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Tax Collector Edition


▶Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


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Favorite 2 mana creature?
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I love this Infinite Value chad.
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Best boy from Ravnica
Only NPeeCees hate Alchemy, it's the most soulful and balanced format. Enjoy paying big bucks for the "best cards" before they get rotated paper cucks
Beware! This post is bait and a pretty retarded one, dont engage with pointless about digital shitty stuff, hide, report and move on.
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She itches my dinosaur autism in just the right way, even if she is unplayable
clasically, Snapcaster
Lately? Inti, an absolute fucking house
honorable mention? matter reshaper
he comes down on turn 2, it counts
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Since Cauldron times, now she is back in play thanks to roots
escape is one of my favorite keywords just because of him
wtf, no niggers and actual decent art? shame about the shitty frames
Are tempo decks for faggots or chads?
they are very gigabased
Tempo? Considering the amount of scum playing combo, hiper aggro and sleeptight-control? Extremely based mate, the ultimate chads
Post Pioneer stats. Oh wait it's dead
if simic, faggot
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>Tempo without Bolt
>TQ (thread question)
Absolute faggot spotted.
can't decide between aquamoeba, narcoamoeba & phantasma image so all of them
it has vapor snag
So do Bolt decks. Last I cared about Modern was prior to the release of WAR and my most played deck was straight UR Delver. I ran a playset of Vapor Snag, shit was hilarious against Amulet players or even just a Goyf.
simic tempo is still very much fagget
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this is your new meta memedern bros, say something nice about it...
when are we going to get a ____ mage that lets me tutor for artifacts 4cmc or 5cmc?
looks quite based if i do say so
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I love necro
rotations keep a format from stagnation
>fig.1, pic related
I want this to happen in Pioneer honestly, bye Amalia, bye Sorin, bye obnoxious birds... Hello new stuff.
That's surprising, I've had people at FNMs complain out loud about me running my tempo deck almost weekly because it's what I enjoy playing. It's full of FIRE shit but they complain about Counterspell
No, it's Grixis but I might go back to Izzet
Is this dude not worth it in cauldron decks as a 1 of?
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My girl Thalia. I'm not alone, judging by all the alt arts and reprints
sounds like people at your lgs are giga fags
i would disregard them
we don't have any new data, decklists are still down
But it's 3 mana to draw 7 cards
If you talk about Tree of perdition decks surely not if is just one, the deck is already pretty tight
Look dude if you wanna build around a legendary creature whose abilities you'll always have access to there's a thread for you.
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New Bloomburrow land dropped
nta but sounds like you are going to draw 3 cards for some reasonable amount of mana after some hoops, nothing to write home about
Bro i want it in my graveyard from getting milled so i can have my plant tokens from insidious roots draw me my whole deck
wow, that's fucking broken
2 to tap is probably too pricy
If its roots you want your deck to habe as many recursive creatures as possible and ways to make those ceeatures on the field cauldron is not to get abilities which is nice but to trigger roots and you want the recursive creatures for that too but also to have early good threats on the field in case you dont have roots, between that, removal, disruption and mandatory priests the big dude seems like a lost spot, but if its just a singleton you can try it.
my first impression is that it's worse than nykthos but nykthos is pretty broken so that might end up being fine in standard
>We still can't get good "leaks" photos
Come on...
Maybe they are but sometimes this feels like it pilots itself too easily and I could make this less gay
nah this looks quite gigabased
If they have problems with this they should git gud and man up, bro.
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It's shallow engagement bait to get a few more comments on their spoilers, super annoying
Magic players are suckers for any sort of grift so why not?
where is the BOWMASTERED.COM version?
confirmed not simic
I'll keep on with that deck then, maybe cutting black for some of the new stuff like Tamiyo or Galvanic Discharge + Tune the Narrative
I want to like this but it needs a lot of support, you'll likely need to play sunken citadel with it, but tapped lands suck in creature heavy decks
If they are giving tribal decks a helping hand i really hope they at least make some good competitive animal tribes this set.
the entire set is tribal anon
lol, lmao even
Every set since Lorwyn has supported Human tribal by increasing the tribe's card pool consistently.
so it's a cradle that taps for colorless but needs at least 4 creatures to make +1 mana? sounds very winmore
Yes and? Every new tribal they make is trash or ends forgotten. Besides Hans and some really stablished exceptions we dont have good competitive tribes
Pic rel

Tempo is the platonic ideal of Magic.
how do you use this deckbox thing, I sent an "email" to someone, where can I see it? Where do I get the response?
I'm going to keep this hand.
Game actions, reveal devourer. This goes to the top, exile Kozelik's command, Emrakul, and Expedition map
Any game actions from you?
to kneel, king o/
Stoneforge Mystic, because she's the focus of my legacy deck
i stand up, present my ass and fart on your face.
Guay my beloved

Enjoy the DQ, cheater :)
Storm literally can't beat turn 1 Ugin's Labyrinth Chalice on 1
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arena is a whole nother planet there is no possible way i should be allowed to ultimate this thing for lethal
for me it's playing monocolor decks
>been having fun in standard with >>93163633 list with additions
>it's gonna rotate soon
This sucks man
Why? I have seen several list of Ensoul in Pioneer with those fucking twins and they work very well alongside Steel citadel and other artifacts, you force oppo to choose between your giant killer robots or those faggots fixing your hand and buffing them
That's explorer anon lmao
not anything to do with the card but protecting a walker vs phoenix for 4 turns is kind fucking unreasonable
>The mechanic is hard to design, hard to develop, and was miserable to play against. The fact that it didn't come back in Battle for Zendikar is a big sign saying its chances of returning are low.
remember how annihilator was storm scale 8, I remember
I know, I'm using pioneer ensoul as my core
>no crabvine decks since like the 14th
The storm scale is specifically for standard sets, supplemental sets like MH3 don't count :^)
we stopped getting results since the 20th, there could be 100 crabvine results but we just don't know
Crabvine is the last hope of Dredge kind of decks if that deck dies it's Joever...
Are roots decks meme or do they have a positive WR against Amalia/Nyx/Sorin?
remember how storm was the literal name of the scale
wotc doesn't
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Are any of you actually gonna play modern this weekend?
What are you running?
I'm not going to play Modern at all, like I haven't for 5 years now.
No, I'm gonna play pauper
Free Him.

Thing in the Ice
it's in the right colors to answer ripper/amalia but I'd assume the devotion matchup isn't very good

living end
Bad Mono B Necro Scam.
Its bad because I thought soul spike was a meme and didnt order any in time for a tourney on saturday. Very Sadge.
no its still dick deep in pioneer season
That's a big 2 mana creature
Very far away from meme fag as >>93164131said the Nykthos bullshit should be pretty bad specially without any of the silver bullets like sphere or a well place thoughtseize/boseiju but the deck is real and good at this point
I've been looking at the list for a while, could you link the most successful or recent one? I found a couple of decent looking list but they all have some weird, in my opinion "inefficient" cards that could be improved upon. Someone probably already has so
Waiting room.
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What the fuck is even the text on this thing?
there was a less deep fried version in edhg
etb choose a creature type
2, tap, draw a card for each of the chosen type
its a land with distant melody
real if big
it adds mana, not draws cards
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oh sorry, i misremembered
disregard that i suck cocks, its tribal nykthos
this bug dude made first recently at a japanese tournament, he seems well prepared against the big players of the format.

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>Cummander Land
Can they stop already?
stop what?
Pampering fake Magic obviously
Shit leak = Probably real

~~ City
Legendary land
When ~~ City enters, chose a ~~~(creature type?)
T: Add anus
2, T: Chose a color: Add mana ~~~and ~~~to the ~~~~~control of ~~~
EDH is Magic. 60 card formats are just that, formats of EDH.
Where are the competitive events of that format you speak of¡
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Deadbridge Chant
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>I won't shy away from it, the person (on the rnd design team) that plays the most Legacy says we should ban Grief
anon, they just put out new griefs in mh3 with a new border
you dont really think theyre going to ban a card that is a guaranteed chase rare right?
Great in my EDH deck!
This would be what you Commander vermins wanted luckily is not the case
>mmh should we ban the card that is gate keeping thousands of cards in all formats it's legal?
>No! the REAL problem is grief!
Red just wont stop getting jerked off every set huh?
RDW is a feature of the game.
You prefer the dominance of Black, Rainbow or Green that other formats have?
It's not about the dominance of certain colours, it's about the game being fun. Legacy was fun when UR Delver was the good shit for a decade.
reply to people when youre talking to them, faggot
rich, natural milk...
Wuh? Afaik green is next to white in terms of shittiness.
Mono green xmas land has unbeatable draws.
Delver is cancer and I have always hated it. If any other deck was putting up its numbers it would have been banned out of legacy but delver gets a pass because someone on the team likes it
I wasn't talking to you, I was speaking in generalities.
*pumps Amalia*
Ask that to Pioneer Nykthos ramp where with fucking Green in your turn 4 they can literally shit half his deck in your table faggot.
i'm not even him i just think this is faggot behavior
I dont play formats for faggots so I wouldnt know
Any format where fucking devotion is an actual tier 1 seck is a joke format
Takes one to know one.
yes i am in fact fatherless, my dad died when i was 5
your behavior is also fatherless but i have a suspicion he was just never around because youre brown
Both Grief and Bowmasters are problems and many people both on and off MTGO believe that banning only Grief won't be enough to drop Scaminator's winrate.
>I dont play formats for faggots
Which formats you play anon? Besides Faggotern that already identifies you as a proud faggot but still...
Legacy and vintage (only manaless dredge aka the only fun deck in that format)
How is that not the case. If 75% of what you call Magic is EDH?
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>tfw have 5000 gems
Don't do it this event is for mythic players to farm wins.
>fell so fucking low in mythic im queued vs diamond players
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>watched WeeklyMTG
>Andrew Brown thinks Temur Analyst plays Slogurk and Devotion has a poor winrate in Pioneer
>Blake Rasmussen gushes repeatedly about the r/Timeless magic subreddit and how great it is that Timeless is now just Boros MH3 Block Constructed
I'm starting to see now why all these B&Rs read like they were written by redditors who dont actually play Magic
i've won 5 prereleases in a row so i'm feeling lucky
I tried it and it's just too slow
How can a company be so out of touch with the product they manage? Is kind of insane
And I mean really really slow, bordering on unplayable.
>I know it just won a 35 player event but urrrghhhh it's so baaaddd
Yes. Don't agree with me? Bust out your printer and play it against yourself
>35 player event
so an fnm?
You think people don't play good decks at 35 player events at large stores?
make some changes (i for example would change almost myres and maybe the satyrs for thoughtseizes) or i don't know git gud lmao but all the lists of roots with success play the same core of recurrent creatures and priest of forgotten gods+tyvar and fatal push...
a 35 player event is not a competitive event regardless of the decks
how many players according to you must have an event to be competitive anon?
>Even some RCQ has less than 25 people
>Must have 60-36 people to be competitive
????????? Is this place full of trolls or something????
nobody cares about your small town shitters, a competitive event is either a challenge on mtgo or anything GP sized IRL.
Roots isn't a popular deck and if you'd try it you'd find why real real soon. It simply can't stabilize against aggro, maybe it would work with meathook but IDK
the purpose of edh is to condition americans for satanic sex orgies
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and still the decks has won challenges, leagues and store tournaments even if you consider it "unpopular".
Ruby storm runs exactly one 1 drop in the main deck
It's shit.
>and still the decks has won challenges, leagues and store tournaments even if you consider it "unpopular".
That's just math, of course niche decks win some 30+ fnms since there are so many players...
what are you implying, that it's not enough?
challenges has more than those players but even if you think the player amount of players and "just math" can shield you from reality... check goldfish to see the overall results of bg
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*Blocks your path* if you could make a PW an animal which would you choose and what animal will become?
It's more about lack of consistent returns
>not standard legal
cowards, faggots even
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Another beautiful oil painting by Victor.
Its too many. Tribal is shit. Run some fucking lightning bolts
Ah yeah I should throw more removals in there
ho lee sheet is this real?
why did my 3 balls moon?
That's not true
Really good in 3/4c Elves, already +1 mana off T2 Warmaster 1 drop, and even helps you splash Werefox Bodyguard and Frilled Mystic whereas Nykthos was basically unplayable in the old Abzan build. Cool card.
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>Sakura tribe elder
>doesn't look like an orochi from kamigawa
>Has no legs

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>Don't do it this event is for mythic players to farm wins
Being mythic ain't shit anon, it's all about the deck you pilot and the MMR you're at. And frankly the event isn't for anyone, you're gonna face top tier metadecks and need to have some insane WR to cut even. Mind you this is in a set where you get fetches, enjoy that bloody swamp when your opponent has Phlage.

Not fucking worth for anyone
pioneerbros... i just wanna play fun decks... why is the meta so full of bullshit?
So you can only play WR in Timeless right now? Seems sad considering how funnthe Modern meta looks like >>93162895
Nobody is stopping you from playing fun decks
Still way better than pioneer or standard
there is no fun allowed when everything you see is fable, amalias, teferis, vampires, transmogrifies... they suck all the fun from the game
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take the ensoulpill
Looks very nice thought?
This. Also don't be a fag: replace Inti with covert technician, take 4 drakes and 4 cases of falcons, ditch the capes.

That's sovlful
Silly anon don't you remember that the orochi gave up their arms and legs to keep up with the technology of Kamigawa but the Kami were so honored that they let them keep their arms.
now youre just memeing that sounds like dogshit
>Turn 2 covert technician and drake/copter/legion extruder
>and your useless 1 drop back in hand for more tokens
Nah. It works more often than it doesn't.
ok cool i would literally always rather just play inti and hold up kill spells
And that's why the current iteration of the deck is tier 2/3
and thats why i top 8'd a 70 man event this weekend and you did not
We aren't your personal army anon, don't be a fag and claim you "topped an event" when it's in the singular on top8
ok cool
you are smoking crack if oyu think inti is cuttable
So its like a nykthos mixed with a gaea's cradle .
Jace the Fox Sculptor
Feel free to test it yourself
if i had the wildcards on arena i unironically would so i can come back with wr% data and laugh at you
So you have never even played the deck and act so high and mighty? Fucking retard
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i literally play ensoul in paper and a bad version of it online
im literally playing it RIGHT NOW
Covert technician is literally just an uncommon, put your money where your mouth is mr top 8. Anime print is 10 cents.
inti is literally the strongest card in the entire deck and that is not an exaggeration
new aids just dropped
What site do you guys use for standard decks on MTGA?
That is just your opinion, too slow for me.
And you know, you might not appreciate this but covert technician actually dodges the most common & powerful removal aka fatal push while pumping out free shit.
>he thinks card rarity is a sign of a card's powerlevel
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that is a certified fact bro it is not an opinion, inti is THE single strongest card in the entire list, the only other card that swings matchups harder is spell pierce. ensoul is just the glue that holds this mess of an artifact/aggro deck together because otherwise it doesnt have a lot of payoff of real clock/threat
i can respect this fact that it dodges push and gets you something for free, the problem is that gettine one of those free cards is just literally not as good as inti, straight up. i dont want to drop a free extruder targetting their face because they didnt have a one drop, id genuinely rather just pass and threaten to hold up pierce/torch
you are a certified crack smoker if you dont think inti is the bees fucking knees, card draws literally more immediate hate and removal than an ensouled blood token
4 cases and geardrakes is also just doggy poop because those cards are way too slow and geardrake comes out in half your matchups
id rather play zoetic glyph over more cases, shit id rather up my cdurve and just stick in the royal scions
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no, he is saying 'dude its only an uncommon just get them and test it' but im not wasting my 10$ entry money to play that card at fnm just to come back and say 'well guys i got shit on like i said i would' and i litearlly do not have the wildcards to do it on arena, i dont even have that same 75 online beacuse im not spending fucking money on digital cards
>matchups were tron, martyr life, nadu, jund and dredge
if you switch nadu for storm it's like we went back 10 years lmao
like where to get meta standard decklists?
I appreciate your post but the explosive turn 2s are pretty consistent and the technician is stickier than Inti. Drakes are slow if you can't get them for free, despite that you run 2 of them. The deck needs ensoul to have a clock but turn 2 4/4 ain't better than 2/4 with 1/1 drake. Also 4/4 dies to push, 2/4 can get more shit for free and isn't pushable. It can even put itself on the board if you explore it. Technician also ramps so there are a lot of acceptable targets, it's rarely a dead card...

This ain't crack
i understand it gets more immediate value and puts cards out of your hand onto the board but like
what do you DO from there? what does that present to sorin ripper? or chump blockers they just play after you put out extruder target their face?
the trample and incidental sometimes-draw from inti is significantly more threatening and effective
the drake you put out just gets fatal pushed anyway, you arent going to grow it, everything is too fast for that
it's a slower clock and is less resilient to other threats
>nu-lore for nu-kamigawa
I ignore retarded things, have a good day.
inti also gets much much more incidental value off of triggering from every discard, vs phoenix you can literally go 1 drop > inti > copter and crew copter block phoenix trade, discard a card draw 2
inti draws off your blood tokens, off your channels, shit if you are vs black and you trigger ward on the werewolf you draw off that discard, if you play the scions its an extra card on the loot
and then she loots when you attack
and she works much better with ensoul, a 6/6 trample is insanity
AND she filters the lands or otherwise less-than-great cards in your hand, why would i want to shit my whole hand out with technician and then just do nothing when inti lets me keep turning dead draws into more draws that might not be dead
i'm not using the artifacts from the 1 drops almost ever, theyre just there for shrapnel fodder, so replaying my siren is a major tempo downswing
also, don't forget to pump Amalia Benavides Agüirre
yeah its not a great format rn desu
quite unenjoyable
but its that or no rcqs
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did you just queue up to mirror me?
>going into the 6th day without league/challenge results
it's so fucking over netdeck bros
they are hard fucking panicking rn between the API and the talkshow today
>live in biggest city in my country
>the average RCQ is 20 or less, the largest ive seen was 30
>two players from here top 8'd the RC
Competitive magic is retarded but you can be good without playing 100+ player events
When they will make Dredge viable in all eternal formats?
when you stop touching yourself at night
eternal formats are a thing of the past, a misnomer if you will
Check out MTGTop8, you can get paper results for pretty much every format except for Standard
dredge is currently viable in all eternal formats
friendly reminder that modern is not an eternal format
Reminder >>93158644
You missed your chance, Dredge was solid in Pauper for nearly 8 months or so before MH3 dropped and gave white decks mainboardable graveyard hate in Thraben Charm.
Crabvine is already a thing in MH3
Sadly i doubt Pioneer or even Legacy would see a Dredge/Delve deck in the top again because WotC are too cowards
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what plane is being depicted on this mountain from mh3?
>gets pinkered
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could i just please have her good art in paper.....shes so cute here and on no other cards
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Pic related is Stensia, which is part of Innistrad, so I think it's safe to say MH3 doesn't care about any one plane. (https://tagger.scryfall.com/card/mh3/316) I'd guess Terisiare (Dominaria) but it's non specific.
I play planeswalker
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ngl I'm very tempted to build a boros version of this
be sure to add a couple of sweepers
High Noon is BEYOND retarded.
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Since I've been around, played some more Shitoneer games for the fuck of it. Here's a report.

Owling Mine is really decent. Not meta topping by any stretch, but we're solidly rivalling Niv to Light / top control decks in every matchup that doesn't involve bad mulligans.
Unless you hit the Sorin/Ripper vomit two or three times in a row, we can punch through Rakdos Vamps too.

>Deals with Ripper, also deals with Ripper even if they have another creature on board.
>Solos Fable
>Helps wipes up Amalia board presence
>Bouncing Phoenixes is always better than killing them.
Pic related is very good. It's up to a 4-of now. Consider testing it if you're in dimir.

Format sucks. Still fun to brew, in spite of WotC's efforts to turn the game into a smelly, rotten doodoo pile.
>Owling Mine is really decent.
elaborate pls
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The sideways card is Far // Away
The sideboard is kind of a mess, never been the most confident at SB brewing. The sideways card there is Toil // Trouble.
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Side not,
it is really fun to watch rakdos vamps fatal pushing their own creatures to try and survive our lock clocks via Ripper triggers.
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>"I fatal push your creature"
>"You can't remove my Vein Ripper anymore"
good design
I forgot Fevered Visions was legal, nice take on it
Sheoldred, Ertai and Chandra seem to be good enough threats to end games, the Viper is shit but if you want to play it that's fine. Why are you not playing with 1 mana cost spells.
>the Viper is shit
It does the job. Our choices are tight in Pioneer and it is a crushing clock if not dealt with instantly.

>Why are you not playing with 1 mana cost spells.
They don't exist.
Find a 1 cost spell that is worth playing and I will consider it. Our options are literally Void Snare and Dakra Mystic and nothing else.
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>Liliana of the nothing personel wardtards
OK, but can't you be a little less hyperbolic? Viper is a nuisance at best, and there aren't zero choices for a two drop that 'taxes life', and it's kind of a worst Bonecrusher, I don't need to tell you that as good as the giant is, it isn't a crushing clock. Try not to take this too seriously because it's just a randoms opinion, but fitting any one drop you aren't using because reasons won't make the deck worst.
>Viper is a nuisance at best,
It solves several decks by simply sitting on the board. Notably, Field.

>but fitting any one drop you aren't using because reasons won't make the deck worst.
It's not 'because reasons'
What one drops in Pioneer would we play? Name one. Rona's Vortex?
We aren't exactly a deck that's thirsting for tempo.
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The first set I started playing in earnest was Dominaria. As a rat lover, it only made sense that I would build my only commander deck revolving around these guys. That being said, I hate commander.
How long before the inevitable shitty leak themed Secret Lair?
For the first couple of turns, you are trying to buy as much time as you can to draw into your clocks, play them and maybe even keep some mana up for counters. If you don't shake pressure off, and you end up chumping with Vipers/Crusader/whatever, you might need Chandra out as fast as you can get her with endstep draws, and no card selection. Maybe slower decks are weaker against you, but fast decks can kill you on turn 3 so there's that.
>Viper solves Field.
Stop trying to sell me Viper because it won't work, the card isn't anything special.
>What one drops in Pioneer would we play? We aren't exactly a deck that's thirsting for tempo
But you do realise that any one drop won't make the deck any worst, so now that we agree on this let me be a jerk and suggest Duress
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>A discard spell
>In Owling Mine
I suspect you misunderstand this deck.
Yes, I can't understand why it doesn't have 1 drops. Even a discard spell won't hurt :)
Anons, I quit magic years ago and wanted to ask what you think of where the game has ended up and where it's going, either in terms of mechanics, world design or art direction.
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>I can't understand why it doesn't have 1 drops
That sounds like a you problem.
>Anons, I quit magic years ago and wanted to ask what you think of where the game has ended up and where it's going, either in terms of mechanics, world design or art direction.
In the past few years?
It's gone from a flaming pile of noxious sewage to a dried, desiccated husk of what was once flaming, noxious sewage.
Should've specified, sorry. I quit at Kaladesh. Energy is bullshit. Not trying to talk you out of enjoying the game, but I'm curious why those with that opinion stick around?
>but I'm curious why those with that opinion stick around?
WotC's ceaseless stupidity is funny.
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I'll remaing ignorant.
For me personally, although magic is frequently frustrating, the last few sets have no mechanical/thematic/artistic attraction for me, I have no playgroup, and I find the parts of the game I still love desecrated again and again for an iota of additional profit as this game is turned into cardboard funko pops; it's STILL somehow the best card game I've played or investigated. They may be at the bottom of the barrel but at least there was something in the cask at one point.

They should blow it up. Make Magic: The Shattering. Six colors. Instant is a supertype. Standardize some of the more esoteric bullshit, distribute interaction with core game mechanics like countering and card advantage among more colors, fix some of the mistakes that happened in alpha and never got investigated further. If the flesh is rotted they should build something from the bones. They never will.
It's the only strategy game that isn't a geometry puzzle
>strategy game
I don't want to take a piss on anyone but mtg isn't even near a strategy game. Most decks play themselves and nobody who's serious creates their own decks

Only exception is EDH which has higher skill floor and ceiling for obvious reasons
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Here's your Vintage 3-0, bro
I kneel.
>EDH which has higher skill floor and ceiling for obvious reasons
The bait gone too far mate
How many vintage players are there even in fucking Sendai?
>nobody who's serious creates their own decks
>Limited doesn't exist
at the highest level mtg is literally just poker. you are just calculating odds and pulling bluffs.
Ah yes. My favorite vinty archetype, "homie stop playing magic".
Dredge shits the bed vs ponza anyways.
And that's like, 40% of the meta
netdeckbros... i can't take this anymore... i need winner decks...
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>control is dea-ACK!!!
>Living End and Goryo survived
>Domain and Scam Rakdos died
>Jeskai and Izzet control rising
Bow down.
I kneel
>Jeskai Control
You now remember Snapcaster and Saint Traft
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Well yeah, the current best list IS running a Snapcaster.
>every nonland in the control deck apart from counterspell was printed in the past 6 years
Invert Polarity, the One Ring and T3feri were all mistakes.
>apart from counterspell
snapcaster and spell snare
Liliana a badger.
Gideon a dog.
T3feri is barely getting played anymore, usually as a 1 off with 1 more in the board.
A pig.
Grist, an ape :^}
ngl it's funny
Probably because 3 mana is unironically becoming too slow. Just look at the current top decks, they either don't care about Teferi or can pop off T3 semi-consistently which means Teferi can only be on time half the time.
Kaya would be like a moth, since turning into a ghost is her thing.
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sunburned a best
>they printed fury as well
>3 mana
>becoming too slow
Pioneer is a turn 3 format already, what's keeping modern in check?
"I cast Bowmasters targeting your Bowmasters" is one of the most semenslurping gayslop pattern play ever printed in Magic.
>what's keeping modern in check?
Nothing? It's been a T2.5 format for a while. On the play you can easily win or be in a winning position T3, and if you go second you lose T2 if your opponent does that.
You dont enjoy flash black creature that can make token and damage? Damn man is like you hate fun LUL
There aren't that many shells anymore that can run him just because of the colors.
Only jeskai control, bant nadu and goryos can play him.
The other decks in the meta don't have access to azorius mana.
Also planeswalkers in general have become much worse since galvanic discharge can easily deal with 5 loyalty.
I cast amped raptor get one extra energy from guide of souls, play bowmaster from raptor's ability, get 2 more energy, swing for 3 flying with guide of souls. Now that's a play pattern.
>Misstep your Misstep
>Bowmasters your Bowmasters
Yes. Note the silver vs gold set symbol on the right of the typeline.
>Energy is the ultimate bullshit
Shocking (Not really)
If Guide of Souls gained charge counters to spend on its ability instead of energy you wouldn't be crying half as much about the card despite it being more or less functionally identical.
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Can anyone explain why tournament sideboards are all just 1-2 copies of hose cards?
Here's a completely random decklist from a >Standard pro tour.
So this guy sides in his one (1) copy of Turn the Earth into a sixty (60) card deck to hose the graveyard and just prays he magically draws into it (again, sixty cards) before his opponent pops off?
Same with 2x Elesh Norn. Oh, worried about ETBs? Sure hope I draw one of my two copies I've sided in. Huh???

I'm coming from other TCGs where sideboards are always max copies of what you're putting in. What's the deal with MTG sides?
I was chatting with a friend about play-by-post chess and was considering just how fucked snail mail play-by-post Magic would be. Have any oldfags ever attempted something like this? I could imagine a situation where there are over a dozen letters being posted back and forth in a single turn.
If you only need the card late-game, if it completely destroy your opponent's deck, or if your deck is still fine in the match-up you don't really need more.
Remember that in mtg you get access to pretty strong mulligan rules.
There are formats where there is such a wide variety of decks that you simple can't find an answer to ALL of them so you just put as many as possible answers in your side to be able to face whatever you find in your way, why so little copies? Because usually decks have a concrete plan so change too many cards can impact in the overall performance of such deck so you put 1 or 2 or whatever number "silver bullets" against your rival trusting in your luck, in your tutor card or your draw cards but keeping the initial idea or gameplan of your deck.
make your own luck and up the beanstalk help you dig/draw later for your twin or single hose piece. It's deceptive but think of it like this, after your initial draw of 7 you have 53 cards left in your deck with the odds of at least 6 copies of your draw enchant or dig spell and the 1 in 53 chance of drawing your single hose card still, between the natural draw and digging your likely to get any of the hose cards you sided in.
Congratulations you've just discovered why Magic could never be played on a chess clock.
MTG isn't like Yugioh where there are 3 decks in the metagame, so you have to decide what decks you want to prepare for, and what you think isn't worth adding cards for
in extremely wide formats like legacy, you have to make a decision at what you're prepared to lose to
sometimes it's okay to try and dodge a particular deck like Oops!, but have 8 sideboard cards for a different matchup that you think is likely to be the #1 deck at the tournament
Turn the earth is against being milled out by jace, thus you will always have it when you need it by it being either in your graveyard or in your hand.
Norn is for the mirror, which tend to be long slogfests where you will eventually draw it, also Atraxa helps to find her.
In general you will have more 4-ofs in newer formats like standard and pioneer and 1-of silver bullets in older formats like modern/legacy, since there you have more card selection/filtering.
Generally you want to add sideboard cards against certain popular archetypes in the meta and the current top decks, however you usually still want to diversify your threats so you can cover a wide range of matchups.
Also your sideboard plan depends on the base strengths of your deck, so if you're playing a control deck you will need fewer sideboard slots against a creature heavy midrange deck since you're already favored from the start.
That being said each player has their own preference on what to put into the board, some go with 4-ofs other with 1-ofs and most got with a mix between 1s, 2s and 3s.
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>MTG isn't like Yugioh where there are 3 decks in the metagame
look how small that sample size is
it's not standard RCQ season, and that's not representative of the metagame
there's about 10 viable decks that I would be happy to take to a tournament if it were tomorrow
WotC switched off deck reporting so that people like you could say things like that.
>Ignores Domain, 4/5c legends, Golgari Midrange, Esper Midrange, Temur Analyst combo, Cascade, Gruul Aggro (better version of Red Aggro) FUCKING AZORIOUS CONTROL...

Uuuuh, Anon-kun????
>Ignores the decks that put up comparatively bad results
Yes? That's how this works anon.
>UB midrange
>The Rock
>Orzhov Bronco
>Red Deck Wins
>RG aggro
>UW Control
>Lands combo
>Esper midrange
all decks that you will see often in mythic on arena, or at a mildly competitive FNM
Nah man, deck variety on Arena is nonexistent because of how matchmaking works. You're more likely than not to play against your own deck due to weighting
Bad results? You are retarded anon because none of the decks anon said make bad results taking a small sample and say "yeah this are the top meta decks" ignoring the whole standard picture makes you also a troll hunting (You)s
1. No one is crying about guide of souls
2. Energy is a very valuable resource, yes guide of souls would be a worse card if it didn't generate energy
>arena auto passed priority on my opponents coco because it doesn't recognize that I can tap moonsnare and chromatic star for rebukes improvise cost instead of moonsnares dork ability
To be an affinityfag is to suffer
Reminds me of when lands players just used to take the L against a certain set of decks that were like a 20/80 and only turned to a 40/60 with SB help.
Pray and dodge!
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>Snapcaster sucks now
>Dark Confidant sucks now
>Tarmogoyf sucks now

Bros... Take me back...
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This is such a weird little snapshot of one week where those all became extremely overrepresented for some reason. If you look at a full month instead each of those decks is seeing half as much play.
>Three of these are the same deck
>Three other ones are the same deck
It's all so tiresome
If energy ever becomes a problem there will be always Suncleanser to fall back to.
Once a cleanser hits the field 90% of your deck wont do shit.
which 3 do you think are the same deck?
Describe in detail which decks you think are the same.
Since the dawn of time every deck containing blue has been the exact same deck in a different skin suit and every "midrange" deck for the last 20 years has actually been control
Dimir Midrange is a tempo deck.
retard, it has already been done irl and it's done 100% of the times on mtgo.
I don't care if you're trolling or stupid, just kill yourself.
You go first idiot.
I looked up a budget commander deck to order and it was an 80 dollar deck but shipping was like 50 fucking dollars. I could get 2 commander deck of anything I wanted for 75 from MPC. Can I order a legit deck anywhere and not pay 50 bucks in shipping from 20 different sellers.
Opp plays storm?
I play buying myself a gelatto this round.
Ancient lands wisdom.
bro it's commander, proxy everything, no one will care
>Cascade in Standard
>Storm in Modern
I swear if any of you faggots play this against me...
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drazi bros... we are so back
>round 1: unplayable deck
>round 2: the worst beans variant
>round 3: not a real deck
>round 4: a bad version of MUD
>round 5: a real deck
good job you beat 1 legacy deck
why are you so pessimistic
Pauper 1-4 btw
He was your match 3 :-(
>4 ancient tomb
>3 painlands
this deck seems like it would suffer considerably against delver
>reading about history of RDW
>someone actually qualified for protour with bunch of cheap draft chaff
Man internet really did ruin card games, there's no way these upsets could happen today
Draft chaff of back then was considerably strong than draft chaff of today anon.
Lightning bolt and blastoderms are commons.
Just play kitchen table, you don't need to be a luddite about it.
are mtgo lists free from purgatory yet
is anyone manually compiling the data anywhere?
nope, wizards will manipulate ze data and you will be happy
So why don't roots lists run butler over the scrapheap? Both trigger twice but butler triggers for free
Pic rel

Also it mills three
Better stats and multiple activations.
Scrapheap is a recurrent threat
Butler is a joke
Homie get 5 trophies in pauper before asking retarded shit.
holy fuck just netdeck, people smarter than you did the work
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>Mirrodin goblins now have hair...

>wahhh why isn't this tier 3 deck properly optimized ;___;
>tier 3
>Snapcaster sucks now
A snapcaster list literally won a modo challenge and prelim.
Jeskai control and Izzet wizards are both good decks right now.
does solving a case check its conditions on resolution of the ability as well as initial trigger like valakut?
can i go to end step with 3 artifacts, trigger case of the filched falcon, then shrapnel blast my opponent and still solve the case?
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Garruk. Bear.
I want to see Oko as a cheeky squirrel
i want delver of squeakrets to be canon
blue squirrel? preposterous.
based zoomer not konwing shit
>WotC forced SCG to can these because players were having too much fun
rip tasipurr and pig through time..
Anyone playing snappy is my bro

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