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Post games you think are dead and dying, and why you think things got so bad:
Legend of the 5 Rings
>community immediately divided into combat machines and socialites
>combat machines drifted to systems with better combat mechanics
>socialites realized they're not the elegant japanese duelist/princess they pretend to be
That last one irked me, I get not wanting to study japan's history, but open a book on your clan ffs, don't just do "you violated some minor law now seppuku yourself!"
>Cyperpunk 2077 released, stealing away the people focused on tech
>new system was so fucking bad, no one touches it
>too much of the playerbase thinks they're an actual criminal mafia black ops milspec mercenary
Essentially, shadowrun quests are doing various jobs fighting or stealing from organizations, and only in Shadowrun do I see people actively refusing to go on quests and shit the GM made, leaving the gm up a creek without a paddle.
Fantasy Age
>Neat idea to break D&D dominance, didn't work
>starter classes for RPG newbies were basic as fuck and weak as shit
>rules just complicated enough people wonder why they're not playing D&D
I wanted to run this, never did. Don't think very many expansions and additional shit got pushed out, either
Games don't die. They're written, and then they remain until someone wants to play them. Arguably, some games die when the last copy of them becomes inaccessible, but thanks to the power of internet autism this is becoming rare.
>Games you think are dead and dying
The games I like
Because everything I like and love dies before my eyes.
>why are you not dead then?
Because I don't like myself.
Yes. If you need constant updates or product releases to 'support' a game you're part of the problem. Stick to games as a service.
>Stick to games as a service.
Don't you mean product? I buy a product and have the product, I use it when I want and how I want. Service seems to imply something continuous, like a subscription.
I think he means "If you need your game to be 'alive' fuck off back to Club Penguin"

D&D might be dying. It's 100% on how boneheaded Hasbro get.
God there's a mindfuck, RIFTS by Kevin Fucking Siembieda might outlast Dungeons and Dragons.

Oh sure, realistically there's like 0% chance that the property wont instantly get picked up. Whilst it doesn't have the dominance it had during the TSR days it's still the default vanilla flavour of RPGs.

If we want to talk about a game that IS dead now, let's talk about the Tradegy of X-Wing The Wise, since it's not a story an Asmodee Rep would tell.

>It literally outsells 40k at one shining moment.
Sure, a lot of that is because this was the height of the Kirby Arrogance Era and GW was bending over backwards for them, but still. It's a hell of an accolade for a small Austin studio to outsell GW, WotC and PP for entire quarter. (Well, back when it happened anyway. I don't THINK PP were shitting the bed at that point, might be wrong.)

>The point it turned to shit.
The EXACT point is Wave 8 of first edition. It's VERY well documented that this was the point that FFG lost control over the project (not literally, that's way later.) This is the point where they, in their arrogance. COMPLETELY broke the game in a way that 1st edition never recovered from. And when I say "Wave 8" I mean: The Jump-Master. There was a SINGLE card included in that expansion. Not an upgrade. Not a ship card. NOT EVEN A DIAL! That wasn't gamebreaking. Not a single thing that wasn't nerfed or removed by the start of 2nd edition. The Contracted Scouts were too cheap for what they did. It had a white SLoop for no reason. Dangar/Manaroo let you ignore 80% of the rules of the game. Even without the JumpMaster pretty much everything else in that wave had SOMETHING busted. The Ghost had Sabine's infamous Crew Card that would turn the Rebels into cancerous no fun experience. Mist-Hunter had cards that fed the Dengaroo combo. Disney also started mandating FFG make ships for the films here too. Eugh.
This, except for the 'buy' part.
It still lives on in my heart
Words can have implicit meanings that are different from the dictionary ones, sperg. Everyone else knew what he meant.
I'm not engaging in semantics. It literally doesn't matter if your game is still in print, or played by literally anyone else, or expecting more books, or well-liked, or hated.
Do you have it, is it to your taste, and do you want to play it? Those are the only relevant factors.
Man I sure do hate being unable to play Mario bros. But it's not getting new updates so It's dead. Never mind that I can just boot it up a number of ways and enjoy it as if was brand new. No. Without a season pass and constant DLC the game is dead. I need constant new and shiny distractions.
Don't forget that most people around here are no-games and/or don't have a normal social life. They rely on other people playing games for them.
Other than that you're right on the money. Who the fuck cares how "alive", "liked", or "well-received" a game is, as long as you and your buds are having fun with it?
I honestly think Shadowrun actually could have benefited from Cyberpunk 2077, if only the new system wasn't so aggressively atrocious that it would actually be preferable to try and shoehorn D&D into something shadowrun-shaped over playing that edition of shadowrun
It also matters if you can get other people to play it, because some of us actually do that instead of experiencing the hobby vicariously. And if you want to experience something as a player that no one else wants to run you're just shit out of luck.
>D&D might be dying
I'd like to think so but when does anything good ever happen?
Surround yourself with better people. Excise the brain-rotten. Yes, caring about shit like "hype" is a form of brain rot.
Alternatively, work on your people skills. If something's interesting and potentially fun but you can't convey that, that's on you.
Actually, scratch that, definitely work on your people skills, no matter what.

The big issue at the start was the CCG and RPG divide, from the perspective of an RPG player. The CCG lore was batshit and moving incredibly fast and they kept pushing it through to the RPG.

But despite all that it was fine, it went through two hugely successful Heroes of Rokugan campaigns.

Then for some reason AEG decided to sell it off to FFG, and that was a major blow. FFG did a whole new system for the card game and for the RPG. The RPG system was kinda dogshit, but people were getting into the LCG. Then COVID destroyed the card game scene, and then FFG went to Asmodeus, and they sent the RPG to a French publisher who doesn't give a fuck, and it's slowly choked and died.

I don't see the setting ever really coming back from those blows, sadly, but I suppose if Battletech can manage a huge revival, there's a sliver of hope, because Catalyst is a fucking shitshow.
>D&D might be dying. It's 100% on how boneheaded Hasbro get.
>God there's a mindfuck, RIFTS by Kevin Fucking Siembieda might outlast Dungeons and Dragons.

nigga put the crack down. I want to smoke it too, but no.
I don't know, I get the impression everyone still playing current edition D&D is a bandwagoner who showed when it became a fad and fads end eventually.
For someone who enjoys samurai media and would like to explore L5R and maybe run it, where should I begin? It seems like it has a lot of editions from different publishers.
The best place to start is 4th edition rules for the RPG. However, the 4e lore is set way down the line in the metaplot. Most people play in the build-up to the Clan war. Join the /tg/ discord 5jDBwHm5 and we can help you out
I will when time permits but is it reasonably possible to divorce an edition from its place in the metaplot?
Yeah it's very easy
Is it as simple, essentially, as reading source books from one setting and just ignoring anything from 4th edition that contradicts it? Or rather, following 4th edition for mechanics but using the other source books for player reading and GM prep and whatnot?
It's simpler than that, just read the 4e stuff and stop at "Bayushi Shoju decides it's cowabunga time"
Sounds good, thanks for the info.
It's as easy as reading the main book, since the book itself sets out to be an "era-less" edition in that its fluff is geared towards representing as many potential eras as possible, with respect to listing out when big enough changes would occur within the overall timeline like say the founding of entire clans. But even then, it outright gives advice on how you could use those elements independently to basically make your own timeline agnostic version of Rokugan to fit whatever you want. And the Imperial Histories books help even further in not only breaking down how to depict how to play during different major events and/or status quo changes, it outright gives alternate dimension scenario changes Like the "Iron Rokugan" where guns and railways are slowly eroding the samurai class even as Rokugan prospers, or "Togashi's Dynasty" where the Togashis are the ruling clan instead of the Hantei.
It was simply to good for this world, now no one talks about it anymore, even though people had so much fun with it. I will run a game with this system if its the last thing I do.
I'm here
Let's go
You can play in any era and there is a series of books detailing playing in alternative scenarios like the bad guys winning, industrial revolution now with tiger clan or samurai in space.
As an avid fan of retro games no cunt has ever heard of these days, I feel this comment in my bones. A game doesn't die unless everyone stops playing it altogether.
"Buying"? LOL, okay. But I think the Anon you're replying to means "stick to playing vidya"
>D&D might be dying. It's 100% on how boneheaded Hasbro get.
>God there's a mindfuck, RIFTS by Kevin Fucking Siembieda might outlast Dungeons and Dragons.

Like Sima Ye outliving the entire Three Kingdoms, with all their nobility, all their honour, and all their fighting skill. Truly, a wuxia tragedy in TTRPG form.
This. Once you have a good gaming group established, they should be willing to try a few different things. If they don't... it's not a good gaming group.
I'm rocking 2nd Edition AD&D all this year with my buddies to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of D&D better than Hasbro ever could. TO THE MOON, ALICE
Test the waters first. Tell them you're running a One Shot, pregen characters and run it like a tournament game. If you do all the heavy lifting and your players STILL won't take the bait... find better players.
I think this "new edition" of D&D that "isn't a new edition" but breaks the old books in over a dozen ways is the cut off point for a lot of the COVID generation of players. They, like many players before them, will look at the hundreds of dollars they invested into their sourcebooks and materials and think - "...why should I buy more stuff? What I have is fine already."

It happened with 3rd Edition, it happened with 4th Edition, it happened with 5th Edition. Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, Tenkar is a Beast.
>Accuses people of "brain rot"
You have the same disease you claim to hate
L5R has the problem of the game requiring you to be both good at socializing and combat but not allowing you to be good at both in a way that neither allows your party to compensate in many situations nor makes it so that being okay at either is really viable. It also has this setup where your PCs don't feel like what they should; by virtue of your station in the game most of the PCs should be well-versed in social politics and graces AND know how to handle themselves in a fight.
Fantasy Age had a pretty robust line for a non-d&d, not based on an existing IP game, and recently got a second edition.

As for Shadowrun, fucking Catalyst keeps publishing books, somebody is buying the fucking things.
This. I haven't heard anyone talking about AFMBE in ages, but I still have all the books as PDFs and could absolutely run a game if I wanted to.
And so the cycle continues.

Yeah, I know. Like I said. Realistically there's a 0% chance of this happening. When Hasbro gets dragged down when the vulture capitalists finally notice how much money there will be made from it's corpse D&D will 100% be one of the properties that get's sold off to someone. I'd be very surprised if D&D, MtG and at least Transformers didn't survive the fall of Hasbro.
"Hey guys, I'm going to run X game soon."

Oh shit, that was so hard.
>L5R has the problem of the game requiring you to be both good at socializing and combat
This is a myth. You don't need to be good at socializing.
L5r does in theory require you to know the social etiquette for the setting. While a lot of it is built into side booms and what not, in general it's built on a very 'asian' mind set that not every player will (want to) grasp. Beyond the xenophobia and traditionalist mindset, it's a very orthodox and conformist culture in universe where standing out or being direct about thinga get you shamed. If you don't have a GM that's easy going about these things, there's a lot to follow correctly.
In practice it doesn't really matter, and even when the GM is obnoxious about it, social skills won't help you.

Rokugan is a society of warriors picking fights with each other over the pettiest of bullshit. L5R is about fighting, be it people or demons.
Persobally I enjoy the social aspect to it, but what I wish it had more of is the crazy japanese spirit shit. Stuff like yokai around every corner without it all being tainged monsters and what not. An emphasis on spirituality beyond the phoenix and dragon, you know?
>D&D might be dying. It's 100% on how boneheaded Hasbro get.
I doubt that, it's still big enough that most people I know who play roleplaying games but aren't deep into the hobby basically only play D&D. I feel like if you look at what people say online it looks like D&D is doing worse, but whenever I chat with people in my city about roleplaying games I get the impression that D&D is doing quite fine. A lot of tabletop discourse that goes on online on sites like this once basically doesn't ever reach the people for whom D&D is synonymous with tabletop, I feel. They don't know that Wizards of the Coast is owned by Hasbro, I'd wager.

I primarily play GURPS and almost no one I meet in person has heard about it.
Not sure if you plaued a Crab or a Matsu, maybe a Moto, but you definitely played one of them.
You're not alone! People still discuss it. My GM surprised our group with it last week. He's been wanting to run it for years and now he is. We've only had one session so far, but it's been a lot of fun. I love the system and character creation so much. We've got some varied robots journeying together.
>retro games no cunt has ever heard of these days
Name them. Summon that which has been forgotten.

D&D is doing fine... I mean, it's losing money for Hasbro, but nowhere near as badly as everything else is for them right now. The issue is less about D&D and more if Hasbro can drag it down with it.
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I remember Shadowrun being a sort of holy grail game people wanted to play in the 00's but no one was willing to GM.

I think my ideal cyberpunk game would be one that just stuck with that 80's/90's vision of the future instead of trying to catch up with current 2020's trends. EG keep the internet wired and having people floating around in a virtual world eg Snow Crash.


DnD is becoming more of a lifestyle brand than anything. The women, Twitter activists etc they're pandering to might buy t-shirts and even fancy dice sets etc but when it comes down to brass tacks they're not going to sacrifice a Saturday pretending to be an elf like a male nerd with Asperger's would.
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My submission is Mekton.

>Niche game for fans of mecha anime. A melting pot of every single subgenre you can think of, lacking cohesion or balance by design. GMs have to put in a lot of work to make it manageable.
>Lancer is much more modern and accessible to a normie audience. Big robots, but without any of the anime baggage. Much more restrictive options, less likely to filter newer gamers who are used to the limited customisation of newer TTRPGs.

Someone claiming to be an old R. Talsorian contributor joined the Mecha Monday thread once, and regardless of whether or not he was who he claimed, he said something pretty on-point: Way more mecha media has come out in the time since Mekton's release than had even existed in totality at the time.

Kino game though, play it if you're autistic about cool robots.
This was the first game I ever gmed, so it has a special place in my heart. I just wish I had the hardback and not the POD version.
Age of Sigmar
>3e released during peak covid, massive delays and production issues made it come out bit by bit
>3e also released to two unpopular factions, sold like shit
>3e had more of a focus on streamlining and competitive play, which turned off people who fled from 40k because of that same thing
>Less and less content with each book, and any new content they come out with is just recycled (they have reprinted the low effort 1e siege rules that nobody uses 5 times)
>Generals handbook is the worst offender, it used to have lots of fun narrative scenarios and fluff, now its just all competitive for the same price
>it releases super fast too
>If you only play monthly, then by the time you remember the current ghb rules theres a new one plus a total balance pass over everyone
>tons of stupid shit added over the years, like mandatory terrain that looks like dogshit
And now 4th edition is being revealed to be even MORE streamlined and competitive focussed, with a new rules writing style that gives a headache to anyone reading it. Nobody is excited for the new rules, there are hardly any exciting new model release waves anymore, and the game is already trying to "settle" when it used to be the fun game with lots of crazy rules and tons of experimental shit being thrown around.
>D&D might be dying. It's 100% on how boneheaded Hasbro get.


Anon, get real, at this point DnD is like Marvel, is absolutely awful just like Marvel comics, is low quality just like Marvel comics, very few play just like very few read Marvel shitty comics, but at this point it makes so much money with videogames and other shit that it no longer matter
Shadowrun isn't dead, it just switched places with Cyberpunk
>TSR days
After finding out more of the history of it (I wasn't keeping up with TTRPG industry news when I was 5, sue me) WotC buying D&D was always something what was going to have consequences. It killed Ral Partha for one, which it's impossible to know how the history of miniature gaming would be different if GW had more strong competitors in that era. 3.5 is undeniably successful, and it gains status retroactively as 5e ages poorly, but it was the beginning of the overly polished mess D&D became.
Is the general sentiment that D&D recovered from D&Done and the OGL controversy? Even the people whose opinion they care about were mad about that one. When you've been building resentment for a while, a lapse like that can kill a company.
Pretty much any /awg/ game that isn't in the OP of /awg/ can be assumed dead, at least dead enough that you likely won't be playing any games you don't start yourself.
That's why smart writers add solo rules. However, there are also rulesets that are an afterthought and the purpose of the miniature line is either display minis or Warhammer proxies. Your 28mm skeletons aren't going to become useless because Zombies28 dies.
>Lancer is much more modern and accessible to a normie audience.
Lancer is fucking gay and full of communist troons
Marvel isn't doing well now though, normies got sick of having to watch movies of characters they don't care about as homework for the next big crossover event so when Endgame gave them a jumping off point they took it.
Same, I reference the game whenever I can b/c no one remembers it, or they never heard of it.
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Star Frontiers. It's over 40 years old and a lot of water has passed under the bridge. A lot of games from that time have gone--though not DND also from TSR or Traveller which doubtless spurred TSR to make SF.

It didn't come with space ship rules, those took two years to arrive. Iit was strong enough as a space setting with a unique rule set to last without them.

I think two things worked against SF: the space ship box set and a lack of rival space faring cultures.

The space ship rules themselves are fine. Designing your own ships works and the combat isn't bad whether abstract or as a hex and counter game. Space ships are expensive but lack of PC money doesn't get in way when the referee and players decide run a certain type of campaign. It was the rules governing PCs having spaceship skills.

SF is classless. PCs choose one of the three Primary Skill Areas in the core game. Skills outside your PSA cost double. Most spaceship skills need rank 6 in some skill. A military guy learning Pilot needs to buy tech skills costing 16 modules worth of XP. You've played all along as a fighter only to find you're never going to be a pilot. I don't know how being good with a handheld pew-pew pistol helps to fire a spaceship laser turret but that's all he could reasonably learn.

At least if you had known space skills were coming you could have chosen a different PSA without having to house rule or feel that you'd been blind-sided and brick-walled.

The other part is that there were five space faring races, four freely commingling for PCs and the evil Sathar NPCs always recruiting secret agents. TSR didn't leave much room for splat books about the mysterious Grand Circle of Entil'Zha or the denizens of the Bellringer Cluster. The game didn't need splat for its own sake, there is plenty of scope for adventure, but without books about exotic places and rival space factions fanning the flames, especially when it's a space opera setting, Star Frontiers just faded quietly away.
Clearly it isn't perfect, but this is 100% why the most recent edition moved in the direction it did. by tying stats to "approaches" it makes all types of characters useful in every situation, so long as they are approaching the situation in the right way, with characters being better in situations they are built for by their techniques.

If the system got a .5 edition It could probably clean up the rules and streamline somethings to improve the game, but it would probably never be able to recapture the 4e audience, given the different mindset that the "approach" focused game requires, and the commitments that the game asks of you to grok it (custom dice, lore reset, endless oppurtunities tables, etc). It's a shame, some of the ideas are so inspired, but then you have the opportunities tables that slow everything to a crawl if used fully (which I don't, but its hard to blame people for using a crunchy book RAW).
> The RPG system was kinda dogshit
This is the shit people say after gargling Wick's balls for a decade and a half
FFG L5R is a very good system for drama-oriented games.
It's also not entirely dead, just... Very slow. Supposedly, a Scorpion splat is coming out late this year.
Yeah, fuck Edge.
>Supposedly, a Scorpion splat is coming out late this year.
Unicorn, sadly, and there's still no evidence of this actually happening...

Nah. John Wick wrote encounters that where the PCs, armed with swords, encountered an unarmed man and in the adventure it says "Don't roll dice, if this guy comes to blows with the PCs he will kill them."

It was written by a sociopath who could only achieve orgasm when he ruined someone's character with railroady GMing.

The card game was very much a clique where the designers and their friends won all the tournaments and the colluded and cheated to keep other people from winning.

I'm glad that game is dead.
>Yeah, fuck Edge
What's going on with them these days?
John Wick hasn't been involved with L5R since 1e, and has been a terminal nogame even back then. Nobody cares about him.

I do. And I want everything he's ever touched to fail.

I like how you're the third person so far who didn't read the rest of my two line post saying that I knew it was 0% likely, but that it would be pretty funny.

It's also BARELY a mecha RPG. It's just 4th edition D&D with a more modular take to class progression.

It DID give us Battlegroup though, and I like that a lot. As a space combat engine it's pretty unique and functions relatively well.
what exactly would make it more mecha
more rules about mecha

And/or GM tools for mecha construction.
Lancer is an odd system because it doesn't recreate the feeling of any prior mecha media that I'm aware of. That's not in itself a bad thing, and I think that if they'd leaned into evoking their frankly great mecha designs and lore then it'd have been fun as hell, but as it is it's like an abstract strategy game with a mecha coat of paint for some reason. There are Knizia board games with as much lore and gameplay integration.
I mean, Titanfall rocks, so you're right, weeb-free mecha isn't an impossibility. But with Lancer hogging the limelight, and Maximum Mike too busy selling his soul to the Polish devil, the niche of a Gundam/Mazinger/whatever else RPG with robust customisation remains unfilled. Tragic.
>has been a terminal nogame even back then
The right game for the right man, I see.
Play Heavy Gea--

Never mind, it's retarded
The designs are cool. Never seriously looked into it because I thought it was just a wargame.
No, fuck Asmodee for vomiting Edge out of FFG and forcing them to reacquire every single one of their licenses and manufacturing lines.
>What's going on with them these days?
Nothing because their communication sucks and their print runs are garbage. L5R should always be in stock but it isn't.
im still perfectly happy with l5r 4th edition.
i dont like the ffg system for l5r.
>if only the new system wasn't so aggressively atrocious that it would actually be preferable to try and shoehorn D&D
Or if CGL weren't a bunch of embezzling, freelancer-screwing Mormons covering each others' asses, too busy tanking their own rep and playing musical chairs with job titles. (volunteer errata team? no you're working on this now. fiction writer? no, you're on rules now. etc.)
>As for Shadowrun, fucking Catalyst keeps publishing books, somebody is buying the fucking things.
Germans. Same with Catalyst's other one, Battletech. Shadowrun and Battletech are popular with Germans.
>Then for some reason AEG decided to sell it off to FFG
AEG went full boardgame because that's where the money is. Dealing with L5R's fanbase was 200% more hassle than money.
There's meant to be both before they let the game die.
>Shadowrun and Battletech are popular with Germans.
Doesn't hurt that they get to fix the game before having it sold to them. We should get an English translation, too.
I ran a 5e game for years and the system has some ok ideas but completely fails the implementation. 4e has its own issues.
Honestly I'd rather just play in historical Japan but maybe like yokai are real instead of rokugan.
>Star Frontiers
wow, I havent seen that since fall 1984. my cousin and his friends would get stoned and used that to play star wars. they were the best babysitters ever.
too bad theyre mormons, once they get their hands on something its in the hands of the church forever.
no one else could buy it back.
that would be much more fun than l5r.
My biggest problem with l5r is that every pc feels the same. There are some cool stuffs you can play as but 90% of people will be a different flavor of samurai.
Oh, they made the D&D version of L5R just for you.
This. I downloaded a 25 page ish game off some dude's tumblr like a decade ago and the tumblr doesn't exist and the guy's name doesn't turn up anything but I've backed up the game to several different places and I still use it now and then for fun one-offs.
That is literally the point.
The benefit of the L5R setting is that it's much more accessible than real Japanese history unless you only scratch the very surface, and if you're only doing that then it doesn't really matter either way. But for players, having easily identified groups like the Cran, the Crab, the Lion, etc and each of them having a stereotype and job to do makes things digestible.
what's the game?
Brilliant to hear they didn't restrict themselves to the default setting. Did you get to play too or did they maybe make up some "too young" angle?
I read a lot of medieval japanese diaries, so my idea of a good time would be rolling to save face because your robes are layered in an out of season combination.
Great setting, absolutely shit system. I do not blame a single soul for jumping ship on that game as soon as any other system comes along that scratches that same itch.
It was a very-alright RPG system too. As was the even-more-gundamy Jovian Chronicles.
No denying the art in the books goes full weeb, BUT...
Threat value, (which admittedly DID need a 'split' for combat/non-combat since if you add a minibar and shower to your tank its point value for combat could deceptively explode) means that just being a mech or a tank doesn't make you necessarily better than the other If you.
>In fact, with heavy gears being basically a humvee, a heavy tank or stealth aircraft (which admittedly is worth like ten times your machine) is utterly terrifying.

Also the combat system of multiplicative damage vs thresholds meant it was possible to plink shit to death or overkill things.
>While it could use some refinement given some swingy-ness, its ability to range from bouncing off the armor to that beam saber dismembering your mech worked out quite alright.
Even "people vs mech/vehicle" was scaled quite easily and well, and made personal armor REALLY worth the weight. The whole thing felt more like VOTOMS (but with lasers and sometimes a railgun) than Gundam.
The RPG was honestly really fun, especially the old Jovian space combat which also felt much closer to Expanse (yes, despite the fucking plasma swords) than Unicorn.
Every game I've played in Silhouette (the old HG/JC system) was damn memorable.
Ernest Hemingway once said, “Every man has two deaths: when he is buried in the ground and the last time someone says his name."
>I get the impression everyone
Have you talked to them personally or are you just going off of "social media vibes"?
People are still playing BECMI and you fucks thing D&D is going to die?!
Is Titanfall 2 still decently active? They're selling it for six bux on Steam right now.
That's the main thing I hate about Seven Samurai. Six of the title characters are actually samurai and the seventh acts like one making them all 100% interchangeable. I can tell a couple of them apart in the film because one is bald and another has a big sword. Even then for all the lack of difference between their characters they might as well be cardboard cutouts with the same voice over guy.
Go deeper dude. Write such an eloquent poem about it that it becomes the new fashion and everyone else is the country bumpkin.
People still speak Latin. Latin is a dead language. These two things are not the opposites you think they are.
>dead language.
Which means there is no community teaching the language as a first and native tongue to their children.

This definition doesn't apply to games.
of course, they were based as fuck stoners and Robbie is the reigning BEST COUSIN EVER to this day. he brought me to city gardens when I was 9. I'm still half deaf from that night. he died from Huntington's in 2017. they had ming the merciless, PIGS IN SPAAAAACE!!! muppet silliness, B movies, the lone ranger, a talking dog driving a talking car, shaw kung fu movies (his family had a K band satellite dish), it was whatever was cool at the moment.
Why hasn't someone taken L5R and made it MtG instead?
MtG already has a color wheel and it would differentiate it from D&D.
>WotC then goes on to make MtG splats for D&D
WotC doesn't have a creative bone in their body.
A refutation of the idea acknowledges the idea. Stop being a retard.
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That's beautiful mate. Hats off to the best cousin ever.
The problem with RIFTS is I hate the ideas the chosen successor has in regards to the system. The Tomorrow Legion was a fucking retarded concept redundant with New Lazlo.
Didn't the latest edition of Shadowrun get fixed by the German translation because the game is big enough there the company went "Fuck this noise" and rewrote it?
90s RPGs overall were way too fucking addicted to metaplot. It's what killed Deadlands along with the asinine decision to publish a d20 version.
Maybe he secretly wants to kill it
Last time I played I didn’t have any trouble finding matches. It’s one of those games where the tryhards will absolutely roll you, so if the sale brings in newbies now might be a good time to try it and git gud.
Never watched VOTOMs but smaller, armored core style mechs I love. Maybe a little bigger than heavy gear scale, but I might have to give the game a shot.

You mentioned Jovian Chronicles, is that its own thing?
It's arguable that you do have a "native game" the same way you have a native language.
Not that I think games can die I'm some other guy. But I do think people get habits from their first game that can stock with them in other games.
Meanwhile, in reality…
>"Hey guys, I'm going to run X game soon."
This is what happens with brand new, well-known games if they aren’t one specific edition from ten years ago wearing the name of a 50-year-old game. There are absolutely TTRPGs out there that will never be played again, ever.
Yeah, well, that’s lovely and all but we’re talking about the first one. The relevant one that’s not flowery poetic horseshit, because the topic is entertainment media products.
The people playing that will die off and I guarantee no one, literally and I mean the actual definition of literally, no one new has learned to play the game in the past decade at least and will continue to play.
Why the fuck would you okay with people like that? Aren't you friends?
Just putting the letters in green doesn't mean thst they reflect reality. I have literally never been told no. In fact I don't even ask. I just tell people what we will be playing.
This >>93167342
You can technically play any tabletop that's ever been made, at will.
However, if nobody fucking cares, good luck. For example, if you want to play Cnapan, you technically CAN... But who the fuck is going to play it with you? Or care? Or know the rules? Or give a shit about its history? Or look forward to its future.
It's dead.
You can go to an abandoned movie theater with your own projector and try to revive some simulacrum of what it was like when it was open, but the empty building will always be there combined with the crushing certainty that nobody gives a shit and they're all busy doing other things while you wallow in your flagging nostalgia.
People enjoy active communities because we're social creatures, we like having things to look forward to and discuss.
>active communities
You have an active community: your friends. You just tell them you want to do a thing, and they'll come along with you. And if they choose not to? There's a reasonable chance they aren't really your friends after all.
Historically based
fpbp, thread should've ended there
Small Towns. It's kind of like a simpler version of kids on bikes
The shadowrun fanbase is fractured into so many fucking rule systems at this point
>More than a few grogs playing 2e or 3e
>TONS of people playing 20th anniversary
>The main chunk of mainstream fans still haven't gotten over how 6e was just a worse edited 5e, although most 5e players seem to have switched by now
>a few people playing Anarchy
>All the PbtA fans switched to runners in the dark or similar hacks
>Savage Worlds got a shadowrun hack that some popular streamers switched over to
>Cities without number
>cyberpunk obviously

I'm not saying any of this is a bad thing, it's just funny how shadowrun went from being one of the big boys to descending into near obscurity. Everyone knows the setting, nobody is playing the game. Barring a videogame or a movie or just rave reviews I think 7e is going to be a flop of epic proportions
My group is 6 core guys, and a couple of their friends as well, sometimes. We always have one game going or another. Every single one of us is a wannabe GM when whatever our current campaign is comes to a close, I've ran Traveller myself, and currently we're playing Mage: The Awakening. Next, who knows? Fucking three of them want to do Dungeons and Dragons later.
If I want to push for what I want, I need to fucking convince them that it will be fun. If I pick some obscure bullshit with a steep learning core to even grasp the basics of the lore, they won't be as excited for it. And we'll just have to play D&D.
I'm right there with you, assuming you think D&D is boring dogshit, but what is a man to do? It's accessible, its rules are practically open source, everyone knows the basics of a generic fantasy setting, it has endless amounts of content and lore from the wiki to puke-inducing shit like Critical Role. For better or worse, it's fucking alive. I can't beat that if I come out trying to proselytize for some niche shit.
A game needs to have some breath in it or it won't get played. It's just the nature of the world we live in.
>you had social experiences contrary to my own? impossible!
I only ever see this happen on /tg/. Is it because all the braindead normalfags?
>If I want to push for what I want, I need to fucking convince them that it will be fun.
This is perhaps the single most basic prerequisite for GMing as a discipline, and if you're struggling with it I have to assume you're retarded.
D&D is bad.. so there's no point thinking about it further? Who cares how easy it is to get a group? It's very easy to get raped and murdered, but I don't think of that as a sensible alternative to a fun evening should scheduling fall through.
99% of RPGs aren't hard to learn. 99% of settings need only a bit of light reading to become conversant.
You are weak. Grow stronger.
You wouldn't understand because you're clearly a narcissist. Every piece of advice you're giving me is megalomaniac douchebag shit. Braggart bullshit from an assclown.
Playing with you sounds like a complete nightmare and I'm glad that once I leave this thread you'll disappear into whatever disgusting pit you crawled out of, washed in anonymity and never to be heard from again.
>Pathfinder 2e
Go woke go broke
Lol u mad

It's a bit of a hard pill to swallow, but i think it comes down to the fact the very concept of the Shadowrun setting is sort of retarded. It's like shit your hyperactive six year old brother would come up with. And I'm not even sure how they could have approached it and made it good.

But its much simpler to just roll with Cyberpunk, less to explain to new people.
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Any game that isn't 5e, yes this potentially includes d&done, pf2e takes some scraps.
Even my fucking brainrotted 3.x friends are slowly giving up, one of them even choose to partake in a irl pf1e game 25 miles away from his home just to have a chance in keep playing his preferred game (i'm currently gming a 3.5e game for them but i'm close to ending that and there's no chances i will pick that shit again, i was tired of it already 20 years ago). Any other non-d&d game? Tough luck, there's a guy in my group that's literally begging unsuccessfully for the chance of running a fate game or a 7th sea one, another tried to run a CoC game and got burned by a vidyabrained that guy and never tried again, i can push a gurps game once in a while when the stars align (as in i mat successfully co-opt some player interests at the right time) but that's about it, i can call myself lucky for having had the chance of playing once some other game in the past but, today? The hobby is dead, at least where i live.
Have you tried thinking smaller, like setting up some one-shot introductory sessions with pre-made characters and a straight-forward structure?
If you set up the game as if it were babby's first roleplay session you might be able to sell them on the gameplay and lore with exposure rather than trying to front-load the whole deal all at once.
Another upside is that if they do enjoy it, they have the experience of knowing in a more intuitive way how the game systems work, which can smooth out the inevitable character building session.
I get that you want to capitalise on your "turn" but maybe just slowly showing your group new stuff might be the play if you want to encourage them to step outside their comfort zone.
People only have so many hours in the day, days in the week, and chances in a lifetime. If there's a part of something you want to experience but people are resistant to getting onboard, then spending untold amounts of time trying to ease them into it (with a significant chance of them simply thinking of it as a novelty and going back to what they know) is simply an irresponsible use of your time. The whole time you're dumbing down the thing you like or are interested in, you are spending precious energy and time that you are unlikely to see a return on investment from.
When you're part of a friend group and they all have avid interests with some overlap, you really do need to capitalize on your turn or you'll get left in the dust as the next wave of group activity ideas flood in and your desired activity is swept away with the tide. There's a point where it gets to be too tiresome and you have to endure such long trial periods (if they ever even humor you more than once) that you're not only unlikely to ever get to the real meat of what you want to do, but you also run the risk of souring the whole experience for yourself because you had to make too many compromises along the way.
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Thank you for introducing me to this game, looks fun. I'll try to spring it on my group next time we can't make our normal campaign happen due to scheduling or something like that.
The problem with mekton is that aesthetically it wants to be Gundam, but mechanically, it wants to be battletech. Radom hit locations, hex facing, weight being the most important stat of your robot, tracking fuel costs for flight and mansually teacking the remaining ablative armor of every hitzone; all of this gritty simulationist overhead when most mecha anime is actually about character drama. All the silly stuff like transformations are hideously overpriced. You'd have an easier time trying to run Armored Core in Mekton than like Macross.
actually kill yourself
Is Gundam a super robot story, or a real robot story? I think Mekton wants you to play as a grunt suit the way it gets into things.
I mean, there are no rules on how big the players' budget must be, only loose guidelines. I think the GM is supposed to be free to assign whatever budget he wants depending on the style of mecha he wants. And a lot of the simulation stuff is explicitly optional, like the fuel cost. Anything's doable, from grunts to superweapons, the GM just has to set things up ahead of time.

An Armored Core Mekton game is like, my white whale though. One day, once I convince my friends that big robots are cool.
There's literally nothing else like it though. Shadowrun unironically has a great system buried under moronic editing and it's thanks to retards like you peddling this shit that got us 6e.
You're the acting like your problems are universal.
Nevermind games that "died" games, what about stillbirths?
Ever seen a CATastrophe thread?
>cyberpunk obviously
I don't see how. The system is so fundamentally retarded and every single fucking character is the same. Oh look, it's a 8+ reflex borg solo! Oh look, that's the entire party! And every important NPC! Boring as fuck.

I dunno man, if it's got you calling it fucking retarded then it sounds like they've pretty much nailed the feel of the rules.
>i think it comes down to the fact the very concept of the Shadowrun setting is sort of retarded.

It genuinely feels like two players turned up for a new campaign thinking they were gonna do D&D, the other two thought everyone had agreed to do Cyberpunk (they were correct and the GM knew this) and all of them had made character sheets and the GM just smashed the two together in an unholy union of pure "I don't give a fuck, it's the 80's, this is College and I'm on molly and three cans of piss-weak lager."
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once, in 2014....
Have you never heard of the OSR?
I finished my SWN-inspired conversion including the world's most autistic random sea and island generator and realized anyone seeing it would humiliate me. But now that I could go back and shit it all up with AI cheesecake, it just might be time to post.
He might have. At least on these boards I get the impression that there are a bunch of rather closed minded people who will shout down BECMI as not part of the OSR despite it definitely being old school and at least 95% mechanically identical with moldvay basic, at least 99.9% identical before the release of the Companion set and even then it's mostly just the thief ability scores that changed.
Industry talk is like discussing game mechanics
GURPS conflates granularity with realism
it's technically Asmodee, not Asmodeus, although they certainly do have devilish qualities.
As regards the mythological character, Asmodée is French for Asmodeus
all the games i like are dead.

>Palladium stuff is 30 years old
>Shadowrun is dead, 4th ed is SUPER dead
>D&D is split down 7 different editions (B/X, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th)
>Pathfinder, the game that was meant to preserve 3.5, got its own 2nd ed so now I can't play 1st ed Pathfinder.
>Fantasy Flight is done with Warhammer RPG's and Warhammer is on 10th or 11th, left behind since 6th. Too old to play with kiddos, too young to play with Grogs.
>GURPS is on 4th edition, got left behind on 3rd
>WoD is split between nWoD and oWoD and 20th anniversary / 5th eds. Sick to death of WoD, (especially its corny metaplot) can't find players who want to play it striaght.
>Even fucking ECLIPSE PHASE went on to a second Edition, all the open source rulebooks got 'lost in the mail' somewhere and I can't find the pdfs anywhere. Left behind on first edition.
>Ars Magica, 5th edition, was playing 3rd, ded gayme.

You see? Its just endless new editions, new rulebooks and playsets, always having to buy new stuff and adapt to the new ruleset.. how can anyone keep up?

If you want something with the feel of 6ht/7th ed 40k, you might want to look into 2nd ed Horus Heresy.
Between the new plastic kits and Etsy, you don't quite need the second mortgage to play that game as you used to.
>only in Shadowrun do I see people actively refusing to go on quests and shit the GM made
Depends on the group, also can be intentional on the GM's part: set up obvious trap offer, either players bite and have to find a way to escape or they don't bite and might want to find out who's trying to set them up.
>GURPS is on 4th edition, got left behind on 3rd
4th is roughly 3rd ed plus some optional rules from compendium I and II enabled, gurps editions are more like tsr d&d editions, different enough to be significant but not enough to break backward compatibility.
>Its just endless new editions, new rulebooks and playsets, always having to buy new stuff and adapt to the new ruleset.. how can anyone keep up?
Yes anon: people whose business is selling books do, once in a while, write books to sell.
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>Old games never die - they just fade away.
Coffee break of the living dead is a fun scene to setup.
I just don't know how to make zombies scary, and fail to convey the idea of 'zombie ignorance' well.
>Nevermind games that "died" games, what about stillbirths?
Candela Obscura and soon Daggerhearts are stillbirths that figure in my mind. Mostly because they're Critical Role's attempts to divorce themselves from 5e.
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>mfw ran Shadowrun 5e for group, they loved it
>mfw ran L5R 5e for group, they loved it
>mfw ran WHFRP 4e for group, they loved it
>mfw running Liber Imperium (DH/RT/OW update) for group, they love it
Sometimes it takes forcing your friends to try the system, for them to recognize the merits of said system.
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Most of Notepad's anon projects
Great systems, creative, but no one fucking heard of them outside his microcommunity

Im still looking for a game of project Sidewinder or Clanhead.
It’s in a weird middle of the road area. On one hand, combined arms with mecha are plentiful. On the other hand, for every combined arms scene, there’s also a gundam vs gundam scene
OP dies in his Mommy's basement but Mommy only notices the change because the rotting fat smell of the corpulent OP's carcass is an improvement over his stench from not bathing for months at a time.
Meanwhile, ALL games live on.
Find me a game of Price of Freedom then anon.
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I did the same for 20 years and now my group got full circle back to the starting point: they will play d&d (3.5e) just fine but propose other games (even the ones they already tried in the past) and they will start whining.

>Inb4 they didn't enjoy the other games as much
I had a 2 and half years long campaign with one (wfrp) and a 7 years long campaign with another (gurps) both with 100% attendance, with them pushing for more at the time. It's just that they got older and don't care much for anything more than mindless skirmish and having fun with a la carte builds minigames in chargen, wotcd&d is the only game that qualifies in this regard. I found my compromise with them sneaking in some osr-ish elements while GMing (like using the faction phase rules from worlds without numbers, hexcrawling, dungeon turns, and so on) so i can at least have my side of fun when running the same trite shit. I tried to make new groups out of freshblood but, despite being successful, they fell apart due to irreconcilable schedule issues later on (some moved out and some other had fucked up work shifts making sessions a once on a blue moon event).

>Inb4 your point?
if you're really passionate about ttrpgs make sure to clock the players that share the exact same interests as yours early on because that takes a hell of a time to be successfully achieved otherwise you'll probably end , like me, with a group that is just tangentially interested in your likings and that will humour you out of a sense of novelty just for a finite time period before eventually settling for one single thing in a superficial manner. Your players may seem open-minded enough but if you had to force them in trying new things they may eventually roll back to whatever they find the most comfort in and nest there for good. Of course i hope it isn't your case anon but be careful anyway.
I miss Viral a lot. Wherever he is, I hope he's doing well.
>closed minded people who will shout down BECMI as not part of the OSR
I hadn't thought of that angle
I really want to run a game of Price of Freedom, but I'm afraid my lefty friends will be either butthurt I'm running it or butthurt I'm excluding them if I do.
The only ideology the game really prohibits you from is 'orthodox Marxist-Leninist'
you can totally be a maoist and shooting commies.
On that note though.
if you run price of freedom online, I'd like to be invited.
>Lancer is an odd system because it doesn't recreate the feeling of any prior mecha media that I'm aware of.
As someone who likes Lancer as a system quite a bit, I think a lot of that has to do with the setting which is written like someone wanted to some sort of Eclipse Phase style take on cyberpunk but was held at gunpoint until he rewrote it as a mech setting. I've had a harder time onboarding new players into the setting than the mechanics, since mechanically it's got clear language and tools like COMP/CON to help with that but the setting is so much its own thing that it actively fights interested players foundational knowledge of mecha and even just how a future setting would work to some degree.
Some games with really unique settings, like Glorantha, have this problem. RPGs rely a lot on archetypes that are easy to grasp, and if a group's trying a game for the first time giving them a ton of homework can kill interest pretty quickly.

Also I've had the opposite problem, where some of my mates like Lancer, but I'd prefer something closer to full on mecha anime like MT and it's a little difficult to sell them on it.
Love me l5r 5e. It’s dying because the company decisions. Theres not even a new book in the pipeline is there?

I thought fantasy age 2e would be my personal dnd killer. Played 1 session and said what the fuck is this and dropped it. For starters heavy plate reduces damage taken by 10 hp when people are rolling 1d6 +1 damage. The bestiary in the back of the book is too half assed to make a meaningful adventure from. The fact that the 2nd edition looks DOA with no books in the pipeline was icing on the cake.
>your friends
I lost those a long time ago anon.
>Legend of the 5 Rings
literally just play 3e or 4e
>Legend of the 5 Rings
>community immediately divided into combat machines and socialites
>combat machines drifted to systems with better combat mechanics
>socialites realized they're not the elegant japanese duelist/princess they pretend to be
None of this applies to FFG's edition, by letting you use any ring with any skill, you can have 2 skill ranks in something and still do well with it is you use the right approach (ring) to get a big dice pool, it is impossible to specialize into one area soo hard you can't get into another. Also there are duelist schools that have courtier stuff.
>Legend of the 5 Rings
>>community immediately divided into combat machines and [useless bitches]
The quintessential samurai of the setting does both, and you could do both in the previous four editions. Were expected to, even. Being utterly useless as a courtier out of court was frowned upon, and falling on your blade because you were a Brash / Can't Lie / Obtuse combat wombat ... well, that was just natural selection in practice.
Consoomerist cope.

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