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Gunline Brutality Edition

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh (embed) (embed)
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6 (embed) (embed)
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H (embed) (embed)
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Warhammer Wikis:

>Alternative Models:
https://pastebin.com/xPeM9szL (embed) (embed)

>Previous Thread:

How many armies do you have?
>high elves
What models did you use for your Araby? I'm considering buying some MaxMini Oasis Mercenaries.
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Mostly empire (pic related) but I also have a small VC army. I have a few minis for most other armies, but not enough to play a game with
1.5 probably gonna sell the one that's a wip off soon though
.5 working on vampire counts
Maybe I'll get woc or the empire depending on the new models, I will definitely keep an eye out on Cathay if that ever comes out.
>AoS and 40k shitter is ITT
Go back to posting your balls.
So what game is this.
It's clearly not TOW but it looks interesting.
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May Ptra grant you life eternal.
it looks like shit desu
they look like they are prancing on square zen gardens or something
Tell me about the tomb king pantheon
WHFB. Just being a bit liberal with the basing because it's more aesthetic
There's one for every occasion and we only know about a fraction of them.
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Meanwhile your games look like this (assuming you even play)
3.5, dwarfs, orcs, HoC (beastmen + warriors)
so this is the power of proooonting
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It started off so well with TK and Brets. How could we let this happen?
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> more aesthetic
you can't be serious

I don't play but I paint and base my stuff as if I did

I also don't need to play, paint, or even have models to be able to call that shit out
Yeah hurry up and release I need Chorf conversion fodder
Is it true that 20mm bases became 25, 25 became 30 ect? So even if you have qfb armies you still need special trays or need to rebase your whoel army? Forgive me for asking stupid questions, but I still cant grasp why gw did it, feels like a shit move so ppl would buy new models if they still want to play tow and wfb with the same models.
just buy recasts or print better ones lmao
yes. it was done so that gw can still sell people their bigger fatter nu-models without too much whining, and also a way to convince people to buy more models (as many people who already have armies won't want to rebase).
you can just ignore the base changes and play normally with no issues tho imo.
>I don't play
Case closed

> It started off so well with TK and Brets.

In what world is the CrocoDragon, foot KotR and 6E plastics considered to be a strong start?
Those formations and unit sizes dont work for WHFB, try again.
At least you cropped the skirmishing halberdiers this time
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Dwarf Warriors are not a good base for chorfs anyway since they have chainmail, Hammerers / Longbeards have perfect bodies for that. Plate chestpiece + scales on legs and arms. Pic is my first try, I need make better horns for sure.
Still a lot better than bloating box with 2 fucking gyrocopters. Dragon is alright and gives you 2 characters. footknights are garbage that aren't in the box so you can safely ignore them, the pegasus lord looks good. 6e plastics are fine too. Would you rather have new slop with 50% black women or something?
I can't imagine O&G players are particularly thrilled with the 2 chariots either. Despite the dragon I feel like the first 2 boxes just did a way better job giving starting players what they want. Not even bad in duplicates.
That looks better than >>93170430
Playable: Empire, Dwarfs, Beastmen, Ogre Kingdoms, Warriors of Chaos
WIP: Bretonnia, Vampire Counts
So, seven for the time being
Interesting. What models do you use, and what rules do you play that support Araby?
What blades are you using for them?
Idk, orc chariots are pretty good, as are gyrocopters.
I had few curved swords from skeleton box, other than that the Longbeard axes and hammers are good enough
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any news about a wfrp new book?
at least i don't pretend i play a game im very obviously not playing, but whatever makes you happy anon
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Has anyone modelled their men at arms with warscythes? (i.e. sycthes reforged upwards into glaives)

Thinking about doing this for my Yeoman guard for the bret exiles army
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Now that the ash has settled. Which chaos god is Hashut really?
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It's more likely than you think
No, I just hadn't finished making enough trays that last game
You dont need a movement tray to have a unit be ranked up dumbass.
I disagree. Vashtorr isnt a god, but he also covers a very different domain to Hashut.

Hashut himself isnt actually very tied to artifice, thats khornes shit (see juggernauts and skullcannons and the like),
Hashut is a god of flame, shadow and tyranny, he is chaos sauron. The artifice of the chaos dwarfs comes from them being dwarfs, and as such taking the gifts of hashut (the ability to bind demons/do magic) in the direction of machinery and industry.

The "we make weapons of war" part of the chaos dwarf culture is just normal dwarf stuff, the chaos aspect just added the capacity for slave labor and the use of infernal beings as a power source (and allowed them to create Kdaii - unstable pseudo-demons with shells of iron)
Don't respond to bait.
He posts the same picture every thread to bait people into arguing about what game he's playing.
hashut : vashtorr = khaine : khorne
>Which chaos god is Hashut really?
Just GS a template of those scales right there and cut sections onto the warriors.
WoC, DE, Skaven, Beasts
Hashut is Hashut, its in the name. Hes a lesser chaos god (like the horned rat) who most likely exists within the general domain of khorne (or the general "grey zone" of the soul forge)
I think it's more so that the newer, bigger AoS minis fit better on larger bases. That and unit size generally being smaller means the footprints of units are still good sized without needing 80 dudes. You shouldn't have to rebate because you can just make or buy adapter trays. I like the bigger bases so stuff can rank up easier, but 25s do look a little silly with tiny goblins and skaven.
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Wasn't Hashut hinted to be an old dwarfen god? Exiled or some shit.
>don't need movement tray to be ranked up
And likewise you don't need to actually be ranked up to represent a formation. In the absence of movement tray you can draw an imagine square around the troops, and it doesn't matter if they are blobbed up or shoulder to shoulder. "Ranked up" is an abstraction and can be done completely imaginary in your minds eye. These minis (abstractly representing soldiers) are, for all intends and purposes ranked up (again, abstractly) and it serves the same purpose rules wise. Wargaming as a whole is an abstraction and we use miniatures and terrain to represent an imaginary battle.
>And likewise you don't need to actually be ranked up to represent a formation
Wrong, ranking the models up is integral to the function of the game, facings, templates and more all rely on that shit you retard.

If you have a MOVEMENT TRAY then the actual arrangement of models on the square can be at times irrelevant, the square represents the given formation and its size/facings are well marked, but you are too lazy or incompetent to do as much as use a piece of paper, so you dont have a movement tray. Which means you need to rank up the models.
No. Theres a batshit dwarfen theory that the great horned rat is actually a former ancestor god who was exiled and learned to smith flesh instead, but thats also retarded and is very clearly not true.
A mixture of Warlord, TTCombat, and Fireforge.
Nice reading comprehension ESL retard, but I clearly said there is an imaginary square (abstraction) serving the same function as a tray for movement, facing, etc ..
only some new from a polish con a couple of weeks ago so you have probably herd it already
There is no imaginary square (abstraction) if the models are not ranked up retard, because those models are outside the square. Your retarded corner blob cannot be abstracted into a formed up unit, no matter how much you may kvetch about it.
It's the same bait every thread. Just stop responding bro.
>AoW giving up plastic/metal life for proonts
Damn it I liked so many of his sculpts, hope he at least tries to put the plastic sets into an STL or something.
It literally makes no difference. The square is the same no matter how your models are lined up
>hope he at least tries to put the plastic sets into an STL or something.
This would be an improvement to be honest, the plastic they used wasn't great to work with.
It was some silicone thing, right?
Not Empire.
Not Warhammer.
Fuck off, gaylord.
No, my games don't have any homogay round bases at all, sigshitter.
>Let me respond to the troll HARDER that will show him
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finally finished my TG. the other 5 will get done someday
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Exactly, round base soul brother. This is how I usually rank up my Kharadron Overlords when playing them counts-as Vampire Counts in 6th. My opponent won't even know when I change the size of my imaginary square to my advantage!
you can click on the numbers when you want to reply to someone
hope this helps and enjoy your stay on 4chan
This has always been ambiguous but can beastmen ascend to daemonhood?
They are in an unfavorable postion of being "born" into chaos and thus not as liked as mortals who convert, but does that make them entirely ineligible to ascend?
Are there any records of it? Or is the highest goal of a beastlord simply rape and destruction?
BASED lizard man enjoyer
You have to have the square around all the troops you simpleton or it doesn't work
It's imaginary, it can do whatever I want with it.
At least this someone actually playing against another person and not clearly using their own models to fight their own models
>How many armies do you have?

2 for AoS.
Maggotkin of Nurgle and Darkling Covens + A Few Units Belong to Allies (DoK, Order Serpentis and Scourge Privateers)

2 for WFB
Tomb Kings and Wood Elves

1 for 40k
Dark Elder (3rd/4th Edition focused army)
No (You)s for retards.
>How could WE let this happen?

Ah, yes because we have sooooo much control over what GW do. Stfus retard.
You can't use an abstracted square when the the square is supposed to be the width and length of the models' bases when next to eachother. There's no extra room unless you're using smaller than normal bases and even then you wouldn't have much. You also need some sort of physical indicator that your opponent can see so that you can't change where your imaginary square actually is on a whim.
>Word 'slop' used unironically.

Opinion ignored.
>the square is the same no matter how they're are formed up!

>draws two different squares
Lol this was my thought too.
Like some anon as going to go "oh, fuck let me send an email to production and authorize some over time"
You guys are too easy.

Well maybe if you spent more time building more production lines instead of posting on 4chan we would have it James
We vote with our wallets. Don't be powerless. You are handicapping yourself.
>read up on karl franz's fate in the end times
>it's worse than I could have ever imagined

It's pretty bad guys. Don't read the end times.
What a retarded idea.
I will show them my displeasure by not buying the product that isn't available.
Or should I try to encourage them by buying the product that's sold out and not available?
>We vote with our wallets

If that was true GW wouldn't do a tenth of what is does these days.

I'm just going to say it, I enjoyed the End Times. My Wood Elf army is going to be combined with Dark Elf and High Elf armies when they re-release the models I want to make a Host of the Eternity King force.
I'm one of the six people in the world who enjoyed the End Times plotline lmao
I could have told you that and I never even read it.
Have you ever read it?
Yeah but I'm right aren't I?
No, see my post above yours, retard. Learn to read.
Imagine Jesus bodyjacking you to fight with a pissed off priest that turned to Satan worship and then the world explodes then magically turns into a shitty copy of Planescape for no reason.
>a shitty copy of Planescape

A far more unique and interesting setting filled with cool characters, awesome models and fascinating lore.
Oh sorry I must have missed your profile picture on this forum.
Your bait is 3/10 at best. The most interesting thing about it is Morathi having imaginary friends as her only companions for ages and that's not reallynot really a setting thing that's just elf thot being funny.
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What are your guys thoughts on Allies? I managed to score a wonderfully painted lot of 80’s/90’s Tzeentch Chaos Warriors on EBay; and being the greedy bastard I am, I want to mix in a Contigent of my Greenskins. I like the idea of doing a mixed “Evil Horde Army” a la the Chaos Marauders card game. Even got some 2nd generation Maneater sculpts I’ve been dying to use.
Warhammer isn't really built around it like say Kings of War, or better yet Oathmark nor Wargods.
They're cool, and Hordes of Chaos in 6th was basically that, but don't really jive well with the system.
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Finaly got to painting my Duke on a Hippogryph.
It was an intimidating task but I am very happy.with how it turned out.
This. 'Slop' should only be used unironically in regards to AI or AI-derivative content.
They brought back the orc command squad resin, so GW is alright in my book.
It was used long before that was a thing.
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Beastmen are boned from the start
Kinda like hapa males
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>that banner
No, beastmen don't follow chaos in a bid for power like other chaos factions and this never seek out the favor of the gods as fervently. They're completely happy destroying the forces of order regardless of whether they're rewarded boons for it or not.
>we vote with our wallets

The issue is they aren't yet selling the thing I want to buy.
>never seek out the favor of the gods as fervently
thats just not true. In the Northern wastes they participate in the "games" too.
They may not be rewarded but they do wish to honor their patrons
Nice work anon, finishing the general is a great feeling. What red is that?
Wonder if GW will sell the FW Empire stuff again.
I kinda want an Elspeth but the markup is going to be insane
Yes but their faith isn't dependant on being rewarded is the point. They absolutely still worship they just do it in the more typical religious way rather than the trying to make deals with devil way.
Painted: Tomb Kings, Vampire counts
Empire, ogre kingdoms, warriors of chaos, deamons of chaos, dwarfs, wood elves. Most over 2k points.

Unpainted: beasts of chaos, Skaven, brettonia, dark elves, lizardmen.
Mephiston with Evil sun scarlet as a very thin coat. also a Wild rider red highlight.
I hope I will have a collection like this one day.
I currently own 3000+ of Vampires, Bretonnians, and Orcs.

My next army will be Wood Elfs and Empire probably.
This image really activates my neurons way more than it should
Amazing isnt it? Tempts me to buy the kit just for that thing, I dont even play orcs, I just want the banner top.
Epic. I hope to have a collection like that some day all on display.
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Treebro showed up.
He's a bit bigger than I thought, about 7.5" but fits pretty great on the 50x75mm.
He's definitely going to be the army's general since he stands out so much.

There's some damage from shipping. The box showed up squished. But nothing that can't be fixed easy.

Overall very happy with the $14 or so I spent.
>Your bait is 3/10 at best.
I know it's shocking to your socially inept retards, but people can have different opinoins.
I've read and played (and still play) WFB for years now.
I've also read and play (and play far more regularly than WFB) AoS for years now.
I still quite like WFB and enjoy it, but AoS is far better imo in terms of setting, lore, characters and models. People can like both you drooling retard.
Annnnd I'm done with this conversation. Fuck off back to your Da's bedroom and get back to sucking cock, mate. I'll keep playing and enjoying both while you cry and scream at how GW 'killed' your game 10 years ago.
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Is it due to the fact allies/Mercs morale drawback? Or is it just clunky in practice?
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Gorethrash Skulleater says "fuck off back to /aosg/ where you belong" and "have a nice day". Your post made his shield cry.
>fuck off back to /aosg/ where you belong
Nah, I still like, read and play WFB so I'll stay here :)
that's neat
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>Interesting. What models do you use, and what rules do you play that support Araby?
Suleiman Le Saracen was in the Bret army book because you can technically just say that Bretonnian peasants are Arabyan spearmen/bowmen and bretonnian knights are arabyan knights.
>How many armies do you have?
Bretonnians, Ogres, Wood Elves, Goblins/Dwarfs (from the skull pass box), and I have assembled some chaos dwarf stuff but don't have an infernal guard unit to tie it together. I also have the necrosphinx because I planned to buy the tomb kings starter box, but I thought it would come out in July instead of January so I didn't.
>Cathay is just Empire but 50% women
>Araby is Bretonnia but with more horse archers
So what the hell is Nippon?
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Have Vampire Counts in the works. If I wind up super getting into TOW and nothing else catches my eye, I could see my next project being Empire and/or Wood Elves.
That's a pretty elegant solution to be honest.
I'd probably play Nippon also with Empire rules if you want to include the gunpowder stuff, and if not, High Elves probably.
It's because armies in Fantasy are created with a certain internal balance or lack thereof. Orcs and goblins don't have blackpowder weapons, dwarves lack magic, elves are squishy, Chaos is very expensive, etc. But with allies you can easily plug these gaps with no downside.
It's not written with allies in mind like MESBG where you lose out on army rules for breaking historicity, or Oathmark where every unit is in theory available to every player.
The Ottomans and France were allies for centuries I suppose.
Oathmark skeletons look so good, but 25mm square bases look like dogshit
some skeletons value personal space
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I like 25mils. Hate the 30x60mil cav bases, ruins the symmetry.
>What models
Perry Miniatures, yet again, provide the solution
>no skirmishers that come with handgun, two pistols, and throwing weapons
These heads aren't crazy enough.
they look really cool anon! I didn't used to rate those models but you've done them good justice.
The models don't look bad by any means, but I would expect Araby to be closer to the crusader era in aesthetics. What you posted makes me think of Arabyan pirates, having pistols and whatnot.
It's been close to a thousand years since the crusades in Araby, not a single crusader state even remains within its borders, and they invented flintlocks. They haven't been quite as stagnant as Bretonnia.
Very nice skele's, Anon.

>tfw I want something more medieval or Gothic and less bronzeage for mine
>tfw I don't like goofy evil grinning skulls
>tfw I'm just going to have to wait for GW to re-releaase those 2008 skele mini's
I mean, Bretonnian navy has cannons too, yet they look pretty much exactly like during the Arabyan Crusades. WFB isn't exactly known for cultural progress and change in its factions, just like most fantasy settings. And most depictions of Araby I've seen have fairly little gunpowder weapons.
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This is how I Araby
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Only Undead. Tried several times to get into others but failed. Think I'm coming to terms with it.
I prefer Shantae to be honest.
The guy who I play who uses cardboard trays at least has all his stuff fully painted (they don't look half bad either). My stuff is of course fully painted (movement trays as well)
So this clearly isn't me.
Nice job King!
I am glad I put in the effort to paint my army
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>rats being flushed out of burrows
>one rat emerges sees humans, tries to run back
>rat behind it starts attacking it for being in the way
>two rats immediately start fighting, allowing the human to kill them
This was the most skaven like behavior I've ever seen in a rat. What are some other social behaviors skaven and rats share?
They eat each other.
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Pretty neat looking rat actually
God, rats are the most horrible and disgusting animal in all of existence. They're the only animals who I enjoy seeing in pain.
poor rattus rattus
nah roaches for me
And bats.
Mainly because they are synonymous with rabies
You'd be no better without your prefrontal cortex. Sorta meaningless to view the rest of our planet through our moral and cultural hangups. How do you feel about male dolphins serially raping and murdering other pods' females, as well as non-dolphin animals?
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>Chorf conversion fodder
chorf player here, you do not want to try and convert the inferior dwai.
if you want big hats, there are guys for it.
if you want legion, find a china man.

I mean it's not that bad, he could honestly just get like a greenstuff scale mould and slap chain sections on the standard warriors. depends on how much time you want to spend.
for me it's monke
in the old days you used to be able to generate any number of chaos gods.
Byran and Rick wanted a Babylonian feel so they copped mammon and Baal.
I would kill for expanded chorf fluff, including lessor chaos deities they pay homage to (but always hashut comes first.
Rats are one of mankind's natural enemies. They destroy our foodstocks, spread disease, attack our infants, and are all around horrible parasites. That they're also sociopathic to one another despite being a social species is just icing.
Just make sure to give them proper square bases, considering that those cheap, low-effort (for a basic base) rounds they come with are completely useless for anything other than historicals.
For me it's mosqui-... no wait, I don't really enjoy seeing them in pain, but they are probably the only animal I'd go out of my way to kill.
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Remind me of this haha
>including lessor chaos deities they pay homage to
the idea that chorfs would have their own pantheon is interesting, what other elements would you give them?
Too on the nose.
>But with allies you can easily plug these gaps with no downside.
Yeah. I think most tournaments don't allow it because you can do stuff like take Dwarves with a 200 point lvl 4 wizard and 200 points of knights and suddenly not have any of the army's weaknesses.
you play them in WAP rules or play them in officual rules as Empire?
>hashut: the father of darkness and tyrant of everything below
>nerugael: she who blesses births and grafts the fruits of the hanging gardens
>zarkaneth: the envious scribe who stole and reshaped fire
>mannuth: the hungry miner who feasts on gold and gems
>cahanyt: the instrument of the hunt given form in iron

subtle, I know
I play WHFB using my own homebrewed rules
Why not both?
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but some bats are so cute
In your own head, against yourself
if you take a magical weapon like the burning blade, are you still able to use a Lance in the charge? I could've sworn there was some autistic rule in one of the FAQs where if you take a magical weapon you're forced to use it instead?
You are not.
Apparently the character goes full, retard and forgets how to use a lance or a greatsword the second they touch a magical weapon.
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When is the GW price hike, so we can finally get back to TOW releases?
Because Disney Aladdin is dogshit and the original version is better. You can use North Africans, Chinese, Central Asians, along the Baghdad Arabs. So many more options for flags and uniforms, keeps you from getting bored because you did three boxes of the GBP dudes as your whole infantry.
So if you run Bretonnian exiles and you have a unit of Questing Knights, can they still pray for the blessing?
if I learned one thing, its that this general has the worst fucking takes when it comes to the historical armies of fantasy battle.
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>using their own models to fight their own models
>mfw I technically do that since my friend I play against use my own collection against me.
>This also goes for SW Armada, and potentially for Kill Team/Legions Imperialis if we ever play those.
I'm not even playing myself, I'm forcing my wife to play against me under the threat of domestic violence. He's simply coping
Square Based!
>you do not want to try and convert the inferior dwai
Why not, it's been done often enough before and I have a surplus of those inferior dawi.
>if you want big hats, there are guys for it
Don't have a printer/will not pay ebay prices.
>if you want legion, find a china man
Why pay them when I could try converting my surplus of 7th ed dawi?
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Attention please:
That is all.
Ran Empire and TK into Bretonnia and Chorfs, 1500 each. I brought a softball list (I was Empire) since opponents were new but got steamrolled anyways. Brought knights, greatswords, a lector, demis, a cannon, outriders, and an illusion wizard. Think the cannon and greatswords were tied for most knights killed at two. Demis and one knight squad died to peg knights, greatswords broke and got caught, other knight squad whiffed on kotr and got murdered by grail knights, and the wizard lord fled off the board. Feels very hard to correctly build a softball list for empire. TK did okay save for a necrosphinx getting clapped by 6 kotr somehow but because my army died so fast they got killed once the Brets ran me over.
>why not.
I respect the spirit, and i generally advise going to chaos dwarfs online. it's all about theme and cohesion.
also you likely want some iron daemons and shit.
>don't have a printer/ebay
there's a couple guys who sell 3d printed for pretty good prices. a yank was doing a 20 man of the Spaniards big hats. I'm checking out shape-ways for the time beings because honestly a couple plates could give me a full army.
>Feels very hard to correctly build a softball list for empire.
I think any lost except demigriph spam is going to be a softball list.
2 playable, 3 others in various states.
Empire is pretty complete. I need to turn my landsknecht pikes into spearmen, make a bsb on various mounts, and build a few things. But around 3k painted and maybe 4.5k built.
Tomb Kings have an even 2k painted and plenty built. Some bow ushabti would be nice for mortuary cult lists but that's all that's missing.
I have ~5k of WoC built though not on bases. But it'd be an awful army. Footsloggers are all sword and board / two hand weapons. Knights are all hand weapons. No monsters or monstrous mounts. Warhounds, chariots, and a 3 dragon ogres are the only good things I have for them.
High Elves and O&G both are just a few units so far. Elyrian reavers and spearmen for helves. Arachnorok spider, Wurrzag, a ng boss on foot, and an ng boss on squig for O&G.
Spaniards? Which ones are they?
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For some reason I thought he was Russian like that Alternative guy.
Looks like a lot of anons ITT,and their wives too id wager
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did pastebin anon died?
Kek true
Maybe. If they lost weight.
Were juggernauts a 8thed only thing, or were there rules for them before.
do you guys have wives?
>How many armies do you have?
Fully fleshed: Dwarfs and Dogs of War
damn those look sick
I ain't getting married until I move back to Mexico.
same but for thailand. cause ya know.
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Here I thought it was just homesickness.
No its for relations with MEN.
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shut up, faggot
Duellists or free company?
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Today marks the third time I've lost on a Dreadfleet box auction this month. Worst part? I've lost to the same guy three times.
What compels somebody to buy the same fucking boxed game three times in a row, in the same month no less? What mental illness is this?
Dude has spent thousands of dollars this month on Warhammer shit, looking at his past activity. All auctions. What the fuck man.
Most likely he then re-sells them, duh
Sure, but not on the same account, and he pays way more than normal resale price. Even when he doesn't the profit margin would be miniscule due to added shipping costs. Like yeah oh wow you managed to buy a Daemon Prince and an Arachnorok Spider for MSRP, cool.
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>short brown manlets in my thread
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Do people actually play this? How is it?
It is less flavourful than the original version but it still plays well enough
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Working on a black knight type character for my bret exiles, playing around with arm posing arm

What are you working on?
The mannan stuff is most likely coming back, considering it was still in production by FW and we have Magritta of Marienburg.

Teutogen guard and wolf priests will probably also come back since Ulric worship is very strong during this period.

Another guarantee is the Griffon Banner, we can see the model in the forces of fantasy book.
Yes, and she endorses my Warhammer hobby. Even wants to try out painting something at some point, as she already makes doll customs as a hobby on occasion. Just wants me to keep things tidy.
>black knight
Sounds sick. I would use it as a Green Knight counts as..
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I'm going to be playing some 1,500 pt games of TOW with my warriors of chaos this saturday and I had some questions:
1) Is giving my level 4 sorcerer lord daemonology as his lore of magic a good idea? I like the spells & think they're all fun, but I was curious if battle magic or dark magic would be a better choice in general considering that my sorcerer lord has the mark of chaos undivided, and as such can swap out a spell for the one from the lores of chaos.
2) My regiments consist of 2x10 chaos warriors, 1x5 chaos knights, 10 chosen chaos warriors and 3 chaos spawn. Is it generally a good idea to put my lords and heroes in these regiments, or are they better acting independently? Other than my sorcerer lord, who is mounted on a daemonic mount, my other heroes are on foot, and consist of a BSB aspiring champion w/ mark of chaos undivided, another aspiring champion w/ mark of khorne and an exalted sorcerer who is a level 2 wizard.
3) How screwed am I if one of my opponents brings something like a gunline list or a bunch of cannons? Should I pray that my level 4 sorcerer lord gets steed of shadow and bum rush them with all my regiments?
picrel is my sorcerer lord
>s giving my level 4 sorcerer lord daemonology as his lore of magic a good idea?
Yes, demonology is imo by far their best lore of magic.

>2) My regiments consist of 2x10 chaos warriors, 1x5 chaos knights, 10 chosen chaos warriors and 3 chaos spawn. Is it generally a good idea to put my lords and heroes in these regiments, or are they better acting independently? Other than my sorcerer lord, who is mounted on a daemonic mount, my other heroes are on foot, and consist of a BSB aspiring champion w/ mark of chaos undivided, another aspiring champion w/ mark of khorne and an exalted sorcerer who is a level 2 wizard.
Put them in units. Both for their and everyone elses safety.

>how fucked am I vs gunlines
Quite, your army is slow outside of one knight unit.
You also have no good answer to monsters or enemy cav, and no chaff/skirmishers to contest mobility from what I see.

Best of luck.
Thank you very much for the advice, anon. I'll use the regiments to keep my boys alive & pray I don't have to face too many dwarf or empire lists. And if all else fails, I'll just give my exalted sorcerer the blue fire of tzeentch spell and pray he kills some cannons with it.
I would advise you invest in warhounds or marauder horsemen or something. You seem to have a very infantry heavy army - which is imo not favored by the edition but if thats what you want to do then go for it - which means you need something that can run interference or apply pressure on enemies in the earlier stages of the battle, both against shooting and against faster armies which can otherwise safely take very greedy positions against your slower force.
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we all read it 9 years ago zoom zoom

imagine giving 2024 GW money
I've only ever played one game of TOW yet so take what I say with a grain of salt.
I'd say that it's an excellent idea but it's likely best if you're going to field the sorc in a unit as it would allow him to buff it immensly. I consider that pretty much the go-to buff lore for WoC with the two others being more suitable to free roaming characters.
>my sorcerer lord has the mark of chaos undivided, and as such can swap out a spell for the one from the lores of chaos.
Given that Daemonology's signature is a magic missile I think'd argue that Winds of Chaos, being a Hex, would be a better fit if you're plan is to have your sorcerer lord accompany a unit since you can't cast magic missiles and march.
>2)Is it generally a good idea to put my lords and heroes in these regiments, or are they better acting independently?
It depends imo. Like I said a Daemonology sorc is probably best off joining a unit that it can buff up while a Battle Magic-sorc looking to act as a magic missile battery might have more use out of being by itself. That being said, I'd personally would have any foot-slogging characters join units so that they can act as force multipliers. Them being much tougher to kill than your average model means that even if your opponent hits before you you still stand a good chance of getting to attack back. While I don't think that WoC currently has any particularly appealing banners in that regard (besides the Banner of Rage) a BSB, especially now that they can have a magical banner aswell as magical items, is a great force multiplier for your regiments. That being said I'm personally strongly considering a Leadership bombing-BSB riding around on either a chariot or a Daemonic Mount equipped with the Doom Totem and Dark Majesty.
>3)gunline list or a bunch of cannons
Target saturation is an important tool against such obstacles. As are warhounds and Marauder Horsemen who can act as screens and artillery/chaff killers.
Can someone explain to me what the Dogs of War are supposed to be?
I downloaded the DoW army book cause I thought it was going to have some fluff in it, but it only contained a few stat blocks for the units
A shitty "yOu'Re DuDeS" army with shite lore that doesn't fit the setting. That's all the Dogs of War have ever been and will ever be.
It was supposed to be written like that, you retard. It's meant to sound dumb.
Where can I read the lore?
You have to try to be a little more believable.
It's a collection of mercenary units that could be hired by other armies, or taken as that own army.
A lot of it was originally published somewhere else like White Dwarf.
Oh snap I remember making that image
Just finished sculpting on my third giant hag.
This is Granny Nod and she's cruising for a snoozing.
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>You have to try to be a little more believable.
KYS retard. Someone having a different opinion to you is not bait.
Get more believable opinions.
For real, KYS. I'm done responding to you, retard.

I love the art but I'll never play it.

Now those, those are good look Chorfs!
He got arrested last month for drilling a third hole
1) Daemonology rules. You can either be a blaster with the ruby ring and the Summoning or buff your dudes and get them stuck in faster.

2) Dudes on foot will have a hard time actually doing anything. Put your Sorcerer in the chosen and get him a Lore Familiar so you always have Steed and Vessel. Suddenly with flight and all those buffed stats your chosen will wreck shit. If you want to throw all your eggs in that basket add the Lord too and get Enchanting Aura so your foot guys don't get wrecked by stuff charging them. Basic Warriors are ass, just try and get them into combat and not die. Run your Knights as Chosen with the Mark of Slaanesh and Banner of Rage. They'll hit like a truck and shred whatever is in front of them. Spawn are awful too with 2D6 movement, so don't expect them to do anything.

3) I'd be more concerned with a big monster or cav just running your guys over, but a gun line could also cause issues.

Some cheap chaff like hounds or skirmishing marauders, and marauder cav would be very useful to screen and get in annoying spots to cover your dudes. More cavalry, chariots, and monsters of your own would really help your ability to reach your opponent.

Good luck and your dude looks super cool.
Her right areola looks good, the left one needs some work.
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Finally got Roy Al his crown too.
I'm going to wait until after I finish painting too attach a chain from Cheese's collar to Roy's wrist.
Of course not. Why would I willingly abandon the free time I have for something that's not Warhammer/The Old World?
Never said anything about giving GW money. Stop projecting, homo.
Looking at it, you're right it does. It was kind of hard to get in there. I probably should have finished the boobs before attaching the arm.

Unfortunately, I already moved on to priming, so it is too late. Hopefully being underneath the arm and the cow will keep it out of sight.
Lmao I'm not even the guy you're arguing with but you sound like a slack jaw millennial fag with love handles. You and that terminally online round base third party tranny look like pic rel every time you type.
6k empire
6k vampire counts
3500 vsmpire coast
2k skaven
2k lizards.

All painted.
>How many armies do you have?
Idk, like 10k+ of WoC, and then ~1k of DE and BM
>All painted.
Please post
Only post the pirates please
>black knight
2 = old world armies

3 = 40keks armies
>because it's more aesthetic
It looks like absolute shit. Even if you prefer the round bases, there is absolutely no reason not to finish the bases and the spaces between them so they don't override any positive visual stimulus the viewer might have from seeing that.
It's called a work in progress, numb nuts
>greatbow Ushabti are metal miniatures
Why did /wfg/ lie to me?
It was in your fucking face when you put it in your cart you dumbass. Dont tell me you also got filtered by metals as well.
Cease your sperging, retard.
I was surprised because someone told me the size difference was a result of them being designed for finecast.
it should say on the box that its finecast, or expert kit if you are shopping online.
There is no finecast anymore retard. Besides the point anyway.
I love how you did this guy so much it's unreal
Does anyone have the Bretonnia Army list that comes with the Core Box? Are there better builds you can do with what comes in the box? What units would you add to it? So far I have the Core, Lady Duchard and the Green Knight. I also want two Trebuchet.
Warhammer... empire nuln, savage orcs
Mordheim... ostermark town watch
40k... Dark angels, eldar both second edition a dark angel rogue trader deathwing force.
(Adition scouts based adeptus arbites themed army)
Necromunda... Old school goliaths band

So roughly 8 playable forces
>it's prettier
>no it's not
>w-well it's not finished!
Take a (You) and fuck off.
Thanks for the donation
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wtf anon, are you me?
It's probably the same troll that complains when people don't paint their movement trays. Lol
>Dogs of War
Nice choice, anon, I love the old lore behind these guys. Do you have any of the old metal Regiments of Renown? What ruleset are you using to run them?
genuine mental illness at this point
>at this point
Gee, anon, what gave it away?
Human factions are boring in WFB so I don't care if you use proxy models for 'em, but I will say they look a little off if you're trying to play Empire units.
Why wouldn't you at least put some paint on trays? Not even flocking them, just paint the rims brown.
Keeping them as bare mdf or plastic just looks lazy.
forgive my ignorance, but please explain.
Wait, fuck. I was trying to say the sides the other way around because she's facing us, and of course I said them wrong. Her left, our right is good. Her right, our left needs work (looks like it's stuck on top of her breast).
Avatars of War.
Do people actually play TOW or is it all just larping
I play mostly non GW games(and MESBG), I buy TOW for the figure ranges since I like those.
Well, GW did not gave us nothing new in last two months, so yeah

I mean, I assemble and paint my older miniatures and 3D prints, but I am not surprised that the interest took a dive, if GW is ignoring the game in such an blatant way
Okay but he has a point. There is zero reasons to not paint your trays. That's like leaving your bases as black squares
>love handles
hey, I try to keep slim :'(
i honestly don't get it. I try to stay calorie negative by day's end, but it doesn't seem to make a difference besides making me hungry. i used to run x-country and play hockey 1-3 time a week, but i work out of town now and it just doesn't fit the schedule...well the hockey anyway. probably could do with the running.
I mean the bases are a game element and a part of the model, movement trays are an optional thing that just makes moving easier and isn't necessarily tied to specific models
Any argument you can possibly make for painting bases can also be made for painting trays as well.
>models are tied/glued to the bases
This is an entirely arbitrary standard that you made up just now
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Does this seem like a good list to aim for while building my army? I really dig the "that which goes bump in the night"-theme of beastmen (aswell as their mutated aspect) so I thought I'd lean into messing with the opponent's LD. That's probably the main reason why I went with Dark Magic over Elementalism since I like the look of Phantasmagoria in combination with the Beastlord-joined Bestigor unit. Love to hear whatever input you might have.

>Beastlord [254 pts]: Heavy armour, General, Mangelder, Pelt of the Dark Young, Charmed Shield, Slug-skin.
Joins the Bestigors.
>Wargor [160 pts]: Battle Standard Bearer, The Blackened Plate, Charmed Shield, Muscular Monstrosity, Gnarled Hide.
Joins the Gors.
>Great Bray-Shaman [280 pts]: Level 4 Wizard [Dark Magic], Flying Carpet, Hagtree Fetish, Talisman of Protection.
Flies around casting spells while being screened by the Harpies.
>20 Bestigor Herd [340 pts]:, Veteran, Gouge-horn, Standard bearer [Manbane Standard], Musician.

>1 Razorgor Herd [52 pts]
Had points over and the pigs seem like a fun conversion opportunity aswell as quite solid in-game.

>20 Gor Herd [187 pts]: Additional hand weapons, True-horn [Great weapon], Standard bearer [Vitriolic Totem], Musician.
Was considering giving them Ambushing but since they can't arrive together with the BSB I guess they'll be fine running straight at the enemy.

>4 Minotaur Herd [274 pts]: 3x Shield, Ambushers, Bloodkine [Charmed Shield, Many-limbed Fiend], Standard bearer [Banner of Outrage], Musician.
Ambushing on this unit seems like one hell of a way to keep an opponent on their toes.

>1 Dragon Ogres [70 pts]: Great weapons, Heavy armour, Shartak.
Flanker/chaff killer clearing the way for the two infantry blocks.

>1 Dragon Ogres [70 pts]: Great weapons, Heavy armour, Shartak.
See above.

>10 Harpies [110 pts]
Screen for Shaman aswell and can also help mess up the backline etc.

>Jabberslythe [195 pts]
Mostly taken for the theme of LD-shenanigans.
Bases aren't simply attached to the model they are literally part of the model lol. And how is it arbitrary? A model's base will rarely ever change but the form that a model's unit takes will change in the middle of the game not to mention possibly from game to game. Hell you can play the game without movement trays at all if you chose to but the base is an integral part of the rules.
4: Empire, Wood Elves, Warriors of Chaos, High Elves
There's clubs where it's the biggest game and others there they've dropped age of sigmar.
I don't think Google trends is a good indication of player count.
>game getting new edition right now is seeing more searches than game with stalling releases
Big surprise.
What is the best way to deal with swarms?
Being Gud.
Or just a shit ton of attacks.
Have you tried Dragon lords?
I mean TOW wasn't generating as much interest as AoS even during its release month.
That's not really a great indicator
> Gork FC
> Mork FC
Nah, I play WAP9th. Not a fan of how TOW turned out, as I expected.
>1 Dragon Ogres [70 pts]: Great weapons, Heavy armour, Shartak.
>Flanker/chaff killer clearing the way for the two infantry blocks.

If you're using them to clear chaff and screens, why are you giving them great weapons? Their hand weapon attacks are magical, have -1 AP and armourbane(1). The great weapons are only going to give an additional point of AP and +1 to wound if you're hitting t4+
Additional hand weapons don't work with the ensorcelled weapons rule. Yes it's retarded, only orcs and their choppas have a decent rule.
>why are you giving them great weapons?
My reasoning is that way they will also be able to deal with tougher stuff. Given their basic I of 2 it's not like they'll hit first when charged anyway so I don't see any downsides with taking GWs.
What miniatures are these from? Perry?
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It's too late. She's primed.
Maybe it will be less obvious when painted.
Just played a game. I had a rough start, but the opponent had a bunch of long streaks of bad rolls
It's the same reason I take great weapons on all my trolls
Using harpies to protect a flying wizard is pretty sick, and sounds like it'd be very effective. I'm awful at the game part of the hobby, but that looks like a really fun list. Please post your war pigs when you can.
The ever common greytide Brets, eh. They didn't get to skewer many trolls, not even the duke?
Necromancers and Wights only. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to enhance the sentience of those around them by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit they have joined gains a +D3 modifier to their Weapon Skill characteristic (to a maximum of 10).

Does this hat effect the mounts of cav? Im stickingit on a wight lord in a black knights unit 7 strong to negate rubber lance syndrome
He was running exiles, so no Duke. His axe baron deleted two giants(Uggo and Mudda Murda). He then wiffed a lot and was mothered to death.

He was running a second Baron, with monster Slayer and killing blow managed to roll no 6s until the last turn of the game.

The cannons he got from running exiles managed to misfire three times, and failed to wound another three times.

His two wizards collectively miscast like six times. One of them blowing themselves up.

I don't have the best luck, but his was bad.
Guess the barons were exiled for bad karma
>Additional hand weapons don't work with the ensorcelled weapons rule.

Damn that's dumb. Makes the additional hand weapon kind of worthless then.

>My reasoning is that way they will also be able to deal with tougher stuff. Given their basic I of 2 it's not like they'll hit first when charged anyway.

If you're using them correctly they should be charging more than they are being charged. Losing the ability to strike whatever you are charging first just to get +1 to wound t5+ and one more AP doesn't really seem worth it to me. Especially considering if you are in combat with something with t5+ it could very well do 4 wounds to a t4 model before you get to swing.
Unless it specifies that it doesn't, buffs to a unit apply to everything in that unit.
Is there a reason to play Warhammer at all?
6th edition gets outdone by Armies of Arcana, 7th by KoW, and 8th by a Hail Caesar mod. ToW itself is like a brain dead 9th age.
Nobody has been playing WHFB for the rules in a very long time. It's mostly all about the world.
is there any reason to do anything at all? do people still play starcraft1? do people make their own pen and paper rpgs? do people still stroke their gourd to old playboy magazines? do people drive soviet era lemon cars?
there's no more official support for warhammer fantasy, but people out there find a way to keep doing it. why? because they like it. idk, does it have to be anymore complicated than that? season to taste. personally, the last thing i ran (long ago) was 7th with a few rule tweaks for quick and dirty warband battle because that's all my friends and i could spare.
>in b4 nogames
yeah, i haven't played in a long time. so disregard everything i said.
Post your Empire armies, I wanna see some puffy sleeves
That army sucks.
So does your mom, and yet there's still plenty of pictures of her to be found in certains places.
>Losing the ability to strike whatever you are charging first
I think you might be confused regarding how the Strike Last rule works. All it does is bring you down to I1 which for a Dragon Ogre is just dropping 1 I. That's imo well worth the additional S and AP that a GW bring. The only situation you wouldn't attack first on the charge is if you didn't get the (full) charge bonus to I or the target has I5 or more.
Yeah it seemed like a fun thing to try out and with Harpies having 2 attacks each they look to me to be surprisingly good in melee compared to what you might otherwise expect from chaff, especially if bolstered by the shaman with its GW and possible Word of Pain + Stream of Corruption-combo. As such I reckon they make for a neat little flanking force in a pinch.
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So, how does this item work?
Does the effect of My Will Be Done persist until next round even if a unit moves out of the 6 inch radius?
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>Do you have any of the old metal Regiments of Renown?
Painted I've got the Pirazzo's Lost Legion (renamed as Agiree's Devils due to fluff), Long Drong's Slayer Pirates, Marksmen of Miragliano (for when I need elves off the board), Vespero's Vendeta (usually run as duellists with pistols) and Voland's Venators. Also have 3 of the 5th ed Golgfag Ogres (two regular ogres and the ogre himself) as a small unit of ogres with two hand weapons.

Unpainted I have Lucrezzia Belladonna, Sheil Yadosh and the paychest chariot, 10 Mengil's Manflayers, 12 Lumpin Croops Fighting Cocks, 5 regular Voland's Venators so I can field a ten man cav unit, and 5 Golgfag's Ogres (5th ed ones)

>What ruleset are you using to run them?
6th ed, since the group I joined usually plays that edition and DoW had rules for it
>Wake up babe, new Tilea's Troubles just dropped.

Oh, and I also have Bronzino's Galloper Gun unpainted. The one in the pic is a spare cannon with two of the crewmates and the powder monkey from the plastic handgunners
>part 97
well... guess ive found my next time sink.
You'll enjoy it mate, it's quite charming.
I need to get back to checking those out.
Am I being retarded or isn't a sizeable unit of Forsaken by Nurgle a good infantry block to have around? They're reasonably fast for an infantry block, has quite the dmg potential, and forces anything with less Unit Strength wishing to charge them to first pass a LD-test. Granted the latter might not be too useful close to a general but if positioned towards the flank it does seem to me to be useful. If one where to keep a BSB with Doom Totem and Dark Majesty nearby too I reckon it would be quite potent. Shame that you can't have a char join them but I reckon yiu could always prop it up on a Daemonic Mount and have it join a unit of nearby Chosen Knights.
Do you guys think that the GW will use AoS Skaventide sale premiere to quietly introduce the Dwarves over weekend?
I mean, this would fit with whole internal fighting and wanting to diminish the TOW presence thing

Alternatively, can we hope for Dwarves next week, when the GW will have nothing big to announce after Skaventide?
buddy after skaventide they are going back to their roots, 40k.
>used to collect, paint and play 3 armies in 6/7ed
>dropped with the game bloat at start of 8th ed
>browse coolminiornot and other wfb sitse from time to time anyway, continue with some rare mini painting for friends.
>stoped careing allthogether when age of shitmar releases
>sold my two armies becuase they just gathered dust in box, left one that I still show off on shelve
>somewhat stoked a bit when I see news about tow
>I didnt expect wonders but its shit release, half factions unsupported beside pdf update
>maybe rules are better
>watch some battle report, its charge bait and switch and ruby ring extravaganza
>still have miniature painting/tabletop cravings
>like some new lizardmen range from gw and think about paining lizardmen and runing it in 6th or tow.
>dont want to give my money to gw, because my good, its like greed tm incorporated.
Any helpful advice?
How good are Eternal Guard and Wildwood rangers?
Buy 3rd party or 3D prints. ez.
Anyway how the game plays is mostly dependent on your lists and there's no real meta of "run ruby rings and charge out the ass", it's just the people making battle reports not taking advantage of positioning (overcharges into chaff can rek willy-nilly charging by bogging down strong units) and not picking a ton of other item options that are arguably better.
Make a warhall account with a friend and play 3 or 4 games before droppimg $ to know if you like the army and game.
>Any helpful advice?
Build your army first with newrecruit to know what you actually need to get.
Im a bit skeptical when it comes to 3rd party, the 3d renders almost always look good, but when it comes to prints they are shittier than gw tier. There are certain sellers that deliver, thats for sure but I guess you need to find them youself. For now I try to look for gw stuff thats being sold off as a 2nd hand on fb/other markets but I still havent fully decide what bases I should use or even If I fully commit to this platic crack.
Competive army list isnt my prority, I like to buy stuff which looks good to me and it will be a fun painting expirience.
It very much depends on the sellers.
I personally 3D print my stuff and I can tell you there's miles of difference between regular resin (garbage), ABS-likes (good), ABS-likes with flex mixed in (slightly better but pricy), if the cleanup of supports are done well (barely any to minor fixes necessary) and if the cleaning agent IPA has been filtered of contaminants or not. (white residue left)
It also depends on the sculpts. Some sculptors are absolute shit at realizing they're sculpting for tabletop and basically ignore that ultra-thin parts WILL break.
It's less about competetive and more that it's very easy to rejigger a list and see what options you have to play with including items.
It also allows you to have a customized printout of all the special rules of your entire army for easy ref at the table.
>the absolute apex of Old World interest struggled to reach AoS's regular result
>it has plumeted down the drain of irrelevancy imediatly after launch
I will chdck it out then, thx mate. I still think i prefer 6ed rulewise, but i dont want to buy expensive old molds.
Yeah, ive seen it when I browsed some 3d printing shops. I know its also about having a good 4k printer or finding a model seller that can do a good job with 4k prints, because 80% of the posted photos (on aftermentioned sites) look way worse than gw stuff. I just dont want to waste money and im not commited enought to buy 4k printer/good material.
Kinda weird how launching with 2 of the most unpopular factions and then borderline dropping support, all while price hiking to absurd levels doesn't exactly keep a large new fanbase around.
Friendly reminder that the cost to buy an army lowers quite a lot the more elite of an army you build barring a few huge units.
I don't really care. The only thing of interest with AoS is some of the overlapping sculpts.
As long as TOW keeps getting rules for armies I don't really have any issues, I only wish they would do books for the legacy armies as well.
>launching with 2 of the most unpopular factions
Tomb kings and Brets are bad, but they are nowhere near as awful as the empire and beastmen.
Ah I thought it reduced it to I1 after modifiers, not before. You right
Dropping a ton of points just to trigger Fear seems worse than just running MSU and doing more damage. Might be fun, though.
Victrix just announced separate pack of heads for their foot and mounted knights, and it looks good, they even included one with small wings that "could be used for an Elven cavalry unit or some well known Swan knights from a very popular novel!"
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I always assumed that the LRL models were too big to rank up but here we are. Might be a decent replacement Core for anyone who doesn't like the 6E Spears/Archers/Helms.
Do you have to deploy these backwards so you can actually line up trays
not a fan of the armour style, but phalanxes are cool
Got to play kiksnik with a unit of 6 spear wolves. in a small 1500 pt game today. not a lot of good back line to hit with a unit of pegasus knights hovering around. Managed to get a flank charge into a unit of knights killed 2 then lost 2 and fled off the board. Against a less mobile army or higher point level theyll be a really fun unit to play around with.
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Forgot pic of course
Fair. Then again, if one wanted to play into Leadership-bombing using said BSB escorted by Terror-causing monsters then as I see it the Nurgly Forsaken block might be the way to go for your infantry. Granted you don't really need to bring infantry.
Those actually look pretty fucking cool ranked up like that.
>big article about how to deal with dragons
Well, there's your problem retard.
>every article obsequiously slobbers GWs releases
>still, some really cool, cheap, conversions for the budget gamer
i probably used to be a lot like this guy. im not even a bittervet- just bitter. i will never forgive James for axing the original website. NEVER
I play with a friend. The balance is so bad though it makes the games uninteresting.

Do you think that the balance is worse than WFB 8E?
I wouldn't know we are both new to the game. We played WAP before and it had better balance.
Will any of you go to Nottingham for the tournament?

No. Even if I wanted to, all my armies are Legacy or based on third party models.
that cover looks like a PC game
>No dragon Timmy restrictions
I'll pass.
Too far away and I run a legacy armed with mixed GW and 3rd party/printed sculpts.
Why is this art so shite? Why does AoS get all the cool art?
Some of the artists do what they can
Not even good bait.
Ah, so the 'every post voicing a different opinion to mine is bait' fag is back.
Thank god, without you stalking my posts I'd be lost in life. Thank you, retard, truly.
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Quite fond of the box art I grew up with as a kid.
>posting digital smears
>with the AoS-only stormies
>and an ugly butch woman stormie at the front
>while complaining about serviceable Bret art
Yeah, too obvious that you're baiting.
God what it must be like to live a life like yours.


It must be so fucking lonely and sad.
2/10 you need to work on being believable.
You need to work on necking yourself :)

Even this looks better than >>93192154 desu.
You're far too obvious.
Whatever you say, love. Fuck off back to your reddit echo chamber if you don't want to hear different opinions.
>I like eating shit!
>No one believes you actually like eating shit.
>Well shit tastes good in MY OPINION! Why can't you just let people like things! Your life must be so sad!
No one believes you senpai. Lol
Sure, sure, sure. Keep stalking my posts, since you've clearly got no life or anything. Keep crying over people liking different things from you <3
>shitmarfag is back
1/10 try again next thread.
Sobbing man-child who can't accept people having different opinions is back, it seems.
How do you stalk anonymous posts with no identity?
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>say dumb shit
>"wow you're retarded"
>manchild reee!
>the age of shitmarfag recoils from being discovered
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Why was fantasy snubbed in this?
Please stop feeding the fag >you's
I know he'll never fuck off but you're both shitting up the thread

Anyway does anybody have any clue on when GW will refill CoS/SKC.
And whats the viability of a necrotect? I am a nogames(for now) and im wondering if he'll be better with a block of skelebros or aside a colossus/sphinx. Or would it be better to use the points for anything else?
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Forgot to upload his sheet
Judging by the fact that he gives the entire unit an extra attack and hatred, I would assume that he exists as a way to supercharge a big block of skeletons or tomb guard. The more units affected by that rule, the better. I don't think spear skeletons would get the extra attacks from the back rows, though. Not sure on that.
Lol the stalking skit is funny given that he tried the same dumb bait last thread, have the exact same response to bring called out, and will again next thread. Like posters never post in two threads on a row.
Supporting attacks only allow for one attack. So no.
Well there you have it. Still pretty bananas for 55 points, assuming you can make that leadership test.
Yea, 55pts for +1A and hatred isnt bad. Stick it in a big block of TG and you have a fairly nasty combo.
>And whats the viability of a necrotect?
It's 55 points to triple the damage output of a unit.
He's fairly weak to bring targeted out, but he's still pretty great.
GW wants people to buy 10 infantry for $62, not 32 infantry for $80.
You do have to make why leadership test, but the BSB let's you re-roll it. So it will get off like 75% of the time.
what edition did the current plague bearers come out in.
Pretty much this. Fantasy prices can't gouge as hard because they're are so many alternatives and a whole market explosion after they blew up Fantasy.
7th ed plastics iirc.
I like most of the 2e art, 1e had some nice standouts when they actually had some effort put into them. 3e art is just all over the place, ive seen better stuff from the side games like underworld or warcry than for the intended main project itself. Not really a fan of the art TOW has put out but fantasy battle does have some good ones ( although I cant tell if the ones I like are official or are just fanmade)
>after they blew up Fantasy.
Nigga fantasy blewn up because the game was already agnostic as it was. Thats why empire,Kangz, and the French were so unpopular in sales, people were proxying entire armies for cheaper stuff.

>Fantasy prices can't gouge as hard
even before the hike, they are still gouging you. look at the resin and metal range and tell me that shit isn't overpriced.
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>fantasy molds paid themselves off at least 1 decade ago, probably 2
>pull them out of storage
>spend 3 cents on plastic per kit
>warehouse space costs more than making it did
>sell it for the same price as a brand new modern kit over 9000% markup
>oy vey muh inflation
Than why did they go back to selling 30-40 models for 85$?
Their other fantasy range isn't doing so hot.
>GW on record of TOW vastly outdoing their expectations and the game is to be expanded
Doomposters on suicide watch.
Hopefully this means full rules for all armies.

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