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Capellan March Militia edition

Last Thread: >>93155443

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First for my faction, which is the best one.
Please stop being so negative. Your packages will arrive on time.
So almost everyone in the setting comes down to one of three factions
>The good guy kingoms (Lyrans, Suns, FWL, Taurians, Canopians)
>The bad guys kingdoms (Dracs, Capellans, Marians)
>The Clans
And then there's a few republics in the settings whose primary attribute tends to be that they're primitive and don't have the technology or industry to field battlemechs (which is kind of a fun twist, the more technologically advanced you become, the more likely you are to be a monarchist).

All told its a good formula, but I feel like a few mercenary enclaves could spice things up too. Worlds entirely dedicated to exporting soldiers for hire, with the civilians pretty much just being there to help equip them.
Where do I get started learning about vees? TRO 3026?
Remember boys, you too can get a Goth Snow Raven GF if you try hard enough.
Or if you manage to shoot down her ASF and take her as a Bondswoman.
Clanner women have cooties.
Galatea, Outreach and Northwind of the top of my head.
Not the Snow Ravens. They actually bathe.
You can't get cooties off with soap and water you fool.
>And then there's a few republics in the settings whose primary attribute tends to be that they're primitive and don't have the technology or industry to field battlemechs (which is kind of a fun twist, the more technologically advanced you become, the more likely you are to be a monarchist).
No, there's one republic that is that primitive, and they're that primitive because they haven't had contact with anyone else since before the battlemech even existed.
The actual tag for republics is that they're small and usually in the periphery. They aren't any further behind than anyone else in the periphery.
are the clans' (non-elemental) infantry/tank/vtol dudes also warriors? or some other caste?
Anyone in the Clan Equivalent to the military is considered a Warrior, mechwarriors just take higher priority and depending on the Clan, Infantry, Tankers, or Pilots would lead ahead.
>Snow Ravens and Cloud Cobras -> ASF
>Goliath Scorpion -> Infantry and Armor
>Hell's Horsess -> Armor
Yes. Their police are also warriors, although they're sort of a sub-caste.
>there's one republic that is that primitive
Several actually, off the top of my head...
>Union of Samoyedic Colonies
>Axumite Providence
>Coreward Confederacy
>New Delphi Compact
>Outworlds Alliance
>Fronc Reaches
The OA and FR technically have Battlemechs but are very reliant on existing mechs since they lack they're lacking in industry and population.
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i want a Egyptian princess cloud cobra GF.
The warrior caste has a monopoly over violence. Anyone in clan society who is expected to pick up arms is warrior caste. It's also labor caste revolts are dealt with so harshly: laborers are not supposed to bear arms, even in defense of the clan. See: how the Blood Spirit labor case was executed to a man because they took up arms.

The one exception is Dark Caste because they don't follow clan law anyway. Defending yourself against Dark Caste isn't going to raise any eyebrows so long as you're not letting the laborers drive tanks or battlemechs. That's going too far.
Many of those are not republics and OA and FR both make their own mechs that are not any farther behind the IS than any other medium sized periphery state. The OA literally made the first new mech design in over a century in the early 3010s, and Fronc makes a variety of mechs too.
>Many of those are not republics
Fair enough, hard to get information on them.

>OA and FR both make their own mechs that are not any farther behind the IS than any other medium sized periphery state
But they can't produce many of them and it certainly didn't save them from the Clans.

I guess it might just be a matter of skill then? Republics tend to be pretty dogshit at fighting wars.
Confederation of clans
>Union of Samoyedic Colonies
Council of elders
>Axumite Providence
Council of elders but each world also runs its own shit
>Coreward Confederacy
Eyyyy, got one. But it was originally a petty corporate kingdom and only became a republic in response to ROM being uncharacteristically bad at their job and triggering a reactionary reform that kept power out of individual hands.
>New Delphi Compact
I don't know enough to say anything about this
>Outworlds Alliance
Not primitive
>Fronc Reaches
Also not primitive.

Everyone in the periphery is some degree behind the IS in terms of development, but there are petty tyrannical kingdoms out there that are just as primitive or even more. There's theocracies and autocracies and anarchic worlds where nobody has a say in anything if they can't force the issue with a pointy stick. Government structure is mostly unrelated to development level.
>Not primitive
The OA was known for literally being filled with luddites and was so industrially poor that they had to rely on aircraft instead of mechs. Also the FR similarly lacked industry and was heavily reliant on mercenaries making their home on their planets in exchange for land.
It is an extremely obvious the lack of true republics that are successful is down to genre conventions.
OA lost against clanners. Everyone got rolled by clanners, including all the pirate kingdoms with singular rulers on that side of the periphery. Where's the Oberon Confederation, Greater Valkyrate, or Kingdom of Butte Hold? All clan'd with their kings and queens.
OKAY BOYZ, I'm going to Triple F Burger. What do you want? Nothing over 10 C-Bills.
Filled with luddites, but their ASF were fine. And Fronc only relied on mercenaries until it could ramp up production, which it successfully did. The one major war they got into resulted in all the pirates in that part of space fucking off or dying.
I always wonder if the idea of cooties came from mono.
Well the major problem republics tend to have is that they're generally unwilling to fully commit to war. The very idea that combat casualties or wartime taxes might be unpopular with their voting base tends to dissuade republics from making the hard decisions necessary to keep their nations alive, which is why they didn't survive in the BT timeline.
>a monarchist
Fail Britannia, Britannia rules nothing!
yes but be aware that it doesn't mean they're as skilled as the mechwarriors. clanner infantry and combat vehicle crews for instance are on average WORSE than their inner sphere equivalents.
It is fair to point out that republics and democracies tend to be very inclined to short term planning vs ling term planning. You have no guarantee of re-election so you can't safely make plans that extend beyond your term, and you are incentivized to bring in short term gains to improve your political standing even if there may be long term costs. Not great for planetary development where you need a lot of time and consistency. Not greaf for war either really.
Probably cause they die to fast in retarded fights amongst themselves and live fire training too pass on or accumulate institutional knowledge.
get me some dolphin nugs with ranch.
It gets blurry with warships. I've heard people try to claim that only those firing the guns are the warriors, but when you're aboard a combat vessel, you have just as much of a stake and bearing in the outcome of the battle as the gunner. Seems to me that everyone onboard a warship would have to be considered a part of the warrior caste to some degree.
Where do clanner vehicle crewmen and non elemental infantry come from? Are they all failed mechwarriors who failed far enough along they didn't end up in the labor caste but aren't smart enough they go to the scientist or merchant caste? Or are they decanting sibkos that are training to be infantry/tankers from the get go?
Didn't you make this same "joke" yesterday?
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Yep, as the saying goes, democracies think months ahead, while autocracies think centuries ahead. A democracy can only plan within a single election cycle, but an autocracy can make plans for generations to come.
Writers didn't plan out the lore that far in advance.
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3026 was the original wave of vehicles (there are a few in scenario packs beforehand, and the main original rules were in CityTech with a magazine preview in BattleDroids). The next came with 2750, but those were usually ignored in actual play until the Tukayyid events IRL. 3058o was the next major wave of vees, including both the first Clan vehicles and more Star League units. It also corresponded with a major rules update, and gave them enough time to actually come up with some decent designs... although a lot of them are batshit insane from a physics perspective because FASA was deep into their GI Joe toy phase. ESPECIALLY for the Clans. 3058 is also the first point that dedicated Battle Armor taxis showed up and retconned [positive] in some Helm upgrades to the Succession Wars vees.
After that most major TRO releases have had a mix of Clan and IS vehicles.
iirc OA never actually lost more than some duels, and the Snow Ravens tland OA thought the other was cool for being ASFags so they ended up allying and later forming an alliance of equals.
>so they ended up allying and later forming an alliance of equals.
Eh, more like an alliance of "equals", the Khan is still very much in charge.
Hey everyone, look at this (these?) dumb freak(s) with dumb freak opinions. Aren't you Triggered and Owned by his crude advocacy for failed political methodologies and shallow recitation of long since debunked propaganda?
Only one clan used infantry in an actual front line role yeah? All the others uses either solhama guys or trainees as garrison duty. Especially considering a certain clan hells horses, I would presume there are dedicated tanker sibkos
>while autocracies think centuries ahead
Ah HA HA HA!!!

>Writers didn't plan out the lore that far in advance.
Which sucks, because you can do interesting things with their experimental society, but instead we get something super shallow...
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>Please stop being so negative. Your packages will arrive on time.
At this point, no-one believes Catalyst about anything whatsoever they say about deadlines. They have systematically lied, bullshitted, dropped the ball, and >forgotten to ship stuff from their own web store thousands of times over the last twenty years. Pic related predates the "Ha ha, Butte Hold" meme. People will, literally, believe it when they see full-size packages ordered by the people who spent $200+ on the KS in the hands of their owners, and not before.
The best way for you to build trust on this matter is 1) shut the fuck up, and 2) if you work for them, help get shit out the door on time. Until then, simply accept that Catalyst has MORE than earned this particular species of hostility and negativity.
To be fair they're allied but still recognize each other as separate entities, so it's not like the Khan needs permission or anything, just making sure they're on the same page for the bigger stuff.
also pic related.
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>failed political methodologies
I'm sorry, who is it that owns almost the entire Inner Sphere? Cause it ain't republics. It's pretty hilarious to call OUR ideology failed when it was republics that only had, what, a 500 year run in the BT timeline?
I'm not advocating for monarchism as a better system. Representative democracy is the best system we have. I'm just aware of its flaws. I'm perfectly aware that autocratic regimes are more flawed than representative democracies, but that doesn't mean they aren't without some advantages.
higher res version of pic?
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That they're finallly coming at all tells me that I need to get off my ass and paint my existing pile - I've got a hankering to try some mechs in Alpha Legion colors with some metallic slapchopping, though it's been a while since I've actually painted something since I'm mostly a megamek guy.

I think that with Hell's Horses I remember hearing that they were starting to cross Elemental and MechWarrior phenotypes for dedicated TankWarriors when I glanced at the loreblock for the Eurus, but that seems like a Dark Age/ilclan thing implying they don't have a specific tanker phenotype 'til then.
My gut assumption is that Clanner mechwarriors are their cream of the crop similar to how proper IS mechwarriors need to be skilled in more than just stompy bot action, eg Grayson Carlyle. I haven't read Clan books in a decade but I'd presume that means the 'typical' Clan warrior is crosstrained to kick ass, mech or no mech, be it in a tank crew or with a rifle.
>I'm sorry, who is it that owns almost the entire Inner Sphere?
You mean the fictional universe?!
You act like Battletech isn't a plausible timeline, yet the only part of the world that isn't realistic is the FTL (for now).
Nice try Troll, here's your (You)!
It isn't plausible, there's no way the great houses would be that big for that long. There should thousands of nations in the inner sphere constantly changing over the centuries of war.
Almost everything Battletech has already exists IRL, even the political systems are going that direction steadily.

If you think a huge empire lasting millenia is unrealistic, wait until you hear about the Chinese Empire! 5,000 years and still going strong.
I'm assuming all the cancerous fans would flock to the unicorn shaped state on the far left there instead of MOC in this timeline.
Most of human history has not been dominated by democracies or republics. The democracies and republics of antiquity all ultimately failed and were replaced with non democratic institutions. The average constitution lasts less than 20 years. It isn't entirely unreasonable for there to be few republics or democracies.
Man I thought bait was suppose to be decent...
Do we have names for all of these and any lore or did he just randomly make colored blobs?
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>The OA was known for literally being filled with luddites and was so industrially poor that they had to rely on aircraft instead of mechs.
The OA was manufacturing weapons in bulk for the Dracs, along with a few mechs, aerospace fighters, and droppers. They may not be a powerhouse, but the lack of mechs was as much doctrine as anything else. When a significant part of your population outright refuses to fight delaying actions it's a lot easier to send in a carrier and airstrike raiders' droppers to death than hope a few thousand unarmed Anabaptists are gonna hold them off long enough to get mechs in-system.
>The OA literally made the first new mech design in over a century in the early 3010s
Not entirely. A Lyran heir realized that every time someone announced they were going to make a new 'mech factory line they got ROM'd. He wanted to restore the family fortunes and their old bombed out factories. While he didn't figure out that it was ComStar doing the murderin', he used a lot of quietly, physically moving the components and equipment on privately-owned jumpships, lied about the facility's purpose to pretty much everyone but the Avellar family until it was finished, and personally funded the factory to help keep the chances of espionage down. They also used entirely components they could source inside the Alliance to avoid getting backtraced that way. Which happened to be exactly what he needed to keep ComStar off his ass until the line was up. So it's a mix of the OA having the industrial capacity to make mechs, but not the trained workforce or money to pull it off, and a person with the money, equipment, and at least a general idea of the expertise required coughing up to make it happen. The Merlin is a good boy, though.

To be a king, you need to have a line of succession. None of them did, they were just warlords.
>If you think a huge empire lasting millenia is unrealistic, wait until you hear about the Chinese Empire! 5,000 years and still going strong.
Only someone completely ignorant about China's history would ever make that claim. Like shit, just read Romance of the 3 Kingdoms and you'll see that that's a streak breaker right there.
If we’re counting civil wars and temporary breakups as a “streak breaker” then the USA didn’t even last 90 years
>My gut assumption is that Clanner mechwarriors are their cream of the crop similar to how proper IS mechwarriors need to be skilled in more than just stompy bot action, eg Grayson Carlyle. I haven't read Clan books in a decade but I'd presume that means the 'typical' Clan warrior is crosstrained to kick ass, mech or no mech, be it in a tank crew or with a rifle.

This is untrue, in the book about the Ghost Bear elemental he encounters a DEST operative who is crosstrained in that manner (as a mechwarrior and as an infiltrator/saboteur/special ops type) and he considers it to be extremely wasteful compared to Clan specialization.
Neat. Reading CityTech now since it's short. How much of this is going to carry over into the current rules in TW?
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I don't remember there being any of this s/m, whatever it is, in my manga about girls in tanks fighting eachother
Clan Mevhwarriors' training in non mech combat is focused on unaugmented trials.
It's hyperbolic to the point that I assume anon is making a joke.
My mistake then, that probably answers it then since it'd have to imply the Clanners do have dedicated tracks for Tankers and standard infantry, even without specialized phenotypes. Weird trying to picture trials of position being run with tanks and basic infantry, but probably not all that strange given that they would slag full-on mechs to determine where they go in the pecking order.
>How much of this is going to carry over into the current rules in TW?
The basic firing arcs and MP costs, mostly. There have been a lot of additions to vehicles in the interim that make them more complicated but a lot more survivable, and the construction rules added something analagous to critical hit slot limits once XL engines became a thing.
Also, I forgot that the first Clan vees get stats in TRO 3060, not 3058 (unless you count the Dragoons' OmniVee).
Yeah but when I got to the resturaunt they had a Vulture drop on 'em, so I'm going out to the one further out of town.
Dolphin Nuggets and Ranch, got it.
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I have heard rumours from some credible sources that total warfare will be retired as the main rulebook within a year and replaced (potentially with a series of manuals for different unit types, similar to the battlemech manual).
Whilst this will make the rules a lot more legible and easy to follow, it has also been hinted that things will be dumbed down to make it easier for more people to play with vehicles etc, even rumours of the battlefield support rules being the standard for anything that's not a mech.
I'll be honest, I'm worried for the game if they do make those changes, whilst nothing would stop me from playing with the old rules it would massively limit who I could play with.
>People will, literally, believe it when they see full-size packages ordered by the people who spent $200+ on the KS in the hands of their owners, and not before.
I still won't. I'll be dead long before I ever believe anything Catalyst says ever again.
No, because you're just counting a landmass as being a nation in specific cases and not others. The ancient Chinese were conquered by mongols long ago. Only a pretender would think that the mongolians have the mandate of heaven. That's like thinking the modern day inhabitants of Israel have anything in common with the Israelites of the bible.
Sounds like you heard that from your ass.
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There any units from the good old 3025 that used a color scheme similar to the samarkand regulars? I really like the look and I wanted to paint up a unit in it, but I don't play dark age because I'm a sensible person so I was wondering if I could just proxy them for somebody else in earlier eras.
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>Whilst this will make the rules a lot more legible and easy to follow
God I hope so. Retiring TW and making Alpha Strike the standard of play is the only way this game is going to have any legs going forward. Add in to the the way than the only good fan group, Wolfnet, is running exclusively Alpha Strike, and the writing is clearly on the wall for TW and the grog rules. It's long past time Battletech was modernized into something actually good.
A GW tactic from GW wannabe's, attempt to force you not only to repurchase rules, but do so in multiple compartmentalized hardbacks with retarded meta changes to dumb down the game, that have not been playtested.
Hopefully with a retarded small timer company like CGL this will actually lose them the game as the largely old timer entrenched community refuses to play ball.
Oh look, it's the one anon that's always trying to push for Battletech to be just like 40k, especially in all the stupid braindead shit they did that chased off all their players to begin with.
Anons, surely that post counts as trolling at this point, right?
He's trolling yeah.
>liking Alpha Strike is trolling
Fuck you both. You're abusing the report feature.
I haven't reported you. Reporting you would deprive everyone else of seeing your stupid post and laughing at you.
>>liking Alpha Strike is trolling
Gaslighting in action. You know darn well that's not why everyone here dislikes you.
This is the feeling I get from it desu. Hopefully I'm just misinterpreting what the guy is saying, he keeps giving vague hints about stuff he's aware of but some of his local group were a bit more open about what he's mentioned to them and it's things like removing skidding and 'streamlining' the game.
He's a really nice guy so I don't want to say too much in case it gets him in trouble, I only mention it now because he's started posting openly about it on our local club's public forums so I presume he doesn't mind people knowing this much.
CGL employees talked about a "new total warfare" in an interview on Sarna a while back. It's going to be one big book for everything, just with better layout than TW
Look I like Alpha Strike.

But it replacing Classic aint it and this kinda talk leads to leg breaking.
This is what I'd really like, the battlemech manual is incredibly well laid out compared to TW, if they kept all of TW and just rewrote it like the BMM I'd buy it in an instant
Yeah, and given how well the BMM sells, Classic is clearly still a big deal.
There are some things a "new TW" could stand to move out of the way. WiGE and Protomech rules for one thing. In what world should protomechs be above conventional vehicles and infantry? It should be mechs, then probably BA, then tanks, then Aerospace, then everything else. Conventional infantry could go with BA if it really must be treated as the sake kind of unit.
Why would you want this game to be commercially successful? I think it would be better for us if CGL went down and we had our own "dark age" for a while so that a real company could claim the ip
It would really suck if AS became the new popular dork thing that all those zoomers flocked to
It would be fine with me. I dont care.

Alpha strike sucks asshole
Protomechs also need a rules rework
>muh legacy
They're borderline unusable.
>so that a real company could claim the ip
No, it would be better off dying completely as a monetized product.
Eh, I think zoomies either won't play at all, or would be the right sort and get sucked into existing classic groups. You don't wargame without people to play with. As long as the groups are playing classic new players will learn classic in order to fit into the groups.
How would you recommend fixing them up?
Some people are into rimming.
Battlearmor operate in packs of 4-6, so Protomechs should be able to operate in pairs.
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Well, I made a third mech, so now I have a light, medium, heavy and assault all of my own design.
This one will be a little different, when it's finally up for sale. This is the first time I'll focus on making the mech actually buildable, in that you can print up the separate parts and build it with whatever arms/torso you'd like instead of just the one model. Also I figured out how to make pistons that look like they work in blender, that was very exciting for me.

Next is the quadmech of my dreams
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what type of battle armor is this?
Degenerate wokies maybe. They cant play classic bt just like they cant play osr. Their tranny brains cant handle actual gameplay.
I'll hold him down for you.
Protomechs shouldn't even be in the game, we already have BA and Light Mechs, there is no need for pseudo-furry pseudo-light mechs.
okay fag
fuck off
>A mechfag complaining about furries
Oh the irony
When you're taking flak, you're over the target.
Seethe more, fucknuggets.
Drop a line when they go up for sale, I at least, am interested.
>If you lose, you actually win!
Protomechs are in the game, cope and seethe
You'd get the same reaction if you said battletech is bad and everyone should just play 40k.
>it would be better off dying completely as a monetized product.
This, except unironically. There has been nothing good about Battletech since 1996, and every attempt to write for it since then has been an unmitigated disaster. Let it die and let it pass into the hands of the fans who actually care about it and who don't embezzle operating capital from it.
>battletech is bad and everyone should just play 40k.
I fail to see the problem here. If you actually want to play with people instead of being a sourcebook secondary and faffing around on Megamek, yes, you should be playing 40k. It's a better supported game with actual products that actually get shipped to people on time, and with enough players you can actually find a game.
There are play groups. They're just a little harder to find. And frankly there is nothing wrong with that.
Fuck off grognard. Sorry Victor and his faggot pal Kai broke up, but its newrly unanimous that the Jihad and Dark Age are superior to Invasion or succ war era.
Opinions are more mixed on OG star league
considering the faces i'd say they look closest to Oni's.

it's a good entryway system. i've had lots more people wanting to try out classic after getting interested in battletech from seeing alphastrike games.
Feels like there's more bait than usual. Summer thing, right?
Cool machine! Kindly post the others?
Would consider purchasing.
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I did something a little different on this incubus here and I’m not quite sure how to feel about it. I like the overall lighter color since these are kinda supposed to Arctic camo or winter storm camo, but I’m just not entirely sold on it for some reason. I just used nuln oil after the base coat and detailing instead of thinned out contrast basilicanum gray, haven’t done a dry brush pass yet.

Which one do you guys think looks better? Should I change my method going forward or just keep doing what I’ve been doing on the past 20-ish mechs? I’m not *that* worried about internal consistency between mechs, I mean the Jaguar in the back is before I really nailed the colors I wanted so he’s way darker than all the rest and I’m still fine with it.
NTA, but Bullshit. Produce evidence of your so called consensus.
What is mech in front?
The 40kiddies want to do anything other than actually play their terrible game.
No, they're in the uber queer fanfiction tier era's added in by asshats and fart-huffing simps.
They do not exist in true Battletech, which does not recognize the post clan invasion bullshit that has dripped out of the gaping shitholes who play money games with an IP they did not create and do not care about.
how do we feel about alpha strike, but classic hex movement and maps? like that anon did a bit of a report on their match of months? back?
They should probably bite the bullet and unify ultralights and protomechs into one thing with its own rules. Protomechs by themselves are one of the nichest units in the game, right up there with small craft and WiGEs. Most players will never even see them fielded. Meanwhile, ultralights might as well not exist, and when they do, they're usually like a downgraded Locust. These things should not be using the same rules as full sized mechs.
The incubus in question, Clan Striker Star box if you were interested.
Everyone who has played that has agreed that its better. Eliminates all fuckery of tape measuring bullshit if nothing else..
Read the thread? Every single battle
Is Jihad or beyond. Only exception is Tukayyid so people can play comstar. Literally no one cares about Rashalhague or Fedcom and there are 10x more pro Draconis combine and cappy players than any other great house. That only happens because theyre based post Jihad.
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You might have seen some of them if you were in the threads the past month or two, or like two years ago. This is the Assault, the LND-5KT Landsknecht. Idea was for it to be an assault that can keep any mech close to it via heat with it's two plasma rifles. This is also when I learned I loved plasma rifles.
I should clarify, I don't think any of these mechs are actually good. I just think they were interesting ideas and decided to make them. My buddy test prints the minis and paints his favorite poses so I can have an in hand photo for the store page, I'm just waiting for him to finish his painting of this one and I can put it up. Should go up as five poses (with variants of open or closed hands/sword for the walking pose).
This is actually a FWL thread, we just don't feel the need to boast about it all the time.
Just saying things that are wrong is the most boring form of trolling.
Why? Take for instance the Minotaur, compare it to a Light Mech, the Mercury.
for 160 more BV you get triple speed, 2 extra small lasers, and armor that isn't a joke.
As a further benefit it actually looks like a mech instead of looking like someone drew a bunch of panel lines and rivets on a cartoon cow.
Oh an no one you play will ever look at your mercury and wonder if you are bringing your fetish onto their gaming table.
I'm still quite willing to commission you for mechs if you change your mind.
And this is the light, the IKT-M1-s Iktomi. The idea here was a mech that worked like how I used to play Bad Company 2 as Recon, with a VSS, behind enemy lines. It relies on it s 7/11/5 movement and stealth armor to survive (because it's only got 3 tons of armor. A medium laser will take out all the armor on an arm) I see it as a harrasser unit doing backattacking and finishing off softened targets. Also after I thought of it someone showed me the Garm has a RAC/5 variant, and this could probably work as a stand in for that too.
>there are 10x more pro Draconis combine and cappy players than any other great house
No, the open fag (actually gay) is just obnoxiously fucking vocal.
i've heard of hexless classic but never this way around. i feel it'd be defeating the point of alphastrike, that being the free range of movement.
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Custiom nova idea. How does it look?
Do you tards need me to link the 40 painted comstar units in the past 3 threads?

Go away LARPers.
>i've heard of hexless classic
No you haven't. Why do you lie like this? Just stop lying.
The fact that you don't even know what an Ultralight Mech is and think I'm talking about Light mechs kinda proves my point.
What? the point of AS is to give drooling retard newfag fad followers a dumbed down experience that makes them feel like they've played battletech, when they've done nothing of the sort.
Id move some medium lasers to the torson and put the engine slots in the arms and legs, but otherwise looks standard
>drac and cap
Make up your mind, those aren't the same things. Also doesn't change that this thread is purple clay and always has been.
You're illiterate, I don't give a fuck about ultralights and the discussion is not about them.
DC has been good in every era.
As long as you did this, and also put the MW Destiny attack/damage system into it, that would be acceptable. But the Alpha Strike health bars and all or nothing attack rolls are just fucking cancerous.
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The heavy is an oldie, but I still really like it. I always thought there should be a Heavy class Crab, so I made one. Just called the Heavy Crab, but Ghost Crab, or Stone Crab would probably work out well for names. It was while making this one that I realized that the Fiddler Crab was already made. This one is actually already up "for sale" for free". It's free because some parts of it are "heavily inspired" (that is, I saw them and stole them) from official art, so I did not feel right at all charging for it.

It took me ages to figure out pricing for my normal drawing commissions, I really have no idea how I'd make a charging plan for 3D. If this is about the Mongoose though, I'm actually still really interested in making my own version of it. If I do get to it, it'll be free of charge like the crab.
Lorelet detected. Post Jihad comstar goes away, bur during Jihad theyre on top. Fucking retard newfags cant get basic lore right.

As for the FWL meme, i see zero FWL mechs, units or lore ITT. So keep meming and maybe youll fit in losers.
Yeah, but the recent pro Asian woke push with them and the cappies is only in the past 10 years or so.
It literally is. Read what you reply to.
>drac and cap
These are also not the same thing, try again. And if you don't see the FWL stuff, that means you're an unironic newfag. I can tell exactly when you started posting in these threads by that statement alone.
this, DC is always fun to play
So you admit there are no FWL posts ITT? I accept your concession.
WoB has always been a part of comstar your larping newfag. Why do you think Focht murdered Waterly.

Its so funny how Invasion era stans dont even know their own supposed favorite loreZ
NTA, but bro, the FWL was mentioned in the 4th post of this thread.
I'm not lying? To convert you just double everything. 5/8 becomes 10" and 16". medium lasers shoot out to 18". you can see more in this link.


every place i've ever played alpha strike at used either the multiple attack rules or the variable damage rule. the former you roll a pair of dice for each point of damage your mech can dish out, the latter you make the attack roll but then roll a number of dice equal to the damage value, and any that land on 3 or higher actually deal damage.

to not do that would just be 1 shot fests.

it's about the same feeling honestly, still mostly spending my time waiting on the other guy to decide where to put their mechs, whether that be counting hexside turns or measuring out how far their mech can go over hilly terrain.
And that makes them the Draconis Combine and Capellan Confederation, does it? Because the original claim is that most people here are dracs and caps, then when that was even vaguely challenged, you jumped on how many Comstar mechs get posted. Do you think that dracs and caps and comstar are the same thing? Because you're acting like you do.
Why would you lie? Its about snow raven aerospace goth gfs.
No it isn't, get on with the topic at hand or fuck off to jerk yourself over something else alone.
>very place i've ever played alpha strike at used either the multiple attack rules or the variable damage rule
I don't care what house rulea you played with. I care what the rules say.
I said the top faction is comstar. Top houses are dracs and caps. You dont even know the difference so maybe delete your posts?
>They should probably bite the bullet and unify ultralights and protomechs into one thing with its own rules.
>Why? Take for instance the Minotaur, compare it to a Light Mech, the Mercury.
It's okay to not know that ultralights even exist, they're niche and CGL doesn't like them, but this foolish denial is unbecoming.
You said no such thing.
I enjoy how we have drifted from the original assertion, which was that Jihad and dark age are the most popular eras.
By that definition 40k is the same game, fucking mouth breather.
Yeah, but comstar is in one of those, so that means it's the most popular faction. Duh, can't you read subtext.
and those are what the rules say as an optional thing to add to the game if you want, page 175 of the commander's edition. if you'd actually open up a pdf you might find that it's actually not so bad.
Yup, illiterate, with the attention span and memory retention of a goldfish.
The evidence being the popularity of Comstar/wobbies, cappies, and dracs. Which is undeniable and why people have shifted to lying about the content of the thread.
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So we talked about LAMs the last couple threads, but what do you guys think of QuadVees?
>I'm not lying?
You're confused, because you're dumb. So I'll answer your question. Yes. You are lying. No question mark, just a statement of fact.
So what compelled you to think "ultralight" meant light mechs like the Mercury anyway? I've never heard that term applied to anything but 10 and 15 tonners. Did it just make sense to you in the moment as the lightest of the lights?
>optional thing
And discarded. Rules that are optional aren't rules you can count on. Only the rules that are actually written as rules count.
Wait, you really do think dracs, cappies, and comstar are the same thing? Let's hear it, I want to know how that works logistically. I can see Warrior Houses getting along with samurai, but how are you gonna have a Sword of Light Level II?
Re-read the chain and figure it out.
In the age of the Tcomp and Clan LPL, any Mech under 30 tons is an ultralight and shouldn't be included in Mech OrBats. They don't actually matter to the battle.
is snord the only one known dragoon to bring his family to the inner sphere when they first came?
Who is this fucker that just keeps randomly saying blatantly wrong and dumb shit? None of it is even just stupid opinion BS either. Next he'll say a Medium Laser has a max range of 30.
I did, and I see a comparison between Protomechs and Ultralights, followed immediately by you saying it doesn't make sense to compare Protomechs, such as the Minotaur, to Lights, such as the Mercury.
Like I said, it's okay to not know about ultralights. CGL tries to ignore them.
Im unclear why you think Im saying theyre the “same thing”. They all ascendency post Jihad and Dark Age (aka the modern era). Is that whats comfusing you?
It's not absurd on it's face to think that fans of the Capellans and Dracs have less to complain about in later eras, and contrarians do tend to accumulate on this website but what pushes it over the edge into obvious trolling is insisting those eras are the most popular and being very combative with anyone who disagrees.
They never did. Even less if you play the real rules where weapons aren't gimped and medium lasers can reach out and hit people at 30 hexes. Low end lights are just garbage.
Anything lighter than 100 tons is battle armor. It could be argued that 200 tons might be heavy enough to be a medium.
I'm confused by your behavior anon, it's ok to admit that you didn't know that total warfare and strategic ops both have chapters on it, both with that link i posted too.

and now you're just being obtuse. it's a commonly used rule. that's like saying vehicles shouldn't exist because the motive table isn't on the little cardboard cheat sheet
Also it's RotS that's ascendant in Dark Age and Clan Yiff in Ilclan. They literally named the era after them. That means most people like Clan Woof and the Stoners, actually.
Using the evidence of posts ITT is being combative? May I remind you people disagreed with me. And the only other person to even try and use evidence that FWL is popular lied about an easily verifiable fact.
The second post in this thread is about the Regulans. Who I'll remind you burned the wobbies to the ground.
No one on this thread like Wolf clan as ilclan. Many love Stone. Keep proving me right I guess. Its crazy how you grasp the basics of the era but dont see that Dark Age ans Jihad are most popular in btg and thwrefore the hobby at large
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Battletech's designs have always trended towards the goofy, so as long as the quadvees remain goofy sideshows rather than something serious and realistic then it's all good.
The second post says;
>Please stop being so negative. Your packages will arrive on time.
Can we stop this farce?
So you believe that Stoners are more popular than wobbies, caps, and dracs? You need to make up your mind. And stop being a hypocrite, if the era defines the factions, then the Wolves are the most popular faction bar none, because clan invasion is an era that exists.
>many love stone
No, that's the second reply. The second post is the one right above that, which is so far entirely uncontested and says that the Regulans are the best.
The OP (Opening Post) is also a post.
No, stoners are popular but only because theyre comstar, as Ive said
06/25/24(Tue)17:30:45 No.93165356
First for my faction, which is the best one.

You can leave now
>love stone
Meh, I play DA in spite of the bad background lore, not because of it. Stone is a lame macguffin character, though I prefer him to more Clan Wolf wanking.
Ya blew it, we coulda taken this all the way to autosage, but that's one step too far. I'm not even going to say be more subtle, because nothing about this is subtle, but there's a line and you've crossed it.
Yeah, my faction. The Regulans. The ones that killed the Word of Blake.
Are you the one lying about the content of the thread to justify your opinions? Or just some butthurt oldfag grog sucking on stackpoles tranny-loving cock?
what's the best crusader variants available in the 3050's? I love the look of the mech but the CRD just seems to be cursed with a bunch of variants that never really come together. Everything seems to have a flaw, even the royal variant has meme guns and 1t of ammo per LRM launcher
I accept your concession
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I've really looked, does anyone know where to find solid metal hexes that are flat on top?
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I like that some people have taken the concept and drawn up cool no canon designs
Na man the real deal is Mechwarrior: Dark Age.

Clickytech at its finest.
if you're willing to get weird with variants can look at the viper. they made a crusader 5 tons heavier and turned it into a blazer platform.
You could probably get a local business that does sheet metal work to fabricate a bunch for you.
Ironwindmetals sells some.
I am the anon who asked you about the mongoose. That being said there are many mechs I wish had better stls or for which I can not find any stls at all so it isn't just the mongoose.
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The iron laws of Battletech are as follows:
>The battlemechs will always be the king of the battlefield
>The bipedal mechs will always be the king of the battlemechs
>The kings of fighting with battlemechs will always be literal kings (or khans)
Why yes, I would like to suplex Clanners in a Charger.
Are you seriously acting like there are no scenarios, campaigns or minis from the dark age?
Doing some feddies. Other than the Valkyrie, Dervish, Centurion, and Enforcer, what are some Federated Suns coded mechs I can grab for the Fourth Succession War, War of 39, and the Clan Invasion periods? Just looking for suggestions.
Huh, patlabor (I think?) is a lot cooler than I remember it being. I'll have to go back and give it another go.
But I like quadmechs...
anything with an autocannon. Cataphract, hatchet and axmans, jagers, the shit shadow hawk variant. Hollander.
So do I, but as a whole Battletech will never have quadmechs be as popular as bipedal mechs, and for good reason. When your mechs are limited to having a 'skeleton' and 'muscle' and must thus adhere to a 'biological' design, quadmechs tend to be less practical since they can't embrace true geometrical perfection.
Protos are very, very dangerous in skilled hands and there is a damned good reason you have to activate the whole Point at once.

The problem with Alpha Strike is not (just) the movement and LoS issues. It's the massive, crippling abstraction of the most important part of the game - the damage model - and then refusing to abstract stupid shit like switchable ammo while giving every post-3050 card a bloated wall of acronyms.
Also, almost no-one plays Star League except as a special treat. The vast, vast majority of games hover around 3000-3060 because it's easy and familiar, it takes the advanced BT perverts to start getting into the Jihad. Which is the people here.

There was a major wave of Comstar minis releases recently, and more of their mechs are rare or nearly extinct outside the faction. Most of the people here have at least two, often four or more factions painted up. A significant chunk of the combine crosschatter is me going over availability and strategy with newbies because I've run a lot of games with the Combine as antagonists and it forced me to get good with them. Another solid chunk is that they're a distinctive and reasonably challenging force to play that (surprise surprise) gets a bunch of those newly-released ComStar mechs.
>b-but muh confirmation bia-
My preferred force is a group of early-3000s pirates, I just haven't added anything to them recently. I've pulled out a Cappie force I've had on the back burner for a while, but I'm so fucking tired of painting red, white and green that I'm stalling and debating just going with some stupid shit like Berlin camo.
zoid is that you
i mean quads are interesting, but i'm not really a fan of too animalistic later designs
I dont care about your anecdotal experience. Im discussing the hobby as a whole using evidence. And Im sorry to tell you this since you mist have just turned 14 to fail to understand this simple reality, but YOUR PERSONAL ANECDOTES ARE NOT EVIDENCE OF ANYTHING.

If it weee otherwise I would say that an offshoot of the Dragoons post Dark Age is the most popular faction because its what I run. Fucking tard
3025 Jagermech. Hatchetman. Rifleman. Fire Vulcan. Javelin. The D(ick) variants of the Pixie, Mad and Whammy. The D(isgusting) version of the Shad. Victor.

3060: Saggitaire. Devastator. Caesar. Cataphract. Garm (RAC Garm best Garm). Sentry. Penetrator. Falconer. Hellspawn. Hollander. Enforcer III. Jagermech III.
>a fan of too animalistic later designs
It's Tonka Totem Age on the chart for a reason.
I get why the D variant of the Shad is disgusting cause that thing is a fucking death trap, but why are the pixie mad and whammy variants Dickish?
I'm referring to the Clicktech game that was released by WizKids in the early 2000s not the Era.
Remove ammo weapon bombs. Replace with armor and sinks. They're highly-optimized, the best variants of those machines in that era. It's similar to how there's more Awesomes in 3025 than the 8Q but you pretty much never see them on the board.
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>but i'm not really a fan of too animalistic later designs
I mean, it's not like they have a choice.
I know what you were referring to. But please keep disagreeing tripfag, it really makes the Invasion-Reformed Star League scum look terribad.
>not like they have a choice.
The Regulan one posted is a CGL original.
I included the missile Awesome in a Marik force once and people were visibly disappointed in me.
Oh wow, people disappointed in Marik. What a shocking surprise.
>people were visibly disappointed in me.
Actually got a snicker out of me.
Huh. So if I run the D variants of those I may get some side eye then?
Ha ha ha ha ha.
>making a book with even approximately useful layout
Great joke anon. You real funny guy.
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I ordered an 8Q and I got an 8R
You'll be immune if they're painted as a Davion force. As a Kuritan I would happily bring glory to the Dragon by defeating your energy boats.
He's over emphasizing a bit. Pure laser boats don't do that well in a single heat sink environment, and it's not like you aren't paying the extra BV for the extra effectiveness.
Don't post off topic images.
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No I mean, they have to make their mechs animalistic because myomer needs a 'skeleton' to wrap around, meaning shit like pic related isn't possible with myomer.
You're solid running one in a Fedsun force. I just wouldn't show up with a full lance of them. Only about 20% of Fedsun machines have been to converted to them. Most are still the regular factory variants. GM on Kathil makes plain old MAD-3R's for example.

Speaking of all energy flashbulb little shits. Try the Fire Vulcan. Everyone knows the Fire Javelin but the Vulcan is usually a fun surprise. Both are Feddie concentrated.
Where does the meme about Devastators becoming really common come from? Was there a poorly thought out line in a TRO or novel or something?
>meaning shit like pic related isn't possible with myomer.

It is, but it takes motive crits like a tank because myomer isn't driving the wheels.
Oh come now. They'll make a usable one eventually, just by sheer chance. You can't possibly fuck up EVERY book, right?
I think someone needs to get back on their meds.
Where's the 'spine' of the vehicle for the myomer to go into? Not only would it be heavier on account of the turret but it probably wouldn't even be possible in the first place.

>but it takes motive crits like a tank because myomer isn't driving the wheels.
Technically yes but if a wheel is damaged you can still walk on it like a normal mech.
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It's the name of the first Star Destroyer we ever see in Star Wars.
Factory mistake, that was meant for another Quartermaster.
>but I don't play dark age because I'm a sensible person
Play Ilclan then friend
To add to >>93167536's excellent list, Feds also produce and/or regularly use Griffins, Wolverines, Atlas', Blackjacks, Hornets, and the Bugs. But especially, as you've already mentioned, Valkyries and Enforcers. Nothing codes a force as Feddie as much as those two.
Kinda just looks like a simplified QuadVee, sort of like a proto variant.
Every. Single. Book.
Just look at BMM. Supposedly the most basicness of standard playing... and it has shit everywhere from camops, tacops, tw. Crap is everywhere.

Like last thread someone asked bout forced withdrawal, and the information is on pg 81... but the actual useable block is at the end of the book in a bunch of quickref sheets.
dropped pic
Thank you, what a difficult website to find things on, no wonder everyone buys their stuff from the game store websites
What's your recipe for that paint scheme? It is quite nice
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>Where does the meme about Devastators becoming really common come from?

Retarded TRO:3058 U retcon CGL did where they took the throwaway line about an AC10 failed prototype version from the MAC Scenario Pack and then said "By the way, of these failed prototypes only made for a few years, the Taurians have over a hundred as salvage, which is just a few."

This is part of an old OF argument that bled into the Dev thoughts like many have, some won, some lost. So the trend at the time was for some people whining that you could fix FASANOMICS force sizes by simply multiplying every known value of mechs prior to this point by ten. The TRO was written with this mindset.

Here's a list of some other ones. I'll let you decide what's good and bad. I was on different sides of many:
The Wobbies are super tech dudes so they should be working on LAM's!
The Unseen are back. Should we undo the 3025R retcons when we publish TRO:3039? Also known as "Muh Crab 20"
Devlin Stone is totally Arthur Steiner-Davion!
We should totally take Project Phoenix and retcon it to being how they always looked, despite that being totally opposite to the fluff of Project Phoenix!
Most of the FWL Fleet is missing from the Jihad. RETCON THE SPACE BATTLES AND GIVE THEM TO THE WOBBIES!
The Dark Age doesn't tell us what happened in the Homeworlds in the Jihad. I want to know what happened to the Blood Spirits! Why did that monkey paw just curl a finger? Fucking Tasha, man
This Quick Strike mod to BF2 is great. You guys should pull it out from the back of StratOps and make it a separate game!

Other anons can chime in with more. There were a lot.
Friend, I need you to take a look at the Tarantula, one of my favorite quad mechs, and also at its quirks. That thing is a Tarantula with wheels instead of jumpjets.
>Muh Crab 20.

In the original thread that was like fifty pages long, there was this one guy that would basically Davionman post on nearly every page of it that they better not fucking take away his Crab 20 or he was going to lose it. Made me kinda hate crabs when I see them in 3025 and crab memes, really. Good machine in a vacuum.
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Come on, put a little more work into it, you're almost there.
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FORGET YOU NOT THE BEST MEDIUM MECH EVER! AS used by the fedsun, the Enforcer ENF-4R. A heavy autocannon with a tactical shot locker to tear apart any one mech it comes accross. A heavy laser to engage any and all targets and support the autocannon.

All the while being fast, jump jet equipped for tactical movement, and at least decently armoured.

The perfect mech.
Buy yours today!
Right, goldfish memory, can't examine the whole chain.
Game store websites even sell them at a discount. Usually 20%
Dildo's are deadly in the right hands too.
Doesn't make them any less gay.
As they should, those are shame Awesomes, only to be used by off-listers and GMs who need a campaign boss.
Wolfhounds ARE fucking tanky as fuck too.
My wolfhound lance was bullying a fucking charger that had clantech or some crap.
Just a silly megamek thing.
One of my wolfhounds copped an lrm 20 blast right the side. Nothing. Another was shot in the ass with an lbx20.. nothing.
One took some gauss rifle slugs and merely lost left arm.
The whole lance spent the entire fight putting their erllas onto targets that really didnt like it.
Dracbros I'm sorry. I cannot handle the DRG-1N, I have to use the grand dragon or nothing. The ac/5 id just too pitiful to use
The sheer amount of fire wolfhounds running just totally ignore is fucking hilarious.
If you're playing in the late succwars, the 1G with its PPC is decent.
Would a Davion force look different depending what March it was from?
My Rifleman IIC never seems to have a problem hitting them. Maybe you just play with poor quality opposition.
You obviously aren't using enough of them or enough mech fu. Also, the 1G runs hot as fuck.

Try a Dragon 1N x3 and Charger and see how you do in a map with some cover.

1G is the OG Grand Dragon, friend. Still dumb how they gave it a new chassis designation in later variants, but I guess it's opposite the Feddies who keep numbering stuff half the time without changing the designation. Shoutout to the Jagermech II variants.
The -1G is literally the Grand Dragon.
Base coat is Vallejo German Beige Camo, the actuators and weapons are Citadel Lead belcher both washed with Nulin Oil. I used Pro-Acryl White and Red for accents. I forget what I used for the cockpits, think it was Thousand Sons Blue by Citadel.
Slightly, mostly based on whether your salvage is from Dracs, Capellans, or Taurians.
At the macro level sure, enemy salvage would obviously be most common on the front facing it's source. At the lance or company level it's reasonable to find mechs sourced from all over because of transfers, ancestral mechs and so on.
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Yes, especially in later eras. The border marches raise a lot of their own forces and get a lot of their own militia designs.

Yeah, mostly wondering about manufacturing. I note that Drac March has nearly no native manufacturing, while the Capellan march has tons. Probably because the Cappies got beat on, while the Dracs were just survived.
During the succ wars how much fighting did everybody do with eachother? And what I mean is, the lyrans and davions are natural enemies of the dracs because they share borders but would the combine ever have bypassed the feds and commonwealth and launched raids into the FWL or confederation, or vice versa for any pairing of successor state and non-traditional enemy?
how long do yall let metal minis stew in simple green?

There's some very minor mentions of this, and it would only really happen very close to Earth.
>while the Capellan march has tons.

It's a pattern from since before the Star League. The SLDF built a shipyard at Kathil and it was the largest shipyard in the Suns before being destroyed by the Capellans during the Succession Wars. IIRC a bunch of the Mech factories in the Capellan March were also built by the Star League, who I guess needed somewhere reliable to beat on the Taurians from.
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>Would a Davion force look different depending what March it was from?
Depends on the March, the era, and the force. Sandovals and Haseks started fucking with each others' supplies in the 3010s, and only really knocked off in the 3080s. Haseks also started pulling almost everything in the light and medium weight brackets that was remotely combat-capable from their militias and replacing them with swarms of Valkyries. Units on the Clan front got much higher priority for new-production mechs in the Invasion and it took them a while to trickle out afterwards, leading to stuff like the Watchman and Bushwacker as stopgaps Those two specifically were intended to be taking up the role of the Griffin and Phoenix Hawk IRL. Other than that it's most a combo of what salvage they take and which captured Cap/Drac factories were within shipping range.
A little bit. There's one planet, Tyrfing, where all five Great Houses sent forces to try to secure salvage and tech during the succwars, and the Dracs and Feddies sent their units behind enemy lines to get there.

For the most part though, you fought people you shared a border with. In the center of the map, where all the successor states come close to touching, it's more likely for Dracs to fight Mariks or Lyrans to fight FedSuns.
It happened but was mostly pretty minor, and only happened in the worlds closest to Terra. Note that the Cappies and Dracs shared a border until the Plated Wedding.
>I note that Drac March has nearly no native manufacturing,

They do very well after the 3050's. The badass clantech Black Knight comes from there plus the Sentry, Watchman, some PP Ostsols and Ostscout, Atlas, Atlas III, Sagittaire, and Argus. That's just Robinson.
Because it's a war game, the fluff makes sure to point out that everyone has fought everyone at some point in time.

In the area around earth everyone was one jump from each other until after the 4th war, and you can bet even after that there were still incidents of some guy who happened to have some mechs and the ability to transport them decide to do a giga-brain move and raid someone who wouldn't expect it.
My favorite part of the lore around the Haseks hoovering up mechs is that it gave us my favorite urbie variant, which I honestly think is just a solid mech in general that I'm pretty happy to take.
>The SLDF built a shipyard at Kathil and it was the largest shipyard in the Suns before being destroyed by the Capellans during the Succession Wars.

Galax was never touched IIRC until the Taurians VENDETTA'D it in the Jihad. They just had technology breakdown so bad they couldn't make warships in their slips anymore and had to convert fully to JS production.
Repeat after me "false flag attacks"
There was enormous investment in the Drac March to placate them for the kinda-alliance with the Combine against the Clans. Hanse Davion literally saved Luthien; that's not going to play well on Robinson.
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Which reminds me, no one ever seems to bring up vibroblades. It feels like most people don't know they're a thing in setting, for both mechs and people.
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>do a giga-brain move and raid someone who wouldn't expect it.

>* Distant 4th Regulan Hussar noises*
>Galax was never touched IIRC until the Taurians VENDETTA'D it in the Jihad.

Yeah, but Kathil was YUGE. It was the main SLDF shipyard in the Rimward sector.
Why Alaric allowed to slap so many girl-bosses on his way? Isn't Battletech now Swedish IP?
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>no one ever seems to bring up vibroblades

Mostly because of their fixed damage, they're only really good on lights and people don't use lights much when Vibroblades are common. Really wish it was bonus damage instead, with blade size upclassing the bonus regardless of machine mass.

My dude, if you're gonna be a blatant 40kiddie tourist shitting up other games, can you at least learn the difference between Catalyst Game Labs and White Wolf?
>Really wish it was bonus damage instead
The fact that it wasn't bonus damage to begin with is retarded, the fact they still haven't fixed it is even worse. What a waste.
>that's not going to play well on Robinson.

Old man Aaron Sandoval thankfully never lived to see that. He'd be spinning in his grave so hard, you could power a jump core.
All criminal enterprises look alike.
I love the Valient. Good lil fella.
>Three ER M Lasers.
Draconis combine late invasion/civil war era unit. Name a mech I can include as the token clan salvage
Half-destroyed Gargoyle.
Well Catalyst is american studio, so the question remains still
wish the banzai had a proper model. It seems fun
Find an invasion era Smoke Jaguar RAT and roll on it, since most of the Kuritan mech salvage came from the Jags.
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Any frontline 3050 omni or Jag mech if they participated in Bulldog.
I'm wanting to play this with one other, but we want to play it vs a computer or an app, if possible. And I'm thinking more of a combined arms level play, with tanks and helos and aerotech fighters. Is there a way to make this possible? I checked out the Mektek program but there's some problems running that.
MegaMek is the solution you want. Their discord has people who will help you get it running. Nothing else comes close to your desires.
>there's some problems running that.

Learn to port forward, or just direct connect on the same local network.
In the early succession wars, it was pretty normal, especially because nobody knew where the borders would land and there was a ton of high value Ex-TA worlds just sitting there all seductive like. Later on it settled down more, the targets weren't as high value and the rate of return on a long raid wasn't much better than a short one. Why go all the way to the Dracs to steal the contents of a baked bean warehouse when you could just go to the Lyrans and get nearly identical baked beans for half the jumps?
Didn't stopped Harrison Davion and his retarded son.
Jimmy Sandoval was plenty pissed on his behalf.
>Cheat on her with Canopian whore
>Half your military is bombarded from orbit

Not sure if bonus or malus.
This "lore" is going to raise my blood pressure isn't it?
The concept of a goth snow raven GF raises more than my blood pressure
Mist Lynx
Storm Crow
Mad Dog
Timber Wolf
Dire Wolf

It turns out that the Jags are responsible for many of the best Mechs, and some other of the best Mechs are just universal. Also, the Jags liked the Mist Lynx :D
Imagine taking your dad's sloppy seconds. Ew.
>Timber Wolf
>Dire Wolf
>Jags are responsible
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So I'm a little new to the setting and am curious as to a recommendation for a faction to start collecting based on what people I know are grabbing.

>1st friend, most likely to play against, does Free World Legionnaires/Andurien, from Clan Invasion through to whatever current era is. Also has some Goliath Scorpion stuff from pre-Imperio.
>2nd friend, second most likely to play against, does Dracs.
>3rd and 4th friends, unknown chance to play, do unknown Clanners.

I ask because I like being a lorefag for stuff, and I enjoy being the OpFor as well.
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>retard cannot even become mechwarrior
>gets throne anyway because he is above Julian in the succession line
Land of free, lmao
Mormon. Not American.

Monarchies are retarded, Battletech monarchies are mega-retarded, news at 11.
Where is the difference? Mormon church is just corporation like GM or Disney
You can either do Wolf/Jade Falcon or Federated Commonwealth/Federated Suns. Be aware that the mentioned clan forces are somewhat author pet bad guys and the IS are basically good guys that get dumped on to show how dark and mature the setting is.
I'd say cut and dry Lyrans given that spread.
I mean, Krazy Kat pulled the exact same shit.

Hmm. From what I know, the Lyrans or FedSuns do seem more interesting than the Clanners.

Do either of those factions have any interesting sub-factions to them, or is that only a FWL Thing?
Mercs/pirate are designated "your dudes" section
Federatted Suns were protagonists faction (now it's just last male ruler in ht e Inner Sphere left)
Are you implying you can't pick up chicks in a tank?
>Do either of those factions have any interesting sub-factions to them, or is that only a FWL Thing?
Depends on your definition of "sub-faction"
Didn't she got Warhawk?
>and some other of the best Mechs are just universal

But also

>The Dire Wolf was the brainchild of the Clan Wolf scientist caste, but was actually first produced by Clan Smoke Jaguar. Hearing rumors that Clan Wolf was developing the "Ultimate Assault OmniMech", the Jaguars won the plans and production rights in a Trial that, rumor has it, was fought dishonorably. Production commenced on Huntress in 3010. In 3019, Clan Wolf began production of the OmniMech on Strana Mechty as well; Star Colonel Ulric won a Trial of Possession to expand manufacture into Clan Wolf. Beyond the limited manufacture of the Dire Wolf on Outreach, all Dire Wolfs outside of Clans Smoke Jaguar and Wolf (or Wolf's Dragoons) are either gifts, isorla, or were acquired through trade.
Mormons do not believe they are Americans. They are Mormons, who happen to live in America right now. There is a difference.

God I love the OG House books.
They are the absolute best.
In the end, because you can't scam the Clans out of being a Warrior if you want to be any kind of political operator.

And yeah, she piloted a Warhawk C, also known as "I'm a real MechWarrior with actual skills, I promise!".

The only reason she wasn't in a Rifleman IIC is because no one would have taken her seriously in a second-line Mech.
But then why they runned for american presedency?
But anyway, thanks for explaining
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The Periphery book is the absolute best.
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Damn straight.
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Well, I don't need to go full donutsteel, since I'm fine just playing OpFor. But I guess doing a canon merc unit isn't too bad as long as they're not too far on the edges of scale from "literal who" to "Mary sue".

And yeah, something FedCom makes sense since people seem to want to skip ahead to Clan Era and later. Just wondering if there's anything cool I should be digging into for the FedCom. If I was operating in a total vacuum I'd look into periphery, pirates or canon mercs. I'm very happy to play the mook. There any FedCom units that suggest more "mook" than "special nobles?"
fat sidegraded griffin you mean?

The Lyrans and FedSusn do have parts of the Periphery as well I must point out. The Lyrans nabbed a lot of the RWR, and the FedSuns has always held onto far more of their Periphery than they could actually fund.
>Fucking Tasha, man
I keep hearing rumors of Spirits who survived the purge but no one ever points to a book or anything to support the claim.
if it's metal just use acetone/nail polish remover

Because the book in question is bad and creepy.
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when will victor reborn and unite the inner sphere by making all the royal ladies his
Well.... Victor does have a son...
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>last male ruler
Maybe officially, but let's not kid ourselves, we all know who really runs the Combine
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jf mastadon i took this one as salvage from my ghost bear buddy
Very few of the big units are actually special noble themed. Even the palace guard types are simply guards, not really household knights.
didn't julian kill him? no idea why tho, he's more valuable alive, fighting for power again yori
how rare is an independent planet/system that belong to no faction, not even to minor (periphery) powers? especially around 3025
>last male ruler in ht e Inner Sphere left
Good. One to go and we finally get some equality.
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>It turns out that the Jags are responsible for many of the best Mechs,
>Even the palace guard types are simply guards, not really household knights.

Hohiro 1 sure learned this lesson the hard way.

It's kinda funny how one of those is an explosion waiting to happen, while the hatted version is one of the most OPHAXX Mechs in the game.
Quite a few but they're basically all in the bumfuck periphery and generally aren't capable enough to be notable.
Periphery and Deep Periphery full of them
Most periphery worlds are like that. Multi-stellar periphery states are the exception rather than the rule.

Inside the Great Houses' territory, you won't find officially independent worlds, but plenty of planets have very little contact with their rulers and are independent in all but name and taxation.
They're not rare, it's just they don't matter in the grand scheme of things. It wouldn't surprise me if there were systems of planets in the Deep Periphery that were left untouched by all the post-star league warfare and are just chilling peacefully.
Other than the Periphery, pretty much every world that was bombed off the map back in the Succession Wars and forgotten even though there are still people there. See places like New Dallas.
>There any FedCom units that suggest more "mook" than "special nobles?"

Among the Lyrans, the Donegal Guards and Lyran Regulars. The Skye Rangers are somewhat elite, but have a reputation for being more loyal to the Free Skye secessionist movement than to the AFFC.

On the FedSuns side, the Crucis Lancers are sort of generic, and the Chisholm Rangers have a reputation for being troublemakers.

Both sides also have various local militias.
you know he's dead right?
Any of the March Militias are pretty mookish. Really, almost anything without "Guards" in the name is that for the FedCom.
You could also go with the Illician Lancers. They're a very old mercenary unit that bounces around quite a bit, and one of their regiments specializes in hot-dropping into active combat zones. Absolute madlads. If you're more into 1980s movies, then Team Banzai might be your speed. They're on retainer to the NAIS as a training and troubleshooting squadron. Or you could go with the Robinson Rangers, whose color scheme is an absolute fucking nightmare, but entirely worth it because of what it makes their dropships look like
FASAnomics requires interplanetary commerce to do pretty much anything beyond growing turnips, so while they exist, they're the real "no advancement, no production" groups. There are zero (0) mech factories in the entire setting that source all of their parts and materials from the star system they're in.
God I love Ilsa Bick.
I would argue doing weird false flag murder-suicide stuff at the orders of the heir is classic samurai behavior, actually.
Aren't you missing someone?
>Davion School for the Tactically Challenged

They had to expand a lot after the FedCom merged, but at least they got really nice seats in the Leopards.
Anon he's trolling. I think. Probably. At the very least he's incorrect even if he is sincere in his belief.
>There are zero (0) mech factories in the entire setting that source all of their parts and materials from the star system they're in.

Black Box Valk factory and LAM Island. They're notable for being way outside the norm.
Either image is too small or they really improved their CGI, comparing to protagonist sibko from teaser (or they switched tolive-action)
Which valk factory, because the Corean plant had to change their production after the Dracs captured the planet they were getting jump jets from.
Love the fact that the bad guys in the new SEED movie keep TAGing people to death. Just two or three motherfuckers with their TAG eyebeams circling every hero unit and calling in missiles until they die.

>average S-G LRM experience
Pretty sure that was Project Phoenix authors forgetting the fluff about just needing to feed raw material into the factory. But feel free to page me on the original House Davion description if I'm not remembering it right. In the middle of some work stuff right now so I can't look for a bit.
Random note reminded by pick of >>93168557, I have to say that aside from "fascist", they did a really good job with lore and stuff for the MW5 trailer. Also, the details on the uniforms - including the rank insignia (though it's a little weird that a Galaxy Commander would personally give orders to a Star of newbies - though I guess they could be epic ristars or something).

Sarna cites "First Succession War" and "TRO 3050" for that particular bit.
There are plenty of planets that take in ore or ingots and turn out complete battlemechs, what doesn't seem to happen is planets where they do all the mining on site, usually because the mines are "played out". As we all know, there were only ever enough raw materials on earth to build a few thousand armored vehicles.
It's entirely possible that the Valkyries the factory produces are the mechs themselves, maybe with armor and maybe not, but gear like weapons and jump jets has to be added on afterward.

Attention to detail like that does make me think MW5C might be kind of good.
“Fascists” is a wait-and-see thing, because it’a either a politics-in-mai-vidya “critical support to our Davion comrades in the struggle against KKKuritan oppression” bit or just good-old-fashioned bit of Clanner hypocrisy.
Oedipus did nothing wrong.
I like to picture that at the exact same time, there's a Ghost Bear commander giving a similar speech who calls Rasalhague "democratic" with the exact same level of vitriol
Battletech people are just lazy with mining, but for good reason. Imagine if we could wind back the clock on Cypress and go to the days when you could pick up copper nuggets the size of your fist like shells on a beach, and do that again and again. We'd never bother with the open pit porphyry mining they're doing now. Ore grades are just too low.
At least germanium does IRL seem to be uncommon enough that supplies of it could be a bottleneck, considering how big KF drives are (there's probably only a couple hundred thousand easily accessible tons of the stuff on the Earth, which is only enough for single or low-double digit numbers of JumpShips (depending on how much of the mass is actually germanium).
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>Beyond the limited manufacture of the Dire Wolf on Outreach
I'm not even gonna ask.
so the concept of self-sustainability and food self-sufficiency of the 21st century terra is a lostech?
avoid having to kitbash a mauler with this one simple link

So this is the power of Dark Age.
>miniatures tailored for children
>books tailored for psychos

Bravo Jordan bravo.
So the Wolves wanted Outreach as their landhold because they knew it had an old mech factory on it that was kind of intact. Then they spent 30 years upgrading it to product Daishis, Madcats and Elemental Battle Armor. This is where the Daishi rides of the Princes of the Successor States come from. They were gifted to them during the summit at Outreach about the clans during the ilKhan election.
>While lacking political clout outside of their homeworld (except via their impressive banking ties), the Sanromea-Davions wanted BattleMechs and the planet's advanced civilian industries, virtually untouched by the Succession Wars and the FedCom Civil War, allowed GM to bring virtually all aspects of production to one planet, free from disruptions by the Jihad.
"Those filthy constitutional monarchists of the so-called 'Federated Commonwealth'."
I mean clans cannot be fascist by default, since they militaristic meritocracy (surely retarded, but still)
Really feels like the editor was checked out for the Dark Age novels.
I think they have potential on OmniMechs without TSM. But it requires more testing and the designers to notice.
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The use of BDSM visuals between the Oujosan and the POV girl is fairly on-the-nose.
well when it turns out the money for the authors and editors was going towards a porch, who wouldn't phone it in?
All melee weapons are of questionable value, and the least questionable is the basic bitch hatchet. Honorable mention to retractable blades with tacops snikt punch rule active.
Say what you will about FASA, at least they were a real, more-or-less functional company.
It's because they brought in a whole new crop of cheaper writers at the beginning that knew nothing about Battletech. That's why so much of the tone and details are wrong.

Of course when Victor Milan saw what THEY could get away with, he said "Hold my beer."
Any authoritarian government anywhere with a disenfranchised population where the power of the state is enforced at gunpoint is fascist. You just don't want to admit that's the government you like.
>you're fascist evil space samurai!
>yes we are so what

If you're a Kurita player, you gotta just lean into being the villain among villains
that's a definition you made up and stuck the name of some random government to
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That's...not entirely true. You should do some research into FASA non-payment of authors and freelancers. The author of Rolling Thunder, Mike Hebert, was literally *never* paid, and personages as critical to the writing of the franchise as Mike Stackpole wrote *large* screeds about how they hadn't been paid up in 15+ years and why they wouldn't write for BattleTech again. None of this is new, FASA or not.
>FWIW, it's also endemic to the entire gaming industry and has been for decades. There basically isn't a gaming company out there which hasn't stiffed artist, writers, freelancers, or all of the above, at some point. Even the best D&D artists walked away from TSR for this.
It's half the fun. You really gotta lean into the Guild of Calamitous Intent energy, especially as ISF.

I think it's a clear case of writers that don't know too much about BT trying to score points.
Clanners would dismiss any spheroid government outright, it's all spheroid chalcas to them.
no, I don't like clanners (although somes seems okay) at all.
But I also doesn't like to call whatever I dislike a fascist regime. And if actually take care a look closer to fascist regimes (Germany, Italy, China, North Korea, Soviet Union, Japan) they all (except of Iberian fascism, which was more or less hybrid) share one common trait, being with odds with military/completely subverting military and replacing COs with civilian/police functioners (Stalin and Mao's purges, Mussolini open disdain for Italian military, creation of Waffen-SS)
They're all much angrier that the Successor States are pretenders to Successors of the Star League government than whatever their rule looks like.

Just imagine them seeing the Coordinator introduced with his list of titles and it ends with the classic "and First Lord of the Star League". They'd go fucking apeshit.
Please tell me you are not trying to claim that the Soviets weren't, and the Norks aren't, communists?
STFU nerd. No one cares about your oldfag opinion. I fucked your mum.
Ah. You're that shitposter with pure nordo-prussian ancestry aren't you?
Thus "mostly".

>Stackpole wrote *large* screeds about how they hadn't been paid up in 15+ years

And so the abused becomes the abuser and the cycle continues for another generation.
Why the Erinyes? Nice classic piece of tg art for sure, but why here in the mech thread and with that post?
>Please tell me you are not trying to claim that the Soviets weren't, and the Norks aren't, communists?
But jokes aside, fascism and communism beyond rhetoric and agitation aren't much different from each other. And soviets were treated their subjects no better than Axis on the occupied territories. Ffs one of the pillar of Norks ideology is racial purity
Nope and I have no idea who are you talking about.
Sure thing bud.
>were treating
it was wizkids back then, not Consumer Grade Larceny
What's the guy with the wide shoulders? In front of the Crockett.

Speaking of Drac Crocketts, do you think we're going to get a version with tweaked geometry/samurai styling to represent the Katana? Or should we treat this resculpt as a Katana replacement?
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>I fucked your mum.

How unfortunate for you. So you’re a disappointment to both of our mothers.

>Why the Erinyes?

The artist, Tony DiTerlizzi, stopped working with TSR because they didn't pay him. It was directly relevant to the greentext.

Also because I've been reminiscing about an old GF who I found out bought the farm earlier this week in a car accident. She looked basically like that, especially in the eyes and chest, minus the wings and pointed ears, but including the need to suck a man's soul out of his body and leaving him a dehydrated husk.
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The connection is obvious.
are they comming back?
The return of House Arano fuels my paranoid delusions that they're going to revive Amaris again.
Guy with the wide shoulders is a Daimyo. And the Katana is just a renamed Crockett, so I don't expect it to get distinct art/model.
>What's the guy with the wide shoulders? In front of the Crockett.
Looks like a Daimyo.
Probably just going to get representation in Fronc as a member.
>Somehow, Amaris returned
God I hope not.

I've always like the C* conspiracy theory.
He was in suspended animation, two tubes down from Arthur S-D.
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It wouldn't surprise me. I personally actually got into BattleTech from the HBS game, and from talking with some of the other new players in my area I know I am not unique in that regard. Assuming it is a decent driver for new growth it would make sense that they would want to bring it back. They technically canonized them with that book they did, but someone at catalyst might think that having them as a living periphery faction would please the vidya crowd. I personally actually prefer them being dead after learning more about the lore and the universe. I don't really want them just getting shoehorned in. The story for the game really wasn't all that great and other than superficial aesthetics they really don't have anything going for them to make the Aurigans stand out. They are bland as fuck. I don't think they would add anything to the universe.
I haven't heard that one. How does it go?
oh boy
There's enough pieces of the Stoners still around. This sounds like they're going to make some Stoner Wolf Galaxy with Lakewood and Campbell or some shit instead.
Davionman, if you're out there, we need you and your shotgun.
Much harder to threaten someone and get away with it these days anon.
To be fair, I've waited a long time for CGL to flesh out what happened to the WoB militia remnants. The normal people who wanted to protect their homes, not the ones who drank the koolaid. As it stands, they've basically been hand-waived out of existence with some vague lines about how they were never able to find work again.
>a trained mechwarrior was never able to find work again
Yeah okay CGL
Flesh out the remnants of dead factions more.
I can see people wanting that for the RotS as well even if I personally don't get them.
Kamea Arano did die in the coup. The woman you meet is a ComStar double, created to pursue rumors of enormous lostech finds, and to sow chaos while she's at it - after all, a FedSuns/Taurian war almost started, and a war between the Taurians and the Magistracy was a real option.

After the end of the game, ROM agents kill you and take the Argo, taking the time to torture Yang doe destroying the cache.
I always figured that they were quietly absorbed into the Republic military.
Nah. That's like saying that Interstellar Players was carving out empires for the Illuminati etc.
They are still not on the map.
1g is the dragon with a ppc.

Grand dragonnis what they officially made after clan invasion and they saw how omnimechs worked and realised they had been purposefully bulding dragons wrong, as a joke, the while time.

So theu put the muscle and bones and power lines for the ppc together a different way, allowing the Grand Dragon its impressive torso twist.
Which allows it to run a cavalry charge through and enemy formation and turn aroundnto shoot behind it with its ppc whilst running away still

Dragon has the one torso twist facing change everyone else gets.
Grand dragon can twist two facings.
>The normal people who wanted to protect their homes,
Those are a meme. The WOB are religious zealots, every one.
>taking the time to torture Yang doe destroying the cache.

doe => for
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Loosely, there is a member of your crew who is extremely blatantly a ComStar plant (though this seems to be unintentional on the writers' part), and several of the events that happen in-game are suspiciously effective at removing LosTech, destabilizing the region, and getting rid of obstacles to ComStar. That this also happens to align very well with the authors trying not to step too hard on existing canon is probably coincidental.
Yang is from Bryant with a fancy cyber limb. Motherfucker is ROM. Don't be lulled by his folksy ways and lipservice to the Caps. Look at his mechanical sorcery and know the truth.
>I'm from Outreach and I say kill 'em all!
If you assume Kamea really did get sploded and ROM wants that sweet lostech and maybe a puppet state, literally zero elements of the story the player sees change. The suspiciously knowledgeable lostech expert who gets your lostech mega dropship off the ground is your handler.
NGL I felt some kinda way when Yang blew the cache. I would have much rather stood and fought. Take my whole company and stick them in the (multiple) Atlas-IIs there in the cache and then turtle up. It was a mini Castle Brian the arty on the drop pod wouldn't do shit and there is no way in hell Ostergaurd could have dug us out. I get why it went that way from a narrative and gameplay perspective but holy fuck that was a retarded decision to just cut and run.
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Based, shot in the dark but do you also know where I could get a Rampage? I've been kinda tempted to make an RWR lance just for the fun of it.
The explanation for the aurigans not showing up in "contemporary" documents being they collapsed so hard all their worlds stopped being inhabited is insanely dumb.

Costa Rica doesn't show up in books on the history of the cold war but in the timeline where it became uninhabited during the Vietnam war it definitely has a least a chapter.
>Blatant ComStar plant
I'm gonna assume you're referring to the fat wunderkind engineer wearing half a hijab yeah?
Oh duh, that makes so much sense.
>existing canon
>every mission above 3 star difficult throws hoards of heavies and assaults at your single lance.
>in the fucking periphery during introtech time
NTA I actually literally just found one earlier tonight while looking for a different mech. Give me a minute I'll go pull it back up.
>They are still not on the map.
Spirt Cats are a Stoner faction still on the map.
Erik Sandoval-Groell survives the Swordsworn.
Senatorial Alliance still on the map.
Katana Tormark is still in an ISF rape dungeon.
Wolf Hunters are still mercing.
Other Wolf Hunters are still Wolfing.
Remnant worlds not totally cleaned up.

There are a lot. You don't just get to count the Levinite's that cowered under the Wall.
>a different faction of ROM got wind of the aurigan plot and sent their own, different plant
It's supposed to be an action that seems like it makes sense at the time but still makes you angry about the loss, like Hanse burning the bits of the Halstead cache they couldn't carry.
>Erik Sandoval-Groell survives the Swordsworn

He was Prince's Champion for Caleb and Regent for Julian.
The difference being that Hanse did in fact have to cut and run or die cause the Dragon was coming for his ass. Yeah its regrettable and you are angry about the loss but it at least makes sense. You'll never convince me that a full company in Lostech machines, including numerous assault mechs, inside a Star League fortress couldn't fight of one dropship of Taurians.
Certainly but i'll do you one better and show you the database where you can search up ANY stl with links that still work.


Here's the one I found. Hope it meets your needs.
Because the Swordsworn sided with Harrison after VSD's funeral. Still Stoner remnants, as much as a bunch of bondsman turncoats like Campbell will be when made into something else.
makes sense. "Blows up" the brian cache, both sides fuck off, and C* gets several fresh brigades of atlas II's
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Sorry chuds but he's still alive and WILL save the republic
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>is there anyone here who isn't a comstar plant?
NTA but hot damn. Thanks anon.
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Bless you both, genuinely appreciate the help. I'm terrible at finding models for myself.
What are you on about?
The Grand Dragon is in tro: 3050, well before the jihad torso twist rework.
The torso twist is not what makes a grand dragon a grand dragon, they’re called that because the dracs are autistic.
Well the player character wasn't. Unless....
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Oh, shit he saved the wrong republic!
i don't know who runs it but it's a god send. wish it could be added to the OP so people are more likely to see it. cause it's not just mechs, it's infantry, random beasts, combat vehicles and terrain too
I like to make my PC be from the Deep Periphery and pretend he's a Clanner, either from Intelser or the Dragoons.
>wish it could be added to the OP so people are more likely to see it.
Too much attention isn't good. There was a purge of BT-related etsy shops last month.
>Mobile Assets: Other

I never knew this had other folders. I'm both happily surprised and feeling so fucking stupid right now.
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... I'm ok with that desu, I'd believe the Rim world remnants reforming and seceding from the Lyrans before I believe the Smoke Jaguars just reforming for reasons.
>that random atlas III in the 5th Mac in blood will tell.

Not totally insane as its a republic and davion mech but it's A: rare, and B the republic had been behind the wall for a long time
anyone like plot moving real time?
What's sad is Apollo went like full retard clanner after the invasion. They basically get abandoned by the Falcons and still scream about REFUSING MY BATCHALL in the ruins of the twin fortress.
My brother in New Avalon Christ, every video game does that. It's fine. In Mechwarrior 4 you have to take out an entire Jade Falcon binary with a single Medium-heavy lance. Likely while still driving a damn Uziel.

The only difference between a stock Dragon and a Grand Dragon is the hand actuator, you chucklefuck.

maybe don't post that link in plaintext next time? ROT-13 and Base-64 exist for a reason
We have active narcs trolling BT fan communities for literally exactly that.
I'm a little surprised the Falcons didn't use their borrowed WarShips to glass the planet.
That's just the MW5 protagonist's dad
Probably got it from the Feddies when they hit Chesterton in 3144 and were mopping up Vegans and Swordsworn.
That, and the Republic had been running false-flag terror attacks on their borders continuously for years after the Wall went up. Including against the Republic remnant.
Look at the quirk list. Grand dragon has extra torso twist. Dragon doesnt. That is it. Thats the difference.
That wouldn't be bad. House Arano still being in charge of Coromodir but not anything interstellar seems fine

>People now parrot my "kamea is dead" theory
It'd be a bit much even for them. People forget that outside of the zealots and Amaris' yes men, the Rimworlders gave up pretty quickly to Kerensky, and plenty of them even joined his forces to go take down Amaris. The Rimworld is supposed to be a republic, but basically got taken over by the Amaris family, a lot of them weren't exactly big fans of their resident dictator, and even less so when he started a coup they got sucked into by proxy. It's funny when you remember that it was actually the Periphery powers that backed Kerensky from the start when Amaris took over the hegemony and started his empire, not the Great Houses. Iirc one of the Clan's founding khans was a Rimworlder that joined up with the SLDF.
shame. anybody even like ilclan?
Oh, you’re just that guy.
We’ve been over this a dozen times, get some new material.
IlClan is the best era since 3067 :^)
I mean, I like the late era mechs, but the ilClan Era itself? No not really.
The plot is asinine, as is tradition, but I like some factions' unit lists and some of the tech.
>anyone like plot moving real time?

Yes. Do you know how awesome it was to live through Twilight of the Clans in real time? We got through the entire history of Battletech from the 3rd War to the Fedcom Civil War in the same time it took us to get through JUST the Dark Age.
I like some bits of it, but it’s sort of a mixed bag. Probably better than the dark age, at least.
I like the fact that new canon is getting some development in plastic. Focusing entirely on remaking the classics would be dumb even if they weren't running out of classics that are worthy of a plastic.

The overall story is eh, but I like the medium scale conflicts that are happening, like the Liaos and Mariks fighting the Wolves in two places, the capture and liberation of New Avalon, and Steiner space just being turned into a bunch of microstates.
MW5 is on sale, is it worth getting?
There were even 3 Rim Worlders among the first khans! (1 for Nova Cats, and both Burrocks...)
Eh. The DLC campaigns are decent, but the randomly generated stuff isn't very good. I prefer the feel of MW4.
I had fun with it. It's not the end-all be-all of mech games, but it's worth the money, and it's better than MWO is.
They are neat.
Sort of. I liked the DLC campaigns. The randomly generated stuff doesn't feel particularly satisfying, though.
> We have active narcs
Good thing I always an include ECM unit
>no plastic Toro ever
Lol, fuck Taurianfags

Only real factions get plastic
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>Stone finally dead
>Clanners slated to win everything and demilitarize harder than Stone ever did
Pic related.
Compared to HBS BT, the biggest lack I felt in MW5 was in the travel time and management aspect of things. MW5 just skips over time spent traveling from system to system. HBS BT had me sit and experience it, filling that time with the little random events. I still love the one where one of my mechwarriors bought into a natural wellness scam that turned out to be baking powder. Those gave a lot of charm to the game that I really missed in MW5.
Wrong, faggot. Grand dragon has extra torso twist. Get fucked by the rules. Loser.
they skipped 2 of the 5 great houses with force packs.

They're just a bunch of fucking clowns.
You just hate being wrong and hate getting fucked by the actual rules, no games.
just be prepared to get some mods to make shit not ass. the mech lab is an extremely dumbed down thing in vanilla. yet another mech lab fixes that issue, and there's a plethora of mission mods and pilot improvements out there. not to mention adding whatever random ass mech you'd want to pilot.
Gotta save something for the next kickstarter.
eh not like anyone likes purple bird anyways
also can't forget the mods to fix the salvage budget. Stock game you headshot a mech and even if you took max salvage during negotiations you still can't afford it. It's dumb. Anon should get the salvage multiplier mod
They said in the official discord a while back that they used the faction swag choices from the first kickstarter to gauge faction popularity. Presumably Capelland and FWL merch sold very badly. Which honestly shouldn't be a surprise, there's not many Cappie players and /btg/ is the only FWL-loving space I've seen online.

Even /btg/ is now leaning towards Kurita since I've been posting Naginata and bringing so much glory to the Dragon.
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/btg/ is literally purple burds and has been for more than a decade.
I would buy a t-shirt with the SAFE logo (because SAFE 100% has t-shirts for their officers)
/btg/ is a purple bird collective only because we're all die-hard contrarians.
aight post your marik forces then
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/tg/ is always a "contrarian echo chamber" where we love whatever's unpopular. Not a /btg/ exclusive thing, /40kg/ spend years begging for Sisters of Battle updates and then stopped after they came up. Could be a larger 4chan thing, but I wouldn't know since I never venture to other boards.

I mostly bring glory to the Dragon, but I've got some purple birds as well.
Yeah, comes with HBS BT being more of an RPG/XCOM kind of game. MW5's management side is very lacking. The game could maybe do without it, desu.
I expect that MW5C will cut out most of that and you'll just be choosing mech loadouts per mission, since it'll be more story heavy.
ooooh you got the tripod fuckers! which variants are those ones?
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Not him, but I posted my Regulans here a while ago and my Marik Militia probably last year. I've been waiting for good priming weather to do more.
>Could be a larger 4chan thing
"The unpopular thing is actually good" is this entire webzone's ethos.
>eventually (not in next 3 years)
You'll never get me to play snakes. Okay maybe when I'm done with my Feddies and want to make some opfor, but I might do Capellans first.
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Old family photo.
bad news for the cappies?
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Here's mine. 1st Marik Militia. And it's funny that they say it's one of the least popular factions because I see this theme all the fucking time online. Here, reddit, Twitter, 1st Marik Militia is a very common theme to paint.
The one on the right is the Hades, left is the Hera.

I'm tempted to strip and repaint these guys. Not super happy with my work and I can do better. Plus, the kickstarter delivering will mean I have other more Marik mechs to add.
Dracs are just Unisually ruthless reuban, as a faction.
Fuck you no I'm not.
I do hope so. If they don't have the money to develop the system to a similar standard like in HBS BT, they'll be better off spending that time on handcrafted missions and refining the gameplay. Editing loadouts is the whole point of management anyway, so cutting down on the busywork is for the better.
wonder how much they'll fuck it up this time
Here's one of the guys from my campaign group who did his achileus BA paintjobs literally today and posted it in our discord.
alright, my ploy to see some marik mechs worked. What purple would yall recommend to use for marik militia? I only got some citadel phoenician purple, would that work or do yall recommend a different shade?
How is that bad news?
What does in an FWL box anyway?
>/tg/ is always a "contrarian echo chamber"
Well yeah its how a lot of anons convince themselves they are superior to others in order to cope with their existence. It's fucking sad really.
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Fucking shittastic software ate my photo
Best paintjob in the thread.
"handcrafted" has been one of the words they've thrown around a lot in the promos. Even stuff like tightly scripted AI in scenarios, according to this: https://youtu.be/quLsSdczMB8?si=zobsePod6w7PINs3

These ones >>93169217
are a Naggaroth Night base with Phoenician Purple on top. Up to you if it's right.

Man, that BA Stealth Armor works great!
Albatross, Hercules, Grand Titan, and Hermes 2

They already released the Trebuchet and a lot of the other things that the Mariks use lots of are just their own variant of generics like Wolverines, Archers and Orions.
>What does in an FWL box anyway?
Just grabbing on thing from every weight class? Flea, Cicada/Hermes 2, Orion/Perseus, Awesome/Albatross. Depends on what era they want to set it in.
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My favorite is to get a kind of magenta and do a blue wash over it.
In the excel doc, there were two boxes per faction, one that was Succwars and Clan Invasion era stuff and one that was later.
Proacrylic and AK Interactive have more fleshed out paint lines. You also have far less "mystery meat" where they don't tell you what pigment is actually in the pot.
Depends on the era, Hermes II, Trebuchet, Awesome, Orion, Wolverine, Vulcan, Spider, Goliath, Tarantula or Sirroco, Albatross, Grand Titan, Quasimodo, Anzu, Havoc, Gambit, Neanderthal, Sarath, Hercules, Juliano, etc
i got some tyran blue to do barrel heat effects, i'll have to test that out on a mini.

we sometimes have to make sacrifices to keep our flgs running. mine is buying citadel paints. though they recently got a bunch of turbodork stuff so i can't wait to test them out.
I like mine bright, so I worked up to citadel Kakophoni Purple, which leans a little closer to pink than a lot of other ones.
no wonder the original story and characters were duh
Those mechs are very smol.
I am about to paint my nightskys very. Very dark blue. Then gonna try to dot stars on them
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Mine fortunately stocks Two Thin Coats, Army Painter, and a few other brands I don't pay attention to along with Citadel. Plus, they have this mural on the game room wall.

The guy who asked that question seems really cool and awesome.
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This is a photo from my campaign group and as were the Silver Hawks Irregulars, we've painted up several minis accordingly. The Silver Hawks Coalition is interesting because they have numerous worlds with their own paint colors that corresponding to different worlds of the Coalition. Like that brown and tan Wolverine is Shiloh colors. The black and gold is Kallidasa, etc.

Not all the mechs in our force are painted those colors, but we grow it every session.
Drybrushing little * and + usually looks more starry FWIW.
So I see we have Birbs, and we all have seen the Dracs, but does anyone have pictures of their Fedrats or Cappies?
It's the IWM sculpt for a light suit of BA. They have 6 points of improved stealth armor. I've used them in a couple games, and in one secured our only victory points and in another they mostly just served as an activation sink. I'm still not sure if I like them or not, but at only 200 points for a squad of them, they're really easy to include when listbuilding, the biggest constraint is finding them suitable transport, be it omnimech or APC.
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I toyed with making this generic green company into cappies or canopians but haven't done so. A FedSuns force(Dawn Guards) is on my list of priorities for the kickstarter mechs.
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They will become more Capellan when I figure out where to source decals for Kingston's Legionnaires from (old logo). Might have to do a custom order somewhere. Also haven't decided on the best way to winterize them.
I am obligated to paint some but I need to figure out who isn't green or tan yet. I have painted enough green and tan.
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How are they unusable? Our club has fielded them a few times and they've performed as well as a mech of the same bv
>I am obligated to paint some but I need to figure out who isn't green or tan yet. I have painted enough green and tan.
DMM are scarlet. Robinsons are yellow and red/black.
If you give a shad flak ammo for its AC, smoke for its LRM, and Inferno ammo for its SRM, can it be useful in a combined arms environment?
>I need to figure out who isn't green or tan yet. I have painted enough green and tan.

Brigade of Guards is the most famous Feddie paint there is. Powder blue with a red/white pinstripe.
Marginally useful, yes, but still not efficient for its BV. That's still just a single AC5 of flak, one LRM 5 of smoke, and one SRM2 of inferno.
>The guy who asked that question seems really cool and awesome.
You mean with his Waifu Battalion?
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The joke is that that's me.
Nah, rawberts a Drac. And Dracs can never be cool or awesome. It's a fact NAIS has spent years proving
If you do all that and use advanced movement rules and hands to the fullest, it's still not really worth the bv in direct combat. In a campaign, where the concern is c-bill cost rather than bv, its quirks come into play and situations that call for the utility it brings arise more often and occasionally without the need to kill the enemy, it's a great piece to have.
What do you use to sand down those little seam thing on a mini?
Dependinf on Era there are a number of feddie units that use some combination od red,white, or blue. Avalon Hussars all look whitish grey on camospecs with some red. Some of the Ceti Hussar regiments are blue with some red. Davion guards are of course literally the fench flag but as a paintjob for mechs. Dragonlords come in a variety of two color schemes. Federated Suns Lancers are navy blue with some accents. The March Militias come in a lot of colors.
i use a hobby knife and just shave that shit down.
Then what the fuck do I do with the damn things then?
You run a variant that's not shit or play GMd campaigns as God intended.
Whatever you need it to. I mean, from a pure BV efficiency point of view, there's no real reason to ever take the thing, but maybe your mercs just don't happen to have anything better, maybe you rolled it on a RAT, maybe you want to play a game where both sides only have inefficient shitty mechs so you can both learn something new.
7th Crucis is best.
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You only use the tool you need. In Succession Wars that usually just means loading up with flak when the enemy pulls out a bunch of VTOLs, infernos are a bit of a gamble.
The thing about a stock Shad is, it's actually not that badly undergunned on paper. 15 heat-free average damage puts it ahead of the Griffin and Phoenix Hawk, and on par with a lot of other stuff. Problem is it's all in small bites and two different range bands. You really need to give it a buddy with a holepuncher and split fire constantly to get the best performance out of it, however, and in exchange for being a high-touch pain in the ass to pilot you get back searingly average performance. The -2D is a glass cannon guaranteed to earn back a quarter of its BV unless you task it to spend the whole mission hunting Bugmechs and light tanks, which is fine when you're a militia in Bumfuckistan (or pirates on a smash-and-grab against same) but not great in a line regiment. That three jump is just enough to make dealing with swamps, rivers, and night fighting not be a total nightmare, but not enough to make you comfortable. I did have a lot of luck with them in one of my own campaigns when I rolled an entire demi-company and decided it was Fuck It, We Ball time. Not even refits, just six stock -2Hs running around as my reinforcement unit and doing general scutwork.

Now mind you, as soon as the Helm upgrades start coming in the Shad gets mean as shit and never stops. Even the 3050 upgrade with the Ultra is quite effective.
but protomechs came in twilight of the clans (clan invasion) doe
For moldlines, xacto knife or file depending on what the situation is like.
I mean you already had plenty of evidence he was arguing in bad faith, that should have been the final nail. That Anon has forgotten the face of his father, and his mother's husband.
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Personally I like ProtoMechs because they give me a super-robot vibe like Mazinger or Getter Robo. Plus I'll never argue against unit variety, everyone should be allowed to build their armies with what they want to use. It's a combined arms game after all.
>Even the 3050 upgrade with the Ultra is quite effective.

1 ton of Ultra 5 and 1 ton of LRM20 means it really should have shaved an extra 2 tons somewhere to afford being able to actually feed those guns. You have to be STUPIDLY conservative with your shots, and at that point, what's even the worth of the mech? Just bring a Griffin 3M instead of the Shad 5M and do the same job but way better, with actually enough ammo and range brackets that line up nicely.
Is there a reason I shouldn't just mass LRM5's instead of using larger ones? Seems like if you've not able to put in an LRM20, you're better off with two or three LRM5s
Strider E looks nice. Twin Streak 6s and a Medium Laser on a 6/9 platform. And I just found a decent STL for it.

Inflicting clumps of 5 is better than clumps of 3, which is what LRM5s average.
>implying anyone would back another cgl kickstarter after the sham that was this one
holy fuck vp-5 is a bullshit. fucking flying flashman
>play GMd campaigns as God intended.
Lol, your a funny guy. We have lance sized fights on 2 mapsheets, BV balanced, with no era restrictions, and that's all. That's the sort of wargame tournament practice that people need to get better. You can't get good playing in some houseruled home campaign. You have to be out there grinding matches and figuring force lists in a competitive environment. That's what Battletech is supposed to be.
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>no era restrictions
As long as I remember the face of my wife's boyfriend, it's all good. Anything goes.
>how DARE a company deliver its KS rewards in the month when it said it was going to?
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>wargame tournament practice
There's always gonna be whiners.
Only if you're in North America
>not being in north america
lol try living in a civilized country
That's the customers who matter.
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Starry knight lance of nightsky's almost ready to Ax sum qwestins

Under-prime coated in abbaddon black. Based in kantor blue. Wraithbone and auric gold dot stars.
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New thread? New thread.

Of course. It's certainly better than MWO.
The cope on non-Americas is so sad to see.
>that usually just means loading up with flak when the enemy pulls out a bunch of VTOLs
Flak mulches infantry too, don't forget.
>Lack of communication
>"Everything is ready to go!"... "Uh, no actually it isnt but it will be soon"... "We are going to ship it out now, we promise"
>Absurd postal charges for what are supposed to be local hubs (I can get a 200 kilo parcel on overnight shipping for 1/3 of the price I was charged)
Anyway, it is the 26th today. By CGL's own word they have 3 days, 5 hours, and 25 minutes at the time of posting to actually deliver on their promise. And so far, we have noting. All is silent on the shipping front.

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