the ritual for nine months. But it takes over two months to produce sperm cells in the balls and I doubt they maintained it that long either.The ritual clearly has to force the undead body to instantly express viable semen. With some tweaking it should be possible to trick any tissues of yours into producing sperm cells for artificial insemination of a suitable woman.

Now, why the wraith-priests didn’t do just that? Simple, they wanted dhampir boys + they didn’t have to perform couple extra steps in already difficult ritual. Turning female cells into sperm cells and using these for making babies is guaranteed to produce only daughters.

They do it in aquaculture, for carp hormones suffice to make the female who has XX karyotype just like you to produce milt and sometimes they apparently need exclusively female fry.
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I mean she has a husband of some sort of living? He could go knock up chicks if that's what she wanted (hell she could adopt as well).
Can confirm, Michigan sucks. Though to be fair my vitae runs scarlet & grey
It may not exactly create a dhampir. It could, in theory, create a fully human child or even a vampire child.
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>I'm 25 and what is this?
Bbut seriously, is there a point where I know that the immortality part has kicked in because it's been a few weeks and I still feel like I'm getting older? Do I need to drink directly from someone to get it to stop?
What are you talking about, how can you "feel older" in a few weeks?
Like I just try to pay attention and all the sudden I can see a bunch of wrinkles on my face and bits of my hair that are grey that I never noticed before.

Also whenever I need to be up during the day I can't stay awake for more than an hour or two at a time.
whats your clan? and how old where you during your embrace?
that second thing is normal we get very tired during the day and have to sleep
Best city? They're all different flavors of shit in my limited experience. The small isolated villages in the Middle East I visited for my job back in my living days were much better. The worst is Chicago, unless I can count whatever the parallel version of Chicago is in the Shadowlands. Actually, just the entire stint with the Shadowlands sucked major ass, and I came from Manhattan.
I see. I have my own ritual that is if anything tailored to women, but it is incomplete. While appreciated the Egyptian rite is likely a dead end. Furthermore I want the child to be mine and my husband's.

Now please, there's little more to discuss about this that I am willing to speak of. There are many risks in this undertaking and I will not risk my safety and especially that of the future child further by establishing more information that could be used to identify me.
Clan is like your maker's family right? I think his name was Klinefledermaus I think he was one of the bull dancers because I remember that they have power over perception and I can definitely see things better now and I can also make it to where other people can't see me.

But I still feel like I'm constantly getting older. Also aren't I supposed to be invulnerable? A lot of things still hurt!
Shot in the dark here. Have you had a drink of blood since your embrace?
Like, not directly from someone. I tried drinking juice from chicken and beef from the grocery, but it just made me sick, so I knew it had to be human blood.

But, like, I don't want to turn anyone else into a vampire, so far it kindof sucks being one, so I just talked my roommate into giving me a mason jar of his blood.
CAIN said everything about the Embrace in cooking quarterly today, didn't Any of you, read it?!?
Okay let me break it down for ya, (also no idea what you mean by bull dancers nor who Klinefledermaus is) clan is like a family yes, it is the special version of vampirism you get. you probably have auspex an ability that gives you superhuman perception, you are not actually older, you are simply noticing more imperfections that where already there. now for feeding you can feed in a variety of ways but there are 3 basic ones
1. feed from an animal, it wont taste as good as a human, you are gonna have to drink it from a live or recently killed animal, trying to squeeze blood out of a steak is a fools errand.
2. blood bags, go to a blood bank and buy some blood bags, they are usually controlled by a local vampire, be careful this isn't always the case.
3. Humans, feeding from a human wont turn them into a vampire, that only happens if you drain them of all their blood and then give them some of yours. now when feeding on humans try not to kill them, less you give the beast more control and become a mindless animal. Now when feeding also the human will feel immense pleasure (there are exceptions but i don't want to talk about them) they also will not remember the feeding or anything leading up to it.
Lastly no you are not invincible, you are simply tougher to kill and a decapitation will still instantly kill you. you are also weak to fire and sunlight stay away from them.
Nice trips triclops

But sadly this is just some Kindred larping as a fledgling for sbits & giggles. We get one in every new thread & it's the same fucking thing again & again
Why does your roommate have a mason jar full of his blood?
Because I asked him to. He gets it.

So being a vampire means I get to watch myself look older with supervision?
I still prefer it to "Ha ha, I'm totally not a Hunter guys! Tell me where the vampire meet up is XD, I forgot!"
>Because I asked him to. He gets it.
You're telling me that your roommate learned you're a vampire and treated you like a person instead of trying to jam a pool cue into your chest or sell you out to the feds? Impossible, the only way to be safe as a vampire is to render yourself beholden to Old world 14th Century tyrants who believe farmers not technically being property and is just a phase!
Finally, my grand ritual is succesfully completed and I have my enchanted talisman!
It took me a full lunar month, almost 100 liters of vitae, over 20 kg of finest hashish and the sacrifice of 4 young bulls.
The logistics of discreetly delivering everything required were also quite difficult, my ghouls did an excellent job.
Congrats. What did you choose as the physical focus?
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Guys look at this picture of my pooka gf I took in secret. Changeling whores are where it's at
My guy, I know you think you have the world by the tail at the moment.
>But you are in a terrible danger
Because sooner or later someone is going to come looking for their faecockpumper and do you think they are going to be happy to find some insect (that's you) balls deep in it? Honest to god some fae lord making you shit out what passes as your kindred soul as a literal congealed vitae fuck toy to use until breaking is the best you can expect.
A small stone tablet with semiprecious gem inlays covered with cuneiform spells. It is currently embedden in my body, to avoid theft. No metal parts to avoid trouble with modern security tech.
Fortunately, someone with basic knowledge of Vicissitude owed me a favor.
Damn, I see that lingering effects of kalif still affect me, causing typos.
Ask me how I know you are a toreador.
How did you bypass the near meter long size restriction?
That is some terrible anatomy. Tail should come out of the base of her spine, not the small of her back. Hell they didn't even go with the top of the buttcrack
You all had an interesting conversation last thread. About Caine I mean.

Anyone wish to investigate into this a little further?
Sure what about him.
Sure. I'm a bit skeptic of Noddism, but ancient vampires and a theoretical progenitor (who we may as well call Caine not knowing their real name) are a fascinating topic of discussion.
Fascinating, isn't it? The first murderer.

Progenitor of our kind, the well from which the curse of unlife springs from. Forced to roam the earth forever... I find a kindred spirit in that last part.

While I may not follow the steps of the "Dark Father", I find myself trying to know all there is to know about him as of late.
Have you ever read the Erciyes Fragments? its supposedly written by Caine himself. In it Caine claims he killed Abel, due to wanting to sacrifice to god the thing he held most dear that being his little brother. Now i dont know if the fragments are truly written by Caine and even if they are Caine might be lying to both the reader and himself about his motives for murder to try and make himself look/feel better.
I believe the Caine stuff. It all just makes too much sense not to, right? The generational stuff and disciplines and all that.
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I have read a copy of those texts. While it is a shame that I cannot completely verify if it truly is him that wrote the texts, whatever morsels he or anyone that studies him leave behind is still helpful for my researches.

Well, my interest is mainly focus on the present, and future of Caine. Hopefully, immedaite future. After hearing of him working as a taxi driver in LA I tried my luck, but to no avail.
Did you recently move from Eastern Europe to somewhere else?
Hey fellas, bit of a weird question here. I'm a pretty fresh dead guy (I guess the term is fledgeling/neonate/lick? I've heard all three not really sure of the difference) and I know a bit about the clans from what this guy I met told me. Apparently it's pretty standard for Gangrels to just embrace a guy and sort of leave him to is own devices? Anyways that's what happened to me, not gonna bore you with the details there.

So here's my problem. I went and talked to a few people at an Elysium he directed me to, and they've been saying stuff about "thin-bloods" and how there's apparently a scourge on them? I'm not sure if I am one, but I feel like some of what they're saying applies to me - for instance, sunlight bothers me but I slept out in the day just fine after my first night. Am I in danger? Is there any way to un-thin my blood? I'd give more details but I'd rather not doxx myself right away. Laying low and staying out of elysiums as-is just in case.
It's an annoying part of studying vampire history, isn't it? We lie all the time, of course we would falsify our own history in order to make ourselves look better. I certainly wouldn't put it past Caine to lie through his teeth about what transpired. What I find the most interesting about the Erciyes Fragments is that we get proper justifications for the cursing of each individual Antediluvian.

I am not so easily convinced. Noddism could easily have been invented millennia ago to explain generation, the origin of disciplines, clans, etc. There are alternate theories to our origin, but with the supremacy of Abrahamic faiths among the mortals, the Caine myth became the standard. This is not to say I disbelieve Noddism entirely, just that I am skeptical about it being the absolute truth.

Any particular reason you find yourself so drawn to Caine instead of a member of the second generation or even your clan's father?
Very smart to not doxx yourself. As far as I have heard, even thin-bloods are scorched by the sun's rays, albeit often to a lesser degree. Whether or not you are a thin-blood, this ability is very aberrant.

You are always in danger in your unlife, neonate. Given your unique condition, you are extremely at risk. Even if you find a domain that does not kill thin-bloods, there are many that would want to study you in an attempt to replicate your abilities. In fact, half this thread would want to study you. We get many "ascend the blood, achieve a higher state" types here.

As for un-thinning your blood, the only known way is Diablerie. That is drinking a vampire's blood to the point of final death, and then drinking deeper, devouring their very soul. It is a crime punishable by final death within the Camarilla, though some Princes turn a blind eye to it if done against the sect's enemies. You are in a precarious position Kindred. My recommendation, find a little hamlet and make it your own. You should be able to feed there and fly under the radar. This is not without its own risks, but your clan is uniquely adapted to surviving without social support.
>Very smart not to doxx yourself
Thanks, I'm not exactly a stranger to the internet, this is just a bit more high-stakes than I'm used to. What exactly do you mean by "make a hamlet my own", like take it over or just lay low in a place with no other vampires? Could I just declare myself a Prince?
Clan father? I suppose we all have one. I couldn't tell you even if I tried my best, for I never about kindred culture when I took the embrace by force.

Though many think of me as a child of Absimiliard due to my appearance, more specifically the similitude I have to some of his descendants. If it weren't for those very same circumstances, I would have found the very notion funny. I can assure you, I wasn't transformed by a Nosferatu.

My interest in Caine relates to a problem, I wish he could solve. Something that not even the third or second generation has the power to fix.
Nothing so open or bold. Peel back all the ideology and rhetoric and all Kindred conflict boils down to a struggle for power and for blood. If you want to survive and thrive in this unlife, you need security and easy access to blood. A small town away from any major metropolis gets you distance from other Kindred, where you still have more than enough blood to sate a single vampire. You don't need to "take it over", just ghoul one or two influential people to keep your existence protected and secret. If anything, due to your youth it would be best if you kept your footprint as small as possible, not only to fly under the radar of other vampires, but to avoid the interest of other far darker creatures that share the night with us. Our vulnerability especially when young is the main reason most of us stay within the protection of a Prince, but your being a thin-blood makes that not very viable.

Do not declare yourself Prince under any circumstances, as other Princes would take it as an insult to your station, and nomadic Sabbat would kill you just for the pleasure. To stay hidden is your best chance at survival. The only other option I can see for you is very risky. Find out the location of a member of the Sabbat and use your ability to withstand the sun's rays to diablerize them. You will trade one black mark for another, but the marks of diablerie fade in a year to all but the most keen of mystical eyes.
I'll keep diablerie in my back pocket I guess. I haven't killed any people yet, but from what I've heard those guys are basically animals anyway. I've been through a lot of small towns in the area before my embrace, might try to get back into one of those. What does ghouling a person mean?
In essence you're sharing a fraction of vampiric power with a mortal by giving them a small amount of blood.
Now, when I say mortal allow me to emphasize, SOMEBODY YOU TRUST AND HAVE GOTTEN TO KNOW. You DO NOT want some liability clutching your ankles everywhere you go begging for their next fix, or even worse, for your validation. You DO NOT want some idiot who's going to run out and get himself shot in the head because he thinks he's Wolverine. You DO NOT want to confirm the suspicions of a hunter who's been waiting to stake you.
Mine is my brother, we've been through everything together. 2 and a half decated of mortality and a little over 10 years of undeath together. He takes care of daytime things like our dog and taking care of the house and such. Speaking of dogs, you can make animals ghouls but I've never done it because the results can be unpredictable.
Some peoples' ghouls are their agents, but that's only if you really need that sort of thing. Somebody to snoop, wheel and deal in the daytime for you.
>What does ghouling a person mean?

Oh, yes. I suppose you wouldn't have had that explained to you. We drink the blood of mortals to sustain ourselves, but if we feed our blood to a mortal it creates a "ghoul". Think Renfield from Dracula, only usually more stable. They gain an echo of our powers, and cease to age, with none of the drawbacks. They are however bound to our will, though not fully until the third drink, each on a separate night. The ghoul retains these abilities so long as they have our blood in their system, and the bond lasts longer than that, for a year and a day. Vampires can also be blood bound, so never drink from a vampire without killing them. Feed your ghoul often, at least once a month. If they run out of blood they rapidly age to their true age.

Ghouls are used by every clan, but will be especially useful to you as you, being a Gangrel, almost certainly lack the disciplines of Dominate (hypnosis and mind control) and Presence (preternatural charisma and emotion control). They can watch you while you daysleep, protect you from attacks, and most importantly cover your personal weaknesses. Bad with money? Business ghoul. Can't go out in public? Talker ghoul. Can't fight? Bodyguard ghoul. Don't needless abuse them though, the blood bond is strong but not insurmountable. Ghouls do occasionally turn on their masters.
Gotcha, thanks again for the advice. I guess I'll swing back to a town I've been through and try to get in the good graces of some of the people I met there, ghoul them if I feel like I can trust them.

As for my disciplines, yeah I think I drew the short end of the stick there - no swarms of bats, no hypnotizing, no turning into mist. I did convince a raccoon to steal some food for me before I realized THAT was a bad idea. Maybe I'll try to make a ghoul guard dog or something.
Well if you can control raccoons, with more practice you actually could summon a swarm of bats. Your clan also has animalistic shapeshifting abilities that culminate in turning into mist, though it will take decades to achieve that normally and may be impossible for a thinblood. Lastly you possess the discipline known as Fortitude, which takes our natural durability and increases it further. A dabbler in the discipline can shrug off most firearms. A master can withstand concentrated fire from an entire platoon.
Holy shit, that's cool
Indeed, just don't go running headlong into gunfights. There are upsides to vampirism, it isn't just a "curse" as some like to say. I wish you good luck in your new eternity, neonate.
Thanks again, I'll try to post updates as I try to get settled.
I've also heard of the use of fortitude for brief resistance to the burning of the sun. I do wonder if with enough training "Fancy Feast" may be able to walk in the day harmlessly with it. Frankly, I'd give anything for an ability like that.
I would advise against diablerie, since when yku eat the soul of the other vampire its now in Your body meaning the other vampire is now in your head fighting for control, if your lucky you can fight it otherwise you can enter torpor (its like a coma) and even lose control fo your own body.
Whats this problem only caine can solve? And what makes you think he would be willing to?
I am cursed, you see. My body, while incapable of dying, constantly rots and ache. Though I look the same as a Samedi, my curse is far older and more potent than whatever aberrant deviation of vampirism affects that bloodline. And that was before I sought out the power of the embrace.

Can you imagine? Being quadriplegic due to your muscles decaying away, your body wasting and yet your nervous system is still operating? Feeling the unending pain of your nerves being exposed to the air? The hunger and thirst that you cannot escape from since you are unable to sustain yourself? And even though eons passed, your curse doesn’t end. All. For. One. Stupid. Rock.
I guess it’s another thing that I have in common with Caine.

Fortunately some kind soul took pity on me. Their mastery of esoteric medicinal arts restored my body, but it couldn’t prevent it from rotting away again. Or themselves from old age. It gave me time though. Time to look for solutions to my problem.

I took the powers of unlife when I learned of the regenerative nature of undeads, as well as their resilience. I thought a sturdy body that heals would be the answer to my problems, but like the kind soul from before, it is only a temporary fix.
Vampirism restores my body, but the diluted curse of Caine only regenerates myself after I feast aplenty. Only to gradually lose strength to my original curse night after night. Sometimes I wake up almost falling apart, and if it weren’t for reserves of vitae I’d be back to where I started ages ago.

Sometimes I even feel like Caine’s curse is being rejected by my body, and it’s only the intake of blood that anchors it back… though I need more potent blood for that usually.

Caine is possibly the only one that has what it takes to break the curse. That, or the end of the world.
So im guessing maybe you picked up a cursed stone, or something and it made you flesh rot away but also made you immortal. Well i dont think caine is a healer honestly, the only vampires known to be healers would be my kin the salubri. And our antedelluvian got diablerized by the tremere. But even assuming that caine learned obeah the healing discipline, he might not be able or might not want to theal you. I think seeing an archmage would be better they can warp reality to whatever they please.
Fascinating. Have you learned Potence or Fortitude, and have those helped your condition in any way? Either way, I somewhat agree with Triclops. You won't find a solution in Caine, even if he could I doubt he would heal you. He isn't a very charitable person if there's any truth to the many stories about him. You may want to look for other, more esoteric answers.
You are probably cursed by some demon or fae. Consider suicide. Caine can't be found. That dude in LA was probably just a Malk. If Caine wanted to interact with you he would. If you go looking for him he will kill you I have no doubt.

Hello there... I'm one of those, "achieve higher state types". I won't hurt you, or try to find you if you don't want to be found. But please tell me in specific detail about your condition. What makes you think you are a thinblood?

If you ever need shelter, just ask by the way.
>Am I in danger?
Not most places. Vibe check any place you're staying in or planning to visit, if there's a Scourge,avoid it.
>Is there any way to un-thin my blood?
There is. But I wouldn't recommend it at this juncture. Get used to feeding on people and learning how your Gangrel mojo works.
>And even though eons passed, your curse doesn’t end. All. For. One. Stupid. Rock.
Tell us about this One Stupid Rock.
Because I accidentally looked at older edition version of this ritual, Blood Phylactery from Player's Guide to Low Clans, which doesn't have that restriction.
I used an ancient Dur-An-Ki ritual (as well as several supplemental rituals), which is quite similar in effect to Thaumaturgical Enchant Talisman ritual, but lacks the size restriction.
>"thin-bloods" and how there's apparently a scourge on them
A major part of Scourge duties is destroying illegally embraced and thin-bloods like you. Not all domains have a Scourge, but avoid the ones who does. For example, if you'd arrive in Prague, it will be my duty as the Scourge to destroy you. It won't bring me any joy, as you seem an OK guy, but I won't hesitate - if some other Kindred would somehow learn of my negligience they could use it against me. I doubt the Scourges of other domains would be any different in that regard. Or, as >>93176251 correctly said, if your unique condition would become known, you'd live - but as a lab rat, most likely in a Tremere chantry, so fast death is a better alternative.
So follow the advice of LadyBlueBlood and lie low.
Your vitae is most likely too weak to create a blood bond or make a ghoul.
Seconding this.
Well, like I said sunlight doesn't seem to hurt me as much as I think it does other vampires. That, and I just... don't feel that much stronger, I guess? I've heard that it's not like the Lost Boys or something where you just get way more powerful, but I feel like what I'm being told I should be experiencing isn't lining up with what I'm actually feeling. Idk, maybe I'm lucky and not a thinblood, just stupid.

Not in Europe, so I hopefully won't be running into you. Why is it that thin-bloods are KOS? I guess I kinda understand for illegally embraced, and I have no idea if that applies to me or not, I didn't even get a name from my sire, but what's the problem with weaker vampires? The only thing I could think of is the risk that they'd want to diablerize their way up, but that seems kind of like an overreaction.
>Your vitae is most likely too weak to create a blood bond or make a ghoul.

Fuck, really? Any way I can tell for sure without just feeding my blood to someone and hoping it works? I guess I could test it on an animal.
I threw a rock at the son of God during his crucifixion, mocking him by telling him to go faster when he carried his cross.

His curse is to forever wander, not being able to die, until his return. While I cannot die, nothing specifies that my body would retain eternal youth.

I am cursed by the son of God, while Caine was cursed by God himself by proxy of his angels. Since the son and the father are one and the same… No mage, like the kind soul, has enough power to break such curse.

I will tell you one thing. I have no interest in the healing discipline. Caine’s very curse has the potential to break my own.

I have learned both of them. The latter is particularly useful, for I can’t stand any pain. And since I am still alive technically despite being a kindred, my body’s nervous system is still functioning compared to most vampires. As for Caine, I’ll see what I can do once I find him.

>Consider suicide
>If you go looking for him he will kill you I have no doubt
That’s the idea.
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> Caine claims he killed Abel, due to wanting to sacrifice to god the thing he held most dear that being his little brother.
I have a copy of that same text from UMich.
He does not want to sacrifice to god, but does so out of fear of punishment. He tried as best as he could to sacrifice the best of his harvest from the earth, but that was not enough for God. He demanded blood. Caine would have been punished either for the failure to give a suitable offering to God or if he had given something taken from his brother's herd.
Either it would have been punishment for failing to give unto God what He demanded or it would be punishment for the first killing of a human being.

I do not agree with Caine's reasoning in this (as it is written in that source), but that is what is written.
>sunlight bothers me but I slept out in the day just fine after my first night
Then you are very high in generation. Seek the wild places away from cities. That will be the best for you, away from the scourges of the cities. As a childe of a Gangrel, you should have abilities that will aid you in surviving on the blood of animals.
Be aware that not all Gangrel have the same Disciplines. You might have the powers of a mariner or a City Gangrel.
> Am I in danger?
From the Camarilla, yes. From the Anarchs or Sabbat, less so.
> Is there any way to un-thin my blood?
It will either cost your soul (through diablerie) or take a thousand years (or more) of meditation to reach Golconda as Saulot had.
> Why is it that thin-bloods are KOS?
It's in the Book of Nod, a prophecy that the time of Thin Blood will lead to the coming of Gehenna.
What the fools in the Camarilla don't realize is that killing thin-blooded cainites won't stop it from coming. Only killing the Antediluvians will stop it.
I recommend finding safe passage out of your city and finding an Anarch domain.
I heard demons didn't get the idea of murder until they say what Caine did to Abel
Sounds like you deserve your fate. I take it, suffer till Kingdom Come

I could test your blood if you'd like. I tested another... gangrel... not to long ago in Berlin
Maybe, but again I'm not in Europe. After some of what LadyBlueBlood said, I'm also a bit hesitant to just let anyone who's eager to test me know my location. No offense.
Update: I apparently also have some Fortitude. I figured I'd give it a try to see if I could do any more than just talk to animals, and yeah, my skin is pretty tough to cut with a knife when I want it to be. Bad idea to test it when I did though, now I'm hungry and animals don't seem to be very filling.





End of the world... you know, kindred talks a lot of Gehenna, and the thinbloods being a sign of the end coming... sometimes the thought keeps me going, but when is it happening? I feel whenever it happens, it won't be fast enough.
Only girls with daddy issues like the dark father. I want to have dark mother.
>Why is it that thin-bloods are KOS?
It's a bit complicated. The prophecy of Gehenna is part of it, but a lot of Cammies (like Lady or Stripesy in the thread) are proudly skeptic of Gehenna, even the ones who believe in Caine.
For those, I think it's mostly a matter of jealousy and fear. Basically, for most Licks; the sun hits you and that's game. There are exceptions, usually involving magic or some high end Fortitude. But that takes time, effort and even then, we still tend to fall into a coma during the daylight hours.
So, you're able to operate while some of your most powerful peers are helpless. Which for them, is absolutely terrifying, which doesn't combine well with the average thinblood's lack of a support base.
>I tested another... gangrel... not to long ago in Berlin
Please tell me it was tall dark and scaly.
Artificer here. I come in fren. Vampire flayed my skin and ate my cat, but you're not all bad
No. I'm talking about Isawthewolf.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

That's perfectly fine my friend. I'm just here to help
You need to drink a lot of foul animal blood to equal the same amount as a survivable sip from humans. Time to start thinking like a predator. If you are confident in your strength, attack someone who is alone and bite them. If you can catch them from behind the tranquilizing property of your bite will make them go limp and remember little. If you are charming enough you could get someone to go somewhere alone with you and feed there and if you can pick a lock/defeat security systems you can even feed on sleeping people. If you really don't want to risk it you could try sneaking into a cattle farm and going through the herd until full. Also, don't kill when you feed. It's a bad habit and it's easy for someone who knows to spot a vampire from their kills. If you hide the body you can get a way with it a few times, but once the missing persons rate gets higher than the national average, people may start to put two and two together.

Also if you want to test your capacity to ghoul, try it on someone you trust. As others have stated our blood is addicting. If you are without the ability to create ghouls then you will have to hone your animalism to make up the difference.
>missing persons rate gets higher than the national average, people may start to put two and two together.
I don't know if he's got even that much of a margin of error. In a small town, one person going missing might even be the end of your stay there.
So what do we think boys? Malkavian, fake, or actually telling the truth?

I'm currently leaning Malkavian, for I see an issue with his story. He says he can not die as a key point of his curse, yet he was embraced. Everyone knows that in order to embrace someone you must drain them to the point of death, then feed them your blood shortly after. If he can't die how was he embraced? Was he drained of every drop while still alive, then fed vampire blood, and that resulted in an embrace rather than a particularly tortured ghoul? He also claims to still be "alive" and also Kindred. Unless any of these claims can be proven, I would suspect our friend is a particularly unfortunate Malkavian.
Maybe it's an opportunity for investigation. Maybe this is how we know it's about being drained rather than being dead when it comes to the embrace.
Perhaps. But hide the body well enough and make sure you had no prior tie to the victim and he could get away with one.

There's also hiding the body in a place where it will eventually be found, but after decomposition has removed any evidence of vampirism. If there's mountain lions or bears where he is, they could easily be blamed. Despite their reputation as cowards, black bears do sometimes attack out of fear and can do so with lethal force.
Always a pleasure to hear of the ancient arts. Here or overseas. Congratulations.
Don't go serial killer, got it. I haven't had much to drink from people yet, but it's definitely more nourishing. Guess it's time to figure out how to feed.

Man, I guess I'm not that far behind on knowing about the way vampires work. Do most vampires wanna investigate it this much, or is it just the kind of people who come on this site?
>or is it just the kind of people who come on this site?
Schrecknet's nice in the way that it's like the older internet. You have to want to be on it to be on it, and the users are generally interested in sharing information
I guess that's fair. I'd definitely be worse off if I didn't get some advice from here.
Oh I've tested that once. I hooked a ghoul volunteer up to many machines to keep him alive without blood for as long as possible. Then my assistant fed him Vitae. Turns out the transformation process won't take unless the body dies, which is kind of an arbitrary distinction anyhow, just ask any scientist or doctor.

Malk or some demented larp. He could be a Malk that was possessed by a spirit or something like that. Sounds similar to that kind of thing with him needing to constantly glut himself on blood to avoid the consequences.
Trurh. He doesn't talk like a Mallavian, his consciousness is too united. And if he's lying, to what end? If he's a hunter, he'd scare away any mark with his probable age, and the implication that he had himself "embraced by force."
We're in a "more things than heaven and earth than dreamt of in your philosophy" situation.
You would be surprised how lucid some Malkavians can seem. They aren't all gibbering madman prophet types. Many have quite personal delusions.
The man keeps typing in hyperbolic capitals. He's demented.
He is not one of my clan. Not all dementation among the race of Caine is due to the curse placed on Malkav's breed.
He could be a member of the brood of Samedi (or another offshoot of the Cappadocian line) who has succumbed to madness by other means (wraiths are known to drive others mad through their own means).
>You would be surprised how lucid some Malkavians can seem
I am routinely receiving reports from the Steves.
Bit of an update on my situation, for anyone who cares.

Skipped the town I was in, started tracing my steps backward a bit. Probably gonna go somewhere new soon in case somebody else can trace them too. I've reached a more rural area and crashed for the day under a bridge in an old trail nearby. I can definitely say that whether sunlight hurts me at all, I feel extremely tired as soon as it's up. Still planning on getting further out into the sticks. No vampires here as far as I can tell, but I was able to mostly walk here in a night so I'm sure it's still in somebody's domain. Managed to feed from an actual human at a gas station, he was the attendant closing up for the night and I just snuck up on him, I think that'll be the go-to for a little while. I took some of his cash, which I felt bad about but I'm sure I'm gonna have to pay for something at some point. Not to speak too soon, but I think I can make this work for however long I need it to until I get more settled.

On that topic, laying low in a smaller town was definitely a suggestion I'm considering, but I've always been a bit of a drifter. Would it be viable to go from place to place and just... not stick around long enough to raise suspicions?
How cute

I applaud your cautiousness.

Indeed one does not become kindred without dying. And you got the first half of the process I went through. But like I said earlier, it is not for naught that Caine’s curse resists me. Rejects me.

Once every two to three years I have to take… drastic measures because Caine’s curse is being overtaken by my own. Because I’m still “alive”.

It would be so simple if that were the case. Just consider me a high maintenance kindred.

I am what I am, and simply wish to not be. Forever.

I have met some during my time on earth. Many are just more miserable than the insane ones.

I got issues, but not crazy.

I am older than the Samedi bloodline. Though I am acquainted with many of them.
It has its ups and downs, but yeah, you could travel.
Just be careful out there. I don't know if anybody has told you that werewolves are real, but they are and they're no joke (So I'm told.)
I guess that tracks. I had one guy tell me up and down that he saw a Skinwalker once during the short time I spent at Elysium, any connection?
Yeah, kind of a connection, but I really don't know enough about it to give you the facts.
Your immunity to harm from the sun will make traveling much easier. However, in this state you are still vulnerable, and can be mistaken for just another corpse. You may wake up in a morgue the next night if someone finds you and you don't wake up when they try to move you. There are also other creatures of the night besides us, you would be wise to avoid them, young and weak as you are. Werewolves are a concern, but if you stay out of the true backwaters they aren't really that common. They're dying out, from what I have heard.

Another test of your abilities. Try melding with the earth. Yes I know how insane that sounds, and given your other abilities you may not have it, but it is a power you should be able to learn. Even without it, staying on the move is viable in theory. Evasion is your primary strength. Keep a low profile, and you should be able to persist long enough to figure out what you want to do with your eternal life.
Just went outside and tried it. Aside from humiliating myself in front of some crows, I didn't accomplish much. Sounds like a useful skill to develop though, thanks for the tip!
They're great ain't they.
>Would it be viable to go from place to place and just... not stick around long enough to raise suspicions?
Yes. But you're going to need to get good at vibe checking where you're going. Cammies don't like stray Licks hunting on their turf, depending on your local bishop, Sabbats like to "play" with them, even if you weren't duskborn and conditonally KoS for either.
I thought I finally understood the plan with the dogs when one of them requisitioned a sled and some wheels.
And then I receive a report that includes a label that says Sled Shovelheads.
Heyyy, do you breathe? You can safely rest in a plastic bag at a bottom of a sufficiently muddy pond even if you aren’t thin blooded.
Not automatically, no. Not an awful idea, but getting in and out of the pond without getting soaked sounds like a pain in the ass.
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Get used to it. Lilith said that suffering builds character.
>Just imagine
>can't keep up with celerity?
>not as easy fast as a toreador?
Now from the brilliant minds of Malkav Industries a solution.
>That's right our shovelhead sleds will make ghouled rickshaws and Jianshi pannequins a thing of the past
Get your's tonight!
Topic of discussion: What do you think is the least useful discipline?

I don't think any of the common disciplines are useless, but a few of the unique ones seem like a waste to me. Above all that I have seen in use is that odd fae discipline, I once knew a Kiasyd and he often struggled in utilizing it to any great effect.
Okay if you wanna wander buy an rv and pretend to be a outdoorsman type, drive around to various parks, hiking trails, and nature preserves make sure people cant see into the rv during the day (mabye tape the curtains shut) they will assume your out. Now the main issue is werewolves watch out for them, a lot of them kill vampires on sight, and they move in groups. Some of them though can be reasoned with.
Man I'd love to get an RV. Can't afford one though, but maybe I can figure that out. And yeah I'd probably just shut the curtains pretty well, again sunlight doesn't seem to hurt me much if at all so I don't think I'd need to go full cardboard-over-the-windows. Also, a few people have mentioned werewolves, what are some things I should be on the lookout for? Definitely don't wanna accidentally piss any off.
I haven't seen many disciplines in action myself, but I've heard that one clan has a discipline that just makes people crazy? I think that's definitely a bit scary to go up against, but how much use can they actually get out of something like that?
Im not gonna say that any discipline is bad but i do think some are much more rewarding, like animalism which only really starts paying off for elders, yeah being able to speak with animals is fine, but only the lower generations get truly powerful abilites.
The issue is that in their eyes all vampires are tainted, its better to give em a wide berth and if you ever encounter one you cant run from hope and pray they are willing to spare you since you are a victim of the wyrm.
Maybe they'd be cool with you if you walked around trails collecting litter and putting it in a recycling bin.
If you see anything that looks like a shrine or important tree, leave it alone. If you hear wolf howls, start making haste. Werewolves treat most trespassers as kill on sight, they are quite dangerous physically and always travel in packs. Silver bullets are very effective, but again, packs. They also possess their own mystical abilities.

Fortunately as I have said prior, they are dying out. Avoid deep woods, and trust your gut. Stay mobile and if you hear howling, increase your speed.
I'm starting to think everything is being phased out by thaumaturgy anyways.
That's what the thaumaturgists would have you believe. For every dazzling deed they have a hundred bookish nincompoop s that pop as easily as most fledgling.

The healing discipline is sort of bad for creatures that naturally heal by feeding. Obfuscate is kind of bad in the sense of being and encouraging passively.
Make peace with them. Treat with them & speak respectfully. Kill their enemies to gain honor in their eyes. Use Path of Spirit Manipulation to craft baubles to assuage them. Lupines can be great Allies if you cultivate a bond.
Valaren, Daimonion, Abyssal Mysticism, & other such infernal practices or nearly infernal practices. It's a kindred's place to guard the kine like a shepard guards his flock from the real evils.
>The issue is that in their eyes all vampires are tainted

Had the oportunity to talk to a spider shifter once and learned a bit. Lupines see pretty much everything as tainted. There used to be a lot more other shifters than just lupines but lupines exterminated nearly all of them.

>The healing discipline is sort of bad for creatures that naturally heal by feeding.

It can heal wounds caused by fire and similar such sources much faster than feeding would. Claims are it can fix mental illnesses and suspend malkavian madness for a limited time. Also, supposedly healing souls which is where the the rumors about soul stealing come from.
The rumors come from their literal ability to pull the soul out of the dying
I bet thaumaturgist do that too.
No, that's the forte of Necromancy, not that there isn't some overlap. Between the two sorcerous Disciplines, Celerity, & maybe a dabble in Vicissitude to modify your body, finding value in other disciplines is hard.
>fixes mental illness
More triclops lies. Impossible. Might as well claim to make nosferatu beautiful or make venture love blue collar hamburgahs.

What the hell even is soul damage. Did they catch soul shrapnel from a soul cannon? Did a soul machete cut off its arm?
>takes note of soul cannon idea
And they say we're mad. These things don't exist because you guessed it
>saluuuuuuuts are actually secret malkavians
Pfffsh heal souls.To what end. Hide diablerie marks most likely.
>Might as well claim to make nosferatu beautiful

It is possible, but any alternations done to improve their looks will twist into new hideousness on their own within a few nights.
Yeah, the people saying obeah is useless dont know what they are talking about, being able to heal in the middle of a fight without feeding is great. Also yes it can make malkavians temporarily sane, the crazy steves will become sane steves.
Its funny you call valeren infernal considering it was the samiel the crafter of valeren and his childe who led the charge against the baali, protecting the first and second cities. Or the fact that you hired me a master of valeren to hunt down those sabbat vans. Tremere culture is strange isnt it, spewing the lies but at the same time knowing them to be lies but never admitting to it.
You'd be surprised. Making someone think they're on fire is a hell of a power move.
What can I say? You're the devil I know.
Is there any slurs I can call a Mage. They fucked with my shit too many times and I want to insult them with the worst words I can find.
Fae magic bro.
If they're one of the ones that larp as scientists using wonder-tech, calling them a wizard is insult enough.
And for the non-techno fucks?
I advise caution. There is a considerable risk of getting turned into a chair.
I will reject such reality they try to impose and call them a slur all the while, now give me one to use.
Unrelated to a previous question I asked; Anyone else been encounter weird users that call themselves "Sovereigns". I've been seeing them on the standard web and they've been doing weird shit to some friends on mine's programs he put there. A-list fucking programmers and theyve been doing weird shit on the greater web. Kinda worried they'd find their way here somehow.
Call them "Reality Deviants".
>Fucking Quads
I'll take it!
No clue who they are.
Did'nt someone say that at the last elysium or something. God that was a boring one, the prince went on and on about procedure and decorum.
>the prince went on and on about procedure and decorum.
You think that's bad a buddy of mine in Norfolk said that a reagent there loves to talk about how clean shave her vagina is. That and the Bodica roleplay that goes one.
A regent did this? The head of the local chantry? I would expect a toreador or a malkavian to do this maybe even a particullary strange ventrue but not a tremere.
Fuck man, I just guess that when you get old enough you get weirder. That or she was already like that before the embrace.

Also I'm guessing the "Sovereigns" group are just a problem Nosferatu problem. Clan mates of mine have been encountering them as well, but only really those that took to cyberspace. Fucker seem to be at the weirdest spots on the web. My guess is that just some fucking mages more terminally online then we are.
Vampires all over get weird, you've probably pick up a habit that seems absolutely normal to you that's utterly incomprehensible to someone who hasn't seen the sun for the two last centuries. Someday after shit settles down in Berlin I'll tell you guys about the shit the local Bishop gets into.
Of Colma, not Berlin. They still aren't electing one for some goddamned reason.
How are bloodlines created? Met a gangrel that used something he called Spiritus, supposedly unique to his bloodline. Anybody willing to explain it to me?
>sane Steve's
Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein.

They always get mad at me when I say the consensus tells me they talk like a faggot and their shits all retarded.

I mean when nair says don't put it on your demoted corporals that's only for the living right? It also means that she was embraced with a hairy bush. Forever.

Most see vampires as cursed but we are cursed and cursed and cursed. Layers upon layers of curses hang upon us. Caine should be called cursespewer. We also have a certain amount of self determination that our bodies curses and reality adheres to.they sometimes call them mutations and there does appear to be some variability but we're not living. If it's a mutation it's a mutation of the beast or our curse itself.
I don't fully understand it, mostly because I'm sure there are plenty of ways that I've never heard of before.
I think the best answer I can give is deliberately.
As far as I'm aware there has never been an accidental or unintentional creation of bloodline, or deviation from established distinction, save for the (very) odd caitiff. It's only ever been done with the goal in mind of separation, perhaps by denouncing the traditions of your bloodline and declaring your objective to begin anew, or through a ritual to endow your blood with greater power, or even a curse upon a particular bloodline. I would assume from this that one must be quite driven to make the change in order to do so.
One needs to manipulate the blood enough to create distinct separations. Like branches on a tree. This can be done purposefully or accidentally. It's why I don't sire childer. I have enough magic stapled onto my soul & a curse enough for one, I would be loathe to pass that on to another if so.
No clue. I have skipped town. My work in Berlin is finished, I must need return to the vitaegg project in Ohio.

Forgot the name

Probably a woman who was embraced before that was a more widely embraced cultural fashion. I'm guessing she pioneered a ritual that allows shorn hair being accepted as the new "base template" of her nightly awakening. We have a ritual that can restore hair, so it would make sense to go the other way. Her bragging about her bald muff is a way of saying "Oh look at me, I have made a useful new ritual, am I not powerful & wise?"
Seattle's pretty chill with most people, the sewers especially are calm. Can't necessarily offer you a spot down here but we do offer a few days rest if you need it.

I managed to ghoulify my pet mice, they're doing pretty well right now but it was a little touch and go for a bit.

Dude you threw a rock at the literal savior of mankind who took the sins of each and everyone of them. You looked at the purest living being since his Mother was born and seethed so hard you just had to bully a tortured man who only wanted the best for you. This is called just deserts.

Animals aren't that bad once you get used to them. Most of us Nosferatu treat human blood as a special occasion type of thing. A bloodbag or something usually.

I've gone on walks at the bottom of the Puget a few times as dates and it's actually pretty nice. Bring glow sticks and learn ASL and you're set. Could probably make entire settlements underwater. Is that how Atlantis happened?

Hey guys, I'm back from a few days hiatus. No real excuse, just busy doing other stuff around Seattle. I'm getting pretty popular down here and people are starting to run small shit past me. I recently helped organize an expansion to one of the warrens due to a few more members of our little family. Hope all of you've been getting along well.
>nosferatu beautiful
that can actually happen but only in really REALLY rare cases, I'm an example of one such case so I act as the Warren's face whenever someone needs to talk to kine,
that sounds like the malkavian clan's discipline of Dementation, from what I've been told by a Malk it can be very useful depending on how you use it. what's your clan if you don't mind me asking?
>Dude you threw a rock at the literal savior of mankind who took the sins of each and everyone of them. You looked at the purest living being since his Mother was born and seethed so hard you just had to bully a tortured man who only wanted the best for you
To be fair, a good portion of Jerusalem did much the same. And depending on which theology you go by, all of human kind is culpable for his torture death, even those born afterward. Thinking it over, even Judas who sold Jesus out to the Romans didn't get shit like this. Makes me think that maybe there's some other cause that happened on the same day.
>Could probably make entire settlements underwater.
Gonna have a hell of a time pouring good foundations.
A good portion of Jerusalem suck ass but you're not wrong. It does suck he got singled out.
Also yeah I was thinking more temporary structures like wood or a shipping container but yeah getting real foundations for a city would be a bitch and then some.
Speaking of elysium does anyone have any stories worth sharing about weird or crazy events at elysium. There was this one time.i was sitting in at a local elysium and this fledgling brujah came in and started screaming in protest about "wight rights" saying that they had a right to unlife and that we shouldnt be hunting them, the prince calmly walked up to her bitch slapped so hard she threw across the room. He then had the sherrif take her home while returning to planning a solution to the city's wight problem.
Wood has two issues thopse being it:
1. can be hastily fashioned into a stake by bad actors, presumably in scuba suits or diving bells or something.
2. floats.
Shipping container sounds like the better idea, try to find something to waterproof it.
Though some Licks might go for that rusted look.
Oh my, several. Before my sire came into the position (long story), our Prince allowed his Seneschal, a Nosferatu (the Prince was also Nosferatu, longer story) to flagrantly violate Elysium rules and use Obfuscate at the end of a speech to vanish for theatrics. It was my first angle I could use to instigate a changing of the guard.

Another, much later incident involved an aspiring Toreador hijacking the sound system at a Camarilla formal, to play Bauhaus (you know which song) as her little posse walked in. The Keeper actually used some of my coterie members to remove the impromptu D.J. I was on "check the Toreador" duty.
>Seattle's pretty chill with most people, the sewers especially are calm. Can't necessarily offer you a spot down here but we do offer a few days rest if you need it.

Thanks for the offer, I'll try to hit you up if I'm ever in the area. Not in that part of the country right now, but maybe one day I will be.

>Animals aren't that bad once you get used to them. Most of us Nosferatu treat human blood as a special occasion type of thing. A bloodbag or something usually.

Man, sounds like you guys have it rougher than I do from what I've heard. Haven't actually met any, admittedly. I haven't exactly been hanging out in the sewers yet.

>what's your clan if you don't mind me asking?

Gangrel, I've been told. My powers and the curse seem to match, so I'm assuming that's right. So far I've been spending my free time working on controlling bigger groups of animals than one and "melding with the earth" as LadyBlueBlood suggested. Still haven't quite gotten the hang of it, but her other advice has been solid so I don't think she's fucking with me.
Hah, some people just want to put on a show it seems. That second feels like some sort of play to try and become a harpy, except they where idiots so it backfired instantly.
>Speaking of elysium does anyone have any stories worth sharing about weird or crazy events at elysium
San Francisco March 15th, 1998, we put on a little traditional Festivo dello Estinto play; the audience only gave us time for one the scene but I like to think I played a pretty good Caine, laying his curses out on the Antediluvians after they killed Zillah.
Had to run like hell afterward, we laughed the whole goddamned way, even "Zillah" who still had a roof tile jammed into her head.
you have animalism, guessing you can shapeshift as well... do you have any other powers? it can narrow down what your sire was specifically. for example a friend of mine is what's called a 'City Gangrel', has celerity and obfuscate alongside protean
She annoys me greatly. The kind of vampire who keeps shooting themselves in the foot, not fully suffering for it, and then maligning how cruel unlife is to her. Fair-weather Anarch sympathizer...

For example, she was in a relationship with a vampire revealed to be an infernalist! But as it was proven she had no idea, my magnanimous sire the Prince not only spared her unlife, but offered her condolences! Moreover, she complains that her club can't get Elysium status, because she keeps a den of iniquity in the basement. Oh, and of course the one time I extended a token of friendship I caught one of her employees snooping around my domain. The only thing that woman has ever contributed to the city was a play about the Convention of Thorns, and even that required a rewrite to avoid being Anarch propaganda.
Oh cool someone else in Seattle! I see a lot of us on here, pretty cool!
Can't say for sure, right now all I can do is command animals and I'm damn tough. No success in melding with the earth, shapeshifting, or anything else feeling innate like the other stuff did.

Probably not a "city gangrel" though? My sire dwells in a literal cave, as far as I know. He didn't really stick around for me to get to know him.
I suppose I should say for clarity, I've only been dead about two weeks.
melding with the earth is a power of Protean, you are tough and can communicate with animals. Question: Do you have a particular compulsion that you regularly engaged in?
Uhh... I don't think so? What kind of thing do you mean?
I have a theory, you haven't really done Protean related things but you have control-ish of animals and you are tough, there's a possibility that you might not be a Gangrel unless I missed something
Not every vampire develops immediate ability with their clan's disciplines. Besides, if he has developed or temporarily had an animal feature, he is a Gangrel for sure.
true, guessing you are a Venture by your name, Lady Blue...
Yeah... what >>93205216 said. Hence the name. What other clans get animalism and fortitude? Now I'm curious.

Ravnos. Their third discipline is illusions and your two clans hate each other.
I'll keep that in mind, thanks. Any other enemies by circumstance I should try to be aware of?
the only ventrue I've had experience with was an indian guy who wandered through, showed me a trick that was like tremere blood magic
Everyone, thinblood. Pretty much everyone hates you.
Yeah, that's the impression I got. Still, bummer. Gonna see how long I can lay low for, following the advice I've gotten.
Thanks. Sorcerer caste of our clan preserved that knowledge for mkllenia and I strive to pass this knowledge to my own childer.
Most likely a Malk.
For me it's probably Animalism. Not that useful in a modern city.

Damn, it's 7.30 Am here and I'm incredibly drunk. I've drunk over 2 liters of vodka over this night and had to type this post 3 times before it started mking some sense. I've learned this night that one of the guys who played with me in the chrinicle I took my character from just got KIA. He was drafted in late september 2022 and a FPV drone got him.Damn. Ok, nevermind,
don't be a dick and be polite, and for the love of whatever you believe in, don't go barging into a nosferatu den and act like an aggressive douche; you'll get a face full of incendiary. Speaking from experience as a Gangrel once barged into our warren and threatened my girlfriend, we ended up using his burning body to smoke rat meat
Some Indian Ventrue have been known to practice blood magic. Proof that any of us can learn the secrets of blood sorcery with the right amount of effort.

Camarilla domains are hit or miss, some employ scourges to hunt thinbloods. Others do not care but you will likely be looked down on. Avoid the Sabbat like the plague, they will eat you. If by some freak accident you find vampires calling themselves Anarchs, they are almost certain to tolerate you... until you express a contrary opinion.

On a clan basis, Gangrel and Ravnos have an ancient rivalry, and Tremere may try to kidnap and study you. They are vampire wizards.
Fancy-Feast, do as the Lady suggests and avoid Tremere, which is for two reasons. One is that they tend to be touchy and don't care much for people's personal space, and Two: they wiped out the nicest of vampire lines, as Triclops about it
Uh... thanks for the tip? I don't think I plan on making any enemies. If tremere are a risk without pissing them off, I'll try to steer clear.

>they are almost certain to tolerate you... until you express a contrary opinion.
Oh yeah, I've crashed with a few punks before, I know the drill.
>I don't think I plan on making any enemies.
Does anyone? Just remember when one of them makes you their enemy, you're awake while they sleep, you can move while they're still.
You are their predator. Not prey.
It's tough but we make do. Most of us aren't anywhere near as bad as we look but I won't lie and say there aren't bad ones. My sire, for example, is one of those assholes who likes to turn people for being attractive.

It's a pretty nice town all things considered. I like things calm and quiet and even the rare spot of trouble I've heard happening rarely makes it down here.

Wish that wasn't the case. It's not his fault he has a high gen sire.

This is very good advice. If you ever come to Seattle and want to visit, find some sewers and then just hang out for a bit and someone will usually find you and help you with directions. We take our privacy and security really seriously. Was just working on some of the traps earlier actually.

How's it going Blue? I don't think you were over in Berlin when shit was going down but I may as well ask. Same to anyone else who was in the forum then, just hope you didn't die or something.
This is true. I took to Thaumaturgy like a fish to water, & I have Auspex but I have yet to really explore Dominate, I instead focused on learning branches of Necromancy from a colleague who had his face melted off.
Sorry it's been a minute since I've really been able to check in here. The Berlin Primogen has banned any tremere from leaving the city right now, & I'm not one to ruffle feathers but I really have no reason to stay. I've gotten updates on the vitaegg project but haven't been hands on.

Don't fear the Tremere. The others are just wary of our power. I'm a Tremere & I'm down right friendly. Uptrend I saw you mention your desire for an RC, why not just ghoul someone who already has an RV? Preferably someone no one will miss. Have them be your chauffer until you can train a proper ghoul to replace them.
>How's it going Blue?

My nights remain prosperous. I had no direct involvement with whatever went down in Berlin. No offense intended to any posters, but I am waiting for an official report, internet posts among the kine are unreliable. Imagine how much distortion happens with Kindred? My involvement ended when I informed an Archon of a possible incident in Berlin. I have my own affairs to manage, and I do not want to be identified by other users of Schrecknet. It's nothing personal of course, I like to use this site to speak my mind openly, without the need for lies and carefully worded statements. So I do not want my actual identity to be discovered, I am a Kindred of some influence with a prestigious sire, all despite my young age and mediocre generation. I can't risk giving any enemies within or without ammunition.

I hope your nights remain worthwhile..
Something really weird happened tonight
>be me
>assistant to the prince of Boston (don’t ask I fucking hate this job)
>she’s having a meeting
>all of a sudden some fucker burst in looking terrified
>the prince is about to have him executed when he says that someone called Caiaphas Smith is in the city
>she calls in the one of the security fuckers immediately to confirm
>pulls up a security feed of the area the messenger spotted him
>they go through a few cameras before spotting and zooming in on this old dude eating soup in a diner
>her eyes go wide as does everyone else’s in the meeting
>she then gives the order for all Kindred to evacuate the city and near by area
What the actual fuck is going on? Who is this asshole? Why is everyone so shit scared of some old guy?
Yeah mr smith is the real deal, hes a 200 year old vampire hunter who drinks the blood of his prey (technically making him an indepedent ghoul) hes a threat which should be taken seriously
God Speed Caiaphas Smith, from one (former) ghoul to another.
He's just an addict looking for his next hit. I know what it's like.
>Why is everyone so shit scared of some old guy?
He's the only ghoul I know of who has managed not only remain independent for centuries, but has become such a thorn in the Cammie's side that they have to try to kill him with starvation.
>Avoid the Sabbat like the plague, they will eat you
He wouldn't taste good. He'd be safe enough once he'd find a decent pack.
>Anarchs, they are almost certain to tolerate you... until you express a contrary opinion.
If only that sect was wise enough to adopt the Ritus of Monomachy, they could have saved so much time wasted on pointless arguments.
>sunlight bothers me but I slept out in the day just fine after my first night.
Just throwing this out there, but maybe you're not a vampire at all?
"Sunlight bothers me" is something I could say about myself back when I was alive, and even when I were alive sleeping outside during the day would at least give me a nasty sunburn.

I'm still a fresh corpse in the grand scheme of things but I'm not completely clueless, so Ancillae (And elders if you're here for some reason) correct me if I'm wrong.
Total immunity from the sun's light is not just a unique aberration, it's downright unheard of.
I've seen and heard of enough deviations from "normal vampirism" that I know almost every Kindred feature can be modified and even replaced, even drinking blood (some Kindred eat flesh instead).
But not overcoming the sun, never that.
I've known of one vamp who, instead of burning alive immediately, reacted to the sun as if it gives him a REALLY bad sunburn. he can walk around in the day but only when fully covered up. Not sure if that noteworthy or not, always assumed it was a discipline at work
He is a thinblood, a portent of Gehenna by any Noddist's assessment. He would need to be extremely lucky to find a pack that wouldn't kill him, and even those would be likely to force him to commit diablerie. Even if by some miracle he found this tolerant pack, he would still be forced to wash his humanity away through vile acts, or more likely picked apart by a Tzimisce in a lab in a foolish attempt to replicate his sunlight immunity. Very few within the Sabbat have your humanity. I have a duty to keep young Kindred from falling in with the Sabbat, lest they lose their dignity, humanity and possibly even their soul in service to a sect that is comprised primarily of those who revel in savagery.

He has expressed his need to feed, use of easily recognizable disciplines, and he managed to enter an exit Elysium without setting off any alarm bells besides "thinblood." He simply has an abberant and uncommon ability.
I know a few ways to conquer the sun. The Curse of Caine, while powerful, can be mitigated to almost non-existence by those willing to dedicate themselves to it.
Yeah, definitely a vampire, I've got the fangs and the disciplines and all that stuff LadyBlueBlood was saying. I also wasn't really sunlight-averse when I was alive, I was (and still am) pretty outdoorsy.

Alright I've gotta get another opinion on this shit. The consensus seems to be that the Camarilla MIGHT kill me, but the Sabbat are either gonna welcome me with open arms or drink me dry and make me watch. Anybody else have a stance on this?
> a thinblood, a portent of Gehenna by any Noddist's assessment.
Will it do any good to shoot down the bird that flies as an omen of things to come? Gehenna will arrive regardless of how many thin-bloods are killed or how much the caitiffs are repressed.
You forget that it was the Sabbat that recognized the Clanless as their own clan before anyone else did.
>He would need to be extremely lucky to find a pack that wouldn't kill him
So long as he respected the domain of others and the authority of the ruling Bishops or Archbishops, he would not come to harm unless he brought it on himself.
>even those would be likely to force him to commit diablerie.
A thinblood, even better a thinblood who can communicate with animals is a useful tool for intelligence gathering (and other forms of espionage). Forcing him to commit amaranth to lower his generation would be squandering that advantage.
> he would still be forced to wash his humanity away through vile acts
Again, those that follow the path of humanity are among our best tools for information gathering due to their ability to blend in with the kine and the kindred of the Anarchs and Camarilla.
> Very few within the Sabbat have your humanity.
Very few that make it past a century. Even then, the Path of Redemption and Path of Honorable Accord are far from the concept of a reveler in savagery.
I will reiterate that your best option is to find an Anarch domain. You would be relatively safe within a Sabbat domain (compared to a Camarilla one with an active Scourge), but you would be seen as a 'false' Sabbat due to you not having undergone creation rites.
Caitiff and Thinbloods are different things, and I have yet to meet a Sabbat in person who wouldn't butcher a thinblood for laughs. You are delusional if you think your brothers at arms wouldn't slaughter him or maybe trade him to a Tzimisce.

By all means, get as many opinions as possible. We all have our biases, but consider how I have not attempted to sway you to the Camarilla that will kill you as policy depending on the city. Even then, those vampires you met at Elysium were kind enough to warn you and let you go. I reiterate that a low profile, avoiding sects is your best option for the foreseeable future. Even the "Anarchs", if we are pretending they are a real sect, would use you like a weapon for your unique ability.

But whatever you do, do not join the Sabbat, for your own sake. Let me explain what the the Sabbat is like. The Sabbat claim to represent liberty, revolution, and vampire supremacy. To this end they adopt a practice called the vinculum, which binds a Pack (the smallest group of Sabbat) together, forcing them to tolerate and even like each other through a ritual of mutual blood drinking. To "strengthen" themselves for their holy war, they engage in the Games of Instinct. Some games of instinct include: Playing football with a terrified mortal as the "ball", capturing a mortal or enemy vampire and releasing them in a maze to be hunted down and murdered, choosing a mortal at random and playing capture the flag with them, playing cowboys and indians with real guns (and sometimes costumes), and of course jumping off of rooftops and trying to hit people on the street below. Other Sabbat greatest hits include the mass embrace, where dozens of mortals are kidnapped, violently embraced, and sent at the Sabbat's enemies starving and half concious. Oh, and we musn't forget the blood feast, where they take however many mortals they need for a large "feast" and drink them all dry.
The Sabbat will kill you, that is a guarantee. The only question is how long that will take & what amenities they allow you before the axe falls.

The great news is that you are a gangrel & not beholden to the same shackles as other Clans. Run free, only dip your toes in the bloody sea that is the Jyhad, & you'll live long. There are other groups than the Sabbat & the Camarilla, & I dont mean the Anarchs. You don't need to join any group, you are completely self sufficient. But if you would like to help me out, & recieve any boon you could name in kind, I could use a man who is talented with animals in Ohio. Do you like chickens?
Gotcha, I guess even with your prior advice to just lay low, all this talk of sects makes me feel like picking a side is mandatory. I'll just try to keep my head low as best I can.

>I could use a man who is talented with animals in Ohio. Do you like chickens?
I'm fine with chickens, and I could get to Ohio. Reach out to me with the details and I'll consider it, if it means protection.
>Yeah mr smith is the real deal, hes a 200 year old vampire hunter who drinks the blood of his prey (technically making him an indepedent ghoul)
They can do that? Holy shit.
I'll send a DM with details & I'll have a ghoul meet you in a neutral location. I protect everyone under my aegis to the utmost.
Aren't you a tremere?
Yes, a handful of independent ghouls operate by either draining and killing a vampire semi-frequently then rationing their blood, by simply being naturally unbondable, or as I have heard it whispered, by neutralizing the blood's bonding power somehow.

Caiaphas Smith is most likely the eldest and most powerful of these independent ghouls, and if your report is accurate, a rare example of bad strategy by the Camarilla's upper echelon. It was before my embrace, but apparently we sent an Archon after the geriatric jesus-freak and they failed. So the theory became to simply evade him long enough for him to run out of blood and die of old age. In theory, it should have only taken a few months.

Of course, the plan has a crippling flaw. Even if every Camarilla vampire avoids him like he's Gehenna walking, there's always going to be idiot Sabbat or Anarchs that throw themselves at him. If we changed course this night and placed him on the Red List, a team of Alastors would take care of him in a year tops. But that would require whatever former or current Justicar who came up with the plan to admit it was a bad one. So, if your report is accurate, and your Prince is wise to assume it is, you will have to keep your head down.
Picking a side isn't necessary in an absolute sense. Most Kindred do it because it is reliable and secure. However, due to the unique circumstances of your embrace, that is not as easy an option for you.

If I may give some advice? What you need to decide is the "why" of your unlife. Why persist? Without a reason, you'll be listless, and will either languish for eternity or picked off by a stronger being. Right now, your existence is predicated on survival, which is how most of us have been advising you on. How to survive. Until then keep surviving by laying low, and try to find your Why.
Enh, Stripesy's a soft touch when it comes to people in over their head or in danger of falling through the cracks; he's a bit like Sandy that way.
I can't make that claim for the rest of his clan, the Tremere, and if they ask; Stripesy will turn you over to them to be, how did Blue put it?
"Picked apart in a lab"
I don’t really know, I’ve only been a vampire for a year and a half. All I know is they saw this old guy and immediately shit bricks. Currently we’re on our way out. Personally hunters scare the shit out of me because they are that special blend of crazy and determined that lead to pulling of the kind of shit no one would ever expect.
>Of course, the plan has a crippling flaw. Even if every Camarilla vampire avoids him like he's Gehenna walking, there's always going to be idiot Sabbat or Anarchs that throw themselves at him.
If all we know about a situation in a given city is that the Cammies are running for the Hills, because an unknown third party is eating them; we have to move and we have to treat it like it's Gehanna. We do not have the luxury of skepticism, hesitation or cowardice.
If that's Idiotic, then fine; I'm an Idiot.
Yeah... truth be told, I feel like not having a "why" in the first place is half of what got me into the circumstances of my embrace. Having potentially forever without one does seem pointless. I'll try to put some thought into it.
I find it amusing that kindred who no doubt use criminal gangs and compare us to criminal gangs don't understand that a gang exists in circles with informant, people and locations paying into the racket, gang's that exist expressly as cover and pr (see those bikers charity runs) and so on.

Here Crimson, I'll give you a hint, Just use a wet suite. Where's the berlin chantry anyway? me and the Steve's are going to Egg it as a delightful prank.

This is just good fun, I know some of you weren't around to enjoy Apache gangs in Paris but you can always try taking the stick out of your ass at any time.
I think I just fucking experienced the power of faith for the first time. I'm getting the FUCK out of mexico i am NEVER coming back these people are scary as FUCK a little old lady in a trailer just made me feel like i was burning in hell
>. I'm getting the FUCK out of mexico i am NEVER coming back these people are scary as FUCK
iBienvenido a sábado tierra!
Seriously though, you're lucky to get out alive; Mexico is fucking scary if you don't know what you're doing and where you're doing it.
I killed a respected elder in the middle of a war zone to save Red & make things right. My principles come before the Clan, as much as Triclops would say otherwise. Clan Tremere is flexible with the truth & permissions if you know what you're doing. Fancy will never suffer the ministrations of thaumaturges without his consent.
Seems like one could just sic some wraiths on him. With Divine Hand one should be able to kill him easily enough.
It's at the waste management factory, under all the waste. Swim down & pay us a visit
Wet suits aren't socially acceptable

Name keeps falling off. Must be my curse
>I killed a respected elder in the middle of a war zone to save Red & make things right
Which is to say Stripesy, you're on thin ice and not in a position to rock the boat.
Oh look at that, I'm going by Herr Weiner here in Berlin, when I leave it'll be Jerry Jones Jr. & I'll have a different face. Weiner might go into torpor for a decade or two & let it blow over. Jerry on the other hand is a busy man.
>This is just good fun
LadyBlueBlood's right about you guys then, got it.

Real talk, I've been working on the whole "acquire an RV" thing and it's really a struggle without any means to legitimately buy one. I'm damn sure that if I steal one, when it eventually gets found by the police, it'll probably be the middle of the day and I'll wake up in a morgue somewhere. You guys with mind control powers have it good.

Also, I'm trying to figure out if I can ghoul people (or animals) and it doesn't seem to be conclusive yet, I fed a bit of blood over a couple of days to a squirrel I caught, and it didn't seem any more receptive to me unless I used animalism on it. Not exactly a scientist, but that seems like evidence against me being able to make ghouls. I should change my username to fucking Sisyphus at this point.

On the bright side, I've gotten more skilled at hunting and I met another wandering vampire on the road. She showed me that "meld with the Earth" stuff that Lady talked about, and I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. Told me a few stories of things she's run into in the woods throughout her unlife, pretty wild stuff. She definitely knew I was new to this, but I don't think she could tell (at least right away) that I'm a thinblood. I'm supposed to meet up with her one last time before we go our separate ways - if I stop posting, assume some Gangrel lady killed me in the woods.
And regardless of what you look or sound like, there are at minimum, seven motherfuckers you're blood bonded to and in no position to say no to.
Shit, we told the kid about blood bonds, right?
>LadyBlueBlood's right about you guys then
Oh no, I'm right about you
>Thick as Pig Shit you are
Gangrel suits the smell at least. What happened to being a free spirit gangrel, didn't need no city gangrel? Runs with Wolves Gangrel. Christ when did you aspire to middle camarilla management '
>And mad hope, in every brain
This not you? Should have known. You being able to ghoul people would be useful to you getting cash, but even if you can run your tongue half as well in real life as you do online you can do it. You have literal immortality to sell and the proof of ages. Just be a little picky about the buyer and remember.
>No one said you have to give it to them after they pay up.
Remember the deadliest game is people and would a gangrel even a boring one like you, or even just a hunter with forever want anything less?

Man, thinking that no one is smarter then you is probably the source of your curse, especially in house tremere. Man it must rankle your boats when we ahh
The septic stations and Me and Steve write our names on the city large while no one is going to remember you, not even red, according to your own admission.

Hey, maybe if you try the wet suit thing, we'll let you in the Aerial Aquatics Corp. You could be a steve
>And a real step up and opportunity for you here, I'm not gonna let in on a secret here but the steve's have taken some real inspiration from the tower and you have your own chance to join us on the ground floor. We're still workshoping the name, and we're thinking
We even got the magic powers worked out, you see we'll use blood bonds to ensure loyalty
>Oh sorry about that tremere, I guess you can't get in after all.
sup licks
I have found Caine, but he has slipped out of my grasp.

I told him about me and my curse. About how I took some of his own to push back the decaying of my flesh. About how the diluted form loses against my own and eventually I have to get myself a new body once in awhile… by letting myself get diablerized (sabbat are real suckers for this one, tell them I’m fifth generation and I want to die and it’s open season for them).

Since I cannot die, anyone that diablerized me gets their own soul obliterated/pushed out of their body. Gradually their form turns into my own, but at least I can get a brief respite for a few weeks.

Since Caine was cursed by God, same as I, that would mean that if anything in this universe could break our curses it would be each other… or at the very least, if his is stronger than mine then I would be freed once he diablerized me. With the returning any damages 9 times over to the attacker, it could be enough to even annihilate my soul for good.

But he refused! He said that he is so glad to have found a kindred spirit that he won’t grant my one wish! He’s actually relieved to have found someone as durable as him, and he’s eager to spend the rest of eternity with me! I did not ask for a “best friend”! I want to die! Aaaaaargh!

Why am I not saved? Why did he not take my sins away? Why are people twice, thrice, ten times worse than me not suffering my fate?
Have you considered using animals to steal things? Given how well you can pass for human, you could also work some odd jobs.

Mind control is an extremely useful power yes, but every clan has a niche. My clan are natural rulers. Gangrel are excellent warriors and guards. Rather than lament about your circumstances, use every advantage you can possibly leverage.
Way ahead of you on that, but right now that's just a few rats and family pets stealing a bit of stuff at night. I could get more money faster if I weren't in the sticks, but then I'd be drawing attention from whatever sect was there. And yeah, yeah, I know we have forever in theory, but that's a lot more "in theory" for me than it is for someone else. So I'm mostly just begrudging the fact that, in this moment, people control would be a lot more useful than raccoon control.
What if the true curse were the friends we made along the way?
Ask your clanmate if she knows a more influential Kindred out in the sticks that could give you a job. It will be more dangerous, but would get you more money in a shorter period of time. Also, while less comfortable, if you learn to meld with the earth you won't need an RV. You could rest anywhere.
On the off-chance you did meet Caine and aren't having a mental breakdown, tell him to wipe out the Sabbat already, they're dragging his name through the mud.
you could always learn dominate or presence to get what you want. Also i feel i should explain blood bonds in brief, its a way to enforce loyalty on other vampires, by consuming the blood of another you will feel intense emotions (usually love) towards them, the more you drink the stronger it becomes, the Tremere make heavy use of this, its blood bonds all the way up the pyramid.if you ever spoke to a tremere neonate you can see how they are physically unable to speak ill of their master or the clan in general.
Can you imagine
>Oh hey Mr. Caine, could you wipe out the Sabbat, the Camerilla that overwheening puffery has decided that you, Caine, that figure they don't even believe in , are a member of their new second city whether you want to be or not. You have been given the loving position of executioner by your betters, the ventrue.
Honestly hilarious.
I have arrogance in abundance, so yes suffering the curse of Ozimandius is probably fitting, but I don't think I'm the smartest guy around, I know that it only takes one slip, flaw, or oversight to end me. That's why I'm obsessively paranoid.
Why would I?

I arrived at a very logical conclusion. If my curse would be to end at the very end of the world, then should I not do my utmost to usher in said armagedon?

Your little wars amongst yourselves and other supernaturals and the mass embraces it generates has awakened one antideluvian already and accelerated gehenna. I should do my part too, don't you think?

Though the only downside now is that Caine has found a new partner to play cat and mouse.
Caine gets a new BFF (Or at least until Gehinna. BFUG? BFTG? TGIF? I need to stop talking to the Steves.) and he starts talking about shit that makes us need to kill him, what a day.
do you honestly think you or Caine gets to decide when Gehenna happens? that's God's decision, the same god you angered by striking Christ with a rock. even if Gehenna happens he wont let you die, you're a joke. of course all of this is predicated on accepting your fantastical story, which seems to be more fake than a nosferatu using obfuscate.
It is unwanted friendship, I don't need it and I don't like it
there should be a give back policy for those

I'm desperate, and right now gehenna seems like the only way out. The only one that I still have a say in the matter.

Try to live at the very least decades in constant pain, in a decaying body and you can't move. Blind and deaf because all your sensory organs have rotten off. TRY IT. Walk into my shoes for a short while and see if you can still stay on your high horse.
I mean if that was true you wouldn't have flexed winning an unwinnable duel in your chantry for some, to paraphrase hellsing "Big Titty Police Woman". I get it, it can be lonely being a vampire but your actions are not careful, paranoid or obsessive. You have "middle management" written all over you. I'll buy you a set of horn rim glasses, I have a lovely pair. Made with real turtle.
>Can you imagine getting off the ground floor o the pyramid just to have management walk all over your face for eternity.
this is your problem you have only ever thought about yourself, or things that benefit yourself. If Gehenna comes God will look upon you and say you have learned nothing, and deny you the death you seek.
never understood why they made Hades the bad guy in Disney's Heracules, the antagonist is supposed to be Zues's wife Hera. there was a lot of weird design choices in that movie.
Disney was probably trying to pull away from the evil stepmother trope as well as it can't exactly paint zues in a good fatherly light if he's got a side piece
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Caine could repent at any time, but he refuses to, prolonging his curse and the pain that it inflicts on all of us.
Caine himself wrote in the Book of Nod against the crime of diablerie.
>Seek not the blood that made thee Kin
>For thou will feel the funeral pyre
>When thou dost pay for thy immortal sin
To do as this false Caine claims would be tantamount to speeding another to damnation for the sake of only a few weeks of relief from such a curse. A short-sighted and destructive end to damn another's soul to eternal oblivion for only a few weeks of respite.
It's difficult to get a worse reputation than 'the first murderer' or 'the inventor of the concept of violence', or 'dumb enough to get into a pissing match with the inventor of pissing'.
If you really think that it's him, tell him to repent. Tell him that god still loves all of us, in spite of all that we have done.
This, very much this.
I'm middle management for some but that's just an alias. I exist at a few different levels of the Pyramid depending on what moniker I use. I'm useless in leadership or status roles after a while, so while yes im never going to be "upper management" some aliases afford me a certain freedoms. Herr Weiner isn't my Berlin alias of course, that's just me making joke. But i am pretending to be someone here, the alias has enough clout to justify the duel. I'm paranoid, but that doesn't paralyze me to inaction. If anything its the opposite. One must also stand up for their principles. The Praefectus Castrorum was a dirty traitor & abused those under him. Calculated risks are permissible.
Disney's modus operandi has always been rewrite fairy tales, folklore, and mythology for mass market appeal in America. They aren't always bad movies, but if you know the original story it can be annoying. I have to admit I do love Snow White, it has a wonderful timeless quality. Still they are a far cry from the original. My grandmother used to scare my brother and I with Hungarian folk tales her maid told her when she was a girl.
Why would he repent now? He found a new play pal to stick it to the man. Both are cursed by the same guy too. I bet Caine’s going to double down on making everyone miserable. Hopefully he limits himself to >>93220738

I think his name is Cartaphilus. Real name Joseph. Does it count as doxxing?
I remember when i saw snow white in theatres i was blown away. but Hercules always felt wrong, they changed the story too much to the point where it wasn't even Hercules anymore. but yeah i understand they need to make it mass market friendly doesn't mean it works every time.
>It's difficult to get a worse reputation than 'the first murderer' or 'the inventor of the concept of violence', or 'dumb enough to get into a pissing match with the inventor of pissing'.

And yet the Sabbat manages to do it with "mass embracing cannon fodder", "exalting diablerie", "engaging in torture and murder for a cheap thrill" and of course they do it all in His name.

Honestly? Caine has lost any pretense of legitimacy when he abandoned his childer and grandchilder to the flood with no warning of what was coming. If I had to speculate, I think he realized that he was a bad leader and that is why he has been removed from us since the cursing of the third generation.
>"mass embracing cannon fodder"
As has been done by the former prince of New York, the Assamite Clan, the Ravnos Clan and the Tremere whenever they needed a new batch of Gargoyles
>exalting diablerie
And yet there are just as many domains where the Prince will gleefully allow their named anathema to be destroyed body and soul through Amaranth.
>engaging in torture and murder for cheap thrill
I saw such things done by neonates and ancilla from the Ivory Tower when I was a ghoul. I know about the breeding experiments to create specific tastes of blood for the damned toreador. I know what the Tremere do to their ghouls, not to mention how Ventrue will hide their sadism behind their feeding restriction.
Then there are the Nosferatu who revel in their hideousness and love putting others through torment whenever they have to come crawling through their dens on hands and knees.
Then there's the Gangrel who love embracing someone, only then to hide their masquerade violations behind demented tradition and a refusal to help their misbegotten spawn when the Scourge or Sheriff enslaves or kills them.
The Brujah will hide their cruelty to mortals under the aegis of ideology as they take what the want and leave broken, crushed bodies in their wake as they beat mortals of their chosen opposition group (be it black, white, communist, fascist, jew, muslim, etc) into a bloody mess.
I know this one for I saw it in my domitor's eyes when he cornered a foreman in his office using Presence and then forced him to give up all his worldly possessions to him.
And then there's members of my clan in the Camarilla. The amount of truly monstrous deeds that my clan is allowed to get away with under the guise of their curse inside of Camarilla cities is truly astounding. Most of it because they prefer to do it to the most dispossessed members of society.
>Caine could repent at any time, but he refuses to, prolonging his curse and the pain that it inflicts on all of us.
And he could free me too if he wasn’t such an ass

>Caine himself wrote in the Book of Nod against the crime of diablerie.
He didn’t write it. Others did to claim dominion over others with distorted half truths. Sure, he was against the idea of his children overpowering him. Plus having his first children devoured by his grandchildren surely soured his opinion on amaranth.

But diablerizing me would free me from those earthly shackles!

Plus I never diablerized anyone. Others did it on me. It’s not my fault that they bite off more than they can chew. Should the poisonous prey ask forgiveness from the predator once swallowed and their toxin is killing their foolish hunter?

And I met the real First Murderer. I had the pleasure of feeling the nine times retribution curse quite personally. I have been chasing him for long enough to be wary of impostors.

>If you really think that it's him, tell him to repent. Tell him that god still loves all of us, in spite of all that we have done.
Why would I ever do that? How would it help me? And if he truly repents I’d be screwed over from my only out! And if Caine’s curse disappears from this world, my body will fall apart again! This is plain idiocy!

Fuck. And fuck him and fuck you
Not to mention bringing the second inquisition upon us due to their 'adherence' to their masquerade.
sorry we v20 here, second inquisition isnt cannon
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>Others did to claim dominion over others with distorted half truths.
Incorrect. Caine wrote it to claim dominion over others with distorted half-truths.
>And he could free me too if he wasn’t such an ass
Why would he free the only one who shares in his curse as an equal.
>It’s not my fault that they bite off more than they can chew.
You are the one inviting others to devour you so as to possess their corpse to ameliorate your condition for only a few weeks out of thousands of years of exile.
You are the one that hunts in the guise of prey.

>Why would I ever do that[repent]?
Because it is right.
>How would it help me?
It would be a step towards reconciliation with the one who you threw a stone at while he made amens for the sins of mankind.
> And if he truly repents I’d be screwed over from my only out!
You delude yourself by prematurely eliminating the chance for redemption for yourself.
Yeah, Caine’s whole life since his banishment is feeling lonely

Got with Lilith because he was lonely, ditched her ass when he got her powers and became more powerful than her
Got to Enoch and ruled it because he was lonely, felt alone still because there was no one like him
Embraced people because he felt alone knowing that there was nobody like him
Blood bonded (and got blood bonded) because he felt alone and wanted a waifu
Fucked off during the flood because he lost people
Became mad when the immortal children he made were killed

Caine is getting a new BFF, possibly friend with benefits. He ain’t letting his ass go. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised that he’ll do his best to prevent Gehenna just to fuck with him or prolonged his stay on earth
what is with everyone's obsession with Caine anyway you do know he is not real right?
Motherfucker I knew it was sus. I should've fucking trusted my gut.

So I went to meet this other gangrel, Marissa, and she told me she could teach me about general vampire stuff, and my clan's powers. That was all well and good, but then she said she had some "friends" she wanted me to meet. That put up red flags, but she was persistent and we were basically alone in the woods so... Yeah, I went. We get to an old mill, and I'm just looking for ways to get out. Good news, there's a broken window. Better news, she's got an RV. They've got an RV, I guess.

I get in and the first thing I see is a pretty blonde wearing the most "pastor's wife" outfit I can imagine. Immediately, like as soon as I walk in, before she even says hi, she walks and stands right in front of that window. Turns out her name is Baby. The other guy, Ronnie, was a satyr. I have no other explanation, he was a fucking satyr. Fat but definitely buff underneath, but he had goddamn goat legs and horns. His face was even long like a goat's, but it was all just skin. Whatever he was, Marissa introduced him as Ronnie.

So I try to hide the fact that I'm a thinblood which doesn't fucking work because Marissa tells everyone what I told her. Ronnie looks like he's about to eat me right there, but Baby gets up and puts her arms around me like she's gonna protect me from him. She smiles, and starts telling me all about how I can "join her family" and that "we can fix the thin-blooded thing, I'm sure you've been through a cammy town and could show us where they hang out". Whatever the reason, Ronnie backs off and she spends the next however long talking to me about "the way things really are" but, like, as if she was already my best friend. She was literally sitting across from me criss-cross-applesauce.

Anyways after an hour or two of this, Ronnie ties me up and puts me in a closet, talking about how "we're gonna have fun tomorrow". I guess he had other things to do, because he didn't lock the door.
I didn't leave the closet right away. One, because I had a plan forming and two, because I'm pretty sure he was fucking Marissa in the next room. I just waited for morning to come, and then a bit more to make sure everyone was asleep, and I made my move.

I snuck out of the closet after untying myself. Marissa and Ronnie were asleep on a few old mattresses in the corner so I just tried not to wake them. I got to the RV and began trying to get it started, when I realized I wasn't the only one in there. My rooting around had woken up Baby, who wasn't as happy with me as she had seemed to be before. I did the only thing I could and just yanked the blinds open, I pulled the whole thing off the window. She went up like nothing, screaming my ears off. She shoved past me and ran into the mill, covering her charred skin. I heard the sound of Ronnie shouting but by that time I had started the RV up and I was not staying there for another minute. It was creepy though, it felt like every deer and bird and fox in those woods was watching me on my way out.

So yeah, anyways now I've got wheels. I'm getting gas right now, then I'm gonna drive to the next town and pass out and keep driving. You sabbat are fucking sickos.
well I'm still in berlin right now, but if you need a place to stay i can whisper you the location of one of my safe houses closest to you for you to use, just clean up after yourself while you are there. as long as you don't directly lead them to you, it should be safe as its warded.
Yeah sure, man. Just DM me, I had to catch myself almost doxxing myself on that post and I don't wanna share anything publicly.
Thank god it was just a short run across the border, I made it back to the USA in the same night. Makes me want to go to Vegas, I never wanna see another truly devout believer in my life.
Jesus glad you got out of there safe! if you would have stayed any longer you would be lucky to leave an intact corpse.
done, its one of my nice ones too, got a gym, training room, library, and full kitchen.
Fuck yeah, haven't had digs that nice since before I was dead.

No offense, but if this is another trap I'm burning the place down.
I understand your hesitancy, but i hate the sabbat as much as anyone else. Besides Charity is good for the soul.
I've never heard of the Sabbat taking in a Satyr. You're the Fae. Get some Iron. A horseshoe or railroad nail should do the trick. Keep it with you and Ronnie should think twice.
*you're fucking with the Fae.
Sorry, been a night.
When the Camarilla enacts a mass embrace, it is a tactic of desperation, a black mark on our honor. It is the exception, not the rule. Same with diablerie. I also do not believe the Tremere mass-embrace to create Gargoyles, I recall them requiring, with a handful of exceptions, Tzimisce, Gangrel, or Nosferatu.

As for acts of sadism, in the Camarilla it is a personal choice. In the Sabbat, it comprises the core of many ritae. Sandoval, you seem too smart to not see the difference here. Cruelty and inhumanity is the rule of the Sabbat.
>You sabbat are fucking sickos.

I warned you. Keep moving, if you feel you need actual protection, stop by Camarilla Elysiums briefly and try to determine if they possess a scourge or not. My sire fairly recently abolished the position in his domain. However, hide your unique ability even among Camarilla that tolerate thinbloods.
Noddism runs deep, Kindred. I am skeptical about the biblical Cain being the progenitor of our condition, but I use "Caine" to refer to this first vampire simply because it is the commonly understood vernacular.

The other factor is that Noddism has been the standard for so long that there is little in the way of alternative theories. We can't be explained by any current scientific model, and all other mystical theories are very old and fragmentary, or believed by a single clan.
My offer stands if you want a job & protection. Stay safe out there. Nail a horseshoe to the RV door, & you'll want to sweep it for anything they might have left behind that can be used to track it
>Points out that vamps in general do fucked up shit
>NooOOooOoo when Cammies do it Its a black mark upon our immortal honour that we are forced into by vast conspiracies beyond our control. Only our Omnipotent (but still somehow unable to avoid this shit) rulership can Prevent the black mark of the Free Vamp... Er I mean Sabbat from rising up against Ventr... Er I mean the eldars to whom we owe everything.

>AHCTUSALLY The tremere don't actually do the embracing they force some capitive nossy to do it for them
Amazing, sign me up for the membership for life with no take backs, this was all a big misunderstanding and totally not a ventrue rat covering for one of their pillars of power no matter how grotesque it is.

Don't Trust Ventrue Lies
>Always Do the Opposite of what Ventrue Tell you to do
Are all you guys either religious extremists or skids? Like yeah, sure, I bet that the Ventrue or hell any Camarilla probably do lie on the internet to make themselves look better. Nobody's perfect.

What they don't do is tell me they're gonna help me out, then tie me up and put me in a fucking closet so they can have sex with a goat man before they take me to eat somebody's soul. I dealt with this shit before I died, but instead of getting plowed by a freak and telling me about how great Caine is for letting you eat people, it's acting all cool and giving you a ride across town until suddenly they make a detour at their meth dealer's place. Fucking skids.

Anyways Triclops thanks for the hookup, turns out I was only half a night's drive from it. I'll try to clean the place up before I go. I don't think I'd actually had a chance to wash my clothes since my embrace, so thanks for that.
>I dealt with this shit before I died
I most certainly assure you, you did not. The Cammies rely on this 'lifelike' appearance to draw in suckers and rubes like you until they have the numbers to try to pressgang everyone else into it. It's scary I know when I was embraced there was no internet, no jackoffs with get rich quick scripts, It's either us free vampires or them, the elders the ventrue all those people who will gladly have you work the equivalent of vampire middle managment, make you a corpo rat more thoroughly then any nossy. They want to siphon off your value until they decide they want to end you or their elders decide you look like a snack after all.

We want you to be the scary thing that bumps in the night, that you are. We want you to find brothers, not masters, fight for yourself not the elders. Give us this human garbage become what fortune or misfortune has made us.

You can see there's a difference, the fact that you can't see the cammies bad side is because they're hiding it, We're all sinners and killers here, we all have that beast inside us. We're a proud hunting dog, the cammies are a pit bull that everyone goes "Oh he would never hurt a fly, just look how protective he is of the baby."

But here's the kicker. It's your choice 100%. That's something the cammies don't allow. So congrats it's time to stop whinning about wierdness, it's your first grown up vampire choice. Do I bet on Myself or do I bet on some monstrous stranger to somehow know better for me and I'll be paying for a lifetime".

Good Luck.
>don't join the camarilla they want to enslave you, come free yourself by letting us enslave you instead to our apocalypse cult that doesn't even follow our own laws the codes of Milan

The Sabbat are mosquitoes who think themselves gods as they feed on an sleeping giant, which if awakened could crush not only them but all kindred.
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How to get human gf?
Is that really okay these days? I don't want to be called a creeper or incel.
What else were you gonna do? Enjoy the ride for 30-40 years until she's decrepit and no fun anymore? Ghoul her.
Thanks. I have someone in mind, I really like her. I'll find the right moment and go for it soon. Wish me luck boys. >_<
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Does anybody else get tired of having to teach the Elder how to use "the schrecknet" on their phone again for the 256th time so that the old fuck doesn't accidentally break the masquerade online?

Last night he was way too fucking close to calling council meeting on Zoom. Thank Christ he forgot his login credentials. I don't even know why he even HAD Zoom on his phone in the first place.

Anyways... any other glorified IT shits on here? I thought life(unlife?) after the embrace would awesome but this shite just sucks
I'll burn down an orphanage in your memory Triclops. It's Disco night at reflections, come on over.
someone call the bishop the malkavian child is throwing a temper tantrum. shitheads become a 13th generation near thinblood and think they are a god of blood and death.
I don't think you understand how the Sabbat works. Besides we'll ghoul the kiddos. I'll call them the Sons of Steve.
typical sabbat high generation behavior. Also really the bee gees staying alive, that's what you are playing in here? talk about stereotypical.
My sire is only a little incompetent at technology i have to remind her how it works sometimes, my grand sire however gave up on trying to learn the internet. She sends physical letters to me and my sire, usually a full page or two.
Let's be honest. "Ten is thin" is an old saying that needs to come back. Tenth generation is fine, but anything else is barely Kindred.

Be honest with her first, don't just ghoul a girl who doesn't know what's going on.
>It is the exception, not the rule
So is warfare. The worst elements of humanity come out during times of war. You are asking for others to judge your sect by the standards that they hold in peacetime while you judge the Sabbat by the actions of our War Packs.

>Sandoval, you seem too smart to not see the difference here. Cruelty and inhumanity is the rule of the Sabbat.
Cruelty and inhumanity is the rule of the Jyhad, which the Sabbat has devoted itself to.
> I also do not believe the Tremere mass-embrace to create Gargoyles
Depends on the time period. During the Omen War, yes, they did.

This is the reason why I told you to seek out an Anarch domain.

>if awakened could crush not only them but all kindred.
Not if, but when. Better to give the giant malaria and kill it before it can burn down the forest we all inhabit.

Shut up, Steve.

Give them a Thinkpad with TempleOS installed. That will solve your problems.

Don't, it's not worth it. Even Caine knew that embracing/ghouling out of love is a grave mistake.
She didn't exactly advertise she was Sabbat until I was already at the meeting spot with her, really more like until I was at the mill with her freak friends.
Forgot to name myself again. I'm sorry folks
My Clanmates are fairly abreast 9f technology, but occasionally you get an eldernwhomforgets & brings leaches or something to a ritual, trying to do it old school.
But the Sabbat exists in a constant state of war, this behavior is not limited to war parties, it is ingrained into your sect's very culture. The Blood Feast, the Festival of the Dead, and the Games of Instinct are all Auctoritas Ritae. All of which engage in acts of needless savagery, for no purpose beyond simple gratification and don't give me that nonsense about the games being training for war, we both know terrorizing mortals doesn't make your Sabbat whelps fight any better. The Sabbat is rotten to its foundation, it is a walking contradiction that preaches freedom while practicing slavery, that speaks of brotherhood while slaughtering each other, that sings hymns of salvation from Gehenna while damning all that fall under its sway.
Look Sandoval here's the thing, the Camarilla is just the social contract for kindred, you Sabbat are just selfish asshats that feel like you don't have to interact in society outside of your degenerate drinking buddies.
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>Social Contract
I'd like to opt out

As apposed to the sect that practices and preaches slavery?
I don't know how to tell you guys this buy Durendal has been stolen. You can even check the news. I can only imagine it has to do with what's happening ING in Berlin
Having to follow basic laws is not slavery, Shovelhead. The Code of Milan, if actually applied is far more restrictive than the Traditions.
That sword was likely a replica anyway, it was probably stolen by some garden variety supernatural who thinks it is the real thing.

Even if it was the real Durendal why would the theft of a magical sword have anything to do with whatever is allegedly happening in Berlin?
Then leave society & step into the sun.
No clue, but it's probably Gehenna
Only because you hide the worst offenses. You are veritably a montebank
>Respect thine Elder
Means that every nincompoop, every prince, every Sycophantic blue blood is writing a new law everytime they open their rotten mouth and spew forth their rotten ideas. Everylaw finished with the idiot
>And everyone is a member if they want to be or not
And Everymember follows every law or they'll be legally diablerized and the elders will follow none of these laws because it's always been the case of power hungry morons doing their best to divide and conquer.

All I can say, is ignoring cammies and doing whatever you want is super dooper not slavery and getting to hang out with your bros to have a Shotgun and C4 party everytime some boot licker comes to inform you of all the laws that they won't follow or enforce except against the stupid and the weak.
>That's just the fucking Vitae Cherry on the Super Dooper Sundae of unlife.
I recommend it. Now why don't you go ask your sire, your primogen, the harpies, the prince, the Archons, the inner council, your betters, the boots they wear, if you can do something about it?
its foolish to think you can destroy or conquer the humans, they killed Ravnos, what can you do?
use presence though I bet your a nosferatu and you're so ugly your face breaks the masquerade
This kindred can't finesse the system so he'd rather live like an animal
common Sabbat L. can't find willing mortals, gotta assault em'. can't find friends? gotta blood bond em'.
This Durandal, is it a busted but weirdly sharp sword with a chain around merged to the hilt?
Since I already asked this question for elders i think its fair to do the opposite. Weird things fledglings/neonates do or say.

My sire and i once went to a local Elysium, and a random fledgling ran up towards my sire and asked if she had an only fans, my sire didn't know what that was and asked for an explanation. Upon receiving it she simply stood there blushing for a solid minute before then demanding to know his clan and sire and to no-ones surprise it was a toreador. she spent a good 30 minutes yelling at the prince, the sire and the toreador primogen to quote "stop letting the toreador embrace sexual deviants or so help me god".
In the city of Rocamadour is a sword chained & stuck into the rock. It has vanished of late
>Weird things fledglings/neonates do or say.
I make it a point to always have one or two drinking vessals less than we need for a Creation Rite (okay Post rite Vaulderie, but we're splitting hairs by counting them as separate things), because the shit these kids will scrounge up when there isn't a cup or bowl to work with is amazing.
Hey since caine is real did something happen to abel. You know besides becoming a corpse.

Did he like become a vengeful spirit or something? I wouldn't be surprised if his ghost was out there killing us or guiding a hunter cell against us.
The reason Caine can't die is because Abel is on the other side.
Saw a fledgling Tzimisce try to use vicissitude to essentially cosplay a fiction character. Mind you she was like 5 nights into her new life(shut up ventrue) and had just learned she could shape flesh. She was a literal ball of flesh for like a half-hour.

They next night she did the SAME THING again. With the same results even. Why her sire chose her is a mystery beyond measure.
That is one of the coolest things I've heard and I'm pretty sure that not true but I don't care I'm accepting that.
>Goal Oriented
>Not concerned about strangeness
There's worst things in a fledgling.
She did this for multiple weeks and didn't even get better at it. Trying to get a perfect cosplay on a first try, not evening practicing her discipline.
Pal, buddy, she verbally stated she wanted to be a "homestuck troll" when she did it, that or a fucking elf.
is her sire as dumb as her? granted its hard to be as stupid as a tumblr girl.
I never met said sire (would you wanna me a Tzimisce allowed to embrace?) But second hand info said it was a from a weird cultural clique/branch of the clan made up of nerds who do something similar. One of them apparently even looks like a killing on constantly
Fucking autos
uh good for them i suppose, it seems they are having fun.
I guess but this is the Tzimisce we're talking about. They're gonna find a way to make it fucked up.
Or sad
Or stupid.
Honestly I think someone just gonna kill that culture branch eventually and that just gonna be kinda depressing
>top letting the toreador embrace sexual deviants
I wonder if I've ever met a Toreador and didn't know it.
I've never tried doing that something stupid, although I am embarrassing enough to make little versions of monsters from games and movies I like.
I didn't know there were other tzimisce who do dumb shit like I do. I'd love to meet them some time. I think. Maybe.
I don't know, the more I hear about my kind the warier I am.
Did your sire abandon after your embrace? Pretty sure this is Tzimisce 101, or we'll fucked up shit is Tzimisce 101, this is just the enrdy equivalent. Seriously you're gonna see fucked up shit, and I'm a nos for caine's sake
No, that couldn't be further from the truth. I'm never supposed to go outside. Most of the time I'm not even allowed out of her sight.
Oh look, the shovelhead opened a thesaurus. It's a shame you're making things up. The Traditions can be bent and even abused by those in power, but they have definite limits. The Primogen council checks the power of the Prince and vice versa. The Sabbat has no protections sans the Prisci, who are purely ideological actors, what an awful idea.

Let's call a spade a spade. You are willing to give up your soul and you autonomy to a cult because it will let you engage in whatever base desire your twisted mind concocts tonight. You only know the Camarilla from the propaganda that has been force fed to you since you were hit over the head with a shovel. You can't even think rationally with all that vinculum blood rushing through your diseased veins. I have little more to say to someone who has drunk this deeply of the Sabbat's Kool-Aid.
Damn, rip, couldn't be me. Tzimisce do be on that crazy stuff so here's hoping you pass whatever werid test or whatever she want from you
I technically count as a neonate, though I am no fledgeling. I must say though I find the attitude of many of my peers entitled and indignant. Though I wonder if most neonates have always been like this, but the whining whelps die off in less than a century, leaving only those worthy of eternity to step into the centuries and become an Elder.

Also, your sire has the patience of a saint, I would have slapped that lick. Not only the Toreador, Kindred as a rule need to stop embracing sexual deviants.
I knew a ventrue fledgling that went overboard as a stereotype. Red & black cape, slicked black hair, transylvanian accent, etc
God, I hope there's not a test. I thought we just got along because of the sex.
Oh yes the cornerstone of great planning from Clan Ventrue
>everyone who disagrees with me is wrong
>everyone who disagrees with me is stupid

You see you think I'm a shovel head because I make shovelheads, but you want to know where a sizeable number of sabbat numbers come from? They come from you.
>They come from every time some stuck up stupid ventrue opens their mouth talking about 'the laws' a new neonate smells the pigshit and wanders away. Some become Anarchs some Sabbat.
Because honey, they don't need ventrue eyes to see what's right in front of them. Why do we need a clan who's main powers are mind control again? Oh wait, we don't.
>You are willing to give up your soul and you autonomy to a cult because it will let you engage in whatever base desire your twisted mind concocts tonight.
I pledge my soul to The Sabbat, because they're all the family I have left. And because the alternative is quietly waiting for a horrific end of the world.
>You only know the Camarilla from the propaganda that has been force fed to you since you were hit over the head with a shovel.
I know you by what I hear from the Antitribu, by your words and your works.
>You can't even think rationally with all that vinculum blood rushing through your diseased veins.
Is that to imply "loyalty is irrational" because that's mainly what the bonds of Vaulderie deals in. I don't think that's the case, but if it is that says more about you than it does about me or the Sabbat.
>I have little more to say to someone who has drunk this deeply of the Sabbat's Kool-Aid.
>I pledge my soul to The Sabbat, because they're all the family I have left.

Well, if your real family is still around you can embrace them or ghoul them. With their consent, preferably.

>And because the alternative is quietly waiting for a horrific end of the world.

How many antediluvians were slain by Sabbat in the last 300 years? Odds are one of them is secretly ruling the Sword of Caine.
Promise. I will end by clearing up my stance on loyalty as you requested. Loyalty does not come from a blood bond, no matter how diluted. I am loyal to my Clan, and to my allies who are loyal to me. This loyalty I give with me own free will, not through any mind-altering ritual.
I dont know how my sire does it sometimes, if i was her i would have slapped him. But yeah reaching ancilla you start to understand the elder mindset, and the constant whineing of fledglings starts to get rather tiring, cough brujah cough

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