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Yggdrasil Edition


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Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


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Favorite artifact?
>Free creature summoning with haste
>Not removed at the end of the turn
>No abilities nullified
>Not even tied to an archetype or color
>You can turbo out exiles easily and for free to summon later
Oh great, another absolutely busted card.
EDH won
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*AHEM* I want to remember all the zoomer newfags that joined this game in a time span of 5 years ago that WOTC hates fun and hates you too, even if you are a paypig, I want you to know players used to give archetypes fun names and WOTC banned that because it was offensive.
idk i dont really like artifacts probably just skullclamp or something
>nooooo stop making money off people who want to have fun and start catering to a small bunch of competitive grognards who don't even know what they want aaaaahhhhhhhhh
This reminded me that christians burned down Yggdrasil IRL. I'm sad now.
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>Yggdrasil IRL
>Ends the bullshit
>Cheap as hell
>Mandatory in combo land and control country
The best friend you will ever had.
Look up Verden Massacre.
The real Magic players know what they want anon is WotC the company unable to delicer, the difference is Cummander vermins swallow every turd without a second thought.
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They also turned elves black
>Mark Rosewater
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And now they do Bloomborrow that is basically that, but instead of iconic creature we get planeswalker (shit)

Wotc really need to fuck off, those retards couldn't do something original even if their lives depended on it.
Don't dispair, soon the new cute animals will save us all.
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If its not put a chick in it and make her gay its put a cute animal it in and make it anthro.


at this rate, we'll have PT lists before we get mtgo decklists back
it's so over
pump ms. Aguirre
>Peace offering
>White blue
Nice to see a no fun deck
dump ms. Aguirre
>squirrels will be a thing
what about mices, bats and bears???
*mice, ESL-kun.
Ban Ms. Aguirre, and Mr. Markov and Treasure Cruise and Nykthos.
Vintage sigmas keep mogging everyone.
Aw.. /edh/ is crying about birb for yet another thread.
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mice > rats
If only but you can make pack rats win in dimir and an acceptable tribal with just rats. Mice don't even have enough cards lmao.
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enjoy their tears, beelzebubnon
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>Look up Verden Massacre.
I must admit i would not change anything from actual Modern meta besides the fucking orcs
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Maybe this product just isn't for them.
They can just not buy MH3, you know.
That wasnt Yggdrasil it was an Irminsul, which is a pillar that is associated with similar concepts, but Charlie dint destroy the literal world tree.
>but Charlie dint destroy the literal world tree.
that's just what they want you to believe
>Earth has been hurtling through space for 1500 years because some genocidal Frank
He did shed blood of the Saxon men.
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>shut down an entire format AND pay itself

Heh, nothing personal eternal cucks
Mr president
A second plane just hit the world tree
nice combo piece
more like
>those trees are weapons of mass destruction
What happens if they just FoW the Bauble?
not enough people talk about how absolutely broken monstrous rage is.
kumano numbed everyone
I've played this t1 against scam on arena more than once and they've snap scooped every time
Bauble is the fair magic shield.
...And when everything is broken, Nothing will be.
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Unban Ballista
Unban Kethis
Unban Inverter
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>pay eleven
>soul spike, soul spike
>extort, extort
Your turn anon tee hee
That's not how Standard feels right now. It FEELS like everything is broken and unfun to play against.
I have fun in Standard i feel that a lot of decks can do it good, i agree maybe the matchups are too grindy sometimes specially against the midrange/control piles (35 mins 1 matchup? Jesus) but i dont miss the times when 3 decks were all you could sed
Look man I just wanna play Selesnya scales my fight rigging and collectors cage exist almost exclusively to enable that play style I promise :(
When everything is broken the game is a pure coinflip
i don't feel any fun playing pioneer right now, some fags suggested ensouls but not even that felt fun in such an obnoxious meta...
... And when everything is fun. Nothing will be.

I clap to our wizard overlords!
>Decided to go to a Pauper event for the first time in ages
>Cobbled together a rogue off-meta pile with almost no playtesting
>Won 2-1 vs Ponza, 2-0 vs Glee, tied 1-1 vs Affinity and lost 0-2 vs Walls
With 18 players in total I'm really happy with getting into top8. I forgot how enjoyable irl MtG is compared with playing online.
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Bloomburrow tribal predictions
WU Birds
UB Rats
BR Lizards
RG Raccoons
GW Rabbits
WB Bats
UR Otters
BG Squirrels
RW Mice
GU Frogs
based, what did you play?
>Phyrexia is bad actually
>Vampires are bad actually
Why are people afraid of immortality? Is it because they look icky?
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>WU Birds
flash / flying

>UB Rats

>BR Lizards
Generic aggro.

>RG Raccoons
Treasures or Etali-style theft.

>GW Rabbits
Probably some token vomit shit.

>WB Bats

>UR Otters
"draw your second card each turn" or "cast your second spell each turn" tribal.

>BG Squirrels
Second generic token spam.

>RW Mice
Third generic token spam.

>GU Frogs
+1/+1 Counters.

Boy I'm so glad we have shills to tell us that limited is NOT repetitive. NO IT IS NOT. IT JUST ISN'T, OKAY.
>design conventions last a few years in a row
Wow, say it ain't so.
Mono-Black Aristocrats. Deck is junky as hell but somehow I managed to keep up with meta lists. I was lucky to always have Mortician Beetles on the table when my opponents were slamming their Writhing Chrysalises. Being able to find and play a Falkenrath Noble against Basking Broodscale felt very 'gotcha' as well. I don't expect to do very well with this deck tho. This is definitely not a good time for honest 'slam your face and win with damage' decks.
>Boy I'm so glad we have shills
Ladies and gentlemen, there he are.
>No bears
Sad, but still rooting for bats and mice to be a competitive deck any of them
Very nice anon. One of my favorite parts about Pauper is that despite years of power creep, the power level of the format is still low enough that there's still plenty of room for rogue brews to find success.
>Not a single fucking interesting design
I reaaaaaally would like to say to you:No! This is boring and repetitive they will take risks!!! But seeing the shitty OTJ western set they gave us with 0 new interesting stuff im willing to bet your list even if not completely right will be close to the final product
I didn't say it isn't repetitive, I don't care about limited one way or another. I'm just saying that design spaces get stuck in ruts is not pointing out anything new or insightful.
>no moles
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Phyrexia is bad because compleation is basically dying then a doppleganger with your memories takes over your unliving body.
Vampires are bad because they constantly kill human out of sheer bloodlust.
>Phyrexia is bad because compleation is basically dying then a doppleganger with your memories takes over your unliving body.
Souls are a thing
>Vampires are bad because they constantly kill human out of sheer bloodlust.
So does everyone else
>everyone else
Actually most people are not serial murderers retard-kun
WU I don't think they're going to focus on flash/flying since faeries were briefly retired because that became their identity and play design didn't like how annoying it was.
UR is mostly likely prowess since all revealed u/r cards deal with prowess.
They would if they could, especially if they had vampire perks
Your soul is destroyed during compleation only phyrexian planeswalkers get to keep their soul because being a Planeswalker requires a soul.
>WU I don't think they're going to focus on flash/flying since faeries were briefly retired because that became their identity and play design didn't like how annoying it was.
Anon you talk as if Play Design thinks anything other than 2 seconds into the future, and has a memory span longer than a goldfish.
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>Your soul is destroyed during compleation only phyrexian planeswalkers get to keep their soul because being a Planeswalker requires a soul.
>Have to destroy the soul to Compleat
>But need a Soul to be a Planeswalker
>But we need Phyrexian Planeswalkers because they're cool.
>So now I guess you don't need to do that.
Quality writing.
>Your soul is destroyed during compleation
Does it?
wtf how did they reverse the process on mom
that sounds irreversible
You don't have a soul right now, do you feel bad about it?
Yes, that's literally how it works. It's why compleating planeswalkers needed to be done differently because 'normal' compleation of a planeswalker just leaves you with a non-walker that's still compleated.
That all said there are two instances of non-walkers that're compleated that got cured. Squee was briefly compleated but his immortality basically yanked his soul out before it could be destroyed, and Nassari was compleated and... Just sort of cured without any explanation, which I attribute to just a miscommunication behind the scenes more than anything. You can finagle an explanation involving the Invocation of the Founders being a sort of 'reset button' that helped fix it and Nassari was literally right next to it when that went off, but I dunno.
Secret Lair Bible Black Superdrop
Jin-Gitaxias had to do a bunch of research on the Kami and even then he had to use a magical reality hacking artifact to make planeswalker compleation work. It was pretty clearly done to establish that it both COULD happen, but was also more reversible than normal compleation because there still IS something to save. Hence only three compleated walkers dying and the jury's honestly still out on Tibalt.
Phyrexian planeswalkers were cured because their compleation wasn't as invasive in order to keep their souls intact.
Normal people were cured because they were in the middle of compleation before Elesh Norn died so their souls weren't destroyed.
Funny, I don't really remember misplacing it or anything.
I've tried ensoul artifacts, roots and gruul... They're garbage, I've never seen such a power gap between T1 and T2, they're genuinely unplayable against a good opponent who's playing Amalia
In which case it wasn't really full 'compleation'. Partial compleation with some after-effects was apparently a thing. This card from Aftermath, for example, has somebody with a compleated arm, but the rest is intact.
Yeah. The meta is pretty much entirely warped around what can beat amalia and t3 veinripper. Really annoying stuff.
Have you tried Bo3?
which interesting mechanics could they add to blb? besides your usual token stuff and the infinite counter
If you are losing with SSS in gruul is not a problem of the deck, Anon-kun.
'soul' is such a stupid and nebulous term i'm surprised wotc hasn't changed it yet.
you don't have a soul. there is no such thing as a soul. what you usually attribute to a 'soul' actually occurs in the brain and it can be changed by selectively destroying parts of it.
Yeah, you can't beat Amalias recursion.
>which interesting mechanics could they add to blb?
A City in a Bottle effect but it costs 0, has Split Second, its ability can't be countered and hits every set printed since WAR, including WAR itself..

Yes, as a core set mechanic. 15+ new cards with it.
/r/atheism is 2 blocks down the road, faggot.
>monistic materialism is the only worldview worth considering
Magic the Gathering
>This post
>In this general
I'm not surprised but... Damn, son, touch grass, lol.
...even if the physical reality is the only thing there is, you are still incorrect, anon, at least because you are forgetting about hormonal impact on person's thoughts and actions.
Are you most people you know? How many voices do you have in your head? That would prove the anons point no?
Bitch please most people would choose immortality and eternal beauty even if it required some bloody murder. We kill each other for less
yall got any fun?
SSS is too slow for pioneer, way way too slow
only 1000 gold left, give me all your surefire tips to get 5 wins in thunder mountain draft, I can't fuck this up. I know green is the best color but that just means it's always going to be cut. I heard it's a slow format so maybe just take all the bombs and manafixing I can get and try and jam them all?
Based trvthnvke
evens - vintage cube
odds - brew some pioneer shitpile
Sincerely? I think is a good time specially seeing the amount of frogs to give Toxic more support, the archetype is so close to be playable outside of Standard...
Orzhov control
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Wanna make a UTroon deck, are there any new good cards in MH3 I should be aware of?
Right now I just played around with the UTron primer some redditor made.
Bloomburrow can't be shit, can it?

How can wotc ruin this set? Are they sending the Pinkertons again? Are they gonna fuck up distribution big time? What will be the fuck up?
The set per se will be a big fuck up anon i mean, since MKM this has been a shit show.
god i want to impregnate matama's thighs
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May as well talk up my other Pioneer shitbrew too since I'm around.
It's an odd one. I feel like it's simultaneously better and worse than the ol' Owl. Hard to describe.

Just a few notes for this run around.
Callous Sell-Sword just never felt like it was pulling its weight. Thrillseeker often rocks in with the aggro, as buffing an unanswered Lazav to a 4/5 makes very fast clocks. Manticore's 4/3 body at base feels relevant FAR more often than Sellsword's very conditional 3/3, usual 2/2. And, Manticore's Embalm ability triples over the deck's late game grind power. Uncounterable Flings from the 'yard are no joke.

Stub feels like it out-performs Doubt, but Doubt still packs a punch when we're ripping full steam ahead. For now it's 4 Stubs, 2 Doubts for a 6 total counters package. Adjustments pending.

It's a fun list. Control decks really, really struggle to deal with brutal speed backed up by very strong midgame value grind. Quite vulnerable to combo decks though with the current setup, so that's worth note.
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A distributor posted this early.

The stolen egg of the Great-Night Owl plays an elemental role in the story of Bloomburrow - and it could soon appear in your collection! It comes in the form of our RTE Boulder 100+, based on the officially licensed Magic: The Gathering artwork of the card Dawn's Truce by Justin Gerard.
Duskmourne Commander deck names
Miracle Worker

Death Toll

Jump Scare

Endless Punishment
Amalia is literally the pillar of the format
I think it's clear at this point that just how Lotus Combo, Rakdos Midrange/Vamps and Phoenix have existed for a very long time in the format, that Amalia will become a staple of Pioneer just as those three decks are. An Amalia ban would just create a massive rise of mono green and phoenix which are good if not better than the supposed decks that Amalia fucks over. I honestly don't expect any bans for power reasons but WotC will probably give in to the shitters like last year when they B&d Karn despite at the time MonoG being his only playable shell and becoming tier 2 so I expect that despite Amalia being okay she'll get banned by whiny shitters like you

Ans stop fucking cryint
>Endless punishment
>Jump Scare
>Death toll
Already interested
amalia will get banned because it causes too many draws
I can accept Lotus
I can accept Phoenix
I CAN'T accept in no way Sorin or Amalia as Pioneer Staples. They are bad designed cards, and miserable decks to play against. Warped the entire format to the boring turd it actually is.
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>faithless looting is the pillar of the format
>Amalia is literally the pillar of the format
If the "pillar" of your format is a combo deck that not only wins the game on turn 3, but does it in a way that gains you effectively infinite life at the same time just in case they counter it, in a way that's horribly bloated and overly complex, perhaps you should consider simply deleting the entire format.
And RDW kills you on turn 4 if you have no removal? Your point?

Read my post, banning Amalia will make things worse.
I'm a Standard-tard and I don't know how I missed the fact I should be running Amalia in my meme Citadel historic deck. But then, it would be less of a meme if I did that. That would make it too good to be a meme, right?
>Your point?
I literally just said it you fucking retard.
If a card as badly designed as Amalia is a pillar of the format, then you're better off just deleting the entire format because it obviously isn't worth a dime.
Free him.
Worse why? For monogreen? There are silver bullets for that decks and the problem is Nykthos. Accept it Amalia and Sorin should go so Pioneer can be great again. Maybe even make some unbans like Kethis.
>banning Amalia will make things worse.
That's why you ban all the other retarded shit at the same time you moran.
unban kethis, unban ballista and unban felidar.
>Lets just kill the secondary market and sow massive investor distrust
>Felidar is still banned but Amalia is allowed
big lmao
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>Investor distrust
>Cardboard investors
They keep the lights out and allow artists to get paid. If you love magic you'd support them
I'm not a planeswalker and I have a soul
>They keep the lights out
nice slip
For now.
Amalia is what makes me a pillar. In return, I pump her.
>Miracle Worker
No fucking way they're doing miracle again, right?
>Endless Punishment
Oh shiet, here we go again...
>Stolen Egg
Don't fucking tell me it is like Kamigawa 1.
looks like a non story set, full horror theme park. Being totally honest here: maybe it is for the best
Commander decks have literally nothing to do with the story for the most part. LCI was honestly a weird outlier where Clavileno actually was a character in the story.
it's not impossible, it's one of the few og innistrad mechanics they haven't brought back and it plays nicely with explore (which is going to be in standard until 2026)
>it plays nicely with explore
oh and I forgot: collect evidence too, since most miracle spells are high cmc with a low miracle cost
It's more that maro talked about how miracle was janky in terms of how it affected gameplay, since it changes how you draw your cards. Even if you're not playing miracle cards, tryhards would be slow playing just to pretend like they were.
How retarded am I if I buy this card?
It's a jungle elf
There's probably cheaper big dumb artifacts to fill your timmy desires.
you're not wrong friend
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>have idea
>post it here
>get (mostly) told its bad
>see this list someone is going to run at the pro tour

Vintage playable
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They could've created a new keyword that fixes miracles problems.
>foreign language secret lair and promo slop

this fucking game is unplayable. i know most of those cards and the alt arts are still unrecognizable. imagine trying to read a board state of all Japanese cards that say "PROSPERITY" where the cardname goes. motherfucking WOTC
why bother running the guru lands when the rest of your cards is nu art shit?
>consign to memory has perfect art for a retro frame but is only available in the FIREslop frame
why does UB slop have the oracle name of the card BENEATH the fucking made up BRAND name? what the FUCK is wrong with the gorillas designing this shit
pretty close to my list, except all of those cards for me are bootlegs because im not paying 3k
>deck full of full arts and alt frames, mostly for cards that literally just came out a week or two ago, topped with fucking guru lands
there's no way this guy isn't using proxies. at least I have to tell myself that for my own sanity
most of those alt frames for the new cards except for phlage are pretty cheap(and if he bought phlage during the dip those were only like 60 bucks), his guru lands are real or the guy did an amazing job of wearing them to seem aged. it seems legit because japanese cards are only picked up by autists because the print quality is higher and the best bootlegs are english language
None of the bootlegs for guru basics have the symbol correct, yet. Most bootlegs are only available in English but there are some exceptions like Russian ZEN fetches.
What's the chinky {1}{U} spell? I tried google translate and it kept switching between like 3 separate names lol
Dress Down {1}{U}



When Dress Down enters the battlefield, draw a card.

Creatures lose all abilities.

At the beginning of the end step, sacrifice Dress Down.
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If you mean this, the Japanese 1U spell is Dress Down.
Damn google was way off. I was getting Fierce Rebuke and Severe Rebuke. It did at least get the draw a card and creatures losing abilities thing, but then thought the last effect was "It determines itself."
Holy shit draft all the bomb rares and splash is definitely the way to go for thunder junction. Watching ep 4 of Jim's bronze to mythic after he realized that after getting his shit stomped the first 3 episodes and this format seems pretty kino.
I got passed two Bruse's the last time I drafted it and just blitzed everyone to hell. It really has that "From 4CMC onwards, I may play a must-answer and if you don't have the answer, that's game" feel to it.
>I was getting Fierce Rebuke and Severe Rebuke.
I mean that's what dressing someone down means
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Amonkhet and hour of devastation split cards are pure kino
True, but it doesn't help actually FIND the card in question.
Affinitybros what went wrong?
kappa isn't force of will
you can dump a bunch of stats into play, if your opponent is playing one of the many combo decks you still just lose
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>mices, bats and bears???
Fuck that, what about insects? We're a whole Modern Horizons iteration later and Grist is still just camping out in limbo, doing little more than holding the trophy for "First Creature-Planeswalker (during deck construction)". I was hoping Grist was evidence that WotC would eventually try to incorporate an insect theme into one of their sets, but at best, all they've done is a Swarmyard-style lord in Blex and a few insect lords outside standard and modern. Frankly, it was a blessing to check out the game years later to see that another insect (Haywire Mite) was seeing decent play in modern.
i now have a playset of solitudes and endurances with nowhere to put them. i am not buying griefs because i expect it or bowmasters to get banned in legacy eventually.
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I would like to see some cool looking wasps. Something other than the regular bee would be nice.
>inb4 Zabaz
I don't play commander.
>cool looking wasps
Reminds me of the days when Hornet Nest and Hornet Queen were in standard. Almost 10 years since then, I miss casting Genesis Hydra or Chord of Calling into the Queen...
zabaz is for hardened scales bro
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sincere apologies to all hardened scales players, can't remember the last time I played against it
local l1 said a case will re-check and attempt to solve if its conditions become met during the end step and that just sounds weird and unintuitive to me, anyone else know shit about the timing on solving a case?
Opp Get Losts my creature at start of end step and I make 2 maps, my artifact count is now at 3 and case re-checks and triggers to solve
that sounds wrong but fuck it i guess
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I love this little weirdo like you wouldn't believe. I keep trying to slam it into enchantress piles and it always feels almost good.
Why do people use veil of summer first global instead of waiting for counters on the stack?
Why risk them having a second counter? If Veil is the only thing on the stack they have to counter it. Otherwise they can throw 2 counters at your business spell.
makes sense actually, I thought they just used it like that because they were gonna discard it to Lion's eye diamond or something like that
>At the beginning
It means when the end step starts, if the conditions are true, it happens. It's a thing that goes on the stack, and your opponent could Get Lost in response to that trigger, and then you'd have the artifacts when the trigger resolves, solving the Case. They could also just... Not do that, and let the solve trigger go before casting Get Lost.
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>Eli Kassis
>We broke it, GL all.
Real or bait?
Is Phlage the Uro of MH3?
No, Nadu is, because it's yet another 1UG card that's unsurprisingly busted.
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Some early Duskmourn stuff got shown off by the Japanese MTG Twitter with some showcase variants. New keyword that seems like a suspend variant would be my guess.
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And also looks like we'll have enchantment creatures, too. Not where I thought horror would go, but hey. Guess it sort of represents "the monster doesn't truly die that easily" as a notion.
>hollow one
Impending might be "cast this as an enchantment only and it eventually becomes a creature" or something, as a guess.
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Also some other art was shown off without card text. Seems like they're leaning more into surreal for the most part but occasionally there'll be in-your-face shit.
>duskmourn previews
They're showing off a first look at it at MagicCon, alongside probably some Death Race stuff would be my guess, as well as Bloomburrow. We likely won't see more than a couple cards and no actual mechanics.
Playing white just feels so fucking good man
The card quality is so high now
"I was the mistake"-Mark Rosewater
Ai, but pretty neat
>"No we aren't in desperation for attention, we aren't intentionally leaking stuff to make costumers more inclined into trusting our future trash!"
Is Modern Horizons 3 selling that bad in comparison to 2?
Interesting, honestly. Speculating that Impending is like suspend or someshit like then I think this could potentially be good in standard. Not great honestly but for standard I can see this being played if only for the greed mana base.
If impending is nothing like that then it makes it less playable but anyway it is a greed mana base enabler.
>There are too many creature types, thus we are phasing out some minor ones
>Lets create irrelevant new creature types for 1 or 3 new creatures
Fuck wotc
mtgo results doko?
I don't blame them for making a silly new creature type as long as it's appreciably different from any previously-printed creature type. Redundant creature types are what diminish the game, because they're a missed opportunity to create interaction between sets.
But yea there's no excuse for phasing out old creature types, changing viashino to lizards doesn't make the game less complicated, it makes it more complicated.
Its horns look like shower curtains this is why I always keep the bathroom door open when not in use.
《ボイラービルジの大主》/《Overlord of the Boilerbilges》Art by: AKIO

>coyote = dog
>vermit = rat or squirel or pest
>glimmer = spirit or elemental
indeed there is no excuse.
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You like cats, right?

《永劫の好奇心》/《Enduring Curiosity》Art by: 鈴木康士/D-SUZUKI
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The Goat

《永劫の無垢》/《Enduring Innocence》Art by: かわすみ/KAWASUMI
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You like dogs, right?

《永劫の勇気》/《Enduring Courage》Art by: 縫典/NUISUKE
Devils should have just been red demons.
I'm still mad about sharks, ffs, they're just toothy fish.
It would have been funny if every varmint had a different creature type. Something can be an element in lore without being a creature type and this is a perfect example, all sorts of weird annoying shit would be hitch-hiking in from other planes with the settlers and everyone would just call them all varmints.
Wait a minute that goat...
Are we sure glimmer is a creature type Tenacity is an enchantment as well so shimmer could be an enchantment type it even sounds like one.
Looking AI adjacent as hell!!
A picture with the floor.
Still mad that Squee gave up immortality. Leave it to a goblin with experience against Phyrexians to be offered a return to normalcy or dying and choose "dying but later" when nu-Phyrexians are invading.
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>Is Modern Horizons 3 selling that bad in comparison to 2?
It isn't performing very well.
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I havent paid a single dollar for MTG, and have been playing EDH for the last 5 years on X-mage every week and greatly enjoy it.
Why did you put that cat into a sock?
>The plane is just a big haunted house with some "teleportation" rooms.
Damn, I had hopes
First time seeing spoilers for an upcoming set?
>First time seeing spoilers for an upcoming set?
It is probably the first time I see a Standard Spoiler while we are in supplemental product spoiler while we wait for the spoiler season for the Standard set that should come before the set of the spoiled cards we got.

Making it simpler for you.
We just got MH3. We are in the end of the AssAssin Cred set spoiler seasson. We are waiting for the spoiler season for Bloomborrow (aka mouse guard set) but we got spoilers for Duskmourn (aka Locke & Key set)

(never ending spoiler season)
They did Bloomburrow spoilers literally during Fallout spoiler season, right after MKM's release. They toss in a few cards from farther off sets alongside spoilers for the next set pretty often now, it's just how never ending spoiler season goes.
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He won.
>low iq leddit take
checks out
maybe a noob question, but why not reprint Llanowar elves? It's an elf druid 1/1 creature which taps for 1 green mana, it doesnt' do anything different.
Because "Llanowar Elves" has a name that directly sets it on a specific location of Dominaria, while "Elvish Mystic" has a more generic name that can work on any plane that has elves.
Amusingly, out of all the UB products so far, only LotR reprinted Elvish Mystic because it's the only UB franchise they've used that has elves.
Warhammer 40K has elves, the Eldar, they just didn't get any cards printed.
Final Fantasy and Marvel have elves, so we'll probably get more UB reprints of Elvish Mystic there.
i just want someone to get a gb shaman elves build with chord and maybe craterhoof.
Why we are leaving a pure animal set just to enter a haunted house with SPIRITUAL animals again? I want ghosts, zombies, slasher characters, leave animal stuff in bloomburrow
His hair looks so fucking disgusting
These are alternate arts. Originals are not necessarily animals.
Oh, I'm dumb, it has a snake subtype.
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I hope Glimmers won't be Illusion 2.0. Speaking of Illusions, I'm kinda bummed that they got rid of the sac when targeted ability that was associated with older illusions.
so the cycle this set will be this "overlord avatars"? i really hope they make at least other than the black one playable not like Ixalan where Aclazot was two levels over the rest of shitty gods
I'm cashing out
>Caves of Ixalan
Slightly modified cascade
>Karlov Mannor
Slightly modified morph/manifest
>Thunder Junction
Slightly modified foretell
Slightly modified suspend

I remember when the new mechanics used to be one of the selling points of a set, what the fuck went wrong
What's wrong, anon? Don't you want to Collect Evidence 6?
Magic needs more powercreep to become fun for deck building. When there are only 2-4 different ways to make a turn 3 deck the game is only for netdeckers. There's no way your unique deck can compete because there aren't any other ways left

We need more Amalias or Winotas
Some men, like this anon, just want to watch the world burn.
Thunder Junction also had a powercrept crew fyi.
I'm gonna assume he's in California with hair like that. That or Oregon.
>return it to the battlefield
The battlefield? What is that?
He moved to Hawaii and became a cryptohippie. Now he just posts videos about day trading and men's self help videos.
>enchantment creatures in duskmourn
huh, I was expecting a lot of graveyard mechanics but not this
I hope to see Delirium or Delver/Dredge in the set too, but this suspend thing looks pretty good if confirmed
Should be just "return it"
>2 of august Bloomburrow
>27 of september Duskmourn
Are WotC insane?
It's because they want to back 2 sets before Q3 earnings
It's joever, we are reaching the end of this slop so they should milk it as fast as possible...
They just needed to use the old logo and that art direction would be the most magical Magic set in fucking ages.
Too bad the actual cards in the set won't have art like that on them. This looks so much better than the normal shit they put on cards now.
This looks like actual magical fantasy stuff. The old logo would fit this perfectly.
this is just the way it is now
if you look back to 2023, we had some form of release (either paper or digital) for almost every single month of the year
DOM remastered
SOI remastered
MOM: aftermath
explorer/historic anthologies
commander masters

this year hasn't been any different so far
RAV remastered
OTJ alchemy

I bet that in a few years, they'll start having 2 releases each month, that would be the natual progression
But the energy cards have old borders.
I love old borders and was a big fan of energy when it came out, but it just looks so wrong/weird when combined.
Energy counters on old border frames just look so out of place.
They have hiragana over the kanji symbols for people who haven't learned all kanji yet because they have a billion kanji symbols.
It's the same in manga stuff and anything targeted to younger demographics. They put hiragana there so people can actually read it lol
The little hiragana over kanji is called furigana.
Ah I didn't know that, thanks anon!
I imagine it is exactly that, considering how the Enduring cards work.
If it is for a Detective's Phoenix, fine. Otherwise, hell no.
Incredibly based, no bans either.
Did WotC stop the deck dumps intentionally because formats are just that fucked up right now? That timing can't be coincidence.
That is what they did years ago anon. That is old news - what they have been doing for years is just giving us a tiny amount of decks that went 5-0 / 4-1 with "decklists that are unique by X cards".

What they are doing now is opening up their server to API calls for any data you want, so we are actually going to see the full data for the first time in a looooong time. Once the maintenance is done, anyway.
As sleazy as they are, they are also incompetent so it can be either in this case
Oh really? Now that's a spicy decision from them considering they made the change so they could lie about format health.
Expect a Grief ban in the next few months, the data doesn't lie.
If you mean Legacy, probably. Grief has rotated out of Modern.
I wish that was true, but really it will be banned in both.
If anything gets hit in Modern it'll be the Ring.
>Grief has rotated out of Modern.
Grief is unironically a fair midrange strategy in modern
>implying expensive cards will be banned

Bans will never evereverever happen again
Imagine calling 1 mana for a 4/3 with menace and two Thoughtseizes that don't cost life on T1 fair.
>because formats are just that fucked up right now?
I really doubt it, even when modern was like 80% valki cascade we still got to see challenge results, the current format is not even close to how fucked that was
it's probably just the whole situation with daybreak and their API policy
Pro tour starts tomorrow. We'll know soon enough which card we need to scream for a ban, but will never be banned because it'll sell packs until power creep kicks in yet again.
You're also going down like 4 cards to do that and there are a lot of decks that can fight through double thoughtseize rather easily
Scam grief really isn't what it used to be
>Pro tour starts tomorrow. We'll know soon enough which card we need to scream for a ban

Everyone knows that, it's Grief
>which card we need to scream for a ban
you guys are playing modern? my cards arent here yet
Yes it is in current meta bro, that's how things scalared just look at the meta numbers in fact i can 100% bet with anyone here: This wekeend protour will be won by a non-Grief deck. My personal bet? Nadu
>wotc manipulates MTGO data for years so the game looks less fucked than it actually is
>suddenly daybreak decides to publish their API docs for all their games meaning anyone with a little bit of programming knowledge can pull all the unfiltered data for any format and any mtgo tournament
>the day after wotc goes in panic and literally shuts it down
And here we are
I remember when some dipshits here called me retarded for saying meta was solved first week in. I wonder what those glue eaters are thinking now?
In the world of crazy bird, bullshit energy and rampant eldrazis grief will be forgotten.
Why they are like this? Why they can't make a single thing right? Besides if they can accept their mistakes can't they at least do it in a less blatant embarassing way?
Is necrodominance the new ring?
>March X=9001
Is shit.
>Why they are like this?
Because they are evil jews, the fastest you realize they are straight up evil, no moral greys or any bullshit, just evil people that hate you, everything will make sense.
People who think WoTC doesn't want match data to leak due to winrates are incredibly incredibly naive. They don't care, what they care about is the userbase over time. If it looks like there's an exodus on MTGO it'll will cause investors to scrutiny them more and an exodus on the online client.
Maybe they should update the fucking client. It's 20 years outdated. I wonder what their endgame is with it vs MtG Arena (shamefully, I've never played MtGO before but whaled hard on arena since it's launch)
What about shut that shit finally and make the obvious thing: Port the stuff to the modern and not shitty interfase?
They don't care so much they have purposely manipulated it for years, fucking retard.
Ironically, Arena in its current form is a dead-end with skewed development goals. What they need is a client that has all formats and all cards. Simple enough. Arena has already paved the way for the vast majority of mechanics coding - its just a matter of getting the cards in there. They vastly misread the Arena audience - they thought it would be mobile players only so they focused on flashy animations and a bunch of social junk but it turns out people just want a modern way to play MtG online.
The local bear is basically a dragon by the way it's treated.
How long did it take them to actually implement a friends list?
I'm not holding my breath for anything Arena related.
>The japanese art looks cutesy
>Only one that looks remotely spooky is Overlord of the Boilerbilges for japanese art so far.
It took them like 3 years to implement a way to buy more than 1 packs at once for gold (and it needed 3 clicks to buy a single fucking pack) and you STILL cannot buy an X set amount of your choice, you can only buy 1-3-10-45-90
That's pretty Duel Masters darkness civ.
It's hard to fathom how a company as big as Hasbro can fuck up that hard. It must be making a ton of money for them to just go "eh, fuck it, just leave it as is". If it wasn't making any money they'd be fucking scrambling to turn a profit.

But again, the absolute worst part about it for me was, no fucking friends list, in a multiplayer game. You know... one where you'd like to play with your friends. Absolute insane level of incompetence, and if not then it's just clear what their intentions behind Arena was.
Haven't played it in years.
Glimmers are probably the more 'benign' parts of Duskmourn. An enduring bit of positivity in the face of all the horror and whatnot.
For me the worst part keeps being the lack of all format equivalents, i can't understand how it's possible in the year of our lord 2022+2 we still dont have complete Pioneer, and lets not talk about Pauper, or Modern... Not even a queue and a lite version for such popular formats

Blows one mind
>WotC pushing Duskmourn's release date up so it can be on sale in October

Who even gives a shit about Halloween anymore? I live in a nice neighbourhood with lots of kids and no one has gone door to door in years (even pre-covid). What reality is WotC living in?
>Modern... Not even a queue and a lite version for such popular formats
I thought modern was dead outside of mtgo? do people even play it outside of big events?
>Nadu over 25% of the pro tour metagame
Is it possible to achieve a turn 3 kill using SSS in standard using only cards from the last 4 sets?
Yep, main reason I'm not playing it is because it doesn't have formats I play like modern and pauper (dare I say commander here too). That's a big enough reason for me to never play Arena, but all the other shit just makes it even worse.
>play roots on arena
>tank my rank from 99% mythic to 65%
I always tank my MMR before new season by playing shitty decks but this is just the worst jank I've tried. Extremely inconsistent, sucky and has weak payoff. It lacks ways to tutor for the most important pieces too
It's probably very dependent on where you are. The two biggest lgs close to me was mostly modern players for any fnm type of events. I hear it's dead other places, but then again it seems to be very dependent on where you are which format is the most popular.
I thought it wasn't starting until tomorrow or did they just publish decklists already?
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It looks fucking grim
But I was told Nadu was busted and then told Nadu was weak, who will I believe now?
(total nadu domination)
>MH3 looks weaker than MH2
>MH3 proceeds to dominate the meta
Getting really tired of this shit
Would've expected Boros aggro to have a bigger share of the meta. I'm actually excited to watch things this weekend, given the dramatic shift in the metagame. how long until birb gets bannu i wonder
I actually find the deck to be really consistent. If you can survive the early game, it's basically an auto-win as it becomes impossible for your opponent to contain Roots. The worst match up is usually against Red Deck (which unfortunately is two thirds of the meta game on arena) because it's so slow and grindy and usually you're deck before you can get the Roots engine going (with your spiders and rutsteins)
It's just two or three cards, not even comparable with MH2
Oh no... how can I already be nostalgic to pre mh3....
Probably. Although glimmer makes me think of illusion subtype than some sort of spirit.
This is probably going to be won by Jeskai Wizards or Tron
Flame of Anor is a perfect answer to Nadu in every way, and Jeskai has access to all of the necessary hate pieces to beat Ruby Storm
This version of Tron is specifically built to counter combo decks and can also randomly highroll and win
Surprised nobody brought Mardu Midrange though
Tron is immortal.
Who wants to play mardu midrange when it's not mardu pyromancer :(
>Surprised nobody brought Mardu Midrange though
it's in "other"
>14. Mardu Energy 2.1%
>It's just two or three cards
It has literally removed 80% of the MH2 meta from existence
>mono green player afraid of losing life and drawing cards
Can you try playing better cards? You might really like it anon
Facing RDW is so bad I'm considering splashing in soul sisters. However the deck also eats shit against control since they can destroy your enchantments with ease or god forbid exile the whole board with stuff like lockdown. IMO it's too slow to roll down control before the deck dies, it's too slow to stabilize against RDW and it can't resist mass exiles, GY hate or someone just destroying your roots
>29 Gruul Scapeshift
Fucking based. I hope they stream this dudes matches.
Pic rel just kills your deck straight
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*blocks your path*
"pioneer" or standard?
The lists I'm looking at have quite many MH3 cards playing pivotal roles in the decks and the older decks are on decline unless they got good cards from MH3
Tron can never die even in this hellscape.
no, there is no trigger if the case would not solve.

you need a creature anon...
Tron got a bunch of new shit
The worst thing about facing control is the fact that their wrath spells exile shit, yes. I don't play a lot of ranked standard at the moment because I don't have a competitive deck, but I'd say my win rate with GB Roots in casual is around 60-65% as an estimate. I find it very fun to play in unranked bo1 but wouldn't take it to bo3 ranked because it's so easy to hate against on multiple levels. I want to try and brew something up in paper Pioneer as it'd be a relatively cheap irl deck and my FNM is very brew friendly.
Modernbros... I dont feel good... I dont feel good about birds...
if you still play modern after 2019 you deserve everything that happened to you
>No dimir as most played
>No yawg neither
You need to play it less like a combo deck and more like an aggro deck with access to tyvar priest loops to burn people out and kill their shit. Seriously, priest is to root decks what mayhem devil is to raksac decks.
I've been playing Roots in standard to some success. Post your pioneer list?
It won't win, but people will still call for a Nadu ban after it dominates the pro tour, which Wizards of course will respond to with "it didn't win, so we see no reason to ban it" or "the format is clearly healthy and diverse"
Next thread after i get home from work in 10 hours from now
>What if we gave jeskai control a recurrable wincon that doubles as removal and lifegain
>What if we gave them a scaling lightning bolt that also can stack energy for other spells
>What if we gave them a 2 cost wrath that can also hit artifacts and enchantments
>What if we gave them a counterspell that might steal the opponents creature if you win a coin flip
>What if we gave them a buffed up stifle and ceremonious rejection bundled into one
>What if we gave them a 1 mana creature that draws cards and flips into a planeswalker
Really gets your noggings jogging
It's genuinely too slow to race the opponent down before shit hits down. I wouldn't in hundred years play it as aggro. At that point why even run roots?
I'm 100% fine with Nadu staying for 2 reasons:
I like Simic and is like the only real good card not banned that Simic has right now
The hate and spite that generates among Cummander crew is both insane and hilarious
It’s a 3 mana Grisselbrap
Nadu feels like a card that they revised last minute without realizing what they created
>Hmmm, this card is good, but I think it would be really popular in commander with a few changes
>Lets make it so that it applies it's effects to all creatures
>That seems a bit strong for two mana. Lets bump it up to three, and give it a health bump to compensate
>What if people play it with shuko in modern?
>Nah, that's too jank. Nobody would do that. Ship it
I just don't get why it isn't limited to two times per turn
>Splitting Nadu into 2 different decks so it doesn't look as bad
4c Nadu plays like 2 different cards from the bant list
So it's literally the SHUT IT DOWN meme.
>Tron is immortal
Tron just got given the bastard child of Karn Liberated and Once Upon a Time among other tools.
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sooooo can be said that... the bird is the word in this protour?
please dont let bloomburrow suck ass

le rotation faec xd
Welcome to "Your format rotated: MH3 edition" surely you other of his impressive jobs like "Your format rotated:MH2 edition" or "Standard:Nothing remains"
Modern is essentially an alternative standard. If they're printing directly to modern, and all future UB will be modern legal, it will be power crept as long as people keep buying Commander Horizons packs.

Pioneer is the new Modern, at least that one doesn't rotate as hard, since there's normally only one or two ultra broken cards per standard set to rotate into it.
im pretty sure e-tron and jeskai control were decks before mh3
>Before MH3 and all the control bullshit they added
Don't think so
my mistake, I was thinking of uwx control
jeskai control is something I used to see in legacy
B-but emteegee told me that nadu was an overhyped card....
Those were commander players. "Just pack interaction bro!"
>Destroy Shuko
Wow that was hard.
No one here said that anon don't lie even the most skeptycal contrarian faggots here could see the bird was completely busted
you haven't heard of my buddy bristly bill
ok *activates yawg*
*tutors my second shuko*
*bristly bill trigger*
The nadu deck has so many ways to side step that lol
If the Nadu deck sticks a Teferi you literally can't interact with their combo lol
>If the Nadu deck sticks a Teferi you literally can't interact with their combo lol
Stop talking.
>Destroys Shuko
>Cant interact even if your life depends of it
It is indeed very hard and one of the problems with the deck, anon.
MH4 will have card names surgical strike, 1B, destoy target nonland permanent and search owners graveyard yadayada exile copies
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I'm not going to dig through threads just for you, but it's funny the post right above yours does what you said never happened.
>play nadu
Nice format moderncucks
Do you think they print purposefully overpowered cards the know they'll ban within 6 months just to generate discussion about the game? Like a "any publicity is good publicity" situation? Obviously printing a new new set for Modern before a Modern PT tournament makes sense, but do you think they anticipated the bird would cause so much butthurt but that's what they wanted to get people interested?
Sounds like ironic shitposting anon you need something solid to sustain your bullshit claim. You know a post saying bird is overrated or bird bad for example, good luck with that
Probably, but their primary MO has always been to print busted shit to sell boxes.
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Shuko now costs over 100 dollars
What was its price pre MH3?
no they dont theyre almost down to 25 which is only a little higher than i predicted
>Do you think they print purposefully overpowered cards
yes dude
are you new here or something
Imagine telling people this would happen back in Betrayers of Kamugawa standard. Trading Jitte for Shuko lmoa
My conclusion: They are clueless and out of touch with their own product, while rhe money flows nothing else matters, that's why they dont ban things (sorin, amalia, one ring, bowmasters) they dont have a clear insight of what to ban and they release shit on every set that could potentially generate new archetypes at the cost of being utterly broken but that they know will sell very well keeping the flow of money, the only thibg that really matters
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Someone managed to scrape the 7-2 or better decks from a recent challenge. Here's the top 16 for the lazy among you.
don't forget to pump Doña Amalia Benavides Aguirre
I'm starving for netdecks...
>mfw living end and esper goryo were my only decks before rotation and they're still competitive with minimal upgrades
sometimes it's just better to be lucky than good
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>Nadu in 11
>LITERALLY the first deck is named Grief

Remember kids
/mtg/ is ALWAYS wrong.
Where the MH3, bros?
Grief chads stay winning
Because it demolishes creature strategies.
>Thinking pos are going to play real decks in an MTGO challenge
They were all refining their nadu brews in paper, nobody is going to show the entire world the super secret list they're going to bring to the pro tour. Same thing happened with Hogaak
Mardu is literally MH3 tribal that's slotting in Grief and Bowmasters
>The reality
>The tournament meta-share Wizards will let you see to sell their new product
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Yknow what, I will play my MH3 updated BG Elves at this point.
>But it sucks!
Dont care, I will eat the bugs and have fun
In fighting game circles, its called "Save this shit for nationals." No ones revealing their tech in online tournaments bwo
See you in Monday anon when this post will prove that indeed /mtg/ is ALWAYS wrong and sometimes extremely retarded.
Do you think nobody has been refining the other decks? Unless the team(s) bringing Nadu have found some sweet new tech, they'll have a poor day two conversion rate going off what we're seeing right now. The deck will top 8 through sheer numbers.
Scamp can kill in turn 2, sadly I don't have the webm
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Did you guys actually look at the deck lists
Most of those decks are running MH3 cards, and it's one random MTGO challenge, Nadu has win plenty of those
Is this just your last cope or something
Every time I look at a challenge's results I feel like Mardu is the winner.
What tends to happen is that with these things is that people tech for the stock Nadu list and not what ever weird shit was brewed
You're right in that we need to see the conversion rate, but a lot of good players are putting their faith in Nadu, more players than when Hogaak summer happened. From what I've seen of the deck, it's crazy resilient
>when your comboing off at home but your cat wants to play too
Deep down we all know the final is gonna be Scam vs Tron again...
buh buh based?
Time traveler here
This anon is wrong
When will it be my favorite kind of deck's turn to be good
but anon jeskai tempo is doing great
>It's just another Phlage deck
MH3 Tribal featuring Scam vs Devourer id Destiny
the last tron mirror final was kino
Tron is the anti hero protagonist of Modern
Mardu Midrange vs Ruby Storm
Entirely because of Phlage
What if they released an arena format where there can only be 1 unique instance of a deck per player and it resets each day? Would this stop netdecking or would the meta be the same except everyone has like 3 unique cards tops?
*plays scam slotting a 1 of Troll of Khazad--dum*
Look at my sick brew bro
>you vill NOT play ze good decks
this sounds like shit
I really don't want to spend $40 each on a playset
>I remember when the new mechanics used to be one of the selling points of a set, what the fuck went wrong
When you hire people with 0 creativity and imagination that is what you get. MTG is in an all time low. Gameplay is shit. Mechanics is shit. Story is shit. Art direction is shit. Most Art is subpar. Themes are subpar.

yep, that is the only way for them to make more money


I mean, it is nice to have a terror themed set in octuber. Innistrad had that hole before, and prereleases in octuber are conf because there isn't much going on and people have a bit more extra time.

yep, people gotta abuse the hell out of nadyboy
Better yet; only streamers can play tier 0-1 decks
sucks to suck ig
what is truly sad is what anon say: Literally 0 new mechanic that is original, new or at least risky, everything is a regurgitated concept from the past, safe and predictable (token, drard card, exile card, scry, sadsle 2.0) 0 innovation, 0 surprises
About a year ago I tried building Breakfast and a copy was just a bit over a dollar, so slightly higher than bulk.
But why is it a 3/4 flier for 3, that's already vastly above curve.
so you can play it
>Good cards in my eternal format
Because creatures dying to bolts makes players feel bad, you dont want your opponent to feel bad do you anon?
Hmm yes, its ability is holding its back. It should be
>Legendary - Bird
>Flying, haste, trample
god I wish that were me
Fake answer>>93175058
The real answer is wotc writing isn't good.
'mana' is such a stupid and nebulous term i'm surprised wotc hasn't changed it yet.
you don't have mana in your mana pool. there is no such thing as mana. what you usually attribute to a 'mana cost' actually occurs in the comprehensive game rules and it can be changed by selectively destroying parts of it.
I can see wotc doing this black bordered, but for "old" frame and it spares new cards printed with old frame.
it is
Oh damn you're right I guess nobody will play nadu in modern
They're going to print the most busted fucking card imaginable, and it's going to be a Disney cartoon rabbit. This set is cursed.

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