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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

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Return to monke edition.
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I might revisit TSF World one day, just to see if I get any new ideas for things to add. The last update was purely just to add a Bowsette option.
The spatial powers from uq holder really are great for bullshiting that you are a god. Reach out and grab a ship in space, use your hand to create an eclipse, make a peace of food really big.

The way it can be used to fuck with things relying on your perspective is great.
Who is the friendliest Master of the Bazaar?
I was honestly kind of wondering if you could use the perspective trick to grab a star and put it in a bottle. Imagine the havick that would cause. The cost in mana would be outrageous though, wait I cant remember if uq holder uses mana.
I will transform all women into onaholes.
Mr Veils, but watch out
>everything looks exactly the same
Not him, but can the Book of Magic do everything the TSF Note can with enough practice?
Anybody know if Val is still planning on working on the Drakengard 3 jump to finish off the trilogy?
Given the names are the first set of origins Gender locked? Could we have/make a tomboy companion under the Guy origin?
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Probably. Its just less fast/easy/convenient.
It doesn't have to be. I'm honestly not that bothered if you want to mix things up a little.
>Probably. Its just less fast/easy/convenient.
Fine by me, learning is part of the fun.

Does the Change Camera only work with pictures taken with it, or could you load a picture or piece of art onto it and change someone/yourself with it? Also an option that would be nice to add to the Change Camera is to change a person shown in one picture to look like a person in another picture.
>It’s been a while since I’ve looked at the books on gods, but I don’t think there’s anything preventing more then one god from having the same domain, and even if there is your parent could just have a similar theme. I’d go with “Is a god of Secrets working for Jupiter, and no Jupiter never explained why” though. Actually I might even do that myself if I make a Drop-In build for Modern.

eh fair enough. I was thinking maybe leaning into a different maiden potentially. Since jumpers a traveler usually anyway. but I feel like I always lean into making a Hermes/Mercury like god if I do make a god jumper. So I'm maybe the parent who worked for Jupiter would be better. Would fit in well if I want to lean into the magic stuff.
found a not safe for work cyoa you might enjoy.
We go any battle manga jumps where you can't beat the entire setting with a good build?

Tanya inserts aren't trying to be rational most of the time. (there is a difference between rational and intelligent characters, tanya inserts are usually intelligent but not rational)
Up to you really. I didn't want to be too specific in the do's and don'ts and thus there is an option specifically for letting you customise the powers/items to better suit your tastes. It doesn't drastically change the core power, but little things like your suggestions would be in the realms of change.
I'll check it out... Tomorrow, because I'm off to sleep now.
>Up to you really. I didn't want to be too specific in the do's and don'ts and thus there is an option specifically for letting you customise the powers/items to better suit your tastes. It doesn't drastically change the core power, but little things like your suggestions would be in the realms of change.
Fair enough. If you do update the jump, my big hope is you’ll increase the stipend, there’s a lot of good perks, powers, and items.
NTA, but rationalfic just means the author goes to LessWrong and is personally offended by the characters making any suboptimal decisions so they insert as Tanya there (while still claiming it's Tanya) and just have Tanya shit over the setting
>We go any battle manga jumps where you can't beat the entire setting with a good build?
Inuyasha, as there is no good build.
Hey, you guys been doing alright?
Ragna Crimson, Battle Destruction School Dangerous, Petals of Reincarnation.
I thought you were dead
What's a good jump to make an expy of him in?
Hero BBS
>So I'm maybe the parent who worked for Jupiter would be better. Would fit in well if I want to lean into the magic stuff.
Secrets and magic are two subjects that go well together, yeah. Also if you’re going to be a demigod of secrets you might find this useful, after I wrote Virile Bull Style I felt like making something relating to shapeshifting.
One Piece. So far you would have to make a perfect Luffy build and then survive several 95% death rate training events to power up. I dont think you can even make a perfect Luffy build with what we got.
The power of perks and prices seem all over the place and not worth it in most cases.
Bro I wish sometimes. Anyways, you good?
Too true, too true.
Eh could be better, wanna make out?
Nah I'll pass I think.
JUMP #0143: Godzilla (Showa)

Location: 6. Solgell Island
Age: rolled
Gender: Male
Origin: Monster, Villain (200)
>End of an Era (free)
>Adaptional Empowerment (300)
>Malicious Infiltrator (free)
>Toho Kaiju (free)
>Kaiju’s Hide (free)
>King of the Monsters (800)
>Skin Suit (free)
>Corpse of a Dead World (300)
>Import x8 (400)
>Corrupt Autocrats (+100)
>Tragic Loss (+100)
>Stock Footage (+200)
>Destroy All Monsters (+600)
Total: 2000/2000

Ryan +800
Gender: Male
Origin: Human, Military
>A Willful People (free)
>Playing Catch Up (300)
>Do Your Duty (free)
>Higher Voltage (300)
>The Uniform (free)
>The Moonlight SY-3 (200)

Lorelei +800
Gender: Female
Origin: Monster, Hero (200)
>End of an Era (free)
>Something You Don’t See Everyday (100)
>Electrical Charge (200)
>Improbable Communication (free)
>Dynamic Entry (200)
>Toho Kaiju (free)
>Kaiju’s Hide (free)
>Groupies (free)
>Hidden Home (100)

Sophia +800
Gender: Female
Origin: Xillien, Genius
>The Perfect Disguise (free)
>Species Specialization (300)
>Doctoral Studies (free)
>Esoteric Engineering (200)
>The Lab Coat (free)
>Mecha-Monster Lab (300)

Mortimer +800
Gender: Male
Origin: Kilaak, Villain
>The Perfect Disguise (free)
>Species Specialization (300)
>Malicious Infiltrator (free)
>Appetite for Destruction (200)
>Skin Suit (free)
>Flying Saucer (100)
>Mind Control Tech (200)

Elizabeth +800
Gender: Female
Origin: Simian, Genius
>The Perfect Disguise (free)
>Species Specialization (300)
>Doctoral Studies (free)
>Esoteric Engineering (200)
>Technology for a New Age (300)
>The Lab Coat (free)
To be clear I was saying most tanya stories aren't attempting to be rational fics due to tropes like the Tanya Misunderstanding Field, where the author intentionally has her constantly misunderstanding things but makes it so she lucks out and avoids all the consequences for that.

Talisa +800
Gender: Female
Origin: Seatopian, Military
>The Perfect Disguise (free)
>Species Specialization (300)
>Do Your Duty (free)
>The Dark Horse (200)
>The Uniform (free)
>Experimental Weapons Blueprints (300)

Heather +800
Gender: Female
Origin: Nebulan, CEO
>The Perfect Disguise (free)
>Implausible Alliances (200)
>Species Specialization (300)
>Slime Ball (free)
>Modern Aristocracy (100)
>Noblesse Oblige (200)
>Start-Up Capital (free)

Gaia +800
Gender: Female
Origin: Human, Native
>A Willful People (free)
>Hidden Society (free)
>Shobijin (300)
>Part of the Tribe (free)
>Ancestral Lands (200)
>Food of Giants (300)

Commentary: We are back in Goji land but this time it's considerably weirder in tone. Given my drawbacks, my path this decade is clear. Stop the omnicidal maniacs (and loot their stuff). Also, I just love that you can buy a planet in this jump. I've decided mine is going to be Phaeton but situated behind Pluto's orbit. It's by far the largest purchase I've made to date and ideal for big projects that I don't want to be disturbed.
What are some fantasy or even magical creatures jumper could unleash into the wilds of a mundane Earth? The pokemon portal invasion got me wondering about this. Maybe something less destructive than normal portal invasions. I did think of a Digimon portal invasion, but I cant see many people taking to kindly to the new internet monsters.
I mean, to be fair that's literally what happens in Youjo Senki on a nonstop basis. Not so much because Tanya is just SO intelligent but rather because her perspective and viewpoint is so alien to her surroundings that things she considers to be obvious and common sense aren't obvious at all to the people around her. She has the advantage of hindsight and 100 years of human history to learn from while everyone else doesn't, causing her to constantly create comedic misunderstandings where she thinks someone understands what she's saying but in reality they just think she's some kind of super genius who foresaw everything with her clairvoyant wisdom.
Orcs from Warhammer Fantasy.
Exalted Infernals.
Val isn't doing anything jump wise again.
Fate China?
What is a jump I can spend an hour making a big meaty build for? I'm sick of making builds that are just 2 or three 3 perks and a drawback
I hate people that cock suck Youjo Senki so fucking much. It's like anime Worm as far as the fanfic slurpers go. You're all faggots.
No one asked for your opinion cuck
Sounds like you'd be interested in supermarket jumps.
Kingdom Death Monster.
A companion build
Symbiote Slime: +600. Gal Target
>Extreme Pleasures (Free):
>Super Star (Free):
>Basically A Bitch (Free):
>Refitted (Free):
>Favorable Changes (Free):
TSF Powers: +200 for TSF Only.
>Mix and Match (Free): Combo explained in description.
>Ranma Special (100):
>Upgrade (200): Slime Ball, Slimy Brethren.
>Retroactive Changes (200):
>Slime Ball (300):
A symbiote living rent free within the body of her ‘master’, you. Spends most of her time trying to convince you to indulge yourself and claim various girls as your own. Something she’s happy to help with if only you exuded a piece of her to come out and play, if allowed she’ll use this piece to possess and assimilate others into her. While her power over her master is largely limited to relatively moderate improvements to your overall health and physique when she gets into someone else they’ll become a part of her, joining a hive mind consisting of both the original her inside of you and all those she’s absorbed. As the dominant party of the hive mind all those she’s converted into herself are eager to be part of your harem and serve you in any way you want, especially in gathering yet more girls. She is able to make various alterations to her new bodies steadily changing them into amazons, shortstacks, or the like and in the case of men always turning them into cute girls. What’s more when she takes over someone or changes the body of one of her sub-selves it becomes retroactive, ensuring that any changes not only seem like they were how things always were but actually are; with only her and her master remembering both the original and revised version of events from before she absorbed someone who was always a part of her.

Symbiote-Chan is a possessive cuckquean, greatly enjoying both seeing her master with other women but also wanting to keep him to herself. The natural solution being to become multiple women so that she can enjoy both sides at the same time.
The AI knows.
Yeah, you and Val still together? Please say yes
Oh this does look pretty cool. Feels a bit weird to have something as magical and changing as a terrestrial art I admit but I do like it. May use this if Jumper becomes a god. Though I do feel a bit bat for lunars losing one of the few things to make them unique a bit even if its not quite the same.

As a general side thought: Being a gods gonna be really weird if he goes that route or stumbles into it accidentally. He was already at essence 3 for about a century so when he gets it theres a good chance he just apotheosizes not to long into the Jump...Which is a issue given how this setting of exalted treats gods or at least the public does. I do want to save Spirits of creation later on the chain. Maybe make them a incarnae given the only scenario is for them.
Gods also raise there essence levels through worship and hes gonna be uncomfortable setting up a cult to himself so... Theres a chance he may end up stagnant for a few decades or centuries Or the fact he may technically be a illegal god. Though theres hardly really Yu-shaun enforcing things at that point in exalted the modern age if I recall.
Tell me about your patrons.
Did your jumper beat Elden Ring legitimately, or did they use magic or summons?
Magic is way harder to use than melee
Stop being a parasocial creep.
lol no
On a mildly related issue, it's disappointing that the Homunculus Maid from Overlord has to be the Homunculus race. If she were a slime it'd synergize with her crafting much more. Plus, slime maids are hot.
Keep coping, castercuck. Maybe play some more Baldur's Gay 3 while you're at it.
Comet Azure go brrrr.
The only chain I have Elden Ring in is only at jump one and starts in Elden Ring, since I can't afford any magic or summons with my must have perks and waifus who he doesn't want to risk before giving them some immortality jumper can only handle things one way.

Unga bunga. Jumper casts fist, foot, and spike into the ground.
We ever gonna get a Cyberpunk (RED or 77, don't mind) jump? I swear it's been claimed like 8 times by now.
>I did think of a Digimon portal invasion, but I cant see many people taking to kindly to the new internet monsters.
A fucking Keramon almost started ww3.
SB has a 77 jump. Its... not balanced, but if you really want to visit, the option is there
If you think about it, what kind of people does cyberpunk appeal to? That's right, woke people. And those people aren't exactly known for making optimal life decisions.
Don't worry anon, the most recent claim was by an actually active jumpmaker. And they only have a few other concurrent projects likely to get whatever time/effort they're currently putting towards jumpmaking instead of Cyberpunk.
The one on QQ take it or leave it.
In the Overlord jump, is there any need to bother with 90% of the jump if I just buy Adventurer's build, have all of them purchase the Shooting Star Wish Ring and spam that shit on a daily basis?
Jumper doesn't really have a patron deity or otherworldly power aside his benefactor though I imagine thats not what your referring to. He wouldn't mind one though.
>Oh this does look pretty cool. Feels a bit weird to have something as magical and changing as a terrestrial art I admit but I do like it. May use this if Jumper becomes a god. Though I do feel a bit bat for lunars losing one of the few things to make them unique a bit even if its not quite the same.
Pert of what makes the Supernatural Martial Arts so useful is they can emulate the special powers of Exalts to a degree, but Lunars still have better shapeshifting. The limiting factor is all changes have to be biologically viable on their own and you don’t get any of the useful upgrade Knacks Lunars have.

>As a general side thought: Being a gods gonna be really weird if he goes that route or stumbles into it accidentally. He was already at essence 3 for about a century so when he gets it theres a good chance he just apotheosizes not to long into the Jump
The good news there is becoming a god probably won’t happen accidentally. Raising your essence to 4 generally takes deliberate effort. It could still happen though, so if you want to write your jumper as finding they’ve ascended without meaning to it’s possible.

>Which is a issue given how this setting of exalted treats gods or at least the public does.
Fortunately, judging by the several gods who are mentioned as doing so, it shouldn’t be hard to disguise yourself as a human as long as you already have a human shape, which a number of gods do, and as an ascended mortal you should both look human and act like one as well.
I'm good. Just ate chicken. How are you?
No that's exactly what I'm referring to, whatever your equivalent of Jump-chan is.
Not holding my breath, but who?
Thats called a benefactor
The war between those wanting to save waifumon, those wanting cool monster pets and the govts trying to stop people from raising the doomsday monsters. It would be funny.
Did you follow in Ric's footsteps and eat it raw like a man?
I ate an undercooked corn dog one time and got horribly sick for over a day.
NTA but 9anon iirc.
I want the Becca(s).
Glad to hear it. Could be better, haven't been at computer in a while so I decided to check in. Sadly already back on phone and probably away again soon.
>Pert of what makes the Supernatural Martial Arts so useful is they can emulate the special powers of Exalts to a degree, but Lunars still have better shapeshifting. The limiting factor is all changes have to be biologically viable on their own and you don’t get any of the useful upgrade Knacks Lunars have.
Eh fair enough anon. Still like the art you did a good job on it.
>The good news there is becoming a god probably won’t happen accidentally. Raising your essence to 4 generally takes deliberate effort. It could still happen though, so if you want to write your jumper as finding they’ve ascended without meaning to it’s possible.
Alright that feels like something could be done story wise then. Especially if Jumpers gonna end up basically being godly catnip for a buncha spirits with the divine Samaritan perk. Bunch of gods and maybe a few exalts he parties up with try to convince him to raise his essence level but he's afraid hes going to explode or self destruct if he does. They want him around long term (In the gods view at least.) or potentially more useful from the exalts one.
Though the hesitation might be understandable given he's been human or human adjacent for basically his entire chain up till now for about 280 Years. Though admittedly he's already passed the bar on being seen as at least a "Normal" human about 200 years ago age wise.
Parrots that are born knowing every slur.
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I haven't looked at Lunars in a while, do they have a martial art specifically for using shapeshifting in battle (IE Alex Mercer) or is that just their standard combat charms?
Based. You should also teach them to recognize when an applicable target comes along.
Why didn't Itachi just murder all the higher ups in Konoha instead of his whole clan? Like, is anybody in the village really gonna be said that evil old fucks 1-4 are dead?
the shooting star rings only give you one wish per month, or one greater wish every three months
It's much more efficient to just buy the Ring of Elru, as a level 100 Magic Caster, and then just cast the Wish Upon a Star Spell yourself 3 times a day for Free at double strength.

But worth noting that some purchases in jump shouldn't be avaiable even if you do spam the wishes. LIke stuff such as having all crafting classes, not having to use up levels for full racial benefits, or having the full power of multiple level 100 builds, just aren't possible, at least not without going into Wild Magic/World Item bullshit.
The Shooting Star Ring is better than the actual spell because Greater Wish costs nothing but time, and I can just import 30 companions so I have 31 rings, one for every day of the month on cycle.
>Root members would miss Danzo if you count Bort as canon
>Everyone would miss Hiruzen since he's the village grandpa
So you're gonna piss of some people with Danzo but you'll piss off the entire Leaf by killing his enabler.
In Overlord, if you could building a working magic portal to the New World how much would you be able to get if you sold it to the corpos on Earth?
Sorry, no.
>Greater Wish costs nothing but time, and I can just import 30 companions so I have 31 rings, one for every day of the month on cycle.
You'd need 90 companions to accomplish that, genderstudies-kun.
But you were the one
The canon ship
What happen?
Ring of Elru rermoves the cost of any spell 3 times per day, and doubles the potency.

You literally get 90+ Free Greater Wishes per month that are much more potent than anything the shooting star ring can offer.
Long-distance relationship with a party girl is what happened.
My Jumper's patron is dead, and left behind the Ascension Engine (the mechanism which is facilitating Jumpchain for my Jumper) as their last legacy. It wasn't given to Jumper intentionally, just left to randomly tumble through the multiverse. Jumper just happened upon it by pure chance. I intend to have Jumper meet an echo of their thoughts at Jump 50, then find part of their corpse at Jump 100. This is the most interaction I've planned for my Jumper to have with their "patron" throughout the chain so far.
>Like, is anybody in the village really gonna be said that evil old fucks 1-4 are dead?
Yes, they would go after the rest of the Uchias. At the time the Uchiha clan was considered outcasts and subhumans

Dang, sorry to hear that.
Even if he pisses everybody off he can just hit them with the classic
>"Why'd you murder the Hokage?!"
>"To measure my abilities."
Testing your abilities by killing the strongest dude in the village makes more sense than testing your abilities by killing every level 5 scrub in your clan anyways.
I’ve never been quite sure how to set it up, but I ever get into metanarrative for my chain, the whole thing will be one big stable time loop. Jumpers patron is jumpe.
The massacre made less and less sense as it was expanded on
In that case, I just need to import 200 companions for exactly the same cost as importing 30, because it's a mass import option with no additional costs
>>"Why'd you murder the Hokage?!"
>"I'm a vore-based Jumper whose powers are increased by defeating and devouring powerful opponents."
couple billion, but before you could collect they'd get wiped by disgruntled salarymen
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Tell us about the most recent OC you made. Did a Messmer build for picrel, have them as a sort of loyal guard/executioner/attack dog.
Are there any other perks/powers similar to Iterative Improvement, allowing you to 'enchant' items with any effect you might want given sufficient energy?
How would Jumper react if they heard Itachi say that?
High five him for his great build choice and then devour him.
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Take it or leave it.
"Fuck, this dude must've brainwashed and interrogated me with genjutsu!"
>Eh fair enough anon. Still like the art you did a good job on it.
Shapeshifting is a favorite of mine, so I wanted to do something with it that would enable it for people other then Lunars. The in universe explanation is a Lunar was involved in the style’s creation, hence the similarities – note that two of the charms, Twin-Faced Enlightenment and Changing Plumage Wisdom, have names that are almost the same as the corresponding Lunar Knacks.

>Alright that feels like something could be done story wise then. Especially if Jumpers gonna end up basically being godly catnip for a buncha spirits with the divine Samaritan perk. Bunch of gods and maybe a few exalts he parties up with try to convince him to raise his essence level but he's afraid hes going to explode or self destruct if he does. They want him around long term (In the gods view at least.) or potentially more useful from the exalts one.
Having power over secrets will make you useful, so they’ll want you to advance, yeah. The gods could explain that as a God-Blooded you’ll ascend safely too, the reason mortals explode is their essence needs a direction to go in when they reach essence 4 and they don’t have one built in.

>Though the hesitation might be understandable given he's been human or human adjacent for basically his entire chain up till now for about 280 Years. Though admittedly he's already passed the bar on being seen as at least a "Normal" human about 200 years ago age wise.
One way you could ease your jumper into being a god is by keeping things transactional at the start. You hide or reveal a secret as requested, and in return the client prays to you for so many days or makes a sacrifice to you.

Personally I think purple is the better color for secrets.

Generally that’s their Knacks.
More than Chinafags deserve, desu imo senpai
Akshually, you can't use it to become the strongest thing in the setting and solo the verse. I know, I gave it a shot too and the thread told me it doesn't work like that. You can do shit like "sharp spear!" "Fast running boots!"
I think details are more of a private thing. We're still friends, but I think we'd probably both be more comfortable without the power couple or canon pairing comments if that's cool.

No worries, life rolls on.
Is the Lands Between really that small or is it compressed like how Elder Scrolls has places you visit being smaller then it is in lore?
For those who did the scenario in part 6, what was your Heaven stand?
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The Caster Servant Alexandre Dumas kinda does that in Fate. He basically infuses objects with power and a fake history he comes up for them, to turn them into noble phantasms with a variety of abilities. The ones he made in the story were mostly to just boost the stats of the users a lot so they could fight servants, but they still had individual abilities, like a Spear that protects people, an Axe that can hit over distance, a Scythe that can heal people or that revolver that destroys immense amount of magical energy in what it hits, being enough to instakill an average servant

The perk based on it in Fate Legend France doesen't really do that(being more about creating duplicates of objects), but you could just summon him as servant in a grail war and keep him around to make hundreds if not thousands of noble phantasms for you every year.
It’s one island/continent, either that is all of Marika's nation, or just the seat of it, but there are other lands explicitly mentioned in the world.
as I have had many chains I have had many patrons, one was a version of Nyarlathotep, one kind of screwed up the Jumpchain thing previously with a jumper that led to a problem for my jumper. One was a very old cosmic being that wanted to ascend to another realm but needed to leave his powers behind with my jumper, One was even some guy from 4chan who came back to fulfill the pact. generally I don't go in to too many details about the patron though..
Probably compressed. The mountaintops of the giants aren't nearly big enough to support them as a race. The infrastructure seen in the games also doesn't work for the mountains of corpses scattered all over the place or the armies seen within cinematics. Logistically it just doesn't make sense if that's the 'real' size of the Lands Between.
>Shapeshifting is a favorite of mine, so I wanted to do something with it that would enable it for people other then Lunars. The in universe explanation is a Lunar was involved in the style’s creation, hence the similarities – note that two of the charms, Twin-Faced Enlightenment and Changing Plumage Wisdom, have names that are almost the same as the corresponding Lunar Knacks.
Yeah I did notice that. I also think shapeshifting's sick as hell so thanks for the style anon.
>Having power over secrets will make you useful, so they’ll want you to advance, yeah. The gods could explain that as a God-Blooded you’ll ascend safely too, the reason mortals explode is their essence needs a direction to go in when they reach essence 4 and they don’t have one built in.
Yeah I'm sure folks could explain... though the idea also occurs to me Jumper has enough essence now to actually learn emerald/terrestrial circle sorcery in the Jump. given last time in creation he wasn't really specced into magic or had a high enough essence level. Could maybe tie that back into becoming a god. Use his fear of changing as his sacrifice.
>One way you could ease your jumper into being a god is by keeping things transactional at the start. You hide or reveal a secret as requested, and in return the client prays to you for so many days or makes a sacrifice to you.
Thats a good idea. Gonna use that. Probably start it among him and people he knows. Lord knows he'd probably have a lot of work in front of him though given there parents dead or missing and the maiden of secrets is kinda sealed away/locked up. Plenty of potential stuff to be done. A overwhelming amount of it.
No, the misunderstanding field is a meme. When people think Tanya is some terrifying monster it's because she runs around committing war crimes and singlehandedly taking on enemy champions and armies while being a literal child.
Tanya isn't failing upwards at any point, that is just some dumbass community meme that people parrot. She is doing things and being surprised at their obvious consequences because she is a fucking retard
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>Tell us about the most recent OC you made.
It was a Female(male) Brawler
If Veils is friendly to you it's because it wants to manipulate you.
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>Yeah I did notice that. I also think shapeshifting's sick as hell so thanks for the style anon.
It's a shame Lunars are so bad but have such cool themes.
Why do Europeans and Asians hate guns so much?
Asians fucking love guns, what are you on? The second that shit got in their hands they couldn't live without those
They've never had to deal with significant threats to their lives.
Smaller populations of basketball enjoyers make them less necessary.
I like guns, my dad's always had them, so have my grandparents on his side. It’s just that gun control is much stricter, and because it actually works and you don't have everyone running around on the streets with one, loosening restrictions on them for the sake of protection falls flat as an argument. Whereas arguing gun control in the US is retarded because you're long after the point where you can really do anything of value.
All the europeans who liked guns got sent off to a variety of wars and died
Eastern yuros love guns though? And you can't tell me the people that invented the Homemade Birthrate Destroyer didn't enjoy guns
>Imagine thinking a gun could stop a chaos dunk
Dread it, run from it, B-ball arrives the same
No, she's isn't. Have you read the series? She's constantly misunderstanding things with her superiors, especially the General Staff, and they've all come to view her as some sort of terrifying genius as a result. She fails upwards constantly, stumbling into situations where she makes exactly the right decision given the circumstances with practically no information. And she constantly has misunderstandings with her superiors where she tries to get assigned to the rear or taken off the frontlines only for everyone to assume she actually wants to go fight on the front or that the Empire should go on the offensive and she's volunteering to lead the charge. That shit happens literally every few chapters, it is absolutely not fanon or a meme.
>Have you read the series?
NTA, but c'mon man. Obviously he hasn't. No one who comes out and makes authoritative statements without evidence actually fucking has a legit reasoning for their opinions, they're always secondaries that assume they know the source material better than anyone who actually consumed the media. It's literally always like this for every fucking IP
>Yeah I did notice that. I also think shapeshifting's sick as hell so thanks for the style anon.
Glad you like it. It can also play into the Secrets theme, be an enigmatic figure with a hundred names and a thousand faces, with only your closest friends ever knowing the truth.

>Yeah I'm sure folks could explain... though the idea also occurs to me Jumper has enough essence now to actually learn emerald/terrestrial circle sorcery in the Jump. given last time in creation he wasn't really specced into magic or had a high enough essence level. Could maybe tie that back into becoming a god. Use his fear of changing as his sacrifice.
That would be a fitting sacrifice.

>Thats a good idea. Gonna use that. Probably start it among him and people he knows. Lord knows he'd probably have a lot of work in front of him though given there parents dead or missing and the maiden of secrets is kinda sealed away/locked up. Plenty of potential stuff to be done. A overwhelming amount of it.
Just remember, in a world of conspiracies secrets are one of the most valuable things in the world. Get yourself some strong friends, have boltholes everywhere, and always have at least three escape plans.
Or worse, all his opinions are informed from reading fanfiction without ever touching the source material.
Dammit anon, you have to post pictures of cute anime women or it won't work!
No wonder she gets along so well with Ainz and Nazarick.
No, because fanfiction often gets this right. This is worse- someone who informs their opinions based on contrarianism towards fanfiction and forum posts they didn't even read.
We like guns, just the thought of having them spread out and so easily accessible discomforts us.
That's still better than the other Masters.
youjo senki is decent but god damn do I hate the fans and the fanfics with a passion
Feeding Tanya more nutritious food than military rations! Making her hit early puberty and grow bigger tits!
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Would going into One Piece with an omnitrix be a stomp? Without the obvious god tiers?
Unfortunately there's only so much that feeding can do in the face of genetics.
That's quitter talk
Just take the age fruit and you can do anything by imagining a future you want.
Has Tanya even hit her period yet? That's going to be an awkward as fuck conversation with Visha.
ye, devil fruit bullshit is technically genetic.
Mother's bounty style to the rescue!
What kind of porn do your companions collect?
>oh a picture I like quick how do I post this and justify it not being off topic, because I need to share it here because I don't have friends
You can casually share things on 4chan that you could never even speak of to your actual friends and will deny to your dying breath.
Who shares fetish shit with their friends?
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by collect you mean make?
Not really, you can trust most of, say, Fires' bullshit to bounce off you and explode on its own face horrifically, so it being a cunt isn't that bad. Veils can be polite but it will be plotting your death all the while and it will actually be competent at it.
Some things should be private even among friends. Do you really want to find out one of your companions is really in to Scat or something? Until brain bleach is actually a thing it's better to error on the side of caution on some things.
What kind of retard makes this question?
This is bullshit. It's not a Martial Art, it's disguise Charms randomly shoved into a different Ability.
That isn't a fetish or anything particularly weird though, anon is just a friendless loser.
Reminder that Godrick crossdressed in order to run away from Morgott after the Omen King absolutely trashed his whole army and took away control of Leyndell. Then he challenged Malenia, got the absolute shit beaten out of him, and then hid inside of Stormveil Castle to avoid confronting Radahn and his forces. He's only survived this long because Morgott literally protects his ass by projecting himself as Margit, having even driven off Radahn once to prevent Godrick from getting killed and upturning the stalemate of the Shattering.

This is what's become of Godfrey's children.
I roll for my Jumper's gender at chain start and for each jump as God intended.
Someone looking for (You)s
Anon, the picture implies a whole book of trap porn.
Were you not aware that japs refer to post nut clarity as sage mode?
No, I wasn't.
Yeah and? The pic isn't really weird or anything it's not like you’re posting trap porn.
Do you have any proof that Quicksilver meant for people to roll for gender?
To be fair, Godrick was the always runt of the litter. Born weak as shit, never taken seriously and having to struggle for even the slightest drop of power.
It's a significant accomplishment on his part to even survive Malenia considering he barely has any source of power to his name.
No, but God really likes randomness as evidenced by the nature of reality, so I follow His will by embracing RNG
Other than an outright power toggle are there any good ways to dial back an aura perk that makes people more inclined to fear/obey you?
I'm like 90% sure that the only reason Godrick wasn't just fucking executed on the spot was because he was the last of the Golden Lineage and nobody wanted to be the one who ended the line of Godfrey.
Grab a perk to make people really like your presence and make them really confused.
It's too fuarking cold.
Godrick looks cool at the very least, grafting is rad and I respect his decision to just put a fucking dragon there
So how much shit am I getting myself into if I crash a system lord get together and force a bunch of magically binding oaths of fealty to me, in stargate of course. Theres a big one I sort of remember that ends with someone dropping a moon on some people and I feel like with my jumpers bullshit I could get quite a few system lords under my thumb to strongarm them into a pantheon that can be twisted to do good by threats of horrible neverending soul torment.
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What's a strong holy incantation build in Elden Ring while sticking to a reasonable budget? Absolute Radiance + Golden Kindness + whatever level of divinity you're willing to fork out?
Didn't he survive because he stole Marika's slooty time veil and pretended to be someone else to escape?
This may be a dumb question but anyone know of a way to make those doll bodies? They seem to have most of the senses a human body should with little in the way of downsides. Ideal for temporary shells while I rebuild my friends fleshy vessels.
Literally a perk for it in the jump. And fate Japan.
>a strong holy incantation build
Nothing because Holy sucks absolute dick. Something like 70% of the bosses in this game, including most of the hardest ones, have ludicrous Holy resistance.
The Omnitrix is such a fundamental gamechanger that you could do a whole chain using nothing but it.
There is? Neat, I havent played the gane so I was doin research first before building.
I know but I like the style, and can take it elsewhere. Stop being autistic we're talking about a jump.
I don't ask them, they don't tell me.
>Curiously your knowledge base also carries with it an exceptional background
in making dolls. Not only are you able to expertly construct, maintain and
modify doll bodies for disembodied souls in need of one to inhabit, but you also
know how to brew potions that can slay the drinker-and enslave their soul to be
bound into a puppet of your design. Thus bound, they can be summoned and
commanded at will like any spirit save with far less volition of their own.
Whatever you could intend with such an art?
Honestly not really. You'd be really fucking tough and hard to kill but not actually that automatically top tier without the busted as fuck aliens. Once you got Haki I think you could get pretty damn far, but you would at most have a headstart in learning it.
It'd fall into mutation which it can't copy.
Depends on how you use it.
Because like, Ben is basically a Four Arms/Humongousaur main, but I'd wager someone who who abuses Grey Matter/Brainstorm/Juryrigg to do science shit would fare differently.
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[Dietrich von Bern and other german heroic legends]

Drawbacks: Confusing honor system, Vendetta, Prey, War (2400)


The Hero (2300)

Scary Aspect (Free)
Fearless (Free)
Fire Breath (2200)
Natural Warrior: Wrestling (2000)
Might (1800)
Weak Spotter (1600)
Baptized with Dragon Blood (1100)
Greatest Of Them All (500)
Honorbound (300)
A Horse (Free)
OC Companion (0)
-8x The Magical Being (600), Underestimated (Free), Father of a New Kind (Free), Greatest of Them All (300), Master Smith (0), Steed (Free)

My journey began much the same way many had: Falling out of the sky cock-first, straight into a woman's metalworking guild (that doubled as a club for elephant racing enthusiasts. After the confusion had subsided from the current champion de-transforming from her dragon shape and my dick being pried out of the red-hot anvil it had apparently left a dent in, they proved sympathetic once I made clear that I wasn't here to slay them.

No, I was here to impose order upon this world, but it was a wolf age. An age of strife and discord, where even bears took up the halberd and kissed their fair bear wives goodbye as they marched to war under the banner of Attila (who everyone was calling Etzel for some reason) and his great nation of Etzelberg (I was starting to get the impression Attila had been the victim of some obscure cultural in-joke). Or the wicked king Ermanaric, who was actually surprisingly easy to manipulate. Or the fire-breathing devil Mohammad. And that's not a slur against Islam. As the infernal beauty of the metalworking club informed me Mohammad was literally some sort of fire-breathing demon in this world.

The armies of the world were set to clash against each other, separating the men from the boys and the legends from the faceless mooks. So yeah, it was basically another cultivation setting.

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Instead of going straight to war, I united the women's metalworking club under my banner by proposing to fund a sanctuary village for magical creatures hunted by wandering heroes with my war money if they sponsored me. Having lost friends and families to some feckless barbarian trying to put his name in the sagas they quickly agreed.

I proceeded to analyse the roots of my cultivation. It seemed that dragon blood would grant me invincibility, but what of giant's blood? True getting enough giant's blood to fill a whole bath might be violent, but what if a dwarf/huldra/the fay peoples are a confusing and diverse demographic maiden were to craft a grail of inexhaustible liquid while the giantess was on her period? And what if a devil maiden were to further "curse" the chalice to include a specific kind of transformation that would wreathe me in hellfire when I went to battle?

The composition of heavenly artifacts-well, GIANT-FORGED artifacts-were equally important. (Humanely harvested) dragonscale chainmail for proof against fire, shields that reflected the force of weapons back on them for the might of heroes-it was all about stacking talismans and wax wings and whatnot until I had a solution for every conceivable form of attack.

And thus armed, I rode to war-crushing Ermanaric's armies singlehandedly, mostly because he was an incompetent administrator and because mook-tier Germanic warriors were powerless before the giant/dwarf/whatever Frau Holle was militia I raised. Along the way I met a wandering hero who'd been recently exiled by him, and though I was outcast by man and bear alike we formed a wuxia sworn brotherhood (I think. The honor system was confusing when I wasn't committing genocide, mostly we sang and drank a lot together but every now and then he’d say something like “Anon, we can’t attack that village! The men and all drunk, and there are women and children nearby!” and I’d say something like “I know. They’re next”)

I feel like you'd struggle with *getting materials* for the tech aliens until you got to Vegapunk imo
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Along the way we caught the dwarf king Goldemar trying to forcibly introduce a human girl to his Big Dwarf Hammer. As it turned out one of my metalworking club friends was Goldemar’s daughter, who proceeded to shout at him so much he ran off to his ally the other dwarf king Laurin’s court, who in turn not wanting to be cancelled by an increasingly angry community of dwarf noblewomen who had started talking about lynching the “golden beauties” among human women to prevent their menfolk from being seduced by their TALLNESS started looking for a human intermediary who could broker peace. Instead, he found me. And ended up committing his kingdom to my war effort against literally every Germanic lord that did not bend the knee.

After a while, I could sum up the red road of peace through power in a flowchart:

1. Encounter Germanic king
2. Is he “honorable”? For Y, go to 3. For N, go to 4.
3. Refuse oath to cease war crimes. Does he have a daughter? For Y, go to 5. For N, got to 6
4. Prepare for sudden but inevitable betrayal, and strike first using strategic witchcraft/dragon ordinance
5. Abduct daughter. Wait for daughter to spontaneously fall in love for unclear, presumably Stockholm Syndrome-enabled reasons. Somehow, this results in a strong military alliance.
6. Show up to a battle with 200 legendary warriors from 16 different sagas on a flying mortar and pestle, raining down flying swords (for some reason in this country they fly with farming equipment and launch swords as missiles)

The most hopeless of the legendary warriors we fought in this land was Siegfried, who might have become the greatest obstacle in my path if he wasn’t an absolutely hopeless honourfag.

Lunar Knacks and it’s in Martial Arts because SMA’s don’t obey the charm limits Exalts have, but generally yes.
Theoretically, that's what other aliens could be used for (Diamondhead to make crystals, NRG/Heatblast to smelt things, Brainstorm for electrolysis) but fair point.
Honestly, I just wanted to point out that Ben is very unga bunga with his use of the Omnitrix (most of the time, occasionally he shapes up when shit goes down.)
Favourite smithing perks that are relatively strong but at the same time aren't insane "cleave mountains, fuck causality in the ass, slay the concept of death" level crap?
Shes what 12? In a pre growth hormone world. That plus bad nutrition means probably not.
It's a Terrestrial Martial Art, which are supposed to be purely physical. A CMA could maybe allow shapechanging, but it would be combat focused. And it's too weak and straightforward to work as a SMA.
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But because he was and the aid I’d given him earlier, he more or less forced his way into the sworn brotherhood of me and Dietrich

White people honour remained confusing to me even as I founded the mountain city of Drachesberg. A place for magical creatures of all kinds to stand united in mutual defence that would later become a tax haven for the super wealthy. After several months of wailing and lamentation the songs started singing of me as unironically the greatest hero in the land instead of banding together with some higher realm clans to destroy me utterly.

True, I DID use my metalworking club connections to ensure wood nymphs and witches bless villages that submitted to my rule but I was just taken aback by how not even propaganda-driven, but sincere all the praise was. And how I was even hailed a hero of Christendom after founding a giantess harem, even though my experiments in Christian cultivation had netted confusing results,

I mean shit I was killing so many white people that “Etzli” straight up proposed a strong alliance as a kindred spirit. At least he seemed as confused by this land as I was.

Then one day a valkyrie flew down from the sky, announced that I was worthy, and started pulling me to a higher realm by the ear.

“DIETRICH! DIETRICH I’VE PASSED A HEAVENLY TRIBULATION TOO SOON!” I yelled as I was dragged to the Halls of the Slain.

“Congratulations, friend! Your name will echo in the songs forever!” he said.

“NO THAT’S NOT THE-listen to me! Promise me…promise me you’ll set up an organised bureaucracy and literary tradition, to maintain social cohesion amongst the petty kingdoms!” I yelled as several other valkyries showed up to manhandle me into being an Einherjar.

Dietrich stared at me blankly, then said the worst possible thing I wanted to hear at the moment of my cultivation exceeding the mortal realm: “What’s a bureaucracy?!”

Student of Daith from Wood Elves is one I like.
>It's a Terrestrial Martial Art, which are supposed to be purely physical.
Yeah, and the style can only make changes that are biologically viable on their own.

One of the minor frustrations about writing about this kind of thing, Supernatural Martial Art and Sidereal Martial Art has the same acronym.
Suma and Sima
Biologically viable changes like becoming a functioning hermaphrodite? Without Essence cost or the drawback of abating when your Anima flares, thereby being strictly superior to the equivalent Lunar Knack while being learnable by mortals?
First, changing without spending essence takes the entire tree instead of one Knack. Second, If you were expecting quality or something reasonable then I apologize for misleading you, this is me writing something I found interesting.
Anybody ever stack big monkey with kaioken in DBZ?
At least you making something. Better than most people here.
This may be my favorite write up I've seen from you.
Expansion of this >>93161502 but in response to this >>93163157 even if I remove the . in ".pdf" so its just "pdf" it still fails.
I won’t claim it’s good or balanced, but I had an idea and I wanted to write it.
Not canonically, but plenty in my own chain.
Desuarchive, then? I find it's more cooperative then 4plebs
I think it's cool. But personally I'm in the camp that Martial arts in exalted should be stronger so mortals don't look so pathetic.
Still gonna use it in my fic. It can be used for funny shenanigans.
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Same as the anon whose making a godblood of secrets its a fun idea. Gonna have my jumper learn it from a Lunar friend of theres who learned it from a lunar elder who may of had a hand in developing the style.

The Jumps gonna probably crumble whats left of Jumpers mundane human limits but it'll be fun.
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I've currently got the idea of using teaching charms to teach someone so well they don't realise what there learning until it's too late. Shirou will learn to regret begging to be trained.
Berserk Before Elden Ring or vise versa?
The in universe story is that it was made by a Solar and a Lunar working together. Presumably the combination of Solar excellence and a Lunar’s natural grasp of shapeshifting enabled them to push what could be done with TMA’s to the limit.
I think that one sidereal training charm can do that?
Given the charms give the learner just control over there form. I feel like Shirou wouldn't really mind that much one way or another. Funny idea though
Make them first age degenerates who wanted to spread the wonders of shape changing sex to all mortals but we're too martial arts focused instead of doing the easier option of sorcery.
Do Elden Ring first and max out on destined death so you can kill the Godhand
He will see the use in it at a later date. But will only be taught a little wrong at first to fuck with him. Shiki by this point has long learned not to trust anything handed to him while he's laughing his ass off.
Adding to this any good ideas to make use of the mark of sacrifice via drawback keeper. Also who here uses the Universal Drawback supplement or is that "cheating"
Actually, my jumper’s companions are a Lunar and a Sidereal, so I should have said it was the work of a Solar, Lunar, and Sidereal teaming up. One idea I use is that all Exalt types can achieve better results when they have other types working with them.
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Even if it's not Canon that should be a thing. They were made to work together after all.
What's not balanced about it? It looked fine to me when I read through it.
Oh yeah I saw that bit which is why I think im gonna have Jumper learn it from a lunar whose teacher was probably the lunar in that pair in the modern world. Feels fun and a reason for why such a niche style would end up in his lap.
Or maybe it just became popularized afterwards among those that could use it.
Though the idea comes to mind that all of Jumpers circle kinda learns it given they may be on the run from the government since they'd be trying to take down the infernals.
Very spyesque.
Oh also question when it says spending willpower thats temporary willpower right? Not permanent?
Probably nothing? They'd assume they could take it from you by force until you proved otherwise, and then whoever does purchase it from you after you kill the first few corps to try their luck will get wiped out by whatever comes through, especially if they're a Player since odds are damn near 100% that every single Player will want to murderhobo their way through the corps for all the bullshit they got put through.
But I'm a Slann Simp
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I swear I've been looking for a way to put this image in one of my chains for years but could never quite figure out how to do so.

Anyways, cool aesthetics for your Jumper?
Probably that’s why the early First Age was such a good time. Also since the Lunars need something to do, I go with the idea that they’re really good managers. Lunars are good with animals, and humans are a type of animal.

>Though the idea comes to mind that all of Jumpers circle kinda learns it given they may be on the run from the government since they'd be trying to take down the infernals.
If you’ve never watched the old Mission Impossible TV show you should, it’ll give you a lot of ideas.

The one place where it takes permanent willpower, it says so and stresses that point, everything else is temporary willpower.
Technically speaking it already is, each Exalt type has their role that compliment each other.

The DBs are the armies, obviously, their numbers provide the bulk of the Exalted Host's forces and have key powers for bolstering each other, the mortals beneath them, improving their own abilities when fighting alongside stronger Celestial exalts above them.

The Solars are the key individual leaders and Champions; they're the ones that organize the broader strategies and actually engage the crazy big monsters, Devas, or Primordials directly when it comes to it.

The Lunars either stand by their Solar using their greater versatility to cover for their Solar's weaker areas or act as protectors for everything hiding behind the Exalted Host which the enemy forces would love to get at to deny the Exalted their needed support.

The Sidereals meanwhile manipulate events to the advantage of the other Exalted, making the victories easier, the losses less severe, and creating opportunities for Solar Circles or armies of Dragonblooded to exploit.
Exalted. Ever as a demon or infernal with ebon dragon charms.
>The one place where it takes permanent willpower, it says so and stresses that point, everything else is temporary willpower.
I figured I just wanted to check. Danm good deal for the mortal who gets that far. Especially if they can train up another point of willpower in another 50 years or so.

>If you’ve never watched the old Mission Impossible TV show you should, it’ll give you a lot of ideas.
I've never seen it but I have a vague idea of what thats like. Thats a good suggestion/vibe of what I wanna go for though. Something very spycraft and intrigue focused interspaced with maybe there deep covers getting blown when shit hits the fan and they have to get outta there after a lot of brutal violence.
Jumpers obviously the intel guy in this group.
>Lizardmen arrive to a battle, ready handle shit.
>Obese toad on a magic mobility scooter is leading them.
>Humans start laughing at the absurdity of the creature.
>Their Elven allies start figuring out how to best bitch out.
>The Dwarves are gritting their teeth for imminent bullshit.
That picture speaks to me as a dream creature or perhaps some bound spirit. I'd suggest Gravity Falls, Imawabi no Dakini, or The Secret of Kells.
If you can't figure out how an SB jump is unbalanced, this isn't the community for you.
Hey Shard, quick Destiny question. If one should buy multiple Pyramids, can they and all their benefits be given to someone else? I ask because it reads like they're linked to their owner on a deep level, so I'm not sure if that can just be transferred. I'm also really tempted to take a bunch of them to Warhammer Fantasy and/or AoS just to style all over Nagash's puny geometric buildings.
Neko Arc energy.
For one, any gun you purchase scales with you
>Mohammad was literally some sort of fire-breathing demon in this world
The horse in Generic Western scales with you. There are also some scaling items in Sword & Sorcery. And the armor in Fallout New Vegas.
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Behead those that mock our obese overlords
>Shard cultivated so hard he literally got taken to a higher realm before he could enslave the entire world under his will
>protectors for everything hiding behind the Exalted Host which the enemy forces would love to get at to deny the Exalted their needed support.
What do Lunars actually have for this? I've always felt that the big weakness of exalted in general is the inability to protect what they've built when they're not there in person but I haven't really read through the Lunar charms since they're the least interesting type of exalt.
>Scaling weapons
If there was a cursed tool in JJK that was a gun which could change forms to various guns and always scaled itself to be as powerful relative to the user as that type of gun would be to a regular person, how strong would it be? Could it blow up a city block if Sukuna had it?
Task failed successfully.
>I figured I just wanted to check. Danm good deal for the mortal who gets that far. Especially if they can train up another point of willpower in another 50 years or so.
Admittedly that one’s pushing it harder then anything else, but I think Youth Restoring Benison’s requirements are too high and that effect reflects that. Also one point of permanent willpower is not a minor price.

>I've never seen it but I have a vague idea of what thats like. Thats a good suggestion/vibe of what I wanna go for though. Something very spycraft and intrigue focused interspaced with maybe there deep covers getting blown when shit hits the fan and they have to get outta there after a lot of brutal violence.
Yeah, the classic Mission Impossible involves the team getting in, nudging events to get the bad guy caught in a position they can’t explain, and then leaving, with no one other then them even knowing there was a plot at all. Of course, things going wrong can be just as entertaining as things going right.
How does this even happen?!
Apples, you can get really "friendly" with them in Sunless Skies.
Empyrean: Alma Wade
Outer God: the Darkness/Winnower
Consort: Me
Hard Mode: She has the Dark Soul
What kind of horrible things happen to everyone else but me?
In xianxia if you get too strong you can potentially get forced out of the world and sent to a stronger one where you're only a mid level figure instead of the most powerful thing in the world.
One does not simply "have the Dark Soul". It's spread throughout all of humanity.
Rookie mistake, you're supposed to kill everyone in sight THEN fuck off to a higher realm.
You have to make them into pills first.
Yeah, just hoping 4plebs gets fixed for the redundancy
Everyone gets turned into a red stain on the ceiling
I'm getting the hover shoes from Shadow the Hedgehog and I decided to find a nice pair of shoes to import into them since it'd be a waste to not take advantage of it's import option

Which shoes do I go with? The incredibly comfortable and indestructible ones, the ones that let me move at 200mph, or the antigravity ones that let me wallwalk and fall from high distances?

>Sports - *200 The Best Shoes in the World (Discount Burst) Indestructable; Highly comfortable. These shoes will last through everything and can do everything. What you need at the moment is what they act like though their appearance is your choice. While they are indestructible this does mean they cannot be taken apart to be used as armor, and are stuck in shoe shape. Even if you could cut them apart there would only be enough for an indestructible bikini and that’s hardly armor right? Right?

>Sonic The Hedgehog - -Super sneakers(200cp): An upgrade to your shoes that allows for a neat effortless cruise speed of 200 miles an hour. You can’t really go beyond that without some kind of outside help from other powers. [These shoes are upgrades to your free styling shoes.]

>Sonic SATAM - 200CP - Sick Kicks You've got yourself one nice pair of shoes. These red and white sneakers are not only resistant to any wear and tear of running at high speeds, but they've also got a special anti-gravity function activated by pressing a button on each sneaker. This'll let you walk on ceilings like a spider or slow your descent from a nasty fall so you don't end up going splat on the ground. Plus they just look cool.
Yes but it’s very unclear how manual the process is, or how unique that transfer is to the Witness. One thing is known though: The Pyramids WANT masters and without one will try to actively seek one out as long as someone with a strong will goes inside them.

Odin’s system of valkyries selecting worthy warriors to fight forever in the Halls of the Slain is clearly designed to ensure all the potentially godslaying heroes/young masters are instead secured as giant killers for Ragnarok
I'm wondering if you can import existing companions into custom companions in Warhammer Dark Elves since it doesn't specificly say so. Who made that BTW it's a great jump
Tell that to Gael.
Assuming you've been to other Sonic jumps or even just Shadow you should be able to hit 200mph, and the wall/ceiling running shoes are already wear and tear resistant so those seem like the best option.
>White people honor remained confusing to me
Top fucking kek. Don't worry bugman it confuses most white people these days too.
>Other Sonic Jumps or even just Shadow
I actually wasn't planning on picking up any of the superspeed perks from Sonic. I've found that being able to go really fast makes going slower than your max speed boring. But yeah, I guess I can rule out the generic Sonic's shoes.

... I don't know if the allure of antigravity shoes is better than really comfortable shoes though.
>tfw I am once again running multiple chains, this time because the fantasy of becoming strong enough to protect those I care for and the fantasy of others valuing me enough to protect me are equally matched

What's the core fantasy behind your Chain, /jc/?
Can someone translate bugman for me
Escapism, ultimately
To travel and see all there is to see. With my own eyes. For... someone whose never had the money to travel its a dream I know I probably wont be able to achieve.
That and building something and watching how people use that thing. and add to it over time. A lasting legacy I suppose.
...Well shit. I've made myself depressed.
That I, with a bit of a push and a few opened doors, could be enough.
Right now it's "That game with the hoverboard that one reading reddit stories video channels has playing in the background looks neat" combined with "Inline figure skating looks fun"

Skating around the world on my neat hoverskates seeing the sights sounds wonderful
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>What's the core fantasy behind your Chain, /jc/?
Other than Pathfinder are there any pocket dimensions that allow imports of properties?
I have dreams that are impossible and stuff I have lost along the way I can never get back, I have dreams of achieving and reclaiming both things. Also I have dreams of being a healthy well adjusted human being. I figure that would actually take a few life times to happen.
The Simpsons Game, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and Swords and Sorcery
What are the craziest one off powers Superman has had at some point? I wanna write him bringing them out and then never explain or use them again.
Spawn. Marvel magic
miniature super men
flying backwards to reverse time
Shooting a miniature version of himself out of his hands.
Didn't he shoot tiny versions of himself out with rainbow colored beams out of his fingers. They I guess had all his powers and he got Jealous because people started to like them better. That was pretty weird and very silver age.
Superman was the greatest master of the "Ah, my technique I haven't used since the Heian era" cheat code
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>what if I had a giant robot buddy/I was the giant robot
>what if my toys from my childhood days were alive
>pic related, but instead of a prophecy, it sounds like a good chain idea (fakemon chain)
Self insert/escapism would be too basic as an answer.
I remember one time he ran away and then disguised himself as a Cat/Superman themed circus performer that would juggle and pretend to walk up vertical surfaces, all to throw Lois off his scent because she was close to his secret identity. I don't know what that has to do with anything besides old Superman being super full of shit.
Super eating. One time he thought to himself how he could eat every scrap of food in a restaurant and still eat more.
A real Buddhist would understand that women can never reach enlightenment.
A loyal and loving wife and a devoted lineage.
Search superdickery
What the fuck.
Didn't he become really fat and then use himself as a wrecking ball?
Back in the day Superman was more of a reality warper than someone with anything resembling a consistent powerset. Sure he had the mainstays, but he also just did whatever the writer felt like. He could do anything.
What do you mean by "Imagining a future"? The age fruit just makes things older.
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A lot of the weird powers come from exposure to some form of kryptonite or another.
I'm still fond of the fact that Superman can fly entirely because the person doing the radio show needed regular breaks
I had a whole essay ready, but this anon sums up my general starting point of my chains:
>Used to be people had hope for home when they were writing these things. But look at Earth now compared to Earth then. Look at the general mood now compared to the general mood then. It's not about getting lost in an unfamiliar place anymore, it's about fleeing a sinking ship like the filthy, diseased rats we are. And really, how many of us would be missed?
Wait really?
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Yeah, Superman comics used to be like that.
Maybe, but if so that was a different case.
>looks into Itachi's eyes one time:
It was either the radio show or the old animated shorts
Who wins, modern "embodiment of heroism" Superman or Silver Age "my power is that I can do whatever the FUCK I want" Superman
More jumps should include small penis drawbacks.
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That's a tough question. Maybe we should consult Sherlock Holmes.
But having a small penis is a perk, not a drawback
Modern embodiment of heroism Supes would lose to Silver Age at first, but then it's revealed that the living meta-story of Superman merely branched off Silver Age Supes from his Modern self to give him the necessary training to stop [Insert random cosmic horror who can destroy the whole multiverse here] and they fuse together in order to give Superman the powerboost needed to one-shot it just in time for the next big Crisis Event where he'll conveniently forget he ever gained any new powers.
I just yearn for escapism and to be treated with warmth and affection without people pushing me towards impossible perfectionism with the vain goal of gaining their barest acknowledgement if I break myself and work myself sick to please them.
I'm just reprising my old BESM Maria Renard build. Dropping a couple of purchases of Guardian Beast since the Castlevania jumps with items based on them don't take into account the fact that Suzaku's animal form is actually two birbs
I just want to escape the rat race.
What is Dietrich von Bern?
Brother, go to the gym and get a wife. These are achievable goals.
I feel that man. I really do.
I feel like this thread is sad but like in that vague "there are starving children in africa" way where you really don't care about it and nobody else really does as well
Which jumps you talking about?
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Rolled 3 (1d100)

Anyway since I'm bored and actually finally finished it have the build for this Exalted modern age build.

Just a godblood. Thrown into a crazy world meeting a pair of solar twins a lunar and a whole bunch of conspiracies they keep stumbling into as they try to make it in this crazy world and take down the evil just behind the curtain with the infernal exalted. Jumpers certainly got his hands full. The weird dreams certainly doesn't help... nor the lunar who he caught the interest of who keeps trying to drag him off.
He is supposed to have no family and yet... why does he feel this pain in his chest years in when he receives a "inheritance".
Maybe hes getting soft...
He probably ends up becoming a god midway through the Jump proper. Lesser/Minor god of secrets but not before a lot of adventures and close calls. He didn't expect to get as attached to his circle as he did. Naturally he... tries to run the idea of them coming with him on a chain after a few years. Rolling anyway to see if they accept or not. The higher the better ideally.

Jump 29:Exalted-The modern age
Location: Meruvia
Origin:Drop In:+200
>Streetwise scoop mien
>My Neighbour ahlat:Fre
>Eschaton of endless bullets:-150
>Walk with spirits:-150
>The divine Samaritan:-300
>Destiny manifesting methodology:-300
>A roof over your head:-100
>A bittersweet inheritance:-300
>From the new world X3:-150
>The stars must be crazy:+100
>Silver Huntress strikes back:+200
Go home, ancient Greece, you have debts to pay.
Bullet is being set up as Keyaru's "Boss" MGS 3 style, which is kinda funny, seeing as how until he started hyping him up you'd assume he was just a buff goon like the others. He's also a pedophile priest who runs an orphanage, which is a bit on the nose.
>Rolling anyway to see if they accept or not. The higher the better ideally.
Probably not going to go well for your jumper.
Wow, they literally sold their souls to the Neverborn AND the Yozis for the power to destroy you. The fuck did you do?
What's with isekai and pedophile priests. It's an odd fixation.
1. Going to the gym is no guarantee of female affection if you have a shitty face and or are autistic t. regular gym goer with no game
2. It is theoretically possible to find a wife, and I myself am certainly hopeful I will and work for it, but some anons may feel it is beyond them and in this day and age I don't blame them.
A recurring issue of shitty media is them knowing they're shit so they telegraph what you're supposed to be feeling at the moment. As they're not capable of making a villain hateable through the narrative and are aware of this fact, they just heap whatever sounds fucked up on them to make it immediately obvious this is the guy you're supposed to hate and who will be eventually killed by the hero when they're stopped from raping a saintess or something
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How would Ash feel if Jessie became his step-mom?
Careful, anons, you'll summon the fedoras.
The guy that made that art has extensive thoughts on the matter. Ask them.
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It... it did not anon.
I have no god danm clue. But I'm gonna roll with the idea maybe they got caught by a infernal in the latter half and offered the circle a chance to work for him with a lot of autonomy. But for some reason or another Jumper gets thrown under the bus... or they leave him for dead on a mission for some reason.
Either way... this is a major blow to him. First time he reached out in a long time and he gets burned hard. Probably survives but... He's not coming out of this jump victorious over the infernals. Probably ends up on the far edge of creation on the run by the end of the Jump.
Its fine... Who needs friends or companions anyway?
Origin: Blacksmith
Drawbacks: +1000 Choice Points
> +0 Choice Points - Wandering Spirits
> +100 Choice Points - PRAISE IT!(Pyromancy)
> +100 Choice Points - Life Last
> +200 Choice Points - Oops All Mimics
> +300 Choice Points - Beginning of an Age
> +300 Choice Points - Jealous Goddess

Total Choice Points: -2000
> Free from Strange Journey - Bonfire Creation
> -100 Choice Points, Discounted from Strange Journey - Soul Growth
> -200 Choice Points, Discounted from Strange Journey - Gnawed by Infinity
> -300 Choice Points, Discounted from Strange Journey - A Nice Long Rest
> -100 Choice Points - Pyromancy
> -100 Choice Points - Soul Collector
> -200 Choice Points - Drifting Hollow
> -200 Choice Points - Make Shiny
> -200 Choice Points - Strange Journey(x2: Firekeeper, Chaos Servant)
> -600 Choice Points - Cherish Thy Work(Pyromancy)

Scenario Rewards: Age of Fire. Fall of Izalith. Subterranean Pressure.

How does this work out as a stand alone build? Do I need OCP to handle these Scenarios or is what I'm taking good enough?
When I get done with Megamind, it'll be my main priority as I've actually been playing 2077 recently.
>Its fine... Who needs friends or companions anyway?
Anon no. This is how you either become Shard or a crazy cat-person.
Rondo of Blood's weird four symbols summoning coins, which either summon an image of their respective deity or can be fed to a single animal to let them grow into the power of their respective element.

Symphony of the Night's Four Symbols item, which gives you a collection of four younger versions of the respective animals, giving you only a single Cardinal

Judgement offers the ability to channel your magic through animals but doesn't have any actual animals on offer
The more I read the JK Taimabu, the more I like it. The Monster tree is really appealing. Anyone else feel the same way?
No. Stop bringing up QQ jumps you fucking trog
Shard is the inevitable endpoint of every Jumper that doesn't learn to stop giving a fuck about other people, having no companions if anything will HELP you not become Shard because you'll have less things to get attached to
>Stop bringing up QQ jumps you fucking trog
Blade is a jump maker who posts on /tg/, so I will talk about his jumps on /tg/.
There is something for being great at over the top showmanship right?
No, please end your life
What would you want to see in a quick and dirty Species (the movie) jump besides waifus and the ability to become a hybrid.
If I were him, I'd feel insulted that you even asked.
No, I will not jump Hentai JJK. Now shut up.
You can also talk about Bancho anon since he posted here like a cancer we could never rid ourselves from
Kill yourself, ye tumorous cunt
>Shard is the inevitable endpoint of every Jumper that doesn't learn to stop giving a fuck about other people
There is a middle ground between going so insane you start sterilising space-time because you can hear amoebas scream, and just not caring about everyone's suffering.
Of course, why wouldn't I let you be properly SUPER?
Hey, so Exalted has beings from outside Creation that sneak in and assume form and identity so they can fuck with the locals for shits and giggles, right?

...maybe you do a bad job explaining the whole 'jumpchain' concept, and your pals believe you to be of that kind of being, of having wormed your way into their hearts through deceit, that you might leverage their bonds to peel them away from all they know and love.

Apologies if that's not how Exalted works, my knowledge of the subject is poor.
>besides waifus
Unironically you just summed up the main selling point of the setting for most Jumpers.

Other than that-some kind of plot armour that makes humans become horny retards around you, the means to send your own genetic code as electric signals and trick other civilisations into reverse engineering clones loyal to you, and a perk for forming something akin to forming bond with an aggressive invasive species at best and an actual bioweapon at worst
No. The more I read it, the more it feels like Blade pulled shit out of his ass to fill an arbitrary quota.
... Although now that I'm looking at it again, all the artwork has Suzaku as one bird. It's entirely possible the dude just splits into two when doing his attack
>That much pyromancy minmaxing
Damn bitch, are you trying to burn down the Erdtree??
What world, what Jump really needs a hero? Like it's a dog shit world, the heroes kind of suck at their job. I was thinking maybe RWBY but the problem is I really don't know if there is anything there worth saving? It's almost kind of a Marvel situation.
NTA but I think the point was you either become a cosmic tyrant because you can do better than them anyway so why even give them the chance to fuck things up, or you interact with them as little as possible because its not your problem if they're all morons and their society sucks.
There really isn't. If you care about other people, you WILL eventually have to either learn to ignore the suffering going out in the entire world when you have the power to stop it, or you will have to move to make it stop, because your powerlevel will keep rising and eventually you will need to make the choice because you will now be capable of saving everyone.
And if you want to save everyone, you will have to move for conquest to absorb everything into your empire and force your views on people: both because this is the only way to guarantee shit won't dissolve without your intervention and because people will resist. From there you HAVE to become a Lawfag or give up, because people will keep resisting and if you want to stop their suffering you will need to find a permanent method of stopping that.
So, it's always either Shard or not giving a fuck. There are no other choices.
Nechronica needs a hero to fix things OR a way to a world that's less fucked
Shadow of the Demon Lord.
Modern Geopolitics.
It is completely irrelevant for the purpose of BTFOing Gohan, and therefore BENEATH my notice.

A wife is just a distraction from BTFOing Gohan anyway. I REFUSE to breed a woman unless she hates Gohan AT LEAST as much as me.
Probably heavily suspicious given this is a woman who has accosted him all over the world trying to attack and fis friends and random bystanders, steal their Pokemon, and normally do so after approaching them in the guise of someone kind and trustworthy. He probably comes around faster than Jessie though. Like, he'd probably just accept her faster than Jessie can resist being mean towards him. He's got a better handle on his emotions and matured over time decently enough while she and James and Meowth are pretty much the same as they've always been; petty, sassy bastards. Like, Ash isn't the one making them his enemy, they're the ones who have stalked him between countries.
Or you can just help when you feel like it since you'll never be able to solve everything, since there are infinite sets of infinite multiverses, some of which are presided over by literally omnipotent beings who nothing in the chain gives you the power to contest.
NTA, but I've got a pocket dimension that's half-afterlife where people can't die and which has respawning supplies.

I can just feed every universe I go to into it and let everyone just deal with the fact that death and scarcity aren't a thing anymore.
You would be surprised how many jumps are missing things that are major parts of the story/genre.
"Helping when you feel like it" falls under not giving a shit, which was my entire point.
Does that have "dismembered and stuffed underground" countermeasures
It's literally a setting designed solely to BTFO female Gohans. At the very least, you should view it as a learning opportunity, like how the Japanese looked at American infrastructure to begin modernizing or the Nazis took inspiration from the Americans to build their extermination campaigns.
With the exception of Sword and Sorcery which is kind of weird, none of these allow for the import of anything that isn't already a pocket dimension. Spawn doesn't appear to have such an option at all.
Well, your Destiny will keep you alive, but it looks like you’re going to become even more secretive now.
>female Gohans
WAIT, it’s full of JOBmanins? Oh yeah that changes everything then.
Just take a meat cleaver and chop off the retarded bits that you don't like. I do that shit to settings all the time.
Go be a big damn hero
>Does that have "dismembered and stuffed underground" countermeasures
Yes, the pocket dimensions features regenerate over time.
nta but such as?
They job even harder than Taimanins, actually. Taimanins are like the Perfect Cell to their Gohan.
Did I change Strange Journey such that it gave you additional discounts? From what I recall it's for the innate advantages of an origin and scenario access.
What if me and my guys who are really good at using weapons dismember my enemies and keep them stored in boxes full of sand and use that to establish dominance over everyone else in the local chunk of the afterlife?
>Gohan, Taimanin, JKs, yuri, loli zombie, rape
I'm gonna fucking lose it
Just log off for a bit and work on your chain. That's what I do when /jc/ is throwing a bitchfit.
the nature of humanity is just that every so often someone accidentally invents Bleach again
Yeah, but PRESENTATION is literally the main thing Megamind is known for.
No its fine. The danm exalted can fix there own danm world or be king of shit mountain for all jumper can care. (He's coping hard)
Oh yeah definitely. Jumpers going to bury themselves in lies and personas even further both for survival and just as a protective measure. He probably stops popping up in the city that follows him directly and he founds to going forward. Instead looking after it more indirectly... or just trying to blend in as one in a thousand in its crowds.
I don't understand why everyone says magic use is cheating, when the only way to get good at it to sacrifice the majority of your potential HP and durability.

If anything playing as squishy mage seems like hardmode.
I only took perks from one of my origins anyway so that doesn't matter? The only perks I discounted were Firekeeper perks, I didn't even take any Blacksmith perks. The only reason Blacksmith is my origin instead of Firekeeper is for narrative reasons
Hi, it's the anon who's working on the Witch from Mercury Jump. Progress has been slow because there's a lack of information on the locations. I ended up having to rewatch a good amount of episodes to finish the location section. I've also compiled all the suggestions in a separate document - the lack of change in the perks section doesn't mean I haven't been listening.
Ah. I misread your question as you looking for pocket dimension imports. Sorry. The only options for that I know of is the Archipelago from How To Train Your Dragon (Movies) and the pocket dimension from reddit's Dragonmech jump

The next best option is something that'd let you move your thing into a pocket dimension. Power of the Labyrinth from Labyrinth lets you move anything you own anywhere you own, the Property Mover from Partially Kissed Hero lets you shrink and move any properties you own, Georama from Dark Cloud 1 lets you move buildings around easily, as does Georama 2 from Dark Cloud 2.
Gohan JOBS to jobmanins
He JOBS to JKs
He JOBS to yuri
He JOBS to loli zombies
And he JOBS to rape
>Did I change Strange Journey such that it gave you additional discounts?
Strange Journey makes it so you can spread your discounts between different origins
Again, the pocket dimensions features regenerate over time

The people are a feature of the pocket dimension, like all the other flora and fauna
So your argument is that there's only those two extremes, and if anything falls into the middle you just say it's actually one of those extremes. Yeah, no shit in this case there's only 2 options.
Oh also missed this bit. Your thinking of Raksha a bit. Doesn't really apply here though because at this point he's clearly shown hes not some soul eating Fae.
Is it weird that I want to include the Master of the Harem Guild jump in my chain but don't plan to take the perks that let me enslave every woman I come across with mind melting sex powers?
Oh, nice. Wasn't sure that this was actually happening.
Rolled 96 (1d100)

Rolling to save the day and have your Destiny bring you some new friends you can actually trust.
So you're saying is that they need to be kept in a box full of *fire.* Good and thanks for the information.
Stop bringing up fetish garbage, please
ngl necronica is a jump I've never used and never plan to use. The entire setting just makes me sad thinking about it. It's similar to how I'll never use the Nyanko Days jump because of the fridge horror involved of realizing that stray "cats" are still a thing in that world. I feel like any jumper going there would go fucking crazy trying to save all the loli's.
Honestly, no? It's taming is one of the best options around AND it's one of the best places to start if you want some pre-tamed custom monsters
I gave you the build idea, and now I save it.
No, that still wouldn't be a long-term thing
My argument is that if a Jumper does not learn to stop caring about other people you become Shard, and that's EXACTLY what you do if you decide to only help when you feel like it.
Guild Base from Overlord anime. If you take the import option you can import any properties you own into it including ones you pick up in later jumps. At that point just pick up a pocket dimension of your preference and import it into the guild base.
I mean, what about, like, a furnace. Resources are all infinitely renewable so it shouldn't be any issue to keep it fueled. You just shove people inside a furnace if they do something you dislike. The gas emissions aren't even a problem since the landscape regenerates the smog damage off.
I personally like going to Nechronica after the Mortal Engines jump, so I can teach the Dolls how to make more Dolls AND how to make flying cities that can eat other cities to process them.

Causing a loli zombies inhabiting cannibalistic steampunk city apocalypse as a way to clean up all the old apocalypses is fun
>exercising moderation is physically impossible
The screaming would get grating.
Just recreate the fucking brazen bull why don't you holy shit.
Won’t that just eventually result in parasitic cities that propagate by getting eaten and then spawning gentrification seeds inside the predator cities evolving?
It's not regenerate as in heals, it's regenerate as in videogame style "they just pop back into existence"

Also burning people is incredibly resource inefficient when you can just go dig up some coal
Aight, fair enough, thanks. Must have been a Blacksmith Update thing I did and don't remember.

Anyways, certainly seems viable with the baseline powerlevels and potential for growth. The big Pyromancy specialization and going PRAISE IT for the craft is honestly kinda funny too.
Over the course of a chain either you stop caring or you go insane, because eventually you will have to face the fact that you can help everyone but aren't doing that. So either you stop caring about those people or you become Shard, simple as
Hmmmm in that case there shouldn't be anything stopping you from chopping off limbs and keeping the victims as nuggets.
This >>93168074 but Free Cities Arcology.
How strong is white outfit power of friendship Raven from Teen Titans?
How big is the boost from Cherish Thy Work? Also, for the Chaos Servant origin with Strange Journey, am I spared from having a maggot in me if I don't want one?
You are a kind anon. Thanks you. May use this roll and set it for the seeds of a encounter in a future jump though. Have a bit of a arc of Jumper being distrustful for a few decades before finally meeting someone he can open up to again and not get betrayed.
Unsure on what his literal destiny in jump is leading to though. Perhaps he strikes some critical blow weakening in the Incarnaes shackles. Or he arranges the assassination of the infernal who he originally kicked all this off. Plunging Meruvia into chaos behind the scenes as one of its big puppet masters eats it.
Planetary at minimum.
The cities aren't actually living beings. They're just rather complicated machines with equipment that let them eat other cities on the go for refining.
They just pop back into existence fully healed after a day
Nope. Potatoes are invalid. It's impossible for one anon to have influenced another's chain.
What bro/husbando do your jumper usually pick up?
Bro there's multiple perks and ways in a chain to do that. The only reason you would have to force your worldviews and force into joining your empire is because you want to write it like that or you have control issues.
She got a power-up and can now do "distorted" futures.
For example, instead of just making herself older she can wish for a future where she's really buff and become crazy strong. Basically, aging up into a version of herself who spent 16 hours a day lifting weights instead of just aging up "normally."
In the most recent chapter she wished for a future where she was as free as possible and copied Luffy's Nika form. We'll have to see where that goes.
I also don't read OP, so I've probably gotten some things wrong.
Literally unironically a planet-scale reality warper if not greater. Not just because she can kill Trigon, but also she can forcefully undo the effects of his existence on the world.
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Here is 1.0 of my Encanto jump. It can be put on the drives.

1.0 Changelog:
>Rephrased Easy Listener for clarity.
>For the upgraded version of Casa Jumper, the adopted can gain a gift.
>Added a note: On Gifts.
Does it count as a "bro" if Nemesor Zahndrekh called me his son once and pulled me into a hug?
Hm. There must be some criteria to how much people are to be harmed to be regenerated. Pin them to walls with spears in a way they won't bleed out? Simply restrain and chain them? Wield social influence, declare them persona non grata and hunt them over repeated resurrections until they are either forced to leave or surrender? Simply lock them inside a wall without movement but capable of eating?
Didn't ask.
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Every ten jumps or so, I do some maintenance on my older jumps. Next thread I will post these, they are pretty much just small things I have noticed.

Attached is a list of my jumps. If there's something you want me to look at, let me know.
Well, you see this all the time with political retarded people. They think they are smarter than anyone else and think the world would be a better place if it followed their political ideology.
Last chain my Jumper picked up Duke nukem. That was a fun time. Dumb guy and a asshole usually but fun. And not a complete dickhead usually.
He was surprisingly good in Bulletstorm.
There's always room in the world for weird niche mind-altering powers.
>You are a kind anon. Thanks you. May use this roll and set it for the seeds of a encounter in a future jump though. Have a bit of a arc of Jumper being distrustful for a few decades before finally meeting someone he can open up to again and not get betrayed.
Glad to help. And yeah, this is the kind of thing that could last for several jumps.

>Unsure on what his literal destiny in jump is leading to though.
As the god of Secrets and the child of a god of Secrets that worked for Jupiter, they manage to mantle Jupiter. It only lasts for a few moments, but for those few seconds they are the Incarna of Secrets, not Jupiter. This means for that brief time they are bound instead of Jupiter, and she takes that window of opportunity to break the bindings on Saturn, who in turn frees the others.
nice, thanks WoL_anon
>As the god of Secrets and the child of a god of Secrets that worked for Jupiter, they manage to mantle Jupiter. It only lasts for a few moments, but for those few seconds they are the Incarna of Secrets, not Jupiter. This means for that brief time they are bound instead of Jupiter, and she takes that window of opportunity to break the bindings on Saturn, who in turn frees the others.
Ooh I like that. That sounds like a good latter half if the first half is with the circle that betrays him. He reaches his lowest point before he truly begins walking his path to his destiny
Though Even if the Incarnae are free thats not a guarantee win against the infernals and yozis. They already did lose once after all but. Its a big victory and step in the right direction and feels epic enough.

Thanks for talking this over and pitching ideas by the way anon. Its nice to talk about this stuff and exalted bits beyond the usual solars and infernals.
You're welcome anon.
>Ooh I like that. That sounds like a good latter half if the first half is with the circle that betrays him. He reaches his lowest point before he truly begins walking his path to his destiny
Classic Hero’s Journey right there. You have to reach the lowest point to embrace your destiny and begin the transformative experience. It could also make for good fodder for the sacrifice for Celestial Circle Sorcery.

>Thanks for talking this over and pitching ideas by the way anon. Its nice to talk about this stuff and exalted bits beyond the usual solars and infernals.
No problem. As I said, I’ve gotten myself interested in the idea. I might make an Exalted Modern build for this.
Do other Links scale to the feats of Hyrule Warriors/BoTW Link who easily solo armies of monsters and do anime attacks?
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Why is our One Piece jump so dogshit?
I think it varies on a case by case basis. When Suzaku is used as a basic attack, it's two birds. When used as an item crash, it's just one. I'm not really sure how to handle that, especially given that each jump treats her animal slightly differently.
Because it's old as dirt.
Because it's fucking old
>Classic Hero’s Journey right there. You have to reach the lowest point to embrace your destiny and begin the transformative experience. It could also make for good fodder for the sacrifice for Celestial Circle Sorcery.
Oh? What bit would be sacrificed there? His pain or dwelling or something else there you mean? Was planning on doing the terrestial circle sorcery in the first half.

Maybe have him reach essence 5 at the end of the jump if he does end up helping free the incarnae via endowment from Jupiter. Celestial sorcery I'm planning to have be a future jump thing. Maybe in Gunstar given that also has a divinity option.. actually thats a fun idea of a arc. Jumper going through the exaltedverses where the gods and exalted lost the primordial war before finally reaching spirits of creation late chain and setting things right in his eyes. He'd know firsthand the consequences if he fails there.
I might make a dupe if I ever get around to reading the series. I don't know if I've got the sauce somebody like Val or NuBee does where they can make it a 100 page jump, though.
>How big is the boost from Cherish Thy Work?
I don't have numbers. The comparisons between normal archers and Gough, or normal smiths and the Giant Blacksmith are the best I've got for you and they're already mentioned in those descriptions. If it helps at all and you're unfamiliar, Gough was literally blind and out of practice and still shot down a dragon - one who had terrorized the gods for years - as it was flying through the air, at long range, with a single (giant) arrow. You're doing some whacky stuff with your selection.

>Also, for the Chaos Servant origin with Strange Journey, am I spared from having a maggot in me if I don't want one?
Sure. Up to you how the origin benefits or quirks work out since you can buy into being whole other races.
Generally speaking, no. They probably look more impressive than the game can display given that Link has been portrayed as doing shit that is barely any different from modern speedrun strats since almost 30 years ago, but I don't think that most Links reach that level of power.


Like, he does this in the cartoon. The cartoon from 1989. He drops a bomb, stands on his shield, and blows himself up to go flying into the air. It's wild.
For my build the benefit of Chaos Servant is just being a simp for the Fair Lady lol
So would you say it's fair for me to wank that my Jumper would be good enough with Pyromancy that I can go right into making my own optimized spells? Or that I could invent Black Flame on my own? Making my own Bed of Chaos might be too much of a stretch...?
Several possibilities there. They could sacrifice their pain at being betrayed, or their having a single identity. I’d go with their mindset about being a god, to tie into the first sacrifice. The first sacrifice was to give up their hesitation to become a god, the second is to no longer think of themselves as an ascended human and start thinking of themselves as a god. Maybe that mindset is necessary to mantle Jupiter.
Technically that's just how a combustion engine works.
>So would you say it's fair for me to wank that my Jumper would be good enough with Pyromancy that I can go right into making my own optimized spells?

>Or that I could invent Black Flame on my own?
Probably requires some point of reference or basis for your research.

>Making my own Bed of Chaos might be too much of a stretch...?
That's just not going to happen without time and specific resources.
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Borger king.
>That's just not going to happen without time and specific resources.
That's fair. I'm getting a Lord Soul and with my Bonfires I have a lot of time, plus the scenario rewards which further boost my expertise and power with fire. What other resources am I going to need?
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>I’d go with their mindset about being a god, to tie into the first sacrifice. The first sacrifice was to give up their hesitation to become a god, the second is to no longer think of themselves as an ascended human and start thinking of themselves as a god. Maybe that mindset is necessary to mantle Jupiter.
Oh that could be cool. He'd definitely be going a long way from just the godblood he was starting at and he'd be changing more then I was initially planning but... this does feel right with whats happened so far in the jump. Was planning on just dipping his toes lightly into divinity but I could see him just embracing it full heartedly if it was for a good cause. Which this is. Ties back to the drawback with the dreams to which he's been plagued with since the beginning.
Sounds like a proper exalted character arc a bit. Just without being a exalt.
The Lord Soul was the big one, though checking out what's going on with the Bed of Chaos before it's totally destroyed might help. The important thing is that it was not an intended product so to replicate it you would need to figure out whatever The Witch of Izalith was trying to do and then replicate the failure; ideally without getting bugged yourself.
I don't think Link knows what that is.

Link is kickass.

Link does 'optimally' is ludicrous.

Fan is very inventive in finding new ways to kill off the exorcist girls.
Sometimes the character arc goes somewhere you didn’t expect, yet winds up in a perfect place.
>The important thing is that it was not an intended product
I mean I don't intend to actually make the Bed of Chaos because demons kinda suck, I just want to be able to create and alter life with fire.
Oh you'd want to just fuck with the base Lord Soul then probably. The Bed of Chaos exclusively just sucks. It's an angry fire that won't fucking go out and keeps spitting out more magma and demons even after the core is squished for like thousands of years.
Is Kalameet's telekinesis possible to replicate with Sorcery or some other fuckery besides just buying it outright within the DS jump?
>Link does 'optimally' is ludicrous.
>He can’t be bargained with. He can’t be reasoned with. He doesn’t feel pity, remorse, or fear. And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until Ganon is dead.
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You can if you use “that”.
That's a difficult question but I'm going to say probably as long as you have access to the corpse? Converting it into some cool object with high level smithing skills that holds the tk power seems viable. It might actually be easier with Miracles than Sorcery?? Those who acquire and display the power of dragons generally view them more as objects of reverence or worship than subjects to research, and by Dark Souls 3 we do see how there was - at least at one time - a mountain of devotees to the ideology of dragon worship. Other than Seath's stuff because of his circumstances, I don't think Sorcery would be that apt for replicating their powers since by and large they don't have souls. They're more like nature elementals, so with the other stuff in mind if you have the ability to like fabricate Miracles I think they'd be better.
Because shonen deserves no better.
Are there any powers/magic systems/cultivation shit that can be grown PURELY from the mind?
I have people trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi in a power stealing-tree in my world-body, I was thinking I'd alter their minds so that their personal dreams are focused around getting stronger, so I can eternally sap any power they gain.
It's perfect for how dog shit one piss is.
Don't you fucking know it. My first time writing ended up taking my character in a completely different direction I expected.
Iirc in your Mulan jump there was a cosmetic 100 point perk that could only be toggled once every jump/10 years post chain. I would just like to ask why it has that restriction.
Nta but you would need 270 to even out the ring of elry, and if you say "well I will import 300 companions" yes companion have always been the greatest cheat in jumpchain, if you have fun abusing them instead of limiting that more power to you, but almost always any purchase in a jump is less efficent than a companion.
Acktually can't the NPC/Homunculus maid be taken by companions? So you only need 100 because each of those companions can just take two free companions from the jump.
>Acktually can't the NPC/Homunculus maid be taken by companions?
Psychic powers in Saga of Exiles can seemingly get stronger from trauma
What are the chances of Lorgar worshipping the jumper if he found out that they are a being that is omniscient, omnipresent, and nigh-omnipotent?
I believe you are talking about Wicked Gaze. With that perk, the toggle was something I added later just in case the eye effect wasn't something you wanted to always have. So from a writing perspective, I wasn't viewing it as a restriction, I was viewing it as a per jump "out" for the effect.

It doesn't really matter, so I can change that if you like.
What are the chances of me taking over the Warp with the Shaped Finality perk, Shard? If I ramp it up and took some training montage?
How do ya'll keep yourselves from abandoning projects, in this case jumps, as life gets hectic? Not like a concious decision of "I am done with this and am not going to finish it" but just waking up one morning and realizing you haven't worked on it in weeks and the fire isn't there any more?
Your jumper would rate the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC a ___ out of 10. Why?
This isn't a job, and no one pays me for it. It gets done when it gets done.
I don't play Elden Ring, and as such don't participate in discussion regarding it and have no opinion. It is nice to see the thread active with talk about something that isn't just shit posting and faggotry though so I appreciate it's existence.
I once promised this thread a number of jumps that I have not delivered on. I simply don't think about it, and the problem goes away. It works* with most of my problems.

*this does not actually work.

Why are we even here? Just to suffer?
There's plenty of faggotry (and other degeneracy) in Elden Ring, tho. Soulsborne in general, really.
it would probably work best if it was freely toggleable.
Sure, can do. Thanks for the feedback!
How's MHA, also hoping things are going well for you.
You're welcome!
There probably is but the autism about power levels and morality has outweighed the faggotry by far and that's pretty nice.
I guess I've been reading the Web novel this whole time? Whatever, I couldn't find any place where the actual LN was.
Shelve it for later, keep it in the back of my mind, and get back to it when I get back to it. Something will eventually push me back to it or I'll have to push myself if nothing does, and if I can get interested again I pick it back up
nta but just Google or watch videos on "Noodling" for catfish. It's hilarious stuff.
Personally, not a big fan of the taste of catfish, but I'll eat it if offered. It just usually isn't cooked well. I'm more of a simple rod kinda guy, and enjoy occasionally grabbing a few smallmouths for dinner for special occasions.
Deep sea fishing is also fun...if you aren't the type to get sea sick
Commercial anything tends to be hell.
I find that the best way to stay engaged in a project is to work on it consitently. Even if it's just one or two perks a day, as long as you do that every day you should be fine. When I was working on Three Houses I'd actually go to the library, do some perks, and then head home. I did that every day of the week for basically a month and a half and it went great.

And then there's me nowadays, unable to focus on a single jump and currently planning to start on a qq jump even through I really, really, REALLY, need to finish TotK.

>That video
Some people have way too much fucking time on their hands.
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When has jumper given up on logic because everyone and everything around him was so stupid?
Who the fuck reported the fishing comments and why are you a faggot?
The board has been so weird for shit like that of late.
Life will always be more important than jumps. Don't let anyone delude you into thinking that jumpmaking is worth failing a year, or losing your job, or destroying your relationships in real life. If you lose the motivation to make a jump, that's nothing in the long run. If you lose grasp of real life matters, odds are you aren't going to get second chances.
I think we have a schizo custodian running loose
I used to feel that way for my abandoned jumps. Now I've moved onto a different creative persuit I genuinely enjoy and don't think about those jumps at all.
Mods hate fishing confirmed
Probably, yeah.
They jealous thay fish get more wet bitches than they do
Better question.
How does Mimey feel about his main squeeze being snatched away from him?
That of all things gets deleted? Really?
Disappointed they didn't recreate the animation.
It was probably because it was associated with the grammar nazi, and the mod just went through the linked posts.
What are you working on anon?
It's not going right now, and I'm mostly tired and busy. You alright on your end?
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If you want something bigger, take a look at this.

Mostly yeah. Just kinda in limbo.
>JK Taimabu

Monster (0/1000)

Spiritual Constitution (-100/900)
Originally A Kunoichi (-200/700)
Some Kind of Mutant (-100/600)
JK Cancel (0/600)
Monstrous Reproduction (0/600)
Stomach of Iron (0/600)
Don't Need To Be Strong, Just Lucky (0/600)
Quirky Little Creature (-100/500)
Goblin Shaman (-100/400)
Pluck An Angels Wings (-100/300)
Elder Spirit (-300/0)

Love me a good monster build and this was a good jump for it. A quick question, how might a monster -- a werewolf in particular -- benefit from the Spiritual Constitution perk? I was thinking it'd be able to feed the magic from Shaman, is that the case? If not, any other ideas on what I could use it to fuel? I like the blend of martial and magical/spiritual power, which is why I took it.

Thanks, Blade!
Nta but those details can only be found if you actually try them.

Which you won't. Either because you are an idiot, are too smart, or because you put a lot of rockets and other gadgets on the wings.

Man, TotK was fun, not many things in the sky to do, but the things you could do...
And fuck the wings despawn system. So you can make an Overboard, but floating one the wings? That's a no-no for Nintendo? BAH!
This jump is going to be garbage.
How is the cold war affected by America having the whole Justice League + lots of other superheroes in it on America's side?
Useful criticism.
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A total degenerate
Yay build!

>Spiritual Constitution
>As a monster
Assuming you aren't a big ball of fur and murder 100% of the time, your human form is probably handsome, and you have more power to work with in general.

...If it needs to be said, the secondary effects are not meant to be taken by other origins and you're not supposed to do that. I don't think you have, but just in case.

People do some zany shit with zonai devices.


But it will be a jump.
Do we have a jump for the new He-Man series that killed off Adam in the beginning?
We don't talk about it.
This image is super cringe and makes no sense.
Since we’re talking Monster perks, do you have control of JK Cancel or are you automatically going to shut off the magic of anyone you plow?
Big mad
As written it's simply a function of the magic system, so you probably don't have control. I suggest pulling out. Or getting better control of your energy, or using a different altform. Most of those should work to some extent.
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I remember having seen a video about how to make a tank that essentially protect you from everything as long as you are inside, and you could always be inside, since you only needed to push the Ride button for it.
Only problem was that you needed to use Ascend to go outside.
Another problem was that, imo it took so many materials, and by the time you got them, you have enough to assfuck everything.

It's great, it's fun, but I'd rather run or fly. The best construct are the ones that are quick to make and use.
Have you never seen the memes about He-man being a faggot?
Exalted, Tsukihime crossover fic on QQ. I've mentioned it here a few times.
Ah thought you might be that anon. Good for you. Hope you continue to find it fulfilling. I really should start up one of the writing projects I've been considering for QQ.
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It's funny. After I started writing I lost most of my interest in reading other people's fic. Even ones I used to read religiously. Now it's only the ones I really like that I read and it's one of those I'll get around to it for later type deals.
Change the name, please. It's cringe to reference external IPs in jumps.
>I mean I don't intend to actually make the Bed of Chaos because demons kinda suck

>Fan is very inventive in finding new ways to kill off the exorcist girls.
nlg it's actually pretty fucking funny no matter how fucked up it is
You know, I've read the previous guy telling you about how the exorcist is a trap origin, I think you both have a point, but having a trap origin is just poor form.
You could always make the Exorcist about you are supposed to be peak of what the job is supposed to be especially if you are a man because we all know the JK exorcist are literally just ressources to use or sell.

Not very thematic tho. But I just woke up and thought about it and felt like I should say it
nta, but Ben's smart alien have made pretty decent stuff out of junk. And you probably could integrate a lot of stuff from one piece like dials and cola tech.
I really should start writing again. I miss it. Years past were better.
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Was there anyone working on a Stellar Blade jump by chance? I pay for answers with coin.
Y'know I could get behind Dolls and Dropout, but I just can't enjoy JK. Just fucking disgusts me even when it isn't scat.
I cannot fucking believe you faggots are still talking about QQ jumps. Do you people only talk about things that aren't on our Drive?
Anything in particular your interested in writing?
There's no legitimate reason not to have lewd jumps on our drive at this point. Only homosexuals would disagree with the preceding statement.
I've mentioned it once or twice but the idea that's currently stuck in my brain is a pokegirls AU. That or going back and finishing my old Warhammer Guard romance fic since I've always regretted not finishing that.
Sometime, it's really special yeah.
The legitimate reason is that you creatures are useless wastes of space who's only function is degrading thread quality. QQ as a community was a mistake, the fact that you retards can't even keep your shit contained to the community where this shit is isolated to evidences that you shouldn't even have a community, you should just be shunned everywhere onto death.
You would need
>Haki section
>Fighting style section
>Cyborg section
>Race section
>Devil Fruit section
And then a fuckton of perks for the different countries, marine, pirates, WG, etc.
I'm so into One Piece I could probably do it without needing a reread, but I don't want to Jumpmake anymore for this year
JK is unironically more funny than sexy to me. Like, he does good character design, sure, but man. The shit he puts them through.

Just make a shitty jump and then use the excuse of eventually updating it as motivation to continue living
To me, it's both.
Do you like clowns?
I’m here, aren’t I?
How come nobody ever talked about the fact in one series Black Manta hated Aquaman just because he was highly autistic? It seems pretty familiar.
I prefer listening to people talk about Jk than Jjk.
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I would rather not put my motivation to keep living into a jumpdoc of a series that has been declining hard in the last years.
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People used to mention it all the time, newfag. And yes, it was compared to Gohanposter.
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I once saw a comment that basically said "One Piece has to be really good cuz it's so long!" It's like, how do we tell him about the Loud House fanfic?
>Dragon doesn't think
Makes sense.
Wow, mem is going RAW.
All I remember is people just saying he hated him cuz he hated him and never mentioning that he had literal autism.
They aren't clowns, that's the best part.
Bro, that is autism. You don't need to state it.
Plenty of people mention the time he (lied about his) autism.
Funny thing about that actually: if I remember right, according to a later series Black Manta was lying about being autistic and his autism causing his Aquaman hate.
Both so he could make Aquaman feel a little bad about fighting someone with autism & also so he could later ambush him after the curing autism thing and mock him for thinking that's how it worked.
He puts in work for that number one hater spot.
Excellent shitpost Shard.
And i'm once again amazed at your ability to quickly and accurately wikidive even the most nieche settings with little info to be found.
>number one hater spot.
He's never beating Reverse Flash. It's like Gojo vs Sukuna, he might be impressive in his own era but he's never beating the greatest in history.
Yeah Reverse Flash is somewhat in the lead considering he literally, LITERALLY got inside of Barry’s body to become him in his last big outing.

I think it helps I used to read fuckloads of random myths as a kid. Like, while everyone else was reading capeshit or Naruto I was reading The Odyssey and the saga of Beowulf. It helps filling in the wikidiving blanks and knowing what to look up when I already have a general idea of “oh, that’s a lindworm” now years later in the self-insert game, I know what to look for if only vaguely.

Also huh didn’t think Seer would cover seidr since it also seems to encompass the incantation willworking-based traditions but hey, not complaining
Why? What's wrong with you?
Oh, you're just a guy with bad taste. I should have expected as much from someone who posts in /jc/
>flying mortar and pestle, raining down flying swords (for some reason in this country they fly with farming equipment and launch swords as missiles)
where did you find that part in your wikidive though? Sounds russian with the Baba Yaga gear
Can't remember seeing that anywhere or i forgot
I fucking hate geomantic engineering. I want to battle the Wyld Hunt over lava pits in my Fortress of Doom! I don't want to spend the entire jump building the damn thing!
Admittedly yeah the Baba Yaga was the biggest inspiration. But more generally I also noticed things like the Sampo, the similar Grotti in the Grottasongr and eventually the concept of the World Mill as a mythological archetype. Which apparently happened because at one point of time, people genuinely thought mills were magical?


It might be a stretch, but well-since Sigurd’s already showing up in both Norse Myth and Dietrich I figured it was probably enough of a common proto-European idea to just throw in for my Jumper to be confused why people were flying ON their already-flight capable swords like a normal xianxia being


Also totally stealing this for the purposes of Asgardian cultivation.
That's what crafts waifus are for. Get that one 3rd circle demon who can spawn them and has a Reincarnation romance with a Solar from the first age.
>It takes him 10 years to build a fortress of doom.
Bros trying to craft a mance with no charms or slave labour.
Er, Siegfried.
Also *weren’t flying, fuck
Ah, yeah that sounded more like norse myth than german heroic legends, but you're right the overlap is extreme and justifyiable.
I hope someone makes a finnish myth jump (not it!); great stories in there
I like One Piece, but it's clearly past its peak.
If you want it done right you have to do it yourself.

Charms don't do shit to geomantic engineering. There is all of ONE artifact that can actually speed this fucking process up.
It's literally still number 1. If anything its popularity has grown
Popular means objectively good? Are you sure that's the hill you want to die on?
Yes. Popular things are good, and I'm not going to pretend they're not for the benefit of your contrarian ego. Your taste sucks, grow up.
I'm >>93169627 not part of the rest of the argument, I like OP, I just wanted to call you out on that stupid ass justification because there is some god awful shit that's considered popular.
I bet you also love the Netflix adaptation that helped to boost its popularity even more
The Godhand are more equivalent to the Outer Gods than Demigods or Empyreans, so I doubt Destined Death will work.
tbf it had one of the few adaptations that wasn't a trainwreck
…bro, your Abyssal/Infernal Bastion?
Stop posting, Winnower.
The Netflix adaptation of One Piece was the only good thing ever made for Netflix
Making/raising the desmesne rating, not building a manse. The manse itself is the easy part.
lol no they're not. Nothing in Berserk is esoterically powerful, the most exotic thing any of the Godhand have is portals
I hear Arcane was really good, but didn't watch it myself because >league
Not Shard, but there's basically nothing in 40k that can realistically stop you. Shaped Finality makes you a mini-Witness and if you're even half as powerful, then the Chaos Gods can't touch you.
NTA but Arcane was very good. And in no way requires LoL knowledge.
I went in blind and had a great time.
>lol no they're not.
Ignoring your shitposting, yes they are. The forms the Godhand present are basically just clothes they put on to interact with the mortal realm. In their natural state, they're bodies concepts dwelling in and around the Abyss and reaching up to touch the levels of the Astral World above it, with their greatest concentrations dwelling within their respective Sephira according to what Slan says in both the English and original Japanese. Every form the Godhand ever present is them forming bodies out of material on hand because they're otherwise too formless and conceptual to interact with material space. This is the entire reason Femto needed an elaborate ceremony to birth himself a proper physical incarnation and allow the Godhand's Sephira to spill into reality.
Things tend to decline in popularity when they're bad. Like the MCU, western games, comics, etc. It's rare for something to consistently stay popular if it's not good.
What jumps are being worked on? Looking through the thread it seems BLADE is back on TOTK. Anything else?
Doesn’t Chaos have 50 levels of multiverse wank?
They lost to some elves.
I've started taking notes for The Dark Medieval, but it has a lot of content and I'm going to be distracted by Dawntrail's release for a while.
I'm actively working on Megamind at present, almost have the powers section done. Not gonna give an estimated completion time as the last time I did that I got stuck in a minor fugue for a bit. Those events aren't related, but I'd rather avoid being wrong again just because I get hit with a wave of Don't Wanna.
They have multiversal range, but not destructive power. They can end universes if they fully spill into them, but that's a lengthy process and not something they can do on a whim. They are also all completely inferior to the Dark King, whose biggest direct feat is that the mere possibility of it nearly being birthed messed with all the electrons in the entire universe at once and the claims that it would essentially totally dominate the Warp and every other Chaos God the instant it was born. Chaos Gods also have Corpuses that can be targeted and destroyed, with a group of Aeldari Gods posing a serious threat to Slaanesh since they had the risk of destroying its Corpus and permakilling it.
So the elves are multiversal?
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Drawbacks: Jumper History, Early Start

Sing-Along (Free)
Golden Child (Free)
The Miracle Is You (Free)
Excellent Cooking (900)
Custom GiftX2 (0): Gun summoning, cinder physiology (0)
Love Candle (Free)

Five minutes after interrogating a local Colombian expat family about their magical gifts, I was utterly gobsmacked by the fact that none. Absolutely NONE. Of them. Had even considered using their superior strength and prophetic gift and WEATHER CONTROL and genjutsu to go back and win the conflict. The explanations made less and less sense, going from nonsense like “our powers aren’t meant for war!” to the inane like “this is where we’re belong! We’re happy here!” I could immediately contradict with two counterpoints:

1. There was NO guarantee that the Thousand Days War wouldn’t spill over and reach their village
2. Given the unknown circumstances there was NO guarantee the SOLDIERS exposed to much more extreme situations wouldn’t develop magical powers of their own.

Vaguely appalled at the wasted potential but also vaguely satisfied it was actually being put to productive uses, I decided to leave and retake Colombia on my own. On my way out I passed a sulking girl with no powers of her own, and no powers in her future. Deciding it might be useful to have a catspaw within this family if they devolved into a dynasty of sorcerer-tyrants I decided to bestow on her ALL THE POWERS OF HELL, which I had picked up in a different Disney kingdom, with a voodoo bargain. For an exploitably open-ended future favour.

I proceeded to take over Colombia in a conflict roughly as violent, bloody and traumatic as the death of Bambi’s mother and Tarzan’s mother combined. But being a Disney universe, it was mostly offscreen.

I was later told Mirabel used ALL THE POWERS OF HELL to boil enough tea, coffee and delicious soup for the whole village and I never had to call in that favour.
No, they just figured out the giant weakspot of the Chaos Gods.
No, it's consistent even into AOS that basically all the other Gods have less raw power than the Ruinous Powers in a 1v1. But when united, like the Aeldari Pantheon was when they took Slaanesh by surprise as it was trying to digest all the Aeldari souls it ate from the World That Was, they're able to restrain a single Chaos God and put it at genuine risk of being destroyed by destroying its Corpus.

There's also a case where Sigmar and Nagash managed to kick in the teeth of a Swimmer In The Deep, who are the Bigger Chaos Gods but those two are essentially the strongest non-Chaos aligned Gods around.
Thanks for the build! Did you end up making a build for The Great Mouse Detective? I don't remember seeing it, and wouldn't want to not acknowledge it if it happened.

Yeah, it's always good to underpromise and overdeliver. It minimizes pressure you are putting on yourself keeps others happy. If you want to set goals, which can be very useful, you don't always have to share them. That's what I've found at least.
Oh sure wank them if you want, in that case Demigods in Elden Ring are easily multiverse+
Their corporeal forms are not even Empyrean level, their conceptual powers are a joke. Radahn could the Idea of Evil
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AoS introduced beings that are canonically the older predecessors of the Chaos Gods, born from the first impulses of life preceding complex emotion, and being to them adults to sulky teens. They dwell in the Aethyric Void, which is essentially the primordial emptiness from which Chaos sprang forth. One was canonically taken down by a tag-team of Nagash and Sigmar (both of whom were at AoS god-levels of attunement to the Mortal Realms of Azyr and Shysh respectively), it’s corpse coming to form another layer of Nagash’s realm. Another was simply sealed by Sigmar into a Stormvault, and thwarted from escaping-though as a concession Sigmar did note he thought it adapted so quickly he couldn’t defeat it the same way twice.

…so yeah, James Workshop is currently presenting the threat of the Chaos Gods being primarily their ability to manipulate mortal life. And sufficiently Warp/magical energy-attuned beings can just fuck them up.
Is that a fucking screenshot of an imgur page
How strong is an endgame Soulsborne protagonist?
Strong enough.
Oh, is it 1.0 already?

Yep. Yep it is. Nope then, looks like I’ve another jump before I can continue with the rest of my build backlog.
Yeah I finished it before Encanto.
Yep. I ain’t at work but I am travelling
Imgur doesnt allow you to save images in a visible resolution a lot of times.
Jobs to a .50 cal.
Fair enuff I guess.
How does a .50 do any damage to a being made of elemental darkness
To add to this, I’d like to point out that even Sigmar and Nagash’s powers are distinctly finite in AoS. Archaon, who at one point his own damn chaoswank text directly stated COULD have been killed by Nagash if Archaon wasn’t distracting him with his armies, significantly reduced Sigmar’s military threat by tricking him into throwing his hammer into a portal and the Stormcast had to go back and find it. Nagash himself ended up in a war with Hysh-and the Lumineth Realm-lords invaded his realm without his personal attention as he was laying siege to Hysh at the time. As a result he ended up in a fight with Teclis /and/ everything and everyone on Teclis’ home turf. And while Nagash was technically winning the fight in terms of raw power, a combination of a mountain spirit helping, Teclis’ Lumineth reinforcements coming in clutch and Teclis himself still being the archmage of the gods resulted in Nagash’s physical body getting utterly blown up and his disembodied consciousness FLEEING back to Shysh. Nagash’s cope is that he wounded Teclis enough to leave his own corruptive voice literally living rent free in his head. The lines “You lost the fight” “ONLY PHYSICALLY” briefly became a minor meme.

Don’t get me wrong the Chaos Gods still individually outpower the gods of the Mortal Realm but…it’s much closer than Chaos would like you to believe and the gods of the Mortal Realms are the kind of things that Zeus and Thor wouldn’t immediately back down from.
Same way a sword does. Or a stick.
The MCU must be AWESOME then.

Netflix One Piece is good though?
An endgame character build could probably tank a decent amount of gunfire before going down. It would probably take at least 2 or 3 shots of a .50 cal to do the job, assuming there's no healing and each shot hits.
Man I just LOVE Homestuck.
>Nothing in Berserk is esoterically powerful
>Skull Knight's sword
>Berserker's Armor
>Dragonslayer implied to gain demonslaying properties
>Godhands being more like Outer Gods than anything
>motherfucking behelit
Are you retarded?
Strange builds.

>Meanwhile in Bloodborne
>Gets stabbed with behelit sword
No no you misunderstand, it's not about the lore, it's League so I won't touch it on principle.
He's baiting. He literally tried to argue for multiversal Demigods and that Radhan could beat the Idea of Evil. Do not engage secondaries.
What the fuck is a sephira and where was any of this garbage in Berserk? SMT has been a disaster for the human race.
Shard, please deal with this retardation because I am far too fucking tired for this level of secondary idiocy.
Sephira is the singular for sephirot, essentially a kabbalic layer/aspect of reality. No idea why this retard thinks it has anything to do with Berserk.
>The MCU must be AWESOME then.
Dude, you missed the boat, the MCU isn't popular anymore. They review badly and can't even sell tickets, that shit loses money even pandering to China
Honestly, I just responded because it gave me an excuse to talk about Berserk and how many cool things there are.
Berserk is cool. I can't wait for the next chapter. And for it to end.
Yeah I know that with Kentaro being dead, people will argue about how canon what's next will be, but I'll judge the product at the end.
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Found this on my first Google search. Your families should have violently aborted you the moment you were born.
Stop replying to yourself. No one believes what you're saying because Berserk was actually popular and most of us read it, except apparently you, or else you wouldn't try to argue that the Godhand are Outer God tier.
Nice edit
>Vulnerable to bullets
That much? Well I stand corrected even further that I thought I would have been.

...Thank God China stopped.
There's no way they're omnipotent. They have goals that they don't instantly achieve. Also isn't the heart more powerful than them?
They themselves acknowledge that they are not God and are not omnipotent. HOWEVER, they administrate the flowscof causality so finely that they may as well be untouchable. Guts and Skull Knight have never managed to even inconvenience them throughout the entire story.

As for the IOE, they are effectively extensions of its will since it doesn't do much beyond emanate and control Causality.
Okay? None of that shit makes them stronger than Elden Ring. That just makes them at best hard to kill.
At least one of them was gonna straight up die to Guts, clearly, since otherwise there's no reason to mention magic bullshit accumulating on his sword. Guts is not omnipotent outer god tier
>SB is a hugbox filled with passive aggressive idiots who are simultaneously arrogant and also cowardly, with lower standards of quality
>4chan is filled with contrarian assholes, regular dumbasses, and also trolls who still fool themselves into thinking they're not real idiots
Humanity is cooked. Is it even possible for a civilized society to exist?
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I don't know what Saphira has to do with any of this but where can you pick up a dragon mount besides the Inheritance Cycle jump?
So they job to anything that's FTL/immune to fate. Thus, even fucking Naruto claps they ass. Goku wouldn't even have to blink.
>At least one of them was gonna straight up die to Guts, clearly
Guts has never harmed them. A shitty, shoddily made avatar of Slan didn't even flinch when she was stabbed by the Dragonslayer and nearly tore his soul apart with a hug.

We are pretty much circling the drain day by day.
>Guts and Skull Knight have never managed to even inconvenience them throughout the entire story.
Which is saying something, since Skull Knight has his Behelit Sword.
But you never know, maybe the Dragonslayer will suddenly evolve into being able to hurt them.
So they can't even do that much?? Bro Malekith would have deleted Guts by looking at the motherfucker
How to train your dragon jumps to mind.
You can also buy a friendly dragon in several WFB jumps.
There's still the IRC.
Temeraire. It's in the Series folder.
All these dudes and the giant evil heart die to Soft and Wet Go Beyond since they're the same type of stand as WoU
Nice quads, but QQ is basically just SB with a few 4chan natives since it's the only lewd focused community. Even most of the people who post there also post on SB, including bancho.
Fire Emblem.
All this even says is that they went to their own realms. Mundus from DMC has a realm, are you one of those people that says Mundus is universal and so is Dante by extension?
Alternatively, he's one of those people who thinks that if a series mentions Cthulhu/Zeus/etc. public domain figure by name, then they by necessity must have all of their "feats" and cosmology in full, no matter how obscure and regardless of how little sense it would make in the context of the derivative work.
Fire Emblem has some great mounts. Pic related.
This isn't just a sex joke, it's revealed at the end of FE9 that the current bad guy was riding a berserk Black Dragon, aka, the strongest living racce in the setting. The guy was that much a crazy badass.
Pokemon is pretty self explanatory. You could make a game out of which could be a mount and which wouldn't.
Monster Musume has some girls you could ride just as sexually as you could non-sexually.
Thinking of continuing a chain prompt with a Diabolos ex Machina theme.
Search for his early representations. He is basically a lord of the freenezied flame.


You could also try you luck in Devilman and SMT.
How to train your dragon
He actually could be since he was explicitly fated to not be born and did anyway.
Existing when you aren't supposed to doesn't mean you can kill nyarlathotep. Regular ass apostles have nearly killed him numerous times.
Berserk consistently uses the Qliphoth, Sephirah, and general Kabbalistic concepts alongside other esoteric philosophies to inform its cosmology.
Yeah, so does like every other piece of fictional media ever. That doesn't mean anything about the internal powerscaling or even how the universe actually works.
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We are also shown that the Godhand basically are their respective realms. I'm not really sure why we should give Elden Ring super hard wank not reflected in the actual setting at all (reminder that the Rot God got sealed by a dude with a sword some fairy gave him) or even boast that it's "multiversal", but we just ignore Berserk having esoteric stuff simply because you feel like it.
Having a realm has no reflection on your level of power.
Gohan jobs to Berserk. He jobs to causality and he jobs to a loli wish casting a spell on him.
Gohan jobs to Elden Ring. He jobs to the Frenzied Flame and he jobs to a pot full of shit flung at his stupid face.
Gohan jobs to Fire Emblem. He jobs to a hot witch in a bodysuit and he jobs to a level 1 footsoldiers.
Gohan jobs to me.
Gohan jobs to you.
Given how it did jack and shit to Griffith despite all the hype, I really doubt it.
It certainly matters when we're comparing to a setting where every non-Outer God is a physical being you can murder and the Outer Gods themselves are vague and nebulous beyond being formless and needing to act through proxies.
I said
>but you never know
For a reason.
The Godhand literally have physical forms that can be attacked. If attacking them couldn't even do anything to them at all, why would there be a dude who keeps trying to attack them and why would they not let you attack them? You're acting like they're nonphysical beings, but they literally have physical forms.
If the Godhand were actually like the Outer Gods of Elden Ring, they wouldn't need bodies to influence the world at all, they could just do it. The Godhand are weaker than the Demigods because they can't do shit like STOPPING THE MOVEMENT OF THE FUCKING STARS AND OF FATE, nor can they engage in conceptual shenanigans because as much as you want to wank them, they cannot do things beyond the strictly physical and even within the physical realm their powers are very fucking limited because they can't just make Guts head explode from out of nowhere.
One of the outer gods got trapped under a lake, so clearly if the godhand encountered someone from Elden Ring he'd just trap them all under an even bigger lake.
Serious question as someone who doesn't know anything about Elden Ring or Berserk.

Have the Godhand ever trapped anyone under a lake?
God our berserk jump is old.
>The Godhand literally have physical forms that can be attacked.
You were just told that their bodies are meaningless to them, shitposter.

>If the Godhand were actually like the Outer Gods of Elden Ring, they wouldn't need bodies to influence the world at all, they could just do it.
The Outer Gods can't even broadly influence the world without proxies like Empyreans or other lesser Gods. What are you gibbering on about, you secondary?

>The Godhand are weaker than the Demigods because they can't do shit like STOPPING THE MOVEMENT OF THE FUCKING STARS AND OF FATE,
Something that is never used in combat by Radahn, not even in his prime form and with Miquella backing him up.
>You were just told that their bodies are meaningless to them, shitposter.
Proof? (Note: making shit up is not proof)
>You were just told that their bodies are meaningless to them, shitposter.
Their bodies are not meaningless. It's clearly a requirement for influencing the world from the way they talk about the hoops they had to jump through to have them
So fucking what? So does Supernatural. Until shit is actually shown instead of just mentioned, it's retarded to assume it works exactly as it does in its inspiration. Especially when half this shit is mutually incompatible.
>Something that is never used in combat by Radahn, not even in his prime form and with Miquella backing him up.
Oh shut the fuck up you retard, Radahn stopped the stars and that's just a fucking fact, stop coping and just accept it.
>because they can't just make Guts head explode from out of nowhere.
They absolutely could. Slan alone nearly killed him without trying, Femto WOULD have crushed him and Casca into nothing if Gaiseric didn't show up to save him, Farnese needed to pull Schierke back from going near to Griffith in her spiritual form because it would have sucked her in like a blackhole, Griffith merely showing up on Elfheim caused the entire thing to break apart and start sinking just from the sheer pressure of him being there, etc. The Godhand don't do that because they find Guts' pointless struggle hilarious.
>Until shit is actually shown
It's shown several times because it's critical to the plot and setting.

Yet again, /jc/ proves that it's 90% secondaries with zero knowledge of anything that isn't shitposting about settings they have no understanding of.
Put your fucking trip back on, Argent.
>They absolutely could.
Everything you said afterwards evidences not. Absolutely none of that is them doing anything that could even slightly be construed as such, and in fact several of them are anti-feats because they have limited range and fail to instantly kill anyone within that range
Okay, again as someone with no dog in this fight.

Is Gaiseric also some kind of cosmic abstract evil protected by plot armour/causality? Or is he just an immortal dude in armour who can fence a big demon?
You're the secondary bro. To both ER and Berserk, you clearly don't know shit about what you're talking about
Duel Monsters Shadow Realm got an origin for that.

Personally I like Fate Legend:Empires of Antiquity for that, since the Magical Rider perk is pretty neat and stacks well with the Bridle of Bellerophon, both of which you can use on a dragon you get as Divine Beast in jump if you also take the Golden Fleece.
>Magic Rider- 400
>You’ll never fight alone if you take your best friend into battle. That best friend being the dread Cerberus isn’t anyone’s business but your own, right up until it eats everyone else. You’re a rider of beasts almost without peer, taking your skill to the level of outright magic. You have supernatural skills in riding anything, from things that are actually ridden like horses and monsters, to only vaguely related vehicles, like riding a enormous sailing ship or a catapulted rock. You can make that horse gallop along walls or across the water and skim that sailing ship across the waves like a skipping stone. When you really put in some effort, you’ll let your mount accomplish supernatural feats and enhance them to magical levels in the process, like enabling your sailing ship to fire dozens of homing anchors at the enemy like harpoons, regardless of if the ship originally had that ability. You can’t make your mounts do anything, it does have to be somewhat related to the scope and level of the ride, but most people that see you take flight in a rowboat are going to accuse you of being a witch at least. To help out with your skill in using the mounts, you’ll find you’re rather superb at actually taming animals and beasts, even magical ones aren’t too hard for you to teach once you’ve beaten them, and in learning to properly control new vehicles that don’t exist here, like the vehicles of the modern world.
>Their bodies are not meaningless.
They are. They don't need them as a necessity for their existence and they can manifest avatars wherever the barriers between the material and the Astral are weak, such as a behelit invocation. We even see this with the Slug Count, which happens way before the events of Slan popping up in Qliphoth.

Gaiseric/Skull Knight was the original bearer of the Berserker Armor that Guts now has and is also a "Struggler" like him, which allows him to briefly and temporarily move outside the flow of causality to oppose the Godhand. He's spent his entire existence trying to stop them and even devoured countless behelits to create a weapon called the Sword of Actuation to directly harm them.
I don't know how to tell you this anon, but the existence of an entity does not inherently suggest everything ascribed to that entity is true. For example, Buddha, Jesus, Joseph Smith, and Muhammad are all thought to have been real people in our world. Even if you believe the miracles said to have been performed by one, you almost certainly don't those performed by the others. Let alone all the saints and tulkus that supposedly came after.
>The [Blank] don't do that because they find [protagonist]'s pointless struggle hilarious
This is the refuge of all powerwanking dumbasses.
Slot in whatever setting appropriate names you want into those spots and it's always dumb
You guys don't get it - I'm special and smarter than you! I know about the Kabbalah (which must be mandatory learning in Japanese school or something because everyone in Japan seems to know about it)
Radahan stopping the stars is also clearly not something he can use in a fight against someone. I have no idea why you are shitting yourself so hard because this isn't a "feat", it's background lore. You'd be better off scaling him to Malenia rot-nuking Caelid off the map rather than this retardation.
Bro just stop this is fucking embarrassing, half of every post you make at this point just makes the Godhand look like fucking weaklings because you don't understand that none of what you're saying to hype them up actually helps your argument
>it doesn't count because I said so
Kill yourself.
>it's background lore
NTA, coming from you, that's hilarious. No, seriously, just admit that you lost already
Yet it clearly changes up with for example the IoE and Godhand among others, so why should we assume everything else is the same?
>look like fucking weakling
>he says arguing for fucking ER, a game where everything can be beaten to death with a sharpened stick
>the original bearaer of the Berserker Armor
Which unless I'm missing something is...almost completely irrelevant in a fight with the living fucking dimensions of pure evil right?
Okay I get the sense this is something like an in-universe metaphor for "plot armour" but I'm going to keep an open mind and just ask. What is a Struggler, and how many infinite realms of pure evil can it kill?
>briefly and temporarily move outside the flow of causality
Alright, so causality isn't actually absolute. This does NOT matter for the purposes of dropping an island on someone's head mind.
>devoured countless behelits
>Sword of Actuation
And well...has it worked?
>how dare you not accept my literal fanfiction as evidence!!
Could the Naruto that fights Cthulhu in that one fanfic we have a jump for beat the Godhand?
>Which unless I'm missing something is...almost completely irrelevant in a fight with the living fucking dimensions of pure evil right?
Yes. The armor has nothing to do with his powerlevel, and it in fact ended up killing him.
What if I'm Cell.
Until Shard weighs into this, none of your opinions matter.
It doesn't count because you fucking said as much that you can literally just avoid being in the Godhand's range of influence and also avoid dying from being inside of their range of influence by just being tough enough. That's not 'head exploding' levels of power, evidently. So no, they can't do it, and unlike you, what I said is actually supported by the fucking material.
Shard would say that the Outer Gods in ER literally don't even have observable feats because none of them can DO anything if they don't have an Empyrean available. The Greater Will couldn't even stop Marika from fucking everything up and that's not from a lack of power, but because it outright can't interact with reality in that way.
Then I wish you the very best in your next outing. You had SHIThan on the FUCKING ropes even in a mere imperfect MAX form, you would DEFINITELY DOMINATE him next time.

Cool. So the fuck's a Struggler, since I assume they are evil pocket dimension universe-level if this guy is still around and Void hasn't just shitstomped him.
Anon, it was pointless to even begin arguing with them. This is basically just an excuse to get people mad then treat the thread like Kiwifarms when you call them retarded in response.
Fuck you dumbass, the GW sent the fucking Elden Beast and the Elden Ring, that's the basic goddamn premise of the entire fucking setting
Elden Ring is clearly based on Berserk. That means that it at worst scales to Berserk since the former was blatantly influenced by the latter.
>Anon, it was pointless to even begin arguing with them
Who's them? The people who actually read the Manga?
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>the shitposter was Gohanposter being a cunt all along
Of course.
Gohanposter is always right
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Gohan is based.
There's at least three people calling you on this shit at this point anon, sorry to say you're just wrong. It's not shitposting to tell you that you're a goddamn dumbass who didn't understand Berserk
I know you're shitposting but From have been referencing Berserk since Demon Souls.
>Elden Beast
It also couldn't stop Marika from shattering the Ring and at no point does it display the ability to fuck with dimensions, space, time, or fundamentally alter existence on a personal combat level. The Tarnished outright stabs it to death and the damn thing uses a sword to fight with.

>Elden Ring
Is just a system placed down by the Greater Will. This is not a combat feat or some shoeing of power it can use to flex, especially when ANYONE can mess with it if they have the right Rune. The Caca Eater can ruin everything if you allow him to rub his shit on it. Goldmask can shit out a Mending Rune to fix it completely and he is not a God or even very powerful.
Okay, at this point we can just dismiss you as a shitposter and end the conversation. This is too stupid to be real.
Nta but his statement didn't in any way imply they started with ER. You didn't need to hit him with this "Did you know Mario 2 was originally Doki Doki Panic" level fact.
>at no point does it display the ability to fuck with dimensions, space, time, or fundamentally alter existence on a personal combat level
...that's its entire boss fight and general presence in the game
The Shattering
The entire war between the Demigods
The fact it fucking LEFT because it couldn't tardwrangle Marika
Don't reply to me, I'm not replying to you and neither should anyone else at this point.

Ignore the troll, stop replying to him
It's boss fight is it firing spells and light beams at you and its "presence" amounts to altering the battlefield. At no point foes it do anything that would imply it has cosmic scale power to say, delete people from existence, or explode souls with a touch.
It's funny how dragon ball is actually one of the weaker popular shonen franchises because it doesn't dip into conceptual nonsense or hax whatsoever.
>Don't reply to me
This is not Reddit. You posted stupid bullshit because you're a shitposter who unironically thinks ER Gods are multiversal.
My weighing in on this is that this argument is somehow more pointless than the average Goku vs Superman argument. Elden Ring is a setting that goes out of it's way to obfuscate the maximum power of it's highest divinities, to the extent that's arguably the point. Berserk is an unfinished longrunning manga that spent 8 years, 6 months, and 18 days on a boat arc. Neither setting has any conclusive, definitive, absolute answers about power interaction more complex than "Could General Radahn take out Nosferatu Zodd at SummerSlam?". We don't know the mechanisms of how the Greater Will sent down the Elden Beast, nor how costly it is for the Greater Will to make a new one.

Strictly speaking yes, the Apostles have more "I'm in your face and lifting this island/warping reality into my dream paradise/instagibbing you" feats whereas even meat gods like Miquella with Charm Person powers either

1. Fail to charm the PC Tarnished unless he is literally in hug range, and needs a couple tries. Or
2. Has his Charm Person power limited to grabbing range to work

However. As I have said before the segregation between gameplay, lore and Soulsborne respawn conceits has always been ambiguous. As is the win condition for killing an Apostle. Assuming it exists and Miura didn't intend for everyone to die while Void patiently waits for his fellow Apostles to either be replaced or adopt new DLC skins.

You don't know, I don't know, Miyazaki doesn't know and Miura never knew. It is a mystery, and you might as well right fanfiction about whoever you like the best winning for how little clarity there is about all the major concepts and how they'd fare against an opponent that isn't some buff dude with a big heavy sword.

This will be my first and last contribution to this particular unwinnable argument, because I have a very important build and writeup about a cartoon mouse version of Sherlock Holmes I vaguely remember from my childhood to finish writing.
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>two retarded positions cherrypicking nigh-irrelevant lore so they can powerscale their waifu setting harder
See y'all at high noon.
Okay? You took that the wrong way completely but sure go off man.
I'm surprised I'm the only one I remember still posting who still dips into Saint Seiya for powerwank. And even I haven't brought up Saint Seiya in ages.
>As is the win condition for killing an Apostle.
I think you mean God Hand, Shard. Apostles die all the time.
Based on what, entomology? There are cooler fictional entomologists out there you know, like Dex Hamilton.
As a Kabbalah/Gnosticism expert, shouldn't you understand that it massively tilts the comparison in Berserk's favor?
I know Saint Seiya lore and powerlevels. I just don't bring it up because well...see above. Stupid bullshit like this happens if you try to earnestly discuss anything here.
There's a funny vid of someone spawning Godfrey into the Elden Beast fight and he just grab spikes it to death. Muscle + throwing hands > grand divine power.
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Both are off-screened by the Wyatt Sicks
They are really mega omniversal and you know it. It said do on a twitter post I cant find.
Is Zipping canon in Elden Ring? Are moveset swapping and loading screen glitches real? No. So shut the fuck up about the actual boss fights because they're not representative of the lore
Alright, maybe that was a bit mean. I'm sorry.
Thanks for the work Anon! Looking great so far.
...okay, second to last combination.

I did indeed mean Apostle.

Yeah that's totally fair, plus the translations are shit. Shiiiiit.

Yeah it's actually sick how many fights Godfrey clears if you JUST give him a grab that functions on bigger than person-sized targets. I thought he'd be too slow in forma de Godfrey and too prone to leaving himself open in forma de Hoarah Loux but the moveset holds up surprisingly well.
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Griffith is canonically author level.
GODHAND, I mean GODHAND, look I really want to write this cartoon mouse build
Dark Souls 1
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
Elden Ring

What else besides Demon Souls goes together with these jumps?
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It's not even an "unwinnable" argument Shard. It's just retardation because one guy said the Godhand are nebulous conceptual entities comparable to the Outer Gods in vagueness (true) then the other escalated to unironically claiming "multiversal" ER gods (completely false) in response >>93169702 >>93169829

The entire thing was disingenuous shitposting from the moment it started. Proof that you shouldn't get invested in anything posted here.

There's an entire video showing that the new Lord Of Frenzied Flame boss gets its ass gaped by one of the dragon fights and even by Meytr.
I like video game EvE vids a lot for some reason. I guess it's kinda like watching beetles fight.
This. So much this. Otherwise the game would be unbearable because Radahn is clearly a high 4-A character while your toon is a 9-B at moat
Demigods are clearly multiversal and the godhand are clearly sub planetary. I will not allow this argument to end so long as anyone attempts to argue this position as falsifiable.
If y'all Berserkfags know so much about Berserk, why haven't any of you made a dupe for it yet? Checkmate.
So a solar chad folds Griffith in half
I'll add that the entire thing also just seems to be the spam bot getting mad at Argent again out of the blue so it's spamming the thread because it thinks he's here. And I'm not even certain if Argent has engaged with any ER prompts.
Do you mean thematically?
tbf the new frenzy fight is explicitly someone that couldn't handle becoming the lord of frenzied flame
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He's not author level, he's just saying that he controls cause and effect and since you're a being that operates off cause and effect you can't beat him. You'd need to be able to 「Go Beyond」cause and effect to beat him.
Stylistically. Do we have a Lies of P jump? If so that would go on the list. Third person action games or diegetic roguelikes in general to set some kind of guideline
>and Miura never knew
He never knew? He's the writer. He got to have an idea in his papers.
See >>93169989
Yes, but they're still our closest example of what a fight with a full Frenzied Flame champion is like and he's honestly probably only barely harder than Rellana.
Genuinely baffling post
Take your meds
Reddit does. They also have a Nioh jump.

If you're not fine with offsite jumps (the correct stance), Monster Hunter would be a good addition. Twilight Princess as well.
NTA, that was probably you
Jump XX
>The song of the Nibelungs
location: Denmark
age: 22
The hero -200
common tongue -free
noble -free

Piercing eyes -free
educated in the arts of war -100
might of the völsung -200
Jumper the dragonkiller -300

A horse -free
The ring -600

Companion import - 200
1) the hero - 200, balmung - 300, educated in the arts of war - 100, a horse -free, a net -100
2) The dwarf - 200, master Smith - 300, animal form -100
3) valkyrie -100, runes -300, flying horse -200
4) drop in -free, hoard of the nibelungs -400, a healing herb -200

Thrall +200
Memory Potion +200
Easily made promises +100

I am a mere slave in the service of some great king (Sigurds father), a side character in the story. I likely came in his service due to my shameful origin and tendency to promise fealty. My warrior companion and Sigurd himself will be the main heroes of the story. While I am mighty and strong i lack the nobility and status to be anything more than a side companion.
I will be somehow be roped into the story as the norns demand it, but i will be unaware of my actual nature. Likely as a shield bearer of the great Sigurd.
I am unsure as how the story will unfold. Weather my own might can save the great hero or if i am forced to avenge him, i know that with the Ring of Andvari i would be able to enact a horrible revenge

german/norse adventure 1/3
>Third person action games
Like Bayonetta and DMC? Zelda? Mario Sunshine?
>external IPs
Is that actually from something other than a youtube channel that may or may not have even gotten that big outside of that one meme?
I would say Ninja Gaiden if BLADE wasn't such a WHINY BITCH and beat the best game of ItagakiGAWD
That's like saying someone that can barely wield a sword isn't too much of a threat so a sword master can't be anything special.
If you become (in)famous enough, you become a thread meme. Like bancho, Mommy, DDAnon, Nyanko, cliff, YJ, and Waifu_Anon. No one cares if you're actually the person.
Nope. I'm not obsessed with Argent like (you) are because I don't let jump makers live rent free in my head. If I think they're being cunts, I just hide or filter their posts like Psycho or Ric.
>There's an entire video
They are videos. Bosses are meant to fight you, not anyone else.

Considering the sheer lot of fucking fire we are making compared to him, I'd say we are above this failed Lord of Frenzy.
Too bad we can't play as Lord of the Frenzy Flame.
No one is obsessed with Argent besides you. No one was talking about Argent until you brought him up and then got mad about it. You're fucking psychotic
Argent isn't even half as obnoxious as some of those and the rest are only "thread memes" because Timmy is obsessed with mentioning them when they're not even here. Same shit he does with Quicksilver.
He's nothing like an actual Lord of Frenzy Flame for one reason; he's way fucking slower than a PC with regular Frenzy Flame incantations
How powerful is the strongest stuff in Gurren Lagann? Yes, I know they throw a galaxy like a frisbee but is there some sort of weird conceptual stuff going on or is it "just" absurdly big and stronk giant robot?
Timmy has nothing to do with Waifu_Anon's popularity.
Midra is actually definitively the slowest boss in the game. He's so slow that he basically takes forever to do any attacks or get anywhere close to attack range, even compared to other bosses. He also has an abysmal stagger bar that is very easy to exploit.

The only things making him a threat are his huge health pool and super damaging moves.
I wasn't talking about Waifu_Anon, the latter part of my post was referring to YJ and Nyanko who are only ever mentioned when he wakes up and starts shitposting.
It's a bit magical since they are in a dimension located between the spaces of dimensions where will is made manifest throught the power of evolution. Also, their sheer size means that they are moving at speeds billions of times the speed of light.
There was also probability fuckery with the Anti-Spiral Labyrinth.
Do you want a genuine answer or is this another excuse to bait someone into making a post that will cause another 50+ posts of shitposting?
YJ was based as fuck. You're delusional if you think only shitposters would bring him up.
Nta but I read that as Midna at first glance
It's not possible to shitpost about Gurren Lagann, because no matter what you argue about everyone quickly comes to the mutual agreement that Kamina is super cool and leaves it at that.
>It's not possible to shitpost about Gurren Lagann
It shouldn't be possible to shitpost about half the things this general ruins the discussion of. Doesn't mean it can't happen.
Is easily one of the most overrated characters in anime.
Jump XX+1
>Dietrich von Bern
The magical being -200
light elf
master smith -300
greatest of them all -300
greatest elf
rapture -200
greater magic x2 -400
Hildes regeneration
OC power: make duplicates of myself and fuse again. Up to 3 clones, with the clones being only 1/3rd as strong and tough.
minor magic -200
fearless -100
fire breath -200

Wonder stone -300
companion import x4 -200

1) hero -100, natural warrior x2 specialities: hand to hand + swordsmanship -300, might -200, weak spotter -200
2) dwarf -200, minor magic -100, greater magic: OC ability: become very big and very small, greatest of them all -300
3) drop in -free, seer -200, dragon eggs -300, herb of vulnerability -300
4) magical being: elf -200, fountain of youth -300, king Laurins rose garden -300

illiterate +100
poor +100
wrath +100
greed +200
Prey +300
confusing honor system +200
Shamed +200

my memories of who i was returned after the last jump. Sigurd was slain, the fate the norns laid for him unchangeable, however it was my turn to enact revenge this time. Etzel the greedy was easily bougth with hordes of gold and the burgundians slain to the last man.
Now i find myself as an elf possessing mighty magic. Together with my companions and the dwarves in their service i will work on amassing hordes of treasures, while somehow remaining poor myself i shall create incredible tools and weaponry: invisible shields that move on their own to protect the owner, a spear that creates duplicates that shoot like arrows...
I have to restore my honor and there's no better way than to slay as many of the monsters that threaten the peace of the land as possible. Me and my warrior companion will create a mount of dragon bodies.
We will likely be challenged by Dietrich and his gang and while it's unlikely that we'll lose, at worst we become his new buddies (he's like a harem protagonist for manly men) and we continue slaying dragons
If we go by dumb VS videos, I'm pretty sure a bunch of balls coulddefeat everything.
They're probably trannies still salty YJ called them out for posting off-topic femboy and futas pics with the barest excuses of being jc related.
There are a lot of settings that would fall to Deez.
Tokyo Souls
This is the worst post in the thread.
A loy. Mainly because those idiots cant work together without backstabbing. They are almost cartoonishly incompetant at a lot of shit and are only functional because of their tech level.
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Amusingly Godfrey canonically bust those balls.
The funny thing is that the human brain is coded to see wide hips and ass as a good mashup for sex. Translation: making you fucking horny.

In other words; Zant decided to turn Midna into something people would want to breed.
Really make you think.
So jumpers are morally obligated to visit Twilight Princess after Victim Girls.
>They are almost cartoonishly incompetant at a lot of shit and are only functional because of their tech level.
One has to wonder if it was a commentary on modern society.
I dont k ow anything about most of the argument thats been going on but doesnt a spaceship solve most problems? Just railgun all your problems away?
I would have said that, genetically, Jumpers are forced to breed Midna; But it seems we can't fucking get away from the moral meme.
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>Just railgun all your prob-
Funny enough a lot of kids coming out of schools these days dont know how to use entry level technology, having grown up on Ipads instead of computers. Its starting to become a real problem.
Well this arms race is just gonna devolve into space warping vs space warping isnt it?
Jump XX+3
>Norse Myth
Mixed: God and Monster -800
growing strong -200
Queen of the dead -300
Domain: life -200
life -300
Allfather -300
Untouchable -300
Illusion -600

companion import x4 -200
1) mortal -free, might of thor -400, sword of freyr -200 + Dainsleifr -100 (both swords combined with Balmung)
2) giant -400, mimirs wisdom -200, trickster -200
3) mortal -free, cutting the thread -500, hard to kill -300
4) mortal -free, sapling of yggdrasil -300, mead of poetry -200, well of mimir -200, dwarven traveling shop -100

Vasall +100
Viking saga +100
Wrath +100
missing eye +100
bissing arm +100
blood oath +100
Rude +100
greed +200
Desire +200
Hubris +200
Trickster +300
Enemy x2 (Giants and monsters) +600
Yes. Except other spaceships. After air superiority comes space superiority. Then time.
I'm the god of life and the lord of the dead. I will create new life and new forms of beings and once they die they will return to me. While i am mighty and wise and growing stronger every day i am in the servitude of Odin. He sees my value and lets me work in peace, adding more souls and weapons to his rank. Weaponry i make however is constantly stolen and used against the gods so i soon have to stop. I immediately suspect Loki and slap him around a bit (not too hard, since he's my blood brother), but it turns out it wasn't actually him (weird, i hope the trickster steals my ring and gets cursed). All the giants and monsters see me as a dangerous element to their plans of overthrowing asgard so they all double down with attacking the realm and specifically me. Odin ponders if he should just sacrifice me, but the alliance between giants and monsters, though my fault, is already made and they need me now. I am cocky enough that i think that i can take them on my own, and while i'm not stupid enough to just step outside the walls of asgard alone..yet, i prepare for the day that i'm able to. While my foes are mighty i do have a secret weapon: A companion that can sever my and the gods connection to Fate itself...
An elated Odin bellows a war cry and the final fate of the god has been changed. The enemy is found lacking

german/norse adventure 3/3
Pretty MUCH. And KEEP IN MIND that the power of ORT's mere FINGERNAILS is SUFFICIENT to out-space warp 90% of every FUCKING Fate god on the planet at a time when they STILL had their original bodies
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>evades it with toon physics
Nice try little bug
>solos EVERY Servant of Chaldea INCLUDING Nursery Rhyme and Super Bunyan
Not even toons can prevail over the Spider.
Youre capslock is broken
Lore wise, is Radahn and Miquella the strongest thing you fight in ER? It's the strongest demigod and an empyrean tag teaming you.
>Super Bunyan
The REAL Gohan servant.
Is this a deleted scene, edit, or test footage? I'm 100% positive it isn't in the film.
Thanks for the builds
Very interesting builds you got there. >>93170454
>OC power: make duplicates of myself and fuse again. Up to 3 clones, with the clones being only 1/3rd as strong and tough.
That's a fun idea and you showed some restraint with OC powers. We know that dwarves can make self duplicating items so it's fitting imo. I might steal that, thanks

Regarding your last build, I have to say cool idea with the life/death god that is also a crafter/Smith. I can't honestly say whether you're going to win that last confrontation actually, but you might manage, however a suggestion:
While I know the drawback is though it would be thematically fitting to have a nemisis that creates hordes of his own. A giant that continuosly births monsters in cahoots with Hel maybe?

But very nice, germanic myth adventure, anon. Thanks
Wyld build when
Destiny Darkness build when
Probably still the Elden Beast desu, I mean by most interpretations of shit going down beating up Marika and turning Radagon into a sword is pretty up there. This is the thing Marika would rather throw the entire Lands Between into tumult rather than just get Godfrey to set their house in order, lead an MMO party against the damn thing, THEN figure out how to deconstruct her own order.
I am reasonably certain it is not.
>Wyld build
After Imperium Nihilus
>Destiny Darkness
After Doctor Who redux
Not Gohanposter, but you used
Which is neither your nor you're.
Could Sukuna beat up the Elden Beast?
I miss dark souls talks. Everything was simpler with dark souls. Fire good short term, bad long term, stop fucking up the light dark cycle, humans are shadow monsters wrapped in flesh by gwyns curse, gods make the cutest booty when they fuck dragons, bonfires are relaxing to sit beside, seath is a dick even after you kill him, that kind of thing.

Such a nice broken world.
Oh wow you are trying to nitpick that while screaming in random capslock?
Oh so ending the world to usher an age of dark is okay but ending the world with the frenzied flame to start over again is bad? I see how it is.
The age of dark doesn't kill/force into a Final Shape everyone, is the thing. It literally just turns off the lights for a while.
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If I keep up the current pace, I should get an initial jumpable version of Megamind done within the next few hours. But it is going to need a lot of feedback because it is a bit haphazard, so I'll probably do a couple more rounds than usual.
Please explain this flame to me. What does it do? why does it do it? What is its purpose? I am up to be swayed on it since I havent seen any of the elden ring bigwigs that I actually like.
Weird how the ER dlc didn't address that part in the Frenzied Flame ending where Melina is gonna Sans Undertale you.
Good luck with the jump friend.
Does it have anything post the first movie in it? Please say no.
Thanks for the jumps man

>self duplication
yeah i wanted an OC magic based on stuff we know that dwarves can infuse into their objects.

While it would be cool to see automata clash against automata, monsters clash against new kinds of beings (I'll see what happens if i animate gold, silver and steel) and the dead with the dead, i am too afraid of that scaled enemy, together with all the other drawbacks i took.
As i see it, the drawback combo i took will result in something like that anyway even if not at that scale
Cool, I love that movie.
We quite literally do not know what happens in the age of dark, only that it's the "natural" progression of the world, but it probably isn't very nice to the current generation of living beings that aren't adapted or born in it.
Nah it's literally nihilistic "destroy the world, wipe the slate clean" type shit. Drives people insane. Was mostly poking fun at the one or two people here that get extremely, autistically upset over people advocating for it.
>being a Dark Souls fag when you could be a Demon Souls Chad
I mean does ANYONE expect her to succeed? By that point you've killed nearly every living being in the setting, and most of the divine ones before even becoming the Lord of Frenzied Flame.

She could turn out to be the Gloam-Eyed Queen, and she'd still have less of a chance against you than a naked starting Tarnished does against Godrick. Shit if we assume she really is Messmer's sister and they are at least somewhat comparable she definitely isn't much of a speedbump.
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Can't wait. Gimme.
>She could turn out to be the Gloam-Eyed Queen, and she'd still have less of a chance against you than a naked starting Tarnished does against Godrick. Shit if we assume she really is Messmer's sister and they are at least somewhat comparable she definitely isn't much of a speedbump.
It just seems weird to tease a fight that doesn't happen. The idea that it instant loss 2komas to you easily defeating her is pretty funny.
It’s an edit, the Noise is too new for a movie like Roger Rabbit
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A drawback to make that stuff canon, a few options in the power section, and a free companion/follower based off the annoying sidekick...but with anything beyond the broadstrokes being up to you to define, so you can have a cute preteen superfan instead of THIS.

Here's the live doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DhAm6FjyQxNdOfipvdX-vi1_DoXM74u-z8ZYIBLFG-E/edit?usp=sharing
11 pages?
What's a good jump to make a streamer/content creator, a goth magician and a martial artist? I have a really specific chain/companion set idea but I need a to get them in jump 1 but i'm having trouble thinking of a jump that fits these requirements.
Don't remind me of this abomination of sequel, not only it's shitty animated but the plot makes no sense, nothing really happens.
I gotta tell you, imho, it would be better if the whole document was entirely untainted by anything post the first movie. That's just me, though.
Is it going to have a Golden Girl expy? Any chances for a Golden Girl jump?
Most cape settings would work.
Pretty sure Lewd Superheroes by Smut has literally all of those as OC companions.
All three can exist in a cape setting, but there won't be perks for the Streamer most likely outside of a jump like the Youtube jump, so you'll either need to combine some jumps to do what you want or just accept that the streamer bit it just background fluff for that companion at first and give them other perks.
VTuber Slice of Life, since all that weird stuff is just around there
Idk about you she'd have a pretty good chance Messmer kicked my ass for 36 tries. Spent most of a day on that bastard. Fucking love his spear though, and his incants. And still somehow he's wormed his way into one of my favourite From fights.
Yeah I need a source on the right one.
Never played demon souls.
But most cape jumps are not gonna have perks for the streamer.
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No, I just posted GG 'cause I'm in a mood and she fits the superhero theme. And as much as I like (am attracted) to the character, I don't think there's enough material to build a jump off of, at least for me to feel comfortable making a jump for it.
Invulnerablity might need some qualifier/clarification like "...nothing in this setting can hurt you..."
Being immune to harm from everything ever would be too much.
Perhaps not specifically but a few have perks that let you be very good at a mundane subject/hobby of your choice.
Good suggestion, i'll have a look into a couple of them, thanks anon.
I'll look into it, thanks.
Yeah this is looking like my best option to do this in so I might just have to fluff it like you said for a companion's backstory.
I forgot that jump came out, thanks for reminding me of it anon.
https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5540809 - Command Grab by Nuclear Wasabi
https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5548486 - Raven from DC
https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10290544 - Yuzuha Lee from Strike It Rich
The first sentence specifies 'bodily harm', but I added another line to make it really clear that the perk only protects the body.
That pic's loli looks decently breedable though
I think it should be Metyr. if Ranni almost got beat up by single two-finger after all her preparations, the mother of fingers and the first falling star should be the strongest entity in ER
If your name is bancho, maybe.
Ranni isn't that strong. She's only unkillable because the game devs didn't want you screwing up the questline.
I mean, she's still an empyrean. a two-fingers roughing her up is no small feet.
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[The Great Mouse Detective]

Flaversham's Toys

Bat, Detective (900)

If you'll excuse me (Free)
Violinist (Free)
Great Detective (600)
World's Greatest Criminal Mind (0)
Detective (Free)

"Ladies! Gentlemen! Sundry young 'uns! Gird your loins and put on your thinking caps, as I unravel the greatest mystery of my career! A confounding humdinger wrapped in a mystery wrapped in an enigma!" declared Basil, as he pointed dramatically to the deceased. "The murder...of Professor Padraic Ratigan!"

The deceased.
Not the corpse.
It was difficult to call the remains of Professor Ratigan that when they were strewn across the room. A Scottish toymaker mouse fainted.

"This isn't quite how I imagined our first caper going, detective" said Oliva faintly.

"No, no, I do apologise, I hadn't expect such...ruthlessness" said Basil, dapping at his face with a handkerchief, as he prodded at things "but as confounding as the enormity of the murder is-how much more relieved should we all be about an even greater crime prevented!"

"Greater cri-detective! With all due respect HIS HEAD IS MOUNTED ABOVE THE FIREPLACE!" wailed Major Dawson.

"And yet. Exhibit A" said Basil, prodding a sheaf of hastily written papers. "Professor Ratigan's own signed confession, admissible in court by his own signature, that he is a global criminal mastermind guilty of breaking every human law. Including tax evasion. Here are the receipts for his henchmen. Here are the to-scale blueprints he sought to replace the Queen of Mouse Britannia with! Here is a frankly unreasonable amount of alcohol!"

"Something's dripping" mumbled Olivia.

"That brings me to Exhibit B" said Basil, prodding an even more hastily written note, "and Exhibits C through XYZ" he added, jabbing the precarious mechanic contraption that started from a series of clockwork still-turning gears and ended in a comically oversized moustrap.

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It was placed as bait an even more comically oversized mousetrap. That had apparently snapped sgyt after a bewildering series of moving parts including sharpened ceiling fans, oversized slingshots and a pitfall trap leading to a chute in the very walls had apparently battered the good professor as he'd come home from a long night of scheming. It wasn't even clear if Ratigan had actually landed on it, given that at least half of Ratigan's intact corpse was crushed under a comically oversized wheel of cheese.

It was like the kid from Home Alone was adopted by Jigsaw, then received a scholarship to Willy Wonka's school of ironic fates worse than death.

"The note contains a second confession from Professor Ratigan" continued Basil, studying it with a magnifying glass, "that the guilt of his crimes has become too great. Henceforth he sees no escape from this mortal coil but to slam his head twice at the top of the stairs, throw himself down them multiple times and shoot himself in the foot with his own revolver before flinging himself into this cruel and unusual death trap! A karmic fate for a despicable cur like himself-or so he says! But do we believe it, my dear companions! Do we take a known liar at his word?"

Suddenly the mouse boys from Mouse Baker Street entered the house with a stretcher and a shovel. "Queen says you do, Mr. Detective" said one gruffly.

"What?! But, but what about the case?!" babbled Basil, scrambling to get the notes and slipping on puddles of Ratigan. "Gentlemen you can't possibly believe this was a suicide attempt! It is clear to any with eyes to see that foul play was afoot to stop even fouler play!"

"That may as be Mr. Detective, I wouldn't know, I'm just a bloody bobby. But" murmured the mouse copper, leaning in "it's queen's orders. Straight from the top"

Basil deflated.

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"I...I see. Well, there's not much to be said then. Case erm, closed, officially. I'm sorry for dragging you along with me" he said to the shellshocked mouse civilians, "but it's clear that, well, it's clear that by Mouse God, Mouse Queen and Mouse Country we're nothing but a bother to the gentlemen in blue. May I ask one more thing though? I wasn't able to find a will, is there anything mentioned about where Ratigan's ill-gotten gains will be distributed? Perhaps to the Mouse Widows and Orphans Trust Fund"

"Oh! Surprised yer ain't heard, guv" said the mouse cop, surprised. "All the money's gone to your rival detective pal. The esteemed Count Batigan"

Basil's whiskers twitched. "B-Batigan?! I don't see how this could possibly be related to him! He's, he's not tied up in this sordid business is he?"

"No, not at all. Turns out according to a confession the prof hid in one of his boltholes said that he's always hated being called a rat. Because he's half-bat on his aunt's side. Therefore, Professor Ratigan's fortune belongs to his estranged but still dear to heart-so he says, the blighter-relative...Count Batigan"

Basil stood there, utterly floored by this unforeseen turn of events.
Then he perked up.

"Well, I'm just glad it's in good hands. As anyone can tell you, Count Batigan is a man of firm convictions and deep denerosity! Why, that fortune might as well already be in the hands of those poor orphans and widows!"

And the gang went home, glad to put the whole sordid business behind them.

She's a mage that had to fight it with a knife
Get some new images bitch.
Thanks for the build and write-up!
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Favorite jumps where you can be an eldritch being?
Would you wear booty shorts for your waifus?
No, i would force my waifus to wear booty shorts for asking me.
>looks up image
Oh it's from THAT manga. Japs are so fucking weird I swear. How can you use such a nice mythological character as Dietrich of Bern, king of the Amals, into a sadomasochistic twink in a porn comic?
Weird stuff
Anyone know where I can pick up a chaquetrix? Its basically an omnitrix that mixes alien and human dna to summon up waifu alien races for the purpose of creating hybridized babies. They can also fight and are in love with the user.
What's up with eldritch teletubbies? My only memories of them is that they were a fairly basic kid's show I watched a bit as a kid.
Are you me? I just found about it today and I love it. Maybe thinker perkline jumper would be able to make it.
It's a spin off of the "I'm Sorry Jon" Garfield meme that was super popular a couple of years ago.
Is there any porn or is it just hot designs?
Go to Ben Ten with a bunch of reverse engineering perks.
That or hit up Animorphs instead I guess.
Its a creepypasta style expanded setting based on teletubbies where they collect viewers and the sun and moon babies, born from the sky mother, keep watch over the eldertubbies.
I just think its neat.
With Mega Mind we would start with normal science and work up to sci-fi level or would we start with some base of knowledge above normal?
Guess thats a plan

Yes but none I can post. Basically you can use any r63 porn version of the aliens.
A touch above normal stuff. Added like to perk.
If they have a reporter/civilian origin, then they have what you need. Heck, even some villain origins could manage it if they're more about putting on a public facade.
What non DC/Marvel cape settings do we have jumps for?
Off the top of my head,
Invincible, MHA, Irredeemable
I'd fucking kill for a Fawcet Comics Captain Marvel jump t bh.
List of capeshit settings that are neither Marvel nor DC
>City of Heroes
>My Hero Academia
>One Punch Man
>Power Puff Girls
>The Free Universe
>Undocumented Features
>Wild Cards
>Kim Possible
>Ben 10
>Soon I will be Invincible.
>Invincible (nothing to do with the first one)
>Super Sentai
>Power Rangers (all of them)
>Kamen Rider
>The Authority
>Sky High
>The Incredibles
>Hellboy Movies
>Generic Hentai Superheroes
>Soon I will be Invincible.
>Ivincible (nothing to do with the first one)
>P3824 (or whatever number it actually is)
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Invincible, My Hero Academia, Worm, The authority, Yu Gi Oh elemental heroes, and i think we have a the boys jump.
Ayy thanks that was what I was hoping for.
Combo that with Legion you could make many items at once if you make good enough plans and have enough materials.

Could we choose for legion to be minions(that yellow things)?
As much as those little yellow bastards rub me the wrong way, that is totally possible.
Nta but why would they job to FTL, someone who control causality won't lose against someone faster, they clearly lose to dragonball but simply being FTL isn't enough.
Funny, like people from warhammer never jobbed to incrdible weaker opponents, the godhand isn't multiversal or omnipotent but it's massively more competent than all the chaos gods combined.
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Yhwach solos both the godhand and SHARTruto
Gen erotic horror. SCP. Does an exalted primordial count? Godbound. Fate. Kingdom Death Monster. Kult. DC megajump. Marvel Cosmic. Darkest Dungeon.
Because (if someone is operating according to the laws of physics as we know them), to be FTL, you have to be faster than causality.
Of course, it is a fairly large assumption that fictional characters are always operating according to the laws of physics as we know them and that their authors took that into consideration and such.
the grimnoir chronicles
He's wrong on many accounts, any planet buster or surface wiper effortlessly solo Berserk since the strongest thing is just the wish for an evil god for humanity, so it would be as easy as exterminating humanity to win, but on this he's right, moving stars is not a combat ability unless demonstrated as such, low level mages aren't country busters because they can move clouds, this is a thing that is often ignored, like by bleach fans, no, just because the soul king stabilizes universes it doesn't prove any character who fought with Ywach is universe level.
I think you and everyone else missed the point of what stopping the stars as a feat actually represents insofar as it's relevant to the argument about the Godhand and their control of causality. Namely, in Elden Ring, the movement of the stars is fate, and Radahn stopped fate by stopping their movement. Radahn may not be of universal scale in combat, but he absolutely shits on the Godhand in the arena of fate hax
There is nothing showing that killing all of humanity would end the Idea of Evil.
Isn't that like just saying a guy throwing a fireball is stronger than the universe because he can overcome the laws of thermodynamics? Sounds like vsbattle wiki talk where they put anything in 'acausal' 'bondless' and shit like that.
I understand this but as you recognize in most context it wouldn't work since while the godhand uses causalty it doesn't follow proper physics, since they are capable to break conservation of mass and twist space, and often the speedsters themselves are unable to use the qualities of their speed.
It's literally created and powered by humanity
Ok, sorry I'm a secondary, just had PTSD from solar system sora because he scales above Zeus who created a constellation.
didn't it say that he would change if people collective imagined something else? so killing it would end it
Why didn't he stop his fate of sucking shota cock, mind broken and getting beaten by a naked guy with a club?
Is the idea of evil even canon?

Also, this argument shows that power scaling is stupid because these characters operate on different laws. Could Radahn stop causality with his gravity magic? Probably not, because fate in berserk is not dictated by the stars. Could the godhand affect Radahn? Probably not because because his fate is dictated by the stars, not causality.
What about using the Anti-Life Equation to brainwash all of humanity and force it to stop having the capacity for evil, like Orion canonically did at one point?

>But Anti-Life is evil-
Not anymore, and nevertheless in that case what about using the LIFE Equation to do it? That's a thing you can do with the Life Equation you know.
Traveling FTL, in a universe with realistic-ish physics, does mean you can also time travel but that's not the same as being free from causality.

Causality doesn't have to follow linear time, a future event causing a past event is still cause/effect.
>Muh metaphysics inequity
I hate you faggots more than anything. Similar things are similar across settings, nothing is special everything works according to everything else's rules. Just fucking use your brain to understand the syncretism
>Is the idea of evil even canon?
From what I understand the author intended it to be and there are a few statements by the Godhand that allude to it, but there is nothing definitive about it being canon in anything published as part of Berserk's actual manga (as opposed to stuff technically outside it's main continuity)

>these characters operate on different laws
So basically yeah, Shard was right.
Except things don't work the same way across settings, you stupid retarde VSshitter
Fuck you, this is jumpchain, we don't do that here. Blood magic A = Blood magic B, everything operates according to the same metarules.
People here care much more than me about powerscaling, I just tend to equalize the most that I can and see funny interaction.
Who's we? This is jumpchain so the answer of whos stronger: blood magic A or blood magic B, will always be fanwank. You're the author so you decide who tales primacy. Now, go back to SB
Pathetic, you sound like a child in kindergarten crying about your make belief because you want your thing to apply to everything else.
>speedsters themselves are unable to use the qualities of their speed.
Or do things other than job.
I really like posting that one panel from Identity Crisis.
You heard it here first: All metaphysics in every setting in Jumpchain are completely unique and different. There is zero crossover between them, none, nada, zilch, so not only is there no translation between things like magic systems no matter how apparently similar they are from an audience perspective, but even physical interactions cannot be worked with because they're operating under different natural laws, so seemingly mundane skills need to be relearned every single jump. Perks have no applications outside of their home setting because the laws of other universes have no reference points for what you brought in with you.
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Genuine question, what would count as empyrean in other settings for the gate of divinity? You can't just jank anyone into the gate and get a god out of it, so What is an empyrean?
Toji and Maki solo btw. Since they are outside fate.
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Como te arde la cola, Miguel
How would I design a Cursed Technique based on drawing manga? I want to make a Kishibe Rohan Expy in JJK but I don't think Heaven's Door straight up is either balanceable or for that matter viable
Wrong, things are the same across a chain because they use the same name. Just use syncretism.
Das right, BITCH! I, the Authority of Fiction, controls the metaphysics of your chains. Those perks you just bought? Yep, Yep, they don't work anywhere else.
>even physical interactions cannot be worked with because they're operating under different natural laws
>finishes jump 1 in a generic set in a version of the real world
>enter jump 2 as (insert any vidya/weebshit here)
>takes drop-in
>takes no perks that hint at basic functionality as a lifeform
>chainfails immediately as jumper's body ceases all biological function due to lack of compatible material physics
Gotta love the revised Book of Redundant Redundancies: The Chain.
It's a bit unclear, especially since the waters have been further muddied by the fact that the Grandam is also apparently am Empyrean.
Best I can guess at would be Ta'rvaren from Wheel of Time, Zeref from Fairy Tail, a Divine Psuedo-Servant or Foriegner from Fate, and Campiones
Why don't you use the canonical one, G Warstaff?
>You can't just jank anyone into the gate and get a god out of it
I'm not actually sure given the way that the DLC framed it. I got the impression you CAN actually jank anyone into the gate and turn them into a god since it's described as the key to her ascent. Yes, I'm aware elsewhere in the main game Marika was described as an Empyrean, but that's how the DLC seemed to present the Gate's importance. While Marika's Empyrean status didn't come up at all.

It's stated in Malenia's Great Rune that her and Miquella being born of a "single god" qualified them as Empyreans but Ranni was also just chosen by the Two Fingers and qualified too apparently. So it doesn't seem to be a strict requirement. Also Miquella divested himself of his own Great Rune so it's debatable how much being god-descended mattered at all.

The most I can guess about being an Empyrean is that it means being spiritually close to a god either by lineage or in a Japanese animist kind of way. But also like, not QUITE enough to be a real god immediately? Particularly if acknowledged as such by some manner of divine manner, or otherwise touched by supernatural forces. So like...Hercules, in Greek myth. Or Methuselah. Or maybe Gilgamesh.

That's if you subscribe to Empyreanhood being necessary to use the gate at all, which I'm confused by. Especially since Miquella divested himself of most of the things that made him divine by Golden Order standards-while it's unclear how much knowledge Marika even had of the Two Fingers before brandishing that big rune at the gate.
We have jumps for less material.
Because that's just shitty short term future prediction.
Thanks but it doesn't have a companion option.
It makes me wonder who the artist is. Bizarre subject material aside it's not bad.
NTA but she's also got a decent amount of stuff as well. https://the-conservatory.fandom.com/wiki/The_Developing_Adventures_of_Golden_Girl
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>Como te arde la cola, Miguel
Calla gilipollas
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That's not a vote in its favour, anon. That's a joke jump. Reminder that just because Blade has done something doesn't mean someone else should, or that it's a good idea.
People love Mario though.
So you want something really powerful? Wich pricetag where you thinking about?
Roon my beloved.
Doesn't make me like Ric though.
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Calla gilipollas
I don't like you either asshole. Go die on a fire. It will make the world a better place.
Frankly I want something in the price range of Cursed Speech and actually involving the theme.
A-spaghettio tortellini.
>He doesn't enforce his own laws of reality wherever he goes
>He isn't his own cosmology
>He hasn't transcended the rules of his jump 1 setting during that jump
Weak Jumper
Keep talking like that and i'll piss on your door again.
His first argument was even more retarded than the blood one, the anon just said you can't stop fate by stopping stars in setting where fate is not dictated by stars. Which is obvious if your powers are just stopping the stars and not altering fate, but I guess he thinks every setting is an amalgamation of metaphysics.
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I couldn't find an artist source but I did find an author whos niche is writing women getting plapped by dinosaurs.
Remember that in 2E, all Third Circles are around as hot as Venus, with a Presence and Appearance stat of combined roll of 18 to 25.

The Yozi should have just sent their souls to make the Exalted into simps.
Danny Phantom. It focuses on Ghosts, but the Crimson Chin is in one episode and they have advance tech.
So...fate defiance perks don't work outside of their native setting and neither does any other perk that depends on local metaphysics which obviously don't carry over? Anon, you're conceding even if you don't realize it
I wonder if that meme about bears spawned a new sub-genre about women having sex with bears.
What do you think about drawing into reality Shikigami, by expending time and CE? I imagine as an expansion technique the ability to heal them, imbue CE into a premade drawing to heal it, by drawing it healty, the ability to customize their personality and ability and mybe self protaction by those hit by your Shikigami, while said Shikigami stay manifested, because now thi're fighting in your manga, so can't fight the author.
You're too retarded to walk the stairs to my place. The best you can do is walk around, give up halfway and piss yourself like the subhuman frenchman you're destined to be.
Gungun, freedom, burger taxes. And have a nice evening.
Perks and items work solely because of fiat-backing. Ignore that the Warehouse was baked into Jumpchain since its inception.
Not really into women and dinosaurs. Was hoping to find non dinosaur related art from whoever did that pic cause the woman is actually pretty hot.
Still doesn’t hold a candle to Chuck Tingle on the weird autistic ness scale
White women am I right?
Nta but I think that his power is to stop fate, wich is manifested through the star, not moving the stars, but this may be just the way I equalize.
What about women dinosaurs?
The bear thing still baffles me. Makes no fucking sense.
You have very poor reading comprehension. I'm saying if you have a perk that says 'you can controls stars' it doesn't mean you can control fate in setting where fate is not controlled by the stars.
I think the simplest explanation is that Miyazaki is a retard. He stated that Dan is two heads are part of the dual nature of empyreans. So according to Miyazaki, you don't lose your "empyreaness" by losing your flesh.
Not a scaley.
Reminder that Ipithymia in particular goes after non-demonic powerful lovers, especially Exalted, and somehow isn't a mindbroken pet after the worst excesses of the First Ages. Implying she took on E10 Solar dick/cunt and won fucking.
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Feathers tho
Not a bird fucker either.
The only thing I could find in regard to that was a know your meme post and then an older twitter post.
Probably, yeah.

>What's the secret behind Placidusax's posing as the Two Fingers and his severed heads?
>Some random chubster dragon called Bayle the Dread mauled him, got crippled in turn and has been hiding in the Land of Shadow lmao
>Also Dragon Communion practitioners did literally nothing wrong, Placidusax told them to do it all
An 8-ton dinosaur wouldn't be able to fit in a supply closet.
Abilities are transferable, and Radahn could stop fate in any universe, cope.
>Women will fuck bears and dinosaurs but they won't fuck you
Do women just have some kind of biological instinct to fuck things that want to kill them?
How did humanity survive if that's the case?
not with that attitude.
Do you know any regional Italian languages?
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Could you make perk for loli handling and for relationship to be ok. in your new jump.
Actually scratch that found it for you. Artist is named Ryan Klemek.
Yes. I'll put it in.
I don't speak italian, Nowadays I'm somewhere in south america.
No, I did not sell out anyone in the mafia and seek refugee with the druglords
Gotta be clear about that.
Thanks anon.
I hate this genre of shitposting so much because you can find it in every board in every thread. It's like all the retards came together and decided this is how they'll communicate from now on.
Funniest shit is that this is it. For at least 7 years we won't get new lore. But honestly, it's the best to just not think about from soft lore. It's all rewritten 50 times, even like a month before release.
Am reminded of that one image post that proclaimed that veganism would lead to humanoid Parasaurolophuses with enormous milkers.
People are just so brainrotted by feminism/wokeness constantly telling them ((white) straight) men are inherently evil creatures of pure violence who can rape you with their mere gaze that they forget that, statistically speaking, men (especially white men) are relatively safe compared to wild animals.
Guts is literally just Toji but sadder.
You gonna go learn some BJJ, Luta Livre, Vale Tudo or Capoeria?
Toaru is gonna have multiple nun companions yes?
>Do women just have some kind of biological instinct to fuck things that want to kill them?
Mongols and raids
It's called having the correct opinion. You only hate it because you're so insistent on being wrong.
In the favela we just take out the guns.
karate can't defeat bullets
Haven thought of companions yet.
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Men stick their dick in crazy
Women go for the lethal mate
Humanity is full of fatalists, that’s how the strongest survive on this bitch of an earth
I remember it, I just don’t mention it much.
>They could be... magical... ki-based
Eh, is the setting really broad enough to allow this kind of flexibility?
Is there anything across the chain that would help me in building the ultimate brain-dead magic caster? Like being able to take magic systems that normally require extensive academic study and somehow wielding them through pure intuition with zero grasp of the underlying mechanisms?
Wishcraft is available in several Nasu jumps.
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I'll file that away for later if I change my mind.

Outside of the movie, there's also industrial accidents and mutants, as well as characters whose powers could easily be mystical in nature.
So I figure why not.

Take the Deity origin in The Magicians. It basically gives you magical reality warping.
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Campiomeh and mushy tensei have stuff that doesn't need you to think too much.
Are Kakine's DM form and Sample Shoggoth Old Testament or New?
DxD's magic is imagination based.
I enter the battle phase and play Evenly Matched.
DxD devil magic is*
And there are caveats to it.
It Was Fate from Flow, it's the strongest luck perk in the chain as far as I'm aware, you basically become the Rey Skywalker of the multiverse.

>It Was Fate (600) - That made you choose this perk. You could be considered the universe’s best friend as Fate will twist and turn the universe to make sure that you come out on top. Fate wishes for your success and will do anything in its power to help you. This ranges from giving you main protagonist level plot armor, making you impossibly lucky, able to escape from death’s clutches, manipulate prophecies, and much much more. Even the ultimate of mary sue protagonists will wish they could get a sliver of the advantages you will gain from the fates. One never has to worry about dying due to having bad luck, truck-kun, random events, assassination plots, and pretty much anything else as Fate will break the universe over backward to ensure you never have a bad day. The amount of things that Fate can’t do for you can be counted on one hand with fingers to spare. Honorable combat is the only way you’re dying and given all the ways fate can intervene and help even that isn’t something you will worry about. You will have to be the most suicidal person to ever live and actively wishing for death’s embrace before Fate can’t come up with enough things to save you. Destiny offers much more than merely giving you enough trimmings to make a mary sue protagonist green with envy. While there are those who make even the ludicrous of plans happen very few can claim that even cosmic forces themselves are helping them. That is why even the most ludicrous and insane of plans such as taking away all powers in the world can be done so long as you have the willpower to go through with it. No matter how illogical or insane the world itself will bend over backwards to make sure your goals and you come out on top so long as you occasionally push things in the right direction and let fate take the wheel.
DxD devil* magic is imagination based. Human magic is all math autism and also weaker than everyone elses. I don't think we got anything on the rest.
Please at pretend to wiki dive....
Don't even bother. Huggin's effect is also negated by skill drain.
I'm a Yugioh player, you can't expect me to read.
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>Yes. I'll put it in.
Ayyy profit.
Do you think that a GG genderbend would have big balls or a big dick? I've talked to people before who say it'd have to be big balls and not a dick since that's a secondary sexual characteristic like her tits are but I think having a comically large penis works better as an equivalent joke and as a how people would treat em for having it.
If the point would be to have him as a sex object he'd be very tall and have a big dick yeah.
I did it!

Why not both? Whatever the case, the mental image is amusing.
Medaka Sue from Medaka Box, and the Genius perk from Record of a Fallen Vampire. Both of them make Jumpers so much of a genius they can basically learn anything in less than a day. Medaka Sue speaks for itself, but IIRC the RoaFV genius perk gave an example of learning everything about a particular science just by skimming a textbook.
Thanks 9anon! I'm gonna cuck Megamind and TIghten so hard.
In my case, my goal is to remain stupid without any loss in magic ability. Increasing my jumper's intelligence would kind of defeat the purpose.
My deck is made entierly of pot of greed and the Exodia parts. I laugh at your silly new era shit with thousand word multi page descriptions and play my simple uncomplicated cards.

Modern Yu-Gi-Oh is fucking aids from what little I've seen, it started going downhill back with that 5D synchro shit, although I will give them points for the art Stardust Dragon and the Earthbound Immortals are pretty cool looking.
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Well done.
Ah right, I should mention that I'm wanting feedback. Pricing adjustments, clarifications, suggested expansions to the powers section and selection of OC companions, and so on.
File deleted.
Based. I knew I could count on you mate
Anything else you want in there?
I can fit a lot of stuff in this jump
A lot of weird stuff
Like, really weird.
Unsanitary too.
I walked right into that one.
Low tier decks against each other is still peak
What is the best Toaru ship?
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>Low tier decks
You know you were fucked when they pulled the out the fusion field while having three dragons on the field just to fuck you with
Either Misaki x Faceless old men, Touma x Bad luck, or Ringo x A volley ball.
Aleister and Aiwass
First of all congratulations, then I would like to know, would untapped potential be effective even in cases like Danzo and Orochimaru implanting in you the wood release? And would you have the abilities of Yamato or better in that case, if it ensures your survival? What about things like Ophis' snakes or the Kama wich, while would empower you they have negative consequences, even those would target you?
NTA but Golden Girl isn't just a sex object.
Golden Girl is an innocent soul that is being played with by horny 4chan users. She knows the 4th wall and understands her universe is a joke. She just rolls with it because what else can she do?
If the best case scenario for an empowerment still includes negative consequences for yourself, you'd still need to deal with those negative consequences. The perk simply ensures that you GET that best case scenario.
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Has your jumper companioned someone with completely different political opinions from your own? How did it go?
Well sure she isn't just a sex object. She's also satirical. But that doesn't change the fact that her design is meant to be/comment on the sexualization of women in comics. Hence the humongous hooters. Logically her male counterpart would also be hyper sexualized in order to maintain parity.
I could see him having the big dick/balls but I don't think he'd be tall since he'd be the same age as Golden Girl, as an adult though sure enough.
Am I the only one who enjoys modern yugioh?
I dip in and out of Master Duel.
Given it still exists, no. I just really dislike the description bloat it has in some of the cards compared to the older stuff. Also all the new shit they've added means too many new rules to learn
Is Golden Girl not an adult? Also I'd point out you can hit your height early. I've been 6'2 since I was 12. Hit a massive growthspurt and then just never grew again. By that logic she shouldn't have such massive tits until she's an adult either.
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She's in her mid-teens, IIRC. This is her as an adult.
I'm just working from what would look better aesthetic wise as an gender-bent equivalent for her and I don't think tall would fit since she's a short-stack till her growth-spurt.
Hot damn.
Tits too big/10
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Have a comfy build. Just chill out with big girl. Sell good food to hard working people of Merto City.

First big plan is to remake Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs food weather and end world hunger. Next one will be end of cancer. Or maybe I should flip the order?

Megamind jump
Cp:1000 Age: 20 Sex: Male
Location: Industrial Area:
Origin: Super:
Perks: Licensed Soundtrack - [Free]: Great Hair - [Free]: PRESENTATION - [Free]: He’s Perfect! - [100]:
Powers: Aesthetics - [Free]: Comic Book Physics - [Free]: Mega Mind - [300]: Super Speed - [700]: Flight - [800]:
Loadout - [Free]: Power Source - [Free]: Legion [Miku bots] - [1000]: Lair - [1050]: News Van [Food truck] - [1100]:
Companions: Metrowoman - [Free]: Minion [Roxanne from slave isekai expy] - [Free]
Drawbacks: Meh-trocity - [1000]:
Utterly homosexual/10
Oh, you finished? Nice work!
I'm confused, why the fuck do Empyreans/Gods even need a Lord/Consort in the first place if they're already chosen of their respective Elder God?
Dick to small/10
>an author whos niche is writing women getting plapped by dinosaurs
One of Chuck Tingle's lieutenants, I see.
>Anything else you want in there?
Ability to curse someone with Touma bad luck.
Are you saying you think he should be a shota?
Would you consider an option to buy more Metrowomans? Does You can put any OC companions from this section through the Import option mean you can import existing companions into the OC options? If not, would you consider an option for that?
I suppose I guess on the latest age/look you can have for one of those but I mean just looking more of age with Golden Girl.
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No. I'm just too poor to afford it.
Touma and Misaki/Lessar/Breedway/Othinus/Anna/Will-chan/Itsuwa
Accel and Worst/Squid game demon
According to fujos Touma x Accel
Anon x Saten (uiharu can watch)
This is official and not my deranged headcanon
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The amazing power of caffeine, and wanting to get to the Cyberpunk jump before I burn myself out on the game again.

Fuck, right, I said I was gonna do that. Added to the top of the companion section in the live version.

I'd think just an athletic boy in his mid-teens with a comically large bulge.
Manlets aren't desirable in the same way as shortstacks are. If you r63d her with the intent to keep the meta themes and appeal the male version would have to be tall.
God this thing is grotesque. They really outdone themselves, in a game of grafted and hand creatures, that's a new high.
>I'd think just an athletic boy in his mid-teens with a comically large bulge.
Yeah, that's what i'm basically arguing for, you just put it better than I did desu.
I've always wondered that as well.
NTA but you should go to trash and see how wrong you are anon.
What about this?
>Would you consider an option to buy more Metrowomans?
Also, the option calls her both Metrowoman and Miss Metro.
>Anon x Saten
Anon is a Toaru character?
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Poor NuBee...Capcom just cucked him.
Its never explained. Maybe they just need someone to care about shit like war and tax policies, and continuing the bloodline while they concentrate in more Trascendental matters.
What perks/powers should I pick up so I can mega kill Bison?
I'm gonna say 1 Metrowoman per jumper, and the 'Miss Metro' is just a cheeky alternate title.
>tax policies
Imagine Godfrey doing Marika's taxes.
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Reminder blue eyes won a world championship
Cruel and condemnable
Maybe in someone's deranged headcanon
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Reminder the Seibas communicate via ahoge.
Disappointing, but fair enough.
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Reminder that Goldmask was right
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>blue eyes won a world championship
Of course it does, when you've got this dude mainlining the card then you know it's a good one
By having a Bison clone beat up Juri?
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Will the Toaru jump have a perk to befriend people after you punch them in the face?
You know, I’ve been thinking about that jump, so have a build.

>Heretic God (500)
>Are You Free This Weekend? (200)
>More Than a Myth (Free)
>Fairytale Princess (Free)
>Beyond Those Wild Dreams (100)
>Philosophy of Billions (100)
>Highway to Hell (300)
>All The King’s Horses (Free)
>Sacred Temple of the Gods (300)
>Sworn Knight (100)
>Obsessed Cultist (Free)
>The Story That Was Not (+600)
>Authorities: Fruit of Creation, Red Strings of Fate, Will of Magic, World’s Maker, World Door

In a world where the Campione were never created, a Heretic God now comes forth to protect humanity.

>World Door
>Chant: I seek a path. Let that path open before me. A gateway to infinity. A bridge to infinite possibilities. I call forth the doors of eternity, and decree them swung wide! I command you, show me the path to a new adventure!
>Effect: Creates a portal to a different reality. The user can attempt to target a reality that conforms to specific desires or that they have some kind of link to, or they can ‘spin the dial’ and wind up somewhere unknown to them. With practice they may even be able to obtain new knowledge and abilities relating to the worlds they arrive in.
>Downside: While the user is guaranteed to never arrive in a place that would be immediately fatal to them, further hazards must be survived through their own skill. Reliably creating a portal to a desired reality without a link of some kind requires extensive practice.
>Minion [Roxanne from slave isekai expy]
Excellent choice, she's a good girl.
Probably Sarrosh for the most part.
Based MC telling off the hoe.
>In a world where the Campione were never created, a Heretic God now comes forth to protect humanity.
So you will be a bustier Pandora?
I think that hoe is Nyarlathotep.
Depends on whether or not Fruit of Creation, , Will of Magic, and World’s Maker together can make someone a Campione.
>Godfrey: Together with Serosh, I'm accountable
A hoe is a hoe.
Question, if we take the 'Campiones never existed' drawback with the Campione perk would we be the only one or would we need to wait until the drawback goes away post jump to get the powers?
So from all this talk about, I guess we can use Adult Golden Girl as the MetroWoman companion?
If you want to. Beyond what's detailed in the option, you are free to define those OCs as you please.
Shard, is Hong Kong really like this?
Before the DLC, it was implied that the Elden Lord's job to breed his God in order to create new life. But between Miquella abandoning his flesh and female half, Ranni being a doll, and all the other shit I'm not sure.
Honestly, this DLC, in typical Fromsoft fashion, refuses to answer any of the questions that people had for the game and spawned a dozen more
You can find stuff like this at most conventions in Eastern Asia.
The invulnerability power seems somewhat wanked, sure Metro-Man is too tough to be harmed by anything in the movie but he's not Brit.
One of the best waifus wants to fuck a corpse to have it's kid. Obviously the setting doesn't care about physical viability.
One the plus side, it did gave us answer to questions we never thought off, like where did Marika come from, why is Marika so gungo about killing anything not human, where does the Jar come from, probably explain that Radagon really was another person, make it clearer what is the Golden Order and Greater Will.
Compared to Dark Souls 3 DLCs, that's a treasury of knowledge.

What are you talking about.
I'd 69 this fuckboi so fast but I gotta ask:
You really do just post random unrelated shit like this is your discord huh.
My Jumper.
>What are you talking about.
Fia. Her whole goal is to fuck a corpse to have his kids. Apparently Deathbed companions are people specifically trained to do this with dead nobles
My last femboy Jumper had one that says they can't be trusted around unsucked dicks
Asians have the worst simps on the planet.
So realized a bit of a issue currently for Jumper. He's got a city state that follow him around but its basically just a city with a big wall around its inner wall enclosing some nature. But the only things that follow him are within the wall itself.

Starting to wonder... well they can probably do farming and general basic subsistence living in the fields between the inner and outer walls but there aren't really that many resources overall.
Trying to think up how the city acquires its resources long term especially since its people are aware its been falling between worlds.

If they end up in a world with tech and abundant resources do they just send people out to gather knowledge and the stuff to make and maintain that tech? This is just a thought. Or perhaps they know there change worlds every decade usually so they try to stretch out their resources and maintain what they have the best they can for that decade. Making stuff to last if they can and being sparse with what materials they use.
I can see wood and food being farmed locally but things like stone, metal, and a lot of other things being more sparse.
Do you guys have any ideas how to solve this issue?
Fantasy dungeon/resource farm right in the middle.

... That or they can pick up magic. That's always a pretty easy way to justify keeping the same lifestyle. I'd suggest GURPS's magic since Create Fire/Water/Earth/Air are all really simple spells
Although it does beg the question of where the fuck Radagon come from.

She isn't fucking Godwyn, she is putting all the energy whatever she got so that Godwyn can be reborn from her, as a mending rune.
I see a seven years of plenty seven years of famine deal where whenever they get the chance they accumulate as much as they can in case the next place more hostile. Probably do a ton of trade, or if unable to trade they may try raiding.
Fair enough, just state that next time with the image.
I think our Inheritance Cycle / Eragon jump has something for that? I think it was called Intentional Magic.
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You're the coolest.
What decks you play?
Just the best
Come to think about it, I only have the punch women until they like and obey you perk. I'll modify it now.
Blessed build
And the mc is shard?
You're the first campiomeh.
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I like playing master duel, starting to really fucking hate the gacha though
>Konami keeps making my pet/shitdecks & niche support for them be majority UR/SR
Don't forget we have Ymir obsessed with covering himself with fingers to "become a mother"
That whole quest line was fucking weird.
YJ was right, more news at 11
Kinda, though I've just added a note that it doesn't make you immune to deprivation. Metro Man still needed sustenance, after all.
So you can take hits like a champ, but getting locked down for too long will be the end of you.
She literally specifically says she's going to lay with his remains to conceive a child.
Not WOl but I normal summon Aleister
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Has a nobody/side character ever impressed your jumper in a fight?
Dragonmaid and Traptrix. I'm too lazy to learn new decks when I have the motivation to play, even though I have the resources for it. I also have a garbage BEWD deck that I use for solo duel grinding missions.
I dunno about a gender bend but her in universe counterpart iirc is flat up top but has a huge ass. Thanks to the "comics code" nonsense that blinds (most) people in setting to how absurd their tits / ass are respectively they constantly get mistaken for each other.
That's the Russian chick yeah?
>Dragonmaid and Traptrix.
Extremely based choices.
>Not WOl but I normal summon Aleister
I activate non-fusion area
Visit Bronze Age Collapse and get the king item capstone, then you can grow stuff outside. If that is not desirable consider investing in magic to create what you need or visit Age of Mythology and get a Vault of Plenty or something. Sword Plant from King Arthur would also work, you would just need to refresh your supply every so often. Consider investing in vertical farming as well.
>You're the first campiomeh.
So I get all the heretic gods and their authorities to myself. . . this seems like a bad idea yet I want to do it. . .
Oh shit it's Okubo if he was top tier.
Wait, so are the Ancestral Followers just thin-blooded descendants of Hornsent left squatting in their old ruins in the Lands Between who survived only out of virtue of passing as normal humans due to the lack of horns? Because all the item descriptions for them and the weirdness of the Deer Boss suddenly makes sense if that's true
>Blessed build
I considered taking the Living Magnet drawback as well, but I figure I’ll have plenty to keep me busy as it is.

That one anon’s remark makes me wonder, would I be capable of making someone a Campione, or is that unique to Pandora?
>I activate non-fusion area
Good luck I run 2 alternative engines.
Golden Girl is iirc either 12 or 13, she's a parody of golden age Robin from Batman & Robin, except she's a girl who suddenly had a growth spurt that only affected her boobs and the joke is that she has to figure out how to do all the acrobatic and gymnastic stuff and how to fight crime again while accounting for the fact she's got a pair of mega melons attached to her chest. When she grows up she switches her hero name to Golden Guardian and is iirc a tall amazonian who still has massive tits but they look much more proportional because she's not like 4'10 anymore. Also she ended up getting passed down the magical bracers from her mentor after she retired and the bracers significantly enhance physical prowess so she's basically a captain america tier powerhouse instead of just a "normal" peak human.
Best jumps to be a stage style magician, but actually magic?
Magical Sempai?
Did y'all here the MHA's ending in like 5 chapters?
Magics a good solution. The city hasn't really been to many jumps yet where they have magic as a common thing they can use as a potential industry but thats a good idea for later on anon.
Yeah I was thinking something like that as well. Storing up resources like that in case they end up somewhere particularly nasty next world. Trade I could definitely see. Maybe selling excess of things that aren't strictly necessary from past worlds for a massive upmark of things native or they need in there current world given they'd be the only source of it. Raiding is a last resort probably but still one that can be taken in a harsh world.

Though Jumpers probably gonna integrate/turn in any big resources he picks up over to the city that he may pick up to try and alleviate the resource issues but thats not entirely reliable if he'll have something useful.
I don't understand this image.
I thought it already ended to be honest.
No but I'm not surprised. They just beat AFO and Shiggy, and Deku is Quirkless again. Nowhere else to go but to end
That pic is a woman. Imagine being so gay you automatically associate sucking dick with being male.
If you really want to fix your cities resource problem you just need to hop on over to supreme commander. Infinite resource engines and super speed construction and industry are available there. Would completely solve your cities problems. Trivialize them really.
Dread it. Run from it. Salaryman end is inevitable.
How about swinging over to Digimon World DS? They've got the tech needed to make handheld pocket dimension farms
If you don't mind doing things yourself, head over to Frozen and pick up the Element Queen perk.
Where'd you get the Citystate?
So if you are on your 4th Jump and you really haven't had a tough fight... not because you are taking overpowered options but because you are not really doing much fighting are you doing it wrong? Are you having a boring chain?
Yeah, iirc her name is Iron Girl and later Iron Assailant. Honestly I feel it was a missed opportunity to call her Iron Maiden. I'd post a pic but we've hit the image limit.
Chains don't have to be about combat
Are you having fun writing/imagining it?
Don't care. Still off topic. You inmediately assumed i didn't like it because i thought it was a man because you're projecting your faggotry onto me. Kill yourself now, waste of oxygen .
I know I've seen that exact person but as a femboy
>drags out a shitty war arc and ends with salaryman
Damn hori really did get inspired by naruto
not ricrod but iirc the thing that made Campione was Pandora's authority called Circle of Usurpation.
Bronze age collapse I'd prefer not to go conquering things to add to the city ideally. Jumpers trying very hard not to be antagonistic to the worlds he arrives in. Sword plants a fun idea. If I jumper by king arthur I'd definitely have to grab it. Vertical farmings a good to potentially.
Well in universe Jumper wants to. Though OOC I'm more thinking on how the city reacts and adapts to the resource shortage and how that changes how they function which is interesting to me. I'd rather not fix it in a snap ideally.
I'll check that out for a future jump thanks anon.
Sorry but I dont follow here. How does being able to make ice or fire or whatever the element is on a individual level help alleviate the issue?
Got it in the Aeneid. Its a item in the hero tree. A sort of troy like city thats been following jumper around for a bit and Im considering the logistics of now.
Thanks. In other TCG news, I recently acquired Illumineer's Quest: Deep Trouble, and am looking forward to playing it once the sleeves I ordered arrive. I don't know if anyone cares much about that though.
That one super busted generic jump we've had for like a decade that's all about being a stage magician. It has a perk iirc for passing off real magic as stage magic and the entire point of the jump is being a stage magician. Can't recall for the life of me what it was called but I remember it had a perk that made you completely immune to piercing damage.
>Just five more chapters bro
hori is the KING of stretching it out
>Got it in the Aeneid. Its a item in the hero tree. A sort of troy like city thats been following jumper around for a bit and Im considering the logistics of now.
Oooh, I like that one. Thanks anon
Check out our Ark : Survival Evolved jump (complete w/ images folder). There's a perk in there that makes it so resources regularly respawn after being harvested.
Consider going to One Piece and finding that island that has all the ready-made food plants and then just picking up a bunch of those and planting them in your territory.
Not all chains are about beating a motherfucker with another motherfucker.
>Bronze age collapse I'd prefer not to go conquering things to add to the city ideally.
You wouldn't necessarily have to do that, colonizing an uninhabited space should be fine, go to a jump where there is a lot of unclaimed or unsettled space like Civilization. Put some outposts or villages down for resource extraction and you should be good.
>Sorry but I dont follow here. How does being able to make ice or fire or whatever the element is on a individual level help alleviate the issue?
If you pick something like plants then that's pretty obvious how it would be helpful. If you pick something like metal that would also be useful. Or pick both.
I'm considering taking a dip on wixoss or vanguard since they have cute girls.
I saw zero movies from disney when I was a kid (I think I only watched treasure planet cause it came in a bundle with other stuff like spirited away) so Lorcana doesn't do it for me, but I heard its fun and redituable.
Also the fanbase has less horny weebs
Lolaleister being a masochistic pig. Or a troll. Most likely both but mainly the latter.
I thought it already ended with him trying to redeem the bad guy, failing, killing him, losing his powers, and going back to school as a quirkless loser with a lesbian haircut
> would I be capable of making someone a Campione, or is that unique to Pandora?
Not without the right authority to mess with the cycle of life/reincarnation, since that's how campiomeh get their authorities
How about heading to The Sims? The Sims's Gardening skill is really good for that, letting you just grow crops wherever you want. It even has some rather bizarre crops, like eggs, steaks, and hamburgers.

The Sims 4 even has meat walls so you can grow meat
>Sorry but I dont follow here. How does being able to make ice or fire or whatever the element is on a individual level help alleviate the issue?
You can key it to Earth, and it at base would allow you to create and shape stone and earth on a massive scale without little effort or strain. So you could take a very hands-on approach with the structure of your city, or simply create a quarry that your citizens can work and which you can periodically visit to refresh.
Why do we have anons that post the same image over and over again without even trying to make it jc related?
What do you run my dude.
>Not without the right authority to mess with the cycle of life/reincarnation, since that's how campiomeh get their authorities
I was wondering if Fruit of Creation, Will of Magic, and World’s Maker together could do the job, sounds like the answer is no.

Thanks again for the jump Ric.
It's the first product I have bought for it, though I have played around with it online. The premise of the product was really appealing to me: as a kid I would have freaked over a Pegaus, Marik, or Dartz boss deck I could take on alone or with a friend. I don't know anything about wixoss or vangaurd, the only TCGs I have played are YGO, MTG, and a starter set of Duel Masters when I was really young.
One anon. Not multiple.
Do you know if it's in the generic folder or if it's one of those one's like sport or comedy that's in a different folder for some reason?
A toyota, but to be honest I don't really like driving
I mean, you can prolly make something like a campiomeh lite, but the mechanics are simply too different
I hope you have fun with it bro
And don't worry, no one knows about wixoss or vanguard. Its really niche. But it has cute girls. Many cute girls
fair enough, It's not like I am trying to avoid combat in my chain but, the first jump was a non-combat build and I guess that set the tone.

You know, I am enjoying parts of it, I am actually writing this so some parts just have to be in there to get to the parts you want to write but generally I enjoy it.
Thanks. I hope you have fun with your cute girls.

If you are enjoying it, you aren't having a boring chain.
>Not all chains are about beating a motherfucker with another motherfucker.

Well when you say it like that, I think that maybe they should be. Going to have to do that at some point in the chain.
pretty sure it's not in the generics. I think it's called Razzle Dazzle.
>being intentionally obtuse
Admittedly hilarious, but seriously what deck do you play in Yugioh?
>I remember it had a perk that made you completely immune to piercing damage.
Do you think that perk would stop a women from losing her virginity?
This one https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ddOKcZ3SvMg8mGftyECDqawkXvBuM67B/view ?
Naturia, witchcrafter, melodious, traptrix.
Gonna sell the melodious while they are worth something to get ragnaraika for my naturia.
Remember that Jumpchain is about the adventure, not the fights. It isn't a shounen writing prompt, it's about writing a character going to different fictional settings and seeing how they interact with that based on what they've taken/experienced before. You can just as easily do something like OPM or Mob Psycho where it's SuperOPJumper!'s self discovery journey. Plus that's always more fun than "super shounen man pulls himself out of near death like he's Sukuna #333445".
>I mean, you can prolly make something like a campiomeh lite, but the mechanics are simply too different
Good enough. I’ll make a number of humans into my superpowered servants and have them help me fight against other Heretic Gods. That the process requires making them a cute girl is just one of those oddities.
>people talking about YGO again
I haven't kept up with the franchise since Battle City, and I dont even play the current version, but what sort of havoc would it play on the world if I tried to introduce the MTG card game?
Mostly it is just a normal card game, since there wouldn't be anything inherently mystical about MTG cards. IIRC Darkness specifically chooses to duel because of how accepted Yugioh is in society, so he might wish to play MTG instead.

I think it would take a lot to actually introduce it successfully though, since Duel Monsters is back by multiple extremely large companies as well as various mystical forces.
Welp, decided to also make a build. Plan is more or less deal with Mind's Fuckup, help the guy out, and generally enjoy my Super Girlfriend/Future wife by going on silly dates, building stuff, and other activities.

Also hang out with Best Minion.


+1000 CP


Age: 21

Origin: Super (Name:Heavy Industry)

Location: Industrial Area

Perks: -350
Licensed Soundtrack[Free]
Great Hair[Free to Super]
Public Figure[-50cp]
He’s Perfect![-100cp]
Cops and Robbers[-200cp]

Powers: -550
Comic Book Physics[Free]
Super Senses[-50cp]
Unusual Sense[-50cp] Vector Perception
Super Agility[-50cp]
Super Stamina[-200cp]
Mega Mind[-200cp]

Items: -100
News Van[-50cp]
Loadout[Free to Super]
Power Source[Free to Super]

Minion[Free]: Kronk
Metrowoman[Free]: Adult Golden Girl/ Sumireko Ogawa Face Claim. (Chest Empasis)
While the font is fucking with my eyes more than abit, this jump is exactly what I was looking for. It's perfect.
Another great minion.
As long as you keep Jump-Chan entertained, you're good.
The world economy is based on Duel Monsters after a certain point. There's even an era where DM is used as an energy source which creates a temporary Utopia. It's safe to say that if any other games have competed with DM, they didn't succeed. Also it's possible DM was originally a parody of MTG as evidenced by the way the card art. Finally, one of the reasons DM sticks so much in that world is because it's actually an ancient magic game which generates actual energy and is tied to spiritual nonsense. If the version of MTG you introduce doesn't have that stuff then it's probably gonna flounder.
>t. Secondary who stopped at Battle City too
Thanks, the dude is awesome. Could've double dipped on waifu, but decided to get a bro instead.

Other than that, I think I did a pretty good job on the build. I am literally a one man factory when I get going, and Super Stamina is honestly super bullshit useful.

I can literally make bank just by being one of the best guys to go to repair what other idiots break.

I also assume Mega Mind can allow me to become super smart with other things as well? Like economics and what not? Don't want to crash the labour market. That would be too much of a pain to deal with, time better spent with Super GF.
Fuck I want everything from this jump...
what the fuck is happening.

Ymir also said that the fingers and their mommy were doing a bad job in purpose.
Kek, never thought I'd see the day Razzle Dazzle would be praised.
>If the version of MTG you introduce doesn't have that stuff then it's probably gonna flounder.
So what you're saying is I should introduce MTG Magic as well while I'm at it. YGO already is super futurist and favors high advanced technology and stuff, to introducing a magic system based off on land and ecosystems seems like a fun monkey wrench to throw into the world and cause problems
>I also assume Mega Mind can allow me to become super smart with other things as well? Like economics and what not? Don't want to crash the labour market. That would be too much of a pain to deal with, time better spent with Super GF.
Not directly. It makes you a bullshit-level savant when it comes to tech, but there isn't anything keeping you from building things to help you in other fields.
Your average jumper probably also has better priorities and focus than Megamind, so studying isn't out of the question.
>Anything else you want in there?
Red head that have esper power of destruction with big boobs and mind full of lewd thoughts. Her clothes have tendency to get destroyed even during calm day.

Blond flat girl with harem fetish that is fire esper that somehow get her power focused on regeneration.
So I can't directly learn better to economics, but nothing is stopping me from making the ultimate edutainment program/machine.

Eh, my latest Jump-chan is literally a guy who was a random guy from the board, who sparked, came back, finished all his affairs in the world first and then fulfilled the pact. I kind of portray him as someone who doesn't care all that much, it's slowly changing as things go on and he kind of comes to respect my jumper but in general it's not about entertaining him, he is fulfilling his obligation as he sees it. Though in the background he is learning to appreciate non-chaotic evil jumpers. One of his jumpers used a broken combo from two jumps to power up and thought he had enough power from it to steal the Benefactors power... It didn't end well for that Idiot and both those jumps got banned. I am kind of sad I didn't get to show the benefactor's growth.
That would just turn everyone into Bluefags.
I've wanted a Now you see me jump for ages and this matches alot of the bullshit they do in it.
could you please add this as a firearm import?
The perk was originally called 'Super Genius', but I came to realize that while Megamind is called a super genius, the only aspect of that he has is being a technological savant.
He's intelligent and quick-witted, but not in anyway that seems superhuman. Which is why the Mega Mind perk is as it is.

Read the section between =Powers= and Aesthetics.
(You)r Jumper: "Nobody told me it was gay to __________ ."
So Basically I am Pixar Doofenschmirtz. Nice
You should change your behavior. I don't like it.
I'm not seeing anything called aesthetics even in the live version, if you mean the item section are you saying we can merge down the entire yard sale item into one firearm import?
Who asked?

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